Ascending Lauren

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:27 pm


December 24th. Nine weeks to go.

Corey Miller woke to the smell of hair spray and perfume. Opening his eyes, he found his wife’s face nestled against his spongy neck and her soft jet-black locks tickling his flaring nostrils. Gently easing out from underneath, he slowly peeled back the sheets and sat up, admiring her nakedness. At 48, she looked 35, with a gym chiseled body that women of any age would envy. Indeed, she and their daughters had often been mistaken for sisters, a fact Lauren never failed to remind him of.

He yawned and scratched his aging balls, raising an eyebrow when his hand encountered some rather crusty pubic hair. Looking down, he noted it closely matched the dried sheen that encased Lauren’s trim waist. A look of distain crossed Corey's face. Not all that of that crunchy jizz is yours, chief.

Indeed, for the first time in their 28-year marriage, his wife had brought him sloppy seconds, methodically extracted from a client in exchange for the promise of a contract renewal. While sloshing around in another man’s cum was kind of hot at the time, the residual detritus was now just…gross.

“You okay,” she murmured, still half asleep.

“Yeah. You?”


“You passed out pretty quickly. I figured all that coke would’ve kept you up.”

Lauren stretched and twisted. “Ah, so you were paying attention. I thought you might be around peeking.”

“You need to be careful, babe,” Corey cautioned her.

She fluffed a pillow and stuffed it behind her. “I know, but he’s a client. I doubt he’d give me anything dangerous. Too traceable.”

Corey shook his head. “That's not what I was referring to.”

It took a second for the cobwebs to clear.

“Oh…ohhh," Lauren replied. "You’re right. Absolutely. I’m sorry. That was disrespectful to you. It was off before I could react. But that's no excuse, I should have been more in control.”

Corey leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. “It's okay. You seem to like it bareback."

Lauren bit her lip. "I do, yeah. Is that bad?"

"Could be, but I trust your judgement."

She smirked. Her judgement. That’s a hoot.

His shriveled cock was bobbed slightly, trying to get some attention. It was still covered with the flaky opaque film from last night's sex.

"Someone's excited. Exactly how much did you hear?”

“Enough to know that I can’t fuck you as well as other men and I couldn't make a nun cum if I tried.”

Lauren scooted across the mattress and slid behind him. Her naked breasts pushed against his spine as she laid her chin on his shoulder and began massaging chest. The 61-year-old's skin had become soft and pliable, much different than the hard bodies that surrounded her these days. She knew he’d been going to the gym, and it was slowly working, but there was still a long way to go. Reaching around his flabby waist, his cock landed in her hand.

"I’m sorry, did I say anything to hurt your feelings?” she purred in his ear. “Like, you know, that this little antique can't get me off anymore?"

Corey moaned under her touch. "I like it,” he whispered, barely intelligible.

"So, you like hearing about how much better other men are? How their cocks get me off when I can barely feel yours?"

The troubled husband turned his head sideways and pressed a cheek against hers. "God help me, yessss." His voice faded into almost a sob. “I’m so sorry.”

"What's wrong, baby?" Lauren asked, her hand closing around his skinny penis.

"Am I sick?”


“To enjoy...this. I just spent the better part of a night kneeling jerking off in front of a door…a door Lauren, listening to my wife having sex.” Who the fuck does that?

“Hush. It’s not a sickness. Let’s put this into perspective. It’s a fetish, nothing more, nothing less. Isn't that what you've been preaching to me? At least you haven’t asked to pee on me yet.”

His back lurched into her chest, his weak pecs jiggling. Corey pictured her laying in a bathtub as golden streams poured over her.

Lauren laughed knowing what he was thinking. "Oh boy, sorry I mentioned it."

She continued jerking him off one hand from behind while the other played with his man-boobs.

“So, you want me to date again. Like I’ve never been married?”

Another whimper. Using her thumb, she flicked one nipple repeatedly.

“A real date right? Where I get flowers and dinner and dancing? How exciting.”

More groans.

“I'd get all dolled up...just for them, you know. Clothes you'll never see me in, but they’ll sure enjoy slowly removing so I can become their plaything.”

The wrinkled cock was rock hard now as Lauren fisted it.

“I don't think I'll have a problem pulling a date, do you?"

"Oh, god. N-n-no."

"LOTS of virile men down here. Powerful, good-looking men. You know how they look at me. Naughty boys, always undressing me with their eyes. I'm sure they'd love to give me a proper seeing to. Is that what you want? For me to date them all?”

A low guttural groan escaped Corey’s throat.

"Uh huh, that's what I thought. It’s either that or go back home. Seems to me your best friend gave me the fucking of my life last time I was there. Maybe I should see if any of your other friends want to taste your wife?”

That hit a nerve. Precum began pouring out of his underutilized glans. "OH SHIT, LAUREN!" Corey's hips bucked on the mattress. “Please, no."

“Why not, Twisty? I’ve noticed how Toby and Sean look at me when Judy and Shelly aren’t around. Just like Zane. Damn, did that man fuck me!”

Grimacing under the immense pressure forming in his balls, Corey tried to keep it under control. “But they wouldn’t.”

“Wouldn’t they?” the dark-haired vixen pulled his ear near so she could whisper in it. “What makes you think they already haven’t?”

“Jesus, help me.”

And with that, Corey came. And came hard.


While his frail penis pumped cum over Lauren’s hand, something made her pause and look deeply in his eyes. For the first time, she saw it. She really saw it. In that singular, omnipresent moment, Lauren Miller simply understood what made her incipient husband tick. Everything was there, swirling around; it just had to be dissected. The cocktail of conflicted emotions that created a pleasure that most men could not understand, but an indulged few craved. The kindling that fueled a combustible stew of feelings which inexplicitly turned jealousy and humiliation into exquisite ecstasy. A short-circuiting of her husband's brain and those like him that seemed to be the ignition point for all sorts of gratification. This in turn resulted in explosive orgasms serving not only as conventional releases but a purging, as if the body was trying rid itself of the shame and stigma associated with the kink. Ask him to explain it and he’d be at a loss for words. And always will be.

Lauren let Corey tremble in her arms as the last few spurts of translucent semen pumped through his shaft and onto the hotel carpet below. For him, it marked a return to normalcy, where his mind was clear and void of all venereal thoughts. Until the pressure began to build again.

“Wait,” the project manager grabbed her hand as she began to roll off the bed. “I have to know. Was it Sean? Toby?”

Lauren laughed and pulled away. “You’re way too easy."

Choking back relieved laughter, Corey managed a feeble grin. “I could say the same about you.”

Giggling, Lauren flipped him the bird and went to the bathroom. “C’mon. It’s Christmas Eve! Let’s shower and get out of here. We need to get to the grocery store before they close. You’ll just love what I’m cooking up.”

To that, the senior Iowan had no doubt.


Although it began rather unconventionally, the rest of Christmas Eve proved one of the most ordinary days Corey and Lauren Miller had spent together in a long time. Between a lazy day poolside, a bite to eat at the deli across the street, and a satisfying afternoon nap, it could not have been more vanilla. And that could not have made them happier.

Late in the evening, while Corey worked on a resignation letter, Lauren ran to the market and pharmacy, The couple had every intention on staying in, grilling some salmon, and chilling with a movie. This proved to be a wise choice, seeing both were asleep on the couch way before the final credits rolled.


Christmas Day.

Corey stood on the balcony of the 23rd floor apartment and surveyed Miami’s beautiful downtown district, marveling at the 65-degree weather. With Des Moines barely getting into the 20s, he dreaded returning to that frigid weather the next day. Lauren cheerly joined him with a cup of coffee in each hand, and they basked in the morning sun.

During a long video conference with their daughters, Caroline expressed excitement at visiting her mom later that week, and Amelia apologized for not being able to join them due to a massive system conversion at her company. Lauren assured the older sibling that Florida had plenty of lobster and sunshine. After hanging up, the couple exchanged gifts. Corey loved his new camcorder but had to say his favorite present was a special edition Cyclones jersey, updated with new team colors. Lauren received nice things too, including some traditional silver and gold jewelry, perfect for the office. Jokingly, she feigned hoping for another anklet, which got a chuckle. He did apologize for not having more gifts for her, citing the long distance and work. To make it right, he scribbled an I.O.U. she could cash in later for pretty much anything. All in all, it was a good morning.

Eventually, they made their way to the local mission and spent a few hours prepping and serving food to the city’s less fortunate. Corey helped roast chicken in the kitchen, while Lauren took her place in the production line, handing out dinners. It was something they’d done as a family for decades and promised to keep the tradition going. Two hours in, Corey stuck his head through the kitchen door to gauge the line and happened to see Lauren chatting with two roughneck Latino guys. All three seemed to know one another, although the men didn't at all seem to be the type of people she’d be friends with. It wasn't until one of them referred to her as “Iowa” that he knew for certain they weren’t strangers. Oddly, there was some uneasiness about her as she talked quietly, even casting furtive glances back towards the kitchen to see if anyone was watching. There was.


“Please, guys, go way. I’m working.”

“This your daytime job, puta?” Juan sneered. “When you’re not sucking dick?”

Hector laughed like a hyena.

Lauren’s stomach knotted. “Seriously, leave me alone.”

The men noticed her eyes shifting towards the kitchen.

“What’s wrong, senora? That absent husband of yours back there? Perhaps we should go wish him a happy holiday.”

Her eyes widened. “No, please.”

One of the other volunteers stepped in Juan’s way as he tried to go behind the counter. A burly veteran with a long beard, he looked like he could wrest a tire from a gorilla.

“Everyone okay here?”

Juan held up his hands and smiled. “No trouble here, acere.” He turned to Lauren. “You want to holla again, pretty girl, you come find us.”

Grabbing a couple apples, the Cubans sauntered out of the mission and disappeared, leaving Lauren’s hand shaking.


“Friends of yours?” Corey asked later that evening as he began packing his bags for the morning flight.

“Who’s that?” Lauren responded while folding clothes fresh from the dryer. She’d all but forgotten about the Latinos.

“Those boys…from the mission. You all seemed to know each other.”

Her brow furrowed, remembering the encounter. “N-n-no,” she stuttered, “not really.”

“Ah-k. I mean, one of him called you Iowa, so I just thought…oh hey, have you seen my deodorant?”

“I-i-t’s under the sink.” Lauren’s voice was cracking. Doing things with Corey’s knowledge was one thing, but cheating was something entirely different. It’d been a mistake not to tell him about turning back-alley tricks with those guys, and the whole of it had weighed heavily on her. She just couldn’t do it anymore.

Walking to where her husband was rummaging through toiletry drawers, she leaned against the counter and folded her arms. Corey was startled to see such a dead serious expression on her face.


“We need to talk.”


“Jesus Christ, babe,” Corey barked, his blood pressure through the roof. “That was incredibly stupid.”

“I know, I know. Look, I was drunk. You weren’t here…"

He slammed a shoe into the suitcase. “Goddamnit, Lauren, you could have been killed!”

There was little she could say. Everyone was right. There was no defense, it was just a bonehead move.

Corey was pacing now. “Why? You could walk into any bar in this city and…”

“Please calm down. I…I…I guess you have your thing and I have mine.”

He stopped and stared at her.

“Selling yourself? I thought that was just a fantasy.”

Lauren tilted her head in bewilderment. Of all people…

“Hello? Yours used to be just a fantasy too.”

An awkward silence fell over the room. Corey paused. She’s not wrong.

Zipping the suitcase shut, he walked over to the closet. Eyes scanned her wardrobe until they landed on a pretty floral spaghetti-strap sundress.

“Here,” he tossed it to her, “put this on.”


“We’re going out.”

“But it’s Christmas night. Nothing’s open.”

“We’ll take our chances.”


The black SUV ride-share pulled up in front of the 24-hour laundromat.

“You sure you want this address, mac?” the ride-share driver asked a bit suspiciously, mentally noting neither of the fares had brough laundry with them.

Corey hesitated. During Lauren’s hooker revelation, he had tried to mentally piece together the approximately location of the infamous alley. But Little Havana was a big place.

“My mistake, can you just drive around a bit?”

The driver turned around and look over the very cracker couple in the backseat. “Gas ain’t cheap these days, pal, and I’ve got other customers waiting. How about you tell me what you’re looking for.”

“Is there any place hangout around here?”

Lauren looked at her husband curiously but didn’t say anything.

“Only a couple places tonight. One’s a tavern, and I guaran-fucking-tee you don’t want to go there. There’s a reason they put in a cop substation across the street. Other joint is a pool hall.”

“Billiards it is.”

Lauren raised an eyebrow. “Pool? C’mon, let’s just go home.”

Corey put a finger to his lips and remained stoic. There was something worrisome about his demeaner.


As the SUV’s taillights disappeared around the corner, the couple stood on the sidewalk gazing up at a blinking marquee advertising “Balls of Fun Here”. There was hardly a soul on the street, and they felt very, very alone. The only sensible option was to step inside.

With a deep breath, Corey pushed open the doors and stepped through the entrance. Lauren followed, her dress billowing in the warm draft. The hall was small and had just six rather basic tables with ratty purple cloth. The place was empty except for a rather unfriendly-looking Latino blocking another door at the far end the room.

“Can I help you with something?” he of them asked gruffly, clearly annoyed that they were even there.

“Need a table.”

“None available,” the hairy ogre said flatly.

Corey nodded, noting the non-existent crowd. “I can see that. Sorry, our mistake.” He didn’t see who he was looking for anyway. Grabbing his wife’s hand, he guided them back towards the front.

“Well, well, well.”

Lauren squeezed her eyes shut. She knew that voice anywhere.

“Is that you, Iowa?”

Glaring at her husband sideways, she dropped her shoulders in resignation and slowly turned to look see Juan standing in the doorway.


“Good to see you again,” the Cuban smiled, moving closer. Another man followed him into the room. “This is Mendo, and you’ve already met Tajo. Merry Christmas!”

Lauren was silently fuming. “What the fuck are you up to?” she hissed at Corey from the corner of her mouth.

“Just wanted to meet your friends and see what you’ve been up to while I’ve been away,” he whispered back, grinning. “I deserve that much, don’t I?”

The project manager walked slowly to the big Cuban, hands up so the room could see them. He was acutely aware a gun or two may have been trained on him.

“Are you Juan?”

“I am,” the Latino answered without hesitation. “And you are?”

“My husband,” Lauren blurted out. “And apparently not a very bright one. Please don’t hurt him.”

Learning this, Juan squared himself to the older man. He’d faced a jealous husband a time or two and knew the situation could go south quickly. Mendo realized this too and placed a hand inside his vest.

“Have you come to do me harm?”

“Did you fuck my wife?” Corey asked matter-of-factly.

Every bit of oxygen was sucked from the room.

Looking at the brunette, Juan weighed his options. He could lie, but seeing as the jinetera had already come clean, that wouldn’t help matters. It would simply defer a confrontation to another time. A time when he wouldn’t necessarily see it coming. No, it was better to face this now, whatever the outcome.

“Yeah, I was with her. Best pussy I’ve had in a long time. Only cost me a buck fifty.” The words were meant to be inflammatory; if the yanqui was going to get froggy, he’d surely jump then.

When the old man didn’t, he added for good measure, “And I took her asshole cherry too.”

Corey clenched his jaw but remained under control. He was aware of only the three men, but there could be more. Mendo appeared to still be fingering a firearm. The room was very, very tense. The ball was in Corey’s court.

“Care for another go?”

Lauren felt faint, Juan began laughing, and Mendo looked nervous.

“Listen, it’s simple. My wife’s a prostitute, a whore. But you already know that. I figured with you and your buddies here all alone on Christmas, you might need a little cheer. You get to nut, she gets off, and I make a few bucks to put in the next kettle I see. Whatta say? Five Benjies for the lot of you?”

Lauren’s mouth fell open. Her heart raced as the men began to surround her, touching her long black hair.

“Is this true, puta?” Juan asked, tracing a finger along her bare shoulders. “You need more Cuban in your diet?”

“No! Corey, please let’s go.”

She watched as Corey collected five crumbled one-hundred-dollar bills and stepped towards the cue sticks.

“Go?” he asked, examining the condition of one tip. “You’re a whore now, right? Selling what you got in alleys?”

Lauren’s mouth was agape, but with her husband talking like a pimp and the men’s hands caressing her body, any resistance was rapidly melting away. Deep down, the embers igniting, bringing predicable heat to her pussy.

As Juan led his wife into the back room, Corey stopped and pressed several condoms into her small but sweaty palm. He could see the lust in her eyes. On the surface, she wanted to kill him, but deep down she wanted to cum even more. Looking over her shoulder just before the door closed, Lauren saw a piece of paper flutter to the floor and recognized it as the note he’d given her earlier that evening.



Alone among the tables now, Corey flipped the OPEN sign in the front window to CLOSED and sidled up to a table already racked with a standard eight-ball configuration. An eerie silence settled over the hall as he lined up the break. Just as the cue ball struck the 1 ball violently, scattering the others, a huge Cuban cock must’ve impaled the mom-turned-hooker in the other room, judging from the impassioned cries.

“OH GOD FUCK ME!” was all he could heard above the rear in-window air conditioner.

Corey applied more chalk and thought hard about the next shot.

Four ball in the side pocket.



The first water glass whizzed by Corey's head, barely missing on its way to shattering on the apartment drywall behind him. A dish fared the same fate, although that did clip him on the arm.

“What gives you the right to whore me out?” Lauren screamed.

“Shh, the neighbors. It’s midnight!”

“Fuck them, and don’t hush me, you prick! You specifically led me to the guy I’ve been trying to avoid for weeks. And then let him and his buddies screw me like a two-bit whore.”

Let them? Uh, you didn't exactly holler rape. Besides, isn’t that how your thing? To be sold to the highest bidder?”

“We could’ve been killed.”

“Whoa, hold on. You already did their leader once. If he was going to kill you, he would've done it in that alley.”

“It was stupid then and just as stupid now. HOW COULD YOU?”

Corey pulled the phone from his back pocket and shook his head. “And to think I thought I was doing a good thing,” he scoffed, pressing play.

”That’s it, boys, fuck me.” The voice was muffled through the pool hall door, but definitely hers. ”Fuck my pussy HARD!”

His wife’s eyes widened. “You creep! You recorded me? Again?”

“Relax, it’s just audio. Point is, you seemed to be enjoying yourself."

Lauren was seething. If blood could pour from eye sockets, it would have been coming out in buckets.

“Get…out,” she hissed.


“You heard me. GET OUT,” Lauren yelled.

“Oh, c’mon, we’ve been having such a nice visit.”

She ran to the bedroom and ripped all his clothes from the dresser. Dragging the suitcase back to the living room, she opened the apartment’s door and threw it into the hallway.


He stared at her. “It’s midnight. My flights not until nine.”

“Then you’ll be there in plenty of time to get there. Now GO!” The anger in her voice was thick and hung heavy.

Corey hesitated, then stepped into the corridor and looked back. Well, here she is, man, in the wild, just what you hoped to see.

“Yeah, okay, I get it.”

"Do you?”

Lauren stopped and collected her thoughts. Exhaling slowly, she sashayed over to him in that highly exaggerated walk women have.

“Really? Good, baby, I'm glad. Then you can certainly see how you’ve turned your loyal, abstemious wife into a full-on whore. That was all your doing, cuck. ALL YOU! You weren’t satisfied with me just being a sex kitten, were you? No, you had to turn me out. So, did you enjoy being my pimp?"

"It wasn't like that."

She grabbed a handful of his crotch.

“Hey, be careful there.”

"How was it, then, Twisty? I bet this little cock of yours got hard, didn't it? Did you whack off listening to me fuck those real men? Just how many of your pathetic excuses for cum stains is poor Mendo scrubbing off the tables right now?”

“C’mon, I was just…”

“Just what? Seeing how far I’ll go? Well, you haven’t seen anything yet. Go ahead, go back to Iowa. I’ll be just fine. There’s a whole town of cock here. You wanna be cucked? Then strap in, baby, I'll cuck you straight to hell. I warned you a long time ago, once that switch is on it might not go off. And baby, that light is blazing bright and hot right now.”

“Please, Lauren, don't do this.”




The slamming door reverberated down the empty hallway. Two apartments down, a small dog began to bark.

The last thing Corey saw before the gold 23f numbers nearly took off his nose were the tears streaming down his wife’s pretty face.

“I love you,” he proclaimed softly.

It was 12:03 a.m. Nine hours until his flight. It was going to be a long night on the concourse.


December 26th.

Lauren woke the next morning with streaks of mascara on her cheeks. She’d spent most of the night crying. What a horrible way for Corey’s visit to end! And after they were having such a good time. Why’d did have to take her to the pool hall? More disturbing yet, why’d didn't she just leave? She wasn’t a prisoner, nor did she fear those men.

He’s right, I could have just left.

Sniffling and supporting her lower back with one hand, the stiff and very sore office manager shuffled to the bathroom, needing to pee and soak in the tub. Her vagina had endured several rough incursions over the last couple days and needed a break. As the bath filled with hot water, Lauren sat on the toilet and drained her bladder.

Why had she come down so hard on him? Well, on the surface, the answer was easy. She was genuinely pissed at him passing her off on strangers. Under that endearing smile, however, was a man who was hurting. He seemed happiest when she was giving him what he needed.

If he wants to be cucked so bad, then I’m going to redefine the goddamn word.

Call it a twist on tough love.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, Lauren spied a couple of gifts she'd missed when hastily tossing his shit into the suitcase the night before. Picking up the unopened camcorder, she tore the giftwrapping off admired its high quality. A devious smile crept across her face as she studied the instructions.

The next few weeks will especially fun..


December 28th.

Caroline Miller sighed with relief as the Colorado Springs Municipal runway disappeared beneath ominous snow clouds and out of sight. The timing of the next blizzard had been sketchy, creating much anxiety amongst those still on the ground. It appeared now she’d dodged the bullet and was well on her way to sunny Miami to see her mother.

Mom. Thanksgiving was the last time they were together. To say that weekend ended awkwardly would be an understatement. The shock of seeing her mother having sex in an amateur video was actually more memorable than the scene itself. If she recalled it correctly, there were at least three others, all much younger. Like most children, Caroline had rarely considered the sexual side of her parents. There were just...Mom and Dad. So, it was no wonder that their budding alternative lifestyle had taken her by surprise. Not just because they were her parents, but growing up in Iowa, they'd never been exactly liberal thinking. Church volunteers, PTA, scout leaders, and coaches? Yes. Sex adventurers? Absolutely not. Yet, in many societies it wasn't completely unheard of. Many empty nesters, no longer having to conform to parental norms, sometimes dabbled in atypical and even risky behavior. That being said, having an orgy with kids half her age and filming it might be a stretch, even in the most liberal communities. The worst part about it was that her sister Amelia was right. Mom had left Dad behind and found other lovers to fill the void. The only twist was, it was he who encouraged it.

Dad. Good lord, not only did he watch Mom, he recorded it. That meant her father was a willing and by all accounts enthusiastic cuckold.

Cuckold. Christ, that’s fuckin’ weird. The man she’d always considered a man's man, an outdoorsman, fisherman, and passionate football fan, was now a guy who liked to passively watch another man get his wife off.

Wow. Just wow.

At least she wasn't cheating on him. And as mature adults, how they expressed their sexuality was their business alone, as long as it didn’t infringe on others. Caroline wondered just how often they had been veering from their own bed. Considering they were living apart, that was hard to say. The pics on her mother's social media accounts didn't exactly conjure up images of a lonely woman pining for her husband. Surely at least one of those hot guys had come close to bedding her at some point. And knowing her mom’s low tolerance for alcohol, there was a high probability they succeeded.

You just can't make this shit up.

Then there was Uncle Zane. Given what the young Miller knew now, there was a good chance Mom had slept with him when she went out of town at that awards ceremony. Her mother was in great shape and had certainly flaunted her ware's that night in those tight leathers. Plus, her father had vehemently defended the pair for going alone, even pulling off the road to emphasize it.

Me thinks ye protest a bit too much, Papa.

Not that he was her real uncle or anything, just her father’s best friend. Even so, the implications were still disturbing. Picking up rando guys was obviously promiscuous, but those hookups were typically without emotion. But bringing a hometown friend into that world was flirting with emotional collateral. A dangerous thing indeed.

Zane. Holy shit, that dream was...quite revealing. Although she'd never fantasized about him before - he was like family, after all - she had to admit his rough and tumble personality was extremely attractive. Her Id’s suggestive powers were no doubt at play the night she’d dreamt about giving him head. Perhaps even more disconcerting was that being naked on the bed with her mother seemed natural as a spring rain.

What would Freud say about that?

In hindsight, it was just a dream, and the reality was her mom really does have sex with other people and her Dad finds great pleasure in it. So, just like Caroline would want their support if she chose to change genders or, hah, become a porn star, she too should find it in her heart to support their choices as well.

Besides, maybe I can snag one of Mom's castoffs. That would show that shithead Bernard what he's throwing away! Fucking Jerk!


It took a while for mother and daughter to warm up to each other. Their initial interaction was clumsy and uncertain, but that was to be expected. Their last get together didn’t end well and it took a lot of small talk and a bottle of wine to loosen up. Caroline talked about her work as a high school counselor, one day hoping to use her psychology certification to hang her own shingle. She also mentioned her scoundrel boyfriend and how she had found him in bed with another girl.

“To hell with him, then!” Lauren exclaimed while lifting her wine glass. “He doesn’t know what he’s losing.”

“Exactly!” Caroline agreed, clinking their glasses. For the first time in a long time, the two women felt a solidarity with each other.

After a few more awkward moments, the younger Miller set her wine down and peered cautiously at the elder one across the table. Lauren saw the inquiring look on her daughter’s face and knew what was coming.

“People are talking back home, you know.”

“Oh, about what?” The feigned ignorance was almost laughable.

“You. What you’re up to down here. You can’t deny the photos you post online are a little, um, tarty. Some wonder if you’re cheating on Dad. There’s an air of sympathy for him.”

Lauren took a sip of wine. “And what do you think?”

Caroline shrugged. “Well, the optics don’t look good, do they? You’re living it up in paradise while Dad whiles the hours away alone in the cold.”

“You’re right. They don’t look good. But most people that know us know the situation. We chose to be apart to manage the move. And while your father may be lonesome, he is anything but disconnected. He knows what I’m up to and who I’m with.”

“And he digs that?”

Lauren pursed her lips. “More than you know.”

“Wow. So, you guys really do have an open marriage?”

“Well, it’s not so much open as it is an agreement.” Some anxiety crept into the older woman’s voice. She wasn’t all that comfortable discussing her sex life with her child.

“An agreement where you can have sex with others with his permission? That’s so bizarre. He used to get so jealous when guys looked at you.”

Lauren really began to fidget. “I’m not sure we should be discussing this. This is between me and your father and what goes on behind closed doors.”

Caroline shook her head. “Not to be rude, but I think those doors were opened when I saw the video.”

Pouring herself another drink, Lauren sighed. Mothers were supposed to be less the parent to adult daughters and more the friend. She decided to approach this particular discussion from the latter perspective.

“Okay, then. Here goes. First, thank you for not mentioning to your father that you know. Not sure his heart could take knowing you’re aware. Second, the jealousy you mentioned is still there, he just channels it into something he considers pleasurable. I don’t fully understand it, and even he can’t explain it. But whatever it is, it’s real.”

“Cuckold angst.”

Lauren cocked an eyebrow. “Wow, listen to you, miss smarty.”

“Psychology major, remember? Plus, I read up on it.”

That put a smile on her mother’s face. Ever the curious one, she was.

“Mom, it’s okay. You guys aren’t beholden to anyone. You’ve given Amelia and me a wonderful childhood and raised us right. We’re thankful for that. I’ve come to terms with however you and Dad want to live your lives. I just want to be part of it.”

Lauren raised the other eyebrow and smirked.

Caroline coughed. “Uhhh, you know what I mean. Your lives. I want to be part of your lives.”

The women shared a laugh before enjoying another moment of silence, this one way less stressful.

Finally, Lauren piped up. “You were pretty pissed when you saw that film, though.”

“Won’t deny it. But later I realized, at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what I think, and I’m not going to let that sour our relationship.”

Lauren reached out and grasped her daughter’s hand. “I’m glad you feel that way.”

Caroline smiled and squeezed back. “Me too.”

Another minute of quiet came and went before the younger woman pressed on.

“So, Dad enjoys seeing you with others. What’s that like? Is this something you want too, or is it all about him?”

“At first it was. Even though we didn’t…you know…maybe once a month. And even though his stamina was giving out, I was still content. Menopause kills the desire, so maybe I didn’t know any better. But then Max helped take things from fantasy to reality really quick.”


Lauren swiped through phone photos until finding one of Max Bemer, owner of Club X. It was of them together, standing outside his bar.

“Seriously? You hooked up with him? God, Mom, he’s hot.”

A smile flitted across Lauren’s face. “Yeah, I guess he is. Thing is, while it may have initially been to satiate your dad, now it’s like getting to be the bad girl in high school I never was.”

“And Dad’s really okay with this?”

“More than okay, he encourages it. I truly believe it’s his way to cope with getting older and not being here for me.”

Lauren noticeably turned up her nose. "Not that I care."

"What?" Caroline shot back. The distain in her mother's tone was obvious.

"Nothing. We just had a row before he went back to Des Moines."

"I see. Well, I guess we can both be man-haters for the weekend."

“Not all men,” Lauren grinned.

Another eruption of laughter. The wine was taking its toll.

“Speaking of which, Mom, it doesn’t appear you have any problem pulling them in. I wish I had those choices. I’m so done with that asshole Bernard. Think I could borrow one of your FWBs?”

“Hey now, back off. I’m 48-years-old, its not like the cream of the crop are all knocking at my door. I get the castoffs the 23-year-olds don’t want.”

Sensing it was time to change the subject, Lauren redirected. “So, what do you want to do today?”

The younger Miller scrunched her face in thought. “Well, seeing as there’s a snowstorm back home, I was hoping to get to some of those fabulous beached you have here.”

“Oh, that we can do. We’re filthy with beaches. Did you bring a suit?”

“Just an old one-piece I had. Going to the pool isn’t high on the list of people in mile-high cities.”

Lauren shook her head. “One-piece? This is Miami. Looks we're going shopping.”


Corey shook off the cold as he set his lunchbox and laptop bag on the kitchen counter. The construction site had shut down early ahead of the New Year’s holiday, leading him to pack it in himself. As he shrugged off his coat, he looked around the old house despondently. It was just as big and lonely as when he’d left it that morning. As it would be tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. Nothing ever changed now that Lauren was gone.

Make no mistake. For the past 72 hours, his life had been hell. Between catching up at work and fretting over their argument, he hadn’t had time to do anything else. Even the resignation letter sat unopened in the truck’s glove compartment with his boss’ name on it. The motivation to turn it in just wasn't there.

Selecting a nearly full bottle of bourbon from the pantry, the forlorn project manager plopped into his favorite recliner and kicked off his dusty boots. He swung his feet up onto the coffee table where they landed with a thud. He snickered out loud. Lauren would have torn him a new one for being so careless.

Lauren. God, what the fuck had happened there?

How did things blow up so quickly? SHE was the one fucking half of Miami, not him. And although he had to admit the whole thing was pretty hot, the prostitution fantasy was all hers. All he did was lead her to the water that he thought would quench her thirst. After all, she fucked guys to satiate his thing, right? How was letting her live out her fantasy any different? It was like...a favor…right?

Another shot and a bigger sigh.

Probably should’ve kept that damn recording to himself, though. It certainly hadn’t helped matters any. Yet, it had proven a point. Lauren wasn’t raped or forced into anything at that pool hall. And from the sounds on the other side of that door, she had thoroughly enjoyed her time as a paid whore.

He slammed the shot glass down on a side table.

And I’M the bad guy? FUCK THAT.

Sadly, they hadn’t spoken to each other since she’d shut the door in his face Christmas night. Not even so much as a text to see if he’d gotten home safely. It had been days now and all calls and messages from him had gone unanswered. That was not like her at all. Am I that much of an asshole? If it hadn’t been for Amelia mentioning that she'd talked to her mother yesterday, he would have been deeply concerned for Lauren's welfare.

Two more pours.

Well, at least the trip hadn’t been a total loss. He’d gotten to see her in the wild. And how. Blowing that kid on the beach and her antics in the adult bookstore were off-the-chain. Obviously no longer the shy girl in bed who was reluctant to have sex anywhere but a dark bedroom, she had blossomed well beyond Corey's expectations. Her unabashed love for sex now – and kinky sex to boot - seemed to be a chief motivator in her new life. Something she actively sought out. The caterpillar had turned into a butterfly. A nymphet butterfly, to be sure.

”I'll cuck you straight to hell. I warned you a long time ago, once that switch is on it might not go off. And baby, that light is blazing bright and hot right now.”

Those words had cut deep during the cab ride to the airport that night. They sliced through his ears and into his heart like daggers. He barely remembered spending the night on the floor of the concourse or traversing the TSA line. Only when he had settled into the morning flight was he able analyze their bitter conversation. Had she intended the words to hurt or caress? For most men it would have been to hurt, but to those with his kink, context was everything. Given the bitterness of their conversation in which she’d hurled them, they were certainly meant to sting.

Corey’s hand shook as he poured a seventh shot. The whiskey was quickly catching up.

Now what?

Did she really intend on dating? There was no doubt his fetish had been talking when he'd suggested such a thing and now he had his doubts. Even though his cock twitched excitedly at the possibilities such a powder keg could bring, the reality was that many men would snatch her up in a heartbeat given the chance. This would make most husband's blood boil, but the thought of losing her just seemed to add to the thrill. Like dangling your hand in the piranha tank, or considering, even for the briefest of seconds while standing atop a tall building, what it would be like to jump. The danger was real, palpable, and very, very arousing.

If Lauren found an emotional connection with one of her trysts, that would certainly take things to another level. The turmoil, jealousy, and envy would be excruciatingly delicious. Even now, the 61-year-old's dick was pressed against his soft cotton boxers, begging to be released.

And yet, how would he ever know she was dating? Corey hoped she would tell him, but who knows how long this silent treatment was going to last? Both of them were bullheaded, and it could go on for a while. He thought about this carefully as he abandoned the shot glass altogether. Only right from the bottle would do today.

Staring at his phone, he suddenly remembered how much Lauren used social media. Hmm. Having never used it before, he fumbled through the app store and downloaded those he remembered as being the "big three." It took him a while – and a bit more bourbon – but he was finally able to register and get accounts opened for each. From there, it didn't take him long to find his wife’s public profiles. It’s amazing how sophisticated the search features are these days. Within seconds, her past public posts began to appear. He gasped when seeing what others had been telling him about for so many months. Snaps on the beach with the friends she'd been slowly accumulating. Selfies with neighbors as they drank wine and watched the sunset. Photos of her at various nightclub, many with men who were taking various liberties with their hands. Surely there had been many more opportunities to sleep with guys than Lauren had ever alluded to. And surely, she had. This then is what everyone else had been seeing. Their friends, parishioners...everyone. Everyone but him. The butterfly was making the rounds for all to see. And what must they think of me?

Depressed, but aroused, his fingers reached down and unsnapped his jeans. Flipping to a pic of her dancing cheek to cheek in a bar with a younger guy, his hand inched further towards his crotch until it enveloped his trembling dick.

If this was her public posts, then what are the private ones like? He pressed the option to send a friend request, not knowing if it would ever be accepted.

Fap, fap, fap.


It was now late afternoon, and with the locals returning from the Christmas holiday and tourists always abound, real estate on South Beach was again at a premium. By the time the women found a small patch of sand to spread their blankets, they were ready to enjoy a drink and soak up some sun.

Caroline shimmied out of her tee and short shorts, her long legs and youthful body garnering more than a few looks from passersby on the beach. Bustier than her mother, she was close to spilling out of the new yellow two-piece they’d purchased down the street. Below, her ass cheeks weren’t faring much better as the high waist bottoms could barely contain them.

Lauren stripped off her street clothes and turned a few heads herself. Nearly identical from afar, their bust size made all the difference. Why her daughters had grown bigger was a mystery indeed, she didn’t care. Less for gravity to work with. After handing her daughter a seltzer, the 48-year-old bent over and straightened out an unruly beach towel. Caroline smiled, amused at the surreptitious looks her mom was getting from the men around them. She had to admit, although mama had some miles on her, she was still one very sexy broad.

“Can you do my back,” the younger of the two asked, laying on her belly.

Squirting out a glob of cream from the long tube, Lauren began to spread it evenly across the 27-year-old's skin, rubbing the greasy concoction in a circle until it blended in. When she reached Caroline’s waist, she used a pinky finger to push aside the top band of the bottoms to avoid stains. That’s when the Iowan mother noticed something that forever changed the way she thought of her daughter. There, nestled in the valley just above the crevice of her very pale ass cheeks, was a permanent tattoo of an ace of spades. It was small and inconspicuous, but interesting, nonetheless.

The older woman cocked an eyebrow. Since Caroline wasn’t much of a card player, the implication was clear. Hmm. Should she even mention it? After all, the girl was almost thirty and surely had her share of sexual experiences by now. Yet, curiosity got the best of her.

“You, eh, been hanging out with your Uncle Zane and his prison buddies?”

Caroline raised her head off the towel, with a questioning expression.

“Prison buddies? What are you talking about?”

“That’s some interesting ink down there.”

“Oh that,” the girl responded nonchalantly. “Bikers aren’t the only ones with tattoos, Mom.”

“Uh huh.”

A few minutes passed while the women laid on their respective blankets enjoying the warm rays, both feeling the elephant on the beach that was standing above them. Finally, Caroline couldn't take it anymore.

“It’s exactly what you think.”

Lauren popped an eye open, shielding it from the sun. “Oh, okay," she replied airily. "I didn’t know you dated black men.”

“Just the cute ones. Does that bother you?”

That caused Lauren to pause. Did it? Not really, I guess. Neither she and Corey had ever been intentionally racist, nor had the topic of the girls dating other races ever come up. Like most parents, they just wanted their kids to be happy.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Never really thought about it. Can’t speak for your father.”

“Given what you and he have been doing, I’m guessing his attitude towards sexual preferences is pretty lax these days.”

“Fair point.”

Lauren tried to remember but couldn’t recall seeing a picture of Caroline’s most recent boyfriend. “So, is Bernard black?”

The girl flipped over onto her back and inched down the small bikini bridge of her bottoms.


Another pregnant moment.

“Um, does he…”

“Yes, mother, and every inch of the rumors are true.”

“I was going to ask if he lived close to you.”


The two giggled beneath their dark sunglasses a bit too loud as the warm sun continued to bake their skin.

This was going to be a fun visit.


Fifteen hundred miles away, Zane stepped from a borrowed car and pulled his leather jacket tight around his neck. Since Abby had taken the truck in the divorce, his only ride was Betsy, and tooling around on two wheels in Iowa’s twenty-degree weather was not something his aging bones could handle. It sucked getting old.

Walking to the front of the house, the mechanic looked for signs of life. There were none, beyond a couple ladders propped up against the sides where Corey appeared to have been scraping away some old paint. He rang the doorbell, hoping his estranged friend would answer.

Inside, the Miller patriarch was still browsing through his wife’s social media pictures and stroking his cock absentmindedly.

Fap, fap, fap.

He was just about ready to ramp it up and bring it home when the doorbell rang.

Are you fucking kidding me? Really?

Struggling to get out of the recliner, the very intoxicated project manager stuffed a stiff dick back into his jeans and grabbed the nearly empty whiskey bottle. It would make a damn fine weapon if he needed it.

“Corey, it’s me. Open up, it’s colder than a witch’s tit out here.”

Zane could see a dim figure through the frosted sidelights, just feet away.

“C’mon, man, I know you’re in there. Why you been ignoring me? I thought we were tight.”

Nothing now.

“Look man, it’s not like I hit on her behind your back. You set me up, Cors and I only did what you wanted me to, right?”

Still nothing.

“Why didn’t you just ask me? I would have gladly obliged you both. I've always thought she's a stone-cold fox. We could have hooked up on your couch for all I care.”

Beating off had left Corey’s cock hard, and it suddenly twitched again. Always?

“Buddy, listen, I just want us to go back to the way we were. Fishing, seeing a varsity game. It’s no big deal, man. We’ve shared a lot of things, right? It’s just sex.”

He could see the shadow move again.

“I get it though. You dig when other guys are with her. Whatever. I don’t think anything less of you. Passing around the ol’ lady isn’t anything new with the crowd I ride with.”

Zane again listened intently. Not hearing anything, he pounded on the door. “What the FUCK, dude? I'm trying to work things out here. You think this isn't awkward for me too? What do I have to do to get your attention?”

The motion on the other side suddenly got fainter. It was walking away.

The biker punched the doorframe in frustration twice in rapid succession, then immediately regretted it as his knuckles began to bleed.


Rubbing his hand, he walked sideways back down the sidewalk to his ride, occasionally turning to see if the door had opened. When it didn't, Zane back quickly out of the driveway and barked the tires as the car sped from of the quiet neighborhood, his middle finger prominently displayed out the window and above the roof of the car.


Lauren and her visiting daughter had a quiet Thursday evening, strolling up and down the downtown boulevard and eventually stopping in for dinner at the Taffy Snapper. Both enjoyed cooling off with some ice-cold beverages and laughed about their afternoon beach outing, especially the attention they both got from bulging jerk jocks looking to strike up a conversation. Nearly all had assumed the girls were sisters which neither tried to dispel. Caroline past the time by sippubg a gin and tonic and flipping through candid photos she'd snapped that day.

Of particular interest were ones of Lauren with a couple muscle-bound meatheads that had "just happened by”. Never before had the younger woman seen men fawning over her mother like that. Sure, she’d grown up watching heads turn here and there, especially at school functions when her smartly dressed mother had come right from work. Thinking back, even her dad’s friends did a little leering, though she was quite sure Dad himself was oblivious. Yes, today had provided Caroline a unique view into Lauren Miller, sexy temptress, rather than Lauren Miller, PTA mom. And strangely, being part of that didn't feel strange at all.

“Oh, now this one was cute,” she remarked to her mother. “He was drooling all over you. Want to post them?”

Lauren shook her head. “Nah, those guys are oafs. Muscles like that are a dime a dozen down here.”

"Well, not where I live,” Caroline commented wistfully. “And they seem to be everywhere. But I get ya. Besides, Dad would probably freak. Good thing he doesn't have a clue as to what social media is."

Lauren tapped her phone. “Don’t be so sure. I just received some friend requests from him this afternoon.”

“From Dad? Really? Wow, he’s getting trendy in his old age. If that's true, then he’s already seen the pics that has everyone back home questioning your fidelity. The public ones, anyway.”

“My fidelity?" the Iowan wife asked mockingly. "I’ll have you know that was all just innocent fun. It's not like I'm naked or anything.”

“Yah, you keep telling yourself that. And you have to admit, some are pretty damn risque.”

Lauren thought back to what her friends Gail and Ellen had ask her during the recent Thanksgiving visit. "You sampling the local cuisine, girlfriend?" That made her smile.

“Hey, I get it,” Caroline pledged, leaning in. “You want a clean break, a new life and all that. But what about Dad? What do you think he’ll do when he sees them?”

Lauren rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what her husband would do. And he’d use half a box of tissues doing it. Caroline chortled. It didn’t take a sledgehammer to interpret that sigh and eye roll.

“Seriously, Mom?”

Lauren smirked. “He’s a man. What can I say?”

A look of concern flickered momentarily across the girl’s face. “But you still love him, right? I mean, this game you guys play, it is just sex...right?”

“Honey, I can assure you still love your father. He’s started this, and it was through his eyes I saw what I’ve been missing. It’s like an auto dealer letting you park your aging Pinto every once in a while, and drive the Ferrari. I still love that Pinto very much and intend on dying behind that wheel.”

“And you both truly enjoy this arrangement?”

Lauren nodded. "Yeah, it can be very exciting and kinky. More than I expected."

Caroline sat quietly, sipping her drink, thinking pensively. Slowly, a sly smile crept across her face.

"So, let's send him these pics then."

Lauren squinted. The booze and the sun must have addled the poor girl’s brain. Was she really offering to help cuck her own father?

"I...I don't know. You do realize what you’re saying?”

"C'mon, it's just innocent fun, remember? If he truly likes to be teased, then why not? Isn't that pretty much what you've been doing all along? And you want to stay in the limelight, right? I mean, you said it yourself, he’s a man. Better to keep his wife in his headlights than someone back home."

“Well, I can see our college money has clearly paid off. Are you psychoanalyzing our situation right now, Missy?”

Between Chloe’s armchair psychiatry and Caroline’s professional critique, Lauren felt sufficiently and unequivocally evaluated. Draining the Long Island Tea, she looked across the table at her daughter. As fucked up as it sounded, the girl was right. The perv would have his dick out within seconds of getting the snaps. Still, they couldn't come from her. She was maintaining radio silence with Corey right then.

"No worries," Caroline smirked again, loading a message to her dad from her phone. First, a couple photos of his sweet, innocent daughter waving. Then both women together cheek to cheek. And finally with the meatheads. Pushing the device across the table, she uttered a soft maniacal laugh that was very similar to her mother's.

Hi Daddy! Me and mom had a great time at the beach today. We met some new friends today. A couple guys were sweet on Mom too. Isn't that funny? Wish you were here! Love you!

Lauren couldn't help but crack a smile and shake her head. Apparently, her daughter was just as twisted as she. With a cackle of her own, she nodded and pressed the blue arrow to send the text.

"I'm so going to hell for this."


After successfully avoiding Zane Picardo, and overcoming the blue balls his drive by caused, Corey heated up leftovers, then returned to his favorite recliner. There he resumed rifling through his wife’s social media posts. To the casual observer, one might think these were just fun-filled photos of male friends, uncles and nephews. But he knew better, and so did her friends here in Des Moines. They weren’t stupid.

Looking good, girl, some had posted.

Better get down there fast, Corey! another urged.

Not before I do! his good friend Sean had replied tongue-in-cheek.

Sean? Really?

He took his dick out to finish what the biker had interrupted earlier. Just as he finished applying some lube, a text from his daugther appeared on screen. A nice greeting followed by snapshots. Some were of the girls together, then Lauren on a beach, in her bikini, with what appeared to be several bodybuilders. The kind of shitheads that lived off of their parents’ money while drinking mineral water and lifting all day, instead of contributing to society.

We met some new friends today. A couple guys were sweet on Mom too. Isn't that funny?

A dark, sick feeling tightened his stomach even as his limp dick began to grow exponentially in his hand.


Surely Lauren wasn’t flirting with these guys while Caroline was around? Good god, the girls looked nearly identical, oiled up in their skinny bikinis. The only real differences were breast size, a few facial wrinkles, and varicose veins. And guess who had the latter? Still, the pull they had individually would be incredible, but together, off-the-chain.

Unlike daughter Amelia, the reserved one, liberal Caroline hadn’t completely condemned her parents for wanting to have fun. ”You guys are empty nesters now,” she had said the night her sister was gunning for Lauren. ”Why not have some fun? If that means wearing sexy clothes and topless beaches, then so be it.”

So it wasn’t a complete stretch that mother had confided in daughter and they were forming some sick, budding collusion. Right?

Corey began to stroke faster.

A girl in her late 20s embracing her mother’s new, decadent lifestyle, especially given she was young and restless herself!

Fap, fap, fap.

Lauren and Caroline out on the town, being hit on by a cornucopia of virulent men. The latter laughing...tolerating and encouraging it.

So naughty…so…

Fap, fap, fap.

His wife behind a club in a dark alley, blowing a stranger. Caroline dancing with abandon inside, knowing her mom was on her knees, cheating on her dad.

The semen was bubbling just below the surface now and Corey could feel his heart tearing in two. He desperately looked for the sock. Too late, it was on the floor.

Oh shit! Oh Lauren! Oh god!

Huge spasms hit the lonesome husband’s body as he writhed in the recliner, mouth open and lips trembling while images of his daughter walking into the alley to find her mother’s face being painted seared his mind. The first blast of the thick, conjured cum rocketed through the air and landed across the leather arms of the chair, striping it with its whiteness. The remaining jizz simply flowed lazily from the tip, not unlike a gentle landscaping bubbler found in landscaping, eventually running down the short length of his cock and into his hands.

Corey sat breathlessly trying to comprehend the debased, wicked, and borderline immoral thoughts that had just caused him to have one of the best jerk off sessions ever.

There’s no doubt about it, he thought, wiping away the sticky liquid that was beginning to drip onto the chair's seat.

I am definitely going to hell for this.

December 29th

The Miller girls spent the next day lounging by the apartments’ rooftop pool and open-air bar, sampling various wines while remaining vigilant for any eye candy that happened to walk by. By three o’clock, a nice crowd had thickened to include those unfortunate enough to have had to work earlier. Lauren was just drifting off in the reclining chaise when she heard Caroline groan. Cracking her eyes, she saw her daughter gazing over the bridge of some ridiculously oversized sunglasses, intently eyeing something behind her mother.

“We sure don’t have those in The Springs,” the younger woman observed, a grin spreading across her face.

Lauren groaned too, only for completely different reasons. Tommy Myers and Tony Reed, best friends and local fraternity brothers, had apparently just returned from holiday family obligations out-of-state. Making the rounds with the young crowd scattered across the pool deck, the boys pressed flesh and shot handguns at those they knew. Tommy, lucky enough to have wealthy parents to foot the bill for his own adjoining suite, often had Tony over as a guest. It certainly wasn’t a surprise Caroline had noticed these two. The 21-year-olds were undeniable bronze Adonis’, and neither had lost their tan while up north. College athletes, they were in tip-top condition, bearing chiseled six-packs and broad shoulders. Each was a stud in his own right, and Lauren would know. Both had fucked her to within inches of her life. Twice.

Pussy hounds by trade, it didn’t take long for the boys to notice the two women along the back of the pool. Unaware of her mom’s connection with the hunks walking their way, Caroline quickly fluffed her hair and flashed the pearly whites her parents hadtaken a loan out for years ago. Lauren nervously introduced the young men to her daughter, and it was an awkward moment to be sure, as she wasn't sure what was going to come out of their mouths. To her relief, they were nothing but courteous and respectful, speaking to her casually like one might to a neighbor or acquaintance. Thankfully, not like a MILF they’d recently brought to screaming orgasms.

Without being asked, the boys sat down and carried on the conversation. The four had a pleasant conversation about the weather, winter break, and discussed the younger Miller's first trip to Miami. Tommy mentioned he had recently been skiing in Aspen, and that was all it took. Skiing was one of Caroline's passions. While those two talked slopes, Tony began rubbing Lauren's shoulders, deep massaging her clavicle. A low but audible moan escaped her when he dug in with powerful fingers, loud enough to briefly distract her daughter. The older woman relished the hot breath on her neck, and remembered how the boy's lengthy tool had driven her crazy.

“Your daughter’s hot, just like you,” he whispered in her ear discreetly. “I bet she’s a great fuck, just like her slutty mommy.”

Lauren caught and held her breath.

“Looks like Tommy boy is well on his way to hittin’ that thang too.”

She shook her head inconspicuously. The idea of Caroline having the same lover was too wicked, too depraved.


“Relax, wouldn’t be the first guy to tap a mother and daughter,” Tony chuckled quietly. "That wimpy husband of yours still out of town? You wanna go play again?"

"Dudes, get your asses over here!" one of their friends called to them, holding a bottle of Fireball in his hands.

Tommy acknowledged the liquor and bid Caroline goodbye. As with mom before her, he was equally attracted to this younger version. Perhaps he'd get a chance to get to know her better later.

Tony gave Lauren one final knuckle rub and stood.

“You going to Carter’s party later?” he asked.

She vaguely remembered an invite from the wealthy businessman a week ago in some group chat.

“Is that tonight? I don't know, maybe." Lauren nodded at her daughter. "Depends on what she wants to do.”

"Who wouldn't want to party in a kazillionaire's penthouse? Whatever. 'til we meet again, Juliet," Tony clucked before heading back to his friends.

The way Caroline had to pick her tongue up off the pool deck left no doubt the women would be heading up to the 31st floor before the night was over.


Lauren dropped the fluffy towel and stepped towards the shower, exchanging places with Caroline who slipped out from behind the fogged glass, water dripping from her soft skin. Mom had to admire the girl’s still tight body, void from the ravages of two child births and the presence of the dreaded varicose veins. The tattoo just above her ass crack was actually kind of cute and told the tale. Parents are always the last to know, right? The older woman shuddered at the thought of a muscular dark chocolate specimen hovering over baby girl’s lily-white body and driving his cock deep. It flustered, but not in the way one would expect. Lauren had of course heard the legends and seen interracial porn. It wasn’t prejudice she felt; it was more like…jealousy. Yet, the fact that her daughter preferred the company of black men wasn’t the most interesting revelation of the day. In this day and age, who really cared? That was benign compared with the willingness to actually champion her father’s kink.

It seems there was a lot that Lauren and Corey didn't know about their daughter.


Caroline swung her carryon onto her mother’s bed and rummaged through its side pockets for hairpins. Damn. Had she really left the whole baggie back home on the bathroom counter? Mom has to have some somewhere.

Opening the first dresser drawer, her hands moved around some very racy lingerie. Were these all for her father or…?

Wow, not what she was expecting.

Moving to a lower drawer, she found tiny, multicolored thongs, and below them…oh my god…that‘s the biggest vibrator I’ve ever seen. Caroline had a couple herself, of course, what girl didn’t? But hers were sleek, modern, and efficient. Nothing like this monstrosity.

Holy shit, Mom, she mused with a smirk. Pound for pound, it was bigger than as some of her own former lovers, and that was saying something. “Can you really take this?”

Needing to find those pins, she extended the search to the vanity and then the end tables. Pulling open one small drawer at a time, she stopped a sight that made her snicker.

Thrust ‘n’ Pop! XL for Large Men.

Caroline nodded her approval. Impressive, but surely not for her father. She had never seen him completely naked, but somehow she didn’t think he had what it took to fill these hockey pucks.

So this isn’t just some erotic game they’re playing.

Next to the condoms was a small jewelry box sitting neatly in its lid. A thin and dainty ankle bracelet lay nestled on a white bed of cotton. The young woman fingered the jewelry carefully, noticing the two charms dangling from it in fancy script. “H” and “W”. A handwritten note confirmed it was from her father. “Love, Corey.”

“Ohhhh, Mommy Dearest,” the youngster said to herself softly, closing the drawer and heading back to the bathroom. The reality of her parents' relationship suddenly hit and it was a poignant moment, as evidenced by the dazed look on her face.

“Finding everything okay?” Lauren asked, stepping from the shower and patting the water from deeply tanned shoulders.

Caroline let go a small, distant chuckle.

“Yeah, Mom. Miami seems to have a treasure chest of surprises around every corner.”


A blast of artic air whistled through the old house as Corey worked feverishly to fix the out-of-plumb kitchen door before every BTU in the universe escaped through his little portal to the North Pole. It had been on the house prep list and had finally decided to attack it. Why he had picked a fifteen-degree day was beyond him.

After setting the hinges and reinstalling the pins, the construction manager stood back and assessed the correction. Right as rain, he congratulated himself. One more thing to check off.

As he loaded up his toolbox his phone chirp, signaling an incoming text. Like a teenager girl waiting for a call on a Friday night, he sprinted to the other room, hoping it was from Lauren. A quick glance at the home screen dashed any hopes of that. Not that hearing from his kid was a disappointment - he was always happy to hear from them - it’s just that he wished at some point the silent treatment would end.

CAROLINE: Going to a party here in the building. Sounds like fun. Heading out soon. I love Miami!

A new photo appeared next. Corey pinched the screen and enlarged it. A selfie of both women’s faces, slightly angled, but a tad bit blurry. The second photo showed the girls together again, only this time posing in Lauren’s bedroom. Caroline looked her stunning self, donning a pair of Daisy Dukes, a stretchy pink bandeau tube top, and, true to her Colorado spirit, brown mid-calf cowgirl boots. Lauren had donned white high-waisted button-fly skinny jeans that hugged her thin waist. With no belt, a simple black bodysuit that fit snuggly against her tiny breasts, and black strappy heels, she looked heavenly. Even in the photo, her puffy nipples were discernable through the formfitting top. There was no doubt; mother and daughter were dressed to kill…and attract.

CAROLINE: Doesn’t Mom look hot? She says white pants are your favorite. Love ya!

Corey felt the growing pit in his stomach rise to a lump in his throat. Maybe he was just being paranoid, but there seemed to be something very odd about all this. A bit dizzy, he wavered slightly, and sank onto a bench by the deck.

I love you, too.


Jack Carter’s 31st floor penthouse apartment was a short ride from the 23rd floor and the party was in full swing by the time the Miller girls arrived. Like the host, most of the guests were in their fifties and didn’t live in the building, such as Wayne Pickens, his professional photographer friend. Others were neighbors, like the shy Luke, the 100-pound twig from 15b from the gym. Jack immediately greeted the two lovelies and made sure he left them with drinks in hand before having to scurry off and deal with the caterer.

The women floated around the two-level apartment and found mingling to be easy. People tend to draw other beautiful people into their conversations, and there was no lack of that. Later, they spoke with Wayne, listening to his latest exploits while on safari in Africa. He pointed out some of Jack’s friends who were in attendance, many of them considered to be the real movers and shakers of the Magic City. A few simply nodded hellos as they walked by, others stopped to discuss possibly bankrolling the photographer’s next expedition. They were impressed at how he was making a difference in the world by calling attention to the plight of exotic animals. It was evident these men were very powerful and were hardly discreet as they gave the two dark-haired beauties appreciative once overs. They didn’t have to be and knew it.

After some time, the pair took their drinks to the large balcony, quite aware of the eyes that followed them as they glided through the crowd.

“Wow, a lot of sharks in these waters,” Caroline giggled, looking out over the city’s bright lights.

“Well, is there any wonder with those Daisy Dukes?” Lauren shot back.

“Um, yeah that ass of yours isn’t helping us blend in much, either.”

“What, this lard?” the older Miller laughed, sticking out her rear.

“T-t-the cit-city’s beautiful at night, isn’t it?” a timid voice interrupted them. It was almost imperceptible above the party music.

The girls turned to see the neighbor from the 15th floor.

“Why, hello there,” Lauren politely returned the gretting. “It’s Luke, right?”

“Yes, 15b,” the skinny resident replied, extending a weak handshake. He was astonished that such a gorgeous creature would actually remember his name.

Lauren introduced Caroline and the three stood in awkward silence, smiling at each other. It was becoming more uncomfortable by the second. Finally, Luke cleared his throat.

“Well, I just wanted to say hi.”

Both women wiggled their fingers at him. “Hi!” they said in unison, waiting for him to say more.

“Well, bye,” Luke said nervously, his mind drawing a blank. That always happened to him in the presence of pretty girls.

They watched in pity as the milquetoast turned to leave. Then surprised them by stopping abruptly.

“Say, uh, Lauren. I know you’re new to town. Fairly new, anyway. If you ever need someone to show you around, just…just let me know.”

“Why, Luke, are you asking me out?” Lauren flashed a huge smile. From his demeanor she knew that had to have taken an incredible amount of courage.

The color drained from the bashful man's face. He looked down and saw her wedding ring.

“NO!” he exclaimed, a little too fast and a little too loud. It startled even him. “I mean, not that I wouldn’t, you know, ask you out, but you're m-m-married. Oh boy.”

“Relax,” Lauren let him off the hook. “I know what you mean. And thank you. I might need some pointers.”

Luke nodded rapidly, then shuffled off into the apartment.

“Wow, scoop to nuts,” Caroline needled, referring to the wide range of men that had chatted up her mother during her short visit.

“You have no idea.”

"Oh, I might," the younger woman’s eyes lit up. “Don’t look now, but your young admirers just joined the party.”

Lauren followed her daughter’s gaze through the floor-to-ceiling-windows and into the apartment’s spacious living room. There, speaking with their gracious host, were Tony and Tommy, both with wide grins, pumping Jack’s hand.

“Mine? Seems to me you and my neighbor hit it off quite well at the pool.”

Caroline rolled her eyes. “Well, duh. I mean, mm-hmm, just look at him. He skis too.”

And a gymnast.”

The girl’s grin got bigger. “Even better.”

After grabbing drinks and saying hello to other guests, some they didn't even know, the young men made their way to the balcony, thrilled again to see the sexy mother and daughter leaning against the railing. Lauren began to fidget. Caroline did not yet know the connection between her mom and the two boys…and she preferred to keep it that way.

Like before, the confident studs were cordial and polite. No leering or innuendos, just pleasant small talk. After a while, Caroline and Tommy began talking slopes and equipment again, and eventually drifted off under the auspices of getting more drinks. Tony took the opportunity to lean on the iron railing and pulled Lauren to him.

“So, you know what happened the last time we were at one of Jack’s parties,” he smirked.

Lauren squirmed a bit but left his hands on her waist. “Yeah, and we made a mess of his bed.”

“Guess we better be more conscientious this time.”

She laughed at his confidence. “This time? You’re sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“Is there anyway else to be?”

“Well, that isn’t happening. My daughter is here, in case you haven't noticed.”

Tony nodded at his friend and Caroline through the windows. They had roosted at the bar inside and were very animated, laughing at something hilarious. “Well, I prefer the original, but my boy certainly has noticed the dot one release.”

Looking out at the balcony, Caroline happened to look up and see Lauren and Tony hugging each other. The boy had both arms wrapped tightly around her mother and from the contented smile on her face, she had no intention of fleeing. The quick picture taken by the younger women went unnoticed by the couple outside. A pang of nostalgia poked ominously at Caroline’s heart. As she reviewed the photos, for just the briefest of moments, it was her father there holding her Mom, not Tony, and the 1995 version of Lauren was laughing at his stupid jokes like she had for decades. That was the mom she and Amelia knew. But that was then and this is now. It reminded her of an old Don Henley song, Don't look back, you can never look back.

Downing the rest of her drink, she opened the message and typed a message. She added the photo of Tony and her mom. Hesitating for just a second, she hit the send button.

At the party. Great view, great drinks, special people!


On the balcony, Lauren was wiggling out of Tony’s grasp. “I have to pee.”

The frat boy watched intensely as pushed him away and cut through the crowd, her mature trim hips bouncing up and down in fine fashion.

That is one hot piece of ass.


Corey stoked the fireplace with another log and slid behind his home office desk to flesh out a to-do list for selling the house. Anything to forget that his wife and daughter were heading out to some stupid party eons away. They had looked really hot and ready to party, and although there wasn’t any evidence it was anything more than a standard girls’ night out, he had to admit he’d let his imagination get the best of him when he jerked off to Lauren’s picture earlier.


Another message from Caroline.

Pics of their dinner, no doubt. Why do kids do that?

Choosing between his spreadsheet and opening the message, he gave in and grabbed his phone.

Oh, man.

There were photos, that much was certain, but they were not of sushi rolls and sweet deserts. They were of something far more sinister. And rousing. The first was a candid shot of Caroline with that cocky neighbor kid Tommy. The second showed Lauren on a veranda in the arms of his cocky buddy, Tony.

A sickness grew in Corey's stomach. Normally, this sort of thing would excite him. But not involving his princess, no way. He'd been young once and knew guys like these punks wanted only one thing. And it wasn't wholesome conversation.

Why baby? Why would you send me these?

The WHY was key here. Lauren didn't seem to be aware the picture had been taken, so either Caroline was trying to be helpful and warn him of some pending infidelity…or...

No. Surely not. That would mean she knew. The possibility that she’d one day find out had crossed his mind a time or two, but he’d always suppressed it. Had Lauren let it slip like she'd done with Zane? Was his baby girl angry? Hurt? Or conversely, complicit?

There was no way of knowing for sure, of course. Not tonight. Corey lay his head down on the keyboard and closed his eyes. The burning logs crackled to match a funny flutter in his chest that had recurred over the last couple weeks and just wouldn't go away. A cardiologist might have recommended that he seek medical attention, but he chose to ignore that possibility. It was just him in that big house, all alone with the drafty rafters, a raging fire, and a picture of his smiling wife's ass being groped by a snot-nosed kid.

Fuck me.


“You smoke?” Tommy asked the older Caroline, revealing a small vape pen in his palm.

“I live in Colorado, what do you think?” the girl grinned. “Fire it up, let's see what Miami has to offer."

“Not here,” he warned. “Too many boomers. Never trust anyone over thirty.” He’d heard that somewhere and it seemed apropos in the midst of Jack’s older acquaintances.

“Hey, I’m almost thirty!” Caroline protested. “Don’t you trust me?”

Grabbing her hand, Tommy pulled the brunette to her feet and headed for the stairs. “We'll see.”

At the top of the highly polished chrome steps, Caroline looked down the second level hallway and paused as they passed by an open door to a sitting room. Beyond that was a lavish master bedroom, replete with a large round bed and red velour comforter. An odd feeling of deja vu seized her, although she knew she'd never actually been there before.


“Down here,” Tommy tugged at her elbow, guiding them into a smaller, less opulent room with a simple overstuffed sofa. Ducking inside, he took out the pen and took a hit, handing it to the smiling tourist. “It’s not Rocky Mountain weed, but it’ll do.”


Lauren flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and checked her makeup. To say she was a bit uneasy about the situation was an understatement: at a party with two former wet-behind-the-ears lovers, one of whom was chatting up her daughter. It was not something you'd find how to handle in any parenting handbook, ever. Knowing the boys’ reputations, Tommy wasn’t going to settle for talking about the latest skiing trends, and Tony wasn’t just going to disappear. It was time for another drink.

She yelped in surprise upon opening the door to find Tony standing there. He pushed her back into the small powder room and latched the lock.

“Hey, wha tha…”

The young man clasped one hand over Lauren’s mouth and pushed her up against the wall, almost knocking off a painting. With the other, he cupped her crotch, and pressed his fingers into the prominent camel toe.

“Tell me to stop,” Tony impugned the struggling Iowan wife, kissing her neck. “Go ahead, tell me to stop and I’m out of here.”

He could feel the heat between Lauren’s legs flare and her resistance fade. She ripped her face away from the lad’s stifling hand and found his mouth, kissing him deeply, their tongues dancing between tightly coupled lips. Hands explored each other’s bodies frantically, like a couple of teenagers just discovering the opposite sex.

Tony wrapped that shiny black hair around a fist and began guiding her onto very shaky knees. Although taken by surprise, she looked up at him with much desire as she descended, licking her ruby reds.

“That’s it, baby, suck my…”

The rattling doorknob rudely broke their concentration.

“Anyone in there? I’d rather not have to go upstairs.”

They recognized the voice as that of their host. Jack was about to knock when the couple appeared from behind the door.

“Oh, hi there, Jack,” Lauren smiled meekly, quickly whisking by the entrepreneur.

Tony wasn't so lucky. Carter caught his arm as he too tried to escape.

“Discretion is the better part of valor, son. There are a lot of important people here. Grab a room, okay? I trust you know where they’re at.”

Tony nodded, watching over the businessman's shoulder as Lauren began to climb the stairs to the upper level.

"Yeah, chief, sure. I know where."


A round of coughing echoed down the hallway.

“So, you’re saying that Vail is cooler than Aspen?” Tommy asked while trying to hold in a hit.

“In terms of history, yeah, it’s fly,” Caroline patted her chest, trying to exhale a large plume of smoke.

“I think you’re high,” Tommy joked.

“I think you’re right!”

The 21-year-old scooted closer and slipped an arm around the shoulders of the stone-cold fox.

“You know what else I think?”

“What’s that?”

“You’re hot as fuck.”

Caroline searched the young boy's eyes. “Well, what are you gonna do about that?”

Moments later, like his friend a few minutes earlier with this beauty’s mother, Tommy had his tongue down the throat of a Miller girl, eager hands kneading her chest through the thin tube top.

He was delighted that Junior appeared to be as easy as her mother.


Tony entered the master bedroom to find Lauren on the Las Vegas style bed, reclining on her elbows.

"Well, here we are again," she grinned.

"You remember."

"How could I forget?"

“Well, that much is true,” the young man grinned, brushing his fingertips against his chest in mock arrogance.

“You'll also recall then that I’m somewhat of a package deal,” she offered.

“Yeah? What's that mean?”

He spied a phone propped up on the nightstand, an image of the bed flickering on its screen.

"Ah, the wimp hubby."

Lauren stiffened. "Mind your manners. He's not a wimp."

"Okay, the cuck."

"I'll give you that."

A pregnant silence fell over the room.

"Sooo, are you recording us?"

“Not without your permission.” Unlike some people, she thought.

The college athlete eyed the device warily. It wasn’t like he was ever going to play for the Dolphins, but sex vids had been the downfall of a lot of guys.

“I don’t know.”

Lauren smiled and eased off the comforter. Tony watched warily as the she rose to her feet, all five-feet-something of her sleek mature frame screaming sex. The nipples on her still firm tomato-sized breasts poked through the ribbed material of the black bodysuit, aching to be touched. His legs began to tremble as the sweet scent of her perfume fanned the growing fire down below. The kid's brow furrowed. He didn’t know if she was simply retrieving her phone or leaving.

“Wait,” Tony blurted out, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You want to put on a show, right?”

Lauren’s gaze went to his hand, then to his dark eyes. She nodded.

He walked to where the phone was. Looking back at the sensuous vixen, he pressed the record button and angled the screen towards the bed. For what seemed like hours, he stood there, motionless. A sly smile finally crossed Lauren's face and he returned the grin. Without warning, the boy's right hand shot out and grabbed her neck, pinching it hard between his thumb and index finger. Her smile faded; his did not.

"What do you want, bitch?"

Lauren could only manage clucking noises.


"Fuh me."


"I want...I wa you to...fuh me."

Tony looked over his shoulder at the camera. "Did you hear that, old dude? Your whore wife wants my young cock in her...again. Guess yours ain't cutting it these days."

With a sudden push, he released her neck. Lauren stumbled back onto the bed, rubbing her throat and gasping for air. He pounced quickly, using a knee to pin her legs. Before she could recover, the back of his hand slammed into her face. Once, twice. She coughed and sputtered from the pain of the strikes.

"Take it, bitch!"


Caroline pulled her tongue out of Tommy’s mouth and caught her breath. The loose tube top was now around her belly and his hands were all over her breasts.

“What was that?” she wheezed.

The boy lowered his head to her nipples, ignoring her.

“Stop,” she murmured, listening.

"C'mon baby," Tommy implored. If this chick was anything like her mom, he just needed to find the pull-start to her motor.

“WHAT IS IT YOU WANT!” a man's voice shouted from down the hallway. It was followed by softer guttural noise, almost like choking. Startled, Caroline stood.

"Ohhhhhhhh," someone moaned.

“Do you hear that?”

Tommy frowned. “Don’t worry about it, just someone else having fun.


"Take it, bitch!"

“That doesn’t sound like fun.”

Stoned, Caroline managed to wobble to the hallway.

"Yeah, I don't think you want to go down there right now," Tommy warned, his blue balls beginning to ache. “How about another hit?" He needed to distract her. The guy she had heard was Tony and there was no doubt who he was with.

"HUSH!" Her brow furrowed at the sounds of more slapping. It seemed to be coming from that master bedroom.

The sounds of sex were all too clear as she slipped quietly down the corridor. Whoever had been on the receiving end of those slaps didn’t seem to be in much distress. Reaching the door to the well-appointed sitting room, Caroline paused. People were definitely in the bedroom.

“Ohhhhhh,” a woman’s familiar voice moaned.

A shiver ran down her spine.

“Ride me, you cunt,” the man demanded coarsely.

That voice was familiar too.

The young girl froze just inches from the doorjamb, paralyzed by the thought of what she might see by peeking around the corner. An awful but inexorable feeling crept over her, both captivating and repulsive at the same time. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to look. There, in the middle of the oversized bed, was her 48-year-old mother and she was riding the 21-year-old for all she was worth. Hips in full swing, ass sliding up and down Tony’s pelvis as his hands squeezed her tiny breasts without mercy.


The shocked daughter closed her eyes and stumbled backwards, leaning against the door. There it was again, the Déjà vu. She took another look, needing to face the memory her brain was spawning.

“Make me cum, whore!”

“OH SHIT, OH SHIT,” her mom cried out in pure carnal ecstasy.

NO! At first, the images were like a bad television signal, struggling to take form. Scraggly lines, bits and pieces of digital artifacts trying take form. But eventually the fragments of her subconsciousness coalesced and...

The video! That goddamn video!

It was clear now. Her this same bed...with the same boy. And there was a couple next to them...all of them fucking each other like rabbits. Amy, the coworker and…and…

Caroline looked back down the hallway to the room she'd just left. A hand flew to her mouth.

“And Tommy,” she gasped.

I just made out with one of my mother's boyfriends.



Corey opened one eye, trying to make sense of the darkness. He’d fallen asleep in the den, hoping for more texts from his daughter – and maybe his wife? Sadly, they had never come.

Rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the low light, he lumbered to the desk and snapped on a small lamp illuminating its surface. He didn’t know what time it was, but was certain dawn was not far away.

Ding! the phone chirped again, angrily reminding him that the new message had yet to be viewed.

“Yeah, yeah,” Corey scolded the device. His eyes lit up when he saw the text was actually from Lauren. Thank god! Was the silent treatment finally over?

It contained a simple link, a username, and a password. Skeptical, Corey scrutinized the URL. The root seemed to be to a popular cloud-storage service, for which both of he and Lauren subscribed. But still...

Blinking his eyes, he noted the credentials.


Clever, although the attempt at humor - U LOSE - didn't feel funny. Convinced the link was legit, he clicked the phone’s screen and watched impatiently as the small browser spun. And spun. And spun. Frustrated, he switched to his laptop and viewed from the larger monitor. There the link opened quickly. After authenticating, he was presented with a video file. Shit. Hands trembling, Corey used the mouse to select the play button.

He didn’t have a real good feeling about this.


A blurry blue shirt-collar and a five o’clock shadow.

Corey’s eyes narrowed. What the fuck?

A few more shaky views of the ceiling and a pair of loafers, then the video stabilized, allowing images to come into focus.

Definitely a room, a familiar one too. A big round bed, red comforter and…


Corey willed himself fully awake. Even at four a.m. there was no mistake, that was his wife. And the bedroom…he’d been there. Jack Carter’s place.

Looking a bit juiced, she stood midframe in the same tight white denim jeans and snug bodysuit he’d seen her in earlier that evening. Now, she seemed transfixed by something off screen. An alarm clock on a dresser showed it was nearly half-past ten. Suddenly, a young man entered the frame from the left and towered above her. No surprise who it was there.

Just as the video seemed to be frozen, Tony’s hand shot out abruptly and grabbed Lauren’s throat.

Motherfucker, if you hurt her…

Or what, Corey questioned himself. Nothing, that’s what. Your sorry ass is lightyears away.

"What do you want, bitch?" the kid shouted.

Those brown doe-eyes were bulging from their sockets and she was struggling to breathe.



Corey's fists clenched as he strained to hear.

“What was that, slut?”

"I wa...I wa yew to...fuh me."

Tony looked over his shoulder, sneering. "Hear that, old dude? Your whore wife wants my cock...yet AGAIN. Guess yours ain't cutting it."

The raven-haired shrew glanced towards the camera, her protracted eyes dewy with tears. “Co…corey,” she managed.

“Ca-ca-corey,” the boy mocked her, releasing the dainty neck with a shove. Lauren tumbled backwards onto the mattress.

Slap! Slap! A backhand sizzled against her cheek twice. “FUCK COREY! FORGET HIM, do you hear me? You're my slut now.”

She nodded weakly and tried to shield herself with frail hands, but to no avail.

Slap! Slap!

“You bastard!” Corey screamed at the monitor, the outrage echoing through the cold and empty house.

“Take it, bitch!”

Lauren moaned as Tony pounced on her. She wiggled beneath his weight, her head thrashing in diminishing resistance as the young man kissed her neck and chest. Remembering that she liked it rough, he pulled the slender women onto his lap and slammed her back against his chest. Grabbing a tuft of hair with one hand, he forced her to look at the camera, the other plying her tits through the ribbed top.

“This what you want to see ain’t it, you sick fuck?” he asked. "That's right, tonight's entertainment is coming to you directly courtesy of your tramp wife."

Lauren squirmed as Tony’s hand crept towards the top of her jeans, the back of her head held tightly against his neck by fist and hair. She groaned loudly, gyrating her hips as a long middle finger slipped beneath the denim and along the bottom of her bodysuit. It almost looked like she was being forced into submission, but Corey knew better.

“Remember me?” the young man taunted the unseen husband. “Ahhh, sure, you do. You watched the whore pull a birthday train for my boy Hunter. Man, was that limo driver pissed at the mess! But she blew him too. The campus is still buzzing about that shit. What a slut."

Corey heart leapt into his throat.

"By the way, how's the noggin'? You are aware I did your wife here in this very bed while you were sleeping off my awesome serve, right? Me, Tommy, and Amy tore this hole up. Do you have any idea how many guys down here have unloaded in this bitch's used pussy?”

The mother of two writhed with pleasure as the big hand began to unbutton her pants.

“It's okay if you don’t remember my name though,” Tony continued. “Your pretty wife will be screaming it soon enough.”

Shaking from jealousy and arousal, the desk chair beneath Corey creaked under protest. Frozen with emotion, the only thing stirring was his overwrought dick, which seemed to be enlarging at an alarming rate. Everything he craved came flooding back with a vengeance.

The young man used the hand around Lauren’s neck to push down her top and squeeze a tiny tit, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. This brought more moans.

“You ready, cuck?”

Tony bent his head down, allowing her mouth to find his. They kissed deeply as she sighed and melted to him. Undoing the last button, he spread open the pants’ fly as if putting it on display, allowing Corey a peek into where his wife’s bodysuit narrowed towards the promised land.

"Yeah, my man. Looks delicious, doesn't it? Guess who gets to nail this tonight? It sure the fuck ain't you."

“Ohh, yesssss,” Lauren heaved abruptly, her hips rolling madly as the rough palm cupped her vagina through thin cotton material. "Feels soooo good, baby."

“Hear that? I'm her baby now. And this pussy is mine, old dude. You threw it all away.”

Using an index finger to hold the snaps aside, he traced a middle finger along the folds of her freshly shaved slit. She whimpered and rolled her eyes as the wet and slick digit flicked across her clit.

"Which makes YOU a first-class dumbass."

Outside, the pre-dawn New Year’s Eve residential street was a picture of tranquility, the only sign of life coming from the Miller house. Inside, the vibe was anything but serene. The family’s patriarch had since dropped his PJ bottoms to the floor and was now stroking a tottering penis while watching his wife get molested by a young man bound and determined to cuck him again.

“Right there, hm-hmm,” Lauren hissed when both fingers dipped into her incredibly wet hole.

Tony unmercifully teased the mature slut wiggling on his thighs, returning her gaze to the video which he knew her husband would be watching later. She responded by pushing her pussy into his palm, willing him to go deeper.

Cuck him straight to hell, Lauren affirmed her resolve between the waves of pleasure, hissing contemptibly.

Corey saw his wife's disdainful look and knew it was meant for him. He could only make out the top of the boy’s hand digging into the denim fly, but knew most of it was inside her now, edging her towards a release. It was only a matter of time.

As if on cue, she mewled and arched her back, lifting her bucking hips off his lap as the orgasm came swiftly. "OH FUCK...I'm cumming, I'm cumming," she cried, not at all trying to muffle the rapture. "Oh, you sweet man, I'm cumming."

The spellbound husband paused the video and closed his eyes, reflected on what he’d just seen. If the sex didn't produce enough emotion in him, that last expression of affection really stung. Corey gripped his unassuming six inches even tighter, like it was the only thing he had left.

Because it was.


Pressing the play button, Corey watched with bated breath as the couple built momentum again through spooning and soulful kissing. Honestly, it was the most erotic part of the whole recording thus far. There was something quite steamy about peeking in on a couple's special, intimate moments...especially when it was your wife and her lover.

Suddenly, the scene cut to another. So who edited this thing?


Shit, shit, shit!

Corey's hand moved quickly from his nipple to the volume control, as if someone would be walking by the house at the crack of dawn. Lauren was completely naked now and had mounted Tony’s latex clad cock.

“Make me cum, whore!” Tony demanded, slapping her ass.

This served to fuel Lauren’s passion even more as her trick hip began to undulate on the kid's pelvis, driving his thick eight inches into her sopping wet cunt. Squishy noises from his dick rubbing against her love canal filled the bedroom.

“That’s it, bitch, ride the pony!”

“Oh yeah...oh yeah...oh yeah. GIVE IT TO ME, TONY!”

The phone on the nightstand provided quite the profile of the two lovers, and if Corey looked closely, he could see the length of the young man's meat slathering in and out of his wife's bald hole, creamy froth beginning to form.


The boy grabbed a handful of bouncing tits and sneered.

“Better than your ol’ man?”

“Not even fucking close," Lauren whispered seriously. "GOD I LOVE YOUR COCK".

Corey gulped. The truth hurt.

Tony picked up the pace, grabbing her hips to help glide them along his slickened groin. Grinding his pelvis into hers, she began to buck like a wild bronco.

“Make me cum, Lauren!”

“Oh shit, baby, yes, yes, I WANT your cum!”

He reached up and slapped each tit.

"That’s it, baby, smack me around. Make me feel your love. Give me that young cock!"

Slap! Slap!

Red splotches began to appear across her breastbone.


Corey was now all in. As he watched his wife's tits grabbed and suckled, he did the same to his, pinching wrinkled nipples through coarse gray hair covering his still sagging pecs. Removing a wooly sock from one foot, he threaded it over his pale pink erection started pumping furiously. The harder he pinched, the faster he stroked. The electricity quickly rocketed from his chest to his pulsating dick.

The video continued like the train wreck it was; he couldn’t look away as the young stallion fucked the woman he loved, the woman he was slowly giving away.

“Oh GOD!” Lauren threw back her long black mane, “I’m gonna cum again.” She grimaced hard and cried Tony’s name. Not once, not twice, but three times. He looked at the phone while she howled at the ceiling and winked. Told you so, he mouthed.

The smartass punk and his wife crying out his name nearly sent Corey over the edge. But he held on. He couldn’t cum yet. The video still had another ten minutes!

Opening his eyes, he looked and noticed something very different now. The perspective of the camera had changed greatly. Shaky again, uneven. It was moving, and yet the two lovers both remained in frame, their expressions suddenly changing to one of surprise and then to one of pleasant greeting.

Someone else was in the room.


With dick firmly in one hand, the other under his PJ tops squeezing his nipples, Corey leaned closer to the monitor with dry mouth and rabid curiosity. The phone hovered over the bed as Lauren and Tony – still carnally coupled – moved their heads, following it with sly smiles. Whoever the cameraman was, he was causing them no alarm.

Or...was it a man at all? Who else could it be?

Corey stopped fingering his pecs.

Sweet Jesus, no.

Lauren swung off Tony’s hips, letting his glistening tool plop out of her and leaving it to bob in the air.

“Well, well, I figured it was only a matter of time,” she said coyly to the mysterious videographer, laying on her back and spreading her legs.

“Never knew a mom could be this nasty, did ya?” Tony grinned at the newcomer, positioning himself between his mature lover’s thighs.

Corey tilted his head to one side. Matter of time? Nasty mom?

Surely not…please, no.

“Mmmmmmm,” Lauren moaned as the young man entered her, sliding his cock deep into her waiting slit. She clamped her legs around his back and reached towards the camera.

"Come here, you!"

The image jostled a bit, then moved closer to the bed above the two naked bodies. Corey’s wanton wife was looking passed the camera, eyes lighting up with glee. She pulled back a hand. It was a man's, sporting an expensive wristwatch.

Corey slumped back in his seat, relieved.

“You’re always around to save me, aren’t you, Sir Jack?” Lauren cooed.

“Messing my bed again, are you?” Jack Carter's asked softly. “What do you think I should do about that?”

“Perhaps,” came more giggles as she pulled the venerable host onto the mattress, “you should add to it.”


Caroline turned away from the strangest – and quite frankly, most erotic - thing she’d ever witnessed, as the older man climbed in bed with her mother and young lover. She was stunned and numb, having just witnessed something a child should never witness their parents doing. Not only had her mother just had sex, but Caroline was also pretty sure it was being recorded. And for whom.

Astonished, she staggered back down the hallway trying to process it all. For all the disgust and revulsion she should have been feeling, the incredulous daughter felt only a burning sensation throbbing between her legs. The girl’s pussy inexplicitly tingled with longing, its swollen and throbbing lips pressing against the tight Daisy Dukes, aching to be touched. Dazed, with nipples hardening beneath the wafer-thin tube top, Caroline felt her way along the hallway like a drunken pinball until she came to the room where she’d left Tommy. He looked up with a shit eating grin and offered her the vape pen.

“You see what you wanted to see?”

Her misty eyes were filled with eerily familiar flames as she closed the door behind her and peeled off her shorts.

The young man set down his phone.

Like mother, like daughter.


Sir Jack was a careful one, careful to not show his face in the video. Laying the phone on the bed, Corey was relegated to watching the ceiling fan spin above the bed while his wife serviced both men. While visuals were important, imagination was a powerful tool too, and the perverted project manager managed to stay well engaged.

"Yes, just like that," Jack’s voice exclaimed, "I knew you were a slut from the day I first saw you at the pool."

Lauren moaned a slow acknowledgment as she sucked his cock further into her mouth. A man in his fifties, he was not much younger than Corey, but his cock was in better shape. He stood on the side of the bed and encouraged her to work his knob.

The entrepreneur gasped as he pushed his hips forward, fucking Lauren's face. "SHIT, you're going to make me cum like this."

"Hmm Hmm," she responded, the vibration in her throat felt astounding.

Meanwhile, Corey could hear Tony's grunting getting louder by the second as he leaned over the raven-haired beauty on his way to getting his nut. The phone was constantly shaking now with the stronger thrusts.

"Fuck the whore!" Jack roused the young man, egging him on.

"Ohhhh yes, baby, give me that cock," Lauren moaned from the side of her mouth.

The bed squeaking as Tony put his back into it.

"Fuck me! Please, please fuck me! OH GOD DON'T YOU DARE STOP FUCKING ME!"

Jack grabbed the sexy brunette's head and guided his shaft back into her mouth.


Corey had by now abandoned the monitor altogether and had his feet up on the desk, trying to picture his wife on her back, coaxing the cum out of both men. He could hear copious slurping as Jack started to become very vocal.

"Suck it, Lauren. Suck me dry."

More soft moans.

"Gonna pump that pretty little mouth of yours full of cum."


"Getting close, Lauren. Oh shit."

Lots of grunting now.

"LAURRRRRENNNN!" Jack shouted, ending with a long, low wheeze.

The slurping slowed, followed by more of a guzzling. He came, Corey guessed correctly as the man’s milky white wad dripped down her throat.

The video was really shaking now as the phone was jostled all over the bed. It appeared Tony wasn't far behind his host and Lauren knew it.

"Cum for me, baby,” Corey heard his wife beg for the boy’s spunk. “I want it so bad."

"Wh...where?" the boy was panting heavily.

"My face, paint my face, Antonio!"

The shaking stopped suddenly, followed by one long primal male howl, then a few grunts and groans, before the everything got eerily quiet. Corey unhanded his dick and sat up, leaning forward and listening intently. The only sound was the fan along with some kissing and sighs. He was about to pause the video again when Lauren abruptly appeared alone on screen. From the looks of her, it was clear the kid had cum buckets on her. Some of it remained caked in her hair, forming a perfect contrast of black and white.

"Lauren," the forlorn husband reach out and touched the monitor, knowing full well it was a recording, but not caring..

"Hi babe. Do you like my new life? I certainly do. As you know, there are lots of men down here. Lots of rich men who will pamper me, treat me like a queen and fuck me like a whore. I'm grateful for you giving me this chance and in turn I'm going to give you what you need so badly, even if it seems a bit callous at times."

She paused, then giggled. "I bet you were just using your sock, weren't you?"

Corey looked down at his dick, still wrapped by the soft tube.

"You’re so predicable. Well, you just keep filling it to your heart’s content, Twisty, and let real men do the heavy lifting now."

She set the phone down as she began to get dressed. It gave him a perfect view of her tight abs and small breasts. Behind her, Tony was pulling on his shorts.

"Oh, I've decided to take your advice too, so don't call me, I'll call you. Dating will be so much fun."

Corey's face fell flat as the video faded to black. He heard the morning birds chirping and walked over to the picture window and peeked out between the curtains. The sun was just rising over the cul-de-sac on the loneliest of New Year’s Eves. It was a time for shedding old habits and beginning new ones, but he wasn’t sure he liked how it was starting.

Pulling the shades tight again, he made his way back to the desk and snapped off the lamp. Settling back into the chair, he sat in the darkened room, pulled the sock snug to his balls, and replayed the video from the beginning.


Charlie Weber dodged kitchen staff at Randy Sandy’s as he made his way to the main room, not really caring if he pissed off anyone. Em Cee Topper winked as the 21-year-old took a seat with him in the DJ booth, knowing full well what time of night it was. The kid had become somewhat of a fixture at the gentlemen’s club since his fiery redhead friend began working there. Chloe Ceallaigh, known to all the regular customers as Autumn Breeze, was a hot little number that had graced the stage at Sandy’s for nearly a year. The boy was a rabid fan, rarely missing a performance, and always taking time out from what he was doing to watch. Everyone knew Charlie was smitten with the dancer, yet she didn’t feel the same way. That didn’t say much though, as the DJ had taken a couple shots himself, only to be rebuffed each time. Dating the talent was strictly forbidden, although it didn’t always play out that way. These two were different though, apparently going way back, way before the dancing, and their friendship was clearly genuine. Odd, given the circumstances, but definitely genuine.

Nodding towards the curtain, Em Cee opened his mic and shook his head silently. Must be tough watching the girl you fancy take her clothes off every night in front of strangers and knowing she’s blow them in the back room.

“Alright, you perverts, take your hands out yer pants and put ‘em together for one of Miami’s premier entertainers, Miss…Autumn…Breeze!”

From his perch in the booth, Charlie could see the whole room as Chloe burst onto the runway. He saw, like hundreds of times before, how their eyes lit up when she strutted about, shaking and bending her body, one provocative pose after another. Each move was carefully calculated to arouse - and cause green to flow from their tented pockets. She was good at making them want her, want more, especially when the music was thumping and she lay naked on the floor, spreading her legs.

As much as he enjoyed seeing her strip – he wasn’t a eunuch after all – he had to push aside those peculiar feelings that surfaced whenever she danced. There was arousal, to be sure, but it wasn’t all from the nudity. Working at a club did that. It numbed the erotic aspect of nakedness, and he’d seen Chloe naked countless times.

No, what he felt had more to do with how they looked at her, and she at them. Every night she built a rapport with strangers based on sex, or the illusion of it, anyway. Charlie knew it was just an act, all those fake moans and “O” faces. Yet, it cut him deeply when she revealed her 20-year-old breasts to paying customers, the same breasts he’d seen grow from mere buds in a training bra to the heavy, succulent orbs they were today. He still grew breathless every time she lowered her thong to the crowd, flexing her body like a serpent. He ached for the same kind of attention she lavished on these men, especially after dancing, when some of them consummated their faux relationship with a trip to a VIP lounge. Occasionally, he would slip away to the employee’s restroom to rub one out, thinking about what she was doing behind those doors. And there was a practical reason he wore loose gym clothes when he took her to meet a “date” and had to sit outside in a waiting car. Charlie soon learned that imagination could be way more powerful than any in-your-face gratuitous nudity.

Autumn continued to gyrate on stage, working the pole and the salivating faces adoring her. Kneeling at platform’s edge, the redhead slowly pulled the G-string away from her waist, revealing a small crimson tuft beneath, the perfect invitation for the nearby bachelor party to deposit a few bills in the satin band. Of course, she’d never entreat Charlie to do the same. It wasn’t like he’d never tried to take their relationship to the next level, but Chloe always shot him down, saying it would be too weird. And part of him was okay with that, having long ago resigned himself to the fact that he’d been friended, destined to be the brother she never had. It made sense, really. They had grown up together as orphans and always looked out for each other. It’s just the way it was. He’d felt fortunate just to be near her, watching her grow from a timid young girl with no direction in life to a gorgeous woman who had a grand early retirement plan and was executing on it. Not many in mainstream society would see it that way, given her employment, but they didn’t know his Chloe. Many exotic dancers were indeed ships adrift in an endless sea, living paycheck to paycheck, not knowing where they wanted to go or how to get there. But she was hella ambitious and knew how to use what God have given her. Living modestly and never turning down work had seen her nest egg grow substantially. He was very, very proud of her, and yet, seeing others ogle her always gave him that weird feeling. One that aroused and sickened him at the same time. And like a fool, he kept coming back for more.

Just as Autumn was rising from her knees to work the other side of the stage, some drunk guy grabbed her hand and tried pulling her off the stage. Charlie quickly stood, his six-foot frail frame tensing, but Em Cee clamped a hand on his shoulder, forcing him back down into his seat.

“Relax, let ‘em do their job,” he said calmly, referring to the yellow-shirted security guards who immediately pounced on the fellow and dragged him out a side exit.

The always stoic stripper didn’t skip a beat, proceeding to hump the brass pole until she wound up completely naked. The performance ended with a very enticing beaver shot, the moistness so visible, so vivid that one could almost smell the musky scent from anywhere in the room. As the music ended, the young girl collected her well-earned tithes and skipped down the runway past her lifelong friend, flashing him a grin as she disappeared back behind the curtain.

Charlie beamed at the DJ as the older man smiled back at him.

That’s my Chloe!

Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by gesdell » Fri Jun 10, 2022 3:39 am

Wow! This story has become fucked up. It is a wonder that Corey being alone while his family are getting fucked and showing him no love hasn’t committed suicide. I hate Lauren. She really hads tossed Corey to the trash. I don’t care if he masturbates about it, his family is pretty harsh about it. Excluding him was a mistake. In my mind I hope he can find a woman that doesn’t hate him this much, or a family that actually cares enough about him to talk to him. I liked this story before, but Lauren and the daughters don’t seem to care about Corey anymore. Now they seem to hate him and enjoy his suffering alone away from them .

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by gesdell » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:42 am

To add to my disdain for Lauren. The author has made her a one dimensional character that loves cock and nothing more.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:52 am

Where do they go from here?
Corey has seemingly broken the remaining threads that connected Lauren to himself.
As they say, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” , or in this case pissed off and bent on revenge.
Lauren no longer has a reason to control the slut within her.
The question I have is what will be the moment that shakes Lauren Back to reality?
Is it something that happens to Caroline while she’s also slutting around in Miami?
Do the Cubans get a hand on Caroline and treat her too roughly?
What will wake Lauren up from her sluttiness bent on revenge.
Perhaps it’s Corey finding his own side piece in Iowa?
Great writing.
I can’t wait to see where this goes and what the next chapter holds.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:54 am

Depending on a reader's perspective, I'd have to agree Lauren and Corey have certainly hit a rough spot. This is an intentional arc. gesdell stated "The author has made her a one dimensional character that loves cock and nothing more." This is a key observation about the fictional Lauren and can't disagree, but it does have roots in reality. Sadly - or gladly, again, depending on perspective - a year or so after we began playing, my Lauren and a couple of her girlfriends (one who is still part of our circle) DID had a year or so where they were complete unapologetic cum buckets, just like the fictional Lauren has become. It was akin to the child that is sheltered all the way through high school and then goes off the rails in college. They fucked everything that moved. In fact, one time I caught her and a friend - who was at the time a part-time escort - hooking just "for the the thrill of it." So yeah, for a time she was "one dimensional and loved cock and nothing more". It was during that time I discovered a penchant for a bit of humiliation. Once she discovered that, there was a period where she was particularly cruel, whether it was when she was fucking someone in my presence or telling me about it later. Now, since my personal penchants lean towards this type of thing, I learned to tolerate and enjoy that "year (or two) of the slut" phase and spent many nights masturbating alone, all the while questioning whether it was worth it or not. I sit here today and can tell you it was, because the last 30+ years have been very, very happy and satisfying ones for us both.

Lastly, regarding the injection of Caroline into the picture. Remember, we try to "rip from the headlines" those tales that are told to us and weave them into the story. One couple in "the circle" - who honestly really are THE audience we are writing to - recently revealed that when they were younger (they are nearing 60 now), one of their adult daughters discovered their secret. This was in a very liberal city in California and as it turns out, the daughter was pretty promiscuous too and wanted "in". Nothing incestous ever happened (that they'll admit to us anyway) but the daughter did set her mom up with some dates and even double dated a couple times, all the while cucking my now buddy. How's that for fucked up? Anyway, they continue to relive those days during pillow talk and asked us to weave that in if possible. (Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying the latest chapter!)

mundyman: all good provocative thoughts and ones we will definitely take into consideration.

So, before I have to board, let me just say this: while the story may seem fucked up now - and it is - please know we don't want to change the trajectory of the lives we've collectively lived just so it isn't. While the story relies on heavy embellishment to keep it interesting and hopefully sexy, it is based on lifetimes of real experiences and will continue to do so. The reality is (pardon the pun), and those who have lived it know, there are a lot of dynamics when playing with sex and emotions and its not all sunny days and butterflies. There are peaks and valleys, extremes on both ends, and hurt feelings. Some relationships survive and others do not. To pretend otherwise would be an affront to those who are living it or have been in someway touched by this unconventional lifestyle.

Let's see how Lauren and Corey come out on the other side of all this.

Thanks for reading.
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:21 am

Indeed, let's!

I'm just loving this story.

One question that's lingering to me is why didn't Corey let Zane in and I doubt it was because he had a boner, I just don't see what he had to lose there by mending the fence a bit with his best friend.

Overall, so far as I can see, Lauren is simply dishing back the whirlwind that Corey sowed for himself. Both characters are powerful in their respective roles. i.e....Corey tracking down the Cubans'.

Carolines' interjections have upped the ante.

Nice touches: the IOU, the 'u-lose' password; and Carolines' realization that Tommy was one of the guys in the video.

Looking forward to more.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:44 pm

Guhunkadorn, Lauren here. Simple’s in the air right now so I’ll take a shot. Your question about Corey’s avoidance of Zane tells me we probably didn’t do a real good job of conveying Corey’s fear of reprisal from his, let’s say, “vanilla” friends. Even in this day and age, a guy who condones his wife sleeping around carries with it a stigma that can negatively impact how a guy is viewed in society. This can range from snickers behind his back at barbecues or the boardroom, to constantly being ask to get set up with the wife/girlfriend.

Simple lived this fear of reprisal for some time and dealt with it spectacularly, but it’s among one of the reasons why we now mainly run with the circle of friends he mentions. Like minded folks who don’t judge. Now I’m not suggesting that there aren’t those in mainstream society who aren’t tolerant, and it appears Zane is just one such example. Corey just needs to decide whether he wants to still treat him as a best friend or just another guy who slept with his wife. Or both. Remember, Zane aside, Corey has had no emotional connection to any people Lauren has had sex with since moving. There’s a big difference between strangers, and knowing the best man at your wedding and godfather of your children has now enjoyed your wife’s body.

Hope this helps. As Simple says, thanks for reading!
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by knighter33 » Fri Jun 10, 2022 5:25 pm

awesome chapter!

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:04 am

I've just read up to date over the last 3 days and the fact that I've been sucked in to the point of reviling Lauren as nothing more than a cheap selfish whore and despising Corey for being a pathetic weak wanker who deserves the way he's being treated means this story is truly one of the best and I'm looking forward to how it will progress.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by lkh96 » Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:06 pm

Simple please continue the story.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:07 am

lkh96, thanks for reaching out. Others have been PMing asking for a continuation as well. Unfortunately, summertime is incredibly busy for us professionally with a lot of travel. Just like I can’t jump fences as high any longer, so goes my motivation at the end of a long day…to write, anyway. My Lauren has slowed as well, although she’s still better in the sack with other guys than I’ll ever be again.

That said, the saga will continue shortly, using the remaining time before Corey moves to Miami to highlight some of Lauren’s “extreme slut years”. This was a period where she and her girlfriends cucked me and a couple buddies with a zeal unmatched since. Because we can’t write about every single encounter, we’ll focus on the ones our friends think are hottest. Of course, the tales won’t appeal to everyone, but as I’ve mentioned before, we aren’t yet willing to sacrifice our and our friends’ collective journeys just to check someone else’s boxes. But there should be enough embellishment to make it semi-enjoyable.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Sep 21, 2022 8:27 pm


January 5th. Seven Weeks to go.

Had the Detrevrep Consortium been having its windows cleaned that clear Friday afternoon in Hollywood, those gutsy technicians would have wanted to take a break around the eleventh floor. There they would have delighted in seeing a black-haired woman in a brown pants suit on her knees behind a large desk, head bobbing up and down on the cock of the company's very wealthy owner.

Fortunately for Lauren Miller, there were no spectators as she fellated the pulsating flesh with purpose until she felt it recoil. Steadying herself for the blast to come, her lips formed a seal around the circumcised head and waited. Within seconds, the salty broth erupted, striking the back of her throat, and coating pearly white teeth with its silky texture. The sheer volume forced her to quickly swallow several times to keep the cum from exploding onto her clothing. As any good cocksucker knows, removing semen from a satin blouse is always a bitch.

After the grateful entrepreneur spilled the last drop into his business partner's mouth, Lauren stood and used her thumb to wipe away any residual evidence. Opening her briefcase, she tossed in the just inked contract between her company, Rekrap Industries, and Detrevrep, the result of going the extra mile at the customer appreciation party a week ago. An hour on her back had earned her firm a twenty-million-dollar payday and her, a substantial bonus.

“Nice doing business with you,” Lauren cracked a smile as she snapped the leather case closed.

Stretch Madison zipped his fly shut with great mirth and reached into a desk drawer, removing an oversized white glass vial full of white powder. “Likewise. Although I believe that little addendum just now was for a little extra perk?”

Nodding with appreciation, Lauren carefully placed the vial into her purse and moved quietly to unlock the door of the opulent office. Upon her arrival, Madison had judiciously locked it to prevent any accidental intrusions.

“Remember,” the Consortium’s COO told her. “There’s always more where that came from. I can always use a good orator.”

The dark-haired executive seductively swabbed her mouth with an index finger and licked it.

“I’m sure there is,” Lauren agreed. “No shortage of renewable energy around here.”


That new year had begun much differently than last. For decades, Lauren and Corey Miller had wakened in the same bed on countless frosty Iowan mornings. Yet, this January, they found themselves light years apart. And in so many more ways than just miles. Six months ago, they'd been cruising on autopilot, comfortable in their twenty-eight-year marriage and finally learning to enjoy an empty nest. They were even growing content with their diminished sex life. Almost. That all changed when Lauren moved to Florida, a place they hoped to retire to. By Corey's own hand, he had turned his demure wife into a venereal dynamo, his incessant pestering whittling away at her resistance until she succumbed to his whims. What was left was a voluptuous nymphet that at times exhibited reckless sexual abandon, much different from the longtime PTA and softball coach known by her friends in Iowa.

The second half of the year had seen that previous life slip away and the Millers were certainly testing the old “absence makes the heart grow fonder” adage. Neither had been apart from each other for more than a few days, and the temporary adjustment was difficult. While the couple truly loved each other, they had willingly breathed life into longtime pillow talk, making Corey a legit cuckold and turning Lauren, all alone in a city where flesh is celebrated and sex worshipped, into a hotwife who was struggling just to keep from completely derailing. In his zeal to satisfy his own kink, Corey had unwittingly unleashed the bad girl in his wife, and neither could have foreseen the decadence that exploration would bring to their vanilla midwestern lives.

Throughout the couple’s transformation, the Des Moines project manager, an alpha by nature in most aspects of his life, had discovered immense pleasure in candaulism and the inevitable sharing that such practices bring. As Corey's fetish developed - endorsed and cultivated by his loving wife - his kink quite unexpectedly deepened to find gratification in the humiliation that can be triggered from such experiences. Of course, Lauren shared in that culpability by actively seeking out avenues to cuck him. In many ways, it was the perfect symbiotic relationship. That's not to say there hadn't been bumps along the way, especially as of late, when Lauren gave into her own long repressed urges, selling her body in the sleaziest of ways in a back alley of downtown Miami. Even as unorthodox as their relationship had become, she knew it was wrong to keep such secrets from a life partner. And yet, it was also a thrill to have such affairs, and something, quite frankly, she wasn’t sure Corey was all that opposed to.

Still, the fact that her husband had basically pimped her out – without warning and not without some untoward malice - enraged Lauren, who sent him packing into the night, negating what had been until then a rather joyous, albeit twisted, holiday visit. Despite his repeated attempts to contact her, the headstrong wayward wife had resisted acknowledging him, sticking to her “don’t call me, I’ll call you” mantra. Right or wrong, her attitude had changed towards Corey. She loved him dearly, that much was certain, but just could no longer ignore there were places that other men could scratch that he simply could not. And Lauren found herself craving that scratching as much as her husband needed them to be.

The paradox was absurd, of course. A loving wife that loved to fuck others. And yet, through it all, the two were still together, and were destined to weather a few more long weeks of their self-imposed long-distance relationship.


As the holidays faded into the rearview mirror, Lauren continued to seek out erotic adventures where opportunities presented themselves. Whether it be a quick fuck with some stranger during a girl’s night out, blowing a random guy at the grocery store who happened to wink at her at just the right time, or an outing with Tony and Tommy, her assignations continued to be audacious and promiscuous. She and coworker Amy even became regulars at Randy Sandy’s, cheering on Autumn Breeze and the other exotic dancers. The club’s tolerance for wanton behavior and relaxed attitudes grew on them, and they began counting the myriad of sex workers there among their friends.

And yet, the now shameless Iowan wife wouldn’t have truly kept her word to 'cuck him to hell' if she didn’t at least try and feed her husband's Frankenstein. She ramped up the torture by sending well-timed photos of her indiscretions, sometimes during the day when Lauren knew Corey would be in meetings with his team, or late at night when he’d be lying awake wondering what she was doing. Of course, he’d text her back, but there would be no response as the cuckoldress continued the radio silence she knew would both frustrate and excite.

Torture. Was it really? Was it such a bad thing to give him something he seemed to live for? To chip him with just enough of a wittol’s favorite drug to keep him going until they could be together again? Perhaps they'd even go back to their vanilla ways.

From Corey's perspective however, that possibility seemed unlikely, given the photos and videos he had been receiving at random times during the day. Some were quick point-of-view clips, obviously recorded at her behest by one of her spur-of-the-moment lovers. Yet others were longer and of better quality, primarily filmed in vivid 4k, no doubt a product of the Christmas gift left behind after being thrown out. Although Lauren had no way of knowing the effects these small snippets had on her husband, Corey did indeed embrace them. Especially those where she and her lover lashed out with verbal abuse. The eroticized stew of jealousy, envy, and emasculation boiled strong as ever, and the yearning to feel them, torrid. Lauren's silent treatment actually served to enhance the overall cuckolding; his wife wasn’t just sleeping around, she was flaunting it, while at the same time turning him into a sort of mime who could only look on sad faced, any voice he did have blatantly ignored.

Yes, it was a bizarre relationship, and it was barreling down its perverse tracks at full speed.


January 12th. Six Weeks to go.

“Lauren Regal?”

Lauren’s eyes narrowed suspiciously as she sat in her office at Rekrap headquarters. No one had addressed her by her maiden name in decades.

“Who wants to know?”

The caller identified herself as Betty, a coordinator for an upcoming Iowa State reunion and a member of Lauren's graduating class. Betty was calling former students who had not yet responded to previous mailings. It was to be held in four short weeks, and time was of the essence. If Lauren acted right then, she’d get a great deal on a hotel package which included tickets to all the activities.

“You say there’s been notices?”

“Oh yes, we started sending them at least six months ago. Maybe yours got lost in the mail.”

A smile crept across Lauren’s face. They hadn’t been lost, they’d been conveniently ignored. And she knew why. After a few moments of mischievous reflection, the preppy caller got the answer she was hoping for.

“Put me down for one of those packages, Betty. Only the name is now Miller. That’s right. M-i-l-l-e-r. Please send me that link so I can sign up. My husband and I would love to attend.”


Corey sighed and poured himself two fingers of bourbon. The last few weeks had been a roller coaster and he didn't relish settling in for another night alone. His wife was out there somewhere that evening, a wayward aerial firework that had seemingly careened out of control after being lit by a match he himself had held to the wick. Perhaps he deserved the treatment he was getting. After all, he had underhandedly led her into a potentially volatile situation with those Cubans which was as stupid as it was for her to go into the alley with those guys to begin with. Both situations could have turned out very badly, but oddly enough, they didn't; the screams of pleasure he had heard coming from behind that door while playing pool had no hint of distress whatsoever.

His mind drifted back to Caroline's visit. What the hell was she doing, sending those pics of her mother? A little enablement of her own, maybe? Did she know? Did his little girl know? It was a horrible thought, but what other explanation was there? He hadn't spoken to his daughter since her and her mother went to Jack Carter's party. Either way, he absolutely dreaded their next conversation.

After taking a hot shower, Corey shrugged on a blue fluffy robe and closed the blinds in the study. Settling in for his nightly masturbation ritual, he fired up the computer and began hunting. First, he'd check to see if there were any new hotwife or cuckold stories posted in the plethora of online forums that catered to that taste. Then he'd check the free porn sites for any new video content. Day to day, finding anything new was hit and miss. Most were familiar clips which had already served their purpose many times. Ultimately though, nothing excited him as much as seeing his own wife in the throes of passion, so he would inevitably turn to the growing cache of mp4s Lauren had been sending. Say what you will, the films were fucking hot. While the couple were in the middle of a row, one thing was certain: these days that woman sure enjoyed getting fucked and was careful to see to it that he was aware of every minute detail. How many men could say that about their wives?

After a quick spin through the regular sites, Corey decided to begin with that video from the pre-New Year's eve party, the one with Lauren, Jack and that frat boy.

“Better than your ol’ man?” Tony had asked Lauren while banging her good.

“Not even fucking close,” she had whispered back with all seriousness.

Corey felt his six inches begin to poke through the robe.

Jesus, that's hot!

Fondly remembering the for-sale sign in the front yard, he was relieved that the days of watching this beautiful agony through a tiny screen were almost over.

Corey had just lubed up when the media player froze, replaced by the conference software on his laptop, which had automatically maximized and lit up with an incoming video call. It happened so fast he didn't even have a chance to put his dick away. His expression went from one of perplexed to elated when he saw Lauren’s beautiful eyes light up the screen. She was sitting on the bed in her apartment, wrapped in a towel, looking freshly bathed.

The forlorn husband blinked his eyes. Oh my God, it’s her.

"Hey,” Lauren whispered, not looking up as she painted her nails.

“Hey,” he croaked nervously. “How have you been? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

The awkwardness was palpable, like neither knew what to say. Finally, Corey cleared his throat.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?"

Lauren stopped painting and looked at the camcorder which had been strategically placed at the foot of the bed.

“Know anything about an upcoming Cyclone reunion in Ames?”

Corey faked deep thought. He knew exactly what she was referring to.

“No.” That was a lie.

"Uh huh. Chick said that they'd been sending mailers for months. Seen any?"

"No." Another lie. The garbage was full of those postcards. He’d gotten at least one a month.

“Well, no worries. I’ll be flying home that weekend and we can drive up together."

“Uh, sure."

"Don't sound so enthused," Lauren chided him. Standing up, she let the towel drop to the floor. The sight took his breath away. "If you don't want to take me, maybe Pauly will."

Corey gulped at the mention of her old college flame.

"It'll be just like old times, babe. You sitting in your car waiting for me while I finish him off in his fraternity house."

"I had to wait somewhere! I didn’t know.”

"Sure, you didn’t. You picked me up on weekend mornings around the corner from his house. Did you think I’d just gotten out of church?“

"Lauren, I..."

"Save it, Twisty. We're going to the reunion. Maybe I'll take care of some unfinished business."

He glanced down as his cock poked from the robe and bobbed in the air.

The move did not escape Lauren. "Oh my God! STAND UP!"

Reluctantly, Corey rose until his waist was even with the desk. The oily texture of the lube was clearly visible along his erection.

“Some things never change.”

She grabbed a black mini skirt from the closet and removed the hanger. “How about this one?”

"Are you going out?"

"Just answer the question."

"It’s very short."

Lauren smiled and held a shiny silver halter top up to her bare chest. Corey's eyes bulged and his cock stood at attention. The whole damn thing was backless, showing off her tanned shoulder blades perfectly. Her tits would be free to jiggle nicely beneath.

"And this?" She peered into her tablet at him and saw his rigid dick. "Well, that's one answer." Without another word, Lauren slipped on the skirt and pulled the top over her head, adjusting it over her braless boobs. Finally, she put her hands on her hips and posed.

“Like what you see, perv?”

“You’re the sexiest almost-fifty in Miami.”

“Forty-eight, and don’t you forget it.”

Corey began to sit back down when Lauren barked at him. “NO! No way. You don’t get off that easy. Stay standing.”

The sixty-one-year-old stopped and stood straight.

“Take off the robe.”

“This isn’t Florida, babe. It’s twenty-five degrees outside.”

“Take off the fucking robe, Twisty.”

Corey sighed and did what she asked. The automatic thermostat had shut the furnace off for the night and the chill now caressed his naked body.

“Stroke it for me,” Lauren demanded as she crawled back onto the bed on all fours, the tight skirt stretching across her little ass quite nicely. She watched while he began to masturbate, standing as erect as his wracked back would allow, the lube providing a frictionless path. Although he’d been hitting the gym lately, it was going to take a long time to overcome the years of doughnuts and beer that had caused his overflowing belly and sagging pecs. Her thoughts drifted briefly to some of the fit men that she’d been with recently and it was hard to get excited about her husband’s comparably flabby physique.

“Touch your nipples.”

Corey’s free hand went to his chest and began fingering the dark brown nubs, hair and liver spots dotting the aging areolae.

“To answer your question, I am going out tonight.”


“No. With Chloe.”

“She’s so young, Lauren. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

I chose my friends, Corey. Not you, not anyone. You should see all the friends I have now. In fact, me and Amy are regulars at Sandy’s now.”

Corey’s hand tightened around his cock, his breathing labored as he thought of his wife hanging out at the strip club. ”All my friends are fucking me,” she’d once told him.

“They even tried to get me on stage.”

Oh God.

“D-d-do you dance?[/i]

Lauren cackled. “Nobody wants to see anyone my age like that.”

“Don’t bet on it.”

“Oh really?” Kneeling on the mattress, the petite office manager pulled up the hem of the already short skirt, nearly revealing her bald slit.

“I know you’d like to see those men ogle me.”

Corey remained standing naked behind the desk, robe around his ankles, one hand on his dick, the other playing with his nipples.

“Harder, perv.”

His face grimaced as he stroked faster, the shaft extending just inches over the leather-bound desk pad.

Lauren wiggled her hips a bit and rolled the skirt up to reveal her snatch.

“Take a good look, Twisty. You know those customers would.”


She giggled and used both hands to spread the glistening folds. The control she had over him was a special kind of hot.

“They’d push their glasses all the way up the bridge of their debauched noses to get a better view of my pretty pink pussy, don’t ya think?”

Eyes closed, Corey continued to masturbate, imagining a room full of horny men watching his wife strip. At one point the other hand dropped from his pecs so he could double fist, but immediately returned it to his chest upon being scolded.


The sight of her husband in the nude jacking off over his desk, his face scrunched with ecstasy, began to take its toll. Lauren felt her own body begin to react. Sliding the thin straps of the blouse off her delectable shoulders, the front of the barely-there top slipped down to just above her small breasts.

“They’re all staring at me, babe. What are they thinking?”

Corey could only wheeze as he fucked his hand, mouth open and pulsing like a fish out of water. Pre-cum began to drip from the tip of his glans onto the desk pad.

“No doubt wondering what it would be like to slide their own cocks into my warm, defiled cunt.”

Lauren slithered two fingers into her juicy hole as her husband shuddered.

“Whose pussy is this, perv?”


“Are you sure? Not what Tony says. Think hard now, cuck.”

She allowed the halter to drop to her belly, revealing her tomato-sized breasts and hard eraser nipples.

The abusive nature of her verbal assault amply fueled Corey’s beautiful angst. Grimacing and grunting, Corey stared at his wife’s mouth-watering tits, their paleness strikingly beautiful against the rest of her tanned body.

“Say it perv!” Lauren demanded. “Tell me what he’d say, goddamnit.”

“N-n-not mine anymore,” Corey spat out, his entire pudgy body jiggling as he furiously slid his dick through stubby fingers. “I’ve thrown it all away.”

“That’s right babe, think of all the guys enjoying my pussy now. You handed me over to them gave without so much as a fight.”

“Lauren, please stop, you know it’s not like that!”

“Isn’t it?. You pray for men to screw me to take me to our bed and spew their spunk into my married cunny.”

Corey’s body began to convulse and spasm. He was on the cusp.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I’m not there.”

Lauren grinned. She was pleased he was so easily enabled.

“The only reason you’re sorry is that you can’t see them sink their much bigger cocks into my willing hole!”

Corey began foaming at the corners of his mouth. His hand was going so fast she thought he’d rip his penis clean off.

“Don’t worry, they’re taking good care of me. I rather like being their cum dump.”

Through the laptop’s tinny speakers, she could hear the lube squishing in his bony hand.

“Pinch your nipple, babe. Pinch it hard!”

She could see her husband’s eager fingers pull and tear at his pecs.


“Thank God for menopause or one of those kids might just knock me up! Can you imagine me carrying Tony’s child? Are you ready to be a daddy again?”

“Fuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkk!” Corey screamed in horrid rapture, appalled but strangely arousing. His wife had suddenly entered a niche area considered extreme even by those in the lifestyle. He put his free hand on the top of the desk to steady his shaking body, which was now quaking over the desk. Lauren watched expressionless as his doughy stomach and pendulous man-boobs vellicated just before he came, sending an appreciable amount of opaque ejaculate across the mousepad and laptop’s keyboard. She smirked and waited patiently until he came down from a rather traumatic climax.

“You’ve been a naughty boy,” Lauren purred, smoothing her skirt and pulling the halter straps back onto her shoulders. There were several stripes of jizz now crisscrossing the desk pad. She had been successful. “You better get that cleaned up.”

Bounding off the bed, her hand reached to turn off the camera.

“Wait, where are you going?” Corey asked breathlessly as he gathered the robe around his spent genitals.

“Out,” his wife shot back mater-of-factly. “It’s my turn, Twisty.”


Being a Friday evening, the Taffy Snapper was already hopping by the time Lauren walked in the door. Chloe was to meet her there at nine o’clock but was running late. Scanning the bar rail to see if she knew anyone, the office manager was pleased to see Alex Cartwright already on a stool nursing a beer, his ever-present white cowboy hat sitting atop that clean-cut look. Settling onto a stool beside him, she ordered her usual, a Hurricane, and turned to greet him.

“Hello, there, Austin. Looks like my day just got brighter.”

Alex barely raised his head to acknowledge her, his eyes still concealed behind the wide brim. “That so, Ames?” It was clear the bottle he was toying with was not his first.

Lauren thanked the bartender when her drink came and held it high, looking up and down the long brass railing at the other regulars.

“To friends in low places,” she toasted brightly.

Alex perked up amongst the smattering of murmured approvals. “One of the great songs of all time,” he admitted, looking into her eyes. His tone was a lot warmer than their previous meetings, but his body language was that of a tense man. Raised on a large ranch in Texas, he came from genuine cowboy genes, with the slow, steady drawl and even temper one would expect. The last name was very appropriate.

“Looks like our fans have to wait until next year, huh?” Lauren teased him.

“Don’t even get me started.”

After discussing the disappointing football season, the conversation turned to more domestic topics. Both loved the vibrance of a city so alive and happening, although Lauren admitted she’d eventually like a house in the suburbs as a sanctuary from the everyday hustle and bustle. For Alex, although he’d lived under the expansive sky of El Paso for most of his life, the forty-two-foot Regal he called home suited him just fine. Moored at a marina near the Causeway, the slip rental wasn’t cheap, but still less expensive than those fancy downtown high-rise apartments. And for the now successful travel agent, it put him right where his customers lived.

Lauren shared that she loved to walk along the river and watch the boats. She suggested they go sailing some time. Alex began to open his mouth to say that he was, in fact, planning on take a spin around the bay on Sunday, but then thought better of it. He could not deny the attraction to this beautiful woman, but she was already taken by marriage, an institution he was taught to respect. It was the exact reason he’d been keeping his distance since meeting her during that Saturday watch party. With her irresistible allure, Alex simply didn’t trust himself to do the right thing. Resisting her charms was getting increasingly difficult. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her ruby reds and caress the shiny black hair that cascaded over her bare shoulders.

“I’m not sure your husband would appreciate that,” he said warily, giving in to his wholesome side. The booze was clouding his judgement and he had to proceed cautiously. His appearance might have been squeaky clean, his thoughts were anything but.

“Very noble of you, Mr. Cartwright, but be for you judged me, there's something you should know.”

Alex cocked his head and listened in near disbelief as Lauren told him of her special arrangement with her husband. Now as a travel agent, he was aware certain resorts catered to hedonism and a special type of clientele, especially in the Caribbean where native men hung out in the bars just waiting to for a couple willing to pay to explore their darkest fantasies.

Well, that then explains the bracelet around her ankle.

The pair stared into their drinks, each nervously wondering how the other's words may have been received. The whiskey was wreaking havoc with Alex’s conservative sensibilities, and he found his downcast eyes flitting from the black leather skirt that created just enough shadow to keep things a mystery, to her narrow waist, and small chest barely hidden beneath the shiny silver halter. He preferred bustier and meatier cowgirls, but this more mature woman was something truly extraordinary.

That woman, on the other hand, was sure she'd probably revealed too much to the good, God-fearing man. Although Lauren would have liked to have seen what he was packing beneath that oversized belt buckle, having a platonic male friend wouldn’t be the end of the world, would it?

“Is that why you invited Vinnie and me back to your place after the game that night?”

Lauren turned to him and smiled coyly, draping a loose strand of hair over her ear. “Maybe.”

“So, your husband allows you to see other men? Romantically, I mean.”

“My husband doesn’t allow me to do anything. We’ve just decided to relax our marriage vows for a time.”

They both took another long drink, eyes fixed on each other. It was one of those pivotal moments when one doesn’t quite know what the other is thinking but has a pretty good idea. Alex swallowed hard. He was on the verge of doing something he may wind up regretting and felt conflicted. As a world traveler, he wasn’t a prude, but had always managed to avoid those things that weren’t aligned with his family values or Jesus. And what was crossing his mind right then most certainly did not.

He was about to comment on the wedding vow remark when a sleek-looking young girl with fiery red hair walked up behind Lauren and gave her a hug. Dressed to the nines, she looked barely old enough to drive much less be in a bar. If it hadn’t been for abundant cleavage shown off by a tight bodycon dress, he would have sworn she was still in high school.

In a way, the big Texan was happy for the interruption. It gave him a way out of potentially making a mistake. After Lauren made some quick introductions, Alex motioned for his check and offered the stool to Chloe.

“It was nice to see you again Miss Lauren,” Alex tipped his hat, letting his gaze linger a bit on the pretty face and black bangs before turning to the younger woman. “And a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Chloe. Sorry I have to go. I assure you it has nothing to do with your arrival. I just need to get some sleep. Saturdays are always busy in my business, what with spring vacations coming up and all. You ladies take care now and enjoy your evening, ya hear?"

Lauren watched with disappointment as the generous gentleman handed the bartender a Franklin to ‘cover the girls’, and quickly headed to the door. With a sigh she turned back to her girlfriend who was busy ordering a drink.

Probably for the best. He was too good a man to bring into such a sordid affair. Kind of like Corey before the…infection.

As the girls were discussing which clubs they wanted to hit, Lauren noticed her friend’s eyes fix on something just beyond her shoulder. Turning, she found Alex standing there with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Sunday morning, seven o’clock," Cartwright whispered. "Malinkrout Marina. Slip 41. I like to get an early start. This is my number if you get lost.”

And with that, he disappeared again, leaving Chloe grinning into her fresh vodka tonic. “Looks like you have a bona fide date there, whore.”

Lauren blushed as she slurped the last of the Hurricane through the oversized straw.

“I guess I do.”


Lauren was still glowing from Alex’s invitation as Chloe dragged her from one venue to another. She felt like she’d just been asked out by the all-star quarterback and had a permanent grin tattooed on her face. The giddiness was evident and helped her get through her friend’s rather dubious choices in clubs. It wasn’t that the older woman disliked them because they were meat markets – Lord knows that short conversation with Tex had left her wet and ready – but predictably, most of the places Chloe frequented catered to the late college set, and Lauren was getting the same wary looks as a Greek house mom might receive. Sure, there were plenty of drive-bys, but in all cases it was quite clear which of the two girls the men were most interested in.

Just when they were about to leave the fourth club, Chloe received a call which took her outside. Returning a minute later, she apologized and shouted over the din of the EDM that ‘Autumn’ had an opportunity for ‘two large’ that she just couldn’t pass up. Something about another girl getting sick and needed a last-minute sub. Chloe offered to use the ride-share she’d just ordered to either drop Lauren off at another bar or take her home. Looking out over the sea of young, gorgeous people dancing and partying, the tired brunette chose the latter. At twice everyone else’s age, it was probably best to just go home and fire up the Chairman of the Board.


By the time Chloe dropped her friend at her building, Lauren was eager to climb into bed with her ten-inch vibrator and tell Corey about being asked out on her first real date in over thirty years. She was sure the little perv would be surprised. This was not just one-off sex or fuckbuddy stuff either, but a real date with a genuinely nice guy, not some overbearing frat kid or colleague with their own phrenic issues. The thought of her out on a boat alone with a handsome man would surely send her husband into a licentious frenzy, giving him jerk-off material into the next century!

A date. It was hard not wonder where a simple sailing adventure would lead. Lauren could sense Alex was interested but wrestling with a righteous upbringing. Like he was trying to decide if Corey providing a hall pass somehow gave him an escape clause to pursue her. And she’d seen the surreptitious sideways glances from under the brim of that cowboy hat. Alex may have been principled, but he was also a man that was ripe for the taking.

Whatever will be, will be, she thought, but one thing was for sure. Her bladder was about to burst, and Lauren wasn’t sure she could wait for the elevator. The old eyes of the concierge caught a glimpse of the trotting woman in a mini-skirt and flimsy halter top as she dashed through the lobby, all the while wobbling awkwardly on high heels. Immediately recognizable as Mrs. Miller in Twenty-three F, it came as no surprise that she was coming home yet again, drunk and looking hot as hell.

“Evening, ma’am,” the older man greeted her.

Lauren gave him a kindly, passing smile as she blew by him enroute to the ladies’ room. “Hi Harvey!”

The smile faded as she saw the ‘closed for cleaning’ sign on the door to both restrooms.

“Shit, shit, shit!”

Remembering the unisex lavatory in the lobby gym, Lauren swiped her fob and flew to the small private toilet to relieve herself, barely making it before letting go with a hot golden steam which flowed prolifically into the porcelain bowl below. Lauren sighed heavily as her bladder rapidly shrank, just thankful she didn’t have to wait for the elevator. After wiping and flushing, she stepped from small water closet and let the resulting euphoria wash over her. God, that felt good! Now she could retreat to her apartment and take care of her other ‘little problem’.

It was then she noticed the lone resident struggling with the free weights near the back of the gym.

Ah yes, Luke Walters, Fifteen B.

He was pretending not to look, but Lauren could feel his eyes on her scantily clad body as she walked across the rubber floor and past the small sauna towards the door to the lobby. Walters’ staring suddenly became an overwhelming source of arousal and caused her to stop in her tracks. Glancing back at the frail, milquetoast of a neighbor, the horny executive changed course and sauntered back to the steam room. Dramatically, she picked up a large towel and opened the door, stepping back to allow a burst of humid mist to escape before disappearing into the hot box. The last Luke saw was a crook of a finger beckoning him to follow.

Inside, Lauren grinned as she relaxed on the warm wooden bench. She was either going to ruin some of her best clubbing clothes or sacrificing them for a steam bath that neither resident of the Mystic Arms would ever forget.


Chloe Ceallaigh’s phone rang minutes before she arrived at the appointment for which she’d cut a night out with her friend for. It was Prurient Stables again. Mindful of the driver who could hear every word, she immediately slipped into her professional persona.

“Autumn Breeze,” she answered cheerfully, opening the car door and exiting onto a sidewalk in front of a posh hotel.

“Next Wednesday? That should work. I can switch shifts at Sandy’s.”

The woman on the other end seemed a bit panicked.

“What’s the problem, Agnes?” Chloe asked, clearly annoyed at what she was being told. “I see. Well, Katrina was the only one old enough to make that request believable. And for that price it’s got to be real. If she can’t make it, we have to get someone else. Just let me know who I’ll be working with.”

Chloe sighed and hung up, closing her eyes in thought. Moments later she dialed another number, which went straight to voice mail.

“Hey, it’s me. Got a business proposition that I think may be a good fit. Hit me back.”

Tossing the phone back into her purse, the 20-year-old dancer/escort blew curly red hair out of her face with a puff of air. Like an actress getting into character, ‘Autumn’ steadied herself and entered the hotel lobby. It was time to go to work.


Sitting on the smooth cedar bench, Lauren’s grin grew wider when the door to the sauna opened with a slow creak and a cautious Luke poked his head inside.

“Come on in neighbor,” she smiled, “there’s enough room for two.”

The bashful man gingerly entered the small room and closed the door behind him. He’d begun sweating before even entering.

”H-h-hi,” he stammered, not sure what to say. Social interaction wasn’t his thing.

“Sure is hot in here.”

“You have no idea.”

Lauren wasted no time in pulling him close and hooking a thumb into the band of his basketball shorts. Luke stared down at the hot older woman and cleared his throat. The humidity was working on the halter top, and it was now clinging tightly to her tiny chest. Quietly, Lauren placed one of his trembling hands over on her blouse and encouraged him to squeeze. He hadn’t felt many breasts in his life, but this one felt perfect in his hand. Pliable but firm, like the stress ball he kept on his desk at work.

“Oh wow,” he murmured as his thumb ran tentatively over the material covering the nipple. Like magic, it hardened under his caress.

“Nervous?” she asked sweetly, knowing she had to go slow. Her eyes closed in pleasure as his soft fingers began tweaking both tits.

“We…we shouldn’t be doing this in here,” Luke warned, looking back at the door which had been left open just a crack. “We could get in trouble.”

Lauren mulled that over. “Your right. Better make this fast then.”

Standing up, she pulled the flimsy top over her head and flung in on the bench. The skirt was next.

“Oh man,” he gasped, looking frantically between her naked body and the door. He could smell a mustiness that wafted up from her vagina like warm potpourri. Inhaling deeply, it began to work its magic. “You’re so beautiful.”

Lauren tested a theory. “First time?”

“Uh, second.”

Thought so. “Who was the first?”

“A friend.”

Well, while that wasn’t a lie, it wasn’t the whole truth either. His first had been while still living in his parent’s house when his drunk sister dared her slut friend Milly to take his virginity. She had come to him in the middle of the night and climbed in his bed. Luke knew it was an alcohol-influenced mercy fuck, but he didn’t care. It was a memory that had helped him through many lonely nights after.

“I see,” Lauren cooed as she sank back down on the bench, all the while making eye contact while pulling his shorts and briefs to the floor. What popped out into her face was a very nice surprise. Grabbing a condom from her sequined clutch, she unfurled it over the young man’s growing member.

“Oh wow,” he uttered for yet a third time, running his hand through his hair.

“Nice cock.”

“Really?” Luke gushed appreciatively.

“Uh huh, really. I bet your first got off nicely.”

“I don’t remember.”

“Do you like me?”

Walters nodded pensively, constantly checking the door. His virtuous upbringing was absolutely convinced they were going to be caught, be he was too hard to care. Lauren giggled at the paranoia and spit onto the latex to reduce the unnatural friction.

This caused her neighbor’s face to screwed up in ecstasy. “Mmmmmmm, ohhhhhh.”

The feeling was even more incredible than the thirty-one-year-old had remembered from his one midnight encounter. Mercifully, Lauren continued her ministrations, stroking and twirling her tongue around his angry, purple glans. When his erection filled out the rubber completely, she slurped the seven-inch cock into her mouth and took him deep. Not all the way for fear of making him cum prematurely, but close, enough that his wiry pubic hairs began to tickle her nose. That brought a string of appreciative moans from above. Lauren kept this up until she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to be fucked right then and there.

Without a word, the wayward wife bent over the wooden bench, hands braced against the back wall. Luke couldn’t believe his good fortune as she presented him with the most delicious hairless, meaty clam he’d ever seen. Even in magazines. Unsure of himself at first, he grasped her small, soft hips, as if she was somehow a porcelain doll that could easily break. Sex with Milly had been straightforward and lasted only a few minutes. Although he’d seen doggystyle plenty of times online, the excitement of finally doing it for real nearly caused him to spill his load.

Moving closer to the pulsing, glistening pussy, Luke held his dick as steady as his trembling hands could and gently rubbed the head against the outer lips. At first it tickled, but the more he rubbed it on the velvety folds, the more he wanted to slide it into her inviting hole. Not wanting to hurt the wonderful woman who was giving him this special gift - and in such an unorthodox way – he continued to move it around her vulva as the moist slit gasped and pleaded to be fucked. The way she was moaning and backing into his groin assured him pain wasn’t a concern.

Sensing his hesitation, Lauren took over and pressed her ass into him, just enough to encourage the first inch or two to slip effortlessly into her already moist slit. As her mons widened to accept the timid cock, she decided it was time to turn up the heat.

“Do you want to fuck me, Luke?”

Gritting his teeth, the young man simply grunted. The bashfulness was slowly being replaced by the inner neanderthal that all men – mousy or not - channel when presented with such an opportunity.

“Then do it baby. Take me. FUCK ME NOW!”

Luke persona changed in an instant as he snarled and pushed in, a good amount of his length slipping easily into hallowed heat of her long-married cunt.

“Yesssss, just like that,” Lauren mewled, her hands sliding down the cedar wall to the bench, sweaty black hair dangling in front of her and clinging to her shoulders and chest.

And so, the carnal dance between the hotwife whore and a wide-eyed vestal neighbor she hardly knew began. The one-hundred-eighty-degree room filled with grunts and moans, accented by the sound of skin-on-skin as balls slapped rhythmically into taint and ass. It started awkwardly but settled in when the mild-mannered neighbor found his long-suppressed porn star stride, ramming his rarely used manhood deep into the slutty woman’s willing hole while admiring the sleekness of body as it melded with his. It was an encounter he wanted to last forever!

Tossing his head back in unadulterated pleasure, Luke let go a primal howl that resounded off the walls. Sparks flew between the two unlikely lovers as their bodies maintained a steady pace, their mutual cries of carnal passion rising above the heated mist and daring anyone to interrupt them. In his mind, Walters was longer a meek mollycoddle, but rather a Viking who was fucking his pillaged whore in a decidedly outrageous manner.

“Faster!” Lauren urged as telltale spasms began to rock her. “Deeper!”

Like the great warrior he imagined, Luke forced Lauren down on the bench in a prone position. He was in control of this slut as she moaned for his cock, her chest and belly sliding along the warm wood as he pummeled her. Enticed by the sleek and undulating ass in front of him, the triggered resident fucked to impress, aggressively plunging, pushing, and driving his steel deep until it seemed like it was scraping the very bottom of her womb. Lauren felt every delightful inch as it slid in and out of her whore cunt, the rise of a much-needed orgasm on the horizon.


“You like that?” Luke murmured, childlike at first, then in a much deeper voice, “WELL, DO YOU SLUT?”

He could feel the faint tugs of his own release bubbling up.

“YES, YES, fuck that cunt! Do me! Do me!”

“I am…I am…I am!” the young man yelped, almost apologetically as sweat poured from his contorted face.

Lauren’s eyes shut tightly as the whole room began to spin. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”

Luke knew he was close as he labored from behind her. Seeing that dark hair whip around like the adult film star he likened her to was something out of a wet dream.

“Gonna cum…”

Heeding the gentle bachelor’s kind warning, Lauren put aside her own orgasm and acted, quickly squatting on the bench. Ripping off the condom, she presented an open mouth, not unlike the videos Luke had seen online. The debauchery of it all suddenly overcame the nerdy Viking, causing him to lurch forward and lose control. Odd animal-like snorts were accompanied by wave after wave of pent-up lust as weeks’ worth of thick, gelatinous jizz showered Lauren’s hair and face. Even after the last milky drop had oozed from his deflating tool, he stood with dick in hand, not believing the real-life scene he’d just been a part of. The sight of his cum cascading down the chin of the gorgeous neighbor and onto the whiteness of her bikini top band was one he’d not soon forget. What would his friends think of him now?

As the afterglow faded, the now familiar residents dressed in silence. Lauren wiped her soiled hair and face with the towel and dropped it in the used-cloth bin. They carefully pushed on the already open door and peered into the gym. To their relief it was still empty, sending them scurrying for the door to the lobby in an attempt to remain unseen. Once there, their heart rate and pace slowed. It was now just a quick walk to separate elevator banks.

Any yet, while the salacious tenants may have been congratulating themselves for flying under the radar of everyone else, their hasty retreat failed to see the much older concierge lurking in the shadows behind the rowing machines. Chuckling softly, he pocketed his phone and headed towards his station at the front desk.

That’s a keeper.


Saturday, January 13.

The kindly waitress placed a hefty dinner plate in front of the lonely looking man who had taken up residence in a corner booth away from other diners.

“Pastrami on rye, pickles on the side.”

The gray-haired gentleman was friendly enough. About six months ago, he’d begun coming in at least once a week and always settled in the same spot, a Cyclones baseball cap pulled low over his brow.

That day, he looked particularly distressed. “You okay, sugar?” she asked sympathetically.

Nodding, Corey shook some salt over his slaw and picked at the hot food. Another Saturday afternoon with nothing to do. At least he had professional football the next day, and the collegiate National Title game was Monday night.

He thought back to the previous evening and wondered if Lauren had indeed “gotten hers.” That was the toughest part, the not knowing. Staying behind was his biggest regret. Had he been there with her, he would know when she got home, known she was safe. Lately though, she’d been increasingly mysterious, leaving him to wonder what she was up to and with who. Perhaps Lauren was doing that on purpose, living up to her promise to support his fetish. And yet, what if there were far more nefarious reasons, like an affair she wasn’t telling him a about? A romance that could cost them their marriage? Either way, it left a huge hole in his heart and a lump in his pants. He hated himself for being aroused at the prospect of losing his wife, but he couldn’t ignore it just because he didn’t like it. Corey had erotized the risk to such an extent that living on the razor edge of disaster and thinking of the peril had driven him to some of the most gratifying orgasms lately.

As he stewed about his current predicament and lamented being more than a thousand miles away, a large body cast a long shadow across the booth’s table. From under the bill of his hat Corey could see two oil-stained jeans legs and a pair of dark brown work boots standing near. Fuck. There was no question who it was.

Zane Picardo.

“How ya doing, Cors?”

Not bothering to look up, the older man swallowed a bite of pastrami. “Never better.”

“We need to talk, buddy.”

Finally, Corey raised his head. Zane was a large, rough, and saucy as ever. “So, talk.”

The biker shook his head and pointed to a tavern across the street. “Not here. Clancy’s Pub.”

The green and red Christmas lights of the dive bar across the two-lane state highway were twinkling in the twilight. Apparently, the owner had not gotten the memo about the holidays being over.


Throwing a twenty and a ten on the table, Corey followed his one-time best friend out of the diner and into the freezing cold.


The amicable motorcycle mechanic set down a pitcher of beer and two frosty glasses on a shaky two-top and adjusted the wobbly foot on one of the four legs. As the two men shrugged off their winter coats, they threw quick waves at several friends scattered about the local honky-tonk, including one of Lauren’s best friends, Gail Weathersby.

After much useless conversation about the weather and the latest sports updates, Zane chose to take on the elephant in the room directly.

“Why you been shutting me out, man?”

Corey leaned back in his chair, anxiously looking around the bar.

“I don’t know.”


The project manager raised his eyebrows at his lifelong friend. “I have to spell it out for you?”

Zane shook his head. “No man, you don’t. I slept with Lauren. I get it.”

Corey’s psyche reeled at hearing his best friend say it out loud. It stung…bad. And yet, that familiar tingle in his loins was ever present.

“What I don’t get,” the slightly younger man wondered, “is why I’m the bad guy here. It’s like you’re the victim. If you remember, you set that whole thing up. Without my knowledge. You and Lauren used me as a pawn in your stupid sex games. I’m the one that was played here.”

“Yeah, about that. You’re right. It was fucked up. I’m sorry.”

Zane nodded seriously and hoisted his beer mug. “Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. Look, dude, I only grabbed the carrot you guys dangled in front of me. Can you blame me? I mean, Lauren is hot as fuck.”


“So, why’d you do it?”

Corey looked down at his glass. “I don’t know.”

“There’s that bullshit again. C’mon man, it’s ME dude! We’ve always been straight with each other. Why stop now?”

“I…I can’t.”

The pair sat in silence until Zane decided to press on.

“It’s because I know what cranks your shaft these days, isn’t it?”

That put a small grin on Corey’s face. Zane, always with the motorcycle references.

“You think that’s like some big deal dude? Some of the guys I ride with have been sharing their ol’ ladies for years.”

“It’s…it’s not quite the same. It’s not about swinging.”

Zane forced his face back to a solemn expression to reassure his friend he was taking this conversation seriously. “Yeah, man, I know. Lauren explained it. All of it. And you’d be proud of me, I even I’ve read up on it and I don’t read anything unless it’s about transmissions or tits. It’s a different bag for sure, not for everyone. But it’s not like you’re into fucking dead people or animals. I mean, really, who gives two shits if you like to watch? You embarrassed by it or somethin’?”

Corey shrugged. “Lots of haters out there.”

Picardo took a drink and wiped the foam from his mouth. “I haven’t outed you, dude. And I don’t judge.” The big man squared his shoulders. “Look, I’m not good at this emotional stuff, so I’m only gonna say this once. Did I enjoy being with Lauren? Yeah, who wouldn’t? Was I surprised when she told me about y’all? Yeah, not gonna lie. Was I pissed ‘cause you played me? Yep, straight up. Do I want this to end our friendship? Hell, no. I want my fishing bud back. I want to hit the triple-A rink again and see some blood.”

The two men stared at each other across the small table. Finally, Corey cracked a half-smile.

Zane matched the grin and watched the cute butt of a waitress waddle as she walked by. “Well. That’s all I got to say. Don’t be lookin’ for any of that kumbaya shit.”

Corey thought for a moment, then cocked an eyebrow. “You liked being with Lauren?”

It was the biker’s turn to carefully think. Fucking Lauren was like going to heaven. Nasty, raw, and just plain dirty. But now was not the time to show his very real enthusiasm about his best friend’s wife.

“Well, we all go way back, right? She’s been your woman and my friend for what? Thirty years now? She’s great, so…yeah.”

“But you enjoyed being with her?”

Zane’s gaze settled on his older pal, and he narrowed his eyes.

“Yeah, I already said that. Why?”

“She came on to you, looking good in those leathers. I bet you watched her ass all night, didn’t you?”

“Uh, well…” The biker wasn’t sure he liked where this was going.

“…blew you in the john.”

He and Corey had traded notes on chicks before, but this wasn’t just any girl, this was Lauren they were talking about.


“Where did you finish?”

The mechanic tilted his head incredulously.

“Are you sure you want to…?”

Where? In her mouth?”

“Geez man,…c’mon. I guess. Thereabouts. I really don’t remember. We were totally baked.”
Actually, that was only half the truth. There was no way Zane would ever forget that blowjob; he’d had even jerked off a time or two to the memory.

Corey squeezed his eyes shut, enjoying the pressure of his cock throbbing against his jeans.

“Then you took her to your motel room.”

Picardo skewered him with a piercing look. “What’s up with the twenty questions, bro? You already know what happened.”

“I want to hear it from you.”

The biker clasped his hands around the back of his head and look around at other oblivious customers in disbelief. Whatever his friend had, he had it bad, and he was starting to see that side right then. Okay, fuck it, I’ll play along.

“So yeah man, we went to the room.”

“What did you do there?”


“What else?”

Zane leaned in and sneered at his friend. “This is weird, man.”

“What else?”

“We made out.”

One of Corey’s hands began to shake as it tried to grasp the beer mug and take a drink. The other’s fingers drummed on the table nervously. “And?” he asked breathlessly.

“Like, look, you got to understand, bro. She laid it all out there in front of me. I mean, Lauren was always the school-marm type, right? Sexy, but in a sexy librarian kind of way. That’s all we’ve ever known. So when she stripped off those pants, I had no choice. I got my face all up in that.”

Corey closed his eyes and moaned. “You ate her out.” It was a statement, not a question.

Zane looked around the bar again, thankful the music was so loud. “Uh, yeah.”

“Did you like how she tasted?”

Picardo stared intently at his buddy. He couldn’t believe they had gone down this road, but here they were. And it was actually a little hot talking about it. “You already know the answer to that.”

“Then what?”

“We, uh…”

Corey opened his eyes. “You what?” His lower lip and cock were both quivering.

“C’mon, man, you damn well know what happened.”

“I want to hear it from you?”

“Corey, don’t, I mean, really…”



Corey rose to his feet, fire in his eyes. “SAY IT MOTHERFUCKER!”

Zane leapt up as well and banged his fists on the table, sending one of the mugs flying off the table as the music in the juke box abruptly ended.


The ten seconds of dead air between when that song ended, and the Rock-Ola queued up the next one was the longest moment of silence in pub history as the other patrons stopped to gawk at the two men staring each other down. Many of them snickered, most expected a fight.

As the soulful twangs of the next country ballad began, Zane followed his friend’s gaze which had turned to where Lauren’s girlfriend Gail was sitting with another couple, mouth agape even as the tavern got back to normal. Acting quickly, the roughneck grabbed Corey by the collar pushed his friend towards the door.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here.”


After spending a rare Saturday afternoon of leisurely shopping by herself, Lauren curled up with a pizza and romantic movie, then laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. Feeling a bit melancholy, she retrieved her tablet and the Chairman, then called Corey using the camcorder he’d left behind. Taking a half-smoked joint and ashtray from the nightstand, she lay in her teddy with head propped against headboard and took an occasional hit as the two talked. It seemed she was getting high a lot lately, but Corey decided against mentioning it. E

Eventually she got around to her brief tryst in the gym’s sauna, relating the hook up in such detail that it go them both hot very quickly, resulting with the massive vibrator stuck up her pussy and he with a new homemade toy that involved a velvet line toilet paper roll. Lauren bit her lip as he slipped tube over his well-lubed, small-girthed dick and masturbated. She laughed hysterically when he came, the head sticking out one end pulsating purple as it shot several listless white ropes onto his belly. “What a waste!”

After cleaning up, the couple laid naked on their respective beds a thousand miles apart, discussing her upcoming trip for the reunion and to help pack. During a natural break in the conversation, Lauren brought up her date the next day.

“You remember Alex, right?”

Corey looked a bit stunned but kept it together. “A date?

“Yes, silly, a date. You said it would be a good idea.”

“I said I wouldn’t mind while I was stuck up here.”

“Same difference.”

“You said you were just going to think about it.”

“I said it would be more fun than going to a museum,” Lauren said decidedly. “And I have thought about it and I’m going out with Alex.”

Corey swallowed. “What do you know about him?”

“He’s handsome, rich, and has a big boat. What’s more to know?”

Normally, hearing his wife talk about another man this way would invoke the mixture of emotions that he so yearned to feel. This time, for some reason, it was just pure jealousy.

“I see,” came the despondent response.

Lauren frowned. “What’s wrong? I’d thought you’d be happy.”

“I…I am.”

“Hey, cheer up. I’ll send you pictures and tell you all about the day. It’ll be fun!”


Awkward silence found them staring at each other through the screens. She could see lines of anxiety on this face.

“Do you not want me to go?”

Corey shook his head. “No…go.”

Lauren scooted closer to the camera with a worried look on her face, naked breasts jiggling softly.

“Corey, babe,” she purred lovingly, “You have my heart always.”

Several moments went by before she looked back at the tablet and realized the call had been intentionally disconnected.

He hadn’t heard her one word of her declaration of love.


Sunday, January 14.

“Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Maria, gratia plena…”

Lauren snapped one eye open in the pitch-black room as the soft choir music played.

What the fuck?

The clock radio on the nightstand blinked a blue six a.m. as she swung her feet off the mattress and onto the floor.

Jesus, the sun’s not even up yet. And what’s with the religious music?

Then she remembered. It’s Sunday. Time to sail.

Gradually, the heaviness in her eyes lifted and she managed to stand, snagging the Chairman off the bed to give him a good cleaning.

A quick shower chased any remnants of sleep away, waking her up enough to apply a bit of makeup and select her outfit for the day: a cute blue and white striped yeoman’s three-quarters length top (picked up on sale yesterday!), white capris, and tan boat shoes. Lauren tossed the golden bikini she had worn on Myles’ day cruise in a weekender bag and donned a pair of oversized sunglasses, nodding to herself in the mirror as she headed to the lobby.

She was ready for her first real date in years.


The Amarillo Sky’s triple screws were already idling in the pre-dawn darkness when Alex Cartwright extended his hand and helped his new friend aboard. Lauren graciously accepted a warm blanket from the big Texan and settled into a seat behind him in the towering cockpit. Air temps were in the low sixties as they motored their way south from the Causeway marina and into Biscayne Bay. By the time the boat passed the unique and abandoned Stiltsville, the sun was over the horizon and bathing boaters with its welcome warmth.

Lauren brushed wisps of hair out of her face as the cool ocean breeze caressed her skin. Alex proved to be the perfect tour guide, pointing out various landmarks as the vessel chugged south towards North Key Largo. It was a much different view than when Myles’ huge yacht went due east, out into the ocean. This was a more personable look at the coastline. And yet, while the various wildlife preserves were captivating and all, the slinky brunette’s eyes kept returning to her skillful pilot.

The Texas beefcake wasn’t every woman’s cup of tea. She could certainly see the one-time rancher in him. Rustic without being a hayseed, his square jaw and high cheekbones were set sternly below his white wide-brim cowboy hat. He considered navigating a boat a serious matter, constantly looking port and starboard for vehicles that may be crossing their path. The powder-blue long-sleeve casual cotton shirt he was wearing was untucked and unbuttoned to his navel, flapping in the wind to reveal plenty of hairy chest and flat stomach muscles. Below that were loose fitting nylon sailing shorts that allowed more than a hint of what was swinging between his legs. This was a man in control of his life, who’d made the pivot from the open skies of El Paso to the blue ones of the Atlantic, content now to help others realize their dreams of travelling to exotic places. Still, there seemed to be a sadness about him, perhaps because he had no one to share his own dreams with.

Lauren snapped numerous pics of the magnificent scenery as they slid by key after key, sending them to Corey to chronicle her day. A few of them even included Captain Alex’s profile as he guided his ship southward, commander of the seven seas. What will he be commanding tonight? she wondered.

The mid-morning sun was blazing when the couple arrived in Key Largo, mooring at a private dock owned by one of Alex’s business partners who also happened to live on the island. Impressed, Lauren gathered a few things from the boat and followed her pilot up a small path, around the bluest of kidney shaped pools, and to a waiting Jeep alongside a gorgeous country club house clad with a marvelous stucco finish. Greeting them with keys in hand was a friendly looking man with a white beard, t-shirt, and board shorts. Alex introduced him Sal Bender, an entrepreneur who fancied himself a hippie, albeit one that drove a Ghost.

A hug and a fist bump later, Lauren and her date were tooling down state road 905 through the Crocodile Lake Wildlife Refuge and into Pennekamp State Park. The islands were quite different than the Miami concrete jungle she was accustomed to, and she marveled at the diverse foliage and wildlife. Stopping at various trail heads, they explored the boardwalks while Alex pointed out exotic animals the native Iowan had only seen in photos. White pelicans, which only graced Florida in the winter, beautiful red egrets, and even a Mangrove Cuckoo. Lauren had to chuckle at the namesake of her husband’s kink, snapping a photo to later send to Corey. Perhaps he could use it as his social media avatar. The irony of catching a glimpse of the rare bird did not escape her; a naughty aspect of her life invading an otherwise charming and romantic day. Very apropos.

The couple had a blast exploring blueish-green swamps from the safety of well-defined pathways, always aware of their surroundings should they stumble upon a croc or two sunning themselves. Lauren hoped to see a real live alligator but the only reptiles crossing their paths that day were scurrying geckos. Alex was patient during their walks, helping her over fallen logs or whisking her over a washed-out trail. The contact was incidental at first: a lift of the hand here, a playful bump there, the lingering of hands-on-hips when navigating around obstacles. But slowly the gap between the two closed, and soon the touch of a finger became hand holding, the helpful steadiness a bicep became an arm around the waist.

The electricity between the two was growing palpable, yet through it all the Texan was a consummate gentleman, never overstepping, always keeping things near platonic levels. As morning became afternoon, he felt his attraction to the raven-haired beauty grow stronger with every smile, every strand of hair over her ear, and every lilt of laughter. Even though her wedding ring was an ever-present reminder that he was playing with fire, Alex began to feel his moral compass begin to waver.

Lauren’s thoughts tended to be less principled. Her eyes continually drifting to the capacious bulge beneath her tour guide’s sailing shorts. Although it appeared loose and firm and at the ready, she knew she had to check her ambitions and take things slowly. While certainly not a virgin, this was not a man who was looking for a quick roll in the sack. At least not without some semblance of courtship first.

Throughout the day, the pair kept their phones busy, snapping tons of selfies and photos of the scenic island. Every so often Lauren sent select pics to Corey, showing how the date was progressing. Some were of her alone, sweeping vistas of the swamps in the background, others of her cheek to cheek with Alex. A few were of both taken by a kindly passerby.

After a mid-afternoon lunch featuring crab legs and roasted vegetables, Alex decided it was time to head back to the Amarillo Sky. They would need to castoff soon if they wanted to make Miami by twilight. That was fine by Lauren. While she hated to leave the tropical scenery behind, she was also eager to spend time alone with the hunky cowboy. As the sleek boat pulled away from the pier and got underway, the foxy office manager slipped below deck to wash off sweat and dirt that had accumulated during their adventure. The air temperature had rebounded nicely, reaching the mid-eighties, and she wanted to get some sun. Several minutes later, the ever-vigilant Alex, perched high in the cockpit, was pleasantly floored by the absolute hottie who strolled onto the bow in a barely-there gold string bikini. Lauren pretended not to see the gawking admirer as she laid on the princess pad and began to soak up some rays.

Cartwright prided himself on his piloting skills but found the beauty lying before him to be a major distraction. If the girl looked good before, she was absolutely banging in that swimsuit. Honestly, her body was tighter than he’d seen on many women less than half her age. Smaller breasts than he was accustomed to, of course, but still admirably firm and supple for her age. He had to shake his head when she pulled the bridge of her bottoms down to just below where the bare treasure laid. His eyes kept gravitating to the gap between her legs and wondering whether that still hidden beaver was truly hairless, or whether it was just an optical illusion caused by the glare off the water.

By the time they motored out of Card Sound and passed Old Rhodes Key, Lauren decided to up the ante by unceremoniously untying the back of her top and nonchalantly letting it fall to her side. After sending a few more pics taken that day to Corey, she leaned back on the warm marine vinyl, arching her back with dramatic flair, pushing her breasts skyward and stretching. Predictably, none of this was lost on the captive audience just ten feet above.

Alex could not help squeezing his burgeoning erection as he continued to navigate northward. With that kind of scenery, could anyone really blame him? All alone in the middle of a bay with a nearly naked goddess with the most inviting tomato-sized tits he’d ever seen. Had he plowed into one of the frequent fisher or tour boats crisscrossing his path, the Coast Guard would have taken one look at Lauren and sent them on their way. Nuff said. Sadly, it wasn’t too long before the wind shifted with the sinking sun, sending a chill through the skinny sunbather, forcing her back into the cabin for a coverup, in which she soon appeared at the back of the cockpit.

“Cold?” the smiling captain asked, his eyes drinking in her loveliness.

“Not really,” his flirtatious date laughed. “In fact, me thinks things are just getting warmed up.”


Corey stepped back and surveyed the increasingly sparse kitchen. Box after box sat stacked alongside and on top of each other, filled with small appliances, plates, and drinking glasses. Another hour or so and he’d be able to check that room off the packing list and be able to watch the late afternoon football playoff game.


The phone notification echoed from the study and throughout the near empty house. Dusting off his hands, he walked down the hallway and picked up the device. It was a message from Lauren.

Hey, just wanted to let you know my date with Alex is going well. Great guy and very attentive.

Corey looked at the message and the photos that followed dubiously. Most were closeups of the pair, irritatingly happy, cheeks together, smiling; the obligatory long reach to get the camera angle just right. By necessity, their arms were closed around each other, creating very intimate poses. There were a few of Lauren, alone and frolicking on some sandy beach, jumping and skipping about. At least a couple had been taken by somebody else; one showing them standing close, arms interlock, another with Lauren’s hands on the Texan’s chest as he held her tight; yet another candid shot where she had spontaneously jumped on Alex’s back for a piggyback ride.

It was all very cute and playful…and a rude reminder of why the project manager had been working so hard that day. Not to remember, but to forget. Forget that his wife was on a date with a man twice his size; probably in more ways than one. Forget that he was stuck in Iowa with sleet pelting the windows while she was cavorting about South Florida without him.

But damn, she looks good. It was true; SO good! Between those tight white capris, her blue and white striped top, and long mane of jet-black hair, she could have been a model for any travel agency. But it wasn’t a fantasy. It was her date.

Corey closed his eyes and let those words sink in. Why was there so much anxiety over something he had asked for; given her permission to do? After all, it’s what he’d suggested, wasn’t it? Sure, it was inherently different. Not like the indiscriminate sex she’d had thus far. Sex with little to no emotional ties. He took another gander at the pictures. This was definitely different. It was there in her eyes. Lauren was having fun. Real fun, the kind that comes from enjoying the company of people who matter, and not just a means to an end. The risk in that was obvious. Miami was teeming with younger, wealthier, and more virile men. The possibility of her falling for another guy increased exponentially when significant feelings, not just lust, were allowed to be part of the equation.

And yet, even as he considered the potential for disastrous consequences, Corey felt the indescribable ‘it’ pulsing through his veins, the mélange of angst that only those struck by the fetish’s addiction could possibly understand. It was almost a certainty the day would end with his wife in the arms of another man, making love until both crumbled into a hot mess of wet sheets and heavy breathing.

His cock leapt at the conjured image. He wouldn’t have it any other way.


“Why thank you, kind sir,” Lauren smiled, accepting yet another glass of white wine. Her and Alex had settled into a cozy couch located on the stern of the boat after a fantastic dinner. The two had just feasted on shrimp scampi the talented captain had whipped up in the galley, and they were now just focusing on taking it easy after a full day of tooling around the bay. The slip 0was perfectly positioned to take in the city’s skyline as the sun set behind the high-rises.

“I had a wonderful time today,” Lauren snuggled closely to her host. “I never knew Florida was such a tropical paradise.”

“Next time we’ll hit the Everglades,” Alex nodded. “That’s were the wilderness is.”

“Next time, huh?”

The big man blushed. “Only if you’d like.”

The two sat in silence and watched a plane maneuver into a landing pattern for Miami International.

“It really is a magic city, isn’t it?”

The cowboy laughed at her attempt to romanticize the ninth largest metroplex in the U.S. “I suppose. If you like sex, drugs, and money.”

“I find all those things quiet enchanting, don’t you?”

Cartwright shook his head in mock disgust and leaned back, resting one arm along the couch behind her head. He pointed the wine glass in the other hand at the colorfully lit urban life spread out in front of them.

“There’s a lot of broken dreams out there.”

“And a lot of found ones too,” Lauren countered, grinning.

Alex clinked the rims of their stemware together. “Touché.”

“And what about your dreams, Austin?”

Grabbing the wine bottle chilling in an ice bucket beside them, he topped off their glasses and thought about that poignant question.

“When my parents died, I turned my back on my roots. Well, the ranching part anyway, not the culture. I’d still be there, carrying on Daddy’s ways if it hadn’t been for the damn accident. After that, I needed a fresh start and had to get out of El Paso. I wanted to be successful on my own while travelling the world. I guess I’ve done that. With success comes money.”

Lauren flipped the bill of his well-worn hat. “You sure don’t show it.”

“I don’t need to show off. Too much pride is…”

“A sin. Yeah, I know.”

The couple sipped wine and listened to the smooth jazz playing softly from the cabin speakers.

“What of the other deadly sins?” Lauren mused. “Where do you stand on them?”

“Hmm,” Alex touched his chin in thought, “try me.”


“Ah yes. Well, I’m pretty laid back, so nah.”

“You didn’t seem so easy going when those guys were bothering me at Taffy’s.”

“I saw a pretty girl in distress, what can I say?”

Lauren scootched closer and gripped his shirt. “You think I’m pretty, huh?”

Alex squared with her, allowing his arm to drop a little, just touching the back of her neck.

“Gorgeous,” he grinned, “Simply gorgeous. Especially in the bathing suit competition.”

“Naughty boy. How about gluttony?”

“Do I look like I overeat?”

Lauren put a hand on his well-defined abs. “Definitely not.”


“Let’s see...” She tried to remember the list from her bible studies. “Sloth. No, you don’t seem lazy. How about greed.”

“I live on a small boat when I could be living in a penthouse. The last time I bought anything for myself was a pair of jeans. Does that sound greedy to you?”

“Good point,” the attractive executive laughed, snuggling further, pleased when the arm behind her draped over her shoulders. She reached up and took his hand, pulling it down over her chest.


“That’s a tough one. Otherwise known as coveting, right?”

Lauren looked into his eyes, their noses nearly touching. “Yes. Like in coveting someone’s wife.”

They could feel each other’s hot breath.

“Do you…covet…anything Alex?”

Their noses briefly touched, the warm tips brushing together ever so lightly, both knowing they were on the cusp of something exciting.

“I’m not sure I can do this. Your…your husband…” the conflicted giant stuttered.

“He knows I here. With you. Tonight.”

Alex drew her closer, their nostrils flaring, lips barely touching. He couldn’t resist this much longer.

“And he’s good with…us?”

She let a hand drift to a twitching lap and nodded. “Yes.”

The Texan moaned at her fingers drumming on his shorts. The whole situation was fucked up, but he was at the point of no return.

“But my husband needs to be a part of this too.”

After Corey hung up on her last night, Lauren had told herself it had to be this way.

Cartwright stopped nibbling. He wasn’t counting on that. “Eh, exactly how?”

“He likes to watch.”

“Noooooo. No way, I’m sorry,” Alex groaned again as Lauren unbuttoned his shorts and snaked a hand beneath his briefs. Her eyes had not been deceiving her; the hype was real.

“That’s quite a bat there, Casey Jones.”

“Damn, woman, you sure are fast.”

“You have no idea. So, we need to resolve this. Can he at least listen?”


She grasped his fat cock and began stroking him with purpose.

“Can he listen?”

“I don’t know.”

Lauren pushed aside his shirt and lowered her head to his nipples. Her hair cascaded down to his waist.

“Do you remember the seventh deadly sin?” she asked between suckling.


“No silly.”

Slurp, pull, slurp.

Lauren lifted his hand and placed it between her legs. He could feel the heat burning through bikini bottom.


Coming up for air, she shook her head, then pulled his mouth to hers, darting a tongue between his open lips. “What is it you want to do?”

“I want to make love to you.”

Her hand pumped his cock harder.

“How badly?”

Alex lurched forward, his moans wafting over the water.

“How badly?”

The Texan gnashed his teeth together. There was clearly only one path forward.

“Make the call.”

“What was that?”

“Just make the goddamn call.”

Lauren laid down on the vinyl couch and pulled him on top of her.

“Lust,” she puffed in his ear.


“The last deadly sin is lust.”

Alex sighed as he kissed her dainty neck and slipped a hand beneath her cover up.

“No shit.”


The Sunday night football game was well into second quarter when Corey poured his third drink. He leaned back into the easy chair and relished the smooth finish as the whiskey warmed his blood. The entire day had been successful in taking his mind off ‘the date’. Packing the kitchen, tossing old lawn chemicals from the garage that could not be stored, and now the glorious grid iron. That night’s contest was just interesting enough to continue the distraction, but between plays he found himself wondering. He looked at the photos again, especially the one where Lauren had playfully jumped on the Texan’s back, arms around his neck, head on his shoulder. They looked so happy. Not a care in the world.

It would have been a little after nine on the east coast. Perhaps they were just finishing up dinner, maybe even watching the same game. From what he recalled the big guy was a football fan too. More likely though, they were out walking the marinas, taking in the beauty of the city.

Or maybe…

Corey visibly jumped when his phone lit up. For a moment he simply stared at his wife’s smiling face, a pic taken at one of their summer parties years ago. After several seconds he accepted the call.


There was no response. Just white noise from an open mic. Somewhere in the distance, the blast of an airhorn blared.

What the fuck?

The dead air was soon replaced by rustling noises and heavy breathing. Then came the unmistakable sounds of kissing. The wet, sloppy kind where tongues were surely involved.

Holy shit, they’re making out!

Corey’s cock jumped to attention beneath his sweatpants, the close game on the television forgotten. More kisses and whispering. He could make out a ”feels good” and several ”just like thats”.

The heavy breathing continued with the occasional shifting of bodies on something crinkly, like vinyl.

“Mmmm, oh!” Lauren exclaimed. Then, “yes suck them. Suck them hard.”

“So beautiful,” Alex murmured as the wetness of his tongue against her rigid nipples resounded through small speaker.

What happened? Did she accidently call? Maybe from when she had sent him pictures?

Corey reached for his growing erection.

Or was this on purpose?

“Not here,” Corey heard Lauren say breathlessly. More shuffling, louder now, as if they were changing locations.

“The cabin then,” Alex replied.

More whispering.

”Is he there? Can he hear?”

”I think so,” came Lauren’s hushed response.

Corey’s fingers collapsed around the shaft of his shriveled, underutilized cock.

This ain’t no accident.

The white noise subsided; it was quieter now. They must have gone inside.

“Ow,” he heard Lauren exclaim, like she stubbed her toe. “I can’t see.”

“You don’t need to,” Alex assured her.

A playful yelp as something creaked. A bed?


“Take that off.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Lauren cooed. “This too?”

“What do you think?”

More kissing. Sighing. Tiny cries.

“Oh wow.” Alex sounded surprised.

“You like my bare pussy, baby?”

“Uh huh. So soft.”

“Lick it, then. Suck my married cunt.”

A low, slow, and guttural moan filled the speakers as Corey tried to follow along. The Texan was definitely eating her out.

Corey stroked his dick tightly as the cunnilingus continued for well over ten minutes. Lauren’s reaction ranged from groans to squeals, back to groans again as the lapping grew louder and more intense. There were quiet moments too, that gave way to intense ones as her pilot’s tongue brought her to several modest but real orgasms. Ultimately, it was not enough.

“Come here,” the black-haired temptress demanded.

Additional shuffling along with a few gasps. Corey pictured the giant of a man slowly ascending Lauren, poised to enter his wife.

“Are you sure?” he heard Alex ask.

Lauren giggled again. “Go ask.”

“Yeah, no.”

“Then just fuck me. Fuck me like he can’t anymore. Make me cum on that big fat cock.”

Corey inhaled sharply, nearly losing his load onto the recliner’s leather.

“Don’t you think that’s a little cruel?” Alex whispered, barely audible.

“He gets off on it,” she scoffed. “Scouts honor.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever been a scout.”

Sharp puffs of air, a few sniffs, heavy exhaling.

“You’re so wet.”

“Wet for you, baby, wet for that massive cowboy dick.”

“Should I get a…?”

“Don’t worry about it. I trust you.”

“But, what about, um…him? He may want me to.”

Lauren laughed maniacally. While that came off as bone chilling through the phone, what Corey couldn’t know was that his loving wife had decided well in advance that she was going to push his proclivity hard that night.

“Fuck him, cuck’s not even here to screw me. I need a real man like you to get me off, and I want to feel all of you!”

Corey had to let go of his pulsating dick to keep from cumming right there and then. His wife had just made the not insignificant decision to let this man fuck her bareback.

Several grunts, a moan, more panting.

“Oooooooo, yes put it right there. Don’t tease me so much, damnit, just do it. Do me now.”

The couple gasped in unison. It didn’t take much imagination to know what was happening. His wife of 28 years, his soul mate and life partner, was opening her sopping wet pussy to yet another new lover.

“Mmmm, ohhhh.”

His cock would be about halfway in by now, working its way to the depths of her womb. Lauren inhaled sharply, then let it out. He was surely slipping deeper.

MASSIVE exhale; a loud “OH GOD!”

There! He just hit rock bottom.

The sheets rustled and the mattress could be heard rubbing against the box springs.

The fucking had begun in earnest.

“Um, oh, um, oh, um, oh…” Lauren’s voice grew louder as the sound of balls slapping against her promiscuous, betrothed, dripping cunt seared Corey’s ears.

Alex grunted in time to his powerful thrusts. Her arms would be holding him tight now, fingers clutching at his back as they copulated, face-to-face, cheek-to-cheek.

More sloppy kisses and tiny mewls. Little laughs and whispers in the dark between the moans. Corey listened intently as five minutes turned into fifteen, a gauntlet of emotions assaulting his senses. He was no fool. He recognized the signs. The intimacy…the passion…the tenderness. These were not two ships passing in the night. The couple wasn’t just fucking. They were making love.

“Yeah, baby, just like that. Just like that,” Lauren gasp.

“Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh,” Alex moaned incessantly.

After several minutes of semi-tender loving, Corey heard her whisper “Wait.”

The bed ceased to creak, and the impassioned sighs stopped. The voyeur husband leaned closer to his phone. There was movement to be sure, but it was impossible to say what was going on. It was only when Lauren finally spoke that it became clear.

” C’mon cowboy, mount me like a bull and fuck me like one of your heifers.”

Alex apparently wasted no time in sidling up behind her raised hips to take advantage of the offering before him, witnessed by the howl that rose from both lovers as the squeaking of the bed frame resumed.

Corey heard the ferocity of the coupling intensify. The next ten minutes proved to be exactly the opposite of the last, going from gentle lovemaking to raw, scorching sex.

It was hard to distinguish who was saying what through the tiny speakers, but a cacophony of “oh fucks, ohs shits, along with many oohs and ahhhs” filled the cabin. It was clear to Corey his wife’s world was being rocked.

“Oh my god, fuck me, oh shit, oh god, oh god, fuck me, oh my gawwwddd!

Alex could only grunt repetitively as he bore down on the filthy office executive’s leaking slit.

“Nnh, ah, nnh, ah, nnah!”

Corey pictured the Texan doggying his wife without mercy and tried to beat off in time with the man’s moans, matching his hand strokes to each cock thrust. He wished he could know more, to hear more. To be a part of it. Fortunately, his bride did not forget he was on the line.

“You like fucking my married cunt, don’t you, big man?” Lauren asked Alex between whimpers. ”You fuck it soooo good!”


“Make him a cuck, Alex. Make my husband a cuck! Let him listen how a real man makes me feel! Tell him how much you like fucking me!”

“Lauren,” Cartwright whispered. “That’s not right.”

More maniacal laughs.

“You like being in me? You want to stay there?”


“Then tell him!”


“Do it!”

A thud came across the phone, followed by both laughing.

“That’s it, ride my dick, baby!”

The cowboy was getting a cowgirl after all.

“Say it, Alex!”

He must have shaken his head.

“Say it!”



“YES, OKAY, SHIT! God, I love fucking your wife, man! How THE HELL can you let me do this?”

More gasps and grunts.

Corey nearly came, but held on, remembering the wisdom Chloe had shared with him. ”Once you’re done down there, you’re done up here” she had said pointing at his head.

It didn’t really matter. The sounds of torrid sex continued to punch relentlessly through the phone.

“Fuck me, oh fuck me,” Lauren implored repeatedly. Her filthy mouth went off on a rampage.

“Oh God, please FUCK me.

“Pull my hair!

“Give me that cock DEEP, baby!

“Slap my tits!

“Don’t you dare stop!


Corey pictured his wife bouncing on top of the big man, their naked bodies writhing together, her shiny mane hanging down in his face while they raced to a mutual climax.

“Oh, oh, oh!


“Yes, yes, yes!”

Corey’s right hand was a blur on his cock while the other fingered his large nipples. He didn’t know how much longer he could last.

“You fuck me so much better than my husband!”

“Oh yeah, baby,” Alex looked to the ceiling, trying to last just a bit longer. “Fucking you good!”

“YES, YES, YES, your big cock is gonna make me cum! Thirty years and I’ve never cum like this! Never, ever stop fucking me!”

“Shhh, your husband is listening…”

“FUCK HIM! All he’d be doing is watching us anyway, the goddmn perv! NOW FUCK ME! I want to cum!”

“Do it for ME Lauren, then! Cum for ME!”

Corey winced at another man telling his wife to cum. But it hurt so good.

Fap, fap, fap.

As the coupling entered its crescendo, the sounds of carnal pleasure devolved into a series of animalistic grunts, gasps and howls. Corey knew the pair would soon be collapsing in each other’s arms, completely exhausted.

“Oooooooooooooooooooh, baby,” Lauren yelled, “I’m there! I’m there! Gonna cum!”

“Shit, me too!” Alex bellowed, no longer able to hold off. “Where?”

“In me! Cum in me! Let me feel your love coat my whore pussy!”

It was the perfect storm. He’d never had a girl talk like that before and the nasty words sent him over the edge, roaring like a true bull as he shot his spunk deep into the warm, sticky recesses of her pink hole. Lauren reached the top of her rollercoaster just as she felt the hot load explode in her, sending her screaming into a free fall.


The unmistakable sounds of ear-splitting orgasms fifteen hundred miles away quickly escalated Corey’s own release, sending weak spurts of semen splattering over his sweatpants and hands. Waves of ecstasy poured through the speakers until the couple did indeed collapse into each other’s arms, Lauren laying her head on Alex’s chest trying to catch her breath.

Pulling a woolly sock off a foot to wipe up the mess, the third wheel husband struggled to catch the aftermath the best he could through the small speakers. It was at first very quiet, with only occasional sighs and kisses. Then came the soft giggles and whispering.

Whispering and giggles.

Giggles and whispering.

Not everything was discernible, but Corey heard enough.

“That was amazing.


“This day has been very special.

“So glad we met.

“Can I see you again?”

“Come here, you.”

Corey frowned as his eyes teared up. In his post-nut clarity, it became clear that Alex and his wife were sharing an intimacy not yet seen between her and her other lovers. What he was hearing was true pillow talk, the kind that fostered feelings that could lead to a longer relationship. One that may not include him.

With the fresh smell of self-induced cum stinging his nostrils, Corey pondered - as he often did - whether he’d pushed things too far…again. This new dynamic could very well signal a whole new chapter in their lives and it may be one with some undesirable permanency.

The Sunday night darkness closed in around him as his shaking hand picked up the remote and turned off the television.

The game simply didn’t matter anymore.

Did anything?


Zane Picardo looked with disgust at the cell phone vibrating on the work bench in his home garage. It was the third time ringing in the last fifteen minutes. Didn’t people know Sunday evenings were the only time he had to maintain the love of his life? It would soon be spring and riding season was just around the corner. Ignoring the interruption, he continued to work the chromium steel wrench against a rather difficult nut. Bessy was getting up in years and she could sometimes be a bitch. Just as he was able to break it free, the doorbell rang.

“No fuckin’ way.”

Wiping his hands on a shop towel, the biker walked across the blue epoxied floor and into his house, looking at the clock in the foyer as he moved towards the front door.

Ten o’clock.

“Somethin’ better be on fire,” he growled, throwing open the door.

To his relief, nothing was. It was just his goddaughter, probably the last person he would have expected.

“Hi Unca Zane!” Caroline Miller stood before him with a suitcase in hand, shivering. “A fire would be good right about now.”

“Hey, girl, get your ass in here. What’s wrong?”

“Nuthhhin’”, the young high school counselor replied playfully. “Can’t a goddaughter see her godfather once in a while?”

“Uh, yeah, sure. But we just did at Thanksgiving though, so…”

“Well, I was on my way back to Colorado from visiting Mom, so I stopped over to see from friends. And now you! I tried to call first, but no answer.”

Zane watched as she shrugged off a thick white parka and carefully hung it in the coat closet. He couldn’t help notice how nicely she filled out a form fitting cream-colored ribbed turtleneck sweater and designer jeans. A spitting image of her mother…with bigger breasts.

“All good in the mountains?”

“Snowing its ass off right now. My flight goes out tomorrow afternoon, but not looking good.”

“That sucks. Where are you staying?”

Caroline stuffed her hands in her back pockets and fixed him with large puppy dog eyes. The net effect with her chest thrust out was somewhere between provocative and childish. “That’s sort of a problem. You see, I was staying at my girlfriend’s Stephanie’s place, but she’s got the flu now and I don’t want to get sick.”

“Makes sense. But you’ve got lots of friends.”

“They all have one-bedrooms and boyfriends.”

“Your dad?”

“Bed’s torn apart for the move.”

The mechanic began to see the writing on the wall. A month ago, having her stay with him wouldn’t have been a big deal. But now, since the Ashley date…

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Cee. Let me get you a nice hotel room.”

“Already called ‘em all. Not a damn bed available,” Caroline lamented, shaking her head dramatically.

Zane sighed. That much he believed. There was a huge convention in town.

“Okay, you can take the guest bedroom. I’ll see if my buddy Clyde can run you to the airport tomorrow while I’m at work.”

‘THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Uncle Zane!” Caroline exclaimed, hugging his neck, her abundant sweater pressed snugly against his chest. “I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it. Room’s down the hall and to the right. Kitchen is that way. Fridge has beer, sandwich meat, and beer. Take your pick. I’ll be out in the garage if you need anything.”

“Thanks! You won’t regret this.”

Don’t be too sure about that, the biker thought to himself as he forced his eyes away from the tight little butt walking down the hallway.

Suddenly he felt a great need to be back in the cold garage.

Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:43 am

The 'Detrevrep' Consortium....LOL!!

I have to say that in the second to last section my mind was going through some mental gymnastics trying to figure out who was on top, bottom or behind who...but it's all good as that's a fun type of thing to try to visually figure out and in the end it was all good; Alex, Lauren and Corey all came...and so did I.

I'm predicting a permanent life ( marital ) change for our tragic 'hero' Corey between now and the remaining 5 weeks before he moves down....guess we'll see.

Very curious scene at end with Caroline and Zane...

Another great chapter and thanks for the entertainment.

OHW Addict
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Location: Chicago, Il

Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:35 pm

SimpleEnigma wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:54 am
Depending on a reader's perspective, I'd have to agree Lauren and Corey have certainly hit a rough spot. This is an intentional arc. gesdell stated "The author has made her a one dimensional character that loves cock and nothing more." This is a key observation about the fictional Lauren and can't disagree, but it does have roots in reality. Sadly - or gladly, again, depending on perspective - a year or so after we began playing, my Lauren and a couple of her girlfriends (one who is still part of our circle) DID had a year or so where they were complete unapologetic cum buckets, just like the fictional Lauren has become. It was akin to the child that is sheltered all the way through high school and then goes off the rails in college. They fucked everything that moved. In fact, one time I caught her and a friend - who was at the time a part-time escort - hooking just "for the the thrill of it." So yeah, for a time she was "one dimensional and loved cock and nothing more". It was during that time I discovered a penchant for a bit of humiliation. Once she discovered that, there was a period where she was particularly cruel, whether it was when she was fucking someone in my presence or telling me about it later. Now, since my personal penchants lean towards this type of thing, I learned to tolerate and enjoy that "year (or two) of the slut" phase and spent many nights masturbating alone, all the while questioning whether it was worth it or not. I sit here today and can tell you it was, because the last 30+ years have been very, very happy and satisfying ones for us both.

Lastly, regarding the injection of Caroline into the picture. Remember, we try to "rip from the headlines" those tales that are told to us and weave them into the story. One couple in "the circle" - who honestly really are THE audience we are writing to - recently revealed that when they were younger (they are nearing 60 now), one of their adult daughters discovered their secret. This was in a very liberal city in California and as it turns out, the daughter was pretty promiscuous too and wanted "in". Nothing incestous ever happened (that they'll admit to us anyway) but the daughter did set her mom up with some dates and even double dated a couple times, all the while cucking my now buddy. How's that for fucked up? Anyway, they continue to relive those days during pillow talk and asked us to weave that in if possible. (Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying the latest chapter!)

mundyman: all good provocative thoughts and ones we will definitely take into consideration.

So, before I have to board, let me just say this: while the story may seem fucked up now - and it is - please know we don't want to change the trajectory of the lives we've collectively lived just so it isn't. While the story relies on heavy embellishment to keep it interesting and hopefully sexy, it is based on lifetimes of real experiences and will continue to do so. The reality is (pardon the pun), and those who have lived it know, there are a lot of dynamics when playing with sex and emotions and its not all sunny days and butterflies. There are peaks and valleys, extremes on both ends, and hurt feelings. Some relationships survive and others do not. To pretend otherwise would be an affront to those who are living it or have been in someway touched by this unconventional lifestyle.

Let's see how Lauren and Corey come out on the other side of all this.

Thanks for reading.

Please, please, please don’t make us wait another three months for the next installment.
I appreciate the effort to write another chapter in this scorching hot story.
This seems like an interlude to something bigger.
Nothing about Caroline?
Only one fuck for Lauren, especially with her angry, hungry pussy bent on revenge.
Can’t wait for the next chapter.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Tue Sep 27, 2022 8:05 am

Excellent chapter!!

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:51 am

Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by knighter33 » Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:16 pm

Best Story Ever!

Posts: 247
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:21 am

Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by lkh96 » Fri Sep 30, 2022 9:31 am

Simple you have to make it a weekly newsletter. It is so good.

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:32 pm

Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by seles » Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:12 pm

Love it! Please continue writing.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:12 pm

Dear readers,

The next few chapters will attempt to chronicle a period of time when the real life Lauren and some of her girlfriends went off the rails and pretty much fucked anything that moved. It is a time when they not only cucked their husbands hard, but also had encounters which many of them are not proud of today. Please keep in mind their 'slut years' did indeed happen over a period of years, and therefore must be condensed to fit within the timelines of this fable. As such, only a few of their stories can be told here.



January 15th. Six weeks to go.

Lauren Miller blinked as she pinched her nose between thumb and forefinger as the white powder stung her nostrils and stripped all mucus from her throat, leaving only a sweet, metallic taste behind. Getting high before work was completely out-of-character for the studious executive, but she needed help launching. No amount of espresso was going to make up for leaving Alex Cartwright's boat at three a.m., her pussy so raw it was difficult to get out of bed that morning. In that moment, the coke earned on her knees in front of Stretch Madison was worth every sperm the pretty brunette had to swallow to get it.

Ah, Alex. Agreeable, lovable Alex.

The date with the big Texan had ended exactly how Lauren had hoped, with his cock inside her, leaving her husband to masturbate while listening in. It would only have been better if Corey could have been there to see her latest lover bury that big El Paso dick deep, causing wave after wave of screaming orgasms. Yes, she was embracing his fetish, and intended on keeping her promise to serve it up every chance she got.

Alex’s strict upbringing had made him a reluctant bull. Although he struggled with the idea of dating a married woman and willfully humiliating another guy, he’d shown a lot of promise as a potential boyfriend, just as Corey had suggested.

And the sex! Sweet Jesus, the sex. Hot, sticky, voluminous…not what she had expected from a god-fearing rancher’s son. Yet, there was something more to it, a tenderness unlike Lauren had experienced since giving in to Corey’s kink. Most of the men she’d been with had simply used her as a toy; a cumdump and nothing more. Not that there was anything wrong with that. In fact, her experiences now had helped her remember just how gratifying no holds barred sex could be. Regardless of how considerate Corey tried to be when they made love, that was an itch he knew he couldn’t scratch any longer.

But as much as she liked the rough stuff, Alex also had a mellow, tender side. Lauren hoped that Corey had heard them lying in each other’s arms, whispering sweet nothings. She hoped he understood the fire he was playing with as her and Alex cuddled. It was just one more turn of the torture rack’s ratchet, fulfilling her promise to cuck him relentlessly.

Cuckold. Her heart would always belong to Corey, but the world he’d opened the door to was too exciting, too bold to go back. Lauren knew she’d become a slut of infinite proportions, and only hoped Corey could embrace her kinks as well.

No matter how hard she was about to shred him.


“One more!” Zane Picardo barked as his older friend struggled to complete lifts. Although Corey had been back in the gym for a couple months now, there had been little progress. After their reconciliation, he'd taken the biker's offer to help him train.

But why does it have to be before dawn?

“Atta boy,” the bigger man celebrated the accomplishment. “Let’s grab some water and move to the bells.”

Corey nodded, twisting off a bottle cap. “Really appreciate you helping me get back into shape, brother. You should see some of the natives down there in Florida. They actually lift on the beach. I need to look good for Lauren.”

“Meh, most of them fuckers got tiny dicks.”

That prompted an uneasy quiet. Any mention of Lauren between the men - at least in the foreseeable future - was sure to be awkward. Corey also knew that Zane was now aware of his inadequacies and wasn’t altogether sure that comment wasn’t a dig.

Feeling the tension, the mechanic quickly changed the subject.

“So, um, how are the girls? Seen them lately?” It was clearly a fishing expedition.

“Not since Thanksgiving. Caroline visited Lauren over the holiday, though. Why?”

Zane spied some rather fit female gym rats and pointed them out. Corey followed his friend’s gaze to the lovelies on the tread mills. Just more potential notches in his bedpost, he presumed. Just like the one that has my wife’s name engraved on it forever.

“Just checking, that’s all.”

Zane didn’t really care about the nearby women. He was more interested in finding out why Caroline had shown up at his place with her ‘stuck in town with nowhere to go” story rather than seek out her own father. That was most peculiar. And weird.


Lauren sat in her office at Rekrap Industries, still coasting on the remnants of that morning’s coke, trying to stay awake. So, when a distinctive ringtone peeled from her purse, she pounced on it gratefully.

It was Chloe Ceallaigh.

“Hey babe,” Lauren smiled through the phone. She could almost smell her friend’s intoxicating perfume. “What’s shakin’?”

“Hi there,” Chloe replied hastily. “Did you get my message?”

“I did, but I've been busy. Sorry.”

“You fucking johns in alleys again?”

“Of course not, I’ve moved on to boats now.”

"Shut up! Did you do the cowboy?”


“Big dick?”

“That and more. Smart, gentle, dreamy.”

"Those are dangerous adjectives to use when you’re married, sister.”

Lauren started to respond to the insinuation but stopped. It hit a little too close to home.

“Speaking of sisters,” the cute redhead continued, “you remember my suggestion? You know…that you reel in that little fantasy of yours? Put some controls around it?”

“Yeah, or I’ll wind up dead.”

“Right. Anyway…my side job…there’s a client who has a special request.”

“What’s so special about it?”

“Well, for one, it can only be pulled off by two ladies who have a…considerable age difference.”

"And you want me to be your sidekick?"

"Well," Chloe hesitated, "more like an older sister."

The Miller matriarch cleared her throat. She could feel the moistness forming between her legs.

"I...I see. Well, that certainly is a niche."

"Yeah, a niche that pays us each a grand."

"Chloe, I don't need the cash."

"I know you don't," the dancer conceded. "Someone like you needs far more than what money can buy."

Lauren knew her friend was dead on. The urge to peddle herself had been there for a long time, just suppressed underneath all that…mommy-ness.



“This Wednesday?”

“Is that a problem?”

“I can’t. Too much stuff at the office, and…and I have to get ready to go back to Iowa. Raincheck?”

There was a definite disappointment in the silence that followed, then a sigh.

“Sure, why not? I was really looking forward to working with you, though. Showing you the ropes.”

“Maybe you can show me those ropes when I get back?” the randy office manager chuckled. “Tight ropes.”

“Oooooh, you’re getting kinky in your old age, slut.”


The women blew kisses at each other and hung up, leaving Lauren’s panties to whisk away juicy droplets oozing from her slit. The thought of selling herself was as burning as ever, especially since those Cubans had taken her. Chloe’s gig would have allowed a safer environment, of course, but was that really where the appeal was? As twisted as it seemed, the attraction for Lauren came from the leering and being a piece of meat on display. It was hot, decadent, not to mention illegal. That’s what got her motor running, so much so she briefly considered taking a long lunch to visit with the Chairman of the Board, who was always eagerly awaiting her in the nightstand drawer at home.

“Mrs. Miller?”

Lauren jumped as her secretary startled her out of the daydream.


“I have Mr. Alvarez on the line.”

Pedro Alvarez was Rekrap’s CFO.

“Put him through.”

There were a few clicks, then a booming voice.

“Lauren, can you come up to the eight floor right away.”

“Sure. What’s up.”

“Looks like we’re being audited. Gonna need your help.”

Lauren stared at the phone. Shit. She’d been through audits before and they tended to consume every waking hour.

“Of course. I’ll be right there.”


Corey drove through the nearly completed medical complex which had been under construction for over two years. As one of the project managers, he took immense pride in delivering it on time and only slightly over budget. Almost ready to serve the community, the only things left were some mechanical installations and a bit of flat work, items that would be done in just a few weeks. That would trigger the greatest milestone of all: his moving to Florida and unification with Lauren. While he hoped the house would sell quickly, no way would he be waiting around for a bite. Not after all this time. The realtor could handle the sale; his place was beside his wife, and it'd been too long. As the sun began to set on that Monday afternoon, he swung the old truck towards the suburbs and tuned to a favorite classic rock station.

The move to Miami would certainly be cause for celebration, but it didn't come without some trepidation. After all, Lauren had developed her own life there, along with a bevy of pretty, pretty friends around which her world now revolved. Would they accept him or consider him an outsider? While he’d always been the friendly, outgoing sort, could a hard rock loving, t-shirt and bell bottom kind of guy from the Midwest fit in with the ‘it’ crowd? Maybe...maybe not.

And what of the lovers Lauren had amassed along the way?

Max, the club owner. Ground zero. Where it all started. Apparently, something of a bull, Lauren had arranged their first ever threesome with him, on a billionaire’s yacht no less.

Tommy, the neighbor. A college athlete with a big heart and an even bigger cock. He seemed very appreciative of the opportunity to fuck a MILF like Lauren.

Tony, Tommy’s fraternity brother. A cocky son-of-a-bitch who appeared to get off on cucking Corey. The guy could dish it out, reveling in making the older man squirm. In an odd way, the kid was currently the running favorite.

Those other frat kids, Hunter and Roman. Tony's friends who helped destroy Lauren in a limo, which ended with her blowing the driver to pay for leaving a mess. That encounter solidified her as a burgeoning slut.

Steve Hamilton. The Rekrap engineer who fancied himself a bull but was too wrapped up in his own fantasies. Corey had flown in unexpectedly and caught Lauren on a chance date with that head case.

Amy Rosinner. One hot fucking blonde and one of Lauren’s best friends. A legal secretary at Rekrap, the two went out partying quite a bit. To Corey’s knowledge, Amy was his wife's first lesbian lover. The images of those two in bed with Tony and Tommy were seared in his brain forever - and he had a video to prove it.

Jax, the porn star apparent. From all accounts, a professional bull and star of several adult films. Fucked Lauren to within inches of her life.

Chloe, the exotic dancer and sometimes escort. A cunning and sexy twenty-year-old redhead who was wise beyond her years. Looking to retire at thirty, she was another one of Lauren's lovers. Pure sex-on-a-stick, this one even let Corey bust a nut in her. Seemed Lauren and Amy hung out a lot at the strip club Chloe worked at; indicating a clear shift in his wife's attitude.

In between all that partying, his wife had also found time to prostitute herself, in both the traditional and corporate sense, giving in to a newfound fetish of her own. He didn't really consider those Cubans 'friends'. They were more like paying customers, and her banging the owner of that chemical company to secure a contract was textbook corporate whoring, pure and simple.

And now...Alex Cartwright. Of all her ‘pals’, this one worried Corey the most. Certainly, he couldn’t blame her for being attracted to the big fella. He was a mountain of a man with a quiet demeanor, and ostensibly had the equipment necessary to please a woman. That is, if Lauren's screams had meant anything.

Tex also seemed to possess the disposition of a benevolent bull; albeit a reluctant one. This would be key if Lauren continued to see him. Although alpha in almost everything, Corey had found being a beta in the bedroom most intriguing. Being humiliated in the right moment was overwhelmingly hot. He knew it didn't make sense…hell, nothing these days did...but it did excite him to no end. Having someone willing to help cultivate that penchant was a lucky find indeed.

That was, of course, if Lauren didn't fancy him too much. Corey had read about wives in the lifestyle leaving their husbands in the dust for a lover, and Alex definitely checked all those boxes. Perhaps too much. Her other encounters had been purely about the sex and acquiescing to Corey's kinks. It was hard to put his finger on it, but there seemed to be a connection between her and this guy that went far beyond the ‘wham bam, thank you ma’am’. And therein lied the danger.

After all, it wasn’t the sharing of her body that bothered Corey the most; it was the sharing of her heart.


Zane gestured a quick goodbye to his ride and hustled through the bone chilling wind to the front door of the house he’d once shared with his wife Abby. After being married and childless for nearly ten years, she'd taken the truck, half his salary, and most of the furniture in the divorce. Thankfully, he got Bessy and the house. And he suspected the only reason her lawyers didn't come after that is because she didn’t want to be bothered with the cost of home ownership. Whatever.

Twisting the key in the lock, he swore that someday he’d get a four-wheeled beater of his own so he didn't have to bum rides in the winter. Opening the door, a savory aroma hit his nostrils, the kind which had not been smelled there for a long, long time.

“I’m in here, Uncle Zane!”

As her godfather walked into the kitchen and set down his backpack, Caroline Miller giggled at the greasy uniform.

“Ew, someone needs a shower.”

“Later. I have to finish seating Bessy. You know, someone interrupted me last night and I didn’t get to finish.”

“Sorrrreeee. Maybe you'll get to finish tonight.”

Zane stopped splashing water on his face, wondering if the double entendre was intentional, or he was just a dirty old man. He ignored it and grabbed a hand towel.

“I got the text. Sucks your flight was cancelled.”

“True that. But there's one first thing in the morning. Don’t worry, I’ll take a ride-share.”

“Good. Not sure Clyde is available tomorrow. No worries, looks like you'll be here another night. You know where the bedroom is.”

“Indeed, I do,” Caroline smiled coyly. “Care for some meatloaf?”

“Seriously? How’d you manage that from sandwich meat and beer?”

“No, silly,” she laughed, pulling off the lid to the crock pot and inhaling. “I found some frozen hamburger in the freezer. It was like a year old, but what the heck? Add brown sugar and some condiments…meatloaf!”

Zane couldn’t help his eyes drifting to the cute brunette’s butt as she bent over to remove potatoes from the oven. Then reality smacked him in the face.

That’s your goddaughter for Christ’s sake.


The meal was one of the best the biker had eaten in some time. Chef Derrick had some good shit down at the diner, but this was off the chain. Luckily, Lauren’s talent in the kitchen had apparently been passed on. After grabbing a beer, he holed up in the garage and began installing a newly acquired seat on his Harley-Davidson Cruiser. Picardo longed for the day when he could finally take her out of winter mothballs and go for a long ride without freezing his nuts off. Soon, he told himself, rubbing the gas tank with love…soon.

It was while Zane was hanging the 7/16” on the work bench that his house guest slowly sauntered into the garage and straddled the machine he so loved. In fact, he nearly dropped a wrench when he turned and saw Caroline with a foot on the crank and both hands on the handlebars. Gone were the soft sweater and comfortable jeans, replaced by tight shiny black leather pants, matching ankle boots, and his own favorite riding jacket. Gone was the innocent persona of the family friend he had watched grow up. That face was now covered with dark, gothic makeup and the jacket…the jacket was unzipped with absolutely nothing underneath. No blouse, no bra, nothing. Just plenty of naked skin, from her lovely neck to delectable navel.

“Enjoy your dinner, Uncle Zane?” she asked. “Still hungry?”

The biker slammed his jaw shut, trying to avoid staring at the girl thirty years his junior.

"I’m good.”

Caroline pulled one of the flaps of the jacket back and flashed a tit and hard nipple.

Picardo stared out the window. “Aren’t you a little chilly?”

She looked down and covered herself. “Oops, I guess I am.”

Now, the mechanic was not a meek man. Late fifties, divorced, and still with a strong sex drive. Under any other circumstances he wouldn’t have hesitated in picking up what this chick was laying down. But this was not just any girl. This was his friends' daughter. A no-go zone.

A no-go? Uh huh, sure buddy boy, just like her mother was, huh? How’d that turn out?

“I think it’s time you go back in…”

Yep, that was definitely the right response. His eyes flitted from the window to the bike, then back again. Damned if she wasn’t the spitting image of her mother, whorish makeup and all.

Caroline tilted that toothsome head to one side and held out her phone. “Sure, anything you say. In a minute. Mind taking a few pictures of me on your bike first?”

Zane's eyes narrowed. He sensed imminent peril.


"Puh-leeze? For my boyfriend. Honest."

“I’m not very good at taking pictures.”

Caroline’s pretty face lost all expression.

“That’s not what mother told me.”

Zane’s mouth ran dry.

“What exactly did she tell you?”

“Cut the shit. You know,” Caroline purred, climbing off the bike and inching closer.

What her mom had told her was nothing, really; it was all conjecture. But it hadn’t taken much to figure out. She'd gone out of town with the mechanic to that award ceremony - wearing the sluttiest of clothes - and the two had spent the night in Bakersfield. What else was there to know?

And the younger Miller wanted some of that too.

“No, Cee, I don’t know. Try me.”

“That’s exactly why I’m here. To try you.”

Jesus Fucking Christ. There it was, he had his answer. No more pretending.

"I don't think that's a very good idea."

Caroline pouted, extending her lower lip in a decidedly flirty way. She couldn't turn back now. Ever since that dream, where she'd joined her mother and the biker in bed while her father masturbated furiously nearby, she’d been wondering about his prowess. The fact that he’d done her mom just made it hotter.

Zane’s head was spinning, and not from the beer. It was clear now why this young minx had shown up on his doorstep and it spelled tons of trouble. He'd just made amends with his best friend for screwing his wife, and now the guy’s daughter was making a pass at him. What the fuck?

Still, the corporeal scene before him was not something a red-blooded man could easily ignore. After all, this wasn’t the little girl he and Abbey used to babysit. Goddaughter or not, this was a fully grown woman, almost thirty, who knew exactly what she was doing.

And doing it well.

“Now, about those pictures.”

Caroline straddled Bessy and leaned way back on the big hog, letting her long black hair dangle over the bitch seat and down the rear fender. Feet on footrests, the big Harley’s gas tank snug between her legs, she spread them wide, revealing a most inviting cameltoe. Doing so also caused the flaps of the unzipped jacket to fall away from her chest, fully exposing her breasts and erect nipples.


Zane inhaled sharply and tried to keep his cool. Against his best judgement, he raised the phone and began snapping pics.

I am surely going to hell for this.


After a lousy frozen TV dinner with nice blue sauce, Corey decided to while away the remaining minutes until Monday night football by beginning to assess the myriad of dusty items in the attic. Lauren and he weren't planning to buy a house for at least a year, so anything they wanted to keep would have to be stored by the moving company. As such, it was important only essentials were kept. And as every homeowner knows, the basement and attic can be the toughest, since that is where memories go to languish; those they don't want to see every day but can't bear to part with. And as if to validate that, the first shoe box he came to contained a bunch of past birthday cards from Lauren's pals.

Gail Weathersby. Shit. Of all people to be there when Picardo shouted out that he’d fucked Lauren.

I mean, seriously?

The patrons and staff had surely steeled themselves for a fight. Not an unreasonable expectation when one man informs another that he'd had sex with his wife. But that didn't happen. No chest puffing, no yelling, no fists. Just a quick exit by both men, together.

What must they think?

Gail was sure to be spreading what she’d seen, confirming the speculation that had been circulating amongst their friends for months.

'There WAS something to those social media posts after all, they'd say.

'Should have known. Lauren partying all the time. Men hanging on her barely dressed body. What a whore! Flirting right there for all to see, including her poor husband.'

'What about Corey? Was the guy blind? And why didn’t he lash out at Zane? For most men, that revelation would have ended violently. Did he know his wife was acting like a tramp?'

The project manager cringed. That he was being cuckolded - willingly or not - would soon be known to all of Des Moines. His boss and coworkers would know, as well as their church and book club. Being outed was just one more turn of the screw to boost his ever-growing angst.

And it aroused him to no end.


With edgy steps, Zane circled the beautiful trollop that sat atop his bike, snapping one shot after another while she followed his movements, repositioning her half-naked body in various kittenish poses. After several agonizing minutes, Caroline slid off the cruiser and strolled over to him, one leg carefully in front of the other, taking a page out of a beauty pageant walk. Stopping just inches from his large, muscular frame, she stood with one knee bent slightly, hands on hips. Transfixing the biker with a crooked smile, the gorgeous brunette allowed his heavy jacket to slip off her shoulders and down to the elbows, fully exposing the contour of her neck, soft skin, and large milky white breasts.

Peering down at the sultry family friend, Picardo swallowed hard. Somehow, over the last twenty-something years, she’d turned into an absolute goddess. He'd never seen it, or maybe didn't want to, but here she was now. Young, firm, and oh so sexy. Lauren 2.0 to be sure. Was it any wonder he was having trouble shutting this down? Zane began to shake, knowing that he’d once been weak enough to allow his best friend’s wife to seduce him. And was now about to make the same mistake with his daughter.

“What’s the matter?” Caroline asked, her heavy eyes looking into his very soul. “Don’t you find me pretty?”

“Yes. I mean, no. NO!”

Zane fumbled for the right words, handing back her phone. “What I mean is, this HAS to end right now.”

"What has to end?" Caroline asked, feigning ignorance, her fingers climbing across his chest.

"Cee..." There was an air of warning in his voice.

The black-haired seductress stepped even closer, accepting the device, her perky breasts jiggling defiantly.

“You didn’t deny my mother, did you?”

A dainty hand reached out and rubbed his tenting crotch. Picardo ran four or five fingers through his hair, visibly shaken. The more he tried to defuse the situation, the more she escalated. It appeared to be hopeless.

“I think we best stop…”

Caroline wrapped her arms around Zane’s weathered neck, a fully naked chest pressing into his.

“You fucked my mom, didn’t you? Banged the ever-loving shit out of her.”

“Please stop…”

The feisty guidance counselor smirked. “Not a fucking chance.”


It was a futile cry for help and they both knew it. Like her mother before, Caroline was successfully kicking the big man's resistance to the curb.

“No, what?” the youngest girl giggled, lowering the zipper of his filthy jeans.

“We can’t…I can’t. It’s not right.” What is it with these Miller chicks?

“What’s not?”

“I can’t make love to you.”

Caroline finished shrugging off the leather jacket, dropping it with a thud to the epoxied floor. The mechanic groaned. With only the tight leather pants and boots left, she was something right out of a motorcycle spank mag. Her hands closed around his thick cock.

“Don’t be silly, Uncle Zane. I don't want to make love. I want you to use me like a cumdump slut. Just like Mom.”

The divorcee knew he was beaten. His head tilted back as his goddaughter's luscious mouth descended around his cock.

“Definitely going to hell.”


“Bye Jada, bye Shaniqua!” Chloe wiggled her fingers at the other dancers as she and Charlie headed towards the employee exit. “Aida, baby, you got my Wednesday shift, right?”

“I got you,” a woman’s voice echoed down the corridor that led to the Randy Sandy’s stage.

Smiling, Charlie held the door open for his best friend and they began making their way across the lot to his bright yellow Kia. Suddenly, he stopped abruptly.

“Shit,” he cursed angrily, groping his shorts. “Keys are on your dressing table. Be right back.”

Chloe nodded happily and pulled out her phone to check messages. She’d gotten half-way through some texts when a disembodied voice called out from a chain-link fence.

“Hi Autumn.”

The stripper looked suspiciously towards the sound of crunching gravel and saw a bulky man with a shaved head emerge from the shadows. He quickly closed the gap between them.

“I’m Adam. Do you recognize me? I come here at least once a week to watch you dance. You’re beautiful."

Chloe looked nervously towards the employees' entrance, then around the parking lot. It was deserted, typical for a Monday night. She moved a hand to her purse where she kept a small canister of mace but wasn’t fast enough. The stalker grabbed her arm, and in doing so the pepper spray rolled out and landed at his feet. He studied it with maddening contempt.

“Goddamnit, bitch, were you going to dose me with that? All I wanted to do was say hi.”

“STOP, you’re hurting me!”

“Then this will feel really good, you stupid whore!”

The first backhand stung Chloe’s cheek. The second one knocked her to the ground.

“STOP IT!” she screamed, scurrying backwards, dragging her butt across the gravel. Small stones cut into her hands. “GET AWAY FROM ME!”

The rabid assailant stood over the terrified girl and poised to deliver another strike, when suddenly...miraculously...he wasn’t there anymore. Behind her, she heard the loud popping noises of skin on skin and turned to see Charlie on top of the guy, fists wailing unmercifully in a fit of rage. Chloe had to yell his name several times before he finally glanced over at her, eyes burning with an anger she'd never seen from him. Instantly, he was by her side, helping her up, and using his shirt to stem the trickle of blood from her face.

“Are you okay? I’m so sorry I forgot the keys,” Charlie apologized profusely, gathering the dancer in his arms. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“Take me home,” Chloe begged, sinking into his broad chest, holding on for dear life. In that singular moment, she realized there was no place she’d rather be. It felt more than just right. It felt like…forever. “Please just take me home.”

In their concern for each other, they hadn't noticed the deranged customer scampering off.

“We should call the police," Charlie opined. "That creep might come back for one of the other girls.”

“Cops don’t give a shit about strippers, you should know that by now. Can’t you just tell George?”

George Franklin was the security manager on duty at the club.

Charlie nodded. “Fine, I’ll call him on the way out.” He pressed the shirt to her bleeding forehead. “You may need stitches.”

Not wasting any time, the young man quickly helped the apple of his eye into the passenger seat of the Kia and strapped her in. As he was lifting away to close the door, she pulled him back. For the first time in their odd platonic relationship, Chloe kissed her friend passionately, with more feeling than she'd felt in a long time. Maybe ever.

“Thank you,” she breathed heavily, not at all trying to hide her emotions. “You’re the best.”


Lauren stepped off the stair master and wiped beading sweat from her face. It was no surprise she had the gym all to herself at ten o’clock on a Monday night. She didn’t typically workout that late, but the coke had not yet allowed her to wind down.

As she cooled off, an email from a national package carrier lit up her phone, announcing a delivery to the front desk. Likely a dress she had special ordered for the upcoming reunion. After thoroughly wiping down the machine, Lauren tossed the small cloth in the used towel bin and made her way through the lobby to retrieve it. Unfortunately, no one was manning the concierge’s desk.


No answer. There didn’t seem to be a soul around, and the bell on the podium was missing.

Then she heard it. Low at first. Muffled voices from the employees-only office, the one where they held residents’ packages. Pushing through a small half-gate, she stepped lightly to a thin door which was partially cracked open. From there, Lauren could see Harvey the doorman sitting in a chair facing the opposite way, watching TV. Only it wasn't television.

”You like that slut?” came a familiar voice. ”Well, do you?”

”YES, YES, fuck that cunt! Do me! Do me!”

Lauren’s jaw dropped. That one was way too familiar!

“What the fuck, Harvey?” she screamed, crashing through the door.

The old man turned with a fearful look, nearly falling off the chair.

“Mrs. Miller, I uh…”

“Show it to me!”

He attempted to hide the phone but failed. “Show you what?”

“Harvey, so help me God!”

The concierge harrumphed loudly and held up the small screen.

”Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”

Lauren’s naked profile, as well as Luke Walters’ skinny frame, were unmistakable, clearly showing fifteen B pounding twenty-three F from behind in the gym’s sauna.

Shit, shit, shit!

“I need you to delete that,” Lauren demanded, standing above the old man. “Right the fuck now.”

Harvey sneered back at her. “I don’t think so.”

“C'mon now, don't be like that. You've had your fun.”

“Not anywhere near as Mr. Walters, huh? What’s in it for me?”

“How much?”

“I dunno. How much is it worth to keep it from your MIA husband?”

Lauren almost cracked a smile. You’d be barking up the wrong tree, there mister.

“Please delete it.”

Harvey gave his slutty resident a once over, admiring her tight yoga pants and sports bra. She felt the leer and crossed her arms, suddenly feeling vulnerable.

“I don’t want your money,” he snorted, turning his back on the frustrated brunette. “Ruth left me plenty when she died.”

Seeing that financial gain was not the right approach, Lauren tightened her jaw and decided to use a gentler style. She had to destroy the video. Something like that in the wrong hands could ruin her plans to make VP.

“When did you lose her?”

“Two years ago next month, God bless her soul,” the eighty-year-old responded soulfully. He flinched when the softness of a hand press down on one shoulder, then the other. It had been a long time since he’d been touched that way.

“You must miss her dearly.”

"We had our moments."

Long fingers walked slowly across the widower’s chest, the diamond of a wedding ring catching the fluorescent light of the office.

“I bet you did.”

Lauren’s cheek was now next to his, her long black hair dangling into his lap. Her hands inched up and down his torso with special attention paid to those elderly nipples.

“What do you miss the most about her?”

“Her smile I guess.”

“Not her body?”

The old man shook his head slowly, allowing himself to enjoy the caresses he so missed.

“She was seventy-five,” he chuckled.

“Fair enough.”

Lauren spun the office chair around so Harvey faced her. He seemed startled and confused.

“What about mine?"

She shook her ass in his face.

"I see you watching every day. Do you think about me a lot?”

The rakish porter’s eyes wandered over the tight leggings, then to her small spandex-wrapped breasts and exposed, firm abs. He nodded.

“I’ve watched that slinky bottom of yours walk through my lobby for months now. You’re quite the Sheba, Mrs. Miller.”

“Why, thank you.”

Harvey’s eyes widened when Lauren sank to her knees and began to unbutton his uniform vest. She winced at his crinkly, flabby, and distended stomach.

“Will you delete it?” Lauren asked in a sing-song voice, trying to take her mind off the repulsive sight.


Like a champ, the wayward wife dragged a finger down the middle of the concierge’s pot-marked belly, tongue flicking as her mouth glided over the ancient navel. Harvey quivered when she unzipped his slacks and hovered above his shrunken, circumcised glans. The cunning vamp, no stranger to sucking cock now, looked at the decrepit meat the same way as a child looked at a dinner plate of liver. With a deep breath, Lauren closed her eyes and engulfed the entire shriveled shaft on the first try, then proceeded to do what she did best these days.

“Judas Priest,” the old man moaned. “It’s been…so long.”

The dick quivered at her ministrations. Gagging only a couple times, not from the size but from what could only be described as ‘old people’s’ odor, she fought the foul aroma that wafted up from his underwear. Everyone knows that smell, a vexatious combination of moribund flesh and lack of good hygiene.

In twenty years, Corey may very well be this man.

Despite the unpleasantness, she soldiered on, determined to expunge that goddamn video. Between the deep dives and tongue swirling, Lauren managed to keep the desiccated penis hard enough to convince Harvey to do the right thing.

“Delete it!” she pleaded again.


“You want to cum?"


When she looked up, she knew the video was as good as gone. It was evident he’d not had a proper blowjob in decades and the immense appreciation in the lonely man’s eyes somewhat softened the animosity Lauren had initially felt towards him. With trembling hands, the doorman held out the phone as the scene looped over and over and over. Lauren stopped sucking and pressed the trash can icon, then confirmed deletion. It instantly disappeared from the screen.

Mission accomplished, she proceeded to fulfill her part of the bargain. Quick strokes and the work of a skilled cocksucker ensured Harvey didn’t last much longer. Lauren’s mouth was soon filled with god awful, nasty tasting semen that nearly made her vomit. She had learned to love cum, but the thick, smelly cream - almost pus-like in consistency - was nothing short of noxious. Instead of swallowing as she had intended, Lauren ran to a waste basket in a corner of the office and spat it out.

“Must be the asparagus,” the old codger laughed at her leaning over the can.

“That’s not fucking vegetables,” she frowned, grabbing the phone and cycling through his photos. It was a disgusting assortment of voyeuristic snaps of other female residents walking through the lobby, but the video itself was gone.

“Cloud backups?”

“Cloud what?”

Satisfied, Lauren handed him back the phone. “Pervert.”

“You gotta lotta room to talk, lady.”



“Just get me my package, please.”


Caroline needed little encouragement as she tried to swallow Zane’s hefty eight inches, massaging his balls while he grabbed the back of her head and held it fast. What she couldn’t take, she danced painted nails along the rest of the shaft, poking the base which drew gasps of appreciation above her.

“We can’t…we can’t,” he protested weakly, the will to resist depleted. Who could refuse the topless brunette, now on her haunches in tight leather pants? To oppose this siren was simply an act of futility.

“Mmmmphffff,” Caroline mumbled, the thick member gagging her. Pulling back, she looked up, a stream of saliva pouring from the corners of her mouth.

“You like, Uncle Zane?”

Picardo did indeed. So much so that he yanked the younger Lauren up by her hair and kissed those black lips, tasting lipstick along with his own leakage. Both struggled to keep their lips together as she removed her boots and they scuttled their pants. Caroline was barely able to unfurl a condom on his cock before the biker picked her up and bent her over the work bench. Lowering his six-foot plus frame so he could easily enter her, the counselor shuddered and cried out as her dream suddenly became reality.


It was a moment the satyrid lass had fantasized about for quite some time. The mechanic had fucked her mother and now it was her turn.

“So tight,” Zane gasped, one hand on her back, the other on the bench, his pelvis slapping hers.

Caroline reached around her hips and grabbed his, pulling them forward, encouraging him to go deep. And deep he went. Her whole body jolted from the powerful thrusts.

“Tighter than…my…my…MOM?”

Picardo grimaced in ecstasy. He remembered that night in Bakersfield very well.


“Did you like fucking the pussy…the pussy that gave me life?"


"And now you’re taking me!”

Zane hissed loudly through his teeth as he pounded the hot, wet cunt. The depravity was so profound, it was almost inconceivable. Not only had he now banged mother and daughter, but he was also cucking his best friend in ways that most men could not bear. Poor Corey had just hit the trifecta.

Caroline screamed as the biker slammed her hard, matching his pushes as the pace increased.

“Fuck me, fuck me, oh dear God FUCK ME!”

The similarity between the women was uncanny, and in his unfettered lust, the girl thrashing before him flipped in rapid succession.





“FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK,” Zane roared as he came with a bullet, the rubber’s reservoir filling with hot, taboo semen that was just a thin latex layer away from flooding the womb of this once innocent family friend.

“ cummin' in your goddaughter’s pussy, baby?”

Picardo staggered backwards in horror, staring dubiously at the hairy wet gash he’d just fucked silly, then down at the steaming juices dripping off the condom which was clinging precariously to his cock. A familiar question from that fateful night with Lauren echoed in his head.

'What have we done?'

Caroline turned around with a grin, resting her bare ass on the work bench. She let go that deviant laugh all Miller girls apparently had, grabbing a shop towel and wiping up a stream trickling down her legs.

“You’ve been a naughty boy, Unca Zane.”

Shaking his head like he’d just been sucker punched, the big man threw the impish moll over his shoulder and headed for the bedroom.

“You haven’t seen shit yet, little girl.”

If hell was where he was headed, he was damned sure going to enjoy the ride.


January 25th. Four weeks to go.

“So, you're taking some well-deserved vacation time next week?” Pedro Alvarez asked Rekrap’s chief office manager as the two sat in the lobby bar of the Hotel Majestic, just a stone's throw from the company's headquarters. They'd taken a small contingent of employees out to show appreciation for the team's hard work in preparing for an upcoming audit. It’d taken two weeks of burning the midnight oil, but they were finally ready.

Lauren nodded. "Going back to Iowa to help my husband pack up."

"Must be exciting to finally close that chapter of your life."

"It is."

In more ways than one, she thought.

"Well, I'm done drinking. The wife will be looking for me. See ya when you get back. And thanks for all your help!"

Raising her glass, she watched the company's CFO exit the club and hail a taxi. Lauren looked around the bar, empty now, save for a few businessmen nursing beers. Alvarez had sworn by their appetizers, and he was right. The drinks? Not so much. In fact, it was time she rambled home as well.

“Looks like you could use some company,” a voice from behind spoke as she was gathering her things.

Turning, Lauren saw a nice-looking olive-skinned man, dressed smartly in a brown blazer and tan slacks, sitting on a nearby stool. She hadn't noticed him before.

“Do I?” she asked skeptically, draining her six or seventh drink. The counting had stopped hours ago.

The man smiled. “I guess that’s up to you.”

“Yes, it certainly is,” Lauren nodded in agreement, her words slightly slurred.

He introduced himself as Ahmad, a Turkish electronics salesman who was looking to unwind before heading to the airport.

“Sucks to be you.”

“No, actually, I just made seventy-five thousand dollars, so I feel quite good about that.”

Lauren frowned. “Right, sorry. Been a long week.”

Ahmad’s eyes flitted over the decidedly not-safe-for-work outfit, drinking in the shiny blue bandeau crop top and tight black bodycon pencil skirt. Since she lived close, she had run home after work and changed into something more comfortable. The blouse accentuated her small braless breasts, allowing just a hint of nipples to anyone caring to look, and the skirt, made of stretchy material, hugged her waist and thighs with no forgiveness. A little more than business casual, but anything to raise her employees’ spirits, if not give them something to talk about around the Monday morning water cooler. What's a boss for?

“And your name?”


"Care for another drink, Lauren?"

The pretty brunette cocked her head. She really should go home, but one more couldn't hurt.

"Sure. A Hurricane."

"A mighty wind. Good choice."

The pair chatted for at least thirty minutes, their conversation becoming increasingly flirty. He'd flown in from his company’s American headquarters in Nashville to close a deal and was returning on the redeye in three hours. Likeable, well-groomed, and articulate, Lauren took an instant liking to him. Finally, after one of those pregnant silences that finds its way into any long discussion, Ahmad said what was really on his mind.

“Would you like to add to your own coffers tonight, Lauren?”

Lauren’s brow furrowed with confusion. “Huh?”

The salesman's eyes grew wide, realizing he may have misjudged the entire situation.

“I’m…I’m so sorry, I think I’ve made a grave mistake. I saw the gentleman you were with’re at a hotel bar alone. Oh my God, please forgive me.”

She started to say something, then stopped. It may have been the booze or the two earlier bumps she had when peeing, but the only thing Lauren could do was break into laughter.

“Did I say something funny?”

She shook her head.

“So that’s what you meant by unwinding?”

Ahmad blinked. “Well, yes, I just assumed…”

Gazing down into her drink, Lauren rubbed the back of her neck, then tossed her hair, fixing him with a sly smile.

“How much?”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter. How much?”

“Really? I…I don’t know. Don’t you usually set that kind of thing?”

Lauren bit her lip. He was right. The conversation with Chloe came to mind. Should I?

“One grand,” she whispered in his ear.

“That’s quite high.”

“You just said you made seventy-five large today.”

Ahmad winced. Yes, he had.

“Do me and you still go home rich. Besides,” Lauren winked, “I’m worth it.”

The two stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like hours.

“Okay, deal.”

Downing her drink, she couldn't believe how quickly the evening had taken a turn.

“Got a room?”

Ahmad shook his head with disappointment. “No.”


His face lit up. “In the garage. Rental.”

Lauren grabbed her clutch, popped the cherry from the glass into her mouth and slid off the stool.

“Let’s go.”


The pair could’ve been any innocuous couple as they walked briskly to a Buick in the underground garage. The big car chirped as Ahmad unlocked it remotely and opened the sedan’s rear door. Lauren ducked in first while he surveyed the area. Satisfied no one else had seen them, he joined the lovely brunette in the back seat, looking a bit nervous.

“You’re not police, are you?”

Lauren lifted her butt off the leather seat and wiggled the skirt up to her waist, exposing a black lace thong. Pulling it aside, she let him get a good look at her bare pussy.

“Would a cop show you this?”

Placing his fingers gently on its bare folds, she allowed him to pet the treasure that promised so much fun. It had been a week or so since it had been shaved, and he could feel the stubble along the outer labia. His cock responded as any man would.

“No, I guess not.”

Slipping a middle finger into what he believed to be just another bar hooker’s wet snatch, the salesman was pleased when she seemed to be into it, sighing and pressing her back against the seat. The index and ring fingers followed, causing Lauren to moan and open her thighs wide for easier access. The man’s fingers dug deeper, probing, moving, exploring. Soon, his hand was a dripping mess of clear, sticky juices and the heels of her ankle boots were planted firmly along the back of the front seat. She splayed her legs, one knee touching the door handle, the other against his warm body, inviting him to own what he paid for.

“Mmmmm, ahhhh,” Lauren mewled, squirming and writhing as Kumiho began to rise again, hips jerking involuntarily at his touch.

“Oh shit!”

The Turkish national grinned. Traveling the world for his company was a lonely existence, and he'd often seek the company of whores to while away the hours. Whether or not they reaped any pleasure from their job, he did not care, but there was some degree of satisfaction in making one cum. With his free hand, he lifted Lauren’s top, freeing her tiny tomato-sized tits, and immediately began rolling the rigid nipples between thumb and forefinger. He was impressed at how perky they were despite her age.

“Oooooooooh, yessss!”

“Like that, bitch?”

A gasp of air escaped as the man’s tone darkened. Unable to control her emotions, Lauren could only nod rapidly, like a five-year-old wanting more candy. Manicured nails played with her breasts while others burrowed knuckles deep into her sopping cunt.

“Ooh, YES, just like that.”

“When’s the last time you came, whore?”

He chuckled at her quivering hands, one on each knee, frail fingers digging into tanned skin.

“You need to start fucking real men.”


Lauren’s head flew back, mouth slacked as she stared at the car’s cloth ceiling.

“That’s it baby, cum for Ahmad.” By now he was pretty much fisting the pathetic slut.


Hips bucking, her head slammed repeatedly into the headrest.

“Do it! Do it for me, bitch! Cum in my hand!”

Elsewhere in the underground garage, a janitor paused as a high-pitched howl echoed through the concrete structure. It lasted only seconds, then faded, like a coyote baying at the moon. Shrugging, he went back to emptying trash cans.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Lauren relaxed her grip, trying to regain control of her breathing.

Pleased with himself, Ahmad didn’t let her rest long. After all, he had a plane to catch.

“Okay, enough of you.”

Sitting upright, he unzipped his slacks and grabbed a fistful of hair.


Frustrated, but understanding the importance of protection, he allowed just enough slack in her mane so she could get to her purse. Condom in hand, she was yanked back and head forced into his lap. A semi-flaccid cock poked through the flaps of the fly, begging to be sucked. It was not large by any means, and Lauren found one hand could cover its entire length while she licked his hairy balls, stopping every so often to spit out a stray pubic hair. It didn’t take long for him to get hard, and, after rolling the rubber over his waiting manhood, the executive-turned-prostitute went to work, earning her pay.

Lauren spent the next five minutes in full-on slut mode, dutifully stroking, pulling, squeezing, and licking her client, all the while gagging and gurgling. Those were a rough few minutes too. Besides having her face forcibly held to his groin and mouth speared repeatedly, the traveling salesman occasionally pulled her off, just to see her face and makeup run, gloating at the sight of spittle dripping from her lips and onto his trousers. He’d laugh heartily, only to shove her down again.

As the whore bobbed in his lap, Ahmad frequently checked his watch. He’d need to leave soon or miss his flight. Determined to get his money's worth, he finally jerked the hooker’s mouth off his cock and pushed his trousers down around his ankles. Pulling her on top, he slapped her face.

"Fuck me, bitch."

Lauren reeled but kept her composure. Face to face now, she straddled his waist, knees pressed against the back seat. Reaching down, she guided his rock-hard shaft into her. It slid into the wet mess like a hot knife into butter.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," both sighed, eyes closed, enjoying that first penetration.

Adjusting to the awkward position, the pair began their illicit lovers’ dance in the back of the rental. The car rocked gently at first, then became more notable as the sex intensified. At some point, Lauren slipped off her blouse, freeing her itty-bitty titties, the skirt amassed around her waist. Ahmad pulled her chest to his face and suckled the small breasts while she bounced in his lap.

“Oh yeah,” he murmured, rolling his tongue over hardening nipples.

“FUH-UCK ME!” Lauren cried. "Please FUCK ME!"

She placed her hands on the car’s ceiling to gain leverage in sliding along his hips. Long black hair cascaded down her naked spine as she thrashed like a serpent, back arched and hips grinding frantically into his cock. Ahmad had to admire this beautiful fahişe, amazed at her enthusiasm. Most whores put on a good act, but this one…

“YES…YES…YES…YES…YES!” Lauren screamed with glee, putting her back into it, pelvis crashing pelvis.

An older couple in their seventies happened to walk by on the way to their car, and while the occupants of the rocking Buick didn't notice, they certainly did. Neither lovers' face was visible, mostly concealed by a thick black mane of flying hair, but the woman's profile was perfectly clear. Tiny breasts jiggled as she humped the lucky fellow beneath her in a feverish, almost berserk way. The old lady simply shook her head and kept walking, while the husband lingered, eventually getting a brief look at the girl's face. Smirking, he too moved on.

“Gonna cum!”

Lauren’s body shook as Ahmad grabbed her hips, thrusting hot steel up and past her sodden lips with urgency. They grunted in unison, moving as one, faster, deeper...both desperately needing release. Arms wrapped around his neck, she squeezed hard, body shaking. Throwing her head back with a squeal, Lauren came again...and again...and again, just like earlier, only much louder. Her cunt clenched tightly around his dick, holding it hostage for its milky white prize. Finally, it relinquished, his cries joining hers reverberating throughout the garage.

“Fuck yes, sevgilim!” the salesman yelled, filling the condom with semen, his orgasm intense, but more measured and calmer than any Lauren had ever seen.

For several minutes, Ahmad held her close, stroking the long, disheveled hair that had been flying in his face. He inhaled her delicate perfume and smiled; glad he spent the time with such a talented madam. They lay quietly in each other’s arms, cock still in her, rigid and pulsating. As the fog of their climaxes dissipated, he remembered his flight...and promptly tossed her to the floorboard.

“I have to go.”

Removing the rubber, he quickly yanked up his pants, fished out his wallet, and handed her ten one-hundred-dollar bills.

“Well done.”

Without a word, Lauren picked herself up, and barely had a chance to put on her top before he was shooing her out the door. The next thing she knew, she was standing by herself in the middle of an empty parking garage watching taillights disappear up the ramp. Despite temperatures in the seventies, she suddenly felt cold and alone. And why shouldn’t she? She was just a whore for the taking. Not a cheap one, mind you, but a whore just the same. What did he say? 'Well done.' Like grilled steak.

With another bump from the ever-present sniffer, she stepped to the elevator and pressed the up button. Moments later, the doors opened, and a kindly janitor wheeled out a cart to continue his nightly rounds.

“Goodnight,” he offered in passing.

Tired and hungry, Lauren leaned up against the side of the lift, and exhaled deeply, blowing bangs from her eyes with a puff.



The nice thing about walking home is it gives one time to think, especially at night when the sidewalks are rolling up. Lauren left the hotel and headed in the general direction of her apartment, meandering through the streets as she contemplated where life was taking her. For years, she was positive that being a good wife, mother, and pillar of the community was her calling. Now, she wasn't so sure.

Taking a seat at a deserted bus stop, Lauren pondered the need to have purpose, an identity she could call her own, and a way to express that to the world. As the traffic in front of her cleared, a bright red neon sign caught her eye.

Tattoos, Piercings, and Love.

Smiling, she rose and crossed the street. After staring at the discreet store front for several minutes, the pensive office manager nodded to herself, opened the door, and went inside.
Last edited by SimpleEnigma on Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827


Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:55 am

O parlor.....permanent symbolism time...

You warned us eager readers of the pending debauchery in this chapter and you delivered.

Thank you...LOL

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:58 am

"She hoped he understood the fire he was playing with as her and Alex cuddled."
I hope she does too.
This has gone too far for me, the drug use sealed it.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:22 pm


We appreciate you and value your opinion. As previously mentioned, the places this tale goes are not for everyone. Thanks for reading up to this point. Unfortunately, the fact remains that these chapters deal with an era of excess in many things, including sexuality and drug use. We are now in our early sixties, so I'll let you do the math. Think Studio 54 and CBGB. Two radically different clientele, but sex and drugs dominated those scenes and were repeated throughout most major cities in country, and I dare say the world. In fact, we cannot recall anyone we knew in the lifestyle back then that didn't do drugs, and cocaine was king.

So I'm sorry it turns you off, but as we've said before, we are not going to change underlying truths to please others. While we absolutely embellish this storyline to fit the narrative, Lauren's use of coke during her slut years is not one of them.

Stay tolerant, friends.
Our continuing story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=61827

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:52 pm

SimpleEnigma wrote:
Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:22 pm

We appreciate you and value your opinion. As previously mentioned, the places this tale goes are not for everyone. Thanks for reading up to this point. Unfortunately, the fact remains that these chapters deal with an era of excess in many things, including sexuality and drug use. We are now in our early sixties, so I'll let you do the math. Think Studio 54 and CBGB. Two radically different clientele, but sex and drugs dominated those scenes and were repeated throughout most major cities in country, and I dare say the world. In fact, we cannot recall anyone we knew in the lifestyle back then that didn't do drugs, and cocaine was king.

So I'm sorry it turns you off, but as we've said before, we are not going to change underlying truths to please others. While we absolutely embellish this storyline to fit the narrative, Lauren's use of coke during her slut years is not one of them.

Stay tolerant, friends.
Thank you for replying. It's a testament to your writing skills that I have such an emotional response to your story really. Thank you for your considerable time and effort anyway in telling it so well.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by lkh96 » Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:29 am

Lauren what are you upto ?? Lol
This was good.
I wish Corey and Caroline sex was fleshed out more....😉
As usual.....waitin for the next installment, with the hope that it becomes a weekly series.

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Re: Ascending Lauren

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:05 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:58 am
"She hoped he understood the fire he was playing with as her and Alex cuddled."
I hope she does too.
This has gone too far for me, the drug use sealed it.
I have to sympathise with Johng1953. Iike many here I am a big fan of Xleglover's fictional stories, but there was one particular series of Jen and Mike's sagas which I really didn't like at all and primarily because it dealt with drug use derailing Jen so badly that she became absolutely irresponsible, dangerous to her own children and unrecognisable. Even the perennially wimpish Mike leaving her after giving up on seeing exactly what she had become.

It's on literotoca HUSBAND'S FANTASY BACKFIRES parts 1-12

Now of course it's a huge stretch to equate this rather outlandish totally fictional series with what's told here, where it's entirely necessary to include important phases without ommision. Noone thanks you for peering back through special rose tinted glasses and missing out any of the gory details from any of the tougher or more adventurous phases, even if they might not be quite so palatable to all. Still though I have such an aversion to reading about drug use that I find it it a massive turn off that can cast a shadow over almost anything and everything else, and a huge disincentive to continue with reading on.

It would be churlish though not to congratulate you on a truly well written tale of past exploits, never short on interest with exciting and enthralling developments either happening then or anticipated next time. It's been one great read so far, so don't be at all deterred from continuing for both yourselves and all your many other fans.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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