The story of Candy trio

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:23 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Tue May 31, 2022 10:44 pm
Just a small point bothered me a little, and it's probably me being a little foggy brained at this time in the morning (it's 7.30 am in the UK)....

“Thanks, Sid. Yes, it’s almost three months now since Teddy was born and I haven’t been in the bar for well over twelve months now.”

- now we know Michelle, Michael's daughter, has been born so I don't get the three months bit, this isn't going backwards in time?
Well spotted Chris. Teddy 🧸 had his first birthday back in Candy Too ch. 11. So either Candy 😈 is mistaken and has lost track of time, or shes once again indulging in her compulsive telling of lies.

She also tells Sid “My name is Candy, Sid. Honey is reserved for my husband.” Yet both Tod 😠 and Jeff 👿 frequently called her Honey and she never complained about it. I guess she either doesn't like Sid, or it's another example of her compulsive lying. Can anyone believe what Candy tells them anymore?

As for Jill 🤭. Looks like she's been around Candy 😈 too long and is starting to mirror her bad habits. First she's seeing evil Jeff 👿 behind Michael's back and making out with him, Jill told Michael “I don’t love Jeff. I like him a lot but it’s not love.” But he leaves "the lovers to whisper sweet things to each other as they recovered to make love again." Sounds like she's become as much of a liar and manipulator as Candy! Michael certainly notices it when he says to Jill; I don’t understand why you’re locking me out.”

Sad thing is that it's clear that Michael 🫣 is deeply in love with both Candy 😈 and Jill 🤭, yet while they both love him in return, it's clear neither is in love with him. Both do too much behind his back and tell him too many lies for that. The ultimate test is that both are more concerned about how they feel and what they get out of the relationship than about how they make Michael feel and what he gets out of it. The manipulate him to get what they want and apparently don’t care enough to ask what he wants.

Even when the agree to let Lesley 😏 have a go at seducing Michael 🫣, it's not because they're thinking of him, it's only because Lesley suggested it and they thought he might enjoy the attention. Sounds a bit like they are both feeling that they’re not giving him enough of that and he might need more! Michael sums it up when he says with annoyance; “Did anyone think to ask me first?”

Poor Michael. Loving and caring as he is, it seems he's a magnet for selfish, self-centered women. He seems doomed to live a life of being manipulated and having no one in his life who gives enough of a shit about him to actually ask him what makes him happy.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Jun 01, 2022 2:43 am

Tbf I wouldn't be that critical of Candy and Jill as Goyse did try to explain, they are really trying to fulfill Michaels desires too who loves watching. Although tbf I do think Jill has more than a few desires of her own as regards Jeff. That looks a train crash waiting to happen.

The only problem I had was the time lapse with the three months, although we know Candy is economical with the truth at the best of times, and telling Sid nothing but the truth is hardly a must. I'm putting it down to her being an inveterate liar and perhaps tactically sound in her efforts to seduce him.


(Hey Asterix, I've noticed you're not rationing yourself to an emoji or two when five or more would be better, a new writing style?)

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:18 am

Just a few minutes before heading for the bush so why not give Asterix something to keep him busy during the next week. Chapter 11, I think it is. Well, I hope I'm right but if I'm wrong then let me know in a week.

Candy Trio Chapter 11

Michael took his seat as he looked across the bar to where he knew Candy would be sitting. He saw Sid, the barman first where he expected Candy would be sitting. He had his back to the bar and he was kissing someone. Then the shock hit him. Candy was kissing Sid in the public bar and many of the people sitting in the bar were friends or acquaintances of Michael’s. They all knew Michael was married to Candy. Standing behind Candy was Greg her ex-lover who had dumped her when he found out that she was pregnant and he had his hands inside her blouse. He was massaging her tits as Sid kissed her.

Michael looked around the bar and realised that around half of the bar were looking directly at him. What was he to do? He had to do something but what? He decided to leave but as he stood off his stool Candy had spotted him over Sid’s shoulder. To walk out now would be difficult but to stay and do nothing about this would make him seem like just a weak-kneed……… no, that word……, not that word……., but yes……, they would see him as a cuckold. All of Candy’s affairs had always been kept private as far as he knew but everybody will know after this. ‘I hold an important position as a manager of a big local business,’ he thought. ‘How can I allow this to become common knowledge?’

He put his head in his hands. ‘What to do? I should have stayed home. Fuck it, Candy what have you done to me? How can I stand in here now and drink a beer with everybody looking over and thinking, there is that weak-kneed cuckold prick, Michael. His wife fucks black men and now she has got a black man and ginger as well.’

He took his hands away to walk out of the bar but standing in front of him was Candy. “What’s wrong, honey,” she asked?

“We need to talk,” he told her.

“Okay, then talk.”

“Not here. Come outside.”

“What’s wrong, Michael?”

“What you were doing here in public it’s demeaning.”

“What do you mean?”

“You were kissing Sid in the bar and Greg was feeling up your tits right here in the bar, in public.”

“Oh, I see,” she told him, “You think that no one knows.” She looked at his shocked expression on his face then told him, “Michael, there is no one in this bar that doesn’t know about us. It’s okay. They accept what we are doing. In fact some of the men here have tried to seduce me at different times. Others have wives who participate when someone interesting comes along. Hold your head high, honey. I’m the only woman here that most men have tried to seduce. Surely that is not something to be ashamed of.”

“I guess.”

She smiled thinking he is sounding like Jeff more and more every day but she was not going to tell him that right now that would really put the cat in amongst the pigeons. “How are Jeff and Jill going anyway?”

“What bought Jeff and Jill into this?”

Candy told him with a smile. Michael made an attempt at a smile but Candy knew immediately it was false. “So they are getting on that well, are they? Alright, if we must we’ll head home.”

“Why would we go home?”

“What’s wrong, Michael. I can see by your eyes that you have been crying.”

“I just feel fucked up in the brain. At home, I have Jill and Jeff fucking and kissing and then I walk in here and you’re kissing Big Sid while Greg plays with your tits. How do you think I feel?”

“Excited perhaps!”

“Well, yes, but mentally I’m distraught.”

“Jill fucked you first, didn’t she?”

“Yes, why?”

“You’ve got the blues. I’ve been told about it but I didn’t think you, of all people would suffer from them. Come on. Let’s get this party going properly. Once you see Sid sticking that baseball bat sized cock into your wife the blues will disappear in a moment. Follow me.”

She turned to walk away but Michael didn’t follow. He just stood there and said, “Candy.”

She turned back to him and asked. “What is it, honey?”

“Come here.”

She walked back to him. Michael was aware that every eye in the bar was on him. He took her in his arms and kissed her as she had never been kissed before. The kiss went on and on and she responded. After about two minutes their kiss ended.

She knew exactly what to say to him. She said it loudly so everybody in the bar would hear her, “I love you so much, Michael.”

“I love you too,” he replied with a smile. There was nothing false about it this time. She had told everybody that he was king of her heart. “Let’s get this fucking party on the road, okay.”

Jill laid her head on Jeff’s shoulder as he dozed. She felt so satisfied. In her mind, she thought of how filled with his sperm she was, held in by his big shaft that acted like a plug to hold his virile little wrigglers in to seek out her eggs. She was still breastfeeding her and Michael’s baby and Candy had told her that no birth control was necessary for either of them because they were both still breastfeeding. Of course, she checked the facts and found out that with around ninety-five per cent certainty a mother could not get pregnant while breastfeeding. She knew it was a sick thought but at that time she hoped that she could be that one in twenty where the rule failed.

She smiled at the thought. She realised that it was sick to think like that but somehow or other the thought of what could happen made her feel hornier. She moved back a little and then slipped forward. Jeff was not fully hard but he was hard enough for it to feel good so she did it again and again. In no time at all his erection was growing and with it came much better feelings for her. She wondered how much of him she could take inside her so she forced down on him until it hurt just a little.

“About an inch left,” she thought and tried again, and again, and again until suddenly something let go inside her with a sharp pain and he was totally embedded in her.

She had been looking down so he surprised her when he said, “you have got me all the way in. I’ve been watching you.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, it feels wonderful.”

“Good. What are you going to do about it, then?”

“Could we go off to bed?”

“No, Michael wouldn’t like that.”

“Michael isn’t here. He wouldn’t know.”

“That’s right, he wouldn’t know but what you forget is that I would know and I love him and I won’t deceive him.”

“Candy wouldn’t worry about going up to a bedroom. We often did it.”

“Jeff, I’m not Candy and I don’t want you to tell me what Candy would do to deceive Michael. Remember she and I are lovers too. If she would do it to Michael she would do it to me and that pisses me off!”

“I’m sorry.”

“Look, do you want to have sex with me or don’t you? If you want to talk shit about you and Candy then tell me and go home where you can dream of her.”

“I don’t want to go home.”

“Good, then fuck me.”

“I’ve lost it.”

“Yes, I know. I can feel. It’s gone all soft and I’m leaking now. I’ll need to clean up and then I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

Jeff laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“That’s what Candy used to say and then she would take me up to the bedroom and we’d fuck all afternoon.”

“I see. Well, with me it will be a cup of tea, a coffee or nothing. Do you understand?”

“I guess.”

“Fuck it, Geoff. Do you ever agree or disagree with anything someone says to you? What is this I guess shit? It pisses me off no end!”

“I guess it’s become a habit.”

She shook her head and nodded with a smile, “Yes, I guess it has. Come on. I’ll take a quick shower and then we’ll have our cup of tea.”

“Make it a coffee for me. Could I join you in the shower?”

“I’d rather have my shower by myself, Jeff then we’ll have that cup of coffee. Candy and Michael have gone out for the night so they won’t be home until midnight at least so we’ll watch a movie as we have our coffee. Take a seat in the lounge and I’ll join you after I clean up.”

“Yes, okay.”

She climbed down and placed her hand under her crotch to catch anything that fell out of her as she made her way to the bathroom. She then took some paper off the toilet roll to stop the flood then checked out the rather large puddle in her other hand that had leaked from her. This time instead of feeling turned on by the small risk she had taken it now worried her. She really did not want to get pregnant by Jeff.

As she showered she worried about the pregnancy risk and the concern about Michael hearing that Candy had been deceiving him with Jeff. There was really nothing she could do about it so with her shower complete she got dressed to join Jeff.

When she arrived down in the lounge room she found Jeff was fast asleep. She chuckled, turned the lights out and headed off to bed. Her last thought as she join the sandman was that she hoped all was going well for Candy and Michael.


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:34 am

Candy Trio Chapter 12

Candy led the way across to where Sid and Greg were waiting for them. Michael followed a short distance behind her. He felt like a Chihuahua might feel being led into a cage full of bulldogs. He had heard about Sid and about the women who had tried with him but failed. The story was that sexually the man was hung like a donkey. Candy would have heard it too but still, she appeared keen and excited to take him on. And then there was Greg, he had walked out on her just because he realised Teddy was Michael’s child. Now he was back and Candy just didn’t seem to care about what he had done to her!

The more that Michael thought about it the more he hoped that he would get lucky enough to be struck by lightning or something similar and then taken off to hospital or even the mortuary before he had to confront this but of course, that was not to be.

Sid held out his huge black hand as Michael approached, “Hi, Michael. It’s good to see you again.”

“Hi Sid,” Michael answered.

“Long time no see,” Greg told him.

“Yea, it’s been a while. I didn’t expect to see you of all people, Greg.”

“No, I guess not. Candy says she has forgiven me.”

“Yes, I’m not surprised but I don’t forgive people as quickly as she does.”

Greg nodded as Candy told Michael, “He walked away for your benefit, Michael. He felt that his presence would interfere in our relationship at a very important time for our family.”

“Yea, I see,” Michael chuckled and shook his head, “In that case, I guess you expect I should put these negative feelings aside then, should I?” Everyone could see by his reaction that Michael still harboured ill-feeling.

“I should go then, Candy. It’s been good catching up again.” He moved over to Candy and put his arms around her. Candy shook her head.

“Michael, this is not right. I want Greg to stay. He walked away for us. He didn’t do it for his own selfish reasons. Whatever happens tonight I want Greg there with us. You don’t mind Sid, do you?”

“No, of course, I don’t mind. I’ve known Greg for years and he’s always done the right thing by people. Michael, I think you should change your mind even if you have concerns.”

“Sounds as if I’m outvoted then.” They could all see he still was not happy with the situation. “Okay, what happens now?”

Candy smiled at him as she told him, “Sid has a unit in the motel next door. We were thinking of getting a few drinks and moving over there to play some music, dance and make love till the sun comes up. Is that okay with you, Michael?”

“I guess.”

“You’re sounding more like Jeff every day.”

“Fuck! Don’t wish that on me. In that case, yes, I mean yes, okay, let’s go.”


Around midnight Jill woke up and realised that the weather had turned. It was now very cold. She remembered that Jeff was sleeping down on the lounge so she took a blanket and made her way back downstairs. Jeff woke up as she turned on the light.

“Fuck, I’m cold,” he told her.

“I’ve bought you a blanket.” She bent down to kiss him and his lips were really cold and he started shivering. She thought for a moment then told him, “Forget the blanket. Come up to the bedroom with me. I’ll put on the heater and we’ll get you warmed up before you head home.”

“Thanks, that will be good.”

“You’ll need to leave before Michael and Candy get home. I don’t want to get caught breaking the rules.”

“What, Michael sets rules for you to follow?”

“No, that’s not Michael but we respect him and we work by certain guidelines to protect him. Well, actually, I do. Candy tries to but she usually fails….” She looked at him and remembered he had been with her so she added, “But then you’d know that better than I would.”

“She never spoke to me about it so I wouldn’t know.”

Jill shook her head remembering that Candy had told her that when it suited him Jeff often found it useful to forget things. “Yea, that would be right.”

Jeff wondered what she meant but let it pass as he just wanted to get warm and maybe, just maybe he might get to make love to Jill one more time before Michael and Candy got back.


Greg and Candy led the way to Sid’s motel unit which just happened to be way down the back near where Candy had been once before. Michael and Sid followed behind. This told Michael that perhaps it was no accident that Greg happened along when he did because it was obvious that he knew where Sid’s motel unit was. He wondered if this seduction had been planned by both men but the question there was ‘how would they know that Candy would happen along tonight.’

Sid kept Michael busy talking all the way about the stock market which Sid knew Michael showed an interest in because when Michael occasionally came in for a drink they often talked about such things. Around a hundred metres from Sid’s unit he suddenly stopped and asked, “Michael, why do you allow Candy to have sex with other men?”

The question took Michael by complete surprise. He didn’t know what to say so he stumbled over his words as he replied, “I…I…I’m not… not sure….. how to… answer that, Sid.”

“Hhmm, okay, so you do it without knowing why you do it. Is that the situation?”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

The two men faced each other no more than a foot apart. Because of Sid’s size, Michael was looking upwards at him while Sid was looking down. “Come on Michael, you can be honest with me. If she was mine no man would ever get his cock out of his pants around her or I’d cut the fucking thing off and would most likely take both his balls with it. You’re no weakling, Michael. I know that so I don’t understand why you allow it. Do you get your rocks off watching her or what?”

“I suppose there is a bit of that but it has more to do with Candy than it does with me although sometimes I encourage it.”

“Explain that.”

“What part do you want me to explain?” Michael thought that if he could turn the tables on Sid he might just get enough time to think through how he was going to answer.

“Well, why don’t you tell me about the Candy part first? Why has it got more to do with Candy?”

Michael looked ahead and saw that Greg and Candy had entered the unit. He knew for sure then that this was no accidental meeting. Greg had a key to Sid’s unit and Sid was busy keeping Michael from being with Candy.

“It’s getting cool. Let’s go down to your unit and once we warm-up, I’ll answer your question.”

“You’re avoiding the question, Michael.”

Michael looked up at the big man. He smiled at him and said, “How much is Greg paying you to keep me busy, Sid?”

“What makes you say that, Michael?”

“Come on, let's join Greg and Candy and then if all is well I’ll answer your questions for you.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“I did until half a minute ago but then I realised that you are keeping me busy to give Greg and Candy time alone. I’m going to walk down to your unit now Sid. You can walk with me or you can stay here. It’s your choice.” Michael turned and walked away. As he walked he heard the big man’s footsteps behind him.

They reached the door and Michael was about to knock when Sid said, “Here,” and handed Michael the key. Michael slid it into the lock and then turned it not knowing what he would discover behind the door.

By this time Michael believed that his wife and her ex-lover would be nude and making love. Exactly how he would handle that situation he had no idea. He didn’t want a fight and he knew that if it came to that he would most certainly get hurt if Sid and Greg teamed up. He thought if that was the case his best strategy would be to tell Candy they were to leave and if she chose to stay then he couldn’t do anything other than to walk away and then deal with it later.

The door opened and Michael was shocked.

Candy was sitting at the bar alone with a drink in her hand. Greg was nowhere to be seen.

She smiled at Michael and asked, “Would you like beer or bourbon, honey.”

Before he could answer Sid told her, “Give him bourbon. He’s a little stressed and he needs something a little stronger than a beer.”

She told him, “Come here and sit with me.” Michael moved across to her. “Why are you stressed, Michael?”

“I’m sorry. I thought that Sid was keeping me away when you and Greg hurried away from us.”

“Oh, okay, well, Greg had an urgent call of nature so we had to hurry. I don’t know why Sid might try to keep you away.’ Her eyes moved from Michael to Sid. All she said was, ” Sid?”

“I wanted to talk about things that I thought Michael might not want you or Greg knowing about, that’s all.”

Candy looked at him with a stern expression on her face, “What have you been up to Michael that you don’t want me knowing about?”

Michael smiled as he told her, “It was about you and me and why we do this shit.”

Candy laughed out loud, “Well, tell him Michael, you’re a cuckold that gets his kicks out of watching other men fuck me.”

Michael looked back at her with much the same expression that she had used on him, “Really, is that the only reason you do it, honey?”

She laughed, “Now that is opening up a big can of worms, isn’t it.”

Sid caught the humour in her answer but Michael’s expression didn’t change. ”It’s not a joke, Candy. I asked you, is that the only reason you do this because I want it?”

“Do you mean to say, Michael that after all this time you still don’t understand why I do this?”

“I make guesses but when Sid asked me I realised that you have never ever told me why you do it.”

“Well, we’ll change that tonight, will we? The answer is that I do it first off because you let me do it. Second, off I do this because you love it. Next, I do it because I fucking love every minute of it….., no, change that….. I love every second of it because it turns me on to know that the man I love wants me to fuck other men. Finally, I do it because there is always risk in doing it.”

Michael smiled as she revealed the truth but then he asked, “What do you mean by risk?”

“Ho, ho, now, this is playing with fire and you probably won’t like the answer to this,” She looked at Sid then back to Michael, “No matter what protection against pregnancy I use there is nothing at all that is a hundred per cent certain. That is what I mean by risk. You know that I have problems with the pill so I have to find other methods of protection. You see, for me when Sid here cums inside me tonight I will think of what our child will look like and it will make me cum so hard that I may even go unconscious from the sheer pleasure of it all.”

“And what about when I cum inside you tonight,” Greg who had come out of the bathroom asked.

“You, Greg, well you will just be lubrication for a bigger and better man, Sid here. You’re no more than a lubricating station. You had your chance and you blew it.”

Greg didn’t look impressed but he simply asked her, “And who will lube you up for me?”

Candy looked at Michael, “what do you think, honey? Would you like to go first in my first gangbang with three men ever?"

“Maybe, I could but what would Sid and Greg be doing while you and I make love?”

“Well if everybody agrees we could get it all moving by Sid here teasing me a little with that big rod of his because I don’t know about anyone else but I’d like to see his donkey dick. Then I could suck Greg at the same time while you watch us then when you’re ready, you can join in. Does that sound alright, Michael?”

The men looked at each other in silence. Sid and Greg didn’t want to commit unless Michael did but then Michael nodded his okay so Sid and Greg dropped their pants. It was going to be a long night.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:52 am

Only time to read half up to Michael's dilemma and their emotional embrace - have to go out but couldn't know you're on your way into the bush wilderness without expressing my thanks for a brilliant scene, the world that was falling on top of Michael is suddenly set all to rights again, and his great love for Candy more than returned.

Makes me think what I've done to miss out on a go with her? ( I've a suspicion she's just a fictional character but won't let on 😀)

Enjoy your break Goyse


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:41 am

Candy's well established reputation for being a law unto herself and disregarding unspoken rules was finally outlined to Jill via their mutual asshole fucking partner Jeff. At least Jill tries to keep a semblance of honour in that that unspoken code is observed as far as possible. Candy doesn't give a toss falls deeper for her asshole lovers and pleases herself.

When she then tells Michael about the angel Greg really was all along, Michael who's far from the clueless clown Candy might think him to be, doesn't swallow it one bit, Candy can quite clearly see he doesn't but just ploughs on regardless. The goal of her first gangbag is the bigger prize for her, and in truth is she knows Michael's great desire too, so in the end the object justifies the means.

Michael for all his great love for her, must recognise what a lying duplicitous self centred bitch she really is too, although a fabulously looking one who can fulfill his desires at the same time. Jill meanwhile is sinking slowly, true a lot more slowly than Candy as she at least is held back by at least a semblance of loyalty and her own code of honour

Candy has no such restrictions and is constantly a loose cannon. I do love her character though, she's not all bad and there is still some emotional attachment to Michael, she will always sort of care about him, as she showed when secretly planning with Jeff behind his back. A real bad girl (who kind of likes Michael now and then)

Leslie all is forgiven, come back Michael need you more than ever


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:38 am

Thanks Goyse. Please note that my comments are all tongue in cheek. I love these characters and eager await each new chapter you give us. Again, thank you.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:50 am

Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:38 am
Thanks Goyse. Please note that my comments are all tongue in cheek. I love these characters and eager await each new chapter you give us. Again, thank you.
No emojis?

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:07 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:50 am
Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:38 am
Thanks Goyse. Please note that my comments are all tongue in cheek. I love these characters and eager await each new chapter you give us. Again, thank you.
No emojis?
Sorry Chris
No names equals no emojis. Next time I mention Candy 😈, Jeff 👿, Jill 🤭, or Michael 😯, promise I'll use an emoji!
Last edited by Asterix42 on Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:22 am

Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:07 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:50 am
Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:38 am
Thanks Goyse. Please note that my comments are all tongue in cheek. I love these characters and eager await each new chapter you give us. Again, thank you.
No emojis?
Sorry Chris
No names equals no emojis. Next time I mention Candy 😈, Jeff 👿, Jill 🤭, or Michael 😯, promise I'll use an emoji!
It's the law now, but are you above it? How can our respected and venerable judge possibly pass sentence upon himself?

We might have to draft in a temporary replacement for your trial, even a female judge, Candy comes to mind!!


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:25 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:22 am
Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:07 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:50 am
Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:38 am
Thanks Goyse. Please note that my comments are all tongue in cheek. I love these characters and eager await each new chapter you give us. Again, thank you.
No emojis?
Sorry Chris
No names equals no emojis. Next time I mention Candy 😈, Jeff 👿, Jill 🤭, or Michael 😯, promise I'll use an emoji!
It's the law now, but are you above it? How can our respected and venerable judge possibly pass sentence upon himself?

We might have to draft in a temporary reacement for your trial, even a female judge, Candy comes to mind!!

Damn, that would be interesting. Might even have to allocate an emoji to myself! 🙃

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:01 pm

Surprised to hear Candy 😈 claim the Greg 🍆“walked away for us. He didn’t do it for his own selfish reasons.” At the time he walked out she described his behavior with words like “ignoring me”, “treat me like shit”, “acting poorly”, “like a child”, and “sulking because of the colour of our child’s skin”. Back then she told Michael 😯 “Greg is finished. He is sulking and I doubt if I can forgive him for that.” How quickly she forgets.

Not surprising that for Candy a big cock is a good reason to forgive any character flaws or behavior no matter how bad. Was her BS about Greg walking away for us another lie to placate Michael, or has Candy naively accepted whatever BS Greg spouted to get into her bed again? A bit of both I suspect. Can’t believe Candy’s naive enough to forget the way Greg walked out on her, but she is enough of a slut to do or say anything to get a big cock inside her.

As for Jill 🤭 sleeping with Jeff 👿, what a slippery slope that girl is on. Sex is just sex, but sleeping together afterwards is the stuff relationships are made of. Suspect Jeff’s about to cause more trouble in Michael’s Candyland!

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:45 pm

Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:01 pm
Surprised to hear Candy 😈 claim the Greg 🍆“walked away for us. He didn’t do it for his own selfish reasons.” At the time he walked out she described his behavior with words like “ignoring me”, “treat me like shit”, “acting poorly”, “like a child”, and “sulking because of the colour of our child’s skin”. Back then she told Michael 😯 “Greg is finished. He is sulking and I doubt if I can forgive him for that.” How quickly she forgets.

Not surprising that for Candy a big cock is a good reason to forgive any character flaws or behavior no matter how bad. Was her BS about Greg walking away for us another lie to placate Michael, or has Candy naively accepted whatever BS Greg spouted to get into her bed again? A bit of both I suspect. Can’t believe Candy’s naive enough to forget the way Greg walked out on her, but she is enough of a slut to do or say anything to get a big cock inside her.

As for Jill 🤭 sleeping with Jeff 👿, what a slippery slope that girl is on. Sex is just sex, but sleeping together afterwards is the stuff relationships are made of. Suspect Jeff’s about to cause more trouble in Michael’s Candyland!
Michael we know isn't stupid but quite the opposite, he's one really astute guy and must know how much of a duplicitous bitch Candy is, indeed we know he more than suspects everything that went on with Jeff, let's just say he pretty much knows when and where they did it and all her plans regarding him.

Then he's not so naive either to have the wool pulled over his eyes with Greg,, Candy can see he's far from convinced and knows she's telling half truths if not downright lies, but let's face it he knows that this is situation normal for her too, she is after all an inveterate and unreformed liar even on her good days never mind her bad. He also recognises the goal of the gangbang, his own ambition to see it and Candy's willingness to fulfill his desires possibly gives every reason in the world for it.

The end result justifies the means.

In the end we can see Candy loves Michael in her own peculiar way and wants to give him something special, and it's this part of Candy that Michael truly loves

Poor Jill she's wading through shark infested waters at the moment, and the biggest shark of all is in bed with her, if she becomes too entrapped in his web and can't get out then what will Michael do as Candy needs her diet of mammoth sizrd cocks to keep her satisfied?

I've an idea, call for Leslie 😂


(I'd typed something similar last night just as the site went down and it was lost into the ether of time forever- I can hear the calls that it would have been better had i not retyped it 😂)

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jun 02, 2022 8:20 pm

HOT chapters!!!!!!! Amazing talking in all of them!! 👌👌

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:14 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:45 pm
Michael we know isn't stupid but quite the opposite, he's one really astute guy and must know how much of a duplicitous bitch Candy is, indeed we know he more than suspects everything that went on with Jeff, let's just say he pretty much knows when and where they did it and all her plans regarding him.

Then he's not so naive either to have the wool pulled over his eyes with Greg,, Candy can see he's far from convinced and knows she's telling half truths if not downright lies, but let's face it he knows that this is situation normal for her too, she is after all an inveterate and unreformed liar even on her good days never mind her bad. He also recognises the goal of the gangbang, his own ambition to see it and Candy's willingness to fulfill his desires possibly gives every reason in the world for it.

The end result justifies the means.

In the end we can see Candy loves Michael in her own peculiar way and wants to give him something special, and it's this part of Candy that Michael truly loves

Poor Jill she's wading through shark infested waters at the moment, and the biggest shark of all is in bed with her, if she becomes too entrapped in his web and can't get out then what will Michael do as Candy needs her diet of mammoth sizrd cocks to keep her satisfied?

I've an idea, call for Leslie 😂


(I'd typed something similar last night just as the site went down and it was lost into the ether of time forever- I can hear the calls that it would have been better had i not retyped it 😂)
Talking of half truths and lies, it appears Michael 😯 never did anything about Candy 😈 and Jeff’s 👿 deception with that airline ticket. Candy enlisting her lover to lie to and deceive her husband was a particularly despicable action demonstrating that she can’t be trusted at all. Yes she loves Michael in her own peculiar way, but repeated lies and deceit show she’s not in love with him. When she does do anything special for Michael, it invariably seems to be either cover for her doing something she knows he doesn’t like, or an act to lessen her guilt.

I’m struggling to remember a single occasion where Candy’s done anything selfless for Michael without getting something out of it for herself. Remember when she was giving all her time to Greg 🍆 and everyone but her (including Greg) thought it was a problem? Remember when she was getting back together with Tod and the only solution she had to give Michael one on one time was to let him do the weekly grocery shopping with her.

Yes Candy loves Michael, but it appears she loves big cock sex and telling lies much more. If she really believed Michael gets a kick out of what she does with other men, she’d be a lot more open and honest about it.

As for Jeff and Jill 🤭. Chris, are you suggesting Jeff should be a 🦈.
Last edited by Asterix42 on Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:38 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:32 pm

Michael loves nothing more than grocery shopping, Candy considerate as ever was just pandering to his needs. 😀.Let's forget the airline ticket as one of the concerns was finances and their perilous position, but good old Sergeant Chicken, Michael and Leslie's pressure on Tod paid off and they were paid out the big bucks, so it may have eased the real problems. That it still left lies and deceit on the minus side of the ledger is hardly anything startling or new for Candy. Michael knows her character inside out and has to have worked out what situation normal looks like by now. She's never been an angel but has always had lots of friends in the other place.

I want Jill to get pregnant by him, a 20/1 chance, who on earth takes that on odds like that? - and you can see Jill doesn't altogether hate the idea either, even if she has the occasional pang of conscience. Did you think as I did that giving Jill and Jeff alone time to sleep together might also have been part of Candy's devious scheming? Let's face it Jill with Jeff leaves all Michael's attention for herself, especially as she'd so readily helped him out in warning off Leslie (shouldn't it be Lesley when female? - I just copied the spelling)


What on earth is that emoji you're using for Jeff?

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Jun 02, 2022 11:03 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Thu Jun 02, 2022 9:32 pm
Did you think as I did that giving Jill and Jeff alone time to sleep together might also have been part of Candy's devious scheming?

What on earth is that emoji you're using for Jeff?
Yes. Sure of it. That generous offer provides a distraction for Michael, giving Candy the space to do more sneaking around behind his back. It also drives a wedge between Michael and Jill, placing Jill on the same level as Candy vis-a-vis how she treats Michael. Before, Jill was the perfect wife, loving, caring, dedicated and in a good position to potentially displace Candy in the event things ever go wrong. But now Jill is Candy’s equal when it comes to being sneaky, dishonest and fucking around behind Michael’s back. With this masterstroke, Candy has manipulated Jill into being less of a threat in the event that she ever completely fucks Michael off.

Plus it keeps Jeff otherwise occupied at a time he was getting too clingy, enabling Candy to put time into finding more big cocks to fool around with. Once again Candy’s taken a course of action designed to get what she wants. If she really thought Michael wanted to see Jeff fucking Jill, why didn’t she encourage Jill to play around openly, involving Michael from the start rather than sneaking around behind his back?

A good definition of love is that it's about caring how someone makes you feel, while being in love is about caring how you make them feel. Question is, which does Candy exhibit most, caring how she feels or caring how Michael feels? Who knows? There's always more than one way to interpret Candy's actions.

Re emoji: That is a shark 🦈. Think I’ll stick with the evil, devilish behavior emoji 👿.
Last edited by Asterix42 on Fri Jun 03, 2022 7:18 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:17 am

Candy for all her many faults, and I'm not counting them as that would be analogous to trying to count the number of grains of sand in the desert, does love Michael it's just that this is a marvellous work of fiction too.

You can't have such consistency with morals and what should and shouldn't be the case when two people are in love if you want to create the great story lines and tension between all the principals. Candy is central to making it all work, the super selfish bad girl who somehow also has a heart of gold and loves Michael despite showing every outward sign of the direct opposite.

Remember though one point she definitely bends over backwards for Michael in fucking other men (possibly with her knees somewhere near her face) - this has always been one of his greatest fantasies and why she got started on this road - she now fulfills it and then some.


On the emoji, my fault I meant that peculiar one you used a post or two ago for Greg🍆 (not Jeff sorry)

Asterix - we can't continue to hijack Goyse's thread, maybe mail would be better?

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:26 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:17 am
Candy for all her many faults, and I'm not counting them as that would be analogous to trying to count the number of grains of sand in the desert, does love Michael it's just that this is a marvellous work of fiction too.

You can't have such consistency with morals and what should and shouldn't be the case when two people are in love if you want to create the great story lines and tension between all the principals. Candy is central to making it all work, the super selfish bad girl who somehow also has a heart of gold and loves Michael despite showing every outward sign of the direct opposite.

Remember though one point she definitely bends over backwards for Michael in fucking other men (possibly with her knees somewhere near her face) - this has always been one of his greatest fantasies and why she got started on this road - she now fulfills it and then some.


On the emoji, my fault I meant that peculiar one you used a post or two ago for Greg🍆 (not Jeff sorry)

Asterix - we can't continue to hijack Goyse's thread, maybe mail would be better?
Agree. We’re probably pissing a few people off - apologies to all.

🍆= aubergine= big dick.


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:06 am

Asterix42 wrote:
Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:26 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:17 am
Candy for all her many faults, and I'm not counting them as that would be analogous to trying to count the number of grains of sand in the desert, does love Michael it's just that this is a marvellous work of fiction too.

You can't have such consistency with morals and what should and shouldn't be the case when two people are in love if you want to create the great story lines and tension between all the principals. Candy is central to making it all work, the super selfish bad girl who somehow also has a heart of gold and loves Michael despite showing every outward sign of the direct opposite.

Remember though one point she definitely bends over backwards for Michael in fucking other men (possibly with her knees somewhere near her face) - this has always been one of his greatest fantasies and why she got started on this road - she now fulfills it and then some.


On the emoji, my fault I meant that peculiar one you used a post or two ago for Greg🍆 (not Jeff sorry)

Asterix - we can't continue to hijack Goyse's thread, maybe mail would be better?
Agree. We’re probably pissing a few people off - apologies to all.

🍆= aubergine= big dick.

Damn! I'm going to miss that.

Hey, by the way. I'm back! Out with the pen and getting to work again. Now....... where were we? Oh, that's right, Sid. (oops, have I given away a clue?) What chapter was the last one posted.... (Ok, maybe not.)


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:50 am

Chapter 13. Lucky for some, disastrous for others.

Candy Trio Chapter 13

“Well if everybody agrees we could get it all moving by Sid here teasing me a little with that big rod of his because I don’t know about anyone else but I’d like to see it. Then I could suck Greg at the same time while you watch us, Michael then when you’re ready, you can join in. Does that sound alright?”

The men looked at each other in silence then it was Michael who nodded his okay as Sid and Greg dropped their pants. All eyes were on Sid as both Michael and Candy had seen Greg before.

Michael simply said, “Fuck!”

Candy giggled, “Yes, you’ve got that right….., Fuck!”

Sid chuckled, “I told you that a few who have tied have given up. A couple have even fled the scene. If you don’t want to continue Candy that’s fine but what I will tell you is that I look after my women. It’s the only way they will come back.”

Candy looked at her husband, “Michael,” she said?

“If you want to then I have no objections.”

“You realise I will be as useless to you as I was after our baby, don’t you? I may even take longer to recover.”

“Yes, I realise.”

“What about me,” Greg asked?

“Yea,” Candy said, “What about you Greg? Well, beside Sid here you’re just a little man and I have already told you that you are the lube store.” Everybody laughed except Greg who blushed.

“Okay,” Candy told them, “I’ll lie down on your bed Sid and you can rub that donkey dick across my slit while I suck Greg. When you’re ready, honey, just take over from Sid and we’ll get this party going.”

“Will everyone wear condoms,” Michael asked. They all looked at him and simply grinned as if he was stupid.

Candy answered, “I’m breastfeeding. That’s my protection.”

“Jill told me that it is less than ninety-five per cent protection against Pregnancy.”

“Yes, I know. I was the one who told her. Now do we do this thing or are you going to take me home, Michael?”

Michael didn’t answer. He simply unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor. Everybody there knew his answer by the angle of his penis. It was standing straight up looking at his belly button.


With the heater on Jill lifted the blankets for Jeff to climb into bed. She then climbed in beside him and cuddled up to his body. “I read somewhere that this is how the Eskimos get people warm who are at risk of hypothermia,” she told him. He had stopped shivering. There was silence for a short time before he responded.

“Yes, I’ve read the same and I can vouch for it being fairly effective. Lucky Eskimos is all I can say. I’m starting to get warm already.”

“Yes, I can tell,” she told him with a chuckle.

“How?” he asked.

“I know because this thing is growing and getting harder by the minute.” She reached down between them and gave his cock a squeeze.

“I’m sorry. It’s just the feel of your body against me.”

“I understand. It’s having an effect on me too, I’m getting wet.”

“I imagine the birth rate in Iceland is quite high and the children could look altogether different from each other if they do this for every man who suffers hypothermia.”

“Yes, it does feel rather nice with your body pressing up against me like that. You’ve gone from cold to warm in a matter of minutes and that erection pushing into me is a bit of a turn-on.”

“Perhaps we should go back to Michael’s office then.”

“It’s too cold for that. Maybe, just this once we could do it here. Kiss me.”

He kissed her and then rolled her over onto her back. She took hold of him and guided him into her love hole. “Go nice and easy, Jeff. Slow and gentle this time. That’s the way I like it.”

“I’m sorry if I got carried away earlier. It’s just that I had been looking forward to this moment for so long.”

“Yes, I know. I was a little over-excited too. Maybe I should apologize to you for delaying for so long but I needed to be certain that Michael was okay with us going this final step.”

“Did you talk to him about it all?”

“No, not in so many words but just watching him when you’re around he seemed to be quite relaxed with it all. I just needed to be sure.”

“You would know by looking at what Candy does, wouldn’t you?”

“I am me. I’m not Candy. Michael is different with me and I treat him differently. We’re a lot closer and he is more loving with me. He cares about Candy but I think he values sex with me a lot more.”

“How would you know how he feels? Does he tell you?”

“No. Michael instigates sex with me most nights but when he and Candy make love it is her who usually instigates it.”

“I see.”

“If you move a little faster now, Jeff, I think I’ll cum again.”

“Okay, and I will too.”



Sid and Candy kissed as Greg and Michael watched. Candy then took her clothes off. Sid then picked her up and laid her down across his bed with her bottom on the edge of the bed. Her head was close to the opposite side of the bed. Sid then took her feet and lifted them so her knees bent which allowed him to place each of her heels on the edge of the bed, one on either side of her. This opened her pussy up to all three men.

Greg moved to the opposite side of the bed allowing Candy to place a hand on his cock while Sid moved in close to her to rub the head of his cock up and down her slit. Michael watched as Sid worked on her. Initially, his donkey dick was relatively slack but as he rubbed it against her more and more he became erect. Michael observed that he was even bigger once he became fully erect. Candy was already very wet but as Sid became erect precum flowed constantly from the huge hole at the end of his shaft making her wetter and wetter.

Occasionally Sid would stop rubbing along her slit and would take his cock in his hand and gently slap it down onto her pussy and clit. While this was happening Greg had moved over to place the head of his penis near Candy’s mouth. She would lick it, run her tongue around behind the back of its head then move it away from her face but then slide her hand up and down it several times before repeating the process. As all this was happening Michael had removed his clothes leaving only his underpants on.

As Michael watched Sid slid his cock head down then up then down again on Candy’s slit to push part of the head into her. Michael moved over close to him. He placed his hand on Sid’s shoulder and told him, “It’s time for me, now.”

“Soon,” he replied.

It was obvious to Michael that Candy was too far gone to intervene. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning constantly. The only sign that she was even conscious was that every time that Sid had pushed the head of his cock down her hips lifted as if to take him in. The routine that she had set up with Greg appeared to be automatic rather than considered.

Once more Sid pushed his cock down with his hand and pushed his hips forward as Candy lifted. Candy’s lips were forced wide by the huge head and once more it looked as if the head of his cock was going to penetrate her but once more he pulled back rather than forcing it into her.

“Sid,” Michael said as he placed his hand on his shoulder once more.

“Soon,” Sid told him once more.

“Oh God,” Candy moaned.

“Sid,” Michael said once more.

“I’m filling her with my precum and she is about to orgasm. She won’t need your sperm for lube, Michael. She is about to let me in. Take a seat and watch us.”

“But she said she wanted me first.”

“Michael, sit down and watch. I’m about to fuck your wife if you don’t want to watch us then leave.”

Immediately after he said it Sid pushed his cock down once more but this time as candy lifted her hips he pushed forward a lot firmer and his cock head slid into her. Candy’s eyes opened wide and yelled, “Oh my God, Sid baby, I’m cumming.”

Sid started sharp movements slightly back then thrusting forward and each time he thrust forward about half an inch disappeared inside her. Michael watched closely feeling totally helpless. He shrugged his shoulders in despair as he watched candy’s pussy being pulled almost inside out each time that Sid’s huge cock pulled back.

As time passed, Sid got increasingly inside her until suddenly Candy humped her back to allow her to put her hand up against Sid’s chest. “I can’t take any more, Sid, honey.”

“Okay,” he said and then started working out than in but with his cock only a little over halfway into her. Candy continued to moan and groan telling Michael she was having a continuous orgasm.

Greg let out an “Oh, yes.” and started to cum. Candy attempted to take it all into her mouth but much of his sperm coated her face and her tits. It was obviously too much for Sid. Michael watched as Sid’s big balls rose and fell inside their sac as his cock throbbed time after time as he filled Candy’s pussy with his potent sperm. Not a drop leaked from her held in by the tightness of their coupling. His big body then slumped down over the top of Candy as Greg lay down beside her. All was quiet. Candy made no attempt to look across to her husband. She simply held Sid tightly to her.

Michael felt dejected and rejected. He picked up his clothes and very quietly left the bedroom. He put his coat and his shirt down on a chair and pulled his pants on then donned his shirt and coat. He sat in the chair for almost a minute before he got up and left the unit.

As he drove home a tear formed in his eye. He brushed the tear away and then smiled. “At least Jill will be there for me,” he mumbled to himself.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:31 am

The break must have done you the power of good because this was Goyse at the peak of his powers again. I love Candy getting carried away and just going with the moment. Poor Michael he absolutely loves watching but you sense that this was one time where he really did need to connect with his wife, physicakly and not just emotionally, but was cruelly denied by her complete lack of care for her own husband. It wasn't done intentionally but brought on by her being absolutely lost in the moment, the biggest she's ever had, the total experience, but unfortunately unaware, blinded and oblivious to her very own husband's interests who she left with only sadness and regret. Candy never learns, she has s heart of gold but a brain made from plasticine. A real airhead with little self control. There's good intentions but no follow through. Selfishness is her surname even if it's not always intentional.

Meanwhile Candy model 2, also known as Jill who insists she's not like Candy is becoming more and more like her every second, minute and hour. She talks the talk but can't walk the walk. one example just directly follows the previous one, as sure as night follows day, Jill turns into Candy, maybe not in looks but in character and persona. So we can't violate their bedroom and their bed and then next minute, hey presto, she's doing exactly that. Jeff shouldn't stay the night, hey presto he's all set to do exactly that, I'm not Candy, hey presto she is a carbon copy of our number one favourite bad girl.

So with Candy and Candy II deserting him it's time for Lesley (female spelling 😒) or Leslie who's a girl 😀.

Poor, poor Michael but well written Goyse.


(You know we all love Candy at her slutty and selfish best 👍) - great writing Goyse

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:31 am

Poor Michael 😯. Alone and with no one in his life who cares enough to actually ask him how he’s feeling. No surprises with Candy 😈 as she’s all about the sex and he’s always the number two man in her life. Different with Jill 🤭, as she pointed out to Jeff 👿, Michael’s both closer to her than he is to Candy and intimacy between them is something special beyond what he has with Candy.

Candy might have hurt him again, but no surprises there. As Chris points out above, this is her at her slutty and selfish best. She’s never given a damn for Michael whenever there’s a big cock anywhere near her - which is almost always. Wonder if Sid’s🖕going to be meaner than Tod 😠 was?

Jill though. Michael has no doubt expected more from her. More caring, more dedication, more communication and more open honestY. Boy, Is he in for disappointment when he gets home. Candy’s really done a job on her, turning her into a Candy clone.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter to see Michael’s reaction. Will he do something decisive, or will he meekly fold?
Last edited by Asterix42 on Fri Jun 10, 2022 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:04 pm

What I want to know is where have all the aubergines gone? Two reviews and not one mention of our red headed Viking warrior. Even the emoji king, our very own judge, his Honour Judge Asterix QC liberally sprinkled emojis right, left and centre but no aubergines.

Perhaps Greg 🍆 now knows just how Michael 😯. felt, a little lost, neglected and left out. He hasn't got Candy II 🤭 to go home to, and spend the night peaking through the slightly ajar door while Jeff 👿 jackhammers into Candy II (Jill) 🤭. Michael 😯 might spend the night pleasantly excited and aroused while crying buckets of tears too.

The aubergine king Greg 🍆 is who we should be sorry for, sad, lonely desolate, distraught and heartbroken Greg 🍆, he's destroyed and alone and what's more our reviews didn't even give him a mention.

Don't worry Asterix, this has been added to the charge sheet when you're up before Judge Candy later this month, so that's gross slander (against Candy herself) and no aubergines. The special rope they used to use for hanging a man by the neck is luckily still manufactured in Candyland and that new gallows in the public square has your name on. Don't worry though Greg 🍆 won't be there.


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Jun 10, 2022 12:19 pm

Note to self: Chris wants more aubergines - must ask Goyse to give Greg 🍆 more air time.

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