The turning point for me

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by inNC » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:01 am

SO perfectly cucked early when it's best to be formed
The ever evolving sexual aspect of our life together:

My desirers for my wife & ME...Pics & captions that will make Cucks WANT to CUM tumblr:

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:31 am

Joyce definitly put me on the path. Thanks

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by ucaneffher » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:09 am

Intense story, keep it coming! My ex and I also started right after high school... Your story hits home

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:37 pm

I'm glad someone else can relate. The angst while I'm writing this feels like it just happened.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:49 pm

I can well imagine, did Joyce get his number......

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Tue Sep 19, 2017 2:32 pm

I was doing pretty well working for my dad at this Point and made the decision that I would continue to do so for the next couple of years. I signed up for some Community college classes in the fall. Joyce applied to schools all over the place and ended up going to a University in Nevada. I can't remember why she chose there except for the fact she wanted out of Indiana. She hated the small town we were from. Any chance she'd get to go to Chicago or Indianapolis she was in. Well, it turns out Matt lived on the north side of Chicago.
After Joyce woke she came outside while I was still cleaning my van. She gave me a hug whispering I love you to me.
"That was not what I wanted last night to go like" she mumbled as she put her face in her hands.
" you can't tell anyone about that Shawn! I would be so humiliated if my friends found out, I mean with a perfect stranger no less"
"Are you fucking kidding me? Why would I tell anybody about what you did?" I said a little more forcefully than I intended.
"Oh cut the shit dude, if it bothered you you would have left me or the very least taken me home after. I'm getting a little sick of you acting all perfect the next morning like your not as fucked up as me. All trying to make me feel bad because of what ever your deal is."
I took a deep breath and apologized. Again
"Look I'm sorry but I've been out here cleaning your new friends mess and it was getting to me a little"
She actually giggled at that as she jumped in the front seat
" oops I forgot about that. Come on take home. When you come over later I'll make it up to you"
I jumped in to take her home. Once a month on Sunday Joyce's mom had to work at night so we had her house to ourselves. She would cook diner for me and but on a sundress and heels and treat me like a king. It was kind of childish in a way but we had been doing it for awhile at this point.i don't know why she liked it so much but I wasn't gonna complain.
I pulled up in front of her house and asked her what she was making tonight. She said the same thing she always said
"Why, your favorite baby. Me!" She sauntered in the house never looking back. I knew to come over around 7 and she'd be waiting.
I arrived right on time and she was waiting for me
"Honey, I'm home!" I half joked as I walked in unannounced. She was wearing a solid pink sundress with black heels. Her hair was up in a loose bun as she kissed me hello.
"Here's the paper baby. Sit down and relax while I finish dinner. I know you had a hard day"
I could see a package of hot dog buns and chips on the table in the kitchen(what do you want. We were 18). She called me in and I sat down to eat. Joyce always ate before I got there and she would wait on me while I told her stuff about my day or week. Then we'd go in the living room and watch tv and she'd rub my feet. The whole thing would last about an hour. I don't know why she liked doing this but she did. Maybe it was because her dad passed away when she was little.
We were just sitting on the couch watching tv when the phone rang. Joyce answered and I could hear a male voice on the other end
" i'm glad you made it home in one piece " the muffled voice said
"Oh, hey Matt. I didn't realize I gave you my number" Joyce seemed a little surprised.
"Well at least you remembered my name" he chuckled
"I'm sorry, you just surprised me. I'm glad I did give you my number" she said off guard.
"I had a really good time last night. I hope you did as well." That was the last part I caught because Joyce jumped up and went in the bed room closing the door. I just sat there for almost half an hour waiting for her to come out. When she did she had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a regular pony tail
"I think I'm gonna just go to bed. I'm pretty worn out still after last night. Call me in the morning will do something" she said
I got up and she kissed me good bye. Fishing out my keys she started to head back in the bedroom. I saw her pick up phone and say "sorry about that I had to kick Shawn out" she was giggling.
I ran out the door I was so embarrassed!
The next couple of weeks went by like normal. We would hang out or whatever just like always.
One day three weeks after the concert Joyce dropped it on me. We were sitting around listening to music when she asked me "do you have anything going on Saturday?"
"Just trying have my way with you" I joked. "What's up?"
"Well there's this free art festival thing going on in the city and I was wondering if you could like
Take me and my friends to it"
"Like, witch ones?" I asked warily. Her friend Christy hated me. She dated one of my boys and I cought her making out with some guy at a party. I told him so now they both hated me. Go figure.
"Umm, Mishelle, Abby, and Christy" she smiled at the end because she knew. "She won't even talk to you. I promise"
"I guess. What made you guys want to do this of all things?"
"Well, it wasn't are idea. It was Matt's."
I felt like a hammer hit me in the chest. I'm not stupid and I knew instantly what this meant. My girl friend needed a ride to see another man. As I type this out my hands are shaking even after all these years. I never felt so alive as I did right then.
"He told me about one of his friends that he thought would be great for Christy. We thought this would be a good chance for them to meet. I mean you kinda owe her don't you?" I didn't see it that way but I didn't care about that either.
"He takes the train everywhere so he doesn't have a car. He can't really come out here with him"
"How often do you talk to him?" I felt like I had tunnel vision
"Almost every night around 10 he calls. I told him what we did was a mistake and I had a boyfriend. He's really nice though Shawn. He makes me laugh so hard I almost drop the phone sometimes. You have nothing to worry about baby. That's why I'm bringing Mishelle and Abby too. He's gonna bring another friend for Mishelle and I think Abby is Matts type"
"Abby's got a boyfriend though" i said with zero conviction. I didn't know the guy so whatever.
She just ignored my comment while giving me that blank look. She was trying to see how I was reacting to this. I'm glad she couldn't see my erection.
" What time do you want me to pick you guys up Saturday?"
Joyce squealed with joy. " I thought for sure you'd say no! Can you take me home babe? I got to call Matt! He's going to owe you when he sees you!"
Sure I said in a daze. I dropped her off and she ran into the house.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:03 pm

I can see you have been on a roller coaster of excitement and angst/worry, can't wait to hear more

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:25 pm

I ended up parking along one of the streets in Grant park. You could see the small art festival about a hundred yards away. This was when Chicago was just starting to turn around so it still wasn't very crowded down town(no hour lines for the tourist traps) but safe enouph to bring your girl down there. At least as far as a kid form Indy was concerned. The girls jumped out and I took Joyce's hand.
We lagged behind a little as the other girls seemed to race ahead. I was glad because I wanted to talk to Joyce alone for a minute
"So what's going on?" I asked
"Well, we're gonna meet the guys and just hang ya know. Matt's buddy's girl friend is an artist here.
So they came down to check it out"
"When did you talk to him last"
She stopped and looked me in the eye "I called him before you picked us up. You're ok right? You promise not to make a scene if things..well you know"
I just stood there. We both knew what was up.
"It'll be fine. I won't do anything dumb in front of those gossips" she gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran after her friends.
We got there around four and people were already packing up there tents. I guess they didn't have the turn out they had hoped for. Joyce spotted Matt helping pack up a tent and ran up to him. He noticed her coming and lifted her off her feet with a hug. The other girls cought up and Joyce introduced them. He held her to him the whole time. I took my sweet time walking up. Waiting for all the introductions to finish. Matt noticed me and let go of Joyce. He walked straight up to me offering his hand.
"Thanks for coming out to hang Shawn. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk much the last time and all so let me make it up to you"
I shook his hand and asked what he had in mind. The girls were listening intently now as he told me his intentions
"My roommates are having people over tonight to celebrate one of their birthdays. I thought we could get some food and a bunch of booze and hang. If it's lame we'll do something else"
"Owe hell yah!" Abby said. All the other girls readily agreed so what could I say?
Matt finished helping his friends and asked if he could ride with us considering he took the train down to the park. He rode in the front seat with me to point the way. We talked about the city and music and I cought myself kinda liking him. He lived in one of the sprawling neighborhoods on the northside. I had to park about half way down the block from his house. We went back to his place and ordered "the best pizza around" according to him and his roommates. Everyone in Chicago says this. I got a moment alone with Joyce
" Where's his friends at?" I asked
"I guess there coming later. None of them wanted to come to the art thingy. He's nice isn't he?" She smiled at me when she said it. I smiled back so she started to tease me
" Awe! Shawn made a friend!"
Whatever. Anyways we ate and hung out till around nine. Matt, Joyce, and I mainly talked about things we liked to do around town. I couldn't tell what the other three were doing. He kept his distance the whole time from her and I let my guard down.
That's when Matt asked me if I would take his two roommates to get a keg. I really was starting to like these guys so I said sure. We drove down to the store and it only took about twenty minutes. I got back and even got a spot in front of the house. Mishelle and Christy were sitting on the porch waiting for us with a couple of people that just arrived.
"Mishelle wouldn't let these guys park there Shawn. Isn't she sweet! I would of" Christy said as she gave me a fake smile
"Love you too" I smiled back at her.
Those guys took the keg into the basement where they had a bar and pool table. I went to find Joyce.
Abby seen me and yelled
"Shawn! The man with the beer!"
Matt and Joyce came out of a Side bed room then. I looked at her and she actually blushed. I guess it wasn't so easy with me there sober. Matt started to take care of that thow. He passed a fifth of captain morgans to Abby who took a big swig passing to everyone else.
" Come on Shawn. I got some friends I want you to meet. They got a band in the city and are always looking for like minded souls." Matt claimed as we headed to the basement. There was a good 15 to 20 people down there. Guys and girls almost equally were mingling in the long Chicago basement. They had it set up like a real bar. The whole place was painted black and Christmas lights Almost covered the ceiling.A Bunch of guys with long hair were sitting at the table playing quarters.
"This is Shawn the guy I was telling you about"
They just kinda a looked at me for a second. Finally one of them said
"So you playing or what?"
I've played quarters before. I usually ended up on my face and that was just with beer. These guys played if you made the third shot someone had to do a shot of Jim beam. I didn't want to look bad though so I found a seat.
I got to know the other four guys at the table and pretty soon we were laughing and joking about everything and everyone. Eric would come down and grab beers and so would Joyce's friends. She only came down once.
"Just wanted to make sure your still alive" she said kissing my cheek. I introduced her to the guys at the table and she disappeared again. After awhile I had to stop playing. I went to get up and had to sit right back down again. Mishelle was in the basement and guided me over to a couch against the wall. She got me a beer(like I needed it) and started to ramble on about some guy she liked. We sat there for awhile talking when Christy stumbled down stairs and up to me. She bent down in my face and slurred
"I need the van keys" and held out her hands.
"Your not gonna leave us are you? I don't think you should drive" I joked
"I couldn't find my way around the block. Dude I'm counting on you to get me home. There's a creepy older guy hitting on me" she was swaying as she talked.
"I'm just gonna go lay down for a minute"
"Do you want me to go with you" I had the best intentions honestly. But she just snatched the keys out of my hand and called me a perv.
She stumbled up stairs and Mishelle sighed
"I'll go with her" and she left me there. The next thing I remember is waking up on that couch. There were only a couple of people left in the basement when I jumped up and ran to the bathroom down there. I splashed water on my face after I went and my only thought was where's Joyce. I went up stairs and it was pretty quiet. I noticed a clock and it was after three in the morning. I looked in a bed room and found Abby, Mishelle and one of the room mates passed out in a bed. They were all still dressed so no worries.
I could her someones soft wimper in the next room. A mans voice was softly talking. I opened the bed room door as quietly as possible and there they were. Joyce was on top of Eric. All the pillows and blankets were on the floor along with there clothing. She was on top of him slowly lifting her self up and down on his cock. Her back had a fine layer of sweat and her hair looked wet. All I could see of him were his legs. She whimpered as he told her how much he loved fucking her. He was telling her how hot she looked right now. She stopped as he reached over and picked something up. I heard him snort then offer it to her. She did the same then really started to ride him. I could hear the slap slap slap when someone grabbed me from behind
"What the fuck are you doing pervert!"
It was the other room mate. He was yelling and I seen the girls poke there head out as the other roommate came out too. I looked in and Matt and Joyce were looking right at me. She covered her breasts with her hand so I couldn't see. They grabbed me up and threw me out of the house. I tried to push back in but they knocked me down the porch stairs and I just laid there.
After they went inside I got up. I walked over to the van but it was locked. The keys were still in the door though. Christy is such a ditz. I unlocked it and climbed over her and layed down in the back.
I woke up the next morning with Mishelle beating on the back door. Christy was passed out next to me on the bed in the van. Cloths on. I opened the door and she handed me a couple of cups of water. I downed them both
"One of those were for her ya know, I'll get more. I was told to tell you to stay out here or there'd kick your ass"
It all was rushing back then. I tried to save what little pride I had
"What ever. Tell Joyce to get out here now I'm leaving"
Mishelle just laughed as she replied "relax tough guy. Come on Christy. Let's go clean up before big bad Shawn leaves us here" she said sarcastically. Christy climbed out and gave me a weak smile.
I sat there for over an hour. I went around the house and relieved myself and refilled the cups with the hose. The girls came out looking like they all showered and Joyce got in the front. Eric came out and watched as I drove off. There was some wispering and giggleing in the back but Joyce slept the whole way. I dropped everyone off before her and had to wake her up. She looked at me with blood shot eyes and I knew there was no point in talking about this. She kissed me on the lips and told me she'd call me later. She slid out of the van like she was tender down there. I watched her walk in the house and I knew it was over. We still talked and went out here and there over the rest of the summer but we weren't the same. We didn't talk about that night. She went to collage in Nevada and I worked and went to school at home. We just grew apart. I would run in to her over the next couple of years and we would hook up at first. The last time I saw her was in a gas station and we didn't even say high to each other.
I don't remember really seeing Abby or Christy much. Mishelle ended up Marrying my best friend. I ran into Steve all the time and we actually became friends. We never talked about Joyce. A few years later my dads company landed a big contract in another state. He asked me to go there and train people for him and I did. I did that all the time back then. I liked going around the country seeing new places. This was the biggest account he ever landed and I would be there awhile. He even hinted at me running things there in a few years. In hind sight I could see why. Who's gonna listen to The 22 year old son of the owner?
I was there for a month when I walked into the office to hand in some paper work. At the desk sat a five foot green eyed beauty. She smiled at me and I was in love like never before. I've been married to her for over twenty years. This is where the fun really begins for me!

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:19 pm

It just gets better, I find myself looking for your next update frequently!

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:32 am

If you liked reading about my experiences I’m gonna write the next part soon. I think I’m gonna title it. “In it for the long haul”. Thanks!

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Sat Sep 23, 2017 7:33 pm

I for one sure are looking to reading it, thank you :)

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:19 pm

So I started a new topic about me and my wife Heather. It’s called the long haul. If you enjoyed this please check it out and let me know what you think.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:37 pm

I reckon it is fantastic, you have really found the girl of your dreams now it seems!

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Bovary2012 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:14 am

Thanks, Shawn. I loved the story and the way you told it. Look forward to reading your next installment too.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by norbertrichard » Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:01 pm

Glad to learn of your early adventures, before Heather, Thanks.

petey boy
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by petey boy » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:57 am

We wait for the next installment! It is good to see someone else that can trace their cuck habits to their young years.!

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