From Norway with love

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Mon Jul 18, 2022 7:13 am

BDJ - thank you so much for your flattering comment.

It is good to know that the new character has resonance with you - that you recognise someone like him from the past. One interesting thing about the past is the way it catches up on you, don't you agree? Perhaps this character too will succeed in that aim?

In many stories it is good to have a trusty observer - a role frequently fulfilled solely by the writer. But the writer should recount, and it is sometimes useful to have the presence of a character who can spy on the unseen indiscretions of others discretely, hence the introduction of Amado. I am fairly sure that his move to San Telmo will be worth his while!

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:24 pm


L predicted correctly that N’s obsession with Horacio would eventually grind to an end. Switching from Lars to Horacio, N had kept her young stud at her side (when not directly above or beneath her). It is hard to imagine that there will remain any interaction or position that they have not explored at least once. Horacio is now looking exhausted, without his youth would have been hospitalised, drawing comment about gender differences in sexual capacity.

However, what Horacio does not provide for is N’s cyclical needs, coincident with the switch in oestrogen and testosterone levels that occurs before ovulation. Her level of sexual arousal remains as high as previously, but her sexual tastes are changing. She seeks Lars’ strength, his endurance and, if L is correct, Lars’ masterful dominance.

Here, of course, is a problem, one that L anticipated: Lars is currently ‘taken’. When they meet on the stairs, Eva’s head lowers coquettishly to avoid eye contact, but Lars’ longing look will follow her disappearing legs. Since the ball and its aftermath Eva has been seen arriving nightly at his rooftop villa and leaving before dawn. Its walls are too substantial to hear what transpires, but listening below the window one might have heard a series of gasps and sighs, followed by a deeper groan.

She knows better than to tackle Lars, or to demand of Eva that she should desist. But predictably she has a plan, one so charged with feminine intuition and guile that it could hardly fail.


This is one of those rare occasions that N has foregone her afternoon session of passion with Horacio. Shunning the idea of eating on the terrace, she has arranged for Raul to serve for her and L a private dinner-for-two in their rooms. ‘Let’s dress for dinner tonight’, she says, ‘and I propose to wear the dress’.

A knock at the door and Raul enters with oysters from pescaderia El Delfin and chilled Uco Valley Chandon Brut. He smiles at seeing them together at last, fussing to polish a stray fingermark from a glass before retiring discretely from the room.

‘I know how you like celebrations, darling, and I want to thank you for agreeing to the move’, N says as they finish their last oyster. ‘Nothing public like the party, and nothing showy like the play - something more private and intimate. What do you think?’

N does not really wait for his reply but slides the small table to one side and sits facing him across his lap, spreading the voluminous underskirts of her dress over his legs. ‘Would you like it if I devised something thrilling for you, darling?’ she continues, watching his face for signs of pleasure.

Of course he agrees, simply and without question, at which N lowers her mouth to his to kiss gently, and feeling his growing, swelling passion beneath her, more firmly, her tongue finding its place against the inside of his cheek, her breath still salty, burning his lips. It is a connection that they hold for what seems like minutes before they break away to breathe. ‘Well, that’s sorted then. I shall organise it straight away’, she says playfully as she gathers up the taffeta of the dress, rises from his lap and leaves for the back stairs.


Eva is in her room when she hears a voice outside her door calling her name. She opens to find N wearing her ball gown, looking both flushed and excited.

‘Come in’, she says, and for the first time since Eva moved in, N enters her apartment. Her first impression is one of space and colour, her large drawing room leading to a private veranda that overlooks Raul’s garden. To one side is her ensuite bedroom, clothed in gentle light from above. Behind slatted doors is her tiny kitchen area.

‘This is so charming!’ says N, to which Eva replies, ‘I’m glad you like it. Did you know, I have never had my own place, let alone somewhere so special’.

The two women sit and chat when N says, ‘L and I have been discussing our move here, and I want to arrange a special thankyou just for him by way of a surprise. Will you help me with it?’

With afterthought Eva realises she should have inquired more, for example by asking ‘ ‘what do you have in mind?...or ’what would you like me to do?’ We have got to know N well and together understand her mastery, but Eve is insufficiently intuitive to read the runes. Instead she simply agrees, both out of duty and gratitude. By the time that N has explained her role, it is too late for her to say no, whether she wanted to or not.


Several days have passed, mornings and afternoons that have been busy with comings and goings. N suggested that Horacio and Lars should assist Amando with his move into the porter’s lodge. First came the job of clearing the rubbish, scrubbing the floors and walls, then the arrival of a van from which they unloaded his bed and the few pieces of furniture he owned. Late afternoon, N arranged for a small bouquet of lilies to be delivered, their reassuring scent concealing the smell of fresh paint.

In reality these household tasks have kept both Lars and Horacio busy, each evening as tonight seeing them retire to the terrace garden exhausted and ready for a Quilmes, certainly unready for sex.

The activity has distracted both men. More importantly it has had the effect of breaking Eva’s nightly triste with Lars, for her time has been subsumed helping with L’s surprise. And, although L does not know it, tonight is the night they have chosen for it.

With the interconnecting doors firmly closed, N and Eva are busy in N’s rooms. In her drawing room a table has been laid, sufficiently large to accommodate three diners, but sufficiently small to permit the touching of knees beneath it. Lilies, those from which Amando’s have been extracted, adorn the window alcove. Beyond in her sleeping quarters, her bed has been dressed with coloured ribbons and lights. Just off her bedroom hang two dresses: the tight-fitted sparkling dress that Eva wore to the ball, and N’s dress, more astonishingly iridescent than ever lit by the down lights of her dressing room.

Finally, N has had Raul haul the old gramophone to her room, set to one side with a selection of recordings by Pedro Laurenz, romantically drifty, seductive golden age tango.


As Horacio and Lars are absent with their tasks, L is about to suggest that they should dine out alone when N interrupts him, telling him to get changed for she has something else planned. As ever, L does as he is bidden.

On his return her door is opened by Eva. She wears the dress we remember from the ball, one with low revealing decolletage and featuring a deep slit teasingly to the hip. A lily dresses her hair. Beyond her we see N. She looks radiant in ‘the dress’, frothing, glittering and shimmering as if alive as she moves.

Eva leads him by the hand to an armchair whilst N starts the gramophone. The steel needle scratches out ‘Milonga de mis amores’. The women come together on the block floor to dance, their breasts now touching, their legs intertwined with ganchos and sacadas. Both their energy and their beauty transfix L and hold his gaze. They dance to one song, then another, and finally they both fetch him to dance with them.

He senses an ever closer hold. He feels the warmth of their bodies, the dampness where their bodies have contact with him and with each other, a flirtatious softness in the way in which they respond. Witnessing, is like watching an old movie, yet one that is impossibly spiced with erotic lamination. It is three way seduction, three bodies searching out with their erotic tentacles, inviting, touching, feeling, reacting, encouraging, accepting. Time has no place or meaning. Emotion is in the moment rather than the past or the future. The frisson mounts as the three become equal in their desire, none with ascendancy over the other, accommodating, including. It is as if their bodies, with one pulse, were about to fuse and consume each other.

Later, N holds his hand. Eva stands before the bed. Eva’s hand moves slowly to unzip the back of her dress. It drops. She remains naked before him. Her hair cascades to her curves. N releases her hold sending L forward into her warm comforting presence. Eva undresses him slowly and carefully, each button and zip representing another milestone of seduction. When naked she takes him with her to the bed, resting beneath him, and eases him into her responsive flesh. With ribbons fluttering and lights twinkling above he succumbs to her invitation, to be taken on an easy gradual journey towards ecstasy and beyond.

When L climaxes he feels absorbed by her presence and comforted by her responses. There was no pressure and there is no rush - just a sense of unity with the universe. There seems no place for talk, appreciation or compliment. Just the quietness of a transient place, one fulfilling differing needs, the identity of which remains to be revealed.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Mon Jul 18, 2022 2:04 pm

I was disappointed when Raul regrettably displaced me from the room I had used as a base from which to observe the activities around me. Yes, the church-mouse is an accomplished sleuth, timid in the light of day but active at night. The nocturnal activities of Eva, that fiery vixen, absorbed much of my time. Lars, I had come to conclude, must have the stamina of a triathlete and the balls of a bull, but even I could see he was waning. Of the beautiful, ethereal N: I was shy, giving her a privacy completely at odds with my desire to breathe the heady aroma of her perfume, touch her velvety skin, and stroke the inner curve of her sumptuous thighs. Though I had once been considered somewhat of a Don Juan, I was now embarrassed of my age...such as she would never acknowledge my existence.

My daylight hours were spent with Raul and, very briefly, with Amando, a man similar in age and disposition---so like someone I had known long ago. He agreed we should build upon the nascent thread of friendship already established. Luckily, Raul found lodgings for me in the hacienda next door, only a step or two away. It's rooftop garden was similar to the one that could be clearly seen across the way---my binoculars would be put to good use.

So I was happy: an American expatriate fluent in the language, with the means to stay indefinitely, ready to vicariously share in the passions of the menagerie of kindred souls next door. I must anonymously send them a case of my favorite wine---2015 Catena Zapata Estiba Reservada---perhaps someday I might find a way to make their acquaintance. I'm sure my friend aaadvarky would approve.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Mon Jul 18, 2022 4:09 pm


I have an observation I'd like you to address. Your style of presentation deviates greatly from the norm recognized by traditional storytelling. I studied Japanese culture in grad school and just realized it has a lot of similarities with Kabuki theater. Are you familiar with it? The was the giveaway because it is used as a central prop; a symbol, heavily stylized as are the costumes there.

An intriguing concept: am I wrong?
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:24 pm

Enjoying this, please continue

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Mon Jul 18, 2022 11:55 pm

BDJ- whist familiar with Kabuki, its influence on the story had not occurred to me. That said, our writing is formed from countless sources, some adopted and others unconsciously assimilated, and maybe there has been an element of the latter.

Regarding 'the dress'. I like the idea of the dress as an erotic prop to be exploited by both wearer and recipient, one moment hiding and concealing, the next revealing and involving. It is intended as a symbol of continuity that binds a series of different sexual experiences with its own energy, and has the advantage that a dress can be shared. In that, it is reminiscent of the symbolism found in Kabuki does it not?

Overall, I strive to create a sense of presence for the reader - sometimes immediate, but other times held behind a veil curtain that filters reality. That is why I leave it for others to describe the 'nuts and bolts' of physical sex, preferring to focus on the cerebral and emotional implications of response. For me, what transpires in the mind and imagination is key to erotic writing.

Perhaps my writing may at times be too subtle or understated for this forum, not implying that many readers do not understand it, but realising that it may not meet their tastes for upfront sexual gratification. However, the forum offers me the opportunity to write what I want to write, in the way I want to write it, without moral censure or outrage, and to receive supportive feedback like yours, for which I thank you.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:12 am

I love your focus on the cerebral and emotional and yes, your writing is subtle which has many times lead me to make assumptions that have then been shown to be wrong. But who wants predictability?
Anyway, surely I'm not wrong this time in assuming that now N has Eva out of the way, she can slink off to be with Lars.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:46 am

aaadvarky, I understand your reference to the dress. In my story Jade's scream is a gauge of her sexual gratification. Since my story is so long I have tried to reference past specific events or things to create a thread of continuity.

Your writing is often ethereal: somewhat poetic and dreamy. It brings to mind a verse in the King James Version of the Bible. First Corinthians 13:12:

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."

Your writing challenges the intellect as it titillates the loins.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:50 am

You, my readers, are all darlings! Thank you so much for your helpful, supportive and suggestive comments!

Chris, I am delighted that you are still with us. Your unfailing support from the outset of this writing project has been pivotal.

And BDJ, who is now embedded in the story in two senses, thank you too for your energy and the private messages that are always a delight to read.

Johng1953 - I know that you are a discerning critic when you post praise, so your comment means a lot. You may be pleased to know that in one sense you are correct about N, but in this story there is always another, bigger picture. N is a strategic thinker. She, like L, does not plot one step at a time (unlike me as I write the episodes) but thinks ahead. In a coming post, reference will be made to chess (as it happens not in relation to N), but I like to think of her as a chess master, thinking and planning way ahead of me, my readers and the other characters!

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:02 am


Can you hear the sound of high heels on the marble staircase? N ascends, apparently on a mission, still wearing the dress, but her hair now released from its pins and is flowing behind her. Her destination - Lars’ villa on the roof.

He hears her knock and she enters breathless. The dress carries with it a surge of night air and energy. Her body bears the moist musky scent from her dances with Eva and L. Lars inspects her across his reading glasses.

It does not take N long to inform Lars of Eva’s destiny. She speaks of it as an inevitability waiting to happen, and seeks to reassure Lars that Eva’s choice does not mean that he should view himself as a lesser man, but one liberated from her spell. She comforts him. He feels the crinoline of her dress pressing against him. He recalls their many moments of rapture when she had worn it with him. He pictures her moment in Portugal with Rodrigo and craves to replicate it. Sensing her fecundity, he wishes to take her without delay. Knowing his distraction she is intent on taking him without further explanation.

As performed earlier with L, she straddles him, but this time, naked beneath the dress ensures that he must enter her. Before he realises his fate, he finds himself enveloped within her, gripped and possessed. She pulls his hands to her breasts and forces herself down as if to devour him. It was inevitable that they would both climax - Lars, unprepared by the sudden paroxysm of their coupling, N in triumph, recovering her trophy.


Raul has invited Amado to drink Mate in his garden and to mull over old times. Before long Eva calls from her veranda, then descends to join them. Raul sees that she looks pensive. ‘Do you have a problem, Eva?’, he asks.

Triggered by his moment of tenderness Eva spills out the story of what transpired with N and how she came to sleep with her husband. She describes her confusion in the hours that followed, and her worry that she may lose both her job and her apartment. She confesses that she is worried too about its consequences for her uncle and his position in the house.

You, dear reader, may be surprised that Eva is this forthcoming in the presence of her uncle’s friend Amado. That would betray a misunderstanding of the Portenos and their openness both about love and lust. One need only observe the Buenos Aires ‘love hotels’ to realise that the Argentine approach to sex is very different from that of the Anglo Saxon. Sex is only of consequence when it is intended to be consequential.

Amado sucks Mate through the silver bombilla, wrinkles his eyes and tells her not to worry. ‘From what Raul has told me, it is N that holds the power in this household’. He continues, with a wisdom acquired from a lifetime of driving for a corrupt government, ‘the matriarch will have her reasons, and I am sure we will discover them before long’.

The question remains - what might L think and feel about her following their night together? Was this just a moment of fantasy choreographed by N, or might it have a deeper and more lasting significance? If the former, the tide will turn; but if the latter, what will be his expectations of her, and can she meet his needs?


Nothing has been said by anyone, although Horacio exhibits a sense of relief at his release from duties with N. There was a moment when the casual observer would have seen Horacio completely exhausted by excesses - a lesson to all young studs who fantasise about taking a mature lover believing it to be an easy conquest.

With N back in his bed, Lars has made a transition from his short-lived affair with Eva - he is still full of desire for her soft, youthful voluptuousness, but realises this was a relationship that cannot run its course. He knows too that he must remain true to his cardinal role as N’s lover, without which he would forfeit his purpose.

There remains the question of L and Eva. Their arrangement has its advantages, for it is clearly rejuvenating L, whilst consolidating Eva’s prime position as ‘lady in waiting’. As mistress of the house master, she now becomes a key player in their polyandric household. Importantly, as devised and choreographed by her, their connection continues to be cultivated and supported by N as her gift to L, whilst having the advantage of distracting attention from her ongoing obsession with Lars.

Sunlight streams through the windows into L’s rooms, catching a torchere on which N has placed lilies taken from her room. The connecting doors between their suites remain closed, not from conflict, but borne solely out of discretion. Eva rests on a chaise longue, her summer dress revealing her curvaceous legs.

L enters. She smiles up at him. He smiles back. His gaze settles on a pale thigh, its curvature enhanced by the fact that her left leg is tucked beneath her. He sits on the edge of her seat, allowing his hand to roam across her calf. Her skin feels smooth and taught, reminiscent of his youth.

She reaches up to kiss him, long enough to convey meaning, to inform him of her affection and to remind him of her responsiveness. He inhales deeply, part as a sigh of pleasure, part to ingest the scent of her youth.

‘Might we take the car out today?’, she asks, adding ‘How about a picnic in Olivos?’

A short time later, Raul packs a hamper which he passes to Amado to carry down to the garage. Amado wears the official cap he kept when leaving the Ministry, without which he would feel under-dressed. L opens the passenger door for Eva and she slides to feel the cool leather against the backs of her legs. They set off into 9 de Julio and out through Recoleta, Belgrano and out into the leafy suburbs of the city.

Their picnic over, the sun sloping behind the trees bordering la Plata, L sits in a folding chair whilst Eva remains spread out on the rug, lying back, her eyes watching the clouds as they slowly pass, her printed dress pulled up so she can catch the last of the sun’s rays. Amado has returned from the cafe and now sits snoozing in the Continental.

L looks down on her, dark hair tumbling about her young face, her full breasts rising as she breathes. As well as passion, he senses an overwhelming sense of protective tenderness. It is as if an impossible opportunity has been dropped in his path, and he reflects on N’s generous perceptiveness in offering it to him.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:57 am

The job of chauffeur is an appealing one, made more so by the closeness of my old friend Raul. When the delectable Eva bursts into our liar, so concerned of her actions at the bequest of the beautiful senorita, and the unexpected satisfaction at having so successfully serviced an older man, my heart skipped a beat: Eva, perhaps someday in my bed? The thought quickly goes away: I am too much an uncle to her. But to be titillated with knowledge of her youthful energy, of her being the receptacle for L's desire...that is within acceptable bounds.

Now I find myself the direct observer, my hat pulled down over my eyes, seemingly asleep. But they do not know that I am awake...and can clearly see the scene they inhabit. My member and I will, I think, soon be aroused further.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:18 am

To me N's obsession with Lars still predominates, every machination is to further the deepening bond between the couple. L is delighted to see her fulfilling her desires and her physical and emotional connection with Lars is rapidly overiding other considerations. She still loves L in a different fashion and is always conscious of satisfying his needs by other ways. Distracting him with Eva or wearing the dress so he can have a little of her by proxy. This seems the tale of a couple evolving and becoming stronger while not losing touch with the facilitator. On paper and in their minds there is an eternal bonding but in reality there's one couple's bond that's getting ever stronger while the other to our facilitator is still maintained by other means - the dress being a sort of symbolic totem that allows it.

Great writing as always.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:49 am

The journey to the suburbs, to the little cafe, and finally to the Continental takes no time at all, it seems. Amado's heads-up and directions make it an easy trip. It is at the end of the picnic, and I am no more observed by the two than a swallow on the wing would be noticed. A rap on the car's window as I pass by lets my new friend know I have arrived. There is an interest in bird-watching everywhere so I am fit right in, my binoculars around my neck...powerful ones, enabling me to find a place far enough away to be invisible. Ah, there it is, a bench in the shade, on a hillock screened with shrubbery further concealing my position.

Perhaps something will happen to quicken my pulse, perhaps not. I is unimportant, a diversion only. Just being here is a treat to me.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:08 am


The secret of power is to develop a mastery that is of such magnitude and influence that others are unwilling to challenge it. As the relationship between Eva and L becomes stronger, Eva’s status and influence in the house is enhanced. Will this lead to her becoming a threat to N’s dominance?It is now some weeks since their picnic, and the fresh winds of autumn are gathering amongst the leaves of the Jacaranda, rattling and telling of the change of season that awaits.

N’s focus on Lars remains, and when not in her own suite she is to be found with him in his villa on the roof, or together by the pool. Raul and Amado have settled into a routine, save for chauffeuring, the one covering for the other on days off. Horacio retains his rooms at the house, but has returned to his job as tango taxi dancer to augment his modest wage as handyman. His mother seems relieved for she was fearful for his health. Meanwhile L and Eva appear to divide their time between his rooms and her apartment, spending less time communally on the roof as temperatures drop. The result is a slow separation of two households within the one. N senses that she must take action to rectify the situation.

The question for N is not her influence over Lars. As she herself said in her last post to us, ‘Lars’ needs are much easier to meet. He loves both me and his independence in equal measures’. Here in Buenos Aires, liberated from work, Lars is free to stroll off on his own to Parque Lezama to drink Mate with friends and to play chess and drafts under a canopy of trees. But how to intervene in the relationship between L and Eva without appearing to threaten it? That is the question.


Come late May in Buenos Aires, something interesting happens with the women of Recoleta, the city’s desirable barrio. From their closets, they take out their furs. Whilst fashionable chique is the order of the day in summer, autumn days require hats, scarves and gloves. It is the same across the city as attendants pull covers over pools and janitors check the heating systems. The rooftop pool here in San Telmo is now too chilly for a dip, so N has ordered the hot tub with which the delivery men are struggling on the back stairs. It will be installed in a few minutes under the gazebo outside Lars’ villa.

Today is race day at Hipodramo. N had suggested that L and Lars should arrange a men’s day out to the racecourse, together with a winner-takes-all sweepstake, and Raul, Amado and Horacio found the idea irresistible, especially as the trip is to be a treat on the house!

Eva was about to retreat to her apartment when N calls her. ‘What about a pamper day whilst the boys are racing?’, she inquires with a casualness that Eva appears to accept, ‘I have the masseuse coming over after lunch - how about it?’ Lunch followed by a massage, Eva’s idea of a dream.

They have been massaged by Maria, have lunched and tasted the light Sauvignon that Raul left on ice, and now as the afternoon cools they head for the newly installed hot tub; as N says, ‘a chance to Christen it.’

We return to find N and Eva chatting together whilst soaking and enjoying warm bubbles within, and cold bubbles without. Do not imagine that this heralds a steamy menage-a-deux, for it does not. But as they relax, their feet do touch together, their hands accidentally graze, and they turn to laugh. The afternoon has renewed their ease with each other; they speak for the first time about their encounter in Act 2 of the play; N confesses her changed feelings for Horacio and explains her need to return to Lars; Eva is drawn on her feelings for L and her fears for the future of their friendship. More of relief than passion, their facess touch, a short, sensual meeting of lips on lips, not a prelude to anything more but an intimate acknowledgment of that which has passed. It is seductive, but in the way that women bond. An observer would hardly notice it. Yet it imported between them a sense of trust, a second of sharing, a second sharing, reflecting their shared love and shared lovers.

That moment is now past. They have left the terrace and retreated down to N’s suite. On opposite sofas, they gossip and laugh. Before long they hear the sound of a taxi door and male voices arriving outside.

‘I’d better go to meet L’, says Eva. ‘Wait’, replies N, you should borrow this.’

N returns from her dressing room carrying ‘the dress’. She helps Eva from her summer frock, lifting it from her smooth shoulders and across her full breasts, to replace it with the iridescent satin, crinoline and taffeta of green. Somehow, amazingly, it fits. It pulls tight across her bust and nips at her hips, but on the second attempt the zip rises to seal its contents. The skirts flair with almost magical movement around Eva’s legs. N stands back to look at her, nods and says,’that will work’, and then leads her to make her grand entrance down the marble staircase.
Last edited by aaardvarky on Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:31 am

Thanks Aaardvarsky, the writing as ever never disappoints.

So N finds yet another way to satisfy L, not only the distraction of Eva but now wearing that totemic dress too, giving a little of N by proxy, but in reality just all of Eva. Meanwhile N is free to cement her ever more powerful and lifelong bond with Lars, does it now become all enveloping where nothing else really matters? Maybe not quite, but it's getting there.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:34 am


Boys will be boys, and Quilmes will be Quilmes, the latter providing as little restraint as the former holds moderation. Horacio, Amado and Raul sing as they slope off to their ground floor quarters, no doubt to consume more Quilmes in Raul’s little garden, whilst Lars and L stroll slightly unsteadily into the front hallway.

Ahead of them descending the staircase is an apparition: first they see her iridescent skirts on the turn of a stair, then arrives Eva in all her majesty, wearing the dress.

When worn by N it always looked divine, but here, adorning Eva it seems magnificent. With each step she takes it crackles and flares forwards and outwards with a pulse, revealing her pretty ankles and calves. Her youth has given it a new energy, symbiotic to that which went before, but radiant in its presence.

Realising the effect of the dress and feeling its power, ahead of her she now has a choice of conquest. Should it be her more youthful lover, the one who reluctantly cannot take his eyes off her; or is it to be the house master, older, slower, but loving and dependably rich? Eva knows that both men are equally invested in it through N, but in which man should she invest the opportunity to slip its zip and unwrap this prize?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:40 am

She should have them both, that would serve N right!

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:52 am

I suspect it will be written that way (Eva has both) maybe Lars sexually while L gets to watch and experience it via the portal of the magic dress. To me it would make more sense for Eva to lead L away and give him a taste of N, but this time without N even having to be physically present at all.

N's physical presence is only required by one man. Lars is rapidly becoming what she needs in both her present and her future.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:38 am


She stands before him. His forefinger slides down from her cheek across her chest, over her breast to her nipple and down to her hip. She shudders with anticipation. He lifts her onto the bed, dropping her the last five centimetres causing the dress to billow out. He kneels alongside her, taking his lips against her ear, then to the most sensitive part of her neck and down to her breast. She experiences a surge of excitement, but this is clearly only the start. Without warning he turns her face downward. She feels his fingers at the zip and feels it slide the full length of her body to her sacrum. His unwrapping of her is delicious. She turns upwards to rush her mouth to his, her lips against his lips, her tongue pressed against his tongue. The dress falls away to her waist. Her breasts are naked. Beneath the dress is only skin, tender to the touch and soft to the breath.

He pushes the hem and underskirts upwards to reveal the top of her thigh. Her body here is translucent, soft, warm, accommodating - in contrast to the brittle taffeta that encloses it. He reaches over her and enters her with a possessive force that she has never hitherto experienced. With the crushed dress gathered about her waist, he pushes deep, deeper than he ever imagined possible, then further. Her finger nails dig into his back as she grips him within her vagina. A scream is to be heard, louder and more sudden than ever witnessed before. It is as if it were driven from her, a primaeval sound that represents total commitment to pleasure, marking a sensation that she can hardly comprehend.

She is aware of the impossibility that he will not climax and he comes with her - never closer, matched in euphoria and ecstasy.

Only afterwards do they speak - to profess the enormity of the feeling that they experienced, the extremities of their passion, their unstoppable climaxes, the impossibility of the erotic dimension; understanding the way that N’s dress has again triumphed to capture them both in her spell.

When they have recovered, and laughed together as lovers do, Eva slips down the dress and takes it in her arms. He is unaware of what she says, but we hear her whisper, ‘thank you N’, it certainly did the trick’. With that L smiles at her from the bed as she folds the dress carefully so that no magic can escape it.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Jul 19, 2022 11:45 am

Old men sometimes find the fruit of their lions is still potent. Will Eva discover this in time?
Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:06 pm

This time he has N without even requiring her presence, is this maybe yet another sign of the future to come? N knows how best to excite and arouse L and that's now developing all the time. The time before this she had to actually present him to Eva, with N present and dressed in her special dress, but now she gets to almost spiritually bond with him without even requiring her presence at all - that magic dress is becoming increasingly handy.


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:37 pm

My partner returns tomorrow and 'they' do not even know I write this, hence my urgency to get to this point in the tale. It means there may be a delay before the next section. Of course, that should not preclude your comments, all of which I read and find tremendously insightful and helpful. Did you enjoy the way that N used the dress to re-engage L with her, through Eva? Will Eva ever have the staying power to hold L's sexual imagination without the erotic power of dress? What is Eva thinking now? Is she likely to be a threat to N? Does she see herself as part of N and L's play, or as a committed mistress? To what extent has N choreographed this for L's advantage, or her own? Does L read N's motives in these episodes? These are just some of the questions to be asked: I am sure there are many more that I have missed but you could identify. Oh, and should I tell my partner that I am writing erotica here, however tame it may be? And if so, how? Answers below (or on a postcard to messages). A

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:53 pm

I keep getting it wrong. I feel it was a missed opportunity to give N a taste of her own medicine.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:16 pm

I am still hoping that the ethereal N sees a liaison with the older gentleman next door as a way to inflame L's passions further. She will have a willing accomplice in him. (I know him well.) And perhaps she will have L watch. Of course she must wear the dress.
Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:16 pm

To what extent has N choreographed this for L's advantage, or her own? Does L read N's motives in these episodes?

N has one thing in mind these days although to be fair his name does begin with 'L' too. I would say that dress is being utilised to both N and L's advantage. N in that it clears her responsibilities as regards L and she can fully concentrate on her true love, and L as it satisfies his new penchant for having N only by proxy while still being able to satisfy his physical urges without her actual presence.

We're just about to get off to bed and I could do with just a little of that dress's magic to help me get to sleep in these hot and humid times.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Tue Jul 19, 2022 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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