Potentially the Start

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by frb » Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:27 am

It absolutely blows my mind that anyone would want to threaten the life of this thread. It's literally the best one on this site dating back to Lara's Husband's, which we lost years ago and I still mourn.

Please. For the love of all that is holy. Just let their story play out with no interference. DDW is clearly not here for advice or guidance even if we had anything decent to offer him, AND WE DON'T. It's just an outlet for him and we benefit. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. If you cannot bear the thought of your vital concerns going unspoken please just choose another thread. No one will bother you over there.

If DDW and DDWHW's unadulterated story is too much for you to handle you picked the wrong fetish chat site to hang out on. JFC!

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by entropia » Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:37 am

I completely agree, this thread is one of the best and I don't understand why we cannot just read and live them live. We don't know their real feelings, how can we judge

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:08 pm

Happens all the time on here and I have no idea why, but some people can't stop venting their negativity. It often, unsurprisingly, leads to them stopping posting! I hope that doesn't happen here.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by txrockdog » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:01 pm

It is such a double edged sword trying to comment on some threads. Like I said previously, I enjoy reading and appreciate both DDW and DDWHW sharing their story. Some parts of it raise flags for me and make it seem like something I personally wouldn’t enjoy, but nothing about saying that should be taken as criticism of what they are doing or writing. Nor should it discourage them from continuing to tell their story.

The problem with decreeing that there can be nothing but posts cheerleading the story is that in the absence of any back and forth discussion or questions, inevitably, the writer eventually starts questioning whether anybody is still reading or if the posting is worth the effort because the interaction drops off. I think there is room here to interact and ask questions or express reservations without taking it all as personal attacks or direct criticism of the writer or his wife.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Bluetoed » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:02 pm

Keep in mind that some people on the internet want to see a train wreck so much that they encourage it.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Scias » Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:33 pm

Personally I'm just really happy for OP and his wife, it's a beautiful step forward in their marriage and the three of them are happy with the arrangement.

I hope you and your wife continue posting updates, I'd hate to see this thread ruined by negativity.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by _xavier_ » Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:28 pm

txrockdog wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:01 pm
The problem with decreeing that there can be nothing but posts cheerleading the story is that in the absence of any back and forth discussion or questions, inevitably, the writer eventually starts questioning whether anybody is still reading or if the posting is worth the effort because the interaction drops off. I think there is room here to interact and ask questions or express reservations without taking it all as personal attacks or direct criticism of the writer or his wife.
I disagree. The two of them are recounting as they please. It's not your marriage. If you had some advice, fine, but for a half dozen people.to start saying "I don't like that. She's probably about to divorce you" when they know nothing about the situation except a few updates.... Kindly stop talking out of turn.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by KevDi69 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:38 am

As someone who has followed this thread closely from very near the beginning, all I see is a loving wife who realized that her husband wanted to experience the excitement, angst, and suffering that comes with being a cuck. Because she loves him, she decided to step out of her monogamous mindset and embrace a new role in her life. She went into it, cautiously giving DDW several opportunities to end it. He wanted to continue, because that is what his true desires were. Even after she started as a hotwife she was doing weekly check-ins to make sure DDW was okay. She also provided him comfort when she knows something will increase his discomfort. Remember, we are only reading about her sexual experiences and her control of his sexuality. We are not reading about all the in between times when they do normal loving couple things through out the week.

For you naysayers who are jumping in lately, please keep your negativity to yourself. Let DDW and DDWHW enjoy their experiences and thank them for sharing it with us. I find the story of their experience informative and encouraging. I wish my wife would take me on a similar journey with the same level of love and care.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by scarfolamew » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:40 am

This is a public forum and people it's perfectly appropriate for people to air their views, provided they don't continually harass once they've made their point. There are plenty of posters here who could benefit from some tough love in the replies, and many have expressed gratitude for receiving it.

Keep in mind, DDW/HW can mute any respondents whose thoughts they don't care to hear by listing them as a "foe".

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by gesdell » Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:04 am

scarfolamew wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:40 am

Keep in mind, DDW/HW can mute any respondents whose thoughts they don't care to hear by listing them as a "foe".
Thank you for bringing that up. I didn't realize that would be useful to stop seeing comments from some of the more inane commentors.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by MustBeDenied2 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:26 am

scarfolamew wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:40 am
There are plenty of posters here who could benefit from some tough love in the replies, and many have expressed gratitude for receiving it.
While true, not every poster has asked for advice. It seems to be the continual, repeated proffering of unsolicited advice that we are saying is unwelcome.

Not to mention the tone deaf replies to being called out on that which are basically, “but, I might be right.”

As frb mentioned earlier, I really don’t want this to end up being a repeat of Lara’s Husband, who just got tired of the negativity and quit posting on one of the hottest threads ever.


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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by scarfolamew » Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:55 am

MustBeDenied2 wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:26 am
scarfolamew wrote:
Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:40 am
There are plenty of posters here who could benefit from some tough love in the replies, and many have expressed gratitude for receiving it.
While true, not every poster has asked for advice. It seems to be the continual, repeated proffering of unsolicited advice that we are saying is unwelcome.
I totally agree with this, and have myself critiqued other posters for browbeating an issue :up:

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Watchinu69 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:02 am

Yet the clowns stilllllllll keep talking about themselves & others instead of just letting the owner of the post share when he's ready smh...correct as I just did as well....

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by frb » Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:45 am

All right DDW and DDWHW, hopefully the runway is cleared for you again.

Thank you for your tolerance, and as you hopefully continue to share your story with the same enthusiasm and level of detail that you were, please keep in mind that a large majority of us here understand you are both having fun, that enjoying yourselves is in fact the point of all this, that you love and support each other, and that you're generous to share your journey with us.

You have a enviable dynamic, you're on a fantastic trajectory, you're good writers, and deserve to have a blast here. We will do our best to help.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:16 am

Well said MBD.
DDW and DDWHW hope you continue to have fun and post in this thread. Would love to see how the dynamic evolves.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Mike4Fun » Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:00 pm

The Super Bowl was fantastic! It was so nice to know you were enjoying it together. When we saw Travis and Tatylor and the love they have for each other it was hard not to think of you both!
All the best,

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by txrockdog » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:32 pm

_xavier_ wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:28 pm
txrockdog wrote:
Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:01 pm
The problem with decreeing that there can be nothing but posts cheerleading the story is that in the absence of any back and forth discussion or questions, inevitably, the writer eventually starts questioning whether anybody is still reading or if the posting is worth the effort because the interaction drops off. I think there is room here to interact and ask questions or express reservations without taking it all as personal attacks or direct criticism of the writer or his wife.
I disagree. The two of them are recounting as they please. It's not your marriage. If you had some advice, fine, but for a half dozen people.to start saying "I don't like that. She's probably about to divorce you" when they know nothing about the situation except a few updates.... Kindly stop talking out of turn.
For sake of accuracy, I will just say that you appear to have conflated what I posted with things that others have posted. I completely agree that postulating that DDWHW has checked out of the marriage or that they are headed for a divorce is out of line. What I was referring to was questions about how they handled checkins or otherwise made sure that they were both still enjoying where things are going after the inital decision was made to proceed.

I enjoy understanding the mindset of both parties to what is going on which is what I enjoy about this thread. I enjoy it more when the poster is willing to talk about the emotions and not just the physical experience (like Ky_Da’s thread as an example). DDW has made it clear he isn’t interested in sharing the details of the emotional interactions, so I will stop asking about it and let him tell the story.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Watchinu69 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:02 pm

Seeing Travis & Taylor and you thought of these two..... bahahahah god help us all 🤡🫵🏻💯

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Deepdownwannabe » Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:39 pm

It has been quite a bit of reading the last couple days. Thank you to all who have stood up for DDWHW and myself. We have discussed it between us and my wife has suggested I keep providing updates at this time. Mostly so I have an avenue to express any concerns that I may have as we continue down this "virgin" path. So with that in mind, there was a curveball thrown of course. With all of the overnight reading bouncing around in our heads, we were settling in to watch the game, various football-themed outfits on when she received a text a few hours before kick-off. She even showed it to me and it was more or less the following:

"I've invited some friends over to watch the game. I want you here to serve drinks and food. You will do so topless so dress appropriately. Look good and don't be late. And it's not an ask....."

I looked at her with a look that said "you are kidding?" Only she told me "I guess I have to go. Sorry cuck, but you know I shouldn't say no". With that she slipped upstairs, leaving me alone. Thirty minutes later she came downstairs, looking nothing like the woman who went upstairs. Gone was the makeup-less sweats and jersey look, replaced by a skirt-wearing beauty, fully made up. I could see her garters extending under her skirt and a low-cut blouse that showed no bra lines. What a transformation, all for him. I was speechless.

"Enjoy the game cuck, sorry but I am now running late I'm not sure when I will be home". She gave me a deep look in my eyes, one that seemed to show compassion but also a tinge of "you asked for this". Not sure that was Travis/Taylor stuff?

And just like that she was gone. She came back later that night, an hour after the overtime game ended and I was already in bed. She knew I was disappointed she had been summoned away. She took her blouse and skirt off and stood in the doorway, her black stockings and blue panties and garters the only thing on her. "This is what I served in all night." My mind raced to a group of people watching her as she dished out drink after drink. "But that was it, all I did was act like a waitress. And then I came home cuck. But I will say it was exciting being ogled as I was". She slid into bed and reached for her vibrator and soon she was on her way to a climax. But before she did, she told me my task.

I had to guess something else was going to happen this week. Valentines. She told me she wanted me to buy her a Valentines outfit for Wed night because as she put it "Valentines is for lovers and since you are still locked I guess I have only one choice?" Fuck. And that is when she came.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Mike4Fun » Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:43 pm

In MHO. it's takes a whole lot of love to embark on this type of life style and that's what I was referring to, unless you see it otherwise.

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by frb » Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:59 pm

Perfect, you two. Just perfect.

Sigh. DDWHW you put the "hot" in "hotwife".

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by venus-can99 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:06 pm

Thanks for the "super"(bowl) update. Just picturing in my mind's eye DDWHW serving drinks to bf's friends (male and female?) in stockings and panties - WoW....

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by elina » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:38 pm

Dear DDW and DDWHW,

So good to see that you did not allow yourself be distracted by the naysayers and are back on thrack and posting again!!!

Thanks for a wonderful update and good luck with your assignment to get the Wonderful Lady DDHW and outfit for Valentines;
May I respectfully suggest you are careful NOT to forget about the shoes this time? ;)

Not sure if you were properly reprimanded for that mistake on the previous occation where only DDWHW's ingeniuity finding an older pair She already had available to save the day? But who knows for how long your key will remain under lock if you make the same mistake again.... :o

Sincere regards

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:22 am

I love that she can be summoned like that and she just goes!

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Re: Potentially the Start

Unread post by Pecannut » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:24 am

That is so amazingly hot 🔥🔥🔥! So many guys have seen her boobs. They must be so amazingly beautiful too.

I bet your dick must be aching. Would your HW let you cum wearing your cage using her vibrator? Or would it help you?

Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

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