Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
2 Bit Whore
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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:48 am

We have a TV mounted on the wall in our bedroom. I asked Sarah what she thought about playing some cuckold porn while she and Jamal are having sex in our bed? Although I’m really enjoying this thing with Jamal, I would like to be included in the sex more and I’d like him to be more of a “classic” bull to me. Aaron was very good with his verbal comments and sexual actions that continually emphasized our alpha and beta roles. I crave that sort of thing and I’d love it if Jamal did more of it. I was thinking that if he saw some cuck videos and the possibilities for more “interactions,” mostly between him and me, then maybe he’d get more “creative.”

Sarah loved the idea and tasked me with getting her some cuckold porn. I usually stream it when I watch it, but I think it’s better to have some DVDs. Looks like I’ll be stopping by an adult bookstore this week to see what I can find.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by RGB49FL » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:06 am

Look in the instructional video section for "Bull Training for Dummies"

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:03 pm

We did something last night that we talked about. A lot. Sarah and I both had concerns, but it turned out just fine. Jamal, Sarah and I have been so involved in local politics that we invited Jamal to come over on election night and watch the returns together. Yes, for those of you who are wondering, the kids were present. The boys have met Jamal once or twice, briefly. They know him as "Mom's friend." My boys are in the 10-year-old range, give or take. I'm being deliberately vague on their ages to protect our privacy. They are beginning to get into that age where things have to "add up." By that, I mean, you can't just pull the wool over their eyes like when they there were 4 or 5.

We all had a good, platonic time while the boys were up. After they went to bed, Jamal and Sarah were more passionate and sexual. He ended up staying the night in our bedroom. Sarah and I both got up before the boys, so they didn't know that "mama's friend" stayed in mama's bed. He did make an appearance while they were having breakfast, so they knew he spent the night. The didn't know (or ask) where he slept. This is new territory for us. We're figuring it out, but it seemed to go well last night. It's challenging.

Suchen Zucker

Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:52 pm

[quote="subguy80"]We did something last night that we talked about. A lot. Sarah and I both had concerns, but it turned out just fine. Jamal, Sarah and I have been so involved in local politics that we invited Jamal to come over on election night and watch the returns together. Yes, for those of you who are wondering, the kids were present. The boys have met Jamal once or twice, briefly. They know him as "Mom's friend." My boys are in the 10-year-old range, give or take. I'm being deliberately vague on their ages to protect our privacy. They are beginning to get into that age where things have to "add up." By that, I mean, you can't just pull the wool over their eyes like when they there were 4 or 5.

We all had a good, platonic time while the boys were up. After they went to bed, Jamal and Sarah were more passionate and sexual. He ended up staying the night in our bedroom. Sarah and I both got up before the boys, so they didn't know that "mama's friend" stayed in mama's bed. He did make an appearance while they were having breakfast, so they knew he spent the night. The didn't know (or ask) where he slept. This is new territory for us. We're figuring it out, but it seemed to go well last night. It's challenging.[/quote

That sounds risky/careless as fuck. How can you be 100% positive the kids can't hear them having sex through the HVAC vents or walls? When I was close to that age I was doing all kind of shit my parents didn't have a clue about. Unexpected things can happen and could result in your children accidentally seeing their mom naked with a strange man in her bed. Why would you let him still be there and the kids see him at breakfast? Don't you care what thoughts and worries they may have with this alpha man imposing himself into their home? You don't think kids can pick up on feelings between adults? WTF?


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:13 pm

Curious what where some of the ideas/objectives that you and Sarah discussed before deciding to invite him over with children present? Was this strictly a one time event around the election?

Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Xalar11 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:18 pm

subguy80 wrote: We all had a good, platonic time while the boys were up. After they went to bed, Jamal and Sarah were more passionate and sexual. He ended up staying the night in our bedroom. Sarah and I both got up before the boys, so they didn't know that "mama's friend" stayed in mama's bed. This is new territory for us. We're figuring it out, but it seemed to go well last night. It's challenging.
I'm curious did you all three spend the night in the same bed and what did happen then? But as hot as this sounds, I also have to tell you, what you did was quite dangerous, in my opinion. You could also say as parents it was absolutely irresponsible of you and Sarah to let Jamal spend to night in your bedroom.
Excuse my emotional outburst, but what the hell were you and Sarah thinking!?! What would have happened when one of your sons would have come to the bedroom? I assume all three of you would have been "too eengrossed" to notice anything until it would have been too late. I know, I know you probably will argue that your sons never comes to your and Sarah's bedroom at night and that their rooms are at the other end of the house, too far away to hear anything. But as unlikely as it seems that something could have happened, in my opinion you and Sarah should have never ever taken such a risk, letting Jamal stay the night at your home. To be honest, I think Jamal should have no contact to your sons at all, not even occasionally. To keep your sexual fantasy strictly separated from your family life.

Look, I don't want to make you angry, I have great sympathy for you and Sarah, but I have the feeling that here already enough people who urge you on and it's not a disadvantage to hear a different opinion.
Maybe you could also argue, that because you and Sarah were willing to take such a risk, that your Hotwife/Cuckold-fantasy has gotten out of hand a little and therefore it could also be a sign to slow down things with Jamal? Don't you think?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subtoall » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:48 pm

subguy80 wrote:We did something last night that we talked about. A lot. Sarah and I both had concerns, but it turned out just fine. Jamal, Sarah and I have been so involved in local politics that we invited Jamal to come over on election night and watch the returns together. Yes, for those of you who are wondering, the kids were present. The boys have met Jamal once or twice, briefly. They know him as "Mom's friend." My boys are in the 10-year-old range, give or take. I'm being deliberately vague on their ages to protect our privacy. They are beginning to get into that age where things have to "add up." By that, I mean, you can't just pull the wool over their eyes like when they there were 4 or 5.

We all had a good, platonic time while the boys were up. After they went to bed, Jamal and Sarah were more passionate and sexual. He ended up staying the night in our bedroom. Sarah and I both got up before the boys, so they didn't know that "mama's friend" stayed in mama's bed. He did make an appearance while they were having breakfast, so they knew he spent the night. The didn't know (or ask) where he slept. This is new territory for us. We're figuring it out, but it seemed to go well last night. It's challenging.
I don't doubt that you and Sarah are loving, conscientious and protective parents, raising your 2 boys in a rapidly changing, sometimes confusing world. Unfortunately, with this post you have opened yourself to an attack by the OHW judgmental brigade, who too often can't deliver what might be valuable advice or feedback without wrapping it in shaming, scolding projections of their own fears and values. You've already been told that you're irresponsible and careless as fuck. Expect more.

That being said, the possibility that your boys become exposed to some aspect of your lifestyle has some risk. Assessing this risk requires considering 2 things: a combination of the likelihood of an adverse event occurring and the degree of potential harm to someone should that adverse event occur. I'm sure you have a sense of the likelihood of something happening. For the second part, I would suggest that the potential harm is hard to gauge, and could range from no harm to very significant harm.

This is because what your boys need from you and your wife regardless of anything happening, is to feel absolutely secure in their parent's love for them and also in their parent's love for each other. At their ages, finding their mother in the arms of another man could significantly harm that security. Whatever does or does not happen, you must protect their security in that. How you and she would handle it if it occurred would have great influence on any harm caused.

Regardless of what anyone else says, the truth is that you and Sarah need to conduct your lives in the way that is best for your family...all four of you.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Ben_Bradman » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:41 pm

Subguy80, what happened seems, if not groundbreaking, then at the very least a major milestone.

From the very little you have shared on this I have concerns but I don't think I understand what exactly played out (it'd be good to be a fly on the wall in your home!). Would you like to paint a better picture (frame by frame)?

More importantly, you mentioned that you and Sarah talked about it a lot, had concerns, nevertheless went ahead with the plan, and it turned out fine. Would like to tell us more about how you both analyzed this? And how do you know it turned out fine?

You mentioned that this is new territory for you. Does that mean that this was not supposed to be a one off? Do you and Sarah want to continue to seek (or grab) opportunities to bring Jamal into the family more and more gradually? Tell us about your goals and yours and Sarah's desires on this please.

Most importantly, I am very curious about whether doing such a thing with Jamal (specifically being judiciously (?) [semi]open in front of the kids) is hot for you? Is it hot for Sarah?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Ben_Bradman » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:19 am

Subguy80, Allow me to quote a few things from your previous posts:
7/29: She has always been able to separate sex and love....She has no need for a "connection" or to have "feelings" for her partners in sex (other than me). It's just fun and sex for her, more like a sport. She loves the difference in male bodies and connecting to another man, even a stranger, and sharing a sexual moment. Sex is pretty uncomplicated with her.
7/25: That’s new territory for me, having this interplay with an alpha male and the connection to him as a friend. I love it when the two “worlds” intersect.
7/15: She said she had to politely remind him that she was primarily there for sex. Sarah is different from a lot of hotwives. She doesn’t need (or want) an emotional connection with her BFs. She doesn’t mind spending a bit of non-sexual time together, but for the most part, she’s motivated by the sex.
You have always found it hot when Sarah's hotwifing world intersects with your other worlds. Could that have fueled some of the motivation behind the latest evolution in your interactions with Jamal?

Finally, looking at what's been happening with Jamal, it seems that there has been a dormant need (or want) in Sarah to connect with other guys at other levels apart from just sex. It just took the right guy (= Jamal!) for this desire to surface. Do you agree with my assessment?

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:30 am

I figured I might get some "push back" on my last post about introducing Jamal to the boys. I’m a little surprised by some of the strong feelings, however. I appreciate the concern, but I don’t owe anyone a justification of my morals, or Sarah’s morals, and I don’t need to hear “What were you thinking?” I will give some of our reasons because I think there’s a lack of information about how to live a cuckold lifestyle with children. For those of you with actual experience with children in this LS, please, please weigh in. That would be very helpful. For those of you who have no experience, but strong moral feelings, please keep those comments to yourself.

First, Sarah and I don’t have all the answers and we will not always get everything right. As Jamal has started to be at the house more regularly with his morning visits, Sarah and I have a concern something will come out, inadvertently, like a nosy neighbor saying something. So, we figured it would be better to take the lead ourselves and slowly bring Jamal into the picture and try to “normalize” it. Nothing big, no big statement. Our goal was to have them view Jamal as a friend and more important, someone their father is comfortable with. We wanted them to see I am not threatened by Jamal spending time with their mother. For those who wondered, none of it was done for any “kink,” or because we thought it would be hot. Far from it.

Having him spend the night was a last-minute call. Our house is designed so the boys’ bedrooms are on one side and our room and the guest room are on the other side of the house. So, their rooms were not next to Sarah and Jamal, nor was there any risk they would hear anything. I slept in the guest room. Our boys do not have a habit of getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room, but Sarah locked the door, anyway.

Sarah and I got up before the boys (as we always do), so the sleeping arrangements were not an issue. We wanted to have them see that Jamal had spent the night, so they saw him in the morning. Again, we don’t plan on having him spend the night often when the boys are there, but we “broke the ice” and the boys didn’t seem to think anything was weird about that.

I don’t know where we go from here. The other night was a test. We have no intention of being open with the sexual aspect of the “friendship,” but we are open to having Jamal come around more often in front of them. And, this is not new for the boys. Aaron was often at our house and they saw him almost as an uncle figure. The difference was that Aaron had boys, too, and all four of the boys played together.

Does this mean that Sarah is getting more emotionally involved this time with her BF than in the past? Maybe. We figured this thing with Jamal would last a few weeks. It’s been three months and from what I can tell, it won’t end anytime soon. I have zero concern she will fall in love with him, but I do think she is enjoying the fact that she’s relating to him on an emotional level as well as a sexual level. That’s what is new this time. She is happy with things and I love seeing her happy. We are fully aware that any interaction Jamal has with our children has a risk factor, but we think it’s worth exploring a bit more right now. Very cautiously.


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:56 am

Not personal but first person witness of what I've seen. Maybe you'll find interesting.

A good college buddy of mine had me over to watch the playoffs. When I entered the TV room towards back of his house there was a guy there. Within a few moments my friends' wife introduced the guy to me as "my VERY good friend". Their children - girl/boy appx same age as your sons - addressed their mother's 'very good friend' as 'Uncle........'

So during most the game my buddy and I where enjoying football and beer while my friends' wife and her very good male friend hung out in the kitchen. During time outs and halftimes we'd go out the back to stand by the fire the children had started. From out there we could plainly see right into the big kitchen windows and observe my buddy's wife and her bf having a very serious discussion within close proximity to each other. The children would have definitely seen this. My friend seemed kind of energized and turned on by the whole thing and had no qualms that I or his children could plainly see wife/mom in such a nonsexual but clearly personal way with another man.

When I was leaving after the games the son asked his mother if 'Uncle ......' was going to stay the night. Her answer was a kind of embarrassed laughter. I said my good byes and left.

That was four/five years ago. I'm sure the children now know the full extent of their mothers' relationship with 'Uncle .....'. It had to gradually dawn upon them as they matured and as they are still a close knit family and I'm assuming they just accepted the reality as this is the dynamic mom and Dad have with 'Uncle ......'.

Also my buddy slept in the guest room full time - at that time and probably still does - and mom had/has the adjacent master bedroom.

Their children have long grown up accepting that mom has the big bed room at the end of the hall and Dad's room is the smaller one just before it.

They are still happily married and the children are as well adjusted as mid-late teens can be.

I may be visiting them sometime in next few months so I'll know more about their current 411 then.


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:59 am

Not personal but first person witness of what I've seen. Maybe you'll find interesting.

A good college buddy of mine had me over to watch the playoffs. When I entered the TV room towards back of his house there was a guy there. Within a few moments my friends' wife introduced the guy to me as "my VERY good friend". Their children - girl/boy appx same age as your sons - addressed their mother's 'very good friend' as 'Uncle........'

So during most the game my buddy and I where enjoying football and beer while my friends' wife and her very good male friend hung out in the kitchen. During time outs and halftimes we'd go out the back to stand by the fire the children had started. From out there we could plainly see right into the big kitchen windows and observe my buddy's wife and her bf having a very serious discussion within close proximity to each other. The children would have definitely seen this. My friend seemed kind of energized and turned on by the whole thing and had no qualms that I or his children could plainly see wife/mom in such a nonsexual but clearly personal way with another man.

When I was leaving after the games the son asked his mother if 'Uncle ......' was going to stay the night. Her answer was a kind of embarrassed laughter. I said my good byes and left.

That was four/five years ago. I'm sure the children now know the full extent of their mothers' relationship with 'Uncle .....'. It had to gradually dawn upon them as they matured and as they are still a close knit family and I'm assuming they just accepted the reality as this is the dynamic mom and Dad have with 'Uncle ......'.

Also my buddy slept in the guest room full time - at that time and probably still does - and mom had/has the adjacent master bedroom.

Their children have long grown up accepting that mom has the big bed room at the end of the hall and Dad's room is the smaller one just before it.

They are still happily married and the children are as well adjusted as mid-late teens can be.

I may be visiting them sometime in next few months so I'll know more about their current 411 then.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Thu Nov 08, 2018 7:26 am

I'm sure there are many other couples out there who have had to wrestle with such issues, especially after the Hotwife has taken a regular lover that develops into something steady as opposed to going to clubs or just playing occasionally. Ultimately, family will at some point be introduced to the man, so I would assume it would be much easier to incorporate him into the family as a "close friend" or even "uncle' status to children involved.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Ben_Bradman » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:11 pm

Subguy80, thanks for the clarifications. I understand better now. Your strategy for normalizing is sound. I have seen that work well in my friend's case. Regarding Sarah's emotional connection with Jamal my concern is not that she will fall in love with him (and out of love with you). I believe we can love mutiple people. I believe love multiplies (and doesn't get divided). So concern is more that when this relationship with Jamal ends then there will be pain. That's all. On the other hand, the pain is recoverable from (and might be totally worth it if there is happiness now) and if we fear such risks then we can't enjoy life because such risks exist in so many areas. All three of you are having a wonderful time now. I hope it continues to remain as incredibly sexciting as it has been so far forever for Sarah and you and hopefully even more so going forwards.


Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:19 pm

I think that subguy has made a good call here.

There comes a point when you don't want the relationship to be a dirty secret. Sarah likes Jamal - with subguy's blessing - and I doubt Jamal poses much threat to their marriage. He loves his relationship with Sarah but we know he wants his own girl eventually. That of course may be painful for Sarah but she knows how to deal with it and what if anything she needs to tell the children.

Already subguy's boys think of Jamal as 'Mom's friend', which tells them something. So they may guess that Mom likes Jamal.

Of course they wouldn't want to see Mom having sex with Jamal or even think about it. No child wants to think or know about their parent having sex. But if they saw their Mom kissing Jamal, I doubt it would faze them as much as may be feared, and they can be reassured by their father.

The fact that Jamal stayed overnight and the kids saw him in the morning is positive. It just shows he is a good enough friend to stay.

In addition, I assume the boys find it cool to have a young male adult gymbuddy around them.

Obviously subguy has to be alert to remarks from neighbours and so on, and still should be very discreet and take care. But it should be manageable and this way allows for a more normal, stable situation.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by mickle » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:07 pm

subguy80 wrote: Does this mean that Sarah is getting more emotionally involved this time with her BF than in the past? Maybe. We figured this thing with Jamal would last a few weeks. It’s been three months and from what I can tell, it won’t end anytime soon. I have zero concern she will fall in love with him, but I do think she is enjoying the fact that she’s relating to him on an emotional level as well as a sexual level. That’s what is new this time. She is happy with things and I love seeing her happy. We are fully aware that any interaction Jamal has with our children has a risk factor, but we think it’s worth exploring a bit more right now. Very cautiously.
I agree with the posts following subguy80 post, they have made a jugement call on Sarah's relationship with Jamal, which from experience" is correct, her children will accept "Uncle Jamal" without any sexual connotations whatsoever, he is a friend, Woman and Males kiss all close friends which ever sex they are, in Mainland Europe closeness and open signs of closeness are normal here.
If Jamal and Sarah have a closer emotional bond with each other so be it, it is open and not hidden, relationships are not only about sex.

Suchen Zucker

Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:38 pm

I apologize for my hardass reaction. I shouldn't respond so soon after reading some things and take more time to digest the info before responding. The extra info you later posted helped.

As a man in his 60's who struggles with depression brought on by childhood memories of things that occurred between my parents and witnessed by my brother and me, your post triggered my ill worded warning.

My mother passed away a few years ago with cancer. During the long process of her death, my childhood trauma began to bubble to the surface for the first time. It has seriously negatively affected my entire life as well as those I love.

It's about the choices we all struggle with. My parents made poor choices that I paid the price for socially when I was a teen and damn it now I have childhood nightmares fucking with my head.

This has nothing to do with morality.

Thanks for posting. I really do enjoy your thread.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 1:50 am

Guhunkadorn wrote:I may be visiting them sometime in next few months so I'll know more about their current 411 then.
Thank you for taking the time to post this experience you had. I find it fascinating and encouraging. If you do visit them, please do give us an update. I seriously would like to know how things are going with them. What you didn't talk about is how your buddy handled this "information" with you. It sounds like he wasn't embarrassed, but maybe didn't feel compelled to talk about it much with you? I'm wondering if he will open up if you see him again? Thanks for posting.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:09 am

Thanks to everyone who has "weighed in." Your comments are more helpful to me than you know. We intend to go very, very slowly and cautiously with how we bring Jamal into the boys' lives. We all watched the Michigan/Penn State football game together at our house last weekend, for example, and it went very well. The boys seemed to think he is a lot of fun and he jokes with them a lot. I strongly agree with the comments that children have NO interest in their parent's sex lives. Zero. They will slowly see for themselves that Dad is fine that Mom has this cool and funny friend called Jamal. Maybe they'll see him spend more and more time with Mom and maybe they won't. It depends on how things play out. I'll post updates as key things happen with the boys and Jamal, but for the most part I'm not going to say a lot more about this issue. I've explained our reasoning and it's also more fun to post the sexy details of Jamal and Sarah, anyway, right?

My folks are picking the boys up this afternoon and will have them until Sunday. Jamal is planning to spend the night here and some of the weekend. I did buy Sarah some cuckold DVDs and it will be interesting to see how he reacts to them.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Ben_Bradman » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:55 am

Subguy80, you are absolutely right again - sexy details are more fun! Of course from time to time when you touch upon other complex matters it is hugely beneficial for us and I am sure countless others in the community would agree. Jamal seems to be a great guy (sexually without a question, but even otherwise by the sounds of it). Very interested in how Sarah's sexual (and emotional / non-sexual) relationship evolves further. The evolution so far has been astounding (in swiftness and magnitude both). The word intense doesn't even scratch the surface. Need a far more intense word than intense.

For now we must shift towards sexy details as you suggest. Timing is perfect too - Jamal is coming over tonight. I would be eagerly waiting for your posts about what happens from Fri to Sun.

Couple of ideas for nudging Jamal in the right direction for your consideration (although I have a feeling that these won't be appropriate in your setting, nevertheless doesn't hurt to bring them up - worst case you throw them in the bin):

1. If Jamal uses Tumblr then see if you can find appropriate cuckold blogs (either diary kind or the ones that take nice pictures and put sexy or thought provoking quotations on them). Then you will need to figure out how to get him to subscribe to those. Sarah can solve that problem maybe.

2. Ask him for permission - just a one off - to use Sarah's pussy (either with your mouth or better still your dick). Just one exception because you desperately need it since it has been 2-2.5 months. If he declined then ... well he is already becoming your bull (the 'classic' kind!). If he agrees then get Sarah to 'coach' him about how he CAN deny such requests. Or he can demand things in return or set conditons. Whatever. It would give Sarah a good opening for imparting some training and giving him power!

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by RGB49FL » Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:21 am

My wife's occasional black lover for 14 years was on the same rugby team as I was. My two young children knew him and never thought anything about it if he was around. We were careful, and the when they went to bed, they never ever woke up during the night. And they would never be able to enter our bedroom anyway.

After we moved 200 miles away, I invited him to our house for my wife's birthday. He stayed in the guest room, and the kids thought nothing of it. They are grown now, doing fantastic, healthy, well adjusted, happily married parents.

If it did anything to them emotionally, we certainly don't see it.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:31 pm

So, it’s interesting to see how things are evolving with Jamal and Sarah and me. A big first happened this past weekend. I ate his creampie. Saturday morning I was in the kitchen making coffee while the two of them were still in bed. I heard the bedroom door open and Jamal came into the kitchen, naked and with an erection. He said, “Why don’t you take your clothes off and join us?” “Ahh, sure,” I sort of stuttered out, as I pulled off my boxers and followed him like a puppy to the bedroom. Sarah was laying on her back, naked, smiling and waving me over to join her.

As Jamal positioned himself between her legs, I moved behind her so her head was cradled in my lap and arms. I stroked her, kissed her and played with her nipples and breasts while he fucked her. I have done this “supporting husband” role before with Aaron and I loved it. It’s such a cuckold thing for the husband to tenderly encourage and support his wife while she loses herself in her lover.

I was hoping it would never end. I was wearing the Jailbird but my dick was pushing hard against the metal cage. After a while, he exploded inside her and the two of them held each other, silently, for a long time. When he finally pulled out, I waited to see if I’d get a gravity creampie. Instead, he motioned me to her pussy and said, “I’d like you to clean this up.”

For a moment I wondered if I had heard him correctly, or not. I didn’t want him to change his mind, so I quickly positioned myself between her legs, mouth at her pussy. I haven’t had my tongue in Sarah’s pussy in over two months and I told myself to take my time. The boy shoots a lot of cum. A lot. I thought it would never stop coming out of her. I licked up each white glob as it slowly flowed out of her. While I was down there, I explored every lap, fold and crevice of her sweet pussy. Her pussy felt warm and I knew she was probably tender, so I was especially gentle and “light tongued.” I knew he was watching, but he didn’t make a word.

When I had done my best, I rolled over onto my back. She kissed me, got up and grabbed Jamal’s hand and took him to the shower. I didn’t follow, of course. I wasn’t invited. I got just gotten more involved with them than ever before and it felt like a big step had been taken. Nothing more was said about it all weekend. The boys came home today and I haven’t had any “alone time” yet to ask Sarah if he made any comments about it. Did watching me eat his semen give him any pleasure? What was his reaction? Was it a "one off" or will I be allowed to give her oral now? I’ll find out eventually, but it was soooo nice.

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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by RGB49FL » Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:58 pm

That's so hot. I hope this is the beginning of more involvement with you as they have sex. Are you prepared to clean him as well as Sarah? Might be the next step for the 3 of you. As always, thanks so much for sharing.

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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:20 am

Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by Ben_Bradman » Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:42 pm

Excellent update and a significant evolution. I hope it is not a one-off but more a beginning of something bigger! I would imagine that you eating his load out of her must have given him a massive ego boost. Please share more about the weekend as you discuss it with Sarah and remember other interesting titbits.

Please can you confirm Jamal's age? I am getting mixed between 25-26 and 21.

It'd be great if you can describe Jamal's physical characteristics a bit more. Just curious about how tall, big, imposing and alpha (in demeanor, he comes across as) because you often used the word alpha male while talking about your friend Eric but while referring to Jamal you used words like cute-kid and boy!

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Big new development in our cuckold arrangement

Unread post by subguy80 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:08 am

Ben_Bradman wrote:Please can you confirm Jamal's age? I am getting mixed between 25-26 and 21. It'd be great if you can describe Jamal's physical characteristics a bit more. Just curious about how tall, big, imposing and alpha (in demeanor, he comes across as) because you often used the word alpha male while talking about your friend Eric but while referring to Jamal you used words like cute-kid and boy!
He's 25. Sarah and I both thought he was younger when we first met him, so I might have referred to him as being 21 at some point. He looks younger, but he graduated from college and has been working for a couple of years as a pharmacist.

I’ve sometimes referred to him as a kid when I posted (and sometimes to Sarah) because he's so much younger than me. There's a lot of difference in attitude and life experience between 25 and 38.

Obviously, a 25-year-old is a man and not a kid. Still, the idea of calling him "sir," for example, seems awkward to me. I think it's been difficult at times for both of us to play the alpha and beta roles with each other, with the age difference. I’m feeling that is beginning to change, however.

He's about my height, 6' 1", but a bigger frame. I'm bad at guessing weight, but he must be between 190-200, so bigger than me. His gym work has paid off. He's a handsome guy. He keeps his hair buzzed very short and Sarah loves his big, brown "doe eyes."

To me, his demeanor isn't overtly alpha. In fact, he's even a bit geeky. He's quiet and polite and intelligent. But, in bed, he's a different person. From what I have observed (which, admittedly, isn’t that much), he’s a mix of very passionate and very dominating. He is very much the alpha lover with Sarah. She says she loves his athleticism and stamina.

I suspect he's had good luck with women his whole life and he's very confident of his sexual appeal and his "skills." I also think that guys with big cocks have a certain confidence and swagger that comes from their successes with women. He is very confident of his sex appeal and “effect” on women.

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