From Norway with love

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Wed Jan 11, 2023 2:30 pm

Life progresses


Attentive readers of this story will recall when we left them, that Laurence, Nina, Lars and Eva were with their friends in the garden at Convent of San Ramón Nonato, Av Reconquista, Buenos Aires, four hands to be joined together by the priest.

It was a ceremony like no other. A murmur had gone round the gathering, a ripple of applause, then shouts of ‘kiss the brides’. We, the informed observers who had travelled their journey - first with Laurence, Nina and Lars - later to include the young Porteno Eva - know that this event was far from a traditional blessing, leading to us questioning how Father Jorge had obtained dispensation to conduct such a ceremony. Perhaps, with an Argentine Pope and relaxed South American indifference, permission had been discretely smuggled from the Vatican without inquiry.

Those readers that accompanied Laurence on his earlier journey of sweet deprivation and frustration need not fret that the forthcoming episodes are to depart in nature from their earlier pattern. They can be assured, can they not, with Nina at the helm, that our players’ lives and lifestyle will continue to fascinate. Shall we role this dice?
Last edited by aaardvarky on Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:14 am


By the time Laurence, Nina, Eva and Lars depart the Convent, Raul, Amado, Horacio and his mother have already arrived at the San Telmo villa to decorate the vast entrance hall with the garlands and flowers that were delivered whilst they were away. Upstairs in the ballroom a small tango orchestra tunes to a Di Sarli song.

The arrival of guests is a noisy affair - it seems that everyone has been invited to return to the house - and what Porteno can resist a party? Cars and motorbikes scrabble for a space in the street below, and there is the sound of raucous singing as groups of friends enter carrying gifts and flowers. As our four hosts arrive their guests have formed lines against both sides of the marble staircase. Confetti and rice shower down to greet them. The orchestra strikes up with Biagi’s version of La marcha nupcial. Once in the ballroom Laurence dances with Nina, whilst Lars takes Eva into close embrace. Their audience moves in, some seated on the floor, others on tip toe to watch their progress across the floor. Half way through the song, Laurence and Lars switch, bringing a new tango energy.

It is now much later. The party is over, the guests have gone and our players have ascended to the terrace to enjoy cool night air that blows in from across La Plata. Above them is a myriad of stars. Laurence, breathing a sigh, nurses a single malt. Eva has collapsed into Lars’ lap and he strokes her hair as Nina watches them from her lounger. Sleep beckons.

Eva stirs, rises slowly and taking Lars’ hand invites him to follow her. They depart hand in hand towards Lars’ rooftop villa. Nina sits up and, smoothing wrinkles from the dress, with a rustle of petticoats, goes to follow them. Laurence alone remains - with only the night sky for company.

We are not privy to what transpires thereafter in Lars’ bedroom. That Nina has not returned to the terrace indicates that she has been welcomed to stay. However, we can picture Nina draping herself across the chaise longue whilst Lars slowly eases Eva from her clothes, his deft fingers taking time to release her zips and clips. Now naked, Eva pulls back the sheets to slip beneath. Nina looks on as Lars strips, his bronzed body gradually revealed, his manhood evident in the shadows. Nina follows him, reaching behind her back to draw down the zip of her dress which she allows to fall to the floor in a foam and fizz of taffeta. Naked beneath, she climbs in beside them just as Eva eases herself backwards to secure the penetration she craves.

Like a marriage, the blessing is apparently consummated - that is, at least by Eva, Lars and Nina. Meanwhile, Laurence has pulled a blanket over himself, poured another malt and gazes up at the moon. In his imagination he seeks to capture the scene in the villa, swelling with longing and the frustration of deprivation to which he has become addicted. In this moment he can almost taste their activity; feel their straining, experience their perspiration and hear their sighs of passion and their ultimate climaxes. These pictures that flash across his mind remind him of a time when he too had both the energy and determination to last the night.

Yet it is with those scenes flashing across his consciousness that sleep overtakes, washing reality and fantasy into an erotic web that penetrates his dreams.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:28 am

Welcome back! I'm so glad the story is continuing, I've missed it and your writing style.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:16 am

As I read the new story-line I am struck with the word martyr to describe Laurence. While the word's primary definition implies death for principle, a secondary one is more descriptive: a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle. Could sexual satisfaction through denial, through the angst of observing others engaging in hot sex as a way to be viscerally involved...what principle would that describe?

The scene begins as the four in a marriage ceremony commit to be as one; analogous to the four corners of a square. But the ending is of a triad: Eva, Lars, and Nina engaging in a act of sexual unification. And we know a triangle is much stronger than the square. Will a continuation of this dynamic lead to happiness for all? It remains to be seen.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:08 am

What a delight to see that two of my favourite readers are still here and reading what I write. Thank you Johng1953 and BDJ for your encouraging comments. Incidentally, where is Chris?

BDJ - is there not something of the martyr in committing to such a lifestyle...enabling coveted pleasure in which the donor does not actively participate, but from which he (or she) receives vicarious pleasure through the process of denial?

As I see it (and I may be wrong), Laurence seeks virtual participation. Whether this arises from his time of life, a deep-seated propensity, or something that has been carefully cultivated and encouraged by Nina - Laurence's erotic drive arises from Nina's freedom to seek, push boundaries and to explore her own sexuality. Her sexual dominance and independence seems to be a large part of it. And I wonder whether the nuptial night of connection about which we read between Lars, Eva and Nina was in fact so exclusive; or whether Laurence chose instead to tap into it cerebrally to secure an erotic participation?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:43 am

There is wisdom in your words. Reading your explanation of how Laurence might tap into the erotic energy the three younger lovers were generating rings true. My own experience as a young husband validates your observation. Being excluded created angst, yes, but also a vicarious pleasure at her having the attention of another man. If you read 'Jade's Awakening' you'll discover when that first happened.

As to Chris, it appears he dropped out right as his sons arrived home for the holidays. Perhaps he and Cath are devoting all their energies toward them. Hopefully he will return to regale us with his astute observations. I have certainly felt the void created here by his absence.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:41 am


To escape a cool night breeze, wrapped in his blanket Laurence had retreated to the comfort of his bed in his suite on the floor below. Now morning light flashes reflections from the glasses that Raul, followed by the house cat, clears from tables on the terrace. Meanwhile Amado aided by Horacio seeks to restore order to chaos in the ballroom.

When Lars awakes, physically exhausted but still feeling the thrill of a night of sexual energy and activity, he is aware of the smooth warmth of bodies either side of him. It was not until the early hours that Nina and Eva had satiated their desires, both spurred on by their competitive determination to possess him and to achieve yet a further climax at his expense. That Lars had coped was indeed a significant tribute to his virility.

As voile curtains float in morning air blown down from the Tigre delta, Eva snuggles against him, her lips pressed against his neck - whilst Nina reaches fingers to encircle him, teasing the further reaction that she seeks to exploit. Feeling his response she slides her leg across and between his, levering herself into a position where she can take him again. Hers is an urgent and relentless coupling, designed to engage maximum stimulation, one which inevitably results in her shuddering pleasure, as if determined to extract his last drop of semen before leaving him alone with Eva. Their connection over, Nina borrows Lars’ robe, picks from the floor where it rested, the dress; and slips out across the terrace towards the back stairs.

Nina’s route is not, however, to her own suite. She detours to Laurence’s door, gently knocks and enters. After a cold night on the terrace with but one blanket for warmth, Laurence is suspended in that twilight zone between sleep and wakefulness. Dropping the dress at the foot of the bed and easing the dressing gown from her shoulders she now slips between the sheets and comes to rest against Laurence’s torso. With her right hand she now explores him, encircles, caresses to repeat the success that she realised a short while before with Lars. Successful, she mounts him, her legs spread over his thighs to grip him, her hands pressing down to his shoulders. He feels her wetness, as was her intention, and recognises its source. Thus lubricated she eases him into pleasure. He asks Nina about her nuptial night and she replies with visceral sensuality, sparing little detail, spinning her most ecstatic moments and experiences into an erotic web into which he falls, is captured and devoured.

Thus it is but moments before Laurence climaxes, coming suddenly as much from her detailed description of the night’s pleasure as from the morning’s stimulation. They both sense his imminent eruption which Nina matches with sharp vaginal contractions so as to intensify his release.

Whilst we might have thought that Nina’s would have been a final coup de grace for Lars, remarkably he now responds to Eva’s soft presence and encouragement, and taking her in his arms, holds himself above her to take her with a gentle sensitivity. The contrast of their connection and that earlier of Lars with Nina is stark - whilst Nina’s drive had been to take and receive - that of Eva was to bestow. Remarkably but far from coincidentally, the four climaxes of our players happen to coincide in time, as if it were ordained that way and their communication of energy was one of unwitting synchronicity.

Meanwhile, Horacio - heading up from the ballroom on the back stairs - hears the sounds of Nina’s successful coupling with Laurence. His face colours and contorts with a flush of jealousy, unmercifully intensified when he reaches the terrace to hear Eva’s post-coital sighs. It is at this moment that he determines that he cannot remain an observer, but deserves and determines to be a participant once again.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Jan 16, 2023 2:53 pm

I'm sure Horacio will in some way be involved and I'm looking forward to it.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:47 am


Experienced readers will understand exactly how the relationships between our four players came to be sustained. But, as their raconteur, I felt it might be interesting to examine the topic more closely, starting with Lars, for his situation is probably the easiest to comprehend.

Before her marriage to Laurence, Lars had a historic relationship with Nina, one which neither developed into permanence nor subsided into memory. Perhaps it was the dichotomy between his infatuation with Nina and his obsession with independence that prevented him from making the commitment that we sense Nina would readily have accepted had it been offered. Instead, their college relationship continued to provide sex and solace and, whilst there would have been a hiatus in their connection when Nina met Laurence, they were to miss this dynamic, and inevitably it would reignite.

Therefore it came as a surprise in the last story that Lars would give up his freedom for their South American venture. Perhaps he understood that he could neither replace Nina nor survive without her - a realisation made more prominent by their increasingly erotic connections in the shadows and recesses of her marriage.

Laurence, on the other hand, presents a conundrum. A highly imaginative and confident spouse with little to prove but much to explore, instinctively he understood and valued Nina’s sexuality, her ambitions and propensities. Deep down he also knew the importance of her special connection with Lars. Instead of being jealous he chose to embrace it as a compersive charge and to enjoy the frisson of risk and deprivation. That there were three people in their relationship was deemed by him as normal and inevitable.

We have already explored much about Nina, her needs and desires. In truth, she is an exceptional woman. The combined pressure of fertility and social convention that tends to preclude polyamory or non-monogamy seems not to have every inhibited her, thus liberating her from social mores. She has an unquenching thirst for excitement. She is an adventurer - always looking for a new experience or a boundary to push. As such she attracted two men who had the confidence, not just to cope with her propensities, but, without competition, to encourage and join her on her hedonistic journey.

Eva appears to be the perfect foil for Nina. Young, soft, fertile, ultra-feminine, emotional, malleable and dependent, she slips easily into the roles that are arranged presented for her. She is an actor given a role. Nina is her director; Laurence is her fond sponsor and Lars her fantasy.

The question remains as to how structurally sound is our foursome? Perhaps you could give this some thought, and share your feelings with the writer?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:06 am


A nicely composed reflective synopsis of how our original three protagonists arrived at this unique state of affairs. No conventional woman, I think Nina was a closet hedonist until she married Laurence and discovered his propensity for voyeurism and denial. An astute young lady, she then saw how to, as the saying goes, have her cake and eat it too. It was mutually satisfying for all three.

But the only constant in life is change, and as she delved ever deeper into this...threesome lifestyle? she began to see parts of her innermost needs exposed which had heretofore been deeply hidden. This recognition of need and change is what is driving our story now.

I'll take a moment to repeat on my original imagined portrait of this lovely sensual goddess. I described her this way: Then I will see her as graceful in her movements; a fairy figure. When I look into her eyes I see first kindness there, then whit: subtle and wry, but never malicious. Then there is her smile; when it breaks upon her face in delight, it transforms her to a beauty not recorded since the Mona Lisa. Of course she has a killer ass: all my imaginary women have them.

Nina drives this narrative. Her beauty will long be with her, as to will her sexual needs. And they will be ever increasing; so too will the need to involve others. With each plateau reached; each orgasm achieved, a foundation is laid from which to build deeper, more satisfying ones.

Nina can never be still, will ever reach for more. This may be her greatest virtue or her ultimate downfall.

She is a woman best described, as I did many pages ago, with the last stanza from Cherie Burbach's poem:

Tomorrow, She Walks With Grace

A new woman will emerge
from this tired cocoon.
She will no longer wish that same desire.
She will understand her fate.
Solitary in nature,
with angels for companions.

And, I might add, goddess to many here, including me.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:17 am


It's mid morning in mid summer. Sun drenches the streets of San Telmo. Below Jacaranda trees shudder as warm air shifts on a light breeze from La Plata. Raul is making his rounds of the terrace, lingering in shady corners to collect plates and glasses left there overnight.

In her apartment on the floor below, her teacher-style glasses catching light from the shutter slats, Nina reads the daily Clarin whilst Eva appears engrossed in a romantic novel. The aroma of breakfast coffee and media lunas still hangs in the room. Outside across the balcony, a flight of green parrots fly noisily towards Parc Lazama’s palms. The scene presents a picture of domestic normality.

However, in our previous post, we examined the character of our principal players and commented on Nina’s unquenchable thirst for excitement and challenge and Eva’s willingness to accompany Nina on her journey of erotic exploration.

Were we positioned outside the door to Nina’s apartment, we would hear the rustle of a newspaper being folded and a book closed, much whispering followed by light laughter. Instinctively, we would know that a plan was being hatched, one that could involve any one or more of the house members. The question is which? What is afoot?

Within the hour Horacio is instructed to slip two notes beneath the doors to Laurence’s apartment and Lars’ rooftop villa. Both contain an identical invitation to dinner. Yet when Laurence slides his silver letter opener beneath the seal of his envelope he reads that the venue is Nina’s suite, whilst Lars’ message proposes Eva’s mezzanine flat.

We, the excluded observers, cannot know their intention. But what we can be assured is that this will not, and cannot be two simple invitations to dine.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:38 am

aaardvarky wrote:
Sun Feb 26, 2023 6:17 am

We, the excluded observers, cannot know their intention. But what we can be assured is that this will not, and cannot be two simple invitations to dine.
That's for sure and I am on the edge of my seat now waiting for the plot to unfold.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:25 pm

No one writes erotic fiction better than aaardvarky. Every segment in this saga was crafted with wit and finesse. Reading his work makes you smile even as you're puzzling over the ramifications of his prose.

This story deserves to be read by more people on this site.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:13 pm

BDJ wrote:
Wed Aug 23, 2023 3:25 pm
No one writes erotic fiction better than aaardvarky. Every segment in this saga was crafted with wit and finesse. Reading his work makes you smile even as you're puzzling over the ramifications of his prose.

This story deserves to be read by more people on this site.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:56 am

For a while Nina has been pressing for me to publish an update. She admonishes that I should have written to you before now. She contends that it is remiss to keep both of my readers waiting. Where to start? Perhaps its best to glance back into Laurence's room as he slides his silver letter opener between the folds of the envelope and withdraws his message?

After years of marriage to Nina, Laurence knows that her invitation has to be laminated with possibilities. If it were simply dinner-a-deux date, Nina would have knocked on their dividing doors or sent a text. A handwritten message in an envelope was the first element of her performance... elaborate...the awakening of her imagination, timed as spring arrives in the city and the Jacaranda unfurls into heavy scented bloom.

Laurence places the note on his writing table and smooths its creases. For a moment he closes his eyes, envisioning scenarios, memories, fantasies - running the path of their erotic journey together since Lar's first visit to London, her trip to Knarvik, then Portugal, and now their new life in Buenos Aires. He recalls the moment on the staircase of their London home, seeing afresh their bedroom door open and Nina beckoning. He remembers his exchange of correspondence with Nina in which he agreed to her trip to Norway, the empty dress hanger, and as promised, her first erotic letter. His mind flicks to the moment when, by the pool, Nina watches a slim stranger sitting opposite and her proposition delivered by Lars. It is as if he has re-read the series, his mind darting back from one erotic moment to another. As he stands by the desk a shaft of sunlight catches the side of his face. He shades his eyes with a hand, picks up the note and holds it to his chest.

Meanwhile, outside his suite up on the roof, Lars and Raul are playing chess as Horacio arrives with his letter.
'Just leave it here,' says Lars, moving a couple of pawns to one side, his hands quick and strong in comparison with those of Raul that ominously removes his Queen.

Their games last into late afternoon, and it is as the sun slips across San Telmo that Lars tears open his envelope. He smiles. Whilst it is but weeks since he felt Eva's warmth against his skin, his mind now fills with her scent and he senses her fingers at the nape of his neck.

Interestingly, had we stayed with Laurence and Lars, we would be aware that, in time, both would have pictured 'the dress' in all of its roles, bristling, crinkling, swirling, revealing then hiding its promises. If you are unfamiliar with the dress, you had better read back, just as both Laurence and Lars are doing, to revise its implication?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:35 pm

Lawrence knocks gently at their dividing doors and awaits Nina’s reply. Instead of an instruction to enter, the door opens swiftly and Nina stands before him. Her hair is tied high, her face gleaming with energy, and as she turns, her dress lifts and flares, flashing crinoline between her lower thighs.

Readers of previous episodes will, of course, know all about ‘the dress’ and its importance to this story. Indeed some have suggested, as raconteur, that I am obsessed with it. Perhaps so. But any revision of its history will declare the reason why - a dress that bristles with energy stored on each occasion of its wearing, invested with erotic implication, and so alive that it is almost sentient. What’s more, every player in our story has played their part in its destiny.

To one side of Nina’s room is a table with glasses and Champagne. Nina takes his arm and leads him to his seat. As she does so the door that gave us entry to Nina’s salon closes, obscuring both our view of what happens, and importantly, what is discussed.

Let us therefore make our way to the back staircase where we find Lars, two steps at a time, striding towards Eva’s door. On his arrival their greeting is less formal as they fall into the other’s arms. Lars’ arms encircle Eva; she melts against him; her eyes close; their lips meet.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:43 pm

Not since their housewarming party last year has the ballroom seen action. For winter months its doors have been locked, and inside dust sheets have covered the sparse furniture. But during the week leading to this night there has been activity, as we are about to discover.

It is only minutes since our players met up, Laurence and Nina in her suite and Lars and Eva in Eva’s room - too little time having elapsed for anything to have happened, or much to have been said, save perhaps, the sharing of a plan. And knowing Nina, her plan would be elaborate, exciting and most of all, challenging.

We see our players next as they meet on the main staircase. Eva leads Lars by the arm; Laurence, who looks confused, walks ahead of an elated Nina. The doors to the ballroom are open, the room however is in darkness.

Heavy drapes section a part of the ballroom and pale light creeps between the folds. As Nina draws back a curtain, we see beyond four arm chairs facing a low stage on which is positioned sideways, a bed illuminated by a single spot light. It has the appearance of a theatre set. Our players take their seats.

Those unfamiliar with the background to this story may presume that Nina, Eva, Lars and Laurence are to watch a play, perhaps with local performers keen to share their latest offering. But veterans of this tale will know that being part of a passive audience is not what we can expect of Nina, the director, who will devise drama that takes her audience to the very outreach of their imagination.

The spotlight dims and Nina’s recorded voice announces the start of the performance. She speaks of a play in 3 Acts, in which members of the audience will be called upon to participate. She describes how it is scripted to satiate the desires of all who watch, and to take them on an erotic journey that will change their lives.

The lights extinguish. In the darkness Lars becomes aware that Eva has left her seat. Within moments she reappears on stage at the foot of the bed. There she dances, lifting her hands to peel her tight fitting dress from her body. This is burlesque on another scale. Her movements are erotically exotic. There is concealment, exposure, promise and denial, intended to stimulate each member of her audience. Only when she stands naked and points to Nina do we realise that we are at the end of Act 1.

In a swirl of taffeta, Nina mounts the stage, her dress glittering and shimmering beneath the spotlight. As we know, this dress is invested with energy from a plethora of performances and rituals. It is imbued with memories and still bristles with an erotic charge. Slowly, Eva parts Nina from the dress. It is a gradual reveal in which Eva’s slim fingers work with confidence, as if repeated many times previously. Laurence and Lars are torn between watching Nina, now naked, or the dress as it falls in a bustling circle of silk, voile, taffeta and organza.

But that second is indeed, momentary. Eva and Nina point to Lars, summoning him to the stage. Flanked by Eva and Nina he led to stand within the circle of taffeta as two hands work the buttons of his shirt, and two more unfasten his belt to reach within his flies. In seconds he is disempowered and stripped naked before being led to the bed. The lights extinguish at the end of Act two.

Dear reader, there is not to be an interval - or any time for reflection. As the spotlight returns we see that Lars has been laid out on the bed. From the far side, Eva approaches, and facing him, mounts him by lifting a leg across his body to straddle his waist. Backing towards Eva, Nina straddles his chest.

Eva tips forwards to slide back, bringing her thighs around his, collecting, taking and enveloping him. Nina rises so that her inner thighs caress Lars’ cheeks as she hovers, then descends to bring her vulva to his lips. It is a scene of carnal possession, performed with determination. Finally, Eva’s hands reach forward to grasp Nina’s heels. Eva circles her hips whilst Nina mirrors, pressing her clitoris to Lars’ tongue. Eva and Nina start to quicken. The tension rises. Their movements synchronise. It is as if they are one organism rather than three. Erotic energy circulates from Eva, through Nina and into Lars. We know that their climax will be simultaneous. It may start with one, then feed immediately to the next, consuming each of them before its explosive climax. The scene is one of determination and inevitability. Suddenly Eva freezes, immediately followed by Nina who in pressing down causes Lars to explode and release. It is as if a speeding train has hit the buffers, every tissue, sinew, muscle and cell of three bodies fusing with intensity.

Laurence did not need to be told that this would be the final Act from which he would be excluded - to remain a watcher, not a participant. That was always a key part of Nina’s scripting - to create an extraordinarily erotic show for Laurence, in which he would be searingly denied, leaving him in helpless passivity, unable to intervene, to remain fascinated and excluded.

Their collective energy is so visceral that it captures Laurence just as Nina intended. He is aware that a moment arrives from which there is no return, when his body takes over from his mind and all sensation is fixed with the inevitability of orgasm. Being contained, he tries in vain to hold back, but instead of deferring his climax this simply intensifies it, and he releases, unstoppably, copiously, to feel his semen drip to his groin, bringing back the exquisite childhood memories of shame that brought him to this place.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:51 pm

I've missed this. Welcome back!

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:24 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2025 1:51 pm
I've missed this. Welcome back!
So have I Johng1953. And it is a joy to have your comment. With my diminishing readership here on OHW I tried writing on 'Medium' at BDJ's suggestion, but was quickly lost in an unexplored space. Whilst few may comment here, at least some will read what I write! To other readers, please do leave a comment. Receiving feedback, or just a casual remark, is a huge incentive for writers. Writing is a lonely process, and without a reaction it becomes lonelier.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by antidote2909 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:32 pm

Guilty amongst readers who don't comment, welcome back.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jan 21, 2025 1:51 pm

antidote2909 wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2025 5:32 pm
Guilty amongst readers who don't comment, welcome back.
Antidote 2909, thank you for your comment. Laurence says that he is pleased you feel guilt. He contends that such a capacity is one of the cornerstones of eroticism. Do keep commenting!

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:08 pm

I am celebrating because I have two readers - Johng1953 and Antidote2909. Specially for them, here is a reward to share for reading the story.

After Nina’s performance we need some time to reflect.
Let us start with Lars as the least complicated and unencumbered of our players. Lars has an easy confidence, and a personality that is difficult to ruffle. Rarely impulsive, he takes situations in his stride, just as Nina and Eva took him. We know from chapter one that he and Nina have been intimate since college, their relationship pre-dating Nina and Laurence’s marriage. Eva was Nina’s gift to Laurence, later to be passed to Lars. You will recall their tryst on the terrace and Nina’s subsequent decision to divert Eva to Lars’ bed as she reclaimed Laurence. There can be no doubt that Lars was taken beyond his imaginings into a place of ecstasy, and possibly beyond.

Eva’s status in the house was always complex. The niece of their housekeeper Raul, Eva made that rare move from servant - to core team. Her success arose from her desirability, her unchallenging collaboration with Nina, relishing her plans as if obsessed with her mistress. Her role was precariously perfect - the designated, adorable lover to all three of her hosts.

From previous chapters, we already understand Nina - strong, beautiful, magical, clever and determined; a woman of imagination that glittered with erotic intuition. Her reading of Laurence was always impeccable, sensitively working with his insecurities whilst retaining his interest and her independence.

And finally Laurence. Readers have pondered that Nina failed to respect Laurence’s status - proposing that her adventures have been too challenging in their excesses and unrewarding for him in their outcomes. Nothing could be furthest from the truth. Nina’s actions and choices were not borne of immoderation, but from the perfect understanding of Laurence’s functioning. As a cerebral being, Laurence experiences his maximum vulnerability when extracted from his comfort zone. It was to this that he aspired, a denial trained by Nina, each time extending further to heighten his response. No, you need not fear for Laurence, neither attribute unfulfillment nor regret. Nina always ensures that he is taken to the very edge of his erotic tolerance, perched there, and released when she senses that the moment is right.

You have asked what happened next, after Act 3 and the spotlight was extinguished.

Nina and Eva remained transfixed by their collective climax that nearly consumed them. Nina dropped forwards onto her elbows to stretch and internalise waves of pleasure. Lars was at last able to breathe. Eva slid from her mount to one side to press her breasts against his chest and her body against his hip, and Nina folded herself under his arm, a leg reaching across to Eva. Three bodies remained attached, entwined, sharing their heat, descending from the pinnacle of pleasure. They were aware that Laurence remained as a watcher, but being so absorbed, were lost in their own thoughts and responses. Eventually Eva stretches out to retrieve a sheet which she spreads across, concealing them from view.

There would be no encore - at least for the present. The dress lay where it had dropped. In gathering darkness it glowed with iridescence. Laurence rose to return to his rooms, a tantric spear of pleasure radiating within him, a cool wet patch reminding him of his denial. He will sip a nightcap and ponder, picturing a next episode of pleasure from which he will remain excluded.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:08 pm

Thank you, very nice reward!

Posts: 397
Joined: Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:50 am

Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jan 28, 2025 8:39 am

If you enjoyed the stories of Laurence, Nina and Lars, why not take a look at our new series: 'Letters to my husband: Stella and Richard'. Slow start, but already picking up pace! I'm sure you won't mind waiting, and the wait should be worth it!

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Joined: Sat May 05, 2018 2:08 am

Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by FFDriver » Mon Mar 10, 2025 1:35 am

Aaardvarky, I'd not previously seen this thread, but then, I don't spend much time in the Library. I just started on it. As usual, excellent prose! Let me get caught up... I've got 448 posts to read.............

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