progress story

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Open2it » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:02 am

Breaker445 wrote:Although I know I just said we could easily make an evening out of going to a dance club, really I think it may be hotter to hear her go with her friends to one.
Especially if she caged you first and wore the key on her necklace or anklet! :whip:

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:36 pm

Breaker445 wrote:She said, "I can't believe those guy dancers just came up and grinded up on me" I gave a playful laugh back and told her it was pretty hot to watch. She smiled and said, "Oh I bet you loved it!" I reiterated that of course I did.
The missed opportunity here was telling her truthfully how desirable she is and how clearly the dancers recognized it. And then tell her again how great it was to see her having fun and how it makes your relationship stronger.

Again, it has to come from your heart, not a manipulative place. Your love and support has to be honest.

Going to another club like the one you did is a great idea. It is a good environment as long as you are both interested and she feels safe. New Years is right around the corner!!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:43 pm

Open2it - That would be hot!

And big update! We were just hanging out, and she brought up having nothing to do and just sort of bored. I surprised myself and suggested something to her that I really did not expect any real response, but I figured what the heck why not try. So I suggested to her it would be fun if tonight she gave me the task to clean and she went out to a bar, café, somewhere to go and flirt. Her eyes widened with a smile and she asked, "Really??" I got excited seeing a positive response from her so I told her yes! that it would be hot and when she got back I would give her one intense night. Again, I was surprised I just leaped into this suggestion, but even more surprised at her response. She pondered it for about a second before giving me a look and said in a serious tone, "Yes.." She probably saw the blood rush from my face as she laughed at my reaction while we made eye contact. I was glued to her response and she bit her lower lip and told me I better hold on to my end of the deal. I went up to her and gave her a hug and kiss and told her I absolutely would. She cocked one of her knees out while keeping the other one straight and she lifted a finger to her lips as she turned into thought of where she would go and what she would wear. All awhile me standing right next to her with my heart racing and mind going wild. She looked back at me tilted her head and raised her eyebrows like to make sure I was ready.

This is crazy! but with her response it makes me think she has been thinking this for awhile and Friday night may have been a huge step forward in her being comfortable with this. I am actually surprised with myself for just out of nowhere suggesting such a thing. But also happy I threw the idea out there and it was something small like just suggesting flirting. Now the exciting part is she is going out to flirt, but really the ball is in her court to do with that what she wants. But this is very exciting! I did not expect this at all. Wow!

She came up to me later and with a big smile asked if I was going to clean good. Clearly teasing me. I smiled back and told her it would be the best job I've ever done. I also told her that tonight I would do her good, and not in a submissive way, but I wanted to fuck her good. She gave me an excited "Ohhhh baby!!!" I could tell she liked hearing that. Then she added to like put me in my place, "You'll cum to fast." Trying to show my confidence I told her I wouldn't and would be ready. She smiled and asked out loud to herself where she should go. That entire time she had this confidence about her and I could see she was excited.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:23 pm

Now you are getting somewhere... ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:57 pm

Well she just left and I have no idea what to expect. She didn't take a super long time getting ready, nothing slutty about her outfit. Really I didn't know she was about to walk out of the door until she came up to me and gave me a kiss and asked if I was going to make sure things got cleaned up. Excitedly I told her yes and we made eye contact and there was this pause. Then it clicked that she was about to leave. I gave her a kiss back, but she stayed like it wasn't enough of a kiss, so I gave her another one, she moved in a little closer and now my raging hard on was pressed up against her leg. I gave her another kiss, but this time she slipped me her tongue and she gave me this passionate kiss. I thought for a moment she may want to go to the bedroom right then. When she pulled away she quietly said, "You're naughty.." Then she walked toward the door and opened it. Before she got out the door I quickly asked her where she was going as I walked quickly over to her to give her one last kiss. She smiled, shook her head, and seductively said, "You don't need to know." I stood there stunned and it was her that gave me the last kiss and she backed out of the door.

I am hoping she sends me a text, I want to text her something but at the same time don't want to be too annoying about it, and also I am hoping she lets me know what is going on. I am quiet honestly shocked she is doing this, but she seemed anxious and excited to be heading out. I know at the most the expectations set was to just go somewhere to flirt, but this is obviously brand new territory. I am excited but also feel my stomach turning of what she may text me or what she may expect when she gets home.

Ill just update this - After a couple hours of not hearing from her I decided to text her how it was going. She responded, "Going well" Maybe another 30 minutes passed before she sent another text letting me know she was on her way. I am anxious to hear how her night went!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:45 pm

Let us know, if you get a chance! :up:
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:45 pm

I can’t wait for your next update! I got a little hard reading your latest posts! Lol

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:13 pm

It would appear she had been unsure of the actual boundaries allowed, disbelieving perhaps, you would actually be down for this.
Now, it seems she found out. If you want her to become a HW, encourage her to start doing what she did tonight... and work on doing her orally, so she will be craving cock.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by WishforKYhottie » Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:07 am

Looking forward to an update!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:59 am

I am in a bit of awe with this whole thing. She got back and when she walked through the door she looked at me with this smile and her eye brows raised, and bit of nervousness. There was this somewhat awkward silence after our hello's as I think she was either waiting for me to ask how things went, but I was waiting for her to tell me how things went. She had this glow about her though and a smile that wouldn't go away. I remembered her rules from awhile ago that was she would tell me what she wanted me to know. But my curiosity got the best of me and I asked how it went. She tilted her head as she looked at me, again raising her eyebrows and said, "Ohhh it went good." Then she gave a short laugh to herself. I waited a few seconds for more detail, but realized I wasn't going to get any, at least not now. She took her shoes off and mentioned out loud she needed and wanted to take a shower. She looked at me after she said it and asked, "Unless you want to do it before?" My heart was racing but I told her it was up to her. She replied, "I definitely should shower first. But we can do it after."

By this time I was sitting on the couch, waiting for her to get into the shower, but instead she briefly came over and sat on the couch with me. She sat down and started looking at her phone. Meanwhile I sat there hoping to get more detail about her night. My heart started racing a bit more when as she was sitting close to me I started smelling a new scent from her. Now, when she was gone I did wonder if she'd return smelling like a bar or somewhere distinct that I would be able to tell where she had been. But this scent was strong and it did not smell like a bar, a store, mall, or anywhere I was familiar with. I sat there wondering and gave it some time thinking the smell would go away, but I leaned in toward her legs to get a better smell and the scent was still there, very strong. I have never smelled the scent before, but it was fairly clear she was somewhere having it be so strong and lingering for as long as it did.

She was on the couch for a few minutes before letting me know she was going to shower, but told me to come in when I heard she was done. As she got up she felt my crotch and laughed to see how hard I was. "You're so naughty." She said with a big smile as she walked away. I waited for the sound of the shower turning off and I rushed into the room. She saw my quick timing to the room as she stood there with her underwear on. "Should I even get dressed?" She asked. Now I was aiming to be the dominant one upon her return, I wanted to really show off, but I immediately went to licking her and as I was between her legs she asked, "You like that?" followed by, "You're so pathetic licking me right now." I let her know I liked hearing that and at the same time felt my dominant mood leaving and my submissiveness entering. Again, wanting to try and be the dominant one, I decided to stop and get to having sex. Before she said, "Don't you cum early." Not long after she once again put me in my place. Just a few pumps in and she tells me, "You'd love to have sloppy seconds wouldn't you?" I blurted out, "Oh my! I would!" She proudly replied, "MMmm" And She tried to rope me in deeper by thrusting herself more onto me and locking me in with her legs wrapped around me. It was like she was really ready to get into it, but I had to stop and change positions otherwise I would have came early. I was able to last, but I doubt the way she wanted. With the sloppy seconds comment I knew she was ready to talk really dirty but like always as soon as she starts talking dirty my stamina really plummets. I did tell her she was hot and she replied, "So many guys want me."

Afterward we went and hung out on the couch me getting the privilege of massaging her feet and her from time to time lifting her foot up from my lap to my face for me to kiss it or allow me to take a sniff. One of the times she sort of rubbed her foot hard into my thigh toward my crotch she asked me if I enjoyed tonight. I said I did and asked if she enjoyed her night. She smiled almost in a way to tell me 'you sure you're ready for my answer?' and she told me, "I liked it." I replied, "Good!" as I waited for her to divulge more into what happened. With it seeming I wasn't going to get details, I disobeyed the rules she had set out all awhile ago in hopes maybe she forgot about them, and asked her if she was going to give me some details of the night. She looked up from her phone and she lifted her foot up from my thigh to about my chest and held it there as to get my mind back to focusing on massaging her feet. As my attention did go from looking at her to grabbing her foot and rubbing it she said she had a good time and that was all I needed to know right now. I became shocked at her reply and said, "Oh! Naughty girl!" I sat there the rest of the night trying to regain the scent off her from when she got back, but it was washed away from the shower.

She ended up going to bed earlier than I did. I went to bed after she had "gone to bed" about an hour and a half later. When I got into the bedroom there she was sitting up
on her phone. Very unusual behavior from her as it was already very late, and when she goes to bed before me she's usually asleep right away unless she takes a few minutes to use her toy. I was surprised and I am sure that came across to her when I brought up she was still awake, she didn't give me much of a response other than the obvious that she was still up.

This morning before we left I tried to get more from her from last night. I told her she was naughty and she gave me this look like she knew and walked over to me and gave me a kiss. I wasn't able to get her to say anything from the night.

So here we are. I did have doubts when she left last night that she was actually out flirting, I thought maybe she said she would do it to please me, or maybe it was to see how I would react, almost like a test. At the very least I thought it was great she was playing along, and that it was a positive step forward because she was playing along be it a test or not. But when she came back my doubts turned into curiosity. Besides her walking through the door with a certain glow, the first sign was the new scent I got from her. It didn't smell like cologne, or a bar scent, or a mall or store, it was just a scent that I could tell she had been somewhere, like at someones place. Then the second sign was her talking about sloppy seconds. Now obviously my wife knows about cuckolding, knows about creampies, but I have never heard her use the term "sloppy seconds" before. I guess I just wouldn't have guessed her to use that term or terms for things, like she is more of a person who would ask or say I would enjoy doing her after she's been with somoene else, or doing her after another man had came in her. So more direct, rather than using a term like sloppy seconds. Then finding her on her phone at the late hours after way after she said she was going to bed really made me wonder. Did she flirt with someone? Get their number or instagram page? Was this her chance to see how it would go, found out she liked it and had fun and she was on instagram or her phone talking to someone else that she had been thinking of chatting with for a long time?

No matter what happened or didnt happen, she did have fun with it, and unfortunately I think she would have had more fun with it talking in bed about it had I been able to last.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:16 pm

Yes, she flirted and possibly made out with someone else. If it didn't smell like a bar scent, it might have been her co-worker's home. Did you say the scent became stronger nearer the groin?
There was also her eagerness to shower first... hmmm.

Anyway, I hope you can find out more, but it is clear about her thinking of bringing you sloppy seconds. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:16 pm

It would have been way more submissive of you to lick her before the shower lol

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:41 pm

I don't suppose you inspected her used panties...?
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:56 pm

BallSpanking - since she draped her legs over my lap I got most of the scent from her legs and pants. I didn't think of inspecting them until just now, lol, but I don't think I could have been able to tell which ones were the ones she wore.

seydonar - yes it would have! she thought about it too, but ended up going to shower first. Probably could have been able to tell a lot of the night too.

I finally texted her today telling her the curiosity of what she did last night has been on my mind all day. She texted back, "Haha that's good" We will see if anything is brought up tonight. But again, it seems she's enjoyed this little fun since yesterday when I brought it up to her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:33 pm

Washing her lingerie would be a nice addition to your cleaning tasks. Love your writing, I’m hoping that you and your wife keep having fun. It sure sounds exciting!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:12 pm

Maybe she has a date lined and isn’t sure how to tell you or feeling you out one last time before proceeding.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:54 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Yes, she flirted and possibly made out with someone else. If it didn't smell like a bar scent, it might have been her co-worker's home. Did you say the scent became stronger nearer the groin?
There was also her eagerness to shower first... hmmm.

Anyway, I hope you can find out more, but it is clear about her thinking of bringing you sloppy seconds. ;)
All true. In my opinion, Breaker had sloppy seconds.

The fact she goes out on the spur of the moment and clearly came home having made 'progress' fits with my opinion she's got far more going on sexually/flirt/whatever than she has shared with you.

I get that it is part of the game being played and you (Breaker) should be fine with it. I just hope that there is otherwise the trust and communication to maintain the relationship. It sounds like there is.

Wonderful news!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:00 pm

TheHammer wrote:Maybe she has a date lined and isn’t sure how to tell you or feeling you out one last time before proceeding.
Definitely possible given the amount of time gone. It's also possible there was nothing more than flirting.

Great progress was made!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:07 am

Hey Breaker445,

Great progress. You need to do something special for you wife now that she has "essentially" done something for you.

I would suggest you quickly, like today, do a bit of research and find a reputable massage place or spa that has a MALE masseuse. Book her a massage to thank her. Give her some flowers when you give her the card. This will pamper her and also get her a little experience/attention of having a male's hands on her skin. Get her a little used to it so to speak.

Then when the day arrives for her appointment. Before she goes to massage, give her a gold necklace present, (you can get one at Walmart for less than $50 bucks) with your chastity key on it. Ask her to wear it during massage and tell her you will be home wearing your chastity device and cleaning up or other chores she wants done.

This will do wonders for both or you!

Good Luck!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:07 am

Hey Breaker445,

Great progress. You need to do something special for you wife now that she has "essentially" done something for you.

I would suggest you quickly, like today, do a bit of research and find a reputable massage place or spa that has a MALE masseuse. Book her a massage to thank her. Give her some flowers when you give her the card. This will pamper her and also get her a little experience/attention of having a male's hands on her skin. Get her a little used to it so to speak.

Then when the day arrives for her appointment. Before she goes to massage, give her a gold necklace present, (you can get one at Walmart for less than $50 bucks) with your chastity key on it. Ask her to wear it during massage and tell her you will be home wearing your chastity device and cleaning up or other chores she wants done.

This will do wonders for both or you!

Good Luck!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by davo » Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:05 am

brother..............if I had to make a bet, I'd be betting your wife got laid sunday night...........!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:49 pm

Well everyones replies are all very exciting! I guess I had always thought IF something happened, she'd be more open about it, but it seems she is sticking by her rule that she'll tell me when she wants and I am trying to obey her rule of not being overbearing with questions. So although I was optimistic last night when we spent good quality time together that she'd bring up something about her night or moving forward, I didn't want to bring it up and feel like I was breaking a rule.

Which obviously if this moves along we will need to talk more and I'll ask for more openness, but in these beginning stages I want to respect her pace and how she is going about getting comfortable with this. But last night I got a gut punch. So like I had said, last night we spent some good quality time together, just hanging out and enjoying the evening. But when she got home she left her phone on the counter and later forgot where she had left it and asked if I had seen her phone. I told her it was on the counter and she laughed at her forgetful mind and grabbed it. As she walked away she said, "You probably would love to scroll through my phone." I responded with, "Uh yeah that be hot!" She just smiled and went into the other room.

So fast forward to later when she was on her phone standing in the kitchen fully engaged to the screen. She was so focused on her phone she didn't even realize I entered the kitchen and was standing in the same room, let alone noticing I decided to take a peak to what she was so engaged in. As I stood a few feet away, her completely unaware, I saw her intently scrolling through photos of a guys instagram page. I was in awe standing there as I watched my wife focus on one photo, swipe to the next photo, back to the original photo, swiping a few more times to see more photos, clicking a button to reveal the entire album of photos in thumbnail view, then choosing one photo to maximize. Some of the photos were him shirtless at the beach, some were of him more dressed up, some were him at the beach surrounded by other women. Each time she clicked to maximize a new photo I was expecting it to be of just a woman and I would come to realization that she was checking out a girls page and this man was just a boyfriend or friend accompanying the girl in the photos, but it wasn't that at all, each time the large photo revealed the center focus of the photo was a guy. I wanted to see what I saw, and when I saw it my heart raced with excitement but my stomach felt like it dropped to the floor. I was a few feet further away, so I couldn't read the name, and I wasn't close enough, but yet close enough to know I didn't recognize the guy.

I walked by her, acting like I wasn't paying attention, but I don't even think she realized I walked by her. I went to the other side of the kitchen only to turn back and asked her a question, just to let her know I was there. At first I didn't get a response, so I walked back toward her and asked again, finally like she came back to reality, she responded to my question and noticed I was walking closer to her. I noticed as I got closer to her area she tried to be secretive about it, but she tilted her phone away from me blocking my view of her screen. I acted like I didn't notice, and just walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and continued on. I've posted about it before, her intently focused on her phone, but this coupled with this past week has just really made me think, 'Holy crap something may actually be up!' It's excited me yet has made me wonder just because of not being completely open about it. This secrecy was even more clear when minutes later she was on her phone and when I walked up to her she knew I was there and had no problem leaving her phone's screen in my view. I took another peak and saw it was just some stores site. To add to it, I saw she used her vibrator last night before she went to bed.

Just a few things on her behavior since our event over the weekend. One is her painting her finger nails black. Yes, she painted them black for her costume, but she's raved about the look, how it makes her feel and how much she likes it. So much that when she saw they were chipping, instead of removing it and adding a new color, she removed them and reapplied black. Maybe it is just me, but black nail polish is hot because to me it reminds me of her Dom side. The other thing I've noticed since Friday is she has been in an extremely good mood. I would like to say her good mood stems from the fun she had over the weekend.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:27 pm

The fact she was so focused on the guy so as to not notice you were there, should tell you she was deep in thought about what she was seeing, more so when she hid the screen from you as you approached. If she is not yet fucking another guy, she soon will be, so you might want to have a bit more disclosure, at leasy during sex with her, or you might be shut out altogether. Some husbands don't mind that, but it's a tough dynamic for the husband.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:47 am

She is definitely getting more comfortable with all this. Last night was sort of a whirlwind of thought for me. We had Jennifer and her boyfriend over for dinner and to hang out. My wife seemed to go over the top when it came to cleaning the place when I was thinking do we really need to do a deep cleaning since it's just Jennifer and her boyfriend? Sure, it was his first time at our place, but my wife was preparing like we were having a large group of guests over that she wanted to impress. I was happily following her around helping her because she was wearing these tight jeans that just fit her butt great and I couldn't keep my eyes off her butt and legs in those jeans.

Jennifer and her bf showed up and almost right away I felt like I was taking a backseat to the three of them. Now Jennifer and my wife are really good friends and I know he was probably doing his best to be nice and impress my wife since Jennifer and his relationship is still new and I think he wants to look like a good guy in front of one of her best friends. But what I found interesting was how my wife acted around him. She took whatever chance she had to sort of brag or what it looked like to me, impress him. Now, I don't think my wife would actually step into the drama that would unfold if she somehow interfered with their relationship, to whatever extent that would be, but I think she was enjoying the game. He was trying to impress her, she was trying to impress him. After we ate the three of them continued to talk and I got stuck cleaning up dinner, I got distracted with other chores while the three of them visited. I'd hear my wife talk to Jennifer about some new boots she got and describe them in detail, like she was purposefully wanting Jennifer's bf to hear. He obviously did since he was sitting in the same room as them. And here I was cleaning up the dishes and the mess in the kitchen from dinner. I don't know if I can describe it well, but from time to time my wife would tell Jennifer things that was like her bragging about herself, but I could tell she wanted him to hear.

I was actually amazed at how naturally it flowed, of her getting things ready, then devoting her time and focus on them while I just smoothly faded into the background as clean up and preparing. After they left my wife asked if I had fun, as if she didn't realize I spent most of the time cleaning up. But I didn't bring that up and told her I did have fun. She said she really liked Jennifer's boyfriend and thought he was really nice, she then asked me what I thought of him. I said he seemed like a good guy too.

The rest of our night we sat on the couch. She took her shoes off and exhaustively said, "Will you rub my feet? I've been on them all day." Eagerly I almost shouted it, "Yes!" and went right to work. By now you guys get the point of our lounging time on the couch. We eventually went to bed and although I was really horny, I think just from spending most the night checking her out in her jeans, and the fact I felt submissive taking a backseat for the night, I was tired along with her. I didn't think anything would happen until we got into bed and she started to slowly hump my leg. "You want it?" She asked as her voice skipped through her deep breath. Surprised I said, "Yes!" Still slowly rubbing up against my leg she said, "You're going to cum too soon though." She was right, I knew I wasn't going to last, so leading into my response I started out with, "Well...." She cut me off and smirkly said, "You're so pathetic." She gave a slight chuckle like laughing at my lack of being able to last with her. I told her we could start and if I felt like I was going to cum I would stop and start licking her. She liked the idea as she gave me a, "mmmmmm ok". Almost right away I had to stop, she was so wet, and I was so horny I knew I was about to end. So I pulled out and went straight to between her legs. She laughed at how quick I needed to transition and again told me confidently, "You're pathetic." The hottest thing happened though while I was licking her, She got a text message, and it was really late, so an odd time for anyone to text her. She let her phone sit for a minute or two after it alerted she had a text. Finally, she says aloud, "Sorry, I got to see who texted me so late." I moaned in response to let her know I thought that was hot and oh wow was it! She grabbed her phone, laid back on her back and I continued to lick her as she checked her phone. She looked at it briefly, only a few seconds before placing it back on the nightstand. I wasn't able to see who it was from, but I did see it was a photo of some sort, no idea what, all I could see was a black portion of a photo box within the text message screen. After she placed her phone down she took her hand that was holding her phone and lightly placed it on the back of my head, as to say, 'keep it there'. Then she slid her foot underneath me to place it near my crotch so I could rub myself up against her foot. Not long after she orgasmed and when she was done she asked if I had came too. I told her I hadn't and begged to keep licking her. She laughed and said I had my turn. If she was going to let me continue, I was going to ask her to look at her phone and tell her to look at something, whether it be someone she knew or anyone, or no one, just make me think she was looking at someone on her phone, at that moment I think she would have liked the idea. But with her stopping me I decided I'll share that suggestion at a later time. It was only a couple weeks ago I felt comfortable and confident she would have liked the idea of looking at her phone while I gave her oral. I felt even more confident she'd like that idea last night. When it was my turn she vigorously stroked me and asked if I liked licking her. I begged to her that I loved it and she said, "Good" I didn't last long and she was so sexy seeing her enjoy what she could get me to do. Afterward we both complimented each other on how great it was.

Definitely feels like she is really coming around to this. Really that feeling of being in the background while she visited and had a good time was actually a turn on. Just the way she didn't seem to care, or really didn't notice how I got regulated to tidying up while she had fun visiting and conversating was hot. And it happened very naturally and smooth. Then the night and her getting that late night text message was very curious. Who knows who that was from, who knows what that photo she received was, but my cuck mind thought it was very hot and I let my cuck mind in that moment imagine what that text would be. I think she knew I thought it was hot and I think she knew what I was imagining with my reaction when she reached for her phone.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:44 am

I think you could easily broach those topics during sex without fear of her rejecting it... ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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