HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

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HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:17 pm

As a VHW who has been on this site for a long time I figure it's time to introduce myself and tell my story. I tried to keep it short and summarize it.
But here it is, the story of me, the good and the bad.

What I'm about to write is the story of my life with Jay, my husband. It is my journey, my adventure, and how it all unfolded over the course of 20+ years. Some of it is painful to write, but some of it still brings a smile to my face. And through both the good and bad times, the mistakes and successes it is after all my story and I've decided to tell it.

I'll start in 2002 just before I met Jay. I was 30 years old with two kids. I had recently left my first husband who was a very controlling and distant man. I had been married to him for 7 years and tried my best to make it work for the sake of my children. Two years prior to me leaving him, I started to realize that the marriage was doomed. I had only married him because I became pregnant with my daughter. I tried to love him but no matter how much I tried I just didn't. Nor did he ever love me, rather he loved the idea of me, a wife, a mom, someone to clean and watch the kids. Outside of the children we had no common interests or bond.

When I left him, my children and I moved in with my parents. Being a single mom was challenging but with the support of my friends and parents I was able to start and rebuild. I was on a journey of rediscovery. I had to try and adjust to being single, raising two children, finding a job and being happy. I was free to go out and do what I wanted and when I wanted to. My old friend Beth and I reconnected and started to hang out and do things together. By this time, Beth was married to Rob. And I would hang out over their house sometimes or go out with Beth alone. Beth and Rob were swingers. I didn't even know what to think of that at the time but she would always try and convince me to have a threesome with them. Spoiler alert, I never did, LOL.

Beth was good for introducing me to guys. Several of whom I had ended up hooking up with. Two of these guys would be responsible for me becoming the hotwife that I am today. I also started to date guys I met online. In this period of rediscovery, I was a bit promiscuous. I would chat with a guy, agree to meet after the kids went to bed and hook up. If I had a good time I would meet them again. I was making up for lost time and having sex on a regular basis with several different guys.

One of the guys I had sex with was Pete. I met Pete at a party that Beth took me too. Pete was unhappily married and we hit it off right away. This was around December 2002. We would chat via text and meet when he could get out of the house. I believed him when he talked about leaving his wife and part of me wanted something more with him besides sex.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:24 pm

The Beginning:

I met Jay in February of 2003. We went out on a date and true to par, we hooked up the first night. I still remember that night. We had great sex. After which, I showered and left to go home. Jay wanted to date me, which was something new to me at the time. I was used to meeting and hooking up with guys and that would be it. But Jay was different. So I started dating Jay and we seen each other on a weekly basis. Jay cared about my day, my kids, he would ask me how my day went and seemed to genuinely care. At the time, I was still seeing Pete to hook up once in a while but I started to realize Pete was never leaving his wife and it was just sex. And at that time I was OK with that.

So, I was dating Jay, hooking up with Pete and still going out with Beth. This went on for at least 6 months. In that time one of my old boyfriends, Dave, heard I was back in town and stopped by my parents' home to visit me one night. Dave and I talked on the porch and when everyone was asleep we ended up having sex in the back yard. I didn't intend to hook up with Dave, but it was one of those things that just happened. It also happened again a few weeks later.

Around September of that year I left my Yahoo messenger signed in at Jay's house. I was at my parents taking a shower and after I went down to check my email. I opened my messenger. To my horror, I found Pete chatting with Jay. Jay was pretending to be me! I typed in the chat that Pete wasn't talking to me and then signed it out kicking Jay off. I called Jay who was pissed and started asking questions. At the time I was also pissed at Jay for snooping on my Yahoo. But I was caught. Jay and I broke up for a little bit. I felt bad and was upset with myself. For the first time in my life, I had a nice guy who really cared about me and I screwed it up. Eventually, I got back together with Jay and started to work things out. I messaged Pete to break things off with him, but he would still text me now and again. He said if I was going to break up with him I had to do it in person. So I stupidly agreed to meet him and ended up having sex with him one last time. Afterwards I felt really shitty about it. I remember going to Jay's house and taking a shower and cleaning my clothes to try and get rid of the evidence.

Time passed and me and Jay grew closer. I ended up moving in with him and everything seemed good. Sex was good with Jay. We had the weekends to ourselves and would sometimes spend the day making love. But I was always a flirt and would sometimes take it too far and put myself into situations that would get me in trouble. I ended up doing this in the spring. My office was under construction at the time and this one electrician would always go out of his way to walk by my office and flirt with me. This went on for a few weeks and one day he asked for my number, for some reason I gave it to him. We texted a few times and would go have a smoke break together. (I smoked at the time). One day, we decided to go to lunch together. We ended up parking around the corner and started making out. One thing led to another and we had sex in his truck. This went on for a month or so. I would drive to the WaWa and park, get into his truck and we would go to this empty office complex and have sex. After the work was done at my office I never seen or heard from him again and that was fine with me. I don't even remember his name.

Later that year, Beth invited me out with her and a few friends. Her friends were three black guys. Beth always had a thing for black guys and was married to one. We went to a bar and got the "look" from the other guys which made me feel uncomfortable. So we left and went to a motel to hang out. We smoked a joint together and Beth ended up hooking up with two of the guys. It really wasn't my scene so me and the other guy, Ray, went outside and sat in his car and talked. I remember being high as hell and wanting to get out of there. Nothing happened that night with me and the other guy but Beth got in huge trouble when we got home and Rob got mad at me. I didn't even know the guys it was all Beth! After that, me and Beth hung out less and less.

About a month later I got a text on a Saturday as I was cleaning, it was Ray. Jay worked every other Saturday and the kids were with my first husband. Ray had been asking Beth for my number and she gave it to him. He called me and we chatted for a bit and he was able to convince me to meet him at a motel. When I hung up the phone I kept thinking to myself, "Don't go, don't do it ". On the way there, I thought about turning around the whole drive, but I didn't. I was nervous when I got out of the car. I really wanted to be good and not do it. Ray and I went into the room and he must've thought I was the most frigid girl he ever meet. He took the lead, kissed me and started to undress me. I laid on the bed and he just took me. The sex was mind-blowing and he took his time. We had sex for 2 hours and I hopped into the shower and left. Ray and I would consistently see each other almost every other week for about 6 months.

This came to a crashing halt one day when I came home and Jay was home. He accused me of cheating on him again. I gave him some excuse as to why I was out but he wasn't buying it. I usually took a shower after I met Ray but I had become complacent. The proof was there, I was flushed and sweaty. Hell, I still had Ray's cum inside me. There was no more lying, I came clean. I told Jay I met a guy while I was out with Beth and it was a one time thing. There were tears, anger, threats. It was very emotional. I didn't think we could survive or that Jay could get past it. That next week we didn't talk at all. I slept on the couch after the kids went to bed. We didn't have sex for a long time after that either. I changed my phone number, I had to be home at a certain time. He stopped working Saturdays. I was walking on eggshells. He treated me like shit and called me names but I felt like I deserved it for breaking his trust not only once but twice. This was the dark time for us. It took a while to start talking again and getting back to a somewhat normal relationship.

After this the questions started. "Who was he?", "Were there more?" etc. Then he wanted to know about the sex. I found this all very weird like he wanted to torture himself with these details. I couldn't understand why someone would want to know these things. I felt numb and exposed.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:29 pm

What was really strange to me was the more I told him the more turned on he would get. One day I caught him on a site called SLS. I was mortified and mad. I thought he was looking to find someone else and wanted to cheat on me. This turned out not to be the case. He told me he wanted to find someone for me to be with. I didn't believe him, how could someone "want" their SO to be with someone else. I thought it was a trap and he wanted to see if I would be faithful. I refused every time he brought it up.

Eventually I gave in. I was tired of hearing him ask. I was tired of fighting about it. And if it was a trap, I was prepared to move on. So one Saturday night we were browsing SLS and started chatting with this one guy Dave. (Different Dave!). We all met at a bar, had some drinks and went back to Dave's house. Dave and I had sex, which was pretty unremarkable and Jay passed out and feel asleep. The next day we talked about it and we were both weird towards each other. Not mad just weird. The following week we had sex every night. I guess this was reclaiming sex before I knew what that was.

A few months later Jay had to work on a Saturday and he told me to find a guy. So I found this guy on SLS and made plans to meet at a hotel and Jay would come straight from work to watch. This guy's name was also Dave. (What's with the name Dave?) Dave and I were having sex when hubby got there and Dave really sucked in bed. I also think he was nervous about hubby being there so I rode him hard until he came to get it over with.

Jay and I both agreed this wasn't what either one of us wanted. In the meantime we were trying to repair our relationship and make a vanilla life together. Jay would still be angry at me for cheating at times and take everything out on me. I could tell he was struggling getting past my indiscretions. We would fight about nothing and he would say things just to be mean. I was having second thoughts if we would make it at this point. I didn't know if I could ever convince him I loved him and I just made some mistakes.

Eddie: Jay and I met Eddie on SLS and went to met during a snow storm. Eddie was a tall Latin guy who was sexy as hell, well built and well hung. I've always had a thing for Latin guys. Eddie couldn't perform in front of Jay so Jay had to wait in the truck while me and Eddie fucked. That first night Eddie didn't last long and left me hanging. Jay suggested Eddie and I see each other alone so I made a date with Eddie for the next weekend. This time Eddie put in the work and made me cum multiple times. He also didn't wear a condom. I came home and Jay could tell I had a good time.

Eddie and I would meet a few times a month. Sometimes he would stop by my work and I'd give him a blowjob in his car or ride him. One of my hottest times with Eddie was when he told me to dress up and come to his work on a Saturday. He walked me back to his office and closed the door. He leaned down to kiss me, turned me around and bent me over his desk and pounded me.

I have to admit, I ended up wanting more from Eddie. I secretly hoped he would take me away from Jay even though I knew Eddie could never be a good boyfriend. But Eddie had a power over me. When he would look at me with those dark eyes I would melt. Eddie was the only guy I ever let do anal and he was very thick. I was sitting at my desk one day thinking about him and I came. As time went on it became clear Eddie was a player. But for 5 years I had my fun with him.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:32 pm

Post Eddie, Hitting my Stride.

Post Eddie:

After Eddie, Jay and I took a break from the lifestyle. But after a while we both got the itch. So we went back on SLS and found Drew, affectionately known as "No" because he was the flakiest no-show we've ever met. But Drew did show up once. Drew was 6'5" and had a massive cock. I would have to guess 9"+ it was bigger than a beer bottle or cable remote. Drew was good in bed. He went multiple times and what was weird was he would go down on me afterwards. He also smelled really nice and I remember grabbing his shirt and pulling it to my nose to smell it and I would cum. I wanted more of Drew but he always flaked out. I didn't get my period for almost 3 months after Drew and I started to think I might be pregnant. Jay and I discussed it and I told Jay if I was pregnant I was keeping it. This caused some drama between me and Jay but I was adamant. I didn't want to have a baby because it was Drew's, it was more to do with my beliefs. Eventually Drew became so predictable that I would agree to meet him and then wait until 30 minutes before he was to show up and wait for the text "I can't make it".

Brandon. I met Brandon on SLS and we met at a hotel. I was dressed up and had lingerie underneath my clothes. Brandon was cute, younger, and had a nice cock but he would drip sweat all over me when he was on top. Brandon was a one and done for me.

John: John was recently separated. We met at a bar and his first comment was "You don't look like your pictures". I was a little upset by that but we ended up going back to his house and having good sex. John could recover quickly and go a few times. I ended up coming home at 3 am that first night. The next day I had to go to Tractor Supply and stopped by to see John for a quickie. The problem was John's quickies were an hour. I seen John one more time the next week but it was apparent John wanted a girlfriend. He would call in the morning, text all day, call me on the way home. I had to break it off with John.

That's all for now. I'll try and type more this week.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by tit5atat » Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:18 pm

Wow, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear more!

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by leggysman » Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:26 pm

Really interesting story - thanks for everything you've posted so far. I'm following! :up:
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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by 2inUPMichigan » Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:09 am

Thanks for sharing your story HotwifeBabs 💙
Looking forward to reading more......

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by anneshubby2 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:52 am

Great post. How is your relationship with Jay and how did he resolve his reaction of your cheating on him?

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:47 pm

Thank you all for the replies. 2up, I've wrote about some of my recent adventures in the Ladies lounge but I'm still in 2013 here. There's 10 years to write.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:49 pm

anneshubby2 wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:52 am
Great post. How is your relationship with Jay and how did he resolve his reaction of your cheating on him?
My relationship with Jay is great. We are soulmates and best friends. I'll answer your question later as I post more. It's complicated..............

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:12 am

Looking forward to reading the rest of your history - the men in your life are lucky to have you.

Thank you for sharing it with us all.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by jane » Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:03 am

that's wonderful that you are posting your story :)

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:12 pm

jane wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:03 am
that's wonderful that you are posting your story :)
Jane, I just got jealous of seeing the other VHW's having their own threads and figured it's about time I had my own. :D

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:22 pm

I forgot about Alex. Sorry, from time to time I may remember an adventure out of sequence so I will add it as I go.

I forget where I met Alex, it was either craigslist or SLS. He was a tall, young, and a very well hung man. Our first face to face meeting was at a bar where we had a few drinks. As the evening wound down we decided to leave and made out by my car in the parking lot. I was wearing a skirt at the time and sat in my car as he went down on me in the busy parking lot. We were both too nervous to take it any further so we said goodnight with a kiss. The next day or so we chatted some more and made a date for the weekend. We met at a really cheap motel and had sex. He had a difficult time getting it up but I got my nut and so did he. I never saw or heard from him again.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by silky nylons » Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:36 am

I love this! This is great! More of your perspective please! I love it when a hotwife opens up about the lifestyle. So much to learn and consider. Thank you for sharing.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sat Nov 18, 2023 6:30 am

Cougar finds her cub:

2014. .
My vanilla life is very busy and play time is hard to come by so when I get the urge to play and start looking I usually get easily frustrated during the search process. There is a lot of flakes who either just want to chat or get cold feet at the last minute.

One Saturday night in 2014 I was in the living room having a drink and decided to sign on to SLS to just browse. As I was browsing and doing my normal "Nope, Nope, Too far, He's nice, Maybe, Nope" game I received a message from a much younger guy named Rob. Rob was 20 years old (I was 42 at the time). He was cute with a nice body and persistently asked if we could meet that night.

It was about 8 or 9 at night and usually by that time I'm getting ready for bed. But for some reason, and I don't know whether it was his age or the fact he seemed so innocent and nice I decided to give in. To be honest I've always liked younger guys and being 42 it was quite the ego boost knowing a young 20 year old wanted to be with me.
So I threw some make up on, put on a cute top and jeans and hopped in my Jeep to meet him. Normally I would never meet a strange guy in the middle of the night at a hotel but something just clicked that night.

When I got to the room Rob was there anxiously waiting. He immediately kissed me and couldn't keep his hands off me as he awkwardly tried to get my clothes off. I had to give him some help getting undressed and within 2 minutes he was on top of me and rapidly pounding away. I think he may have lasted 2 or 3 minutes but it was thrilling and animalistic. After he finished he removed his condom and after a few strokes he was rock hard and ready to go again. This time we did it doggy and he gave it all he had for maybe 10 minutes. I faked an orgasm to boost his ego and we both got dressed and left.

I figured Rob was a one and done fling and I was ok with that. I remember coming home and gleefully telling Jay "I banged a 20 year old! ". Rob was a trophy for me, a conquest. I was over twice his age and it was flattering that a 20 year old would want to be with me.

A few weeks later Rob texted me and wanted to meet again, so I agreed and we met at a hotel. I dressed up for my little cub this time, wearing a short skirt, some thigh highs and a teddy under a very revealing top. Rob was a little more settled. We made out for a bit and he bent me over the table in the room and pounded me hard. We then went to the bed and started going at it missionary. After a few minutes of that I decided to roll him over and ride him because I was making sure I got a nut this time. As I was riding him I leaned down to kiss him and that little shit bit my tongue, so I slapped him. This seemed to turn him on more and soon after he exploded.

I met Rob on and off up until 2017. But each time he would get weirder and would ask to be slapped or have his balls squeezed.
When he started getting weird that was when I decided to call it quits. Beside by that time I was seeing Big D which you all haven't met yet so it wasn't a difficult decision.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by Her number1 » Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:49 am

Glad you're telling your story.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by jane » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:10 am

good for you :D the young ones tend to be flakey, but you got some fun out of him

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:45 am

I have since swore off young guys because they are too much drama. They are right up there with married guys sneaking around on their wife.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by TomG » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:51 am

Great thread, Hotwife Babs! I just finished reading everything you've written so far, and I'm now following along waiting for more! I know there's a lot to cover, but I'm looking forward to it as it's posted.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by hornedhubby » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:53 am

Loving your story.

Best wishes and thanks for sharing it.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by HotwifeBabs » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:33 am


At this point in my life I had been with Jay for 13 years. We had a stable marriage and home life. Our careers had taken off, the children were grown and all but one were out on their own. We were by all accounts a normal happily married and successful couple. My extracurricular activities were just a part of us and who we were. Jay accepted the fact I desired more and understood that me being intimate with other men didn't interfere or diminish how I felt about him. In fact it enhanced our relationship because it was something we partook in together to some degree. He would help screen for guys and knew my type (Mostly). He would buy me outfits to wear, help me pick out what to wear for dates, and would view my communications with men to look for red flags. If it was a new guy I would text him the details and he would wait up, often times late to make sure I got home safely. But rarely was he involved or there to watch. In fact up until this point he had only seen me with another man 3 times and all of those times the guy was a dud.

Later in 2016 I met Dereck online and decided to meet for the first time at a hotel. I wanted Jay to go with me mainly for safety reasons. Dereck was slightly older and married. He was 6'8" with a very large cock. He was also a former NBA player in the late 80's.
When we got to the room we sat down on the bed and talked for a little bit to break the ice and and then he leaned over to kiss me.
I was a little nervous with Jay being there, he had never seen me with a black guy before and though he said he didn't care I was still unsure how he would look at me afterwards. I was also worried that Dereck would be uncomfortable with Jay being there. And lastly I was unsure how I would react with Jay watching.

Dereck was confident and experienced as we made out and kissed. It was clear he had no issues with any of the above. He wasn't hurried or eager and took his time. He moved over me like it was our 100th time together and not our first. As he entered me I felt his cock spread me open and fill me. I instantly came. Like I said Dereck was huge but he knew how to use it and go deep. He made me squirt within a few minutes and soon after I felt him stiffen inside me and explode. But Dereck only paused for a moment and kept going. I have no idea how many times he made me cum but he instinctively knew all of my spots and hit them every time.

After a good while we had soaked the entire bed to the point we had to move to the other bed. We ended up soaking that one too. When we got done I was entirely drained and had to lay there to collect myself. When it was all said and done we ended up having sex for 2 hours and it was amazing. I did have a hard time letting loose with Jay being there but Dereck's abilities overcame my inhibitions. Before this day I had never experienced a guy who was multi orgasmic. I had experienced guys who could recover quickly but nothing like Dereck. He would cum and just keep going.

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by snoogaloo82 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:42 am

HotwifeBabs wrote:
Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:33 am

At this point in my life I had been with Jay for 13 years. We had a stable marriage and home life. Our careers had taken off, the children were grown and all but one were out on their own. We were by all accounts a normal happily married and successful couple. My extracurricular activities were just a part of us and who we were. Jay accepted the fact I desired more and understood that me being intimate with other men didn't interfere or diminish how I felt about him. In fact it enhanced our relationship because it was something we partook in together to some degree. He would help screen for guys and knew my type (Mostly). He would buy me outfits to wear, help me pick out what to wear for dates, and would view my communications with men to look for red flags. If it was a new guy I would text him the details and he would wait up, often times late to make sure I got home safely. But rarely was he involved or there to watch. In fact up until this point he had only seen me with another man 3 times and all of those times the guy was a dud.

Later in 2016 I met Dereck online and decided to meet for the first time at a hotel. I wanted Jay to go with me mainly for safety reasons. Dereck was slightly older and married. He was 6'8" with a very large cock. He was also a former NBA player in the late 80's.
When we got to the room we sat down on the bed and talked for a little bit to break the ice and and then he leaned over to kiss me.
I was a little nervous with Jay being there, he had never seen me with a black guy before and though he said he didn't care I was still unsure how he would look at me afterwards. I was also worried that Dereck would be uncomfortable with Jay being there. And lastly I was unsure how I would react with Jay watching.

Dereck was confident and experienced as we made out and kissed. It was clear he had no issues with any of the above. He wasn't hurried or eager and took his time. He moved over me like it was our 100th time together and not our first. As he entered me I felt his cock spread me open and fill me. I instantly came. Like I said Dereck was huge but he knew how to use it and go deep. He made me squirt within a few minutes and soon after I felt him stiffen inside me and explode. But Dereck only paused for a moment and kept going. I have no idea how many times he made me cum but he instinctively knew all of my spots and hit them every time.

After a good while we had soaked the entire bed to the point we had to move to the other bed. We ended up soaking that one too. When we got done I was entirely drained and had to lay there to collect myself. When it was all said and done we ended up having sex for 2 hours and it was amazing. I did have a hard time letting loose with Jay being there but Dereck's abilities overcame my inhibitions. Before this day I had never experienced a guy who was multi orgasmic. I had experienced guys who could recover quickly but nothing like Dereck. He would cum and just keep going.
wow! that sounds like an amazing time the three of you had together! Sounds like Dereck is a winner of a man! Did you get together more times with Dereck?

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by venus-can99 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:54 am

Thanks for posting your experiences - it makes a fascinating read...

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Re: HotwifeBabs From the Beginning

Unread post by snoogaloo82 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:57 am

venus-can99 wrote:
Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:54 am
Thanks for posting your experiences - it makes a fascinating read...
i wholeheartedly agree! :up:

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