progress story

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by MaxCargo » Sat May 26, 2018 10:47 am

Sorry, but I have gotten the impression the whole purpose of your marriage has become this "Hotwife/cuckhold-fantasy?. It's rather sad to read, for me personally. You nearly never mention a loving or affectionate exchange between you and your wife, no "I love you" to eachother. I know, it's not necessarily the topic of this thread, but it makes me wonder why you and your even married sometimes?. Please, excuse my harsh words, I dont want to make angry.
Yes this fantasy can be exciting and a strong aphrodisiac, if I didn't think this way I probabebly wouldn't be on this site, but you have already enough people to urge you on. I would recommend to be very careful. Most important, aren't you afraid, if your wife start cuckholding that she also develops a deep emotional connection to a lover and leaves you eventually for him?

About your "stamina problem" during intercourse, haven't you think of taking some Viagra? It often helps and there is certainly no shame in taking it nowadays. Thank you for listening to me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wittol » Sat May 26, 2018 11:47 am

On your "pre-maturity" issue, have you tried simply masturbating a time or three before you get down to business with her? I can always last longer the third time around.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Sat May 26, 2018 2:19 pm


Perhaps approach it like "we" have a sexual handicap and let's be honest - you want a stud in bed, thick, hard and long lasting. For now, you can't perform to her expectations (or most women) so it it best for the marriage if she takes a lover to keep up with her normal, sexual needs. If she doesn't - things may get worse and you don't want that.

Don't play the pity game, just say that for now you are quick on the trigger and you can't will it to change. She is going through a very high libido period and you think that for the best of the marriage taking this handicap like mature adults with a common sense solution is what you would like for her to do.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon May 28, 2018 12:44 pm

MaxCargo - I see what you are saying and I appreciate the concern and suggestions. The thing with this thread is I post cuckold related or femdom related interactions with my wife. My wife and I say we love each other dozens of times in a day, but I could post 3 pages worth of the affectionate normalcy love between us if I were to involve all of that. The funny thing is, I think this fantasy and openly talking about it with each other has made our relationship stronger and more comfortable. But I can see by just reading this thread it looks like we are all about this fantasy, but it's just this fantasy that I post about.

wittol - I have relieved myself before, between 1-2 hours before and the problem when I do that is she says I am not hard enough for her. Right now the best way to last is the numbing spray.

So Saturday night we ended up staying at the BBQ pretty late and were both exhausted when we got home, so we went straight to sleep. I know I had plans or thoughts that the night would lead to discussion of the problems in bed from the previous night, but given it was such a long day and we were both tired it didn't seem like the right time to have a discussion like that. One thing I will say about the BBQ though, her single friend Jennifer was there and she, being single usually dresses to impress, well she was wearing a jean skirt, but what I noticed and chuckled to myself was my wife's skirts that she has bought recently are shorter than the skirt Jennifer was wearing.

Sunday she went to lunch and hung out with some girlfriends, nothing major, but Sunday evening it seemed Friday night's issues in the bedroom had been forgotten. We lounged on the couch and watched a movie where she told me to get some lotion and rub her feet as she had been wearing heels all day and she needed a good foot massage, so I happily and eagerly rubbed her feet with lotion the entire time. Thinking I was going to get lucky that night because of my goodness of giving her a long foot massage, I was surprised when she said she was going to bed and told me to clean up the kitchen and water the plants before I came to bed. I rushed through it all thinking I was still getting lucky, but when I got done and came into our room I was surprised to see she was about asleep. Curiously I checked her toy box and saw that she used her vibrator. Gosh what a rush, she completely denied me, had me do chores while she was enjoying her toy the whole time.

So this morning came and she shocked me with a big tease. She was dressed wearing tight jeans and heels and I was sitting on the bed looking on my phone. She walked over to me and with this sexy smile reminded, "You didn't get any last night." I told her I knew and that she was a big tease to wear what she wore and had me rub her feet and I didn't get to have her. She sat down next to me and grabbed my crotch to feel that I was erect. She smiled again and said, "You already got your limit." "Limit?" I asked her and she said, "Your limit of two times a week." My heart raced and I got even harder, here I was last week thinking I was in for a big weekend since during the week I got so lucky and here she was consciously keeping track of how many times we did it. I told her she was so hot and it was so hot that she denied me like that. She asked, "Oh yeah?" As she started stroking me a little. She then gave me a little chuckle and stopped and got up and walked away. She looked back and said, "I think you need to take care of that." pointing at my erection. So I started stroking myself and she laughed and asked if I was going to do it right now, which I told her yes. She came back over sat down next to me, and started to kiss me ever so lightly. I came within seconds, afterward she told me in a sweet voice, "Baby, you came so fast." I told her I couldn't help it and told her how hot she was. She smiled and walked away telling me one more time, "That was so fast."

I will say I will stop posting about hyping the night that we are going to have a big talk about cuckolding, as I have found it usually ends up with no talk happening and probably makes many who read it roll their eyes at the snails pace of this whole thing. I figure the conversation will happen when it happens. Since she's already told me she will do it, I am just patiently waiting to see if she brings up a discussion for the next step.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Mon May 28, 2018 1:09 pm

I find it to be a big rush to have my cage on and do chores for my wife while she "takes care of herself". This has been a very exciting thread to read and I thank you for posting all of this.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu May 31, 2018 9:11 am

A few things, bits and pieces of things have happened over the last few days that I hope I remember them. Her silver metallic dresses finally came in and she eagerly went to pick them up, only to find out that one did not fit properly and the other she didn't like. A bit disappointed, but the good thing is she hasn't stopped shopping for things to wear as she has three other dresses in mind that are satin mini dresses. One that is red and a tight mini dress, which I told her, her new black bra would look great under and she perked up and agreed. An interesting thing happened on Monday, I already had something I had to do that was planned days in advanced, so she had no plans until one of her girlfriends invited her over for a BBQ. Her girlfriend is married, but as it turned out, that I heard from my wife, it sounded like there were many men there, some single or there without their wives, and reading between the lines and knowing a little about them from my wife they sounded like her "type". She even bragged a bit about one of her conversations with one of them. Not telling me in a teasing way, or sexual way, but simply telling me a conversation she had with one guy there and bragging to me about what he does and how he seemed like a sweet guy. I was overcome with jealousy and a rush, but again she didn't say it in a way to purposefully arouse me, I don't even know if she realized the cuckolding aspect of what she was telling me.

So given it felt like it had been a long time since we had any sort of serious talk about cuckolding, the other night I felt like I needed to talk about it some more try and figure out where she was with it all. Since her actions of late seemed to point and feel to be in the direction of it going somewhere and since our last talk she said she'd do it, I wanted to see where she was with it. So I decided to bring the topic up. I opened it up with telling her that I wanted to talk about the whole cuckolding thing. I reiterrated to her that Yes, I wanted her to cuckold me, and I would want it to happen. I told her that unlike when I first introduced the fantasy of thinking it would be hot to be tied up, locked up in my chastity cage, sitting in a corner watching her while she verbally humiliated me, that over time my turn on of it all and hotness of it had changed. At this point she was intently listening and asked me what had changed. I told her that I found it hot that i'd have enough confidence in my relationship to her for it to work, and that i'd be a great husband to her and always be there for her no matter what. And to pleasure her in every aspect and if I couldn't pleasure her in certain ways, bringing up that my stamina in bed was bad, that I found it incredibly hot to know she was getting the pleasure she deserved and it was hot to know she knew what she wanted and went and got it. She pondered what I had to tell her and she told me she understood what I was saying. She told me the issue she was having was the feeling of cheating on me. That's when I told her it wasn't cheating if I approved of it and encouraged it. She smiled and nodded her head and in a sweet voice said, "Yeah, true." I could then see her thinking to herself about it and just sort of left it there letting her ponder what I had said and waited to see if she was going to continue the conversation. She didn't and time just went on before we were on to something else. It felt great to get that off my chest though, as it feels good to every so often be open and just try and explain my emotions and thoughts to her.

Later in the night while she was getting ready for bed, I decided to go to the gym again. When I got back, as I usually do, like to see if she used her toys at night, and especially after any sort of cuckolding talk. To my delight I saw she used her vibrator, and my mind immediately went to thinking about who and what she must have been thinking about, especially after our conversation.

So yesterday when we got home she had stopped by the store and got herself a bottle of wine. I found it extremely interesting because I have not known her to ever drink wine so I was surprised she bought herself a bottle, and it made me wonder if she had wine at the BBQ she went to? She told me in a bossy way, "When I want a glass, I want you to pour it in one of these glasses." As she showed me which glass she was referring to. I said, "Whoa" surprised at her demanding attitude out of nowhere. She smiled and with a laugh asked, "What?" I told her about her demanding ways and thought it was hot. She laughed and said, "Well...." She didn't stop with that, throughout the night she would occassionally tell me to do things in a demanding way, then laugh at seeing how I melted and immediately responded to the task.

Nearing the end of the night, she hinted at there would be some bedroom play, so to please her I put on my numbing spray long before we went to bed so that she wouldn't have to wait the time for it to settle in. We sat on the couch a little longer, me rubbing her feet and she occassionally forcing her foot toward me nose and mouth. Eventually it lead to me asking her if she wanted to be naughty and she replied with, "You cum too fast." I told her with excitement that I had already put on my spray. She put on a big smile and said in a complete normal tone, "You're so pathetic." She kept her smile and shook her head and again said in a normalcy, "Wow you're so pathetic." I told her that was why I put on the spray so she wouldn't have to wait. Her smile grew even larger and she glanced at the clock and replied, "I'll wait."

Finally the time came and she told me we were going to bed. By this time the numbing spray was in full effect and I was confident I would have no problem lasting. I had also already relieved myself earlier in the day. As she got into bed she took a look at me and again told me, this time with a little excitement in her voice, "You're so pathetic." I got on top of her and told her I knew and that was why she needed someone who could fuck her without all this. She gave me a, "Mmmmmm" response and when I entered her she was already wet. We had about 5 minutes of great sex, just simple sex, the only real dirty talk was my comment at the beginning. But then I started feeling like I was going to cum and had to stop. She began to be frustrated and I told her we needed to change positions or I'd cum. She shot back that she knew because I wasn't hard enough and could tell I was trying to hold it back. From there the issues began with trying to last and pleasure her, I'd switch to oral from time to time, but she'd get annoyed with the stoppage. Although I lasted for probably 25-30 minutes, and in all honesty felt I was hard enough for that time, she just wasn't getting the satisfaction because I couldn't hit the right spot. We eventually were just going through the motions. Then it happened, most likely the spray wore off and there was no turning back. I pulled out to try and stop, but I ended up just dribbling out onto her thigh. "Are you cumming?!" She asked frustrated. I hung my head and told her I was, but that if she gave me a few minutes I'd get hard again. Since it was a ruined orgasm the arousal was still there. "Ugh" was her response and I went for clean up. I started licking my cum off her thigh and then went to oral. She grabbed my head and brought me up to her and wanted me inside her. I did and I felt hard but after awhile she wasn't getting anything from it and stopped and got up from the bed. I felt terrible and sat there as she got her clothes on and I apologized to her. She said frustrated, "It's fine. Whatever." As I continued to sit there with feeling of disappointment she regulated me to condoms from now on. Telling me that I last longer when I wear condoms. I didn't know what else I could have done to prepare for the night, although I did last quiet a long time, I wasn't hitting the right spots to please her to get her to orgasm.

So this morning I got up early and did some chores for her. She woke up and to my surprise was cheerful. After a bit she said, "I'm not mad at you." I looked at her and she smiled sweetly and again said, "I'm not mad at you for last night." I hung my head and told her I was sorry and I was disappointed in myself that I can't last. I asked her how could it be that after so many years of having sex with her that my stamina has gone down and I can't last more than 2 minutes. She told me not to worry and confidently said, "You're going to wear a condom from now on." God, not sure she was intentionally trying to portray a D/s moment there, but the disappointment in myself grew knowing now I will have to wear a condom and can't fully enjoy her. It most certainly felt and is a punishment. She also said, "You're going to be giving a lot more oral too." She smiled and before I could respond she said, "I bet you like hearing that." I told her I did. She did credit me acknowledging that I did last a long time last night, but said girls aren't like guys where they can get off in two pumps. I told her I knew that and knew it can't be satisfying to her to try and rush an orgasm, or not get one at all. She just replied with, "It's ok babe, don't worry."

Before we left she brought up how she was not looking forward to cleaning the bathroom and laundry when she got home. I went to her and asked, "How about I clean the bathroom, and do laundry tonight and while I am doing that you get a manicure/pedicure?" She perked up and asked, "Really?" I told her she deserved it. She told me that was sweet and nice and she would love that. I told her when she got home she could just relax. So today I was able to get her a bottle of wine, and got her a gift certificate to a nails salon for her mani/pedi that I'll give to her this evening when she gets home.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Thu May 31, 2018 4:23 pm

She does seem excited for you to take care of her, sounds fun! Great post

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu May 31, 2018 5:19 pm

Seydonar - Thanks! Yeah she got home and loved the surprise of a wine bottle and the gift certificate to the salon. I placed them on the counter and she asked "What is this?" I told her and she gave me the "awww sweet baby thank you." response and a kiss. She asked why and I told her she deserved it. She really liked it and was excited to have a glass tonight. I also had hurried home before she got home to do the laundry so that was all cleaned up for her.

I asked if she was going to go to the salon tonight and she said she was going to wait before she had something to show them off. I let her know I planned on buying her a mani/pedi before Vegas so she didn't have to save this and she responded with, "Oh I know! Definitely need one for Vegas! But I'll wait using this one for something." A little later she randomly gave me a kiss and a hug, and she felt I was hard. She laughed in awe that I was hard for something so little. "You're like a virgin!" I told her I couldn't help it and she asked, "Maybe all married guys are like this?" Referring to me getting hard so easily by her. Since she's been home she has randomly been giving me very sensual kisses. Somehow, I have felt more and more control being given up to her with each kiss she gives me, they feel like sympathy kisses for last night and yet she is saying thank you at the same time. I sink with each one. But the wine and salon certificate were big bonus points for me, along with doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Thu May 31, 2018 10:41 pm

Ugh - sorry you guys had a rough night. In addition to being a natural dom, your wife seems very sweet. I hope you two can get past always associating sex with having you inside her. It seems more frustrating than anything. The condoms might help, but it's not like wearing one will magically transform you into a porn star.

For all any of us know your performance might make lots of women happy, but your wife isn't one of them. I was there myself, after years of what I thought had been satisfying sex. Once she took my orgasm out of the equation, everything got easier. The immediate focus of our sex became her pleasure. When she'd had enough, then we were done for the night, and there was no need to mention my hardon. I learned to give her oral the way she liked it. She had me start rimming her, and went nuts for it. She also became more open about her masterbation, sometimes locking me out of the bedroom for long sessions, and other times rubbing one out in bed beside me.

I guess my point is, even when she wasn't seeing other men, she was more sexually satisfied when she, more or less, ignored my cock. She'd play with it, and even suck, but the goal wasn't my orgasm, or even my pleasure - she just liked playing with my cock sometimes. I don't know how you two can get to a point where she can accept other ways of having satisfying sex with you, aside from vigorous fucking, but I believe it's important. She wants to get off. You want her to get off. So, you two gotta figure something out. Even if she finds one or more lovers who scratch that particular itch, you two still have to find a way to make her feel good about sex with you in some form.

[that probably sounded super preachy - ugh. really, i'm just concerned]

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:21 am

60d - That is a good point, and I could see my wife sort of going down that road where it is about her orgasm and mine is an after thought. She sort of has been doing that because sometimes when she is done she will lay there and I am left rubbing one out by myself. But maybe to be more open about it could help in ways, she knows how hot I think she is and how much I get off to her, so I don't think she needs to see me orgasm to validate that anymore, which I think she feels or felt good to see me orgasm. But putting the focus solely on her may be a good thing that she may really like.

So yesterday evening she ended up going for a run and came out wearing these very bold eye catching spandex running pants that showed off her ass. I was stunned checking her out because of how amazing her ass looked. I told her, "Whoa babe those pants!" She laughed and asked, "What?" I told her her ass looked amazing in them and asked her if she was really wearing those out because of how much it showed off her ass, trying to show off some jealousy. She smiled and said of course she was wearing them as they were work out pants. Of course my cuck mind goes to wondering if she was going to see that one guy she had randomly brought up that she always sees on her run. And also my cuck mind started wondering if part of her hoped to see the one guy she met at the BBQ as he lived nearby. Basically I was thinking to myself, is she showing off?

Before she left she asked when I planned on cleaning the bathroom and toilets. I told her I planned on doing that while she was gone and she immediately went into instructing mode where she gave me a list of what to do and how to do them. She left as I stood there admiring her backside and holding a toilet brush. When she got back I had cleaned the bathroom and toilets and she asked, "How'd it go?" I told her fine and she responded with, "I'll be the judge of that." So she went and inspected my cleaning and came back and told me I did a good job. She said like she knew she had me in her palm, "Looks like you got a new chore to your list."

She had a glass of wine and gave me props for buying a good bottle. When she was done I offered to pour her a new glass. She in a bossy tone instructed me how she liked her wine poured. After it was poured she told me to take a drink of it. I don't like wine, and rarely ever drink it because I am not a fan and told her, "No, thanks, I don't really like wine." She then demanded I take a drink of it, "Drink it." She said in a voice that let me know I can't say no. So I took a drink and she just gave this short sexy confident laugh, like how easy it was to get me to do anything, especially something I don't like. Throughout the night she would bring up other things to demand I do in such a bossy tone she even had to bring it up. "I've been bossing you around lately, but that's just who I am." I told her it was good and I liked it.

Our conversation through the night ended up talking about this couple we knew and how the husband was very jealous about his wife being out. My wife bringing up that when she and her are together the husband is always texting asking what she is up to, etc. My wife said, "You'd never be like that, you'd love it if you knew I was out somewhere at like a bar or club and didn't text you." I agreed with her and told her I did find that to be hot. My wife almost like making a comment to herself about her friends husband said, "Gosh, it's just an insecurity, I'm actually glad you aren't that jealous because it means your confident in yourself and aren't insecure." I was happy to hear that.

As usual we lounged on the couch and I massaged her feet the entire time, again her keeping up with her new little move of occassionaly bringing her foot to my face to make sure I smelled and kissed them. It was super hot since she had gone on a run earlier. One time I took a short break from rubbing her feet and was on my phone, she shoved her foot into my hand that had the phone in it, placing her foot on top of my phone. I smiled inside and just put my phone down and went back to rubbing her feet.

We went to bed and to my surprise she was in the mood for some play time. I started off by going down on her which she enjoyed. She asked me if I like it and I told her I did. She said, "Let me see" she almost out of breath told me to move as she started shoving her foot in between the matress and my crotch. I rolled over a little to expose my hard on and she rubbed her foot on my cock. She felt it was hard and said, "Good, you should be." I was about to cum just from that. She added, "You know how many guys wish they could do this?" I just moaned "Hmmhmmm" as she started demanding me to fuck her. So I put a condom on and goodness what a rush of humiliation that here I was having to wear a condom. We started having sex and it was going good for a bit but then the realization of having to wear the condom overcame me and I had to slow down. The struggle to last began and she became frustrated. However, the good news was I was able to make it and brought her to orgasm. It was such a relief, and I barely lasted as in the middle of her cumming I came too.

Afterward we laid there cuddling and she brought up that me not lasting has been the worse it ever has been.

One thing that is becoming so much more noticeable is her natural femdom type attitude. She demanding me to do things and overall being bossy toward me is now an everyday thing, along with expectations now to do certain chores, and when I do those chores I no longer get praise for doing them or a 'thank you'. I'll admit it is very hot and I highly enjoy it all.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by InLimbo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:20 am

Just curious, does she ever suck you cock?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:43 pm

It sounds like your wife is ready for an affair, and has a good attitude about it, now you have explained she would not be cheating...
Now it's all a matter of giving her plenty of opportunities... ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Xalar11 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:22 pm

I'm following your thread for quite a while now, but I have to say your last few posts are sounding not so good to me. Contrary, the some other persons commenting, I'm concerned of the last developments. Your wife should enjoy sex with you first, if she really would start cuckolding you because of your unsatisfactory sex life, I strongly doubt this would be a good thing for your loving relationship as a whole.

Someone already suggested to use Viagra, well, this probabely wouldn’t solve your "stemina-problem", but it definitely would help with the hardness.
And about your "stemina-problem", I don't know, but maybe it wouldn't be bad idea for you and your wife to look together for a sex therapist, to help you with this? There is no shame in doing this. I would believe it's worth a try. What do you think?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:48 pm

InLimbo - No she doesn't she has told me she doesn't like giving oral.

Xalar - I agree, she should enjoy it with me, I want her to enjoy it with me, I am not ending fast on purpose, I've tried many methods to try and last but right now they are not working. If I ejaculate before we do anything her complaints turn to I'm not hard enough (even though I feel I couldn't get much harder) and if I try any other method eventually I succumb to ending early. The other day I brought up the use of medicine to try and help, but she was against it. The one thing I feel could come of my shortcomings in the bedroom is she realizing the benefits to cuckolding. Again, I am not purposefully ending early, I want to last and I agree with you and others that her and I need a good sex life, which may for the time being be more of me focusing on her orgasm and doing whatever I can to get her there.

She has also seen that my ending early problem is frustrating to me. But maybe more concerning I guess is that it has been taking her longer to achieve orgasm with me. The other night with the numbing spray, it worked good for awhile, but started to wear off 20-25 minutes into it, so I guess I have to ask myself why is she not achieving orgasm after 25 minutes? Is it because she can't fully be relaxed in the moment because in the back of her mind she knows its a race against the clock? Or feels I am not hard enough because I am doing whatever possible to last? Even last night I probably lasted a good 10 minutes, albeit a struggling 10 minutes.

I will say although our bedroom time isn't the greatest right now, outside the bedroom I feel our relationship is stronger than ever.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:36 pm

Hey - good job on the gifts and the chores. I hope you can hang in there and keep doing everything on your list until it's second nature - up to her standards too. I hope you're paying attention when she shows you, for instance, how she likes her wine served. She's making an effort to show you things she likes so you don't have to read her mind. If you're really committed to being the sub partner, then showing your wife your affection by remembering what she likes seems appropriate. I love how you two communicate!

Did she tease you about her "boyfriend?" If not, did you tease her?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Bull4Her216 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:03 am

Fantastic progress. Breaker, you have never mentioned if after summing in her you have eaten your own cream pie. Have you done this?

Have you considered taking a meditation or yoga class? Or possibly finding a therapist that teaches tantric massage? May help with you focusing on her pleasure and you not humming so fast.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:59 am

Some women believe they don't like sucking cock, and once they find a cock they like, they soon learn to love sucking cock. Makes sense. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:26 am

38kewp - That sounds like a good idea, just not so sure she can get #2? I don't know if a second orgasm is common for females, my wife used to be able to get a couple or more when we first started having sex, but now I can count on one hand how many times she's had a second one within I don't know how long. Sometimes I'll try and tell her I want to give her a second one, but she rejects.

Bull4her - One time I did eat my own cream pie, she actually seemed to like it when we did it that one time, but a couple other times I have tried to clean up my 'mess' that will get on her and sometimes she likes it and other times she isn't into it.

BallSpanking - It does make sense. Along with telling me she doesn't like to give them, she's even said to me she doesn't think I like them all that much and would prefer a hand job while servicing her feet. Which I guess is true!

Well if I am keeping track this week I already got my two times with her. It used to be the weekend I got my action but suddenly the weekends are no action and the week is where I get lucky. I thought for sure last night I was going to get lucky because I got home before her and made a little special dinner for her and also made some mixed drinks. All awaiting her when she got home. First, I didn't see her when she left for work so I was shocked when she walked in wearing these super tight spandex pants, much like the ones she wore on her run the day before, and a shirt that barely covered up her stomach. Like if she had to reach up or over anything her entire midriff would be showing, the short shirt also completely showed off her legs and butt in the tight spandex pants.

Anyways, she loved my efforts of making the dinner and drinks. After dinner she went on a walk only changing out her shirt she had worn for the day, and while she was gone I spent the time cleaning up the kitchen from the mess that was made from making the dinner. I was planning on doing the cleaning anyways, but before she left she instructed me to do cleaning and vacuuming.

Later in the night I made some more drinks and we lounged as I massaged her feet, all the usual evening for us. Thinking it's now the weekend, and all I had done that evening for her I thought for sure I'd get lucky. Also thinking we could work on this stamina issue together, give it another try to see if I miraculously was able to last, maybe combining the spray and condom? So I was surprised when near the end of the night she told me she was going to bed and there was no hint or suggestion that I come along. I gave it some time before I went to bed and took a peak to see if she had used her toy because I thought that would be super hot, I catered to her all evening only to have her use her toy instead of me, but unfortunately she had not used her toy.

So although I didn't get any last night I woke up with hopes that tonight may be different, when I questioned about any naughtiness tonight she gave me this look like she was thinking back in her head and then she gave me this, "Oooh babes." response with a sarcastic sad face and patted me on my shoulder and reminded me, "You already got your two times this week." I was shocked standing there, what a huge rush to hear her say that in the way she said it. And with that she went out for the day with one of her girlfriends (unfortunately a girlfriend who is married and probably the most conservative friend she has) but I am left here doing chores for her. But while I've been doing chores in the back of my head I know I am not getting any tonight, so it is kind of an odd feeling. I wish she had caged me up before, but I remember that many months ago we had a talk about the FLR type lifestyle and there was talk about not having sex at the end of it all when I did chores. So I wonder if she has kept this in her mind all these months later and is now trying it out? Given last night I got nothing and seemingly won't be getting any this weekend.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by seydonar » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:36 am

Maybe you could just put the cage on and serve her the key along with the wine

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Goodboy66 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:08 pm


Throw the cage in the bin and go for sex every night. You have no kids you two should be fxxxxxg like rabbits, sex twice a week! no wonder you have PE issues. become a better lover and then do your journey together because the way you are going she will be gone with the first boyfriend she finds.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 12:38 pm

Seydonar - I'm at the point with the cage where she knows I like it and want to wear it but I've put it on myself so many times without her telling me to that I want to wait until she actually tells me. I think when she finally orders me to wear it, it will bring on a new meaning and be way more hot.

Goodboy - If I could I would have sex with her every night, but the two times a week is a rule she has put into place and she is sticking to it. She has also said many times she feels twice a week is plenty and probably more than a typical married couple that have been together as long as we have.

I just got done folding laundry, and what a thrill it was to see so many pairs of new underwear she had. Some that I have never seen before, they aren't super sexy lingerie type underwear, but simply being her underwear they are hot. She must be shopping with her friend because what was even hotter was in the middle of laundry, I get a text from her and it is a picture of some gold heels she told me she got. I responded with Sexy! But haven't heard anything else.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:31 pm


Any chance you two could use chastity to move past your frustration with your performance? Your wife is frustrated with PIV sex with you, and that's frustrating for you. She seems to enjoy pretty much everything else you do in the bedroom - making out, oral, facesitting, teasing, foot worship. So, if you had a frank conversation where you were caged, put the key away in a drawer, and explained all that to her - could that allow her to get past her frustration with your cock and enjoy everything else yo do? Take PIV sex out of the equation by taking the cock out of the equation?

This probably isn't a long-term or permanent solution, but could maybe help get you over this hump?

Anyway, good job on the laundry. Isn't there an odd satisfaction in folding your wife's panties? And good deal on shopping with the girls! Hope they're having fun.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:58 am

60d- I may suggest to her that, given my stamina problem, and where our sex life is at that the focus needs to be on getting her to orgasm however we go about doing that, and to make sure I am ready for whatever she has in mind wearing the cage helps and will also prevent me from cumming. The problem with the cage is, if intercourse happens my stamina gets even worse after being released. folding her laundry was fun and when she got home she showed me her gold heels with an everyday type outfit, which let me know these gold heels are not for some special occasion like Vegas, but to wear whenever, which is hot because they catch the eye immediately.

Which leads into today. Much like the other day when she wore super tight spandex pants and a shirt that would have shown her midriff if she reached for anything, today she went out wearing her short athletic skirt, some black leather sandals and a shirt that doesn't quiet go down to her waistband of her skirt, believe it or not there's like a cm of skin that shows between her shirt and skirt...I guess I post about the outfits she wears because there is a change in that, not that long ago she would never wear things so revealing or that were so eye catching. She's always been confident in her outfits but humble about her looks, but she used to wear modest type clothing, she looked hot in the clothing, but it was very much a conservative look. Now she's wearing short skirts and shirts and buying eye catching heels and all the new clothing she is buying is short, tight and sexy. We gave each other a kiss before she left and she leaned in to kiss me, I put my hands on her sides and felt all skin, letting me know her shirt was short enough that if she leaned over that centimeter of skin that showed when she was standing now became very revealing.

Admittedly I was a bit jealous of her leaving the house looking so hot that I teased to her that we could do a quickie before she left. She laughed and I told her actually I just wanted to know she was being naughty. She gave me a smile and said, "Maybe I'll take some pictures for you so you can enjoy them tonight." So hopefully she does take pictures and if she sends them to me I am hoping she sends some teasing texts. A little hot to know we will both be together tonight, but instead of me enjoying her she is going to send me pictures to enjoy just myself.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:47 pm

Hey - yeah, that's a difficult hump to get over. Finding a way to shift the focus of your play to things other than PIV sex seems like the key to reducing the frustration for both of you. I know your wife wants a particular sort of experience, but there are other things she finds sexually fulfilling too - things she enjoys doing with you. If she could find a way to let you bring her to her first orgasm from your mouth, or toys, or some combo, then you have the rest of the evening to play around. She'll get off again, even if you cum at some point along the way, or if you're caged the whole time.

If she's really attached to her desire for a strong, assertive, hung guy to take charge and just fuck her long and hard, then she knows she can get it (with a little trial and error). People have all sorts of fantasies - her's just happens to be one that's out of reach for most women. You're both super lucky that your fantasies are so well aligned, so she's one of the few who can have this if she wants it.

Love the descriptions of your wife's clothes. Reading about these short athletic skirts and skimpy tops, and my first thought is that they're easy to get out of ;-) Has she had a chance to wear her bikini yet? She's sure to get the attention she seems to want when she does.

Any texts? Pictures?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by InLimbo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:17 am

I wonder when she finally takes on another guy if she will suck him and swallow?

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