Renee's Mardi Gras

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by sugarsweet8285 » Fri May 24, 2019 12:59 pm

zoe wrote:
Fri May 24, 2019 10:27 am
Bump to myself so that one day I can finish the story
Yes, please!

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat May 25, 2019 7:21 am

Finish the story as soon as you can.
Don't procrastinate!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by HOT4MYWIFE » Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:47 am

Thank you very much. Mr Zoe derves most of the credit.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:31 am

And so the journey continues:

The next day was somewhat of a blur as I awoke sometime in the early afternoon. I remembered that after my “performance” there was uncontrolled revelry in which I, along with nearly everyone else, participated with a lusty vigor. The aching in my loins was a not so gentle reminder of my own debauchery which I celebrated to the hilt with multiple men and women.

As I lay in bed the images of these exploits floated into my conciseness causing a tingle which I attempted to address with my fingers only to find myself too sore to proceed but caressed myself nonetheless reliving these events realizing that I was a changed woman. There was a strange feeling of power and authority, the same traits I had seen in Rachael and Ericka. There was no shame, no regret and no going back ...

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Tue Jun 25, 2019 12:59 pm

I was drawn out of my dream-state when I realized that Yvette had come into my room. The fact that she may have witnessed me caressing myself brought on no emotion which only further confirmed my new reality.

“Madam, would you like some coffee?” she asked politely and more in line with the manner in which she addressed Rachael than her previous tone with me. She moved to arrange the pillows for me and I sat up fully exposed while she poured the coffee from a silver service that she had apparently brought with her. I covered myself with the sheet as she handed me the black chicory staple for which New Orleans is famous.

“I have been asked to inquire if you might be agreeable for an early dinner?” the message and her tone yet another reminder of my new status within this household. “That would be wonderful, what time is it by the way?” I inquired. “A little past four Madam. We have a few hours.”

I had become quite accustom to Yvette and Josette pampering me but I was more at ease than ever as the two of them joined me in the shower as they washed my hair and body and shaved me completely bare. Aside from the hair on my head there was not so much as a stubble to be found anywhere on my body and I emerged from the shower completely refreshed and surprisingly invigorated.

My coffee was replaced with a deliciously dry sauvignon blanc as they proceeded to fix my nails, hair and makeup. My spa treatment consumed the remainder of the afternoon and when they were finished they presented me with several outfits from which to choose for the evening. I chose a black v-neck dress with 3/4 sleeves that hit just above the knee and peep-toe pumps with a spiked heel. My selection of undergarments was equally impressive. Feeling naughty I skipped the panties choosing a bra which accentuated my cleavage and a garter and nylons. I was then provided appropriate accessories including a necklace which fell between and called attention to my breast and bracelets and rings of my choosing.

The look was sexy, yet classy and I walked into the main foyer with my new attitude in full blossom feeling the material of the dress caress my bare bottom and the cool air freely flowing across my loins.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by our_mmann » Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:34 am



Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by our_mmann » Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:34 am



Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by our_mmann » Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:35 am


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Wed Jun 26, 2019 1:37 pm

From the foyer I could hear Roget and Rachel in the living room and followed the sound into their presence. Roget wore a sports coat and open collar shirt and Rachel wore a dress not dissimilar from my own.

“Renee,” Roget rose as he acknowledged my entry and placed a kiss on my cheek. “Roget” I replied as Rachel joined in taking my hand and likewise kissing my cheek. “Would you care for a drink, dear? We are having a delightful cocktail” Rachael said as she mover to a pitcher of what I assumed were Martinis. “Yes, that would be lovely thank-you.” I replied as she handed me a glass of a tart lime/rum concoction.

The mood was decidedly different as my hosts engaged in light conversation with no suggestion that our previous engagements would ever be discussed again. The combination of the rum and their attitudes put me at ease. Southern hospitality was on full display as we left for dinner at Peche’ in the warehouse district. Our evening took on the air of old friends as our conversation ranged over any number of topics, but none sexual.

Returning home Roget and Rachel made their good byes. “Renee we will probably not see you tomorrow, life returns to normal.” Normal I thought, maybe for you. “Darling it has been wonderful having you here,” Rachael said looking into my eyes. “Here is my card, call me anytime. But, if you wish to return for Mardi Gras as a member of the Krewe you should probably get in touch by October.” She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek before she left.

Roget then stepped forward with an envelope. “Here is your plane ticket. If you would like to call Jack please feel free to use the phone.” And as did Rachael he hugged me politely and with a glancing kiss to my cheek was gone. “Jack” I said aloud thinking of my husband for the first time in days.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Thu Jun 27, 2019 1:40 pm

Jack met me at the airport. I was unsure how to discuss what had happened so I put him off. The children had stayed with friends and had no idea I had been gone. The evening was so normal it was surreal, I felt like I was in a play.

When we were finally alone the sexual tension was too much and we moved on each other without discussing my trip. When Jack saw the tattoo it only amped up the energy and we were both insatiable. I took him everywhere and exerted more control over him than I ever had. When he thought he was spent I would bring him back and then use him again to drive me to another orgasm. In the back of my mind I remembered that he thought I was going to return trained to be more submissive, but just like Cassie, I had learned the power of my own sexuality.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:27 pm

Sitting in bed drinking our coffee, “Well, are you going to tell me about your adventure?”

“Perhaps, but I need a few questions answered first.” I replied. The look on Jack’s face spoke volumes, he was not expecting this new version of me and was somewhat on the defensive, unsure of where this was going. “Tell me how all of this came to be.”

“What do you mean?”

“How did you find out about Rogert and Rachael and when did you contact them?”

“Who are Rogert and Rachael?” He responded.

“They are the couple who took me into their home. They are the ones that planned all of this with you.” I shot back more forcefully.

“I have no idea who they are. I found a website and was talking with a lady who eventually mentioned her obsession with training wives to be submissive.”

“So you wanted me to be trained?” I was getting angry.

“Well ... uh ... not really.” Jack was struggling. “She was very aggressive and it sounded really hot and all. I guess she talked me into it and I ...”

A light went off in my brain. “Who was she?”

“Terese.” He stammered.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:04 pm

“What?” The look on my face must have given me away, but I quickly recovered and reasserted my advantage.

“So how far did this online romance go?”

“It was not a romance!”

“I’m all ears baby.” I said before I went to dress. “I’ll tell you my story once you have told me yours.”

My initial lust of our first night after I returned had now faded and my emotions were conflicted. Knowing how Terese operated I was both curious and turned on, as well as a bit angry. I denied Jack, but not myself, often multiple times a day while he was at work both reliving my own experiences as well as imagining what went on between Jack and Terese.

After a few days Jack’s resolve began to weaken and one evening after a few glasses of wine he started a conversation which I immediately knew would transition into his confession. His initial recounting was pretty benign describing their dancing around the obvious. Then I took charge knowing that Terese had orchestrated this relationship.

“So did she show you pictures of herself?”

Jack knew that he was too far gone to hold back anything. “Yes.”

“She has quite a body for a woman her age, and quite a sexual appetite.” I teased.

“You got to meet her then?”

“Perhaps. Continue.”

What followed was a detailed description of how Terese had seduced Jack with increasingly revealing pictures and suggestions; eventually leading to their having video sex. It was apparent that she had lit a fire in his libido and that he was enthralled with her sexuality. I was playing along and Jack was reliving the experience and it was fairly easy to get him to admit that he would masturbate while she watched. The whole scene was so Terese.

“So, after she how long did it take before she started asking about me?”

“I don’t remember.”

“But you did share pictures of me with her, didn’t you?”

Embarrassed Jack eventually admitted to sharing naked pictures of me with Teresa without my face and I was able to coax out of him how I became the payment that Terese was requiring for her continued participation. With the sexual tension at its zenith . . .

... I went to bed.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:46 am

I was forced to admit to myself that I found it highly erotic that Jack was offering me up sexually to Terese, and even more difficult to admit that I was desired by another woman. Images of Kristen would flash into my mind during my self-indulgence and try as I might I could not alter where my mind was taking me.

Realizing that denying Jack was destructive I began to embrace the moment and that night I was more gentle in my approach and as he became more comfortable describing his online “romance” I started role playing, inserting myself into his fantasy. Jack’s passion was palpable and I allowed him to be in complete control with me playing the part of his imaginary Terese knowing that his image of her was exactly what she wanted it to be; wrong.

When he, and I, were spent I playfully asked him, “So, would you like to hear what your Terese did to your little wife?” Jack sprang to attention both mentally and physically. I grasped his erection and said, “Maybe tomorrow.”

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:42 pm

Just so this does not get deleted

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:58 am

zoe wrote:
Wed Jun 29, 2022 1:42 pm
Just so this does not get deleted
Great story, thankyou. I'd probably never have found it either without your update.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by HOT4MYWIFE » Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:53 am

Thank you. I am glad it is still being enjoyed.

Hope you and others check out my other story as well.


Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by our_mmann » Fri Jul 01, 2022 4:55 pm

.Many happy memories.

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by weluvtoodoit » Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:52 am

I have just finished rereading this fantastic story in it's entirety. It was just as riveting as the first time I read it. Such a beautifully written account of a woman who discovered a hidden part of her sexuality.

Thank You for keeping it alive!

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:47 am

I actually bumped it so that Playboyfan and his Hottie could read it since he has been putting her on a plane and sending her off to be .......... :twisted:

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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:48 am

Bumping again because it is Carnival


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:14 pm

Dear Zoe,

I'm just a few posts in and LOVING it already! :D :up: :up:


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:12 am

54321 wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:14 pm
Dear Zoe,

I'm just a few posts in and LOVING it already! :D :up: :up:

I am so pleased that you are enjoying it, and I hope that the "hits" since the bump also took the time to read the story.

It was such fun to write and I must give hot4mywife and several others credit for their support and participation. There was a lot of real-time input which pops up on this site every now and then. The personal back and forth is something we need more of ...

That being said, I think my favorite scene is when Renee is bound at the foot of the bed and watches her host ....


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:03 am

Mmm. Nicely written. It reminded me of the excellent 'Story of O'.


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:24 am

About 1,000 views since I bumped the thread. I love having some of the ladies on the board identifying with the various vixens in the story, but most want to be Renee … wonder why :lol:


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Re: Renee's Mardi Gras

Unread post by zoe » Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:29 am

Time for my shameless annual bump :lol:


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