It's happened!

A niche for stories; fiction or non.
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:02 pm


Feels a shame to lose this voice. Excitedcucold painted a best picture of his corner of the cuck/femdom world I've read. As with most accounts, he didn't go into much detail describing their life outside the bedroom, but given the length of their relationship and the sexual extremes it's endured, I always had the sense they must have had a lot going on together otherwise.

There aren't many convincing accounts of wives who get off on cucking their partners to this extent, or of cucks who embrace the role so completely. They might be surprised how relaxed many young people living in big cities here and abroad are about "alternative" living arrangements. They might find that living as a threesome with Brian would be met mostly with shrugs.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:57 am

excitedcuckold, just to let you know that I'm still checking in once in a while just in case you continue from where you left off!
Is it that your taste for the lifestyle, or a taste for writing about it has gone off the boil, or neither? We all get bogged down with every-day life, so that is understandable, before we know it, time has rushed by. Anyway, here's hoping you find again the desire to continue with your excellent story.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:08 pm

So, I decided to pop in. I know it's been a while. Thanks to everyone who's shown interest.

Jen and I are doing fine. The monogamous vanilla sex didn't last (I know that's probably no surprise to most of you). Jen jumped right back into having sex with Ben soon after the semester started and even floated the idea of replacing me sexually with him. That was a dead end though. Jen didn't really want that and neither did I.

It turned out that the stuff about Jen breaking up with Jason because he was trying to push me out of Jen's life was a bunch of B.S. Jen didn't really break up with Jason for those reasons, although that was her story for a while before finally admitting to me that she actually thought Jason's rules were a good idea. Following them made the experience more real for Jen and even made the sex with Jason better. Plus, Jen thought it was more fair to Jason that way. She wouldn't have wanted Jason fooling around naked with another woman, so why should she mess around with me like that? So basically they weren't even really just Jason's rules. They were Jen's rules too. Jen confessed that she never believed that Jason was trying to get rid of me. She said that he never once suggested she break up with me or anything like that.

It's not even that Jen lied to me. She was just mostly letting me believe what I wanted to believe. That Jason was the bad guy. But, in reality, Jason was just new to being in a relationship with a married woman with a cuckold husband. He didn't even know how he was supposed to act toward me. In hindsight, he hadn't even been mean to me. He was polite the whole time, but I still felt threatened.

The main reason Jen had broken up with Jason was because she was afraid of coming out to close friends and family. Jason and Jen started talking again in late February of last year and sorted all that out. They agreed on keeping things somewhat on the down low. So they got back together and I was cut off again. Jason was over again almost every night, like before.

Eventually Jason did move in for real. The three of us even signed a cuckold contract. I'd read about cuckold contracts online and thought they were hot as fuck! It was crazy when I actually signed one myself! I like to read it over every single day.

Anyhow, it'll soon be a whole year since I've had any sexual contact with Jen. I'm not allowed to touch her tits or ass or pussy. But, I do get to see her naked so long as Jason is around. I even sometimes get to watch Jen and Jason have sex. There's nothing that I enjoy more. He fucks her better than I ever could.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:31 am

Hi Michael

Thanks for the update. That's quite a turnaround! Does this mean that you have spent the last year back in the study? Would you share the cuckold contract with us? It sounds as if that has helped you focus and cope with the development. Where do you and Jen see this going in the future?

Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:44 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by katt » Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:53 am

Excellent to see an update. I hope you will find time to fill in more of the details from over your last year. Hope I am not asking to much to see regular posts again of your ongoing life.

Posts: 132
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:24 am

Welcome back! It’s great to hear that everything is going well and that you and Jen have found a balance that works for you. I think like the rest of your followers, that something bad happened. Glad to hear otherwise. From reading your update, soon you will celebrate the anniversary of not having sex with your wife. I would love to hear about how you are doing with that. Also. Since you signed the cuckold contract, have Jason and Jen acted differently together and towards you. What has your sex life been like. Are you in chastity. Do you have any contact with Jason?

Really glad you are back. Looking forward to seeing more updates.

Posts: 276
Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:08 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by MaxCargo » Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:11 pm

I'm glad this is all fake (if not why it's in the libary section). But if this is for real this whole thing sounds rather sad for me. If I remember correctly, you said after Jen has finished college, you plan to return to be a "normal" married couple and have sex with her regularly. Or am I completely wrong here? Do you and Jen not also plan to start a family? And I mean you being the biological father of your children, and only paying for the kids of something other guy.

Look, I don't doubt that your wife loves you in her way, but after following your thread for quite a while now and hearing about the developments, it’s obvious your wife hasn't much of a sexual desire for you. Otherwise I can't understand why your wife don't want to have sex with you. And it's somehow sad to see that you're ok with that.
I would like to ask, if the love your wife is having for you, is really that kind of passionate, sexual and all-consuming love a wife normally has for her beloved husband?? Or is the love your wife is offering to you first and foremost the kind of love you have for your best friend and confident? Is this really enough for you? That would be kind sad. Excuse me if I nerving you and sound too negative.
Well, I don’t really aspect an answer to my questions, you never did in the past. However good luck

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:21 pm

viking53 wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:31 am
Hi Michael

Thanks for the update. That's quite a turnaround! Does this mean that you have spent the last year back in the study? Would you share the cuckold contract with us? It sounds as if that has helped you focus and cope with the development. Where do you and Jen see this going in the future?
Yeah. I've been sleeping in the study. The bedroom belongs to Jason and Jen.

I don't mind sharing the contract. I'll post it at the end of this comment.

As far as the future, I'm pretty sure at this point that it's going to stay this way for the rest of the time Jen is in college. Jason and Jen haven't shown any signs of wanting to mess with the status quo.
katt wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:53 am
Excellent to see an update. I hope you will find time to fill in more of the details from over your last year. Hope I am not asking to much to see regular posts again of your ongoing life.
Thanks. You're not asking too much. I just needed to get away from the board for a while.
poppag wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:24 am
Welcome back! It’s great to hear that everything is going well and that you and Jen have found a balance that works for you. I think like the rest of your followers, that something bad happened. Glad to hear otherwise. From reading your update, soon you will celebrate the anniversary of not having sex with your wife. I would love to hear about how you are doing with that. Also. Since you signed the cuckold contract, have Jason and Jen acted differently together and towards you. What has your sex life been like. Are you in chastity. Do you have any contact with Jason?

Really glad you are back. Looking forward to seeing more updates.

As stupid as this may sound, I'm looking forward to our no-sex anniversary. It actually feels like a really huge accomplishment to me. The idea that it'll be a whole year since my own wife stopped having sex with me is so fucking crazy! Part of me can't believe that I've made it this far. Of course there's that other part of me that misses sex with Jen and feels bad that it was so easy for her to give up sex with me. But, the part of me that thinks all of this is hot is the part that's been winning out. All of the effort is pretty much in me dealing with my mixed feelings. As far as Jason and Jen are concerned, I think it's been pretty effortless for them.

By the time we signed the contract, we were already pretty much living up to its conditions but without having anything in writing. I think the contract has freed up Jason and Jen to be more of a couple and be more easygoing. The contract puts Jason's status as Jen's exclusive sexual and romantic partner in writing, and I think that makes him feel more assured in that role. The contract also puts my status as a platonic friend and roommate in writing. Which I think is also assuring to Jason. But, it also keeps me from questioning what my place in all of this is and helps to keep me in line. As far as Jen, the contract pretty much gets rid of any marital sexual obligations toward me. Which makes Jen seem way more carefree.

My own sex life is just me masturbating in private. I'm not allowed to expose myself to Jen or to touch my penis to her body, even through clothes. Since I have to keep my penis to myself, there's no possibility of Jen putting the chastity cage on me. And I don't feel like putting it on and taking it off myself. So it's just sitting in a drawer.

I've had no sexual contact with Jason. I would suck his dick in a heartbeat though. But, I think the contract prohibits it since it says that Jason and Jen are "an exclusive romantic and sexual couple." Not that it matters. Jason doesn't have any interest in any gay stuff. He told me so early on. So, instead I just worship his cock from a distance whenever I get to watch him and Jen make love. I know this might gross some of you out to read (sorry about that), but Jason does have the most amazing cock I've ever seen! It's not even just the size. Yeah, it's bigger than mine. But, it's also the shape, the smoothness, the contour. It just looks so fucking perfect! It adds this whole other element of superiority that Jason has over me! Whenever I think about sex with Jen while masturbating, I only ever think about Jason's cock inside of her. I've gotten to the point where I can't even imagine my own penis inside of Jen. Which is pretty fucked up, I know. But, that's how it is.

Anyhow, here's our cuckold contract:

Cuckold Contract and Roommate Agreement:

This signed contract is between the following parties:
1. Jen.
2. Jason.
3. Michael.

By signing this contract, all parties agree upon the following:

Although Michael and Jen are married, Jason and Jen are an exclusive romantic and sexual couple.

Jen is not interested in Michael sexually.

Jen's romantic interest in Michael is platonic in nature.

Jason and Jen shall live together in the apartment as a couple. The apartment bedroom shall be Jason and Jen's bedroom. Michael shall sleep exclusively in the study, even on nights when Jason is not home.

For the sake of convenience, the parties have agreed to limit disclosing specific details of this living situation to various individuals. In such cases, it is typically told to individuals that Jason is a friend/roommate who sleeps in the study and that Michael and Jen sleep together in the bedroom as a married couple. Such falsehoods shall not actually exist between the parties in private. In private, Michael shall not behave in a manner that implies that he and Jen are a couple; he shall always act in accordance with his status as a platonic friend and roommate and shall always treat Jason and Jen as the couple.

All parties shall treat each other with respect. Michael shall be viewed and treated as an equal member of the household, but shall not have an equal say in matters directly pertaining to Jason and Jen's sexual and romantic relationship. Michael's input in such matters shall be limited to what Jason and Jen consider reasonable.

Michael is not permitted to engage in any sexual contact with Jen under any circumstances. This includes intercourse, oral sex, or sexual touching. Michael is not permitted to touch Jen's breasts, ass, or pelvic area, even through clothing.

Jen has no interest in touching Michael sexually. Michael agrees to avoid any situation that would result in his penis coming into contact with any part of Jen's body, even through clothing. Examples include rubbing against Jen, full body hugs, lap sitting, etc.

Jen has no interest in seeing Michael's penis. Michael shall keep his penis hidden from Jen at all times. At minimum, Michael shall always wear a pair of underwear when in Jen's presence. In the event that Michael has an erection in Jen's presence that isn't suitably contained by his underwear, Michael shall further cover himself with a minimum of shorts over the underwear.

When Jason is not home, Michael is not permitted to see Jen naked. Bra and panties are acceptable, as are bath robes.

When in Jason's presence, Michael shall limit his physical affection toward Jen. An occasional, brief, friendly kiss/peck on the cheek (given or received) is acceptable. Outside of Jason's presence, lip to lip kisses/pecks between Michael and Jen are acceptable, but should still be kept friendly/platonic (i.e. no tongue, no making out).

Sexual relations between Jason and Jen are a private matter. Michael shall respect their privacy. Michael is not entitled to view any sexual relations that occur in the bedroom while the bedroom door is closed. Michael is permitted to view sexual relations that take place while the bedroom door is open. Such permission does not grant Michael the right to enter the bedroom or to stand in its doorway unless invited by Jason and Jen to do so. If Jason and Jen elect to engage in sexual relations in common areas while Michael is home, Michael is permitted to view those sexual relations as well. Michael shall not be asked to leave common areas. Permission to view does not mean permission to touch or to participate.

Household chores shall primarily be Michael’s responsibility. Jason and Jen shall list chores for Michael to do on the dry erase board. Michael is expected to complete all listed chores in a timely fashion and only erase each chore from the dry erase board once actually completed. Michael may ask for help with chores when absolutely necessary.

Michael shall also be required to serve Jason and Jen on a somewhat frequent basis. Examples include preparing meals, serving breakfast in bed, acting as a chauffeur, etc.

This contract shall remain in effect until whichever of the following comes first: 1. Jason and Jen decide to end their sexual and romantic relationship. 2. Jen finishes college.

Alleged violations of this contract shall be brought to the attention of the violator in a non-accusatory manner. If a violation is confirmed, the violator shall apologize and make the necessary corrections. It is understood that most of the conditions in this contract apply primarily to Michael's behavior. Therefore, Michael is the most likely of the parties to violate this contract. As such, Jason and Jen shall try not to be too hard on Michael for minor violations. However, additional punishment for certain violations may sometimes be in order (i.e. Jason and Jen keep the bedroom door closed more often as a form of punishment). Certain violations shall be considered especially egregious and worthy of prolonged punishment. In particular, asking for or attempting to engage in sexual contact with Jen. To prevent the possibility of such a violation occurring, Jen shall frequently remind Michael that she is not sexually attracted to him and that Jason has completely taken his place as Jen's sexual and romantic partner. Furthermore, Michael should expect to be quizzed frequently about his status in comparison to Jason's and also about the terms of this contract. Therefore, Michael should regularly re-read the contract to keep its contents fresh in his mind at all times.


Jen, Jason, Michael

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:29 pm

MaxCargo wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:11 pm
I'm glad this is all fake (if not why it's in the libary section). But if this is for real this whole thing sounds rather sad for me. If I remember correctly, you said after Jen has finished college, you plan to return to be a "normal" married couple and have sex with her regularly. Or am I completely wrong here? Do you and Jen not also plan to start a family? And I mean you being the biological father of your children, and only paying for the kids of something other guy.

Look, I don't doubt that your wife loves you in her way, but after following your thread for quite a while now and hearing about the developments, it’s obvious your wife hasn't much of a sexual desire for you. Otherwise I can't understand why your wife don't want to have sex with you. And it's somehow sad to see that you're ok with that.
I would like to ask, if the love your wife is having for you, is really that kind of passionate, sexual and all-consuming love a wife normally has for her beloved husband?? Or is the love your wife is offering to you first and foremost the kind of love you have for your best friend and confident? Is this really enough for you? That would be kind sad. Excuse me if I nerving you and sound too negative.
Well, I don’t really aspect an answer to my questions, you never did in the past. However good luck
This is another reason why I'd stopped posting on here for a while. There'd be guys coming on here to give me a hard time for posting cuckold stuff on a hotwife/cuckold website. There are even guys, like this guy, who violate the forum's rules by saying what I post is "fake." Why would I want to respond when a comment starts off like that?

2 Bit Whore
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by veub » Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:03 pm

What do you. expect, or hope to happen when she finishes college?


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by kaskap79 » Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:46 pm

MaxCargo wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:11 pm
I'm glad this is all fake (if not why it's in the libary section).
As the sub-headline for Library says "A niche for stories; fiction or non. "

You are violating this sites rules by questioning wether the story is fiction or non fiction.

Please respect the rules of this site so we can all have a good time in here and authers are not afraid of posting.
Last edited by kaskap79 on Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:45 am

Thanks for explaining more about your present situation and sharing the cuckold contract. The contract really makes everything clear and it's a huge leap compared with everything you two have done before. With Brian, you were very much involved and even with Kyle and Brent, you still had a very active and close contact with Jen. Even if you were denied penetrative sex in both cases, there was still a very open sexual relationship between you and Jen with a lot of intimate and naked contact. Now, it sound's as if this has moved into an FLR with no sexual interaction between the two of you. You have even taken over the household chores as well as being the breadwinner in the household. Is this what you wanted or was it Jen's initiative, or something that developed between the two of you?

Jen has just over a year more at college and then everything is supposed to end according to the contract. However, I remember the agreement when you started up with Brian. First it was just going to be a short time and then just until the wedding. However, once you got to the wedding there was no way any of you wanted to stop (although Brian was prepared to honour the original agreement). This is much more intensive and will have gone on for over two years by the time Jen finishes at college. Do you really think any of you will be prepared to stop then? If everything goes as you want, how will it be in the middle of next year?

Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:18 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by osmankartopu » Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:34 am

excitedcuckold wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:29 pm
This is another reason why I'd stopped posting on here for a while. There'd be guys coming on here to give me a hard time for posting cuckold stuff on a hotwife/cuckold website. There are even guys, like this guy, who violate the forum's rules by saying what I post is "fake." Why would I want to respond when a comment starts off like that?

Ignore them. Most of us support you. Those guys are minority. You always see haters even in your real life. Don’t give up. We believe your story is true, they don’t. We don’t care their opinions. We enjoy in your topic.
You can share your fantasies during to your masturbation period. You said “I only ever think about Jason's cock inside of her.” You can share haw to imagine them. It’s not their business. You can share, what you want. This is your topic.

Posts: 658
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:50 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Rogueuser1 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:24 am

Ignore the noise ---- there are jerks everywhere. Thanks for the update and I am glad you guys are going well.

You really think this will all end with the contract ending when she graduates? Do you ever see yourself pushing for sex with your wife again?
My Tumblr:

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by subtoall » Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:46 pm

Thank you for returning to the forum. I love following your life saga, and you are an excellent communicator when you choose to submit updates to this thread. I hope you will continue to post about what is happening, and what you think and feel about it. Best wishes to you and the happy couple!

Posts: 40
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:14 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by impo64 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:31 pm

Sorry to say, but to sign this kind of contract is exactly the same to sign divorce papers and become just a roomate of the other two, in his own house! Why? "All parties shall treat each other with respect. Michael shall be viewed and treated as an equal member of the household, but shall not have an equal say in matters directly pertaining to Jason and Jen's sexual and romantic relationship"...So he will be just a roomate, having only saying about the house. If he divorced and stayed living there the agreement would have been exactly the same...Any wife signing this kind of contract means she really wants her freedmom...As soon as she finishes college she'll want her freedom letting her husband go easily...All this turns this story into an utopia, destroying all the previous postings...It's a pity...


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:22 pm

Amazing updates last ones!

Good to know from you and good to know you are happy!

I would have loved some light teasing and touching from Jen to you, so you two still could share those moments.....


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:20 pm

When Jen first started with Jason, before the break-up, restart and cuckold contract, she had stopped wearing her wedding ring. After the break-up, she started wearing it again. How is it now after the restart and the cuckold contract? Does she still wear her wedding ring or has she taken it off again? Is she wearing Jason's ring instead?

Posts: 78
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:10 am

First I'm glad you came back to update the forum. I hope that you are getting what you want out of this. Because time is not on your side. They grow closer as you & Jen will grow apart as husband & wife.

If you had been married for 10+ you may be able to survive a sexless marriage; you're at approximately 2y?

Right now Jen is a college girl riding the cock carousel. At least when there were many short term lovers, she wasn't attaching to any one of them long term. Brian could have easily took her from you at his chosing. Brian has integrity, this is the reason that didn't happen.

Jason doesn't know, has no friendship history with you. Right now he maybe being nice to you, after all he gets to have an exclusive relationship with YOUR wife with no strings attached.

But as I said time isn't on your side. What if this continues and he finishes school, he gets a good job? Now he's making money, he's independent, and wants a life (a wife) of his own. Who do you think he's going to be looking at for the position? Maybe the girl he's been fucking for the last 2-3yrs?

How will Jen feel about her roommate husband after 2-3 yrs? Have you given thought to what happens between you two with no intimate contact over that length of time?

Yes you may be ok with that, but do you really think she will. Think back, she promised that Brian was going to be temporary, then she said she want it to be permanent. I recall your WTF speech, do you?

Enjoy the ride for now, just remember two other people are on the same journey, two people with maybe not similar plans.

Do you & Jen have one on one discussions about what your future holds, away from the game? You left out or l missed it, does your contract have termination date/clause? Otherwise, I won't be shocked when February 2020 comes around, and you're talking about your divorce and J & J pending engagement.

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Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:05 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:15 am

My bad, I did find the termination clause....Jen finishes college. Undergrad, masters, doctorate? That part isn't clear. For Michael, Jen could carry college out for a minimum 5 plus years, are you ok watching as a husband roommate and still having no sex with her?

This is 5 to 6 of your sexual prime years you will never get back. Hell that's a lot of sex practice you will have missed out on.

I recommend you might want to get a fleshlight, seriously. Man that's a lot of potential missed pussy time.

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:59 pm

Before I reply to some of the questions, I just want to mention something that happened almost immediately after my last post. Jen and Jason came back home from their Valentine's date. Jen asked me with a smile, "Want to see a couple make love on Valentine's Day?"

Of course I wanted to watch! Even better, I didn't have to watch at a distance from outside of the bedroom (like I normally do when Jason and Jen are feeling generous enough to leave the bedroom door open). I was invited to sit in the corner of the bedroom and watch the two of them make love!

As usual, I kept silent while they made love. That's how they prefer it. They like to do their own thing without having to focus on me being there. And that's fine. That somehow makes it more special for me. Like I'm not just watching them grudgingly put on a show for me, but am seeing them really enjoy themselves as they focus on each other.

It's treats like this that make my situation bearable. Which isn't to say that my situation is a bad one. It's not bad. It's just that it's not always easy for me, even though it's way hot. But, seeing Jason and Jen make love up close is so satisfying! In moments like that, it feels like I have nothing at all to feel bad about.
veub wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:03 pm
What do you. expect, or hope to happen when she finishes college?
I expect that the contract will be expired and I'll get to have sex with Jen again.
kaskap79 wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:46 pm
MaxCargo wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:11 pm
I'm glad this is all fake (if not why it's in the libary section).
As the sub-headline for Library says "A niche for stories; fiction or non. "

You are violating this sites rules by questioning wether the story is fiction or non fiction.

Please respect the rules of this site so we can all have a good time in here and authers are not afraid of posting.
Thanks for the support!
viking53 wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:45 am
Thanks for explaining more about your present situation and sharing the cuckold contract. The contract really makes everything clear and it's a huge leap compared with everything you two have done before. With Brian, you were very much involved and even with Kyle and Brent, you still had a very active and close contact with Jen. Even if you were denied penetrative sex in both cases, there was still a very open sexual relationship between you and Jen with a lot of intimate and naked contact. Now, it sound's as if this has moved into an FLR with no sexual interaction between the two of you. You have even taken over the household chores as well as being the breadwinner in the household. Is this what you wanted or was it Jen's initiative, or something that developed between the two of you?

Jen has just over a year more at college and then everything is supposed to end according to the contract. However, I remember the agreement when you started up with Brian. First it was just going to be a short time and then just until the wedding. However, once you got to the wedding there was no way any of you wanted to stop (although Brian was prepared to honour the original agreement). This is much more intensive and will have gone on for over two years by the time Jen finishes at college. Do you really think any of you will be prepared to stop then? If everything goes as you want, how will it be in the middle of next year?
You're right about the sexual interaction. But, it's not as clear cut as that. I sometimes get to watch Jen and Jason make love. But, there's other little things too. For example, I still give Jen manicures and pedicures when we're alone. She's just wearing a bra and panties or bathrobe when that happens. The feeling of being on my knees in front of Jen, painting her toenails while she's in nothing but a bra and panties or a bathrobe is fucking amazing! Especially when it's just a bathrobe, because she doesn't try that hard to cover herself. I'll see flashes of her tits and pussy. I know she knows that I see, but I don't dare say anything because I don't want to ruin the moment. So I just continue painting her nails, as my erection rages inside my shorts! I love those moments!

As far as the household chores, I very much wanted that part in the contract. The chores are a way for me to help out and to be subservient to Jason and Jen, and to free up more of their time to be all over each other.

Jen still has to finish up this semester. Then it's another year before she completes her undergrad. There's a chance that it could be an extra semester on top of that (there seem to be a lot of "super seniors" at her school).

As far as stopping, like I said earlier, I expect that Jen and I will go back to having sex once the contract is up. But, I'm pretty much past the point of thinking that Jen will be ready for a sudden shift from a total cuckold marriage to a total vanilla marriage. I don't think she can just flip it like a switch.
osmankartopu wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:34 am
excitedcuckold wrote:
Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:29 pm
This is another reason why I'd stopped posting on here for a while. There'd be guys coming on here to give me a hard time for posting cuckold stuff on a hotwife/cuckold website. There are even guys, like this guy, who violate the forum's rules by saying what I post is "fake." Why would I want to respond when a comment starts off like that?

Ignore them. Most of us support you. Those guys are minority. You always see haters even in your real life. Don’t give up. We believe your story is true, they don’t. We don’t care their opinions. We enjoy in your topic.
You can share your fantasies during to your masturbation period. You said “I only ever think about Jason's cock inside of her.” You can share haw to imagine them. It’s not their business. You can share, what you want. This is your topic.
Thanks man!
Rogueuser1 wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:24 am
Ignore the noise ---- there are jerks everywhere. Thanks for the update and I am glad you guys are going well.

You really think this will all end with the contract ending when she graduates? Do you ever see yourself pushing for sex with your wife again?
Thanks! And yes, I definitely expect to going back to having sex once the contract is up.
subtoall wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 1:46 pm
Thank you for returning to the forum. I love following your life saga, and you are an excellent communicator when you choose to submit updates to this thread. I hope you will continue to post about what is happening, and what you think and feel about it. Best wishes to you and the happy couple!
Thank you!
OOAA wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:22 pm
Amazing updates last ones!

Good to know from you and good to know you are happy!

I would have loved some light teasing and touching from Jen to you, so you two still could share those moments.....
Me too. But, I still feel like I'm being teased. :D
viking53 wrote:
Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:20 pm
When Jen first started with Jason, before the break-up, restart and cuckold contract, she had stopped wearing her wedding ring. After the break-up, she started wearing it again. How is it now after the restart and the cuckold contract? Does she still wear her wedding ring or has she taken it off again? Is she wearing Jason's ring instead?
She usually doesn't wear her wedding ring anymore. Sometimes she does though. But, I'd say 95% of the time no ring. I don't even mention it. She remembers to put it on when we're visiting with family.
Bubbagmp wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:15 am
My bad, I did find the termination clause....Jen finishes college. Undergrad, masters, doctorate? That part isn't clear. For Michael, Jen could carry college out for a minimum 5 plus years, are you ok watching as a husband roommate and still having no sex with her?

This is 5 to 6 of your sexual prime years you will never get back. Hell that's a lot of sex practice you will have missed out on.

I recommend you might want to get a fleshlight, seriously. Man that's a lot of potential missed pussy time.
Ha! :lol: I'm not saying it couldn't happen that way. I suppose the contract reads the way it reads. But, I don't really see Jen staying in college non-stop all the way through a PhD. Not to mention Jason has life plans too.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by veub » Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:21 pm

Who pays the bills?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:36 pm

Good to hear from you. FWIW, I think it's great that the three of you have found each other.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:07 pm

Thanks for your answers to the various questions. I misunderstood the contract. I think it is my European perspective. I always thought "college" was just undergraduate and that postgraduate was University. I therefore assumed that the contract would end next year but I now understand from Bubbagmp's post and your answer that "college" could be interpreted as continued higher education anywhere up to PhD level (or would it also include a possible academic position after that?).

I think that Bubbagmp expressed the concerns very clearly. The longer this situation goes on, the more conditioned Jen will be to see you in a non-sexual way and someone she has less respect for. Do you remember her vision she had of the perfect future just before Brian left in August 2016, the one that got you so upset? It's back on page 17. I think at this stage, you can clearly substitute Jason for Brian in that vision. The fact that she virtually never wears your wedding ring just strengthens that worry. Also, what you wrote in your post above "But, in reality, Jason was just new to being in a relationship with a married woman with a cuckold husband. He didn't even know how he was supposed to act toward me". Brian clearly understood the 3-way relationship and respected you as Jen's husband. Jason has a completely different picture of his role and his relationship to Jen. Unfortunately, I think if you tried to revoke the contract at this point, Jen would choose Jason over you. I think you really need to sit down with her and have a one-on-one discussion about the situation and the future depending on what you want out of it. If you are happy with a long-term sexless FLR relationship then maybe you are where you want to be.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by wingman » Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:59 pm

I would love to hear about the conversations where you and Jen talked about Jason moving in, about when you became exclusive, about her telling you no sexual contact, etc.
Do you guys talk sex while alone around the house?
Does she try to tease you with seductive looks, gestures, talk, etc?
Does she ever talk about her feelings for Jason?

Thanks for coming back!

Ps: have you all seen Brian?
I've got her back, he's got her front.

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