It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:16 pm

The Date was January 3, 2016
It's officially been over one month since Jen and I have had sex. December 2, 2015 to be exact. To be clear, Jen and I have still been sexual. But, actual intercourse hasn't happened. She's only gotten more and more bold about it too. On the one hand, it's been really frustrating because I miss sex with her. But, on the other hand, it's been hot as hell. We still roll around naked together and make out. I still give her oral. She still gives me handjobs. And, best of all, she and Brian still sometimes use me as a sex prop. Even though most of their sex is in private, just because of sleep schedules and such, they're very openly affectionate in front of me and don't seem to hold to back in the least as far as making out and feeling on each other. The situation has been a real turn-on.
your last post made think about when Jen went exlcusive with Brian, almost 2 years to the date
"Yes!" Jen exclaimed, even more excited than I expected she'd be. She then looked directly at me and said, "And for as long as Brian is living with us, he has exclusive rights to sex with me. You and I can still fool around like we have been, but we're making it official. For as long as Brian lives here, he's my sex partner. Not you. Your penis isn't allowed inside of me. You're not allowed to ask for sex. It doesn't matter if Brian is home or not. So long as Brian is living here, you respect that he's my boyfriend and you respect that I only have sex with my boyfriend."
Just something i though about when you hadn't had sex with Jen yet


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:19 am

Hi Michael

How are you and Jen doing? Hope everything is well with you both.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Jan 27, 2018 10:08 pm

Hi Michael!

Any new chapter of your hot story? ;)

Best regards and great orgasms!!!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Jan 30, 2018 3:04 pm

Thank you to everyone who's been supportive. Also thanks to those of you who were worried, but managed to say it in a nice way.

I'd been experiencing a lot of mixed feelings since my last post.

Long story short: Jen had replaced me sexually with Jason. Jason didn't officially move in, but he was spending every night at our apartment. It was exciting! But, it also had a lot of downsides for me. More and more, I felt excluded. To Jason, being exclusive sexually with Jen meant that I shouldn't even be allowed to touch Jen sexually or to even see Jen naked. Showing too much affection wasn't acceptable either. Jason would tell Jen and then Jen would tell me. Not that she needed to. I could tell that Jason didn't like the fact that Jen was married to me. I was getting fed up. I let Jen know. It turned out that Jen felt the same way. She even told me that Jason had started talking about introducing themselves as a couple to each other's close friends and relatives. Which Jen didn't want. Jen and I agreed that Jason was probably looking to replace me entirely and not just as Jen's lover. Jen broke things off with Jason this past weekend. Just in time to start the new college semester with a clean slate. Jen and I made love on Sunday evening. It was just vanilla sex. There was no talk of cuckolding and we both seemed fine with that. Then on Monday is was back to school. I noticed that day that Jen had put her wedding ring back on. :) We made love again that evening.

Anyways, I don't know what's going to happen next. But, cuckolding isn't something that I'm thinking about at the moment. All I can feel is relief and happiness that I still have my wife.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:05 pm

Assuming this tale is true you and Jen should focus on each other and her getting the spring semester off to a good start.

It sounds like you two are doing just that so that's a good thing.

Best of luck.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:15 pm

Hi Michael

Good to hear from you again. Glad to hear that you survived this experience and that you both discovered what is most important for both of you namely your own relationship and love. Just focus on yourselves now and all the best for the future.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by boblouis723 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:03 pm

I think you dodged a bullet, like I said - you had a connection with Brian, nothing with this guy. I'm proud that while you supported her, you saw what was happening and mutually you fixed it. Good Luck.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:56 am

Maybe Jen will realize what a gem she has in you,aty last and won't push things as hard next time. And there will be a next time.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:00 am

sharing the thoughts of the others, glad to hear all is well in Michael and Jen land. While I was hoping for the best in the new relationship for the both of you , I think you both found the best for yourselves, each other. As long as you can both keep you heads together as you have clearly shown. I believe you can, if you want to, continue to play some of the fun games you both like, and still have the strong bond that only the two of you can share.

good to hear from you, best wishes and keep in touch when and if any new developments pop up


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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Jan 31, 2018 1:02 pm

I just caught up on your story. I love how your wife talks to you! Every time I read about the way she cuckolds you I get turned on. It takes a strong woman to take control like she does. Oh, I bet you miss Brian just as much as she does!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:02 pm

Dear friend,

I am happy for your happiness!!!

Best regards from always your supporter!!!!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:57 pm

Your evolving story so far has been so captivating, I do hope you find the time (and inclination) to share more with us soon!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:40 pm

"Long story short:"

Is there a long story in there somewhere? It's great to hear you survived the journey, but it would also be great to hear about the last leg of the journey so far!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:35 am

hello Michael. hope all is well. any thing you would like to share, i'm sure there are a number of us who would be interested. Good luck to you and Jen in getting past this.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu Feb 15, 2018 7:31 am

Oops, I missed your last post before my last comment. When you play that hard you have to take brakes! Hope your happy and well. Let us know when Jen gets that itch again!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by 60dCommon » Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:02 pm

Adding my well wishes. Let us know how you're doing when you have a chance.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:57 am

This last leg sounds like a lot of boundaries were pushed and tested to the limit, did you derive enjoyment despite the risks involved? Did Jen continue to 'push your buttons' or feed off your anxiety? Would just love to hear more detail about the last adventure!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:07 pm

Hello Michael,

Just want to let you know, we are still out here. As others have said, it would be interesting to hear what happened and the conversations that You and Jen had. While i can personally attest to what is going on in your head, you seem smart enough to know while this was not a good experience, the fantasy and the fun you have from the fantasy/reality that you and Jen have had over the past 2 years has been for the most very fun and fulfilling for the both of you. I hope the one bad apple, didn't spoil the barrel for you. While there are probably words I would use to describe Jason, I would like to hear your words. I understand if you don't want to talk about it to us, we would love to here about it .

Also, this i do know, a fantasy, and the enjoyment you and Jen derived from this isn't something that's just going to go away. Has there been any discussion in regards to trying to find another partner that would be more suitable to the both of you? And, while the likeliness of this suggestion is so far fetched, Have you thought about inviting Brian back into your's and Jen's lives. That's when life for you guys was hitting on all cylinders, everybody was happy, everybody was getting something good out it and possibilities for the future were endless. Just a thought!

Hope all is well and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:37 am

excitedcuckold wrote:Thank you to everyone who's been supportive. Also thanks to those of you who were worried, but managed to say it in a nice way.

I'd been experiencing a lot of mixed feelings since my last post.

Long story short: Jen had replaced me sexually with Jason. Jason didn't officially move in, but he was spending every night at our apartment. It was exciting! But, it also had a lot of downsides for me. More and more, I felt excluded. To Jason, being exclusive sexually with Jen meant that I shouldn't even be allowed to touch Jen sexually or to even see Jen naked. Showing too much affection wasn't acceptable either. Jason would tell Jen and then Jen would tell me. Not that she needed to. I could tell that Jason didn't like the fact that Jen was married to me. I was getting fed up. I let Jen know. It turned out that Jen felt the same way. She even told me that Jason had started talking about introducing themselves as a couple to each other's close friends and relatives. Which Jen didn't want. Jen and I agreed that Jason was probably looking to replace me entirely and not just as Jen's lover. Jen broke things off with Jason this past weekend. Just in time to start the new college semester with a clean slate. Jen and I made love on Sunday evening. It was just vanilla sex. There was no talk of cuckolding and we both seemed fine with that. Then on Monday is was back to school. I noticed that day that Jen had put her wedding ring back on. :) We made love again that evening.

Anyways, I don't know what's going to happen next. But, cuckolding isn't something that I'm thinking about at the moment. All I can feel is relief and happiness that I still have my wife.
How is everything over there? And how are you, my friend?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:47 am

Cannot explain how much I have enjoyed following excitedcuckolds story, really hope there is going to be more!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:53 pm

i'm with the rest of the gang, let us know how you guys are doing, like losing a friend since we haven't heard from you in so long. Hoping all is well.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:06 am

"Jason didn't officially move in, but he was spending every night at our apartment. It was exciting! But, it also had a lot of downsides for me. More and more, I felt excluded. To Jason, being exclusive sexually with Jen meant that I shouldn't even be allowed to touch Jen sexually or to even see Jen naked. Showing too much affection wasn't acceptable either. Jason would tell Jen and then Jen would tell me. Not that she needed to. I could tell that Jason didn't like the fact that Jen was married to me. I was getting fed up."

do you think you might be able to find the time to fill in the details?
Also, what has happened since?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by hwc » Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:40 pm

It's been a while, really hope you continue where you left off, and let us all know what has been happening!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:07 pm


Don't know if you still browse here, but if you do I remain interested in your story. You two lived (maybe still live) a pretty extreme version of Femdom/cuck marriage. But, when I honestly reflect on my marriage, some of it would sound completely off the wall even to people who knew we lived a cuck/FLR. I had always hoped you two would find an equilibrium that worked for both of you - maybe a bi-poly arrangement with you in a second-wife sort of role to a dominant man.

You two had discussed wanting kids in the not too distant future - maybe soon after Jen finishes school. That pretty much crowds most other things to the periphery, and might make living 24x7 cuck/poly complicated - maybe not... Given everything you've written about Jen, it's hard to imagine her being monogamous unless/until she finds another Brian. So, what? Casual dating like a college girl who doesn't want to get tied down (more or less accurate)?

Hope things are going well, and that you check in sometime.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by tosaintsfan » Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:18 pm

Interesting story. I still am not sure of its authenticity. In some regards it rings true but so much detail and lack of emotion makes me question the truthfulness of it.

Regardless, I would like to hear more but the OP has not been active since February so I doubt we will ever get an update.

Our story so far, "continuation of Marla and me": ... 33#p689371

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