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Unread post by goyse » Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:32 pm

Another story written on request.

Candy’s desires Chapter 1 – Meeting Tod.

Sitting quietly at the bar minding her own business, Candy noticed the man across on the other side of the bar eying her off. She continued to sip her drink pretending that she didn’t notice but at the same time she was taking him in, weighting him up, and waiting. She knew that it wouldn’t take long before he approached her. She had done this before. The question in her mind was, ‘is he a suitable victim?’ She needed to know first.

She could usually pick them but she had made a mistake a few weeks earlier and now she was a little more cautious. It was not that she didn’t enjoy any man’s attention but she preferred them to be a little bit better endowed than her husband and they must not become possessive. They were the two essential conditions that she had before committing to anything with a new man.

She hoped that her husband would not arrive too soon. Her experience told her that the sight of a woman’s husband would most likely scare him off. She made her appraisal and decided to go with it. All that was missing now was for her to check out his boot size and then tempt him a little more.

She finished her drink, stood up and headed across to the other side of the bar to make her way to the ladies. As she walked out of the corner of her eye she could see him watching her. By the time she had reached the opposite side of the bar, he had turned in his seat. ‘This was a cheeky one,’ she thought. Most would pretend they had not seen her but it suited her because she could now see that he was wearing about a size 10 boot. Not huge but not small either. ‘He will do,’ she thought.

She raised her head to look him in the eye then she smiled. He nodded then lowered his eyes to study her body. She arched her back slightly and pulled her stomach in, not enough for him to notice but enough to make her almost perfect breasts protrude just a bit more than they would have. Not that she needed to do that. Her breasts were her key asset combined with the camel toe that she proudly displayed when she was on the hunt and tonight she was on the hunt.

She walked past him into the ladies. She entered a cubical and dropped her panties. She didn’t need to pee but watching him had turned her on and she wondered how wet it made her. She slipped her hand inside her skin tight leather pants and slid it along her slippery wet slit. She grinned knowing that soon she would have something to look after that urgent desire she had inside her.

Next, she checked her shoulder-length dark hair in the mirror and was about to wash her hands went she changed her mind with a grin then instead raised her fingers to her face and sniffed the odour. “Yes,” she said out aloud. “Maybe he will detect the odour and that will do the trick.”

Back in the bar, she moved in beside her victim. He immediately turned toward her and asked, “Alone tonight?”

Candy was caught off guard and simply turned towards him and smiled.

“I’ve seen you here before with your husband,” he told her.

“I see,” she answered. This didn’t sound good to her. He knew that she was married.

He must have noticed her shock and disappointment in her eyes, “Don’t be surprised. It’s okay, I’m not going to cut and run. What are you drinking?”

“If you’ve seen me here before you would know, wouldn’t you?” she asked thinking to turn the element of surprise back onto him.

He waved to the barmaid. “Gin And Tonics over here please, love.”

Candy smiled, “you have been watching me then, but why?”

“I like what I see. You’re the most attractive woman that I’ve seen in years and I think that you and I would get along fine.”

“Where does that leave my husband? Remember you told me that I’m married.”

“Well, that depends on him but usually the husbands like to watch and I don’t mind if they do as long as they are upfront about it and don’t interfere. Why don’t you invite him over and let him join us.”

“Invite him over? What do you mean?”

“Yes, invite him over. He just came in and is sitting over near where you were earlier. He’s watching us.”

Candy turned and saw Michael watching them. She raised her hand and waved to indicate he should come across. Michael shook his head to indicate that he didn’t want to but she smiled and waved him across again. Once more he shook his head. “We’ll have to go across to him,” she said. Then she had a thought, “I don’t even know your name.”

He smiled, “I’m Todd. You’re Candy, aren’t you?”

“How did you know that?”

“I told you that I have been watching you hoping that you’d notice me. I found out your name from the barman. Your husband’s name is Michael. He’s a good husband to you but he leaves you unsatisfied at times or so I’ve been told.”

“And who tells you these stories? Do you always believe everything that people tell you?”

“Telling my source would mean you could never trust me ever again. If I was a person who squealed no one could ever trust me. But if what I’ve been told is untrue then tell me and I’ll believe you rather than a rumour monger.”

“It’s up to you to find out the truth. I don’t squeal either. Come on, I’ll introduce you to Michael. I think he might enjoy meeting you.”

“I think he might too. From what I’ve seen you often leave him out but I won’t do that to him. If this works for you and me I’d rather he be involved as well. I want him to know that.”

“You’re not bi, are you? I don’t think Michael is into that sort of stuff?”

“No, I’m not bi. At least as far as I know I’m not. I just like beautiful women and there aren’t many as beautiful as you are, not that I’ve met anyway.”

“Flattery will be you everywhere,” Candy told him with a nervous laugh as she stood from her seat. “Come on, let’s join Michael.”


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:44 pm

Chapter 2 to keep things moving.

Candy’s Desires Chapter 2

“Michael,” Candy said as she walked up to her husband holding Tod's hand, “This is my friend, Tod that I have met. He asked to meet you.”

Michael looked up at the big man then pushed his hand out toward him, “I’m pleased to meet you, Tod,” he said.

Tod smiled as he shook Michael’s hand and replied, “I’m pleased to meet you as well. You are a lucky man your wife is strikingly beautiful.”

Michael nodded his agreement while giving his wife a smile then turned back to Tod. He was not surprised that the man might want to meet him under the circumstances but was very surprised by the size of the man’s hands. He had stood as his wife and Tod approached but found he was well short of the man’s height and stature. Michael estimated that he was close to a foot taller than he was and significantly wider across his shoulders although not so at the hips and then there were those hands. Michael remembered how his wife had told him that she always looked at a man’s shoes to determine the size of his penis. Given the pure size of the man he couldn’t help himself, he looked down.

Tod chuckled, “Size ten.” He said.

“I’m sorry, I missed that. What did you say?” Michael asked looking back up to his face.

“I said I take a size ten shoe. I noticed your wife checking my boots out as well. I’ve heard the rumours too. The rumour is not true you know. It is all make-believe. Did you know that Candy,” He told them as he looked Candy in the eye?

“You’re assuming a lot, Tod,” she informed him.

“Alright, I admit I’m wrong, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

Candy laughed as Michael’s face turned red in embarrassment. “I didn’t say you were wrong. I just said you were assuming a lot. Anyway, why do you believe the rumour is not true?”

“Oh, now, that would be giving away a personal secret, wouldn’t it?”

“So your boot size is bigger than the other,” she giggled as she said it.

“No, I didn’t say that either. I just said the rumour is not correct. If you want to find out how that relates to me you will have to obtain your husband’s permission. What do you think, Michael? Should Candy get to know why I believe the rumour is incorrect?”

Michael had got over his embarrassment at being caught out. “I'm sure Candy will work out some way of finding out.”

“How do you feel about that?”

Once more Michael had reason to blush. “I don’t tell my wife what to do or not to do. She is her own person and makes her own decisions.”

“With your permission, I’m assuming.”

“Usually that’s the case, yes.”

“So moving on from that, Michael, what is it you expect from me if she wants to find out why I think the rumour might not be true?”

Michael had never met a man who was so outspoken and honest about what he might have in mind for his wife. He always expected that her ‘boy friends’ as she referred to her lovers would sneak her off and then she would return to tell him what had happened. He enjoyed the stories that she told him and they usually made love as she told him. On one occasion he actually spied on them from a distance and to him it was terribly exciting and erotic but usually, the men avoided him like the plague. But now Tod actually was encouraging him to talk openly about her affair if it was to become an affair. He liked it even though it embarrassed him.

Michael looked at Tod then across to his wife then back to Tod. ‘Fuck it,’ he thought. ‘if he wants to talk why not?’

“I expect that you protect Candy. Make sure she is not hurt and expect you to protect my marriage to her.”

“I can agree to that. What else?”

“I don’t know. I guess we should keep what happened between you and her and not divulge it to anyone.”

“What about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean can we talk to you about what we do, where we go, what we’re thinking. Can we share that with you or do you not want to know?”

“I haven’t had a need to think about it before. I guess, yes, I’d like to know about it, yes, I think so.”

“You just think so? What do you get out of it, Michael if you’re kept in the dark?”

“I’m not kept in the dark. Candy tells me things.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to see it all with your own eyes or does that frighten you.”

Michael adjusted himself in his pants. “I’ve only ever seen once and that was from a distance. Yes, I think I’d like to see more.”

“Good, I can see you’re getting erect just thinking about it so I’m here for you and Candy. I want to make love to your wife, Michael but at the same time I want you to get as much out of it as is possible so the only way we can achieve that is to make sure that you’re there whenever you can be.”

“Thanks for that.”

“So I want to set a couple of ground rules for us. Is that okay with you Candy?”

Candy looked at the two men with a serious expression on her face, “I was wondering when you men were going to involve me in this conversation. It’s me and my body we’re talking about here.”

Both of them looked at Candy neither spoke for a few moments then Candy burst out laughing. Tod smiled. Michael tried to explain, “I think the way Tod is going about this is the right way, honey. He doesn’t mean any harm.”

“I’m joking, Michael but always remember that the final decision will be mine.”


“So what are these ground rules, Tod?”

“I want the right to take you on dates.”

“That sounds as if you’re planning on a long term relationship?” Candy observed.

“If it works out for the three of us, yes, that would be nice. Are you okay with that Michael?”

“I guess so.”

“The second point is that if any one of us decides it needs to end that we do it in an adult-like fashion by sitting together and discussing it. Once it ends there should be no agro toward each other.”

Both Michael and Candy nodded.

“Okay, are there any rules that you insist on?”

Michael spoke first, “Just the two that we have already mentioned, Candy must not be hurt and our marriage comes first. It must survive.”

“I can agree to that,” Tod stated, “Candy, do you have anything to add?”

“No, only when do we start?”

Tod stood. He smiled at Candy and then down at Michael. Candy stood up beside him and took his hand, “Are you coming, Michael?”

Michael looked up at them and asked, “Are you sure you want me there with you? I’m not used to watching.”

“Well, tonight we’re going to change that, Michael. Tonight I want you to officially hand over your wife to me and watch while I make love to her. Once you have done that you will be her husband and I will be her lover but don’t worry I’ll share here with you…….” Tod hesitated to stare directly into Michael’s eyes before he added, “Occasionally, that is.”

Michael nodded. “Okay,” he said but didn’t attempt to stand.

“I know Michael you don’t want us to know that you have a very hard erection but you will get used to that and no one will think less of you for it. It is normal that a cuckold gets excited when he gives his wife away to a bigger, better man.”

Still, Michael didn’t stand.

“Okay, what is it, Michael?”

“It’s just that you’re a black man and everybody is looking across at Candy and me. She’s never been with a black man before. If we all leave together they will all know.”

“Yes, I know but Isn’t that what makes you feel more excited than you normally would?”

“Yes,” Michael replied, “but many of them are my friends and I work with a couple of them.”

“What, you don’t want to make them jealous. Come on, man stand up and let’s get this show on the road. Your wife is waiting and we should never keep a woman waiting for what she really, really wants. Besides, they have seen Candy holding my hand all this time so it’s too late to keep it a secret, isn’t it?”

“I guess,” Michael stood and while looking at the floor he followed his wife and soon to be lover out to the car park.

“You drive your car, Michael. Candy and I will follow behind,” Tod told him as he led Michael’s wife across to his jet black Cadillac. Michael and Candy didn’t know it then but life for them would never be the same again.


Re: Candy

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:35 pm

WOW WOW and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an amazing surprise!!!

Fresh Sunday morning and what news!!! A new story of one of the best writers I know and who I love to read!!! Special and really care about details, feelings and great well connected stories with plausible and realistic plots!!!

Congratulations for this new story, I LIKE IT A LOT so far!!!
Last edited by OOAA on Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:45 am

Hi OOAA, Hope all is well with you. I'm back to Marcus, Oscar and Irene this week. Thanks for your support. Comments like yours are what keep me trying with my stories.

For now, Chapter 3 of Candy. It was to be six chapters long but I got a little carried away and changed direction mid-story so ended up with 13 chapters and even then a picture of their future was still forming in my mind. I think it is worth publishing but let's see how you like it.


Candy’s Desires Chapter 3 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

When Tod reached his car he opened the passenger side door for Candy to enter. She took her seat then he closed the door before turning toward Michael to say, “We’ll follow you to your place.”

Michael was taken back. He was hoping to talk to Candy about what was happening. Things were happening fast, faster than he was accustomed to and he had never before been included like this. He wanted to know if Candy was okay with this change. He also had a few doubts about how he might feel actually being there with his wife and her new lover but it seemed like it was now too late.

“Are you okay, man,” Tod asked him when he just stood there.

“Yes, I guess,” came the reply.

“Okay, well let’s go then. Where’s your car?”

“It’s on the other side of the parking lot.”

Tod looked across and could see there was a clear road across to the other side so he told him, “Jump in the back and I’ll run you across to your car then.”

Michael climbed in and Tod slowly drove across. As they neared the furthest fence Michael told him, “my car is the little grey Toyota in the next row.”

Tod stopped. Michael climbed out, leaned against Tod’s door and said, “Candy can show you the way. I’ll grab a couple of drinks for us.”

“That’s good. I should stop at the drug store anyway just to be sure if you understand?”

“Yes, that makes sense. I’ll catch you there.”


Tod stopped outside the drug store. He went to get out but Candy put her hand on his arm and said, “Do you mind if I come with you?”

“Yes, if you’d like to but why? Most women would not want to be there when I ask for condoms.”

“I want to see the shop attendants face when you ask him, knowing that I’m with you.”

“You’re a real sicko, aren’t you?” Tod told her with a chuckle.

“You don’t know half of it, lover boy.”

“Come on, let’s do it.”

They walked across to the shop. Tod selected his XL condoms off the shelf and walked across to the attendant. While waiting to get served Candy stood beside him and suddenly cuddled up to his arm as the attendant went to serve them. Tod grinned as she did it.

“Having a good night,” the attendant asked him.

“Not bad, mate, how about you?”

“Nowhere near as good as yours, I’d say.”

“Well, we hope so,” came Candy’s voice.

The attendant didn’t answer. He took the money and handed Tod his change. Tod looked at him and he appeared distressed but there was nothing he could do so he left the shop with Candy on his arm. When he got to the car he stopped then turned around to Candy, “Okay, what was that all about? You knew him didn’t you?”

“He keeps trying to win on to me. He won’t give up. Maybe he might now.”

“That’s cruel, Candy.”

“Yep, it was cruel but necessary. I shop there and he hangs around like a bad smell.”


Michael got held up collecting the drinks. There were several people in front of him and only one assistant. It seemed that everybody wanted to talk about everything. By the time he left the shop he knew what the weather was like for the next week, where the fish were biting, where the neighbours were spending their summer and who had won the baseball but despite that Michael was patient and he was polite even though he felt like yelling “Shut up,” several times.

So by the time he got home he was at least fifteen minutes behind Tod and his wife. He opened the door and called, “I’m back, honey.” There was no answer.

He walked through to the lounge room to find Candy on her knees in front of Tod and the biggest black cock in her hand that he had ever seen or is ever likely to see. He stopped in his tracks and just stared.

Tod looked over to him chuckled and asked, “Are you alright, mate?”

“Jesus, that thing is huge.”

“I told you it had nothing to do with boot size. To match my boot size you’d have to cut a couple of inches off it.”

“Can you handle that, Candy,“ He asked?

“She’ll handle it alright Michael and she’ll enjoy it better than anything that has ever happened to her. You had better put the drinks down and come join us here.” Tod told him patting the seat beside him.

Michael did as Tod suggested. He bought back a couple of drinks for them as well. After he sat down he asked, “Are you going to suck it, honey?”

Candy looked up at her husband. “I’m not sure it will fit in my mouth but I’ll try.” She opened her mouth as far as she could and slipped the head inside. Tod let out a groan.

“That feels good, Candy but watch those teeth of yours. Maybe you should just stroke it and lick it like you had been doing for now. Why don’t you move your but around toward Michael and let him prepare you for me.”

Candy looked up at him and said, “I think I should have a pee first before we get too into this.” With that, she stood and disappeared down the hallway to the bathroom.

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Re: Candy

Unread post by demonic1000 » Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:28 am

I'm so excited for more!


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:32 pm

Hi Demonic, You took my breath away because your photo on your profile looks exactly as I pictured Candy!! Welcome and here is Chapter 4.

Candy’s Desire Chapter 4 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

When Candy reached the bathroom she had her pee then stood with her left foot on top of the toilet seat. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a tube of ky jell. She pulled out an applicator with a spout on it from the bottom of her bag fitted it to the tube of ky, slid it a couple of inches inside her vagina and gave the tube a squeeze.

The results were a sizable squirt of cold jell inside of her which made her shiver and clamp her legs together. She waited a few seconds for the jell to reach her body temperature during which time she replaced the cap on the ky and flushed the applicator with water before placing it back in its cartridge. She pushed a couple of fingers inside to spread the jell around her opening. She then took some toilet paper and removed any excess jell from outside her pussy. Finally, she slipped two fingers back inside her to test the slipperiness of her preparation.

She smiled with the results, picked up her bag and returned to the lounge room to the men. She wandered over to Michael to sit on his lap. “Kiss me,” she said. Michael was happy to oblige.

Tod stood and said, “I’ll use the toilet and let you and Candy talk a little.”

“Thanks, mate,” Michael replied.

As Tod walked up along the passageway Candy asked, “Are you okay with this, honey?”

“Yes, I think so,” was his reply.

“There is no use thinking so, Michael. Once it starts it can’t be stopped so you need to be sure that you can handle what follows. I like Tod. I like being with him.”

“You’ve been with men before and it’s always been okay.”

“Yes, that’s true I have but there are a few differences this time. As I just told you I like him and I like being with him. This is unlikely to be over in one night as the other times. Besides, you’ve never been right there with us when it has happened and the men have always been near to your size or maybe a little bigger. None of them has ever been black either.”

“Tod being black is not an issue with me. To me, he is just another man but I do worry about his size. That is one awful huge piece of meat he has there and it didn’t even seem to be fully hard yet so it might even get bigger when he gets fully aroused.”

“We talked on the way back and he explained that he often has problems with women not being able to handle him and he assured me that he would take his time with me if he needs to so that I get accustomed to his size. I have prepared myself for him so I’m fairly sure it will be okay.”

“Prepared yourself, what do you mean?”

“I’ve added some ky jelly to make me smooth. With the black thing, the reason I mentioned it was that I’ll be extremely tight so the condom could break and I’m midterm of my cycle so I’m probably near to my fertile time. If it was to happen, are you sure you would be able to handle the result?”

“Whatever happens I’ll be there standing beside you, sweetheart. You should know that by now.”

“And the other issue that Tod suggested I should raise with you is the effect it will have on me. He told me that there hasn’t been a woman that he has seduced that hasn’t felt loose for any other man who had sex with her after him.”

“My God, Candy, take me out and sit on me, please.”


“My God, the thought of that turns me on so much. You have no idea. I need you……., I need you now.”

“But Tod will be back in a moment.”

“That’s too bad for Tod. Take me out and sit on me.”

“I love you, honey,” she told him as she zipped his fly open, took him out then she turned around to let him pull her panties to the side as she sat down onto him. He slipped all the way inside her without any resistance at all. “You’re very hard,” she told him.

“Yes, the thought of him wrecking your pussy did that to me. I couldn’t help it. First, you talked of the chance of getting pregnant and then you about you becoming loose for the rest of your life.”

“You might not like it later.”

“I’ll love it. Every time I make love to you it’ll bring back memories of tonight.”

“Michael your brain is fucked up to get excited about that. I’m married to a sick fuck.”

“Yes, your husband is almost as sick as you are.”

“If he stretches me too much I might want to keep him so you might not get access to my girl things after tonight.”

“You’d do that to me?”

“If he told me I had to, yes, I would and I think he might.”

“Oh, Candy, I’m going to cum.”

“You’d better pull out then because I could be fertile.

Tod had returned and was standing to the side watching them and listening, “No, Michael, don’t pull out. There is no better lube than another man’s sperm. She may need that for this.” He held up his huge penis as he said it.

Michael looked around towards the voice and there was Tod with around twelve inches of rock hard cock sticking outwards and upwards along his body. He had undressed while watching them. In Michaels mind, Tod looked even bigger than before.

The moment Michael saw that monster and the thought of it ploughing his wife it was too late to consider pulling out. The thought drove him over the top and he blasted his sperm deep inside her. Michael held his wife, the woman he loved tightly against him, “Oh, God, I love you,” he yelled.

“I love you too,” she replied.

After the exertion, Michael felt tired and drained as he normally did after sex but he clung to her passionately. Tod sat back and watched them patiently while sliding his hand up along his length across the head then back again. Candy watched him closely as he smiled at her. His stare was like a promise to her, ‘this will be all yours shortly was that promise.’ It affected her such that she had never ever felt so turned on. Added to that she was amazed by the amount of precum that leaked from the huge purple head of Tod’s penis. Precum that Tod spread first across the head and then down along its length as she watched.

Michael was unaware of what was happening because Candy’s body blocked his vision. Eventually, Candy lifted up while saying, “Time for Tod now, honey.” As she did so she placed her hand below her pussy to catch any sperm that might leak from her but very little escaped so it seemed unnecessary. Tod had stopped working his length by the time Candy’s body allowed Michael to see Tod.

“Move over on that chair, honey and I’ll lie down here for Tod.”

“Okay,” Tod replied and moved across to the vacant lounge one-seater chair. Tod stood as Candy spread herself out across the lounge three-seater. She draped her legs over the edge then lifted one up onto the chair to spread them which allowed Tod to move in between her legs.

Tod wasted no time. He slid the giant head of his cock up along Candy’s slit then stopped and pulled back. “Michael,” he said, “As Candy’s husband it would be nice if you guided me into her as a sort of giving away ceremony.”

“Oh, that would be exciting,” Candy told them. “Come on Michael. Give me away to my beautiful black lover.”

Michael would have preferred not to but moved across to take Tod’s cock in his hand. He was amazed at how hard it felt, much more solid than his own. The comparison was like a flat bicycle type compared to one under high pressure. He had not noticed from a distance but along its length were these blood veins that stuck out of it making it look quite ugly. Its head was a good bit bigger than the shaft and was more of a purple, pinkish colour than black. The other things that surprised Michael were how the outer skin slid so easily across its surface as if it was lubricated below the skin and the huge tube at its base many times bigger than the tube on his own. In his mind, he pictured how much more sperm it could deliver to his wife each time it throbbed with a delivery tube as large as that.

As Tod pushed forward Michael aligned the big purple head with his wife’s pussy. There was no way that thing was going to get inside her even with his sperm around its entrance. He reached across with his other hand and spread her pussy lips as wide as possible then slid the big head up across her clit. Candy lifted her hips as an automatic reaction to the slippery contact with her clit. Michael pushed the shaft down as she lifted and he was amazed to see the big purple head disappear inside her. Until that moment Michael had thought that there was no chance it could possibly fit inside her.

Candy humped her back and placed her arms around the big black man’s neck and Tod kissed her. Until that moment, Michael had not been overly concerned. In his mind this was only to be a brief sexual experience for the woman he loved, Candy but when they kissed and Candy responded it was as if someone had thrust a sword into Michaels’ heart. He staggered back into the chair on the opposite side of the room thinking to himself, ‘Oh God, what have I done!’ In his excitement when Candy had sat on him, he had not fully understood what she had tried to communicate to him but now the possibility finally was starting to dawn on him bought on by his post-orgasmic blues.

By this time Tod was in a slow but solid routine motion of pull back slightly then thrust forward as they kissed. Michael was no longer looking down to where their mating was taking place but his sight was glued to them kissing. After a couple of minutes with them not breaking away from their kiss once, tears rolled down along his cheeks. He got up from his seat and wandered off towards the kitchen. As he took a drink he heard his wife yell at the top of her voice, “Jesus, I’m cumming. Oh my God, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m ccuuummmiiinnnnng……….

There was silence for a couple of minutes as Tod slowed to allow Candy to recuperate. Then Michael heard her say, “Oh God, Tod that was the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had. It almost made me pass out.”

Michael set down the glass and walked up along the hallway to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror at his red bloodshot eyes, flushed them with water from the tap, took out his cock and began pissing into the toilet bowl. Then it suddenly hit him. Tod did not have a condom on his cock. He was bareback inside his wife. He grabbed the towel off the rack, dried his face and hurried back out toward the lounge room. He had to stop them!

He was too late. He heard a loud growl from Tod followed by noises that sounded like “Huff, huff, huff, huff, huuuufff, hhhuuuuufffff.” Michael knew what that meant. Tod was filling his wife’s pussy and likely the tubes to her ovaries with his thick fertile sperm. He had ejaculated his DNA into his wife and his wife was at the middle of her period and likely near to releasing her eggs from her ovaries if it had not already happened.

“Oh, fuck! What have I done!” he yelled at the hallway walls.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:49 pm

Now for Chapter 5.

Candy Chapter 5 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

Michael stopped for a minute or two to recover his composure. All the while Candy’s words echoed in his ears, “Tod that was the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had.” That told him that this would not be over anytime soon. The fact that Tod had taken his wife bareback also told Michael that it was highly unlikely that Tod would ever make use of the condoms that he had placed on the side table earlier when they arrived home.

After a moment thinking about what had happened he decided that at this late stage there was little he could do about it now so he moved down into the lounge room. The sight that he witnessed there made him even more alarmed than he had been. Of course, the first place that he looked was at their joining.

Tod was still embedded inside his wife but a small stream of sperm was running down across her rectum and onto the carpet which told him that Tod’s erection had dissipated somewhat. Even on the floor, there was several times more sperm than Michael had ever ejaculated in any one event. As well as that even though Tod was not fully erect his penis was blocking most of it from escaping from Candy’s vagina. For the first time, Michael noticed that not only was Tod’s penis huge but the testicles that hung down below it were also quite large and they had just been emptied inside his wife in the middle of her cycle.

‘Why was I not angry?’ Michael thought. ‘Why am I so turned on by seeing this?’ He placed his hand on his by now erect cock and couldn’t believe how rock solid it was. “Why am I like this? My wife could be fertilised by this man’s sperm by now but instead of feeling angry, I’m getting sexually excited. What the fuck is wrong with me?”

It was then he looked up towards his wife and found that she and Tod were still locked in a kiss. ‘This man is not having sex with my wife,’ he thought, ‘he is making love to her. This is…….., oh, my God, I almost ejaculated.’ His fear of spilling his seed across the floor in front of his wife and her lover forced him to leave and return to the kitchen.

He took a drink of water, downed it then threw the glass into the sink. The glass shattered with a loud bang. He heard his wife say, “Tod, let me up. I must go to Michael.”

Candy entered the kitchen holding her dress between her legs. “Are you alright?” she asked him. Before he could answer she had put her arms around him and pulled him down to kiss her. The kiss lasted a few seconds something that stung Michael even more having seen her kissing Tod for who knows how long. ”Are you okay.” she asked him again.

“I’m fucked up,” he told her.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I don’t understand. I let him take you bare and now you’re probably pregnant but instead of being angry and distressed, it is making me excited.”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Michael. Remember you went first so if I do get pregnant and it’s likely then it will be your child, not his anyway.”

“That wasn’t why I was upset. I was upset because I should have been angry but I’m not. What’s wrong with me? What is happening to me that I’m enjoying the woman I love being taken by a bigger better man? It’s as if I wanted him to get you pregnant. The thought of it gave me an erection and I couldn’t help it.”

“I love you. You know that don’t you and he is not better than you? Bigger, yes but not a better man.”

Before Michael could answer, Tod appeared at the entry to the kitchen and said, “It’s nothing to worry about Michael. It’s fairly common for a man to get turned on watching his wife making love to another man. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You just want your wife to have the best that she can. And the pregnancy thing is nature’s way of strengthening the species by adding variety to the genes.”

Michael looked up and snapped at him, “How would you know that?”

“There are many books written on the subject and even websites that tell stories about it. When you have a few minutes spare do some reading on the subject. By typing, ‘why do cuckolds give their wife’s away to bigger, better men,’ into your search facility.

“Do you think you are better than me?” Michael asked feeling his pride hurt by the bigger man’s comment.

“No, not in many ways but your wife did say she had never cum so hard before.”

“So you think you’re better than me sexually? Is that it?”

“Right now, I think I should leave so that you and Candy can discuss this in private. Thanks for having me, Michael. I like you, man, I really do. I hope you and Candy can work this out because your wife is a wonderful woman and I’d really like to spend more time with you even if you decide that the sex part can’t happen again. I’ll leave my card on the bench here so you can call me when you’re ready.” With that, he picked up his clothes then turned to walk towards the door.

Candy looked up at Michael and was about to ask can I see him off when Michael told her, “You had better go to him. I’ll be out in a moment. Put your dress on first though.”

They walked to the door together as Candy adjusted her clothes to look more presentable if the neighbours were to see her. When they arrived at Tod’s car he took her in his arms then held her tightly as he kissed her.

“I’m sorry that I have to leave so early but I thought it best for you and Michael to have time to talk.”

“Yes, that probably makes sense.”

“I want to see you again. Is that alright?”

“Yes, I want to see you too but you need to promise me something first.”

“Yes, anything.”

“If we do it again, you must wear a condom.”

“I guess that’s alright but won’t there be times when we can do without, you know when there is no danger.”

“Yes, I supposed so as long as Michael agrees.”

“So, you’re handing your decision making to Michael.”

“Well, he is my husband.”

“Yes, he was but now he is your cuckold husband. Cuckolds should never try to control their wives.”

“Don’t call him that. He’s my husband and I love him and I’ll listen to what he has to say.”

Tod knew to pursue the discussion was a waste of time so he changed the subject. He had sown the seed, the idea that Michael’s opinion didn’t matter and he knew that she would think about it later and as time passed come to the same conclusion. “I’ll come to pick you up tomorrow evening and we’ll go for a drink at the bar. Is that alright?”

“Yes, that should be alright. I’ll see you around, say five then.” Tod didn’t miss that she didn’t consult Michael before deciding. His suggestion was already taking effect.

“Five it is.”


They were lying in bed. Candy had showered when she returned to the bedroom and Michael was lying there watching her. She climbed in beside him but whereas he usually hugged her when she went to bed this time he just lay there. Eventually, the silence got to her. Candy was not one to tolerate silence.

“Are you okay, Michael?”

“He didn’t answer immediately but eventually he replied, “I think so.”

“What do you mean, you think so. You’re either okay with what we did or you’re not. Tell me, are you okay.”

“I’m not absolutely sure but I think I am.”

“Explain yourself then.”

“Well, the woman I love, my wife has just had sex with another man. I should be angry. I should be upset and annoyed. I should be so hurt that I chastise you or something like that.”

“It’s happened before but you didn’t chastise me. You didn’t even feel hurt then did you? You weren’t angry then were you?”

“I had all of those things but I dealt with it because I knew that you wanted it and I believed you needed it then but this is different.”

“Different, why would it be any different now?”

“Well then the men were like me is size. You didn’t kiss the man for fifteen minutes continually before. I wasn’t directly involved so it was easy for me to pretend it was just you having a quick roll in the hay as you might say. It was you just having sex, no more, no less and then it was over. They also used protection. Tod didn’t even attempt to use a condom. There were many implications that didn’t apply before.”

“I guess there is a small chance of pregnancy but I think it might be too late in my cycle for that. If it were to happen we would have to deal with it. You would know that.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then why are you giving me the silent treatment? Is it because he is black?”

“No! It’s got nothing to do with that. I wasn’t giving you the silent treatment or at least I didn’t mean to. I just needed to think things through properly.”

“I love you, Michael.”

“I love you too, Candy.”

“I want you to hug me and reclaim me like in the stories we have read.”

“Okay, come here.” She moved over onto his shoulder and he kissed her. She responded as she always had. It made Michael feel a little better. “He’ll want to see you again, Candy. You know that, don’t you?”

“He’s coming around at five tomorrow to take me out to the bar for a drink.”

“You didn’t ask me about it and I don’t get home from work until after five-thirty.”

Candy ignored his first statement. “You can join us after you have your shower.”

“You’d want me there?”

“Of course, I would.”

“Okay then. Now roll over and go to sleep and let me get my head around this change. It’s a pretty big thing for me to come to terms with.”

Candy didn’t miss that he hadn’t tried to reclaim her. Even though she had offered she knew that it would only be a ‘wife’s duty’ fuck after what she had been through with Tod. She giggled as she rolled over and told him, “It was a pretty big thing for me to come to terms with as well, very big, even huge.” Michael didn’t think her comment was funny even though he knew that was her intent.

Candy was asleep within minutes. She dreamt of all different possibilities for the future and all of them included Tod in them. One possibility had Tod but not Michael. She stopped that version. Then in her dream, she left Tod to go look for the man she loved, Michael. Then when she found him she took him by the hand to go back to Tod but she couldn’t find him. In her heart it made her feel empty as if nothing mattered anymore. She had lost the best lover she had ever experienced.

Michael lay for hours thinking about what had happened to try to work out why any woman would want to be with a small man like him after experiencing Tod. Eventually, he dozed off and in his dreams, there was the birth of a small child. His mind refused to allow him to see if the child was white like him or coffee coloured because each time he tried to look he woke up. He then went back to sleep again but even though his dreams were pleasant, happy times with plenty of love they always ended the same way with him waiting in the maternity hospital for the birth of their son. Finally, he awoke and got out of bed to prepare for work but that feeling of an unfinished story leading nowhere remained with him all through his day at work. He just couldn’t shake it and it made him feel as if their life was meaningless, empty and loveless.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:06 pm

Candy Chapter 6 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

Michael entered the bar and looked around for his wife. It was nearly six o’clock. He had hurried home from work to quickly have a shower and get changed before driving like a lunatic to the local. All day at work he had felt concerned but he didn’t understand exactly why. He knew there were just little things that he had difficulty coming to terms with, Candy making a date with Tod without consulting him, making the date earlier than he got off work, his own oversight that led to Tod not using a condom then Candy telling him he must pull out because she was mid-cycle but failing to tell Tod the same.

The two things that worried him most though were Candy kissing Tod almost endlessly as they had sex and then her ‘who cares’ attitude to becoming pregnant by this man. This had been something they had talked about many times and it was always Candy who stated that she must not ever take chances with other men if she agreed to have sex with them. He knew that this was because of her inability to take the pill and her dedication to their relationship. So where had that gone last night?

He studied the crowd but didn’t see them anywhere. He walked through to the lounge room area but once again they were not there. Michael was starting to panic. Where the hell were they? He took out his phone and looked at it for a while. Should I call her? He looked at his hand holding the phone and it was shaking. He knew that he needed to settle down before calling. The last thing he needed now was for Candy to detect his concern and think that he didn’t trust her. Then the thought hit him, did he actually trust her. He shook his head, of course, he did!

He returned to the bar and ordered a double-strength Jim Beam. He took it in his hand to drink it and his hand was shaking so much the ice rattled in the glass. Then he saw one of his neighbours across the other side of the bar. He wondered, should I ask him? He decided not to as that may call notice to what he and Candy were doing. No, he didn’t want that but where were they?

He decided to ask the barman so he attracted his attention. The big good-natured, red-headed man came over and asked, “Do you want another Jimmy beam, Michael?”

“You know my name?”

“Yes, you and your wife have been coming in here for months. I get to know the names of all my regulars.”

“Have you seen my wife this evening?”

“Yes, she came in over an hour ago with that black man she was with last night. He and his mates booked a room out the back, number 18 I think it was and they left with their friends and a carton.”

“They left with friends, what friends?”

“That mob of guys that Tod hangs around with. They are a rough lawless lot that mob. They said they were going to party. They do that from time to time when one of them meets a new girl. It’s like an initiation into the gang.”


“Yep, that’s exactly what I thought. Does she really know what she is getting herself into? They were my thoughts exactly. I didn’t know if you knew what was happening so I couldn’t say anything in case you were party to it all.”

“Well, I knew she was going to meet me here with Tod but more than that, nothing. I’d better go see her.”

“Yep, that’s a good idea.”

“Thanks, mate.”

“All part of the service to my regulars. If you need help out there you just give me a call. She is a lovely woman, your wife. Too good for that lot of no-hopers.”

Michael walked with some urgency towards the back of the bar where there was a motel attached. He looked frantically at the room numbers searching for room number 18. He found it on the ground floor right at the back of the motel. A big black man sat on a chair at the door smoking a cigarette. Michael walked up to him and said, “I need to see Tod.”

“Tod is busy at the moment.”

He heard laughing from inside the unit then someone shout, “That’s a big one. Look at the size of the ball. She’ll know it trying to handle that one. I can’t even imagine a woman of that small stature handling something that big!” This was followed by several men laughing loudly then silence.

“Look,” Michael told the big man, “Tod has my wife with him and they told me that they expect me to join them.”

The man grinned from ear to ear, “So you’re Michael. Why didn’t you say so, man? That wife of yours is a little humdinger. She is the most beautiful woman Tod has ever made it with. You’re a lucky man, Michael.”

The shouting egging someone on continued to come from the unit. “Do you think so?” was all that Michael could muster up believing his wife was being used by several men inside that blasted unit.

“Yes, I do. She is gorgeous and those legs of hers are amazing. Go in, Michael. They have been expecting you to join them.”

Michael opened the door and almost passed out from the scene that met him. His wife was sitting on Tod’s knee. Several black men were gathered around in a half-circle each with a can in their hand watching a huge TV screen on which the highland games were being played out. A small but obviously very strong woman was under a bar set at about four metres in height. In her hand was a steel ball with a handle attached. As Michael watched she swung the ball between her legs a couple of times and then threw the ball over the bar accompanied by a cheer from the crowd both on the TV and in the room.

“God, I wish I was that ball she was swinging between her legs,” one of them said and they all laughed.

Candy looked over toward the door and jumped up. She ran across to Michael and hugged him. She then raised her face up towards him and they kissed. Tod stood and told everybody. “Forget the little bitch on the TV for now and meet Candy’s husband, Michael.” He then ran off several names as he pointed in turn at each of the men on the chairs. Michael was so relieved to know that his wife was safe that he didn’t remember any of the names but nodded to each one of the men in turn. “Well, fellows, enjoy watching the games. We have bigger and better things to do.”

As the men laughed, Tod led the way to the door holding Candy’s small hand in his oversized one. Michael followed behind.

“Enjoy your night, Candy,” one of the men called to her and Candy turned with a blushing face towards them and gave them the thumbs up. As Michael followed his wife and her new lover slowly back towards the bar he heard one of the men say, “Tod is a lucky man. I’d do almost anything to climb between her legs for a night.” Michael turned back towards the room to see all the men standing outside watching them leave. On hearing that comment he repeated Candy’s sign and gave them the thumbs up.

The man who made the comment smiled back at Michael and gave the thumbs up with both hands. “Did you see that? Her husband gave me the okay by giving me the thumbs up when I said I’d like to fuck his wife.”

“You ain’t getting nothing mate, maybe a slap in the ear but definitely no pussy. Didn’t you hear what Tod told us? This one is his and his alone. He’ll kill the man who tries it on with this one.”

“The husband doesn’t mind. He gave me the thumbs up.”

“You’ll get the thumbs up, alright. Tod’s thumb up your date, unless I’m mistaken, is all you’ll get. That’s his pussy and even the husband won’t be getting any of it shortly.”


Tod took his seat at the bar, the same one he sat at the previous night. He looked to the left of him and the two men sitting on the seats there stood up then left to find a different position at the bar. Until then Michael had not realised how much control Tod held over the environment in the bar. Not only was Tod a big man in stature he was a big man in presence and it was obvious that people in the bar respected that. Candy took the seat next to Tod then motioned to Michael to sit beside her.

“How did work go,” Candy asked him.

“Work was okay but I was a bit stressed thinking about everything,” Michael answered.

“Oh, why is that?” Candy asked.

“We can talk about it later. Let’s just have a drink and enjoy ourselves now.”

“I’d like to hear why you’re concerned,” Tod told him while looking him directly in the eye.

“I’d rather talk it over in private with my wife, Tod.”

“I see, so you’re trying to lock me out already, are you?”

Tods’ locking him out comment surprised Michael. He was not certain of how to answer it so he came back with, “No, but Candy is my wife and all husbands and wives have things they talk about in private.”

“She’s my girlfriend now and girlfriends should not let anyone lock their boyfriends out from conversations that might involve them, Michael. Candy and I have talked quite a bit today. I have asked her to become my full-time girlfriend and she has agreed. For you, that means sexually she is mine now. You can watch us if you choose but her pussy is mine and only mine now.”

Michael had no idea of how to answer that but something surprised him so he asked, “You said today. How did you both discuss this and make decisions in what is it,” Michael looked at his watch and saw it was now six-thirty, “in just an hour and a half at a bar.”

“I came around when you left for work this morning. I wanted her to make her decision without your influence. Wives should be allowed their freedom, Michael. They shouldn’t be chained to a kitchen like they used to be. This is the new age, man where wives can take a lover if and when they choose to. I told her that is what you wanted otherwise you wouldn’t be encouraging her the way you have been.”

“Candy, is this correct?”

Candy looked at the floor and nodded her agreement. She couldn’t look her husband in the eye.

“So you agreed to this without talking to me, Is that right?” Michael asked her.

She nodded again.

“Candy, look me in the eye and tell me if you agree to this. Did you or did you not agree to what Tod is saying?” As he asked Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys.

“Yes, I agreed but I wanted to tell you myself after Tod goes home tonight.”

“You’re missing one important point here in what you agreed to, Candy. Tod has no intention of going home tonight, do you Tod?”

Tod chuckled. “Are you inviting me to stay and live with you, Michael? Sleep with and fuck your wife in your bed. If so the answer is yes, I accept your offer.”

Candy looked shocked. She didn’t fully understand what she had agreed to. She thought that agreeing to have Tod as her permanent boyfriend meant that he would take her out occasionally and they would make love then he would go home to allow her to be with the man she loved, Michael who would also make love to her.

Michael stood and started walking towards the door. He then turned and looked across to his wife, “Let me know when you’re ready to come back to me, Candy. Don’t ever forget that I love you. I have since the moment I met you and I will for the rest of my life so….” He hesitated to wipe a tear from his eye, “when you’ve got this out of your system call me. You have my number.” He went to turn but then changed his mind to look back at her again, “If you need anything let me know and I’ll deliver it to wherever Tod decides he wants to shack up with his new girlfriend.” Once again he turned to walk away and once more he turned back to her, “Don’t forget that I do love you so I will forgive you when you make your decision. Don’t be frightened to tell me when you want to come home. Don’t be ashamed. I will understand.” He saw the big smile on Tod's face and had the urge to walk back and punch him out but he knew that would be exactly what would make him lose his wife forever.

Michael turned but this time he didn’t turn back. He didn’t even look back. He was shocked when the people in the bar started to clap but he was too stressed to acknowledge them. He did notice the red-headed barman who gave him a big smile and the thumbs up as he left the bar.

Candy had stood up from her bar stool. She stood there shocked with her mouth wide open. This was the last thing she expected. She did not expect that Michael would walk away from her. She knew that what she had been talked into was wrong but she felt at that moment that she couldn’t change it now.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:21 pm

Let's keep it rolling! Chapter 7.

Candy Chapter 7 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

Michael stood beside his car for around fifteen minutes before he decided not to wait for something that he hoped for but was unlikely. Waiting was simply making the hurt he felt inside him worse than it needed to be. He climbed behind the wheel of the little Toyota and started the motor. He then looked towards the bar as a patron came out. It wasn’t Candy but he saw her standing back from where they had been sitting. He could see she was pointing her finger at someone as if lecturing them. Could it be, he thought?

He sat there a little longer but then when the next customer came out he saw the barman standing beside Candy. What was happening? He couldn’t stand it any longer he either had to go back to the bar or go home. He knew to go back to the bar would make him subservient to Tod. He shook his head. That was not a reasonable alternative so he put the little Toyota in gear and slowly left the parking area outside the bar.

The traffic was light by this time but the journey was difficult. The trip was only minutes but it felt like hours. His thoughts were all over the place and most were totally irrational. He knew that he wanted Candy to enjoy this man who gave her so much pleasure and yet he didn’t want to lose her. Then a thought hit him, maybe by walking away she will feel as if he has deserted her and perhaps she might see her only option was to continue her affair with Tod at his expense. A shiver raced through his body at the thought.

“Oh, God, what have I done,” he said out loud as he climbed out of the Toyota.

“What have you done? I’d be asking your wife what she has done, Michael.” It was their neighbour who he had seen in the bar earlier.

The sound of the voice made Michael forget his stress and concern. “Hello, there. What are you talking about, Tom,” Michael asked.

“Your wife was at the bar this evening with some black men. They took her down the back into a room. I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Michael but she is up to……, “ he hesitated not knowing how explicit to be to Candy’s husband, “Who knows what.”

“I see. You saw my wife going back to a room at the bar to watch the highland games. Is that what you came over to tell me, Tom?”

“She was with a group of black men.”

“Yes, they all have the same interests. Not many people outside Scotland like watching the Highland games. You don’t watch, do you?”

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“That’s okay. Don’t feel ashamed of not knowing. A lot of people don’t watch such things but my wife wanted to watch so she joined me to watch in room eighteen.”

“Oh, I see, you were there. I’m sorry, Michael. I was only trying to help you. You know some of these black men chase married women, especially the good looking ones like Candy. They do it because when they’re finished with them they can send them back to their husbands with the consequences if you know what I mean?”

“Consequences, Tom, what do you mean by the consequences?”

“You know,” he said while holding his hands out in front of his big protruding belly. “The guy up the end of this street is raising a coffee coloured kid and wants us to believe it is an orphaned child he has adopted but we all know his wife was away for over a year giving birth to the baby of that big black man your wife is hanging around with. My wife told me that she thought she was at least four or five-month pregnant before she went away.” Once again Tom held his hands out in front of his stomach.

“Is it a boy or a girl,” Michael asked?

“What? Oh, the kid at the end of the street, I think it is a boy.”

Michael chuckled. Tom didn’t even understand that Michael was asking if his overly large stomach was going to produce a boy or a girl. “Anyhow, Tom, the mystery is solved. They were watching the Highland games.” Michael hesitated but he couldn’t help himself, “I’m fairly sure that even if that big black man did get into Candy’s pants she would make sure he rolled on a condom first. What do you think?”

Tom laughed, “I’m told they don’t like to use rubbers them black men.”

“What about golfers, Tom. Do they like to wear condoms? I’ve heard your wife goes golfing every Saturday morning with a couple of your friends.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Nothing more than you have suggested about my wife, Tom.”

“But that is different. I don’t like to play golf and Sally does and they aren’t black.”

“Okay, I see. So the same rules don’t apply if they aren’t black. Is that what you’re telling me?”

“I came here to try to help you, Michael, not to be insulted.”

“I’m sorry, Tom if I have insulted you but all I have done is raise the same question for you as you have raised for me. Do any of us really know what our wives are doing while we are at work or sitting in the pub having a quiet drink? Sure, my wife could be getting a length right now as we speak but then so could yours every Saturday. Neither of us would know unless our wives decide to tell us, would we?”

Tom recovered from his initial shock at what Michael had said to him and smiled, “You know, I never thought about it that way. Perhaps you’re right. Do you play Golf, Michael?”

“No, I tried once but I had difficulties with it all.”

“Well, I’ll make you a deal if you will play a game of golf on a Saturday and keep an eye on my wife then I’ll hang around the local bar and keep you tuned in to what goes on with yours. Have I got a deal?”

Before Michael could answer a taxi pulled up and out stepped Candy. Michael knew he had to get rid of Tom in a hurry. “A deal,” he said. Tom smiled, turned around and left. Michael knew that he may well rue the day he made that snap decision.


“I didn’t understand what he expected, Michael. Believe me. I wouldn’t sell you out like that.”

“You need to start asking relevant questions before agreeing to things, Candy. I thought you would know to do that.”

“I was a bit off my best at the time. I wasn’t thinking of consequences or expectations. I was willing to agree to anything after eight hours of what he put me through.”

“With a condom, I assume.”

“Well, no. There really wasn’t any use making him wear a condom after him pumping me full to overflowing last night. If any damage was done it happened last night so I saw no need to use one.”

“Did he refuse?”

“No, the question wasn’t raised.” Candy looked seriously at her husband as she continued, “I like it that way, Michael. I really do. If I thought that I could get away with it I would never make you or Tod wear one. It is just so much better skin to skin and when a man pumps his sperm into me the heat at the back of my vagina is indescribable.”

“You’ve never told me that.” Michael suspected that only Tod would deliver adequate sperm to the back of her vagina to give her the effect she described but he politely ignored his suspicions, this time.

“There was never any reason to tell you that because we only ever used condoms when we had to. You thought I was doing it when there was a chance to do so for your benefit but it was just as important to me.”

“Are you going to tell me about what happened after I left?”

“What would you like to know?”

“Whatever you can tell me, I guess.”

“Well, I chastised Tod for what he said to you and for him not explaining what he had planned.”

“What exactly did he have planned?”

“Just about everything you said he did. He admitted it saying that he wanted me to himself and the only way he could achieve that was to move in with me into our bed.”


“What are you asking, Michael?”

“Did you respond? Did you agree to it? How do you feel about it? What did you tell him?”

“I told him I needed to talk to you about it.”

“So you didn’t tell him no?”

“I didn’t tell him that in so many words, no. I told him that he had left you out and that was a foolish thing to do. I told him that I love you and would do almost anything to protect your interests and that if we did come to an arrangement then it had to be acceptable to you.”

“What did he say to that?”

“He called me his girlfriend and told me that if I wanted him as my boyfriend then I had to do as he said not as some…….,” She appeared lost for words but continued, “You know what wants.”

“And what is a you know what?”

“Do you really don’t want to know,” Candy looked at him as he nodded his head to tell her he wanted to know. “I think the words he used were a little dicked, sissy, cuckold husband.”

“So that is what you think of your husband now, is it?”

“No, I don’t and I told him so. I got angry and swore at him and told him that his bullying won’t solve the problem. He laughed and called me a stuck up little bitch. He grabbed his crotch and said if I want any more of this I needed to sort this out with you. The barman jumped the counter and ordered him out of the bar for speaking to me like that. As he and his mates left he told me to call him after I sort out my cuckold husband.”

“So you’re here to sort your husband out, are you?”

“No, that is definitely not the situation. I’m here to apologize to you and ask you to take me back as we were before I met Tod.”

“So Tod means nothing to you now, Is that what you’re telling me?”

“No, I’m not telling you that either. I like Tod. He does what no other person has ever done for me, you included. I’m not going to lie to you, Michael. Now that I’ve had what Tod has to offer I’ll miss it every moment of every day but I won’t trade the man I love, the man I’m married to for it. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I think I do but why don’t you tell me exactly what you expect from me?”

“I want you to take me back as your wife. Well, let me reword that a little. I’d like you to take me back as your hotwife not just as your wife.”

“So hotwife means you want to continue to have sex outside our marriage.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Is there any conditions that go with being my hotwife?”

“Now you’re getting the message. I want you to try to make peace with Tod and to negotiate a settlement to the differences between you two so that I can continue to be his girlfriend but you are not to trade off our marriage to achieve it.”

“I see. I guess that I need to do some thinking about your proposal. What say we talk about it tomorrow morning so that I understand exactly what you expect me to trade-off to get him back?”

“That’s good enough for me. Now let me take care of that erection you have there in your pants. I’m very loose after spending most of the day in bed with Tod but we will work out a way. I love you, Michael.”

“Oh God, you almost made me cum. I love you too honey.”

“Well, let us fix this little boner for you and then we can get some sleep.” With that, she unzipped him and dropped to her knees.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:36 pm

Candy Chapter 8 – What does the future hold? A [consensual] cuckold story.

Michael was up early. He had no idea of where his conversation with Candy would lead. It seemed to him that if Tod dug his heels in it was unlikely that he would be interested in coming back to Candy unless it was on his terms. Michael’s night was a long and unsettled one. He dearly wanted Candy to become Tod’s girlfriend because it obviously meant a lot to her but the thought of moving out of their bedroom to achieve it was something that he felt was unreasonable. Yet there was little else for him to trade with.

It was obvious that Tod could have any other woman that frequented the local bar. It had only been a couple of days since he officially met Tod but he had seen him around the bar quite often and there were always women of all ages below fifty years old hanging around him trying to flirt. Candy had got her foot in the door to access the man most desired amongst eligible women of the neighbourhood and Michael believed if Tod walked away from her she would never forgive him even if she told him that she would.

He also knew that it was very likely that if they did get back together and it followed the same pathway as other affairs Tod had with other married women there would most likely be another coffee coloured child in the neighbourhood before the affair ended. Tom had not been wrong with his assertions and the young couple on the corner were not the only ones.

There was a pattern with Tod, especially so if the women were married. Tod took up with a woman usually married or with a boyfriend. They dated while taunting the old lover. Tod then moved in with the woman often in the marital home. Either the husband moved out or hung around in the background. Then suddenly the affair was over and Tod took up with another woman. Eventually, the ex-lover was seen to be pregnant or she moved away to return with a child. Sometimes the husband returned to the marriage but never seemed to return to the local bar.

Michael knew that Candy would also be aware of this pattern. He also knew that what she effectively had told him the previous night without actually saying so is that she was willing to carry Tod’s child and she expected Michael to come to terms with that. Michael had hoped that by him walking away from her at the local bar that she might have second thoughts but the way he read her request for him to negotiate with Tod was that she was saying she expected him to accept it.

“Good morning, honey,” she said.

“Good morning, how did you sleep?”

“I slept like a baby, how about you?”

“Not so well, I’m afraid. I had a lot to think about.”

She leaned down and kissed his neck. She knew he liked that, “It will work out. There is no reason to feel stressed by this. Nothing has changed from when we first decided to do this except Tod now knows that he can’t displace you from our bedroom or our bed.”

“That may be the case but I’d prefer to hear you say that he now knows that he must use a condom with you. This was to be about you having sex with other men, something that you didn’t experience when you were single. It wasn’t to be about me raising another man’s child.”

“So you have a starting point for your negotiations, then.”

“I thought that the negotiations had already started….., with you.”

“So you plan to put the responsibility back onto me, not Tod?”

“If I do something or want to do something that is not acceptable to you I don’t get to have sex with you. Why would it be any different with Tod?”

“You really ask that question knowing what Tod is like. I think you know the answer to that.”

“Well, maybe but I want you to explain it to me so we both understand what is happening here.”

“Okay, well, Tod doesn’t take orders from women. He’s the king of all bulls and he knows it so he takes orders from no woman. Women in his mind are there to be used not to use him.”

Michael just stood there and looked at her. After a while, she raised her hands as if she was questioning him. “What?” He snapped at her then continued, “You forgot to say that women let him. The only reason he can get away with it is that the women accept it. You accepted it last night. He belittled me but he could only do that because you let him.”

“Michael, I wasn’t going to tell you this but yesterday he had sex with me from around eight o’clock in the morning until around four o’clock in the afternoon.” Michael’s mouth dropped open, “That’s right for eight long hours. He didn’t pull out of me once in that time. I lost count of the times my orgasm made me scream my lungs out. At one stage the intensity was so acute I actually lost consciousness. When I came around he asked did I like it and I couldn’t talk. All I could do was nod and when I nodded he did it to me again. In eight hours he only came four times. By the time you arrived, he owned me, mind, body and soul. I didn’t have the ability to ask him for anything and I probably still haven’t.”

“So you’re telling me if he wants to have sex with you bareback when you know that you’re fertile you will not raise an objection. You’ll just do it.”

“Even if I wanted to it wouldn’t change anything because he might put it on but once I get carried away he would take it off and I wouldn’t be able to stop him because with him all I feel is ecstasy, nothing else matters but the big O and man, is it a big, big O. It’s huge like nothing else on the earth. So if you depend on me to prevent me from getting pregnant then you’re going to be disappointed. That is why you have to negotiate that for us or else come to terms with the consequences.”

“He won’t listen to me.”

“Probably not but you could try,” she looked at him to see him shake his head in despair. She giggled, “If you don’t try you could take the day off and we could paint the spare bedroom.”

“You’re planning to send me to the spare bedroom now, are you?”

“No, that is one thing that I got abundantly clear with him. Yesterday was the last time that he has sex with me in our bedroom without you present. You’re my husband and you have certain rights.”

“You fucked him in our bed! You bitch! That is taking the hotwife thing too far. So why paint the bedroom. Is he planning to move in with us?”

“No, but if you aren’t willing to negotiate with Tod on this condom thing then I’ll definitely be pregnant this time next month and the spare bedroom needs painting before the baby is born.”

Michael shook his head in disbelief. “You know most guys would kick your slutty arse to the kerb over this.”

“That’s right but you’re not most guys are you. Look at that tent in your pants.” She pointed down at his crotch and sure enough, she was right. “You love this, don’t you? This turns you on no end. My bet is that you’re not even going to raise the question with Tod. You’ll just sit back and watch the fireworks. I know you and that is why I told Tod that we are not to have sex again unless you’re there with us.”

“You told him that for me?”

“Yes, this is for both of us, Michael. You keep making out this is just for me but I know it’s not. Every time we talk about me being your hotwife you get turned on like nothing else has ever turned you on before and when we talk of him doing me bare back you get turned on more. And when we talked about me having his baby I saw you flinch as if you were going to cum in your pants. You’re not going to talk to him about the protection because you want him to impregnate me. I’m right aren’t I?”

“Maybe the thought of it does turn me on but the reality is something different.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Michael took her into his arms and she raised her head up towards him and he kissed her. She went to break away from him but he held her firmly and continued to kiss her. It went on a long time before he broke away from her and answered, “Nothing, absolutely nothing.”

She laughed out loud. “Come on, take me to bed and make love to me. This may be your last opportunity and even if it isn’t it may be the last time I can feel you inside me. I’ll bet you that you can’t make me cum.”

“I’ll take you up on that. I’ve always been able to make you cum.”

“That was then. This is now.”

“So what’s the bet?”

“I put up my bum.”

“Okay so if you win I do you up the rear so what if I win,” Michael asked her with a laugh.

“Funny, you’re a funny man. If I win I want to watch you do my friend.”

“Your friend will let me seduce her while you watch," he laughed at her and shook his head. "Which friend would do that?" She nodded so he asked, "Who is this friend and why would she even think about it?”

“It’s a long story but it’s Jill. She likes you. She told me that if ever we split up she would show an interest in you. She has been going through a rough patch. She doesn’t want to get into a relationship but she still wants to have sex. She was talking about hiring a man for the night but I told her not to because I needed someone to keep you happy for a while.”

“So how does that work if she is keeping me busy?”

“Tod wants to date me same as boyfriends and girlfriends do all over the world. I’d get her to spend the night with you until I come home.”

“So how does that allow you to watch us?”

“I was thinking about cameras in our bedroom and in the spare room as well.”

“That doesn’t fit in with me being there. Does it?”

“Yes, it does. You do her while we are out on the date then she leaves once we get home so you can join us.”

“I suppose it could be made to work but I’d feel guilty making love to some other girl.”

“Don’t kid yourself. I can tell you that if the sex is good you’ll get over that in a big hurry. Come on, for now, let me take care of that dickette of yours.”


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:56 pm

Candy Chapter 9 – Do they call this negotiation. A [consensual] cuckold story.

Negotiations take planning and a lot of preparation directed towards achieving a result. Everybody knows that, even Michael but after three hard days of preparation for his negotiations with Tod all he could come up with was a day off work to catch up with Tod and three sentences on a slip of paper.

Accountants go into negotiations with reams of paper showing mathematical models of how the total economies of the world work and how to make them work better, hopefully. Unions and Management go into negotiations with the history of industrial relations over recent years and how it all applies now, failures of IR application today and how businesses can make more money to share around with the workforce if their plan is adopted and they always have a well-documented plan.

Lawyers go into negotiations with the criminal history of their clients, other applications of the law related to their client’s crimes and how better to minimise the impact on their client(s) by not punishing them. As well as that they come armed with pages and pages of words that no one has ever deciphered to confuse their clients, their opposition and the court if the case ever gets there.

Michael knew all this. He also knew that his wife, Candy was the most important person in his life and probably would remain so until he departed this life, at least that is what he hoped would happen. So he came prepared. Right! Yes, he did, of course, he did.

He had three lines on a slip of paper. It consisted of 1, Get Candy and Tod back together, 2, Ask Tod to wear a condom when they have vaginal sex, 3, Tell Tod that if he has sex with Candy in our bedroom I need to be there. He had scratched out the word ‘must’ to replace it with ‘have to be.’ But then there was the extra bit, a day off work. He had made no appointment with Tod. He had thought of calling by getting Tod’s phone number off Candy but then thought that she may believe that he thinks that she doesn’t have his number so he didn’t want to embarrass her by asking so he changed his mind about that.

Michael was on a loser’s mission. Sure, even Michael knew that but he was backed into a corner that he was desperate to get out of but didn't know how to do it. Sure if his plan was to get Candy and Tod back together the one thing that could achieve that was for her husband to ask for it with no conditions and really the only condition that Tod was likely to agree to was to fuck Michael’s wife in front of him in his own bedroom. Tod would give almost anything to do that while he knew she was fertile without protection. The without protection was the hang-up, the decider, you might say. Michael knew it before he even thought of meeting with Tod. Michael thought he may have a chance of delaying the inevitable but stopping it, was highly unlikely.

He entered the bar just after opening time. The red-headed barman was present as was an elderly local resident who had been first into the bar for the last twenty years or more and seldom left before it closed except when he was carried out. Drinking all day was exhausting work.

He pulled up a stool and the barman came over, smiled at him and asked, “How is Candy after her spit up with Tod?”

Michael was taken back by the straight question, straight to the jugular it felt like to him but the barman was in Michael’s mind a friend so he didn’t show his shock at the question, “She’s okay.”

“She was a bit taken by Tod. I could tell by the way she looked at him. I thought she would be heartbroken but then I guess you are happy with the outcome.”

“Once more Michael was stumped by this straightforward approach by the barman who he always considered a friend. “Why would I be happy,” he replied.

“You got your wife back so I thought you would like that idea. You know that about ten per cent of the kids roaming around this area are sired by Tod, don’t you? If he keeps going at the rate he has been he will have to change suburbs to find new women to knock up. You want to be thankful that Candy stood up for you or she would have been one of those in his club.”

“Candy stood up for me?”

“Yes, she did. She told him that it is off unless he can show some respect for you.”

“I see.”

“Tod told her to chase after you if she felt that way. Then he told her that he shouldn’t have to show respect for cuckolds. She stepped back from him and turned towards the door. I thought she was going to leave but then he said, Go on, and go if you would rather be with him than me. Don’t expect me to beg for your pussy. I can get any pussy I choose. So leave if you want to.”

“What did she do?”

“She had her G & T in her hand. She threw it into his face. I thought he was going to punch her out. He raised his hand but by then I had jumped the bar and stood between them.”

“What did Tod do then?”

“He put his hand down, took a swig from his glass then told her to come to sit down on her stool and talk to him about it. I think the reaction from the men at the bar surprised him. I was frightened that a couple of the men were going to take him on. They would be fools to do that. He can go. I’ve seen it.”

“Anyhow she told him that she had things to talk over with you. She told him that her marriage would always come first. I walked her to the door and then called a cab for her.”

“Did Tod not say anything about her leaving to go to me?”

“I wasn’t going to tell you but as you have asked. He told her that if she wanted to get back with him she was to send you to negotiate with him.”

“I see.”

The barman looked directly at Michael and nothing was said until finally, the barman asked, “You’re here to negotiate with him? Tell me I’m wrong, Michael, please.”

Michael didn’t say a word. He just looked at him expressionlessly.

“Hey, man, come on, Candy is too good of a woman to let him destroy her. Why?”

“She wants to be with him and I always told her that no matter what she wanted all she had to do was ask. She asked.”

“You do understand the consequences of getting them back together. Don’t you? You’re risking your marriage and even if the marriage survives you will need to raise his child most likely. Candy’s too good for that, Michael.”

“My God, you’ve got a thing for Candy. You have, haven’t you?”

“I just think she’s lovely, that’s all.”

“Don’t be afraid of admitting it. I’m cool with it.”

“In that case, any man who wasn’t interested in Candy would have to be more interested in you, if you know what I mean.”

“She is beautiful, isn’t she? I’m such a lucky guy.”

“You won’t be if Tod gets his way with her.”

“Yes, I know but I’m powerless to stop it unless…..,” Marcus smiled at the barman, “You really like her, right,” The barman nodded. “Do you mind answering a very personal question?” As he said it Michael looked down at the man’s crotch. It wasn’t the first time either. Some time ago he had caught his wife doing the same thing and Michael knew that Candy didn’t look more than once unless the guy was packing. He looked up and asked, “You’re packing, aren’t you?”

“Hey, I’m not into men. That’s not my thing.”

“But you’re into Candy, you said.”

“Are you offering your wife to me?”

“No, but if you were to get with her it would keep her out of Tod’s hands and she would be safe. She would be safe with you wouldn’t she?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“When do you get off work?”

“Let me tell you that if I have a chance with Candy I could be out of here in an hour. I have friends who owe me time. I’d need to dress. So what is the deal?”

“Candy gets back from the gym with the girls in about an hour and a half. I’ll tell her that I’ve invited you over for lunch with us. After lunch, I’ll tell her there are things I need to do at work and leave you with her. The rest is up to you. I’ll prime her for you and if she sees us getting along together she will follow suit.”

“So you’ll go to work and leave me there with her. You want me to seduce her?”

“Candy is my hotwife so I can prepare her for you but at the end of the day, it is you and her that have to hit it off. As for me, I won’t be too far away. If fact if you and she are getting along okay together I won’t even leave. You know, you haven’t answered my question for me?”

“If you want me to compete with Tod, the superdick there is no hope but I’m big enough to compete with most and no woman has ever complained yet.”

“Well, we have that in common, the part about no woman ever complaining but that means nothing. How long etc, etc?”

“I’ve got over nine inches and with the right environment and the right woman that could almost become ten but the reason no woman complains is that I’m thick, quite thick when I get excited.”

“Hhhhmmm, so that is what Candy was looking at. She never misses a trick. When you said the right woman, who was that?”

“I haven’t been with her yet but I’ll give you a clue. Her name is Candy. You know her well. Is there anything else?”

“Yes, I don’t know your name. Oh, and Tod is away at present. We don’t know where he is or when he is getting back.”

“My name is Greg and yes, look around the bar, Tod is not here and we don’t have any idea of where he is or when he will get back if the question is raised. I know where you live and I’ll get there in just over an hour and a half.”

“Can you make that two hours to give me a little preparation time? No promises remember.”

“Fine, two hours it is and no promises.” Michael turned to leave but Greg called to him, “Michael!” Michael turned to face him. “Thanks, I really appreciate this and she will be looked after. I promise you, she will always be safe with me and there will be no unexpected offspring, right.”

Michael laughed, “More like no offspring was what I had in mind.”

“Yes, of course, but you never know what a woman might decide if the sex is very special. That is what drives Tod, you know. It is not him who makes the decision. It is the women. I know because I hear a lot of conversations in this bar.”

“Are you saying that Candy asked him to impregnate her?”

“No, I’m not saying that, not in so many words but think about it, Michael. Candy has been watching for a long time. She knew what happens with women who get with Tod. What I’m saying you already know. She was not going to stop him. I’m right about that, aren’t I?”

“Yes, but why are you raising that with me?”

“When a woman sets her mind on something like that, it just doesn’t go away. It’s a thought in her mind that will keep coming back to her. She wants to be a mother and that desire can be very strong. What I want you to know is that if that becomes part of our relationship I will involve you so you have the right to agree or disagree. I want you to know upfront that you can trust me.”

“Thanks, Greg. I hope we don’t have to deal with that issue but if we do then I’ll keep an open mind on the subject and deal with it rationally.”

“I think both of us will be very good for Candy.”

Michael smiled for the first time in three days. He had a potential solution. He had an alternative, a plan and he was confident that it was the best one that he could ever wish for. “I think so too. Remember in just under two hours. I’ll get food for a BBQ lunch on the way home.”

“I’ll bring the drinks. See you then Michael.

“Yes, see you then and thanks. I think you might save my marriage.”


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:14 pm

Candy Chapter 10 – A candy for Greg. A [consensual] cuckold story.

It was just over an hour and a half later that the door opened. She looked around the kitchen. “Okay, what’s happening,” she asked?

“We have a visitor coming for a BBQ lunch.”


“No, Tod has disappeared. No one there knew where he was or when he would be back. I struck up a conversation with Greg and invited him for lunch.”

“Greg, black Greg, you invited one of Tod’s mates over here? Tod will kill him?”

“No, I invited barman Greg. We got to talking and he told me how much he admired you and how he wished he was Tod. So after talking for a time I did my negotiations with Greg. I’ve noticed you eyeing him off so I knew you would be interested.”

“You did my negotiations with the barman on my behalf without consulting me?”

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t in a position to talk to you about it and it was an opportunity so if I didn’t take it up it may not have been there tomorrow. Besides, honey, last night the thought of a coffee baby just didn’t fit right with me. We have no Tod but we have a Greg. Not as impressive maybe but you know he fits the objective. Besides he is only coming over for a barby. Anything more is up to you and him I guess.”

“So you’ll accept a red headed kid but not a coffee coloured one, is that what you’re saying,” she said with a chuckle.

“If that is the objective, then yes, I’ll accept it for you but only for you.”

Candy giggled. “He’s not as long as Tod so your little wriggly things just might stand a change against Greg but he is packing as well so he must be thick and have big balls.”

“I saw you looking. I knew he was a candidate.”

“I can imagine you watching me looking at him with your little boner sticking out in your pants,” she told him with a giggle. “Yes, honey, I think you have done well. Now I see this talk of big dicks is turning you on. Do we have time before he arrives? I’m sweaty but very horny. A quickie with my lovely husband is just what I need to really put me in the moody for more. Besides it will save on lube for what Greg has in those bulging out pants of his.”

“I love it when you talk like that. You’re going to let me go bareback?”

“Yes, I can tell you like it and yes, if Tod can go bare you can too.” She giggled again as she made an observation, “You might not be big, Michael but you certainly push out those pants of yours when you get excited. I was just thinking. Do you mind if I ask Jill to join us for lunch?”

“No, I don’t mind but wouldn’t it be better if there was just the three of us, initially that is. Maybe we could go out to a restaurant tonight and invite Jill to join us if it works out with Greg.”

“Okay, we are short on time so let’s get our quickie over and done with before Greg gets here.”


The door chime went off just as Candy came down from the bedroom.

“Can you let Greg in, honey? I’m just finishing off marinating the steaks for the Barby.” As he said it he looked up and his mouth dropped open with surprize. “My God, that will get him going.”

“Well, the idea is to seduce him isn’t it?”

“Yes, if you want to but I didn’t expect to be able to see your tits though a see through top and is that your pussy down there I can see or am I just imagining it?”

“I have a skin coloured thong on to cover the essential parts but I have to tell you that I will have to get a wider thong if I keep seeing men like Tod and Greg.”

Michael laughed, “Somehow, I don’t think it is the seeing part that is making you gape, honey. Now go get the door and give Greg an erection so we can see how big he really is.”

Candy opened the door. Greg had set the drinks down as he waited. His eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw what Candy was wearing. She moved her body in against him, put her arms around his neck then pulled him into a kiss.

He kissed her back without hesitation. Then as they broke their kiss he told her, “I finally get to hold you. I’ve wanted to do that for months now.”

“I looked forward to this day as well. Come on in. I’ll help you with the drinks.”

“Michael, is he okay with this?”

“He must be, after all he organized it. You talked to him, didn’t you?”

“Yes, and he seemed alright about it. I just thought I should check with you first, that’s all, to make sure.”

“Let’s join the chef.”

Greg picked up the drinks then handed her the gin and tonic while he handled the beers and the Jim Beam. They walked close together towards the kitchen. Michael turned to meet them. He put his hand out and the men shook hands.

“Honey, he said, could you take Greg into the lounge and together select some music, maybe something like Neil Diamond. Something you and Greg can dance to if you feel like it.”

“Are you suggesting that I should seduce Greg, honey?”

Michael was surprised by her being so open about it, “Yes, I’d like that very much. What do you think, Greg?”

“I agree with you Michael. Your wife is the most beautiful and sexiest woman that I’ve met in many years. To be with her will be better than any dream that I’ve ever had.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere, Greg. Michael, delay the steaks I’m taking Greg to our bedroom. You're welcome to join us if you choose.”

“Go ahead and I’ll join you as soon as I’ve finished here. I really don’t want to miss anything but I must finish with the steaks. I imagine we will be hungry afterwards.”


Michael finished what he had to without rushing giving Candy and Greg time to get properly acquainted. He washed his hands then wandered up the stairs to the master bed room. The door had been left open. He peeped in not wishing to disturb anything that may have started before he arrived.

“Come sit here, honey,” Candy told him, “We have been waiting for you to join us.”

Michael smiled, surprised that they had not commenced without him. He took his seat on the side of the bed where Candy had indicated after shedding his clothes. Both Candy and Greg were nude. Candy was on her back with her legs spread while Greg lay between them but had turned towards him as he sat down. Michael couldn’t help looking and was surprised at how thick Greg was. He was at least as thick as Tod possibly even slightly thicker. He had been correct when he had told Michael that he was between nine and ten inches in length. As he looked a large drop of precum had formed at his tip and slowly dropped towards Candy’s inner leg on a long string of fluid.

Seeing Michael looking at him Greg smiled and also looked down as he told Michael, “You can touch it if you wish. I can see you’re impressed.”

“It’s very thick and yes, you’re right, it is very impressive. Candy is going to love this.” He then noticed the droplets of precum in different places around Candy’s inner legs and thighs. “You leak a lot, Greg.”

“Yes, well, it has been a while since I’ve been with a woman and Candy is very special so I think he is keen to get started and more excited than usual.”

“You could have started without me.”

“No, Candy said to wait and I agree with her. This should be for all three of us, Michael. I don’t want to ever leave you out or make you feel that I’m trying to displace you. Candy and I talked about it while we waited for you and we both agree that for this to work out we must never intentionally bypass you. Candy has a special request for you." He looked at her, "Candy,”

“I’d like you to give me away to Greg as we read in the stories, Michael.” Michael knew that what she meant was as he had done with Tod but was not wishing to disclose that to Greg. “Would you take hold of Greg and guide him into me?”

“I’d like that, yes, I will.”

“Okay, I’m ready when you are.”

Michael moved down the bed to where he could easily take hold of Greg. By this time another rather large bead of precum has about to fall away. Michael placed his hand around the head to collect the fluid and then took his fingers and collected as much as he could from around Candy’s inner legs and thighs to rub it along Greg’s shaft making him slipperier as if he had been coated in lube. He knew that it was likely that Candy had placed some internally as well to aid his entry although he also knew that Candy hadn’t cleaned herself after they had sex.

Once more Michael was amazed at how slippery the skin felt along Greg’s shaft as he had with Tod and how much larger the head of his penis was compared with the thickness of the shaft, so very different to his own. He wondered if this was typical of all well-endowed men. Then there were the thick veins and the absolutely massive testes that hung in their bag below his legs. Greg may have been outdone by Tod when it came to length but Tod’s testes although large didn’t come near Greg’s huge sack of sperm makers.

Candy was watching him and asked, “He’s magnificent, isn’t he? He’s a sex God and has the tackle to match. He’s more like a stallion than a human down there. Please put him in me, honey. Give my little pussy to Greg, the sex God.”

Michael smiled up at her and told her, “I love you Candy and I love the things you say.”

“Yes, and I love you too, Michael. Thanks for doing this for me. I promise you that you will not regret it.”

“Yes. Thanks from me too Michael for sharing this treasure of yours with me. I won’t ever forget what you are doing for us.”

Michael at that moment could not have been a more proud man or husband. He moved his hand and Greg moved with him. He placed the head in line with its goal then pushed upwards across Candy’s clit, making her respond by humping her hips then as he pushed the huge head downwards Michael was surprised at how far his wife’s pussy gaped open. Greg pushed forward and to Michael’s amazement around half of Greg’s thick cock entered her. Candy’s once neat tight pussy had been destroyed by her previous lover in their eight hour fuck marathon the week before.

Michael knew at that moment that sex for him with his once tight wife would be quite different. Was that why she was encouraging him to meet with her friend, Jill? Was his wife frightened that she could no longer satisfy him or was it that she knew that he would no longer be able to satisfy her? He watched as Greg gently pushed in then out of Candy so very different to what he had witnessed with Tod who appeared to have one thing on his mind which seemed to Michael to be on a mission to destroy her sex organs.

By comparison, Greg was a very different lover. His approach was gentle and loving not wishing her any discomfort or pain. To Michael, he was pleased with her new man. He knew in his heart that she would always be safe with Greg.

He watched his wife who had her eyes closed. Her arms were wrapped around Greg’s neck pulling his face down towards her but Greg was not kissing her as Tod had been and he knew she wanted that. He had to tell him.

“Kiss her, Greg. She loves to be kissed.”

Finally, Greg met her lips and as he did so Candy exploded in her orgasm. Michael saw her juices being forced from around his thick weapon and he felt so happy that his wife could enjoy what he could never deliver to her.

Greg’s pace quickened. Michael knew why because in their first few years together he had experienced the heat of her orgasm and he knew better than anyone how it drew her lovers toward their own orgasmic pleasure. Oh, how he wished he could still do this for her but those days had passed for them. Today, their love for each other, their memories and the fact that others could supply what she desired and needed kept their marriage strong.

Candy’s orgasmic pleasure increased a notch as Greg stroked her faster and faster. Her pleasure became too much for her and so she converted it into shrieks and moans then she yelled at the top of her voice, “Oh, Greg I love what you’re doing for me.” Michael felt as if she had stabbed him in the heart but then she called to him, “Oh, honey he’s fucking me to hell and back!” And that hot knife was withdrawn as quickly as it had penetrated him.

“Oh, Candy, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh Candy, oh Candy I’ve dreamed of this for ages. I’m cumming, I’m cumming, Oh, God, I’mmmm, ccccuuummmmiiinnngggggggg……”

Michael had not touched himself until that moment but he placed his hand around his six inches and stroked once then twice before he shot his seed down between the pair at their joining as he watched Greg’s sperm being forced out from around his cock.

At that moment for the first time ever he wished that Candy was at the height of her fertility so that Greg’s thick fertile sperm could find its home to create a life that the three of them could share together. He looked up to find Greg and Candy locked in a kiss that went on and on and on. How different it was with this man. There was no jealousy in Michael’s heart only love and admiration. Was it even possible for a man to feel love for his wife’s lover?

Michael knew the answer to that question, yes, it was possible. He knew at that very moment that he would be making sure that this relationship could continue with this well-endowed man because he was a gentle giant that could be trusted and relied upon. Michael would see to it that Greg became a big part of their lives for many years to come and yes, his doubts about spending time with Candy’s friend, Jill had been allayed because Candy now had a lover who Michael could trust to protect her and their marriage. He would accept his wife’s offer.

Michael lay back and closed his eyes as his wife and her new lover kissed in celebration of their joining. He felt so happy and contented. As he snoozed his dreams were directed at planning how to do up the spare room for the baby he knew would become part of their life in the forthcoming year. He then thought of how easy it would be to explain away a red-headed child to his family who lived interstate although his friends would all know because they would see Candy around with her new red-headed lover.

The thought made his cock rise again as the bed moved in sympathy with his wife and her new lover. I had better get the steaks on the grill he thought. If they keep making love they will be hungry shortly. Michael got up. He looked down at his wife who had broken away from the kiss of her new lover to smile at the man she loved, the man who had brought home this magnificent lover to her.

She knew as her husband did that this was going to last. Greg was too good for her to let him escape. “I love you,” she mouthed without saying the words and this told Michael they were in agreement. He smiled widely as he said out loud, “I love you both. I’ll prepare lunch for you. Take your time. There is no hurry. Enjoy.”


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:27 pm

Candy Chapter 11 – The making of a happy relationship. A [consensual] cuckold story.

The following week, Candy’s friend Jill joined them for another BBQ at their home. Greg had been there whenever he didn’t need to work so he was there of course. He sat on Candy’s side of the table so Michael could sit beside Jill. Jill was a quieter person than Candy and also a little taller but she was built like a million dollar model. Her silky blond hair hung down to the level of her bra. She had perfectly shaped breasts and she wore tight pants that pulled up into her crotch showing a camel toe that looked almost pornographic.

Michael loved her camel toe and he couldn’t avoid seeing Greg eyeing it off as well so he knew he wasn’t alone. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Greg just in case he got ideas. But he was puzzled, why would such a beauty have to rely on her good friend Candy to provide her husband to her to date?

Jill, although quiet was playful with Michael. She touched his hand at every opportunity and regularly smiled at him seemingly without any reason. No matter where Michael stood he was aware that Jill moved to stand or sit beside him. Michael didn’t mind of course but he was not used to a woman who did that. Candy was very independent. She was her own person. It was one of the things that attracted Michael to Candy in the first place so Michael couldn’t help but notice how dependent on him Jill seemed to be.


Jill liked Michael from the moment they had met. She was aware that Michael treated women as equals because in the early days of Candy’s relationship she had told her that he was the only man she had ever met who actually showed total unqualified respect for her. Most other boys and then men she had been with acted as if she had to toe the line with them and let them lead. That was not Candy. Sure she used them, especially for sex. Most girls did those days but when it came to companionship, long term companionship Candy at that stage in her life had a list. Michael was at the top of that list and he was also at the bottom because there was no one in-between.

So it was that Jill looked for a man like Michael, the man her friend intended to marry. A couple of times she actually thought she might have found one but when the chips were down and she got close to committing they took control away from her and being so shy and quiet the only action she could take was to walk away from them. Jill was not a fighter or a shaper of men. She was far too shy and quiet for that and she avoided conflict at all cost. She met many men. Meeting men with her looks and body was never a problem. They would date her then decide to control her and she would move on. Then she ran into Candy the girl who once was her best friend.

They talked and drank coffee, talked some more and drank more coffee until most subjects had been covered except their love life. It was Candy who asked first. Jill tried to skirt the subject but Candy was too astute to let her get away with that. Eventually, Jill admitted that she was lonely and had almost given up on men. Candy laughed and asked, “Are you going to try a woman again?”

Jill laughed, shook her head then replied, “That was just experimenting to see what it was like. We were very young.”

“Yes, we were but I loved it. I still think of how beautiful you tasted.”

“Yes, and I enjoyed you as well but no, I’m not a lesbian if that is what you’re asking although if something doesn’t come along soon, who knows.”

It was then that Candy had an idea. “You always said that if Michael and I split up you would try to get on the top of his list to date when he recovered, correct?”

“That’s right. He is the perfect man. I know I shouldn’t say this but being with you and Michael in those early days I think I was starting to fall in love with him,” She put her hand out in front of her like a stop sign, “but before you get angry with me, I would never have let him know that so your relationship was always totally safe with me.”

“You didn’t have to explain that to me because I could see it. How do you feel about him now?”

“I haven’t seen him for ages but I still have my dreams and I’ve looked so hard for someone like him that I sometimes think that he might be the only one like him in the whole world. Anyway enough of me, how is your love life.” She giggled, “This is where you make me jealous.”

“My love life is good and it looks like getting better.”

“How can that be? You are married. Is Michael learning new tricks or something?”

“It’s a bit like that. He is finding lovers for me. Bigger and better men, well, bigger, anyway. I don’t know about better. Most of them are arseholes who use me and then discard me like a worn-out shoe but I get a big kick out of the sex and so does Michael.”

Jill’s eyes grew big like saucers. “You mean he lets you have affairs. He lets you fuck other men like in some of those stories we used to read about, you know like those…., what was the term, hot women or something?”

“Hotwife is the term. Yes, I’m Michael’s hotwife. He likes to watch and I like him to watch but the more I do it the less I enjoy sex with Michael. I love him of course, just as much as I always did but I think he doesn’t enjoy sex with me as much as he used to either.”

“Fuck! That’s a worry? You’re not going to split up are you?”

“No, that’s not on the agenda. We are in love and I couldn’t ever leave him and I’m sure that he feels the same but if you had the opportunity would you be interested in making love to him for me, you know, to give him the pleasure as I get from those other men?”

“I’d definitely give it a lot of thought especially now because I’m wearing out my vibrator. But I don’t quite understand. Explain it better for me.”

“Have you ever had sex with a really big man?”

“No, I’ve heard that there are men like that and I did meet one once but he was not getting near me with that coke can dick. Honestly, it was as big around as those slimmer versions of a coke can.”

“Well, I’ve found one who is as big around as the standard size coke can and he is almost a foot long.”

“My God, that would rip you apart, wouldn’t it?”

“No, but it does have some dire effects and if you keep doing it the effects get worse. Yesterday he was inside me for a full eight hours straight. I don’t think I will ever recover without surgery and I don’t want to do that. I need you to help me with keeping Michael sexually satisfied. Would you do that for me?”

“I would have to think it through before I commit to it. It may mean that the time might come when you don’t want me and that would be very difficult for me to handle. Let us talk about it again next week.”

“Okay but I assure you that I would not kick you to the kerb if you agreed to help.”


The barbeque was over and Jill and Candy had told the men to watch the game on TV while they cleaned up. With the clean-up completed Candy leaned back against the kitchen wall and asked, “Well, what have you decided. Will you do it?”

“Yes, I think I will. How do we go about this?”

“I’m not sure actually but I have told Michael that you might want to make love to him. He hasn’t agreed to anything yet but what he did say is that he wants to watch Greg and I get it on.”

“Is Greg the guy you told me about when we went for coffee?”

“No, that was Tod. He is out of the picture because he wanted to railroad Michael and I wouldn’t let him. I think Greg may become permanent in our lives. I hope so anyway.”

“So if Michael does seduce me do you want him to wear a condom? I’m on the pill but I’ve slept with quite a few men over the years.”

“You mean disease. How long since you slept with a man?”

“It must be six months now. I don’t have any reason to think that I might have any diseases or anything.”

“If you have no signs after six months you are clean so if you want to go bareback that is okay. Michael will ask you anyway. He always checked with me and I know he respects a woman’s choice in almost everything.”

“So if Michael wants to watch you will it mean I will be there too?”

“Yes, I expect so.”

“I’ve never watched people having sex except in porno films. Is there anything that I should know before it happens?”

“About the only kink that Greg has is he likes to be touched. The first time we made love Michael held a sort of ritual of taking hold of him and putting him into me. Greg liked it so much he has asked Michael to do it again whenever he feels like doing it.”

“So Michael has done it more than once?”

“Yes, he seems to like doing it too and it adds spice to the relationship. More like a threesome with one of the three not participating in the sex until the end. Tonight with you there Michael will be able to participate with you. It will be good for all four of us.” Jill went to speak but Candy cut her off. “There is something I need to tell you. I told Greg that I thought you might be there to watch us with Michael. He suggested that you might like to direct him into me tonight. I told him that I would ask you if you’re interested.”

“Wow, that’s something. I could be playing an active part in your sexual relations with Greg as well as watching. That is really something.”

“What Michael does is play a little with him. Run his hand up and down his cock spreading his precum across it so the entry is smooth and pleasant. I think that Michael actually likes the feel of it. I’ve thought of asking Michael to suck it before he puts it in but maybe if you liked to give it a lick or even suck it a little it might encourage Michael to do it at some time as well.”

“You would want your husband to suck your lovers cock? That is way, way out there. But yes, I would suck Greg if you, Michael and Greg didn’t mind. I have had a bit of practice at it over the years. It was the way I avoided having vaginal sex with the bigger men.”

“Believe me, Greg will not mind and I can’t see why Michael would mind either so if you decide to try then go ahead.”

“I will. You’re a dirty little bitch, aren’t you? I’m going to like spending time with you and Michael.”

“There is one thing that I must insist on though. Greg is my lover and if he tries to seduce you make sure he understands the answer is no.”

“I’m not interested in big cocks. I’m happy with our arrangement and I assure you that I won’t impact your relationship with Michael. It will be sex and only sex.”

“You’re a good liar. I know you care for him but I trust you not to take him away from me. You can love him as much as you want. You can even tell him so if you choose but I trust you not to try to destroy our marriage. If it all works out the way I want it to it may last a long time and your life can change with it.”

“Okay, should we join the men? I just heard the game has finished.”

“Yes, let's. We’ll have a drink together and maybe a little dancing to Neil Diamond to get into the mood and then fuck until the sun comes up. You’re going to absolutely love this.”


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:42 pm

Candy Chapter 12 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

Greg and Candy led the way to the bedroom. They had been drinking for around an hour while dancing lovingly to Neil’s love songs. Greg and Candy were particularly into the dancing. They regularly kissed as they danced and at one stage Greg lifted the back of Candy’s dress well above her arse cheeks to show both Michael and Jill that she had no panties on.

Michael loved it because it was Greg’s way of saying I’ve had my hand down there to find out she has no panties on. Jill seemed to enjoy it as well. Michael and Jill danced closely together but there were no roving hands until Greg lifted Candy’s dress.

Very soon after Michael slipped his hand down under Jill’s dress and slid his finger along her slit over the top of her panties. She was very wet. Jill had thought that he might finger her but instead Michael moved his hand to her thigh and caressed her thighs and her buttock under her dress. That was Michael. He was not an aggressive lover as Candy could attest. He had always been cautious about taking advantage but Jill didn’t mind because she liked slow and cautious. That was the reason why so many men had failed with her.

Jill showed her approval by holding him tighter then looking up at him to open her mouth slightly for him to kiss her. Michael took the bait and they kissed for a while before Greg decided it was time to head off to bed.

Once in the bed room Greg started to undress Candy as she unbuttoned his shirt then his trousers. Michael followed suit with Jill but when it came time to take Jill’s panties off she stopped him. Greg picked Candy up and lay her down on the bed. He then slipped a finger up along her slit. “You’re so beautiful, Candy. Michael has made me the happiest man alive to allow me to make love to you.”

“Yes, I know. Michael is so wonderful and I love him so much for allowing us to make love together like this.” She looked at him for a short time before she continued. Greg knew she had something on her mind, “Greg, I had a talk to Jill tonight and asked her would she play the role that Michael has played by directing you into me tonight. She has agreed.”

“I’d love that,” he replied, smiling broadly.

“Okay well if you lay on top of me as you do with Michael so Michael can show her what to do.”

As Michael kissed Jill he was looking towards his wife and her lover so he saw Candy lie down and spread her legs so that as Greg moved up on top of Candy, Michael broke away from kissing Jill and turned her to look at what was happening on the bed. He then moved Jill over to get her to sit level with Candy’s buttock which would give her easy access to Greg’s cock.

She looked at the huge piece of meat astonished that a man could have something as thick as that. Her first thought as the shock hit her was how any woman could ever take that inside her without it doing damage to her. But then she looked at Candy who had her legs spread open and saw that she was gaping so she realised that Candy had been stretched to take such a thing.

It was then she understood why it was so important for Candy to have Jill to be there for Michael. While she was dancing with Michael she had realised that Michael was an ordinary sized man. She knew this of course from the early days when being Candy’s best friend she had danced close to Michael. It suddenly occurred to her that there was an opportunity here for Jill to maybe move in with Candy and Michael because he would definitely need some way of receiving sexual satisfaction and she knew she would be willing if it were to work out over time.

She smiled at the thought and she became keener to carry out the task that Candy had asked of her. She reached across to the huge dribbling cock that protruded out across Candy’s leg. She knew the importance of precum for such a large penis as she had read some stories when she was alone at home and there had been a lot of that in recent months. She wiped the drool as she called it off Candy’s leg and applied it around the big purple head. Then she repeated the process but rubbed it further down along the shaft.

Like Michael she was amazed at the feel of it in her hand. She had no chance of her fingers going all around the shaft but she noted how Greg reacted by pushing it forward sharply every time her hand passed that big purple head. She wondered what he would do if she rolled her hand around behind its head. The temptation was too great so she did so.

“Oh fuck,” Greg groaned.

Jill smiled and without looking up at him asked, “Did you like that.”

“Oh, yes.”

She did it again with similar results. So she slid her hand down along it back up and rolled her hand around it again. Once again Greg groaned and she was surprised by how much precum came out of the big hole in it. She pulled it to face her and saw that the hole was just like a little vagina that was weeping sex juices. She looked at her little finger and saw that the hole was about the same size as her little finger so she pushed the tip of her little finger into the hole.

“Oh, yes,” Greg groaned with a little urgency in his voice.

“Did you like that,” she asked again.

“Oh, yes, no one has ever done that to me.”

When she heard that Jill pushed her finger into the second joint then rolled her other hand around the big purple head. Greg thrust forward again and her finger just about disappeared all the way up to her hand. “Suck me and I’ll cum he told her.”

“Greg!” Candy said, alarmed at his demands of her shy friend.

“No, Let her do it if she wants to do it,” Michael told his wife. “It’s okay if she wants to. It might be the only chance she ever has to make a big one cum.”

Jill was going to opt out but when Michael said that she changed her mind to keep him happy. She looked up at her good friend. Candy nodded her okay. She looked across at Michael who moved closer to her and also nodded. When she withdrew her little finger once more Greg moaned, “Oh God!”

Her head went down with her mouth as far open as she could open it. Unlike her pussy Jill’s mouth was sizable and the head went in without any issues. She rolled her tongue around the back of the head causing Greg to close his eyes and once more let out a moan. Jill had sucked a couple of cocks on big men to prevent them from wanting to use her tight little pussy so she knew what she was doing. It was her escape mechanism. Make then cum with your mouth and then get away from them as soon as possible was her strategy and it worked but she had never had one like Greg’s before.

She wanted to know how much of it she could take inside her throat. She stood and leaned forward with her back bent to try to get her mouth and throat in alignment then pushed down and forward. Candy and Michael had never seen anything like it. More than half of the thick shaft disappeared and Michael from when he was sitting saw her throat push outwards.

“Holy hell, did you see that Michael?” Candy asked.

“Yes,” Michael said as he stood up behind Candy. He pulled her panties to the side then pushed his cock down across her soaking wet slit then back up again as he slipped inside her. Jill smiled as it was exactly what she wanted him to do.

“Finger me, Greg,” Candy told her new boyfriend. Greg obliged.

Jill worked hard on Greg as he lay down beside Candy while he fingered her and kissed her. Before long Candy recognised that Greg’s fingering was becoming erratic and she knew he was near to cumming. “Tell her you’re close, Greg,” Candy whispered to him.

“Oh, Jill, I’m going to cum soon.”

Still sucking him Jill nodded her head to tell him she knew. She didn’t stop but instead pushed her face down further onto him. Almost his entire shaft disappeared inside her mouth and throat but then he felt her neck contract around the head of his cock. There was nothing he could do to stop himself cumming. He blasted his sperm almost directly into her stomach and as he did so he felt her throat contracting around his shaft again and again. He then realised why. She was swallowing every time he ejaculated.

Suddenly she pulled her head away and as she did so the last couple of shots of Greg’s cum shot into the air like a sperm fountain. Some of it hit Jill on her left cheek and slowly slid down her cheek as part of it stretched out like a spider web with a rather large droplet on the end of it until it hit Candy’s leg. The second squirt didn’t have as much energy to it so it fell directly into Candy’s crotch.

All this was too much for Michael. He leant over Jill’s back wrapping his arms around her with a hand on each breast as he shot his quarter thimble full of sperm inside her pussy. He hardly made a sound as he did so making Jill wonder why he did it so quietly.

Candy started clapping. “I’ve never seen anything like that. Where did you learn to do that, Jill, honey?”

Jill smiled. “If you had learned to do that your pussy would not gape open the way it does.”

“You bitch,” Candy told her then burst out laughing. “It’s just that you don’t know what you’re missing. We women were put on this world to take dicks of all shapes and sizes and if we weren’t meant to take the big ones, men would all have little ones, right. And might I add I’m glad they don’t.”

“Well for me, Michael has exactly the right size.”

“If he didn’t do you think that you’d be here?”

Jill smiled, “You’re my guardian angel, Candy but how did you know that I haven’t been stretched to the hilt like you have?”

Candy laughed out loud, “Remember I’ve licked that pitiful little hole you call a pussy and I knew damn well that it would never be able to take what I could. I’m surprised you could take Michael as well as you did.”

“Well, I haven’t been a nun, you know.”

“Just as well, they tell me some of those preachers are packing.” She looked across at Michael, “Honey, I’m all messed up could you clean me please?”

Michael turned to go to the bathroom but Candy asked, “Where are you going?”

“I was going to get a wet rag.”

“I thought you might like to clean me another way.”

“Candy, please, not in front of Greg and Jill.”

“I’ll do it,” Jill told her.

“That’s husband’s work, Jilly baby.”

“Yes, maybe it’s husband work or maybe it's ex-lovers work. It has been a long time since I cleaned your pussy for you. Maybe tonight we can re-live a few moments of our teenaged years.”

“Damn, why not. Come here little pussy licker.”

Jill got to work while leaning over the side of the bed. Michael took one look at her pussy showing out between her legs and slipped his shaft into Jill’s pussy again. Greg took his hand and started stoking up to the head and back down again knowing that as soon as Jill had cleaned Candy up he needed to be stiff again.

Michael hoped there would be many more nights like this while Candy and Greg both knew there would be. Jill, as she cleaned up Greg’s mess from Candy’s inner thighs and crotch was trying to work out how she could convince her good friend, Candy to make the arrangement permanent.


Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:04 pm

The last chapter of part 1. So, all good things come to an end, they say. I've enjoyed writing it. I hope everyone who reads it does so too. Please feel free to comment positive or negative. It inspires me and hopefully makes me do better next time!


Candy Chapter 13 – A [consensual] cuckold story.

It was some three months later after many nights like the first one for the foursome that Candy took Michael aside at the new bar that they had started frequenting and asked him how it was going with Jill.

“Everything is okay. How are things with Greg?”

“You should know that things are just perfect with Greg and me. You are there almost every night watching us. In fact, I don't think it could be better. I had hoped that you felt the same way about Jill.”

“Where is this conversation leading, Candy?”

“I wanted to feel you out to see if you would like to make the present arrangements permanent.”

“Which arrangement do you mean the one with Greg or the one with Jilly?” Michael had begun calling Jill by the name that Candy had called her when they were teenagers.

“I was hoping to make both arrangements permanent.”

“Where does that leave us?”

“It leaves us husband and hotwife where we both have sexual partners that we both enjoy. I am happy, in fact never been any happier and I was hoping you felt the same way.”

You don’t miss me at all? You know we used to cuddle up together and kiss but we don’t get the chance to do that now.”

“We could if that is what you want. I miss it too, you know?”

“When is the baby due?”

“You know?”

“Yes, of course, I knew. Jilly had her period twice but you haven’t had one at all. It would have been obvious if you had because we have had a foursome almost every night and there was no sign on Greg even on the first night and none since.”

“I didn’t see Jill get hers either.”

“It was the reason she sucked me off some times and why I insisted she tries the Greg thing with me.”

“I see, you knew she had her period and planned for it which means you have been meeting her while I haven’t been there.”

“She comes in to have lunch with me some days at work. The boys think I’m cheating on you. They make a joke of it but I tell them we are just friends.”

“I see.”

“About the baby, is it Tod’s?”

Candy’s mouth dropped open and she gasped, “I didn’t even think of that possibility. Oh shit, do you think it might be?”

”Well if you haven’t had a period since you were with him that night there is a chance,” Michael hesitated, “or it could be mine.”

“Oh shit! What do we do?”

“No matter whose sperm it is the child belongs to us and at this late stage, it would be foolish to abort it. We have always wanted children, haven’t we and when you got with Tod I told you that I would accept the consequences no matter what.”

“So let’s think about this. You had sex with me first without protection. Around an hour later Tod filled me to overflowing then I had unprotected sex with Greg two days later and that was after you as well. It could be either one of you.”

“Why are you worried about it? We have wanted children and this is our opportunity. Anyhow, why were you talking to me about Jill and Greg? You want to make the relationships permanent so what does Greg think?”

“I didn’t want to raise it with him before you and I talked about it but he has told me that he wished he had met me before you met me so I think he is keen.”

Michael laughed, “He must have been talking to Jill because she said the same thing.”

“I’d say they probably have talked. They are close, just friends of course.”

“I hope they are just friends because if Greg tried that thing of his on Jill he would destroy her.”

“As he destroyed me, you mean.”

“I think that eight hours with Tod did that to you. One day I’d like you to tell me the story about it.”

“Oh, little woody is rising I see,” she said looking down at his crotch.

“The only thing that worries me about making the arrangement permanent is that I won’t get the opportunity to kiss and cuddle like we used to. I miss that.”

Candy smiled, “I was worried that you had stopped loving me but I can see you haven’t. Jill hasn’t captured you yet, then.”

“Has Greg captured you yet?”

“No, I’m not his, not totally anyway. I love him but it takes nothing away from my love for you. I think it is probably the same with you and Jill.”

“Yes, I’d say so. Do you still have feelings for Jill? You were lovers once too,”

“Yes, I have a place for her in here.” She pointed at her heart.

“She told me the same about you. She said when she loves someone it is for life. When I think about it we are very similar, you, me and Jill.”

“And Greg, he’s a good man and very trustworthy. He always worries about hurting you by showing too much affection to me.”

Michael laughed, “Didn’t you tell him that it turns me on knowing that another man is falling in love with my wife? It’s not all sexual, you know?”

“I didn’t realise that. I thought it was just the sexual part that did it for you?”

“How do you feel seeing me with Jill?”

“That first night that you slipped into her from behind as she sucked Greg off, I had a little orgasm.”

“Greg was fingering you.”

“Yes, I know but it was seeing you fucking my ex-lover that did it for me. I didn’t think I’d be like that but it gave me an understanding of why you wanted me to find a lover. I still get excited watching you with her. You know I think we have found the perfect relationship. That is why we must make it permanent. We can’t afford to let Greg and Jill get away from us. They could have worries about it coming to an end too. If we do this it will give them a feeling of security.”

“So I’ll talk to them about it tonight.”



That evening Michael poured them all a drink and called the ladies out of the kitchen where they were preparing supper. He placed the drinks with Greg’s and Candy’s on one side and his and Jill’s on the other then told them, “Take a seat, I want to talk to you about something.”

They sat down then the three of them looked across at him.

“Today, Candy came to talk to me at the bar. She raised a question to me. My answer was yes, I’d like that very much.” He looked around the table one at a time at the faces.

“Do we get to know what the question was,” Greg asked?

“Yes, that is not a problem but I thought you might like to take a guess.”

Jill shook her head and replied, “You and your damned mysteries. My guess is that she wants to go off the pill.” She followed up by laughing out loud.

Michael smiled at her and said, ”No, that’s not it because Candy doesn’t take the pill. She doesn’t use any protection at all.”

“Shit, is that true?” She looked across at Candy. Candy just nodded.

“Okay, if you've finished your games can you tell us what the question was,” Greg asked.

“She asked me would I like to make our relationship between you, Candy, Jill and me permanent. I’m here now to ask you would you agree because I think it is probably the best idea that I’ve ever heard of.”

Jill smiled and yelled out, “Yes! I have been hoping you might want it as much as I did.”

Greg said nothing for a while. Then he asked, “what about the baby?”

Jill stood up and asked, “What baby?”

“You heard Michael. Candy doesn’t use protection. No birth control and we have been having sex every night. Unless she is infertile she will be pregnant which explains why she can have sex every night. I was wondering about that.”

Candy put her head in her hands. Michael replied for her, “Yes, as far as we know Candy is pregnant.”

“Who is the father?”

“That we haven’t worked that out yet but my guess is that if it is not you then it is probably me.”

“So probably means there is another option.”

“Yes, that’s a possibility but for me, it doesn’t matter. The child will be Candy’s child and I love her so I will love the child exactly the same way no matter what colour the baby’s hair might be or the child’s skin. I had hoped that you might think the same way, Greg. From my observations, you are in love with my wife, just as much in love with her as I am so I had hoped that you would take the same stand.”

Greg smiled and said, “I didn’t say no. I just wanted all our cards on the table, that’s all.”

“So as far as I know all the cards are on the table unless you have any questions.”

“You say you love Candy but you don’t spend much time with her. How does that work? Are you happy to continue like that?”

“That’s an issue that I’d like to address, yes.”

“Okay, well I have the opportunity to work the bar some nights like I used to do before we started this. I could go back to doing the evening shift two or three times a week which would allow you and Candy to reconnect. I guess that leaves Jill here with you unless she has something in mind.”

Jill smiled, “I’ve been thinking of doing some night classes. So, if Greg and I can align my classes with his work you will get two or three days where you and Candy can spend the evening together. Let do it!”

Greg smiled, “I’m in if everybody else is but if that kid has black skin I’ll castrate that Tod, prick.” He looked around at the three faces knowing he had shocked them all, “For mistreating the woman I love that is. It’s not the kid's fault. Candy’s child will be mine as much as it is Michael’s,” he chuckled, “Besides. I’ll bet it has red hair.”

“Yep, it might but I believe it will have white skin,” Michael told them while holding his white arm out for them to see. They all chuckled and Greg held his arm out as well to indicate he had white skin too so Michael added, “and a normal size cock.” He laughed and asked, “Are we all in.”

They all nodded their heads and together they told him, “Yes we are!”

“Good. Let’s have a late dinner and go to bed to celebrate. I’d like to see you do that thing with Greg’s cock again, Jill. That was really something.”

This time it was Jill who took him by the arm and led them towards the bedroom. Greg and Candy followed hand in hand. “I’ll do it as long as you stand behind me and by stand I mean like you did last time.”

“I had better get my old dildo out if you’re going to suck Greg off,” Candy said in the background.

Jill giggled, “You mean the big black one that you had while we were at high school?”

“A girl can have no secrets, can she with you around, Jilly.”

“Oh, now, revealing secrets, that’s a challenge. Hey, Michael did she ever tell you about when the football team asked her to their celebration barbeque? That’s when I learned for the first time she was a size queen. Mind the big black dildo was a bit of a giveaway.”

“Let’s not talk about big black cocks until after the baby is born, Right,” Greg told them.

“I heard he was in jail,” Michael told them.

“Yes,” Greg replied. “One of the women he wanted refused him so he spiked her drinks. Her husband took the glass to the police and got it tested.”

“How did the husband get the glass?”

“Well, barmen have to clean up after these things, don’t they?” He looked at Candy, “You didn’t mind me doing that did you, Candy.”

Candy smiled up at the big man and said, “It’s good to know that a woman’s safe with two special men to protect her. By the way, I think it will have red hair. Sorry about that Michael.”

“I agree but Jill’s will have white skin and a normal-sized dick or if it’s a girl then…. I won’t say any more.”

Candy’s mouth dropped open, “Are you saying that Jill is too?”

“No but we’re working on it, aren’t we, Jill?”

“After tonight, yes, I will throw my pills away before we go to bed and let nature take its course.”

“If you need any help with that, Michael just call me,” Greg said.

“When hell freezes over,” Jill explained, “You’re not getting anywhere near my back end with that destroyer of yours. So get that idea out of your mind right now.”

Michael smiled down at her and took her tightly in his arms and kissed her, “Thanks sweetheart,” he whispered to her.

Candy and Greg walked past them to the bedroom leaving them hugging and kissing in the hallway. When they broke away from their kiss she looked up into his eyes and told him, ”I love you, Michael,” then added, “I’m not like Candy. I’m happy with just you and I want to keep it that way.”

Michael felt that he had finally found peace in his love life.

The end of Part 1.

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Re: Candy

Unread post by demonic1000 » Mon Nov 29, 2021 7:43 pm

I loved the story. Love Candy and I can't wait to read more of your works.

If my avatar is what you pictured Candy to look like, that's even hotter.


Re: Candy

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:28 pm


Really well written, very exciting, nice dialogues and lots and lots of turn on moments ;)

THANKS A LOT for sharing it, Goyse!!!

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Re: Candy

Unread post by OZCPL » Wed Dec 01, 2021 2:56 pm

I have only read a small part of the start and finish but cant wait to get back to it when I have the time and read it slowly to take it all in. Thanks Goyse

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Re: Candy

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri Dec 03, 2021 7:14 pm

Really hot and well written thank you Goyse easy to read and a good balance between the sex and drama. Please let there be a part 2.


Re: Candy

Unread post by 3somelover » Sun Dec 05, 2021 6:40 am

Great story, hope there are more to come!!!

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Re: Candy

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:40 pm

Great story Goyse. Really appreciate it.

If it runs to a part 2 would love to see a bit more character development. We know almost nothing about Michael and Candy’s relationship beyond that they love each other yet they're happy to spend almost no time together (and from the way Candy said “if you want” it sounded like lack of one-on-one time with Michael didn’t bother her at all.)

With Greg loving Candy and and Jill wanting a man like Michael in her life, it’ll be interesting to see where Goyse takes this if it runs to a Part 2!


Re: Candy

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:58 pm

Asterix42 wrote:
Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:40 pm
Great story Goyse. Really appreciate it.

If it runs to a part 2 would love to see a bit more character development. We know almost nothing about Michael and Candy’s relationship beyond that they love each other yet they're happy to spend almost no time together (and from the way Candy said “if you want” it sounded like lack of one-on-one time with Michael didn’t bother her at all.)

With Greg loving Candy and and Jill wanting a man like Michael in her life, it’ll be interesting to see where Goyse takes this if it runs to a Part 2!
+1 :up: :up: ;)

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Re: Candy

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:45 pm

I'm new to this site and only now just discovering who the best writers are on here, I reckon having read this it's fair to say that I don't expect to read from much better. Great start, really enjoyed the consensual theme and hope there's more to come next year.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: Candy

Unread post by goyse » Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:14 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:45 pm
I'm new to this site and only now just discovering who the best writers are on here, I reckon having read this it's fair to say that I don't expect to read from much better. Great start, really enjoyed the consensual theme and hope there's more to come next year.
Thank you very much, Chrislydi for that compliment. I am about to post Candy part 2 and will try to throw in a twist that deviates from the ordinary. Hope you enjoy it just as much.


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Re: Candy

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:05 am

Your stories are still being read and are very much appreciated.
Love that the arsehole got what he deserved!
I'm off to find part 2 now.

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