Aching to lose her….

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Aching to lose her….

Unread post by TriangleTangle » Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:21 pm

I love my wife - more than life itself. We both want and plan to grow old together, and we’re both unbreakably committed to doing so. That said, I get sexually aroused, to unspeakable heights when I lose her to another man - even for a brief while. It happens when she has a date to meet someone new, or has a play date. Obviously, I don’t really lose her – not in the permanent sense, but when she gives herself to another man, and when she does it willfully of her own accord, it creates the best of all worlds.

There are some specific things at play that are required to make it really amazing. As I said, she must have the true desire to be with the other male; it won’t work if only I want her to, or if she tacitly does, or has reservations or feels pushed. I try to enable and encourage it to an extent, but only if she’s receptive and wants to be my ‘partner in crime’. That means she must have true attraction and desire for the other male; there are no ‘good enough’ matches.

Second, we’re long past the stage where just emotionless sex does anything for me, and never did for her. Many women enjoy the chase, the feeling of being desired, the flirting, the entire process long before sex – including all the anticipation of preparing for a date. For my wife at least, romance is the only path to the bedroom and mind-blowing sex. When we started, it had been enough for me if she just had a casual, non-emotional physical encounter, but as I became more secure and confident that her being with another man was no threat whatsoever to our life commitment to one another, I began to truly appreciate her emotional needs and elements of her entanglements. This was a real awakening for me; just her passionate kissing another man became every bit as sexually arousing for me as watching them fuck.

Since I was very young I’ve had an unusually deep sense of empathy – being able to put myself into other people’s shoes figuratively speaking. I'm not certain, but I am likely a mild type of empath; I have an amplified, sensitive, and innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive emotions or others, even the physical sensitivities, especially of my partner. Those that process the feelings of others and absorb their energy really feel, and in many cases, take on their emotions and internalize them intensely. For me, that impact is powerful, but I am selective with whom I choose to feel and absorb those things. It can be debilitating for others.

So why bring all of that up? It has to do with the ability to feel and enjoy what I like to call erotic compersion. I’m careful to now prefix compersion with erotic because I believe it is a unique form of compersion different than the traditional definition of the term being limited to only emotional transference, and not to sexual transference and arousal, which is felt predominantly by males in this lifestyle.

When someone experiences erotic compersion, they are physically stimulated and sexually aroused by the feelings and actions of another. In no way does that remotely infer that a man who experiences and enjoys compersion through his wife indicate any particular sexual orientation or tendency in this lifestyle. In most cases, men who experience erotic compersion with their wives are perfectly straight, masculine, alpha men. They don’t desire to be female, nor are they secretly bi-sexual or homosexual - tough there is nothing wrong with any of those if they do, but those that do are in the minority. I just wanted to dispel that myth and worry many wives have from the get-go.

Coupled with this is jealousy. Jealousy isn’t one emotion – it is a catch-all term for variety of emotions when you break it down. Jealousy is comprised a variety of fears – insecurity, envy, competitiveness, inadequacy, possessiveness, fear of abandonment, feeling unloved and feeling left out and more. There is cognitive jealousy, and there is emotional jealousy. The emotional impacts of jealousy are commonly thought of as negative. These seemingly negative feelings include angst, disgust, despair, anger, chagrin, and distress among others. But there are positive impacts that are often completely overlooked. At the root of jealousy is fear, and fear is one of the most powerful motivating emotions we have as human beings. Fear is key to our survival. We respond to fear positively in most instances, and there are countless examples. Fear compels us to come up for air when we feel like we might drown, fear of going hungry or homeless motivates us to work and earn income to afford the basics to survive, we use it to avoid risk and danger, it results in a fight-or-flight response. Without fear, we’d just walk off cliffs and die. So, two of the most important positive emotional impacts then are motivation and excitement.

Fear motivates us to do great things. We can harness the energy fear elicits and enjoy the rush of many risky things like jumping off a high dive, driving a race car, jumping off a ski jump. The resulting adrenaline generated and the rush of conquering things we fear is satisfying, and often exhilarating. For example, many of us perform better when we have a little stage fright. Taking this to our relationships, sexual arousal is among these positive responses. Arousal?

Allow me to illustrate. When my wife chats, meets, or has sex with another man, I feel some of the components of jealousy. Among some of the most potent are angst, fear of losing her to another, fear of being left out, and competitiveness. I’ve learned not to suppress those emotions, but embrace them with ever growing intensity. They are powerful feelings that can be channeled and transformed into intense sexual arousal and stimulation.

How did I come to recognize it? When I was 17, my HS girlfriend’s family moved to another state hundreds of miles away. I was devastated. I was genuinely in love with the girl and she was my first steady lover; we had sex like rabbits. I was heartbroken for many years following that loss. We didn’t break-up, not initially anyway. Not more than a few months later we saw each other again, she confessed that she had sex with another guy she had met. It was crushing, not only to my ego, but to my heart; real love never fades. Why share this with you? No, I am not dumping emotionally but am about to make a key point.

It took years, but it all came back with clarity after I had suppressed it for so long. As my unfaithful girlfriend admitted her infidelity, my cock became instantly erect. I was rock hard – harder than I think I had ever been as I made her describe her infraction. I couldn't explain the erection - how could I be so emotionally hurt while at the same time, be so hard in response and want sex so bad? And we did proceed to have sex; it tuned out to be the most incredible sex I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. That confused me deeply at the time.

Years later I learned that what I had done was to reclaim the girl after having lost her to another male. Her full and graphic admission caused my alpha side come out – big time. I am a naturally sexually dominant, but not sexually aggressive. I’ve learned that some of the emotions of jealousy bring out the sexually assertive/aggressive side of me quickly. If my wife doesn’t think that I am initiating sex often enough, or not being sexually assertive, I’ve told her all she needs to do is stoke my jealousy, even just a little. Simply telling me that some guy eyed in the supermarket or came onto her, even subtly, makes me want to jump her and breed her. I’ve read a good deal of literature on theory as to what causes such a response – almost exclusively in men. The theory of sperm competition delves into that deeply (excuse the pun), and is a worthy evolutionary theory I won’t cover here, but it is more than worth a web search if you haven’t already.

I've also recognized the empath in me over time and have learned to control it. My skills to take the angst and distress that her jealousy-inducing behavior elicits in me has grown over time. I now embrace it, and allow it to arouse me sexually. Many males typically behave exactly the opposite; they channel jealousy to anger, resentment, and many other negative responses. Wow, they are missing out! Men who catch another man hitting on their wife might not even recognize that their anger obfuscates their sexual arousal; they are in sub-conscious denial. It is often said men think with their dicks, and they do – we’re biologically programmed to always be ready to breed a female when she is ready. The problem is, dicks sometime fail to communicate back to the brain; it’s a golden barometer if they'd only stop for a moment and recognize it.

For those of us that enjoy such deep empathy, and thus experience the sexual pleasure of our wives vicariously through them, we get the gift of compersion. As we gain more and more security in ourselves and develop deep trust in our women, we begin to extend the physical arousal and transference into ever more intense sexual stimulation. Our desire and appreciation for our wives only grows. No other woman can compete with that – which explains why most hotwife/cuckold husbands want no other woman but their wife. That’s a difficult concept for many wives to comprehend because it seems counter-intuitive at first. But when the wife learns he can only get aroused to that which he can lose, how can he achieve the same with some other woman not his to lose? Our hotwife/cuckoldress becomes the goddess of our dreams; we worship them.

I often say I am not a jealous husband. Actually, I strive to be one. In fact, I want to feel as much intense jealousy as my wife can instill in me because it now elicits only positive sexual energy and response. That comes from absolute faith and trust in her and us. In fact, absolute faith and trust makes her task much harder – she must be convincing that she has powerful desires for the other male when she gets involved with one. I want her to have the most genuine and intense sexual and emotional affair possible. As long there is never any deception between us and we remain fully open with full disclosure, there exists is no relational risk whatsoever.

So, I welcome and crave to feel the angst of her infidelity and one-way non-monogamy. I revel and want to drown in her physical and emotional desires for another man. I don’t obsess over it, and it doesn’t dominate our lives – we’ve learned how to make it a normal part of our lives and relationship; it not a requirement of our love or sexual lives, but has become a wonderful relationship and sexual enhancer.

What’s in it for her? She gets the best of all worlds. She has my undying commitment of lifetime fidelity, security, trust, faith, and openness. She gets to break free of societal conditioning and is free to feel, enjoy, and express her true sexual power. She can enjoy the excitement of being desired and worshiped physically and emotionally by me and her lover, and carry no guilt about it whatsoever. She doesn’t need to control nor be controlled; she makes her own decisions, grows independently and with me as a couple, and becomes the total woman she deserves and was meant to be.

We’re at a great place now; we’ve learned from experience and introspection. I now know we can take it to even higher levels. I recall the loss of my first love again; even after the reclamation sex and break-up, I was hard for months knowing she now belonged to another. My current desires are not a result of damage from that early trauma – it served as sexual and emotional awakening over which I was I denial for decades until I unearthed and faced them directly.

I’ve asked myself if I would ever want to experience such loss again given the incredible sexual response it elicited in me. The answer is….never - not for real that is. But as I've begun to pondered the notion, I realized the pinnacle for me is when I lose my wife, temporarily at least. It generates the same potent feelings. In fact, the more she can convince me that I am losing her, the more potent. To that end we had to come up with safe phrases to manage it such as “Dial it back” if I ever want her to let up or “Bring it on” if she wonders if it’s OK to provoke me even more and dial up the intensity. I want her to be convincing that I risk losing her to him – whether for the moment, the night, the weekend, or longer. Heck, she’d have me in heaven if she could convince me that he owns her and is planning to leave me for him. Internally, I know that is virtually impossible; we both know the depth of our commitment and she is well informed and knows all there is to know about the risks and pitfalls of New Relationship Exuberance (NRE) syndrome. God help the poor bastard that ever did try to take her away from me as she’d be the one to bury him. And, she knows if her happiness really did lie elsewhere that I’d let her go because her happiness what matters most to me, which is a true sign of selfless love. After all, who wants a hostage for a life partner?

So, take all of this for what it’s worth – just my own thought insights about myself after years of introspection and wanting to understand why I’ve come to enjoy this lifestyle and what drives my desires. Maybe none of this applies to your own motivation or situation, but if it is useful to a few of you then it was worth the time to share.


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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by onedayacuck » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:07 am

One of the best written passages related to this lifestyle. I agree with your sentiments entirely. Please keep writing!

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by onedayacuck » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:07 am

One of the best written passages related to this lifestyle. I agree with your sentiments entirely. Please keep writing!

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by becontree2001uk » Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:45 pm

Something extremely hot about losing your wife to another man through cuckolding


Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:01 pm

Fantastic writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by arivaca6 » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:44 am

good writing.....the older i get the more what you say makes sense....i remember the first time i was cucked directly and what a turn on it was....i was really pissed and taken aback and fucked her roughly immediately after she came to our bed after spending the night with another bf then i left right afterwards not to see her again for a long was totally unexpected and out of my i fantasize about that event many years later.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by darkroast » Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:04 am

"As we gain more and more security in ourselves and develop deep trust in our women, we begin to extend the physical arousal and transference into ever more intense sexual stimulation. Our desire and appreciation for our wives only grows. No other woman can compete with that – which explains why most hotwife/cuckold husbands want no other woman but their wife. That’s a difficult concept for many wives to comprehend because it seems counter-intuitive at first. But when the wife learns he can only get aroused to that which he can lose, how can he achieve the same with some other woman not his to lose? Our hotwife/cuckoldress becomes the goddess of our dreams; we worship them."

Just brilliant. Esther Perel, an author on Erotic Intelligence, asks us, "can you want what you already have?" This post touches upon that dynamic so well and the counter-intuitive notion of why the wife becomes "our goddess." Thank you for this great writing.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by All4Jenna » Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:46 am

As a fellow empath, I really relate to what you posted here, TT. Thanks for your thoughts put to paper.


Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by nevertoolate » Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:10 pm

I love my wife - more than life itself. We both want and plan to grow old together, and we’re both unbreakably committed to doing so. That said, I get sexually aroused, to unspeakable heights when I lose her to another man - even for a brief while. It happens when she has a date to meet someone new, or has a play date. Obviously, I don’t really lose her – not in the permanent sense, but when she gives herself to another man, and when she does it willfully of her own accord, it creates the best of all worlds.
This was what my wife wanted and what I learned to want. I particularly enjoyed your discussion and explanation on Erotic Compersion. Well written and in keeping with the many thoughtful posts you have made in the past. The love and lust in this are intertwined and that is what makes this all so special to a marriage.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by cuckoldfan » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:38 pm

Strange but true. Hard to grasp. I read a story posted on another forum about this man wanting his wife to fall in love and leave him. He helped it happen and he loved her very much but wanted this to happen, which it did. To me it was one of the hottest story's I ever read.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by bradisalpha » Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:22 am

This is the ultimate cuckolding experience. It is very hot.

Read my Bio: "Brad.. from the beginning" ...

Sissy Cuckold Club...

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by Joatster » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:05 am

Right on the money...

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by Rsm7075 » Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:12 am

TriangleTangle wrote:I love my wife - more than life itself. We both want and plan to grow old together, and we’re both unbreakably committed to doing so. That said, I get sexually aroused, to unspeakable heights when I lose her to another man - even for a brief while. It happens when she has a date to meet someone new, or has a play date. Obviously, I don’t really lose her – not in the permanent sense, but when she gives herself to another man, and when she does it willfully of her own accord, it creates the best of all worlds.

There are some specific things at play that are required to make it really amazing. As I said, she must have the true desire to be with the other male; it won’t work if only I want her to, or if she tacitly does, or has reservations or feels pushed. I try to enable and encourage it to an extent, but only if she’s receptive and wants to be my ‘partner in crime’. That means she must have true attraction and desire for the other male; there are no ‘good enough’ matches.

Second, we’re long past the stage where just emotionless sex does anything for me, and never did for her. Many women enjoy the chase, the feeling of being desired, the flirting, the entire process long before sex – including all the anticipation of preparing for a date. For my wife at least, romance is the only path to the bedroom and mind-blowing sex. When we started, it had been enough for me if she just had a casual, non-emotional physical encounter, but as I became more secure and confident that her being with another man was no threat whatsoever to our life commitment to one another, I began to truly appreciate her emotional needs and elements of her entanglements. This was a real awakening for me; just her passionate kissing another man became every bit as sexually arousing for me as watching them fuck.

Since I was very young I’ve had an unusually deep sense of empathy – being able to put myself into other people’s shoes figuratively speaking. I'm not certain, but I am likely a mild type of empath; I have an amplified, sensitive, and innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive emotions or others, even the physical sensitivities, especially of my partner. Those that process the feelings of others and absorb their energy really feel, and in many cases, take on their emotions and internalize them intensely. For me, that impact is powerful, but I am selective with whom I choose to feel and absorb those things. It can be debilitating for others.

So why bring all of that up? It has to do with the ability to feel and enjoy what I like to call erotic compersion. I’m careful to now prefix compersion with erotic because I believe it is a unique form of compersion different than the traditional definition of the term being limited to only emotional transference, and not to sexual transference and arousal, which is felt predominantly by males in this lifestyle.

When someone experiences erotic compersion, they are physically stimulated and sexually aroused by the feelings and actions of another. In no way does that remotely infer that a man who experiences and enjoys compersion through his wife indicate any particular sexual orientation or tendency in this lifestyle. In most cases, men who experience erotic compersion with their wives are perfectly straight, masculine, alpha men. They don’t desire to be female, nor are they secretly bi-sexual or homosexual - tough there is nothing wrong with any of those if they do, but those that do are in the minority. I just wanted to dispel that myth and worry many wives have from the get-go.

Coupled with this is jealousy. Jealousy isn’t one emotion – it is a catch-all term for variety of emotions when you break it down. Jealousy is comprised a variety of fears – insecurity, envy, competitiveness, inadequacy, possessiveness, fear of abandonment, feeling unloved and feeling left out and more. There is cognitive jealousy, and there is emotional jealousy. The emotional impacts of jealousy are commonly thought of as negative. These seemingly negative feelings include angst, disgust, despair, anger, chagrin, and distress among others. But there are positive impacts that are often completely overlooked. At the root of jealousy is fear, and fear is one of the most powerful motivating emotions we have as human beings. Fear is key to our survival. We respond to fear positively in most instances, and there are countless examples. Fear compels us to come up for air when we feel like we might drown, fear of going hungry or homeless motivates us to work and earn income to afford the basics to survive, we use it to avoid risk and danger, it results in a fight-or-flight response. Without fear, we’d just walk off cliffs and die. So, two of the most important positive emotional impacts then are motivation and excitement.

Fear motivates us to do great things. We can harness the energy fear elicits and enjoy the rush of many risky things like jumping off a high dive, driving a race car, jumping off a ski jump. The resulting adrenaline generated and the rush of conquering things we fear is satisfying, and often exhilarating. For example, many of us perform better when we have a little stage fright. Taking this to our relationships, sexual arousal is among these positive responses. Arousal?

Allow me to illustrate. When my wife chats, meets, or has sex with another man, I feel some of the components of jealousy. Among some of the most potent are angst, fear of losing her to another, fear of being left out, and competitiveness. I’ve learned not to suppress those emotions, but embrace them with ever growing intensity. They are powerful feelings that can be channeled and transformed into intense sexual arousal and stimulation.

How did I come to recognize it? When I was 17, my HS girlfriend’s family moved to another state hundreds of miles away. I was devastated. I was genuinely in love with the girl and she was my first steady lover; we had sex like rabbits. I was heartbroken for many years following that loss. We didn’t break-up, not initially anyway. Not more than a few months later we saw each other again, she confessed that she had sex with another guy she had met. It was crushing, not only to my ego, but to my heart; real love never fades. Why share this with you? No, I am not dumping emotionally but am about to make a key point.

It took years, but it all came back with clarity after I had suppressed it for so long. As my unfaithful girlfriend admitted her infidelity, my cock became instantly erect. I was rock hard – harder than I think I had ever been as I made her describe her infraction. I couldn't explain the erection - how could I be so emotionally hurt while at the same time, be so hard in response and want sex so bad? And we did proceed to have sex; it tuned out to be the most incredible sex I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. That confused me deeply at the time.

Years later I learned that what I had done was to reclaim the girl after having lost her to another male. Her full and graphic admission caused my alpha side come out – big time. I am a naturally sexually dominant, but not sexually aggressive. I’ve learned that some of the emotions of jealousy bring out the sexually assertive/aggressive side of me quickly. If my wife doesn’t think that I am initiating sex often enough, or not being sexually assertive, I’ve told her all she needs to do is stoke my jealousy, even just a little. Simply telling me that some guy eyed in the supermarket or came onto her, even subtly, makes me want to jump her and breed her. I’ve read a good deal of literature on theory as to what causes such a response – almost exclusively in men. The theory of sperm competition delves into that deeply (excuse the pun), and is a worthy evolutionary theory I won’t cover here, but it is more than worth a web search if you haven’t already.

I've also recognized the empath in me over time and have learned to control it. My skills to take the angst and distress that her jealousy-inducing behavior elicits in me has grown over time. I now embrace it, and allow it to arouse me sexually. Many males typically behave exactly the opposite; they channel jealousy to anger, resentment, and many other negative responses. Wow, they are missing out! Men who catch another man hitting on their wife might not even recognize that their anger obfuscates their sexual arousal; they are in sub-conscious denial. It is often said men think with their dicks, and they do – we’re biologically programmed to always be ready to breed a female when she is ready. The problem is, dicks sometime fail to communicate back to the brain; it’s a golden barometer if they'd only stop for a moment and recognize it.

For those of us that enjoy such deep empathy, and thus experience the sexual pleasure of our wives vicariously through them, we get the gift of compersion. As we gain more and more security in ourselves and develop deep trust in our women, we begin to extend the physical arousal and transference into ever more intense sexual stimulation. Our desire and appreciation for our wives only grows. No other woman can compete with that – which explains why most hotwife/cuckold husbands want no other woman but their wife. That’s a difficult concept for many wives to comprehend because it seems counter-intuitive at first. But when the wife learns he can only get aroused to that which he can lose, how can he achieve the same with some other woman not his to lose? Our hotwife/cuckoldress becomes the goddess of our dreams; we worship them.

I often say I am not a jealous husband. Actually, I strive to be one. In fact, I want to feel as much intense jealousy as my wife can instill in me because it now elicits only positive sexual energy and response. That comes from absolute faith and trust in her and us. In fact, absolute faith and trust makes her task much harder – she must be convincing that she has powerful desires for the other male when she gets involved with one. I want her to have the most genuine and intense sexual and emotional affair possible. As long there is never any deception between us and we remain fully open with full disclosure, there exists is no relational risk whatsoever.

So, I welcome and crave to feel the angst of her infidelity and one-way non-monogamy. I revel and want to drown in her physical and emotional desires for another man. I don’t obsess over it, and it doesn’t dominate our lives – we’ve learned how to make it a normal part of our lives and relationship; it not a requirement of our love or sexual lives, but has become a wonderful relationship and sexual enhancer.

What’s in it for her? She gets the best of all worlds. She has my undying commitment of lifetime fidelity, security, trust, faith, and openness. She gets to break free of societal conditioning and is free to feel, enjoy, and express her true sexual power. She can enjoy the excitement of being desired and worshiped physically and emotionally by me and her lover, and carry no guilt about it whatsoever. She doesn’t need to control nor be controlled; she makes her own decisions, grows independently and with me as a couple, and becomes the total woman she deserves and was meant to be.

We’re at a great place now; we’ve learned from experience and introspection. I now know we can take it to even higher levels. I recall the loss of my first love again; even after the reclamation sex and break-up, I was hard for months knowing she now belonged to another. My current desires are not a result of damage from that early trauma – it served as sexual and emotional awakening over which I was I denial for decades until I unearthed and faced them directly.

I’ve asked myself if I would ever want to experience such loss again given the incredible sexual response it elicited in me. The answer is….never - not for real that is. But as I've begun to pondered the notion, I realized the pinnacle for me is when I lose my wife, temporarily at least. It generates the same potent feelings. In fact, the more she can convince me that I am losing her, the more potent. To that end we had to come up with safe phrases to manage it such as “Dial it back” if I ever want her to let up or “Bring it on” if she wonders if it’s OK to provoke me even more and dial up the intensity. I want her to be convincing that I risk losing her to him – whether for the moment, the night, the weekend, or longer. Heck, she’d have me in heaven if she could convince me that he owns her and is planning to leave me for him. Internally, I know that is virtually impossible; we both know the depth of our commitment and she is well informed and knows all there is to know about the risks and pitfalls of New Relationship Exuberance (NRE) syndrome. God help the poor bastard that ever did try to take her away from me as she’d be the one to bury him. And, she knows if her happiness really did lie elsewhere that I’d let her go because her happiness what matters most to me, which is a true sign of selfless love. After all, who wants a hostage for a life partner?

So, take all of this for what it’s worth – just my own thought insights about myself after years of introspection and wanting to understand why I’ve come to enjoy this lifestyle and what drives my desires. Maybe none of this applies to your own motivation or situation, but if it is useful to a few of you then it was worth the time to share.


Beautifully written -I have to make my wife read this
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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by Gorilla » Fri Sep 07, 2018 10:23 pm

A Life Without Passion, Is Unforgivable!

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:55 am

I must share this piece with my wife. It would help her to understand my cuckold desires and emotional response. She had a lover for whom she felt real affection, and she left me alone to travel and have one on one weekends with him. I accurately told her that this set my heart on fire for her. It was her emotional attachment and her sincere desire for him that did it! Sadly, they remain close, but no more sex. I think he felt his own marriage was threatened because he was feeling genuine love for my wife, and rightly so! He was getting what he really needs from my wife rather than his own bitch. I surely felt the angst, but we were and remain happily committed and I understood that she had the capacity to love two men without short changing either of us. Thanks for the excellent study!

Here is the link to our prior experience and about my cuckold angst: ... =8&t=30019

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by annsman » Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:20 pm

I don’t usually read the library but for some reason this post caught my attention. A lot of it applies to us which I don’t feel is covered on the cuckold and hotwife sections. I don’t want to lose Ann, temporarily or permanently, but I do get turned on by lending her to her boyfriend for as long as she wants.

From the beginning we were in agreement that we wanted Ann to have more than just sex and that she should have a proper boyfriend. She wanted sex to be a natural part of a relationship and I was turned on by the thought of her being intimate with someone.

I told her that I wanted her to be his girlfriend when she was with him and be free to do whatever she wanted without thinking about me. I remember her saying “really”, but we didn’t go into what that could mean. Years later that still applied when she fell in love with a boyfriend.

The only condition is that she tells me all about it. Although Ann has my approval to do what she wants she still asks permission to go on a date or see someone new.

I guess that I’m lucky that she’s fully into having sex with her boyfriend, but needing me to make love to her when she gets home and telling me all about it.

Although she has even fallen in love with some boyfriends I’ve never felt that threatened our marriage and I was turned on by the intensity of their intimacy.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:10 pm

This is a very informative thread. Ann is a beautiful sexy and loyal wife

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by 2wheel » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:27 am

excellent - thanks

compersion - a new word for me - very descriptive - exactly how I feel

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by Discreetlynow » Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:01 am


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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by SamWarrens » Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:10 am

Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by HotShot2020 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:04 pm

Fantastic post TriangleTangle.
Have you ever loved a woman?
So much you tremble in pain?
- E.C.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by CuckMan999 » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:02 am

I applaud your thinking on this. I have had the fantasy of potentially losing my hotwife to her boyfriend for quite some time. I see it manifesting itself perhaps in the form of a trial separation where I am obligated to financially support her, even continue the upkeep of the home and vehicles. This premise allows us to toy with the idea, yet makes it easy for things to return to normal after everyone has had their fun. It has even led me to the thought of really losing my hotwife to her lover, permanently. I don’t think that I would want that to happen. However, if it did, I might still want to remain as her loyal, devoted cuck. If she was willing to keep me as her cuck, with some level of sexual reward for my loyalty and continued support, I can’t see ever leaving her side, even if she married the other guy.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by ckathrill » Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:37 am

great post! I also feel the same way. The fear that she is so head over heals for another guy gets me excited. Actually, after many years of 3 somes, she met a guy who she says she has not only a very strong physical attraction but something else as well - like a soul mate. When he arrives these 2 melt into each other at the door , kissing and grabbing and grinding each other for so long it blows my mind. And then they make love - not just fuck. They keep saying each others names to each other and how hot they are feeling as they slowly fuck each other. And I have never seen her give such a loving and intense blow job as with him.

I told her that if she met him when she was 35 - 40 yrs old, I would definitely have become frightened about losing her.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by ucaneffher » Thu May 21, 2020 6:34 am

Triangle Tangle, thank you for your post and elaborating in depth on the various emotions felt during this sort of situation. Your post has helped me understand a lot about myself and why I crave such situation or arrangement. I have. I have lived out my fantasy and will briefly explain but promise to not highJack the thread.

My high school sweetheart heart and I got into the lifestyle one year after graduating from high school. I introduced her to the lifestyle when we were 16 and I would read stories online about sharing which eventually really turned her on and got the ball rolling. She finally took the plunge when we were 19 years old and we were both absolutely hooked on it. We were in heaven, my Gf was getting so much attention from the opposite sex and she was loving it. By the time we were 21 going on 22, my gf has slept with a small army and it was becoming the norm for my Gf to come home from work and immediately start getting ready for a date. So we agreed that we wanted something more intense and risky than her just dressing up, going on a date, having sex, and coming home.

At this point we agreed we wanted her to have a more semi permanent arrangement. Ironically her regular was falling for her and vice versa and I was all for her letting herself go. During pillow talk, we discussed how hot it would be if her lover took her away to live with him just like that one story we read online when we were 16 years old. It would be perfect because she would have privacy with him and have access to sec with him at anytime. She agreed but asked if I really saw myself enjoying it and not getting upset? I told her I had been jerking to that idea for a few months now and told her I would be so turned on seeing her lover take her away.

It was literally less than a month later when she broke the news that she was moving in with her lover. The rented an apartment together. She only gave me a one weeks notice and my dick was now permanently hard. I helped my girlfriend move into her own apartment with her boyfriend and that was the most awkward yet sexually painful moments.

She was gone for over 18 months and it was absolutely delicious to know she was getting sex in demand in the privacy of her home by someone else.

That example right there is one I am very excited and proud to talk about. I loved out the fantasy of my gf being another mans full time gf. At his disposal when ever he wants her, sleeping with her every night, making love to her while I am at home being faithful to her.

This arrangement left me craving that jealousy. Wanting her to return to that setup which kept me on a state of arousal 24/7. Not knowing if at a certain instance my gf was bent over the counter, on her knees, perhaps in missionary with her legs wide open telling him she loved him; completely clueless but knowing that no matter what she was behind closed doors alone with him giving hersel entirely to him.

Because of this experience, thinking with my dick, I want to achieve this constant state of arousal, having my dick hard 24/7. I keep thinking and wanting to relive this scenario of my woman going away to live with her boyfriend.

In this case, the thought of a permanent or semi permanent arrangement where my gf permanently lives and has a relationship with another man just really gets me going. Essentially my gf/wife and I resort to a long distance relationship while she has a full blown relationship with another man and loves with him.

Realistically this arrangement will lead to her truly becoming his and for that reason I think that the only way this sort of arrangement would work is if we have a polygamous relationship in which all three know their roles. It could potentially start with the three of us living together and along the way I would step down and let him be her main and full time partner. Living together allows me to closely observe as he takes her for himself and I sit back, accept, and do nothing other than watch her transition. Seeing the frequency of her going into his bedroom at night and locking the door increase and just seeing them becoming more attached right before my eyes.

I really like the thought of living with my girlfriend and her boyfriend because I get front row seats to watch as he takes my girl but then the thought of watching them living alone turns me on because I don’t know what he may be doing to her. Regardless, surrendering her and demoting our relationship to a long distance or as a secondary relationship while she has another primary is something that floats my boat. It’s a kink, obviously it’s an arrangement that would not work for starting a family or a traditional type relationship.

Despite sounding unrealistic, the thought and possibility of potentially having this type of arrangement is very tempting. While I would love to have a traditional marriage and family, I believe that if I ended in a relationship that was very much like my first and only lifestyle relationship. If my wife was into it, had a boyfriend for years, and things seemed to head towards that direction of her being my wife but having itches to settle with another man; I have reason to believe that I would not fight the urge to surrender her as long as I am allowed to first hand witness and assist/encourage my wife’s complete transition to her main man, as long as I am still part of her life, and as long as we promise to always work on maintaining that loving bond and connection despite her now belonging to him.

He would also have to be in agreement that despite him taking her from me he would have to accept communication between her and I and be accepting of us being intimate from time to time if she wants to be, considering she’ll remain my legal wife. That being said, if she and her boyfriend sat me down and requested I step aside and allow them to give Their relationship a try; I think that this being my fantasy, i think I would not object and would accept to continue being married to a woman that won’t belong to me but instead I will be married to a woman who will belong to someone else, who will settle with someone else, and will eventually start a family with someone else. I will closely watch as she belongs to him.

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Re: Aching to lose her….

Unread post by hwc » Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:51 pm

Triangle Triangle, you wrote:

"the pinnacle for me is when I lose my wife, temporarily at least. It generates the same potent feelings. In fact, the more she can convince me that I am losing her, the more potent..."

"it’s OK to provoke me even more and dial up the intensity. I want her to be convincing that I risk losing her to him "

"she’d have me in heaven if she could convince me that he owns her and is planning to leave me for him..."

Considering the above sentiments, have you encouraged her to find the most ideal partners for herself, men that she is intensely attracted to, that she would want to properly date as a boyfriend, that she would easily fall in love with? To add to the angst, the aim could be to find an ideal life-partner for her... with encouragement to spend as much quality time with as possible, with the understanding that if things work out great for them, there is no barrier to them becoming a permanent couple?

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