My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

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My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Thu May 02, 2019 10:06 pm

We met a great couple a year or so ago when they moved in just down the street from us. They seemed like nice people and Sam (Samantha) and I agreed, they weren't at all bad to look at. Dave and Jackie both have blonde hair and blue eyes, average heights and they appeared fit. In my opinion, Jackie's not as pretty as Nicole Kidman, but she has a similar look. She has a long, slim body and long legs despite not being especially tall. She's very nice to look at. Sam really liked the way Dave looked as well. She thought he had a superb ass. We've had them over to our place a few times for dinner and/or drinks and they've reciprocated. They're pretty laid back people, each with a good sense of humor. We always have a lot of fun together.

Lately when we've gotten together, it seemed our relationship had become more flirtatious - mostly on their part, but Sam and I each enjoyed the attention so we went along with it. That stirred some fantasies for Sam and me and aroused my curiosity as to whether or not they might swing. Sam and Jackie have actually become good friends and done some things on their own together - gone shopping, had lunch, stopped at a pub for drinks, etc. They've become very close. In light of this recent flirtatiousness, I had to wonder what the two of them talked about when Dave and I weren't around.

About two weeks ago, Sam and I were having a date night and we played strip poker. She won all my clothes before she was naked but she said she wanted to continue playing. She said, since I was already naked, I could bet to give her the right to decide what fantasy we'd live out. I was good with that. And...she said it would also include living out a fantasy of hers (or mine if I won enough to get Sam naked before I lost), and the fantasy must occur within the next five days. I figured that would be fun either way so I said, "okay."

Sam only had her bra and panties left. I won her bra but as the odds dictated, I lost the game. I didn't care since all of her fantasies were fun for me too. Her fantasy for the night was, she would tie me to the bed and dominate me - use me as her sex toy. She said, "I just want to get off by toying with you. I might fuck you. I might make you jerk-off for me. I might make you eat me to orgasm. I don't give a fuck what you want. I'll do whatever I want and you don't have any say in the matter." I know how that works so I was certainly good with that, but when I asked her what her other fantasy was, she shyly responded saying she would like to see Dave and me wrestle each other for the right to make love to both her and Jackie at the same time.

"Holy crap! Did you clear this with Jackie and Dave?," I asked while trying to catch my breath. She said it was Jackie's idea and Jackie was certain Dave would go along with it. She told me her conversations with Jackie had recently turned more sexual in nature and they had even discussed the four of us getting together for sex. When Sam told Jackie I had wrestled in high school, she was sure wrestling would serve as the perfect enticement to convince Dave and me to go along with it. She also told me they thought it would be a great match to watch.

The thought of having Jackie and Sam at the same time was crazy. I could hardly collect my thoughts. I was a pretty good wrestler in high school and I probably outweighed Dave by at least 20 lbs. I thought, I can do this, so I agreed. She said there were some details she still had to work out.

I knew Jackie and Dave had a membership at a gym but little did I know, the gym has a boxing ring in a room separate from the workout room. The ring could be reserved by members during off hours for private use. So...Sam and Jackie agreed on a day and time. Jackie would reserve the gym for the following Tuesday if it was available which was five days away. In fact, it was available so everything was set.

During those next five days, I gave this a lot of thought. I still worked out a little and tried to jog or walk every day, but Dave was six years younger than I and they belonged to a gym. That was giving me pause. Still, I had my wrestling background, and the fact that I was taller and heavier than Dave gave me some confidence.

Tuesday came. Our reservations were for 10 pm and we'd have the gym all to ourselves. We rode with Jackie and Dave to the gym. When we got out of the car, Dave unlocked the door to the gym, let us in and locked the door behind him.

Sam brought a small tote bag. She reached into the bag and with a sweet, suggestive smile on her face, pulled out a black jock strap and told me to go put it on. I said, "I'm not going to wrestle him in that. I have my gym shorts on." Then she smiled and pulled out a pink jock strap and said, "how 'bout this one?" "Very funny," I said, "but I'm not wearing a jock strap when I wrestle him." Then she said sweetly, but in no uncertain terms, "look honey, a bet is a bet and you lost. You'll wear what I tell you to wear. This is one of those details I told you I had to work out." What?" I asked in surprise. She said, "you remember...the details...the details I told you I still had to work out." So I asked, "why didn't you tell me before tonight?" She said, "you didn't ask." Frustrated, I grabbed the black jock and headed for the men's locker room where I could change in private.

My mind was racing. Why am I to wrestle another man wearing only a jock strap? I wasn't at all comfortable with this but I've never denied Sam of her fantasies when she won a sexual bet. This was way over the line...but I did as I was told.

When I came out, Dave was also wearing a jock strap only his was blue. He wore it under his clothes on the way there. He removed his clothes while I was in the locker room changing. Sam and Jackie were each wearing tiny string bikinis. They looked so incredible that it didn't bother me when it became obvious, this was something they'd put a lot of thought into. I was beginning to visualize all kinds of sexual situations and frankly, I was a little scared.

I noticed Dave's six-pack abs. He was ripped. He wasn't especially bulked up, but you could see every muscle in his body. He was obviously in great shape and appeared considerably more fit than I. I also couldn't help but notice his sizeable bulge.

Jackie climbed into the ring. Then Dave and I climbed in and met in the center while she explained some standard fighting rules. I laughed and looked at Dave. He was looking at me but he wasn't laughing. "No punching or kicking - strictly wrestling. No eye pokes and no hands to the face, no strikes to the groin, but all holds were otherwise legal," were the rules Jackie laid down. She said there could only be submissions due to extreme pain causing a tap out or injury, but the fight would otherwise be fought until there was a clear, dominant winner.

I was nervous - especially when I heard Jackie reference eye pokes, strikes to the groin, etc, and that serious stare in Dave's eyes. I was suddenly faced with the reality that despite wearing jock straps, this was going to be a serious wrestling match. Fear of losing began creeping into my thoughts but I overcame it by focusing on the prize. I can do this I thought, and I briefly fantasized about getting it on with these two beautiful women. Jackie told Dave and me to remain in opposite corners and then she left the ring. We were told to stay there until she said, "fight." Sam pulled herself up onto the apron just outside the ropes in my corner and whispered to me, "Jackie told me that Dave's bisexual."

"Fight!" said Jackie, and Dave and I began circling the ring. We were sizing each other up and I thought, why would Sam tell me he's bi? What's that got to do with anything? Thinking about it was throwing off my concentration on the fight since we were each wearing only jock straps. I began wondering just how much Dave was enjoying the thought of wrestling me - especially with our bare asses hanging out. I became very uncomfortable with the scenario.

I faked a take-down attempt. He was quick and stepped back to avoid it. Then he went for a take-down and got a hold of one of my legs. I quickly turned and was able to twist my leg free of his grasp. We continued to circle. I went in for another take-down and got a hold of his leg. I lifted with all I had but despite my height advantage, he kept his balance, hopping on one foot until we slammed into the ropes. I realized I wasn't going to take him down so I let go. We lunged at each other, back and forth until he shot in and grabbed both of my legs. I fell over backward with him on top of me. I tried rolling one way, then the other to escape but he was very strong.

He grabbed my arm and tried to pull it behind my back. I got it free but then he spun around quickly and put my head into a scissor hold with my face buried in his crotch. It was tight and caused me to have a hard time breathing. Then came the surprise. While he controlled me from the top, he reached back and began pulling at the pouch of my jock strap, exposing one of my balls as he felt me up. The girls cheered him on. Now I really squirmed and I was able to turn and escape. I yelled, "What the fuck was that?" Sam yelled back, "that's just another one of those details I mentioned!"

I was no longer sure of the rules. If one guy is stripped naked, does the other guy win or does winning require a submission? I had no clue. Obviously, the girls wanted to see one or both of us naked, and they wanted to watch us ripping at each other's jock straps. For the moment, I think the girls really didn't care who won. This was how I had to pay off my bet with Sam so I had no choice but to continue fighting.

I pulled my jock back to cover my balls and felt a strong determination to win. Again I lunged at Dave. He quickly stepped back and I missed. Then he did the same and I made him miss. I felt I was holding my own. Then he lunged at me, missed again and I jumped on top of him.

When I went to roll him over to get behind him, he grabbed the back waistband of my jock and pulled it down below my ass. In so doing, he was able to pull me off of him. The girls laughed and clapped. Then he got back up. I laughed and said, "you little fucker, if that's the game, I'm going to have you naked in no time."

We went back and forth and we ended up in a clinch against the ropes. I turned him so his back was toward the center of the ring. I put my leg behind his leg, grabbed the back of his jock and tripped him to the mat. He fell onto his back with me on top of him. This time, I spun around and put him into a head scissors. I grabbed the front of his jock and the girls cheered. I pulled it down far enough to partially expose his cock. The girls were enjoying it and I was getting the impression they wanted me to win as they were cheering me on to strip him. I noticed Dave's cock was growing bigger and it was thick. When Sam caught a glimpse of the size of his cock, she started cheering for Dave. I felt encouraged by having the upper hand, but demoralized that Sam was cheering for the other guy. I knew she really wanted to fuck that big cock but I was not to be denied. I would reap the rewards of victory and fuck both women. I pulled his jock down farther, attempting to secure what I thought would be the win. Dave's now erect cock popped out, but the waistband began to tear and I lost my grip. Then he laid a move on me I had never seen.

To this day, I don't know what he did but he spun around somehow and was able to escape. One minute, I had him fully under my control and the next minute, he was gone. He stood up and pulled up his jock to cover up. I was getting winded but even with that in mind, I realized I could gain the upper hand on him. Dave's jock was hanging down on one side and he had to keep pulling it back up. We circled the ring again.

I had never fought in a ring before so I wasn't aware of any tricks fighters might use but apparently, Dave was. He lunged at me hard and pushed me back toward the ropes. Feeling I was going to fall on my ass, I extended my arms behind me to brace myself but my arms swung over the top rope. Dave quickly pulled the middle rope over the top of my arms and I was ensnared in the ropes. I tried to get free but I couldn't.

He strutted back and forth in front of me saying, "I gotcha now" and the girls clapped. He moved in, grabbed my ankles and pulled my feet out from under me so I was hanging defenselessly on the ropes. I tried to get back to my feet but he kept pulling my legs out from under me, leaving me hanging, arms trapped and extended behind me. Then he looked at the girls as if to ask, what would you like me to do with him? Their chant was clear so he turned toward me and began pulling my jock strap down. He reached down the front of my jock and worked it down very slowly with one hand while feeling my cock. Then he grabbed my ass with the other hand. He reached between my legs and fondled my balls from behind. I felt his finger begin to probe my ass. I was frantically pulling at the ropes in multiple attempts to free my arms but to no avail. He stopped briefly to look around at the girls again. They were chanting for him to strip me. "Take it off! Strip him!" Jackie said, "show me his cock baby. I want to see him naked and defenseless now that you've defeated him."

I was getting turned on. The girls were enjoying my humiliating dilemma and wanted to see me naked. I can't deny, I was getting off on it and my cock was getting pretty hard. Dave began stroking my stiff cock still within the pouch with one hand and forcefully probing my ass with the other. It was humiliating being toyed with by a man in front of the girls but it was also purely lustful and exciting. The girls were loving it. I was still squirming, trying to free myself from the ropes when Dave let go of me. Dave pulled my jock strap lower and my cock popped straight up in the air. I heard Jackie say, "excited much?" I couldn't help feeling embarrassed but it was so humiliatingly arousing to see how much the girls were enjoying what was happening to me. I couldn't help myself.

Dave walked around the ring holding my jock in the air claiming, "I'm gonna fuck your wife...and my wife...and you're gonna hang there by your arms in the ropes and watch." It probably sounded like whining when I told him it really wasn't fair because I'd never fought in a ring before and I wasn't aware how one guy could trap another guy in the ropes. I said, "I know I could have beaten you if you hadn't tied me up in these ropes." He argued, "you can't beat me." I said, " if there's a nest time, I'll win." Dave paused for a moment and thought. Then he said, "I tell you what, I will free you and give you another chance. We'll wrestle again and the prize will be sort of a double or nothing kind of deal." He said, "if you win, you get the girls and I'll watch. If I win, I get the girls...and you."

Oh man, I thought, I don't want to do this, but the thought of having both Jackie and Sam was at the forefront in my judgment so I agreed. Dave released my arms and I took a few seconds to shake them out after they'd been stuck in the ropes for awhile. Jackie got back into the ring, positioned us in opposite corners again, left the ring and yelled, "fight!"

Again, we circled but now I was bare-assed naked with a raging hard on. I charged him with all I had and took him down. He landed on his back again. He managed to turn over and raise himself onto his hands and knees but I shoved him back down to the mat on his belly. I had good control so I grabbed the back of his jock and pulled it down for all I was worth. My thumb slipped out of the waistband and caught the strap around his ass. I tore the strap and the pouch on his jock began flopping around giving peek-a-boo views of his massive member which had grown considerably in size. When I rolled him over onto his back, his cock popped out of his jock strap and the girls could now see, both of us were excited to be doing this in front of them. Wrestling naked with another man in front of Sam and Jackie had me really excited - especially since I was now in control.

I felt an urge to get even with him for trapping me in the ropes. I spun around and planted my cock into his face. He turned away at first but I grabbed his head and turned it back so my balls were right up against his mouth. Then to my surprise, he grabbed my cock and began sucking it. The girls cheered us on. Before I knew it, I was humping in and out of Dave's mouth. I got lost in the lust of it all and briefly forgot we were wrestling...but Dave didn't. Again, he pulled that slick spin move and escaped back to his feet. As I tried to get up, he rammed me back toward the ropes and the same thing happened as before. I mistakenly threw my arms back to catch my fall but this time, my arms went over the middle rope instead of the top rope and he pulled the bottom rope over my arms. Once again he trapped me, only this time, I was sitting on the mat with my arms caught in the ropes. My dick was still hard.

Sam and Jackie came into the ring so Dave could collect on his prize. Jackie kissed Dave and Sam strutted back and forth in front of me with that small tote. Then she pulled out the straps with the Velcro ends. She attached the Velcro ends to my ankles and tied the other ends to the bottom rope forcing me into a spread eagle position. "Feeling vulnerable?" she asked. I didn't reply. The straps were long enough so I wasn't doing the splits but my legs were spread to the max without causing too much discomfort. Then she said, I'm going to give you a show. She walked over in front of Dave, dropped to her knees, pulled what was left of his jock strap to the floor and began sucking on Dave's big cock. All I could do was watch but the sight of Sam absolutely making love to Dave's cock kept me hard. Jackie had Dave spread his legs so she could fondle his balls with each hand - one from the front and one from the back. Dave had a massive hard-on and it was obvious Sam was enjoying her control of it.

Dave reached down and untied the stings around Sam's neck and her top dropped exposing her beautiful small breasts. Then he bent over and untied the back strings and Sam's top fell to the mat. Dave began fondling Sam's breasts. Sam stopped for a moment to look up at Dave's expression - then she went back at it. Jackie removed her top, revealing full breasts a little bigger than Sam's and equally superb.

Sam stopped sucking and laid on her back in front of Dave with her legs spread wide apart. Sam wanted Dave to fuck her. She untied the sides of her bikini bottom and left it lie in place still covering her pussy. Dave moved in between her legs and began feeling Sam's pussy as he gradually pushed her bikini bottom to the mat. She was soaked in her own juices. Then Dave lowered himself and slowly entered her. Sam felt a little discomfort at first because of his size but he went slowly so as not to cause her any pain. Once they began humping in rhythm, Sam was making sounds that were a mixture of grunts and low screams. Jackie dropped to her knees and started sucking on Sam's tits and Sam's eyes shuttered from the sensations. Then Jackie reached down to stroke Sam's clit. Sam began gyrating wildly and humping hard against Dave's rhythm.

As I watched, I longed to fuck someone or at least have someone touch me - fondle me. I wanted any kind of stimulation but I was helplessly restrained so I couldn't even touch myself. Nevertheless, I maintained a full erection watching what was taking place before my eyes.

With all the stimulation from Jackie combined with the size of Dave's cock, Sam couldn't take any more and she began moaning louder as she tensed up. She erupted into an amazing orgasm as Dave pumped and Jackie stroked her. Dave never missed a beat and he continued to hump Sam throughout her orgasm. I don't ever remember Sam cumming so quickly.

It was obvious Sam was done and needed Dave to stop so Jackie pushed him back away from Sam. She continued pushing until he rose back up to his knees. Then Jackie pushed him onto his back and she mounted him. Once Sam collected herself, she rose to her knees and began fondling and sucking on Jackie's tits. When Dave started fondling Jackie's tits, Sam turned to stroking Jackie's clit with one hand and fondled Jackie's ass with the other.

Jackie looked intently at me trapped in the ropes as she bounced up and down of the thick pole inside her. She was a magnificent sight as she began panting heavily and her tits bounced up and down with the rhythm of her body. She seemed mesmerized by the sight of me restrained in the ropes with a stiff cock as I watched her. I looked down at my cock and saw my pre-cum had dripped on the mat. I looked back up at Jackie and she was still staring at me. I had no doubt she was getting off on me watching her. Before long, Jackie tensed up and had an incredible orgasm right before my eyes. What a sight she was when she was cumming. Sam stroked Jackie as Dave continued to raise and lower his hips, thrusting his big cock in and out of his wife. Jackie looked back up at me as she continued to quake. She had become sweaty and her eyes drooped with exhaustion. She looked magnificently sexy. My cock was still at full attention.

When Jackie could take no more, she rolled off of Dave. Sam then bent over and sucked Jackie's juices off of Dave's cock. After she'd gotten a good taste, Sam mounted him. I couldn't believe Dave's stamina. He'd already satisfied two women and Sam was going back for seconds. This time, Dave's cock penetrated Sam easily as she lowered herself onto him. Dave began feeling Sam's tits as Sam stroked her own clit.

Jackie moved over next to me and said, "you look like you could use some help. I like that you're restrained and have no control. I'll control you." She began stroking my cock as we both watched our significant others go at it no more than three feet away from us. Jackie had a superb touch but every time I was getting ready to cum, she'd stop stroking and let go of my cock. She'd watch it tighten, then release as it throbbed uncontrollably. She looked me right in the eye and with a sexy tone in her voice said, "Do you like watching her get fucked by my husband? I'm going to make you cum," but she wouldn't allow me to cum. She was tormenting me.

Sam continued to ride Dave and Dave never showed any signs of slowing down. He reached down to get his thumb on Sam's clit and he stroked her to her second orgasm. She tensed up and screamed and moaned. That orgasm seemed even better than the first. Sam finally collapsed on top of Dave as he continued to hump. Finally, Sam had to pull off of Dave when she could take no more, but despite her exhaustion, she rose up to her knees and began sucking his cock again.

Jackie continued tormenting me. She was driving me crazy. I got to watch Sam have two orgasms while fucking Jackie's husband. Lust had completely overtaken me. I started begging Jackie to make me cum but she would not.

I was watching Sam sucking on Dave when suddenly, she stood up. She motioned for Dave to get up too and he did. Sam stroked him for a couple of minutes as they stood right in front of me. She looked at me and said, "look at the size of Dave's cock," then she walked him over to me. She said to Dave, "you need to finalize your prize. Give him a taste of me." Then Dave moved in and put his massive cock in my face. Sam said, "open your mouth and pay up. He wants to collect the rest of his winnings." I turned to one side, then the other to avoid the inevitable. Sam said, "this is MY fantasy and you'll do as you're told. Now open your mouth." Reluctantly, I obeyed. Dave shoved his cock into my mouth and began humping. I could taste Sam's delicious juices making the ordeal easier than I had expected. Sam stood alongside him, reaching in from behind to fondle his balls. I applied pressure to the underside of his cock with my tongue. He was getting even more worked up humping my mouth than he did fucking the girls.

Jackie stroked my cock with one hand and massaged my balls with the other and said, "you love having to suck cock for us don't you. I want you to think about what you're doing for us so we can watch you cum from your humiliation. I want you to feel the degradation. C'mon, give yourself up for us." I could feel Dave's cock tightening. It wasn't releasing. It just kept tightening. He was breathing heavily and grunting. Jackie began stroking me with intensity while moving her other hand toward my ass. She fondled my balls, then my ass, then she inserted her finger about one knuckle deep. I was ready to cum when Dave let loose in my mouth, but I kept the pressure on with my tongue as my cock tensed up. I felt the squirt at the back of my throat and began to swallow. Jackie said, "cum for me. I want to watch you cum while sucking Dave's cock. Suck that big cock and cum for me." Sam fondled Dave's balls as he was shooting his load into my throat. Jackie stroked fast and hard until I had to let go. "Keep sucking," she said. " Suck that cock and cum for me." The humiliation was ecstatic as I was cumming in front of two beautiful women while sucking on another man's dick. His cum was dripping down my chin as he continued to pump my face. Jackie finally slowed down her pace. With my jizz lubricating her strokes, she made me squirm in torment. I was trying to escape her hand and had to let go of Dave's cock. He turned away and collapsed on the mat. Jackie stopped stroking me and lightly massaged my balls as I regained some level of normalcy. At that point, I really felt the stress and discomfort from my arms being caught in the ropes and having my legs spread so far apart so I asked Jackie to release me and she did. I dropped flat on the mat next to Dave. He was spent and so was I. Dave said, "I was second at the state high school wrestling championships in 2011." "You made me work pretty hard. You done good." he said.

I said to Dave, "I still believe I can beat you." Dave said, "anytime you feel lucky, I'll give you a rematch for the same stakes." I said, "you're on." Sam and Jackie joined Dave and me on the mat. We all voiced various expressions of amazement when we finally got up to clean ourselves and the ring before heading home.

On the way home, Sam kept pestering me to set a date when we'd have the rematch. Jackie also wanted to know but I really wasn't ready to commit to anything yet. I was still pretty ragged out. I just said, "I need time to get over what just happened...we'll see."

Obviously, my girlfriend loves seeing me suck the cock that just fucked her. Strangely enough, I enjoyed it too. I love how excited she gets watching me humiliate myself in front of her and others and I loved watching her orgasm on Dave's cock. That says nothing of watching Jackie's long slim body orgasming while she stared at me trapped in the ropes with my cock fully erect. I lost...but I won.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by livinginsin » Fri May 03, 2019 8:30 am

Hot and well written story. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by tosaintsfan » Fri May 03, 2019 8:52 am

Yes,nice story, but that is all it was.

Last edited by tosaintsfan on Fri May 03, 2019 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Fri May 03, 2019 9:19 am

Thanks to you both for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I glad for the feedback. Thank you again.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by SutterKane » Fri May 03, 2019 2:22 pm

Well you don't hear that story on this site everyday! How about some pictures of Sam and Jackie? Hell, why not one of Dave too!
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by 4herpleasure89 » Fri May 03, 2019 2:48 pm

Very erotic! Sounds like everyone had a blast!

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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Fri May 03, 2019 9:23 pm

SutterKane, I can't find where I can upload pictures. It is a fantasy, so I have photos of a fantasy Sam and Jackie.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by tosaintsfan » Sat May 04, 2019 11:32 am

I thought fiction was only permitted in the library. In future, I would suggest you label your posts as fantasy or fiction so as not to have us that only want real life experiences waste their time.

Our story so far, "continuation of Marla and me": ... 33#p689371

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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Sun May 05, 2019 9:01 am

tosaintsfan wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 11:32 am
I thought fiction was only permitted in the library. In future, I would suggest you label your posts as fantasy or fiction so as not to have us that only want real life experiences waste their time.

Sorry your feathers are ruffled over this. I am new to the site. I don't know how to access "the library" let alone find it. I wasn't aware this was only for "real" stories. Apparently, by your previous comment, you thought the story was a waste of time even when you thought it was real. Perhaps you could give me a guided tour of the site so I don't ruffle your feathers again.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Sun May 05, 2019 9:06 am

tosaintsfan wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 11:32 am
I thought fiction was only permitted in the library. In future, I would suggest you label your posts as fantasy or fiction so as not to have us that only want real life experiences waste their time.

OK...I found the library - says it's "for fiction or non." I couldn't find anything that says one can't post fiction elsewhere. Perhaps you could point that out. That would benefit us both.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by tosaintsfan » Sun May 05, 2019 12:08 pm

My feathers are not ruffled over this and I did not wish to start a protracted argument over your story. If you read the rules (top left portion of the masthead), specially under 2.1 they imply but do not specify that all stories must be true. They state that fantasy is fine but should be identified as such. They state if a reader can prove a story is untrue then it should be reported. They also state that readers should not call stories untrue, but just move on.

I was merely trying to tell you to label you story as fantasy or fiction if you post in the regular parts of these forums because some of us like to read only legitimate experiences. These forums help us in living our lifestyles.

Sorry if you felt my post was too harsh, but I really didn't intend to inflame the situation.

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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Sun May 05, 2019 12:53 pm

Thank you. Admittedly, I didn't read the rules first. I simply went to the forum and the second category was "cuckold." That's what I was looking for to post my stories so I went ahead and posted. Had I known, I would have labeled my story as fiction or posted it in the library. I will say though, I'd be surprised if all stories that aren't labeled as fiction are true. Certainly, it's easy enough to lie about it and no one would know otherwise as is the case with most anything found on the internet unless it comes from a trusted source that has a reputation to protect. I apologize as well and I hope there's no harm done.
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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by intoital » Sun May 05, 2019 2:22 pm

Oh my goodness, that was a great read!

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Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by mundyman » Sun May 05, 2019 2:43 pm

That was fucking amazing!!!

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:49 pm

Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Sun May 05, 2019 3:03 pm

Thanks you. I'm really glad you liked it.
Deception is not deception when the participants are willing.

Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:49 pm

Re: My Unlikely Experience - Wrestling - Seriously?

Unread post by NotBob » Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:09 am

I just posted the sequel called, "The Rematch." I posted in the Library this time. I hope you'll all take the time to read it and if you're so inclined, post some feedback.
Deception is not deception when the participants are willing.

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