Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by 4herpleasure89 » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:54 am

Or more likely too busy to post.

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:36 am

Hi folks,
Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been traveling a lot, and quite busy. While I've been gone, Adam and Maricel have been, in every respect, the primary couple. I Skyped with Maricel frequently, and she's been quite forthcoming in sharing details with me. Adam took up residence in the master bedroom during my absences, and has become even more comfortable with showing his affection to Maricel when I am around.

One big surprise is that, on three occasions, Adam came into our bedroom after Maricel and I made love and then proceeded to make love to her, sleeping with us for the rest of the night in the same bed. What makes this surprising is that he apparently has lost his aversion to fucking Maricel after me, having MY sloppy seconds. Now that I'm finished my extensive traveling, Adam is usually in his room, and Maricel and Adam still make love far more frequently than her and I do. During the times I make love with Maricel, it's almost always after she's been with Adam, so she's always wet with Adam's semen, which I love tasting and feeling in her. But I find it quite exciting when Adam occasionally takes the liberty of entering our bedroom and "reclaiming" Maricel.

In short, things are still going great. :)


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by yielding william » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:27 am

We haven't wanted another man living with us, but your situation is different from anything we have encountered. Under those circumstances, I think we both would have done the same as you. In our situation, though, I'd make it clear it would only be until he graduates. That time would still be a lot of fucking between them. Getting a monthly check from his parents is a great bonus.

One young student who was fucking my wife (met him through an ad) told one of his friends he was regularly having sex with a married woman. He asked if she would consider a threesome. She agreed cautiously and both fucked her twice together and thereafter for three months on separate nights until they transferred to a distant college. I think we might have agreed for either to live with us until they were accepted at another school.

We didn't consider me as a "real" cuckold at that time. In our opinion, the cuckolding started six months after that when she and the assistant principal began fucking her while she worked as a substitute teacher at the school. After just over three months, she was assigned to a new location. We began answering single mens' personals ads and she has met others in ordinary day-to-day or work encounters.

You and she are a lucky couple.

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by Les » Fri Sep 08, 2017 10:46 pm

Nice update!
Always great to hear from you,
thanks Davao!!

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:12 am

yielding william wrote:We haven't wanted another man living with us, but your situation is different from anything we have encountered. Under those circumstances, I think we both would have done the same as you. In our situation, though, I'd make it clear it would only be until he graduates. That time would still be a lot of fucking between them. Getting a monthly check from his parents is a great bonus.

One young student who was fucking my wife (met him through an ad) told one of his friends he was regularly having sex with a married woman. He asked if she would consider a threesome. She agreed cautiously and both fucked her twice together and thereafter for three months on separate nights until they transferred to a distant college. I think we might have agreed for either to live with us until they were accepted at another school.

We didn't consider me as a "real" cuckold at that time. In our opinion, the cuckolding started six months after that when she and the assistant principal began fucking her while she worked as a substitute teacher at the school. After just over three months, she was assigned to a new location. We began answering single mens' personals ads and she has met others in ordinary day-to-day or work encounters.

You and she are a lucky couple.
We haven't placed any conditions on Adam's relationship with Maricel, as everything has really fallen in place quite naturally. I have never felt threatened by Adam's presence in Maricel's life, nor has he or Maricel given me any reason to.

Adam keeps the nature of our relationship secret. Occasionally, Adam and Maricel have gone out as a couple with some of his friends, but he never told them that she is married to me--simply that she is his girlfriend. He would never dream of "sharing" her, since both Adam and I are sexually exclusive to her, and she is to us.

As far as I'm concerned, I am happy to keep things the way they are until the day comes when the relationship naturally moves along.


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:21 am

Hi Folks,

An interesting development in the relationship between Maricel and Adam...

Several months ago, Maricel told Adam about her first boyfriend, Arsenio, in the Philippines. Arsenio is a Facebook friend of Maricel's, and they've chatted a few times on and off.. nothing sexual, just friends staying in touch. Now, we are planning a trip back to Davao, Philippines in November to visit with Maricel's family and friends. Arsenio messaged Maricel and indicated that he'd love to see her again.

Well, unfortunately, due to other commitments, Adam will not be able to accompany us on our trip to the Philippines. Maricel told him about Arsenio wanting to see her, and Adam felt hurt and slighted for a few days. (He's not very good at expressing emotions.) Anyway, last week Adam finally told Maricel that he didn't want her seeing Arsenio again. He pointed out that Maricel is his one and only, that even though she is married--a fact that he completely accepts--he feels committed to her, and has always been faithful, sexually and otherwise. He didn't make it seem like an ultimatum or anything, but he asked Maricel if she could make a 100-percent commitment and promise to him that she would be completely faithful to him, and would never be sexually intimate with any man other than him or me, her husband.

Rather than feeling "controlled" or pressured, Maricel was very touched with how much Adam is in love with her, and she made that promise. She not only promised not to have sex with Arsenio, she unfriended him on Facebook and promised not to even meet with him. At that, Adam produced a gold wedding ring, and slipped it on her right finger. When he did this, Maricel was worried about how I might react to her wearing Adam's ring. Honestly, at first, I was a bit taken aback, so I had a talk with Adam about what all of this meant.

Adam told me that he loves Maricel, deeply and totally, and has no desire for any other woman in his life, but at the same time, he honors and respects the fact that I am her husband and life partner, and would never dream of interfering with that. Then, he told me something very touching. Adam told me that, in a sense, he loves me also, not in any sexual way, but as the one man in this world who loves Maricel as much as he does, and the one man he knows he can totally trust. After our talk, I gave Adam my complete blessing to her wearing his ring on her right hand, which now symbolizes that we are, in a manner of speaking, co-husbands to Maricel.

Since that day, Maricel has been proudly wearing her two wedding rings, and her already-high libido has been going through the roof. She even whispered in my ear, "I want to spend some time alone now with 'Hubby Adam,'" and took him into our bedroom where they made love for hours. I must say, when she said the words "Hubby Adam," I got instantly hard and felt an amazing rush in my gut. I wanted to masterbate because I was going nuts hearing the sounds of love coming from our bedroom, but I knew that if I climaxed, I would be done for at least the next 24 hours, so I was patient. Several hours later, a completely exhausted Adam came staggering out of our bedroom into his, giving me a wicked smile on the way.

When I entered our bedroom, Maricel's hair was all messy, and she seemed a bit drowsy, lying naked on our bed. At first, I assumed that this might be one of the very rare occasions when Maricel would be too tired for lovemaking, but when I got into bed, she gave me a big sloppy kiss and said, "I want to finish the circle" (whatever that meant), and proceeded to 69 me. I lay back and she put her musky wet pussy down on my face where I could taste my brother-husband's semen distinctly. After I made Maricel climax, she spun her little 90-lb. body around, put my rock-hard cock inside her, and rode me like a rodeo champion until I exploded deep within her. We then fell into a spooning embrace, deep into sleep.

So now, Adam is a lot more than Maricel's boyfriend, he is truly part of the family. In fact, I've noticed that he seems to have shed all of his remaining inhibitions about openly displaying affection for Maricel. He frequently kisses her, playfully grabs her breasts and ass, and cuddles with her on the sofa without any sign of any concern that he might offend or annoy me. And since the above events, Adam has welcomed himself into our bedroom, and made love with Maricel in front of me in our bed, all of his previous shyness gone.

I have no doubt that Maricel will remain faithful to Adam when we go to the Philippines next moth (for two weeks), making love only to me, to the extent that I can keep up. I can't wait to see how Maricel "rapes" Adam when we return home!


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by EDAS » Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:10 am

This has got to be one of the most beautiful threads on this forum. Thanks for posting.

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Tue Oct 03, 2017 3:39 pm

EDAS wrote:This has got to be one of the most beautiful threads on this forum. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm probably not as good at describing the sex details as many OHW members, but for me the sexual stuff is only a part of our overall experience--albeit a wonderful part. :)



Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by desertsub » Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:54 am

I can understand Adams feelings towards you, I have a lot of the same feelings towards my wife's ex-boyfriend who comes to visit from time to time. My reasons are a bit different though. My wife was married to an extremely abusive man and had been with him since she was about 16. She desperately needed to get out of the relationship but didn't know how, enter her ex-boyfriend. He helped get her and her kids away from the bastard she was married to. They later split up for various reasons before I ever knew her but reconnected several years after we got married. He visited a couple of times over the years and I got to know him well. A few years ago he was coming for a visit and I asked my wife if she wanted to fuck him again, and she did. He was a bit confused about the whole thing and I explained our relationship to him. Since that first time I have told him how grateful I am to him for rescuing my wife from a toxic, possibly fatal relationship. I have also told him that as long as my wife wants it, he is welcome to seeing her whenever he wants. He and I have also become very close friends.

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:03 am

Since my last update, Adam has been sleeping with us in our master bedroom most of the time. The only time when Adam retreats to his own room is when I feel like making love with Maricel, which he prefers not to watch. Ironically, he doesn't seem to be shy about being present when I go down on Maricel after he finishes with her. Most of the time, I like bringing Maricel to climax with my tongue, and that's it. I sense that his knowing that I am tasting his semen in Maricel's pussy is, subconsciously, a way for him to feel a connection to me, like I am somehow validating the legitimacy of his intimacy with Maricel. But on those occasions when it's clear that Maricel and I will start fucking, he quietly makes an exit. I haven't discussed this apparent inconsistency with him, nor do I feel the need to, but I speculate that he doesn't feel the same excitement over watching another man penetrate "his woman" as I do. And that's okay, as this is all about everyone feeling happy and satisfied, in his or her own way.

Not surprisingly, Adam has never been interested in making love with Maricel immediately after me. Thus, on those infrequent occasions when I do have intercourse with Maricel, it's always after Adam makes love with her, and not the other way around. I'm perfectly fine with that sequence, as I've never felt denied or even discouraged to make love with Maricel anytime I want. In fact, more often than not, it's Maricel who initiates sex with me when she feels the need for that husband/wife connection. She completely understands that my libido is nowhere near her's or Adam's, and has never made me feel inadequate or humiliated in that regard. It's simply part of being married to a man decades older than she is. Adam has been a blessing in our lives, in part because he totally fills that gap (no pun intended lol).


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by dali_23 » Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:47 pm

Hi DavaoMike, I am just catching up with your story, I LIKE IT!! :up: :up: :D :D It sounds like an ideal situation, 100% win win. Getting a 24/7 lover for your wife and getting $300 a month on top. (I know you said the $$ doesn't matter, but still...)

Also, I am trying the online site you mentioned a while back. The cialis script I got is useless for $ SIXTY BUCKS a pill. :o :(
I'd rather have a broken heart than a heart of stone.

I don't mind other guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by youngguy69 » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:31 pm

Any updates DavaoMike?

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by magallag » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:54 pm

DavaoMike wrote: An interesting development in the relationship between Maricel and Adam...

Several months ago, Maricel told Adam about her first boyfriend, Arsenio, in the Philippines. Arsenio is a Facebook friend of Maricel's, and they've chatted a few times on and off.. nothing sexual, just friends staying in touch. DM
Arsenio simply said he'd like to see Maricel again. It doesn't mean they're gonna fuck. (And I'd be willing to bet Arsenio has a wife and kids by this point, too.)

So what's Adam afraid of?

I know you're okay with it, Mike. I even get the attraction to the idea that Adam has fallen in love with Maricel. (It's not just a physical cucking. It's an emotional cucking, too. That's rather exciting in its own way.)

I just feel like Adam is getting a bit too "territorial."


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:24 am

magallag wrote:
DavaoMike wrote: An interesting development in the relationship between Maricel and Adam...

Several months ago, Maricel told Adam about her first boyfriend, Arsenio, in the Philippines. Arsenio is a Facebook friend of Maricel's, and they've chatted a few times on and off.. nothing sexual, just friends staying in touch. DM
Arsenio simply said he'd like to see Maricel again. It doesn't mean they're gonna fuck. (And I'd be willing to bet Arsenio has a wife and kids by this point, too.)

So what's Adam afraid of?

I know you're okay with it, Mike. I even get the attraction to the idea that Adam has fallen in love with Maricel. (It's not just a physical cucking. It's an emotional cucking, too. That's rather exciting in its own way.)

I just feel like Adam is getting a bit too "territorial."

It's an interesting contradiction. Yes, Adam feels possessive regarding Maricel. He sees her as HIS girlfriend, and would certainly have an issue with other men intruding on that. On the other hand, he also sees me as a "brother husband," and has never even hinted or implied that, either verbally or by his actions, that my relationship with my wife should be phased out or minimized. He totally understands and accepts the fact that Maricel, being a devout Catholic, views marriage as forever and inviolate. Although, due to my much-lower libido, Adam and Maricel make love far more frequently than Maricel and me, I have never been "denied" or otherwise felt discouraged at having sex with my wife as much as I want.

I actually find Adam's possessiveness of Maricel to be rather exciting and arousing. I enjoy the fact that Maricel and Adam are, in every respect, a true couple and that they are deeply in love. The fact that I never feel, in any way, threatened by their relationship makes them both very open and inclusive to me, and has led to a deepened level of intimacy between my wife and me.

In short, Adam and I are completely faithful to Maricel, and she is faithful to both of us. I wouldn't have it any other way. Maricel has already emailed Arsenio to tell him that she will be too busy to see him, but that she hopes he is doing well. We will be leaving on our Philippines trip in two days, and are looking forward to the time ahead, especially when we spend a week in the beautiful beach resort of Boracay Island.

As an update, things are still going strong between Maricel and Adam. Last night, Maricel spent the night in Adam's room. I was rock hard listening to their "sounds of love" coming from his room. This morning, I made them both coffee, and when I entered Adam's room, it was so beautiful seeing them in a loving embrace, naked under the covers. An hour later, I could hear them making love again. Since Adam has a school-related appointment in about an hour, I'll have Maricel to myself shortly, and I'm really looking forward to that. :)


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by 4herpleasure89 » Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:31 am

Awsome story of an amazing poly relationship! Thanks for sharing.

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Unread post by DavaoMike » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:59 am

Hi folks,

Well, Maricel and I are back from our trip to the Philippines. We spent the time visiting with Maricel's family in Davao, then spending a week at the beautiful beach resort of Boracay Island. As she promised to Adam, Maricel did not make any contact with her first boyfriend, Arsenio, and remained true to Adam. During our trip, Maricel really wanted to make love with me frequently, but I just couldn't keep up. As I said before, I am happy with sex about once every week or two. Maricel had been accustomed to being sexually satisfied daily or more by Adam, and had to endure a drop-off in sexual activity during the trip, as I could barely manage having sex twice a week during this time. I could tell that she was somewhat frustrated, but she never said anything to me about that, except that she wished Adam could join us.

When we returned home, Maricel literally ran into Adams arms, and they kissed and hugged as if they had been apart for a year. They then ran up the stairs to Adam's room where they made love noisily for hours while I unpacked our bags and cooked dinner for all of us. Afterwards, Maricel spent the night in Adam's room. The next morning, Maricel woke me up by sitting on my face. Her pussy was drenched with Adam's semen, which got me rock hard, at which time Maricel rode me to climax with her silky wet pussy.

It's great to be home again. I know that Maricel and Adam are happy to be together again.


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by eurocuck » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:56 am

Hi Mike... I think it is time to move that blog under poly folder... Great adventure for you. I have similar with my wife and her lover for more then 2 years but all 3 of us are similar aged (42,43,44). To have younger virile lover under your roof sounds amazing!

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:12 am

eurocuck wrote:Hi Mike... I think it is time to move that blog under poly folder... Great adventure for you. I have similar with my wife and her lover for more then 2 years but all 3 of us are similar aged (42,43,44). To have younger virile lover under your roof sounds amazing!
Yeah, I think you're right. I don't know how to do that.


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by eurocuck » Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:55 pm

DavaoMike wrote:
eurocuck wrote:Hi Mike... I think it is time to move that blog under poly folder... Great adventure for you. I have similar with my wife and her lover for more then 2 years but all 3 of us are similar aged (42,43,44). To have younger virile lover under your roof sounds amazing!
Yeah, I think you're right. I don't know how to do that.

Ask some of the admins and update us more regularly please!

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by ejat69 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:05 pm

hey mike is adam white? or a filipino?

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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by DavaoMike » Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:21 am

ejat69 wrote:hey mike is adam white? or a filipino?
Adam is white, 25 years old (almost 26), with blonde hair and boyish looks. When we are out together (like at the hardware store or something), people often think he's my son.


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by souljoed » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:44 am


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by souljoed » Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:47 am


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Unread post by DavaoMike » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:13 pm

Hi folks,

Well, since Maricel and I returned from our vacation to the Philippines, things have gotten deeper between her and Adam. And, I might add, Adam and I have also grown closer--not sexually or anything, but in other ways.

Originally, Adam was pretty shy about being openly affectionate or sexual with Maricel in my presence. However, over time, it seems that Adam has done a complete 180 in this regard. I would say that he now spends the night with us in our bedroom about half of the time, and spends the night alone with Maricel in his room about 1-2 times a week, on average. Now, they make love in my presence without any hesitation. I am now sensing that Adam gets off on having an audience. There's never any form of humiliation or disrespect, but Adam has completely accepted that he is free to take Maricel whenever he wants, and vice versa. That is, Maricel often enjoys ravishing Adam.

As before, Maricel makes love with Adam far, far more frequently than with me, but this is entirely by my choice because of my lower libido. After climaxing, I require at least 2-3 days to recover, and I'm generally happy having sex about every 1-2 weeks, while Adam seems to have no such limitations, which I am sure Maricel is happy about. Whenever I am in the mood, I just give Maricel that certain "look." She knows I enjoy having her after she's fucked Adam, so she just rolls over after finishing with him, and I start by dining on her deliciously used pussy. Adam, on the other hand, has no desire to make love with Maricel after me, so I always patiently wait for Adam to have his fill before having my turn. He doesn't seem to enjoy watching Maricel and I make love, but he's not as averse as he used to be. Now, he just rolls over and looks the other way, or just retreats to his room.

The three of us often go out to dinner or sports events, but Adam and Maricel don't act like a couple or anything. To the rest of the world, Adam appears to be just our younger friend accompanying us, with Maricel being my wife, both outwardly and in reality. We don't want to risk anyone we know seeing anything to reveal our real arrangement. However, the three of us are planning on taking a vacation to Florida, during which I've offered to let Adam be Maricel's temporary "husband," while I'm just along for the ride. That should be fun. :)


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Re: Filipina Wife's Boyfriend is Moving In

Unread post by Tongue4Kitty » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:45 pm

DavaoMike, it looks like after 5 years of Maricel being with Adam, and 2 years of the three of you living together that Adam has found his long term girl friend. Is he done with school yet, or when will he be? It looks like you three may be together for a long time yet. I'm sure Adam will love being Maricel's husband in Florida! And Maricel will love being Adam's wife!

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