Vixen Unleashed

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Suspiciousdelivery1 » Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:23 am

This story is incredible, and the author is so fucking hot😉

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:11 pm

Thank you, this is quite outstanding, if it was a book I'd never put it down.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 6:20 am

Loving this thread.

I'm enjoying it, other members are enjoying it, you are clearly enjoying writing it and I'm sure your husband is enjoying it too!
What fun for him to be married to a woman with such a rich and active sexual imagination!



Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:40 pm

Just finished reading this thread from beginning to end tonight. WOW!!! I love the way you separate the characters thoughts and feelings and love the sex scenes you describe so very well!!!! I had a good hardon several times. I would love to find Jewel somewhere when she needs a man!!!! Looking forward to more!!!!


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:08 am

I'm missing this wonderful authoress's exciting instalments
(and her fabulous pix in the Hotties Forum). Throw me a bone here!... please? :D


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Mon May 08, 2023 2:55 pm

WOW just found the library section, and this post , recently.
This story roped me in and tied me up! Hoping there is more!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by antidote2909 » Mon May 08, 2023 6:00 pm

Please continue the story. It is truly thrilling.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:37 am

Crime and Punishment


The rest of the day at work dragged. Adrenaline from being turned on and simultaneously pissed rode me hard. The woman was impulsive. It was one of the things I loved about her. Still, there was a fine line between impulsive and destructive. If she wanted to keep her new boyfriends a secret, she was going to have to learn where that line lived. Something I, apparently, was going to have to teach her. Not that I was complaining. There was a silver lining to this cloud. Case in point, the very thought of the lesson I was going to teach her kept me hard even as I drove home that evening.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t home when I got there. Not a huge surprise. She had a late meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays that always left her irritated. I shook the thought out of my head. Not my problem. If she’d had a rough day, we could deal with that after.

The thought of after made my cock throb. Yep, there was definitely a silver lining to her mistake. I adjusted my dick, I changed out of my work suit and into a more comfortable pair of pajama pants. I wanted to be comfortable and have more mobility than my work attire allowed.

The lights were turned down, candles in our room were lit, and soft music played by the time she got home. I had picked up dinner. It was in the fridge, waiting for us to be ready for it. Two glasses of wine sat on my nightstand. Nothing had been overlooked.

Her gaze swept around the apartment as she walked through the door. “This doesn’t look much like a punishment,” she said, walking cautiously deeper into the apartment. “It doesn’t sound much like a punishment.” The soft music floated through the air around us.

“Not punishment,” I corrected. “Discipline.”

“Ah, discipline.” She nodded even as she continued walking. We were both headed toward the bedroom. Not a great surprise there. We often gravitate toward the room. It was one of the reasons we’d had so much fun as a married couple. Neither one of us seemed afraid or ashamed of the passion that resided inside us. “Still, this doesn’t seem very…” she paused, “...discipliny. Is that a word?”

“I don’t think it is.” I opened the bedroom door for her and guided her over the threshold. “Undress.”

“Forward tonight, aren’t you?” Her giggle didn’t mask the nervous undertone in her voice. That slight waver was the only reason I gave her a little extra grace.

Grabbing one of the glasses of wine, I handed it to her. “Get undressed, Jewlie.” I said the words forcefully, but kept my tone soft.

Her hand shook a little as she took a sip of the wine. When she sat the glass down, she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

To her credit, she didn’t question me or my orders again as she stripped out of her skirt suit. When she stood in front of me in her matching bra and panties, I held my hand for her to stop. “You are so incredibly lovely.” I had to allow myself a moment to appreciate the way her breasts filled the lacy cups and how the small swath of lace enhanced the smooth skin of her pussy. “Turn.” I rotated my index finger in a circle just in case she had any doubts as to what I meant. She immediately complied. “Good girl.”

“Would you like me to continue?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder.

I shook my head. “Not yet. First I want you to tell me how this unapproved kiss happened in public? Explain it to me.”

Her cheeks turned a soft pink. “May I please have another drink first, sir?” She tilted her head down softly as she asked the question. Her focus was on the floor at my feet.

With a grunt, I adjusted my hard cock. Damned women. She absolutely understood what each move and each word was doing to me. She had no problem playing submissive when it suited her. That it was just an act made no difference to my reaction to her. Actually, if anything, it made my body’s response even stronger. Somehow, knowing she was submitting solely for my benefit made her behavior even more intoxicating. “No.” The word was every bit as forceful as my earlier order, but I allowed my tone to be a touch harsher this time.

“May I inquire as to why, sir?” She kept her gaze down at the floor.

Gritting my teeth against my own hunger, I took a deep breath before answering, “Tonight’s lesson is all about will power and delayed gratification, Jewlie. If you want the wine, you’ll have to earn it.”

“I see.” Her tongue brushed over the pink skin of her lips. “And how do I earn a drink of wine, sir?”

“You can start by doing what I asked and tell me how we happened to get here.” Regardless of what tone or gestures she used, I wasn’t letting her off this hook. I needed to understand how she let herself get so carried away.

After clearing her throat, she told me the story of how she came to kiss Connor in public. It was a startlingly simple story. Yet, one so full of detail, that it made the heat of desire snaking through me combust into a raging inferno. She had been jealous of a waitress and had acted out to get extra attention from the bartender. Yes. Having her explain the situation had helped. I could see where her need for attention and praise had needed to be fed after the perceived dismissal.

With a nod, I handed her the wine glass. “Good girl. Thank you for sharing with me and telling me the truth.” Her shoulders relaxed as she took a large gulp of wine. She was nervous. The realization almost made me smile. I held the reaction in check. Given the circumstances, she should be nervous. “Now you may finish undressing.”

Her smile was timid, but she followed the order without any questions. This time, I did let the edge of my mouth tip into a little smile. She looked behind her at the bed and then back at me. “Where would you like me, sir?”

“On the bed. Lay down on your back. Arms and legs spread.” Watching the smooth globes of her ass shift and move as she complied nearly did me in. This little lesson was going to teach us both a bit about our limits. Not that I minded. I enjoyed pressing boundaries and limits.

When she was settled, her toned body on display on top of our blue bedspread, I allowed my full smile to show. She really was gorgeous. Her curves were full yet she still managed to maintain an athletic build. I appreciated the work that she put into that maintenance. Something I would have to remember to bring up. After.

“Hands on the headboard. Don’t let go unless I give you permission. Understood?”

She nodded. “Understood, sir.”

“Even if the house is on fire.” I needed her to understand there was no room for disobedience tonight.

With a lick of her lips, she nodded again. “If the house is on fire, I trust you to get me out safely.”

I winked. “Good answer.”

Her hands wrapped around the bottom ledge of the headboard, I decided it was time to start. Catching her gaze, I held her focus as I crawled over the bedding. After settling between her thighs, I said, “You are not to climax until I give you permission. Understood?”

Confusion flitted over her features. Still, she answered, “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” She might not understand the lesson of this session yet, but I’d make sure she did before we were done. “Relax. This is going to be very enjoyable for both of us. Eventually.” Something settled in her expression with my words. A look of resolved calm replaced any trace of confusion.

“Yes, sir.” Her hold on the headboard was light. She was barely gripping it. With a smile, I dropped my focus to her smooth, bare pussy. I was going to enjoy making her knuckles go white.

“Don’t let go.” It was the only warning I gave her as I dropped my mouth to the lips of her pussy. I kissed the soft skin there before running my tongue over her seam. Her sweet essence clung to my tongue at the contact. “Spread your legs further,” I said, not looking up from the tempting view in front of me.

“Yes, sir.”

When she spread her thighs a bit wider, I placed my palms on the bed next to her to hold my weight then began to explore her more thoroughly. Damn. She had an amazing pussy. Soft, plump, cleanly shaven, and delightful responsive. In no time, the small bud of her clit appeared out of its hood.

Glancing up her body, I watched her expression as I ran my tongue over it. Her eyes were clenched tightly closed but her breathing was still well controlled. “Open your eyes. Watch what I’m doing to your body. I want you to know how much I enjoy it. Every second of it.”

A soft whimper escaped her parted lips but she followed my order. I watched her grip tighten on the headboard before returning my attention to her juicy cunt. Every inch of her body would be mine to tease, taste, and touch by the end of today, but I wanted to start here. I wanted to memorize not just the way she felt under me but also the way she sounded and tasted. She hissed as lapped at her clit.

“God. Jack. Yes.” The words were warm with need. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

That was good to know. I smiled as I continued to explore the contours of her pussy. Her mellow flavor filled my mouth and coating my tongue with seductive undertones of musk and honeyed sweetness. I could literally do this all day. But that day wouldn’t be today. I did wait, however, until she was writhing under me, begging me for release before I sat back on my haunches.

Her brown eyes met mine as she cried out in disappointment. “Jack?” Still, she kept her grip on the headboard.

I couldn’t blame her for the moment of desperation. It wasn’t like me to leave her waiting. “Patience, Jewlie,” I reminded her as I licked her essence off of my lips. “Will power. Remember?”

Understanding dawned on her expression. She didn’t appear happy with the added knowledge, however. “You can’t be serious.”

“Oh, I am,” I answered with a smile.

“What would you like me to do in the meantime?” Her voice held a touch of dryness to it as she asked the question. “Until you decide I can cum, that is.”
I pointed at the tent in my pajama bottoms. “Oh, I’ve got plenty for you to do. I’m not going to let you get bored. You can let go of the headboard now.”

If looks could kill, I would be dead. Not that I took her glare to heart. I was pushing her past the point of playing submissive into an area she wasn't fond of—actually being submissive.

Still, she released the headboard. “Thank you, sir.” There was a bit of a bite to her words of gratitude, but I let that go.

“You are welcome.” I stood and pushed my remaining clothes down to the floor. “Now be a good girl. Come here and suck me off.”


A simple gesture silenced her. “No talking, Jewlie. I want my cock in your mouth.”

Her mouth twisted in a slight frown, but she made her way over to the edge of the bed and opened her mouth obediently. “There’s my good girl.” As I slid my cock into the depths of her warm mouth, I sighed. This was a little slice of heaven on Earth.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Suspiciousdelivery1 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:09 am

Great to see you back, fantastic writing.. I'm quite hard after the read😏

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Sun Jun 18, 2023 11:31 am

Another triumph! Loving it!


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:23 pm

A Day At The Office


The junior vice president of sales sat in front of me. Outwardly, Patrick appeared calm. Every hair was in place and there wasn’t a single wrinkle in his designer suit or any stubble on his chin to betray the late nights he’d been spending in the office in an attempt to clean up his latest fuck up.

We’d worked together long enough for me to recognize his tells, however. He was nervous. A thin line of sweat beads gathered over his top lip and his left foot bounced against the floor as he stared at me. I couldn’t see the movement from where I sat behind my desk, but I could hear the soft tapping. It set my already frayed nerves on edge.

“And when, exactly, were you going to bring me into the loop?” I leaned forward as I asked the question. “Specifically, were you planning on sharing before or after you alienated enough clients to drive the fucking company into the red? Because, if it was before, you might want to get on that.” If there was even still time. The numbers were tight. Incredibly so.

Patrick shook his head. “It’s really not that bad. I’ve got it under control.”

As I stood, I struck the desk loud enough to make him jump. “Oh. You’ve got it under control? That’s not what the CEOs of Duo and States told me when I called them to find out why two of our oldest customers no longer wished to do business with them.”

“Duo and States?” Patrick had the nerve to roll his eyes. I had to grab the lip of my desk to resist the urge to jump over the service and punch the condescending look off of the man’s face. “They were dinosaurs. We don’t need them.”

“Together, they made up forty percent of our sales,” I countered.

“Pfff. That’s small potatoes. That’s the past.” He gave me his best greasy conman smile. “I’m in talks with several companies. Up and coming, fresh companies. They’ll make the money Duo and States spent with us look like chump change.”

“In talks?” Bracing my weight on the desk, I leaned down so we were eye to eye in height. “With Carlson, The Smith, and Rave On?”

“Exactly.” His smile widened as he sat back in his chair. “See. No need to bring you into the loop. I’ve got it covered.”

“Because you’re in talks? With two shit companies who have no brand appeal and no customer loyalty? Is that what you’re telling me?”

Patrick held his hands up. “Hey now. Carlson and Rave On were both in Money Times magazine last year as companies to watch. And The Smith is everywhere these days. Everybody who is anybody is wearing them.

“Because they send their shit to everybody for fucking free. I had a look at their books, they’re so deep in red that a surgeon couldn’t bring their company back to life.”

“You looked at their books?” He looked unpleasantly surprised by this little bit of information. Good.

I nodded. “Yes. That’s what people do before they get in bed with a company.” With a shake of my head, I glared pointedly down at his foot still tapping on the floor. “Or, at least, that’s what smart people do.”

“It was a building year,” he argued.

“What were they building?” I handed him a copy of the financial statement The Smith’s had provided me upon request. “The numbers indicate they don’t have two rocks to rub together.”

“A following. They’re building their brand.” He pulled his phone out of his breast pocket and started to scroll through social media feeds. “As I said, they are everywhere.” He turned the phone to face me, when I went to push it away, he said, “You just can’t see it because you’re just as much a dinosaur as Duo and States.”

“You’re fired.” My voice was calm, but my tone was icy cold. “Pack up your shit and get out. I don’t want to see you in my building ever again.”

The punk had the nerve to glare at me as he stood. “With pleasure.” He took a step toward the door, but then turned to face me again. “But don’t come crying to me when your antiquated company does go red.”

“Oh, my lawyers won’t be fucking crying when they come for you.” Patrick’s face actually went pale at the threat.

“You can’t be serious? I didn’t do anything illegal.”

“You knocked up the daughter of the CEO of States then asked for a paternity test when he asked you what your intentions were.” I clenched my hands into fists as I remembered the phone call. “That might not be illegal, but it certainly is in violation of several clauses in the contract you signed with us.” When he went to argue, I held my hand up. “And don’t even get me started on what you did to piss off Duo. That one might very well be illegal. Thank God Jack brought my attention to this mess before you pulled my company down with you.”

He sputtered and yelled, but I wasn’t paying attention to him any longer. Security could deal with him from this point on. Which I knew they were doing without even looking over at them. I paid them well enough for them to do their jobs without my constant supervision. No. My attention was focused on the pair of brown eyes staring at me through a small crack in my office door. How long had she been standing there? Had security just blown by her? Had they bumped into her in their haste to get into my office?

For the first time, I gave the men in uniform a glance. Neither seemed to have a hair out of place as they guided the struggling man from my office. “And, please,” I said to them, “tell Mrs. Gear that I’m ready for our meeting.”

Patrick snorted. “Oh, is that what you’re calling it these days.”

His snicker made my blood run cold. “Stop.” When the guards complied, I positioned myself in front of the now stationary employee—ex-employee, I corrected. “Do you have something to say about the way I choose to spend my time? Or maybe about whom I’m choose to spend it with?”

“All I know,” Patrick said, with a sneer, “is that I wouldn’t allow you near my wife let alone in the same room with her. Then again, maybe that’s why I’m being fired and Jack got a promotion? Is that what I should’ve done? Had my wife do what Jewel does for you? Lay down in front of you and spread her—”

I saw white and felt the jolt of pain that shot up my arm as my fist struck true on his chin. I leaned forward and said, “Keep her name out of your mouth.” When I backed up, I gave my guards a nod. They were now free to take the trash out. “And if I catch a whisper of you being in my building again, I’ll press charges. Have I made myself clear?”

Patrick spit a blob of blood onto my polished floor before saying, “Crystal. Sir.” Then he allowed the guards to escort him out without any more struggle. He did, however, growl something to Jewel as he walked past her.

It took all of my control not to run after the asshole and just to punch him again. Watching Jewel rear back and bitch slapped him, however, helped me stay exactly where I was. He didn’t deserve my time. Now, Jewel. She most certainly did.

“Enter.” The word came out a little cooler than I had anticipated. When her focus snapped to me, uncertainty swam through her expression. “Please.” I did what I could to soften my tone. My adrenaline was still high, however. There was only so much I could do until the endorphin dissipated some. “And close the door behind you.” I wasn’t sure how much of what Patrick had said was true, but I wasn’t going to add to the office gossip.

“I’m sorry.” She stepped through the threshold then stopped. “I shouldn’t have hit him. It was just.” She paused to take a deep breath. “He called me a…” Silence fell over the office as she stopped mid sentence.

I shook my head. “Please. I don’t need to hear the details.” Holding my hand up, I gestured for her to remain silent. “I’m sure he deserved much worse than a slap.”

“But how do you know?” Her brow furrowed as she asked the question. “Unless I tell you what he said.”

“Because the man was an incompetent ass. I’d just fired him and was having him escorted out by security for being completely inept and without any sense of business morals when you had your interaction with him. Truth be told, he deserved much worse,” I sighed as I thought about what Patrick’s future looked like after having pissed off so many important people, “than both the termination and the slap. But I’m sure Karma will handle that. Now, having just told you that, if I have to choose between siding with you and the person I just described, whom would you suggest I support? It certainly isn’t going to be him.” Smiling to take the sting out of my upcoming words, I said, “Even if you did stand me up this weekend and didn’t return any of my calls or texts.”

She nodded as she continued to walk into the room. “I was grounded.”

“As Jack told me. He didn’t, however, tell me what you’d done to deserve the punishment.” I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued. Jack loved Jewel more than any husband loved their wife. Or, at least, that had been my assessment. What had she done to get herself grounded?

“If he didn’t tell you, I’m sure as hell not going to,” she said with a smile.

Smart girl. “So, if not to make a confession, why did you decide to visit me today?” I could guess but, with rules and punishments on the table that I wasn’t aware of, I decided not to reveal any of my cards.

Looking down at her sandals, she fidgeted. “What would you say if I told you I missed you?”

My bark of laughter was so loud it surprised even me. “Sorry.” I leaned back to brace myself against my desk as her cheeks heated. “I don’t think anyone ever has.”

Straightening her back, she looked my square in the eyes and said, “Missed you or said the words out loud?”

Of course, she would need a clarification. “Missed me.” Having been involved in as many affairs as I had, I’d had my fair share of fights and make ups. But never once had any of my girlfriends or wives ever said they’d missed me. Not during the good times nor during the bad.

“I find that hard to believe.” She continued walking toward me though her steps were more hesitant since my outburst.

“And I find it hard to believe you missed me after only a handful of days of separation. Especially when you had Jack to keep you company.”

The corner of her mouth tilted as if she were trying to suppress a smile. “How could I ever prove it to you?”

Oh, this just got interesting. “Kneel,” I said. And much to her credit, she did. She knelt right where she was. A good six feet in front of me. “I meant over here,” I said, pointing to the floor at my feet.

“Then you should’ve been more specific,” this time she didn’t try to hide her smile, “when asking your lovers to prove themselves.”

“Point taken.” I crossed the remaining area to stand in front of her. “Open your mouth.” Again, she complied instantly. Running my fingers down her neck, I returned her smile when I found her pulse racing. “Did you really miss me?”

She lifted one eyebrow at me in challenge but didn’t answer. Instead, she waited patiently in front of me with her mouth open for what we both knew was coming. “Good girl.”

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Suspiciousdelivery1 » Fri Jun 23, 2023 5:10 pm

Another great chapter! Love the blowjob cliffhanger...missing the sexy pics of you that usually come slong with your posts though😏

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:39 am

Thank you for another great chapter. You're on a roll!


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Suspiciousdelivery1 » Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:51 am

Bumping for the next chapter, too good to let it die 😏

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Oct 02, 2023 10:24 am



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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Suspiciousdelivery1 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:33 pm

Sexy author just started an onlyfans!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Goodboy66 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:17 am

Is this story available as a book, I can't see it on the authors website. I'd sooner purchase than wait for each chapter.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:07 pm

Is this story available as a book, I can't see it on the authors website.
And the author's website is... ?


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