Ponytail: A Bull's Story

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:58 pm

Whew! Good stuff

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by kinkycouple2004 » Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:17 pm


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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by pumachug » Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:28 am

Great chapter---but your numbering is off.

Already posted Chapter 10. This was Chapter 11.

Look forward to Chapter 12!!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:03 am

pumachug wrote:Great chapter---but your numbering is off.

Already posted Chapter 10. This was Chapter 11.

Look forward to Chapter 12!!!
Thanks P! That is the kind of stupid thing that happens when you try to rush a bit of writing out. I'll just have to fire my editor...wait, that is me!



Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:04 pm

Joatster wrote:
pumachug wrote:Great chapter---but your numbering is off.

Already posted Chapter 10. This was Chapter 11.

Look forward to Chapter 12!!!
Thanks P! That is the kind of stupid thing that happens when you try to rush a bit of writing out. I'll just have to fire my editor...wait, that is me!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fantastic chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by bradisalpha » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:20 am

Your detailed seduction is very, very exciting. I have used these detailed steps to bring an "interested" wife down the path of submissive hot wife, along with her husband as a submissive cuckold, and the path is exciting beyond description. However, I doubt if I would have the patience (let alone the time) to write the whole process in detail as you are doing. I compliment you for writing this thread in hopes that the readers then understand how strong the psychological arousal of the mind is and how it draws a person in. How it seduces and brings out desires that are buried so deep inside a person and how strong the urge becomes to experience these feelings once they are realized. Great job !!!

I have been considering writing a "biography", so to speak, starting when I was very young to present, describing how I discovered my dominance but did not realize it until my mid twenties... And how I refined it once I realized the power within myself. I believe at this point in my life I am probably a qualified psychologist !! Much the same as you, seeing the understanding you have of the mind and the sexual arousal that is inside it waiting and begging to be revealed !! Maybe I will post it here in the library as you have ??

Again, great job and I am sincerely excited to hear the rest of your detailed seduction of Lou and Jeff.

Read my Bio: "Brad.. from the beginning" ...

Sissy Cuckold Club...

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:10 am

You are the type of Bull who is really ideal...I need to find someone like you!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by lex3 » Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:30 pm

waiting patiently for the next installment

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:46 pm

I'm waiting too! This is killer stuff...

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:39 pm

Here you go. Thanks for the encouragement. It keeps me writing.

Chapter 12

The following Monday, while I was at the gym for a workout, I spotted Lou with a few of her soccer mom buddies. They were all talking and laughing while throwing covert glances my way. I grabbed my towel and went over to see what was up.

“Hello, ladies. How are you this fine morning?”

Eva, a slightly plump latina, said, “We are doing great…Mr. Bond.” The ladies all cracked up.

“What’s that about?” I asked.

Jan responded for the group. “I was telling them you really rocked that tux the other night.”

“Ahh…” I replied. “A well fit tux only helps a gentleman provide the frame to display a woman’s beauty. You were lovely the other night. I was proud to be allowed the honor of a dance with you.” There were titters in the group. “And Lou, you were also a wonderful dance partner. Any time either of you wish a dance you only have to let me know.”

“You think you might give some lessons to our husbands? Their idea of a night out requires a big screen, wings, and beer. I doubt any of our guys could walk across the dance floor with any grace at all.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have the requisite patience to be much of an instructor for your husbands. My mother is the dance teacher. Unfortunately, my mom is in Georgetown, Texas. It would be quite a trip for your guys to learn from her.”

There was more banter, and then it was time for me to finish my workout. “Lou, I’ll be done here in twenty minutes or so. I have some papers for Jeff in my car. Would it be alright to give them to you to take to him? It would save me a trip over to his office.”

“Sure. I’ll be headed out about then, myself.”

I met Lou at my car twenty-five minutes later. “Here is an envelope of junk mail for you. Just throw it out later. As you requested, I’m being careful not to let your friends know that you are a horny little slut that wants me to do unspeakable things to you.” Lou shivered as she took the envelop from me. “So, little one, how did things go for you after leaving the benefit? Did it lead to hot sex? Or maybe a bit of honest discussion between your husband and you?”

Lou nodded. “Both.”

“Very nice. I expected as much. Did you realize Jeff had been closely watching us while we danced? I’m sure he was hard the whole time.”

“He, uhm, he told me that…that he enjoyed seeing us together.”

“Did he give you a peek at his secret desires?”

Lou was looking around, worried about an audience. “Yes.”

“My address is on that junk mail. Stop by this afternoon. We’ll make a plan for what is next.”

“But I have to…”

I cut her off. “You can squeeze out a few minutes for me, now can’t you?”

“I don’t know that I should. I don’t want to be seen like that.”

“What? Stopping by a friend’s house for a few minutes?”

She wouldn’t meet my gaze. “Stopping by a handsome single guy’s apartment in the middle of the day.”

“You won’t be there long enough to raise suspicions…not unless you want to. Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?”

“I don’t...well, yes. But I don’t think I should. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Cold feet? You may have cold feet, little one, but your cunt is hot for more. You want more, you need it. I can tell by the way your nipples are fighting with that little jog bra that they want to spend some time with me. The minute I mentioned my place, your breathing changed, your nipples popped, and you got that slightly mottled flush on your neck. All signs of arousal my dear. You want to be there, so make the time. I’m going to be home all afternoon. My drive leads all the way around to the back. No one will know you have come calling.” I met her eyes and made sure my posture and tone were those of command presence. “Be there, or I might give Jan more than a dance. She seems quite willing.”

With that, I slipped into my car and pulled out, leaving Lou standing there with an envelope in her hand. I chuckled to myself. Lou had shown a flash of jealousy when I danced with Jan the other night. My threat to turn my attention towards Jan would allow Lou to build the argument within herself that she needed to go forward with meeting me.

I was on my back porch booking tickets to Austin to go help a panicked customer when Lou pulled in and parked her car. She got out and I was very pleased at what she wore. A green sleeveless blouse and white denim shorts. The shorts were tight and short. She looked yummy as she came up the steps.

“One sec. I’ve got to finish this. Go on inside and get us both a glass of iced tea. Tea’s in the fridge, glasses are to the right of the sink. I’ll meet you in the living room.” I hadn’t looked up from the laptop. This was a test to see how willing would she be to just accede to my order. If she just did it without comment or complaint, I would know she had completely overcome her hesitation to give herself to me. If she balked or if she said something about not wanting any, I’d need to do some more work.

She stood there looking at me. I counted off six seconds and was about to get firm with her, when she moved to the door. Interesting. She hadn’t completely rolled over, but she didn’t push back. I finished my reservations and closed the laptop. As I looked at a few birds on the back fence, I made some plans.

Entering the living room, I found Lou sitting on the couch with two glasses of tea in her hands. “I couldn’t find any coasters, and I couldn’t put these here.” She nodded at my coffee table. It was a heavy slab of walnut with live edges. There were a couple of ebony Dutchman joints inlayed and the whole thing was polished to a high sheen.

I snagged a couple of coasters from the bar and said, “You like the table? I made it with my grandpop when I was in high school. He had a real nice woodshop and he taught me how to do woodwork.”

She ran a hand over the shiny surface. “It is beautiful.”

“I think it would be lovely to see your naked body stretched over it.”

She froze in a total deer-in-the-headlights moment. “I…uh.”

“Don’t get too excited just yet, my pet. It isn’t time for it yet.”

I watched her body closely. I needed to read how she felt about what she was saying. The body language cues and the facial expressions and micro-expressions can tell a story to someone who understands them and has a decent baseline on the subject. I felt I could read Lou like a book.

She sat with one foot crossed over the other and her knees held together. She sat forward in the couch, not touching the back. Her hands were in her lap, with one hand over the wrist of the opposite arm. I was seeing a lot of tension and discomfort.

“Tell me, Lou, what are you worried about? We are just talking here. I’ll never do anything to hurt you, your family, or your social standing. You have my word on that. Anything you and Jeff and I agree on will be kept private.”

“I guess, I know that. I feel like what we did the other week was a bad thing.”

“Bad thing?” This was southern mores, the social customs and conventions of the community weighing on this belle. “Let’s look at that. We didn’t break a law, now did we?”


“We weren’t seen or found out by anyone in the community, were we?”


I slid closer to her and took her hands in mine. “Have we done something that hurt your relationship with Jeff?” I caught her gaze and held it, watching the pupil.

“Well, no. But it is changing.”

“Changing how?”

“He has been so horny.”

“So this bad thing is that you and your husband have had more sex?”

“No. I don’t know.”

“I do, Lou. I know. This is different. This challenges the socially accepted behaviors. There is risk. There is the unknown. This scares you, doesn’t it?” She nodded, lost in my eyes. I brought her knuckles up to my lips and kissed them. “Fear isn’t to be avoided. It is to be used. It makes us careful to not become the subject of gossips. It makes us careful to be sure both you and Jeff want this. It makes me careful to stop things the minute any of it is out of control. You can put a stop to things any time you want, you know that?” She nodded her head while maintaining eye contact. “But you don’t want to stop, do you? You spent a lot of time deciding to wear those white shorts here. I bet you have sexy little panties on underneath, and I can tell you aren’t wearing a bra, either.” I brushed the back of my hand over a stiff nipple.

“Mmmm,” She moaned. “Yes. No. I mean…I mean I don’t want to stop.”

I moved back out of contact with her. “Fine. I’m glad to hear that. Now tell me about Jeff and you. Tell me about what you talked about.”

“On the drive home from the benefit, I talked about how handsome you were and how much fun it was dancing with you. Then I put my hand in Jeff’s lap. He was hard.” She shook her head. “He almost put us in a ditch.”

“Then what,” I encouraged.

Her expression changed to one of impishness. “I acted offended. I asked if he was turned on by you, too.” She laughed. “I don’t know what upset him more, the implication that he was sexually interested in you or that I admitted I was turned on by you. I kept the pressure on him all the way home. I was teasing him saying how sexy you looked and how well you danced, and then I’d say something like ‘I can understand you being attracted to him.’ It was so funny to see him so upset.”

My little pet project here had a mean streak. I’d have to remember that. “What happened when you got home?”

“He was ready to burst. He finally said, that he wasn’t attracted to you, but that he was so turned on by watching me with you.” Her eyes had tracked up and to her left, a sign of remembering imagery.

“What are you remembering now, Lou?”

“Hmm, Oh, well, when he said that I…” she blushed at speaking about her memory, “I unzipped him and…well…you know.”

“Tell me.”

“I used my mouth on him.”

“Oh, you gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek?” She blushed brighter and shook her head. “Tell me, my pet.”

“I sucked his dick.”

I smiled. This was going very well. “Did he cum?” She nodded. “Did he cum on you or did he cum in your mouth?”

She was glowing red, now. “Both.”

“Very nice. Now tell me, did you two talk more? I mean when you weren’t overheated?”

She nodded again. “Yes, several times.”

She was obediently responding to me, but not taking a single step without prodding. “Lou, you know where I’m going with this. Tell me.” I stood and moved to the fireplace. I felt that standing while she sat and assuming a commanding position in the room should do it.

It did. “He told me that he has fantasies about me being with other men sometimes. He told me that it turned him on to think of me being a hot wife.”

“You mean hotwife. Not a wife in the sauna, but a wife who partakes in sexual pleasures away from her husband.”

She nodded. “I told him how sexy I thought you were and that maybe we could think about trying it with you.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he wanted to think about it.” She smiled slyly. “But his dick was standing up in his pants. We haven’t talked about it since then, but we have had sex two, sometimes three, times a day.”

“It sounds like you are both ready for the next step.” I paced a moment thinking it through, or at least pretending to think it through. “Friday night. Can you see to it that you and Jeff are home alone on Friday?”

She thought about it. “Jeff’s parents can watch Derrick. They’ve been wanting to take him to Pigeon Forge. He and Jan’s son can go for the weekend together with them.”

“Good. Your son will be out of the house all weekend. There will be no distractions. Very good.” Lou preened at the compliment. “Tell Jeff that you invited me to dinner and drinks on Friday. Don’t tell him there is any plan beyond that. Just let his imagination run wild. Let him take it further in his mind.”

I could have hosted them here if there was a problem getting their son out of the house, but by doing this at Jeff’s house, I could ‘take over’ his territory. Having him here, I could dominate things by keeping him uncomfortable and clearly in a beta position within my space, but by taking control of his space I would be even more firmly in control. This was all about control.

Lou asked, “Is there? Is there a plan beyond that?”

“No, we’ll play it by ear. We’ll all three talk and see who wants what.” And then, I thought, I’ll fuck you senseless while Jeff pounds his pud.

“Friday evening, then. I’ll be there at seven. I’m not a picky eater, but no broccoli. We don’t want gas, if you follow my meaning.” She smiled and nodded. I looked at her posture. Here legs were still crossed at the ankles, but her knees had drifted apart. Her left hand was in her lap unconsciously stroking her thigh. Her right hand was propped behind her, forcing her chest forward. This was going to be fun.

“Before you go, Lou, one last thing.” She perked up and leaned forward. “Strip and get on that table.”

She grinned and jumped to it. She turned her back and teased me a bit as she disrobed. Then she gently sat on my table. She was a perfect combination of cute and sexy.

“Now lie down and touch yourself, for me.” Without hesitation, she did as told. “Think about Friday night. If things go well, you might get to feel my hand on you, my naked skin on yours. You might get to feel my cock slide between your lips and into your mouth.”

As I spoke, her hand was flashing over her clit. “You will definitely feel my hand on your ass, little one. I do believe you earned a swat that I didn’t yet give you.” Her back arched and she had an orgasm. Damn, she was responsive.

“Now go home and set things up. I’ll be out of town until Friday afternoon.”

Once she left, I grabbed a beer and went back to my back porch. It was a very good day.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:54 pm

Another chapter of slowly ratcheting up the sexual tension. Exquisite torture.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Open2it » Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:49 pm

You've done a great job of setting the scene for the weekend!


Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by OOAA » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:18 pm

GREAT story!!!!!!!!!!! :up: :up:

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:33 pm

Damn!!! So hot!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:02 pm

I hope the next installments don't take too long to complete, you have me hooked now and I cannot wait for the next installments.
You are a very talented writer, well done, the story has sucked me right in, from reading the first chapter this morning. :up: :up:

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:04 pm

Ahhh... another addict! Join the club.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Wed Feb 15, 2017 2:54 am

Another great installment from a master storyteller. Can't wait till Friday night comes around.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by pumachug » Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:29 am

I love the slow deliberate pace of the story. EXCELLENT!!!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:58 am

can't wait to hear what happens next.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:27 pm

Chapter 13

On Friday afternoon, I pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt after showering off the grunge from flying back home. Sharing an aluminum can for hours with a hundred other people coughing and sneezing is enough to turn almost anyone into a germaphobe. At least the flights were on time and the TSA hadn’t probed any of my orifices.

As I fixed myself a sandwich I began pondering the plans for the evening. I was sure I had worked Lou up enough that she would be highly responsive and willing to pretty much do whatever I wanted. I would still be taking baby steps with her – there would be no sense jumping straight to anything extreme. A proper slut doesn’t burst forth all at once. You must allow time for the maturation of attitudes and acceptance.

No, the real question mark for tonight was Jeff. His browsing history showed that he had been looking at a wide range of activity involving infidelity. He’d been reading and looking at everything from harsh female dominated cuckoldry with cock cages and denial and humiliation, to the complete opposite with the with the wife being dominated and abused. There were also side trips with variations of consensual infidelity, hot wifery, voyeurism, vanilla threesomes, bisexual threesomes. There had been a broad range of things on his computer. There wasn’t a real clue as to the spot on that three-D matrix of related sexual activities was his sweet spot.

I popped open a nice crisp OMB Captain Jack pilsner and sat down for lunch as I thought about Jeff. The Old Mecklenburg Brewery sure produced some nice beer. Based on my observations of Jeff, I suspected he had some voyeuristic tendencies. The way he watched Lou and I dancing gave me that. The real question was where he fell on the scale that ran from totally dominated wimp cuckold to dominant master of a slut wife. I could easily cut half of that scale off, he wasn’t dominant. At the same time, he didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would get off by totally folding to a dominant wife and bull.

My best guess, based on limited interaction was that he would fall into the fuzzy area between wittol and cuckold. He was a certainly a voyeur who wanted a hot wife. That was close enough I decided. There was no need to not get too concerned about precision in figuring Jeff out as this would only be a starting point. I felt he would be malleable enough that with a little time and guidance, I could put him anywhere I wanted. I decided to read until time to get ready to go visit my project couple. I grabbed a book and kicked back on my couch.

At precisely seven o’clock I knocked on the front door of Jeff and Lou’s house. Despite the muggy heat, I’d worn a nice sport coat over my untucked dress shirt and jeans. There is always method to my choices. This one would let me quickly establish priority over Jeff.

Jeff answered the door and said, “Hi Dan. We are glad you’ve come over. Lou is finishing preparations in the kitchen.”

We shook hands and I let him lead me into the living room. As he asked if I’d like a drink, I pulled off my sport coat and handed it to him. “Take care of that, will you Jeff? And, yes, a beer would be nice.”

He scurried off with my coat and on a mission to bring me a drink – perfect. Now I just needed to do a bit of reinforcement of the social positions and we’d all be good.

Jeff returned with a frosted mug with a nice head on it. I was sitting in the middle of the couch, forcing him to choose a side chair. I was careful with my body posture, making sure to take up space, sprawl a bit, and be relaxed. Jeff was on the edge of his seat, tense and tight. It was as if I’d sent a script for him to follow ahead of my visit.

I took a sip of the beer. It was very good. “You did well Jeff. This beer is excellent. What is it? I’m going to have to get some.”

Jeff beamed. “I do some home brewing in my spare time. I made this one.” This led to a ten-minute discussion about brewing and beer. I am fond of quality brews and Jeff turned out to be knowledgeable about local craft breweries. This was valuable bonding time for Jeff and I. We were making a personal connection not directly related to his wife. He promised me a growler of his home brew to take home.

“If you boys are done going on about beer, get in here for dinner,” said Lou from the dining room. I turned and found my little pet dressed in an innocent looking light dress. It was clearly high fashion without being overtly sexy. I gave her a hard look accompanied by a raised eyebrow. “I…I mean you can continue your discussion at dinner, we don’t want it cold, do we?” she stammered. She was picking up on my cues nicely. I wasn’t about to be ordered around by my little pet.

The food was good, the conversation banal. Once the food was almost gone, I took over. “Lou, bring Jeff and I some coffee. He and I will be in the living room while you clean up.” They both sat there looking like slack jawed, mouth breathing, NASCAR fans at my command. I stood up and as I left the room said, “C’mon, Jeff, we need to talk.” I was pressing them both, but I knew I had Lou’s measure. I was taking a small risk with Jeff, but thought he was enough of a follower to not resist. I was right, he followed me back to the living room.

As we sat he said, “I really should help Lou…”

“No. This gives us time for a man-to-man discussion.”

He was nonplussed. “About what?”

I leaned back and spread my arms on the back of the couch, crossed my ankle over a knee and said, “Lou looks lovely tonight, doesn’t she?”

This confused him. It showed on his face. “Well, yes.”

“I don’t know what is more attractive, “The elegant version of her we saw at the benefit last week, or the sweet but somehow still sexy version that served us a fine dinner.” I paused a moment as if debating, then went on, “Of course, at the gym she can be breathtaking as the sexy athlete in those shorts and jog bra. You are fortunate she was attracted to your inner qualities rather than looking for some big handsome stud with looks equivalent to hers.”

“I…uhh…yeah. She is attractive.” His body language was telling me he was uncomfortable, but interested in the conversation. He was leaning forward to catch every word, but his hands were busy and anxious.

I slowly leaned forward, making eye contact. I tented my fingertips thoughtfully and said, “So, tell me Jeff, have you ever shared Lou? I mean with another man…or woman for that matter.”

“Erp!” He swallowed nervously several times. What was encouraging, though, was that although he sat up straighter, he hadn’t pulled away. Close observation of body language can be better than a lie detector.

“Well? Have you?” I repeated the question.

He shook his head. “No.”

“Hmmm. That’s interesting. Ever thought about it?”

Bullseye. He wanted to lie to me and say no almost as much as his inner pervert wanted to run to the kitchen and deliver Lou to me. He practically vibrated in his chair. Lou chose that moment to walk in with coffee for us. She sat a tray down with mugs of java, some cream, and sugar.

“Here you go, gentlemen. Anything else?”

“I think that will do. Give us a few more minutes,” I responded. Jeff was still jammed up and not speaking. I turned to watch Lou leave. Her ponytail bobbed gently as she walked away.

I picked up a mug and blew on it. “Yes, she is lovely, Jeff. So, where were we?”


“Oh, that’s right. I asked if you had thought about what it would be like to share your sexy little hot wife with another man, hadn’t I?” I loaded this question.

“Uh huh.”

“So you have! That’s very progressive of you, a lot of husbands would not have the confidence to admit thinking about it, let alone do it.”

“No, I meant…You asked if that was what you asked. I was answering that, not about the sharing…” His voice trailed off.

“It is okay, Jeff, you’ve already admitted it. It’s not like I’m going to dash in to the kitchen and molest her or anything. We are just talking here.” I took a sip of the coffee and gave him a chance to back out. He didn’t. “It takes a special kind of person to admit that kind of fantasy aloud, Jeff. There is a strength of character necessary. It seems you have it.”

“Well…I guess so.” He was looking at his hands.

“I have some knowledge and experience in these matters, Jeff. Can I give you a bit of advice?”

His head popped up. “Sure.”

“You have to be careful to find a…” I almost said bull, “…partner who understands and respects the dynamic. Someone who knows it isn’t about just his pleasure, or even the pleasure of the wife. There are three legs to the relationship and all three need satisfaction, even though each participant needs something different. On top of that, the fundamental relationship, between husband and wife, needs to be respected and strengthened – never threatened. Do you follow me?” He was bouncing his left heel as I spoke.

“Yes, that makes sense.” His voice was week and a bit shaky.

“Have some of that coffee, Jeff. It will help.” As if he needed caffeine right now. It would help me to have him a bit wired, though. As he sipped I went on. “The other important thing is communication. By telling me you’ve thought about sharing her, you are doing well. Have the two of you spoken about…” I paused for effect, “widening your horizons, Jeff?” He nodded jerkily in response. “Although non-verbal communication is still communication, you really should use your words, Jeff. Tell me about what you’ve talked about.”

Here was the moment. Jeff was choosing their future over coffee with me. If he told me to pound sand, it was all over. If he demurred without being aggressive about it, I might have a slim shot at another try. But, if he gave me anything, anything at all, then tonight was going to be thrilling beyond measure for him and his wife.

He was staring into his coffee cup as if it were the magic eight ball with an answer about to float to the surface. Then he looked up and swallowed. His expression told me what he was about to do. “Well, we did talk about what it might be like. You know, for her to be with someone.”

“I see. And that idea is interesting, exciting, for both of you?”

“The idea is. The potential for reality…that’s pretty scary, though.”

“I get that. So tell me, how did Lou take it when you talked about it?”

“She thought it might be fun.”

“And here we sit.” I watched Jeff put his coffee down. His hand was shaking. “Jeff, would you be okay with a little experiment? Something for both you and Lou to put a toe in the water and see if you might want to go for a swim”

He nodded in agreement. His body relaxed a notch. He liked the idea, not realizing that what he was doing was more akin to ‘trying out’ the first ten feet of a seventy-foot water slide. Stopping the slide would be problematic.

“Words, Jeff, use your words.”

“Sorry. Yes. A toe in the water to see how things feel would be good.”

“Okay then. Take the coffee and fixings in to the kitchen and finish the cleanup. Give me five minutes to talk with Lou, and then you can come back.”

He left quickly. Lou came back in after a couple of minutes. “I don’t know what you’ve said to him, but he is about to burst.”

“We just talked about how he felt about learning a little about what it might be like for him to share you with another man. Come here, pet. Sit on my lap.”

She sat down on my lap and I turned her so that she faced forward with her legs outside of mine. It was very unladylike. “No, this won’t do, too far, too fast. However,” I spun her to one side, “I do like the feel of you on my lap.” With one finger on her cheek, I guided her to me for a deep kiss. I could taste the coffee she must have had while cleaning the kitchen.

“Okay, pet. Let’s move to the chair over here. You stand next to me when Jeff comes back. Okay?”

Her neck and the bit of chest exposed by her dress were flushed. I was willing to bet her panties were soaked.

Jeff returned to find me sitting in his chair and Lou standing to the right of it facing him. “I think you should sit down, Jeff.” He perched on the couch. “Now, cards on the table, we have all three spoken with each other about you two widening your sexual experiences a bit, right?”

Jeff started to nod, then caught himself. “Yes.”

I looked up at Lou and raised my eyebrows in question. She nodded. I popped her on the butt. It was barely more than a pat. Both she and Jeff jumped. “Yes,” she said. “We have all talked about it. Just not, not all together.”

“And the idea is exciting to both of you. But it is scary, too. Right?”

“Yes. It is that roller coaster feeling. Exciting, but scary,” said Lou.

“Exactly,” followed Jeff.

“So we’ll do a little experiment and see if it is too scary. No harm, no foul. Just a little test. Okay.”

Jeff and Lou looked at each other. I could see that nonverbal communication thing going on that long-married couples have. After a moment, they both said, “Yes.”

Without saying anything, I slowly slid my hand up the back of Lou’s leg under her dress. Once my hand was high enough, I said to Jeff, “You don’t know right now Jeff. You don’t know if my hand under your wife’s dress is stroking her smooth thigh or if it is rubbing her pussy through her panties, do you?”

“No.” His voice was rough.

“It might be that I had her take them off while you were out of the room. I might be knuckles deep in your wife. What do you think about that?”

Sweat was beading on his forehead. “Oh, God.”

I raised my forefinger and inch to actually touch Lou’s pussy. The little minx was bare under the dress. I stroked her wet pussy lips. She moaned. “What do you think, Jeff. Is she faking that to see what you will do? Or do I have my fingers in her most private of places?”

Jeff squeezed his legs together and licked his dry lips. “I think…I think you are touching her.”

“How do you feel about that?

“It’s so hot.”

“Lou, your husband thinks I’m touching your pussy and is obviously very excited about it. Tell me how you feel about it.” I bounced her clit a couple of times. Her legs shook.

“I love it.”

“So the result of our little test is that you both liked this?” I got a verbal yes from both of them. “Lou, why don’t you lift the front of your dress and show Jeff what is happening here.”

She reached down with both hands and started gathering the bottom of her dress up. My middle finger was inside her. Jeff just moaned when her hem lifted above my hand. As I slowly stroked her pussy, I said, “Would you both like to go a little further?”

“Ohh, yes,” was Lou’s immediate answer.

Jeff said, “I…I’d like that.”

“To make this easy on Lou,” I said as I removed my hand and stood up, “I think she and I will have a little…private time. Can you handle that, Jeff?”

“Private time?” he asked.

“Yes. It is hard for a woman to let go in front of her husband. She needs a bit of time alone with me. Don’t you think so, Lou.”

“It would be easier. Jeff, why don’t you wait out here.”

“Don’t worry, Jeff,” I said as the three of us went down the hall. “She will tell you all about it, later.” I walked into the bedroom. “Lou, give Jeff a kiss and tell him thanks for being such a great husband.” She did it. “Now, my pet, shut that door.” Not only did she close it, but she locked it. Then she turned to me with her back to the door, looking perfectly edible.

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Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:37 pm

Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Star42 » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:27 pm



Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by FNQLivin » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:25 pm

Fantastic. I love this!

Posts: 284
Joined: Tue May 20, 2008 10:53 am

Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by ascissorrunner » Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:57 pm


Posts: 142
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:39 am

Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by soupcan_44 » Fri Feb 17, 2017 6:09 am

Jeff just opened Pandora's box....

Posts: 270
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:28 am
Location: outside Philly, PA

Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:36 am

can't wait for the next installment...............

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