progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Jul 24, 2017 7:09 pm

If the getaway is as you describe it, it likely won't yield any real play. Perhaps she will be open to start entertaining the cuckold fantasy out in the open. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:00 pm

BallSpanking wrote:If the getaway is as you describe it, it likely won't yield any real play. Perhaps she will be open to start entertaining the cuckold fantasy out in the open. ;)
The weekend getaway we are going I am anxious to see her in a mini leather black skirt, a black silk and lace tank top and some heels in a club and see what happens and if she has fun. I know for sure she will get attention in a dance club and I am curious to see what she does. I would be happy if she just danced with another guy for a bit.

I texted her to see how things were going and we got into a little talk about the evening in text. She finally writes to me, "I bet your gf is over" I responded No! and then wrote, "More like me thinking about you having your bf over....." This was about 5 minutes ago and I am still waiting for a text back to see if she plays along or not.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Lkncouple » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:29 am

What town are your going to for your weekend get away?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:41 pm

Lkncouple wrote:What town are your going to for your weekend get away?
We are going to LA for a few days.

She never texted back after I sent her the text that I was thinking about her and her boyfriend. The next day came and it was just normal text conversations from her. When she got home, I wasn't home and when I did come home she told me a story that I found interesting. Apparently while she was unloading some of her bags she placed a bag on the counter and when she moved the bag she found a long hair on the counter, well she realized the hair was from one of her friends and that it had been attached to her bag, but she told me she originally thought, "Who did you have over??" Now I have never given her any reason at all to think I would be sneaking around or anything like that. She knows I worship her and she is my goddess, but I found it interesting her mind wandered by seeing a piece of hair that her initial thought was who was over. Maybe she was teasing, maybe she wasn't.

After she got home she told me she had a get together to go to tonight with another one of her girlfriends. She is really becoming more social with her girlfriends and doing a lot more with them which is great. I am anxiously seeing if she uses her toys tonight, which I bet she does because she hasn't used them in a couple days.

I haven't suggested to her yet to wear her silver heels with her black leather skirt and black tank top outfit yet, but I will probably suggest that soon. I may also suggest she wear her black leather pointed boots she has. She may think that's too much, a black tank top, black leather skirt and black heel boots, but hey! Worth a try!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:57 pm

Frequently, when husbands try to allay their wives' fears about HW'ing, the first doubt they will hear is the wife suspecting this is a ruse by her husband to see other women. It's probably a natural reflex, because they somehow fear the husband is initiating the HW thing to have an equal right to date.

You are correct, you can learn a lot about her state of mind by the things she says and when she says them. Now that you know, make sure she knows there is no reason to fear, because you have no interest on other women, only in her, and support her in becoming sexually satisfied, the way she deserves. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:16 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Interesting.
Frequently, when husbands try to allay their wives' fears about HW'ing, the first doubt they will hear is the wife suspecting this is a ruse by her husband to see other women. It's probably a natural reflex, because they somehow fear the husband is initiating the HW thing to have an equal right to date.

You are correct, you can learn a lot about her state of mind by the things she says and when she says them. Now that you know, make sure she knows there is no reason to fear, because you have no interest on other women, only in her, and support her in becoming sexually satisfied, the way she deserves. ;)
I have read this too, and in the past I have always got my point across, or at least tried, that this is about her and not an excuse for me to see other women. But it gets me thinking of if she has cheating on her mind. Combine that with our two friends who are having relationship problems, one of which she seems to be very interested in the drama and it might be one of those things where she just has it on her mind.

Before she left for her get together with her girlfriend she was wearing this long tight dress, but right before she left she made a change and ended up picking a much shorter dress, with heels. I think she is unsure if this is a girls only get together or there is a chance of guys being there too. My guess is there is a chance some of the girlfriends will bring their husbands to this thing, so I like to think she may have made the last minute change with guys attending in mind.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:40 pm

In other words, she is dressing for the men. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:10 pm

BallSpanking wrote:In other words, she is dressing for the men. ;)
I am starting to think so! As far as last night went, while talking with her it didn't sound like any men were at this gathering, but I do think she thought there was a possibility of guys being there. She definitely used her toys last night too. My guess is those few days without it she was probably eager to use it last night. I am thinking I may bring up to her about getting a bigger dildo and see what she says. Ask her if she wants just a slightly bigger one and see if she shows any interest in that.

I am also going to ask her if she would think about wearing her silver heels or black leather heel boots with her mini skirt. She does have some sexy black strap sandals with a heel she is planning on wearing with the outfit, but it could be a good test to see how sort of sexy or naughty she is wanting to dress if she thinks about wearing these silver heels or boots.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:06 pm

Or you could buy it for her as a present.
Maybe in black? :lol: ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:58 pm

So last night I texted her suggesting she could wear her black leather boots with her skirt and she texted back, "hmmmm maybe! :)" I also brought up she could wear her silver heels with it. She texted back that it would hurt too much to walk a long time in those, but told me to take her on a date and she would wear them. I told her OK! A few minutes later she sent me a picture of her in her black laced silk tank top, black jeans and the silver heels. I told her how hot she was and she responded, "Good". I did notice too that the toy bag was used so she used her dildo again.

I did think over the last few months progress had been made and she at least was maybe thinking the idea was hot. However, today revealed I am probably far away from anything happening and probably more likely nothing will happen now. Proving to myself that maybe I saw this progress through bias glasses and my sub/cuckold mind was imagining things were going in a direction they were not.

She went out to lunch with one of her really good friends. When she got back she talked about what her friend had to say and she told me her friend, who is married, started talking to this other guy she met and she and the other guy started sending each other private social media messages. My wife was expressing this as a big drama 'no-no' and she said she told her friend she had to stop chatting with the guy. During all this I couldn't hide my hard on and my wife caught me. She asked, "What if I was messaging a guy? It seems like you'd like" as she brought up my hard on. I hesitantly responded with a shrugged shoulders and told her it would be hot. She sold a little shock and then asked me what if she wanted to leave me?? I stood up to that and made it clear I would never want that to happen, but said "Now if it was for fun....."

She asked me point blank, "You would want me to have sex with another man in real life?" At this time we were both looking into each others eyes and I paused and she could tell by my facial expression what I was going to say. I told her "Yeah". She was shocked and brought up the not being protective. I told her it wasn't like that and tried to explain to her what I meant. She got busy with something and that ended the conversation.

When we got back together in the same room I could tell there was tension and I started to have a normal conversation with her to try and break the tension. I knew the tension was from her hearing me say I would actually like her to have sex with someone in real life. We started talking and then she stopped and said, "Wait, I'm mad at you." I played dumb and asked her why and we talked a little more about it. She asked me what I would do if her biggest fantasy was to have me have sex with other women and she really wanted it. I kinda shrugged my shoulders and said "Well..." trying to express that if she really wanted it I would do whatever she wanted. She gave a little laugh seeing my response and said she would never do it and suggested I didn't talk about it because she wasn't going to do it.

A little later she told me she was going to go out. She was wearing short shorts but was going to change into jeans. I told her she would probably get hot in jeans and she told me with a little hint of a snarky tone, "I'll wear whatever I want to." I told her I was just trying to give advice and she said, "Maybe I should just wear my bikini out, you'd like that." I told her no and I re engaged in another conversation. She asked, "So you would have no problems with me sleeping around?" I was straight and honest with her and told her I would like that. I could tell she was trying to process that I would actually want this to happen in real life.

I told her i'd like it if it were for sex only and no emotional attachment. She asked me, "You think women can have sex without emotional attachment?" I sorta said yea and she said that could be messing with fire. She asked me, "What if I did and got feelings for him?" and I told her I was confident in us that that wouldn't happen. She told me it would never happen and I told her I didn't expect her to do it, but I admitted it was indeed a hot fantasy of mine and I do think about it a lot. I think she was really surprised at how honest I was being and how truthful I was. And although she was surprised by it, I felt she sort of liked the fact I was being honest.

She did give me a little smirk and almost with a challenge told me, "I think if we got close to doing it you'd back out." She continued, "If I said lets do it, you'd change your mind." She smiled at me and I smiled back and was ready to tell her I accept the challenge, but instead told her and expressed to her how hot she was to me and how much I adored her, which she seemed to like to hear but said she couldn't believe I would actually want it to happen.

I again expressed to her that I didn't expect her to do it and that it was a fantasy and admitted i'd want it to happen. She told me she knew it was and said I have always had this fantasy. I told her how hot she was and that naturally I am submissive and combining that with her and how hot she is, I can't help it. She gave a smirk and again told me she knew that and that I have always been that way, but that she wasn't going to do it, thus I should probably stop wanting it. I again reiterated to her that I didn't expect her to do it. She then brought up almost again like a challenge, "You'd probably not be upset if I said I'd do it." Again being honest with her, I told her no I wouldn't and that if tomorrow she decided she wanted to I would explore the idea. She laughed and we moved on as she was getting ready. Of course she ends up leaving with a tank top and super short shorts to where the jean fray is barely covering her butt.

So given that I think I am done pushing this fantasy. It is too bad during all this we were somewhat rushed with our conversation because she had to get somewhere, but with what she said I am not going to try to push this along. Admittedly, when we first talked about it tonight and it was out in the open that I actually did want her to cuckold me in real life I had hope she may understand it better because I was honest and she didn't give immediate answer of it will never happen before I went in the other room. I thought to myself that the idea was right out there in the open and she may just think about it because now she knows I really do want it to happen. And even with the two comments she had, where she seemed to challenge me, that she'd do it I had hopes maybe the conversation or her thought would change.

But oddly enough expressing my true feelings regardless if she accepted it or not, I became even more attracted to her. Maybe this weekend when we have time to talk or are just hanging out, maybe she will bring the topic up again so we can talk about it more. But I wont bring it back up again and I wont initiate the cuckold talk in the bedroom and let her do that if she wants to, since she obviously now knows how I really feel. So from here I am just going to see where it all goes, if she ever brings it up again or wants to find out more great I will do my best to explain it or talk about it, if not that is fine as well. Nonetheless, I am happy I finally expressed to her how I really felt. At the end of the day, she is my Goddess and all my fantasies revolve around what she wants and to make her happy.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:31 pm

In a way, you can say that today the cat is out of the bag.
Before today you only hinted at it, now, she knows.

Don't bring it up for a while, let her do it. She will.
There may be a bit of resentment or cruelty when she does,
because she may feel you don't protect her fully, but your response
was right-on the mark. I think you also can see that by the way she responded.

If this topic does recur (and I think it definitely will), she will likely become more bold
in her dress and actually flirting. In her mind she'll say to herself she is testing you,
to see when you'll chicken out. But, believe me, she will be doing it because it turns her on. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:57 am

BallSpanking and kewp - you guys may be right, and with how the night ended I wouldn't be surprised if it does come up and it is her bringing it up. However, I am not going to bring the topic up unless she introduces it.

But like I said it was unfortunate because she had to be somewhere and we weren't really able to talk much more about it. When she was gone last night she texted me more then she has in a long time. Updating me with the most littlest of things, it was almost like we were dating again with how much she was texting me. Anyways, I wanted to clear the air and sent her a lengthy text explaining how I felt a relief actually telling her. She I think loved what I had to say, but in her lengthy response back she brought up the concept of the fantasy is hard for her to understand, but she does understand how it is a fantasy of mine and she was just surprised hearing me say id honestly want it in reality, but she said she always knew that, but I had just never said it to her directly.

I responded that i'd hope she'd feel comfortable enough to ask any questions about it and I would do my best to explain or answer. She responded with Thank you and said ultimately it's a good thing I don't get jealous. I responded that I do indeed get jealous and that is part of this whole fantasy is that control she'd have over me.

So we will see as we get some time together the next couple days if she wants to talk about it more or has any questions. I certainly wont bring the topic up outside or inside the bedroom and will let her completely control this.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:09 am

Considering how badly things could go, this went very well.
Her willingness to discuss this with you, her approval of you not being jealous, her acknowledgement that she always knew it was your fantasy, and now understanding that she could have that for real...

It's a lot to process for a sweet young thing, used to thinking she will only try one cock the rest of her life. She will probably probe to see if you are wanting the equivalent freedom to date, be sure to allay her fears, so she understands this is about her growth and self confidence, and how a woman with lovers is not a new concept. Throughout history, many worldly women have kept lovers. Even today in Europe it is very common.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:25 am

I did not bring it up, but she continues to bring it up in ways. Yesterday we went shopping and we both went to separate stores, well during the course of walking around someone caught my attention out of the corner of my eye, in my mind I thought "Wow who is this hot girl?" Then I looked and realized it was my wife. I told her this in a way where I told her, "I don't know if I should be telling you this because I didn't even know it was you at first, but I saw this hot girl out of the corner of my eye and it made me take a double look and I realize it was you." I didn't want her to get mad thinking I had a wandering eye. She loved hearing it though and said, that it was ok and that she notices cute guys all the time too. She shot me a look, then a smile, knowing full well what she just said and knowing how I interpreted that. A few minutes later she was still buzzing about my comment of checking her out and not knowing it was her at first. She brought up to me, "I get checked out all the time whenever I go out."

It was pretty hot to hear her make those comments given that she knew exactly how I would take it. I don't know, being honest and open about how I really felt has made this better, and since our conversation there seems to be this new spark between us and it feels we are closer.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Jimjones66 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:57 am

I think you've gone about this whole thing the best possible way.
You successfully planted the seed in her mind, made her feel beautiful, empowered, backed off when needed. It's like anything in life we want to see grow. We nurture it and allow it to be free. A woman is no different in that we wants to be loved and needed and your honesty has cultivated her self of sexual self.
You're on the right path when you worship her beauty like you did at the mall. Supporting her own personal growth for sexual empowerment. This will truly pay off in the long term. Pandora's box has opened and I see your true fantasies coming true in time. I'd recommend continued support and encouragement just the way you are. Allowing her to bring it up. When she does, tread lightly, be honest, and make it about her needs.
If at all possible, we'd love to see some pictures. Of her, of the clothing you describe, or of the text exchanges. But I understand you may want privacy and that's ok.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by MichaelW » Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:53 am

You have planted the seed, and it will likely grow. Nothing you can say or do will hasten it now, nor is there anything you need to do except let the idea crawl around inside her head until she gets through processing it. You have given her permission, so she will look at other men differently now, in the back of her mind, "I could if I wanted to." At this point do not be surprised that it will evolve rather quickly. No use in having permission to do something if you do not use it, so to speak. Few husbands trying to get their wives into hotwifing ever get her to this point. You have. Back off and let the idea and your permission do the rest of the work. Under no circumstances bring it up until she does.

It might take a few weeks of her thinking about it, but I'd say the odds are you'll have your wish before the end of the year.
Husband of a hotwife with a preference for interracial.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:09 pm

Hi Breaker,

I realize your wife's progress has been gradual, but could you imagine her one year ago telling you she checks out hot guys all the time?
And even better, she seems proud and excited about it, and she feels free to confide these things to you, I would say definitely her yearning might lead her to focus outside the home. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:16 pm

MichaelW wrote:You have planted the seed, and it will likely grow. Nothing you can say or do will hasten it now, nor is there anything you need to do except let the idea crawl around inside her head until she gets through processing it. You have given her permission, so she will look at other men differently now, in the back of her mind, "I could if I wanted to." At this point do not be surprised that it will evolve rather quickly. No use in having permission to do something if you do not use it, so to speak. Few husbands trying to get their wives into hotwifing ever get her to this point. You have. Back off and let the idea and your permission do the rest of the work. Under no circumstances bring it up until she does.

It might take a few weeks of her thinking about it, but I'd say the odds are you'll have your wish before the end of the year.
You bring up a good point, and I don't know, but now that I know she knows exactly how I feel and that I would want it to be reality its really hot to think about what she is thinking, because I would guess the thought now may cross her mind that "She could if she wanted to"

We will see, today we went out and she wore this pretty short flowing dress and I couldn't help but notice everyone checking her out wherever we went. I've also noticed she has this confidence in herself with how she treats me. I feel like she has this feeling that she knows I'm always going to be in her back pocket and that she has me in the palm of her hand.

Granted during our big talk she said she never would and didn't want to talk about it, but along with feeling good myself and relieved at having the open discussion all I can think about is, and its really hot, that she knows in her mind that its all there for her if she wants it. And so far the only person who has even brought up anything related to cuckolding or the lifestyle is her since the talk.

BallSpanking - No I couldn't even imagine 6 months ago her openly telling me she finds or notices other guys as attractive.

Jimjones - thanks for the advice and with Pandora's box being open, it's a great feeling.

So far she hasn't brought up anything today unless you count her short dress she wore out and I am sure she noticed every single guy turn their head to look at her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Jul 30, 2017 4:44 pm

Hot thread, Breaker.
Enjoy this part of the process, the transformation is delicious.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:46 pm

Ok I am going to post this and hopefully come back to it later with more to add. But she again on her own brought the topic up.

She was doing laundry and laughed at one of her outfits making some comment about it. I said something back about it and laughed with her. She stopped and said, "My butt looks great in it." I told her, "Babes..." She responded with a quick, "What?? some guy complimented me when I wore it."

I gave interest and asked her, "What???" She looked at me with a smile and said, "Yeah, last year some random guy came up to me and asked me if I was dating anyone and I told him I was married." She continued on, "Then he said, wow well your body." I sat there starring at her and she probably noticed my eyes were wide and I probably gave off excitement. I tried to hide it though and acted like that was ridiculous on the guys part. She continued to look at me and with another smile she told me, "Yeah and you probably like that! When you should be jealous!" How she told me, her body language and her tone when she said all this made me think she enjoyed telling me what she just told me, and she was just having some playful fun with it. At least she is still talking about it all on her own.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:48 am

Well unfortunately nothing much else happened last night like I was hoping. The only thing was we were watching TV and watching a show where the guys wife is a model and she gets sexy pictures of her taken, I think I posted about this show we've watched before. Anyways last night the husband went to a photoshoot and he was not enjoying seeing his wife getting photos taken where she is in lingerie or revealing clothes. My wife made the comment, "You'd have no problem with me doing that." Before I could say anything she said, "I wouldn't want you to have a problem with that actually."

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:21 pm

All these comments are subtle hints of her growing acceptance of your fantasy.
Maybe, in time, it will intrigue her enough to indulge herself in it. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by larryt » Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:04 pm

Don't bring it up. Continue doing what you're doing and enjoy it.

And keep up the reports!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:50 pm

It's hard to tell from a description, but it sounds like she is enjoying the process, which is great.
The more she enjoys it, the more attention she will get. I bet her appreciation of other guys is different today, as result of knowing her husband would love it if she dated other men. My guess is she will become increasingly sexy and horny thinking that way. :)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:01 pm

Yesterday she went and bought a ton of condoms as we had ran out. I noticed the pack she bought was a 'variety' pack and all the different variety condoms were directed toward her pleasure. I think of all the variety there was one directed toward the guys pleasure where it said 'Feels like nothings there'. But all the others were to benefit the female.

We got to winding down for the evening and started to watch TV. She made comments about some of the guys on TV being hot. I tried to show I appreciated the comment from her, but she ignored it and continued watching.

Finally it was time to go to the bedroom. In the bedroom she told me, "I want to pick out the condom you use." I opened the box and she excitedly sorted through the dozens and dozens of wrappers, carefully looking at the wrapper and then matching it up to what the description of it was on the box. She finally picked one that was suppose to provide great feeling lube for her. After she picked it she laughed and said, "The guy at the store probably thought I had a side boyfriend." I responded with a "Hmmmm!!!" to show her I liked to hear that and it got me excited. She responded with, "Oh Babe..." With a 'oh goodness youre horny and ridiculous' tone.

I happily put the condom on and got to work. After a minute or two of doing it she wanted another position. Once we began in the new position she directed me to be in certain way and as soon as I did I noticed and felt that the position she had me in felt really good for her. (I sort of thought to myself how would she know this would feel so good? Her dildo?) A little later we went back to our first position and after a short time of that she demanded me to lay on my back. She said she did not want to cum yet and told me in a demanding voice, "You're suppose to fuck me like I want to be fucked. Get on your back." Listening to my mistress I laid on my back and she rode me facing away from me like a reverse cowgirl. I heard her tell me as she rode me, "You're suppose to do me like I want and you're not doing a good job at it." It was super hot to hear her say that as I was trying to be the one in control, but almost immediately once I tried to be the dominant one she completely reversed it and took control and reminded me she was in control.

We orgasmed at the same time and afterward she told me how good it was. So far the last few times we have had sex since our talk there hasn't been any cuckolding talk in the bedroom. But she has made hints at it outside the bedroom.

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