To the Edge and Back

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:46 pm

Chapter 14

My wife was only able to keep up the teasing I-know-what-I’m doing attitude for a few minutes. She took a chair from the hall closet and set it in front of the window that overlooks the neighbor’s house. When she looked at me, I could see her face flush and her breathing begin to accelerate quickly.

“You alright there?” I asked as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Nichole put her hand to her chest. “My heart’s racing,” she said, her features showing obvious nervousness.

“You don’t have to do this,” I said, surprising myself that I actually meant it. I still had that nagging feeling that was trying to convince me to end all the foolishness, but that voice was admittedly growing smaller each day.

Nichole folded her hands in her lap, and bit her lower lip as she looked out the window. “I want to,” she finally confessed, “and if it was only about giving you what you want, I don’t think I’d be as nervous.” Nichole wringed her hands together and turned to me. She held my gaze for a moment but then looked to the side as she spoke, “but there’s—”

“—There’s a part of you that wants to do it?” I added as she struggled to finish her sentence.

My wife looked up in mild surprise but eventually nodded, “It’s been less than a week… I can’t believe how much my feelings about all this have changed. It’s bloody scary.”

“I feel the same way,” I reassured her. “And if it’s ever something you decide you want to stop, I’m completely okay with that.”

Nichole slowly nodded as I spoke and finally looked at me, “I’m afraid I could really lose myself, Ky. It’s such a rush.”

“Hey, this is what it’s about,” I said, resting my hand on her bouncing knee. “It’s probably the only time in our lives when we’re free to do something this crazy. That’s why I kind of want to explore it for a little while. So, until you have to go to work again, I say let yourself go completely. For these next couple of weeks, let yourself experience it and don’t worry about it. In fact, I hope you do lose yourself. I’ll be here as your safety net to make sure nothing bad happens.”

Nichole studied my face for a long time before she nodded, and a look of resolution passed over her features. “You promise, you’ll be alright, and you’ll still love me?”

“No matter what,” I said with as much resolve as I could.

Looking visibly calmer, Nichole stood and kissed me. It was a long, slow, and languid kiss. I could smell her shampoo and the lingering scent of sunblock on her skin. Pulling away from the kiss, my wife took a step back from the chair. She was still completely nude, and I could only see the faintest of tan lines from her bikini.

“Your wife’s been a right slut today,” she said, her gaze unflinching. “Now, I’m going to pop on over to the neighbor’s house for a bit, and if you stay here in this chair and watch through the window, you’ll see that you’re a cuckold now. I know you’ve seen pictures and video, but this will be different… I hope you’re ready for it, because I’m going to let myself go and enjoy sex with Marcus.”

I nodded but couldn’t speak. My throat felt like I’d just eaten shellfish and I was having an allergic reaction. Without getting dressed, Nichole turned and slowly walked out the bedroom door. I listened carefully as her light footsteps went down the stairs, but then things went silent for a long minute until I heard the back door open and close. I stood and went to the window where I found Nichole walking across the lawn toward the neighbor’s house. She hadn’t even wrapped a towel around herself—that alone was proof that she was changing, because before, while she’s never been exactly shy, she’d never let herself be so free with nudity.

Nichole eventually disappeared into Marcus’ house and I couldn’t see or hear anything for at least thirty minutes. I was tempted to go find myself a snack when the light to the master bedroom came on. For another several excruciating minutes, I could only see shadowy figures behind the semi-closed blinds, but eventually the blinds were pulled up, giving me a complete view inside the bedroom.

It felt like déjà vu in some ways, it hadn’t been that long ago that I’d witnessed this scene played out, but instead of Rachel tied to the headboard of Marcus’ bed, there was my wife. My fucking wife! I heard myself scream in my head. Her long dark hair draped to the bed and fanned out, but her gaze was looking forward toward the head of the bed where her wrists were secured. Her lithe body in a kneeling position and her upper body supported on her elbows.

Marcus gave me a quick nod and gestured toward my wife, seeming to ask if I was okay with everything. I nodded in return, feeling almost numb. The lights were dim, but I could still see everything in almost perfect clarity. It was the one time in my life I didn’t mind my house being as close to the neighbor’s as it was. Marcus climbed onto the bed, his large member standing semi erect already.

He slapped her hard on the ass and I heard my wife’ yelp. Her breasts swung forward and then back as she rocked from the slap.

“Your needy little pussy is back for more, huh,” Marcus said, caressing Nichole’s ass cheeks firmly with his hands. “You know what I think?” Marcus asked rhetorically, “I think your needy little pussy is quickly transforming into a dirty little cunt.”

“Marcus don’t tease. That’s not true.” I heard my wife’s voice whine. I had to concentrate and strain to hear as she spoke, and I couldn’t make out everything. “

Marcus barked a laugh, “I’m not teasing,” he said, running the head of his cock against her lower lips. “How many women have sex five times in one day with two different men? Or maybe,” Marcus quickly added, cutting Nichole off before she could protest, “You simply disagree on the size of your cunt. It’s not so little now,” he said, pushing himself slowly into her. “You’re already stretching out nicely for me.”

I could hear a low moan sound from my wife as her head dropped toward the mattress. This was un-fucking-real. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I was watching another man burry himself deep into my wife. The photos and the video held no comparison to seeing the act in real time. For some reason, even though I knew the pictures and video were real, I’d been able to play it up in my mind that it was only a game, that it wasn’t entirely real. But seeing it happen only twenty-five feet in front of my eyes, there was no denying that this was happening.

I was painfully hard, but the feeling of lust that was pumping through my system was giving me a high that felt so good I didn’t want it to end. I tried to edge myself just a little to keep the feeling, but as I touched my cock I immediately began to ejaculate. It was the hardest that I could ever remember cumming in my life and my mind seared that feeling deep into my memory.

Marcus wasn’t as quick triggered as I was. His slow motions had turned into long powerful strokes and his speed increased a tic. I could see my wife’s fingers splayed out as her breasts swung forward and back like a pendulum. Her cries grew louder, and I watched in fascination as her toes arched. It was everything I had hoped for and so much more. Despite having cum, it hadn’t wrecked my mood like I thought it would, I was quickly growing hard again, and this time I felt more in control. I knew I wouldn’t pop off like a teenager as I grasped my cock again in my hand.

Several times my wife had collapsed into the bed only to have Marcus pull her back into a doggy position. But ultimately she wasn’t able to stay where he wanted and so he settled for putting a couple of pillows under her tummy to keep her ass pointed up where he wanted her. I couldn’t believe the sounds coming from my wife. She wasn’t trying to hold anything back. She’d thrown all caution and restraint aside had done exactly what she said she would. She’d let herself go completely.

Several times I’d heard her cry out Marcus’ name, but even that only fueled my lust. I lost track of how many times she’d cum, but I knew it was more than a few. Marcus finally pulled out and stroked himself a couple of times until rope after rope shot over Nichole’s back. My wife’s body quivered and shook as Marcus reached down and slid his fingers into her pussy, giving her a final orgasm before he finally fell onto the bed.

I sat back in the chair, by breath ragged and coming in quick gasps as I tried to process what I’d just experienced. It took all my willpower, but I forced myself to get off the chair and go to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and put on a pair of shorts before returning to the window. The lovers were still lying next to each other, unmoving. I went downstairs and made myself a quick sandwich and pounded a couple of beers. Looking at my phone as I went back to the window, I saw that I’d only been gone about twenty minutes. But it was enough time for Marcus to be fucking my wife again. This time she was on her back, her hands free to roam his body, her legs wrapped tightly around his hips.

They kissed passionately as he fucked her slowly, each thrust drawing a contented sigh from my wife. Even thinking the word ‘wife’ was giving me a hardon. That word was supposed to mean your companion, someone that was faithful to you and didn’t have sex with other men. But that no longer described my wife who was again being fucked by our fit, middle-aged neighbor. The level of lust I felt was more than I could have imagined, and yet I was already hoping I could feel more. At some level I knew I was telling myself this was only something we were going to experiment with for a couple of weeks, but deeper down I already knew the truth. I didn’t want it to ever stop. I only wanted more.

After their coupling, Nichole’s form laid still on the bed. After a time, the bedroom light went off, leaving me to stare into the darkness. Was she going to spend the night? Wasn’t it enough that she’d fucked him, now she was going to sleep with him, too? I don’t know how long I sat there, but it was long enough for my ass to start hurting from the hard chair. It was late and I my body craved sleep, but my mind was racing laps like greyhounds around a track. Pacing the room wasn’t helping my state, so I took a quick shower and laid down in bed.

I eventually fell into a fitful sleep. My dreams, bizarre and nonsensical, woke me up every so often from their strangeness. When I woke, I instinctively knew Nichole wasn’t there, but I’d still reach over and feel her side of the bed, verifying what I already knew, it was cold and empty. It made me feel hollow and cold inside, and the dread made it possible for me to hear that nagging voice again, if only ever so faintly. I turned over and closed my eyes, cursing myself for not wanting to give heed to that voice. Even though my guts were twisted into knots, I couldn’t help but recall the lustful highs I’d experienced.

At some point I’d fallen asleep again, but this time when I awoke, I felt my wife snuggled into my side. She was nude and only covered by the silk top sheet. She smelled of sunblock, sweat, and sex. Her hair was badly mussed and contained remnants of dried semen. Her full lips were parted as she slept. She looked exhausted, but she also looked content. I realized the person I was looking at was no longer my innocent and faithful wife. At my prompting and encouragement, she’d stepped into a hedonistic and carnal world. The evidence was right in front of my eyes that she’d enjoyed her experience. I felt an emotional pang against my soul, but the lustful high that followed washed everything away like retreating tidal wave.

Chapter 15

The fortnight passed in a blur. Sex with Marcus had been so consuming that I thought of little else. Much to my shame, as the days went on, I thought less and less of my husband and more and more about Marcus and the feelings he gave me when we were together. I knew I wasn’t falling in love with him. We were only close friends… with an extreme number of benefits. It’s more that he knew how to make me feel things I never knew were possible.

When I received the call from Global Medical to come in the following Monday to begin the onboarding process, I sat there gobsmacked for several long minutes. I couldn’t believe two weeks had gone by so fast. Reality hit me hard, as I began to understand that it was time to return to life, work, and my husband. The thought of going to work full time after a summer full of sex, surfing, and lazily swimming in the neighbor’s pool wasn’t exactly thrilling, but having a little extra income would be something to look forward to. Maybe we could actually start buying some furniture. With me not working for most of the summer, finances were tight.

Rachel passed me a glass of iced tea as I entered the kitchen and sat at the table. I hadn’t seen much of her since my affair with her husband had started, and I was never entirely sure if that was by design or just conscience. She’d always claimed she was off seeing her boyfriend Brian, and it very well could have been the truth. Wearing only my summer outfit, my bikini, I couldn’t believe how comfortable I’d grown wear it. I took a long sip of the cold drink and found it had that strong bite of alcohol.

“Ah,” I smacked my lips, “I haven’t had one of these in a few weeks.”

Rachel sat next to me at the table and poured herself a glass. “I was feeling a bit down this morning,” she shrugged. “My relationship with my Brian came to its conclusion last night.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, unsure of what to say about a lost boyfriend when the woman has a husband.

Rachel shrugged nonchalantly, “You get more-or-less used to these things,” she said, taking another long sip from the glass. “We’ll always be friends, but it was time to move on.”

Her words that it was ‘time to move on’ hit me like a hammer, and I took a large swallow of the alcoholic beverage. I knew Ky and I had agreed that we would end our little exploration once it was time for me to go back to work, but now that the time had arrived, I found I had no desire to end it.

“Alright, sister,” Rachel said, a smile growing at the corners of her mouth, “spill it. I can see you’ve got something on your mind.”

I felt myself blush in front of the woman and I took another drink to try and calm my nerves. “I hate the word surreal because it’s so cliché, but I can’t think of a better word to use right now. That’s how all this feels. I feel so scandalous,” I finally sputtered. “For almost three weeks now, I’ve been having an affair with your husband, and…”

“…And you’ve enjoyed it?” Rachel prompted, finishing my sentence.

I nodded, “It’s been bloody brilliant!” I said more enthusiastically than I’d intended, “but Ky and I agreed that we only wanted to explore, this,” I said, raising my hands at a loss for a word that could best describe our crazy activities as of late, “until it was time for me to go back to work… which is Monday.”

Rachel raised her head, giving me a look that meant she understood exactly what I was trying to tell her. “But you’re suddenly not so sure?”

“Something like that, yeah,” I said with a heavy sigh.

“Listen, Nichole,” Rachel said, putting her hand on mine, “You know that for my part I’m not pushing you to make a decision one way or another. Marcus has been like a horny teenager these last few weeks, and I’m more than happy if you two keep fucking.”

I coughed and sputtered on my drink, sending little drops of spittle onto the table. “I’m so sorry,” I mumbled, my mouth still half-full of iced tea.

Rachel laughed and reached for a small towel on the counter. “What, still not used to the word fuck?”

I shrugged and was finally able to swallow the last of the liquid. “It’s so uncouth.”

Rachel laughed again and rolled her eyes, “Girl, you’ve been walking around with my husband’s sperm in you for all this time and you still think it’s awkward to say fuck? Well, I hope you never lose that part of you. It’s sweet.”

“Thanks… I think,” I said, shaking my head.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Rachel said, seeming to want to switch subjects. “How’s Ky been through all of this, have you been keeping him happy?”

I swallowed again and took a deep breath. Rachel wasn’t giving me any reprieve, so I knew I had little choice but to simply answer her questions. “Between Marcus and Ky, I’ve had more sex than any woman has a right to have,” I said with an uncertain laugh. “I think Ky’s happy overall, but he wants me to, as he calls it, push-his-cuck-buttons, a bit harder… it’s just that it feels so cruel and heartless. I can’t bring myself to do it—at least not to the degree he wants. I’m afraid it’ll hurt him.”

“But Nichole, that’s exactly what he wants—probably even needs,” she said, her gaze focusing on me and forcing me to look her in the eye. “If you’re even listening a little, you’ll know if you’ve gone too far, but I have a feeling you could go a long ways before he’d finally say enough.”

I bit my lower lip as I thought about it, finally I had to admit, “You might be right—”

“Trust me dear, I know I’m right on this one,” Rachel said firmly. “Ky’s a classical cuck—oh girl, you have no idea how amazing your life is going to be, but you’ve got to understand something so listen carefully,” Rachel waited until she had my full attention, and I could tell she was serious about this. “Your husband is like mound of clay right now. He’s unmolded, without shape. But if you don’t take control and give him the shape you want, he’s going to find his own, and that might not be what you want.”

“I don’t understand,” I confessed.

“It’s like this,” Rachel began again, “Ky enjoys you sleeping with other men—which you’re giving him. But it sounds like he also really wants to experience what being a cuckold is. He wants to feel humiliation, he wants you to rub his face in it. Now, I know you think it’s cruel, but he’s getting his own pleasure from it. You might not understand it, but trust me, for him it’s a real rush.”

I nodded slowly, pondering her words, “I think I understand that, but what do you mean about giving him shape?”

“I mean that you’re in control here,” Rachel explained, “If you don’t want him to feel any humiliation at all, that’s your choice. He’ll conform to that. But it’s also in your power to transform him into your submissive sissy boy if you wanted.”

I looked up shocked, “Sissy boy?”

Rachel shrugged, “Some couples find they enjoy the husband becoming submissive, going so far as to make the husband sleep in a guest bedroom, bathe and prepare you for your lovers, get your clothes ready, even suck your lover’s cock to get him ready quicker for you—oh, and of course clean out your pussy after your lover’s finished.”

“Oh my god,” I said, not completely sure she wasn’t having a go, “I don’t want that.”

“Nobody’s saying you have to want that,” Rachel continued, “You can find the level you’re comfortable with and mold him to that. If you want him to wear panties to work, or shave his legs, I’m quite certain you could make him do just about anything for you, and he’ll only love you all the more for it.”

“I think you’re completely mental, Rach,” I said, shaking my head. “Are you serious?”

Rachel only nodded and sipped her drink, “Try a few things today and see what kind of reaction you get. I guarantee he’ll love it.”

I thought about that for a long moment, “Alright, I’ll give it a go and see what happens, but I don’t want a sissy boy for a husband. That sounds horrible.”

“I wouldn’t want that either,” Rachel agreed, “my point is that it’s up to you to decide the future of your sexual relationship. Ky’s going to be happy with whatever you decide—I’m certain of that. The only thing he’s not going to want to do is stop exploring. He’s tasted the honey and he’s not going to want you to stop.”

“You make is sound so simple,” I said, sighing heavily and looking out the window toward the pool. Marcus was using the net to screen off a few leaves that had fallen into the water.

“Oh no, it’s anything but simple. You have the hardest part in all of this. You have to find a way to push those buttons and make him feel like it’s all real, and yet not push too far that you actually crush him. It’s a very fine line, and you’re going to have your failures, again, trust me on this. Marcus and I have had a lot of long sit-down talks to work things out. Communication is key, but sometimes things happen so fast, and we get so wrapped up in the moment that we don’t communicate like we need to.”

“Ugh,” I groaned and leaned back into the chair. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“Good. That’s what I meant to do.” Rachel said with a wink. She then cast her eyes toward the back window, “I think your lover’s feeling lonely.”


“Hey gorgeous,” Marcus said as I came outside. He placed the pool strainer on the hooks against the far wall and then wadded into the shallow end of the pool.

“Your wife said you looked lonely,” I said, sitting on the edge of the pool and putting my feet into the water.

Marcus smiled and glanced toward the house, “She knows me too well,” he said, running his hand across the surface of the water, creating small wakes with his fingertips. “I was hoping she wasn’t going to chat the day away with you.”

“Oh, you had something in mind?” I said, feeling a smile spread across my lips.

“Always,” Marcus said, stepping toward me. He moved between my legs and unfastened the ties of my bikini bottom. He pulled my hips closer to the edge of the pool and moved so that his mouth was only inches away from my permanently smooth pussy. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

Marcus’ tongue gently licked up and down my lips and teased me for several long minutes. I ran my hand through his hair and enjoyed the feelings only this man seemed to provoke. “I need your help to tease my husband a bit,” I said, biting my lower lip but unable to stop the moan of pleasure that escaped my mouth.

Marcus pulled back and looked up at me. My eyes had a hard time focusing on him for a moment. “Happily,” he said, pulling away from me and leaving me on the edge of an orgasm but still short of it. “What’d you have in mind?”

“Don’t be a prat. Finish what you started,” I said, reaching down and touching myself, only to have my hand pushed away by Marcus.

“No, I like seeing your wanton look,” he said with a smirk. “I think Ky will like seeing it too.”

I let out a growl of frustration from being so close to my orgasm yet having it denied. “He better like it,” I said, regretting that I hadn’t waited a few more minutes to say anything.

“I’ve got just the thing,” Marcus said and pulled himself out of the pool. He walked over to the patio lounge chair that was in the shade, dropped his shorts onto the grass, and sat down. He then picked up his phone and appeared to start another video.”

“Come here, Nicky,” Marcus instructed, keeping the phone trained on me. “It’s been a few hours since my cock was in your slutty mouth.”

My heart began to race as I heard his words, and I knew Ky would like it too. I stood and, feeling my bikini bottom fall to the deck, I removed my top and dropped it to the ground. I approached slowly and sat myself between Marcus’ legs, my eyes taking in his soft but still large cock.

“Go ahead,” Marcus said, filming my reaction. “Show your husband what a cock whore you’ve become.”

I felt pure nervousness about what Ky’s reaction would be, but I felt Rachel was right, I needed to push my husband a little to give him what he wanted. I wrapped my hand around Marcus’ shaft and slowly began to stroke him, rolling my thumb over the head of his cock and teasing the tip.

“You’ve gotten to be an amazing cock sucker,” Marcus said, relaxing back into the chair’s soft cushion. “How many times have you sucked my cock this week?”

I shrugged and continued to stroke his cock with my hand, looking up only briefly at the phone’s camera, “I don’t know.”

“I bet it’s close to twenty, isn’t it?”

Again, I shrugged, but then gave a slight nod, “Maybe,” I said softly.

“And how many time did you give your husband a blow job this week?”

I bit my lower lip and kept my gaze on Marcus’ thick member, feeling it swell in my hand. “Once,” I admitted.

“Ouch, twenty to one, that’s a little out of proportion. You must like my cock a lot more than your husband’s.”

“Marcus,” I whispered in admonishment, feeling my heart really start to pound.

“I’m not saying you don’t love your husband, I’m only saying you must really love my cock more than his. Isn’t that right.”

I gave a slight nod, my eyes still not looking at the camera.

“Nicky,” Marcus said, his voice sounding sterner, “No more being shy. Look into the camera and tell your husband how much you love my cock.”

I had to take several deep breaths, and it took all my willpower, but I forced myself to look up to the camera. “I do love your cock,” I said, and immediately felt a rush of adrenaline that made me flush. “I can’t get enough of it.”

“That’s better,” Marcus said in satisfaction, “honesty is always the best policy. But you need to be more specific. Why do you love my cock more than your husband’s?”

The adrenaline fueled me now and it made it easier to speak, “It’s so much thicker, and longer,” I said, leaning down and touching his cock to my cheek. “It’s so hot to the touch and cums so much.”

“You mean mine’s bigger than your husband’s?” Marcus pushed.

I nodded, “Yes.”

“That’s because he only has a dick, he doesn’t have a cock. Understand?”

I nodded, feeling almost lightheaded from the rush of blood running through my body.

“From now on, you’ll only refer to your husband’s penis as a dick,” Marcus paused until I looked at him. “Do you understand why?”

“Because he’s small,” I said, breaking my gaze as soon as I spoke.

“That’s right,” Marcus confirmed, “now put those slutty lips around my cock and prove it to your husband.”

I had to take several breaths to get the oxygen my brain was screaming for, but I then took Marcus’ cock into my mouth. It’s heat felt brilliant against my lips, and I moaned at the sensation.

“Oh fuck,” Marcus sighed. “Such a good little cock sucker now.”

I gave into the sensations and let myself enjoy giving my lover the pleasure I knew he wanted. Using one hand, I stroked the cock that wasn’t in my mouth, using precum and saliva to lubricate the thick shaft. Over that last two weeks, I’d received a lot of instruction and practice and had learned the small things that Marcus liked. I took my time and let myself go, let my mind quiet and my thoughts fade, focusing only on giving my lover the most pleasure I could give him. Several times I moved down and kissed and licked his balls, taking each in turn into my mouth and applying a light amount of suction. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I knew from his reactions that I was performing exactly as he had shown me.

“Alright, let’s show your husband your newest skill now,” I heard Marcus say as I felt his hand touch me lightly on the back of his head.

I took in as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, pausing as I felt it touch the back of my throat. I had failed miserably the first few times I’d attempted to deep throat, it wasn’t a natural skill I’d found out. But with practice and a lot of effort, I’d finally managed to do it. I forced myself to relax and not think about anything other than what I was going to do in the next few minutes. I then opened my throat and swallowed as I pressed myself forward.

I felt the tip of his cock enter my throat, but I allowed a little stab of fear to get the better of me and I backed away to take another breath and try again. It took me several more tries, but I eventually felt Marcus’ thick member pass deeply into my throat. Marcus’ hand grabbed the back of my head and I felt him push the last inch into me, pressing my nose firmly against his body.

“Look at the camera,” Marcus said, holding me in place with his cock complete down my throat.

I looked up and tried to focus on the camera, but my vision was blurry, and I needed to breathe. Marcus must have sensed it because he let me go and allowed me to retreat. Precum and strands of saliva clung between my lips and the tip of his cock as I sat back and took a few deep breaths.

“You look so fucking sexy,” Marcus said, still holding the camera in place. I felt a stab of pleasure from his words. “Now, let’s show your husband what a cum slut you’ve turned into. I think you’ve been a little selfish and haven’t been sharing as much as you should with him.”

I opened my mouth and took Marcus’ cock inside me once again. Moments like these were becoming an addiction for me. The feeling of all that adrenaline, lust and arousal made every part of my body explode with sensation. Even giving Marcus a simple blow job gave me great pleasure and I could feel my pussy explode with desire as I refocused on my lover’s cock. It didn’t take long, and I felt Marcus getting close. I’d learned his small tells quickly and knew he was only seconds away.

“That’s it, cum slut,” Marcus said, his voice strained. He held my head in place and placed the tip of his cock just inside my lips. “I’m going to cum in your mouth and you’re going to hold it all and not swallow until I tell you to.”

I nodded and almost immediately felt the first hot jet of semen hit the roof of my mouth. Several more followed and I felt the warm liquid pooling in the back of my throat. His cum was strong and musky, but something had deeply changed in the way I tasted it. The first time he’d cum in my mouth I had to concentrate not to gag or spit it out, but now it was different. Now I relished it.

“Show your husband what’s in your slutty mouth,” Marcus instructed.

I opened my mouth and pushed the cum forward to my lips, fully tasting it with all my senses. My pussy was on fire and I slipped my fingers between my legs to find some relief.

“Very good, now swallow and leave your husband a message.”

I did as I was told and swallowed the large load, enjoying the slick feeling as it passed through my mouth and down my throat. I looked up at the camera, not feeling shy in the least as I spoke. “I hope you enjoyed that, Ky, because I don’t know if I can go back to only having your little dick. I love you, but I need a cock like this now… I think I always will.”

2 Bit Whore
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Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:20 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Open2it » Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:45 am


Posts: 172
Joined: Sun May 22, 2016 1:37 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:16 am

Just perfect !

Posts: 87
Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:37 pm

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by chastity_boi » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:09 am

Just wow. Another amazing couple of chapters. Loving your writing Ky

2 Bit Whore
Posts: 1022
Joined: Thu May 31, 2018 9:07 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:06 am

FANTASTIC!!!! I cannot wait for the next chapter!!


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:31 am

Got that Ky_Da story angst so you are right on target Ky


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:11 pm


Super HOT chapters!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot Ky_Da!!!!!!!

:up: :up: :up:


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by couple20uk » Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:51 pm

Excellent writing Ky_Da and I am very much enjoying your latest story.

I do hope you keep some tension between the Ky and Nichole as ultimately IMHO that will make the story more interesting to read (long term).

Posts: 568
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:06 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:23 am

Damn this is good.

Posts: 64
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:12 am

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Fred_Garvin » Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:25 pm

This is fantastic -- I can feel the angst.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Fri Apr 02, 2021 12:33 pm

couple20uk wrote:
Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:51 pm
Excellent writing Ky_Da and I am very much enjoying your latest story.

I do hope you keep some tension between the Ky and Nichole as ultimately IMHO that will make the story more interesting to read (long term).
Given the introduction Ky gave for the story, Rachel’s foreshadowing, and knowing his taste for that angst, I doubt you have to worry too much about these characters going too soft this early in the story. We appear to have a long way to go with these two...

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by realcucklife » Fri Apr 02, 2021 1:48 pm

My your writing has gone to the next level, keep it up.
Hope you and the family are well and have a good Easter.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:29 pm

Keep up the writing!
Keep this story going.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by cpeater » Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:29 am

This is perhaps the hottest story I have ever read. Thank you so much for writing and posting.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:56 am

Thanks for the comments. I can’t overstate how much they help motivate me to keep writing. When it’s crickets, it makes you wonder if anyone’s actually reading

Also, on the personal side. Jaimee, the boys and me are all doing really well. We both did come down with Covid, but survived with relatively little trouble. My wife did lose her sense of taste for a time, and it still hasn't fully returned. She could eat an onion like it was an apple. I never lost my sense of taste. As far as other 'extra curricular' activities, there's not a lot to talk about. We're living very vanilla lives these days. Someday we might play again, I know I still have the desires, as does my wife. But it's just not realistic with everything going on around us. We’re very family focused right now. So, I’m stuck writing stories for now.

Chapter 16

“I hope you enjoyed that, Ky, because I don’t know if I can go back to only having your little dick. I love you, but I need a cock like this now… I think I always will,” Nichole’s voice tapered off as the video ended.

I set the phone down on the bench seat of my old truck and inhaled a deep breath. My chest ached from how hard my heart was beating, and oddly enough, my feet and hands felt numb. I felt a slew of emotions and it made me want to laugh, cry, and scream all at the same time. It was obviously my wife in the video, but the way she spoke, especially at the end made me feel like I didn’t recognize her anymore.

After spending most of the day at City Hall obtaining permits for an upcoming project, I’d grabbed a couple of Taco Bell burritos and was headed back to the office when I heard my phone buzz with a message. Pulling into a hotel parking lot, I slathered my burrito with a ton of hot sauce and took a bite as I started the video Nichole had just sent. Taco Bell burritos aren’t exactly top-shelf quality, but they’re cheap and filling, so I eat them once a week on average. I was barely able to swallow the first bite as I began to watch. I quickly discarded the burrito into the bag and looked closer at the small screen on my phone.

What struck me the hardest was the look on her face. It was one of pure bliss and contentment, her features held almost an entranced look to them. And then when she deep-throated Marcus, oh my god I thought I’d die. The video could have easily been a professionally produced video on Pornhub and I wouldn’t have known the difference. Part of me wanted to panic and call her immediately, begging her stop and come home—end it all. But wasn’t this what I wanted? I’d been asking her to push my buttons lately. I wanted to feel that angst more intensely, I wanted a higher high.

Thinking about the video, I realized that she was giving me exactly what I’d been asking for, and once again, I was finding that I was unprepared for the intensity of it. The level of angst was excruciating. I also realized that If I’d experienced this video a few weeks ago, it would have leveled me, but after experiencing several softer levels of cuck angst, I had built up the ability to withstand a little more. But still, it was almost too much.

I checked my watch and forced myself to think about work for a minute. It was the middle of the afternoon, and no one at the office really expected me to return, obtaining permits was usually an all-day thing with all the reviews that needed done, so I probably wouldn’t be missed if I simply snuck home. Taking a few more deep breaths, I sat up in my seat and pulled my truck out of the parking lot. As badly as I wanted to watch the video again, I needed to see my wife first. I needed to connect with the woman I loved and make sure this was all still ‘exploration’.

The advantage of driving home a few hours early was that I was able to get a jump on traffic which cut off nearly thirty minutes from my commute. Pulling into the driveway, I didn’t see Nichole’s car, an old Saturn that had almost three-hundred-thousand miles on it. I did, however, see Marcus’ Jeep parked out front of his house. It looked like he was just about to leave but stopped and waved as I got out of my truck.

“The girls are off shopping,” he said as I approached. “Nichole said she wanted to buy a couple of things for the new job.”

Marcus extended his hand, and I shook it, “Right, I remember she said something about that last night,” I said, my voice sounding strained.

Marcus gave me a knowing look, “Watched the video I’m assuming?”

I nodded, “Yeah.” I wanted to say more, but my mind suddenly went blank. I actually kind of wanted to kick him the balls, too.”

“You alright, do I owe you an apology?” Marcus asked.

I tried to read the man’s expression as I thought about his question, but he held a poker face fairly well. Did I want an apology? I wasn’t expecting one. And it felt like this was something that was more between me and Nichole than with Marcus.

I managed to shake my head, “I’m fine, it was just a little shocking.”

The corner of Marcus mouth twitched up, “I can imagine,” he said, but then his expression changed, and he looked almost contrite. “I don’t want to ruin the experience Nichole wanted you to have, so it’s probably better you talk to her first, but if anything’s unsettled after, then let’s talk it out between you and me.”

I nodded, understanding what he was trying to tell me. “That’s sounds good.”

“Hey,” Marcus said, as if just remembering something. “I’ve seen your clubs in the garage. Do you two want to join us to go golfing tomorrow?”

“I wouldn’t mind,” I admitted. I actually had been itching to go golfing. “But Nichole doesn’t golf.”

Marcus simply shrugged, “Neither does Rachel—not well anyway,” he said. He then pursed his lips briefly, “Actually, I’ve got an idea if you’re up for it. I have a friend that owns a nice place in Palm Springs. He usually rents it out, but it’s open because of the pandemic. I ‘m sure he’d let us use it. We could head out there for the weekend, play golf, swim, drink. It’s hot as fuck out there this time of year, but it’s always fun.”

“That does sound fun,” I admitted. A few inappropriate ideas came to mind as I pondered the possibilities. I fished my phone from my pocket. “I’ll call Nichole.”

We each called our wives, and in only a few minutes time, had plans made to spend the weekend in Palm Springs. Since I was already home, I started packing a suitcase and getting things ready to go. Nichole and Rachel cut their shopping short and headed back early, and by six o’clock, we were almost ready to go.

Nichole rushed into the house and hurriedly packed a few things. I could tell that she was excited about the idea, and I was equally sure it had a lot to do with Marcus. While I couldn’t help but feel the adrenaline rush of what might happen, I was still reeling from the video.

“Nichole,” I said, grabbing her by the elbow as she came out of the walk-in closet. “I know they’re waiting for us, but I need a minute to talk about the video.”

Nichole stopped and turned to me, her features filled with anxiety and nervousness. She took a long moment to study my face before she asked. “What about it?”

“Did you mean all those things you said?” I asked, sounding desperate and weak.

“I don’t know how you want me to answer that, Ky. You’ve said you wanted me to push your cuck-buttons, so I thought…” she left the sentence unfinished.

“I did say that,” I confessed, “and you certainly did. But was that all it was? Did you mean those things you said?”

Nichole again took a long moment to study me. “Of course that’s all it was,” she finally said, “I wanted to make it good for you.”

I sighed in relief and sat on the edge of the bed, my legs felt like jelly, “These last weeks have been like being in a hurricane. Sometimes I don’t think I can take anymore, and other times I can’t get enough. I guess I needed some reassurance.”

“I understand,” Nichole said, I could hear the vulnerability in her voice. “I need that reassurance too sometimes, and to know I’m not pushing too far. It’s very thrilling, but I’m terrified at the same time.”

“But I guess that’s part of the problem,” I said, trying to noodle out what I was feeling. “I want you to push those buttons, but if you need to reassure me every few minutes, it makes it feel like a roleplay and not organic. It ruins it.” I looked at Nichole, but she seemed content to listen for a moment, “Like right now, I completely lost the high I was feeling. I needed the reassurance, but then that killed the angsty adrenaline rush once I had it.”

“So, what do you want to do?” Nichole asked, sitting against the small desk next to the bed. “Do you not want to go this weekend, do you want to stop?”

I shook my head, “I want to go,” I quickly said, but then found myself tongue-tied trying to say exactly what I wanted. “If you’re willing. I want you to push my buttons really hard, just for this weekend. I can take it if I know it’s only the weekend. I feel like I ruined things today just as it was getting good.”

“By wanting that reassurance?” Nichole asked. I nodded, “Then you don’t want any reassurance this weekend?”

“No,” I said, resolved to take it, “not until we get home on Sunday.”

“You’re sure about this?” my wife asked, looking at me through the tops of her eyes.

“Absolutely,” I said, standing up from the bed. “You can try your best to break me, but I want to experience it all. Maybe I can finally get this out of my system.”

“You almost make it sound like a competition.”

I laughed, “Do your worst, babe. I’ll endure whatever you can dish out until Sunday.”

Nichole gave me a wicked smile, “I’ll have you shouting God save the Queen well before Sunday, luv.”

That made me smile, “Alright, if I shout God save the Queen, then you’ll know I can’t take anymore, and we’ll stop.”

“Then I win?” Nichole asked.

“Then you win.”

“If I win, you have to stop being such a git about my driving,” Nichole said, and I could tell she was serious.

I nodded in agreement, “Done, but that’s easy because you’re only a point away from losing your license anyway.”

Nichole rolled her eyes but didn’t take the bait. “Alright, I hope you know what you’re in for.”

“It’s going to be awesome. Let’s do it,” I said as we walked to the door.

“Ky,” Nichole said, turning to me as we got to the door. “You asked if I meant those things I said in the video,” she reached down and grabbed my cock through my shorts. “I’ll never think of this as a cock again. You have a nice dick, but that’s all it is…”

Chapter 17

I walked out the front door determined to enjoy the hell out of the weekend, but instantly knew it was going to be harder than I had thought when I watched my wife reach up on her toes and give Marcus a kiss on the cheek. It was harmless enough that anyone watching wouldn’t have thought much about it, but it triggered something deep inside me. One minute I felt I was the master of my domain, and the next I felt like the world had slipped out from under me. What if my wife had only said what she had to keep leading me along? I couldn’t help but wonder. What if at the end of the weekend she wanted to keep seeing Marcus? What would I say then? Or what if I wanted her to keep seeing Marcus? I shook my head and locked the front door, trying to not let my insecurities get the better of me and ruin the weekend.

Besides the Jeep, Marcus and Rachel own a relatively new Chevy Tahoe. Having already agreed to take their vehicle, its doors were all open and the engine was idling. I put our two bags in the back and noticed my wife climb into the front seat with Marcus. While it didn’t shock me, it was still yet another trigger that kicked my angst up a notch. Closing the back, I sat behind my wife and next to Rachel, who looked stunning in a very short, open back romper. The coolness of the air-conditioning did little to keep my growing arousal in check. Just seeing my wife in the front seat with Marcus was causing an erection, and then sitting next to Rachel who exuded sex only added to the affect.

Marcus took us out of town, and we drove up the 15 freeway, hitting the last of the traffic leftover from rush hour. I’d intently listened to Marcus and Nichole chatting away, but the bulk of their conversation revolved around photography, and so I settled in and made myself comfortable for the rest of the ride.

“I hope you’re not disappointed being stuck back here with me,” Rachel said, leaning on the center armrest between our seats. She really was incredibly beautiful, and could have easily passed for ten years younger.

I shook my head, “Not at all,” I said, letting myself relax and smile for a change. “You’re the one that should be disappointed. I’m the most uninteresting person you’ve probably ever met.”

Rachel laughed easily and touched the top of my hand. “I know that’s not true. Not may couples ever done what you two have these last weeks.”

I shrugged but had to nod, “Alright, there’s that,” I said, “but Nichole’s always the one people gravitate toward. She’s the extrovert as you’ve already discovered.”

“True,” Rachel said, “but I know there are things about you she finds attractive. She married you after all, so you must have some redeeming factors.”

Her comments made me feel slightly uncomfortable and I tried not to squirm and show it. The truth was I’d been thinking a lot about why Nichole had married me. I always felt that I’d married way above my class, but I must have had some value in her eyes.

“I sure hope so,” I said, my voice soft. “I guess I’m the more realistic, practical one, while she’s the optimist, the dreamer. Consequently, I’m the boring one and she’s the fun one,” I said, trying to sound like I was joking.

“I don’t know about boring,” Rachel said, her blue eyes focused on me. “Nichole said you were on a job in Antarctica for six months before you got married.”

“That was just work related, and I was barely out of my internship,” I explained. “The science station down there was having problems with their vehicle maintenance facility and needed a new…” I paused, knowing I was about to go into something that would lose any audience. “It was just work. We hardly ever left the station. There’s not much to see down there except a lot of white and an occasional penguin.”

“But still, not many people have ever set foot down there. That’s not exactly boring.”

“I did do some ice climbing while I was down there. One of the scientists had the gear and we went out for a few hours, but it got dark so fast we weren’t able to do much.”

“Well, don’t under-sale yourself, Ky,” Rachel admonished, giving me a small smile. “Marcus hasn’t done anything even close to that. I love the man, but he likes to keep his life as simple as possible, and he avoids responsibility like it’s the plague.”

“I’m not sure those are bad traits. I wouldn’t mind kicking off a few of my work responsibilities.”

Rachel gave me a careful look, “You say that, and maybe you think that, but I think you’re the type of person that needs a certain level of challenge at work. You need to keep your mind occupied.”

“My mind’s been plenty occupied lately,” I said, glancing toward the front seat. Marcus had taken my wife’s hand into his own while I’d been talking with Rachel.

“Yes, those two are filled with NRE,” Rachel said, following my gaze.

“NRE?” I asked, turning my attention back to the older woman.

“New Relationship Experience,” Rachel explained. “It’s extremely common in our lifestyle. It just describes the early time when two new people are into each other, when they can’t get enough of each other. But it comes and goes because it’s really only based on lust and infatuation. There’s no love in it.”

“How can you be sure?” I asked eagerly.

“Because love takes time to build, dear. You know that. It’s built by the hard things you go through, by living through the ups-and-downs of life, one teaspoon after another.”

“Very sage of you,” I said, feeling my smile grow. “I like that.”

“I hope I’ve learned a few things over the years—If I can pass on a few things to you and Nichole, then I’m happy about that.”

The SUV turned onto the ten and headed east. The landscape out the window was now brown, and vegetation was sparse as we headed into the desert. King palms were still numerous, but most of them neglected, their dead leaves hanging downward like limp hands.

“These last weeks have been a hell of an experience,” I said, breaking the moment of silence that had fallen between us. “It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve never felt such a rush either. Even climbing the ice in Antarctica didn’t scare me as much as this does,” I said, gesturing to the people in the front seat, who looked for all intents and purposes, like a committed couple heading out to the desert for some alone time.

Rachel took my hand in her own. I didn’t want to appear impolite or make a scene, so I didn’t pull away. “I’m sure you two are going to live long and happy lives together. And whether you choose to continue exploring this side of your sexuality or not won’t matter in the least to us. We just want you two to be happy.” I felt Rachel give my hand a squeeze. “If you do continue, we’ll have to have a lot of lengthy and frequent discussions.”

“Oh,” I said raising my brow, “There’s a lot of educational requirements to level-up in the lifestyle?”

Rachel chuckled, “Not exactly, but it’s like anything in life, the more prepared you are, the better off you’ll be, and the more fun you’ll have.”

“Like what, elaborate?”

Rachel looked pensive for a long moment, “Right now, you two are only scratching the surface on the types of experiences you can have. I don’t know if there is a bottom to the well when it comes to the taboo and the sexual. You can take it as far as you want. You have to remember that you’re steering the ship here. If you want Nichole to push further out of her comfort zone, it will only take the slightest bit of influence from you, and I’m sure she would do it.”

I took in a deep breath and thought about that for a moment. “I feel like we’re way out of our comfort zone already, I can’t imagine going further.”

“That’s the good and the bad of these types of experiences. For example, if you and Nichole kept Marcus in your play for a year, I guarantee you wouldn’t find near the thrill you find in it today. It’s just human nature.”

I nodded, “The NRE goes away.”

“Yes, that’s part of it, but your own desires will build on what you’ve experienced. It’s a relatively slow progression, but at the same time, you’ll be surprised how much your views change when you look back,” Rachel continued to explain. “Every relationship is different, so I can’t say what will work for you two, but I’m sure you two will make each other very happy if you’re open to it.”

“I’ve got a lot to think about,” I said, looking out the window as the sun was setting behind us.

“Just keep me in mind if you need to talk. Believe me, there’s nothing I haven’t seen, so don’t feel embarrassed to ask.” Rachel’s eyes glanced briefly forward, almost begging me to look.

I turned and looked, and what I saw made me break into a cold sweat. Marcus’ arm was extended, Nichole’s hands were gripping his bicep, her head leaning against his shoulder. Despite not being able see where his hand was, I knew what he was doing. From my wife’s tight grip on his arm, I knew his fingers were touching her pussy. I leaned back into my seat and adjusted my shorts.

“You like seeing my husband pleasure your wife, don’t you?” Rachel cooed softly, leaning in close so I could smell her perfume. My senses were all set off simultaneously, overwhelming my mind. Rachel rested her hand on my dick and gently rubbed me up and down.

“I can’t,” I whispered, and pushed Rachel’s hand away.

“Oh, I know I can’t fuck you,” Rachel said bluntly, the words still caused my dick to strain. “Your wife is a very jealous woman, but she did give me permission to use my hands this weekend… and my mouth.”

Feeling shocked that Nichole might have said that, I let my hand fall away and Rachel snaked her hand under my shorts, grabbing my erect dick. At the moment, I was glad I was hard, at least this way she could feely my dick and wouldn’t have a hard time seeing it when it was all soft and retreated. “I’m afraid I’m not as big as your husband,” I choked out.

Rachel’s lips were at my ear, “I enjoy all kinds,” she said, her voice seductive and enticing. She pulled down my shorts enough to expose my dick and then began to stroke me again. “Nichole’s a lot like me, Ky. She’s going to like all kinds, too.” Rachel’s grip firmed and I could already feel myself getting close to losing it. “With a little encouragement from you, she’ll experience pleasure few people ever have. You can give this to her, and she’ll love you for it.”

“I want that,” I said, my voice shaking and ragged.

“I know you do,” Rachel nipped at my ear and it sent a sensation down my leg like a lightning bolt. “That’s why this weekend is so important. It can be the beginning to everything you want for her. She’ll try to resist what she wants because she’s afraid of hurting you, but if you let her know you want this for her, and you’ll support her… then Ky, you’re going to have a complete slut of your hands very soon.”

Rachel somehow knew I was going to cum in that moment, because she bent down quickly and took me into her mouth. I came harder than I ever knew was possible. It physically almost hurt it was so hard. I don’t know how much I came, but Rachel had no problem taking it all and swallowing it. When I finished, she sat up and looked as though nothing had happened. I pulled my shorts back up, breathing hard through my nose.

Rachel gave me a wicked smile and then crossed her legs at the knees. Looking to the front seat, I could see Nichole’s head resting against Marcus’ arm, but she was no longer gripping his arm with her hands. The SUV smelled of sex.

I turned and stared out the window, my mind filled with too many thoughts and emotions. The blades of the tall wind turbines spun in synchronicity in the fading light, and for a brief moment, diagrams and schematics of their inner workings popped into my head. Thinking through their mechanics helped my mind calm and for me to see through the haze that had earlier made it so hard to think. While I loved everything I’d heard from Rachel, I knew I needed to make sure I was thinking about my wife and making sure I was capable of being her anchor. I was her safety net, and I wasn’t going to fail for my part. Seeing her resting comfortably on Marcus’ arm made my heart twitch with jealousy, it was such an intimate gesture and it made me realize how vulnerable my wife was.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Apr 04, 2021 4:08 pm

SUPER HOT CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Suchen Zucker

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:17 am

I'm really enjoying your story Ky. Take your time and don't rush it. For me it's all about the ainst, the fear, and the jealousy. It's when the husband knows he's losing control of the situation as well as the confidence in his marriage and possibly the respect of his wife.

Romance, vulnerability, secrets, fragile egos, and mistakes made when our lusts override good judgement. It's not the sex that makes the story, it's the mental twist and turns as two people dance on the edge of the abyss.

You know your subject.

Thanks so much for bringing us this story.


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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:26 am

Each chapter is better than the last!!!! I cannot wait to read the next part!!

Mad Dog65

Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Mon Apr 05, 2021 8:33 am

Well Said Suchen! Take your time and build the angst, fear, arousal and jealousy - the journey. Thank you!

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:19 am

This really is excellent. It is truly tremendously good. Enjoying the ramping up of the erotic tension. Please do continue.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by SamWarrens » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:24 am

A fine piece of erotic writing!
Don't stop now, please continue.
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by rosetree » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:56 am

Have you written any other erotic stories? If so, where can we find them?

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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by txrockdog » Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:42 am

I believe he started cross posting one of the stories he was posting on the library here over at Literotica, but unfortunately there are some heavy biases among readers of certain categories over there that drove his review scores down. In my opinion, some of his very best writing has been the telling of his own true life experiences with his wife over in the Cuckold section here. If you have not read those, I highly recommend them. Some of the hottest story telling I have ever read, particularly since it is real life and not fiction.


Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by R_H_NC » Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:22 am

I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic


Let’s see how it goes…


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Re: To the Edge and Back

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:45 am

Thanks for the comments all. I want to put out there that this story of about going to the edge. What’s coming won’t be things everyone likes, but every good story needs conflict, so buckle up.

Chapter 18

Despite the late hour, Chef Tanya’s Kitchen was still open for takeout and we all found something to our liking. We took our boxed-up meals to the vacation house, and I had to admit, the house was fucking nice. It was extremely modern with numerous large glass windows in the exterior walls. Interior walls consisted of exposed concrete and heavy timbers. An expansive terrace separated the house from a massive swimming pool that was located in the back of the property. The property felt very secluded despite being so close to town. No doubt this place was expensive.

Palm Springs has what people call a dry heat, the low almost nonexistent moisture in the air makes it feel relatively comfortable despite temperatures being well over a hundred degrees. The evening had cooled significantly from the peak heat of the day, but the thermometer still hovered over ninety degrees. Nichole and Marcus walked hand-in-hand, and I felt my guts churn at how intimate they looked. Entering the front door, we put our bags down and made for the kitchen where we could eat our late dinner and plan our weekend. I knew I was hungry, but it was obvious everyone else was feeling the same as several minutes passed in silence while we ate.

Marcus was the one to finally break the silence, “Anyone up for some drinking games, truth or dare, strip poker?” he asked, cracking a wry smile.

“How old are you?” Rachel admonished. She’d sat close enough to me that our thighs were touching.

Marcus chuckled, “Sometimes those games are still fun, and it helps break the ice.”

“Well, I for one, would rather relax on the couch and watch a movie,” Rachel replied.

“I second that suggestion,” I said, raising my beer.

Marcus looked to Nichole, and when she gave him a nod, the shrugged, “Alright then, beers and a movie it is.”

I don’t know whether it was a living room, or a family room, it was just a big fucking room with an 85-inch tv, surround sound and an extremely comfortable c-shaped couch that could have comfortably seated over a dozen people. I would love to have a house like this someday, I thought more than once. But I would definitely need a different occupation than the one I had now.

Marcus sat in the corner of the couch and started scrolling through the tv’s menu. Nichole hesitated for a moment and then looked to me, as if asking me if I still wanted this. I looked from her to Marcus, and it hit me that there was something significant about to happen. Despite knowing that my wife had been fucking Marcus for the last few weeks, this time if felt different, like we were about to cross the Rubicon or something, getting to a point where there was no turning back.

I looked at my wife for a long moment, and I mean I really looked at her. She was so beautiful, so much a part of my life now. It should be enough for me to take her home and make love to her, and yet, that felt like smoking weed compared to the cocaine type high I knew I’d get from seeing her fuck Marcus. Not that I had any basis of comparison—I’d never done any kind of drugs in my life. I just knew how much more powerful the experience was. It was fucked up, I knew that. How could watching her be pleasured by another man outweigh my own experience of me making love to her. Maybe that was part of the answer, I thought to myself. Maybe it was that simple. I made love to my wife, but Marcus fucked her. With me it was personal, caring, loving. With him it was carnal, decadent, and physical.

I nodded my head almost imperceptibly to Nichole, letting her know I still wanted this. The feelings that were stirring in my guts weren’t about to let me change my mind. I wanted this.

Nichole sat next to Marcus and he immediately pulled her form close to his. Nichole leaned her head on his shoulder and rested her hand against his chest. A position she’d assumed so many times with me. Sometimes it wasn’t the actual sex that fueled my fire, it was the little things such as seeing her so comfortable with him. They were showing an intimacy that was usually reserved for only the closest of lovers.

Rachel sat on the couch, giving our spouses a good ten feet of space. She tapped the seat cushion next to her, inviting me to sit. I glanced at my wife and managed to catch her eye, but I couldn’t get a very accurate read on her. She gave me a smile and raised her brow ever so slightly. Nichole then surprised me. She cast her eyes down to the seat where Rachel was prompting, as if telling me that’s what she wanted me to do. Alright, I thought, I wasn’t going to fight it anymore. We came here to explore this, so it was time for me to simply go with it. I sat down and Rachel immediately put her legs over mine.

Marcus filtered movies to bring up English produced movies and eventually found a comedy called The Inbetweeners. I felt Rachel’s fingers run down my arm as the movie began. I was already hard from thinking about what Nichole was going to be doing with Marcus soon, so Rachel’s touch only elevated my arousal. I tried to focus on the movie for a minute. It was that uncomfortable type humor that I have a hard time watching, but it was fucking hilarious.

Several times I stole glances at my wife. She and Marcus seemed to be enjoying their chat more than the movie. I couldn’t tell what they were talking about, only hearing their whispers. I watched a few more minutes of the movie and then felt Rachel nudge my side.

“I knew they wouldn’t be able to resist very long,” she said, causing me to turn and look at my wife.

Sure as shit, they were kissing like they were the only ones in the room. Marcus coxed Nichole to straddle his lap, his hands cupping her ass cheeks and almost kneading her flesh. I exhaled a breath and turned back to the movie.

“You know Marcus is going to try to spend most of the weekend with his cock in your wife’s pussy, right?” Rachel said, raising a leg so that she could run her foot over my crotch.

I audibly groaned. “That’s not exactly a surprise,” I tried to say with confidence, but my voice stuck in my throat.

“No, I suppose not,” Rachel said with a laugh, drinking deeply from her beer. “But I never get tired of seeing the pleasure he can bring a woman. He’s very good at it.”

“So, you enjoy seeing him pleasure other women?”

“Sure, or at least that’s an added benefit,” Rachel said, pointing to Marcus and then herself. “We found that we both enjoy experiencing others once in a while. It doesn’t always matter how good the others are in bed, it’s always an exciting adventure. And sometimes it’s a surprise how good others can be.”

“You mean you’ve found men that are better than Marcus in bed?” I asked.

Rachel’s smile grew and she nodded, “Occasionally, but I’d never tell him that.” Rachel looked over to our spouses. “You should go stand behind the couch for this next part,” she said and swung her legs off of me.

I looked at saw that Nichole was bare from the waist down, her tan lined ass cheeks showing off perfectly in the dim light. I felt a push from Rachel and got to my feet. Walking around the couch, I felt like I was intruding on something private as I approached. Nichole’s forehead was pressed into Marcus’s neck and I could see that she was concentrating on freeing the man’s cock from his shorts. Her hand untied the simple string at the waistband and Marcus shimmied side to side until the shorts were past his knees, his erection pressed between their two bodies.

Nichole pressed herself against Marcus’ cock, grinding her pussy against its shaft. It was incredibly erotic and hardened my erection until it felt like the skin was going to split at the tip of my dick. My wife looked up and she noticed me. I saw a brief look of surprise before she smiled and extended her hand to me. I took it and stood directly behind the couch. Her hand squeezed mine tightly and I watched as she lifted herself up to where the tip of Marcus’ cock was at her entrance. Fuck me it was an entirely new feeling to be so close and intimate and actually see another man’s cock about to penetrate my wife.

I couldn’t stop myself from staring as she slowly lowered herself onto his thick shaft. Her hand gripped mine even tighter and she sighed as he entered her. She paused once she’d taken him all, and I heard a content moan come from her pressed lips. Feeling emboldened, I let her hand go, reached down, and pulled her top and bra off in a single motion. She giggled as her hair went in all directions. Her breasts swayed and bounced gently, her nipples ridged and hard from her obvious desire.

Nichole took my hand again and met my eyes. My knees almost buckled as I looked into those eyes and saw that she’d given in to the moment and was completely untethered from the moral principles that had previously held her bound. Her pleasure was so plainly visible on her features. I loved this woman, and so much of me was happy to give her this pleasure. The small part of me that continuously warned about trouble ahead dissipated yet a little more. This was a whole new level of erotic pleasure.

I moved my hips closer, and my wife took my dick into her mouth, easily pressing her lips to my stomach as she took me in. I felt her tongue and sucking pleasure, and it felt amazing, but what hit me the hardest was simply the visual before me, my wife, with two cocks inside her, thrusting her hips in sync with Marcus, her moans against the skin of my dick. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen, and my brain refused to believe it was actually happening.

Marcus’ thrusts quickened, and Nichole let me slip from her mouth as she held on to her lover, all her concentration on the cock that was pounding her pussy. I took a step back and bumped into Rachel who was standing behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and took my dick into her hand, giving it a gentle stroke. Nichole’s eyes swept past me without seeing. It was like she was unaware of anything happening around her.

“Come see from another angle,” Rachel said, keeping my dick in her hand and leading me around to the front of the couch.

We sat on the large ottoman, my wife’s back was directly in front of me, giving me a perfect view of Marcus’ thick cock penetrating her lower lips. It was an incredible site and almost made me cum on the spot.

Rachel caught my attention and waggled her brow, “Watch this,” she said releasing my cock and scooting to within arm’s reach of Nichole. Rachel put her thumb in her mouth for several seconds, lubricating it with her saliva. She then placed her hand on my wife’s lower back and pressed her thumb into Nichole’s rosebud.

Nichole visible clinched and cried out, but Rachel’s thumb disappeared.

“Oh! Oh god,” Nichole cried, her moans and cries growing louder. “I’m so close.” Marcus slowed his pace, earning him a growl of frustration, “No, I’m so close.”

“We’ve got all night, Nicky, there’s no hurry,” Marcus said with a chuckle.

Nichole’s hips squirmed, trying to find the pressure that would push her over the edge, but Marcus had too much control and refused to let her get there. She groaned in annoyance. Nichole thrust out her arse, and Rachel happily pressed her thumb in deeper. Nichole’s strangled groan was primal and hungry. Several more times Marcus brought my wife to the edge, only to pause and let her slip back from the edge of her orgasm. I knew it was getting desperate when I found myself growing frustrated and wanting him to let her cum already.

Finally, Marcus wrapped his arms around her and began to fuck her with serious power. Nichole’s stuttered cries became a long moaning wale. I came first, Rachel’s hand bringing me to a second orgasm for the evening. I hardly shot out any load at all. My wife came next, and it was such a powerful orgasm that her entire body began to spasm. It was damn near a seizure she was bucking so hard. Her orgasm went on for longer than I thought was possible, her cries silenced and yet her body remained rigid for several long seconds. At last, she crumpled like a dropped towel and slumped against Marcus’ chest.

Marcus held her and continued to impale himself into my wife’s limp form, drawing strained whimpers with each thrust. Finally, he grunted and held himself deeply in the entrance to her womb, unloading sperm that would test the birth control’s design.

“Now this isn’t fair,” Rachel complained, being the only one not to cum.

Nichole’s sweaty body laid exhausted against Marcus. She lifted her arm and waved weakly at me and then pointed to Rachel. “Take care of her,” she said, her words barely coherent. “Show her how I taught you to eat pussy.”

I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard from my wife. Who was this? I thought, feeling absolutely stunned. But then it clicked for me. Seeing her glistening body laying atop another man, I understood that, for the moment, she had let her inhibitions go. But me on the other hand, I was still hanging onto something. I had told myself that I’d wanted this weekend to be free of inhibition, and yet something was still holding me back. Well, in for a penny… I thought, turning to Rachel.

The beautiful older woman’s smile grew, and she laid back on the ottoman and spread her legs to me. Fuck, this woman was offering herself up to me, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to resist. I felt a stab of excitement at the thought of tasting another woman, curious to know the difference. I moved to my knees and put my face close to her pussy, and I could see she was extremely wet already. She didn’t need to be teased, she needed relief.

I performed to the best of my abilities and tried to remember all my wife’s instruction as I used my tongue and fingers to pleasure another man’s wife. It wasn’t long and felt Rachel’s hand clawing at my hair, trying to direct me to give her the most pleasure. Her taste was strong but pleasant, and the difference fueled my arousal. I felt myself hard yet again. I’d already cum twice today, but I knew I could go a third the way I was feeling now.

Rachel came and let out a contented sigh. I could tell she enjoyed it, but it was no where near the level of orgasm that I’d just seen out of Nichole.

“We’ve got an early tee time,” Marcus said after a few minutes, referring to our start time on the golf course the following morning. “Unless anyone’s opposed, I propose we turn in for the night.”

I sat up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Rachel turned around so she could place her head on my lap, and she ran her fingers over my thigh. With some effort, Nichole picked herself up and moved to sit next to me on the ottoman.

“This weekend’s supposed to be about exploration, but I know I haven’t been exactly fair. I want you to sleep with Rachel tonight so I won’t feel so guilty about sleeping with Marcus,” Nichole said, and I could tell that’s not exactly what she wanted.

I shook my head, “It’s fine, I know how you feel—,”

“—No,” Nichole put her hand against my chest. “I really want us to explore this, just for the weekend. Go ahead. Be with her.”

I knew Rachel had heard my wife when she ran her hand over my crotch. Nichole smiled and gave me a searing kiss, pressing her tongue into my mouth and moaning a heavy sigh.

A minute later, Marcus picked up my wife and carried her to what I assumed was the master bedroom. Nichole gave me a wink as she smiled, and then turned her attention to Marcus. For some reason, despite everything that had happened, it still tore at me to see her disappear into the bedroom at the end of the hall. Hearing the door close and the latch ‘click’ as it passed over the strike plate of the door jamb made me feel like I’d lost something forever.

“Oh, I’m so glad we get to play,” Rachel said, pulling down my shorts and taking me into her mouth.

“I’m not going to last long if you do that,” I said, feeling myself ready to orgasm already.

Rachel backed away slowly, sucking my dick with a tremendous amount of force as she did. I nearly fucking lost it right there. “In that case, you better fuck me right now,” Rachel again laid out onto the ottoman as she spoke, once more spreading her legs to me.

This time I didn’t hesitate. There was no more reason to overthink everything. I dropped my shorts and got between her legs, pushing my dick into her entrance. It slid in with almost no resistance and I couldn’t help but wonder if the woman could even feel me. But then I felt something I’d never felt before. My dick felt a hard squeeze, and the surprise of it made me stop. I felt Rachel’s pussy relax and then squeeze me once again.

“Like that?” she asked, meeting my eyes, a gleam of a smile on her lips. She knew I liked it with out me saying anything.

I nodded, “That’s amazing,” I said in wonder.

“That’s years of Kegel exercises for you. Nichole’s started doing them, but it takes a while to develop those pelvic floor muscles,” Rachel explained. “But give it time, someday she’ll be able to grab hold of you and not let you go.”

I thrust in again as Rachel relaxed. Her arms reached out and embraced me, and our sex became passionate, almost loving, and that made me feel like I should be uncomfortable. The fact that I wasn’t worried me. For the first time I was the unfaithful one, fucking another woman. She pulled me in tightly and we kissed deeply as we coupled. Her legs wrapped around me and I couldn’t believe this was actually happening to me. Rachel’s body wasn’t at tight as my wife’s, but she was so sensual and touched and caressed me in a way that made every nerve in my body come to life.

I could hear my wife’s cries through the bedroom door, and the level of lust I felt was such that nothing else in life mattered at that moment. The house could have been burning to the ground and I wouldn’t have cared. I came once again, and Rachel expertly used her own fingers to bring herself off shortly after.

We laid there for several long minutes, each catching our breath. I couldn’t stop my fingers from feeling her breasts, my fingers enjoying the feeling of lightly gliding over the sensitive skin around her nipples. Her breasts were softer that Nichole’s and sagged a little, light creases shown in the skin, but they were still beautiful.

“Take me to bed?” she asked, kissing me again on the lips.

I nodded and we picked up our clothes and went to the room on the other side of the hall. The room was large, spacious, and had its own bathroom off to one side. I ceiling fan spun slowly overhead, giving a light breeze. Nichole’s cries continued to fill the house, although the decibel level had diminished some. I took Rachel once more before she curled her back into my chest and pulled my arm over her form. She quickly fell asleep.

I laid there for a long time, admiring the beauty of the older woman, enjoying the scent and feel of her skin. Eventually, I fell into a light sleep, but was awakened a couple of hours later, hearing the obvious sounds of sex coming from the other bedroom. After twenty minutes, the house fell silent again. I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying such an intimate cuddling with Rachel. She was twenty years my senior, but my heady emotions filled my brain like a thick fog.

Was this how Nichole was feeling toward Marcus, I couldn’t help but wonder. I came to the conclusion that she probably did. If anything, it was probably even more intense. These feelings I was experiencing were so powerful that it terrified me. I realized if we didn’t stop our ‘exploration’ after this weekend, that it would become much harder to quit the longer we continued. The lust I was feeling screamed at me to continue, and I knew I wanted to, despite the rational side of my brain trying to intervene. But that could be a bridge we cross in a couple of days. I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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