progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hiki » Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:25 pm

Perfect opportunity to gift her with a fleur-de-lis pendant! Good luck and may she find her first lover soon!


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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:46 pm

shall54 - Well at first I want to know some details, but I also want to keep in mind what she is comfortable with sharing, so it's why I said I want details no matter how small.

hiki - There are these particular home décor items she loves, and I usually gift them to her for birthdays or holidays. But I am searching for a fleur-de-lis one to give her. They make them, but I am trying to figure out where I can get them because sometimes they are difficult to find. If I can't end up finding it within the week I will probably get something else with it on it. But she loves this particular décor item and if I can find it it'll be perfect.

I don't know if I am hoping she comes and tells me about a date that is 2 weeks away, to give me time to prepare, or I am hoping she just tells me at the moment it is happening. I dont know. Like I said, I've fantasized about this for years, but now the realization of having no control over it just make me anxious? Now it's just the unknown. She is going to do with what she feels comfortable with, and go about it how she wants to. Which is great, that is what I want, her to be in control, but at the same time wow. Someone posted about it, but they said enjoy this part, the build up to the first time, because once it happens there is no turning back. Part of me is wanting it to happen now, part of me is thinking, 'give me a couple weeks to prepare'. But again, it's in her control which I love and want. It's the unknown of how and when that makes my mind race.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:07 pm

Hey - I remember that feeling. Before the first time it is amazingly intense - similar to what you said about things feeling like you were first dating. Her first time with another man is maybe similar in that way to the first time you two were together. Not sure that was even english, but I hope you follow my meaning.

Maybe give a little thought to what's coming soon. Your wife is going to go on a date - probably more than one - with another man, where they'll do all the things couples do on dates. Soon enough, she'll end up going home with one of these guys for her first sex with someone other than you. If it's good, she might stay the night. Remember, this is her first new partner ever - it's going to be different no matter what. It's going to be a lot to process - a huge amount. She's likely to be moody and unable to explain why. Be patient. Keep talking the way you do already and she'll vent what she needs to vent.

If you're lucky, her first lover will really satisfy her. That'll come with it's own emotions for both of you, but it's why you're both doing this, right? For her to be fully sexually satisfied and in control of your sex lives?

As always, thanks for the updates.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:24 pm

You are probably wise to give her time to let her get her bearings.
She is probably quite new at this, at least as a wife, she has suppressed her natural sexuality toward other men. Now that she will be basically single once she leaves the house, she will have plenty of opportunity to become reacquainted with flirting,

I was wondering, have you asked her to wear her wedding ring when she dates?
Would you prefer that she looks single when she behaves single? ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:26 am

Mentally prepare yourself for anything. You may not see any movement at all for a month and then another couple months of passive flirting with little movement. She may also take a half a step back at some point.

Or in a couple months she may have:

An older bull that she is submissive to and making her his slut doing things you would never have thought of her doing
A young hung bull that is using her pussy
Multiple hookups with different men
Experienced a BBC
A MMF threesome without you involved
A lesbian encounter.

Get that Tinder account set up for her and take her dancing.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:21 am

60d and TheHammer - wow thanks. Talk about reading that and taking a punch in the guy yet having a huge adrenaline rush. I guess since we are moving forward at this pace I never thought about this slowing down to months away or her taking a step back.

BallSpanking - She already told me a while back when I took her on a date and she wore out what she'd wear if she was on a date with someone that she'd wouldn't wear her wedding ring. I think it's to take down one more obstacle for the other guy. Maybe that'll change depending on how she meets the guy, or maybe her mind has changed since she told me that a month or so ago.

Like I said that what makes my mind race is the not knowing when or how. All this time I had it in my head played out how it would go, and the realizing that it may not go at all how I thought up is what is crazy to wrap my head around. For years this fantasy has been controlled in my head, but now that it is out in the open and in her hands, I've lost control of how it goes. It was in a nice controlled environment in my mind, but now it is out in the open elements.

This is all so exciting that I want to talk to her for days on end about it all, but at the same time I need to take a deep breath and just slow it down and not overwhelm her with my excitement. I know she is probably also processing all this and our conversations seem to be going at a good pace and are appropriately spaced apart. Again although I want to just talk, talk, talk to her about it all day after day I know that would probably come off as too much. I've spent most of the time just focusing on her and letting her know how much I appreciate her. In a cheesey way I guess i'd say I've been working on us in between our talks on this. But at the same time I say it's cheesey, it's a genuine focus. Going back to the other day when she was standing there in a pair of jeans she has worn so many times, her incredibly sexy legs and thighs looked different to me, they looked even more sexy and hot. I wish I could explain it better for an overall better understanding, but when I try I realize I can't explain it to have it make sense.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hornedhubby » Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:24 am

Congrats with enthusiasm on your recent breakthrough progress with your awesome wife. For a number of months I wasn't sure you were going to get to this stage, at least without a few intermittent setbacks. But you've been smart and patient in building her trust and not pushing too hard.

So here you are. It seems to me that your path to all this progress has come thru your willingness to seduce your wife's dominant nature and become her submissive hubby. Early in your story you indicated a concern that she didn't want to be dominant over you, but she clearly seems to be embracing it at this point. And it has increased her trust and appreciation in you and your relationship.

My suggestion would be to continue, even ramp up, your devotion and service to her, deepening your commitment to a female-led marriage. That will give you an outlet for the nervous energy you feel about the prospect of her cucking you. But let her be the one who leads the conversation and action plan toward becoming your cuckoldress, so that it naturally flows out of the FLM dynamics of your relationship.

At the same time, as others are pointing out, you need to identify for yourself how you would like this to play out and proceed and find a gentle way to express that vision to her so that you both can discover the best way for this to work.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Aug 25, 2018 1:26 pm

Reinforcing some of what's been said here...

Talking with her about her motivations and what she hopes to get out of sex with other men seems worthwhile. You can make it clear you understand her desire not to be pestered about the specifics of her lovers, but that it's important for you to feel you understand her (I assume this is all true).

I also agree that pouring nervous energy into being the best husband possible can be a good outlet - in many ways. Mostly, it just means being very attentive to your wife and home, and being proactive about taking care of things when you notice them. It's not particularly kinky sounding, but to be a good husband in an FLR, it helps to start by being a good husband by more conventional standards.

Cucking, the way you two are approaching it, requires incredibly deep trust from both partners. She trusts you to support her, understanding that sex with other men isn't a threat to her love and commitment to you. In my experience, it's easier emotionally to just surrender and trust your wife. If things take an unpleasant swing, you can speak up and deal with it. But devoting energy to thinking about what might happen, at this point, is crazymaking and counterproductive.

Tell her what you've said here - that you feel closer to her than ever. That it feels like it did when you first started dating. Keep taking her out on little, impromptu dates. That's all part of your romantic life together - as much as, or more than any time she spends with other lovers.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sat Aug 25, 2018 8:42 pm

60dCommon wrote:Reinforcing some of what's been said here...

Talking with her about her motivations and what she hopes to get out of sex with other men seems worthwhile. You can make it clear you understand her desire not to be pestered about the specifics of her lovers, but that it's important for you to feel you understand her (I assume this is all true).

Cucking, the way you two are approaching it, requires incredibly deep trust from both partners. She trusts you to support her, understanding that sex with other men isn't a threat to her love and commitment to you. In my experience, it's easier emotionally to just surrender and trust your wife. If things take an unpleasant swing, you can speak up and deal with it. But devoting energy to thinking about what might happen, at this point, is crazymaking and counterproductive.

Tell her what you've said here - that you feel closer to her than ever. That it feels like it did when you first started dating. Keep taking her out on little, impromptu dates. That's all part of your romantic life together - as much as, or more than any time she spends with other lovers.
All excellent advice. I'd emphasize two things already posted:

1. She has to have a "primary" connection with you the whole time. When the NRE is in full bloom, she still has to feel you and her are the primary relationship.
2. She needs to have a clear sense of what she gets out of the new arrangements that benefits her relationship with you. This feeds back on #1 ideally improving the relationship with you overall.

Don't rush her into the lifestyle. She has to define it for herself. Maybe that means every few weeks she dates. Whatever works best for her. If it is a good experience for her, she will never go back to conventional monogamy. But, that doesn't mean she'll do it as much as you want.

Per other posts, this might take a while to get to actual dating. Be patient and supportive while she works it out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:56 am

Thanks for the replies and advice. Definitely gives to more talking points and we still need to talk more about this all. Yesterday she was on the phone with one of her girlfriends, and the conversation was all about Jennifer and the guy Jennifer is currently seeing. They were talking about Jennifer's relationship and all about this guy she is seeing, they seemed to try and one up each other with knowledge they had of him. My wife's curiosity of him was clear and she didn't mind one bit that while she complimented his looks and his "manly" activities that I was right there in the same room.

Today she got ready to go out and do some shopping. Nothing too provocative from her wearing other than a t-shirt and black spandex pants. (although speaking of clothing, she got yet another new sexy bra, she is getting closer and closer to owning ever single color of this style). Before she left she told me her plans of what she was doing and what store she was going to. She then in a very joking manner said, "But really, you don't know where I am going or what I may be doing." This caught me completely off guard since there was no previous naughty talk and it was still a little early that I was tired. I looked at her wide eyed and expressed 'whoa' yet still trying to wake up completely. She smiled at me and laughed. I pulled her in and gave her a kiss and after we kissed she slowly swayed her hips side to side making sure to rub up on my now hard dick. She then reached down and grabbed me as if to make sure with her hands she was feeling my excitement. When she felt I was hard she gave me a, "MMMm." This was nothing more than her joking and teasing me playfully. But what was fun about it was she brought this up on her own and brought up a little reminder to me moving forward. I hadn't brought this topic up to her in a day or so, so it was nice to see her bringing it up letting me know it's on her mind too. It was also a reminded to me that I need to be ready for the topic when she brings it up and no matter the time of day or what to be encouraging and supportive. It was just a reminder to myself that this isn't just a one night kink thing, but a lifestyle.

Over the week I have just a crazy range of emotions, that all come back to excitement. But going to what you guys have suggested, I do a lot more housework just to keep my mind occupied while she is gone and this just her like going to get groceries. Otherwise I just think and wonder and I've found putting that toward chores just helps ease the mind, and the plus is she comes home things are done.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:02 pm

We would all like this to move forward more quickly, including you. But the fact is, she is the one in charge, and for this all to work, it has to work for HER.
So, it is probably best that you remain patient and let her proceed at her own pace, pursuing guys she is interested in at her own pace. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:49 pm

Agree, be patient more than anything but be ready to talk and act when she brings it up. Don’t forget the taking her to the city for a night of dancing. That is a good way to open the door a bit further with her dancing with another guy.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 am

Did you ever find out what you missed out on in Vegas? If she hasn’t told you yet you could ask her as she seems to be in a very positive place regarding your sexual play.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 11:14 am

Again thanks all for the advice. I know I have to be patient, but I will say it is hard after all these years of wanting this and having us finally be at this spot the patience is hard to keep with the mixture of excitement. But yes, I know patience is probably more important now than ever.

Yesterday we were just sort of hanging out in the kitchen when I brought up to her that I see fleur-de-lis' all over the place now. She laughed and said she had noticed them a bit more too. Going back to what 60d suggested about asking her what she is looking to get out of this, I figured this was as good as anytime to bring up the conversation. I told her I hadn't really asked and I should, and me not asking was selfish on my part, and that I need to remember she is in control of it, but I asked her what SHE was looking to get out of this. She sort of paused thinking of a way to respond in a delicate way. In a serious and confident tone she said she was looking for a new experience and also a break from it all. All exciting, hearing her say that in the way she said it just made my stomach go in every direction. I felt like I was on the slow climb up the start of a roller coaster. I laughed in response and told her it would probably be nice to know there is someone who can last more than two minutes. She laughed and said enthusiastically, "Yes! And that won't be hard to find!" I told her I couldn't help it that she was too hot.

Since it had strongly been on my mind the last week I had to ask her. I asked through the turning of my stomach if she would like this to be like looking for one particular long term boyfriend or more like different hook ups. Waiting for her response felt like forever. I could see her thinking about the question, and while I waited my heart raced. She said, "Ummm probably start off with hook ups and then see how they turn out." My heart sank, yet I was extremely aroused. Basically she's telling me she will handle this like a single adult in this day and age. Go on dates, hook up, and if they are good look for long term with them. I was numb. She walked over to me with this sweet smile and gave me a little kiss, almost like she saw what my insides were doing to me and wanted to ease me.

I was very glad I asked those questions, and I could tell she liked that I asked them. Maybe that was the best thing I got out of it, was seeing she appreciated I was asking what she was wanting out of this, and her excited responses to it. The hottest thing and what kept my mind occupied the rest of the evening was how she responded to the questions. They were real responses and I could tell she had thought about them. It made me realize that she has thought about this longer than I would have thought. Although I felt each question was met with an hour of silence, she responded to them quickly letting me know she's taken the time to think about this and was confident about it. The rest of the night I just went back to thinking of her responses, her manuerisms, and facial expressions, while she is telling me what she wants out of this. It just was super hot and made me flushed with excitement yet nervousness.

I spent the rest of the night being attentitive toward her and being as helpful as I could. The night went by fast and before I knew it she was going to bed. I wasn't tired, probably from my mind still racing so I stayed up. Somehow we managed to make a mess within our place and since I had nothing to do I went straight to cleaning up. It wasn't out of horniness or anything, I just wanted to give her a clean place when she woke up. I'm having this sense of competition. I did see she used her vibrator, but that now doesn't seem to be as big of a deal as it used to be.

This morning I left and we did our usual morning routine and I was out the door. About an hour later she just sent me a text with the emoji fleur-de-lis. Looking at it I just smiled and texted back "I love you." She responded, "I love you!"

Tryn - I never found out what I missed in Vegas, but you are right she does seem to be in a very positive place regarding our sexual play.

TheHammer - You are right I have to be ready to talk when she brings it up. Also, for the date night in the city, yes I want to do that, but right now our schedules aren't allowing it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by skinny-one » Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:38 pm

Breaker: I know you've studied your wife pretty damn thoroughly during this journey to Yes. Have you ever thought of what or where exactly she came upon the turning point to YES? Just curious if there was one thing that you believe that probably made that final decision for her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:16 pm

Great updates! Love her newish circle of girfriends. I hope they're understanding and supportive of your lifestyle once your wife starts dating. Good on ya +++ for everything you're doing to embrace your role. Isn't a satisfying feeling to sit back and look at your completed housework, knowing you're doing your part? Don't you feel a proud rush to hear your wife's confidence when talking about another man in a sexual way?

The fleu-de-lis is such a sweet, but at the same time, kinky gesture. It was pure genius. I love how your wife has embraced it as a way of showing you how much fun she's having, and how committed she is to being your top. I love the way she shows you lots of sexual attention through her teasing, even if she's on her way to wanting less PIV sex with you. You know, of course, that whenever she sends you a fleur-de-lis emoji, it's because she's wet from imagining her first time, right? It's just so incredibly hot.

Can't wait to hear more!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:56 pm

I think that was a fair question to ask her, but, what would you say (in detail) if she asked you the same question.

Why do you want this for her, and what do you get out of it? ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:28 pm


Could be a complete tangent, but has chastity come up recently? A while back your wife bought you a cage, and you both seemed to like it. I'm curious about her thoughts/feelings about caging you - I don't recall reading about many wives taking the initiative as your wife did. What about you? Would it be satisfying for you if she took control of your cock and orgasm in that way? Chastity often feels like topping from the bottom to me, but your wife might be different.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:31 am

I was just thinking the same thing as 60d about chastity, but from a different slant.

In previous posts you described the cage she bought and it seemed to be treated as more of an occasional toy. My humble suggestion is to go to amazon and get one of the "arc" versions with the integrated locks. get one where you can pee easily and won't spray. Yes you will have to sit if you get one properly sized (1/4" shorter than your flaccid penis)

Order a couple variations/sizes, as they are inexpensive and it usually takes a few tries to find the one that works.

Be sure to get one that can be worn and you can clean it in the shower without removal - all the solid ones are not designed for that. Plastic are toys and cleaning is a concern.

I suggest this as you are preparing to become a cuckold - I know that is exciting. You have asked your wife, and she has accepted the idea, that another man will pleasure her in ways you can't. No matter how you slice it, a portion of your sexual contact with her you have now will given to another man, and you eagerly want this. While that makes you excited, we are human and we need support and structure - especially with something like becoming a cuckold.

My suggestion as part of your FLR journey is to find a cage that works for you (comfortable, looks good, sexy) on your own. Once you find one that you can wear most of the time, one of the most intimate conversations you will have with your wife is when you present her with the new key, and ask her to own the marital penis. I mean really own it.

She is reading a couple books now and she will get it.

Perhaps a good slant is to say that she is so hot and with the fact that she has accepted you as her cuckold and there will be other men between her legs, you won't be able to control masturbation and the feelings of angst as a result of masturbation letdown. That will diminish your focus on her and that is not fair to her (or you) - you want to remain 100% focused on her pleasure - and be ready when it is your turn (what ever that ends up being LOL).

You need something to help you help her. But she has to accept being a keyholder, and that is different than just buying a device. Being in chastity does not mean you can't initiate sex, but only she has the power to say if you get to cum.

Once caged, it is important to be nude when working in the home. It gives her a visual reminder that you have given your penis to her, she is in control. It has to become a normal thing like wearing a watch. You wear a cage and she sees it all the time - especially when you are doing tasks for her. You wear it for her and you willingly deny your orgasms for her as her faithful cuck.

I think the idea of chastity device before was perhaps a bit premature. Now that she openly has agreed to make you her cuckold, it may be time for you to say that emotionally and physically being caged will help you and her with this decision. It is a physical expression of your support and acceptance of her being in control. It heightens your sub feelings and reminds you all the time of what you have willing given to others and what you no longer control.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:31 pm

I like the chastity idea, but I think at this time she wouldn't be that into it. Maybe as we move more and more into this she will come around to liking the chastity idea, but I'll hold onto bringing that up right now. We have both been very busy the last couple days so we haven't had much time together to talk more. One thing she did tell me last night as we were getting ready for bed that I thought was surprisingly very hot. This is going to sound odd that it was hot to hear, but it shows a little of her mind getting naughtier with dom type stuff. We were brushing our teeth and she looked at me a gave me this little chuckle, I asked what was so funny and she told me she should brush her teeth and spit onto my toothbrush and then make me brush my teeth. I was shocked to hear her out of nowhere go to that length of showing her dominance over me. But before I could really respond, it was like the idea grew in her head and she gave another small laugh and said, "Even better, I do it in the morning after I've had coffee." All I could really respond was, "Whoa!" These ideas came out of nowhere, but goodness it was pretty hot to hear her come up with these ideas. She returned to looking at herself in the mirror brushing her teeth, but she kept a smile. I finally was able to say, "That'd be hot, I'd do that." She responded to me by her smile growing a little bigger. That hasn't happened yet, but who knows maybe one morning she surprises me with doing that. She seemed to be entertaining herself with the idea.

Hopefully these next few evenings allow for some down time and we are able to spend more time together and have more talks.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:15 pm

Be very careful that it doesn't become an avenue for vindictiveness.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by offendedgame » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:06 pm

Breaker445 wrote:, I asked what was so funny and she told me she should brush her teeth and spit onto my toothbrush and then make me brush my teeth..

I think this is the FIRST time i read about something like that with toothbrush playing. lol

Yeah, i'm sure that this idea came from nowhere

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:51 pm

Just had a brainwave - get a fleur-de-lis charm for her anklet?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Sep 01, 2018 3:06 pm

Well my stamina became a glaring issue again these last couple of nights and it sort of allowed for the door to open more to what she is wanting out of all this. On Wednesday we had some errand to run and we went together. While driving a song by a band came on the radio and my wife very perky said, "Oh babes your band!" I hadn't heard the song before, but my wife knew I liked this band because years and years ago around the time I first introduced this fantasy to her I told her about one of their music videos and songs about cuckolding. I really haven't mentioned them since nor do I really listen to their songs, but it was interesting she remembered all these years later. That night we were cuddling in bed and she could feel my hard on. She told me, "I feel it. Put that little thing away, we aren't doing it tonight." I told her ok and I would put it in the mattress. She said, "Good. I was in the mood earlier, but now it's too late."

So fast forward to Thursday night and our nightly routine leads to us going to bed which lead to us kissing and getting into the mood. Well it was the first time we have had sex in over a week, and shortly after I started she started begging, "Give it to me!" she was really enjoying it but unfortunately I didn't last more than 2 minutes, maybe even shorter. I pulled out trying to stop, I squeezed the head as tightly as I possibly could, but it was no use. Frustrated she was telling me not to cum as I was trying my hardest not to. Disappointed and frustrated at my lack of stamina myself I tried to explain to her that I could get hard again if she gave me a few minutes. She was frustrated in me ending so early, but decided to give the waiting a try and told me to lick her. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed me down between her legs. While licking her she let the verbal humiliation go, which I loved and hadn't heard in quiet some time. She told me with a frustrated tone, "You're so pathetic, you can't last." She continued on, "I need a real man who can last." Even more, "I can't wait to find someone who can last and give it to me like I need." By this time I was really into licking her, and I could tell she was wet. She gently pushed up the back of my head to let me know to come up to her, I went with her direction and she reached down to feel my dick. Although I was getting hard again it wasn't enough for her as she told me, "You're not hard enough." And she ended it. I tried to beg to give me a little more time but she had none of it, my opportunity was done for the night.

What it lead to was a talk, one that really was a gut punch. Maybe it was because I was coming off of a very disappointing performance, but what she told me stung and was a realization of this fantasy turning to reality. A little mad at me and frustrated at me due to my stamina she said with all too realism, "I don't have someone yet, so it's hard that you can't last." I sat there stunned yet she continued on, "I need to have sex with you, just normal plain sex." Saying I agreed and wanted that she went on, "When we do this (referring to cuckolding), I still need you, we still need to have sex." Again, I agreed with her. She replied, "I still need to get off from you, but it's unfair when you can't last more than a minute." I tried to explain to her my difficulties with lasting. I told her I think of everything any anything other than thinking of having sex with her when we are doing it because if I think, 'wow I'm having sex with her' I end. I also told her at some point, physically there comes a point of no return and I can't help it. I actually think she liked my explanation of telling her I have to think of math problems, or other things when we have sex just to try and last. We ended up falling asleep, but although the next day what she told me and how she told me turned me on, at the time I felt disappointed with myself.

Friday night we ended up having time to go to this get together with her girlfriends and their friends, we only knew a select few but she dressed up for the occasion wearing heels and getting her hair and make up ready. This morning was my second failure. I woke up and rolled over to the side to check the time, she draped herself over me and very slowly started humping my backside. "I had a dream and now I'm mad at you!" She said. I grabbed her leg that was draped over my legs and gave a light rub and asked why? She said she had a dream where it was reverse cuckolding, that I was wanting her to watch me with another woman. I said "No! I would never want that!" Her humping up against me became more obvious and she said, "Good." She added, "You can only get hard from me, ok?" I told her of course and she was my Goddess. She reached over and felt my hard on, which not only was there because it was in the morning, but because I've only been awake for a few seconds and she is all over me humping my legs and hip. I gave her a kiss which she turned into giving me a seductive tongue. Suddenly with very heavy breathing, she told me, "I need to ride you, I need to ride you now." I honestly thought she was going to orgasm just by undressing she was so into it. She got on me and my goodness, she was soaking wet and very warm. As soon as she got on me I knew I was not going to last at all. Unfortunately within seconds I was done. And I am not exaggerating with the seconds. I tried to hide it, I tried to keep going thinking maybe I would stay hard still and since she was so into it she may end soon, but neither of that happened. She felt the difference almost immediately.

I laid down next to her really fed up with myself on my performance. She too was fed up and upset that yet again I couldn't last. "Just fucking finger fuck me then." She said as she grabbed my hand and showed me what to do. I was getting aroused again and after a few minutes she felt me, but again I was not hard enough for her liking. She sternly told me, "You aren't hard enough!" Her voice went from stern to frustration as she said, "Whatever" and we were done. She added, "You're getting too old, I guess." She told me as she got up and got dress that this was equivalent to blue balls to her. She also said, "I need to really look into how to fix this, this is like erectile dysfunction." I told her I was sorry and she simply said, "Whatever, I'll try again another day."

Ugh. I feel bad dissapointing her the last couple of days, but whats been lingering on my mind is if she is going to take the next step sooner than later, now more out of frustration. I have to last though, she's made it clear that she still wants me. I think the reason she wants that is to still have that connection with me, and probably a concern for her is if we dont have sex, or I can't get her off from sex, we will lose that connection. In a way, it's her steering this fantasy and lifestyle into what she wants and works for her. For me I'd find it hot being denied, but she doesn't want that.

60d - Not yet, but I actually thought of getting a fleur-de-lis charm to add to her anklet.


Re: progress story

Unread post by FNQLivin » Sat Sep 01, 2018 4:36 pm

You should probably see a doctor about the PE. There are definitely things you can do for that.

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