Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

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Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:37 am

ocean wrote:
Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:05 am
Sunday - Mark; It’s been a long busy week for me. Dawn was buzzing from the “Kit phone-call’ on Wednesday afternoon and I haven’t seen her since Thursday afternoon, when she drove to Philips apartment in Wandsworth. She came home Friday morning phoned me and didn’t seem particularly enthralled at the previous evening’s adventure. I got home to find her taking a bit of time sorting herself out for the jaunt to Hampshire in the afternoon with long bath, gunge on her face which frightened me let alone the horses, moaning about bags under her eyes, swearing she’ll put sleeping pills in Philips coffee next time. How ungrateful.

I’ll let Dawn tell you her adventures of derring-do. But I’ll just mention the wedding on Saturday was very nice, Dawn’s friend’s daughter got hitched. Her 20ish year old friends had tits and bums on show, no decorum (or class), it sometimes can be too much.
The best man, a tall, very handsome 28 year old, his resolve obviously bolstered by a few sherbets, cornered Dawn in the Hotel corridor and gave what she thought was going to be a kiss on the cheek, which slipped and became a tonsillectomy and a brazen squeeze of her tits, which she managed to control after he declared she was the most beautiful MILF and he had no interest in women of his age. A very vain Dawn returned to our table with the tale adding he had a very impressive hard-on. It’s an age thing, but we were home and in bed by 11. ‘To sleep, perchance to dream’ (Bill Shakeshaft). ‘Knackered’ (Mark C).

Today. Dawn; Apologies, trying to get my thoughts together and organise a surprise presentation.

Thursday last; I went up to meet Philip, Had to try to be enthusiastic as Kit has captured my thoughts for the moment. Philip was charming as usual, it was a warm evening so I wore a midi brown pattern on white summer dress, buttoned front mostly unbuttoned. We went to Battersea for dinner and Philip was very attentive and drank quite a bit more than usual. It seems ungrateful but I hoped he might want to go off to sleep quicker, that is so bad, isn’t it? I wanted to be fighting fit for Kit. As it happened, Philip just wanted a good fuck and slept like a baby. Result all round. Friday morning all he wanted was a blow job; suits me. No breakfast, he was hung over, unlike him likes to be in control and I wanted to get back and prepped for the evening.

The rendezvous; The Pig hotel in Brockenhurst this time. Mark, sarcastic sod asked was I collecting ‘flying pig miles’? I put my dress in a dress carrier, shoes, overnight (hopefully) bag and put them across the back seat. Bathed, shaved everything and just took some relax time for me. Dinner was 7.30 for 8 and satnav journey was going to be 1 1/2 hours so I’ll allow 2 for comfort and a chance to change and fresh up. So, comfortable button up denim shirt dress and sandals, good weather, roof down. I really like this car.

I arrived at 6.40. The drive up to the hotel was so beautiful as was the hotel itself, like stepping back 100 years. No sign of Kit’s Range Rover, so I went to reception asked if he had arrived? No, good. Has he booked a room? yes. May I use it to freshen up and change? Of course. Please don’t tell him I’m here as I’d like to make an entrance. Not a problem Madam. Fantastic service from the guy at reception. Wow.

Guys, don’t overestimate a woman. I was absolutely shaking. Hands, legs, wet, in anticipation, this was not good. Pull yourself together! I dressed and applied the war paint.
I’ve been told to elaborate on the dress, it’s one of Mark’s favourites. I had chosen a plum coloured silk dress to below the knee, short sleeves and the front came to the neck, over my shoulders into a wide V at the back to a low waist. There! Obviously no bra which meant my nipples would be plain to see, and with the silk rubbing them they would look like raspberries, big raspberries, can’t be helped and actually, what I want. Brazen. One last look in the mirror, plum lipstick, dark hair brushed back, black patent clutch bag for lipstick, credit card and phone, and of course, black patent stilettos, a girls best friend. 7.30. I felt good - here we go.

I came down the stairs and just before i walked into the bar area, like a slapper gave both my nipples a good pull, what a tart. Walking into the lounge I saw Kit - and another couple, wasn’t expecting that. Big smile. Huge welcome from Kit, which was so lovely and then introduced to Jan and her business associate, aren’t they all, his name I can’t remember. All eyes on my tits which made them worse. Jan was dressed in very nice sage green, long sleeved cotton dress to the calf, one of those horrible solid front bra’s, makes you look like your tits in the box; and no nipples. Everything appeared safe, I’ll bet she’s a lot of fun in the sack. She’s an architect and planner, he’s a Land Agent, I learned later he sniffs out building land. Still none the wiser on either and they are definitely boring. Both married but not to each other. I wonder? Nah.
It appeared like a ‘get to know you’ meeting for these two and me? I’ll ask later.

Dinner was absolutely lovely, Kit was very attentive, Jan appeared put out, I got the impression, though she was with ‘him’ she fancied Kit. Kit played footsie under the table and made a couple of quiet comments about my dress and tits. Going well.

Just before 11 everyone decided to call it an evening, then was the expose of who goes to whose room? Kit said he’d escort me to ‘my’ room down the corridor from his, and they just scurried off to fuck knows where. I didn’t mention, but the rooms are really nice, olde worlde and the bed is so comfortable. I am not a Piggy sponsor by the way.

We got inside the room, closed the door and Kit pressed me against the wall with the loveliest kiss and 2 handed squeeze of my arse, pulling the cheeks apart and the lips of my pussy. I asked about the other couple, he said, they were pretending they weren’t shagging, which caused a laugh. He sat on the bed as I stepped out of my dress. I’m not going to pretend, stood in just stilettos. His silent reaction pleased me no end. “Your turn’. He undressed and I was also very pleased. Strong arms, hairless body except for his groin, and a very nice cock indeed. Thick, 7 plus in length, uncut as they say, and hard as a rock. Being very warm we lay on top of the bed. Thankfully he’s a tit man but soon disappeared below, he pulled my cheeks wide apart and dined out for ages, a very educated tongue. I was embarrassed at how wet I was, but he said he loved it and gave me a lovely orgasm. He was about to slip his cock into my pussy, I pushed him over and gave him tingly nipples and he said a ‘shattering blow job’. As he was going to come he tried to push me away, why? So I stayed. Got him hard again (big pharma) climbed on top and let that lovely cock slip all the way up, he pinched my nipples quite hard, ‘harder, you won’t hurt me’ I demanded. He did. I fell forward onto him, kissing him for all I was worth, starting to come as he slipped a finger into my backside, that did it, i was off again.

Saturday morning he watched me dress in my trusty denim shirt dress, curious about lack of underwear. Worn only the exception I told him. Even pants? Yes. He gave me a hug and said, best news yet. We must have looked absolutely fucked at breakfast. I’d guess I had 2 hours sleep and as Mark commented later, a very high sperm count. He was amazing, every position going, constantly kissing , sucking, biting my boobs, and a love bite on my right boob, which I knew I would have to explain later. No sign of the other couple, either left early or still deep in prayer.

Kit said he didn’t want a one off. I agreed. Was I going to tell my husband? Pregnant silence. ‘It won’t trouble him. Do you want me to?’ I’d rather not as long as you’e ok. ‘OK’. That seems to be men all over. He said he’d ring me on Wednesday next with something I’d be happy with. happy me driving back singing along with the radio. Then I realised and said out loud ’ Fucking wedding, bollocks!’ I had completely forgotten.

Saturday; Wedding, a good friend’s daughter, was getting married to a nice guy, both late twenties. The bride was a friend of my eldest son, who was also there. A lovely occasion all went well. I kept getting the ‘eye’ from the best man, who in fairness was rather attractive, he also gave one of the funniest and embarrassing speeches I’d ever heard. I played it all straight, it was my friends daughter’s wedding after all, and my sonny dil were there. Even though her friends were half naked, DIL Liz included. Just a sea of tits wherever you looked, and Mark did.

All the usuals being done, the evening event began, live band I was wearing my trusty Glossy bra for decency so I could dance. Yes I did dance with Paul the Best man, trying to shove his hard-on against me to prove he was the best man. Mark said he thought best man’s perks were the bridesmaids. I did say to Mark around 10 I’d like to go as I was absolutely done in. He agreed, so I popped to the loo. On the way back I got cornered by Paul, I said WE were just off, he leaned down to as I thought, kiss my cheek and ended up with his tongue down my throat and his hand massaging my boobs. Why not, so I responded with my best kiss and rubbed his cock inside his unzipped trousers, I did that. Before he got too carried away, I pushed him back, said, “I have to go. My husbands waiting for me. By the way the blonde in the red dress has it bad for you. She’s been smiling and showing you her tits all night, you’ll be ok there’. He said, he’d rather just pop into a side room to finish what we’d started. I kissed him on the lips and squeezed his cock again, said, ‘good night and good luck, don’t waste that’. Joined Mark and headed home. Removed my make up, quick shower, into bed and asleep before Mark turned the light out.
Easy Sunday morning, easy shag telling Mark all. Thankfully we love it.
- Really enjoy those sort of 'time capsule' places and to have the staff being as discreet, excellent.
- Yes, thanks. Really enjoy visualizing what a HW wears, it does help to stimulate the imagination. The 'act' can only be described so many ways, but a HW's 'look' is another matter all together.
- :shock: :lol:
- Damn, don't you hate when that happens. :o :lol:
- 100 year old charm, that's not so fun. :|
- Gently throbbing, I hope, to remember Kit by until he calls on Wednesday.
- Partly due to your tutelage?
- A swing, a miss and a strike out. :lol:

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:45 am

I pushed him back, said, “I have to go. My husbands waiting for me.
You didn't exchange numbers?


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:30 am

Dawn, the pig is a nice hotel, glad you enjoyed it, seems you have the hots for Kit, love bite on your tit nice touch

Disappointing that Mark did not pull at the wedding

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by boobman987 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:45 am

What a wonderful joint update, thank you both.

I’m with LL34 in the visualisation of D in her day and night attire. It’s very erotic imagining the clothes on that body.

Perchance, were any pictures taken at the event that can be edited and then shared?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:29 pm

Thanks for the very enjoyable update Dawn and Mark. Any plans to meet with the Frenchman ?

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Wed Aug 07, 2024 4:13 am

boobman987 wrote:
Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:45 am
What a wonderful joint update, thank you both.

I’m with LL34 in the visualisation of D in her day and night attire. It’s very erotic imagining the clothes on that body.

Perchance, were any pictures taken at the event that can be edited and then shared?
BM987 - Glad to know I'm not the only one and thanks for the 'second.' :up: :up: :D

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Wed Aug 07, 2024 6:09 am

I would agree part of the interesting is the description of Dawns dresses, how sexy she looks, (selfie please) would to have seen a Dawn in her birthday suite in heels

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:44 pm

I’m assuming that Kit is not married? I’m assuming that James’s “CEO Club” is all about senior executives discussing opportunities before going off to their affairs with other partners. The affairs tend to lean to the towards the “friends with benefits” scenario, so that they be discreet and hide the affair from their spouse. The “CEO Club” seem to incorporate various members at their meetings so that the member can say to their spouse that they meeting people for various business opportunities and to provide cover for the affair. Smart!

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:13 am

Apologies for the lateness I’ll explain further in.

Just to clarify; as I understand it the C Club is a self serving group of senior businessmen who have long lunches and scratch each others back. Whenever I have had to do marketing campaigns I have sent the marketing ‘stuff’ to procurement managers/directors etc but it is primarily aimed at “C Level’ meaning CEO, CFO and senior decision makers, if I was then directed to an ’underling’ it is viewed as with the C’s blessing. Purely business. I’m sure nefarious activities are seized upon in the process.

Dawn has told me that Kit is in his 2nd marriage and it’s not going well. She has advised him she is in her first marriage and all is going well; allowing a little latitude with each other has helped, try it. He has of course asked for her discretion and me to be kept in the dark. Surprised?

From my side - Thursday; Michelle got back Tuesday and we were going out Thursday night. Seems like ages, it would be great to see her. However : I received a phone call from Dawn around 4 to tell me there had been an accident at home, no-one hurt, but serious damage. I raced home to find the back of a huge Sprinter courier van sticking out of my front wall. It’s only a village so the road was reduced to one lane and I couldn’t get my car in and Dawn couldn’t get her’s out. So all dates are off to deal with this.

The van had hit the wall by the gate post, how? fuck knows. From about 2 feet up the entire wall on one side had fallen backwards into the garden in virtually one piece. It looked like lego, a giant hand could put it back on top. As no-one was hurt - I was elated. This was the push to get rid of it I had needed. I was later told it was due to the shock of the impact and perhaps much more sand than concrete, poor mix. Crooks.

7 years ago when we viewed the house I almost didn’t bother. All round the house and garden is a 6’ Hawthorne bush for security, adjoining the bush on both sides of the front is a hideous 6’ high red brick wall by 20’ each side, and 8’ wide double gate which has never and can never be closed, it's rotten. It just needed a big sign saying ‘abandon hope all ye who enter’ to complete the nightmare. That said, drive through the gates and he house is absolutely beautiful, so we bought it. My intention was to take down the wall and put anything bar a brick wall in it's place.

I went inside to find Dawn pouring tea down a young girls throat. She was around 28 but looked 48, 6 stone soaking wet and in need of a good meat pie. The poor girl couldn’t stop crying. Dawn had suggested hospital but she said it was just shock and declined. Dawn called the police who said ‘non-injury’ not interested. Which was good. So she had contacted the courier company and the young driver, Shelley, was greeted with the most incredible tirade of abuse by her depot manager and told she was fired. Fortunately Dawn had the good sense prior to the call to press 'record’ and encouraged Shelley to keep him talking, he was make digging a hole with comments like ‘if you’d been nice to me as I wanted I wouldn’t have to sack you.’ Which is golden. She was instructed to come to the depot, 'empty her locker and fuck off’. All on tape.

We had made our separate apologies, me to Michelle and Dawn to Philip and went to my car to take Shelley to the depot some 30 minutes away a recovery vehicle had arrived and a another courier van was transferring the parcels.
Dawn walked in with her, I stood at the back. When I say this guy was the greasiest individual I have ever met, he should have given Shelley his pies, and had a good wash. In his hand was a black dustbin bag with Shelley’s possessions already cleared out. He started further abuse and asked if Dawn was her mother (went down well) to which Dawn gave him her card and said she was going to collect Shelleys car and the company would be hearing from her imminently. Priceless. Face like a smacked arse. They collected the car, Dawn went with her and I followed in mine.
Shelley lived with her parents and her 6 year old daughter. The father had gone when she announced she was pregnant (nice guy). Tears and confusion ensued, Shelley said she couldn’t afford a solicitor, specially now she was out of work. ‘My pleasure. I want to cut his balls off too’. Dawn apologised to mum.
So now she had legal cover for wrongful dismissal and a load of other stuff, which Dawn would propose to the head man at the couriers and get her payback, and hopefully ‘greasy’ the sack.

People talk about slavery.This girl was reporting at 6am 6 days a week and didn’t finish till last delivery and return to depot which could be 12/14 hours later. Anyway, everyone has calmed down and Dawn agreed to contact her in a few days to discuss details for an approach to the firm.
Sorry no naughty details except Dawn was also shaken up, so bath, bonk and bed. Medicinal of course.
More to follow.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:43 am

Thanks for the update Mark. You and Dawn have heart of gold - so caring to the young woman. It is so great to hear real life situations which is not necessarily just naughty… Thank you both for your kindness

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:27 pm

Well down Dawn, I am sure she will have there balls for breakfast and enjoy them, just show you are nice people

Hope Michelle an Phillip where ok with the unplanned events

No one was hurt and Dawn will fuck then over, win win

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Freemans892 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:25 pm

I’m looking forward to update where I hear ‘greasy’ gets the sack. If someone is working 12 to 14 hour days, 6 days a week, they going to make mistakes and have accidents. The company needs to be sued in order to fix its work practices. I sure that Dawn will get immense pleasure sticking it to the company and to ‘greasy’.

For people like Shelley, a lucky break makes a world of difference to their lives. Clearly, Shelley is a hard worker but was just working for the wrong company. Having to work up to 78 to 84 hours per week, is a hard life. With the right leads to land her a better position in a good company, Shelley’s and her daughter’s life will improve out of sight.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:59 pm

You both are truly stand-up people! So many others would have berated the poor girl for the accident and done nothing for her. It will be interesting to what happens next!

Long Lurker 34
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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:46 pm

ocean wrote:
Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:13 am
Apologies for the lateness I’ll explain further in.

Just to clarify; as I understand it the C Club is a self serving group of senior businessmen who have long lunches and scratch each others back. Whenever I have had to do marketing campaigns I have sent the marketing ‘stuff’ to procurement managers/directors etc but it is primarily aimed at “C Level’ meaning CEO, CFO and senior decision makers, if I was then directed to an ’underling’ it is viewed as with the C’s blessing. Purely business. I’m sure nefarious activities are seized upon in the process.

Dawn has told me that Kit is in his 2nd marriage and it’s not going well. She has advised him she is in her first marriage and all is going well; allowing a little latitude with each other has helped, try it. He has of course asked for her discretion and me to be kept in the dark. Surprised?

From my side - Thursday; Michelle got back Tuesday and we were going out Thursday night. Seems like ages, it would be great to see her. However : I received a phone call from Dawn around 4 to tell me there had been an accident at home, no-one hurt, but serious damage. I raced home to find the back of a huge Sprinter courier van sticking out of my front wall. It’s only a village so the road was reduced to one lane and I couldn’t get my car in and Dawn couldn’t get her’s out. So all dates are off to deal with this.

The van had hit the wall by the gate post, how? fuck knows. From about 2 feet up the entire wall on one side had fallen backwards into the garden in virtually one piece. It looked like lego, a giant hand could put it back on top. As no-one was hurt - I was elated. This was the push to get rid of it I had needed. I was later told it was due to the shock of the impact and perhaps much more sand than concrete, poor mix. Crooks.

7 years ago when we viewed the house I almost didn’t bother. All round the house and garden is a 6’ Hawthorne bush for security, adjoining the bush on both sides of the front is a hideous 6’ high red brick wall by 20’ each side, and 8’ wide double gate which has never and can never be closed, it's rotten. It just needed a big sign saying ‘abandon hope all ye who enter’ to complete the nightmare. That said, drive through the gates and he house is absolutely beautiful, so we bought it. My intention was to take down the wall and put anything bar a brick wall in it's place.

I went inside to find Dawn pouring tea down a young girls throat. She was around 28 but looked 48, 6 stone soaking wet and in need of a good meat pie. The poor girl couldn’t stop crying. Dawn had suggested hospital but she said it was just shock and declined. Dawn called the police who said ‘non-injury’ not interested. Which was good. So she had contacted the courier company and the young driver, Shelley, was greeted with the most incredible tirade of abuse by her depot manager and told she was fired. Fortunately Dawn had the good sense prior to the call to press 'record’ and encouraged Shelley to keep him talking, he was make digging a hole with comments like ‘if you’d been nice to me as I wanted I wouldn’t have to sack you.’ Which is golden. She was instructed to come to the depot, 'empty her locker and fuck off’. All on tape.

We had made our separate apologies, me to Michelle and Dawn to Philip and went to my car to take Shelley to the depot some 30 minutes away a recovery vehicle had arrived and a another courier van was transferring the parcels.
Dawn walked in with her, I stood at the back. When I say this guy was the greasiest individual I have ever met, he should have given Shelley his pies, and had a good wash. In his hand was a black dustbin bag with Shelley’s possessions already cleared out. He started further abuse and asked if Dawn was her mother (went down well) to which Dawn gave him her card and said she was going to collect Shelleys car and the company would be hearing from her imminently. Priceless. Face like a smacked arse. They collected the car, Dawn went with her and I followed in mine.
Shelley lived with her parents and her 6 year old daughter. The father had gone when she announced she was pregnant (nice guy). Tears and confusion ensued, Shelley said she couldn’t afford a solicitor, specially now she was out of work. ‘My pleasure. I want to cut his balls off too’. Dawn apologised to mum.
So now she had legal cover for wrongful dismissal and a load of other stuff, which Dawn would propose to the head man at the couriers and get her payback, and hopefully ‘greasy’ the sack.

People talk about slavery.This girl was reporting at 6am 6 days a week and didn’t finish till last delivery and return to depot which could be 12/14 hours later. Anyway, everyone has calmed down and Dawn agreed to contact her in a few days to discuss details for an approach to the firm.
Sorry no naughty details except Dawn was also shaken up, so bath, bonk and bed. Medicinal of course.
More to follow.
- Not surprised at that. "Just another brick in the wall..."

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:52 am

Hi Guys. Thanks for the comments, and I do mean it really is what you guys would have done, and I was so pleased the bloody wall had gone.
Monday morning. Contacted Shelley, asked if she’d had a settled weekend, all is good, mum and dad relieved she's out of the circus before it killed her. I told her I’d heard a company were looking for trainer/demonstrators for office equipment, suggested she contacted them as I knew the HR manager Lily (Shelley didn’t know Lily was expecting the call), good luck. Within the hour Lily rang, confirmed interview Thursday 10am with Shelley, I won’t be involved initially.
My firm - her merit.

Tuesday - Michelle told me I have to wait for my turn a week on Thursday. Bit pissed off so took her to lunch to apologise and explain last week. It turns out I am quite the good guy, very gallant. Dawn did a bit too in fairness.
We drove to the pub out of town and parked at the end of the car park. Looking very tanned, she was wearing a white long sleeved loose linen blouse and grey tight leggings, presumably wearing a small thong as only a trace of cameltoe, however after a very long wet kiss before we went for lunch, she opened her blouse and said, Look No white bits!!. I said, no; just lovely brown tits!! and indulged myself.
She’d swum and sunbathed topless on the beach and hotel pool, hadn’t worn a bra at all on holiday, drew a lot of attention from others and chagrin from her husband. So he hadn’t been awarded Brownie points, idiot. Looking forward to Thursday next. Getting quotes for hot tub but it has to have some sort of pergola around it, keep it tidy.

Dawn also contacted the courier company on Monday, she too has an appointment Thursday morning with the Regional Director no less. I’ll let her tell you about that. Speak soon.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by boobman987 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:42 am

Thanks for the updates Ocean. A true gentleman helping an abandoned lady in distress.
Dawn and you have been very kind and caring towards Shelley. Her new job, provided she passes the HR interview will lead to a better life for her and her child - with a much better work/life balance.
I’m sure Dawn will have the Regional Director by the “short and curlies” as Shelley was obviously not getting her legal rest periods in the courier job.With the recorded evidence Mr Greasy is probably toast.
Do let us know what you replace the destroyed wall with.
We are all looking forward to Dawn and your next adventures. You’ve still got to discover whether Michelle has a true all over tan or if there are hidden white bits?

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:17 pm

Ocean and Dawn you doing a great job, really nice humans

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:30 pm

Looking forward to Dawn’s update on Mr. Greasy and settlement for Shelly and from you on how the interview went.
Perhaps you will update us whether Michelle is fully tanned :)

It is always great to hear stories where someone helps a fellow human who maybe a little less privileged

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ResponsibullCummings » Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:12 pm

It's very kind of you both to help her out the way you are. Will you let her know you own the company if she gets hired Ocean? It's too bad you were able to have your scheduled Thursday night date with the lovely Michelle. I am sure she was excited about showing off her tan. Glad you managed to see it at lunch at least.

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:30 am

"For your attention, M'Lud, Exhibit B, one greasy head on a plate... "


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:37 am

54321 wrote:
Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:30 am
"For your attention, M'Lud, Exhibit B, one greasy head on a plate... "


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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by ocean » Fri Aug 23, 2024 10:55 am

I'm sending on behalf of Dawn: On Monday I went to see Shelley to discuss actions moving forward. She’s a really lovely girl under that mucky baggy uniform, and a good couple of nights sleep helped. She was working all hours trying to save as much money as possible to get her own flat, hence putting up with stupid hours and slimy employers. By the way - it’s a well known company run locally by oiks.

I picked her up from Mark’s offices after the interview, which went great and she had represented herself very well, better qualified and experienced than either of us realised. She was to go back to see a Senior Manager for a final interview after my meeting with oiks (go on, guess who??).
We both attended the couriers, Shelly under strict instruction, Poker Face, no emotion or I’d kick her under the desk. She looks very smart in a dark blue dress and I had a business suit with an open blouse. Met the Regional Director, looked straight down my blouse. Company culture perhaps? “Hi call me Jase, I’ll call you Dawn?’ ‘No. Mrs xxxx, let’s keep it professional’, Mr Super smooth didn’t like that, and he can’t wear a suit properly. I suspect he has the same leanings as Greasy. We were joined by a very frosty Senior HR Manageress, Miss No-Nonsense. Oh God, this is going to be fun.

No niceties. Straight off she said ‘Zero Hour’ contracts had limited rights. I was boiling. I handed her statements made by my client. At the time my client was in contract, on company time, vehicle, duties and therefore under care and control of the company (Christ its not my field). The accident was exactly that. I said, there is a further development which is crucial. I played the recorded phone call, neither of which they were aware. Wow, Jase looked like he’d crapped himself and Frosty completely drained of colour. To add to their misery, an experiment, I had 4 copies of the transcript in my briefcase but only gave 1 to Jase. Frosty insisted on seeing it and the body language said it all. She hated him. Divide and conquer! I said I would arrange for the tape to be authenticated if we went to Tribunal. I wish that moment could be frozen in time.

I told them to write to me at my office with their terms, failure to do so would most definitely lead to a Tribunal (and a noisy one) no ‘court steps’ last minute deals. 'We were looking at wrongful dismissal to start, failure in Duty of Care, then there is gross misconduct and sexual intimidation as per the recorded conversation, personal injuries and affront, with more to follow. I have taken statements from other employees who aren’t frightened of you. I look forward to hearing from you, within 14 days'. We got up and left. Very dignified, so much nicer than saying ‘Fuck you’, but not as satisfying. This really isn’t my field, but I know a man whose it is.

We headed back. Shelley hadn’t said a word, then ‘That was fucking amazing’. She seemed so alive. Lovely thing revenge. I told her to relax, it would take a little time but she will get a substantial offer, 'let me deal with it. The tape would frighten the living daylights out of them, in short they’re fucked'. She hadn’t expected me to swear, haha.

We arrived back, I said I’d come up with her, surprised, I put my finger to my lips to Janet on reception, who smiled and showed us to Marks office. ‘Mr bloody drama’ . Facing away toward the window, the big reveal' turned with a smile. (Now there’s man who can wear a suit). Oh Shelley, you must harden up, I know it’s been a shit 6 months but it’s over. She burst into tears and hugged him. I felt rather proud. Mark asked if she still wanted to join, she nodded, took the contract to sign. Signed it. I joked, as her solicitor I should check it.
She’s on better money, conditions, company car as she will have to train customers on their site, all the usual pension etc, oh and flexi 36 hour week. Full stability. In fairness, just like everyone else at the company. His secretary would sort out the paperwork and walk her round the building. On the payroll as of now, go home enjoy the time at home. Induction day Monday, then training. Welcome aboard.

Mark and I - Mother Theresa were not, but we both felt so good. Almost as good as an orgasm, almost. We decided we’d earned a really nice pub lunch before we returned to our offices, when my phone rang. Mark said, 'take it'. I showed him the screen. Kit. ‘Take it’, I did, the bastard slipped his hand under my skirt squeezing my thigh, then as I was talking to Kit, he tweaked my nipple under my jacket, and they were standing proud. I mouthed, ’he wants to see me tomorrow (Friday) night?’ Mark gave a thumbs up. So we had a good grope in my car, I gave him a dirty blow job to say thank you, then dropped him back to work. The day just got better.
Mark; so Dawns gone off for dinner and probably an overnighter (we talked about that) and I'm waiting for bloody builder, who's late.

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Location: Morecambe, England

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by boobman987 » Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:35 am

Another smashing update from Dawn. She has certainly put the fear of god into the courier company. We - your readers - are all hoping for a great result for Shelley following Dawn’s intervention.
It sounds like Mark’s company has gained a willing and eager employee. 😁
The ‘dirty’ blowjob was a lovely ending to the good works you two have done. Dawn should be getting her reward tonight with Kit.
Good luck with your builder, this time of year they seem to be a rare as hen’s teeth, promising the world and not turning up, even after chasing - 😡

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Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by skoot1958 » Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:34 pm

I would have loved to see there face when Dawn started to take them apart

I hate that sort of company, the thing is they will offer low as the are cheep, once it goes up to corporate and there external legal team, then things will start to move, well done Dawn, have fun taking them to the cleaners l, hope it goes all the way £100k is a nice number

Now Shelley has a job, she does not need a few pounds settlement, Shelley will follow Dawns lead nice bit of pro bona work, or fees covered when you win, win win

I have given people legs up in the past, one went wrong the rest where good, infact one took over my old job after I left and stills call for advice, nice feeling

Posts: 362
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:26 am

Re: Wife and friend behave like a couple in pub - the start

Unread post by pixmangurn » Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:42 pm

Note to self: always stay on Dawn and Mark's good side. Awesome update. What a great feeling it must be to turn Shelly's life around. Good on you both 👏!

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