Jade: My Story

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Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:13 pm

This post will be divided into a series of vignettes and grew out of a desire to give the Jade character, loosely based on my wife, depth. It builds on my first two stories; Jade’s Bar Adventure and it’s epilogue. I recommend reading them before tackling this. Her references to Jeff, the South Carolina satyr, is explained in the first two stories.

This new effort is shaping up to be a humdinger. You are going to see Jade as she perceives herself through memories of her married life. If you are a writer, you know that the journey from beginning to end finds its own path. I will discover more about Jade as I compose each major theme.

As always, regardless of the number of views, I hope there are enough who comment after each segment to help me judge how I’m doing.

Jade: My Story

Chapter One
Part One: The Reunion

Suddenly I was awake, my senses alert, probing the stillness of the night, wondering why I had awakened. It didn’t appear to be caused by some noise or movement from inside the room. I lay still so the springs wouldn’t squeak; not much chance of that since my diminutive form barely made an indention in the mattress. As my mind started functioning again I realized it was the stark light of the full moon shining through the window, hitting me in the face; the same light that had allowed my husband to see me rise from our pallet on the floor near this same bed…once again to become an adulteress.

I hadn’t wanted to, at least that’s what I told myself, when we had finally gotten settled for the night and arranged our sleeping bags only a short distance from the narrow bed…and so close to Walker’s bosom buddy; the man I had fucked after he, my loving and faithful spouse, had begged me to. I felt suddenly frustrated at the memory. All I had wanted to be, then as well as now, was a good wife and to stay in the enfolding embrace of the man I loved, to kiss him goodnight, then fall asleep in his comforting arms. But Walker hadn’t wanted that. So we had lain in our sleeping bags and quietly argued. I stood firm in my denial while still feeling the sting of rejection at what had happened upon our arrival.

It had been a shock. My breath caught in my throat and butterflies filled my stomach at the sight of Stew that afternoon, but it appeared he hadn’t been similarly struck. Memories of half a night of fervid fucking filled me as I saw him waiting to greet us. But I also remembered the feelings I had developed for him afterward. Lust had morphed in my susceptible mind into need, then…love? I shivered and stood still, letting Walker go on ahead, unwilling to greet him yet.

God, Stew was handsome. Even more than the last time we’d been together, it seemed. A real hunk. I shook my head, trying to rid it of suddenly impure thoughts. I shouldn’t see him like that again, I chided myself. Anyway, he’d always been special; we’d all become friends together, remaining close throughout college. I’d always been the tiny female, at only five foot three, between two tall, well built men. Stew had even been Walker’s best man. Then our friendship had suffered after graduation when we’d all moved on, trying to get established in diverse careers. Walker’s job allowed him to continue his education and mine, well, let’s just say a sculptor wears many hats. Stew was the one who had really changed, though. When we met he was a city boy, but now, apprenticed to a famous woodworker, you’d never know he wasn’t country born and bred. He even dressed the part; in jeans and a workshirt. With his dark wavy hair atop a six foot four inch muscular frame, he looked good enough to eat.

Once he had done just that to me. My pussy pulsated and I sucked in my breath at the thought. Then I mentally steeled myself, trying to get my head back where it belonged, as I finally approached my former lover. Still, I had expected him to hug me tight and sweep me off my feet; to acknowledge in some way our past intimacy, even a pat on my ass would have worked, but he had just acted like the nice guy he had always been before that fateful night. We were all just good friends, his demeanor seemed to suggest. Then to add insult to injury he had barely paid attention to me after smiling and saying hi.

And so we got our stuff and put it in his room, forced to share because the other one was taken by another young man; the only way Stew could afford to live among the rugged peaks he so dearly loved. And we had to leave the door as well as the window open to catch the mountain breeze, so there wouldn’t be any privacy.

But then, I reminded myself, I wasn’t supposed to lust for him now. And I truly wanted to remain faithful to my marriage vows. The conflicting emotions I felt earlier finally resolved themselves. I had grown up in a man’s world, so I understood the importance of keeping my word. And I had vowed to never do it again in the wake of those three nights with a middle-aged satyr in South Carolina; a man who had gone even further than Stew in debauching me. Jeff had used me in ways bordering on perversion. And I had loved it so much I initially thought I would continue seeking more men able to give me that same satisfaction, but I had reverted to the old me in a couple of weeks, motivated by guilt. Now, in the face of Stew’s reception, any thoughts otherwise could safely be put to rest. He had moved on, I concluded. Anyway, it was for the best, I thought. Even if I had been willing, it took two to tango, and if that’s the way he wanted it, then so be it; we would be friends only.

Walker, I was sure, hadn’t observed my sense of rejection. He had been excited at seeing Stew after so long and for all of us to finally hike the gorge; that primeval place where you had to let the park rangers know you were there in case you didn’t come back. My husband had as much love for the wilderness as Stew did. Especially this area, since hikers had only been allowed in since 1972, only two years before. I felt like an observer to their enthusiasm, even though I was going too. This single minded focus on something had caused me to be left out before. But then, Walker had always been like that. Most of the time he was a loving and considerate man. But sometimes he could be distant; absorbed so fully in his intellectual pursuits or hobbies that he barely knew I existed.

I shouldn’t be upset, I thought; he had come a long way in the three years since our wedding night. How much innocence had been lost then, I wondered. Had I really been that naive for demanding we wait until we were married before having sex? The bedsprings creaked as I tried to get more comfortable. Yes, I thought to myself, I had been, but so had Walker in agreeing to it. So, as most of the people we palled around with in college eagerly gave in to their carnal desires, we had stuck to our guns, enduring three long years of horniness.

And our ignorance showed on our wedding night. Foolishly I thought being dressed in a white lace peignoir would suddenly turn him into an accomplished lover. Humph; foolish girl. I remember thinking, after it was over, with him still lodged between my legs, his long cock already getting soft; is this all there is? A minute before my pussy had been chaste and pure, eager for my one true love; now it hurt and was full of his cum. And worse still, that had been it for the night.

I looked at the sleeping form below me, my mind churning with both love and disgust at what he had done by egging me on. Suddenly I yearned to reconnect with him; to tell him I loved him, to have him hold me…but my body was still in another mans’ bed.

My husband, who had first recognized my yearnings and his inability to fulfill them, had wanted this to happen after seeing my need today; just scant hours after getting to the little cinderblock house in the mountains of Virginia. But you can’t discard years of sexual repression so quickly, even after those episodes of sinfulness. I turned and hit the pillow, letting out some of the frustration triggered by that fact. No, even after Stew and Jeff had shown me what real sex could be, the old taboos applying to “good girls” snapped right back into place afterwards; that dratted little angel always raising up its ugly head from her perch on my shoulder to chastise me, denying me…what? Didn’t I already have everything? Damn bible thumping parents.

I turned on my side to get away from the light. That left me facing the somnolent man on the floor. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. When we were finally settled into our sleeping bags, me clad in just a long t-shirt and he nude, it was to sleep, or so I thought. Walker had immediately started to get affectionate; first tiny nibbles on my ear followed by gently pinching my nipples. That had an immediate effect; there seemed to be a direct connection from those suddenly erect teats to the sweet spot between my legs. “Stop it,” I had whispered. “Why,” he replied. “Just because I’m not Stew?” “Don’t ask me to do it again.” I begged, “I told you, my mind got messed up for awhile but I regret it. I just want you,” I whispered back, almost whimpering, “only you.” A soft snort followed that statement. “No, Jade, I saw how you acted this afternoon,” Walker then replied tenderly, “you still want him. Now go.” His fingers found my pussy lips, then dipped inside, confirming I was wet. “Uh uh,” I said, “I don’t need him and he doesn’t want me.” “Your pussy betrays your words,” he quietly retorted, “and the only way to find out what he wants is to ask.” Suddenly ticked off, I turned in our bag, facing away from him, but then I had to look at the man on the bed.

The memory of that night with him flooded my brain. Fascinated but also afraid, I had watched him remove his clothes; his proud cock so different from Walkers. I had trembled as he stripped me. He had seen my fear and took me in his arms and gently hugged me, then rained light kisses on my bare shoulder and neck. He had told me I could still back out even as he took my hand and placed it on his raging hard-on. When I looked up at him, my face a question mark, he had kissed me…gently at first but with increasing intensity as I began to respond. His hand found my breast and cupped it, testing its fullness, and he had moaned with desire. “You beautiful, sexy woman,” he had crooned softly. By now I was compliant in his arms. He and Walker must have talked because the next thing he did was to pinch my nipple. “Oh God,” I had breathed, and began to pant.

That was all it took. He lay me on our bed, the one only my husband and I had ever shared, and continued his caresses. Then he opened my legs and began tasting me, sampling my nectar with his tongue. I whimpered, suddenly needy. My pussy had been primed by his soft assault; his continued ministrations only made me hungry for more. He broke me when his tongue found my clit and began to rapidly vibrate it. I grabbed his head; I couldn’t take it anymore. “I want your cock in me,” I moaned, “I need it.” That was when the change took place. But he warned me first; “If you let me continue, you’re going to love it,” he said confidently as he crawled up my body, “and when I’m done, you’ll never be the same.”

Then mounted me like I was a common whore, overwhelming me with his bulk, aggressively using my pussy until all I could do was hang on, my body in sensory overload. He wouldn’t quit, despite my pleas; fucking me until I had climaxed…then climaxed again; only then filling me with his cum. I remember telling him, after the first time, that I had never experienced anything like it. Stew had laughed and said, “It’s not over.” Then, fifteen minutes later, he had pulled me to him and had done it again…and again…and again. The third time I lost myself completely in erotic bliss and experienced the first screaming orgasms I ever had. And even though his cock was much smaller than Walker’s long one, there was no comparison; his fit me like a glove. This is what should have happened on our honeymoon, I thought at some point as he was ravishing me. By the time he couldn’t get it up anymore I could barely talk…or walk. And Walker, bless his heart, had heard it all.

Dammit, I thought, I don’t give a shit anymore. It only took a moment to cross the floor. “Stew,” I said, fearful at the thought of saying the next words, “do you want some company?” “Sure,” he replied cheerfully, pulling the sheet back so I could get in. He was naked. I looked back at my husband and saw him nod, giving me the final permission I needed. In a single motion I pulled my sleepshirt over my head and tossed it aside. “Move over,” I said.

Part two to come…
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:09 am

The dichotomy of a highly conservative and religious upbringing versus sleeping with your husband's best man, not once but twice over, no wonder Jade is struggling to make sense of her own thoughts and feelings. This forms the backbone of the events described in BDJ's superbly well paced opener, but what impressed me most of all was his subtlety, he seemed to get inside Jade's psyche, to write from her point of view and map out her thought processes, her inhibitions and desires, that's not so easy when nothing is too straightforward, and two directly opposite inclinations are at war.

The way he spelt out and outlined the conflicting emotions as they played out showed a deep level of understanding and experience. You can simply list a whole myriad of competing forces, her perceived initial rejection, her conservative upbringing, her associated repressed thoughts and desires, her heartfelt and very real longing to be a good wife who is loyal to her husband and marriage, and then despite all this she hears her husband's words, hears his cajoling and that he wants a repeat, and feels her dilemma, why oh why and what can she do? Then she senses the reawakening of that dormant desire, that repressed attraction for her husband's former best man, the one that she's experienced before and the one that never really went away, the desire to again sleep with him was back and now she knew it. You can of course call the action far more that of resignation to her inevitable fate rather than outright desire, but whatever you call it, it was happening.

Great start BDJ, can't wait for the continuation.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:43 am

Thank you for such an astute appraisal of my intent.

It is so hard to get into her mind and write what I think happened to her. I often recall snippets of conversations we have had over the years when she would open up and tell me how it felt; both the heady desire and the need to draw back from giving in. But most of the time that real attraction was denied and she missed some potentially great sex. It is only when I saw her with a man who gave her a phenomenal experience could I clearly see what I was so often unable to provide.

My main problem now is to get her to honestly reflect...it's been so many years since it happened and she has mentally moved on. But she was then and is now the most beautiful, sexy, and desirable woman I have ever met.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:04 pm

Thank you for your Jade story
You are a good writer and I like your style of short story. A lot of readers do not have the time to read numerous lengthy pros but I am sure you are becoming known. Some may not discover you for months but they will no doubt be exuberant, about their discovery, when they do.

$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:09 am

I appreciate the positive feedback here and in PMs. It affected the endless revisions I make trying to get the story right.

Here's the next segment. Notice what's happening to Walker as Jade and Stew get it on.
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$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Sun Apr 24, 2022 4:26 am

I adjusted my position on the bed, trying to get away from the shaft of moonlight that had moved through the room. Funny, I thought, I hadn’t cared about it when I crawled into bed with Stew. Now on my side, I was more than ever cognizant of the body behind me. I held my breath; my movement had triggered a response and I felt the warmth of his touch as he settled into a spooning position, his hand resting on my hip. Had I awakened my personal Eros, I wondered? No, it seemed he was still asleep. It was just as well, I thought; while I still felt the glow in my pussy from being so thoroughly used, it was bruised too…and I was so tired. It was not like when Walker and I made love. Having sex with Stew was different; after using his tongue so wonderfully, he was fast and furious the moment his cock entered me.

I remembered the night in our little apartment when Stew first took me at Walker’s insistent urging. We were laying together during one of the brief interludes between bouts of sex. I had thanked him for being so gentle in getting me ready; he had been especially considerate as he aroused my pussy with his mouth and tongue. He explained that foreplay with someone new was like warming up a car engine on a cold morning. It was necessary. Enjoyable in and of itself, he had hastily assured me, but then admitted he really did it because it made for a wet, compliant woman. And I had thought he was being romantic. Men.

That was then, this is now, I thought after I had faced my fears and joined him tonight. Mine wasn’t a new pussy but he had still been gentle at first; we didn’t just start fucking, but shared a series of increasingly steamy kisses. And Stew could smooch; knowing how to lovingly search my mouth with his tongue and gently nibble on my lips, keeping at it until I was literally panting for more. “Stew,” I half pleaded, “please pay attention to my kitty.” Apparently that was what he had been waiting to hear. He moved to the foot of the bed to get into position to eat me, but the old iron footboard got in the way and he just couldn’t get comfortable. And, being so logical, he had come up with a quick solution. After he had stretched out he simply lifted me by my hips and placed my crotch above his face. This position isn’t very erotic, I thought; on my knees straddling his head, my ass being held in his strong hands while I gripped the tall headboard. I looked down on him as he examined my flower. When he had drunk in the sight of those long petals long enough to satisfy himself, he lowered me onto his mouth, tongue extended.

I glanced at where my husband lay, realizing he was going to see as well as hear me get fucked this time. He lay motionless, so close; only a few feet away, taking it all in. I caught his eye, smiled at him, then blew him a kiss. My loving partner, my rock, grinned as he exposed his stiff cock, then gave me a thumbs up.

As talented as Stew was as a kisser, I knew from last time his pussy eating skills were better. He started by teasing me; giving me little sucking kisses and licks on my inner thighs, but never touching my labia. It was arousing as hell, and I wanted it to continue…but also to simultaneously feel his cock in my pussy. “Stew,” I pleaded, “put your mouth on me. You’re driving me crazy.” “Um,” was all he said in reply. But he complied, slowly worked his way up my thickening outer lips; moving his tongue from side to side as he traveled from bottom to top. He paused. I whimpered; wanting more. In response he sucked the folds of skin covering my hardening clit in his mouth, using his tongue to tickle the fleshy mass, then, hesitating often, repeated his journey back down my slit. Oh, it felt soooo good! Then he stopped.

“Stew,” I exclaimed, “don’t play with me…please!” I started rotating my hips, trying to keep the sensations alive he had started with his tongue. After I sounded frustrated enough for him, he once again meandered up my opening, this time paying close attention to my increasingly sensitive inner lips, licking and tugging at them. Reaching the top, he found my firm clit hiding under the wrinkled skin that almost covered it, and sucked it in his mouth. “Oh my God,” I moaned. As his stiff tongue stimulated it I almost collapsed against the wall. I started to twitch and my breath became ragged as I moved back and forth on his face, desperate to keep the sensations coming.

Stew renewed his grip on my round cheeks and forced my pelvis forward. That lined up my asshole with his mouth and Stew took advantage of it. I felt a series of erotic jolts as his tongue danced across the puckered sphincter. “Stew,” I yelped, “not there!” He ignored me. Soon the waves of pleasure it produced had me panting and bucking in his grip. I was actually disappointed as he broke rhythm, pausing before he forced the tip of his tongue into my anal cavity. Jeff did this to me, I thought as my muddled mind dredged up the memory, and I did it back. Stew continued to force himself deeper into my nether hole until I again cried out in pleasure. But he wasn’t finished back there. He just paused to wet a finger, then went back to licking my pussy, only now I was riding his tongue as well as being fucked in the ass by his plunging digit.

When his other hand found my erect nipple and pinched, repeatedly, alternating between breasts, it was almost too much. Then my brain finally merged my emotions and the sensations he was causing in a blessed release. I screamed as an orgasm began to roll through me. My body jerked and I was unable to hold myself in position on his mouth. He just held on to my butt and continued as if nothing had happened. Unable to stand it anymore I begged him to stop. My pleas fell on deaf ears. The erotic emotions flooding me were so intense I started crying. My body failed me and I sagged against the wall. I was still twitching. My mind had begun shutting down from sensory overload when I felt an arm around my shoulders, keeping me from completely collapsing. Through hooded eyes I saw Walker, a concerned look on his face as he held me. I also noticed his long cock sticking straight out, then felt it rubbing against my leg. Stew continued the assault on my pussy and ass until I jerked upright, surprised as I shuddered through another climax. When my euphoria began to fade I leaned heavily on my husband. With beseeching eyes, Walker asked me what he should do. Still groggy from my pleasure centers being overwhelmed twice in the span of a few minutes I just mumbled, “On top…want to be on top.” My husband gently re-positioned me on Stew’s recumbent frame. Now, my beleaguered brain thought, I can rest.

Walker returned to his sleeping bag, content to watch from that vantage point. Stew, though, was still fully charged and quickly moved me until my engorged opening was touching his cone-shaped cock. He held my hips and began thrusting as deep as he could into my compliant hole. When I was able to focus enough, my lips found his and I tried to smother him with deep, tongue-laden kisses. It didn’t slow him down one bit. For the first time I was vaguely aware of the loud, staccato notes made by the protesting bedsprings, but I didn’t care. Let the guy in the other bedroom hear, I thought; my screams surely had already awakened him. Stew started forcing me up and down on his cock while I was partially upright, hands pushing against his chest. This caused my clit to rub against his pubic bone. God in heaven, it felt good.

Stew heard my moans and suddenly slapped my ass. It was so unexpected I slapped him back. He slapped it twice more, harder. This time I wailed. Laughing, he taunted me, “You like it, you know you do.” Then he upped the ante by forcing his thumb past my puckered rosebud into my dry anal canal. It hurt! I begged him to stop. He didn’t. Almost in agony, I let loose with more than a few vulgar words as he moved it in and out. “Stew,’ I almost bellowed, “please, stop! I don’t like it!.” Then, more urgently, “Quit, quit, quit!”

Suddenly Walker was beside me, his strong arms around my shoulders, ready to pull me away. “Jade, Jade!” I heard him say through my pain/pleasure. Then Stew replied to him, “It’s all right man, don’t take her. Wait a minute, you’ll see.” He kept up his relentless pummeling of my pussy and asshole.

“Walker,” I panted, “I…I…I, Don’t, it’s..then I shut up. It couldn’t be possible, my befuddled brain thought. Stew’s assault continued. The torture from Stew’s thumb was somehow competing with the wonderful pulsations emulating from my pussy. My mind suddenly couldn’t tell the difference. I still wanted to get away from the pain Stew’s thumb caused, but…I didn’t. An instant later it resolved itself and I arched my back and slammed down onto Stew’s cock.

“Yes! Yes! Yessss!!! I cried, as I my body responded. My pain had turned into intense pleasure.

Through slitted eyes I saw my husband, still by my side, seemingly in shock; staring at me…or was it through me. But I couldn’t keep my gaze on him. It was too hard to focus. Sensations like I’d never felt before emulated from my nether region. I rode them as my body was riding my lover. Then I couldn’t think at all.

Stew’s hands kept me in position and I just held on. Every few minutes he would force my torso up so he could alternately suck my tits and bite my nipples. My screams filled the air as one orgasm after another tore through my frame. I jerked my head around repeatedly, sending my long hair spinning in every direction. The bedsprings sang with me, playing counterpoint to my shrieks of joy. On some level I must have wondered what Walker thought of me acting this way, but I was too far gone to know…or care.

It ended soon after I collapsed, for the umpteenth time, on top of Stew. He held me in position as his hips continued to thrust hard at me, almost in a blur, causing the wide base of his cock to stretch my engorged pussy lips even more and impact the pelvic bone beneath. I couldn’t stand it and emitted a sustained squeal, but one that rose and fell with my ragged breath. Then I yelled, as loud as I could, “O God, O God, Lord Baby Jesus, TAKE ME!” Stew chose that moment to have his climax; silently filling me with his cum.

For a blessed few minutes I lay atop him with my eyes closed, content to just breathe, my abused pussy partially placated by the extensive loving he had given it with his mouth; emptying me of his semen. It was over; I had taken all that Stew could give, one more time. I thought about Walker, silently saying to him; this is what I have denied myself being your good and devoted wife. This is what you cannot learn to do. I wondered if ever again I could force myself to be satisfied with our lovemaking. I hated thinking the answer might be no. I sighed. Just contemplating it made me sad.

Time passed and I got sleepy. I noticed Walter had already succumbed. But while I had been content to luxuriate in the warmness of his body, glad to lay on it and slumber, relaxation had another meaning for Stew. He pulled me to him and kissed me, using his tongue to let me know he was serious. “Suck my cock, Jade,” he quietly said, “I need more.”

Part three as soon as I can. Please be patient. Revisions take time.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sun Apr 24, 2022 6:59 am

Congratulations BDJ and thank you, your writing hits new peaks with every episode.

This has surely set the seal on how it will be from now on, a gloriously sensual and erotic life changing experience, and the realisation it's something Walker can never give her. I think perhaps even more so than after the episode with older South Carolina satyr, this second time with Stew has changed Jade's sense of her own worth, her awareness of possibilities and what she must have.

Mentally she will have undergone a fundamental change, and that dichotomy we talked about, the competing forces that weighed upon her conscience isn't quite so balanced anymore. The clearly stronger side of the equation is her desire and knowledge of the much better sex that's on offer, and that there will be no going back, no settling for less. The willingness to take advantage of all her future opportunities, of fully experiencing sexual liberation is very clearly there.

Take all the time you need to revise each part and get it right, it's well worth the wait.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:42 am

Without intending to I have introduced homosexual elements that are suggested by the behavior of the two male protagonists. Even Stew, the quintessential macho man, who eats his own creampie, may be open to male play. And Walker doesn't know it yet, but the seed, planted when he recognized Jade's needs and his inability to fulfill them, can only grow into, and so far yet unrecognized, yearnings of his own.

This morning my wife gave me more information about the female response to stimuli. And I am noticing, even in that intimate setting, the little physical things that make up the the act of lovemaking. I am slowly, I think, becoming a writer.

Thanks again for your support. It's good to have you along on this journey.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Apr 25, 2022 2:34 am

BDJ wrote:
Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:42 am
Without intending to I have introduced homosexual elements that are suggested by the behavior of the two male protagonists. Even Stew, the quintessential macho man, who eats his own creampie, may be open to male play. And Walker doesn't know it yet, but the seed, planted when he recognized Jade's needs and his inability to fulfill them, can only grow into, and so far yet unrecognized, yearnings of his own.

This morning my wife gave me more information about the female response to stimuli. And I am noticing, even in that intimate setting, the little physical things that make up the the act of lovemaking. I am slowly, I think, becoming a writer.

Thanks again for your support. It's good to have you along on this journey.
Yes, I hadn't picked up on this as quickly as I might or should have done. There must be an undercurrent of exactly where does this leave me for Walker. He saw what happened and indeed helped steady Jade at one point, assisting Stew in taking her to new heights. He must feel his own inadequacies by comparison and perhaps be looking at a different direction for his own needs.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


john jasson
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:34 pm

Hi BDJ. I very much appreciate your generous comment on my thread, and thank you for drawing my attention to your stories, all three of which I have now had the pleasure of reading. I’m sorry it took a while as life is hectic right now. I did enjoy the way you set out to drill down into the radical psychological effects that hotwifing can have on a couple and the relationship dynamic between them. I’ve always considered this aspect to be the essence of both the agony and the ecstasy involved for those of us who indulge, and it certainly takes courage in the knowledge that while bodies clean up instantly, the brain can be marked for ever. Whether the lifestyle is a good thing or a bad thing depends in the end on what you want out of life and, ultimately, how you finish up as a couple; happy or miserable, together or apart.

So from my own viewpoint, you are certainly on the right track with your composition in avoiding the trap of concentrating solely on the hot stuff below the waist to the exclusion of the meltdown between the ears. I acknowledge that this view is controversial, but whenever somebody says it’s ‘just sex’ it never rings quite true with me. There always seems to be something more to it than that. It often starts out simply as strong sexual chemistry, but it develops into a broader connection over time. That’s the way it’s happened with us anyway, and of course it is edgy. That’s also what makes it hot, I would contend. If it’s merely the mechanical ‘act’, then she may as well get herself off with a vibrator.

For me then, the best chronicles in the genre also cover the powerful emotions in detail, getting inside the heads of the individuals involved and bringing their darkest fantasies, excitements and fears into the light for us all to see. Of course, this preference is entirely subjective. There are no hard and fast rules, but it’s certainly stimulating to watch how others feel their way through the process.

One thing I am slightly confused about is to what level these vignettes represent your real life experience. You remarked at the outset:

When I finished my opus I began to create separate fantastical vignettes built around its factual core.

There are no signposts as to where fact ends and fiction begins, and presumably this is intentional. Having read these tasty morsels though, I find myself intrigued about the extent of the real life opus and wondering if you are intending to post it here too. Is this on your agenda?
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:20 am

I've finally beaten the next entry into a sufficiently readable form as to be willing to post it. In answer to John Jasson's question. No, my wife won't allow it. These bouts of fantasy, the product I sometimes think, of a very twisted mind, do sometimes touch on fact.

I hope you enjoy the next installment. Only one more after this one before the action switches to them hiking the gorge.
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$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Fri Apr 29, 2022 7:54 am

I couldn’t believe it. The man had just fucked me to within an inch of my life and he wanted to do it again. Stew must have been denied his pleasures for a long time or the mountain air had increased his virility, if that were even possible. I peeped over at the spot where my husband lay. Good, I thought, he hadn’t awakened. Not wanting to disturb him I whispered to Stew, “Ok, but we’ve got to be quiet.” “If he wakes up,” I threatened, “I’m gone and you’ll never see the inside of my thighs again.” He saw where I was looking and replied seriously, “As God is my witness, I’ll try.” I slid backwards until I was perched on my knees between his outspread legs. The moon must had shifted during our brief sojourn a lot, I thought, or maybe I hadn’t been paying attention to its travel around the room, but by coincidence, its path lay directly across the object of my desire. His cock looked so different now from the raging hard-on that had devastated my pussy only a short while ago. It wasn’t all that enticing.

With a sigh I gathered my waist length hair together at its base and secured it with a scrunchie I always kept on my wrist, then set about my work. Seth’s cock, when it was hard, was like steel and grew wider from a small head to an impressively thick shaft by the time it reached his groin. Now it looked for all the world like a squished cone of wrinkled flesh with the just bald head of a little man protruding from its center. But the two large balls, encased in their wrinkly sack, were appealing. I decided to start there. First I began to lick the loose skin, making my tongue soft and flat, like I was trying to keep my favorite flavor of ice cream from dripping down the cone. Next I took one, then the other, of the heavy orbs into my mouth. Their weight felt good and I marveled at their warmth. It didn’t take long before the little man came out to play. Now I included the knobby head in with the ministrations I continued to give his balls. It was fascinating to see the change taking place.

Suddenly I had an idea as to how to repay Stew for slapping my butt. I took the emerging head, now only about three inches along in its journey upward, into my mouth and applied as much suction as I could. Stew’s body stiffened. Good, I thought. Then he spasmed when I found the tiny urethral opening and tickled it with the the tip of my tongue. A series of involuntary twitches followed as he tried to get away from me. Getting better, I giggled to myself. Stew interrupted me by urgently whispering, “Jade, stop that. It’s too sensitive.” My evil nature reared its ugly head right then, so I did it again. I remembered being laughed at and being taunted that I “liked it.” Thinking he shouldn’t have assumed that I wiggled my tongue’s hard tip further inside the tiny hole. He had a sudden intake of breath as he went rigid. Ah, I thought gleefully, paybacks a bitch.

Still not satisfied with his reaction because he hadn’t started begging yet my tongue searched for the area right below the base of the helmet. When I found it I bit him. It wasn’t a hard bite but I was able to put enough pressure on that sensitive spot to make him convulse again. “Please, Jade, please,” he pleaded, and it seemed like he had a hard time getting that out. Good, that’s what I wanted. To finish I slapped his thigh, hard and gave him another bite, remembering his laughter. I was gratified to feel another involuntary jerk and hear him almost whine. He sure is lucky, I thought, that I’m not serious. Surprisingly, my love bites had hastened along the growing column of flesh. It had become a sturdy obelisk very quickly.

“Jade,” he whispered urgently, “give me your butt.” I looked up at him, still holding his shaft, with a question mark on my face. “I’ve got to do you too,” he said. “Uh, uh,” I whispered back, my mouth still full of cock. I released him long enough to answer, “you just don’t want me to bite you anymore.” “Awww Jade,” he replied urgently, “I swear, all I want to do is lick your pussy, you know, get you ready to do it again.” I liked the way he was pleading with me. Maybe this time I could control how we did it. “O.K.,” I said, then turned around and swung my leg over his torso and maneuvered myself up his frame until my buttocks were hovering over his head. “Oh,” I moaned in pleasure as he kissed and licked one of my inner thighs, taking his time as he switched from one leg to the other, getting closer to my pussy at each cycle of movement. His tongue made me start as he found my clit and briefly teased it before journeying up and down my slit.

Having your pussy eaten is always an enjoyable experience, especially if you couple it with sucking a cock as nice as Stews. I quickly went to that place every woman recognizes right before orgasm; warm sensations covering your body and a feeling of absolute euphoria. I was floating. But as good as it felt, I couldn’t seem to get over the top. Stew would have to do more. I finished my oral love of his cock by suctioning the head as hard as I could, then keeping it up as I removed my mouth. It made a satisfying “pop” as it came out.

I looked over at my husband to see if he had awakened. No, he had shifted to his other side, probably to get out of that damned ray of moonlight. Now he was facing away from us. “Stew,” I whispered, “we’ve got to get out of here to continue. I need to get fucked and the bed makes too much noise.” He whispered back, “if we’re careful and shut the door we can go to the kitchen. He shouldn’t hear us there.” “Sounds like a plan,” I replied. God, I thought disgustingly, only men talk like that. Get a grip, girl, I chided myself. So we slowly got off the bed and tiptoed out into the hall. Thankfully the door hinges didn’t squeak. We made our way toward the tiny kitchen. A substantial round oak table took up most of the room inside, leaving precious little space on the floor to stretch out on. Well, I thought, this doesn’t look promising. I had wanted a more traditional position this time with Stew on top. Giggling to myself, I thought of my parents; it wasn’t called missionary for nothing.

We made our way inside and I looked around. I still didn’t know how we were going to do this. Stew came up behind me. I felt his hands cup the cheeks of my ass and begin caressing them. “I haven’t paid enough attention to these tonight,” he said wickedly, “that ends right now.” He quickly pulled a chair away from the table and grabbed me by the neck, forcing me to bend over its broad top. I found myself with my head turned to one side, pinned to its not-too-clean surface. I had no choice but to look back down the hall. The suddenness of his action had startled me. With my butt in that position all I could think was; please Lord, don’t let him take me in the ass, it’s probably dirty in there. It was a relief when he found the right hole, and being Stew, went from zero to sixty in about three seconds.

The fucking that followed was intense, to say the least. He never failed to push my buttons when he had either his tongue or his cock in my pussy. The difference now was I had to be quiet. The sensations of his cock pummeling my vagina and his strong hands firmly gripping me almost overwhelmed my senses. After awhile I just closed my eyes and gritted my teeth and held on…like I normally did with him. He forced his hand under me and began to pinch my nipple; soon after the orgasms came. I wanted to scream. But I couldn’t, so I stuck my hand in my mouth and bit…hard. I was determined not to let myself cry out; the last thing I wanted was for Walker to see us fucking again. I had gotten the feeling he considered once as being enough. But we stayed pretty quiet if you discount the constant slapping sounds of flesh on flesh as he nailed me.

I was barely conscious when Stew stopped abruptly, held his magnificent member firmly in me, and spewed his second load of cum inside my worn out cunt. I was ready for it to end. Stew had exhausted me. With my hand no longer in my mouth I felt able to breathe a little more normally. I was content to just lay there with his softening cock inside me, but when I opened my eyes I saw somebody standing in the doorway. Jerking upward in surprise I looked more closely; he seemed little more than a boy; only about five foot six, incredibly thin and clad only in a pair of tightie-whities. But that didn’t diminish the nice bulge displayed in them.

When he saw I was looking at him his eyes got big but he stayed frozen in place; like a deer caught at night in a set of headlights. Finally he caught himself and started to leave. “Wait,” I said, “don’t go.” He stopped in mid-pivot. I pushed myself off the table, disengaging with Stew at the same time, and quickly approached him. I looked him up and down, then mostly down. Whatever was in those briefs looked mighty tasty. That thought brought me up short. Am I a nympho, I wondered, because what do you call a woman who, even after such an intense fucking, is ready for more. And, I don’t know why, but I found something amusing in the demeanor of this young man. I decided to have some fun.

I squatted down on my heels and put my hands on the waistband of his underwear, then paused and looked up at him and said, in a completely deadpan voice, “What’s your name? I always want to be properly introduced to someone I’m going to fellate.” “Cheeet,” he replied, stuttering. “Chet,” he said again, then quickly added, “I’m sorry I was watching you. I came in for a glass of water. I do that sometimes at night. Get water,” he was almost babbling. I interrupted him, replying, “Well Chet, I’m Jade.” I looked back at Stew, who was trying to keep from sniggering, “and this is your lucky day, er, night. It seems Stew hasn’t been able to fully satisfy me, so I’m hoping you can help me out.” I pulled down his briefs, exposing a nicely shaped, upward tilting dick. I noticed he was about Stew’s length but Walker’s thickness.

Chet looked down at his hard dick and said,…I’ll swear…“I’ll try, mam.” I looked up at him and tried to keep a straight face. He gasped as my lips touched his cock. I licked the head several times, then moved to do the same along its length. Next I opened my mouth and slowly engulfed it until it entered my throat. Then slowly, oh so slowly, I backed off the shaft, applying suction as I went, then, when I could, began using my tongue beneath the head to stimulate that thin strip of skin connecting the helmet to the shaft, pausing there because I knew it felt so good.

I hummed contently, his cock filling my mouth. Doing this always made my pussy pulsate. Life is good, I thought.

Cupping his balls in one hand and stroking his firm column made him gasp again. I looked up at him and winked. Suddenly, just I was about to deep throat him again, he began spewing cum in my mouth. It caught me completely off guard and pissed me off a little. Jesus, I thought to myself as it kept coming, spurt after spurt; is this guy ever going to quit? Keeping my lips firmly around the helmet I accepted all he had to give. I swallowed most of it, but deliberately kept back a little, then stood up and hugged him. He found his voice again and started apologizing, “I’m sorry, I never…” That was all he got out because I raised up on my toes so we were the same height, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to me, forcing my mouth onto his, using my insistent tongue to make him open his too. Kissing him deeply, I used my cum covered tongue make sure he got the rest of the ejaculate he had given me. There, I thought, that’s what happens when you don’t give a warning. I released him and looked into his startled face and said in my best southern waitress imitation, “Don’t worry about it, hun. That sometime happens when a slut sucks you.” With that I turned and grabbed Stew’s hand, almost running with him down the hall to the bathroom.

“What have I become, Stew?” I cried, “This afternoon I was a faithful wife, now I’m a slut. I mean it. I just sucked off a complete stranger. Then I made that poor boy taste his own cum.” l was sitting on a commode in the tiny bathroom that could barely hold that, a sink, and a shower; Stew’s semen still dripping from my pussy. “You sure impressed Chet.” he replied as he deftly washed his cock in the sink. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that wasn’t the first blowjob he has ever had.” He didn’t seem bothered by my performance. “Just leave me,” I said, “I’ve got some thinking to do.” “Hey, he’s an adult. Don’t beat yourself up, Jade,” he replied. “He just grew up a little faster than he expected to.” He paused, looked at my naked body, and said, “Take all the time you want, but be warned, I haven’t finished with you.” With that he left.

I hung my head dejectedly. More sex, I thought. I waited for the last drops of his cum to drip out. I pushed, trying to help it along, then was surprised when nature took its course from my other hole. That got me to thinking what a close call it had been in the kitchen. Stew was impulsive and he had already played with my ass twice. As I cleaned myself with a washcloth I resolved that if he did it a third time I wanted to be prepared, remembering how much his fingers had hurt going in dry. I took a small bottle of KY jelly from the toiletries bag and carried it with me back to the bedroom.

The door was once again open and I heard a softly snoring. Stew was asleep, thank god. Walker was laying on his back, torso and legs intertwined with the cloth of the sleeping bag. So much for rejoining my husband, I thought. I tiptoed around him, dropped the lube on the nightstand, and slowly lay back down beside my recent bedmate. Soon I joined them in slumber.

Part four soon. Please be patient. Revisions take time.
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$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Wed May 04, 2022 8:10 am

Part four

I awoke suddenly, still groggy and unsure of my surroundings. It seemed only minutes since I had rejoined Stew on his bed. I saw there was a different type of light suffusing the room: dawn was breaking. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and was relieved to see there was at least an hour before everyone had to start stirring. Stew’s warm body was spooning me again and I discovered what had awakened me: his stiff cock rubbing in between my asscheeks. I turned my head to find him looking at me. “Morning, sunshine,” he said. I turned my head further and was able to meet him halfway for a deep and satisfying kiss. “Um,” I replied, “somebody’s happy to see me.” He shifted his body until he was urgently pressing against me. Even though I was sated from our nighttime of sex I realized he had only come twice. For Stew that was just getting warmed up. He returned to running the tip of his cock along the valley of my buttocks. I looked down at where my husband lay. He was awake and staring back.

Stew forced me on my stomach, then straddled me, pushing my legs together. The tip of his hard cock found my puckered hole. I suddenly grasped his intentions. “Jade,” he said, his voice urgent, “I want it.” “No, Stew.” I replied. He waited for a moment, then added, “Please?” Walker and I locked eyes and I saw that he, too, comprehended what Stew was asking. I was conflicted. Nobody had used that hole since Jeff. Not even Walker. I had refused, giving the excuse his long cock would hurt. In truth I associated anal sex with Jeff and hated how much I had enjoyed being degraded like that. Now I was in a quandary. It seemed enough of the endorphins that had saturated my body from being fucked so much had left me in a vulnerable state… and this was Stew, a man I had never been able to refuse. My earlier resolve began to breakdown. “Stew, I don’t know.” I pleaded, “That’s not what I want.” That didn’t seem to be a satisfactory answer for him. He didn’t beg anymore, but instead shifted his position on the bed and began covering my rosebud with kisses. I sucked in my breath: it felt so good. Soon his tongue began probing my pink button, trying to force itself into my tight opening. That only increased my arousal. I moaned, not wanting him to stop.

I buried my head in the pillow, unable to look at my husband anymore. Stew continued to lovingly ravish my anus. I was so frustrated I started to cry. Nothing happened for a couple of minutes, my sobs creating a sad counterpoint to the soft sounds of mourning doves calling from outside the window. Then I felt a hand gently stroking my cheek. “Don’t cry,” a voice softly said. I opened my eyes and turned to find Walker beside me, the lube in his hand. “Go ahead,” he said, offering me the bottle. My eyes pleaded for understanding. “Give it to Stew,” I said, in a small, barely audible voice. He looked so sad I had to look away. Then I started crying again.

The deed was done, or almost done, I thought as I waited, sobbing into my pillow. Then, unexpectedly, I heard Stew say, “You good man? I never thought…look, if it’s a problem, I’ll go and leave you two, you know, if you want.” I waited, knowing what was coming. Walker would tell him to stop. When he finally spoke I quit crying; shocked at what I heard. “No, it’s all right, you’re good.” After a pause Walker emitted a sigh before he continued, “I think this is something she needs to get her head around. It’s been messing with her for awhile now. If it wasn’t you it’d eventually have to be somebody else.” It felt like the end of the world. I starting quietly sobbing again.

Stew never replied but I felt the bed shift as his weight settled on the back of my legs.
A drop of the cool liquid pooled in my anus. His finger followed, probing until I let him in. I raised up so my weight resting on my elbows and clasped my hands together, then hung my head; afraid to open my eyes. Soon a second finger joined the first, pressing their full length into my backdoor, then stopped. I waited, trying to relax. My tears were making a wet spot on the pillow but I didn’t care. “Go slow.” I told him. His fingers started to move in and out. When there wasn’t any pain I heaved a sigh of relief…and resignation. “O.K.” was all I said. I felt his weight shift from my legs and an emptiness return to my puckered hole as his fingers were removed. “Be gentle at first,” I added. When I felt the head of his cock touch my sphincter I pushed back as I had been taught. He slipped in without a problem.

I raised my head to look for my husband. Walker was still standing beside me, his cock sticking out. I wiggled over so my face was near it. “Do you want me to?” I asked. He took a step backward and shook his head. “Not now,” was all he said. Stew had half filled my ass and now his thickness was causing the area just inside to sting. “Wait.” I told him, moving one arm back and pressed against his groin. After a minute the discomfort disappeared and I gave him the go-ahead to continue. He started gently fucking me and the sensations it caused quickly became more intense. I let him go for another few minutes, basking in the erotic shocks it was producing. “Now,” I finally said, “harder.”

What followed was a spreading wave of pleasure centered around my anal canal. Stew pushed as hard as he could and I helped him by pushing back, now eager to feel the wide base of his cock stretch me. He lay suspended above me, his arms supporting his weight, and pistoned into me mercilessly. The bed springs started their cacophony of sound again, proof to Stew he was doing it right. And I loved it; wiggling my ass at him in approval. But then it stopped.

I looked back at him and was startled to see him getting off me, then stand at the far side of the bed. “What?” was all I could think to say. In response he grabbed me by the hips and positioned me on my knees, my ass facing him. He pushed my head onto the mattress then forced my butt down so it was aligned with his cock. I looked back when I felt more lube being applied to my asshole, then saw him coat his cock. If I thought he had fucked me hard before it was nothing to what happened next. He grabbed my waist and began pummeling me as fast as he could. Before I got completely lost in the powerful erotic sensations he was causing, I looked around I saw Walker staring intently at us.

I closed my eyes; the hurt I had witnessed on his face shamed me.

Stew was just getting going…I knew it, so it was too late: I couldn’t stop him. He grabbed my ponytail and jerked my head back, then used his other hand to stimulate my clit. It set me on fire. Stew’s fingers, combined with what his cock was doing to my ass, sent such powerful shocks of pleasure throughout my abdomen and breasts that I got the sense my pussy had a cock in it too, fucking me in concert with the one in my ass. I started screaming as my orgasms began. Stew never let up and I didn’t want him to. Again and again my body was subjected to the overwhelming sensations his cock was causing, leaving me crying and shouting at the same time. “God, God, God,” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Finally I played out and just held on, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. And then it was over as Stew let go of my hair and grabbed my hips again, then mashed his groin hard against my buttocks one last time. I felt his hot liquid pump into me, settling in the depths of my rectum, causing one more powerful climax to rip through me. Almost senseless, I heard myself repeatedly muttering, “Oh Lord Baby Jesus,” as if it were my personal mantra.

My head dropped to the bed but my body stayed supported on my elbows after Stew released me. Fatigue overtook me and I sank into the mattress, breathing heavily. Finally I heaved a mighty sigh and let myself descend into oblivion. It seemed an eternity before I came back to reality, but only a short time had actually passed. Finally stirring, I looked up and around. Stew as gone, thank goodness. Walker hadn’t moved from his vantage point beside the bed. The pain in his eyes was clear…and he had lost his erection. Worry lines creased his brow. He only got them when he was trying to puzzle out a problem. That wasn’t good, I thought. But it was the aura of resignation that seemed to surround him that worried me most. I had a sudden epiphany and knew exactly what he was thinking; his wife was easy, a loose woman, a slut hungry for cock. I shook my head as those indisputable facts hammered home. Desperate, I reached out and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close. He stiffened involuntarily at the touch of my sweaty body. Still I sought to hug him, to show him my love.

“I’m sorry, babe,” I said. “I couldn’t help myself.” He didn’t say anything, his arms still by his side. “Can you ever forgive me?” I begged. Silence, seeming interminable, greeted my plea. Finally he heaved a deep sigh and replied dejectedly, “There’s nothing to forgive, Jade. I wanted you to go to him and I wanted to see it: to see everything. The fault lies with me. It’s just that it was more than I bargained for.” “Oh, babe,” I quietly cried. “I wish I could take it all back.” A sob escaped my lips. “I don’t,” he replied, relaxing, letting his body mesh with mine. Seconds turned to minutes. I held my breath, wondering what I would hear next.

His voice was filled with quiet resolve when he continued, “I knew you needed this before the first time I convinced you to fuck Stew. I loved you enough then to want that for you, and despite what happened tonight, I still love you.” I looked in his eyes and saw he was telling the truth; that he was accepting me without prejudice. “Oh my sweet, wonderful darling, thank you for understanding. I love you so much.” I cried. The release of that stressful moment caused me to start sobbing again. Walker let me, comforting me by enclosing me in his arms and rocking us back and forth. Moments later I heard him quietly crooning, his voice low, hardly above a whisper. “Hush little baby; I’m here.” Then silence. Again, softly singing to me, “Hush little baby; everything’s all right.” In the intervening stillness I heard the mourning doves again in the distance, cooing their love for each other. “Hush little baby.” He paused, then continued, whispering now, speaking the words, “Hush, hush, my sweet darling. I’ll never leave you alone.” “God,” I heard myself pray, “please keep me from ever hurting him again.”

It took awhile for me to regain my composure. As much as I wanted to stay in his warm embrace I knew I couldn’t. There was still an issue to be resolved between us. I gently pulled away from him. “Walker,” I said, “this last thing with Stew…I need you to understand I didn’t want it. I was just weak. And I hurt you. Can you forgive me for letting him do it when you couldn’t?” “It was painful at first, but I’m over it.” he replied, “Let’s just forget it.” “No, I don’t want to. I’ve been foolish to deny you.” I declared firmly. Turning around on the bed I presented my backside to him. I swiveled my head around so I could see him, then said, “Your turn.” As soon as the words left my mouth I knew it was the wrong thing to say. “Jade,” he replied sadly, his arms coming up as if to push me away, “you don’t have to.”

I saw him looking at my ass wistfully but still he didn’t move. Just offering myself wasn’t going to be enough, it seemed. Damn stubborn man, I thought. He had to understand this wasn’t negotiable; that we had to do it. I didn’t want it to remain between us, a wound scabbed over, never to heal. I realized, despite his reassurance just now that, unless I was able to reconnect with him this way, we might not ultimately survive my weakness. Walker had not been denied sex tonight, I was coming to understand, he had been ignored. That was worse. For a spouse to do that to her mate, especially when she was having mind-blowing sex with another, couldn’t help but have consequences. I loved this man beyond limits and craved him now more than ever. Somehow that had to register in his brain; that I needed him more than I wanted Stew.

Offering myself had not been enough, so I looked back at him with smoldering eyes, wiggled my ass enticingly, then said, in my best Mae West imitation, “Come on, big boy, give me a ride.” If the situation hadn’t been so serious it would have been laughable. But I thought it was my last chance. Walker loved looking at old movies starring the aging, sexy actress; he knew everything about her. I held my breath and stayed in that inviting position; my weight resting on my elbows, head touching the bed, ass in the air.

I sensed a stirring behind me, then felt warm hands caressing my posterior. This was a good sign, I thought. Walker positively worshiped my derriere. Something hard touched my thigh. Could it be his cock, stiff again? God, I hoped so. Finally he spoke, actually quoting West and also trying to mimic her, "He who hesitates is a damned fool.” Then I felt the coolness of the lube on my rosebud, followed by the large knob of his cock pressing against it. I pushed back, helping him. Yes! I thought, overjoyed, as his thick head moved past my sphincter. But Walker was timid, afraid of hurting me. “It’s O.K., darling,” I told him. “Just take it easy at first.” I felt the warmth of his cock as he penetrated me further, thrusting slowly. The initial pain began to recede as I let the rhythm of his movement lull me into acceptance. Soon it was transformed into waves of pleasure and I began crying again: joyful sobs this time as my husband began thrusting the full length of his hungry cock up my ass. “Do it, Walker,” I urged, “fuck me hard.” And he did, until I was drunk with lust for him. Then it hit me, a concentration of erotic spasms in my anal canal that radiated out in all directions. I found myself screaming: “Lord Baby Jesus,” as a series of near-continuous orgasms began to rip through my body.
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$2 Ho
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Wed May 04, 2022 8:25 am

For those few who are following this saga; I am going to take a hiatus from posting until I can both complete the next two chapters and gauge your response to my previous efforts. So, if you are following along and want me to continue, please comment. I've lurked here since 2007 yet only recently got up the courage to let some of the good people posting their stories know how much I appreciated their efforts.

Anyway, its been a labor of love and I've enjoyed writing this somewhat convoluted, spiced up, and non-sequential account of our journey into this lifestyle.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed May 04, 2022 11:12 am

BDJ wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 8:25 am
For those few who are following this saga; I am going to take a hiatus from posting until I can both complete the next two chapters and gauge your response to my previous efforts. So, if you are following along and want me to continue, please comment. I've lurked here since 2007 yet only recently got up the courage to let some of the good people posting their stories know how much I appreciated their efforts.

Anyway, its been a labor of love and I've enjoyed writing this somewhat convoluted, spiced up, and non-sequential account of our journey into this lifestyle.
It's been an absolute pleasure to read such quality, your writing is well above the norm, it's not the everyday pulp fiction that proliferates on the site, but something far loftier and worthy. It's more concentrated on the emotional side, the change in the dynamic but from a mental as much as a physical sense, that's what's most intriguing to read about, their reactions before, during and afterwards, have attitudes and relationships been altered irrevocably, or is there a new way that will suit all? A little Iike John commented a while ago, it's more about what changes in the space between the ears than below the waist.

I've now read the last two parts, and feel as though my emotions have just been bungled together into a washing machine on a high speed spin and left for an hour or two, wow that was intense. I was identifying at times as both Jade and Walker as the narrative swept us through these tumultuous events. It has to be a truly remarkable achievement from the author himself, when a reader can so readily identify with either partner, man or woman. The way you described Jade's feelings, impulses and later her worries and maybe initial regrets brought an added dimension for me. Rarely has a male author described the woman's perspective so well, I suspect your wife may have been a wonderful source of help and inspiration as to what to describe, and where to include sections.

This is not just a couple more chapters, but more that they now complete an absolute triumph of writing, well done and thank you BDJ and not forgetting your lovely and special wife for her contributions.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue May 17, 2022 2:49 pm

Such imagination and superb writing skill. I love the fact that you also perfectly capture the emotion as well as the physical sex.
Please continue.

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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Thu May 19, 2022 3:18 am

Thank you Johng1953,
Originally I embarked on this story because my wife would not permit me to give a straight account of our swinging/hotwife activities over our long marriage. It has taken on a life of its own and now I focus as much on developing the storyline as recounting, in a creative manner, her many experiences (and, to be honest, much that has only occurred in my mind.)

The hotwife community is the only forum I have found that attracts people who can enjoy a well-told story also laden with hot sex.

The next segment is an account of Jade's expanding experience with being shared.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Thu May 19, 2022 3:31 am

Part Two: The Gorge

Step by step. Over and over until the mind numbs and it gets to be a drudge. Eyes constantly on the ground; making sure a careless tread doesn’t result in a sprained ankle…or worse. It isn’t a good idea to sightsee when you’re supposed to be focused on the trail and it takes some of the fun out of being in the wild. Better to stop, then admire the landscape, as I had been taught. Still, I hazarded a peek at our surroundings as the trail wound around boulders the size of houses and among trees so large I doubted that all three of us holding hands could span the distance around them.

We had been hiking like that since mid-morning after signing in at the trail head; sobered by the fact we were the only people going into the vast wilderness encompassed by the gorge. The well-marked path had given way to a meandering track, only noticeable by occasional white blazes placed on a tree or rock. My problem was I tended to daydream a lot, and was always startled when the ceaseless motion of the body in front of me stopped. That’s when I would suddenly realize all that effort was worth it. The sheer beauty of the place humbled a body.

And adding to that, I felt good, happy the events of the night had turned out so well. We had been comfortable with each other at breakfast, when all four of us were sitting around the now clean oak table. Well, maybe not Chet, it was hard to tell with someone so shy. He hadn’t wanted to join us until we had insisted, but then we couldn’t leave him alone. It all started when Walker caught my attention and said, “Jade, you look especially radiant this morning; almost glowing.” I didn’t have time to appear appropriately embarrassed before Stew chimed in, “Well-fucked is a better description. What do you think, Chet? Does she have a glow about her? I think her appearance is leaning toward a rode-hard-and-put-up-wet-look.” I chimed in to do my part when I said, “I don’t think I look any different than when we were in the kitchen together last night. Right, Chet?” It was mean to do that to him, but I think we were all riding a little high; relieved we had kept our friendship intact after the ensuing drama when Stew had fucked my ass.

While the memory of the morning cheered me, it didn’t diminish the soreness down there. And, even as I leaned on my walking stick, gingerly negotiating a particularly rough spot in the trail, my mind stayed on our breakfast conversation. Poor Chet, I thought, being teased about his part in my wild night. Then Stew had grinned, reached over and slapped him on the shoulder and said, “You’ve got to admit, Jade gives a great blowjob.” Chet had just sat there, red all over with embarrassment. Walker had tried to look upset, but failed. I had told him about my little skit with Chet when we were getting dressed and he thought it was hilarious. “I, I, um, I…” Chet tried but couldn’t quite get anything intelligible out. I took pity on him and brought it all to a halt by quickly reaching across the table to hold his hand, “You did good, Chet,” I said, I hoped sincerely, “I really enjoyed it.” He had smiled at me gratefully, glad to save face. After that we returned to the task of getting ready for the day.

The constant exertion of the morning had warmed me up and I decided to take the pause in our progress to lose my shirt. “Unless you think it’s going to get a lot cooler as we go,” I replied, “I’m going to get more comfortable.” With that statement I put my backpack down and pulled off the long-sleeved shirt I’d started out with that morning. That left me in a boy’s wifebeater. I liked the sleeveless undershirt because it covered my breasts but gave me the same benefit as the guys when they went bare-chested. I realized both Stew and Walker were ogling my tits. Glancing down I saw my distended nipples tenting the lightweight material. Do they ever go down, I wondered? “OK, boys,” I said in my best Mae West voice, “lets show a little skin here.” Everyone laughed as they complied.

My catcalls of, “More! More!” had been met with being pinned between them. For a few minutes I was turned from one to the other, being kissed and having my boobs and ass mauled. I grabbed their crotches, then tried to unzip their pants, to get to their hard cocks. Then they did the same to me, except they were successful in getting their hands into my panties. I hoped it would go further, but unbelievably, it was Stew who stopped it. “We’ve got to get on the trail, guys,” he said, “or we’ll be hiking in the dark.” So back to trudging we went, leaving my mind to ponder the events of the previous night.

Even while I was happy with how things turned out and I felt my relationship with my husband had returned to an even keel, I began to worry. Walker had been surprised at the depth of my depravity when he had actually seen it. I wondered how he’d react if he knew there were times I had acted poorly. I’d never lied to him but I had learned to keep secrets. Maybe it had something to do with the accounting my strict parents required after I returned from a date. My beau and I had started engaging in a little show-and-tell, so I learned, rather than get caught in a lie, to just leave stuff out. Unfortunately, that continued after I had gotten married.

“Tolkien time,” Walker sang out, startling me and causing me to lose my train of thought. “Book and speaker,” he continued. I was momentarily confused, then realized it was the game we made up during those long nights of studying together in college. When he quoted J. R. R., as we called him, you had to guess who had spoken it and the book from the Ring trilogy. I jogged my memory, trying to get the titles right. And it was important to these two: Tolkien was almost a god. I ticked them off in my head. The first one was The Hobbit, but that wasn’t part of the trilogy. That was The Fellowship of the Ring, followed by The Two Towers, and finishing with The Return of the King. “O.K.” I sang out, “I’m ready.” Stew quipped, “I’m always ready.” I stopped quickly, causing him to almost crash into me. “Debauchee.” I said. “You found out last night, didn’t you,” he taunted back. “Guys, uh, and girl,” Walker said, “Let’s keep with the program,” then intoned, “The Road goes ever on and on, Down from the door where it began, Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can.” Stew nailed it before Walker finished the last line. “The Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring, spoken by Bilbo and Frodo,” he said smugly. Damn, I thought, that’s going to be a tough act to follow. No more verses or quotes followed, though, allowing me to pick up my interrupted musings.

I didn’t start our married life by being less than truthful to Walker. Maybe I never would have if he hadn’t left me for eight weeks after we’d moved to Florida and asked me to learn to flirt in his absence. Geez, I thought when he’d made his request, I grew up a tomboy; this was not going to be easy. Well, I did learn, and he’d been so pleased at my new found confidence I just automatically didn’t tell him everything. He didn’t need to know I had gotten too damned good at teasing: that one time things got out of hand and went too far. I was afraid he’d get angry, so I left out that ugly, terrifying episode; fearing he’d look at me like he did last night, but this time wouldn’t forgive me. Sighing, I realized it would have to be my dirty little secret forever, but the memory of it wouldn’t go away.

I became lonely in our new city soon after Walker left, since the only people I knew were also employed at the gallery where I worked part-time. But the most depressing part was that I couldn’t even sculpt; our house was too small for a studio. Even though I’d agreed to flirt when I was out and about, at first I couldn’t get over my innate shyness. Then there was the constant ache in my pussy, wanting to be filled. Masturbating on my pillow helped a little. It was a new and confusing feeling for me, being denied sex. More than once I cursed Walker for having gone away.

When a man at the grocery store approached me and began flirting I surprised myself: I flirted back, and it caused a tingle in my pussy. Well, this was what Walker wanted me to do, I thought. After that I decided to put more effort in getting men to notice me. I stopped wearing a bra and left my blouses unbuttoned low enough to show my boobs. I even cut the legs off a pair of shorts so high they barely covered my asscheeks.

We paused for some water and to stretch our legs against a rock. Stew, who walked the mountain trails often, urged us to do it, saying it prevented a charley horse at night. He took the lead next and I found myself looking at his nice butt. I’d appreciated a few back then too, as a part of my flirt training. Sometimes, if a guy was really handsome, I’d feel my skin flush and get warm all the way down to my pussy. It wasn’t sex but I really liked what it did to me.

I decided to be more of a tease, to actually act in a way that would make men want to fuck me. Imagining their cocks filling my pussy was a real turn-on and made for some hot masturbating later. So I bought a low necked white tennis dress, consisting mostly of lace, with an opaque layer covering just the ass and breast areas. I altered a pair of lace bikini panties by removing the lining, leaving only a single layer of silk covering my pussy. That necessitated shaving off most of my pubic hair, leaving just a landing strip over my labia. I was ready to take it further than just walking around soliciting hungry stares.

One afternoon I went to Boca Raton to a group of upscale specialty boutiques that catered to the more affluent. I was ready for fun; braless in my tennis outfit, lacy white panties barely covering me up. And I did enjoy myself. If an attractive man was in a store I’d deliberately walk close to him, then when I had his attention, I’d bend over, pretending to adjust my strappy sandals. Each time I presented my puffy labia that way, hidden only by that narrow strip of damp silk, I’d get heady from the thought a hand might touch me there. Cock-teasing is fun, I thought, after flashing two men I saw talking together. But it made me wan…

“Jade! Snap out of it.” Suddenly I was back in the present. That damn game; I’d forgotten to participate. All right, I thought, let’s see how they do with this one, “Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror.” Silence ensued. I’ve got them, I thought, then Walker replied, “Gimli, Fellowship of the Ring.” Damn. But now I was off the hook for awhile. My mind wandered back down that pathway into my past.

In one clothing store I had noticed a particularly good looking middle-aged man and his somewhat frumpy wife. He’s really sexy, I thought, noting the store was completely empty except for them and the smartly dressed young sales lady. I soon found a nice V-necked blouse with a matching mini-skirt and took it to the changing area at the back of the store. By that time the man’s wife, laden with multiple items, had disappeared into one of the rooms. Would her husband like to see my charms, I wondered? I started my tease by deliberately passing in front of him. Choosing a booth fartherest from the one his wife was in, I paused and made eye contact. When I saw he was looking I smiled, then entered the small enclosure, deliberately leaving the curtains only partially closed.

Stew called out, “Not all those who wander are lost.” Walker immediately replied, “Aragorn, Fellowship of the Ring.” I hadn’t even had a chance to think, so I just kept my mouth shut and continued to relive that time alone in Florida.

I couldn't believe I was doing this: the thought almost put me in a state of panic. My heart was racing as I prepared to undress. I snuck a look at the rooms’ mirror and caught his reflection in it. He had taken up a position near some racks, not six feet from my booth! Can I really do it, I wondered? Facing away from the opening, I reached behind me to unzip my outfit, then let the fabric fall from my shoulders. I paused, hesitant to continue but excited at my daring. The mirror gave a reflection of myself as I pushed the lacy garment over my ass. I savored every second of exposure as I took my time to get the dress over each shoe. This is so wicked, I thought; relishing the effect I must be having as I straightened up and my long hair settled down my back, framing my panty-covered ass. I knew he could see parts of my front in the booth’s mirror but I wanted him to see everything. Slowly I turned around to close the curtains, presenting my breasts and barely covered pussy to his view. Our eyes met and locked together. I paused, arms still outstretched: I immediately flushed, red and hot, from my neck down to my crotch. My pulse started racing. Shaking, I realized I didn’t want to stop. So, after what seemed many long seconds, I lowered my hands and turned away from him. I heard the man’s wife say something and guessed he went over to her booth. Sure enough, when I peeked, the object of my desire had left me. Rather than close the curtains I just stood to one side and tried on my items, hoping for his return.

My toe hit a rock in the trail, almost pitching me forward. I grabbed at Stew, who had slowed down to avoid the same stone. My fingers caught the side of his backpack, pulling it, and him, toward me. Luckily he caught himself and I was saved from getting a scraped knee. “You O.K., Jade?” he called back. Instead of answering his question I decided to get in the game again. “But no living man am I! You look upon a woman,” I piped up. “Damn, you picked a hard one,” Stew said. “Gimme a second…better yet, hey Walker, you know it?” My husband just said “Humph, she asked you.” It was a cop-out on his part, and I was pleased, I had stumped them. After a sufficient wait I intoned,“Éowyn, Théoden’s daughter, when she slew Dernhelm at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, Return of the King.” They said, almost in unison, “Touch you.” It was the reply, given in admiration, when a quote could not be attributed. We stopped, and Stew turned to look at me in amazement. I stood staring back at him defiantly, saying to myself: yeah, I’m your equal…in this. Then I lightened the moment by intoning in his voice, “We’ve got to get on the trail, guys or we’ll be hiking in the dark.” Laughing, we returned to putting one foot in front of the other. Soon my mind wandered back to that boutique in Boca Raton.

I heard the young sales clerk talking to the man’s wife, highlighting the attributes of the next batch of clothes she had just given her. I knew I had a few more precious minutes to complete my tease if I were brave enough, and, I thought, if he returned to watch. Quickly stripping back to my underwear, I moved back to the center of the booth, facing the opening, and waited. My watcher moved back into view, ready for the show to continue. There I was, naked but for a pair of tiny panties, nipples fully distended, facing a complete stranger. We stared at each other. I was so consumed by lust I was almost shaking. Throwing caution to the wind, I turned my back on him, then began to bend over, my knees tight together so I could savor the sensation of the silky fabric of my panties as they slipped down my thighs. As I continued to lower them, I reveled in the knowledge he could make out every detail of my engorged vaginal lips. When my soaked underwear was halfway down my legs I paused to let him get a good, long look. I was welcomed by a sharp intake of breath. It wasn’t enough to make me stop, so I completed my panties’ journey to my sandals, then turned my head to look behind me. An intent stare welcomed my gaze…but I was also rewarded by the sight of his hand gripping his crotch. Finally satisfied at the success of my display, I slowly pulled my panties back up, then snapped them in place across my ass cheeks. Never once did I glance at him as I finished getting dressed. When I turned to emerge from the booth I was flushed in anticipation at seeing what he thought of my little display. He wasn’t there. Disappointed and deciding it was over, I took my outfit to the sales lady and paid for it. “Thanks for not busting me.” I said, keeping my voice low. The clerk smiled, then whispered back, “I think your admirer wants you,” nodding toward the back of the store where I saw the man standing beside the changing room. The clerk continued, “His wife left, telling him to pay. I don’t think she coming back.”
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu May 19, 2022 8:50 am

I always seem to fall a little bit in love with my favourite heroines, and Jade is but the latest in a long line. It's her delicious character as much as anything, as layer by layer it's slowly revealed to the reader. Walker lit a fuse and fired a real bombshell into life when he encouraged Jade to flirt in his absence, those long lonely weeks and so early in her marriage, no wonder Jade took him up on his offer, and what's more not only did she find she enjoyed it, but quickly became the skilled tease that men couldn't resist. It's those illicit memories the ones she's never totally came clean on to her husband, those 'sins' of omission that form such an enticing backdrop to Jade's daydreaming and build the fuller and more complex character that emerges.

I briefly reread the previous chapters to better appreciate and understand the dynamic, just how we came into the morning after the night before. That night before, the one where she got the full treatment from the stud, her husband Walker's best mate and best man at his wedding Stew, then acting the experienced sexual goddess to the young inexperienced youth Chet, who luckily for him just happened to stumble in upon their illicit coupling in the kitchen downstairs, and lastly her real worries over her husband Walker and his potential reaction.

So we can feel the pressure valve release that steam and the huge relief after such a convivial breakfast, even the gentle teasing of the embarrassed young Chet seemed to add to the good vibe, and what could have been an awkward day had all the prospects of a thoroughly enjoyable one. There then was the walking, the gorge and their favourite game, not any old 'i Spy' for these Tolkien aficionados, but name the quotes - which character said it, where, when and which book. I must admit i only read the Hobbit around thirty years ago, and so wouldn't have been up to scratch myself.

But of course, central to it all was Jade's daydreams, her memories of that eight weeks when Walker left her alone in their new Florida home, that shop and it's changing room with that husband whose wife had left alone. That layer of her character's development revealed in the making of a true hotwife.

Well done BDJ, besides being so well thought out and structured it was so very readable, which is always a sign of an author at the peak of his powers, I can't wait for the second part.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Fri May 20, 2022 6:05 am

Chris, your eloquent summation gives me hope to continue, but sets an increasingly high bar as a measure of success. As I try to recreate the essence of a life well-lived I find myself thinking constantly of the wonderful woman I married. These fanciful episodes can never do justice to her; the richness of her character, the depths of her emotions, nor the breadth of her many talents.

Trying to doesn't come easy; I just don't have the talent to express in words that you, John Jasson, and aaardvarky display when your stories were being told or when any of you three comment.

Thanks for keeping up with this labor of love. I fear its going to take awhile to complete, as I am now fully committed to following this journey to its end.

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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri May 20, 2022 7:28 am

BDJ wrote:
Fri May 20, 2022 6:05 am
Chris, your eloquent summation gives me hope to continue, but sets an increasingly high bar as a measure of success. As I try to recreate the essence of a life well-lived I find myself thinking constantly of the wonderful woman I married. These fanciful episodes can never do justice to her; the richness of her character, the depths of her emotions, nor the breadth of her many talents.

Trying to doesn't come easy; I just don't have the talent to express in words that you, John Jasson, and aaardvarky display when your stories were being told or when any of you three comment.

Thanks for keeping up with this labor of love. I fear its going to take awhile to complete, as I am now fully committed to following this journey to its end.

I'm not having such false modesty, your writing flows with a natural style and intensity that's unique. To describe such subtlety, the stages and gradients of emotions as they build and affect not just Jade but those around her, shows a rare understanding of the nuances involved. Even the tone and light heartedness of conversations sends a message of three people who are at ease with each other, accepting of the changes and embracing the improved dynamic between them. In my mind Jade is already a paragon of womanhood, a truly sexual being now reaching out for the heights of fulfillment, and yet for this to be still well short of anything approaching a iikeness, your wife must truly be a goddess

Your writing is of the highest merit, infinitely better than most and certainly a level or two better than I could ever hope to achieve. It's a privilege to read it.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Fri May 20, 2022 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Fri May 20, 2022 9:53 am

Jade, Walker, and Stew just stood in amazement and intoned: "Touch you!"
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Tue May 24, 2022 8:06 am

Please, readers, if you have been away from the story for awhile, go back and reacquaint yourselves with the previous segment before continuing. I know it’s been too long between postings but life got in the way.

Disclaimer to those who wonder when I am recounting actual events or off on a flight of fancy. This segment is entirely a figment of my imagination (and thankfully never came close to happening.)

My mind snapped back to the trail; I couldn’t bear to think about it anymore. “Hold up a minute, guys,” I called out. “I think I’ve got something in my boot.” That wasn’t it. I just didn’t want my mind to go back to that place. At the time I was excited. Not now. When the non-existent object had been cleared we resumed our trek. And as much as I tried to keep my mind from doing it, soon I was back in that little shop.

I remember giving the clerk a smile before crossing the store to meet him, now inside the booth. “Hi,” I whispered, moving in close to him, “Did you enjoy that?” I didn’t expect what happened next. He pulled the curtains completely closed. “Oh, yes,” he said as he jerked me hard against his body. His hand went under the back of my dress and into my panties, squeezing my bottom as he looked in my eyes, challenging me to make him stop. I stood frozen, shocked at the suddenness of it. A satisfied look flashed across his face as he then pulled up the front of my dress and forced his other hand into my panties, cupping my labia's fleshy lips. I gasped, suddenly weak. “You are such a sexy little vixen,” he said quietly as he opened my cunt lips with his finger. He stared at me as he plunged it into my wet pussy. “Let’s see how you like payback,” he whispered as he started moving it rapidly inside me. He leaned down, offering me his mouth. I surrendered: flinging my arms around his neck, I hungrily kissed him; forcing my tongue inside his mouth. I was only dimly aware of my surroundings, my focus entirely on his relentless stimulation of my vagina. He broke our kiss, then chastised me, saying this is what happens to a cock-tease. “You deserve to be bent over and fucked,” he hissed. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I didn’t answer, only moaned in response. Finally my overheated body couldn’t take it anymore and I felt a sudden surge deep in my saturated pussy. I spasmed against him, then held on, suddenly weak. The whole encounter seemed to have taken just a few seconds. We looked into each others eyes as I came down from my unexpected orgasm.

My mind rebelled right then and I was back on the trail. Oh, God, I thought, almost crying at the memory of it. My feet kept moving: I paid no attention to the next quote flung out by…Walker? Stew? Even now I was ashamed of what had happened next. I lifted my head to look around, but couldn’t focus on anything. My feet moved without thought, knowing somehow to avoid the rocks in the trail. Then Walker, who had somehow moved to the front, stopped. That brought me to a halt also. Stew, ever the one to take advantage of a situation, bumped into me and put his large hand on my ass. “Feels good,” he said. “Asshole,” I automatically shot back. Walker pointed to a large tree beside the trail bearing long vertical scrape marks about eight feet up. “Mother of a bear,” he said. “it’s a reminder we’re in her range and she owns it.” After thinking about this sobering fact, we started hiking again. I sighed, resigned to letting my mind complete that shameful event.

What happened next was seared into my memory. The man had removed his fingers from my pussy and I thought I was free to go. Instead he suddenly spun me so my back was to him. Still holding me around the waist with one hand, he unzipped his pants with the other, and in the next instant I felt his hard cock press against my butt. My brain told me to fight, but I was unable to move. He seized my neck, then forced me to bend over. I grabbed the chair in front of me to keep from falling and began to cry. “Please,” I pleaded, “it was only a game.” My dress was flipped up over my back and the edge of my panties roughly forced aside. I could feel the blunt end of his cock searching for my opening. “No!” I cried in a weak, pathetic voice. “This is why you teased me, isn’t it?” he hissed, “Pulling your panties down and showing me your cunt.” Suddenly I felt a sharp pain as his oversized member found its home, stretching me and forced itself up my suddenly dry canal. My sobs filled the room. “You asked for it.” he snarled, “Now shut up and take it.” He held me tightly as he violently used my pussy.

I was jarred from my thoughts as I heard Stew say we were getting close. We could hear the river as the trail dropped suddenly down into a series of haphazard steps formed by an ancient upheaval of rock. I focused on getting down in one piece, relying on both Walker and Stew for help in places where the drop was too great for my short legs. Finally we were only about fifty feet from the turbulent water that had spent eons forming this splendid example of nature’s grandeur. All thoughts of my past were wiped away…for a few minutes. The trail was easy after that as we paralleled the river. I had thought we’d be at our campsite when we reached the water but no, it seemed we had a mile or so yet to travel. So it was back to slogging it, and a return to my past.

His cock felt enormous as it filled me again and again. My pussy finally responded to his onslaught and I slowly became aware the pain was turning into pleasure. I was so distressed at that I almost wanted the hurt to get worse. My attacker continued to use me, seemingly forever, and my body responded. I felt the heat of arousal spread from my pussy until it completely engulfed me. Without intending to, I began whimpering with pleasure each time his fat dick slammed into me. With a final, sudden push, he started ejaculating in my womb. Stream after stream of hot liquid washed the walls of my vagina, causing me to lose myself in an intense orgasm that seemed to last forever. I cried out, helpless in my rapture. He stayed inside me until he softened, then I felt a void in my pussy as his cock slipped out. My euphoria subsided and I began to let shame consume me. He was still holding me but suddenly I struggled and found the strength to break free of his embrace. Unable to face him, I shakily moved to leave the store, my heart still beating rapidly. Cum was beginning to run down my legs as I approached the sales clerk. “I’ve never done anything like that in my life,” I said quietly, not looking at her; hardly having the presence of mind to accept my purchase from her outstretched hand. Outside the store I became overwhelmed with guilt for leading him on so and cried all the way home. Still, I masturbated twice when I got there before falling into a troubled sleep.

The morning light woke me and with it an awareness of what had happened; the memory of being taken like that remained etched on my psyche as vividly as if it had just happened. But I was more shaken by my response to it. That had never happened when Walker and I made love, and only that one time when Stew had fucked me. What kind of woman acts like that, I thought. A slut, that’s who, I decided, and I didn’t want to be one. I vowed I’d never tell Walker, ever.
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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue May 24, 2022 10:12 am

BDJ's writing continues to delight as he demonstrates he's a master of erotic imagery too. The experience and colours encapsulated in Jade's daydream, one that's seared into her psyche, describes another stage up in a life changing almost elysian journey towards sexual fulfilment, an indelible memory that's now stamped into her very being, a part of the true Jade, the Jade that's coming to realise she possesses a sexual power and has her own needs too.

I found myself a little impatient when we were cut off by the interludes of the walk along the gorge, such was the excitement and eroticism engendered in Jade's remembered tryst. I wanted to get back to that shop's changing room, that man and the gorgeously enticing woman, so all credit to BDJ,'s writing skills but it seemed as if he possibly thought it was all getting too hot and we needed a breather. 😀.

Of course we can't say this was Jade's true sexual awakening, it's been quite a journey involving the momentous few days at the hands and other parts of the South Carolina satyr, not forgetting Stew her husband Walker's best man, with the third leg now being this big cocked stranger. She now is beginning to realise her power over men and recognise she can skillfully entice and tease the best to satisfy her needs too. Her best physical experiences have all come from men with huge howitzers and her loyal and loving Walker has her emotional and loving needs more than covered. The true Jade is just emerging and what a woman she is.

Well done BDJ your writing carries on scaling the heights of excellence. I know you said the story is a flight of fancy and so it is, but I'd like to think there's just a scintilla of truth in the character of Jade, the world would be a poorer place if her likeness was truly fictional.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Jade: My Story

Unread post by BDJ » Tue May 24, 2022 2:01 pm

Thanks Chris, for your usual astute observations. One struck me that is especially relevant to that time in our lives: “...that's coming to realise she possesses a sexual power and has her own needs too.” I think she first discovered that when she had that first hours long fuck-fest with my best friend (with me waiting outside the closed door.) That was the first time I saw “the glow.” Indeed, her aura showed how satisfying that session had been.

The other: “Her best physical experiences have all come from men with huge howitzers and her loyal and loving Walker has her emotional and loving needs more than covered.” This one I have to dispute, since I don’t think our friend possesses a large cock, except at its base. When she felt that part she would go nuts. The other reason is of what actually happened in Florida during that time period. (Yes, she really did turn into a total hottie then.) Remember, other than my best friend, and just that one time a year previously, she had only had sex with me. I suggested that while I was gone she get it on with a co-worker I knew slightly and that she had only met once for about fifteen minutes. Zero interest on her part to take me up on it. Then a couple weeks later, during a phone call, she told me she had seduced him. Later I found out she had an affair that lasted until I returned. Numerous hook-ups at our house until the neighbors started to get suspicious. This from my shy wife. The guy had a cock only about four inches long but was apparently able to hit her G-spot with it. She couldn’t get enough of it. (I wrote it up a long time ago and it still turns me on to read it.)
Your other observation, though was spot on, because she was so out of character in contacting him. You said, “The true Jade is just emerging and what a woman she is.” I think her confidence in her sexuality grew tremendously that night, after becoming brave enough to seduce a man she didn’t even know, all by herself.
Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
Jade: My Story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=66126

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