progress story

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:18 pm

I think you can broach it outside of sex! Tell her you’re going to clean & for her to find something hot on her phone to look at. Explain when she does you’ll stop cleaning & begin to work on her feet or give her oral if she shows you what she found. She might like the idea of you cleaning & servicing her. Let her know that she doesn’t have to get you off & that you’re just wanting to get her off.

How are you ever going to find out what happened on her evening out? I’m dying to know so you must be as well!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Nov 02, 2018 2:13 pm

BallSpanking - I agree and not only do I think she wont reject it, I think she would really enjoy it.

Tryn - That is a fun idea! I may try it out in the bedroom first just so i know she'll be into it. But I could tell her while I am cleaning and she is on her phone that I find it hot to think about what she is looking at, or who she may send messages to. As for finding out what happened on her evening out, I don't know, I could see her telling me down the road sometime, but I've been waiting for her to build off that night, maybe hint that she's going out again or something.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:53 pm

Maybe you ought to hint SHE should make it a weekly thing, like Friday Night Live.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by shall54 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:13 am

I don't want to be a killjoy here, but the key to this working and all of you enjoying this lifestyle is communication. That being said, her telling you about what she does when she feels like it, does not sound like communicating. If your asking, is breaking a rule, then these rules need to be re-visited. Again just my take on this...

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:36 pm

Wow, so much has happened! I can't get over how sexy her confidence is. Wherever she went on her evening out, I know she turned heads. I know it's crossing a line, but maybe ask her about the scent? You can do it playfully - "I can't get your scent from the other night out of my head - your lover's sheets?" My wife also got off on controlling me by withholding information - it was part of what made cucking me work for her. For me, it was too much - I needed/wanted to feel involved in some level in her love life. You and your wife seem to communicate so naturally, you'll figure out a balance that works for you.

How did it feel to do your job as homemaker during the dinner party? Satisfying? Proud? I hope you were paying attention as your wife did her deep clean (with your help). If she's anything like mine, she's expecting you to have taken notice so she doesn't have to nag you about keeping things up to her standard. I be she'll be so pleased with you if you give her a house to be proud of she'll share more of her adventures with you.

Last thing - why persist with trying to show her you can "do her good?" Why not just give into your desires and submit to her? If I were her, I might feel like I was getting mixed signals. For instance, when you're getting ready for bed, remind her of the time she joked about spitting in your mouth after she brushed her teeth. Ask her to do it. You get off on the humiliation and so does she! Have fun with it, I say. ;-)

Can't wait to hear how things are going.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:19 am

BallSpanking - That would be fun and although we didn't get time this weekend I may bring it up this week that she should go out again, and try to make it a more often occurrence.

Shall - I am with you, I guess I would be fine with her playing around, but I would like to know a little more, have there be a little more detail from her, or her to bring it up again more often about what she was doing or wanted to do. I am hoping with some time our communication about this will grow, but I also want her to get more comfortable with it all on her own pace and terms before I seem to overbearing. Maybe that is the wrong way to go about doing it, but I guess my hope is she gets more comfortable with the lifestyle or more comfortable with going out on her own that she will eventually talk about it more. I would say if this continues and she does it more often and I get just as little communication I will bring it up that there needs to be more communication.

60d - Feels a little like I am in your situation where maybe she is getting off witholding information from me but I want to feel more involved. As far as being the homemaker during the dinner party I actually enjoyed it. It was interesting to see how naturally she just put me in the background knowing chores were getting done as she enjoyed her time. I kept waiting for her to take a break from talking with them to come over and ask me how it was going or to give me a "Thanks babe" for cleaning things up, but she never did, she was fully enjoying the company. I guess the reason I want to please her in bed in that particular way is because I know she appreciates that and wishes that. Although I know she enjoys being kinky from time to time, I know ultimately she wants me to be able to perform vanilla with her and still be able to satisfy her in that way. I would actually love it if she restricted me to oral only, plus I seem to be pretty good at that to her, but again even though I am good at it she usually wants me.

Going to submitting to her and I gues tying in she sometimes prefering just vanilla sex, was the other night we were getting into bed and she made a comment of telling me, "I've noticed my underwear being around your side of the bed." Now I haven't actually intentionally put her underwear there, in fact I had noticed her underwear and socks winding up on the floor next to my side of the bed, and I thought maybe she was purposefully putting them there. She asked, "What are you doing with them?" I smiled and told her she knew what I was doing with them. She smiled, and as she took the underwear she was wearing off she said, "You'd love these, I've worn them all day and wore them to the gym." I told her that was super hot and would love them. Anyways, going with her enjoying kinky times and vanilla times, I've sort of figured out a pattern, it's usually every other night it switches off. So one night it's vanilla the other night I am usually given the green light for kinkyness. This night was vanilla, but while we were doing it I could tell just by the way she was moving her body she had some frustrations, finally I understood her frustration as she stopped midway, pushed me out and grabbed my dick. "You're not hard enough!" Again, just like last week, I was as hard as I usually am, but granted I was holding back a little because I wanted to last. After she expressed her frustration with that she pushed me back into her and did her best to try and get me to hit the right spot. I was finally able to bring her to orgasm and when it was my turn I asked her to get her underwear she had worn. She laughed and said, "Not tonight baby, go ahead and cum." A little dissapointed because it would have been hot I didn't debate and did as she said within seconds.

Yesterday she asked me if she was still hot. I said of course she was and she said I better think that and said a lot of guys who are attractive end up having wives that aren't that hot. Suddenly she openly started talking again about type of guys that she thought was hot. Just the middle of the day, nothing sexual about it, just nonchalantly she started letting me know which type of guys she thought were hot. She had no problem and was very confident to be able to tell me certain details about a mans look she thought was hot and then would be amazed they didn't have a hot wife to match their look. I told her I was lucky and again let her know she was hot. She came back from shopping yesterday and showed me a new sweater she got. She walked into the room and asked me, "You like this?" I was taken back because it wasn't something I'd imagine her wearing. It was a sweater, but it was long sleeves that started to flare out from the elboys, and the lenght didn't given fully reach her waistband. She obviously got the sweater as the weather is changing, but I was surprised to see such a revealing choice. Not only did the length not go all the way to her waistband in the front there was this little upward "V" cut. I was just amazed that as she stood normally you could see a ever so slight sight of skin, so any movement would reveal even more. I think she was my shocked look and asked, "You don't like it do you?" I quickly corrected her and said I loved it and thought it was hot. She said, "You like how short it is?" Again, very excited with her choice I said I loved that it was short and thought it was super sexy. She looked down to check it out and said, "I like it, it's something different." I said it was great.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:21 am

Breaker445 wrote:As far as being the homemaker during the dinner party I actually enjoyed it. It was interesting to see how naturally she just put me in the background knowing chores were getting done as she enjoyed her time. I kept waiting for her to take a break from talking with them to come over and ask me how it was going or to give me a "Thanks babe" for cleaning things up, but she never did, she was fully enjoying the company
Maybe I'm way out of line, but, I think this is important to share your feelings about how you wanted a to be shown a little gratitude.

My opinion: It's one thing for the both of you to agree that you will be the homemaker in that scenario and get some sort of shared experience out of it. It's another she simply ignore you, no discussion.

It's nobody's fault. I'm just emphasizing (my opinion) introducing a third has to be done as a couple. It's important she understand you want a role in this.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:50 pm

Hi Breaker,

I have wondered about your handling of this with your wife, but I must say, you know her best, and she certainly seems to be coming along.
So, no worries, you are not obligated to take the advice of others.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:45 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Hi Breaker,

I have wondered about your handling of this with your wife, but I must say, you know her best, and she certainly seems to be coming along.
So, no worries, you are not obligated to take the advice of others.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Lkncouple » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:13 am

Great updates. A couple of suggestions. First, after reading about the party, I really think it would be worth your while to go somewhere with just you two. It could be just a dance club or a swingers club(She can dress very sexy and you can dance and just watch others have sex). When you were at the Halloween party, when you were there with friends your friends were making comments about her getting picked up. I don't think most women don't like their vanilla friends to think they are slutty. I think if you two just went somewhere by yourselves, I think she may be a little more wild.

On the night she went out, when she came back, I think she may have wanted you to go after her before she took a shower. I think that if she didn't want that she would have immediately gone to the shower. The fact that she sat on the couch before she took the shower, I think she wanted you to climb on her and taste her. I am not sure how you didn't attack her at that moment. I would definitely encourage her to do that again.

Sounds like you are making progress.

My progress is much slower. Although, we are heading down to the Fl Keys at the beginning of December and my wife suggested we stay in Miami on a Thursday night once we fly in so we can go to the Trapeze swingers club that night. She is claiming that she loves to go there and dress sexy and dance, and it allows me to go with her in the back room and watch people fuck. This time, I am going to encourage her to dance with someone else.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:37 am

Start talking dirtier and more direct to her in bed about her wanting another cock, sounds like she is ready. If not, it’s easy to play off as just fantasy talk.

Take her to a club with just you two and separate so she can get picked up on and dance with another guy.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:58 pm

38kewp - I do forget about using the cock ring, sorry, when I first read it I thought it was an extender, which I would find very hot to use, but the times I have brought up using an extender she isn't into the suggestion. However, the cock ring has made it more enjoyable for her, but I don't know if it helps me with my stamina. I could give that a try again, we used to have one that vibrated she enjoyed. I just need to figure out the stamina issue while using one because for whatever reason it adds to my turn on. I try to perform well for her because I know that is what she wants, so I try to last. As for the pathetic talk, I enjoy that and she knows I enjoy it. She knows I like the submissive humiliation at times. So her calling me pathetic in the way she does is hot.

TheHammer - I agree I think she would be way more into the dirty talk in bed now than she ever has been.

I dont want to get my hopes up, so I am going to be cautiously optimistic when I say this, but we had a hot talk last night. I told her I thought she should go out this Friday night. She laughed and asked, "Just me?" I responded direct and said, "Yeah" She got this look of thought and after she pondered it for a few seconds replied, "Hmm maybe" with a hint of excitement in curiosity in her voice. I told her I could drop her off and while she was out I would do laundry, dishes, clean, etc. whatever she wanted done. Thinking to myself 'was I pushing it too far? Was her response going to be rejection?' she instead intriguily asked, "Where would you drop me off? How would I get home?" I told her I would drop her off wherever she was going and either I could come and pick her up, she could do a rideshare back, or if she went with someone they could bring her back. She stood there thinking for a bit and finally gave me a hopeful, "Hmmm that could be fun". I couldn't believe it! I let the planning in her mind sit and I didn't push it or over eagerly hound her about the plan, I got a positive response and it was clear she was thinking about it. Of course what was racing through my mind was, 'what would she wear?' I know in the past she has made the comment she wouldn't need to overly dress, so I've been thinking since last night if she'd wear a super sexy outfit, or just normal everyday wear?

Since our talk was later in the night I was too excited to relax so I ended up going to the gym. When I got back it was late and she was already asleep. Of course curious as usual if she used her toy, especially after our conversation that was the emphasis of the night, I had to look. Maybe what solidified my confidence she is getting into this was finding she had indeed used her vibrator. I can't help but think because the timeframe of our talk, to her going to bed and using the vibrator, she had to be imagining a what if Friday night. Add to it, this morning I think she was a bit excited, because she got up earlier than usual and was very peppy for being an early morning.

But again, it's early in the week and lots can change and she may not end up going out, but it was promising to see her into the idea and thinking about it and not rejecting it as some crazy idea.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:14 pm

Excellent. The more this happens the more normal it will seem to her, going out alone, or with her friends, or, on a date... ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Tue Nov 06, 2018 6:28 am

Nice work Breaker!! Hopefully you find the find the courage to communicate about about communication on her experience. She might think you find it hot to be left in the dark, maybe you do, but ultimately it sounds like you’d like to know what she does. You both need to have fun with this & I think you’re going to enjoy it more if you get some kind of breakdown on what she does.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:52 pm

BallSpanking - Funny, it already is seeming more normal to her.
Tryn - Yeah if she ends up going out this Friday I will talk to her about giving me a little more detail about what she is doing, especially a text of an update would be hot.

I asked her today if she had thought anymore about going out Friday and she smiled and said she didn't know yet. I jokingly told her she needed a bad influential girlfriend to go out with to maybe make things easier. She sort of just laughed at the comment but I could see her thinking, like she was running through a list of friends in her mind. I am sure it would be way easier for her to go out if she had a friend, so maybe she is going to ask some of her girlfriends if they are available to go out. Again when I think of the possibility she may go out, with the obvious reason why behind it, I get excited to think about what she may wear. If she does go out I'd love to help her get ready.

I know I've posted this before, but she has this confidence and giddiness about her lately. I'll look over at her and she is just glued to her phone with this smirk as she is frantically typing something on her phone. Of course I think about that one Instagram photos I saw her looking at that one day, so I wonder 'is she messaging someone?' 'Who is she texting?' If I try to walk by her in hopes to get a glance of the conversation, coincidentally she'll hit the exit button. I know I've been posting for a while now, but recently it feels more than ever that she is more open and into this. I know it was only a couple months ago she told me she'd do it, and I knew it would be at her own pace, but it's starting to see like the pace is moving, slowly, but surely which is really exciting.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:50 pm

Breaker445 wrote:She sort of just laughed at the comment but I could see her thinking, like she was running through a list of friends in her mind.....

...If I try to walk by her in hopes to get a glance of the conversation, coincidentally she'll hit the exit button.
These are totally inconsistent opinions:

Per other posts, the lifestyle works with much more trust and communication. Honestly, she has most likely already gone much further than you imagine. But, there's no trust or communication from her. I'm not blaming her. It's a game you are both playing. Only, she knows she's playing a totally different game than you understand. Maybe I'm wrong, but, I am not the only one suggesting this.

The support you've been giving her is definitely working. She's likely quite busy cucking you. I think you are too close to see it. Keep it up!

My opinion is genuinely worthless. Do your best to enjoy each step with her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Nov 07, 2018 12:35 pm

wocka-wocka wrote:
Breaker445 wrote:She sort of just laughed at the comment but I could see her thinking, like she was running through a list of friends in her mind.....

...If I try to walk by her in hopes to get a glance of the conversation, coincidentally she'll hit the exit button.
These are totally inconsistent opinions:

Per other posts, the lifestyle works with much more trust and communication. Honestly, she has most likely already gone much further than you imagine. But, there's no trust or communication from her. I'm not blaming her. It's a game you are both playing. Only, she knows she's playing a totally different game than you understand. Maybe I'm wrong, but, I am not the only one suggesting this.

The support you've been giving her is definitely working. She's likely quite busy cucking you. I think you are too close to see it. Keep it up!

My opinion is genuinely worthless. Do your best to enjoy each step with her.
First, I appreciate your opinion no matter what it is. I agree our communication needs to improve, especially for this to work. I guess my hope in sort of this, watch from afar and wait and see, is she will start opening up more about things as she gets more comfortable with them. But I am thinking the more we start moving forward the more I will have to step up and ask for communication to be better if she doesn't. Although she shows signs of being more open to this and maybe thinking about it more, I dont see any signs of her actively hooking up with anyone. To me it is more likely at the most she is messaging someone and talking. Even that I am reserving my excitement for. I will say a confident guess is she is thinking of other men and that is why I think she is starting to get more comfortable in this.

Maybe it's her confidence and comfort growing in this that has strengthened her Dom side of things, but she is really enjoying my submissiveness toward her. As I posted before her underwear and socks have been popping up on the floor next to my side of the bed. She thought I was enjoying them and that was why they were ending up there, even though I wasn't. Nonetheless, I went along with it and acted like I was enjoying them. She glowed with confidence when she heard me say that and since than I've sort of made it obvious to scatter her socks or underwear next to my side of the bed. She's brought it up a couple times since then telling me I am naughty and letting me know she notices it. When she is telling me she notices it I can tell she likes the thought. Anyways, today I noticed the socks she wore to the gym yesterday and a pair of underwear were laying right there on the floor next to my side of the bed. Given the last couple days she has brought up my using of her socks and underwear, it just seems this was a purposeful placement. Things like this are just an overall change of how less prude, I guess? She has become and how she seems to be enjoying and embracing this control and dominance she has over me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:36 pm

You mention she wants you to use her socks and underwear, but not necessarily to wear them, right?
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallsDeeper » Wed Nov 07, 2018 6:51 pm

Regarding “trust”, I have the sense that your wife is not aware of your writing in this forum, and I’m concerned how she may feel when she eventually finds out.

I have no experience with this, and I don’t have any advice, but perhaps some of those with experience may.

BTW - I’m enjoying your updates and look forward to the climax, as it were.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:57 pm

Remmber that she wants to feel desired by you. The sock story is a good example where you reciprocated.

Maybe explain wanting more information as a way to feel closer to her and share the excitement of flirting, or whatever else has happened.

In this same way, you should offer to go with her while she's on the prowl as a way to share the experience. The general point being to offer her opportunities to be more communicative instead of the terrible 'I am not happy because you...' Launchpad for an argument.

It seems like she is already experimenting with the emotional part. Once she feels secure and confidant, the physical part won't take long.

NewYears is right around the corner. Find another Halloween-like party to take her to for more fun!!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:14 am

Good points wocka. I'll ask her again about Friday and if it doesn't look like plans have been made I'll suggest she and I go out together. I do agree when it gets there the physical part won't take long.

She has set up fun for tonight though. Last night I wasn't feeling all that great, a little under the weather and she knew about it. But we did our lounging time on the couch and I was really just waiting for the time to go to bed, because of just feeling crappy. Even though she was fully aware I wasn't feeling well, and knew I was really just waiting around for an acceptable time to go to sleep, that didn't stop her from her extending her legs toward my lap and telling me, "Rub them" In a tone of voice that was stern enough to let me know there wasn't any saying no to the demand. Even under the weather, I eagerly took off her socks and started massaging her feet. After a long day for her they were warm and it didn't take long for me to get a hint of their scent. She actually gave a light moan as I began massaging them she enjoyed it so much. When the other foot wasn't getting massaged she extended her leg so her calf was resting on my crotch, probably so she could feel my hard on, there was certainly no mistaking I had one. As this went on I quickly forgot about not feeling well and could only focus on the attention to her feet.

She finally gave the go ahead for us to go to bed. As we were getting ready for bed, she again knowing I wasn't feeling well, said, "I should just use my toy while you lay there." Excitedly I replied, "Yes!! Do it!" She laughed and said, "No way!" With a disappointed tone I asked why and she said, "Because that's my time, I don't want you right there." I was beginning to beg her to do it but she shot me down. When we got into bed she got really close to me where her thigh was between my legs and again she could feel my hardness. I thought she was going to push things along as she rubbed her thigh ever so slightly between my legs. As my breathing became harder and deeper she pulled away and said, "No, you never get hard enough and wouldn't last anyways, and I can't imagine what it would be like if you don't feel well." I said I was trying to hope she'd use her toy instead. She laughed and said, "No, you don't get to enjoy that." So feeling she was in the mood but not wanting her toy I offered I could help. She brought up to me again, "You wouldn't be hard enough and you wouldn't last." I tried to show competitiveness and let her know I accepted the challenge that I wasn't up to her standards. She again laughed off my attempt to be able to satisfy her at that time and said, "We will do it tomorrow." Shot down, but extremely aroused, I made some movements on my side of the bed that she quickly asked, "What are you doing?" Before I could answer she playfully said, "No! you don't get to pleasure yourself either." I tried to debate and present my side but she was having none of it and told me, "You'll be fine, you're not allowed to touch it." The pause afterward I thought she was going to break the silence by telling me to put on my cage. Somehow I managed to fall asleep all awhile thinking about if I had something fun in store for me tomorrow.

I woke up rather early and excited for what the night may bring. It may be nothing but I guess the hope is there given she built it up from last night. I have to ask her anyways about any plans for tomorrow, so that could be an easy lead in to a good discussion tonight.

I'll add the update here..Before she got home I texted her and told her if she was going out tomorrow night she could stop on the way home to get a new outfit. She texted back, "I don't have anyone to go out with...." Hmm the sexual "..."s Fast forward to after she got home and she spent a good amount of time trying out outfits she had. Eventually hearing the clacking of heels from our room got to my curiosity and I went in to see what outfit she had on. Super tight jeans, a sweater and tan colored heels was her outfit as she was checking herself out in the mirror. I smirked because suddenly I got the thought that this whole time she was trying on outfits she'd actually wear out. It mimicked the outfit she wore out with me on our date months ago when I asked her to wear something she'd wear out if she was trying to pick someone up. Conservatively sexy is how I would describe the look. Unless she was blatantly going to a club I wouldn't see her as wearing anything like a leather skirt or slutty dress. I stood there for a moment thinking the realization that this was what she was doing. The outfit was sexy and "formal" enough to where I knew she wasn't trying on her next Tuesday outfit to work. It also made me think that her going out Friday night may not be out of the question still. I told her she looked sexy and she just gave me a little smirk and asked, "You think so?" As she turned to the side continuing to check herself out in the mirror. "Oh yes" I said. I left and sat down in the next room. After a few minutes she came out wearing a bra and booty short underwear to quickly drop something off in the other room. I gave her a "Whoa! Hot!" surprise reaction and she laughed and gave me a kiss before walking back into our room. Minute or so later she came back out wearing her black athletic pants as she strolled over to where I was sitting and sat on my lap. With a sigh like she was debating with herself on what to do she said, "I don't know if I should run out tonight or not." She was referring to going to one store, so I suggested to her she could do it tomorrow. Confidently and in a sexy tone she told me, "Whatever I do when I leave here is up to me." With a little aggression she grabbed my crotch and told me, "You don't know." I was caught off guard because I wasn't expecting such a tease, I told her, "Hmmm yes!" And I rubbed her leg. She stood up and walked away back toward our bedroom telling me, "I should probably put on a different pair of underwear." And she looked back at me with this super sexy grin. She knew I knew what she was talking about, she meant to change out of the booty shorts and put on a sexier pair. I think I responded with a "Holy crap! Naughty girl!" I heard her laugh from our bedroom.

I don't know if she ended up putting on a new pair or not, but she came back out after a minute or so still wearing the athletic pants and a sweater. "Ok I'll be back." She said to me, but in a voice that I knew she was trying to tease me. Letting her know I liked what I was hearing and thinking I gave her some compliments and expressed my enjoyment of wonder where she may be going. She walked over slowly letting me take in her walk and leaned over and gave me a kiss, "Hmmm bye babe." She said after the kiss. I gave her an excited good bye in return.

She is definitely playing along now and having fun with it. Really looking forward to tonight.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by corey22901 » Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:04 am


You want her to cage you and that to be part of the tease. When the time comes that she goes out and is teasing, put the cage on and as she is about to leave, give her the key.

Tell her you want to be horny for her and you want to not waste it masturbating. Let he know she is so hot you can't help yourself and being denied is actually helpful.

She does not see the benefit for her, so you have to take the initiative. Self lock yourself and say that your oral skills need some training. Can she help?

Be creative, but you need to have this be more a part of your play, IMO. Perhaps a smaller better fitting device would be helpful?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by TheHammer » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:27 pm

Is she going out alone tonight? It may a good time to introduce a big dildo in bed where you are eating her out. Just stash it close by beforehand and grab it when she is worked up.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by 60dCommon » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:51 pm

Any interesting fragrance when she returned?

Caged or not, I'll add my voice to the chorus suggesting you focus on finding ways to get her off without your cock. She loves facesitting you, you love cleaning your cum from her, so after giving her an oral orgasm, why not let her know you understand she's not getting much from your fucking, but that it'd be hot for you if she let you cum inside her anyway so long as she promised to face sit you until she has another orgasm? Tell her how anxious you are for her to find a lover who can "do her" the way she deserves, tell her you know how lucky you are to get to fuck her, especially since you are too small can't can't get hard enough. Reflect it all back to her. Don't worry about coming too soon - cum in one stroke if you're ready. I say just go for it - have fun with it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:22 pm

Well I don't want to perform poorly because I know she wants vanilla satisfying sex with me. She's said before that she still wants sex with me even after we move forward.

The other night when she got back it was just her teasing me and nothing more, it was just a way for her to remind me she can do what she wants when she wants. She even went on to deny me of anything that night. So all that build up and tease that went back to the evening prior ended with me getting nothing.

Last night a bit different. As we were figuring out what to watch, she surprised me in picking a documentary that was basically about sex and wives sneaking around. Well the entire documentary wasn't just about cheating wives, but in the description and a good portion of it was about wives sneaking around and sex in other cultures. So while she was searching what to pick she read and it and said, "Ooohh we could watch this!" We watched it and as we were listening to this one woman not having sex with her husband so she hooks up with guys after work and her husband doesn't know, my wife spoke up and said, "You'd LOVE that." I gave her foot a kiss and said that I would and it would be super hot. She just smirked and continued watching on. She made other comments about telling me what type of guy she'd hook up with, which was really hot. She'd say things like, "I couldn't have sex with *This type of guy* but I definitely could with *This type of guy*. We ended up going to the bedroom later and it was just vanilla besides during I told her she was hot and her telling me back, "You're not the only guy who thinks that." Yes I wanted to ask more questions but there was no way I'd last. She knew I liked hearing that, as I tried to hold back and she sort of chuckled to herself about what she was able to do, but at the same time showed a bit of frustration in not wanting me to cum early. It was hot knowing she wanted to talk dirty involving cuckolding, but unfortunately I wasn't prepared to talk more without ending way too early. Afterward I did ask who else would think that and she just playfully laughed and told me I didn't need to know. I pushed expressing my curiosity and excitement of who and again it was met with a playful response of her telling me she notices lots of guys thinking she's hot. I tried to go for round 2 letting her know I loved hearing her tease and she laughed and said it was time for bed and for me to not try and get "my thing" back up.

She is getting more and more open about cuckolding and seemingly getting more and more comfortable with the idea. It's definitely time for me to get more comfortable bringing it up to her. It's completely contradictory, I know, but I feel more comfortable talking about this with her, but I am a little shy in bringing it up. Maybe it's because there feels to be real movement forward that I sort of shell up outside the bedroom in talking about it. It's enjoyable to see she is bringing it up more and is very openly teasing me with it, but I kick myself that in the moment she brings it up I get shy. I've told her this, recently too, when she brought up something cuckolding and I froze, I told her for whatever reason I become shy about it and she replied very sweetly and told me, "You're so cute."

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