My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

When a fuck buddy becomes something more.
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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu May 23, 2019 6:49 pm

At the risk of making a bad pun, let me say a few words about – words.

One of the challenges for me is finding the right words to convey the inherent emotions and challenges in our situation. Sometimes from the reactions I get I can tell that I am getting it right. Other times I clearly get it wrong.

The first word I want to talk about is “victim”. If anyone thinks that Jen is holding herself out as a “victim” here, that is solely because I have been inartful in conveying what she was trying to tell me. I have been with Jen for decades, know her better than anyone else in the world. And I can honestly say that not once during all those years has she played the role of a victim in anything – especially here. It is just not in her makeup. I have seen her make so many sacrifices for me, our family and her friends. I have see people take advantage of her amazing heart and kindness. I have seen her suffer through painful loss. But not once – ever – have I seen her play the victim.

In our conversation she was not trying to portray herself as someone suffering unfair hardships as a result of our triad. She was just trying to convey something that she felt had been missing from my posts – that it is not all wine and roses, that there are genuine difficulties and challenges that come along with the situation. If anyone reading that last post got the impression that she is playing the victim, that is 100% on me for failing to accurately convey the context of her remarks. If you had been in the room watching her with your eyes and hearing her voice with your ears you would understand.

The next words I would like to talk about are “winners” and “losers”. So much of our lives today seems to involve putting people into one category or the other – in sports, politics, the work arena and in our personal lives. I think it was Observer who said “Who are the winners? Those that are happy I guess.” I can agree with that. But what I rebel against is the idea that in order for there to be winners there have to be losers.
Let me say a heartfelt thank you to every one of you has posted comments. Each one of you has helped me to look at these issues from a variety of perspectives, to really try to take a step back and dispassionately evaluate what is going. For some time now I have found myself hung up on the “winners and losers” discussion. And my thoughts and reactions to your comments have helped me to do the self examination that I think is driving these posts in the first place.

My thoughts have coalesced into some pretty firmly held views. Here they are.

First, I don’t think anyone should ever get into a situation like our triad if any of the three members is going to be “losing” because of the relationship. If that’s the case, you just should not do it. To put it the other way, you should only do it if every one is going to be a “winner” – to be happier in their lives as a result of the relationship.

We all agree that to make this work involves challenges as well as pleasures. So I prefer to think of these issues in terms of “benefits” and “sacrifices” that each person involved is receiving and making in order to maintain a relationship in which all are winners.

Let’s look at Jen to start – we have talked about her the most so far, most of the time dwelling on the benefits. To have two men who she genuinely loves and who genuinely love her. Two wonderful lovers who treat her with enormous respect and who are also great friends not just with her but also each other. The excitement of having two very different relationships and lives, the “new relationship energy” associated with each step she takes with Dan. And the amazing trust that we have all developed with each other – that just doesn’t happen often in life.

My last post talked about the sacrifices that Jen makes in order to achieve these benefits. Not just the hassle of the travel or maintaining things in two homes, but the real effort involved in maintaining and nourishing two very different relationships. It takes work. Dan and I are very close but we are also very different. I am more open, more of a communicator, more willing to talk (or in some cases overtalk) things through. Dan is much quieter, especially when it comes to expressing his feelings or addressing tough issues. It makes Jen’s interactions with him very different than mine. She is still learning how to deal with him as they do not have 30 years of experience living together. And the issue of if, what and when we tell our children is a major concern to her, as I think it would be to most women in her situation. It’s just a lot for her to deal with at times – sacrifices that she willingly makes to further the special relationship.

Now let’s look at Dan. The benefits seem pretty obvious there, don’t they? The one most men focus on is that he gets to have great sex with my beautiful wife (and she is beautiful, I assure you) on a regular basis. Jen loves him, is the woman in his life, has helped establish him in his own place, is now open to being his partner in public in some situations. They travel great together, enjoy lots of the same activities – they just plain have fun. Jen is his confidante, his friend, his lover and his love. All very much to the good, right?

But on the flip side, Dan is making sacrifices too. First and foremost, he has chosen not to date any other women. That is his choice. But as a result, after almost 30 years with Sally he now lives alone most of the time. That is a huge change for him. As he says with a smile on his face, he is “in a monogamous relationship with another man’s wife.” And not just that - he is in a monogamous relationship with a woman who he loves very much, who he is thrilled to be with in every way – but who spends most of her time in the home, bed and arms of another man. In other words, no matter how you slice it, Dan knows he will always be “Number Two” as long as this relationship continues. He is happy with that, at least for now, because he enjoys the time he does get with Jen so much. But for every day of “benefits” there have been many more of “sacrifices” if you want to define things in terms of how Jen splits her time between us. There are other awkward little sacrifices too. Dan has many friends and colleagues that he can’t share this information with. It is hard to come up with cover stories to explain just what role Jen does play in his life on those occasions when he does introduce her to others. And he has his sons’ opinions to worry about (although they are both in the service, one in California and the other deployed at the moment.) So he has issues to address.

Finally there is me. In terms of the sacrifices that I make, that’s easy – the time I give up with the most amazing woman I have ever known, my partner of thirty years, the love of my life. Real easy to see those sacrifices as a “loss” for me.

But the less mentioned topic, the issue that I have had the hardest time facing myself, is that there are real benefits to this situation for me too. I am not just sacrificing – I am benefitting from Jen’s relationship with Dan. Benefitting from it to the point where I have consistently not just given them my blessing, but urged them to take it further if they wish to do so. To understand just why I have been doing that these past years is, I think, the real reason I started doing these posts. And I am finally starting to understand.

But it is late here and there is a beautiful naked woman asleep in our master bedroom who is about to be awakened by her loving (and lustful) husband. So for now she will get my full attention – more on my issues next time around.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by subtoall » Thu May 23, 2019 9:16 pm

Wonderful post!

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Observer1931 » Sat May 25, 2019 8:32 am

Lucklyguy3 I feel your last post revealed more of your thoughts. I do not have the luxury of much private time to post but will try to share my thoughts. They are free and over priced I"m sure.

Sacrifices: Travel now days with all the security is not fun, maintaining two homes is a job and now with the new plan it looks more like it will be 3. Trying to handle 2 relationships will take work and sharing this info with her children is a burden.

Benefits: She gets to spend more social and sexual time with her lover and with her new plan she will be able to reduce some of the sacrifices.And met with his new friends away from you. And can have time with him at both his place and at you place in your home town if they choose too. Certain a win.

Sacrifices: His situation regarding being along after his wife left him for an other woman is not related to the affair. His chose not to date other women so to have your wife does not seem like a sacrifice. The fact that the woman he loves and love him but spends some time with her husband may be a sacrifice. And that as of now he cannot share her with his other friends may be. As you say he will always be second the relationship unless things change.

Benefits: Of all the sacrifices with the new plan your wife has presented removes most of the Sacrifices if not all. An he will get much more time with her. And he may move up to primary 1.2. He has added more social time to the plan.

Sacrifices: Will have less time with Jen, less help in business. May limit where you can take Jen that she will not be seen by one of Dan's new friends, depending how he introduces her. Does/will she wear a Wedding ring?

Benefits: You will have the joy of giving them more time to enjoy each other.

Summary: Remember you had cause to have concerns and I think you still may. You have done a good job of rationalizing /justifying going along with her new plan.

Must go. Good Luck & My very Best to you.
Last edited by Observer1931 on Sat May 25, 2019 5:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by samlowen » Sat May 25, 2019 9:07 am

I like how you re-frame the discussion from winners/losers to benefits/sacrifices. As someone who had a mistress for 18 months, living between two homes (4 days with my wife, 3 days with my mistress) I can appreciate the difficulties your wife experiences in maintaining two relationships. It can be very emotionally and physically draining at times. When I was in the middle of my situation, my mistress and I would frequently talk about her sacrifices. We didn't have kids and were very open about what was going on. Our family's knew. Our friends knew. It made things easy for public outings. Her complaints where not being able to marry me and have a family with me. She maintained that I shouldn't feel bad for her in any way because she chose to be involved with us in that way. If her sacrifices became too much, she knew she would have to leave and move on. Eventually they did, and she moved on, and it was ugly.

I get the sense that if/when Dan finds his pressure point, it won't end ugly.
Last edited by samlowen on Sat May 25, 2019 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sat May 25, 2019 6:40 pm

Back at home now with my darling wife after a long opening day. All went well, looks like the season is off to a good start. We are celebrating the kickoff with a great dinner here at the house with one of our grown daughters and her husband who are visiting for the long weekend.
I love watching Jen whenever we have one of the “kids” home with us – she just glows. When the children were younger Jen was the classic soccer mom. Always smiling, cheerful, involved in all their events. And also so pretty and in such good shape that she absolutely was the “Milf” lusted for by many of our male friends and neighbors (and I suspect more than one of their teenage sons too.)

None of those people knew back then that Jen and I had experimented with swinging and opened our marriage to allow each of us to have outside partners on our own. They would have been shocked. But they would all be totally blown away to learn that Jen now had two lives with two different husbands. If I had to guess the men might be more outraged and judgmental, but at least a few of the women might have been secretly envious.)

But for now at least that is all speculation as we have been so careful to keep everything discreet and secret. That is never easy, often awkward, always a chance of discovery. My hat is off to Samlowen for sharing his experience with openly maintaining that lifestyle. He, his wife and his mistress all showed real courage in doing that. We are not at that point yet, but someday? Only time will tell.

(Samlowen, thank you also for validating Jen’s feelings about the day to day difficulties involved in maintaining two active, loving relationships. I wish your situation had been able to come to a kinder resolution. Thanks also to Observer, I can tell that you have read my posts carefully. Your analysis was thoughtful and appreciated.)

So I left off my last post before addressing the final element of the benefits/sacrifices analysis – what benefits do I receive from this special relationship? Because this is not just about me making sacrifices to please Jen. It is also about me making sacrifices (giving up time with her most of all) to please me. As I said, I think this is the important part of the self analysis I have undertaken.

Sometimes the toughest, most complex questions turn out to have the simplest solutions. In this case, I think the reason that I have been encouraging and supportive of Jen having this relationship with Dan is that I like it. For all the angst and worry, I cannot deny that it also makes me happy, gives me joy and, if I am totally honest, turns me on as well.

The first time that Jen and I were ever with another couple it was scary and threatening. But I also found it to be really exhilarating – she did too. And it was like adding afterburners to our own love life. That same trend continued as we progressed to having partners who we saw on our own.
But the relationship we have undertaken with Dan has taken things to a whole new level, and I feel like I am receiving an entirely new set of benefits. Many of them fall into the category of “compersion”.

The dictionary definition of compersion is “The feeling of joy associated with seeing a loved one love another.” In that sense it is the opposite of jealousy. And that is certainly what I feel for both Dan and Jen in this situation.

Dan’s joy in life was hugely improved when he and Jen started their relationship. Even though at first they could only see each other on rare occasions, it was easy for me to tell just how much happier he was. Admittedly part of that happiness was because he was getting great sex with a beautiful woman. But much more it was that he and Jen genuinely cared for each other so much. To see them be able to realize the joy in their connection after seeing the attraction and longing build up for years – that was really special.

Things have gotten even better since Sally left Dan. He and Jen have been able to spend enough time together to get to know each other much better, to start their own “couplehood”. In July they will take that to another level when Jen moves in with him for about four weeks. From Day 1 Jen has been so open with me about her feelings for Dan, both romantic and lustful. I know how much effort she is putting into making this work for him in the comparatively limited time they have together. I know she takes pride in being the only woman in Dan’s life. For both of them, I take pride and happiness in their relationship.

But there is something more than just that. I don’t just support them, I am not just happy for them. I take it a step farther – I have actually encouraged both of them as they have gone through this process. I encouraged Jen to become Dan’s lover if the opportunity arose. Once that happened, I told Dan that it was not only ok with me, but that I was happy for them. I encouraged them to find ways to be with each other when he was still married to Sally. Once Dan and Sally separated, I encouraged them to spend more frequent and longer periods visits together. And now I am encouraging them to try living together for a month to see what that is like.

So why do I encourage them? I think it is because there is a part of me that likes the fact that my wonderful, sexy, sweet wife has another man who she loves and who loves her. I like that in addition to all the things the three of us do together they have developed their own separate life together as a couple. I am glad that my best friend has found such happiness with her. Part of me wishes that we could all be totally open about it. I like that Jen loves Dan, that he is a great lover for her, that they have become their own couple – that she is in fact his wife now too, just not full time.

And best of all, despite all those things Jen always comes back to me. She still spends the great majority of her time with me. Our own lovemaking is fantastic. I feel totally loved by her, and I have never loved her more. I get a real sexual thrill by the fact that we “break all the rules”, that she can have fantastic sex with my best friend and then come home and have fantastic sex with me too. Jen has always 100% lived up to her commitment to me that I am her Number 1. As long as that is the case, then I am happy for them and happy for myself. After all, that’s what this is really about right?

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by subtoall » Sat May 25, 2019 10:58 pm

luckyguy3 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2019 6:40 pm

And best of all, despite all those things Jen always comes back to me. She still spends the great majority of her time with me. Our own lovemaking is fantastic. I feel totally loved by her, and I have never loved her more. I get a real sexual thrill by the fact that we “break all the rules”, that she can have fantastic sex with my best friend and then come home and have fantastic sex with me too. Jen has always 100% lived up to her commitment to me that I am her Number 1.
All things are possible when you have this. I have never feared for your relationship the way others on here seem to have, and it is because you have so clearly communicated that confirmation of this loving commitment has always been present. The sky is the limit.


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sun May 26, 2019 3:20 am


Suchen Zucker

Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Sun May 26, 2019 5:22 pm

luckyguy3 wrote: ↑
Sat May 25, 2019 10:40 pm

And best of all, despite all those things Jen always comes back to me. She still spends the great majority of her time with me. Our own lovemaking is fantastic. I feel totally loved by her, and I have never loved her more. I get a real sexual thrill by the fact that we “break all the rules”, that she can have fantastic sex with my best friend and then come home and have fantastic sex with me too. Jen has always 100% lived up to her commitment to me that I am her Number 1.

I'm sorry, what was your concern again? :roll:

Seriously, I think you are fine, just doing a bit of "thinking out loud." I do that myself, then the wife will jump in not understanding that I'm just mulling over things and not to take what I'm expressing too seriously...

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Observer1931 » Tue May 28, 2019 5:37 pm

Last paragraph of your last post says it all. Hope we can get a quarterly report on just how things are working out.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu May 30, 2019 11:37 am

Jen and I have been working pretty hard this first full week of our season, getting the new summer employees up to speed and the bugs worked out of the system. Jen is super working with the young people. Most are college kids who join us for the summer. The girls usually think she is super cool for someone her age, while more than once I have overheard some of the guys talk about how hot she is. Doesn’t hurt that her typical go to work outfit this time of year is a ball cap, tank top and cutoffs. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about how fortunate I am to have a wife who is still so sexy at this age.

Speaking of age, Jen has a birthday coming up soon. Dan and I have been conspiring about possible birthday surprises. Definitely makes it more fun when your wife’s lover is also your best buddy! Will keep you posted on what we come up with.


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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu May 30, 2019 11:38 am

Jen and I have been working pretty hard this first full week of our season, getting the new summer employees up to speed and the bugs worked out of the system. Jen is super working with the young people. Most are college kids who join us for the summer. The girls usually think she is super cool for someone her age, while more than once I have overheard some of the guys talk about how hot she is. Doesn’t hurt that her typical go to work outfit this time of year is a ball cap, tank top and cutoffs. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about how fortunate I am to have a wife who is still so sexy at this age.

Speaking of age, Jen has a birthday coming up soon. Dan and I have been conspiring about possible birthday surprises. Definitely makes it more fun when your wife’s lover is also your best buddy! Will keep you posted on what we come up with.


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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu Jun 06, 2019 11:53 am

Been two weeks now since Jen and I got back to our home town and got the business up and running for the summer season. When she and Dan are apart Jen has stayed in pretty close touch with him thru texts and phone calls. But this past week there has been a new twist to their communication. Last night Jen told me she was going to bed early and asked if I could give her some privacy so that she could call Dan from our bedroom. I said sure but was also a little puzzled. It was not unusual for her to want privacy when they talked but normally she would just take her phone into another room or out on the back deck.

About 45 minutes later I got a text from Jen on my phone saying I could come up to bed now. That was curious too - normally she would just call down from me from the top of the stairs. When I walked into our bedroom I got a shock. Jen was lying on top of the covers of our bed, fully naked with a vibrator beside her. When I asked her what the heck was going on, she told me that Dan had been sending her texts throughout the day telling her how horny he was for her. He ended up by telling her that she had to make time for a phone sex date with him - a first for the two of them. They used the FaceTime app on their phones to do a video call. Dan gave her instructions about how to undress for him, then told her to get out the vibrator and start using it on herself while he talked dirty to her. Jen apparently got into it and soon had herself quite excited with the vibrator, although she said that she had to keep moving the phone around pursuant to Dan's instructions so that he could see the various parts of her that he wanted to see. Dan was masturbating during the call and Jen had him hold his phone so that she got a closeup look of him jerking his cock. Dan eventually came, apparently shooting out quite the load (after all, it had been a couple of weeks for him.)

I asked Jen just what they had been "talking dirty about". She replied that she would prefer to keep those details between her and Dan for now. That was not the way she and I usually do business - normally she shares all the fun stuff. So I said something like "Well, are you going to tell me if you came too?"
Her reply: "Of course I did, silly. But I don't think I', done for the evening."

Hard to resist that! The next hour was a lot of fun . . .


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by samlowen » Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:06 pm

Have you and your wife had FaceTime phone sex yet? With her new living arrangements starting in July...seems like that could be fun for you two while she’s away.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by D+D » Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:21 pm

samlowen wrote:
Thu Jun 06, 2019 12:06 pm
Have you and your wife had FaceTime phone sex yet? With her new living arrangements starting in July...seems like that could be fun for you two while she’s away.
That's a good idea. You're going to really, really miss her luckyguy3.
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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:49 pm

No, I have never done that with Jen. Maybe we should practice before she moves in with him next month.

Her birthday is this week. I have been communicating withbDan about him coming up to our place to surprise her. He is totally up for it - which I guess is not surprising given how much he has been lusting for her since we came here in May. Still trying to figure out just how to spring the surprise on her once he gets here midweek. Any suggestions?

One thing is puzzling me. Jen has been unwilling to share all the details of her phone sex date with Dan. I get the idea that there is something kinky or different going on between them that Jen is not ready to share with me, at least not yet. This is definitely a change, in the past she has always shared every detail of her sex life with Dan as she knows how much it excites me.

Should I be concerned?

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:50 pm

No, I have never done that with Jen. Maybe we should practice before she moves in with him next month.

Her birthday is this week. I have been communicating withbDan about him coming up to our place to surprise her. He is totally up for it - which I guess is not surprising given how much he has been lusting for her since we came here in May. Still trying to figure out just how to spring the surprise on her once he gets here midweek. Any suggestions?

One thing is puzzling me. Jen has been unwilling to share all the details of her phone sex date with Dan. I get the idea that there is something kinky or different going on between them that Jen is not ready to share with me, at least not yet. This is definitely a change, in the past she has always shared every detail of her sex life with Dan as she knows how much it excites me.

Should I be concerned?

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by D+D » Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:43 am

Probably not concerned, but maybe aware that they are building a relationship together apart from you that is theirs just as you and she have your relationship that is yours and hers apart from Dan.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

Suchen Zucker

Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Mon Jun 10, 2019 2:12 pm

luckyguy3 wrote:
Sun Jun 09, 2019 4:49 pm
No, I have never done that with Jen. Maybe we should practice before she moves in with him next month.

Her birthday is this week. I have been communicating withbDan about him coming up to our place to surprise her. He is totally up for it - which I guess is not surprising given how much he has been lusting for her since we came here in May. Still trying to figure out just how to spring the surprise on her once he gets here midweek. Any suggestions?

One thing is puzzling me. Jen has been unwilling to share all the details of her phone sex date with Dan. I get the idea that there is something kinky or different going on between them that Jen is not ready to share with me, at least not yet. This is definitely a change, in the past, she has always shared every detail of her sex life with Dan as she knows how much it excites me.

Should I be concerned?
I would think it normal that as her and Dan's relationship evolves and matures that it would take on its own life and have some distance and breathing room separate from yours and hers. Perhaps you will need to learn to get excited by the fact that she and Dan need independent, honestly intimate time together. Surely it's a drag on your wife's passions and feelings of liberation knowing you will be expecting a "report" later.

Would she feel like she has to "reign in" some of the things she might want to do or say to him, knowing you will be expecting to be told everything, or would she be faced with being less than truthful in her re-telling to you so as to protect your feelings, or perhaps to preserve some sanctity towards her relationship with Dan?

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:10 pm

Thanks for the comments related to Jen not sharing all the details of her recent “phone sex date” with Dan. Your words helped me see things from her perspective. For some time I have expected her to give me full “reports” on her sexual interactions with Dan. Yet I would probably resent it if she was giving Dan reports on her lovemaking with me. So maybe it is best that I give her some space here.

Jen’s birthday is tomorrow. Dan will show up here unannounced late Friday afternoon. Plan is to surprise Jen, still working on the details. Will keep you updated.

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:38 am

So Dan and I talked last night and worked out Jen’s surprise. Dan is going to set up another phone sex date with her for tomorrow night. What she won’t know is that he will actually be here in town. Plan is for him to start the call, really get her going with sex talk then have him unexpectedly walk into bedroom and join her. Should be interesting!


Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by dorsetben » Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:02 pm

Great idea! Hope it works out well..

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by D+D » Fri Jun 14, 2019 2:40 am

Great present for her....and him. Are you going to join them? You had better enjoy your wife while you can. She'll be gone soon and a month is a long time.
See our pics in the Hotties under My Wife Debbie

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:59 pm

So Dan is here, although Jen does not know it yet. She is quite excited about their phone sex date which is scheduled for just a few minutes from now. I have promised her privacy, she has been in our bedroom for the past thirty minutes or so getting herself ready (showered and shaved her legs for phone sex!) While she was getting ready I picked up Dan, he is now sitting on our back porch. He will call her cell, start talking to her, then when she is quite excited just walk into the bedroom and surprise her. At least that's the plan, we will see how it works out. I will be with Dan while he is talking to her but will give the two of them privacy when he joins her. It has been a while since they were last together, figure they deserve some private time. Dan will be staying through the weekend so that gives us lots of options over the next couple of days.

Wish us luck!

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Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by luckyguy3 » Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:36 pm

Wow - that was an eye opener. Got to see (or to be more precise, listen to) a whole different side to Dan and Jen's sexual relationship. Apparently they have been experimenting with Dom/sub stuff, because Dan was very dominant and aggressive towards her from the moment she answered her cell. It was clearly not the first time they had interacted this way, they both seemed too familiar with it. In response to questions from Dan, Jen reported that she had two different dildos with her, a larger round headed clear glass one that I had bought her on a vacation years ago and a more traditional battery operated one. She also reported that she was naked as per his request (I think they must have been texting about this earlier in the day.)

Dan had her start by sucking on the glass dildo while she touched herself with her fingers. After a while he had her start using the glass dildo on herself but also instructed her to pinch her nipples. He was very directive in the instructions he gave her and each time she answered "Yes sir." Once Jen had started to get herself fairly excited with the glass dildo and pinching, Dan told her to switch and start using the battery operated dildo. It was really erotic to hear it buzzing over the phone, and even more to hear her start moaning. At this point Dan told her very forcefully that she was to get herself right to the edge of cumming but not let herself go over the top. Once she was on the edge he got even more dominant, demanding that she say out loud how much she wanted to cum and how much she liked fucking him. He got her to say some amazing things, some of which I could hardly understand because she was panting so much. Then he made her beg to be allowed to make herself cum. I have never heard Jen beg for anything, but she was definitely begging then, telling Dan how much she loved fucking him and pleading with him to let her cum.

But Dan kept denying her - right up until about ten minutes ago. Then he walked up the stairs and straight into our bedroom. I could hear Jen's "Oh shit!" as he walked in all the way downstairs, followed by a peal of giddy laughter. Dan must have been awfully hard already because I heard the sounds of their lovemaking begin within just a minute after he walked into the bedroom. I could hear Jen cumming almost right away, and she has cum again at least twice since. They are still going at it as I type these words - how convenient that my little study is just a few steps down the hall! Looks like this surprise is going to be a big success.



Re: My wife has fallen in love with my best friend

Unread post by samlowen » Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:06 am

Nice job creating a wonderful birthday surprise!

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