progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:13 pm

Breaker445 wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:39 am
This rang bells to my ears and she knew she had me hooked and when I told her how exciting and hot that would be she said teasingly, "Show me." and she took me to the bedroom. It turned into a hot night, but that was a few days ago and she hasn't brought anything like that up again.
You need to be aware that what you desire and what she desires is most likely two different things. She most likely wants to feel closer to you. Turning you on like that very likely makes her feel closer to you.

You want her to sleep with other men more frequently. It's a totally different thing than what she wants and, for her, probably isn't as desirable as maintaining closeness with you.

Work through the issue on your side. That doesn't mean deny your fantasy. But, figure out how to make it her not sleeping with other men be okay with you.


Re: progress story

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:21 am

4v273 wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:41 am

Keep up with perfecting your oral skills. Become the master at it.
When I read this, at first I took it he meant oral ie speaking skills. He meant tongue skills obvs, duh.

But Breaker might also perfect his speaking skills. Lots of good advice here about what he might say to his wife. Breaker, practise saying it in the car by yourself. It helps prevent the scenario where you are tongue tied when your wife says something that can open the conversation.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:14 am

Thanks all for the advice, that is a good perspective I guess I probably didn't portray enough in my conversation with her. I also agree with bettering our communication with each other, which has improved, and I think why I feel more confident if there is a second time it will be more talking about it and more involvement with it. At the same time, I need to understand it may not happen again. As for the oral goes, it seems I have been doing more of that, and I would say I've gotten pretty good because she even made a comment the other day she complimented me on how good I've become at it an said it's as good as sex. It's also highly enjoyable for me and I think she's starting to see that as well.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by gesdell » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:36 am

Most of the men in here would be grateful just for her entertaining our submissive desires. Even if she never does anything again but be you dominant wife that expects you to worship her, you have won the lottery. I'm sure you can live with that.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 4v273 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:49 am

Awesome Breaker!!

You are getting much good advice.....and I believe it's coming from personal experience that worked out well.

The oral did for me. I was considering suggesting this, before I could, my wife just came right out with "I'm not letting anyone else go down on me. That's for just you and only you."

Turned us both on more then expected, and became a large part of our bond.

Wannabes suggestion above is very good and you can run through some possible conversations privately.
And his suggestion brought this into my mind.....Mrs. Breaker has said many times talking about it felt weird. That may or may not change.

But do not forget this.....her non-verbal communication seems pretty clear. When you say....."That's exciting and HOT!!" and she replies..."Prove it" and leads you to the bedroom....

I think she's communicating pretty clearly she knows what you want and like, knows she does not have to but can if she wants, and is damm happy with how things are now.

Her own words as you have posted.....she does not want this lifstyle to dominate your marridge. I think it's likely she has read some stuff online that is way too extreame for her and is being careful to not take it there.

You both seem in a good place....and that's a good place to be.
The ethical pervert

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:05 pm

Hi Breaker, it's so good to hear from you and to hear that everything is going well between you two. It sounds like you might just be seeing the beginnings of a desire to start again to look for a new guy.

I think it's significant that Dylan is no longer on the scene. That could explain the abruptness of how it suddenly stopped. Maybe he let her know he was moving away or will be away for extended period and it threw her into a funk.

Your lovely wife is very selective and will take her time to find just the right guy for her (as she did with Dylan) but when/if she finds the right guy then I have a feeling it will be on again. Remain patient though, it could take quite some time as it did with Dylan. Hopefully you'll both be able to communicate better this time around. Best to start practicing now!

Yes, as I've said before get REALLY good at your oral skills. Sounds like she's starting to really appreciate it. She's now feeling it's equally good as sex with you. Hopefully she'll soon prefer it. Then it can be your thing while she's banging her hot stud on the side. Hopefully you'll get to watch next time!!
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:50 am

I figure I will post as there has been some conversation again about the topic and the possibility of it starting again. With that comes excitement from me, but at the same time hesitation, which I will hopefully explain why in this post. This has been about a week long conversation, so I am sure I will miss tidbits from our talks and I am going to guess this post may end up being long and could lead to going all over the place, there is a lot to digest and think about.

First, to go back just a bit, after this abruptly ended we both immediately got very busy and life sort of just went into high gear, so it was difficult to process this lifestyle and the abrupt end all awhile trying to keep up with the busy time that surrounded us. So add in the exhaustive strain and stress of being busy and the sudden stopping of the hottest and most exciting sexual adventure, my libido dropped like a rock. I wasn't in the mood, the thought of this lifestyle didn't even get me excited anymore, I felt betrayed by the lifestyle, like it was there for so many years, it was very exciting, it provided a great boost of energy when I thought about it, and then suddenly it was gone. Even though it had happened, it felt like it had happened a long time ago and I didn't feel like I had a connection to it anymore.

As I waited patiently for her to bring the topic back up, I had the conversation with myself almost daily, how and what I would say to express myself if and when she brought it up. All awhile everything else between us seemed to get stronger, but as things got stronger the feeling of this fantasy and lifestyle seemed to grow more distant. I got to the point where I thought she may not bring this back up.

Then little by little the direction of our conversations slowly started moving toward this lifestyle again. It started awhile ago back when my libido was gone and she brought up in frustration how I suddenly am not horny anymore, that's when I told her I needed to feel submissive to her, that was my biggest turn on was to just know I was her sub. I was expecting a little backlash, maybe some annoyance from her, but to my surprise she happily agreed that she enjoys that and wants that as well. It lead to a conversation, not about cuckolding, but about the femdom aspect of our relationship. Letting her know how sub servant I want to be to her and what not, this lead to way more oral in the bedroom which I loved, our talks and my expression lead to her being more demanding of it and also not caring if it was just after the gym without a shower. It also lead to her really enjoying it, even telling me it's as good, if not better than sex with me.

This went on for a couple weeks, just re-establishing the femdom foundation of our relationship. Our communication was much more open, but the great part and noticeable difference than the past was she really was enjoying this. The whole femdom aspect was she was doing what she was doing for herself and because she liked it and wanted it. We felt way more connected and I felt way more comfortable in expressing myself. Also her enjoyment and preference for this femdom control lead to hope that there could be more on the horizon.

Almost naturally our conversations and hang out time seemed to bring up this lifestyle again. There we were, just lounging on the couch, when we were stuck watching some reality tv dating show about dating exes. Really it was sort of background noise as we both navigated our phones. But at one point there was a conversation on the show about a women talking about kissing her ex in the other room that was just outside where the group was hanging out. Like a magnet we both seemed to tune into the show at this moment. Then my wife made the comment, "Oh yeah." She said very casually then added, "That's what I would do, why not? It be easy" Lights went off in my head, like my inner voice was screaming to me this was the door I had been waiting for! I shook the cobwebs off and asked, "huh?" and looked at her, she again very casually and nonchalant told me she'd go in the next room and kiss a guy and that it would be easy to do. She had to have seen the excitement glow from me hearing this. So I teased her and almost like challenging her asked, "Oh really?" She gave a short chuckle and said it would be so easy and that she would've done the same thing. I again challenged her and said, "Yeah right." And wow did she accept the challenge. Without a skip or pause she brought up her black skirt she bought a couple months ago ago now (or maybe sooner, just feels like a long time ago). The one I went shopping with her for that she bought for a potential upcoming date with Dylan. When I responded that I knew what skirt she was talking about she gave me this smirk like "Are you ready for this?" She went on to tell me she was planning on going to a get together with friends and he was supposed to be there and she was going to wear the skirt. She asked me, "Why do you think I was going to wear the skirt?" Well I was stunned frozen. She gave me a short laugh as she saw my reaction to the bombshell she had just dropped. As I was frozen and couldn't talk she told me the answer that I knew. "I was planning on sneaking off to the bathroom or other room with him, it would have been easy." She said with great confidence. My heart was pounding, and I was still frozen hearing what she was telling me. I remembered the get together she went to, and she wore the skirt, it was with the mutual girlfriend so right then and there I knew the Dylan I thought it was, it was. I mustered out the question if she followed through with her plan and she said a bit disappointingly yet with a fondness smile that she didn't because he didn't end up going to the get together. It was around the time though that the abrupt end happened.

That conversation lead to her getting in the mood as she deeply rubbed her feet into my thigh and told me, "Let's go to our room." The bedroom time was vanilla, although I would have loved to build off the cuck talk in the bedroom, but I knew if I brought it up I wouldn't have lasted. That's the issue with dirty talk, if I know I have to perform, although I badly want to talk about cuckolding in the bedroom, my stamina is gone, even though I know she'd like it and build off it more. That night there was no doubt she'd build off it more. But my hope is now she is really into the oral part, almost preferring it, that I can talk dirty more and not have to worry about stamina. Afterward we both ended up falling asleep with her praising how good it was.

The next day I was excitedly anticipating a build off from the night before. From what she told me was very hot and exciting and seeing it all get her in the mood was also exciting, but to my disappointment she didn't bring anything up that next day, which lead me to wonder was she waiting for me to bring it up? So the next day I did. I told her how exciting that conversation was and asked what I could do or how we could incorporate more of that and starting the lifestyle again. This lead to hours of talking, which this may be mumbled and jumbled because it was a lot of talking that I cant really remember it all in perfect order. She again brought up the uncomfortableness of telling me specifics and said last time would have worked better, but she felt she needed to provide me with specifics and that I wouldn't be satisfied if I didn't get those specifics. This lead to me telling her I didn't need specifics, I was ok with not having the down and dirty details, but at least needed to know when and if she was doing anything. I let her know the reason I may have pestered for details or kept asking questions was because I felt if I didn't ask then I would be left in the dark wondering and not knowing anything. I told her a simple, "I'm going to his place" would be enough and sending me a fleur-de-lis emoji would let me know something happened. She said she could work on that and that would be fine with her.

When I was talking and letting her know what I wanted, or actually, what I needed out of it, she brought up that we needed to compromise if we were going to do this again. Because she said she preferred the secretiveness of it. She gave a reason for the secretiveness because she said the previous times she felt like she needed to provide me with details and sometimes couldn't enjoy her time because she was uncomfortable with providing those details that she thought I was expecting. It made sense to me, but I brought up to her again that she needed to let me know somehow and someway otherwise if she's that secretive I would never know and what do I get out of this? She agreed and brought up the bad feeling she got that one night she told me about the "hair appointment". Although I will say it clicked in my head from listening to her point of view made me realize she does enjoy this herself, but she enjoys it in a different way than me. So we continued to talk. She said she preferred if she was telling me she was meeting someone somewhere that it wouldn't result in an immediate sexual response. Basically saying if she told me she was meeting someone somewhere that I wouldn't immediately turn into a horn dog and immediately start expecting some major sexual experience surrounded around me. Actually, this sounded great to me, because I would love it if she nonchalantly just told me she was meeting someone. I let her know I'd like that too and told her making the times more normal and nonchalant would be preferred. I told her I didn't need to make every moment into a big deal, in fact that wasn't preferred by me, but I told her I did make it into big deals because for one I wanted to show her how much I enjoyed it and also I felt I wasn't in the know enough that I wanted to like rush into everything and get the basic understanding of things so that we could move forward with this lifestyle being more normal and not such a big deal to bring up. Curiously I asked what she got out of it with the secretiveness, because she felt bad about that night she used the hair appointment as a cover, yet I felt the secretiveness was more like cheating. She said what she liked about the secretiveness was the letting go, having a good time and not having the pressure to feel like she had to tell me every single detail and that if she told me about meeting him it instantly turned the entire day or days leading up to it into a big deal, which in turn was more of a sexual focus on me. I reiterated I didn't need the details, but needed to at least know when and assured her I wouldn't make it into a big deal and that was actually what I preferred, it would be rather hot to know my wife nonchalantly told me after work she was stopping by his place, etc. She replied that would make it a lot easier for her. This may sound the sirens to some, but for me I appreciated her point of view and actually found excitement in it because it was her telling me what she enjoyed out of it.

It was a long talk, that really isn't done. There is more conversation that needs to be had before we decide to try this again. But regardless, I feel our communication between each other is far better this time than before the first time, and I feel more connected to her from these talks which I told her and she agreed. But even with our conversation I would say it's about 50/50 right now that this happens again because I am not going to sign off on being left in the dark. If she can't at least tell me when than we can't go forward with this, which the first go around I probably would have eagerly agreed to. I guess that is the difference right now compared to before we actually did it. The first time around I was thinking with my other head and this time I feel I am thinking more with the right head. The first time I was so eager to get to the finish line I didn't care, but this time it's less about the horny aspect and more about the connection between us. Which that focus point needs to be discussed more about. Since that long talk a couple days ago she has subtly dropped a couple of hints and teases about the lifestyle, like there being plenty of options at the gym. We've also agreed we need to have another sit down conversation and talk about what our expectations are of each other if we decide to move forward and give it another try. I'm hoping that conversation can take place sooner rather than later. Again, after more talks we may not give this a try again, or it may be something we put on hold and revisit later, but at the very least, it's rather exciting to know she has enjoyment in this, although it may be different than me, we just need to figure out how to make it work for both of us. But it's also exciting she does enjoy the femdom aspect of our relationship.

Very long post, I have no idea if it makes sense, but felt like I needed to post an update.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 4v273 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:28 am

Seems you are in a very good place.
Interest is femdom and hot wife....

I mentioned non-verbal communication before.....perhaps develop that some. Maybe come up with a pattern of oral to signal 'I'm going to, get me ready.' And one for 'I did. Now I want to reconnect with you'.

Pretty plain....I find this method hot. My point is to try to find what works for both as you minimize any negative feelings.

Best of luck.
The ethical pervert

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Calendar1435 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:27 pm

Thanks for the update Breaker,

From what I understand, you were never clued in on pretty much anything that happened with Dylan. Just a couple of broad strokes... went to this place, had dinner, had sex a few times.

Has Mr's Breaker told you anything else? If not, I would posit her desire for secretiveness goes well beyond just what she's said recently. ie she doesn't want the burden of having to tell you anything right after the event, it mars her enjoyment. I get that. But here we are months later, and she still doesn't want to tell you anything?

I guess her guilty feelings feed into this issue as well?

One item to consider, is asking her to open up about what happened with Dylan, what did she enjoy, what didn't go so well etc. You don't need the details about future hookups, and can be casual and nonchalant. But so can her disclosure of what goes on. There's no reason talking about her hookups can't be just as casual and nonchalant sometime after the event, when it's appropriate and sexy for you both.

To start down this path (practice), Mr's Breaker could casually start filling you in on the past few months of thoughts, feelings and activity with Dylan?


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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:11 pm

Alex, I agree with you. They are now talking about it which is a step in the right direction. But she needs to be more forthright and honest about more of what happened. She appears to be omitting a whole lot of stuff. For example: What happened over Christmas, all of the “gym” visits, the hair appointment (Although she did tell a little more), the planned club night with her gf which never happened, the meeting for lunch which lasted 5 hours, and what went down with Dylan to cause her to suddenly stop.

I think these things need to be mentioned and resolved before they can move on. Does anybody else have any take on this?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by shawnm » Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:26 pm

Breaker, I feel, if you ask her details about what actually happened during her dates, how they had sex, positions, and other specific details, she might tell you in detail, but only if you ask her and provided you want to know all that. I think its important to be more in the loop with these details. If you don't know any specifics, there is a high chance of it turning into a full-blown affair and causing a wedge in your relationship. Being a cuckold rocks your boat, but I am sure the highest level of excitement is generated when specific details are shared and communication is strong, else over a period of time, you will not get anything out of this. This is just my opinion and since you know the ground realities, you need to take a call. Best wishes to both of you in your journey.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:34 am

Great to hear you both well

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Wed Apr 17, 2019 3:25 am

Wow, Breaker… if I’m reading this correctly, you’re close. I’ve followed this story because it parallels my experiences in many ways. One, my wife was almost totally non-communicative when it came to sex. Any attempts to talk led to her immediately shutting down. Two, almost everything she did in her younger years, (we’re in our late 70s now and that part of her anatomy has dried up and blown away), she was secret about and very private. Three, while she was supercharged sexually through the first year or so of marriage, afterward she became the definition of vanilla…. One position, TV remote in her right hand, let me know when we’re finished… “That was good – goodnight.” (That, by the way became one of the keys… the energy and excitement was being channeled to someone else).

She was a beautiful woman (still is), and a virtual twin of Anni-Frid Lingstad of ABBA. The first sign was when she decided to get her tubes tied. I offered to get a vasectomy, but she insisted on Tubal Ligation. Another sign a year or so later was when she said, “You would probably let me have a boyfriend if I wanted.”

It was readily apparent when she had a boyfriend… all the classic signs she emitted of being horny and wanting time with him. I let her have her way although she thought she was doing it on the sly. My feelings: she’s going to do it if she wants to, so let her be ‘shy and sly, and do it. It resulted in a perfect wife.’ OK, she did what she wanted and I derived my pleasure vicariously by putting two and two together, knowing what she was doing. I’ll add – she was an expert at her affairs remaining private, and she probably only had one boyfriend/long term relationship at a time.

It seems the two of you have the most important prerequisite for going forward: communication. It’s apparent she’s sexually shy with others – her dressing and appearance make up for that. Further, she’s protective of the sanctity of marriage, and that’s caused problems with her letting go… the guilt she fears will impact the two of you. It is probably more difficult for her to tell you she has a date with a man, or wants to date a man, than the actual act of dating and sleeping with him. That, coupled with a ‘you’re going to want to hear every lurid detail,’ adversely influences her doing it.

If I wore your shoes, I would tell her I was secure with our marriage and didn’t fear she was shopping for my replacement. I would further tell her I wanted her to explore her desires and cravings, and that you trusted her enough to allow her to keep what she did – private. (Think about it, Breaker. What got you off more; when she came home and said, “He’s twice your size and lasts ten-times longer before he floods me,” or the time you thought you smelled Latex on her vagina)? If she KNOWS she has your unconditional approval for her to seek the lifestyle and can release her guilt, then both of you get what you desire most.

Both of you enjoy your subservience. I’m presuming it happens in a loving way – it’s something you both enjoy, and she keeps your humiliation to a minimum. You both enjoy oral sex, to the degree she limits your entering her. Why not let her know you would be satisfied with that level of intimacy when she’s seeing someone else, and would not object to her being exclusive with him regarding PIV. Think how cool it would be if at some point in the near future, you were going down on her and she said, “Enjoy it, honey, because for the foreseeable future, that’s as far as you get to go.” Your hearing ‘the code word’ that she’s seeing someone and you’re cut off would provide what you needed to hear while erasing her guilt. Even if she were playing tease-and-deny, if you never knew for sure one way or the other….

If she said, “I’m going out with the girls and will be home late,” you wouldn’t give it a moment’s thought except you wanted her to have fun and enjoy herself. Let her know, “I’m going out (dropping the ‘with the girls’) and will be home late,” is acceptable, and what she tells you afterward is up to her….

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Apr 17, 2019 6:21 pm

Sounds like she has a BF.
Perhaps she and you can agree to her giving you notice, by sitting on your face and giving you a creampie. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:18 am

Breaker - glad to hear from you again!

Been a long journey, and the insight Driver wrote about is spot on, IMO.

I have blogged before about enjoying your subservience and oral for her.

Now that you are in a good place, why not practice with your cage on at work and times when you are not around Mrs. Get used to it. Then on Friday while you are lounging, go put it on, and then when the time is right in conversation - give her the keys and let her know that this weekend is all about her pleasure, not yours. Tell her you want to learn to concentrate and not getting any relief will be fun and both of you will learn about each other.

She bought it for you and she should have no problems with the idea. What is holding you back? A cage is a very strong sub move if you don't top from the bottom. Let her take control - its ok.


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:37 am

Thanks for the replies, Driver that was a very insightful and well written comment and I absolutely see what you mean there. I think aspects of that could work and fits for us. We haven't had anymore talks about it, which again typical of my pattern is I don't want to push it and wait for her to bring it up or open a door, since our last talk that was rather in depth, I figure I would let a few days pass before I brought it back up.

But I have been thinking about our last conversation and the words she chose and how she talked about this. It sort of just hit me thinking back at it. Remembering our conversation and how she talked about the topic it actually felt more of this was her fantasy now. That realization is a zinger to the gut that is rather exciting, but I am shaking my head at myself because I didn't realize this while we were in the conversation. But realizing it now makes me eager to have another talk about it because, well, it's exciting.

I am trying to think about how to have a fun sit down conversation about it. Like letting her know what my bare minimum expectations are, such as letting me know who it is and letting me know when she's seeing him. Also if this is a BF type thing or a one time hook up. Really that is all I really need, the details of their time can be brought up when she wants to share them, and let her know she can talk about that at anytime and really if she wants to share more I am obviously open to any and all details and information. I think I can express to her that if I know these things, along with occasional reminders in however she does it, that I am her cuck, will move us into this is an everyday thing and become more normal. I wouldn't be surprised if I can show I can contain myself and my excitement when she brings the topic up, that over time she could share more details of their encounters. Because well, I am amazed at how this whole thing has shifted into me trying to keep up and play along rather than getting her to just be interested in it.

So I do hope we can revisit the conversation again soon. But I guess I should mention that although I've given it time to see if she brings it back up, for whatever reason, still, I do get nervous bringing the topic up. Although I try to be patient until she brings it up, so I know she wants to talk about it, there have been many times I could bring it up and talk about it, but when the moment arrives, my nerves act up. Crazy given how long we have been together that I'd get nervous bringing anything up to her, but for whatever reason I still do. I guess that may have contributed to how entering this lifestyle the first time didn't go as smooth, because even though this is a really exciting fantasy, I am still nervous at times about bringing it up and can become timid within the conversation. I am rambling on, but I will say if there is another go around with this, the feeling I have is it will be a much smoother time.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Bayless » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:41 am

Hi Breaker
Mr. Conservative here again. Not to scold you, but your comment, “Crazy considering how long you have been together etc.” is just not very realistic. In your case you have really only been on target to win over Mrs. Breaker to your goal just a few months over two years. Read the progress reports on this and other forums regarding how long it has taken other husband to get to even close to where you are. This is a marathon, not a sprint. My own experience in two marriages was that it took six years in my first marriage and fifteen years in my second marriage to finally see it happen, AND this was with two wives that had a number of lovers during their high school, college, and previous marriages. So, IMHO, don’t push her, don’t fret, let her establish the time line, not you. In the long run even though you think it’s about you, it’s not. It’s about her. There will be hot times, and there will likely be long, long, breaks. This whole field of
Hot Wife/Cuck is not a Pure Science, not even close. The advice you get on most any forum is in many cases guys trying to get their own jollies, and don’t have even a fraction of your first hand experience that you have. You are doing great.Ease up and enjoy. Remember it’s about her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:58 am

Breaker, nice to hear back from you. I especially like a comment Bayless made: “This is a marathon, not a sprint.” In considering the time you and Mrs. Breaker have been together it’s apparent your both in this for the ‘long run,’ this isn’t a passing infatuation that’ll be gone in a week or month.

Something I perceive with both of you is breaking the ice and initiating the conversation regarding sex and extra-marital sex. Most of us are that way after being raised and conditioned to always present a puritanical, non-offensive way of speaking. When we talk, “My name is Chuck and I wanna f***” comes out as “Hello, my name is Charles and I’ve admired your poise and grace ever since you entered the room.”

You are an excellent writer. Have you tried writing your thoughts, your desires and giving them to her? Give her the opportunity to read and digest what you’re thinking and let it work on her libido. She could either reply in writing, or make that the theme of your evening discussion. Take baby steps and maybe it will open the line of communication.

Here’s an example: “One of the things I really enjoy is when you go in the bedroom, close and lock the door before you try on different outfits and clothes. My mind goes awry imagining your unclad/partially clad/fully covered body in clothing I’m not allowed to see you wear. Clothing I imagine (hope) you wear for someone else.”

Yet another example: “I want you to go out Friday evening and have a good time. You have a ‘Gold Card Pass,’ meaning you can do whatever you want, with whomever you want, stay out as long as you want and I only want you to text when you’ve arrived and when you’re on the way home. My anxiety will go through the roof but that’s what I want to experience. ‘Gold Card’ means I may NEVER ask anything about your evening and must satisfy myself with whatever you choose to tell me, or not tell me about your evening.”

“On Saturday night I want to take you to dinner and ‘_____’ (dancing, the movies, bar hopping, whatever she desires). Friday is your night and Saturday will be our night.”

More to follow….

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:35 am

Before I post an update, FFDriver, that is a great idea! Yesterday after I posted I actually thought about the writing it out idea and sending it to her, especially since last time she brought up the idea about texting, so I thought if she liked the texting idea, maybe writing something out a little more personable like a letter may be an idea, but your idea is great and I especially like that gold card pass and the Friday night her night and Saturday night us. Also, I agree with you and Bayless that this is a marathon and not a sprint, and even though it's exciting, each step is, that really there is no need to rush.

With that, we did have a talk yesterday, which was started by me in text form, letting her know I had been thinking about our previous conversation and thinking of how to make this work for both of us, and I added I had been meaning to bring it up, but I'd get too nervous. Her reply was a bit of a surprise as she said, "Ok, lets wait till I get home." My stomach turned both with great nerves and with excitement because I didn't expect that. Immediately after she got home she looked at me and said, "Soo..You have something?" My mouth was dry and even though I had a few hours to think this conversation out, I suddenly had no idea what to say. Also I was a bit surprised how quickly she went to the question after she saw me.

I am sure I sounded unprepared as I stumbled out the words to begin. But through a rocky presentation things started to flow and to my surprise it was all pretty well received and it was a positive conversation. This is when writing it out is nice because I could go back and remember the minor talking points that later seem to turn into bigger ones, but basically I told her a couple things I needed out of this. For one, I just started out with, simply being in the lifestyle and knowing I was in the lifestyle was hot and let her know how incredibly hot and attractive that confidence in her is. I told her I'd like to know who he is, and letting me know when they are together, and to let me know if something happened between them, I told her I'd assume as much given the circumstances, but it would still be nice to hear, and then that she occasionally remind me of their status and my status. Also if what they had was a BF type situation or merely a hook up. I ended my side by reassuring her I wouldn't pester her and wouldn't be overly sexual about each and every encounter, and I wouldn't bother her when she was on a date, but let her know I would always be open to any details she wished to share. She agreed and said that all worked for her. I will say I was dizzy, my stomach was turning, both with excitement and again that realism feel to all this. Not only was this her saying she'd do it, again, but this time was different than the first, especially in the wording she chose. She let me know she'd enter this lifestyle again but we needed to be more organized about it. Which I happily agreed about and brought up our communication this time around needed to improve and I thought with better communication would bring better organization, she agreed and said we needed to communicate more. At this point I was dancing inside. She pondered, maybe thinking back to communicating more and she said she'd give me some details, but asked I be patient and not overbearing about it. I agreed and added in a fun little play that maybe I would need to earn whatever details she wanted to share. She grinned and said that wasn't a bad idea. I asked her what she needed or wanted from me and she let me know she just wanted less pressure and she wanted this time to go more smoothly. She said she didn't want to feel bad or dirty afterward, which I piped in and asked what I could do to help that, because that was a big issue the first time, and she said she just wanted more normalcy out of it, that I appreciate it, but not always in a sexual manner, and that I don't just make the whole thing about me. That turning of the stomach that was happening at the beginning because of the nerves and excitement was now turning because of the realism of this. It made sense to me, and I understood it, I can be very selfish and especially with this, I do too much to make it about me and her time about me. Add too that she didn't want every time she brought him up that it gets an immediate sexual response from me. She took a moment to acknowledge my submissiveness and told me, "I love that about you." but added she didn't want every time she brought this up to have me go to me knees and start acting like a sub and go into full on sub mode. I chuckled and let her know I understood. Basically, she wants my support, wants me to show appreciation, but not strictly in a sexual way. Which made me realize, maybe instead of me handing her a whip as I get to a knee when she gets back from a date, I take her out to dinner or dessert. I also realized she gets something a little different out of this than I do.

The conversation eventually ended and we went about doing our own thing for a bit. A little later, I noticed she was on her phone, a lot, intently on her phone. Her positioning and body language as she was on her phone immediately took me back to the first time. Later, she went to trying on outfits in our room, I heard the clacking of heels walking around. Tempted as I was to go into the room and let her know I noticed she was trying on outfits again, I refrained and held back and let her enjoy her time. I hadn't noticed her trying on outfits really since the first time ended. As I sat in the other room completely noticing this, it was hot to know all the signs from the first go around suddenly were reappearing. My patience paid off, because just naturally, as I heard her trying on outfits I went to cleaning. When she came out, simply in sweats, she acknowledged my hard work and teasingly told me, "Wow you cleaned a lot, this'll definitely work." Eventually we had our time hanging out and again, just like the first time around her attention toward her phone is more obvious. But like I said my patience from earlier paid off, as she clearly purposefully allowed me to see what she was looking at. She was looking at some guys social media page, I asked what she was looking at and she replied, "Well, were' starting this again aren't we?" Oh wow the excitement in just that little comment. I mumbled out, "Him?" She looked at me sweetly and with a little smile said, "Babes..." she paused almost to let the calmness from her sink in, "I'm just looking right now." She gave a little laugh and playfully shook her head as she lightly dug her heels into my thighs.

It was definitely an amazing night. I am excited we are giving this another try, but already, as it did during our first conversation, this time feels so much different, in a good way. I do need to remind myself to be patient and just see where she takes this.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by FFDriver » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:10 am

WOW!!! Holy smoke, Breaker... I would consider that a 'Stand-up Triple' in baseball lingo! Try this....

Get an old credit card or something similar, paint it gold and write (with a Sharpie Pen or whatever), "GOLD CARD" on it. I would take her out to dinner or something private and sensuous, and when the time and mood is right, give it to her. I would then tell her, "I've asked a lot of you, and this card represents my total love and trust in you."

"In taking from you, I must be willing to give back to you. I want you to have a 'Secret Life.' I want it to be for your pleasure alone, and as a symbol of my love and trust, I don't want to know his name or who he is... whenever a 'He' enters the picture. As long as I know you are safe, happy and enjoying your Secret Life, I will satisfy myself with however much or little you choose to share with me, and I'll not pressure you to talk about or divulge what you wish to keep private."

Your challenge will be sticking by it and pledging your monogamy to her. As soon as she believes you're sincere... well son, you'll realize your dream.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:55 am

I’m glad to read you both are starting another adventure! Hopefully it’s smooth and exciting!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 11:06 am

Well that happened way quicker than I thought.....!!! I just got a text from her, asking what I had going on this Monday night, which I replied nothing, she sent another text telling me she may be going out on Monday night. My heart started racing and I was full of excitement, yet shocked thinking to myself 'whoa that happened fast' Immediately I went back to thinking about last night and seeing her on her phone the way she was on it, and started connecting the dots. I wanted to hide that overt excitement I was having. Trying to play it 'cool' and nonchalant I replied, "Ok!" Figured simple, yet that "!" would show just enough excitement and also to let her know I understood what she was referring to. Her reply, there was no disguise, as she replied, "You should make plans to hang out with a friend." Before I could get done reading that text she sent another one explaining, "So I'll know you're occupied haha" I replied, "Haha ok I'll see!"

I now am checking my phone every 5 seconds seeing if I missed a text from her, so far though nothing more. Wow! First, she jumped back into this real quick. Second, I like her suggestion that I hang out with a friend because that'll make me to not have my entire attention on waiting to hear from her (Although I'll have a very hard time concentrating) but mostly I think for her to know I am not just at our place sitting around waiting for her to get back, or to hear from her, may help reduce some of that pressure she was talking about.

So for now I wait to see what details she tells me. Yes, I want to text back question after question and expressing my excitement, BUT I am reminding myself to keep myself in 'check' and be patient. Quiet frankly I am a little thrown off, although happily, by how quickly she jumped back in and already got plans. I don't know if she intended it, but the only way I can stay focused the rest of the day is trying to find a friend to get some food and drinks Monday night.


Re: progress story

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:38 pm

Breaker445 wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2019 11:06 am
"You should make plans to hang out with a friend." Before I could get done reading that text she sent another one explaining, "So I'll know you're occupied haha"
Well, you can always hang out with your friends here on OHW. Then, you'll be occupied as she requires and able to talk about your thoughts.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by joel68 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:46 pm

Yeah, wannabe, I agree. He could go out with his buddy, but they probably won't stay out forever. Eventually he will be home all by himself while she's getting fucked. He could post his thoughts about being home all alone, because likely she will be out very late. I am sure a bunch would like to hang with him here while it's going down. He could also let us know if he's received any "fuck updates" as well.

Good idea.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by shawnm » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:18 pm

Wow that's some real quick progress. Happy for you! Btw, are you sure that she hasn't been doing her bf on the sly already without raising any alarms or suspicions in your mind. Think over it and try to connect dots here as well. It doesn't matter as you both are getting what you want, but I suspect that's a strong possibility. Earlier, to avoid any questions and pressure, she may have been doing it on the sly and since it's in the open now with no pressure after communication, there's no need to hide. Good luck guys!

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