Marian and Jay

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Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:32 pm

My girlfriend, Marian, and I were in our late twenties when we moved to this wonderful new house. The change was good. Routine had affected the intensity of our love life. Nothing to worry about, but the change was refreshing. Little did we realise how dramatically things would change in time to come.

Just about a month or so after we had picked up the key, my friend and former housemate Jay called. He had found a new job, much closer to our place than his own. Would we mind if he stayed over in our place during weekdays until his trial period was over? Well, what else are friends for? We now had lots of space and, besides, he could help me fix up the house. It’d be fun. So, yes, of course he could stay.

There was, however, a little more to this…

Marian ironed her clothes in our bedroom when I raised the subject.
“Do you think it’ll happen?” I asked.
Looking up with a mischievous smile, Marian said: “I admit that the circumstances are pretty ideal. But we’ll see. Jay’s not over Anna yet.”
“I don’t know what he saw in her in the first place” I said.
“Hm, ya, but he’s upset about her nonetheless.”
I walked up to her and kissed her whilst I groped her ass with both hands.
“So, you had already thought about the possibilities, you naughty girl?” I hissed.
Marian giggled.

I pushed her backwards on to our bed and stripped her panties from underneath her dress. I started licking her.

Jay may not have realised that he played an important role in our sex life.

Two years earlier we ended up in bed with him once and nearly had a threesome. Nearly. Marian was too nervous to go all the way. She regretted her prudishness later on but Jay had by then already moved on and started going out with Anna. We continued fantasizing about what could have happened that night, something that never failed to turn us on.

Jay already stayed over at our place for a couple of weeks when I heard that I needed to travel overseas for a work related trip. It was a nice tropical place, so we arranged for Marian to follow me after for a brief holiday. I would thus leave her home in the meantime, with Jay regularly staying over. The night before I left, Marian and I had sex when Jay was sleeping in the spare bedroom.

“If you miss me, you could do something nice with Jay instead” I said.
Marian gave me a naughty look.
“Like going to the movies?” she said innocently.
“And if my pussy misses you, can she do something nice with Jay?”
“Especially then” I sighed.
Marian bent over me. Her blonde hair covered my face and she sighed in my ear. She was obviously turned on by the idea. I felt her pussy squeeze a couple of times, followed by the warmth of her getting much wetter. I came in her almost instantly.

This pillow talk wasn’t particularly new, but it was fun to know that he was so close by. We didn’t mention it again before I set off to the airport. I focused on my work and was hard to reach her by mail and phone. Marian managed to get hold of me only a week later. It took her call in the hotel lobby. It was wonderful to speak to her and I explained everything that was happening around me. After a few minutes Marian interrupted me. She had something to tell me.

“I’ve had sex with Jay…”
She stopped for a second.
“I felt that you should know… "

My heart skipped a beat and my mind raced all over the place, searching for my innermost response. My knees spontaneously started to wobble.

"Wow, really? That's great sweetheart" I uttered.

I really meant it. I was sincerely happy for her, for us. Finally!!

Marian was obviously relieved.

“Was it nice?” I asked.
“Yes” she said. “Different. Overwhelming. I didn’t expect it to happen... But it did… Are you sure you’re okay? We were both worried that you’d feel different if it happened for real…”
“Oh no, honestly, I’m so glad for you. I want to know everything that happened.”
“I can imagine, but I’m at work now. I’ll write you, okay?”
“Ok. Please send me your story soon.

I rushed off to my hotel room right after to masturbate. Oh my, she finally did it. She had sex with Jay!! I felt no jealousy at all, not even regret that I hadn’t been there to see it. I was truly happy that it had happened… What a massive turn on.



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Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:32 pm

When Marian arrived a week later, I was so happy to see her. She too was cheerful and she looked gorgeous. I was dying to know everything, but we had a coffee to discuss other things first. It was too much, too special to dive into her stories right away. I expressed my love for her. She smiled and said that she too loved me very much.

We moved to my hotel room and laid down on the bed. We kissed and looked at each other.

“So, do want me to tell you what happened?” she asked.
“Okay… Well… I don’t think I’ve ever had so much sex in a short time. My pussy was sore almost every day.”
“What? It happened more often?”
“Sure, did you think it happened only once? After I called you and you said you were okay with it, we did it every night, sometimes twice. Once even three times.”

Every possible scenario had passed my mind, but not this. How could I have missed that?

This was going to be quite some story!

“I don’t know what you told Jay but that Monday following the weekend you left, Jay moved closer and closer to me on the couch. He eventually put an arm around me and before we knew it we were kissing. I liked it and my pussy pulsed in my panties. I was soaking wet! I think he had a hard on as well, but we had to work the following day. So we weren’t going to do it, but once we were upstairs it made no sense to sleep in separate rooms. Once we were in bed together, we kissed again and one thing led to another.”

Marian looked at me.

"You are okay that I did this, right?"
"Only if you didn't do it just for me."
"No, I wanted it too. Actually, Jay was worried about you. He said it was once thing to fantasize but quite another if it happened for real. I told him that we had talked about it before you left.” Giggling, she added “He stopped making a fuss when I went down on him."
I kissed her and started to finger her.

"Is it okay if think about Jay?" she asked.
“Of course” I said.
She closed her eyes and disappeared in her thoughts, memories. She got wetter and wetter.

Perplexed, I asked “Was it that good with Jay??”
“Yaahhh” Marian sighed “he is pretty amazing…”
Wow… that came from very deep…

“So what would you like most of all now?”
She paused for a second.
“I want to sleep over at his place to have sex.”
Once she had dared to say that, her pussy started to flow. Her whole crotch became a slippery mess. Heavens, I had never seen her so wet before!!

I shut up and concentrated on fingering her.

Marian postponed her orgasm repeatedly until her skin pulled super tight around her body… She arched her back and “Aaahh…..” She came intensely in my arms.

She turned to look at me with an angelic smile. “Hmmm, that was nice” she whispered.

During the rest of trip, we had lots of sex and talked about what would happen next. Marian didn’t want us to break up, but she was adamant about wanting to explore further with Jay.

We decided to do it, to play with fire.


Jay picked us up from the airport. He kissed us both welcome back home. I noticed that their kiss lasted just a bit longer than normal, and upon giving him a glance afterward Marian’s smile was very warming, full of happiness. Once home, we were too tired to do anything else beyond washing up and going to bed early.


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Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:33 pm

The following morning we woke up early because of our jetlag. Marian smiled sweetly at me. I realised that I had caught her masturbating. We started to make love and I rolled on top of her. She felt nice. After a couple of minutes I noticed that her mind was drifting. She just wasn’t with me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

"I was wondering when it will happen again” she said softly.

For a few moments I just couldn’t do or say anything. This was no pillow talk. She practically told me that she wanted to have sex with Jay rather than with me.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked me.

Well, I was wondering what she was thinking about…, but now my mind raced as I considered the options.

Jay was in our house now…, right in the spare bedroom right on the other side of our bedroom wall. Oh my…

What if …? Could I handle it, if I let her go…?

I couldn't say it...

No… it’d be too much, too early.

But then I said it regardless.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the spare bedroom in a minute..."

Her eyes sparkled, like I just gave her a diamond ring.

"Yes, I would like to..." she said.

Oh man...

If I let her go, it wouldn’t be the threesome I had so desperately wanted… She’d go on her own and I would have to wait for her to come back… Could I handle that? Then again, was it not more important that it would happen than that I would be there? It would just be for a while. I would just have to wait for her to come back to me…

I decided to let her go.

I withdrew from her pussy and rolled off her.
"Don't you want to come first?" she asked.
“No… I won’t be able to let this happen after having come... Sweetie, just go and enjoy yourself. I'll wait here. Just promise me you'll come back to me right afterwards."

"Of course… Are you sure it’s okay if I do this?" she asked, adding her justification. “It’s just that has been two weeks since I’ve been with Jay. I have missed him and I’d like to spend some time with him. But of course, I don’t know if he wants to have sex.”
“Do you?”
“Yes. Actually we already kissed when you took a shower last night."

I kissed her on her lips to let her know that I was all right with that.

And then she moved sideways off the bed, stood up and walked to the bedroom door, completely naked.

With her hand already on the doorknob, she looked back at me.

"This is so strange..." she said with an unsure smile.
"I know... Just go sweetie. Enjoy yourself. I want this too..."

Then she opened the door and disappeared in the hallway. Right after I heard her open the spare bedroom door, right next to ours.
I heard their voices but I could not make out what was said.

Then it went silent in the house.


Here I was, left alone whilst my loving girlfriend cuddled up in he arms of another man, just on the other side of bedroom wall.

My mind raced all over the place. What was I doing? This was madness! But, it was also fantastic, so special, so unheard of...

I pressed my ear against the wall, but I heard nothing.

Ten minutes followed, likely the longest in my life. All along, Marian was with Jay. Were they just talking? I couldn’t hear anything. Had they fallen asleep? It was, after all, still early in the morning.

Little did I know that they were intimately kissing and that his fingers finally crawled up her inner thighs until he touched her ‘down there’. She was soaking wet from anticipation. She rolled on her back and opened her thighs.

Just when I thought that likely nothing would happen, I suddenly heard a deep sigh in the spare bedroom.

Yes!! That was Marian!!

“Ohhhhhhh…. Hmmmm…”

Her panting unmistakably meant they now had sex, but exactly what was going on? Was he licking her? Was he fucking her? How? I couldn’t tell. I was tempted to storm over to the spare bedroom. It was madness that this was happening, so close by, and yet I couldn’t even see it. But no, I had to wait, wait for her to come back if I wanted to know what was happening now.

This was so completely mind-blowing!

Marian sighs and panting continued, loud enough to not have to press my ear to the wall. I lay on the bed and listened whilst masturbating myself, very carefully so I would not prematurely come.

The sounds of sex filled the house for fifteen minutes until I heard a distinctly darker grunt. Was that Jay? Did he just come in her?

Deep silence returned throughout the house moments later. For sure, I had just heard Jay cum.

That was it.


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Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:33 pm

Sooner than I expected, Marian reappeared in our bedroom door.

"Hi" she said softly after she had closed the door.
“Hi’ I replied.

There she was… I gazed at her with a sense of pride and amazement. In spite of what had just happened, in spite of what she had just done, she was still my loving girlfriend. That was most important. We had done this together.

Her pretty face was slightly flushed and her blonde hair was a mussed at the back of her head. When she walked towards me, I could not help staring at her crotch. I saw nothing to make out what had happened. She joined me back in bed and laid down on her back besides me.

We looked at each other. As a couple, we had both wanted this to happen, so there was no need to say anything, not now. Marian quietly lay next to me. I hadn’t given it prior thought as to what would happen next. I had masturbated myself all along her little outing but I had not come. So I was still incredibly hot. I figured that it was my turn to pleasure her.

I explored her beautiful body with my lips. I kissed her neck, and moved to her breasts. I licked her left nipple, and slowly moved further down her belly… There was a masculine musk around her body that became unmistakably more pungent the further I went down her feminine lower belly. Her public hair tickled my nose.

Her crotch was visibly moist. Some loose pubic hairs stuck to her skin and her vulva glistered in the morning light. Her lips were slightly puffed, but that was all I discern. I bent over and kissed her clit. I would have licked her a bit more but I felt her hand on my head.

"I’m not sure I taste nice now” she whispered. “Come, I want to feel you inside me again".

She unlocked her thighs a little whilst I moved on top of her naked body.

I guided my dick to her vulva and noticed that her pussy was completely ‘open’. I felt no resistance when the head of my penis slipped in..

I lowered my hips and... Oh my… the warmth, slippery heat was overwhelming!! What a heavenly feeling! So warm, so soft and wet…

Wow, it really did happen… She did have sex with Jay, just now… My dick floated in his cum. It even made soft soggy sounds inside her.

"Is it possible that you have Jay’s cum inside you?" I asked when I had recovered a little.
She bit her lower lip and nodded. “Ya”.
"Can you feel it?" she asked.
"Oh sweetheart… It is the only thing I feel...”
She grinned.
“I don’t feel you much at all. I can wipe myself down there if you want."
"Oh, no, don’t. It feels amazing. So different. He must have come a lot… You’re so full…”

I looked down and saw a shiny film of wetness covering my shaft. I gathered it was Jay’s cum. It felt as if there was no direct contact between my dick and her vagina. All I felt was that she was very open, seething hot and extremely slippery. Indeed my foreskin didn’t even slide back.

Although Marian has been taking the pill for years, Jay had used condoms so far. He seemed to assume that he had to and Marian let him, thinking that perhaps she should discuss this with me first. I was actually a bit disappointed to hear that he had used condoms but is was hot to see that Marian had kept most of the wrappings in the bed side drawer. There were 10, and even three used condoms with dried up cum.

“What did he say when you said you wanted him bareback?” I asked her while I slowly gyrated my hips up against hers, feeling nothing else but slippery heat.
“He was surprised. I think he really liked it” she said.

"Did you?”
"Hmm, yes. It felt more complete.”
“I was very welcome. He asked whether I was included in the room rent.”
I grinned. That was a funny joke.
“At first he had to wake up for a while but when he felt that I was wet for him he wanted me, he reached out for a condom. I told him that it was okay for him to come inside me. He came right on top of me, like you now."
"I could hear you sigh.”
“Were you extra loud so I could hear you?”
“No, not intentionally...”


I had seen Jay naked a few times when we lived in our student house and saw him with an erection only once when we were about to have a threesome that didn’t happen. I was impressed. His penis was clearly bigger than mine, especially longer and a bit broader. His thick supple light brown foreskin contrasted with mine.

Ok, perhaps his cock had become a bit bigger in my mind over the past years but I realized now that he had really stretched her pussy. When I had entered her earlier that morning, the tip of my penis just about touched her uterus but now, all I felt was depth. I slid my hands under her buttocks and felt the slick wetness of his semen on her thighs, my shaft and my balls. I pushed in her as deep as I could, but to no avail.

"You don't have to fuck me deep sweetie", Marian whispered. "Can you come now? I’m being fucked for three quarters of an hour by now. My pussy is sore."

I didn’t want to hurt her but I so very much enjoyed this. I needed her to tell me that this would not be a one-off experience. I looked at her while slowly sliding in her.

"Are you going to have sex with Jay again later this week?"

"If you’re okay with that, yes, I’d like to" she said.

Ohhh, those words were too much and I let go...

I went over to the spare bedroom afterwards to tell Jay that I was okay with what had just happened. I lay next to him on his bed and offered him a cigarette.

“Did you finish it?” Jay grinned.
“Hm, yes I did.”
“Marian’s really hot for you, you know.”
Jay smiled.
“She’s nice”, he said. “You’re lucky to have her.”
“I know, and so long as you respect that I’m totally in for some fun. Do we have a deal?”
He looked at me. “Sure, I understand. Agreed.”

I went back to the bedroom and spooned up against Marian’s back. I kissed her in her neck and held her tight. I loved her so much, and when her hand squeezed mine, I knew that she felt the same.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, something tickled around my crotch. It was our semen flowing back over Marian’s buttocks. It ran down my balls. My dick hardened but Marian was already sleeping. I rolled on my back and started masturbating myself, wondering where all this would take us.


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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by pwsub » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:41 pm

This is a great tale, I do hope there is more to follow, hot!

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Anns_boyfriend » Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:21 am

Great story!!

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by bluemoon » Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:06 am

I am surprised that this story, which to my opinion is one of the hottest and most well written ones here, has not received the encouragement and feedback it deserves. I would love to see more comments and I hope the writer will continue and let us all know what happened next.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by mikeandrewsballs » Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:16 am


Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Completely agree!


Really HOT! Well written. Please tell me there's more!
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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by svene » Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:38 am

Super hot story. I love it.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Mrfixitforyou » Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:44 pm

What a great story so far. I geuss though the handwriting is on the wall. However thats the point of the stories right ? to read them and watch the trainwreck unfold or not. Testing whether love is true and triumphant over extra relationship sex. Recreational , accidental, experiential, exeprimentation, sometimes it just test the elasticity of the " Primary " relationship.
So Marian and Jay we embark on your journey to see where it takes us and what it brings in its wake. Feelings are already there. The potential for 3 or more lives spinning out of control has been recognized.
Im fastening my seat belt because like everyone else Im here for the ride.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by bystander » Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:06 pm

Mrfixitforyou wrote:What a great story so far. I geuss though the handwriting is on the wall. However thats the point of the stories right ? to read them and watch the trainwreck unfold or not. Testing whether love is true and triumphant over extra relationship sex. Recreational , accidental, experiential, exeprimentation, sometimes it just test the elasticity of the " Primary " relationship.
So Marian and Jay we embark on your journey to see where it takes us and what it brings in its wake. Feelings are already there. The potential for 3 or more lives spinning out of control has been recognized.
Im fastening my seat belt because like everyone else Im here for the ride.
I totally agree. As for the trainwreck, I always love comments like:
“She’s nice”, he said. “You’re lucky to have her.”
“I know, and so long as you respect that I’m totally in for some fun. Do we have a deal?”
He looked at me. “Sure, I understand. Agreed.”

Whenever you open the door to this type of relationship and see a comment like "so long as you respect that" and an answer of “Sure, I understand. Agreed.” you know that's the last thing that's going to happen and wait for the pile up. Sad, but makes for an interesting story.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:55 am

Thanks for the encouragement guys! Of course, there's more! Perhaps too much. Grant me some time to update. Please continue to comment and share your thoughts about all this. Comments posted so far are well on track, much appreciated!

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by satyrsmith » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:10 pm

Well done! Great dialogue. Would love to read a next installment...

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Wastwood » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:32 pm

Amazing story.


Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:56 pm


Please, conmtinue it soon ;)

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Mercury » Sat Mar 14, 2015 1:03 am

Too bad this story has apparently come to an end.


Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by ericsacto » Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:28 am

Love the story. Can't wait for the next installment.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:45 am

I'm loving it!

Best wishes,


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Re: Marian and Jay (first threesome)

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:27 pm

There we sat on our bed, leaning against a heap of pillows, enjoying an after-sex cigarette. Marian rarely smoked, but this was an exception. After all, we just had our first threesome!

Marian looked so sexy. She radiated a kind of self-confidence that I wasn’t familiar with.

“I never thought I would end up with two boyfriends, but I like it” she grinned whilst exhaling a puff. She noticed that she was flowing ‘down there’ and reached down to feel.

“Hmm, I’ve never had so much cum in me” she said whilst she slipped a finger inside her.

She lowered herself a bit and started to finger herself. Jay offered to do it for her but she declined. “It’s okay, ’ll do it myself” she smiled whilst she passed her cigarette to me.

“Hhuummm” she sighed soon after she closed her eyes and wetted her lips with her tongue.

She wanted either of us to lick her nipples. I let Jay do it. He added visibly to her pleasure, also because he occasionally moved up to intensely French kiss her. I watched her fingers rubbing her clit, every now and then dipping her fingertips inside herself to spread our semen and her own juices over her clitoris.

Marian sighed harder and I noticed that she was getting close to coming.
“Oohh, I’m so horny…” she sighed.

Her skin tightened around her feminine body, she arched her back arched and then she came…


Earlier that night, the three of us had gone out for drinks. Marian flirted cheerfully with Jay whilst sipping away her drinks. I figured that was to be expected although it made a little jealous. We became tipsy and strolled back to our house in the middle of the night. Marian hooked her arms through ours whilst we walked on either side of her.

Once we were back home, Jay left us for a couple of minutes. Marian approached me and I held her in my arms and briefly kissed her on her mouth.

She looked at me.
“Do you want it to happen tonight?” she asked.
“Do you?” I asked.
“Yah” she answered. “Very much.”
She gave me another kiss while I groped her ass.

Jay came back into the room and grinned when he saw us. Marian laughed, look up at him and I decided to let her go. I gently pushed her in his direction. She fell in his arms, pretending to be totally sloshed. She looked up and I watched her lips touch his. She started kissing him, … French kissing. Wow! Just that alone… She was intimately kissing another man in my presence!!

They moved to the couch hardly untangling their tongues. A little later she was “all over” him. Their kiss seemed to last forever and I started to feel a little left out but I still wanted it to go further. I took her shoes off and started peeling off her legging from her hips. She also wore stockings and, hey, new panties. She later told me she had bought them earlier that day because she expected it to happen.

They were still kissing when I started to lick her. I wanted her to be hot and horny so that this play would not stop. Whatever else was going to happen, I wanted this to continue…

I was nonetheless taken aback when I saw her hand moving down to Jay’s crotch. He obviously had a hard on and Marian’s hand began to explore the contours of his penis through his pants. She then skilfully opened his fly and pushed her hand inside. I watched how she continued to feel up his hardness through his boxer shorts. She managed to release his penis…

Aw, yes… He had such a nice cock! It was straight, light brown, uncut, very hard… His was clearly bigger than mine. Marian slowly pulled his light brown foreskin back, exposing his moist glans. She bent down, ready to take him in her mouth. But Jay wanted to take his jeans and shorts off first. Marian made space. He ripped his pants and shorts off in a single move. I also took my clothes off. I heard his hard on slap on his lower belly.

For a split moment, we were comparing dicks because I saw him check out my dick whilst I gazed at his. I noticed that the tip of his cock reached his belly button; mine doesn’t even come close.

Marian proposed we went upstairs for there would be more space in our bed.

We walked upstairs, naked, and laughed about this situation. We lay down on our bed, Marian in between us.

She alternated kissing with Jay and me. I pushed her in Jay’s direction and she rolled over towards him. They kissed endlessly until I started to feel slightly ignored. I reached down her thighs. Oh my… Her slippery wetness covered her pussy, her thighs… even her butt crack was wet.

“Oh Marian…” I uttered, “you’re so wet!”
“Yeahh” she sighed “I want to be fucked.”

Jay started to push forward against her body and I felt his dick touch my fingers. He wanted in her. And she gave way. She rolled onto her back in between us, pushing my hand away from her thighs. She slightly opened her legs.

For a moment, Jay seemed to wait for me to make a move. But I was so amazed about all this that I unable to do anything. Besides, I figured that Marian was wet for him. She wanted him to fuck her…

Jay moved up and briefly kneeled between her thighs. He lay down on top of Marian’s naked body… He was going to do what I had asked him to do…

“Wait!” I uttered “I want to see it happen.”

I so badly wanted this, even when this was so wrong. I quickly moved behind them and watched from up close.

Jay and Marian continued kissing in the distance but then he lifted his hips. I watched his enormous apparatus dangle above her lower belly. “Tjeez, is that going to fit in?” I wondered. A hand guided his penis towards her glistering lips… His glans touched her vulva… He opened her… her lips embraced his glans when it slipped inside her… Then he pushed forward… I heard Marian sigh deep whilst his shaft disappeared inside her… Wow… this was it!!


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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:28 pm

Now that he was inside her he just lay motionless on top of her for a while, as though he wanted her to get used to his size. All I could see now were his balls. I gently pushed his scrotum aside and saw that he was now fully inside her, save a last inch. I bent forward and licked the place where his cock and her pussy melted together. I smelled their combined genital odour… Strange… Of course, my spontaneous action was a little distracting, and I came back up on my knees behind them.

Jay began to gyrate his hips up against her pelvis, apparently to stretch her until his last inch was also fully inside her. They still kissed whilst he began to gently fuck her.

My mind was racing whilst I watched my girlfriend getting fucked by someone else… I had never seen a couple have sex before, let alone my own girlfriend with another guy. It blew me away.

It was a smack in my face but also incredibly hot and actually very beautiful… In a slow rhythm Jay moved his ass slightly up and then slowly forward down, sliding back in her, deep in Marian’s lower belly. She must have felt so very good for him. I could hardly see her by the way. His naked body covered her nearly completely, except for her legs on either side of his hips, her hands that caressed his back and her blonde hair. I heard her sigh and moan underneath him though, not very loud but more pronounced than she usually was with me.

Of course, I masturbated myself during their copulation. What else could I do? They had sex in missionary position, which effectively kept me from contributing. I had to be careful not to come because I was already edging.

After a while, maybe five or ten minutes, I started to feel left out and tapped on his legs, saying that I wanted my turn.

“Okay” he sighed “just a moment”. He kept going for a while more and then rolled off her. His cock was still hard, so he hadn’t come yet.

Instead of taking my turn, I felt a strong urge to go down on her instead. I dived down and started licking her. Jay didn’t stay still and kneeled above her face. His dick dangled above her for a moment. Marian she reached out with her hand. He lowered himself a bit further and she closed her lips around his glans. Oh man, would she even do that for him…? It was an amazing sight when I looked up from her crotch. His shaft seemed even bigger now…

After a while she stopped blowing Jay because she didn’t want him to come just yet. She wanted me inside her now. “Yeah, come on” Jay said. I felt a little forced because I knew that I was actually a bit too hot. Then again, I had asked for it myself.

I moved up a bit and stroked my overheated dick to make it fully hard. I had to be very careful because I was already at the edge of coming from the very beginning… It was too much… I just couldn’t control it. My balls tingled and something contracted… A big drop of cum appeared on my dick and dripped on the bed sheet below. Shit! But I had come only half and managed to slip in Marian’s pussy. Oh my… She was so hot, so wet inside!

Worse still, Jay jokingly started to rub my balls. “Come on man”. The unexpected additional stimulus was too much. I felt my balls contract again. I nearly came in full. I really couldn’t do it and decided to give up and pulled out. I had been inside her for 15 seconds or so.

“It’s okay,” a voice in my head said “she’s got an alternative now. Just let him do the hard work.”

I kneeled next to Marian’s face. I felt her warm lips around my glans. I still had to be careful not to come but it was a bit easier to control my dick.

Jay did not waste the opportunity to resume what he was doing to her just earlier. He moved back between her thighs, my place. I watched how he guided his cock behind her pubic mound and moved his hips forward. He was now inside her. He started to fuck her whilst he held her by her knees. I now saw his shaft sliding in and out her. He picked up a more powerful motion and caused Marian to stop sucking me. She simply had to focus on absorbing Jay’s pounding. He lay on top of her and they became one. She was so loud!

Perhaps my failure to perform had encouraged Jay to show me how it’s done?

Marian let go completely now. Her sighs became moans and near-screams of sheer pleasure. I had never seen her like this, but then again I had never fucked her so firmly. I had never before considered myself a sub-standard performer in bed but for sure I could not ever match what Jay was doing to her now. For a moment it seemed that she might even reach. That would be a first time ever because she never had.

Eventually Jay slowed down. He said that he was about to come. Neither Marian nor I intervened. She wanted this; and I was paralysed, unable to do or say anything beyond just sitting there on my knees and stroking myself.

Marian lay quietly underneath Jay, waiting for him to cum in her…

She looked at me for a second and smiled. Jay reclaimed her attention.

Jay pounded his hips against hers until he pushed very deep inside her…. He held back one thrust, groaned, pulled back and rammed forward again … and again… With each thrust that he skipped he unloaded more cum inside my girlfriend’s precious belly… Six, seven… eight times… Fifteen seconds later it was over. He had cum in her, in front of my eyes.

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:29 pm

Jay kissed her and rolled off. I now saw what he had done when a wad of cum oozed out and stuck between her butt cheeks. Woah… I felt a strong urge to go down on her again, but Marian now wanted me to fuck her. She came carefully upright and kneeled on all fours with her hand pressed against her crotch to prevent Jay’s cum from flowing back. She offered me to enter her from behind. I moved forward and slipped in ever so easily. Oh man, she was so warm, so soft, so slippery, so sloppy, so soggy and so deep! My foreskin didn’t even slide back; all I felt was wetness and heat. Having already come half way hardly helped my stamina. I grabbed her ass, pushed forward, and let go.

When I pulled out I noticed that Jay’s cum had formed a slick ring around the base of my cock.

Wow, that was great! Never mind that my contribution was minimal. I offered to get us a drink and left them alone for a while. When I walked back into the room, they were kissing. Like that first time, they looked up and laughed sheepishly.

After sipping some wine, Marian noticed that Jay’s dick was still half hard. She bent over his lap and licked his dick.

“Hmm, it’s becoming hard again!” she said, looking back at him with a grin.

Indeed, his dick had come back in full size.

Marian made herself comfortable and bent back down over his lap. I watched how she took his head back into her mouth. Her blonde head gently move up and down above his lower belly. I moved closer and watched how she used her lips and tongue to pleasure him whilst she stroked his foreskin. Jay sighed… I knew, she’s so good at this.

She looked up at him again.

“You have a nice cock Jay. Has any girl ever told you that before?”

She continued to give Jay her sweetest blowjobs, and made sure I could see what she did for him. Every time her blonde hair fell in front of her face, she’d slide it back behind her ear. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. ‘Look at me… I’m doing it… Do you like what you see?’

To my complete surprise, Marian asked me if I wanted to try. We had never discussed that and for sure I had never done it. I hesitated but figured that if she wanted me to do it, why not? I bent forward and took Jay’s dick in my mouth. He tasted neutral. It was strange to do this but I gave it my best, recalling in mind what Marian had taught me about blowjobs. It’s a handjob combined with French-kissing, so that’s what I did. Jay didn’t object. Marian watched me until I let her take over from me. I hoped that she would make him cum in her mouth but she had other plans.

“I want to fuck some more” she told Jay whom started to sit back upright.
“Just stay put”, she cooed, “I’ll come on top of you.”

Marian straddled over his lap and guided Jay’s penis inside her. She lowered her hips until he was fully inside her. Then she started to ride him with long slow strokes, clearly to enjoy feeling his whole length slide in her. But her cunt was too wet and after a few strokes he accidentally slipped out. She held his penis upright and again and continued riding him. When he slipped out once more, I held his dick up for her to she could ride him some more. I felt the slick wetness on his foreskin and watched him disappear deep inside her once again.

They fucked for a while and then changed positions a final time. Marian came on all fours and Jay kneeled behind her. I saw how she turned her blue eyes roll up when he re-entered her. He grabbed her firmly by her hips and started fucking her.

“Pat, pat, pat…”

I looked in Marian’s eyes and saw how horny she was. Her lips shone from saliva.

“Aaahhhhh!!!” Jay grunted, slapping his hips up against her ass a few last times during his second orgasm inside my girlfriend’s pussy that night…

We tried to sleep together in our bed. I spooned up against Marian and she held him on her side. I was so tired and about to fall asleep when I suddenly felt something strange around my crotch. Oh man, it was Jeroen’s cum which was slowly running down her ass. My dick jumped back alive but Marian was already sleeping… What to do? I rolled on my back and started to masturbate secretly…

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by larryt » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:57 pm

I was enjoying this story. If responses on the thread will encourage you to continue it, please consider this encouragement.


Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:52 pm

larryt wrote:I was enjoying this story. If responses on the thread will encourage you to continue it, please consider this encouragement.
Yes, please!!!!! :up:

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:07 pm

It just gets better, thank you, can't wait for the next developments

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Re: Marian and Jay

Unread post by Ijustloveher » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:56 pm

I ought to revive this thread.

It is just so much work to write, capture things, just right on spot. Live up to expectations, my own upfront, sensitive to the slightest misdemeanour in style and language.

Luckily, I can draw from a fixed wealth of experience, one full of emotional roller coasters, amazing sex and the gradual crossing of boundaries, the taking down of rules and conventions - even when they may appear quite "vanilla" to some in the forum.

The three/two of us never got into the flow of open humiliation, multiple men, black men, cross dressing, leather, cages and all that. For us, it was about embracing a very close friend into our (sexual) relationship. Because we loved him, and because he was cool and great in bed.

We had no idea what cuckolding was all about back then. It all came to us as a raw fantasy and experience with seemingly no one around to understand or relate. It wasn't easy in that sense. It was a lonely journey for us, for all three of us.

This forum would have helped us see that we were not alone. But even after having been on this forum for years, I still don't understand why we want the things that we want. None of us do. Most likely, it has to do with current dominant culture being out of whack with our biological nature. No need to go there in more detail because the answers there are as clear to any of us as the reason why the universe exists.

But, and this is such a gift: the universe exists and so does my experience with Marian and Jay, and that experience was pretty damn close to unfathomable greatness. I felt that the very essence of my/our being was touched during the experience. Not the whole of life but a very significant portion of it. One that covers a dive into deep intimacy, the meaning of love, reproduction and friendship.

That said, I have also poorly managed aspects of it all. I did not want to hear to repeated warnings that Marian gave me over time. I did not talk to Jay enough. We did not talk with the three of us, not often enough about the real thing. To me, cuckoldry became an obsession, something that undermined, rather than built, something beautiful. I never wanted that, of course, quite on the contrary!

But I do not think that I could have managed things any other way than that I did. Not then, probably not now either.

So there you have it, for those who enjoyed the train wreck scenario. Our story eventually crashed. But at hindsight, I would do it all over again, regardless. Trying to keep the balls up in the air better, in the hope of getting a little more time, a few more events of it happening.

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