A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

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A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:00 pm


I am starting a new thread here. Some may have followed my last thread, it was under a different screen name tit4atat. Notice I have now changed to tit5atat. There are reasons why I did this and you would probably only understand if you read the entire thread "A New Revelation" under tit4atat.

Anyway, I have had a crush on a girl in a foreign country for a few years. I will call her P. She also has a crush on me. We have developed a fairly strong bond and understanding of each other. Here is the problem, she is married and I was married. Now I am no longer married as fully detailed in the above mentioned post. She also has a bf/fb who she sees regularly. When I first met her she didn't have the bf as at the time he was chasing someone else. However after we started getting close and his chances with the other girl were clearly not there he moved to focus on P. I was not fully aware of how things progress between them for a while as of course being on opposite sides of the planet made it difficult to know. Eventually, P came clean and told me all about the story of how this guy, I'll call him "A" started chasing her just after I left the country.

A little background about P. She is from a poor country and worked hard to be able to work in a better paying country to support herself and family. She got to a good country and went thru a long training program to learn the language and culture there. At some point nearing the end of the training course a friend of a friend said she knew a guy that was looking for a wife and connected them. They started communicating and eventually determined that they would get married basically sight unseen. Keep in mind here that yes, this is a strange set up but in third world countries it is all about survival sometimes, putting food on the table. This guy was fairly wealthy and certainly knew how to woo a woman (actually he had gone thru this type of process before it turns out). So this guy basically bought her out of the training program to pay all of the lost expenses to get her there etc. For the sake of simplicity I will call him H, short for husband.

So after the marriage and some arrangements settled and living with H for about a year, P went back to her home country for about 6-9 months while papers etc were being assembled and filed for change of visa status. Finally P returned to again be with her husband. This was about 5 years ago. Unfortunately, during this time things went south for H. He had a business that somehow went down hill and lost all his money and even had to sell off many things that he had acquired like a boat, fancy SUV etc. Of course P returning to meet him didn't know much about all this. So P arrives to eventually find out that her new husband was now broke!

P finds work and does ok but H starts often asking for money and struggling to pay his bills. Starting a relationship with a husband sight-unseen had it's whole host of problems as well. H expected sex but P didn't enjoy it as there was little connection at first. Of course over time they began to understand each other better but keep in mind there was still a substantial language barrier and H turned out to be a lousy communicator. He basically never said much of anything. To complicate things there is about a 38 year age gap between P and H.

Ok, maybe that is enough background to get an understanding of the situation.

So like I mentioned above, P and I had a instant connection about 3 years ago when we first met. We understand each other very well and we always wanted to be together any time possible and learn more about each other. Only problem was we lived on opposites sides of the earth. Meanwhile A comes along and due to P's situation with H she also gives in to his strong advances and they start a rather torrid affair. Eventually, A pushed the envelope one night when P was fairly drunk and fucked her despite some probably half hearted resistance. After that, things developed into a fairly routine dating/fucking pattern. All of course hidden from H.

Like I mentioned, all during this time I was maintaining a lot of communications with P, we were in love. Clearly P wanted me as I was her real crush however since I was married she had to do what she had to do basically for survival and to maintain some level of sanity given her situation. During our conversations, she came clean about A and told me the whole story. Since we were lovers, at first she was very hesitant to tell me the situation fearing that she would lose me. Over time I convinced her that I understood her situation and was ok with her continuing her affair with A. Slowly she began to open up more and more and at my encouragement began telling me where, when and some details of fucking A. Of course as most here on this web site, this is the sort of thing we dream of. Basically my girl friend having an affair and telling me all the details about it. So in essence I had a hot/GF on my hands. Oh, just to fill in the blank space, probably about a year before I met P she had stopped having sex with her husband. Certainly not to his liking but somehow she got him to accept it as she never felt the kind of connection with him that sex could be enjoyable. In other words, our first meeting was in my hotel room but happened to be the last day I was in the her country. I had been trying to get her to meet for about 2 weeks but circumstances didn’t allow it. To my surprise she hadn’t had sex for about a year before meeting me.

This continued on for the last 3 years. However over time P started to realize that my connection with my wife was not going to end and she started to focus more on A but always keeping the door open for me. For a while I was torn. If you have read the thread mentioned above you can understand why. All thru this time period my wife started enjoying the HW lifestyle to some degree. About 3 years ago our relationship was a bit rocky for various reasons and that was about the time I met P. Certainly in the last year our connection grew much stronger and we had basically all the ducks in a row for a beautiful future together. Last year I had come to the conclusion that I would never be able to leave her for P. Obviously the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but there would be a big risk for me and I could see that it would cause massive pain and grief for my wife. I was everything to her, everything and I couldn’t face letting her down like that!

So that brings us up to current times. Well, one more thing. Like I mentioned, during the initial year or two I had been hearing her stories about how, when and where she was fucking A. At one point I bought her a device that she could use to record a video of their fucking. She took it but never had the courage or desire to use it. She made it clear over time that she just couldn't do that. This last year her communications with me were slowing down. About a year ago she had a big fight with A and broke up. Said her husband was a much better man anyway. In reality, despite H being broke, when ever he did have some money or a birthday or special event, he would go all out and buy her something super special. For instance, about 2 years ago he bought her a several thousand dollar LV handbag. Of course a few weeks later he was asking to borrow money (means she will never see it again) because he was broke and couldn't pay the bills. She was working 2 jobs at the time about 15 hours a day and he is asking money from her.

Despite our communications slowing down it never stopped. P just gave me enough to let me know that I was still her love and that would never change. All this last year I had assumed that A was out of the picture since they had the big fight and broke up. Just recently about 3 months ago she informed me that they had gotten back together and were lovers again going back quite a while. I was a bit shocked but still confidant that I was still her #1 love.

During this time she hadn't told me anything about their secret meetings dinners together and fucking. At the current point in time she meets him probably 5 times a week for dinner and one or two times a month they go to a hotel for fucking. So basically my GF is a hot GF. She has a husband and lover on the side that she routinely fucks while trying to maintain our relationship. She has gotten fairly comfortable with me knowing that I sort of enjoy it. For the whole time she never could really understand why I would want to actually see her fucking A or her husband for that matter.

Last weekend, she had a full day meet up with A. In the morning she informed me that they would hang out together doing things and at noon they would go to a hotel. Of course this means that they would be fucking. Having given her some pressure years back about making a secret video she always knew my desires. A few days before this her husband was out of town and we did a video call where she put her phone so that I could watch her shower and then later I did the same. During this time she was learning some of the tricks of using the phone for video calls. We had the luxury of spending a lot of time chatting and tightening our bond. I mentioned to her she could do things like engage in a call then put the phone in another window so her screen wouldn’t show a picture. When P told me about the plan the night before to be going to the hotel I asked her if she could just put her phone on, set it aside so that I could hear them in the room together. She basically agreed and said she would try.

The next morning, of course evening here we chatted again before they were to meet. She confirmed that she would try to start a call so I could listen in. Of course I wouldn’t understand anything they talk about as it would be in a language I know very little of. So all thru the evening here I am on pins and needles wondering if she would actually go thru with it. Up to this point every time I had mentioned making a video she had bluntly refused. Well, at the appointed time she gave me a vid call and quickly said that it would be still a while before going to the hotel and please wait. Eventually, she gave me another call and said, “don’t make a sound” so of course I put my microphone on mute. They proceed into the room and I could hear very clear although it is surprising how difficult it is to tell what is happening. After some time I start to hear sounds that were clearly things heating up. From there the sounds from P got louder and louder. She can get quite noisy and I had told her, “don’t hold back” and she certainly didn’t. So things escalated quickly and then I could tell from A’s grunting that he had cum (only about 10 minutes in). A extra little turn on for me is that every time they fuck, he goes bareback and fills her with his cum.

After he clearly came they did some laughing and then things got a little quiet. I know P usually brings a vibrating wand to these meetings as she doesn’t cum generally from penetration. At one point I heard a faint hum but it quickly went away. I think from the apps noise cancelling features. So its fairly quiet and then I hear P really start to get loud again climbing to a climax. After that things went silent for a bit and then I heard the call go off. Later in the evening after returning home I had some calls with her and texting (while her husband was in the room not paying any attention to her). She explained that the second set of noises I heard were from her playing with the toy. She also said that A helped her play with the toy and she even squirted all down her leg. Squirting is something we have tried to accomplish but have only been successful once or twice. I think all the extra excitement of knowing I was listening made her dripping wet and easier to squirt.

So after all the excitement we had many talks and it seemed to bring us so much closer together. P did say that it might have been a one time thing. I am hoping that she changes her mind on that one and she shares with me every time going forward. All in all I know it was a super exciting experience for her and certainly for me. I was leaking pre-cum the whole time and trying to hold back. I came at about the same time as she did.

I know this is a super long explanation but I hope some have enjoyed if you got all the way to the end. For me, generally this is the type of thread that I like. How it all got started and how did it happen. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think!

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:00 pm

Welcome to OHW tit5atat

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:36 pm

Update: P is with A now as I type. They have the whole day together. As of now I don't know if they will eventually end up in a hotel or not. Since they just had fun in the hotel one week ago I would say it is 50/50 that they will again today. Usually it is more like once a month but just happens that this month they will have more time to connect. I am a little on pins and needles wondering if they will repeat and if she will call me to let me listen. She did confirm last night that if they fuck she will try to patch me in again. I think she really enjoyed knowing I was sharing the experience with her. Over the last week we certainly have become closer in many ways. I love this girl !

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri Mar 12, 2021 7:53 pm

He sees her 5 times a week but only has her a couple of times a month. Considering they have had sex and enjoy it I think they would be at it at least a couple of times a week. What does she look like because she could have a lot of men chasing her and that could keep her very busy. I could be completely wrong as I am only speculating on what I have read here. I hope it goes well for you and that your relationship is all you want from it. Thanks for posting.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Sat Mar 13, 2021 1:13 am

OZ thanks for the response.

So nothing much happened. They went to a casino and basically played all day. Some small breaks where she would text me about win/loss numbers and of course they had lunch together. Otherwise not a romantic day. She said that the ride there and back were nice with laughing and good conversation. They went to a town about an hour away from the small town where she lives.

She is very beautiful and yes, can attract men in an instant. Although in her small town and being married it is almost impossible to keep secrets. Her relationship with him has been kept well under cover although a lot of chances have been taken. A is older at 62 and probably not as horny a guy as myself or most here. They talked about going to a hotel today but it didn't seem like either was super into it this time. She mentioned something about him playing the night before so I wasn't sure if she meant he masturbated or what. If that was the case she felt like he wouldn't have been horny and for some reason she wasn't all day.

Yes, our relationship seems to be rock solid at this point. I hope it continues this way and we have a bright future together. Unfortunately with covid it will probably be most of a year before we can be together for a visit let alone planning any form of big escape together. We are dreaming of a meet up in November but that is all based on if travel restrictions in many countries open up.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by RetiredSnowbird » Sat Mar 13, 2021 3:00 pm

Nice to see you back again. Hope things work out with P.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:21 pm

Latest update. So I am out of town on business and in hotel room. This weekend a friend from far in the past will come visit me. She will drive 4 hours and stay with me in my hotel. 25 years ago, we were good friends did many things together. She was married at the time. We fooled around only twice.

I told P about it all, the whole story. She was not upset but did later come out and ask, "are you going to fuck her?" So I continued to explain that we haven't seen each other in a long time so who knows what could happen, but said that, "Only if you say, otherwise no." She then asked if I wanted her honest opinion and said, "No, I will be sad or maybe will not talk to you". So then I said I would make sure there would be no fucking. She then said, "I know it sounds unfair, but NO!.
I told P, it's not unfair. It's how you feel. I feel different so it's not the same situation. She then said, "Thank you baby!"

I then went on to tell her about what she did two weeks ago was a beautiful gift. She deserves a gift in return, so I will respect her wishes.

So it looks like I might be struggling to be good this weekend. Meanwhile she will be with her regular lover A. Of course I don't know they will do this weekend but possibly they could be fucking if they are into it.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Sun Mar 21, 2021 6:10 pm

Another update. My friend from years ago did come to visit me and stayed the weekend. We did a ton of catching up. Turns out her life has been hard and she almost lost it last year to cancer. Luckily things worked out ok. We had a good time and I kept true to P as promised. We had a chance to do a video call with P and she got to meet my friend and chat together. It was nice and I am sure helped P to be less concerned about us together.

Well, P met up with A on her Saturday as usual and this time they got super horny and about noon proceeded to a hotel. P knew i had company in my room and was hesitant to dial me in. My friend was sound asleep and I mentioned that to P. Well, I got a few texts and she sent me some pics and a short vid of the hotel room she was in. I knew things probably got underway as the time was going by but I didn't bother her and constantly text her even though I wanted to. Eventually she text me that she was going to play. Then my phone rings and I quickly put my phone on mute. I knew that she meant that she had already fucked A and now was going to play with her vibrator. She did and I recorded her getting loud as she climaxed. Usually A helps her play with the vibrator and this time was no exception.

I was sure hoping that since P didn't call me and let me listen from the beginning thru the fuck session that she had convinced him to let her make a video of their fucking. Explain to him that she wanted to see later what they looked like together. Anyway I found out when she finished playing and had cum that no, she didn't record. She did say that the fuck session was really good and they were both so horny. All in all it was a good time. Now I have 2 recordings of her one with fucking and one with only playing with the vibrator. Later that night she asked me to send her the recordings so she could listen to them also.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:19 am

Well, I guess it was about 2 weeks ago that P and A met up again and it sounded like they weren't planning on going to a hotel. They went to a casino, fairly far away. They played a while and then were driving back, via a short cut. The road was windy and P got car sick and then they went to a hotel to relax. P recovered and then they preceded to fuck but P didn't dial me in. It wasn't their best fuck considering the circumstances but I guess not bad. I was a bit disappointed she didn't dial me in but I think she was worried about my sleep as it would be in the middle of the night for me and I really needed sleep at the time.

We had some conversations and the topic of pregnancy came up. P basically told me that if she got pregnant with A that she would end up going with him and marrying him. I was Shocked and devistated. She basically told me that she had said this a few times before over the years and was a bit mad that she had to repeat the same conversation. It was really our fist major dispute since we have known each other and things ended badly. After the call ended I was a bit crushed and got to thinking that in reality, she is actually trying to get pregnant when they fuck. She had explained that she really wants a baby and even to the point that a man comes second to that goal. She would give up the love of her life for the chance to have a baby.

I know the chances of her getting pregnant are slim. She got pregnant with a bf many years ago and lost the baby. Ever since then she has never used any form of protection and with probably about 6 guys fucking her on a regular basis over the years never gotten pregnant. She says her doctor told her she is fine, nothing wrong but statistics seem to indicate that there must be something wrong. Keep in mind I got fixed some 30 years ago so she knows I am not going to get her pregnant.

Not long after our chat that ended badly we started talking again and talked it out. I told her that it wasn't fair that she "assumed" that it wouldn't be fair to me if we stayed together with his baby. I told her that if having a baby was the most important thing in her life I would support that. She could still continue our plans to be together. She was really relieved and now feels like that could work where before she thought it would be a given that she had to go with A and marry him. She loves A but isn't keen on the idea of a marriage with him. She feels A is very controlling and would probably be worse than her current husband except that he might be better off financially. They had a rocky point in their relationship where he hit her and mistreated her. She broke up with him for a while but he slowly worked his way back in the door being persistent. He has seemed to learn his lesson and treated her much better for the last year.
Last edited by tit5atat on Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:24 am

Ever since that last hotel visit P has had to work on Saturdays. This is the only day that P and A can get away together because she gets up as if to go to work and her husband assumes she is at work all day. They typically meet almost every evening after her work at a convenience store parking lot and just chat for a while but nothing much can happen there as they are out in the open. Many times she will dial me in when she leaves work and I can chat with her while she drives to the store and she leaves the phone on during her visit with A. She transfers to his car when he pulls up.

Yesterday her husband was out of town for one night so we got to do vid chat which turned into all night, 8 hours. We talked about many things. We are clearly on the same page about a lot of things. She knows about the adventerous past with my late wife. It seems she has a interest in picking up woman to bring to me and watching me fuck them. Not something I would have a problem with at all. She stated, as long as its a one time thing and we don't stay in contact it could be fun. That's a fairly big surprise as she is a fairly jealous woman but says that is something she is trying to work on.

She also mentioned possible scenarios like couple swapping and didn't seem to have any reservations about it saying, "that could be fun with the right couple".

To be honest, I have been thinking a lot about my past vs future with her. I am almost wondering if I don't want her to hot wife. Of course seeing or hearing about her fucks with A or past lovers turns me on a lot but I am a bit hesitant to do some of the things I did with my late wife. I am sure seeing her fuck a cute young stud that she could really enjoy would be the ultimate but I am not sure yet if I would be jealous in some way. Perhaps on a vacation setting or something where there would be no future contact could be ok but it could lead to her getting accustomed to being open and taking a lover that could be a problem for our relationship. Clearly I have no problem with her continuing fucking A and enjoy listening or hearing her account of the events. I don't feel threatened by him at all (well except for the pregnancy issue). I know she really loves him but our relationship is her true love.

One thing that is clear is that she is getting accustomed to her lifestyle. She totally understands her role as a hot gf with A and is totally comfortable with including me as much as possible. She did mention that I do pressure her a bit too much sometimes. I knew instantly it's about making a video of her with A. She knows that is my dream but she is reluctant as he is very private and might not be ok with the idea. He certainly wouldn't know that the purpose was to share with me as he doesn't know that we are in a relationship. He does know me however, when I first met P he was there trying to swoon P's boss. Then I was there on my birthday and he even bought a bottle of champagne to share. Beyond that he probably has no clue that we have been in a close relationship for the last 3 years.

Interestingly, over the last few years as she was trying to figure all this out and not sure exactly how I could be ok with her fucking A. There have been a few occasions where we discussed what her plans were for the following day etc, if she would be seeing A. In a little confused state, she would say in the most seductive quiet voice, "do you want me to fuck A?" Going way back I have always said, "its totally up to you" or "no, not really" in the beginning. However last night, after some sexy conversation when we were talking about her weekend schedule knowing she doesn't have Saturday off of work and it would be difficult for them to get together she could sense what I was hinting about. Again she said it in the exact same way she always has, "do you want me to fuck A?" Not knowing if she would even have a chance, I was so tempted to blurt out "YES!" I think we are at a point where she knows that I enjoy it that much, however I still feel that if I said YES, she might think that I am using her or don't care about her. Maybe next time in the right situation I will say "YES PLEASE".

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Thu Apr 15, 2021 9:19 am

I wonder if I am being to wordy or slow here? Is there any interest in this style of thread?


Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by Whosbeensleeping » Thu Apr 15, 2021 10:01 am

Yes, no problem with the style. It's about your inner struggles and therefore interesting.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by subtoall » Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:02 pm

I like your story. So unique. Please continue.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Sun May 02, 2021 9:58 pm


So yesterday P left work early. It was a Saturday and instead of staying until 5 she left at noon. Of course she called me right away when she left and explained that there had just been a major earthquake. She said she would go home and check on the house and contact her husband that had planned to be out of town for the night. Needless to say that P had been thinking if her husband would be out of town it would be perfect timing to meet up with A. Things had been hard lately and she explained that it would be nice if she could have a few drinks, relax and get a good fuck. Of course she wanted with me but would have to settle for the next best thing, A.

Upon arrival at home she found the place to be a big mess. Many things had fallen to the floor. We discussed her plan. Call A and see if he would be in the area for early dinner and see if she could seduce him without being obvious that she wanted him to take her to a hotel and give her a good fuck. He didn't reply immediately which gave her time to clean up the earthquake damage some. Finally he replied and next thing I know I am getting pictures of plates of food at a restaurant. Keep in mind it is 4 am my time so I am trying to get a little sleep in anticipation of being awake for a while if something happens later.

To my surprise she calls me a while later. I answer still sort of in a fog, to her explaining how she came home and had him on standby at a nearby grocery store. I had assumed that she would have gone straight to a hotel. Previously she had asked, should she stay the night and sleep with him or only stay to about midnight. I mentioned that it might be dangerous to stay the night if for some reason her husband came home early in the morning. So while at home she decided to text her husband and verify where he might be at, keeping in mind that the earthquake might have caused plans to change. Sure enough, he said he was right up the road and would come home soon. Wow, what a shock. P had to run out and inform A that there was no hope for tonight. So A drove off and P went back home. I was still sort of asleep but she text me when her husband arrived a few hours later.

As you can see the night was a total bust. P and I were both hoping she would get to enjoy some excitement. She had point blank asked me like she occasionally does if I wanted her to fuck A. This time still being a little timid I said, "it's totally up to you". During our vid chat she had seen how hard and thick my cock was and I had asked her to put fingers inside her pussy and let me know what they tasted like. I asked her if she wanted A to fuck her tonight to which she replied "YES!" Anyway, to make matters worse, almost exactly as her husband walks in the door her brother called to inform her that her father had just passed away. Looking back it almost seemed like there was some guiding plan for the night. Her husband surprising her to prevent her from going with A so that she would be home when she got the call. Strange!

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Mon May 24, 2021 7:45 am

So it's been 3+ weeks since the night mentioned above. Needless to say that the death of P's father took a major toll on her and had kept her busy. The first week was all funeral arrangements etc. Ironically, after 3 months my late wife finally got to her home town and was buried by her family one day after P's father was buried. So we were sort of going thru the same emotions at the same time. How does this happen? It's almost like a movie script at this point!

Since the last event that was a bust, nothing much new has happened. A got sick for a week and P has been working overtime, not allowing for any free time. They have seen each other a few times for quick after work chat sessions in the car but not near as much as the daily meet ups they had in the past. I think as our relationship is winding up, P has had less interest in A and started slowly winding that down. I haven't asked in a while if P still has big interest in getting together with A for a afternoon fuck but my hunch is that is still on the table. So for now, it looks like nothing will happen until work slows down for P.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by subtoall » Tue May 25, 2021 4:28 pm

What a crazy sequence of events. I hope you'll keep updating us here.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:23 am

Here is the latest.

Tomorrow is my gf's birthday. As you know from above we are on different continents. I will get her a cake here and have it decorated. The cake will read, "Happy Birthday (name) Will You Marry Me?" I will show her the cake and a card when we do our daily vid chat. That is either before her work or after. Not sure if I should present it before her work in the morning or after her work in evening.

So yesterday she informed me that she will be off work on Saturday and she will spend the day or at least part of it with her bf there. Her husband of course will think she is at work but her newly engaged bf (that's me) will know exactly where she is at. As usual she will probably keep me updated by text or small vid chats during the day as to what they are up to. She has made it clear that she will probably be going to a hotel at some point in the day. Just not sure if in morning or later in the day. They will probably drive to a different town to prevent anyone from seeing them.

Of course my hope is that she will leave her phone on vid call during her time in the hotel room so that I can hear her in action or better yet, somehow have the camera on also. The camera hasn't happened yet but would be a dream come true.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:58 am

tit5atat wrote:
Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:23 am
Here is the latest.

Tomorrow is my gf's birthday. As you know from above we are on different continents. I will get her a cake here and have it decorated. The cake will read, "Happy Birthday (name) Will You Marry Me?" I will show her the cake and a card when we do our daily vid chat. That is either before her work or after. Not sure if I should present it before her work in the morning or after her work in evening.

So yesterday she informed me that she will be off work on Saturday and she will spend the day or at least part of it with her bf there. Her husband of course will think she is at work but her newly engaged bf (that's me) will know exactly where she is at. As usual she will probably keep me updated by text or small vid chats during the day as to what they are up to. She has made it clear that she will probably be going to a hotel at some point in the day. Just not sure if in morning or later in the day. They will probably drive to a different town to prevent anyone from seeing them.

Of course my hope is that she will leave her phone on vid call during her time in the hotel room so that I can hear her in action or better yet, somehow have the camera on also. The camera hasn't happened yet but would be a dream come true.


Ok a bit confused here.

You start by indicating she is your 'gf' and the 'Marry Me' bit.

Then you say she will be off with her 'bf' on the other continent where she resides.

Then you say 'her husband' and 'her newly engaged bf (that's me)' in the same sentence.

So how is this working? She is married to a guy, and you want her to also marry you, plus she has a side 'bf' where she lives?

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:13 pm

Long Lurker,

Yes, my gf is married to a older man 10+ years older than me. That would be 35 years older than her. It was mostly a marriage of necessity. Very common in Asia. I think I mentioned that above. Unfortunately, he has become more of a burden than a help to her situation. He is not good with money and went from wealthy to poor. Recently she is all but supporting him. About 4 months after we met and hit it off, she had a guy courting her heavily (I am long distance so only available by vid chat daily). They starting going out and eventually he sort of pushed himself on her and she was a bit too drunk to resist. Their relationship slowly evolved and at one point about 3 months after it started she came clean to me about it. I live on the other side of the earth (usa) and only get to see her on a rare occasion. When we met we quickly became lovers. She knows I am a long shot because it's long distance so she sort of went with the idea of having a lover on the side of both the husband and me. By the way, she doesn't have sex with her husband anymore. Maybe 3 years.

More recently we have connected on a deeper level. I have been aware of her bf for a long time now. Her husband doesn't know about either of us. I have given her the freedom to continue with the bf and go to hotels with him as she wishes. She is very appreciative of that freedom as it can be 6 to 12 months between my visits and she is a fairly horny girl. She usually meets up with him a few times a week for chats in the car but goes to a hotel about once a month for a fuck session. As mentioned above, on two of these fuck sessions, she has dialed me in and let me listen. Without the bf's knowledge of course.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:29 pm

So latest update:
As mentioned above P my girlfriend that I just asked to marry me (and of course she said yes!) had today off from work and planned to meet up with her bf A. We talked on cam about a hour before he arrived to pick her up. She didn't really know what the plan was but assumed they would go for a scenic drive in the mountains then probably end up in a hotel to fuck. We talked about trying to do some sort of cam etc. Of course I was hoping for the best, at least being able to hear the action.

Well, today was sort of a bust on that. She informed me they were headed to the hotel but I didn't hear anything for a while. I assumed still driving but then a full frontal naked pic pops in of her beautiful breasts, the bed in the background. Of course I was thinking that things were just getting started in and maybe bf was in the shower or something. However then she informed me that they were finished. He came in like a minute flat and she didn't get any pleasure. She said that was round 1 but wasn't sure he would have enough energy for another round. Poor gf/fiance' .

So we will see if anything further happens. Usually they take a nap together once finished. I guess there is a chance that there could be a round 2 after a nap. I'll be patiently waiting on the sideline.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:40 pm

Well, things turned out better than I thought! My amazing gf actually convinced her bf to video the encounter. She already sent a 2 minute clip where he was lying on his back as she began to give him a blow job. Near the end of the 2 minutes, she removed her panties and looked to be about ready to mount him. She was disappointed that it only lasted 13 minutes and seems that included the foreplay. She says she will send more if he sends to her phone from his. I would assume she can convince him to do that.

These vids will be hot to watch for years to come!

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Tue Jun 08, 2021 9:16 pm

So I typed up a good post and just as I was about to finish it the computer crashed. So here goes again.

As we began to connect and P send more vids from her encounter things started to fall more into place. She had a lot of trouble sending and ended up breaking up a 13 minute vid into 2 minute clips to send. The first of the new clips was a 2:53 minute clip of her kneeling in front of A giving him a very detailed BJ. The camera angle was up close and perfect to see all her moves on his hard dick.

More clips started to pop into my messenger, again all 2 1/2 minutes. Apparently messenger chops them to that duration. As I started to watch they were a continuation of the clip mentioned in the last post where she takes off her panties. She didn't mount him as I had anticipated. He rolled her over on her back and mounted her missionary style. He fucked her at various speeds and depths but mostly hitting bottom each thrust (I later counted 512 times). Finally all the clips came thru and then she sent some kind of a link that would show the whole 13 minute clip in one. After some decent fucking with her making some good noises he turned her around to doggy style, her favorite. In doing so he sort of got out of position relative to the camera and she mentioned to rotate around so it was not just looking at his back. He then tried to penetrate her from behind but apparently had gone soft enough he couldn't make it work. Meanwhile she got her wand fired up and was using it as he pushed 2 fingers in her ass and probed around as she rubbed the vibrator on her clit.

So after more discussion and reviewing the vids, she reinforced that those clips were of round 2 actually. That is why he couldn't finish her doggy style. She says he has round 1 on his phone and eventually she will try to get it from him. According to her, round 1 was super disappointing as he came in just a few minutes. Must have been so worked up as it had been several months since the last hotel visit.

Needless to say, I can't wait for the clip of round 1.

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:33 am

Well, she's made you a cuckold again. Things were definitely headed that way.
It's been a couple of weeks now, has she seen him again?
Is she loving it?
An update would be great. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Wed Jul 07, 2021 3:18 am

Update: I never did get the vid clip of round one. However P has been with her bf 2 more times since that first video session. Both times she captured really close videos of her giving him bj's sucking him deep. From there they continued to fuck. The first meet of the two he was super short lived and came in less than 3 minutes after entering her. They had done about 20 minutes of play before him entering her.

The next weekend P was really hot and horny. She basically said that she wanted to fuck and he was the only possibility at the moment. She was wet just thinking about it. Having just been together in a hotel the week before she wasn't sure he would be up to it so soon. Usually they just play 2 times a month. Well apparently her spell on him was stronger than she thought as he took her to the hotel again but clearly was super horny himself. She always says, "don't assume anything will happen or that I can make a video" but the video she made this time were really good. They are starting to perfect camera angles etc. It is clear that they basically "make love" instead of raw sex. There is a lot of kissing and gentle caressing. In any case they look hot together and made another great movie. She is an amazing star!

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Re: A Hot GF in the Making, Where Will it Go?

Unread post by tit5atat » Fri Aug 27, 2021 7:25 am

I was informed yesterday that P will have tomorrow off and meet with her bf for the day. She mentioned going to a hotel but of course she is never sure what will happen. Her bf drives the ship. She only "suggests" things with hints and body language. I could tell she is aching to be fucked tomorrow. For the past month she has been mostly stuck at home with her husband and gets nothing. She doesn't let him see her nude or ever touch her. The big problem is that while he is always around at home she can't play with a toy or vibrator. If she had her choice that would be every day!

So here I am, waiting, wondering what will happen today. Will they make it to a hotel and have a good time fucking? And if so, will she be able to capture some cute video. At the moment I have video from about 3 complete sessions. Her bf seems to be into the idea of making the vids. Hard to explain, but I will be happy for her if she can get a good fuck tomorrow. She really needs it. She hasn't had anything for over a month. Stress in her life has exploded for so many reasons. Hopefully we will be together soon and start a whole new chapter for both of us!

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