Just Beginning

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
Her number1

Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Mar 29, 2017 6:52 pm

It is hard to concentrate on them when they say the "right" things. :lol: Often, it almost hurts when I to hold back and maintain after Farmgirl has said stuff she knows will get me. Practice makes perfect, Most of the time anyway. ;)

It is great to see her letting her self loose, isn't it!

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by HWSage » Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:30 am


You are making progress and I am sure you must feel that. Just keep it moving at her pace.

I would let her know that it was what she said had that affect on you; next time you are making love. Also. although some women are turned on by the word slut, my wife would walk away from this lifestyle altogether if I ever even hinted I felt like she was, so I would not go there, as some others have.

Now, if this was me right now, since you know a guy she kind of likes. Next time I was in bed with her and having intercourse, I would ask what it would feel like to have him sliding his big dick deep inside of her. Then watch her reaction. I bet she will start fucking you super hard. By saying those words, you are placing the thought of it happening in her head. If she is hot for him even a little, you will get a big reaction.

Her body wants it, even if her head does not. Just need to let her feel it more until she gives in to her own desires. Those desires are powerful and if you do not let it go, she will give in to them after a while. You will see.

Just keep telling her how much you love and adore her. She needs to know it is safe for real! In the beginning they just cannot believe it will not crush you, as it would them if you did it.
Last edited by HWSage on Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by PlayboyFan » Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:58 am

Very encouraging! I concur with many above. She definitely is awakened to the idea and working thru it in her head. The more she becomes convinced that you are seriously turned on by her fucking other men, the sooner she will decide to act on it.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:24 am

This is huge! What an exciting time! I would do the same if my wife said that during sex!

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:16 pm

Not a whole lot to pass on lately. My wife started reading, "The Three Marriage Enigmas" this week. Although she is just finished the first few chapters, she told me she finds the information very interesting with a lot of similarities to our relationship. I think as she gets further into the book, it will create more conversation. Our discussion lead into her past and letting go, freeing herself from wanting to fit into what was expected from her upbringing. She agreed that she needed to let go of the past and open up to me. She talks about opening up, but hasn't done it yet.

She has been feeling low the last several weeks and not very sexy. She went out today and was self conscious about her outfit. Believe me, she looked spectacular and I gave her several compliments on how sexy she looked. She told me I was suppose to say that because I was her husband. I told her men check her out all the time and she doesn't notice because she hides herself from seeing it because she feels guilty as a married women. She told me she is friendly toward men when she sees them and smiles. I didn't come out and say it, however, I was leaning toward her flirting with other men. She immediately brought up some men she works with and being friendly. She surprised me by bringing up a client that she had mentioned a couple of years ago who happens to be a nice looking man who was very fond of her. She thinks he was just being nice. No doubt, he wanted to fuck her. I asked if she sees him at work any more and she told me on occasion and she always gives him a hug. This really turned me on hearing this. She has told me in the past about seeing this guy at work and giving him a hug and I didn't pay much attention to her telling me this. I'm sure now she is attracted to him and has thought about him sexually. I smiled and told her all off these men pay attention to her because she is fun to be around, very sexy and They like her sexually. She shook her head in agreement. I think this was her testing me and looking to see my reaction to her comments. As I said, I was turned on by her talking about this.

I was pleased with this slight progress new abuse the conversation occurred outside the bedroom. Hopefully we are moving in the right direction. She asked that we try to spend a couple of hours every few days just us talking. I cannot wait until we can discuss things openly, however, I am being patient waiting for her to totally open up to me. I think she is getting close to letting go. I am very excited and enjoy seeing us progress through this together. The change in my wife makes me so happy, as I really feel she is slowly opening up to me as her best friend. My goal is her happiness.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:56 pm

So Good! Thank you for sharing.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:43 am

Yesterday between interruptions of our kids, my wife brought up my desire for her to have sex with other men. This came out of the blue. I can clearly say, the cats out of the bag!!! She told me it has been bothering her since I first brought this up to her. This led to a very long conversation about our thoughts on marriage, sex and what we both want. We both understand we have not been clearly communicating especially her since she has been holding this inside.

My wife expressed her disappointment in that fact that I brought this up and that she is committed to me in marriage and no one else. She told me she believes I mentioned this because she has only been with one other person and I think it will spice up our sex if she comes home after having sex with someone else. I told her this was about her, our relationship and not necessarily the sex. That she needs to be true to herself and what she wants. She needs to feel good about herself and the fact that she is desired. She was very aggressive in expressing her feelings saying she was upset that I even brought this up. I believe my wife fights herself internally trying to be the best wife, mother, friend, daughter, worker, etc. she is wonderful in all these areas, but doesn't believe it from within herself. We had a lengthy discussion about our relationship and I really felt mixed feelings coming from her. She was telling me that when she married me that she knew I would be the last person she ever had sex with and that is how it is suppose to be. She told me she NEVER thinks about other men sexually. For some reason, I felt like she was telling me what she was, "suppose" to tell me and not what she really feels. Don't get me wrong, she was emotional in the conversation and told me that noon ever tells her how to think or what to do. I told her I was good with her making decision.

Our conversation went back and forth with her doing most of the talking. At one point she told me that I had changed her dress and appearance and was making her into someone she is not. I kept going back to what she wants and her desires to feel beautiful and desired. She really resisted this saying she is only attracted to me and never thinks about other men in a sexual way. This statement really confused me as she mentions men at work and most recently a client she worked with over a year ago. This client is a very nice looking man and when she had talked about seeing him at work she told me she always gives him a hug. That conversation was within the past week.

Our night did not end in anger or hate; however, ended with me having a long session of eating her out to orgasm. It took her a long time to orgasm and when she did, she wanted me to fuck her from behind. Of course I complied with no resistance. She apologized for taking so long to orgasm, saying she was thinking about a lot.

This morning, she left before me and told me she had fun last night and enjoyed our conversation. I'm really confused because that comment doesn't go along with what she was saying last night. My feelings from the conversation were that she was fighting this and is really upset, I ever brought it up. After she left this morning and made that comment that she really had fun last night, I was instantly aroused, thinking she was processing this whole thing and felt better in some way.

I'm a little confused, but hopeful this is the start of better communications.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:51 am

I think your wife finds safety in just you and her, and is afraid to open herself to the possibility of including other men. Unfortunately, for most longtime married couples, the comfort of just the two of you can let boredom set in.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:07 am

You should take away, one, that she is normal. And two, that she is a good woman. And three, that she cares deeply for you and your relationship, and she will do what she must to protect that. She is going to fight it, because she doesn't understand it. There are plenty of facts and history about the evolution of marriage from what it was to what we see it as today. However, even armed with all of that, she will protest, for now. You have to give her time to process all of this, which she still do on her own timing. It would seem you handled the conversation very well, and didn't back down from your desire, or apologize for it. I'm sure she noticed that too. She may be closer than you think if she is bringing it up on het own my friend.

I will certainly be staying tuned!

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:47 am

She has a big difficulty in reconciling fucking other men, and the nature of her commitment to her marriage. She may, down deep, be curious about other men, but that is not something she allows herself to act on as a proper wife.

Probably the idea turns her on, but is an unspoken fantasy.
You have to take her at her word, both, yesterday, and today, even if they imply two different things.
But, it sounds like you have the hang of it.
Baby steps. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by JeffBingham » Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:01 am

Just keep listening to her. There's probably nothing women want more than to be listened to and understood. So just keep listening more, and talking less

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Jeff111 » Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:43 pm

She may have some marriage or self worth insecurities.

Of course she enjoys attention from other men and she may even enjoy the fantasy but she may not wish to ever really have sex outside of marriage - sometimes things are best left as fantasy. You should take that as a big positive and try enjoying some role playing. To overly coerce her into what she doesn't want to do is not wise or fair and could lead to a very bad result!

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:40 am

I appreciate the post containing the different perspectives of our progress. As we continue this journey, one thing is for sure; my wife and I are communicating on a regular basis. This journey thus far, has contained a lot of emotion, however, it has been very exciting and often erotic for my personally. I have to suppress these emotions and feelings, so I remain focused on the most important part. That pert being what my wife really wants and letting her open up to he needs, wants and desires. I know she is very confused internally, as you can see in my last post. What she tells me is often in conflict and her non verbal communication is often conflicting as well.

Not sure where this will all lead, but I want to make sure that should we agree to both try hotwifing, our relationship is secure. Will keep you posted as thing continue along.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:18 am

Appreciate you giving us a view into this part of your life. One thing to remember is that, your journey is just that, YOURS. It is going to be different from mine or anyone else's, and it is supposed to be that way. It is up to you to make fantastic!

Still hoping for the best possible outcome for you both! Staying tuned!

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Wed May 03, 2017 6:12 pm

Friends, I have nothing new to update as my wife and I have been extremely busy with both work and family. I think about hotwifing every day, but have not brought it up to my wife. She has mentioned the men at work however, its been very dry as they have been extremely busy. I think she thinks about what I have brought up but we haven't have any alone time to discuss anything. Today my daughter was telling me how she was bragging to her family about what a wonderful and caring husband I am. This leads me to believe she is not angry about me bring up her having sex outside our marriage. I hope she has had time to process everything and we can discuss more soon. I want her to be happy and hope to have some adult time alone. She has been reading the book "The Three Enigmas" in between everything else going on. On night as she finished a section of the book, she made the comment, "It's like they want me to have an affair". Unfortunately, my daughter came in and we could not discuss it. I believe it's on her mind, at least I hope she is processing it. Sorry for rambling.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed May 03, 2017 7:16 pm

"It's like they want me to have an affair"

Who is 'they'?
And why does it trouble her?
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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Wed May 03, 2017 7:24 pm


Not really sure what she meant by this statement or where she was going with it. I suspect it was her defenses in place and her saying what she is "suppose" to say by society standards. I think the book brings out the fact that it is okay for women to desire other men. She was more than likely processing this revelation. I hope to find out more when we get some time together.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:36 pm

Nothing really new to post. Life has slowed things down considerably as we have both been very busy with work and kids. Still hoping to get things back on track; however, they really are not off track we are just distracted.

The other day my wife told me she had a weird dream and we were on vacation with some friends. She said we were at a strange resort, sharing a room with two male strangers and another couple. She said she was in bed wondering why these people were in our room. Kids interrupted and I didn't get to find out more on the dream. This will be a big topic when we get some time alone. Not sure the meaning, but she didn't really seem offended, just said it was weird. I'm looking forward to finding out more details if she remembers. In the mean time, I'm hanging in there and still love her to death.

Her number1

Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:10 pm

I know it can be tough at times but you have to make time for each other. The two of you have to come first. Make time and explore her dream, it might just lead somewhere good.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:00 pm

It's been a busy summer for the wife and I. After a number of life's distractions, I am back on course. We have had a pretty vanilla summer with a few bedroom encounters that involved conversations during sex about another man fucking my wife. She seemed to like the talk getting into the encounter. Last week I brought up watching porn together and she agreed to having a night of sex and porn. Waiting for the right moment to bring this up again, but I think this might be an opportunity to introduce a select porn movie. Will keep you informed.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Aandl37 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:06 pm

You and your wife story is very much like my wife A and mine. It took years of talking and shared fantasies, A was always a bit of a exhibitionist , liked guys to look, even took a while for her to admit it to me. A finally became a hotwife with single younger co- worker after months of talking fantasizing. How exciting to have your wife to come home as hotwire. Good luck your on the right path!

Her number1

Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Her number1 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:38 pm

So good to hear from you that things are looking good for ya'll.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by jamorgan66 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 2:57 am

I'm glad your journey continues, and thankful you're sharing.

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Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Mlghten » Fri Aug 04, 2017 2:16 am

Our journey continues as we had a lot of fun together last night. Of course there was a little drinking involved but as the night progressed, my wife opened up about wanting to fuck another man. It was pillow talk and while I was fucking her, but I felt it was progress. Our conversation revolved around a guy at work she has been getting a lot of attention from. He made a comment that could be taken in a sexual manner to her, but phrased it like it was innocent. She brought the sexual part of the comment to his attention and hEacted embarrassed about what he said and apologized to my wife. She comforted him by telling him it was no big deal and it was just between the two of them. She made a joke out of it, however, I could tell she really liked the interaction. When she told me the story, she acted like she believes it was innocent and he didn't mean to say it and he would never come on to her.

I assured her that he meant to say it and he was flirting with her. She disagreed, so I took the opportunity to challenge her. I told her to bring it back up when they are alone and flirt back with him. She laughed but didn't commit either way. This conversation set the night in fire between us. She was wet when I reached down her panties and for the first time in several years, our vanilla sex went to her on top of me riding my dick and fucking me like she was riding a bull. Friends, this was not something we have done in a long time. While we were having sex, I did ask her if she wanted to fuck him and she screamed yes. I asked if she wanted another man to fuck her and she said yes.

I am hoping this will spark a conversation outside the bedroom with no alcohol, so we can have "the talk". I really believe she is coming around to the idea and I know she is aware I want her to fuck other men. Hopefully, more to come very soon. Thanks for everyone's support, advice and encouragement. By the way, we are over a year and a half into our journey.

Her number1

Re: Just Beginning

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 7:22 pm

I'll give you a thumbs up, that is progress. She is thinking about it and admits to wanting it, at least in the bedroom with alcohol. It may very well take more time for her to be open to admit it without the alcohol, even in the bedroom. But, it is progress and you have to enjoy each step.
Keep the role playing fun for her and about guys/circumstances that she likes.

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