I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by SutterKane » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:30 am

Thank you as always for your amazing honesty!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:52 am

With the wife in the UK for her friend’s wedding, you’d think I’d have more time to write. As far as I can tell, all is well with her though. I do agree that her having a chance to get away will only help. She needed some distance from her job, too. Her work has slowly continued to get better in that her sales have increased. I have no doubt that she could have seen some massive success if she was sleeping with some of her clients. Apparently, that’s fairly prevalent in the industry and it’s often how some of the biggest sales are made. She’s been extremely tempted to try it, and has even had some close calls, only to back out in the end. I don’t pressure her one way or another on that front.

Back in the UK, Southern Scotland to be more specific, my wife and Brooke’s fiancé (Emilia) have made up. Emilia pulled Jaimee aside early on and they have a good heart-to-heart conversation. I think it was good that they were able to get everything out into the open. Emilia even gave my wife the traffic cone as kind of a joking peace offering. For those who didn’t read the account. My wife and Brooke had a little too much to drink one night and stole a traffic cone—neither one remembers where they got the cone from, but it was in the back of their car when we found them the following morning.

The pregnancy has gone really well so far, but she’s still in the early days. So far, sore boobs and feeling tired has been the worst of it. After the threesome experience, we decided to pull back from the game and take some time. Then we found out she was pregnant and so we haven’t really thought about the game nearly as much. I know the timing of the pregnancy is a question. I’ve read a several questions asking who the father is, and I’ve answered a time or two that I am the father. Since my wife went off birth control, she’s been careful to require Wade and Bennett to wear condoms. I know there were a couple of close calls… and that fucking crazy threesome weekend, well, things got a little out of control. Even though condoms were worn, there was a lot of cum everywhere, and there were a couple of rounds without condoms and just the old-fashioned pull-out method was used. I’ll admit that I’ve had the extreme cuckold pregnancy fantasy for a while, but I’m not kidding at all when I say that it’s not a fantasy that I want to indulge in. I don’t think one should play around when it comes to the life of a child.

I went golfing with Wade yesterday, and he’s coming over this evening. He went deer hunting with his dad for a couple of weeks and came back with a fair amount of meat. So were going to eat it and drink beer tonight. It’s been good to have had my wife to myself the last couple of months, but Wade has become a close friend and so kicking him to the curb really isn’t an option. He’ll admit that it’s been hard not getting laid all the time, but he’s never once tried to pry or to push Jaimee into sex. The couple of times he did fuck her was totally her. She wanted it. She initiated it. The first time was about a week after the threesome experience. She was really craving sex and I was putting in a lot of time at work because I have a new project starting and getting it off the ground was time consuming, I told her she knew how to scratch that itch if she wanted to. And she did. They fucked in the spare bedroom while I was at work. I got home late that night and she was peacefully asleep.

Then about two weeks after that, Wade as at the house. We were watching the Monday night game and really fell into old habits. Jaimee got him a beer and then sat next to him, like right next to him. We’re watching the game, and then I look over towards them. Wade and Jaimee were watching the game, but Jaimee was rubbing Wade’s cock through his shorts, almost absentmindedly. I snuck an occasional glance and it was easy to see Wade’s cock growing. On one glance, Jaimee caught my eye. I could tell she was asking, “do you mind?” I mouthed, ‘go ahead’.

It didn’t take long and she had his cock out of his shorts and was again worshiping at the alter of Wade’s cock. They were like lovers who had been kept apart for years. They were both naked in seconds and Wade’s cock was buried in her. From my vantage, I could see his cock penetrating her, and I could see her feet sticking out from each side, but Wade’s a monster compared to her, so I could a lot more of his back than I could of her. It struck me how comfortable they’ve become having sex in front of me. I don’t think they even think about it anymore. I heard the slap, slap, slap, and couldn’t help but look a little closer. Her pussy accepts him without any resistance.

Later that night, when it was just the two of us, we had time to talk.

“Are you good with what happened tonight, I know it wasn’t planned?” she asked.

“Yeah, I guess I should have expected it. You two can’t keep your hands off of each other when you’re in the same room. Even at the gym, you two still act like lovers.”

It was quiet for a long moment. “Does that bother you, do you want me to stop?”

I didn’t want to answer right away, so decided to flip the question around, “Would you stop if I asked you to?”

“No, he owns my pussy now, so I can’t tell him that he can’t have it,” she said seriously, then after a moment she started to laugh. And then laughed a little harder, “Sorry, Ky. I’m just having a go. Your face was priceless.” She laughed her arse off, and yes, she did get me. She finally settled down and said, “You know you ruin your own fantasies when you ask me things like this,” she looked directly at me, “Of course I would stop. I won’t play the game if you’re not playing it with me.”

I felt a wave of relief, “I just need reassurance sometimes.”

She shot me a look, “This is when you drive me spare. I show you all the time, but you’re too daft to notice,” I think she could tell I wasn’t quite understanding, “The notes I leave in your lunch, buying that laundry detergent you like---which is weird—I don’t know why you care what detergent I buy, the random texts we send (she listed more things, but I don’t want to share those). I love pushing your cuck-boy buttons, I love that look in your eyes when I touch just the right button; it makes me bloody randy. I want to make the game even better for you—and for me, but you keep that from happening more than you know.”

I thought about what she said for several minutes, “I worry about how the game changes us in ways that we don’t realize. Even with the best communication we make mistakes,” I explained. “How would you make the gave better? What do you have in mind?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Ky… I only gently touch your cuck-boy buttons. I don’t even have to press them and you go bloody mental. I’m quite sure I could make your head explode without much of an effort,” she said, her tone teasing, yet with a strain of seriousness.

“That sounds like a challenge,” I said.

She only shrugged, “You know I pull all the strings, but I also know how much my cuck-boy can take, so I know you’re not ready for a bigger game, yeah,” then she put on her serious academic voice, “the degree to which we play the game, or rather push the game, is in direct correlation to your self-confidence as a man. The more self-confidence you have—the more secure you are with your you are, the more freedom I have to push those buttons. I will always be your cuckoldress, and you will always be my cuck-boy. You like to try to top me from the bottom, and I quite like that you try, but you’ve given me the power and I don’t intend to give it back. This doesn’t mean I want a submissive twat for a husband—quite the opposite in fact. I need my husband to have complete confidence in himself and in us… then I can press those buttons so hard every nerve ending in your dick will fucking explode.”

I laid back onto my pillow and looked at the ceiling fan, “Just a minute, I need to process what you just said.” And I did need time to process what she said. Holy fuck, that was a lot to process. “…You want me to not be so worried about our marriage--,”

“—I want you to have more confidence in yourself,” she interrupted, “I think it’s healthy to always be a little worried about one’s marriage.

“Does this go back me sucking Bennett’s dick?”

She patted me on the shoulder, “Don’t be insulting—Bennett has a cock. You sucked his cock. You were shite at it, but you sucked a cock,” she reached down and squeezed my member, “this is a dick.”

I chuckled, “You fucking kill me woman.”

“But yes, that’s part of it. I want you to be secure enough that you don’t care what another guy thinks. You do what you want to do… and if you want to please your cuckoldress by fulfilling her ultimate fantasy, then don’t worry about what someone else thinks about it.”

“You think I don’t like sucking a cock because I’m worried about what another guy will think?”

“Am I wrong?”

I almost answered but had to pause and really think about that. Was it? “Not entirely,” I finally confessed. “I mean, I don’t think it’s something I would ever really enjoy, but sure, a lot of the repulsion comes from my ego and worrying about what others would say. But even if I could let that all go, I could never get to a place where I enjoy it as much as you seem to.”

“That’s because you’re only thinking of yourself. Sucking on a man’s cock is intoxicatingly powerful. I can feel every hitch in his breath, I can feel his excitement, I have total control over him, and when I look into his eyes, he can’t hide his feelings from me. I can see exactly what he’s feeling. And when he ejaculates, and his cock twitches and shoots into my mouth, it is such a high. You can’t know what I mean unless you’re able to completely surrender yourself to that man—that’s why I think men are missing so much in life. It was the same for me whenever I was going down on Brooke. Sure, I liked the taste of her pussy, but it was the way I could feel her, the connection we had when we would stare at each other while I was pleasuring her. It was bloody brilliant.”

Again, I laid there without speaking. I had to think about that. She seemed to understand and we both settled in and were quiet for a long moment. Eventually, I added, “When we were first dating, and we went to meet your parents, I left a shirt there and your mom washed it for me. When she gave it back to me, it smelled like you. I didn’t wear that shirt for a long time. I’d just smell it.”

I saw a tear escape her eye, and she gave me an intense hug and snuggled in close. I hadn’t meant to, but that stupid laundry detergent story and touched her. We haven’t played the game since that night—not that that was a long time ago, I mean what’s it been, a month, month and a half at most? It’ll be interesting to see where our game goes once she gets back. We’ve had some great time together lately. With her off at the wedding, I’ve dipped into some of the pics and vids of her over the last year, and it’s got me thinking about the game again. I know she cares for Wade, we’ve all grown pretty close, but I don’t know how something like this works out in the long term. None of us want some kind of poly-thing. She’s my wife, and I intend to keep it that way. For now, it works for Wade, but it can’t be easy for him when we go on these breaks. I mean he’s free to date and have relationships, though I know Jaimee would be jealous. It’s just hard to see a clear path on how this all plays. I guess that’s why I try not to think about it. It’s one of those things that you just take day at a time and figure it out.

As I sit here thinking about it, I wonder how things will change with a kid on the way. I used to think we’d stop playing completely once that happened, but now, I’m not so sure. I like my little whore of a wife and that she’s developed an over active sex drive and desire for large cock. I think back constantly to the night of the threesome. The look on her face was one of pure ecstasy. I loved watching body, her reactions as she was taken by two men. And at the same time, it terrifies me that this could all blow up in our faces. Relationships can change so fast. The things I shared above all played out before we found out she was preggers. Our conversations have necessarily changed and continue to evolve as time goes on.

To be continued…

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Xalar11 » Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:00 pm

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Though, I have to admit I'm a little surprised that you're so sure about being the biological father of Jaimee's baby. Wade used condoms, but like you said you played a very dangerous game there, while Jaimee was off the pill. No offence, it's quite llikely you being the father. But, if it's not too personal to ask, I really would like to hear why do you think you can you be absolutely 100% sure about it?

Excuse my curiousity.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by SutterKane » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:43 pm

Me I'm just happy that the two of you are happy. I do feel sort of sad for Wade, though.
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by RJLJR » Tue Oct 23, 2018 4:33 pm

Hi, I'm new to cuckolding and new to OHW. I just finished reading your posts to this point. I admire you and I'm jealous of you. this is pretty much what I would like to have happen with us, my wife and I. I've enjoyed what I've read so far and look forward to reading more


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:46 am

Ky, your writing is exquisite. And your situation is just over the top. You are nearly living one of Xleglover's stories!

Jaimee has become very dominant with you... And you have submitted. How are you feeling about that? Do you want more? It sounds pretty clear she is ready and willing to give you more when you are ready. That's both alarming and exciting! In your early writing you hesitated and never seemed like you were looking for the Deep submissive experience in this fetish. Now it has enveloped you, your wife really enjoys delivering it and I have to guess that you are getting quite a lot from it even if you still may be torn.

Your concerns about Wade continue to resonate with me. Your wife seems like she is in a good place as far as being loyal and in control. But still, as you said, how does this play out over time? Is Wade getting too much from her? If he is satisfied completely then he becomes dependent in a way on the two of you. I mean, everything he is doing with your wife is going to be hotter than any relationship he will start with a girlfriend. Maybe that isn't entirely true but if you think about it when you start dating someone you usually don't jump to this level of sexual craziness and you may not even ever get there. So he is getting something from this Dynamic that he may never be able to replicate anywhere else.

I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing for the two of you but it somehow causes me some concern that he would have the intent to keep this going even if it was no longer the best thing for everyone. Not that he would try to harm the two of you but that to meet his own needs he may end up becoming more of a burden in some way.

The pregnancy is obviously a buffer where you should be able to test having significantly less frequency. And for me, that would probably be something I would need in your situation.

It also occurs to me that you should keep explaining to Jamiee just how some of the intense bits impact you. When she responds that you are limiting your own fantasies around the game by your uncertainty it makes me think she doesn't quite understand the depth of angst that some of this creates in you. Perhaps her comments about your self confidence are valid but at the end of the day this is your marriage and every time you see her so intensely engaged with someone else there really can't help but be some degree of concern. Can there? Have other people on this forum actually gotten to the place where their wives can be with another man long-term and they aren't at times overcome with angst and fear?

Maybe some people have yet we were all given varying degrees of ego and many people I believe would just never be able to fully overcome the angst even as you are enjoying that very thing. So I wonder if another explanation or way of relating it to your wife would be helpful? So she understands just how deep the effect can be on you. I am not exactly sure how you would do that but I think that it must be common for a woman to not completely grasp what the cuckold Edge is like when you are riding it.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it when you have the chance.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by NC-hotwife-hubby » Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:39 am

How did you feel after sucking his cock, may I ask

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:17 am

Is Wade reluctant to have a girlfriend apart from Jaimee? As the pregnancy develops, Jaimee will feel more and more horny and there could be more and more Wade- time. Jaimee could be explained that Wade needs to be laid during the breaks.If both of them say no to that then this could be a red flag.

Suchen Zucker

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:45 pm

I'm curious if Wade shows any jealousy over Bennett being allowed access to Jaimee. I would think if he's an alpha with feelings for her that he might not like having to share her. If he doesn't care, perhaps that's a good sign that he's not that emotionally attached, but just enjoys the sex with her and the thrill of fucking another man's wife.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:57 pm

Argh, I’m letting this kink get under my skin again. With the wife gone, I’ve had too much time to think. And she’s been so busy with everything—add that to the time difference—we haven’t had much contact. So, I’ve been feeling a need to write. My thoughts below are a bit random and jump around a little as I’ve written this at various times. But I think it’ll answer some of the questions people have asked.

I know there are a lot of different types of relationships between the cuckolds and their wives’ lovers. Some have very little contact, some have no contact, some morph into poly-relationships, etc. Some call them bulls, others lovers, still some fuckbuddies and or boyfriends. My own experience has varied, but with my wife’s current lover, Wade, I can’t help but call him a friend. It’s the oddest friendship I’ve ever had. He’s almost like an immature but lovable older brother. He’s the epitome of the alpha-male in a lot of ways, but he’s not a bully—he doesn’t intentionally want to hurt anyone. His personality is one that likes to help people feel better about their health and fitness. Owning a gym is like his perfect calling in life. He’s a fanatic about fitness and even mental health through yoga and such. But he’s also a person who lives for today and doesn’t think too much about the future (though that’s changing lately). He avoids politics like the plague, is not involved in civics, has no idea how our country runs, and couldn’t care less about voting and being responsible in that way.

Wade is my friend, yet he’s responsible for stretching out my wife’s pussy. He’s likely had more sex (cumulatively) with my wife than I have—it adds up fast when they fuck several times a week and it’s almost never a one-and-done like it is with me. He’s my friend, and yet his is the cock my wife craves. He knows my wife’s body every bit as well as I do. It’s a strange relationship. A few times we’ve gone golfing and we’ve been paired up with another twosome. Inevitably they’ll ask how we know each other. Of course, we just say we’re friends, but the words that run through my head are, ‘he fucks my wife, and we like to golf.’

My wife knows that Wade and I talk about her when we’re golfing. On a couple of occasions, Wade has asked me how I’m doing and has been assuring that a lot of the things that are said are my wife’s ideas—I believe that. He knows that she likes to push my buttons. He knows how I’m wired and why I like the things I like. He’s also told my wife no on a few occasions when she’s asked him to make fun of my dick. He doesn’t have that bully in him, and doesn’t like making someone feel small. Although, he did say he might eventually play along, if he was absolutely certain it was just playing and I wouldn’t get hurt from it. If anything, he’s been the one to keep my wife in check, using the collar, the gag, etc. She submits to him fairly quickly.

This weekend’s conversation was the most meaningful conversation we’ve ever had. With Jaimee being gone, we had time to just drink beers and chat. He’s always felt a lot of pressure from his parents to get married and raise a family, but admits that he’s not wired that way. He likes what he has with Jaimee because he has a close female friend, he’s sexually fulfilled and safe in that he’s not worried about an STD, but he also has his independence. If he wants to be alone for a day, a week, or a month, he doesn’t have to worry about a wife or girlfriend nagging him to come home or justify what he’s spending his time and/or money on. He does consider Jaimee his girlfriend, but loves how easy of a relationship it is.

We talked about the time that his parents dropped in on him unexpectedly. He laughed and said that was a trip. His parents know that he’s been seeing this English girl on and off, and have been hopeful to get to know her, but are trying not to let their hopes get up because their son has shown few signs of settling down. He said his mom will call once in a while and casually ask how his girlfriend is doing. It occurred to me that we’re at a crossroads. It’s only a matter of time before his parents find out she’s pregnant, and it wouldn’t be fair to anybody to lie about what’s going on. It’s all fine at the moment, but he’s going to have to come clean about the nature of his relationship with Jaimee, or end it all together. One interesting bit that came out of this weekend’s conversation. Back when he and my wife were shacked up while I was in Guatemala

We were drinking and watching Blazing Saddles (I can’t believe there are people out there who haven’t watched this movie). Wade said, “I’ve never told Jaimee this, but when you came home early, I couldn’t have been happier.” I was more than a little surprised by this revelation, which I think he saw because he picked up and added, “Don’t get me wrong—I loved having her there. I really miss it. But I needed my space, brah. I like to come home and chill—just flip on a movie or play a game or something, but with Jaimee there all the time… she always wants to talk, and then fuck, and then talk some more—I don’t have that much to talk about man… After being with people and talking all day long, I like to come home and be by myself for a while.”

I let him finish and then said, “I think Jaimee was ready to come home, too. She still talks about how she’s never had sex so many times in so short of period, though.”

Wade laughed, “Fuck brah, that was intense. I’ve had serious relationships before, but no one who wanted to have sex as much as she did. It was almost constant…,” Wade sat thoughtfully for a time and then said, “I think Jaimee’s the first woman who’s enjoyed having sex with me.” My head snapped to him—wtf. “Usually the girl just tolerates me. A lot of guys want to be well endowed, but it can be problematic. When I was with other girls, I could see that they were trying to enjoy sex, but they looked like they were sitting in a dentist’s chair—they weren’t screaming in pain, but they weren’t comfortable. And after a while it wasn’t worth it anymore. I’ve always had to be really careful. I couldn’t just enjoy it… that’s how it was with Jaimee at first, but it’s not that way anymore. I can just fuck that little twat all I want and she loves the shit out of it. You’re a lucky man, Ky. I know this ‘game’ will end one of these days—or maybe it already has and I’m just being stubborn and don’t want to see it. Just be straight with me, alright.”

I nodded my head that I would and said, “I don’t know what the future looks like. I’ve enjoyed having her back to myself lately, but her and I haven’t discussed what comes next. We’ve really only been talking and thinking about the baby.” I saw Wade wanting to interject something, but I wanted to finish my thought before I forgot my point—I’d already had a few beers. “You’ve been extremely fair and honest with us, we won’t be any less with you.”

Wade seemed satisfied and slouched back into the couch. A smile grew on his face. “No disrespect meant here, Ky, but I’ve always had a thing for pregnant chicks—I can’t wait to see her walking around with a big old belly.” He closed his eyes and made this deep growling noise. I have to confess, the thought of him fucking doggy-style my very pregnant wife was almost overpowering.

Personally, I’m torn. I’ve enjoyed the game and Wade has been a fun part of it. I’d like to see it continue. But on the flip side, the game is pushing on the barrier of reality and I think it could be foolish to continue. I guess this is why I like to write my thoughts down. This exercise requires me to develop my feelings into thoughts and forces me to make some deeper, more meaningful analysis.

Wade suddenly sat up, “You want to blow your wife’s mind?” he asked a devious look plastered on his face.

I looked at him skeptically, “What,” I said slowly.

His smile grew, “Lets send her a picture of you sucking my cock—you don’t actually have to do it—I mean you can if you want to, if you swing that way now,” he laughed, “we can make it look like you just did. I’ll snap a pic and text it to her. I guarantee you would be her favorite person. She’d be so horny she’d explode.”

I shook my head, “One, that idea is shit; two, I’m already her favorite person; three, I can get her horny with just regular phone sex; and four, that idea is shit.”

Wade laughed a lot harder but shrugged and accepted it, “You know it would rock her world. I saw the look on her face when you blew Bennett—she almost went into seizures,” he interpreted the look on my face correctly because he followed up with, “But it’s just an idea—your choice dude.”

I took a heavy pull from my beer. Truth be told, he was right. A picture like that really would fucking blow her mind, but there is no way I’m sitting between Wade’s legs and acting like I’m sucking his cock because that would just open the door to more events like that happening. I didn’t write much about the cock sucking experience in the longer update recently because I really don’t like thinking about it. Honestly, it wasn’t as repulsive as I thought it would be, but in my head, I just can’t let myself get there. I got off on it a little because it got my wife so turned on. That’s the only reason I did it. My wife’s wiring is a little different that most when it comes to same-sex experiences, so I indulged her that one time.

Lastly, to talk about how I’m so sure that I’m the bio-father. …in my mind, I simply have to be. I know that sounds naïve—ignorant even, it would be too heart wrenching to think otherwise. The cuckold desire already has something to do with one feeling inadequate. Add to that the fact that I couldn’t even get my own wife pregnant and it’s a recipe for disaster, not to mention it would shake what self-confidence I do have to the core. I’ll deal with whatever happens the right way, but I take comfort in knowing that while there were a couple of mistakes, the chances of anyone but me being the father are extremely low. I get that some of our experiences mirror some of Xleg’s stories. I’ve admitted that we read them and some of the ideas have appealed to us, but the pregnancy fantasy thing isn’t something we want to play with.

Even though it sucks being a bachelor this week, it’s been good for me to think. I think my wife and I have greatly improved our communication, but I still don’t think we have the same vision as to how the game is played, or what we want out of the game. We’re looking at it through two very different lenses still. We both enjoy it, but we experience it in different ways. The game changes us whether we believe it or now, and again, I don’t think we understand or see how it changes us. This is simply a fact. We’ll never be able to go back to the people we were a couple of years ago before it all started. We are different people for having had these experiences. Are we better or worse? I don’t have a fucking clue. The mind can eroticize just about anything. The longer we play this, the more turned on we both get from it. We may already be at a point of no return. Can I live with that, knowing that my wife will never be only mine? Can I accept the fact that her pussy will never feel tight again? Can I live with the fact that this child might not be mine, that I could be raising someone else’s kid? These questions have been on my mind for a while now, and I don’t have answers.

To answer one more question that came up about Wade and his feelings about Bennett. Wade has actually been okay with Bennett hooking up with Jaimee “occasionally”. I guess the best way to put it is that he puts-up-with-it. If he knew that she had once hooked up with a guy named Greg, I’m sure he’d be pretty unhappy about that. I see it’s something he struggles with. He knows he wants his cake and to eat it too. This is something that we all need to add to the topics of discussion. I’ll write more about this on the next update.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by LimRick » Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:57 pm

You and Wade have a fascinating friendship. It's kind of great, actually. Thanks for this update into what's going through your mind, because it really helps us voyeurs know how relationship of yours (as hot as it is!) actually works. :) Hang in there, and . . . don't think too much about Wade's offer . . . unless you want to :)

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by offendedgame » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:32 pm

Ky_Da wrote:
Wade suddenly sat up, “You want to blow your wife’s mind?”
I swear i knew exactly what he was gonna ask
Last edited by offendedgame on Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by viking53 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:07 pm


Thanks for these really thoughtful latest posts. One of the reasons your various threads have been the most interesting and fascinating to follow, apart from the fact that you write exceptionally well, is that you focus mainly on what it is that you and Jaimee feel and express to each other during these experiences. Another point that really comes across clearly and that makes your threads such a pleasure to read is that you and Jaimee really love each other dearly and there is nothing that is going to disrupt that.

You have been incredibly lucky with finding Wade for Jaimee's lover. From this latest post, it's very clear that he will never be a threat. If Jaimee ever indicated that she wanted him as a primary relationship (which I think is quite clear is never going to happen), he would run far and fast. At the same time, you are very lucky that you have him as a friend and can talk openly with him about everything. The relationship between the two of you is quite exceptional if you compare to other experiences on this site.

We are really lucky and grateful that you find writing to be a good way to get to grips to what is happening and how you feel about everything. The spin off for your followers is really Great!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:42 pm

Jealousy and possessiveness on both sides.Jaimee would be jealous if Wade has a girlfriend. And Wade was jealous and possessive when talk was on for Jaimee to have a second lover/bf. So he hurriedly brought in Bennett so that Jaimee did have a second lover who was personally known to him so his participation in the game , thereby his attachment with Jaimee would be in his knowledge and under his control.I was kinda surprised when you two seemed to be completely ok with Wade's display of jealousy, possessiveness,control and decision-making in YOUR game.Frankly, I don't know what the future holds for the 3 of you.I guess it won't be easy dissociate yourselves from him if and when you want to, considering the sexual chemistry between them.Even when a couple want to end it with a bf, but if the wife keeps meeting him socially on a regular basis,then the chances of continuing would be there, especially when their chemistry is huge.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by SutterKane » Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:06 am

Ky, as always, thank you for your amazing openness and honesty. And this amazing story of the two of you which never ceases to be one of the hottest I ever read.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by BigHotMess » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:25 am

If this helps you assess risk and set perspective - then know this. I've had a significant amount of awesome sexual experiences and I am also a dad. I'd trade every sexual experience to be able to experience the day my firstborn was born one more time. The entire experience is of such a different magnitude than all of this crap.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by BigHotMess » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:33 am

If this helps you assess risk and set perspective - then know this. I've had a significant amount of awesome sexual experiences and I am also a dad. I'd trade every sexual experience to be able to experience the day my firstborn was born one more time. The entire experience is of such a different magnitude than all of this crap.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:36 am

BigHotMess wrote:If this helps you assess risk and set perspective - then know this. I've had a significant amount of awesome sexual experiences and I am also a dad. I'd trade every sexual experience to be able to experience the day my firstborn was born one more time. The entire experience is of such a different magnitude than all of this crap.
Legit. I needed that to break me out of my reverie. Awesome. Thanks.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by JeffBingham » Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:37 am

Ky, huge props to you for your latest 2 posts this week. The depth of emotion and raw honesty are truly inspiring. This sharing of your experience/feelings is something special that everyone can learn from. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for bringing us on your journey with you.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:59 am

Two posts, one saying Wade will never be a problem and the other cautioning about Wade's jealousy. Is the truthin the middle or at one end?

For me, he does not seem to be a problem except for the dual nature of very intense connection and frequency. Ky confirmed my guess, this is by far the best sex he has ever had. That, despite his good nature, would have me off balance if I was Ky. Add the high frequency and it seems unsettling.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:18 pm

I got a call from the wife this morning. Apparently, morning sickness has really begun to kick in. It’s been light to almost nothing until now, but she said the last two mornings have been bad. I’m glad I’m not a woman. Total respect to you ladies who are willing to go through this. So other than a couple of bouts of morning sickness, she’s been having a great time. She said she’s been hit on a lot. Being around a larger lesbian crowd, she was the center of attention at first—until they found out she was not only married but pregnant, too.

My wife may have been sick earlier that morning, but when we spoke it was late at night for her, and she was feeling, in her words, “bloody randy.” She reported that she’s been behaving, but I mainly think that’s because she’s not drinking and she’s around a lot of people she doesn’t know very well. They’re off to a hen party tomorrow night, which is as I understand it, a bachelorette party. What I wouldn’t give to see what goes on there. My wife tried to get involved in the planning and helping in the wedding preparations, but Brooke’s fiancé has done a good job of keeping her on the sidelines. It seems while there is a truce between my wife and Emilia, they don’t like each other very much.

On another small bit of news, Bennett caught himself a girlfriend recently. He sent my wife and I a text with a picture of the both of them. My wife replied, “fucking stunning,” about the new girl. I have to agree—she’s gorgeous. Tall, blonde, fit… the whole package. He asked if we’d want to go out to dinner with them sometime. Yeah, it’s probably just dinner. But I can’t help but wonder how much Bennett has told his new girlfriend. Does she know about me, does she know that her new boyfriend had a threesome with a married woman not too long ago—that he fucked her in her pussy, in her ass, and in her mouth? Does she know that her boyfriend has fucked a married woman in his office on more than a few occasions? Not to mention that I had the experience of sucking him off once… god that’s awkward just to write. I’m a little surprised by the dinner invite. I would have thought he’d want to keep all of us a secret.

It's a little slow at work at the moment because some permits didn’t come through like they were supposed to and so I’m stuck for a couple of days until they do. I went back and reread some of the comments and one asked about how I felt in regards to my wife taking more control and be being more and more submissive to her. It made me step back and think for a minute. I have to agree that she’s taken more of a lead in some things—little by little she’s been more assertive and been more willing to push my buttons. Here’s a thought that’s still not quite found its form—it’s still a work in progress: My wife has always enjoyed sex, but over the last couple of years she’s found that she REALLY loves sex. She has found her slutty nature and not only accepted it, but embraced it. She’s also found that she gets off on pushing what she calls my cuck buttons. It gives her a sense of control and power, and that all heightens the experience. But then while all this is going on, she also loses herself in the game. I think in order to enjoy these experiences to the fullest, you have to be able to shut off the brain to a degree so that all the preconceived cultural norms and societal expectations don’t usurp everything.

My thought is this: she wants more control, she wants to continue the experience, but she still needs me to keep her grounded. I may have used this analogy before, but she really is the kite and I’m the string. She can fly as high as she wants as long as I have a secure hold on the string and as long as there is wind. A kite will plummet the moment it becomes un-tethered. The real threat is Wade wanting to take the kite from me and running away with it because Wade likes to fly my kite and my kite likes the way Wade flies her. But, and this is a big but, Wade isn’t a responsible kite owner. He will inedible find something that distracts him and he’ll let go of the string. I won’t, and I will be there when there is no wind.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Bayless » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:27 pm

Ky_Da wrote:I got a call from the wife this morning. Apparently, morning sickness has really begun to kick in. It’s been light to almost nothing until now, but she said the last two mornings have been bad. I’m glad I’m not a woman. Total respect to you ladies who are willing to go through this. So other than a couple of bouts of morning sickness, she’s been having a great time. She said she’s been hit on a lot. Being around a larger lesbian crowd, she was the center of attention at first—until they found out she was not only married but pregnant, too.

My wife may have been sick earlier that morning, but when we spoke it was late at night for her, and she was feeling, in her words, “bloody randy.” She reported that she’s been behaving, but I mainly think that’s because she’s not drinking and she’s around a lot of people she doesn’t know very well. They’re off to a hen party tomorrow night, which is as I understand it, a bachelorette party. What I wouldn’t give to see what goes on there. My wife tried to get involved in the planning and helping in the wedding preparations, but Brooke’s fiancé has done a good job of keeping her on the sidelines. It seems while there is a truce between my wife and Emilia, they don’t like each other very much.

On another small bit of news, Bennett caught himself a girlfriend recently. He sent my wife and I a text with a picture of the both of them. My wife replied, “fucking stunning,” about the new girl. I have to agree—she’s gorgeous. Tall, blonde, fit… the whole package. He asked if we’d want to go out to dinner with them sometime. Yeah, it’s probably just dinner. But I can’t help but wonder how much Bennett has told his new girlfriend. Does she know about me, does she know that her new boyfriend had a threesome with a married woman not too long ago—that he fucked her in her pussy, in her ass, and in her mouth? Does she know that her boyfriend has fucked a married woman in his office on more than a few occasions? Not to mention that I had the experience of sucking him off once… god that’s awkward just to write. I’m a little surprised by the dinner invite. I would have thought he’d want to keep all of us a secret.

It's a little slow at work at the moment because some permits didn’t come through like they were supposed to and so I’m stuck for a couple of days until they do. I went back and reread some of the comments and one asked about how I felt in regards to my wife taking more control and be being more and more submissive to her. It made me step back and think for a minute. I have to agree that she’s taken more of a lead in some things—little by little she’s been more assertive and been more willing to push my buttons. Here’s a thought that’s still not quite found its form—it’s still a work in progress: My wife has always enjoyed sex, but over the last couple of years she’s found that she REALLY loves sex. She has found her slutty nature and not only accepted it, but embraced it. She’s also found that she gets off on pushing what she calls my cuck buttons. It gives her a sense of control and power, and that all heightens the experience. But then while all this is going on, she also loses herself in the game. I think in order to enjoy these experiences to the fullest, you have to be able to shut off the brain to a degree so that all the preconceived cultural norms and societal expectations don’t usurp everything.

My thought is this: she wants more control, she wants to continue the experience, but she still needs me to keep her grounded. I may have used this analogy before, but she really is the kite and I’m the string. She can fly as high as she wants as long as I have a secure hold on the string and as long as there is wind. A kite will plummet the moment it becomes un-tethered. The real threat is Wade wanting to take the kite from me and running away with it because Wade likes to fly my kite and my kite likes the way Wade flies her. But, and this is a big but, Wade isn’t a responsible kite owner. He will inedible find something that distracts him and he’ll let go of the string. I won’t, and I will be there when there is no wind.
Great writing Ky. A very visual creative kite example. Love it!

Suchen Zucker

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:31 pm

I'm curious about how/why Bennett's cock was chosen for you to please and not Wades larger specimen. Was that Wade being uncomfortable with the idea, or did Jaimee think it would be less of a hurdle for you with the less aggressive Bennett?

Do you think that now that Wade has seen you suck a cock that now he is thinking; if he can get you to submit to sucking him that it would elevate his position with you and Jaimee? Do you think the idea would excite Jaimee?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wagonmaker1 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:13 am

hey Ki, did u write anything about the bj u gave to Bennet? if so i missed it, i have not missed much of your posts. if not would u want to tell us about it?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wagonmaker1 » Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:24 am

sorry for misspelling your name, Ky

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