The story of Candy trio

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Jun 10, 2022 4:04 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:31 am
... Poor Michael he absolutely loves watching but you sense that this was one time where he really did need to connect with his wife, physicakly and not just emotionally, but was cruelly denied by her complete lack of care for her own husband. It wasn't done intentionally but brought on by her being absolutely lost in the moment, the biggest she's ever had, the total experience, but unfortunately unaware, blinded and oblivious to her very own husband's interests who she left with only sadness and regret. Candy never learns, she has s heart of gold but a brain made from plasticine. A real airhead with little self control. There's good intentions but no follow through. Selfishness is her surname even if it's not always intentional.

Meanwhile Candy model 2, also known as Jill who insists she's not like Candy is becoming more and more like her every second, minute and hour. She talks the talk but can't walk the walk. one example just directly follows the previous one, as sure as night follows day, Jill turns into Candy, maybe not in looks but in character and persona. So we can't violate their bedroom and their bed and then next minute, hey presto, she's doing exactly that. Jeff shouldn't stay the night, hey presto he's all set to do exactly that, I'm not Candy, hey presto she is a carbon copy of our number one favourite bad girl.
Interesting that Candy 😈 and Jill 🤭 both say they care about Michael 😯 getting something out of what they do, but neither makes an effort to make it happen. Candy seems to have a pattern of letting him watch the first time she takes a new lover, then she cuts him out. In all the time she was with Tod 😠 he watched them fuck live only once and she showed Michael only one of the many videos she made. With Jeff 👿 there's only been one mention of Michael being invited to join them, which was the night she came home from the trip.

Only with Greg 🍆 did Candy make any effort to involve Michael, and that was the many occasions they fucked as two couples in the same room, Candy with Greg and Michael with Jill.

Now apprentice Jill is fucking Jeff behind Michael's back and deliberately locking him out. At least Candy made an effort to make sure his needs were looked after by finding Jill for him. Now he's on his own, loved by both his women, but cared for by neither.

Wonder where he'll turn now for intimate emotional connection? Could it be a good time for a hot new character 🔥to enter the story and shake things up?
Last edited by Asterix42 on Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 10, 2022 8:50 pm

If Leslie 🙋 can't make it, how about sending Mrs Asterix 🙋over?


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by veub » Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:12 pm

For both women, Michael is that nice, but not exciting or interesting guy from high school. He's the guy they'll call to pick them up when their car won't start. They call him to cry on his shoulder when their latest boyfriend breaks up with them. He'll hold back their hair while they're vomiting after a drunken night at a party with someone else. He'll write their English essays for them. They defend him when talking to others - "he's soooo sweet."
They both "love" him for what he does for them, but he's ignored when the shiny new toy comes around.
Sounds like most of the "real life" stories on here.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:17 pm

veub wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:12 pm
For both women, Michael is that nice, but not exciting or interesting guy from high school. He's the guy they'll call to pick them up when their car won't start. They call him to cry on his shoulder when their latest boyfriend breaks up with them. He'll hold back their hair while they're vomiting after a drunken night at a party with someone else. He'll write their English essays for them. They defend him when talking to others - "he's soooo sweet."
They both "love" him for what he does for them, but he's ignored when the shiny new toy comes around.
Sounds like most of the "real life" stories on here.
How about describing his dick as 'cute', that seems to be the ultimate in stereotypical clichéd expressions for watching husbands currently rife in OHW fantasyland.


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:53 pm

veub wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:12 pm
For both women, Michael is that nice, but not exciting or interesting guy from high school. He's the guy they'll call to pick them up when their car won't start. They call him to cry on his shoulder when their latest boyfriend breaks up with them. He'll hold back their hair while they're vomiting after a drunken night at a party with someone else. He'll write their English essays for them. They defend him when talking to others - "he's soooo sweet."
They both "love" him for what he does for them, but he's ignored when the shiny new toy comes around.
Sounds like most of the "real life" stories on here.

All I can say to that is...... :up: (So true!)


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:02 pm

I know you are all waiting to find out what happens so I won't keep you in suspense... too long.

Candy Trio Chapter 14

Candy felt as if she was in a different world so intense had been her orgasm. She lay there for a long time holding the man who had given her such pleasure trying to regain her bearings to understand where she was and what had happened. If asked at that moment what it was like she would have said that the English language doesn’t have words adequate to describe it.

As she recovered she realise that Michael was no longer in the bedroom. She waited patiently expecting that he would return from the bathroom. After several minutes she decided that she needed to go to Michael given that she had promised him he would go first so she thought that he may be upset that she had reneged on that promise. She didn’t mean to but she had become so excited with what Sid was doing to her that she had forgotten all about Michael. It was Sid who had taken control and she had just let it all happen.

She tried to get out from under Sid but that was impossible. “Hey, Sid,” she shouted at him! “Let me get up.”

Sid looked down at her and smiled. “Wow, that was something,” he told her.

“Yes, it was but I need to find Michael. We cut him out.”

“Michael will be okay. He’s just a cuckold. Cuckolds love to watch their wives getting fucked.”

“Sid, get off me, for fucks sake! He’s my husband and he’ll be upset.”

Sid moved across to let her get up. She looked over at Greg and realised he was fast asleep. 'Typical,' she thought. She walked across to the bathroom but it was empty. She took a handful of paper off the toilet paper roll and wiped herself clean then bunched up a handful of paper which she held in place with the panties she had picked up on her way to the bathroom.

She then checked out the lounge room, the kitchen then the second bedroom. Finally, she looked out into the car park and saw that Michael’s car was gone. “Fuck, he’s left me here,” she mumbled.

She returned to the bedroom, “Sid,” she said. “Get up. Get dressed and run me home.”

“You don’t have to go home,” he told her.

“Yes, I do. I’m a mother and I have children to look after. Besides, I need to find Michael. He’s left me here.”

“He knows he can’t compete so he has gone away to sulk.”

“Michael doesn’t sulk. If he left it was for good reason. Now get up and run me home.”

“What about us? We made sweet music here tonight.”

“For fuck’s sake, Sid, get your lazy arse up and take me home or there will be no us anymore."

“Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a twist and wet your nightie. Let me have a piss and then I’ll run you home.”

Sid grabbed his pants off the floor and wandered past her to the bathroom. Candy listened and chuckled as a sound like a hose running into a bathtub came out of the bathroom. She heard the water running then Sid stumbled back into the room to find Candy fully dressed.

“Hand me that shirt,” he told her. Candy stooped down and picked it up as Sid got an eye full of her tits.

“You’ve got lovely full feeling tits, honey,” he told her.

Candy smiled. She loved compliments but then she became serious once more and said, “Come on. Forget the bullshit and get me home. If I don’t find Michael and smooth over things with him you and me will never get another chance.”

“I don’t know why you let him control you like that.”

“Michael doesn’t control me,” she snapped back at him. “I love him and he looks after me like no other man ever could so I have to make sure he is okay. I’m nothing without him. Losing him would be worse than death for me.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that shit from women before but when the chips are down they always survive when their old man gives them the boot.”

“Michael is not going to give me the boot. He loves me and I need to make sure that I haven’t hurt him.”

Sid laughed loudly at that. “You really think you can run around fucking whoever you like and Michael is not going to get hurt? You fucking women are unbelievable. All you care about is the next good fuck and you think your husband just accepts it as a normal part of life. He even asked about protection to make sure you don’t get up the duff from my monster but you pushed it aside as if it was nothing. Of course, the guy is hurt. Even I would feel a little sorry for him if he wasn’t such a weak-kneed cuckold.”

“Michael is not weak-kneed. He’s strong and he likes to see me sexually satisfied.”

“Okay, if that’s what you convince yourself then so be it.”

“I don’t have to convince myself. I know!”

“Yes, so that is why he pissed off home leaving you here, is it?”

“Are you going to run me home or not?”

“Okay, let’s go. All I’m saying to you is that you’ve got it all wrong, lady.”

Candy didn’t respond. What Sid said worried her. As she walked out towards Sid’s car she wondered if in fact, Sid could be right and that Michael accepted what she did for no other reason other than she wanted it. As they travelled the ten kilometres she thought a great deal about why Michael would have walked away. Was it only because she had allowed Sid to leave him out or was there a deeper issue that Michael disguised and had hidden away from her.

As she thought about it the realisation came to her that perhaps by her encouraging Jilly to take a lover she may be doing damage not only to her relationship with Michael but to Jill’s relationship with him as well. She decided that it was time that all three of them laid their feelings out to each other. Waking up to find Michael had walked away from her made her realise just how lonely and worthless she would feel if something happened that drove him away from her permanently.

It was time for her to take stock of her life and she knew that her life needed Michael in it for it to be meaningful. A tear ran down her cheek. She didn’t want to cry in the presence of big Sid but the thought of ever losing Michael left her feeling empty and lonely.

Sid stopped in the driveway and turned toward her. “I hope everything works out for you, honey,” he told her.

Candy almost told him not to call her honey but the feeling of despair was too strong for her to speak out, “Thanks Sid,” was all she could muster.

“When do I see you next,” Sid asked?

She looked at him through the window and shook her head.” I don’t know, Sid. It will depend on Michael, I guess. We’ll see.”

She turned to walk away but she wondered about something so she turned back as he began to drive off. “Sid,” she yelled. Sid stopped and reversed up.

“Yes, honey,” he answered.

“Sid, I need to ask a couple of things. The first is, please don’t call me honey. That is reserved for Michael and Michael only. The second is, that Greg knew where you lived. He seemed to know a lot more than he should have. Was it accidental that Greg got involved tonight?”

Sid chuckled. “Greg told me that you would be interested. Is that what you’re asking?”

“So Greg told you to approach me. Is that what you’re saying?”

“Something like that, yes. We play poker together occasionally and the last time we played he told me that you once told him that you had mentioned that you had been told that I was hung and that you liked hung.”

“Okay, thanks for that. I’ll catch you next time Michael takes me for a drink. Thanks for running me home.”

“That’s the least I can do for what you have done for me.” Sid put the car into gear but then looked out at her to say, “Candy, I’d like to tell you how much I enjoyed being with you tonight. You know, I’ve been with a lot of women in my time but no one has ever come near you.”

“Thanks, Sid. I enjoyed it immensely too. Good night.”

“Good morning,” Sid told her with a chuckle then drove off.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:12 pm

I can never have too much of Goyse's writing, as he explores every facet of his leading characters' personalities. He makes them rounded human beings with strengths and weaknesses, good and bad points, not black and white hats but more nuanced and subtle, proper human beings rather than cardboard cutouts.

Here we see Candy for what she is, loyal to Michael in her heart, even if not always so evident in her actions, deeply concerned for how he might be feeling, and thoughtful and reflective about her own part and whether she might have got caught up in the moment and that mind blowing experience. She's concerned enough for a little introspection, where is she going and are her actions slowly tearing her away from the man she so deeply loves, is it irreparable or can she take action to heal wounds and reset?

Sid aka Greg aka Tod aka Jeff, there was just one mould used when they made these characters, it's labelled self centred huge asshole with gigantic cock. Candy loves hung, but the size queen also seems to like nasty selfish assholes too, a toxic combination which while giving so much physical pleasure is always accompanied by mental pain, hurting Michael has become a common theme, and while he gets off on so much of it himself, it's often a double edged sword as these reprobates try to take Candy and steal her from him. The problem is the more Candy follows this road, the more likely it is that Michael might not be in a position to rescue her from them. Tbf Greg 🍆 was probably more humane than the rest of the reprobates, he was at least considerate and kind to Michael on occasions, he badly blotted his copybook when he found out about Teddy's parentage but had his redeeming moments too.

Great writing Goyse,


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:24 pm

Thanks Goyse. Another great chapter.

So once again Michael 😯 has to walk out on Candy 😈 before she remembers to have any regard for him or his feelings. Tough on Candy hearing those home truths from Sid 🖕 and for once she's thinking about actually asking Michael what he wants, rather than just deciding for him.

Can't wait to find out what's awaiting Candy behind the front door. Will Michael be at home? Will he have kicked Jeff's 👿 ass to the curb? Will he be comforting a distraught Jill 🤭? Or has Michael done a double walk out and left for places unknown?

Hope we don't have to wait long!
Last edited by Asterix42 on Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:45 am

How about predictions?

Mine is Michael's distraught and walks again, leaving Candy to discover an equally upset Jill who is besides herself with guilt and regret, the 'what have I done' scenario. Candy meanwhile has every intention on going after Micheal and searching to the ends of the world until she finds him.....

....but then she see Jeff and looks down at his semi hard cock, she can see it's getting harder all the time and mesmerised just can't resist, she gets to her knees and her mouth is drawn as if by a magnet, greeedily swallowing the whole aubergine.🍆 in one, lost in the ecstacy of lust and passion, suddenly Michael is forgotten, it's now that matters.


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OZCPL » Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:19 am

I know that Michael is a cuck but when Sid was pushing into Candy and Michael cold see Sid's balls tighten and lift he really should have kicked them so hard they busted and spewed out his mouth, Yes, but just so she wouldnt get pregnant.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:51 am

OZCPL wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:19 am
I know that Michael is a cuck but when Sid was pushing into Candy and Michael cold see Sid's balls tighten and lift he really should have kicked them so hard they busted and spewed out his mouth, Yes, but just so she wouldnt get pregnant.
Love it, it's what I would have done but then I don't possess Michael's equanimity and generosity of spirit, he always puts Candy first, second and third and would rather leave quietly full of sadness, regret and possibly a little remorse for allowing things to progress, being shrugged aside and accepting his fate


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:09 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:45 am
How about predictions?

Mine is Michael's distraught and walks again, leaving Candy to discover an equally upset Jill who is besides herself with guilt and regret, the 'what have I done' scenario. Candy meanwhile has every intention on going after Micheal and searching to the ends of the world until she finds him.....

....but then she see Jeff and looks down at his semi hard cock, she can see it's getting harder all the time and mesmerised just can't resist, she gets to her knees and her mouth is drawn as if by a magnet, greeedily swallowing the whole aubergine.🍆 in one, lost in the ecstacy of lust and passion, suddenly Michael is forgotten, it's now that matters.

Meanwhile, across town, Michael 😯 is hand in hand with a hot young woman 🔥 as she unlocks the front door of her apartment. She knows him as she works in one of the video stores he manages. They met by chance in in a bar where he was drowning his sorrows. After hearing his sad story of being betrayed by both the women he loves 😈🤭, she invited him to crash on her sofa for the night. “‘Cause you need somewhere to stay and your a real nice guy who deserves a friend.” She also finds him real cute, though she hasn’t told him that… yet!

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:42 pm

Asterix42 wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:09 pm
Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:45 am
How about predictions?

Mine is Michael's distraught and walks again, leaving Candy to discover an equally upset Jill who is besides herself with guilt and regret, the 'what have I done' scenario. Candy meanwhile has every intention on going after Micheal and searching to the ends of the world until she finds him.....

....but then she see Jeff and looks down at his semi hard cock, she can see it's getting harder all the time and mesmerised just can't resist, she gets to her knees and her mouth is drawn as if by a magnet, greeedily swallowing the whole aubergine.🍆 in one, lost in the ecstacy of lust and passion, suddenly Michael is forgotten, it's now that matters.

Meanwhile, across town, Michael 😯 is hand in hand with a hot young woman 🔥 as she unlocks the front door of her apartment. She knows him as she works in one of the video stores he manages. They met by chance in in a bar where he was drowning his sorrows. After hearing his sad story of being betrayed by both the women he loves 😈🤭, she invited him to crash on her sofa for the night. “‘Cause you need somewhere to stay and your a real nice guy who deserves a friend.” She also finds him real cute, though she hasn’t told him that… yet!
You never told me Mrs Asterix worked in a video store, where were you at the time? Not banished to the garden shed again? 😂


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:49 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:42 pm
Asterix42 wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 12:09 pm
Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:45 am
How about predictions?

Mine is Michael's distraught and walks again, leaving Candy to discover an equally upset Jill who is besides herself with guilt and regret, the 'what have I done' scenario. Candy meanwhile has every intention on going after Micheal and searching to the ends of the world until she finds him.....

....but then she see Jeff and looks down at his semi hard cock, she can see it's getting harder all the time and mesmerised just can't resist, she gets to her knees and her mouth is drawn as if by a magnet, greeedily swallowing the whole aubergine.🍆 in one, lost in the ecstacy of lust and passion, suddenly Michael is forgotten, it's now that matters.

Meanwhile, across town, Michael 😯 is hand in hand with a hot young woman 🔥 as she unlocks the front door of her apartment. She knows him as she works in one of the video stores he manages. They met by chance in in a bar where he was drowning his sorrows. After hearing his sad story of being betrayed by both the women he loves 😈🤭, she invited him to crash on her sofa for the night. “‘Cause you need somewhere to stay and your a real nice guy who deserves a friend.” She also finds him real cute, though she hasn’t told him that… yet!
You never told me Mrs Asterix worked in a video store, where were you at the time? Not banished to the garden shed again? 😂

It’s a very nice shed!


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Sat Jun 11, 2022 5:55 pm

Candy Trio Chapter 15

Michael parked his car off the side of the driveway knowing that Jeff would have to get his car out to go home. He sat there for some time trying to settle his anxiety somewhat before he noticed that the lights in the house were all out. He assumed that Jill and Jeff would be in his office and most likely had closed the office door but it didn’t make sense that all the lights would be out in the house.

He gave a shiver and then realised that his hands were freezing cold. He placed them under his armpits to warm them for a few minutes before getting out of his car to make his way to the house. He opened the door and turned on the lights to see that his office door was open. He smiled then chuckled, thinking, ‘Jill has taken Jeff to her old bedroom. She catches on quickly that one.’

He thought of wandering down to the bedroom but decided against it as he was still trying to come to terms with Candy locking him out and not taking control when Sid refused him access to her. He made his way up the stairs deciding that perhaps if he had a good sleep the world may look better to him. On opening the door he detected an odour of sex in the room. That would have been a surprise to him if he and Jill had not had sex before he went out.

Michael had dropped his clothes on the floor and was at the bed about to raise the blankets to climb under when Jill’s voice said, “Oh fuck, Michael’s home.”

A voice he recognised as Jeff’s replied, “I’ll go then. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Michael’s eyes were starting to adjust to the dark enough for him to see Jeff climbing out the opposite side of the bed and Jill with the blankets held up to her neck looking up at him.

“What the fuck is Jeff doing in my bed,” Michael roared.

All Michael’s pent-up feelings came to the surface when Jeff said, “I’ll see you in the morning then.”

“OUT! OUT! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING BEDROOM YOU FUCKING PRICK.” He hesitated with his hand shaking a finger at the door before he added, “And don’t come back!”

“Will you be okay, sweetheart,” Jeff asked Jill.

Jill answered quietly, “Jeff, do what Michael said. I’ll talk to you tomorrow after I explain the situation to Michael.”

“Okay,” he said and was gone within a few seconds with his clothes in his arms.

Jill stared at Michael. “That was quite unreasonable, Michael. The man almost froze to death down sleeping on the lounge room chair. I needed to get him warm so I bought him up here.”

“Why didn’t you take him to your old bedroom?”

“There were several reasons but the most important of those was that I think of this as our bedroom now, yours and mine. I expected that you of all people would want me to think of it that way. After all, it was you who suggested that I move in with you and I was very pleased that you did. Besides, the bed in my old bedroom is not made up. I stripped it and simply laid a bedspread over the top for show. I wanted this time with Jeff to be special. I didn’t want to spend time making a bed up for us.”

“I guess I owe you an apology then?”

“No, you owe me nothing of the sort. I’m pleased that you care for me enough and care about our love nest enough to get upset by Jeff’s presence in it. Perhaps you might owe Jeff an apology. I think you frightened the life out of him.” She giggled at her comment and Michael joined her.

“I really am sorry. I didn’t expect you to bring him here and I’ve had a dreadful night.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Candy told me that I would be involved with her and Sid but he locked me out and she just accepted it. Then there was Greg.”

“Sid? She was with donkey dick, Sid, the barman and Greg. You mean her ex-lover, Greg?”

“Yes, the same in both cases.”

“Why would she get involved with Greg again? He ran for the hills when he found out Teddy was yours. And every woman that has been with Sid has had trouble handling him.”

“She seemed to handle him okay except at one stage I thought she was unconscious. I guess, she cum so much she passed out.”

“It was that good for her, was it?”

“I guess so. Maybe, I’m just angry because I can’t do that for her. I don’t know anymore. My brain is stuffed.”

“Come here and make love to me.”

“Are you sure? You know, Jeff and all that.”

“Hey, Jeff is okay but you’re my husband and I love you. No one will ever come close to you no matter how big and stiff they might be.”

He kicked his pants out of the way then took her into his arms and lifted her up off the bed. They kissed as he lowered her down onto his cock. He felt Jeff’s sperm before he made contact with her then slipped inside her all the way with very little resistance. He felt her clench her vaginal muscles to tighten up around him something that Candy could no longer do for him. It felt great.

“I love you,” he told her.

“Yes, I know and I love you just as much. I’ll always love you, Michael. I loved you a long time before you married Candy. I cried for a long time when you and she got married.”

Michael pulled back from her to look her in the eyes. “You mean to say that you….”

She cut him off. “Yes, that is what I mean. All the time with our tomfoolery when we were together with Candy I was falling in love. You must never ever tell Candy but I do think she has guessed.”

“I’m sorry,” Michael told her.

“Why are you sorry? I have you as my husband and Candy has what she wants as well so there is nothing to feel sorry about. All three of us are happy with our arrangement now.”

“I mean, all our tomfoolery and hugging and wrestling on Candy’s bed and all that, I didn’t think for one minute that you were more than Candy’s best friend.”

She giggled, “You’re not as innocent as you pretend.”

“What do you mean?”

“You always got an erection when you hugged me and especially when we wrestled on Candy’s bed. I felt it digging into me at times and I got so wet I flooded my panties but you never once tried to seduce me. I always thought that you would one day. Did you ever think of doing it?”

“I’d be lying if I denied it but you were Candy’s best friend so I couldn’t do that to her.”

“You know I was disappointed that you didn’t try it on with me but at the same time, I’m glad now that you didn’t. If you had I wouldn’t know that I could trust you. I know now that you’re a man of your word and that makes me feel very secure with you.”

Michael never ever felt comfortable with compliments so he moved to change the subject. “How was it with Jeff?”

“Sexually it was alright but he’s a grub.”

Michael laughed, “Yes, a big grub in his pants. Did he cum a lot?”

“Yes, masses. It took me ages to clean up the office before coming up to bed. He fell asleep on the lounge so I came up to bed alone.”

“Did he follow you up?”

“No, when it turned cold I went down with a blanket and he was shivering. I knew that he had to warm up before he went home so I invited him up here to get warm.”

“I see.”

“No, I don’t think you do see, Michael. It’s not an excuse. It’s fact. It’s the truth. I cuddled up to him to get him warm and he got excited after he warmed up and so did I. I won’t lie to you. I knew that I shouldn’t let him seduce me but I really wanted it that second time so I pulled him over on top of me. He’s not to blame. I am.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I did, immensely. But it’s over now. We agreed on twice so that is it.”

“The decision is yours to make, Jill. If you want to continue an affair with him, I won’t try to stop you.”

As he lifted her and dropped her over and over again she smiled at him, “I know you won’t try to stop me, Michael but I love you and that love is too precious for me to hurt you more than I already have. I’m not Candy. I get more out of you just holding me than any man could ever give me with his cock no matter how big he is. I wanted to experience it just that once but you said I could try twice. I did and now it is over.”

“I love you, honey.”

“Yes, I know and you need me too. Candy has lost her way but the day will come when even Candy will realise how lucky she is to have you and me here waiting at home for her.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. Never doubt it.”

“I’m about to cum.”

“That’s good. You realise that I can’t cum, don’t you?”

“He dried you out?”

“Yes, I must have cum ten times with Jeff.”

“Oh, God……..” Michael’s sperm shot inside her but it ran straight back out and down their legs. Jeff had stretched her too much for her to retain his sperm even though she could contract her pussy muscles enough to make it feel good for him.

She giggled, “You cum more than you usually do.”

“I’ve been so close all night watching Candy and then thinking about you with Jeff that I just about set a new record for me.”

She giggled once more. “Okay, when you recover I’ll tell you about Jeff as you make love to me once more. That’s what you’re waiting for, isn’t it?”

“You know me well.”

“I’ve had a good teacher. Candy tells me things as we make love.”

“You lick her clean after she’s been out with a man, don’t you?”

“Yes, I’ve been doing it for a long time now. I used to do cleaning duties for her when you were taking her out. You always tasted good and you still do.” He let her down thinking she would want to go to the bathroom to clean herself but she dropped down to her knees and started licking the sperm off his legs up to his crotch finally cleaning his penis which had shrunk down to about three inches but immediately started to grow as she licked it.

She looked up at him and said, “I played with Jeff quite a bit tonight. Did you know that when he is slack his cock is bigger than yours is when you’re erect?”

“Rub it in, why don’t you?”

“No, don’t be ashamed. I love you just the way you are. It’s just something that I noticed and thought you might like me to tell you.” She giggled knowing that as she told him his cock gave a pulse and started growing faster.

“You really got close to him, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I knew that it probably would only be this once so I made the most of it. I think we will probably stay good friends because he respected the conditions of our arrangement.”

“So you’ll be friends with benefits then.”

“I’m not sure about that but maybe one day we might try it again. He’s more interested in Candy than he is with me.”

“Candy thinks he’s just a little boy.”

“Yes, I know but he thinks Candy is just a grown-up woman acting like a juvenile who picks up no responsibility for her actions.”


Jill chuckled, “None committal, aye?”

“I might be if Candy was not standing at the door.”

Jill whispered up at him. “Oh shit. Do you think she heard me?”

Michael smiled down at his lover and said loud enough for Candy to hear. “By the look on her face, I’m certain that she did hear you or else she has come home to execute me for leaving her with Sid. Come on, lay down on the bed and let me clean you up while Candy decides which one of us she will kill first.”


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Jun 11, 2022 8:21 pm

Love these three last chapters!!!!!!!

Looking forward Candy and Michael meeting ;)

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:23 pm

Poor Candy 😈 hearing what Jeff really thinks of her and what people talk about her behind her back. Maybe it’s another wake up call? All said and done, none of her lovers seem to think well of her once they’ve been around her for a while.

Greg 🍆 thought she was irresponsible having a child of color with Tod.

Tod 😠 thought she was a hot slut only good for making porn and colored babies and dropped her the moment Leslie ordered him to stop making movies. He hasn’t said a single word to her from that moment on, not even to say goodbye when he went back to the film studio.

Jeff 👿 thinks she’s a grown-up woman acting like a spoiled juvenile and refusing to take any responsibility for what she does.

Sid 🖕thinks she’s unbelievable, only caring about her next good fuck and delusional in telling herself that what she does doesn’t hurt her husband.

Hope she hangs onto Michael 😯 as it seems he’s the only man who sees her worth as a person, rather than just as a good fuck! Mind you, Jill offers Michael everything that he could possibly get from Candy without the drama and compulsive lies. The way they’re bonding emotionally it seems our threesome are less a thruple than they are a couple plus one, with Candy as the plus one and increasingly a third wheel in the relationship.

Is that another Candy 😈 lie mentioned by Jill? Sounds like Candy told Jill that Greg “ran for the hills” when he found out that Teddy was Michael’s, whereas at the time Candy told Michael Greg was “acting like a jealous child, sulking because of the colour of our child’s skin.” Michael was also told by a nurse that Greg’s reaction to the baby’s skin color upset Candy so much that she needed sedation. Maybe she mislead Jill to hide from another embarrassing situation?

Anyway, what’s next? No dramatic walk outs I suspect. Probably a big reconciliation, lots of apologies and a hot threesome for our thruple.
Last edited by Asterix42 on Sun Jun 12, 2022 12:31 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:34 pm

Thanks Goyse, loving it - these chapters have had everything, it's why we keep wanting more.

Great to see Jill take her identity back, she had seemed to be slowly changing into Candy mark II and it was an uncomfortable truth that Jill repeated to Michael "Candy is just a grown-up woman acting like a juvenile who picks up no responsibility for her actions", Jeff's brain is still perceptive enough even if Candy doesn't like hearing the truth.

Jill then has returned to her true lover and life partner Michael and everyone is happy, Candy can carry on fucking the postman, baker and candlestick maker if they have big cocks - she may return one day but should they care? Maybe their emotional bonds say yes but common sense says no. We do however know a contrite and concerned Candy is standing at the doorway and a reset discussion looks more than likely

Then again didn't Jill held out just that little hint that if they decided on a different route (cut Candy out) she could still provide the Candy role when needed? Although we know Candy won't leave as they still love her for whatever reasons, emotions aren't always easy to understand.

Jill channels Candy with the hint "maybe one day we might try it again. (with Jeff)"

One last point Teddy is Michael's son but his biological father was Tod. Michelle is Michael's biologically speaking too.

Once again really appreciated Goyse,


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 11, 2022 9:40 pm

Good points Asterix on Teddy and the two versions offered by Candy depending on her audience, she's always been a compulsive liar at the best of times anyway.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OZCPL » Sat Jun 11, 2022 10:44 pm

Thanks Goyse another good one
They keep me interested.


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:22 am

Candy trio Chapter 16

Michael picked up Jill and laid her on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge. He then took her heels and lifted them up to put them down on the edge of the bed in much the same way that Sid had done with Candy. In this position, her pussy was open and easy to access. He privately wished he had turned the light on so he could see the damage that Jeff had done to her.

Almost on cue, Candy flicked the light switch and he could see. Instead of a cute neat slit, her labia lay open and he could see inside to her cervix which was covered in sperm. The lower levels of her vagina were also coated in sperm that looked as if it was at least a half-inch deep. Her crotch was covered in their juices and it was matted through her pussy hair. Sick as it might sound the picture before him gave him an instant erection so hard that it hurt.

He bent down and started to lick the mess on her inner legs but then a hand pulled him back. “Leave it to me, Michael. Sit back and watch us,” Candy told him.

For a moment Michael considered telling her to back off but then considered perhaps, given that she had come home so soon after him it was better left alone for now. He stood up and Candy dropped to her knees. As Michael went to move away Candy looked up at him and told him, “I’m sorry, Michael. I didn’t want to leave you out but I just got so carried away.” She pronounced so as ‘sssoooo.’

“We’ll talk about it later when the time is right.”

“The time will never be right if it’s not right now.” She told him.

Before Michael could respond, Jill reached up and placed her hands on the back of Candy’s head and pulled her face into the mess in her crotch. “Stop your fucking bullshit and lick me clean, fucker. If you want to do Michael’s job for him shut the fuck up and get on with it.” She then rubbed Candy’s head from side to side in the mess and humped up at her face.

Michael could not believe that Candy became so submissive as she proceeded to lick the sperm away from Jill’s crotch and down her inner thighs. When it looked as if the job was almost done Jill lifted her upper torso up by pulling on Candy’s head as Michael saw her belly muscles ripple. A huge pussy fart issued from her. A heap of sperm bubbled out into Candy’s mouth as Jill giggled at her loud attempt at emptying her vagina.

“Get in there and get it all out or you’ll be babysitting my newborn in nine months’ time, slut,” Jill told her as she attempted pushing another bubble of sperm from her pussy. Once more there was a loud pussy fart and another clump of sperm bubbled from her. A third time she repeated the process but this time, less was evacuated from her and the noise was a lot quieter. She then spread her legs wide so her pussy gaped open. Candy pulled back and took a good look then dived in with her tongue out more than four inches from her mouth.

Michael had always seen Candy as a dominating type of person but with Jill, she appeared to be like putty in her hands. He wondered why such a strong woman would become so meek and mild in the hands of a woman who although extremely intelligent didn’t seem to fit the dominating role well at all. Then, all of a sudden it occurred to him. Candy was madly in love with her to the extent that Jill had absolute control if she chose to use it. With that realisation, Michael suddenly understood more about his relationship with Candy. Candy’s relationship with Jill was the mirror image of Michael’s relationship with Candy.

Michael smiled. He now understood why Candy could do such things to him and get away with it. The problem was not Candy. The problem was him. He let it happen! Candy did what she did because she thought he would always toe the line and accept anything she chose to do. And that was exactly how their relationship worked. He thought for a while as Candy licked away. Was that why she came home so soon after him? When he stood his ground by walking away from her had she panicked knowing he had the strength to walk away?

Jill let out a moan and a groan indicating she had reached her orgasm from Candy’s efforts. It surprised Michael given she had told him she couldn’t so he looked over at Jill to have her smile and nod across at him. She had faked it to let Candy think she was doing a good job. Michael almost laughed out loud. He realised that Jill had been honest with him but not so with Candy.

Once again he thought about it and realised that Jill was mimicking Candy’s behaviour. Candy would often do things to keep people happy. They were never important things but even so they were not always honest things. She would tell a neighbour for example that she liked their homemade jam to make them feel good even if she didn’t like it. Michael smiled understanding that Jill was reflecting Candy’s own behaviour back at her.

He left the girls to enjoy their love fest and made his way to the bathroom. When he returned the girls were cuddled up in bed together. Candy appeared to be asleep whereas Jill raised her head to give him a smile as he climbed in behind her to move into his usual spoon position behind the woman he loved more than anything in the world, Jill. Life was looking up!


With his new knowledge, Michael made a point of staying home with his two wives except for work for the next eight weeks. The kids demanded a lot of attention from all three of them so the girls didn’t seem interested in going out at all. Michael became more outspoken with Candy on matters and made a point of telling her to do little things such as, “Would you drop in at the shop this afternoon and buy me a carton of coke.” Candy didn’t question his demands and complied with every request. This made Michael realise that if he chose to become the master of his house the opportunity was available to him. The question in his mind though was, ‘did he really want to dominate the women that he loved?’ After due consideration, he decided to not use his newfound knowledge unless it was necessary. He liked the situation where the three of them were equals and honest with each other within their relationship.

Jeff came over occasionally as did Leslie but the visits were more like visits to friends than anything else. Michael was pleased that Jeff was honouring their agreement. Given the situation, he gained more respect for Jeff than he ever thought was possible. He realised that had the situation been different he and Jeff could have become great mates and perhaps one day they might.

It was during that week, as was the normal process in the household that Michael while taking the rubbish out dropped the bin from the bathroom spilling its content onto the floor. He got down on his knees and started picking up the rubbish to put back in the bin when he found a white stick that he identified as a pregnancy test kit. He looked at it closely and saw two red lines across the face. One of the girls was pregnant!

It was natural for him to assume that it was Jill as he knew that with the exception of the night with Sid, Candy had not indulged in sex with anyone other than Jill. That night as Candy was putting the kids to bed Michael took Jill in his arms and said, “Congratulations are in order, I believe.”

Jill looked at him in surprise to ask, “Have I won the lottery? No, that couldn’t be it because I don’t have a ticket.”

“I found the test kit so it’s no longer a secret.”

“Should I call you a doctor, Michael? I think you might need one because you, my lover are acting very weird.”

“The pregnancy, I know about it. I saw the test kit in the bin.”

“Michael, it might surprise you to know that as far as I know, I am not pregnant. Think about it. We didn’t have sex last week. The reason I avoided you was because I had my period.”

“Oh fuck! Please, God, don’t let it be Candy.”

“Well the only woman that has been in this house other than me and Candy was Leslie and I don’t think it’s her but if you want to check, give her a call. I’m sure she would appreciate a call from the man she adores like no one else on earth asking her, is she up the duff.”

“Are you saying that Leslie still has this thing for me?”

“Yes, you’re the secret man of her desires. I sometimes feel like sending you over to her just to get that love look out of her eyes.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“I would, actually but Candy wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

“So what are we going to do about it?”

“Leslie? We will do nothing at this stage. One day she will get over it or some great big hulk will come along and sweep her off her feet and solve your problem for you.”

“I didn’t mean Leslie I mean, Candy.”

“Well, until she breaks the good news there is nothing we can do.”

“You do know whose baby it will be don’t you?”

“I assume it is Sid’s unless she has another lover on the side that she is not telling us about. It does explain one thing though. She hasn’t been producing enough milk for the last few weeks to feed the baby so I have been helping out a little.”


“Hey, Michael, you knew the risks and so did she. I know you, Michael and her baby will be yours no matter whose sperm produced it.”

“Yea, but it would be better if she was one of the nineteen instead of the one.”

“Who is one of the nineteen, honey,” Candy asked as she walked in and sat down at the table?

Jill stood to tell them, “I’d better check the kids,” and left.

Michael smiled at Jill as she left and told Candy, “I found the pregnancy test in the rubbish bin and thought it might be Jill but she says it’s not so I guess it has to be you, Candy.”

“Okay, well, it could be me but then we would have a black baby because Jilly baby can’t get me pregnant and the only man I’ve been with for some time was big Sid. So how do you feel about us raising a black kid?”

“If it’s your child then we will raise it as our own no matter what.”

“And how do you think big Sid will react?”

“You and I are husband and wife but if Sid wants to play a part then we will find a way to accommodate him. I don’t know how it would work but we will work something out with him.”

“Alright, that’s good. I now know that should I ever come home at some stage up the duff I know you will stick with me and we will work it out with the sperm donor.”

“So you’re saying that you’re not pregnant then.”

“No, but I think your old lover is. If it’s not Jill and it’s not me then the only other woman that has been here this week was Leslie. She told me that she has been going out picking up men trying to get over you so I guess you’re responsible for this pregnancy, Michael. You really should have shagged her, you know. If you had then knowing how responsible you are she would not have gotten preggers by some stranger. Hhhhmmm, I wonder if she even knows which one?”

“Are you saying that if I chose to have an affair with Leslie you wouldn’t have complained?”

“Actually, I’m surprised that you didn’t. You had ample opportunity and she would never have said no to you. I’m surprised she didn’t try to seduce you.”

“Hhmm, okay. I guess if she is pregnant there is little that we can do about it other than offer her moral support.”

Candy laughed, “You’re not good at covering things up, are you, Michael?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You shifted the conversation when I told you that I was surprised she didn’t try to seduce you.”

“You’re jumping to conclusions, Candy.”

“Well, did she?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“That means that she did.”

“No, she didn’t. I got in first and told her that I would never cheat on you or Jill.”

“So you thought for some reason that she was going to try to seduce you.”

“That, my lovely wife is an assumption and assumptions are not factual. There was never an event where Leslie made her intentions known to me in that respect.”

“If she did offer herself, would you accept?”

“You know that I wouldn’t.”


“If you don’t know the answer to that then I’ve wasted the last few years. I won’t cheat on you or Jill.”

“What if we both told you that it was okay with us?”

“That would change very little. I married you and in doing that I committed to you both, only both of you.”

“Have I ever told you that you’re impossible, Michael?”

“Yes, occasionally but not all the time.”

“What if we both told you that we want you to screw her, what then?”

“I’d tell you that you’re sick and I’d make an appointment for you with a brain doctor.”

“Don’t you understand that the poor woman is all alone and she is pregnant? She needs company. She needs support. She needs help. She’s not only your boss, but she’s also your friend. She’s our friend and a lot better friend than most could ever be.”


“Don’t you see? We have spare rooms that we only use to store crap that we’ll never use. You could invite her to come live with us. We could throw out the rubbish, redecorate the rooms and offer her the opportunity to share in our life.”

“She’d never go for it.”

“Well, she will actually.”

“Do you mean to say you have discussed it with her?”

“No, not in so many words but I did ask her that if you were to ask her what would she say.”

“And I suppose she said yes?”

“No, but she did say something like, ‘bring it on!’”

“I don’t understand you, Candy. It’s as if you want me to have an affair with Leslie.”

“Now you’re getting the picture.”

“But what would Jill think?”

“She’s okay with it. She said that you do everything for us so it’s time we did something for you.”

“I should have known. Look, if Leslie wants to move in with us then that’s okay but the rest of it is not on. What I’m wondering is why you would want this. It just doesn’t add up…….,” he hesitated for a while before continuing, “unless you and her are….., you know what I mean?”

“Well, I’ve sworn off men at present so with you and Jill getting it on every night I needed someone to keep me occupied at night.”

“I see.” Michael realised by her statement that by him walking away followed by Jill’s comment that she was acting like a juvenile Candy had decided to mend her ways. Just how long that would last was a matter for conjecture.

“Are you against it?”

“No, not at all but please don’t involve me, honey. I’ll call her later today and put it to her.”

“Okay, but if you feel like joining us then we will both enjoy it. I still love you.”

“Yes, I know. I never once doubted it and I still love you too. It looks as if my family is going to be growing somewhat. Okay, now have you heard from Sid?

“Sid is off the menu, Michael. I told you. All men are off the menu for me. That’s why I need Leslie.”

“Okay, I’ll go give her a call.”

Michael got up and left for his office. Candy knew the answer he would get after all the girls had discussed it in detail. All they needed was Michael’s okay. Michael felt a little sad that it appeared to him that Candy was preferring Leslie in preference to being with Jill and him but he shrugged his shoulders as he always did when he came to accept something that stressed him.

"Life goes on," he mumbled to himself. "I still have Jill and I love her more than life itself."

The Candy Trio was about to become a Quattro.

The end.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:25 am

Brilliant as ever Goyse, a little sad in that Candy is looking towards Leslie rather than Michael or Jill, but good in a way too as now Michael and Jill can become the proper couple they have been for sometime (sort of now semi officially too). Candy can now be the third wheel, or be the friend they still love and care for but don't look to for too much else, she has her Leslie now. Ok it's a little more complex than that I know, but it's basically correct.

Loved every word of Candy trio so thanks for all your efforts Goyse, one of your very best. Now on to Candy quattro, but give yourself a break first unless you really want to start straight off.

Sadly disappointment lies in store for Mrs Asterix, as Michael definitely looks not only a non-starter but taken. At least she might now let the good judge sleep a night or two in his own bed, being banished to the garden shed every night can't be that comfortable. 😂


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:51 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:25 am
Brilliant as ever Goyse, a little sad in that Candy is looking towards Leslie rather than Michael or Jill, but good in a way too as now Michael and Jill can become the proper couple they have been for sometime (sort of now semi officially too). Candy can now be the third wheel, or be the friend they still love and care for but don't look to for too much else, she has her Leslie now. Ok it's a little more complex than that I know, but it's basically correct.

Loved every word of Candy trio so thanks for all your efforts Goyse, one of your very best. Now on to Candy quattro, but give yourself a break first unless you really want to start straight off.

Sadly disappointment lies in store for Mrs Asterix, as Michael definitely looks not only a non-starter but taken. At least she might now let the good judge sleep a night or two in his own bed, being banished to the garden shed every night can't be that comfortable. 😂


Hey, go easy on Asterix there, Chris. Don't forget he is a judge and one day if we happen to slip up we may have to appear before the honourable, Judge Asterix and he may just happen to remember us!

As for Candy, she is coming back, I assure you. I feel it in my bones or is that 'in my bone?' A lady such as Candy does not give up so easily when there are big things in store for those who try hard...... or is that..... big hard things..... or hard big things..... whatever. :roll: Anyhow, I believe she will return soon. :cool:

Now a word from our sponsor........ Judge Asterix ....., Aarr, where are you judge? Judge! Oh Judge, where are you........, Sorry, I got a bit carried away there for a minute. I thought the judge may be watching.

I'm sure the judge will be with us shortly with many words of wisdom to entertain us with preeminent prestigious and influential statements of truth and wisdom, such as "She's a bitch!" :oops:

Yes, she is but will she mend her ways and become Michael's woman of choice again or has that chapter in her life passed? Will Sid return or has he joined Greg on the big waste stockpile of the used and rejected?

Coming to a webpage near you...., Candy Quattro (co-starred with Michael the manager and supported by Jilly the filly)

Sorry folks, I do get carried away occasionally.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:19 pm

Love it Goyse. Where are you Judge Asterix it's 7.20 pm over there in Kiwi-land, although not sure what time it is in Candyland. Surely she let you out this morning, you've not spent all day in there too ?

All night and all day in that little old tiny and cramped up garden shed, I know you've often fantasised about sleeping with a lawn mower but isn't this going a bit too far?


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:04 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:19 pm
Love it Goyse. Where are you Judge Asterix it's 7.20 pm over there in Kiwi-land, although not sure what time it is in Candyland. Surely she let you out this morning, you've not spent all day in there too ?

All night and all day in that little old tiny and cramped up garden shed, I know you've often fantasised about sleeping with a lawn mower but isn't this going a bit too far?


Just a question, Chris.... Do you think this song was made specifically for Michael or is that taking my story too far?

https:// www. watch?v=Wwq1znXy5wk (Candyman)

Although, maybe this is more like our Candy...... ??

https:// -KT-r2vHeMM (Candy) Love the spider.... suggestion!
Last edited by goyse on Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:24 am, edited 3 times in total.

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