Winners and Losers

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:35 am

Well, I've done it again. In hospital again wth appedicitis. Has the surgery and a small heart attack. Another delay in writing.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by FreshStart » Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:44 am

Get well! We need the black cat crawling around here.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:09 am

Thanks Fresh. Encouragement and well wishes appreciated.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:35 pm

Sorry for the delay in finishing this story.
Had 4 heart attacks this summer and had my appendix out.
Just to make matters worse I seem to have a bad case of writers block to boot.
I'm sure it will pass so I'm glad you are all patient with me.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Lizardtantrum » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:51 pm

Ohmygoodness. Glad ur okay.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:09 pm

Thanks. Almost back to normal though I find I often tire easily.
Hope to finish the last 5 or 6 chapters this fall & spring.
Wish me luck.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Samanthasman » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:18 pm

Yes, we’d love to hear the rest of this story!!
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:22 pm

Love the story. I hope you are feeling well. All the best to you for a speedy recovery.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:21 am

Quick update. I am working on the story. Progress is slow as I tire so easily. Hope to publish next chapter soon.
Thanks everyone for your forebearance.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Lizardtantrum » Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:20 pm

Take your time. Rest and heal.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by curious9632 » Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:17 pm

Lizardtantrum wrote:Take your time. Rest and heal.
My curiosity wanders unleashed.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:53 pm

Winners & Losers Chapter 10
By Sam Warrens
Copyright March 16, 2019


We drove down the road toward the house that the gang had used as a hide out and where most of them had died. As we approached I could see flames above the treetops there too.

I looked at Marcus, who was driving. “Leave no evidence for the authorities.” He said. “Nothing there to link us to either scene.

As we drove past the conflagration Marcus turned to me, “Lets go see Annie”


When Bill told me in the boat that I was now his and was safe I almost wet my pants from relief.

On the ride back to Marcus’ villa I had some time to think about everything he had said, as brief as it was. I was now his? What did that mean exactly?

Thinking back Marcus had told Bill to “Get his property into the cabin.” That “property” had been we three girls. I knew better than to ask questions now. Later, when I could be alone with Bill, was the smart move. Best now to keep my eyes open and mouth shut and just be glad to be alive.

One thing I noted is that our hands were still cuffed behind us. We were still prisoners.


My mind is only half on driving the vehicle, the other half is replaying the events of the last several hours.

The rage fueled adrenalin rush is gone and I’m just left feeling tired and depressed, angry and heart sick.

The woman I had come to love was near death, my unborn children were dead, I had committed murder several times and arson twice. All in all, a pretty shitty day.

I needed a shower and some sleep, and a stiff drink. I also needed to get laid. I would prefer to fuck Annie, but that not being possible, any port in a storm as they say.

I pulled into my villa and left the staff to put away the vehicles. I went directly to my room, stripped off and went directly to a much needed, hot shower.

The water, cascading over my sweaty, tired body, felt wonderful. I soaped up and scrubbed the sweaty grime off my skin.

Feeling better, I poured myself a stiff scotch, drank it down and poured another, drank it straight down too and poured a third. I drank the third one a bit slower, I could actually taste this one, the slow burn as it washed across my tongue and down my throat.

Murder. I had committed murder of two men.

Oh sure, I had had men killed before, but I had never done it with my own hands before. This had been personal, viscous and up close. Murder, with my own hands, in a cold rage!

Not just plain murder, I had mutilated them, before I tossed their weighted bodies alive into the sea.

The cold centre of my heart knew they deserved it, but part of me was ashamed that I had lost control, that I had personally taken two lives. I could never take that back. Never rationalize that it had been the work of someone else.

There will come a day I will have to pay for that.

I desperately wanted to get laid, but even more, I wanted the solace and surrender of sleep.

Sex could wait.

I crawled into bed and was asleep in seconds.


Diego and a couple of guards marched the three of us, Me, Marie and the third girl, Angelica, upstairs to one of the bedrooms. They finally released our handcuffs and left us alone in the room. I heard the door lock from the outside as they left.

I checked the windows but found that they had installed bars on them and the sill was nailed shut. The room was really a jail cell.

The furniture consisted of a queen sized bed and two straight backed wooden chairs. There was a small two piece bathroom off the end of the room.

We took turns using it to relieve our selves and use the sink to freshen up a bit.

After about thirty minutes, they brought us some bottles of water and enchiladas. We hadn’t eaten all day so we were famished.

It had been a stress filled and long day. We all were deeply exhausted.

It was getting dark, so we all laid on the bed and quickly fell asleep thankful at being alive.


I got out of the SUV and went into the main house of the villa.

I went to the kitchen, got a bottle of water, made a ham sandwich ant took them to my room.

As I ate, I tried to process everything that had happened today.

My wife was near death, perhaps she had died on her way to hospital in Canada. I’d had no word since seeing her blood stained body carried out on a stretcher several hours ago.

The three babies she had been carrying in her womb were dead. Marcus’ babies. I hadn’t wanted them there but had not wanted any harm to come to Annie because of them.

I was complicit in several murders of the men who had kidnapped and held Annie. I had led Duke’s men to the house where most had died and I personally helped Marcus brutally mutilate and murder the two ringleaders. Even though I had not personally killed anyone, not even fired my weapon, I felt responsible for their deaths.

Damn it! They had deserved to die for what they had done! Done to Annie and the others they had killed! What they had planned for Annie.

I had saved the three women from death at Marcus’ hands. Didn’t that count for something?

My head was a fog. Swirling thoughts as I lay down on my bed. Above all I worried about Annie, my wife my soul mate, the love of my life. I realized now how much I truly loved her, now that she might be gone forever.

Remarkable how the possibility of death brings that which is truly important into such sharp focus.

Lying there, staring at the ceiling I slipped into a troubled sleep.


How long I was asleep I don’t know. I was awoken by yelling and screaming from down the hall, from Marcus’ room.

I went to investigate.

Diego wasn’t in the hallway as he usually was, and the noise was coming from inside Marcus’ room. It was a woman’s voice yelling “No! No! No more! Stop! Stop! Por favor!”

I burst into the room and found Marcus fucking Marie, missionary, for all he was worth, totally ignoring her cries and trying his damnedest to get that huge hard dick of his all the way into her without success.

He was like a man in a trance, and his efforts were obviously hurting her. I rushed to the bedside and shoved him off her sideways and he fell off the bed.

“Are you alright?” I asked Marie.
“Si, I think so” she whimpered, “ Just a bit sore and cramping.”
“ What the hell are you doing in here with him?” I yelled. “I own you now and only I tell you who to fuck! Get back to your room with the other girls”

As she scampered out of the room, I turned on Marcus who was still laying on the floor. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing fucking my girls without permission? You don’t just take my property without asking! Bad enough you took my wife now you want my property too?”
I was trembling I was so mad.

I could see fire in Marcus’ eyes as he struggled a bit to rise. Slightly stunned from the blow that had knocked him off Marie and on to the floor He stumbled to the left a little and caught his balance.

At that second, time seemed to almost stop.

I saw the window behind Marcus developed a neat hole in it, a few small shards of glass floated through the air towards us, I saw a dark oblong object just lightly graze the right side of Marcus’ neck and heard the sound of a large bee buzz past my left ear and bury itself in the wall.

Real time snapped back and there was pandemonium. I dove for the floor, grabbed Marcus and pulled him with me as I went.

At that moment Diego the guard appeared in the door way and hit the lights as he too dove for the floor. Three more shots came through the window looking for targets.

I grabbed a sheet and ripped a piece off to use as a bandage of sorts for the wound on Marcus’ neck..

I yelled as loud as I could “Turn out the lights! Stay away from the windows and get down!”

As I said it, it sounded like a line from some B- movie to me.

Somebody must have heard me, because the light in the hall went out and the glow from lights downstairs disappeared..

There were no more shots for about 20 minutes, so we cautiously crawled into the hallway before we stood up.

“ What the fuck was that?” I asked to no one in particular. “I suspect it is friends of the bandits you killed yesterday looking for some payback.” Diego replied.

“To have found you at all, let alone found you this quickly, means we have a spy in the house.” He continued.

Marcus finally spoke up, “One crisis at a time. Close up all the shutters and draw the drapes so we don’t give then any easy targets. Diego, go dig some of the bullets from the wall so we know what weapon we’re dealing with.”

“Bill, get your pal Duke and his buddies to the study downstairs so we can plot out what to do next.” Marcus ordered.

Turning to leave, I said over my shoulder, “Our conversation from before isn’t over. We will finish it ”

I went to the girls’ room first. I wanted to be sure that Marie was OK as well as Juanita and Janeen. When I got there they were all huddled on the bed crying and rying to console each other.

It was Jaunita who spoke up for the first time since I had met her, “Are they coming to kill us?” she asked with a slight tremor in her voice.

“Well, they tried some,” I replied . “Sniper only. They just missed me and grazed Marcus’ neck. If Marcus hadn’t stumbled a bit as he got up off the floor he’d be dead right now, It was that close. Whoever shot at us is damned good.”

“Probably Carlos.” Juanita piped up. “He is the best shot with a rifle in our group and with Hector dead he’s now the leader,”

“How many men is he likely to have with him?” I asked. This time it was Marie who spoke, “No more than 4 or 5 men. You killed the bulk of our group when you stormed the house”

“Okay,, stay here until I come for you. Stay away from the windows and keep the lights to a minimum.” I said as I left the room to find Duke.

I found he and his men in short order and we went to the study. Marcus and Diego were already there.

“What took you so long?” growled Marcus.. “Gathering intel.” I shot back.

“There are maybe 5 or 6 guys out there. The shooter and new gang leader is a guy named Carlos and he’s a crack shot..” I informed the group.

“He’s also got an awesome weapon.” Diego said as he dropped a large slug on the table. “ That’s a 50 caliber slug I took out of the wall. A quarter inch to the left and Marcus and probably, you Bill, would have had no head. He’s using an M107 50 caliber sniper rifle. It can shoot a slug like that almost four miles but is accurate at almost 2,000 yards. If he wants to he can put a brass slug right through the adobe walls, even cinder block if he chooses.

“I doubt he’s that far away, even if he has a high powered scope.” Opined Duke. “There are no land rises or high buildings on any side of the house, so to get any kind of line of sight into that second story room he must have built a shooting platform in one of the trees. He would have shifted position by now so he has to have a second and maybe a third position that he moved to. We will have to find them and eliminate the shooter and his men or we’re not getting out of here.”

Marcus spoke up. “It is a lot to ask Duke, but my men are amateurs at this stuff. They can probably defend this house from a ground attack by 6 guys but to go out hunting these guys in the jungle….”

“You and your men are the professionals, what do you suggest.” He continued.

Duke looked pensive for a moment “Well…” Just then the sound of glass shattering and wood clattering came from a room down the hall on the ground floor. The report of the rifle was from the other side of the hose from the last shots that had almost gotten me .

There had only been 3 shots, just like before. Harassing fire to keep us on edge. It was working, I was sure on edge.


This harassing fire just pissed me off. The last shots, all 50 caliber had shattered the window pane and broken off one side of the wooden shutter. Luckily no one was hit.

I positioned my men around the inside of the house with binoculars, to see if we could locate the shooting platforms in the trees. Not too hard if you know what you are looking for. My men peered through tiny breaks in the window coverage so as not to be obvious targets. By about 3 o’clock we had found four platforms and marked their positions..

I explained to Marcus , Bill and my men the plan of attack.

My men and I would wait until dusk and slip out the seaward side of the villa where there were few trees for the bandits to hide. We would move into the jungle on the left of the villa and move clockwise around the villa sweeping for bandits as we went. At the same time Marcus’ men would be shooting at the gun platforms ahead of us. Hopefully the bandits would shoot back giving away their positions so my men could target and kill them.

It was good that we knew how many of them there were.


Duke and his 3 men slipped out just after dusk. My men and I gave them about 5 minutes to get into position and then began firing at the plat form locations. There was some return fire that ceased one by one.
We had been firing for about 30 minutes and then there was no more return fire. We heard nothing for about another 20 minutes then, a few more shots were heard to the east of us and a scream, then nothing.

Forty five minutes later there was the roar of an engine, squealing tires and a few more shots, then nothing.

About an hour later Duke and his men all returned to the house and reported the results of the action.


“The plan worked perfectly” Duke beamed. “We killed three ov dem pretty quick. The sniper and his spotter were very slippery. They clearly have had some military training”

“Sad to report that they snuck through the jungle and made it to a pick up truck parked down the road about 2 miles. Yannich is sure that he wounded one of them. There was blood on the road where the truck was parked. They won’t be bothering us for a while, if ever.” Duke said solemnly.

“well that’s not good enough for me.” Marcus said gruffly. ”My people and I are out of here tonight. Thanks for the help Duke but you and Bill are ore on your own. Me and mine are gone. I have all their papers ready and we can leave for Toronto as soon as the jet is warmed up.”

With that he turned and left the room. Twenty minutes later they were gone.


“Well how do you like that?” I said to no one in particular. “Rats and sinking ships come to mind”

“Duke, I don’t recommend we stay here while we wait to arrange transport and Visas etcetera for the girls. There might be more of the bandit gang to come looking for us.” I said.

“I agree. We should leave too” Duke replied.

We rounded up the three women, packed their few possessions and headed to the garage. Marcus had left us only one six seater jeep for the eight of us. It would be cozy but we could manage,

We decided to head for the capital, Havana, to get the papers we needed to exit Cuba and get into Canada. Duke’s contacts proved invaluable, but it still took three weeks of bureaucratic run around to get everything sorted out and obtain airline tickets – longest three weeks of my life.

Two days later we were on a jet bound for Toronto and my Annie

I could hardly wait.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Lizardtantrum » Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:34 pm

Welcome back.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by curious9632 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:23 pm

Welcome back! :D
My curiosity wanders unleashed.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by subtoall » Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:34 pm

Yay! So glad you're doing better.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:14 pm

Thanks guys. Glad to be back.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Samanthasman » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:20 pm

Nice!!! That was a long wait!! ...but worth it!
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:47 pm

Two problems have arisen.
First my cataracts have gotten much worse and writing has become very difficult. Chapter 11 is in the works but will be on hold for a bit. On April 24 I' going for open heart surgery. 4 vessel by pass. I expect to be out of commission for a while.
Sorry about the delay.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Samanthasman » Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:50 pm

SamWarrens wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:47 pm
Two problems have arisen.
First my cataracts have gotten much worse and writing has become very difficult. Chapter 11 is in the works but will be on hold for a bit. On April 24 I' going for open heart surgery. 4 vessel by pass. I expect to be out of commission for a while.
Sorry about the delay.

Now days open heart is practically an outpatient procedure ;) you’ll be fine!!

You might consider some text to speech software if you want to dictate your writing.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:42 pm

Thanks for good wishes.
Cataract removal after heart is fixed.
Retinopathy still problem after that.
Thank goodness for Canadian medical coverage!
Will look into software!
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:49 pm

Best wishes for speedy recoveries.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed May 15, 2019 5:41 pm

Made it through surgery. Will be recovering for a while.
Have some great ideas for chapters.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed May 15, 2019 5:42 pm

Made it through surgery. Will be recovering for a while.
Have some great ideas for chapters.
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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Lizardtantrum » Thu May 16, 2019 2:16 pm

Glad to hear it.

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Re: Winners and Losers

Unread post by Samanthasman » Thu May 16, 2019 3:04 pm

SamWarrens wrote:
Wed May 15, 2019 5:42 pm
Made it through surgery. Will be recovering for a while.
Have some great ideas for chapters.
Wow man, you are clearly indestructible!
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