The Reunion

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The Reunion

Unread post by Dzs1653 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:32 pm

"Okay, I've decided to go."

Daniel had encouraged Alice to go to the high school reunion in LA. She was shy and maybe this would be a great way to connect with old friends, even if more than likely, they'd end up as long-distance friends. Still, just the fact that she'd be socializing could do something for her confidence, and that could only be good.

Ah, but let's be honest here. It wasn't really just that. She'd be going alone, and that fact played on Daniel's dark secret. A secret he was barely able to admit to himself. The thought that Alice could see someone from her past. Someone she could hit it off with. Possibly more. Two months prior, even before the reunion invite, he had managed to confess his fantasy to his wife, and considered himself fortunate that there had been no outrage, no criticism, no "pimping" accusation. But it had been a rather neutral reaction. For whatever reason, she had chosen not to share what she really thought of her husband's outrageous fantasy. Maybe, he hoped, she needed time for it to rattle around. But as Alice made her preparations, Daniel could not quite bring himself to say what he had imagined: That he wanted her to feel completely free (of course she would have understood what "completely" was meant to convey) while in LA, but to tell him all about it when she returned.

No, that would be too big a step. That would be wandering too far into "fantasy into reality" territory, and he had vowed to himself that there would be no going there, unless the idea came from Alice's own lips. Still, just the thought of his wife out partying without him ... What was it? Hope? Arousal? Fear? All of the above, if he was honest.


"Hey, how's the big reunion?"
"Oh, lots of fun. Say, you know what? I ran into this guy I kind of knew back then. Nikola Nedev. Came over to the US when he was like twelve, but hardly any accent left. And he's such a gentleman! I mean, why don't they make them like that here? Well, besides you, that is."

"My God, she's positively bubbling." Daniel thought.

"Niko and I... I guess back then there was a little bit of regret that we were both sort of coupled. Don't be jealous, but maybe the slightest crush, you know?"

Daniel didn't think he was exactly getting jealous. Wasn't sure just what it was he was "getting". Stirred up, or something.

"He always just seemed so ... I don't know... nice. Anyway, he was wondering why my loving husband wasn't with me. Like he thought that might MEAN something. I told him somebody had to stay home and take care of the cat... So feeling lonely without your sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. Just a bit tiring fending off all those women who've heard you were traveling."

"Oh shut up. I know I have nothing to worry about... "

"But do I?", Daniel wondered. Was there a little part of him wanting to have something to worry about? Maybe worry wasn't quite the right word.

"So, any sort of fun planned for tonight?" Daniel was actually thinking of innocent fun, for once.

"Going out for cocktails. Call you later, okay?"

"Alright. Have fun." Daniel couldn't help noticing that Alice hadn't said exactly who else was going out for cocktails.


"I didn't wake you, did I?"
"Hadn't really managed to get to sleep for some reason."

A silence, then... "Daniel"

"What is it?"

"I should be more careful with my drinking. Sometimes, I don't know... Sometimes things come out that maybe shouldn't. I'm really sorry."

"What? Sorry for what?"

"Well, like I said, we'd been drinking. And Niko was getting sort of flirty. And... I don't know. Maybe I..."

"Maybe you what?"

"Maybe I was getting a little flirty myself. Maybe I felt like being sort of... shocking. He was saying that if it weren't for my wedding ring, he'd think about resuming where things..."

"Where you and he had left things back then?"

"Yeah. I think that was the jist. So I just kind of found myself saying... you know..."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him... 'well my husband actually has this fantasy...' "

Suddenly Daniel felt... like time was standing still. Alice had hardly even acknowledged that she had heard her husband's confession. It was almost as if she hadn't really ever taken it in at all. But now it was clear she had indeed taken it in. And now she not only had taken it in, she'd gone ahead and put it out there.

"So we haven't really done anything. We thought we should check with you, you know, make sure you're still okay with it."

"really". What exactly did she mean by "really"? Things were coming too fast to process. He'd always imagined there would be this big decision-making. The big talk. About whether to cross the line. There'd be rules to negotiate. A lot of "Are we really sure?" talk. And now it sounded like the train -- even if it hadn't completely left the station, had just reached the exit. And "still okay"? He'd told her he had this fantasy, and now here we were at "still okay". But something seemed to seize control of his will, all he could think of was how much he wanted to hear about whatever it was they were doing, short of "really doing anything", of course.

"Okay, so what sort of 'not really doing anything' -- have you been doing?"

"Well, when he was kissing me..."

Kissing? Daniel was already hard. If only he could have seen that.

"... he really seemed to like squeezing my breasts. But you know, I really liked it too. In fact, I could feel myself getting all wet down there, so I guess you know what that means."

Daniel was immobile. Mouth dry.

"But I think what he liked even more was when he ran his hand up my leg and felt me ... there. Oh God that felt so good. And I could feel him getting hard! I think he's pretty big."

"You're doing this stuff -- in the bar?"

"It's dark and there are lots of people. And we're being pretty sneaky. You know, the being sneaky part seems to make it all that much hotter. I guess that's part of why so many women end up doing this stuff on the sly. But I could never do that to you, sweetie. Not to mention, you've basically said..."

"Yeah, I sort of have, haven't I? But wait. What made you think he was pretty big?"

"Well, he was getting to feel me, so I wanted to feel him too. Mmm. I wonder if it gets you hard, thinking about me finding out that he is..."


"Daniel, you know how much I love you. But right now, I just don't want it to stop. Isn't this exactly your fantasy? Niko's having a hard time believing me when I tell him that it is."

Well, that was it. Was it time to finally put some brakes on? Or was it time to sail across "the line" and power on?

"Put him on."

Daniel could barely hear her saying "Niko, I think he wants to talk to you."
"Hello, NiKola? This is Daniel." A silence. Maybe something of a gulp.

"Right. Hello Daniel. Your wife is... she's really something!"

"Yes, I guess I have to agree." Daniel thought to himself: "Apparently more something than I ever knew. Who is this woman? And what have they done with my shy wife?"

"Listen, Nikola. Alice says you don't believe I'm okay with... with where you and she... where you and she seem to be headed."

"To be honest, it's like nothing I've ever heard of. Are you really going to let me... you're not going to mind if we..."

"It's okay -- you don't have to say it, Nikola. Maybe some day you'll get it. But right now I need a promise."

"So what do you want me to promise?"

"Nikola, Alice is my treasure. You have to treat her right. Like the priceless treasure she is. I hope you can make this unforgettable for her. I wonder if you can do that."

"Yeah I get it, Daniel. I mean I don't really get it. But I do get what you're asking for. I can only promise to try and be my best for her. And for you."

"So put her back on....
Okay baby. You're going to have an unforgettable night. Call me one more time when things are getting close. Okay?"


"Hey Sweetie -- Where are you? I hope you're not trying to do this in the bar."

"No, not in the bar -- in my room. Oh!"

"What was that? Isn't it kind of annoying for him you're being constantly on the phone?"

"Oh! Yeah -- Yes! right th -- Oh God! -- Actually, he thinks it's kind of hot."

"That may be. But listen. I want this to be the best it can be for you. And I think that means not having your husband breathing down your neck -- not even from a thousand miles away. Sure, this is my fantasy. But right now it needs to be just for you. You and that lover of yours. Maybe next time I'll get to watch, maybe even participate. But you guys are about to reach a huge, delicious milestone, and I think it's going to be so much better if you can just have that moment in your own space. Much as I'd love seeing it. God I love you so much and I can't wait to have you back. It's so weird. Having this happening is somehow making me love you like I never have before."

"Oh Daniel."

"Remember you have to tell me all about it. Going to let you go now. I love you so much, Alice." It was so hard to let her go, but he felt so strongly he had to let her do this solo.


Daniel was aware of his pulse as he searched the passengers coming off the flight from LA. Where was she? Surely she hadn't decided to stay behind. And then,... and then, with a positive radiance he wasn't sure he'd ever seen before, there she was, the most beautiful woman in the world, his beloved Alice. The kiss was almost too much for a public place, but they were not to be denied. Their tears told of the intensity.

The reclaiming. Beginning with such tenderness. Such love. But then it started to change. Ferocity, almost, as their memories strayed to the reality of what had transpired in her hotel room. Like an unquenchable thirst. And then, in the midst of it, he looked hard at her and demanded, "Tell me. Tell me what you did. Tell me what he did. Tell me, Alice."

And now, eyes ablaze, she did just that, like she couldn't hold it in. "I had to show him, sweetie. I had to have him look long and hard. Let him ride his lust as he stared at this pussy. You knew he'd get to do that, didn't you? Get to look at the pussy that had been only for you until then. And think about what he was going to be doing so soon. So very soon with this pussy."

"But you? Wasn't there something for you to see? Something that he did? Tell me what he showed you then."

"Oh yes, it was so hard. Straight and beautiful. I was so ready. But he wouldn't let me have it quite yet. I arched my back, like offering him his gift. And then his mouth. His tongue. Teasing and torturing. But he couldn't really stop me. He finally touched his tongue there, right there. Just once, and I was gone." As she said that, her legs began to tremble.

But he wanted to hear the rest. He wanted to hear about the big moment. Wanted to hear about Niko putting it just there. Wanted to picture it making its way in. "Just tell me about..."

"You want to hear about him doing it? About what he finally did with that big thing? Okay, I'll tell you. I grabbed it and made sure it was just right. And then..."

"Say it, Alice. Say it. He fucked you, didn't he? He pushed it in. All the way in. All the way into that sweet, nasty cunt. And he fucked you and fucked you, didn't he?"

"Yes!" She was screaming now. "Yes, he fucked me like no tomorrow! He fucked me..." but now Alice found herself going over the edge one more time. Daniel felt it as much as he heard it. And so he went there with her. Tumbling into a wonderful place with his dear, beloved Alice.


Daniel saw the sudden change that came over his wife as soon as she looked down at her ringing phone. Electrified, was it? And then finally, "No way! Let me call you back. I need to talk to Daniel."

"Let me guess. Niko?"

Lips together, Alice nodded slowly. Of course there would be no hiding. No effort at concealment. After everything, what could there be to hide? "He's here in town. Came up for the Brewers' Festival, he says."

Daniel couldn't hide a grin. "Nothing wrong with beer. And he might as well pay a visit to his secret high school flame while he's at it."

"... and her loving husband." Alice completed the thought. If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that nothing was going to happen with the handsome gentleman this time, without her beloved being right there, being entirely a part of it. He had given her a gift that few women could even dream of, and she was not about to forget that.

"So tell your lover -- once he gets tired of sampling beer, that is -- tell him to get his ass over here!"


As introductions were made, Niko couldn't quite hide a look of awe. What kind of a man was this Daniel? Would he ever be able to feel like that himself? It was hardly the attitude he had been brought up with. But soon, the plum brandy was brought out (Daniel had done his homework), and the happy trio was able to loosen up a bit. Daniel and Alice were on the couch, Niko facing them in the wing chair.

"Your wife is so beautiful." It was Niko who had unilaterally taken the role of ice breaker.

"And sexy, don't you think?" Daniel looked intensely at Niko, but it was a friendly intensity.
An intensity that spoke of a desire to connect somehow with his wife's lover.

"Yeah, it's sometimes hard to behave yourself."

Now it was Alice's turn. "So maybe we don't need to." She turned to her husband and gave him the sort of kiss that is not normally done with a guest watching from a nearby chair.

Daniel looked over to Niko as he placed his hand on his wife's breast. As he kneeded it in a kind of "I'd love to fuck you" sort of way, Alice smiled at Niko as well. It seemed that they both wanted to treat their guest to a whole new perspective on things.

"I told Daniel about the lovely time you and I had, Niko. I told him how much I enjoyed being naked for you. How intoxicated I was by your hungry stare."

At that, Niko could not stop himself from moving his hand down to where it was needed.

"Oh, but show us, Niko. Show us that beautiful cock. That beautiful cock that felt so glorious in my pussy. I'd love so much for you to do that again, Niko. My husband never got to see."

As Niko began to do as Alice had requested, she got up from the couch. The dress soon hit the floor. Then the bra. But the last part a little more slowly. She stood so that both men could see.

"Look, Daniel. Look how much I like showing him. Look at him Daniel. Look how beautifully hard he is. Can't you just see what he wants to do? You know that we did it before. We did it for a long time, you know, but you didn't get to see."

Niko interrupted, "You could have watched. We could have set up the phone."

"I know, but I'm kind of old school. For me, that wouldn't really be watching. And I still think that first time had to be the two of you alone. But this time, I do want to see."

But it was Alice who replied, "Yes Niko. Do it again. I want it so badly. Please fuck me while he watches."

If Niko had any qualms about being watched, he did a good job keeping it to himself. And as was now obvious, Alice was more than okay with it. Way more than okay. In the end, Alice lay back in her husband's arms as Niko continued to ... What was it? It had become tender, and the way they looked at each other could only be described as a kind of fondness. This should have set off alarm bells in Daniel. He knew that the game they'd been playing sometimes does turn dangerous. But Daniel had thought about this. He just couldn't see love in a zero-sum way, and he trusted that the bond he had with Alice was safe. He stroked his wife's hair as Alice and Niko ... as they made love. With each other, yes, but in a way, it was with Daniel as well.

Niko did not return to his hotel that night. It had been exhilarating, but exhausting. It was Alice who first drifted off to sleep, lying in the big bed, so contented between her two men. Now that it was over, well, more likely over just for a while, Daniel's feelings began to come out of hiding. Intense, even contradictory feelings. What now? What about Niko? What was this odd sensation?

It's curious, how women often seem to have such an easy time expressing tenderness to each other, while men find the idea frightening. There seem to be such big rules. But then, had they not already broken a few societal rules here? Daniel slowly reached across the woman sleeping soundly between them. The woman they had shared. Reached across and cautiously found the hand of the man with whom he now had an undeniable bond. Somehow, it demanded expression. Just two hands joining ever so briefly. Such a small thing, but then sleep came easily to both.

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Re: The Reunion

Unread post by dana007 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:01 pm

great story can"t wait to read the rest.


Re: The Reunion

Unread post by Dzs1653 » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:05 pm

dana007 wrote:great story can"t wait to read the rest.
Hmm. The rest? I guess you'd like to see a sequel, then. I'll have to think about that.

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Re: The Reunion

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:47 pm

Yes, a sequel. One in which Alice, after several unprotected bareback sessions with both men becomes pregnant. But by whom?
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Re: The Reunion

Unread post by roadrunner » Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:18 pm

I think this story is great, just the way it is!

If you really want to write a sequel, I'd love to read it. But if not, I'm happy with this on it's own!
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Re: The Reunion

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri Feb 02, 2018 8:22 pm

Are you thinking of writing a sequel.
Great story.


Re: The Reunion

Unread post by Dzs1653 » Sat Feb 03, 2018 4:41 am

OZCPL wrote:Are you thinking of writing a sequel.
Great story.
Thank you. Since seeing the comment from dana007, I've started thinking of the possibility. A couple of ideas, so far.


Re: The Reunion

Unread post by Dzs1653 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:56 am

I guess I didn't really make it clear, but my latest, "Anything You Can Do", is the sequel to this one.

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