Candy Quattro

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Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:41 am

Candy Quattro Chapter 1

Candy awoke early. She had a full day ahead of her and she wanted to be prepared. She moved the blankets aside carefully so as not to awake Leslie then swung her legs carefully over the side of the bed. She yawned and stretched her arms upwards as she did so.

“You’re up early,” a voice said.

“Leslie, you’re awake. I tried not to wake you.”

“That’s okay. I know you have a big day ahead of you so you’re forgiven,” Leslie told her with a chuckle. “Interviews for new jobs can be such a stress.”

“You don’t have to worry about such things with your business and everything.”

“I wasn’t always a business owner, you know. Before Tod came along I had to fend for myself and I wasn’t always good at holding down jobs.” She smiled at her lover and continued, “I thought that you might remain a home mother for a couple more years yet. I was surprised when you decided to go back to work.”

“The kids are at school now. I need to fill my days in.”

“It’s a shame. I’ve been so happy over the last 4 years here with you, Jill, Michael and the kids. I’ll be lost all day when you go to work.”

“You have your businesses. Get yourself more involved.”

“The businesses don’t need me now because Michael runs everything. He takes care of the lot, including the bookkeeping and the taxation requirements. He even does the interviewing of new employees with his new assistant Ricky. There’s nothing left for me to do but go around meeting the people who work for me and counting the money.”

“Some people have all the luck. No work except counting the money as it goes into the bank. Now, that’s a job I could get used to.”

They both laughed. Candy got up to head for the shower but Leslie called, “Candy!”

Candy turned and answered, “Yes, honey.”

“I know that what you did before you and I became a thing is your own business so if I’m out of line, tell me but I often wondered about you and Michael and you know, the things I’ve heard people talking about.”

Candy smiled. She then walked back to sit on the bed beside her lover. “I was wondering would you ask me one day.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you.”

“No, it’s okay. Where do I start?”

“Start at the beginning, I guess.”

“Okay, well when Michael and I first got married a friend of his showed interest in me, you know the type of thing. He was playing up to me, making suggestive statements and touching me more than he should have and that type of thing.”

“Yea, I’ve had it happen to me. Some just can’t take a hint.”

“Well, I told Michael about it and he made excuses for him. I was shocked. When I complained he looked at me and said the most goddamn thing. He asked, ‘don’t you find him attractive?’”

“I looked up at him and said, ‘If you and I weren’t married I might even think about it.’ His reply was, ‘then what are you waiting for.’”

“He wanted you to cheat on him?”

“No, he wanted me to cuckold him. He wanted me to become his hotwife and I not only did it but I enjoyed every minute of it and every man I had sex with from that time onward.”

“But you haven’t been with a man since I came to live here. It has been over four years. Why?”

“It’s complex. First off Michael walked away from me one night because I got carried away and left him out. I guess that was the straw that broke that camel’s back but there was more to it than that.”

“Hey, let me make a phone call. This job you’re going for an interview for, I know the guy who will interview you. I’ll call him and ask him to delay your interview so you can tell me about it.”

“Won’t that work against me?”

Leslie chuckled as she said, “I’ve pulled him out of the shit more times than you can count. I’ll make a bet with you that he gives you the job just because I call him.”

Candy looked concerned. “I want to get the job on my merit, not as a favour.”

“I didn’t say he would keep you on if you’re no good at the job, did I? Anyhow tell me more.”

When Candy stopped laughing she looked at her friend and lover and told her, “My God, I miss him.”


“Michael, of course.”

“Why would you miss him? You live in the same house as him. You eat the same food at the same table. You speak to him every day. You even travel in the same car as him most of the time.”

“Yes, that’s true but what I mean is the intimacy, the touching, the whispering sweet nothings to each other, just knowing that he will wrap his arms around me and tell me he loves me. Those types of things.”

“Now, you’re making me feel jealous.”

“Yes, I’m sorry but you did ask me about it and I’m trying to be honest with you. Don’t you ever miss Tod, not necessarily the man but the closeness?”

Leslie smiled, “And I thought I was the only one.”

“So you do understand.”

“I probably don’t understand exactly because for you there was no singular event or bust up so for you it would be worse but I have a basic understanding of how you miss the arseholes.”

“Michael is not an arsehole. I’m the arsehole.”

“Wow! That’s an admission. I didn’t expect that.”

“Yea, well, it’s true. I let him down so often and deceived him. I didn’t actually go out to deceive him but I got carried away with it all and….., you know….., sex became an important part of my life to the stage that it controlled me.” She hesitated and dropped her eyes wondering if she should confess to her lover then decided it could do no harm. “I became addicted to sex, sex with well-endowed men. I just had to have it or at least that is how I felt at the time. I forgot about how much I loved Michael and the kids and Jilly. While I was doing my shit Michael and Jilly were getting closer and closer and eventually, she displaced me.” She looked up at Leslie, “I fucked up so I couldn’t blame either of them. I was happy that they found love even though it meant I lost Michael.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?”

“I came home one night and walked into the bedroom and Michael was saying something about a person not ever growing up. I waited and listened to hear who they were talking about then Jilly dropped the bombshell by telling him that she believed I was still a juvenile. They were talking about me. That’s why I have changed my life. I still love Michael and probably will always love him but it was obvious that he no longer loves me if he can talk about me like that.”

“You’re wrong!”


“You’re wrong. He still loves you. I watch him and the way both he and Jill look at you makes me feel jealous. Besides, I had talked to him about you before I moved in and he was a man in love. I could tell.”

“Do you think so?”

“You, Candy honey need to go talk openly to your husband about how you feel. He thinks I have replaced him but that obviously is not true. I wish I could but I know I can’t but I’ll take what I can get.”

You and I make good love, don’t we?”

“Yes. We do. It has been better than most. You’re very special to me.”

“And you’re very special to me as well. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t lose me but it doesn’t mean that we have to shut everybody else out of our lives just because we feel love for each other. I miss the company of a man and the sexual enjoyment that can go with it and I believe you feel the same way, don’t you?”

”Yes, sometimes I do. I certainly miss the intimacy that Michael and I had.”

“Well, when you have the opportunity, go fix it then honey.”

“I will if you don’t mind.” Candy stood up and moved towards the bathroom. She stopped at the door and turned towards her lover. “Leslie,” she said. Leslie looked up at her. “Thanks for telling me about Michael. You must have felt it was a risk.”

Leslie smiled at her, “I guess I’m just a fool who would rather see you happy rather than feel safe.”

“No matter the outcome, you and I will always be us. You came to me when I desperately needed someone to hold me and I’ll never forget that.”

“You’re not alone there lover. I needed someone to hold me just the same.”

“So we’re going to be okay?”

“Yes, it’ll be you and me but who knows it might one day be you, me and Sid or you, me and Greg, maybe even you, me, Michael and Jilly as a foursome. No one can predict the future accurately.”

“No, it will never be you, me and Greg. He served his purpose to get me Sid but he’s too controlling. He doesn’t make love to us women. He thinks he owns and operates us. That one always needs to be held at arm’s length. Mind, he does have a nice pretty nice piece of meat attached to him.”

“Nothing like Sid though I’ve been told.”

“Sid, my God, you’ve got no idea. He would make a donkey feel ashamed of himself.”

“I think you had better go have a shower or I’ll be dragging you back to bed with me.”

Candy laughed. “After I come back from my interview I’ll tell you about Sid.”

“I had better make this phone call for you then and make our bed in preparation while you’re away.”


How are you, Ricky?”

“I’m fine mister B.”

“Hey, Ricky, my name is Michael. What’s this B shit, anyway?”

“B is for Boss, Michael. All the staff call you Mister B. I thought it fitted well.”

“Well, when you have a chance you tell the staff that if I hear them calling me Mister B for Boss, I’ll kick their arses. We are all workers here and we work for Helen to keep her businesses operating. There is no boss while ever we do our job and do it well.”

“Somebody needs to maintain the discipline to make sure the job gets done right.”

“Ricky, I’ve tried to teach you that there is no Mister B while ever everybody does their work the right way and does it honestly. The day someone tries to get away with cheating the business then Missus B will come back to take over and you know what that means, don’t you?”

“Yes, life will become hell for us all.”

“So, you see, there is no reason for me to be Mister B, is there, as long as the work gets done right? We have been over three years now without anyone doing the wrong thing. Missus B is happy because profits are increasing. You’re all happy because your pays are linked to the profit margin and I don’t have to be called Mister B. It works as long as we all do our work and do it properly. We don’t need a boss because we are all the boss while ever that happens.”

Ricky smiled at Michael and told him, “Everyone calls you Mister B as a mark of respect. They don’t call Helen Missus B because she’s a bitch who rips into people and sacks them in a fit of anger if things don’t go right even if they have not done the wrong thing. Every time something doesn’t quite go right when you’re around you sit with people and teach them the right way. That’s why things go so well because the staff don’t want to disappoint someone who respects them.”

“Well, thanks Ricky but I’d like you to do as I ask, please. Everyone needs to know that we will all do it right every time because then we all benefit. If you don’t do it the right way, people might become sloppy and then…., you know.”

“Yes, okay. I’ll do what you ask but I just wanted you to know, that’s all.”

“And I appreciate it. Come on. Let's sort these books out and see what the profit has been like this month.”

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:28 am

Nice start Goyse, setting the scene four years on from where we left it. So Greg's out and Sid an equally unpalatable asshole maybe in, he hardly covered himself in glory the last time showing himself as an extremely obnoxious, self centred, selfish bastard, but then he has a big cock, so for Candy everything and anything is apparently forgivable, has she learnt nothing at all? She may have had a four year sabbatical while Leslie stoked her fires but now she's ready to make a comeback and choose the biggest arsehole on the planet as her number one. Michael is a saint and should stay away from her, Candy might want to take him grocery shopping again. 😀


On a side note (all the kids are in school four years on) but Leslie's kid isn't school age as four years ago she was still pregnant.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:51 am

And season 4 begins! Fantastic!

4 years on and it seems that Candy 😈 and Michael’s 😯 marriage is well and truly dead. 4 years without sex, intimacy, or a single word of love passing between them. Not even a single hug exchanged in 4 years. Hard to believe their still living in the same house. Married couples usually like the boarders to move on so they can have their privacy, and with no job, income or affection, Candy’s been more of a bludger than a boarder. Must have been a struggle for Michael and Jill 🍑 living with another couple under their roof.

Interesting that the workforce has Leslie 😏 pegged as a nasty bitch. Sorta par for the course for Candy 😈 to fall for lovers who are assholes. Greg 🍆 has been the only one who was a decent person and a friend to Michael 😯, his only “fault” being his refusal to bring up another man’s son who was so clearly not his own. Even Leslie has plotted against Michael and conspired against him to help drive a wedge between him and Jill 🍑.

Sums up their communication skills that in 4 years neither Candy 😈 nor Michael 😯 has ever spoken to the other about their feelings. Michael giving up on Candy based on the disappointment of Candy treating him like shit once too often after two years of neglect and rejection. Candy giving up on Michael because he walked out on her fucking a lover on one of the few occasions she made an effort to include him, after which she heard Jill 🍑 and him refer to her as juvenile. Sounds like her love for him was never that strong when she gave up so easily after a single disappointment. Either that or Candy suffers from pathological levels of self pity, which, given her infinite capacity for self centred selfishness, is quite probable.

Still, it’s surprising to hear Candy 😈 admit she loved big cocks more than her husband and often let him down. It’s not surprising to hear she’s kidded herself into believing that she didn’t go out of her way to deceive Michael 😯. Remember the airline tickets? The plans made with Tod 😠 behind Michael’s back? The gifts of clothes and jewellery? Sneakily inviting Tod to visit her at the hospital? The lies about the planned length of the trip to Europe? The months of spending days with Tod? The truth is that Candy did nothing but deceive Michael and lie to him for two years before she decided to lock him out and remove sex and affection from their marriage.

Speaking of Tod 😠,sounds like he might make a reappearance. Here’s hoping he comes back seeking some revenge.

Wonder if over the last 4 years, as well as sex and affection, Candy 😈 has denied Michael 😯 the intimacy of grocery shopping with her?
Last edited by Asterix42 on Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:28 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:28 am
On a side note (all the kids are in school four years on) but Leslie's kid isn't school age as four years ago she was still pregnant.
Perhaps Candy 😈 deceived the school as to their ages to get them out of the house and free up her days for more adventures?

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:35 am

Asterix42 wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:28 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 9:28 am
On a side note (all the kids are in school four years on) but Leslie's kid isn't school age as four years ago she was still pregnant.
Perhaps Candy 😈 deceived the school as to their ages to get them out of the house and free up her days for more adventures?
And spend more valuable time with Michael shopping at her local Wallmart or Tesco


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:53 am

Tbh the judge hasn't got to where he is today by not being able to quickly sum up the salient points and present them in his usual considered manner. I'm once again foreman of the Candyland jury and the verdict is guilty every time against Candy.

Greg 🍆 was easily the most humane and decent out of the gallery of rogues and villains that were her 'type'. Ok he wasn't too pleased when he found his girl had not only fucked around on him but had become pregnant by his arch enemy who he hated and had his kid, hardly crime of the century considering Tod, and what an out and out user of people and vicious criminal he was. So Greg's too controlling, don't make us all laugh, that exactly suits the character profile for Candy's perfect man (as long as he has a big cock too) just the normal type of asshole she goes for, how hypocritical but that's Candy all over. I've got to pull myself together and stay considered and unbiased as I say "guilty as charged your honour" and let Candy hear the damning verdict and the judge pass sentence.

One last request though if your honour will hear it - Judge, she has to be let out for a period of freedom (on licence) so that she can finish her adventures in Candy Quattro, the guillotine can wait a while.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by veub » Sat Jun 18, 2022 1:41 pm

Well, I guess the new boss will be getting a ride on the Candy express.
And where is Jeff? If he's not with Candy, I guess he's keeping Jill filled to the brim

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jun 18, 2022 8:57 pm

Ignore my censorious nonsense Goyse, we are absolutely delighted she's back and had a good period of reflection while enjoying the delights and comfort Leslie has given her. I know she's been very reflective and is thinking of how she misses Michael's tender embraces and loving words. Can't wait for the next part.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:02 pm


Part 4!!!!!!

Thanks a lot Goyse!!!👏👏👍

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 pm

Who's Helen? I thought the business was Leslie's.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:58 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 pm
Who's Helen? I thought the business was Leslie's.
They're one and the same, Leslie used the name Helen in her business affairs, there was a valid explanation in Candy trio but I've forgotten it as to exactly why.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:04 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:58 pm
Johng1953 wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 pm
Who's Helen? I thought the business was Leslie's.
They're one and the same, Leslie used the name Helen in her business affairs, there was a valid explanation in Candy trio but I've forgotten it as to exactly why.

Ah, thank you for that. I'll have to look up the other story!


Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:52 am

Johng1953 wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 pm
Who's Helen? I thought the business was Leslie's.

Hi there. Welcome. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.

Somewhere in the distant past before Michael joined as manager of Leslie's businesses it was stated that all staff thought her name was Helen for privacy reasons. Michael had a little trouble locating her until he realised her real name was Leslie. It's a long time back but I think it was her driver working for Tod who informed him of that.

It's a fairly common practice in the sex industry I understand, especially for those who distribute the products etc.



Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Mon Jun 20, 2022 7:23 am

Candy Quattro Chapter 2

“I got the job.”

“I told you that you would.”

Candy had just come back to Leslie from her job interview. “He told me about you.”

“An exaggerated version, I imagine.”

“I don’t know. It sounded realistic to me.”

“Did he try to seduce you?”

“No, he had too much respect for you to try that.”

“What did you tell him about me?”

“I just told him the truth, that you live with us and that you’re in love with my husband.”


Candy chuckled, “Don’t like the truth, do you?”

“Four years ago, yes but it’s been a long time. Things change.”

“Yea, so they say. Anyhow did you make that bed up?”

“Sure did.”

“So what are we waiting for you horny bitch.”

“You know that if I invited him he would be over in a rush.”

”Which one are you talking about, Michael or Rod?”

“Michael, of course.”

“Why would Michael come?”

“He’d come to be with you, Candy. He couldn’t resist you.”

“I wouldn’t bet on it if I was you.”

Leslie picked up her phone. “I’ll call him. He’s only over at the office. Jill’s away for the day.” She pulled up his number on the screen. They both looked at each other for quite a long time. When Candy didn’t object Leslie pushed the green button.

Michael had just completed doing the books and was sitting with Ricky looking out over the town when his phone rang. He looked at the number and said, “Keep it quiet. It’s Helen.”

“Okay,” Ricky replied.

“Michael speaking,”

“Michael, it's Candy, she needs you.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. She just admitted to me that she still loves you and I thought that it was important for me to tell you because I’m not sure that you know.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Okay.” She pushed the red button, looked at Candy and said. “I’ve got some shopping to do. Don’t mess our bed up too much, honey. Just remember, I love you too.” With that, she walked out got into her Ferrari, gave it a loud rev and drove away.

Michael was intrigued. Candy had ignored him for the last four years or more. At times he attempted to get closer to her but it was obvious to him that she threw in things that deterred him during conversation and if he tried to get physically close to her she would move away from him. Eventually, after a few months, he gave up believing that she now had a new partner, Leslie who obviously satisfied all her needs emotionally.

He had discussed the subject with Jill who told him that she had tried to talk about it with Candy but she just burst into tears and hurried away from her saying “He’s all yours now.” Jill had cried on Michael’s shoulder on more than one occasion over it because it seemed that she too had been locked out of Candy’s heart.

The amazing thing was that there had not been any harsh words at any point in time. It was as if Candy had become a totally different person overnight, the night that he walked out on her with Sid. She still paid her share of the running of the household from money she had saved before they had children even though Michael had told her that was not necessary. He suspected that at times Leslie gave her some money which allowed her to be independent of him but as her new partner that seemed to him the natural thing to happen.

Now, this phone call comes from Leslie telling him that Candy needs him and still loves him. He wondered if they have had a fight or something. He was totally bamboozled by it all.

He parked his car and noticed that the Ferrari was missing. “Ah, that’s it. They have had a fight and Candy needs someone to console her,” he mumbled to himself. “Leslie must care a lot for Candy to call me to come to be with her. I hope that Candy is not threatening to do anything stupid.”

He walked to the door but when he went to knock the door burst open and there was Candy smiling up at him. “Leslie called and told me that you needed me.”

“Yes, so what else did she tell you?”

To Michael, this seemed like a trick question. He hesitated before he said quietly, “She told me that you still love me.”

“Yes, I do!”

“I don’t understand. You have been ignoring me and avoiding me for four fucking years and now you burst out telling me you love me. What the fuck is going on! Are you on drugs or something?”

She backed away from him. “You know I won’t use drugs.”

“Yes. But there must be some explanation for this weird behaviour. You’ve broken Jill’s heart and we’ve cried each other to sleep more times than you can count and now this!”

“It was you who told Jill I had never grown up,” she snapped back at him.

“I have never said that about you ever.”

“I walked into the bedroom as you said it. I didn’t hear everything you said about me but I got the message. Jill then said I act like a juvenile.”

Michael walked around Candy and took a seat at the table. He closed his eyes and tried to relive that night. Candy got concerned and asked him, “Are you okay, Michael?”

“Take a seat, please and let me think back to that night. There has to be an explanation.” Candy sat and watched him. It took about a minute before Michael told her, “I think I understand. You came home and Jill and I were talking about Jeff and her experience with him.”

“Okay so?”

“Jill told me that Jeff is more interested in you than her. Then I told her that you think he is just a little boy.”

“Yes, I told you that once.”

“I think that I then told her or maybe Jill told me that Jeff thinks that you are just a grown-up woman acting like a juvenile who picks up no responsibility for her actions.”

“Oh, my God, you didn’t say that about me at all. It was Jeff who said that about me. Oh, I’m so sorry, Michael. What have I done to you?” She jumped up and went to cuddle and kiss him.

He held her back and told her, “Candy, we must stop this jumping to conclusions. Before this goes any further I want a commitment from you.”

“What type of commitment?”

“I want you to promise me that if something like this ever happens again that you will sit with me and lay your cards on the table. We could have resolved this four years ago if only you had told me what you believed I had done.”

“I was too hurt.”

“But don’t you see that if you had dealt with it our feelings would have been protected.”

“You don’t love me anymore?”

“That is true, I don’t love you any more.”

“Oh, shit. I’ve lost you?”

He smiled at her. “I don’t love you any more because that is impossible. I love you just the same. I told you once that I will always love you just the same as I always have, Candy. Were you not listening? Now, where is Leslie?”

“She went out to give us some privacy.”

“So what happens now?”

“Now I want you to take me to bed and make love to me like you used to.”

“Okay but what about Leslie?”

“I’m not sure but I guess we will work it out some way or other. You know she has a thing for you, don’t you?”

“You’ve told me before, yes.”

“Well maybe you can come to spend time with us when it all works out but right now I want you to make love to me.”

“Okay, should we go up to our bedroom?”

“Michael, I haven’t been in your bedroom for over four years. It’s your and Jilly’s bedroom now. Until I sit with Jilly and talk this through with her I shouldn’t go up there. Leslie knew that we would make love so she made up our bed for that purpose.”

“She won’t be upset?”

“Yes, she will be but only because she’s not part of it.”

“I see. She still holds out hope that one day I’ll give in to her?”

“It’s crazy not to, Michael. She only wants some loving. She doesn’t want to own you.”

“She’s my boss.”

“She told me that she wants to make you her partner.”

“What, as in marry me type partner? I already have two wives although not officially.”

“No, she wants you as a business partner. If you let her do that, she will no longer be your boss. You’ll be equals.”

“You want me to do this, with her I mean?”

“She is as horny as hell for a man so sooner or later she will decide to get herself a man. I’d rather it be you Michael because I can trust you. I’m not sure that I can trust some of the men she finds attractive

“I guess if Jill doesn’t have an objection then maybe.”

“I’ve told you before that Jill is happy for it to happen.”

“That was a long time ago. Things could have changed since then. You will need to talk to her again about it. You need to talk to her about what we discussed anyway.”

“Will you help me?”

“Sure, now, come here and kiss me. It’s been a long time, honey.”

“Yes, it has so I hope that Jilly has not worn you out because I need lots and lots of loving from my husband.”

“Promises, promises, promises.”

“That’s my line.”

“Today, it’s mine. Let’s see if you meet my expectations.”

“Follow me, Michael, honey. We have got a bed to mess up.”

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:45 am

As ever a big thank you Goyse for your sterling efforts at entertaining us minions, we hardly deserve such a regular rich diet of goodies.

Candy, what can you say? I'm always stumped for words to adequately describe and do justice to our anti-heroine, her actions at times can be so off the scale you think she can only be a fictitious character in a make believe story, but we know she's real, very real as the Judge will too readily testify to his cost. Four years of rejecting all of St.Michael's well intentioned and gentle advances, all over something she didn't even seek clarification of? You might be forgiven for thinking that such a situation can only happen in make believe, but we all know just how real Candy is! All those nights of punishment she inflicted on Michael and Jill, the many times they cried themselves to sleep and now just like that, in an instant all is forgiven.

I'm not really religious although we had it forced down our throats at public school with morning prayers and the like, but one thing that does come to mind is the parable of the prodigal son. For those not familiar, it's the tale of two brothers, one who is good and does everything that's asked of him by his parents and he other who is a bit of a tearaway who leaves home to go and live a desolate life. He gets in with the wrong crowd and lives a thoroughly dissolute life, indulging in all life's wicked pleasures and wasting his fortune on gambling, drugs and buying sex, a complete waster and rebrobate. Son number 2 unsurprisingly rapidly runs out of money, and keeps sending home for more and more advanced on his inheritance, but eventually having finally been refused more and in desperation, he returns home where his parents are so overjoyed to even see him again they welcome him with open arms. They then kill the fatted calf they'd been saving ready for a special occasion and declare general feasting as the son we thought lost forever has returned to his family home. Of course goody goody son number 1 is a little miffed and put out by how he's been so good all these years and done everything asked of him for no reward whatsoever, while the reprobate comes back after years of debauchery and wastefulness and is welcomed as if he's the special one. It's a parable so there was always a religious meaning behind it and this one was that there's more joy in the kingdom of heaven over the repentant sinner than one who has always had his place booked so to speak. So the analogy is his parents home is heaven and the prodigal son the repentant sinner. So ends the Sunday school lesson for a Monday night.

Well here we have Candy as the prodigal daughter and her four years of inflicting unnecessary pain to St.Michael and good as gold Jill rewarded by being welcomed back into the ever forgiving hearts of our saintly duo, assuming Jill is equally overjoyed. I didn't know Goyse specialised in parables but the Reverend OHW Goyse has just been appointed as the new vicar of Candyland, Coincidence? I think not.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:00 am

goyse wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:52 am
Johng1953 wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 pm
Who's Helen? I thought the business was Leslie's.

Hi there. Welcome. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoy writing them.

Somewhere in the distant past before Michael joined as manager of Leslie's businesses it was stated that all staff thought her name was Helen for privacy reasons. Michael had a little trouble locating her until he realised her real name was Leslie. It's a long time back but I think it was her driver working for Tod who informed him of that.

It's a fairly common practice in the sex industry I understand, especially for those who distribute the products etc.

Thank you. Oh yes, loving them!

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:12 pm

It's 10pm Monday night here in Southport but somewhere on the other side of the world, just across the Tasman from Goyse's homeland lies Wellington and it's 9am Tuesday morning just about the same time as it is in Candyland. The Judge is scanning the latest, making some last minute revisions and about to deliver his verdict.

I've just woken up myself here in Candyland and can see our local church where our new vicar has just taken up residence, a traditional building with a tower and steeple and no doubt an anxious new incumbent somewhere inside awaits the verdict too.

It's a big day for the Rev O.H.W. Goyse, If i let my imagination run a little then i can just see him now looking more than a little flustered and anxious with hands joined praying for mercy, lets hope our very own enlightened and learned notary, The Hon. Mr Justice Asterix goes easy on him for once, or maybe not 😒


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:25 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 1:12 pm
It's 10pm Monday night here in Southport but somewhere on the other side of the world, just across the Tasman from Goyse's homeland lies Wellington and it's 9am Tuesday morning just about the same time as it is in Candyland. The Judge is scanning the latest, making some last minute revisions and about to deliver his verdict.

I've just woken up myself here in Candyland and can see our local church where our new vicar has just taken up residence, a traditional building with a tower and steeple and no doubt an anxious new incumbent somewhere inside awaits the verdict too.

It's a big day for the Rev O.H.W. Goyse, If i let my imagination run a little then i can just see him now looking more than a little flustered and anxious with hands joined praying for mercy, lets hope our very own enlightened and learned notary, The Hon. Mr Justice Asterix goes easy on him for once, or maybe not 😒


I was very concerned as you described the prodigal son because for a moment I thought he was one of my mates from years ago but then you told me that he went home.... The prodigal son I know would never venture too close to home in case his dad caught up to him and kicked his but.

Anyhow, the rev has work to do before he returns to his keyboard to tell of the adventures of Candy.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Asterix42 » Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:58 pm

Well, not sure what to make of all that. After 4 years of Candy 😈 openly avoiding conversation and physical contact with Michael 😯 and Jill 🍑, he comes running as soon as Leslie 😏 calls with news that Candy still loves him. Michael tells Candy he loves her, forgives her and heads off to bed with her, regardless that not once does she actually tell him that she loves him. It’s all based on what Leslie, another proven liar and manipulator, said. Poor old Michael is so much in love with Candy that he takes her back without question or seeking confirmation.

For Candy, its once again all about Candy. She hears how she broke Michael and Jill’s hearts, but does she say sorry? Of course not. Instead she complains about hearing Michael and Jill say she'd juvenile and “never grown up.” So that hurt her feelings and then she confirmed that she is completely juvenile by refusing to talk to them for 4 years. Candy’s complete lack of EQ is demonstrated by the way she doesn’t see any irony in what she’s done or show the slightest concern for the hurt she’d cause.

Seemed to me that Michael’s first hypothesis as to why Candy asked for him to come and see her was pretty reasonable. Sure She says “You know I won’t use drugs,” but how would he know that when he’s had virtually zero interaction with her for years? From the sound of it, even the shopping trips were off the agenda, and given Candy always regarded those as their special one-on-one time, it’s not surprising she gave them the chop.

So 4 years. That’s 4 Christmases, 4 Thanksgivings, 4 sets of summer holidays, 24 birthdays, all up some 1,500 days in a row that have passed by without Candy showing an ounce of love or affection for Michael or Jill. And after treating them like shit for all that time and now hearing how she broke their hearts, does Candy say “sorry” or “I love you Michael”? No fuckin’ way. That would require her to actually think about other people’s feelings. Instead she whines, complains and says she wants to take Michael to bed, Candy's guaranteed “fix it” for all her problems. And that about sums our girl up. Nothing in the world really matters to her beyond fucking.

So after 1,500 days of ignoring and avoiding Michael, he hears Candy say “come here and kiss me. It’s been a long time, honey.” She doesn't say “I love you, honey” or “I’m sorry, honey”, but he knows Candy’s all about the physical and probably thinks he's lucky to get even that. His love for his deeply flawed wife is strong, his capacity for forgiveness infinite. St. Michael indeed 😇.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:19 am

The judge is a hard man to please, the good news is the previous sentence of the guillotine which had been suspended until after the adventures of Candy Quattro has now been officially rescinded, but unfortunately it's not all such good news for our favourite anti-heroine, our repentant sinner has unfortunately met the judge on a particularly bad day with the replacement harsh even by medieval stsndards. The punishment of hung, drawn and quartered has been dug up from some long forgotten dusty statute book and updated appropriately for modern times. It had been thought to have been scrapped centuries ago as being both archaic and barbaric but was never properly dropped off in legal terms. It was always thought of as an unnecessary waste of time because of it's obvious unsuitability for modern times.

Our judge though is a very learned fellow and knew different, he's now shown he will use all the weapons available within his artillery. So Candy will have her big day and forever be given a notoriety value as the only woman executed this way for hundreds of years. Her remains will be hung out on spikes along Candyland bridge as an example to others, forever acting as a deterrent to all. Our judge may be a very harsh man but he certainly knows how to grab the headlines.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:23 am

Asterix42 wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:58 pm
Well, not sure what to make of all that. After 4 years of Candy 😈 openly avoiding conversation and physical contact with Michael 😯 and Jill 🍑, he comes running as soon as Leslie 😏 calls with news that Candy still loves him. Michael tells Candy he loves her, forgives her and heads off to bed with her, regardless that not once does she actually tell him that she loves him. It’s all based on what Leslie, another proven liar and manipulator, said. Poor old Michael is so much in love with Candy that he takes her back without question or seeking confirmation.

For Candy, its once again all about Candy. She hears how she broke Michael and Jill’s hearts, but does she say sorry? Of course not. Instead she complains about hearing Michael and Jill say she'd juvenile and “never grown up.” So that hurt her feelings and then she confirmed that she is completely juvenile by refusing to talk to them for 4 years. Candy’s complete lack of EQ is demonstrated by the way she doesn’t see any irony in what she’s done or show the slightest concern for the hurt she’d cause.

Seemed to me that Michael’s first hypothesis as to why Candy asked for him to come and see her was pretty reasonable. Sure She says “You know I won’t use drugs,” but how would he know that when he’s had virtually zero interaction with her for years? From the sound of it, even the shopping trips were off the agenda, and given Candy always regarded those as their special one-on-one time, it’s not surprising she gave them the chop.

So 4 years. That’s 4 Christmases, 4 Thanksgivings, 4 sets of summer holidays, 24 birthdays, all up some 1,500 days in a row that have passed by without Candy showing an ounce of love or affection for Michael or Jill. And after treating them like shit for all that time and now hearing how she broke their hearts, does Candy say “sorry” or “I love you Michael”? No fuckin’ way. That would require her to actually think about other people’s feelings. Instead she whines, complains and says she wants to take Michael to bed, Candy's guaranteed “fix it” for all her problems. And that about sums our girl up. Nothing in the world really matters to her beyond fucking.

So after 1,500 days of ignoring and avoiding Michael, he hears Candy say “come here and kiss me. It’s been a long time, honey.” She doesn't say “I love you, honey” or “I’m sorry, honey”, but he knows Candy’s all about the physical and probably thinks he's lucky to get even that. His love for his deeply flawed wife is strong, his capacity for forgiveness infinite. St. Michael indeed 😇.

Let's pretend that she did say, "I'm sorry, Michael," or "I love you, honey," would you, the judge of all things including those living in Candyland believe her?

I seriously doubt it. But.... does it really matter as long as Michael believes her and from what I can read he does. If I had done that with the story you would have jumped at the chance to discredit this poor lady even more than you already have, wouldn't you? Come on judge, admit something for once rather than expect the rest of us to own up!!

Anyhow, I think that Michael believes her and he looks forward to having great times in the future with our lady.
But then I have a little advantage, I write this shit..... But sometimes when I read your response I think, "Maybe it's time to pension off the pen after doing this for decades and focus on something more enjoyable like getting kicked in the head by a horse or belting your testicles between two bricks!"

I have a better idea.... He, he, he, he..... Yes, why not...... He who has the last laugh... etc, etc, etc.... OH, YES!


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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:24 am

You've got to admit that Michael, although a very forgiving person who understands human weakness, isn't stupid by any means, just the opposite in fact, the man is a good judge of human character and has got results in managing his workforce by offering them a carrot, rewarding them for results got with encouragement and togetherness rather than beating them with any stick, all helping each other. Perhaps it's his forgiving nature at work again, but also his astuteness in innately knowing not only how to forgive, but also how to get the best out of people going forward, that's informed his actions. We know from his efforts throughout the four years he's tried for a complete reconciliation, and has never for one moment stopped loving Candy, indeed both Jill and himself have cried themselves to sleep many times over the heartbreaking situation. So when offered an olive branch via Leslie's phonecall, the same Leslie who knew of Candy's continuing love for Michael, isn't it hardly surprising he grabs the chance with both hands?

A full reconciliation for both Michael and Jill with Candy looks more than likely and very much on the cards and it's obviously what they all want. Come on judge, be human for once, everyone's fallible and like our prodigal son or daughter coming back into the fold after seemingly lost and gone, it's surely a time for celebration rather than condemnation, have a heart 💓


Never give it all up Goyse, I really love reading your work, it tells of fallible people, as we all are, not saints and sinners but people who have a mixture of both within them, they'll take the wrong steps and their weaknesses will find them out, but the storyline is so rich and inventive that it has us all wanting to come back and see what happens. You've got a great talent and gift for storytelling and it would be a huge pity if you weren't to carry it on.

I really appreciate you being kind enough to share it with us all here on this site, for me you'll always be one of the best on here.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by Asterix42 » Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:56 am

goyse wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:23 am
Let's pretend that she did say, "I'm sorry, Michael," or "I love you, honey," would you, the judge of all things including those living in Candyland believe her?

I seriously doubt it. But.... does it really matter as long as Michael believes her and from what I can read he does. If I had done that with the story you would have jumped at the chance to discredit this poor lady even more than you already have, wouldn't you? Come on judge, admit something for once rather than expect the rest of us to own up!!

Anyhow, I think that Michael believes her and he looks forward to having great times in the future with our lady.
But then I have a little advantage, I write this shit..... But sometimes when I read your response I think, "Maybe it's time to pension off the pen after doing this for decades and focus on something more enjoyable like getting kicked in the head by a horse or belting your testicles between two bricks!"

I have a better idea.... He, he, he, he..... Yes, why not...... He who has the last laugh... etc, etc, etc.... OH, YES!

Whatever Candy 😈 says, there’s no doubt that Michael 😯 believes that she loves him, and no doubt that she really does love him in her own way. She just not that good at expressing it. Please don’t put down the pen, Your storytelling is too good to be retiring from it. As you say, the last laugh is always in the hand of the author! The one thing we know for certain is that your lead characters are all good at heart, even if there’s the odd stumble on the way.


Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm

Good chapter!!!

....but four years for just half sentence bad heard....? Looks like too much, even for Candy...


Re: Candy Quattro

Unread post by goyse » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:19 am

OOAA wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:08 pm
Good chapter!!!

....but four years for just half sentence bad heard....? Looks like too much, even for Candy...

:up: it sounds as if she has a lot of time to make up, doesn't it?

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