progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Dec 01, 2018 1:30 pm

FNQ - Nothing significant to the name Dylan, other than it just put a name to the person, was just a real 'whoa' moment. Also it's lead me down the exciting road to try and see if I can find him on any of her friends list.

mundyman - My guess is he does know she is married because she didn't leave her ring behind, and if she met him at the gym for all I know for the most part she wears her ring to the gym besides that one time she left it behind. So unless she left her ring in the car, I didn't see it left behind so my guess is she wore it, but I'll ask her about that if he knows and what his thoughts are on it if he does know. Your comment about them meeting at the gym and giving my wife an excuse to wear revealing workout clothes hit me just now like a brick. Not only did she recently buy those shiny gray spandex pants, but today she got dressed wearing the same style only in black. Again super smooth to the touch and they are very very thin and tight. They mold to her body so well and she saw how attracted I was to them. But along with wearing them out for everyday wear she is also going to wear them to the gym since they are that type of attire. But now I definitely am going to be paying attention to what new outfits she is going to wear to the gym since she's now bought two new leggings/spandex within the last couple days.

ddriver - She works out quiet often, but I don't know when they plan on meeting next at the gym. I would say on average she goes to the gym every other day or so. Sometimes its 4 days in a row, sometimes its 3-4 times in a week. It just sort of depends, but the way she talked about it I think their meeting at the gym will be rather soon. And with it being the gym, maybe he has been going the same time she does so their schedules are similar.

It was mentioned about new energy from her. The entire morning she was glowing and in a really good mood, like I said she got dressed into these new tight, thin black leggings that she got along with this sweater that hung off her shoulders, so her shoulders were exposed. Along with that her make up was done more than it usually is. She later showed me a new (fake) leather jacket she wanted. Like I really had a choice in if she was going to get it or not I told her she knew I would never say no to anything leather. But in my mind I was thinking or at least hoping the jacket would be worn soon on another date. Would be especially hot since she knows my attraction to leather. Anyways, she has just been in a great mood all day.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Dec 01, 2018 4:03 pm

Now she has a candidate she sees at the gym, she may be staying gone for longer ‘workouts’. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:08 pm

I am anxiously awaiting for the next time she goes to the gym.

38kewp - I just checked her toy since I read your post, but it hasn't been used, and really no need since she's had me to fulfill her need. Since Friday her libido has been pretty high and last night she was very very much in the mood and took me to the bedroom. I lasted just fine, which I know pleased her and although I didn't do anything special she seemed to be very satisfied. She was also very wet, like very very wet. Afterward she teased me like she was going to go for a second time, but after she almost got me going again she said once was enough for the night, but she told me she could easily get me going for a second time. I just agreed with her and told her obviously she could.

Like I said I am anxiously awaiting the next time she goes to the gym. But her libido has definitely been heightened since Friday, which I guess shouldn't be a surprise, but it's fun to be apart of.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:14 pm

Well done Breaker, it's a very exciting time for sure and we're all hanging on every word. I have a few observations about Friday if I may.

1. That was SO hot that Dylan got the sexy heels while you got the plain comfortable clothes. Love it.

2. I loved the way she held your hand onto her leg as you drove. This feels like a very possessive gesture to me. 'I may have a boyfriend, but you're all mine'.

3. She's very confidentially told you she can get any guy that she wants. She's had the green light for quite a long time now and has been carefully waiting for the right guy. You have witnessed a few occasions where she was hit on but she turned them down as she wasn't into them. I think you can assume she is REALLY into this guy. She hasn't just picked the first guy that came along.

4. They essentially spent 5 hours on their date talking, which shows me he knows how to hold a conversation and keep your wife's interest for such an extended period of time. I feel this will be moving into a long term boyfriend type scenario a la Wade and Mrs KyDa. Unless he is horrible in bed this won't be a one and done situation.

5. On the Friday night after her date when you guys went out and didn't have sex like you were hoping. To me it seems her head was still with Dylan after their date and needed that time to reconnect with you before you had sex. Although it's early days and you can't make a judgement from one example, to me it seems to show that she can't have sex with someone who isn't in her head, who she isn't currently feeling that close connection with. I think this is an indication of what to expect when she is actually fucking Dylan. Although she has stated she expects you to perform I'm not confident you will have many opportunities to perform. It may take her some time after her dates to reconnect with you first. Maybe she will get better at this over time.

6. I think this was their first formal date but I think there may have been a few little coffee meetings prior to this. This wasn't their first conversation. I think their next meet up at the gym (they've been flirting for a while I think), will be to arrange their next date. Most likely for next Friday which I believe will be a much longer date if you get my meaning. I think you will be a cuckold before this Saturday. So exciting!

This is HOT HOT HOT and has long been my favourite thread on here as the very slow burn has most closely matched my own situation. You are one lucky man, make sure you continue to love and support your lovely wife.
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:33 pm

Hey Breaker,

Why don't you go ahead and tell her if Dylan ask her out on a date, if she wants to, to go ahead an accept it. Tell her she does not have to check with you first.

Of course she will need to let you know if she is going a date, but instead of her coming in and asking nervously if she could go out to lunch on Friday, this way she can just come in and tell you nervously she has a date.

Please keep us updated. Thanks again!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Sun Dec 02, 2018 6:33 pm

newaussiecuck wrote: 4. They essentially spent 5 hours on their date talking, which shows me he knows how to hold a conversation and keep your wife's interest for such an extended period of time. I feel this will be moving into a long term boyfriend type scenario a la Wade and Mrs KyDa. Unless he is horrible in bed this won't be a one and done situation.

5. On the Friday night after her date when you guys went out and didn't have sex like you were hoping. To me it seems her head was still with Dylan after their date and needed that time to reconnect with you before you had sex. Although it's early days and you can't make a judgement from one example, to me it seems to show that she can't have sex with someone who isn't in her head, who she isn't currently feeling that close connection with. I think this is an indication of what to expect when she is actually fucking Dylan. Although she has stated she expects you to perform I'm not confident you will have many opportunities to perform. It may take her some time after her dates to reconnect with you first. Maybe she will get better at this over time.
This is very insightful and much better worded than what I posted.

When I mention "playing with fire" it's my concern the connection to breaker might get broken in NRE. No one wants that obviously and I'm probably overly cautious.

I'm so happy for the Breakers.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:04 am

newaussie - Thanks for your list and #5 really makes sense, I never thought of that, but that definitely makes a lot of sense. For #6 I also think this was their first formal date, but I am sure they've talked before at the gym and that is how they got to know each other.

ddriver - She knows she doesn't have to check in with me to accept her next date, her letting me or asking me last week about Friday I think was more of her just letting me know. I don't think I really had to say it was ok for her to go.

I am even more anxious about their meeting at the gym. Sundays is usually a day my wife always goes to the gym. Like I posted before, she'll go 4 days in a row some weeks, or 3-4 days over the course of the week, but usually in that habit she always goes on Sundays. So I eagerly waited around yesterday for her to tell me she was going to the gym. Maybe not in the way that she was meeting up with him at the gym, but just going to the gym as she usually always goes on Sundays. Well I waited and waited and she never went. So my thought was maybe he isn't going to be there so she isn't going to waste her time in going. I don't know, it peaked my interest of their next meeting because like I said she usually always goes on Sundays.

I did get a huge surprise though yesterday evening when I looked in the trash. There I was just doing some clean up and I went to throw something away in the garbage can in our kitchen. Something caught my eye though, laying just under a shipping package in the garbage I saw a plastic package with really eye catching font. It was unique enough that made me wonder what it was. So I lifted the shipping package and I stood there stunned looking at what this piece of plastic package was. It was fishnet stockings. I feverishly grabbed it to almost make sure I was seeing it correctly, to make sure it was real. Sure enough, the package was for fishnet stockings. Still like I didn't believe it, even though the packaging was clear, I still opened it up and looked inside to make sure nothing was in there, it was empty. My heart was racing at this discovery, usually any sort of super sexy purchases like this my wife immediately shows me or tells me about it. So thinking there must be an explanation of where this package came from I started looking at the other garbage in the bin to see if any of it was old, thinking to myself maybe she was cleaning things out and came upon this old package of fishnets. But my heart raced faster as all the garbage it was mixed in with was all very new. I was stunned, but I quickly and carefully placed the package back into the garbage as if I never saw it. Still thinking, I don't know why, but still thinking there must be an explanation to this, I went to the bin where her sexy clothes and toys are hidden, I thought to myself maybe the bin is all re-organized and she cleaned it and threw away this package she found. Nope, it was the same as I found it the other day. It was one of the most exciting and hottest discoveries for me. But I didn't bring it up to her, for one I wanted to see if later in the night she had a plan to surprise me of her most recent purchase, again, any sexy piece of clothing she buys she always lets me know either by teasing me with it or to test my reaction, she knows very very well fishnet stockings would send me into great excitement. The other was, and I still couldn't believe it may be true, was if it wasn't for me, well then it wasn't for me.

I sat on the couch and she later joined me giving me her feet to massage. The entire time I sat there massaging her feet in pure excitement thinking about her new purchase and who it was for. She sat there on her phone most the time, and my curiosity on if she was messaging him was burning so I asked her if there was any word on meeting him at the gym or anything like that. She gave me a perky response and told me nothing had been planned yet. A little later we went to bed and for the second night in a row she initiated playtime. I am used to once a week, maybe if I am lucky twice a week, so I was surprised that she was initiating a third time for the week. And just like the night before she was really into it. This time she got so wet that afterward she contemplated changing the sheets. Once again my stamina wasn't an issue and when it was my turn I laid next to her and she shoved her feet in my face, letting me kiss, lick and suck them.

This morning I tried to quickly search for those fishnet stockings, but found nothing. That realization and emotion I got when I found that package was a thrill. I am going to give it some time to see how this thing goes with Dylan. But I think it's definitely more or looking to be more of a boyfriend situation, which I am excited about and fine with. Mainly because since she's molded this over time to fit her wants and for it to work for her, I know this is how she wants it which makes it hot for me. I do know with that we have to be careful about getting too attached and obviously right now I know there is some NRE.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Mon Dec 03, 2018 11:29 am

It is interesting that you are talking about NRE, when there may not yet be an R.
Or is she being secretive? ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by subtoall » Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:37 pm

Is it possible she left the package for the fishnet stockings in the garbage hoping you would find it and ask her about it?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Tryn » Mon Dec 03, 2018 12:55 pm

We’re you able to find out if she wore new thong or bra for her date? Did you check her panties in the laundry after for evidence of cum or being extremely turned on? You’ve got to be turned on 24/7 & unable to concentrate on anything at this point!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:41 pm

subtoall - I don't think so at all, it was laying underneath another piece of garbage and it was just a little piece of the packaging itself that caught my eye, and it was just a random coincidence that I was doing the trash at that time. If she wanted me to see it I think she would have at least placed it on top, but even then it wouldn't have been a guarantee I would have seen it.

Tryn - I forgot to mention, later after she got back and when she changed from her date outfit to our date outfit I caught a quick peek at her underwear. They were new as I had not seen them before, but they weren't purposefully sexy in any way. They weren't lace or anything like that. And given sometimes our laundry situation is a mess, I never found them after the night to see anything. But yes, it's all very exciting!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Mon Dec 03, 2018 7:52 pm

Breaker445 wrote: if later in the night she had a plan to surprise me of her most recent purchase, again, any sexy piece of clothing she buys she always lets me know either by teasing me with it or to test my reaction, she knows very very well fishnet stockings would send me into great excitement. The other was, and I still couldn't believe it may be true, was if it wasn't for me, well then it wasn't for me.
Better get used to it, because this is the new normal. It's not just the two of you any more.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:27 pm

So not really much to update but a couple little things. I haven't really pushed the question of when she's seeing him next for a couple reasons. One is I don't want to rush her, I want her to take her time and not pester her with questions or asking when, when, when. So I am just letting her take it at her own speed. The other is on my part, even though I've wanted this for a long time, admittedly I am nervous about it as it is getting so close. I feel like given how long I've wanted this to be a reality, I should be unable to contain myself and I should be pestering her with questions and asking when, when, when, but I am cautious in bringing it up. I don't know if it's my uncertainness of what things will be like when she does do it, or my worry that since she did go on a date, here I am able to contain myself and not overly pestering her about it or when the next date will be. I guess I always thought once we got to this point I wouldn't be able to contain myself and would eagerly be waiting to be a cuckold. But here I am able to function just fine, and can get my mind off it when I want to.

Anyways last night she spent time in our room and I was in the other room. I started thinking to myself she had been in our room for awhile so I decided to check in and see what she was up to. She must have thought she locked the door or something because she was surprised I walked in and was not expecting me. I was met with her checking herself out in the mirror wearing this tight green mini dress with a super sexy slit to one side and her wearing her brown thigh high suede boots. I think the first words out of my mouth were, "Oh my God. That is incredibly hot" She laughed but a little upset with me for barging in, "You weren't suppose to see! Your opinion is bias!" I gave a disappointed, "babe.." response letting her know I wanted to enjoy seeing how hot and sexy she looked. She gave me a look and response like I was annoying her so I left the room, but didn't shut the door which allowed me to sit in the other room and catch a glimpse of what she was doing. She may have simply been too focused on herself to realize I left the door open, but she spent a long time checking herself out in the mirror and monitoring every single little detail of how she looked from dozens of different standing positions. I mean she was really paying attention to every detail of her stances, doing some over and over again and taking closer looks each time. As I sat there taking in how hot my wife looked and her wearing some incredibly sexy outfit that I would love to enjoy her in, I couldn't think to myself, when would she ever wear this for me? She knows I love boots, especially thigh highs, she knows my weakness to her legs and body that her in a tight mini dress would send me into a frenzy, so the combination of both was pure Goddess. Yet, not once while I admired her hotness did I get the sense this outfit she was paying so much attention to detail on was for me. But silly enough, something was holding me back from rushing in and asking if that outfit was for him.

After some time she was finally done and came out to do some things. I went in and noticed the brown thigh high suede boots on the ground and next to it a pair of black suede over the knee boots and a pair of tan heels. I melted thinking how hot she would be in any of those three choices. I walked over to her and remined her of my opinion and told her she looked hot in that outfit. She laughed like I was way too easy to please and told me she really liked the dress and how it fit her.

Later I quickly went to the gym and came back, she was already lounging in sweats and t-shirt and I could tell she had just taken a shower, or so I thought. I went into the bathroom and there resting on the tub ledge was a beer can. That really spiked my cuck buttons because I know my wife from time to time enjoys a beer in the evening, it's rare, and seeing it there on the tub made me go wild in thinking what fun time was she having while in the bath? Yes it could have simply been just a relaxing time for her, but I was thinking back to just about a week ago when she was in the bath and messaging him. I checked her toy, but it hadn't been touched.

She is going to the gym this evening, but no signs or mention she is meeting Dylan there. Nonetheless, I plan on doing lots of cleaning while she is gone.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Tue Dec 04, 2018 5:52 pm

Hi Breaker, I was going to ask you how you are doing and whether you are sleeping OK. Sounds like you are doing just fine. I guess the slow buildup has not only prepared your wife but also yourself for what is to come.

Did you manage to find out what she's told him about you? Does he know she's married? Does he know you know? I'm guessing be probably just thinks she is cheating as she isn't satisfied at home or something. Seems like the easiest and most plausible approach for her to take.

I was thinking how much easier it would have been on you if she may ripped the bandaid off on Friday and fucked him already. The slow torture continues.
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:15 pm

Friday and Saturday are getting near, so you might expect her to tell you her plans soon. It would be disappointing if Dylan didn’t follow up on his opprtunity. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:00 pm

Well I will say we need to work on things a little before we take that big final step. I remain very much aroused but a little frustrated about some things. What an odd feeling, to know something is going on yet only to be given a little bit of it. It's what leads to the arousal yet frustration.

She got home and started to get ready for the gym almost immediately. I sort of just hung around as she got ready and found more new things she had bought. She really is enjoying getting new things that I am fairly certain are not for me. The newest was last night I found a new bra she had bought, it's a black silk bra. It looked rather sexy given it's texture and color.

Anyways she ended up leaving for the gym. She didn't mention Dylan and I figured she wasn't going to be meeting him there and this was just a typical workout. Nonetheless I just decided to start cleaning and doing some chores. I did chores, and chores, and chores. I kept looking at the clock and thinking to myself she should be texting me any minute to let me know she was on her way, or she should be back anytime. But I continued to do more chores and chores and the time kept going. I looked at the clock again and thought again 'any minute she should be on her way'. But I continued to wait. Nearly two hours later she finally came back. Again since there was no mention of Dylan I thought of explanations as to why she'd be gone for so long. I expected her to come back carrying groceries or shopping bags. I was a little surprised to see when she walked through the door she was carrying nothing. I greeted her and gave her a kiss, she was perky and in a good mood. When I kissed her I did try and get a smell or any sign that she'd been with him, but I couldn't tell.

I sort of spent most of the night waiting for her to tell me something, I guess I was waiting for an explanation? As more time passed my mind just kept wandering and wondering and filling up with an overload of curiosity. I felt like she must think I am dumb for not noticing she had been gone so long, especially with her telling me a few days earlier that they were planning on meeting at the gym next. I was hesitant to bring it up, for one, because I didn't want to bring up the suspicion and be way wrong, and two, I was worried what the answer would be because that would mean there was no communication about it. But as the night wore on I couldn't keep my head clear of the unexplainable almost two hours of being gone.

So I brought it up to her. I told her I didn't want to think anything up in my mind, but I couldn't help but notice she had been at the gym for a long time. I was a little shy about it, but she certainly wasn't shy in her response. Gleefully she laughed and excitedly said she knew I would notice. I was a little taken back by her sudden excitement and joyful response to a question I thought I probably sounded cautious in delivering. I gave a hesitant, "Well..." I paused. She responded by giving me this extremely sexy grin which was followed by her biting her lower lip and raising her eyebrows at me. She was exerting this glow about her and I could feel her excitement. I responded with an excited and intrigued, "Mmmm babe!!?" she chuckled and I asked, "So by that response I am assuming a certain someone was there?" Now suddenly she was in absolute complete control. It was like a light switch, suddenly I was made aware of the control she had and it was a lot. Flirtatiously she said, "Maybe..." My goodness her response was so sexy. As much as I realized the absolute control she had it was like she too realized how much control she had and she was loving it. My wife was flirting with me by teasing me whether or not she met another man at the gym. My heart was pounding and by her glow, her excitement, and her pure Goddess like confidence, I knew the answer to my question I had asked.

I was so intoxicated by the moment, I had to get details. Through a dry mouth I told her I had a couple questions. She smiled, still just exerting this confidence and delight and like she was eager to talk about him. I told her I had some questions about him that I was wondering about. She kept her smile and told me to go ahead. I asked how old he was and she said he was 34. I thought 'hmmm older but not that much older, interesting'. Quiet frankly I thought if she did this she'd have her eyes set on someone a little older as she's told me she's always been attracted to older men. I asked her if he knew I knew about them and that I wanted it or if he thought I was clueless about it all. Still like she was flirting with me she told me he knew I wanted this. I was a little surprised by that as I thought she'd play the clueless husband thing. So I was surprised and asked with intrigue, "And he has no problem with it?" With full confidence and like she was proud of the situation she had found herself in she said replied, "Nope". She opened up a little about him and I kept pushing asking a little more and a little more about him, until like she needed to remind me she controls this she cut me off and with a flirtatious laugh and with a little blushing, told me I was asking too much. I told her of course I was asking questions because I was overly curious. I felt like I had to remind her so I told her to just keep me in the loop. She did say still nothing physical.

Today I've definitely had last night on my mind and our conversation. Her excitement is one thing, but wow, that moment where she was flirting with me and teasing me about her night and the feeling of realizing the power and control she had was so intense. It was super hot to also know not only did I realize it, but she knew it, and she was enjoying it and flaunting it. It's been on my mind all day and now everything is sort of rushing in, the new outfits, the finding that she bought fishnets and I have yet to be shown or told about, all awhile being reminded the control she has. I have this excitement in thinking now every time she goes to the gym I will be left wondering and being curious as to what is going on, and I will definitely be paying attention to the time. But in that excitement, lies my frustration and concern.....will she really tell me?

With her being on my mind all day I thought I'd send her a text to let her know I was thinking about her. I texted her that I loved her and told her she was hot. Her response? The fleur-de-lis emoji. I grinned and thought 'wow, I think she may be finding more fun in this than me!' I replied with an excited, "Mmmm babe!!!!" But nothing back so far.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:32 pm

It looks like she is definitely getting closer, and she is also being truthful. The only thing is you are now having serious cuckold angst, because one of these days soon, she will be kissing Dylan, or more...

Definitely, you ought to have a talk with her about her secretive behavior, so she understands that you need to be more in the loop, because otherwise, you could lose it. No, seriously, she needs to understand that you need to share her feelings, excitement, and experiences, so this is something both of you enjoy.
Actually, that might be a productive approach. Yes, you ate fine with doing chores, but if you get nothing out of this, then this doesn’t work for you, unless she is more forthcoming. In other words, your enjoyment happens when she shares, otherwise, you are just a miserable cuckold.

I am not sure if you have any cards to play here, because in the lead up, you kept giving her a free pass.
I don’t know if she will modify her M.O., but if she cares for you, she will.

Another thought comes to mind... that perhaps this is still early days, and she has barely begun exploring her feelings toward Dylan, and is reticent to discuss that, but perhaps you can persuade her to speak to you with the frankness she speaks to Jennifer, to think of you more as if you were a girlfriend with whom she can share everything openly.

Part of her reticence may have to do with her wanting to protect your feelings, but make it clear that not knowing where she lay, makes it unbearable for you. You need more disclosure, so to not give her the 3rd degree, which will only piss her off.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:48 pm

BTW, if Dylan knows you want this, it means that discussion already hapenned between them, so he knows she is game too. Next date with Dylan could make her a HW.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: progress story

Unread post by FNQLivin » Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:51 pm

I look forward to every update.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:36 pm

I definitely agree with Ballspanking on this.

It does sound like you're understandably getting cuckold angst and I think you'll have to be careful how you play this.

From what I can see as an outsider from memory it seems she's just going along with the conditions you both established (or at least you agreed to). I believe she's agreed to do this as long as it's done her way. I feel that if you demand too strongly to be included more now at this late stage you may upset her and she may become resentful. She's doing this her way, she's enjoying the hell out of it, and in teasing you in the process. I remember about a week ago you mentioned you were glad she was doing this her way, which unfortunately means less details and inclusion for you than you would like. However, you are being included. She's teasing you, being coy, and she probably realises that keeping you guessing and on edge is making this more exciting for you than is you know every detail.

She's in charge and she's loving it. She loves you hanging on every word, every movement every gesture and she loves the power sure has to drip feed you information. Information is power and she has it!

I guess all I can say is to relax, enjoy the ride as much as you can (and it sounds like it will be a very wild ride indeed). Maybe have a gentle discussion with her over your feelings but remind her (and yourself) that she's in charge now and can adapt as she best sees fit. If you're about to lose it then better to have that discussion in a calm rational way rather than let our explode later. I guess I'm saying just to tread carefully as she may resent you changing the rules on her at the last minute, especially when she's having so much fun with things the way they are.

Now for some good news. I think you have overlooked something. I too am shocked that Dylan knows that you know and want this, and he's fine with it to boot. However, it GREATLY increases the chances that you may be included at a later stage. Who knows you may even get to witness them in action. Maybe her confidence comes from her knowing exactly what you want and she's giving you exactly that. Doesn't mean it's easy for you but it's exciting! Now is their opportunity to keep you in the dark and tease you and drip feed information. Once you have seen them in the act then that chance for you to imagine and wonder what it's like is gone. Who knows maybe he's even having a hand in how she goes about this with you. Now wouldn't that be exciting!
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by jerseycicouple » Wed Dec 05, 2018 1:56 pm

It would be awesome if, after all these months, The Big Event was reported on p69...

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Re: progress story

Unread post by wocka-wocka » Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:50 pm

Ballspanking's post is very insightful and very proactive. As long as Breaker keeps on communicating, I think Mrs. Breaker would be fine with more discussion.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by ddriver86 » Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:59 pm

Hey Breaker,

Sounds like this is exactly what you have wanted. Keep making her feel like everything is OK and how hot it makes you. She will probably start to give more communication when she sees how it turns you on.

Ask her if it is ok for you to take care of yourself or if she wants you to not when she is gone. Tell her this situation with her really turns you on.

Have you both had sex regularly since her meeting him at gym?

So they met at the gym. Is there a new date set yet?

Hang in there.

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Joined: Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:48 am

Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:55 am

BallSpanking and newaussie those are great posts and advice. Thank you! BallSpanking that is a good way of bringing up being more in the loop, and given with what newaussie said that she is doing it her way and what we talked about. I guess too my hope will be as she gets more comfortable she will open up more, I think she is probably obviously still figuring this out.

So my curiosity of who Dylan is has obviously been on my mind, it's clear in talking to her about him she's a bit shy in the discussion and she blushes. I think that's a mixture of her figuring out her feelings for him and how to share those with me. There's a Dylan I found she is friends with on one of her social media things and he sort of fits the details she's given about him. So it may not be him, but if it is it'd make sense as to him knowing I am ok with this and him being fine with it. It's someone she's at least known for awhile, like going back to early college days. Probably knew him before she met me. I have talked about the one friend she has who is a wild friend, but a longtime friend, anyways he's from that friends circle. So if my wife were to talk to her wild girlfriend she would know who this Dylan was. Which lead me to think it could be him because it'd give my wife someone to talk to about him. Admittedly he's attractive, taller, fit, and used to be an athlete. It also shows him to be single. The discripancy is the age, this guy is more around our age which would make him younger than what she said. So really as I now type this and read it, it may not be this guy. I only thought it could be him and with where it shows he is could make sense he'd go to the gym she goes to. So I don't know, but it was incredibly hot to think about putting a face to the name, and if it so happens to be him, well, I better work out harder because he's taller and way more fit. The one thing too I thought about is going back to BallSpanking's thought of her protecting my feelings, if it is this guy, she may feel she is protecting my feelings from telling me it's this guy. But again, may not even be him.

Yesterday she rushed into the room excitedly shouting her new jacket arrived! I think I posted about it, her ordering a new faux leather jacket. Well she got it yesterday and adds to the intrigue that she got a new clothing item yet this time she did let me know about it. She loves the jacket too which makes me excited because it gives me hope she'll wear it out more. She actually wore it around our place for most the night. Coincidentally at the timing, it's got a 'bad girl' feel to it, it's a little shorter of a jacket as in it doesn't quiet reach her waistband.


Re: progress story

Unread post by JeffBingham » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:09 am

I think you found him. Dylan is a relatively uncommon name so it would be a coincidence of epic proportion if it wasn't.

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