Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:11 pm

Thank you for that refresher.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:07 am

Sherrie’s Friday gym training sessions long ago morphed progressively into sex, submission and training combined. The lines were soon blurred although he still charges her full price for his time as a personal training customer. Yep. In effect she pays him to fuck and dominate her, and has been doing for years. As she is beautiful and he is anything but, this is another exquisite form of humiliation for her as he looks her square in the eye and holds out his hand for payment when she’s leaving, sometimes immediately after he’s skewered her to contrive a scene like she's paying a prostitute.

As time has sped by, she’s spent more time at his house rather than just in his gym and, as I’ve mentioned, when I’m away on business she spends most nights in his bed, or at the foot of it in a sleeping bag if she’s displeased him, or even in a spare room if she’s totally out of his favour. She never asked me specifically what I thought of the arrangement. That’s all part of her doing as she pleases and being in my face about it, but the frequency grew gradually and it’s also part of the hold he has over her as her Master. He makes her perform some of the gym disciplines nude for his entertainment and to increase his mental discipline over her at the same time.

She’s described to me various exercises that have been adapted in this way. Her squat repeats were the first back in the early days of the affair. She has to do them with him lying beneath her between her legs, his erect fat cock pointing upward so that every time she lowers her body, his erection disappears into her pussy. It’s extremely strenuous because her entire weight is on the balls of her feet and supported by her knees. She isn’t ever allowed to kneel during this discipline. She has to continue the squats, increasing her speed and enduring the stress of him stretching her vagina until they’ve both reached orgasm. Woe betide her if she misses an insertion as she descends into a squat, and she has to restrain herself from coming before he does because to lose control and climax would mean she would definitely topple over.

G: Come on, girl. Move it! Get those tits bouncing for me.

He’s accomplished at prolonging this by delaying his ejaculation to maximise the strain on her muscles, and she credits it with much of the improvement to her core stability strength. Sometimes, he makes her do the same thing with her back to him so that he can savour the view of her spectacular bouncing rear end, playing with it at will, with his cock appearing and disappearing rapidly as she works hard to maintain the up and down momentum. He might also insert a finger slightly into her anus to give her an additional sensation to cope with as she strives to maintain her balance and movement.

S (to me): It's hell on my knees and ankles! And he won’t let me hold on to anything with my hands!

Game as ever she always goes back for more. When they are done she has to rise up to standing using just her leg muscles, without losing her balance and falling over.

G: And don’t drop any of your mess on me when you stand up or I’ll cane you.

As soon as he comes in her, it’s always “her mess”.

She reports that Geoff particularly likes to watch her doing weight training and leg presses in the nude too, as her well toned body copes with the exertion of the various disciplines, building her limb strength for swimming and running. At the outset, he’d predicted that if she applied herself fully to his program, he would turn her into a highly tuned female physical machine. Together they’ve definitely achieved that. She really is the epitome of female physical prowess by now, as well as all of her other attributes. She adores being so fit and feeling so good. She’s so proud, and I can’t help acknowledging a sneaking admiration for his tutelage and her dedication.

To be fair to Sherrie, she has always been as good as her promise to me in return for my support and acceptance of her “affair” if that’s what it can be called, and everything it’s led to for us. As I keep stressing, this chronicle is necessarily about the hot stuff, but away from the sex and the extreme teasing, our every day lives are inextricably bound up in the business, our home and our love, none of which have suffered, and she is always totally discreet. Generally, she’s effusive in her affection towards me, and there is a lot of gratitude in her too. She knows that having a husband who acquiesces in the knowledge of her exquisite degeneracy and even gets off on it is a huge bonus for her. She gets to indulge her submissive need without having to sneak around on me. When we lie in bed together, me naked, her partially clothed, the subject can hang heavy in the air. Sometimes she needs to offload:

S: You know I’m grateful to you, don’t you, babe? Not many men would put up with my antics.

J: Well, we went into it together sweets. We’ve talked it to death over the years. I know you crave him. I know it’s become more than intense, but I also know you wouldn’t be doing it if I hadn’t suggested it. I know it has to run its course.

S: Yeah.

She goes quiet for a moment, but the brain cogs are whirring.

S: I don’t know what that course is though, and I do worry that we’re playing with fire now and then. I always said I’ll tell you my genuine uncut feelings.

She can become introspective, but this is the first time she’s ever said anything like this quite so pointedly with such an edge to her voice. I wait for her to expand on it.

S: I am attached to this….., whatever it is. I mean…….. What I’ve said many times is true. I could never love Geoff like I love you. In lots of ways he’s a monster but he is my perfect dom, so there IS something between us, you know? I can’t explain it properly, and I’ve tried so hard to analyse it. I feel I want to please him a bit like I want to please my Dad in a way, although I know that comes across gross and perverted. He definitely requires a different kind of pleasing to my Dad! But, you know, there are parallels. Like I somehow need his approval. Even as an adult woman I feel like an adolescent girl around him. Maybe because he’s so much older, but then I manage much older male staff in the lab. Like I said, I can't explain it.

She’s thinking aloud, maybe hoping I can offer additional insight.

J: Obviously there is something there, but I’m glad you can see the monster at least. He’s a nightmare.

S: Well I know he wouldn’t harm me, murder me or anything or I wouldn’t be there. But you know. It’s hard. He draws me in further with each domination session, I’m sure. I’ve accepted that he’s my Master and I’m his submissive, and it’s a tough deal to accept, but it’s simply a fact. I never thought that I could be masochistic towards a man, but anyone into BDSM relationships would immediately recognise Geoff and me now as an experienced BDSM couple.

J: None of it’s new though. He’s dominated you from your very first night. You were mesmerised by the aggressive way he took you, and since he upped the volume on it…

S: Yeah. It goes without saying that I’m hooked on fucking him. You’ve long known that. Sometimes, the strength of the urge is frightening. It’s made me leave the shopping or the office or whatever I’m doing on the spur of the moment and go straight to him for sex. Like that Sunday early on when I dropped everything and walked out on you. Or the first time I ruined your orgasm that Wednesday and took the taxi to him, and all the times since. I’m so bad. During the day or late at night - doesn't matter. That light just comes on in my sex brain, the hunger is there, and I have to have him. I’ve even changed direction in the car when the demon hits me just to go get fucked. Bastard knows it too, and he won’t always give it to me. It’s excruciating to me that he knows I’m in that much sexual need of him. It’s excruciating, but it turns me on, I think, like nothing else. I never even try to suppress the urge anymore. It would do no good because it's a part of me now.

J: Fuck, Sher, it’s crazy. I shouldn’t like it either, but like you say, it’s crazy hot. And you walking out on me to go to him like that gives me a similar feeling, I’m sure. Excruciating, but it turns me on. Don’t ask me why.

S: When you’ve been away, I’ve turned up on his doorstep at midnight a few times totally manic, needing my fix of him. I hate the knowing look on his face as he lets me in, but I crave him, and I can’t hide it. Then that look on his face that I hate takes me even higher. But I can deal with that. Just about. The sex side of it. It’s the deeper mental stuff that fucks with me so much. You know, the humiliation of it. Sometimes he will just sit opposite me in his lounge. He’s fully clothed, I’m naked, and he’ll just tell me to do something outrageous, like sit in the corner of the sofa and open my legs, one thigh along the arm, the other along the backrest and masturbate for him. Just like that. I wouldn’t dream of refusing. We sit in silence as I start. Me blatantly strumming myself towards orgasm and really letting myself go, then finally I’m getting vocal and I’m coming. He’s staring at me while I’m really getting into putting on this obscene show for him and just needing to please him. Or he’ll tell me to get into some extreme yoga position and just to hold it for ages while he looks at my body. It’s simple things, but so loaded with this crazy dark energy. Much more so than just the acts themselves. So much that it makes me worry about us playing with fire, and the further he takes me in submission the further I want to go. Like he turned the screw on me with the enemas and anal domination. Then catheters so I don't even control my own continence, and I find myself craving every additional loss of control he imposes. I feel like I need it all, and I want more. I don’t know how deep the well is, but I do feel it always luring me in deeper. What next? What if it’s bottomless?

Alarm bells for me? Perhaps there should be, but fuck it’s hot and I can see she’s excited just talking about it, but does she want me to broach the offer of an out for her?

J: So you’re bringing this up now after all this time. It’s not really any different than when we’ve talked about it before, except you’ve never told me we’re playing with fire before. Are you saying you want to stop? Or slow down? Put the brakes on?
Her reply is swift, conclusive:

S: Honestly? Absolutely not. I love it despite the worries. You must see that I’m high on it. I have to have it. I just want to share my feelings with you. I will try to stop now if you want me to after what I’ve told you, but if I can't do without him I don't think I'll be able to keep from going back. And it goes without saying that he would absolutely love that. Knowing him, he would probably turn me down and freeze me out. I would be miserable then. Truly miserable. I’m not ready to pull on my tether for rescue, but I thought I’d give you the chance to haul me in if you think I should stop, or if you need me to. I’d be sad, but I’d do it. Or try to.

She’s putting this on me, but at the same time she’s telling me she needs it and that she might not even be able to give it up. It’s confused and confusing.

J (taking all of my courage in both hands): Why put yourself through the deprivation and regret it if you’re not ready, sweetheart? I do miss full sex with you. I miss it a lot, but you look after me, don’t you? I’m comfortable with things for most of the time, particularly when you are just as sweet as you’ve always been, again most of the time. Just carry on and enjoy. As we always say, you only live once. And this is as hot as it gets. I love it too. I think we’d both hate stopping now. We'd soon regret it.

S: Oh, John. I do love you. I love how you love me even though I’m so bad. How you know me inside out.

Inevitably, she comes to me and we kiss as I hold her body tight to reaffirm our mutual understanding; that sacred trust of ours. These extremes have to go hand in hand, perfectly balanced, just like the two of us go hand in hand, perfectly matched.

We’ve agreed to maintain the course. I lie in bed in the dark later on as she sleeps peacefully beside me and I reflect on her words about us playing with fire. Why now? Are things changing in a way that she isn’t consciously aware of? Or could she be thinking one thing to herself and saying another to me? I banish the unworthy thought. Sherrie would not deliberately deceive me. I know that. Not ever.
Last edited by john jasson on Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Nfhw » Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:43 am

I've always been under the impression that the psychological causes of being so attracted to BDSM are well known. But both John and Sherrie reveal that they struggle to understand it and offer few possibilities. Neither the less, it clearly it has led to incredible pleasure and ever enthralling new experiences.

And to us voyeurs, we experience coveting, arousal, amazement, awe, concern and alarm that we too might not fully understand. But damn, what a ride -- for all of us! What a gift John has given us.

But the one thing they experience that we do not is risk. The playing with fire feelings forewarn that even their rock solid, unbreakable loving relationship is now edging toward being at risk.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:19 am

I still find it hard to understand how this could go on for so long, including your long time denial and have you both come through it intact.
As for alarm bells, I think it may be the simple fact it did go on so long and was a gradual process of intensification that neither of you noticed the screaming claxons we mere observers hear!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:11 pm

Thank you for this additional chapter so quickly and I now assume before the climatic scene. You have set it up so well. It’s like the horror movie where we the audience see the danger ahead but the protagonists keep moving towards it.

It’s profound that Sherrie had some insight to the increasing risk of being burnt by the fire. I think this was her moment of fear or perhaps even weakness giving you the opportunity to stop it. Perhaps she was hoping you would so that she might not have to make the ultimate decision or face the consequences of her actions. However, at this point in the relationship I think you did the right thing. You had to let it play out and if you didn’t make it to the other side then as you have both said “you don’t have the relationship you thought you did.”

As we understand it you both did, so the interest will be how badly we’re you both burnt and if there are any residual burn marks that you both carry with you. Knowing this happened 20 years ago is the only thing making it bearable to wait between chapters for me.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by KarrieKraves » Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:59 pm

Well….the plot thickens and the intensity has been turned up yet again.

Very well written and presented as usual John. Love how you are able to ramp up towards the upcoming climax and although this segment was (somewhat disappointingly) short it perhaps packs the most punch to date.
I myself felt reading through that Sherrie was wanting you to be the voice of reason and put a stop to something that obviously she could not. I also felt this as well in one of the last segments when you described her lifting her dress and showing you how Geoff had marked her before she went off to him. I thought that perhaps part if her reason for doing this was to see (almost demand) if you would stop her. Almost if she was testing you or your love for her.

But before you reveal the exact breaking point which I am sure will be in the next one or two segments could you share on these two curiosities.

At this point (as you describe lying awake in bed beside Sherrie after she has waved these red flags) how far are you telling yourself that you are willing to go and what are you prepared to accept?? If she were to tell you she was actually “in love” with Geoff (albeit perhaps a different kind of love from the one she felt for you but “in love” nevertheless) were you ready to accept that and share her with him on that level (if that would be what she would want). What about some sort of time sharing where she would actually live with him for part of the time (again if that was indeed what she would want).

Second where exactly did you imagine she was at in terms of her feelings for Geoff. I know her disclosure certainly raised alarm bells and caused you to think….but where exactly did you think she was at with Geoff. Did you think she was “falling in love with him”? Perhaps she was already there? And at this point how/when did you imagine that things would actually end with Geoff.

Third (yea I know…there was only supposed to be two questions) as the two of you went through your many intense teasing sessions that you both enjoyed so much, did Sherrie ever provide teasing hints of what indeed would come to pass with the “big reveal”.

Also John when you do post the next segment (which I’m assuming will contain the beginning of the “dark times” could you please include just a brief sentence detailing once again the specific place we are in terms of the overall time line. The read is so much more real with this information close at hand.

Thanks again John for the incredible read. Hope the next segment appears with lightening speed.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Build2last » Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:36 pm

I know that we only get a glimpse of this situation, but when she tells you that she would try to stop if you wanted it, then it's clear that it's already beyond to far. It's only my opinion of course but to me if she tells you that it's uncertain about her cutting it off, it's a huge red flag. To me it means that she is no longer fully committed to you and you could easily lose everything to her addiction. And I know you disagree with the brainwashing idea I put forth earlier, but this really seems to be the best example of my theory so far.

But regardless of my opinion on this, I compliment you on another very well written chapter John. I look forward to your updates for how well you paint the picture, despite your story not being my thing so to speak.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:52 am

I was going to add some questions but I see they have already been asked!
Not sure how one more instalment is going to close the story but perhaps the next one will bring us to the breaking point- then you’ll need to write how it all plays out….
I’m not guessing again but the hint seems to be that it reaches a point where either she gives him up/you demand her to come back or she leaves you (despite the many reassurances).
The dark times then would be like any addiction, going cold turkey.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by subtoall » Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:34 pm

john jasson wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:07 am
Or could she be thinking one thing to herself and saying another to me? I banish the unworthy thought. Sherrie would not deliberately deceive me. I know that. Not ever.
Pay attention children. This is a narrative device we call foreshadowing.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:08 pm

You think Sherrie lied to John?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:54 am

Could be the line she overstepped and he catches her out?
Lying doesn’t sound like the Sherrie he’s described but that would certainly be a reason for dragging her back - that he can’t trust her to know she’s gone too far.
And maybe that’s the subtext/foreshadowing- she is now feeling that she’s so conflicted and unable to trust herself.
After all, it’s 6 years with Geoff - a significant portion of her married life and even of her adult life.
Even if John and Sherrie are soul mates, at what point does the marriage become two people who co-habit rather than spouses?
And it’s possible that Geoff takes it too far and loses his bearing? Not just her Dom but demands she leaves John for him as demonstration of her submission?
Geoff isn’t daft, he must know that John must suspect something with the amount of time Sherrie is away from home etc.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Maddie_Hippychick » Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:55 am

I’ve really resisted the urge to speculate about the turning point in this story. There’s just an endless number of ways that this could come crashing down. It could literally be anything. Suppose Geoff were to have a terrible accident or medical condition that causes Sherrie to mourn the loss. Maybe she never really reached rock bottom. Who knows? But, I can’t wait to find out. I want to know everything. What was the turning point? What was the immediate aftermath? What was the longer term fallout? And, most importantly, what was the road to recovery?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:57 am

Nfhw wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:43 am
I've always been under the impression that the psychological causes of being so attracted to BDSM are well known. But both John and Sherrie reveal that they struggle to understand it and offer few possibilities. Neither the less, it clearly it has led to incredible pleasure and ever enthralling new experiences.

And to us voyeurs, we experience coveting, arousal, amazement, awe, concern and alarm that we too might not fully understand. But damn, what a ride -- for all of us! What a gift John has given us.

But the one thing they experience that we do not is risk. The playing with fire feelings forewarn that even their rock solid, unbreakable loving relationship is now edging toward being at risk.
There are certainly theories about the attraction and motivations of BDSM indulgence, but I think it varies according to the individual. Sherrie probably analysed her own predilections more scientifically then I ever did mine, but I’m not sure she came to any firm conclusions.

Eventually she followed my lead in believing this is the way we are meant to be, so let’s make the most of it. She wanted it badly, but I played my part as her enabler. I certainly concur with the incredible pleasure and enthralling new experiences. It’s an enormous physical and mental intensity simultaneously. An all embracing dynamic at it’s best.

We never saw a risk to our relationship for a long, long time because, as I am continually trying to keep in the spotlight, we really were very, very loving the whole time. Our mantra for us was always ‘never let the honeymoon end’, and we never did. So Sher telling me that we were playing with fire was a bit out of the blue, but because our everyday existence was just as close as ever WITH the added excitement for both of us of her BDSM affair too, life was good and we didn’t really want to change it. It was our terrible secret, so we felt it made us even more “one” than we were already.

She broached the playing with fire thing so something must have been bothering her, but she couldn’t put a finger on exactly what it was. Perhaps the good girl side of her was fretting over how far down the rabbit hole of submission she had travelled. Very half heartedly she asked me if I wanted her to stop. Equally half heartedly, I asked her if she wanted to stop. The answer in both cases, as you have read, was a resounding absolutely not. Then we embraced each other and repeated our regular rituals of undying love, that everything would be fine and nothing could break us kind of attitude.

I don’t want to go further than what we knew at this stage in the proceedings, or I will get ahead of the story, but the bottom line is we still genuinely thought we were ok.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:59 am

Johng1953 wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:19 am
I still find it hard to understand how this could go on for so long, including your long time denial and have you both come through it intact.
As for alarm bells, I think it may be the simple fact it did go on so long and was a gradual process of intensification that neither of you noticed the screaming claxons we mere observers hear!
But the observers don’t hear the loving sweet nothings we whisper in each other’s ears all the time either, or feel the sweet meaningful caresses we bestow on our loved one multiple times a day. I can only answer by saying it was hot and exciting so the length of time it went on for was a bonus rather than a problem to fight our way through. You might be right about the slow build up obscuring malign factors growing by stealth that could have been danger signs had they dropped out of the blue suddenly. I don’t know. However – and yet again – our answer would have been the strength of our union will endure whatever.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:07 am

Tracey52 wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:11 pm
Thank you for this additional chapter so quickly and I now assume before the climatic scene. You have set it up so well. It’s like the horror movie where we the audience see the danger ahead but the protagonists keep moving towards it.
I probably answered that in response to johng1953. In essence, what danger?

It’s profound that Sherrie had some insight to the increasing risk of being burnt by the fire. I think this was her moment of fear or perhaps even weakness giving you the opportunity to stop it. Perhaps she was hoping you would so that she might not have to make the ultimate decision or face the consequences of her actions. However, at this point in the relationship I think you did the right thing. You had to let it play out and if you didn’t make it to the other side then as you have both said “you don’t have the relationship you thought you did.”
I don’t think she was hoping for that. We were as close it’s possible for two people to be, so why wouldn’t she tell me? Unless it was subliminal in her. She was clear that she wanted to carry on to the extent that she felt she might not be able to cope without it. As you say, I had to let it play out for all kinds of reasons. Also, she’s an adult capable of making her own decisions, and I had specifically given her full rein on this to do as she pleased.
As we understand it you both did, so the interest will be how badly we’re you both burnt and if there are any residual burn marks that you both carry with you. Knowing this happened 20 years ago is the only thing making it bearable to wait between chapters for me.
Again, the aftermath is beyond where we are in the chronology now, and so unknowable to my contemporary self.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:41 am

KarrieKraves wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:59 pm
Well….the plot thickens and the intensity has been turned up yet again.

Very well written and presented as usual John. Love how you are able to ramp up towards the upcoming climax and although this segment was (somewhat disappointingly) short it perhaps packs the most punch to date.
I myself felt reading through that Sherrie was wanting you to be the voice of reason and put a stop to something that obviously she could not. I also felt this as well in one of the last segments when you described her lifting her dress and showing you how Geoff had marked her before she went off to him. I thought that perhaps part if her reason for doing this was to see (almost demand) if you would stop her. Almost if she was testing you or your love for her.
I don’t think she would or could ever have doubted my love for her. Testing and teasing, absolutely. She was all in for that. She saw it as giving me my part of the experience, and my positive reactions told her I was all onboard with it. As for the rest, if that’s what she was doing neither of us were aware of it. It must have been subconsciously.
But before you reveal the exact breaking point which I am sure will be in the next one or two segments could you share on these two curiosities.

At this point (as you describe lying awake in bed beside Sherrie after she has waved these red flags) how far are you telling yourself that you are willing to go and what are you prepared to accept?? If she were to tell you she was actually “in love” with Geoff (albeit perhaps a different kind of love from the one she felt for you but “in love” nevertheless) were you ready to accept that and share her with him on that level (if that would be what she would want). What about some sort of time sharing where she would actually live with him for part of the time (again if that was indeed what she would want).
I never contemplated her telling me she was in love with him, so I never considered what I would do if she had. The whole idea would have been so far fetched as to be ridiculous and unworthy of brain space. To the extent that it was nothing unusual for her to spend 10 consecutive nights at his while I was travelling, I suppose I was sharing her and she was “living with him” for part of the time. But it never became a formal living arrangement and was always as and when, attached to her sessions of deep submission to him. So it only appealed to her submissive self in an erotic, sexual way, rather than as a domestic arrangement, and she would be at our house too for some part of each day. That might seem a subtle difference, but her “erotic-master” connection didn’t raise any alarm with me, whereas a “kitchen sink” one would have done had it ever looked like happening.
Second where exactly did you imagine she was at in terms of her feelings for Geoff. I know her disclosure certainly raised alarm bells and caused you to think….but where exactly did you think she was at with Geoff. Did you think she was “falling in love with him”? Perhaps she was already there? And at this point how/when did you imagine that things would actually end with Geoff.
No. I never thought she was falling in love with him. I was occasionally given pause for thought when she came out with nuggets like "we're playing with fire", and I sometimes had qualms on my travels far from home and knowing what she was up to, but in general, I guess I was conceited (or foolhardy) enough to disparage the notion that she would prefer to be with anyone other than me, and of course I had her incessant declarations of love and affection to bolster my belief and my spirits. I always believed it was a hot interlude, albeit long, edgy and deep, and we had to take all the highs we could from it because one day it would be over.

Third (yea I know…there was only supposed to be two questions) as the two of you went through your many intense teasing sessions that you both enjoyed so much, did Sherrie ever provide teasing hints of what indeed would come to pass with the “big reveal”.
No. It actually wasn’t my sweet little darling’s doing at all. There has been a lot of speculation about some “big reveal”. You may be disappointed about how stupid the catalyst for everything unravelling turns out to be. Sherrie and I to this point have never ever really fallen out. I’ve certainly never made her cry. A typical silly tiff for us is invariably about one of us being TOO concerned and considerate for the other. What is about to happen is simply an unfortunate chain of events that refuses to stop spiralling downhill, but in retrospect there were a lot of pressures bearing in on us at the time which no doubt made things far worse than they might have been. But we’re getting ahead again, so enough of that for now!

Also John when you do post the next segment (which I’m assuming will contain the beginning of the “dark times” could you please include just a brief sentence detailing once again the specific place we are in terms of the overall time line. The read is so much more real with this information close at hand.
I did post an approximate timeline at the foot of page 34 for Johng1953, if that’s what you’re after. Feel free to come back on it if I’ve misunderstood. We’re moving a little further on at this stage towards 4 years in total.

Thanks again John for the incredible read. Hope the next segment appears with lightening speed.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:57 am

Build2last wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:36 pm
I know that we only get a glimpse of this situation, but when she tells you that she would try to stop if you wanted it, then it's clear that it's already beyond to far. It's only my opinion of course but to me if she tells you that it's uncertain about her cutting it off, it's a huge red flag. To me it means that she is no longer fully committed to you and you could easily lose everything to her addiction. And I know you disagree with the brainwashing idea I put forth earlier, but this really seems to be the best example of my theory so far.

But regardless of my opinion on this, I compliment you on another very well written chapter John. I look forward to your updates for how well you paint the picture, despite your story not being my thing so to speak.

Again, I think the “glimpse of this situation” is key. Although I try hard to convey the strength of our bond and the high level of communication between us, it’s tough to get across to the reader the level of confidence our total meeting of minds instils in us. Of course that confidence could be misplaced, but it hasn’t let us down yet, and so it’s very real to us. When we say we’re committed to each other and nothing can break us, we mean it, so you can see why we feel safe to do what we do without seeing any danger. When she says she will try to stop, it seems like no big deal to me if she can’t. All it means is that if she can’t stop, she’ll carry on, and it will still have no bearing on our love and marriage. That’s one reason I tell her to crack on and have fun regardless. The other reason is I want to give her (and me) the gift of continuing this journey of excitement and discovery. At this point, I’m not seeing any scenario that is the end of us or negative in any way. I trust her.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:58 am

Trickydicky69 wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:52 am
I was going to add some questions but I see they have already been asked!
Not sure how one more instalment is going to close the story but perhaps the next one will bring us to the breaking point- then you’ll need to write how it all plays out….
I’m not guessing again but the hint seems to be that it reaches a point where either she gives him up/you demand her to come back or she leaves you (despite the many reassurances).
The dark times then would be like any addiction, going cold turkey.
Hope the answers met your queries then!! And one more instalment isn't going to close out the story. Oh dear me, no. You don't get off that lightly!! :D
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:01 am

subtoall wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:34 pm
john jasson wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 1:07 am
Or could she be thinking one thing to herself and saying another to me? I banish the unworthy thought. Sherrie would not deliberately deceive me. I know that. Not ever.
Pay attention children. This is a narrative device we call foreshadowing.
Is it? Well thanks for telling us! :cool:
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Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:02 am

Tracey52 wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2023 1:08 pm
You think Sherrie lied to John?
Perish that awful thought!!!!
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:11 am

Trickydicky69 wrote:
Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:54 am
Could be the line she overstepped and he catches her out?
Lying doesn’t sound like the Sherrie he’s described but that would certainly be a reason for dragging her back - that he can’t trust her to know she’s gone too far.
And maybe that’s the subtext/foreshadowing- she is now feeling that she’s so conflicted and unable to trust herself.
After all, it’s 6 years with Geoff - a significant portion of her married life and even of her adult life.
Even if John and Sherrie are soul mates, at what point does the marriage become two people who co-habit rather than spouses?
And it’s possible that Geoff takes it too far and loses his bearing? Not just her Dom but demands she leaves John for him as demonstration of her submission?
Geoff isn’t daft, he must know that John must suspect something with the amount of time Sherrie is away from home etc.

I appreciate that alternative reality take. I enjoy reading where folk think this went.

At this point we are moving towards 4 years in and 1 year in her most extreme submission to Geoff. To be fair to him, he is a professional trainer and an experienced dom. Despite taking her to the outer limits of her physical and mental endurance in both sports training and domination by him, she never has the idea that he isn’t in control of both her and himself. She always feels safe, and this is what gives her the licence to let go all of her own control and caution when she’s helpless in his care. He demanded at the outset that she must have no inhibitions, and to have faithfully followed his rules for so long she really couldn’t have any.

He told her all along that I was her problem. She was playing away and any fallout was down to her. He didn’t care what I thought, or he certainly never expressed an opinion.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:13 am

Maddie_Hippychick wrote:
Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:55 am
I’ve really resisted the urge to speculate about the turning point in this story. There’s just an endless number of ways that this could come crashing down. It could literally be anything. Suppose Geoff were to have a terrible accident or medical condition that causes Sherrie to mourn the loss. Maybe she never really reached rock bottom. Who knows? But, I can’t wait to find out. I want to know everything. What was the turning point? What was the immediate aftermath? What was the longer term fallout? And, most importantly, what was the road to recovery?
Happy to see you're still hanging in there, Maddie. I hope the previous answers meet some of your speculations, but mostly your queries look to the future, so for another day.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:15 am

I'm indebted to my lovely Sherrie for telling me I looked tired at lunchtime and sending me home from the office. So she's been holding the company fort while I've been answering your questions. Thanks, Sher.
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:57 pm

Thanks for for all the effort John. I hope you read the excitement in your readership about this unfolding story.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:32 pm

john jasson wrote:
Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:58 am
Trickydicky69 wrote:
Sun Apr 09, 2023 5:52 am
I was going to add some questions but I see they have already been asked!
Not sure how one more instalment is going to close the story but perhaps the next one will bring us to the breaking point- then you’ll need to write how it all plays out….
I’m not guessing again but the hint seems to be that it reaches a point where either she gives him up/you demand her to come back or she leaves you (despite the many reassurances).
The dark times then would be like any addiction, going cold turkey.
Hope the answers met your queries then!! And one more instalment isn't going to close out the story. Oh dear me, no. You don't get off that lightly!! :D
Good! Whilst I'm desperate to know how this got to breaking point, I more desperately want to know just how you survived it.

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