Vixen Unleashed

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Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:26 pm

Saturday. The day it all started. Or maybe the day it ended?


As I stood in front of the sleek office door, I took a deep breath and then released it slowly. In through my nose and out my mouth to a count of ten. Just as my yogi had taught me. I needed this second. I needed a beat to try and dismiss the nervous bubble of energy that had settled in the bottom of my stomach. I was about to head into the biggest, if not the most controversial, negotiation of my young life. It didn't take an MBA to know I needed to be on the top of my game to pull this off.

A small smile of satisfaction pulled at my expression at the thought. Thankfully, even if it did, I had that particular qualification covered. The degree was a newly acquired accomplishment. One that, according to everyone other than Jack, I was inordinately proud of. My friends were getting sick of me dropping it into every conversation since the ceremony. Granted, maybe referring to the piece of paper as my personal baby at Shelly's baby shower had been a touch too far. But, really, I was just trying to relate. Shelly had been trying to get pregnant as long as I’d been in grad school. It seemed relevant at the time. Shelly had really worked hard to get that baby. Having to fuck that bore of a husband of hers on demand for two years? That was hard work. She’d earned it. I was willing to admit that. But I worked just as hard to earn my degree. I hadn’t fucked anyone for it, but I’d put in the hours and made the sacrifices necessary for two long years. Just as Jack had earned a goddamned promotion. I nodded as my heart calmed to a normal pace.

The notification chime from my phone pulled my attention away from my inner monologue.

Are you sure this is what you want?

Speak of the devil. The text had been from Jack. Not that it was a huge surprise that he was checking in with me. I’d been kind of expecting it. He always wanted to make sure I was doing what I wanted. Getting what I wanted. He actually cared that my life was what I wanted it to be. Which, of course, is why he’d succeeded where so many others had failed. That honest sentiment was why I’d fallen in love with him. Ultimately, that’s why I said yes to him when I’d said no to so many others.


I grimaced at the small lie of omission. He was asking if I wanted to fuck his boss because I found his boss attractive. My answer, however, had been that I wanted to fuck his boss to get Jack the promotion he’d been killing himself for over the past two years.

With a shake of my head, I raised my fist to the door and I silenced the voice of guilt racing through my head. I’d come too far to be talked out of this. Also, I’d been honest. For the most part. It’s not like he’d asked me why I’d wanted to fuck, Aaron.

Mr. Dickerson, I corrected with a nod. Bosses liked to be addressed with respect. Jack had assumed that I’d brought this up with him, that I’d expressed an interest in his boss, because I was personally interested in the guy. Jack tended to be naive like that sometimes. He genuinely didn’t realize all the extra value I brought to our marriage. Probably because he’d never see me as a commodity to trade. I loved him too much to kill that naive spirit of his, but I realized my worth. All of it.

My mouth went dry as I let my knuckles fall onto the glass. This was it. I was going to do this. I was going to stop at nothing to get Jack that damned promotion he wanted. Just as he would stop at nothing to make me happy.

“Come in.” The deep voice on the other side of the door sent a shiver through my body. Even with as distracted as it sounded, it still had the ring of authority to it. The one someone only got from living a lifetime calling the shots.

One more breath. The conditioned office air calmed what was left of my nerves as it swept through me. After I unbuttoned the second button on my crisp, white, tailored shirt, I grabbed the cold metal pull of the door.

As soon as I stepped into his office, the sheer weight of the masculine decor crashed into me. Just on the other side of the door, the side I’d just come from, the world was a sterile space. Beige walls and carpet with walls clad in inspirational posters, however, gave way to a different world at that doorway. Here there were ceiling to floor bookshelves in maple. The floors clicked under my heels. Hardwood to match, of course. Even his desk, which was large enough to intimidate even the most successful CEO, was crafted of matching wood. The chairs and couches were draped in leather. Not the slick, cold, cheap stuff they sold at discount office stores. No. They looked warm and rich.

Unable to stop myself, I ran my fingers over the top of one of the chairs positioned at a glass bistro table as I crossed the room. The upholstery was every bit as soft and welcoming as I’d thought it would be. As I imagined how it would feel under my naked skin, a warmth drifted through my body and my nipples hardened. Yes, I was doing this for Jack. For his promotion. But I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t planning on enjoying it. There was, after all, a clear reason convincing Jack that I was attracted to Aaron hadn’t been hard. The man practically exuded sexuality.

His head down, his attention focused on the tablet on his desk, I had a moment to gather my wits before preceding. “Mr. Dickerson.” I was impressed with how steady my voice sounded. He seemed surprised as his head jerked up.

“Mrs. Gear.” He blinked a couple of times before pushing himself back into his oversize leather chair. “I wasn’t aware we had a meeting scheduled.” With a slight frown he templed his hands in his lap. “Or even that you were planning on being in the office today. On a Saturday. Is Jack working?” His gaze swung over my shoulder as if expecting my husband to walk through the door at any second.

“No.” I sat in the chair across from him. My pencil skirt pulled taut across my thighs as I leaned forward. Not that he seemed to notice. His gaze immediately went to the extra cleavage I’d just put on display. I wasn’t an expert in seducing men, I’d never really needed to be, but that seemed like a good start to me.

When he looked back up at my face, his brow was furrowed with what appeared to be confusion. “No?”

I’d bet all the money in our retirement accounts that no was a word he wasn’t used to hearing. “We didn't have an appointment and Jack isn’t working today. He’s playing golf with my father.”

The statement only made the wrinkles in his brow become deeper. “That’s…nice. The golf, that is. Today is a perfect day for eighteen holes.”

As I watched him fidget slightly in his chair, I simply nodded. Turns out, the sight of him confused was enjoyable. I liked that I currently held his entire attention. “Yes. Very nice,” I said, deciding to let him dangle for a moment or two longer.

“So.” He tented his hands in his lap as his focus shifted to just over my right shoulder. I’d only been in his office for a few minutes and he was already ready to dismiss me. That hurt my pride a touch. “How can I help you, Mrs. Gear?” Then his attention shifted squarely back to me and he cocked his head as if he’d just had a thought. “Have you reconsidered my job offer?”

As his personal assistant? Hell no. I’d worked too many years and had studied too hard to spend my days getting coffee and hit send of his pre-typed emails. “Oh, no.” I smiled and shook my head to soften the rejection. “I’m actually here to talk about Jack’s job.”

He sat back in his chair, an uneasy expression crossing his face. “And Jack can’t talk to me because…?”

This was it. This was the moment. “Because Jack has already given you everything in his power to give.”

“And you have something new to add? Something, shall we say, to sweeten the pot?” His gaze returned to my cleavage. “I wonder what that could be.” When he glanced back up, his mouth was held in a tight smirk. “Mrs. Gear.”

Leaning back in the chair, I smiled. “I’m pretty sure you have some idea about what I’m offering.”

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “But I think I’d like to hear you say it.”

Fine. This was his show. If he wanted to hear me say the words, that wouldn’t be such a hardship. Not compared with what else I was willing to do. But, when I opened my mouth, I found I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. “What would I have to do, to convince you, that Jack would make a great partner? That he’s a team player,” I said instead.

“Can I be candid, Mrs. Gear?” He leaned forward as well. Even though we were still separated by the width of his massive desk, I could’ve sworn I felt the warmth of his breath tickle my skin as he spoke. The only response I could give him was the briefest nod of my head. “Are you offering to fuck me? In exchange for me giving Jack a promotion?” Again, a slight nod from me was the only answer he got. “Ah. I see.”

A shiver went through me as he took a moment to allow his gaze to travel from my head to my lap. My brain scrambled for anything to say. When I’d imagined this moment, I never thought about how awkward it would feel to be appraised so openly by another man.

“How many times? Which positions?” This time he tented his hands under his chin as if he were giving the idea some thought.

Of all the possible outcomes to me showing up in his office today, that’s one that never occurred to me. “Excuse me?”

“How many times would I get to fuck you? In return for Jack’s promotion?” His voice had a bite to it that hadn’t been there a moment ago.

My voice shook as I said, “Once.”

He nodded as if considering it. “Once? Really?” His chest shook with what I could only imagine was silent amusement. “You must think you’re incredible in the sack, sweetheart.”

“I am.” The indignant words slipped out before I could stop them.

He shook his head as he stood. “Nobody is that good.” He walked around the desk before grabbing my upper arm. For one brief moment, I thought he was going to kiss me. Only, he didn’t. Instead, he guided me out of the office. “Let’s pretend this never happened, shall we? It’ll make company parties a lot easier to get through. At least, I imagine it would for you.” With that, I was escorted back to the sterile world on the other side of his door. “Have a good day, Mrs. Gear.”

As the door closed behind me, I felt the wave of mortification fall over me. It’s weight crushing me as if I were no more than a bug. I had thrown myself at him and he had tossed me away. Was I that undesirable?

My whole body shook with the sting of the rejection as I took my phone out of my jacket. With numb fingers, I texted Jack.

Heading home.

What happened? His reply came almost instantly.

How could I answer that? The words mocked me from my screen. What could I possibly say? I shook my head at the thought. I’d tell him the truth. Mostly. As I always did.

He wasn’t interested. The sweet and simple words took most of the sting out of it.

Not interested? Please, I've seen the way he watches you whenever you’re in the office. He’s interested.

Maybe he would’ve been if I'd given it to him for free. Sex with me just wasn’t worth giving one of his best workers a promotion that the worker had earned a year ago. Anger started to heat my embarrassment.

Jewel? You there? You okay?

Fuck. I needed to clean this up before I gave into the emotions warring inside me.

I mean, he said he was tempted but he didn’t want to risk you quitting. You’re worth more to him than a roll in the sheets.

That seemed believable. Or, at least, I hoped it did. I walked down the sterile hallway as confidently as I could.

He’s a fool. I’d fire me if that meant I got to sleep with you.

A soft smile bloomed at his words. Not an atom in my being didn’t believe him.

Thanks. But he had a point. You are pretty priceless.

Love you, babe.

Love you, too.

After I put the phone back in my pocket I had a better idea. Retrieving it, I texted him once more.

I think I’m going to swing by that bar on the corner for a quick drink before I head home.

As great as Jack’s words had been, I had a feeling I was going to need a few minutes to unpack everything that had just happened before I talked to Jack in person.

Get two. And take your time. I’m killing it on the course today. This might be the day.

The day he finally won against my Dad. I didn’t even have to ask to know. At least one of us was coming home a winner today. I put my phone away as I made my way to the garage. Yes. A couple of drinks. A few minutes alone to think. I’d be fine by the time we had dinner. If I wasn’t, I could just mention his game. That would take any heat off of me. Perfect.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:56 pm

Of all the gin joints….


Having been a bartender for over five years, I thought I had seen it all. Which wasn’t really all that much of an accomplishment. After people had a couple of drinks in them, they usually reverted to one of three types. There was the overly affectionate drunk. The angry and looking for a fight drunk. And, my least favorite, the despondent drunk. Most people hated the angry drunks the most. I’d discovered they were the easiest to deal with, however. Our bouncers were well trained and heavily muscled. Granted, I didn’t have to go home with them after we kicked them out. That would, inevitably, change my opinion.

As I glanced around the bar that Saturday afternoon, however, I found a fourth kind of drunk. The not drinking kind. She’d been in the place for about an hour already and was still staring down at the first drink she’d ordered. I glanced at the old-fashioned in her hand, not knowing exactly what to expect. I’d made the drink a million times over the years. This one had to be different, however, to hold her fascination for as long as it had. Maybe I’d put the secrets of the universe in it? Then again, maybe I’d screwed up the cocktail? Either possibility seemed equally possible given I didn’t fuck up my cocktails.

“Everything okay, Ma’am?” When she didn’t look up or even acknowledge me, I cleared my throat. “With the drink that is?”

The soft noise seemed to finally snap her out of her thoughts. “Huh?” She blinked as she gave the drink one last swirl with a twist of her wrist. There was no clink to the movement as the ice cube had melted into the amber liquid ages ago.

“I was just making sure everything was okay,” I repeated dutifully. “You don’t seem to be enjoying the drink.” I cocked my head as I gazed down into her warm brown eyes. There were golden streaks that ran through the irises giving them a pop of heat I found mesmerizing. Brown eyes really didn’t get enough credit in my book. They had a depth that was hard to find in blue or green. A depth a man could melt into if they weren’t careful. I shook my head at that last thought breaking the trance she held me in. “The drink I worked years to perfect,” I teased with a smile.

Her eyes dipped to the dimple on my right cheek before she returned my smile. Her returning smile looked a bit forced. More of a formality. Even though I hadn’t ever seen her before, I was certain something was missing from it. “Oh. Yeah. No.” She took a quick drink to show me everything was okay before putting the drink down again. “It’s very good. Thank you.”

“Then it must be something else bothering you.” I tossed the bar towel over my shoulder with practiced grace. “I hear bartenders are almost as good as therapists,” I said. “Only easier on the pocket book.” When her gaze fell back to the drink, I added, “If you have anything you want to talk about, that is.” Thankfully it was still early enough in the afternoon that the bar was pretty slow. If she needed a shoulder to cry on, I could actually accommodate her.

Her laugh had a trace of bitterness under iit that surprised me. She didn’t appear to be as bitter as the noise suggested. “Oh, I think making a fool of myself in front of one good looking guy is enough for today.”

She found me good looking. That was interesting. Not overly surprising. There was a reason I’d never left bartending. Tips were good. When I could get the girls to drink more than one drink, that is. I leaned down, I braced my weight on my elbows so we were at eye level. “I find that hard to believe.” When one of her eyebrows rose, I added, “The bit about you making a fool of yourself. I’m not vain, but my momma taught me how to take compliments from pretty girls.”

“Along with their money?” Her smile held true warmth with the quip and the gold in her eyes sparkled with the challenge. I didn’t even care that she seemed to read my thoughts. The change in mood looked good on her.

Pushing myself back up to standing, I put my hands over my heart as if wounded by her words. “Ouch.” I gave her a little wink to soften the moment. “But, really, can you blame me? A boy’s got to eat.”

“I guess you do have a point.” She drained the drink in one gulp. Mine were always smooth, but still, even I was impressed with how easily it went down. Watching that slim throat swallow did something weird to my stomach. “I find myself in need of another drink.”

“Same or did you want to try something different?” Despite the question, I was already grabbing another whiskey glass.

She laughed as she saw the move. With the bitter undertone gone, the sound made my heart jump in the most pleasant of ways. “He says as he grabs a glass. Am I that easy to read?”

“She says after totally seeing through my super suave ploy for a bigger tip from her.” I paused.

With a shake of her head, she waved me on. “Okay. Maybe we’re both a little easy to read today. You were right. I’m a creature of habit. And you make a sublime old-fashioned. I’ll take another.”

“Sublime?” I teased as I absently grabbed the glass in question and started to mix the drink. “Really? I’m not sure I’ve heard that one before.”

With a purse of her lips, she took the finished drink from me. “I thought you said your mom taught you to take compliments.”

Interesting that she’d left out the pretty girls part of my mother’s rule. She didn’t seem the type who played games with false modesty in the hopes of more compliments. Then again, she had mentioned making a fool of herself. That did have a tendency to put one in their place. With a theatrical gesture, I bowed to her. “The lady is correct. I apologize. But only because I miss that gorgeous smile of yours.”

When I stood back up, the luminous smile had returned to brighten up the room. “Thank you.” She took a sip of her second old-fashioned and I found I was relieved when she didn’t down this one. She wasn’t rail thin. The woman had rocking curves under her skirt suit. Still, women had a tendency to metabolize alcohol differently. I didn’t want to have to carry her out of here. As she leaned forward, I happened to catch a good glance at the cleavage hidden in the tailored blouse. At some point, her third button must have come undone. Carrying her out of here suddenly didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Not that I’d want her passed out, however. Nope, I’d want her awake and straddling my waist. Those gorgeous boobs bouncing with each step I took. I chuckled at the wayward thought.

“Something funny?” She paused with the rim of the glass perched at her lips.

No point in lying. “Just wondering if I was going to have to carry you out of here if you drank that one as fast as the last. Have to admit, I wasn’t dreading the thought.”

She threw me what I hoped was a teasing glare before saying, “Ha. Ha. Ha. I’ll have you know that I can hold my liquor.”

Despite her reprimand, I couldn’t help but notice her words were already said slower. She was speaking with care. One of the first signs of inebriation. “If you say so.” I waited for her to take another drink before asking, “Want to talk now?” Tipsy women never kept secrets.

“Why do you even care?” Still, she ran the rim of the glass over her lips as if considering the question.

I shrugged, playing it off as if the need to hear her story wasn’t eating me alive. “Not much else to do right now. I’m kind of bored.”

That got the full bellied laugh I’d hoped it would. The woman had a good sense of humor. “Oh. Okay. You’re bored? Could use a bit of entertainment? Sure. Why not? You have no idea who I am. And it’s not like I’m ever going to see you again.”

When I rubbed my hand over my chest this time, I was surprised to find I actually did have a dull ache there. I shook my head to clear it as I forced a smile. “That’s the joy of bartenders. We pretty much don’t exist in the real world.”

“It’s just so embarrassing.” She took another drink as if she needed fortification. “I threw myself at my husband’s boss.”

Well, I hadn’t seen that coming. “Oh.” Putting the statement with her previous ones, I started to get the picture. “And he didn’t catch you?” I shook my head. “He’s either an idiot or he's gay.” Nothing else made sense. If she were to throw herself on my bar, I would be tempted. Hell, I’d be more than tempted. I wouldn’t be able to resist her. Sure, I’d lose my job but she would be worth getting fired over. I could always bartend somewhere else. My cock started to swell at the idea.

“Oh no. He’s not gay nor is he an idiot. The idiot would be me.” She smiled as she took another small drink. “I honestly believed he would fuck me. Even Jack, that’s my husband, thought Aaron, his boss, would go for it. Seriously, what was I thinking? What were we thinking? He could have any woman he wanted.”

“Wait.” I leaned down to her level to whisper. As if any of the five other customers gave a shit what we were talking about. “Your husband knew about this? And he was okay with it?”

“Of course.” She screwed her face up as if I’d just smacked her. “I wouldn’t cheat on my husband. I tell him everything.” She squirmed on the bar stool. “Well, almost everything.”

That was an interesting tell. “Oh…. And what didn’t you tell him? Your husband? Jack was it?” It really wasn’t any of my business. However, in that moment, I could’ve stopped my heart from beating easier than remaining silent.

She leaned forward, dropping her own voice. “He thought I was going to go have sex with Aaron simply because I wanted to have sex with him.”

“And you weren’t?” Damn, she was better than a live action soap opera.

“Nope. I had another reason.”

I had to know. “Why?”

“My husband has worked his ass off for Aaron for the past two years. But, when reviews come out, Aaron always finds some reason not to give Jack the promotion he’s earned.”

As the picture solidified in my head, I had a hard time not laughing. Not at her. At the business douche who had turned down her proposition. I was right. He was an idiot. “So you offered to fuck him if he would give your husband a promotion. And you didn’t tell your husband you were doing this for his benefit.”

“And now Aaron will probably tell Jack.” She put her forehead on the bar. “See. I’ve fucked everything up. I’m the idiot.”

“No you aren’t.” I picked her up so she was forced to look at me. “You haven’t fucked anythign up. Nor are you an idiot.”

“I didn’t get Jack the promotion and I was rejected.” As she sat up on her own, I instantly missed the feeling of her skin in my hands. “I made the biggest mistake of my whole life.”

There was no way I was going to let her believe that. I’d met enough Aaron’s in my life to know how wrong she was. “You tried to meet an egotistical man on equal footing. That was the only mistake you made.”

“What?” The word had a slight slur to it as she cocked her head.

“Guys like Aaron want the chase. They want to feel like they seduced you. Every aspect of life is a contest to them. Even women.” When she didn't reply, I added, “They want to win.”

She studied me for a second longer. “And by offering an even trade, I was winning?”

“More like calling a tie,” I corrected. “You both got what you wanted. A fair trade of sorts. Only, he doesn’t want fair. He doesn’t want a tie. No matter how great the prize.”

“Oh.” She still looked a bit confused as she took another drink.

“He’s not going to tell your husband.”

“He isn’t?” She seemed hopeful as she asked the question.

I shook my head. “No. His ego is too fragile to tell anybody. You just told him that he wasn’t worth fucking on his own merit. That the only way you would have sex with him is if you got something more in the process.”

“Are you saying I hurt his feelings?” She almost looked remorseful. That was something I wouldn’t allow.

“No. I’m saying you hurt his pride. Admitting it to anyone else would hurt his ego. Something his type doesn’t do.”

She put a couple bills on the counter. It was enough to pay for her two old-fashioneds and for another two rounds. A one-hundred percent tip. Not too shabby. “I like what you’re saying barkeep.”

“Connor,” I said.

“But I’m not that lucky.” She stood, her second drink gone. “I appreciate the pep talk, however.”

“I’m right,” I said as she walked away from the bar. “You’re going to owe me an apology.”

She turned to look back at me. “If this all goes away, I will double that damned tip I just gave you. You have my word.”

“In that case, I look forward to seeing you again.”

With a small wave of dismissal, she walked out of my life. Back to the real world. The world where bartenders don't exist.


Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by OOAA » Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:00 pm

AMAZING writing!!!! Congratulations! Let's see how evolves 😉

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:48 pm

OOAA wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:00 pm
AMAZING writing!!!! Congratulations! Let's see how evolves 😉
Thanks for the kind words!! I really appreciate them.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:49 pm

All’s well that ends well….?


I got out of the Uber and headed towards the door of my home. Our home. Yes, I would have to go back to pick up my car but, after two drinks, I didn’t want to take any chances. That wasn’t enough for me to be drunk. Not really. The day was already a bust, however, I didn’t want to add to my failures if I got pulled over or in an accident.

“Thanks.” With a wave, I dismissed the driver.

His gaze trailed down my body in an appraising manner. Something that would normally irritate me. Today, however, I might have preened a little for his perusal. Maybe. Just a little. Okay, even I knew that was the wrong thing to do. That I’d just set the feminist movement back a good decade. Still, the day had left me a little bruised. I needed some reassurance.

“Anytime, doll. Count myself lucky when I get a pickup as lovely as you are.”

Well, he was definitely getting a bigger tip and another star added to his review. Which is probably why he said the words. I shrugged off my inner cynic and grabbed my phone out of my purse. If he chooses to flatter his way into a better life, just like the bartender, who was I to stand in his way?

Jack’s car was in the drive and the front door unlocked so I wasn’t surprised to find him home. In the kitchen, dancing to loud music wasn’t even unexpected. A soft, honest smile spread over my expression as I caught sight of him. He was truly the best decision I’d ever made. Yes, he was handsome. Of course. Everybody thought their guy was good looking, though. It was a subjective measure at best. No. What I loved so much about him was all the things a person couldn’t see. The little things one had to pay attention to notice.

He picked that moment to spot me. With a slight cock of his head, he danced over to my spot and wrapped me in his arms. Together, we danced to the silly music until I was laughing hard enough that I had to stop to catch my breath. “I take it you won,” I said after turning the music down a hair.

“I did.” He grabbed a wooden spoon off the stove and dipped it in a pan before offering me a taste. “But that’s not all.”

With a lift of an eyebrow, I blew on the red sauce in the spoon. “Oh? Do tell.” It was good that he’d had such a great day. His good mood was already wearing off on me.

“Aaron called after you texted me.”

My heart plummeted. With nothing else to do, I took the taste of sauce. Not that I tasted it at all. Could I go back and take some of Connor’s tip if he’d been wrong? We’d never discussed what he’d owe me if I was right. “Oh?” I forced a smile. Jack seemed happy. So, even if Aaron had told him everything, maybe it wasn’t so bad.

Putting the spoon down, he said, “I got the promotion.” He picked me up and twirled around the kitchen. “I got the fucking promotion.” When he stopped spinning, he allowed me to slowly slide down the front of his body. His warmth and the feel of his strong torso pressed against me was almost enough to make me forget my concerns. Almost.

“That’s,” I shook my head, “that’s fantastic.”

“You look surprised.” He pulled me back into his embrace. “I kind of thought you would already know.”

Burying my face into his shoulder, I took a deep breath. The rich scent of his cologne grounded me. He was here. As long as he was here, everything would be okay. “Why? How would I have?” I didn’t dare back away to look at him. I wasn’t brave enough.

“Because it was right after you left, silly. Which,” he said, pushing me away so he could stare down into my eyes. Guess I was going to have to be brave whether I wanted to be or not, “means it had to be something you said.”

My stomach knotted with dread. “Oh, no. It wasn’t me. I didn’t say anything good today. Nothing that would convince him to give you the promotion. If anything, I honestly thought I ruined any chance you had at that promotion.”

“Silly woman.” He dipped to take my mouth in a kiss full of passion and joy. Without thought, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. The kiss, his kiss, was addictive. Even after all this time, my heart raced and my body heated at his touch. It did everytime we touched. When he pulled back, I’d forgotten what we had been discussing. “You are the best decision I ever made. You could never ruin anything.” The words were so sincere, I almost believed them. “Except maybe dinner,” he said with a smile. “I don’t think I can wait to taste more of you.”

Walking over to the stove, I turned off the sauce. “Then don’t.” It took the simplest of maneuvers to undo the simple fastener and zipper that held the skirt up. The fabric fluttered to the floor to puddle around my stiletto heels. “We’ll order something when we’re done.”

“Thank god. It was just jar sauce anyway. The look on your face when you tried it…I thought you were going to spit it out.”

My face heated with embarrassment. “Oh, no. Sorry. My mind was somewhere else.” I rose to my toes so I could kiss him. “I honestly didn’t even taste it. Sorry.”

“No worries. I’m just glad that I appear to have your undivided attention now.” He started to unbutton my blouse, his fingers brushing against my skin with each move.

“Completely focused on you.” My eyes closed and my head tipped back as he maneuvered me so my ass was against the kitchen island. Yes. This was exactly what I needed. Jack. Always.

He pushed my blouse off my shoulders before learning down to kiss one of my nipples and then the other. “I like that.”

“I’m glad.” My voice was raspy as he left a trail of kisses down my stomach.

“Don’t get me wrong, the thought of you being bent over Aaron’s desk, your skirt pushed up over your hips, your panties torn and in a pile in the corner, as he fucked you from behind was hot as hell.”

Since he’d said it like that, I had to admit the scenario was kind of sexy. “Is that how you envisioned it going down?” Speaking of going down, I gasped as his kisses found my smooth pussy. Oh, yeah. So hot. I spread my legs to give him better access.

He pulled my panties to one side so he could run his tongue over the seam of my sex. Sensation slammed through me at the intimate touch. He knew exactly how much pressure to put into the caress. A whimper escaped me as I fought against the urge to tagle my fingers in his hair and force his mouth to claim its prize.

“His loss is my gain.” Another feather soft graze of his skin against mine made me growl. “Getting impatient?” He asked. It was the only warning I got before the sound of lace tearing filled my ears. My panties went flying over his shoulder. “Can’t have that. My queen should never have to wait for anything.”

I called out as his hands cupped my ass and brought my slick pussy closer to the warmth of his mouth. Yes. God yes. Finally, he was devouring me. Grabbing the lip of the island behind me, I used it as an anchor. I could no longer trust my own legs to keep me upright.

Heat and pressure took turns torturing me. Each touch, each kiss, each nip, bringing me higher until I thought I would die from the pleasure. Then he’d back off. Deny me the climax my body screamed for. “Please,” I begged. “Please, Jack.” My voice was rough. I’d probably been screaming. That sounded like something I would do.

“Turn around.” His voice was deep and rough as he issued the command.

I didn't even think, I turned so my ass was pressed into the hard length hidden behind his zipper.

“Good girl.” The words, whispered as they were into my ear, made me shiver. “Are you ready for me?”

“Are you?” I asked.

He gathered my hair in his hand, pulling my head back until it rested on his shoulder. “Answer me, Jewlie. Are you ready?”

“Always.” The word came out broken as it had to travel through my tight throat.

He pushed me forward so my weight was braced on the cool stone of the island as the sound of his zipper sliding down filled my ears. When he thrust into me, I could feel the rasp of his khaki pants against my bare ass. He hadn’t even taken them down. Somehow, the realization made me hotter.

Jutting my hips back, I tried to set the pace. He stopped me immediately by grabbing my hips. His fingers digging into my skin hard enough that I guessed I’d have bruises where he held me by nightfall. I smiled at the image. “Not this time, Jewlie. I’m going to take you exactly as I see fit. And you’re going to come all over my cock when I tell you to. Not a moment before. Am I understood?”

Biting my lip, I moaned in answer. Fine. If he wanted to call the shots. I had no problem with that.

“Am I understood?” He pulled out slowly before thrusting back into me. The move, designed to get my attention, made me moan.

How did he expect me to talk while every ounce of my attention was focused on the desire burning my body to ash from the inside.

“Jewlie?” He repeated the move.

“Yes. Yes.” The words were shouted as he sank deep into my core. I wasn’t sure if I was answering him or just calling out with passion, but he seemed to take the word as the signal he’d been waiting for.

“Good girl.” When he started thrusting into me in earnest, I relaxed my body to take all of him. “That’s it. God, yes. Love how your pussy stretches around my cock. So hot and tight.”

My mind went fuzzy with his words. It always did. I couldn’t think straight with him possessing every inch of my body while telling me how much he enjoyed every second of it. Minutes stretched to hours as I allowed him complete access.

He grasped the back of my hair as he got harder and bigger inside me. He was going to come. I didn’t need to understand the words he whispered into my ear as he ground against me. At the last minute, his free hand slipped around to my clit. With a gentle pinch, my world shattered. A wave of peace swept through my body where once there was tormented warring emotions. The hand on my pussy slid up to support my body as I went slack.

“That’s it. That’s my good girl.” His words came back into focus as did my own efforts to catch the harsh breaths I continued to take. He still pumped into my body as he finished. My own body was shaking with release under his.

Peace. Contentment. His fingers massaged the tender spots on my scalp. “Damn.” It was the first word I’d spoken and my voice sounded rough around it. “That was…” I couldn’t formulate the correct word for how amazing it was, how amazing I felt, so I let the sentence die.

“Intense?” He kissed my cheek as he slid out of me. I felt achy and bereft at his retreat, but as soon as he took a step away from me, he spun me around to collect me in his arms.

I smiled up at him. “Yeah. Something like that.”

Picking me up, he carried me back to our bedroom before placing me on our bed. “Thinking about what you and Aaron were up to all day got me super turned on.” He stretched out on top of me, his strong body caging mine.

“Even after you heard he wasn’t interested?” Unable to meet his gaze I glanced over his shoulder. With one hand, however, he directed my gaze back to his.

“He’s an idiot.” Jack shook his head before dropping down to leave a little kiss on the tip of my nose. “The smartest idiot I’ve ever met, but an idiot just the same.”

I giggled. “That's what the bartender said.”

“You told somebody else what you were up to today?”

Fuck. It’d just slipped out. Had I not been supposed to. “I’m sorry. I—”

His firm kiss silenced me. When my brain was fuzzy and my breath ragged again, he pulled away. “Never apologize. Not for exploring your sexual side. Not for sharing it with me. Not for talking about it with strangers. I think it’s hot as hell.” He brushed the bulge already growing hard against my pussy to chase away any doubts I had. “Plus, this bartender sounds pretty smart. Smarter than Aaron.”

“Speaking of which, I’m going to go back to his bar. I have to pick up my car and I owe him a bigger tip.”

Jack lifted one brow as I started pulling his golf shirt off over his head.

“He was right,” I added to answer Jack’s silent question. “About Aaron being an idiot.”

Jack smiled. “I think I might owe this bartender a tip as well.” When I cocked my head in question, he added, “For taking such great care of my girl.”


Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:02 pm

HOT chapter!!! Thanks for sharing! 👍

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:22 pm

I enjoyed this story and it made a refreshing change to read it from the wife's point of view.

Thanks for sharing.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by WannabeCuck26 » Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:07 am

Riveting story so far. You have a gift for sure. I can’t wait to read more.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:25 am

I really hope there's more, great story and very well told!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:30 am

Great start.
Can’t wait to see Aaron’s play on Jewel now that he’s given Jack the promotion.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:08 pm

Thank you all so much. I'm really glad you are enjoying it. And, yes, there is a lot more to come.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:08 pm

Sex kittens are not to be treated as shrinking violets.


It’d been two weeks. Granted, I could only imagine the mortification of propositioning someone only to be rejected. Actually, I laughed at the idea. I’m a fucking guy. Of course I could. I got rejected most of my college life. Still, I imagined it was a new experience for Jewel. She always had a way of getting what she wanted. Enough, however, was enough. She’d gone from a vibrant, sexy, confident woman to a virtual shut in. In just two weeks.

“Aaron is having a small dinner party for the partners this Saturday. We’re expected to be there.” The words were forceful, but I was past trying to negotiate with Jewel. Maybe if she faced her greatest failure, I had to take a deep breath not to roll my eyes at that hyperbole, she could start to get back to the woman she was meant to be.

She opened her mouth then shut it again as she blinked at me. Cocking her head, she studied me for another beat as if searching for a weak spot. She wasn’t going to find one. “I think I have a client meeting Saturday.”

I shook my head. “I checked your calendar. The day was open. I’ve already put the dinner on your schedule.” Rules were rules. Whoever scheduled an event on her ‘official’ calendar first got preference. She couldn’t fault me for using her own system against her.

She pulled up her calendar on her phone as if still looking for a way out. “Oh.” Her expression was one of confusion as she stared at the app. Not for the first time, I couldn’t help but wonder what had happened that Saturday with Aaron. I’d never seen her as rattled as she’d been since. Granted, the sex that night had been fantastic. It hadn’t been as hot since, however.

“I’ve ordered you a new dress to wear,” I said, guessing her next argument. “Nobody will be able to keep their eyes off of you.” I couldn’t imagine how anyone would be able to. My whole night would be spent trying not to drool on her.

An honest smile bloomed on her expression and I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Yeah. I knew my girl. She loved it when I bought her clothes. Even more when I dictated what I wanted her to wear to functions. Don’t get me wrong, she was strong as hell. The most confident woman I’d ever met. But, there was something about me wanting to see her in public in sexy clothes made her hot as hell. It was my trump card. The one I never acknowledged and kept in my pocket for occasions exactly like this one. “Is it black?” she asked, her voice almost a purr.

“Red,” I corrected. “Crimson to be specific. I also booked an appointment at your nail place for a mani pedi that morning. I pre-picked a matching shade for you.”

She lifted a brow at me as she started walking toward me. I sat at one end of the couch, watching cycling. There was plenty of room for her on the other end, but she didn’t stop until she was in front of me. “That was really considerate, Jack. Thank you.”

I might be slightly confused as to what she’d been going through over the past two weeks, but even I could figure out that she would want to look her best before seeing my boss again. “No problem. I made the appointment early enough that we would have time to go to that little bar for a drink before we head out, as well. Just you and me. Nothing big. Like a mini date night.”

“The one where Connor works?” As she shifted her weight to straddle my lap, her pencil skirt rode up to reveal the tops of her stockings. When I nodded, she said, “I like that idea.”

“Who knows, maybe Connor will be working that night.” I kept my expression neutral and my eyes on the television as she leaned forward to kiss my neck.

With a nip of my earlobe, she asked, “And you would enjoy that? If Connor was working?”

“I always enjoy watching other people appreciate your beauty.” The cycling stage went on in front of me but I had long ago stopped paying attention to it. Whether she knew it or not, every atom of my being was focused on her. Her scent, vanilla infused rose, filled my lungs with each breath. The heat rolling off her body burned my very soul. Already my cock was getting hard under way too many layers of clothing. Still, I was biding my time. Patience was key with Jewel.

Her tongue traced the shell of my ear. The simple touch was almost my undoing. Damn I loved that tongue of hers. Most especially loved the way it felt against my skin. “And what about you? Do you enjoy seeing me all sexy in public?” She shifted her weight to rub her pussy against the bulge growing in my slacks.

“Fortunately, yes.” This was the moment. My moment. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I pulled her back. Just enough to give me space to make eye contact with her. “Because you are always the sexiest woman in any room. I can only imagine what a nightmare it would be for both of us if I wasn’t confident enough to handle that.”

Her lips were on mine in an instant despite my hold on her hair. Part of the reason I held on to her by her hair as often as I did. She fucking loved the sensation. Where the once sullen docile woman had been now sat a wildcat. Frantically, she pulled off my shirt. Sending buttons raining through the room. Not that it mattered. Especially not when her nails scored my chest. The touch just firm enough to sting. Yeah, I’d replace the shirt without complaint. There was no way I could ever replace her.

I didn’t try to help her when she began to struggle with my belt. She’d figure it out. I had faith in her abilities to get a man naked. Besides, I had work of my own to do. I couldn’t have her still dressed when she did manage to get me undressed.

Her shirt met much the same fate as mine. Buttons pinged against the floor as I ripped it open. She looked up, her face one of shock. If she expected me to express any remorse, however, she had another thing coming.

Taking advantage of her change in position, I buried my face in the deep cleavage her lacy bra created. “Jack.” Passion warred with irritation in her voice as she said my name. “That was my favorite shirt.”

“Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” I shrugged as I left a trail of kisses against her breast. “Now, hush, and let me love you in peace, woman.”

Her warm laugh washed over me as her breasts jiggled around me. Damn. She was so fucking hot. Before I realized what was happening, her hands disappeared from my waist. I only had a second to miss her touch before her breasts bounced free of their restraint. “Then let me get this out of the way. I would hate to have to replace it as well.”

“Good call.” The words came out mumbled as I said them around one of her beaded nipples. Yeah. Like I wasn’t going to have one of her rosy nipples in my mouth the moment she freed them. It was a damn tragedy I couldn't get both of them at the same time. Her other breast was just going to have to wait its turn.

“Beast,” she said with a giggle as I nipped her gently. When I sucked her sensitive skin, however, all amusement left her. Her nails scored my scalp as she drove her fingers through my hair. Pulling my head even closer to her body, for one moment I feared I might suffocate. Not that I was complaining. If that was how I went, I’d enjoy every second of it. “You aren’t playing fair.”

When she used her hold on my hair to push my head away, I smiled up at her. “That’s because I’m not playing, sweetheart.” She let out a startled yelp as I changed her position so she was on her back on the couch. After we settled into the new spot, her hands once again returned to my belt. “Thank goodness.” I paused to allow her free access to the accessory. “Because you would be losing if I were.”

Pulling the belt free, she let out a cry of victory. “No.” She held the belt up for my inspection. “I’m definitely winning. And I’m taking your belt as my trophy.”

She certainly had earned it. I had other plans, however. “Give it here, Jewlie.” When she complied without hesitation, my swollen cock became painfully hard. Given her sly smile, she knew exactly what she was doing to me. Oh, yeah. She was winning.

“Hands above your head, sweetheart.” Her mouth turned to a delicate pout even as she did as I ordered. “Good girl.” Wrapping the belt around her wrists, I secured them together. “Now. Let me show you what winning really feels like.”

Instead of undressing her the rest of the way, I stepped off the couch. With her eyes glued to me, I shed my remaining layers of clothing. I loved the way her body twisted on the couch as she watched me. Damn. She devoured me with her gaze. As I dropped my boxers, her tongue swept across her lips to wet them. I immediately understood the gesture. Who was I to disappoint her?

“Open up.”

With her hands restrained, it would be up to me to set the pace and depth of the blow job. I wasn’t concerned. One of the best things about having been with someone for as long as I’d been with her was that I had experience with her. I understood exactly how deep and how fast she liked her blowjobs to be.

She turned her face, however, so she was facing the back of the couch. “Not until you take off my skirt and panties.”

Once I did that, I would be a goner. I couldn’t see her pussy without sinking into it. “If that’s what you want.” As I moved to the button of her skirt, she pushed her hips back as she swiveled to face me again.

“But you know that’s not what I want Jack.” Oh yeah. I knew exactly what she wanted. Still, if she wanted it, she was going to have to say it.

I took a step back and put my hand over my heart as if wounded. “Are you saying you don’t want my cock driving into that wet pussy of yours?”

She had the nerve to glare at me. Thankfully the pout of her lips softened the defiant look. Not that I was buying it for a second. She was playing. “Of course I do. After.” The word idiot was heavily implied by her tone. Oh, she really did want to play tonight.

“Feeling sassy, are we?” I sat next to her hip as I began to stroke her breast. She wanted to escalate this until I lost control and she was calling the shots. That wasn’t going to happen. “Or just impatient?”

“If by sassy you mean frustrated, sure.” When I rolled her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, she whimpered. “Come on, Jack. Please.”

I tugged on the sensitive skin as I said, “Come on, Jack, what?”

After studying me for a moment, she said, “Undress me.”

“Why?” Leaning over, I kissed down her torso. When I hit the button in question, I looked up at her.

“So I can suck your cock.” Again, she licked her lips. Again, I almost lost it.

I took a deep breath to settle my nerves before answering, “Is that what you want? To suck my cock?” I ran my hand down the length as I spoke.

She started to try to lean toward me. “Yes.”

“But you can do that just as well with your skirt on,” I pointed out. A small growl escaped her. She really was bold tonight. “Out with it, Jewelie. Why do you want to be naked while you suck my cock?”

Her jaw flexed as she contemplated telling me. Hoping to sweeten the pot, I ran my finger over the button. “Because,” she said, her face red, “if I am, then you won’t be able to resist giving me a turn as I suck you.”

I stilled. That hadn’t been the answer I thought I was going to get but, judging by her expression, it was the absolute truth.

She rolled her eyes and squirmed a little under my stare. “I like coming with your cock in my mouth. The only time I can do that…”

“Is when you're naked and sucking me off,” I said when she went silent.

“Exactly.” Her eyes lit up as I unfastened the button. “Why do you always make me say everything out loud?”

I pulled down the zipper, enjoying the sound as it filled the room. “Because, Jewelie, knowing what turns you on is what turns me on.” The skirt and her flimsy panties slid off with one tug. “And I can’t turn you on unless I know what’s going on in that head.” I leaned forward to run my tongue over her pussy. She was dripping. “Unfortunately, the only way I know what’s going on in there is if you tell me.”

“Please,” she whimpered. “Please, Jack. Let me suck you. I want your cock down my throat when I come.”

There was no way I could deny her even if I wanted to.

She moaned appreciatively as I finally slid my cock into her mouth. Damn. The slide of her tongue against my skin almost made me come. Patiently, however, I waited. I meant it when I said I’d give her exactly what she asked for. If she wanted to come with my dick down her throat, by god, I was going to make that happen.

I flicked my tongue over her clit as she moaned around me. The sensations threatened to inundate me. If I wasn’t careful, I would lose focus. Which wasn’t acceptable. Wanting her to come, I slid one finger into pussy. The stretching sensation sent her over the edge. Her body spasmed under mine as the waves of pleasure washed through her. Before she finished climaxing, I slid out of her throat. She grabbed my hips to try and stop me, but I wasn’t going to let her. “I’m going to finish in this pussy that I just got all wet and ready for me, Jewlie.”

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:07 am

Many thanks for another exciting installment, this just keeps on getting better. What will happen at the bar with Connor and then afterwards with Aaron, if they ever get there? 😀


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Jul 11, 2022 2:43 am

I love the way this is being told and am looking forward to how it all develops.


Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by anonymister1948 » Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:41 pm


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:30 pm

Thank you all so much! I'm glad you are liking it so far.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:31 pm

The bar where Connor works and then maybe one more. Just for good measure.


Walking into the building Saturday night, a rush of giddiness flowed through my blood as several men’s attention swung to follow our progress as we made our way to the bar. The dress was everything Jack had promised. Its neckline was plunging, the material hugged my curves deliciously, and the hem would be scandalous if I needed to bend over for anything. Especially given that Jack intentionally hadn’t purchased any panties for me to wear under it.


The sound of Connors' smooth voice made me jump. I’d been so caught up in the attention, I hadn’t done a good job focusing on what was right in front of me. My cheeks heated as I slid onto one of the tall stools. “Yes, please.”

Jack took the stool to my right. “I’ll take one as well. My wife tells me they are stellar.”

“Alas, I’m off duty. I’m just passing your order off to Scottie. You’ll have to give him a chance tonight.” Connor nodded to the guy who was flirting with a blonde twenty-something at the other end of the bar.

I pushed my lip out in a slight pout as I crossed one leg over the other. The dress rode up with the movement putting a good deal of my upper thigh on display. “I don’t know, he seems pretty busy at the moment. Are you sure you can’t just make two more drinks before you clock out?” I batted my eyelashes at him in a shameless ploy for attention. “I would owe you one.”

“As would I,” Jack added. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as Connor glanced down at Scottie once more. With any other guy and the move would’ve felt possessive. With Jack, however, it had always been comforting.

With a sigh, Connor looked back at us. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “Okay. Two more drinks. I can do that.”

“Thank you.” I smiled brightly at him. “I’ve told everybody who would listen how great your drinks are.” Looking around, I gave him a sheepish glance. “Not that you need the business. Wow. It’s packed tonight.”

“Saturday nights usually are,” He answered easily as he mixed the drinks. “One of the reasons I prefer Saturday afternoons.”

I filed that little tidbit of information away. “And here we are keeping you from your Saturday night plans.” Yes, it was an obvious attempt for more information. I didn’t care. With Jack’s arm around me and Connonr’s attention focused on me, while he was doing me a favor, I felt more confident than I had in weeks. I liked that feeling. “I’d apologize for the inconvenience, but I’m not really all that sorry. And I try not to lie. At least, I try not to lie in order to make myself look better.”

When both Jack and Connor laughed at the same time, my heart beat a little faster. What were these guys doing to me?

“So you would lie for some other reason, then?” Connor asked.

I nodded. “Only the most noble of reasons, though.”

So to spare someone’s feelings? Would you lie for that?”

“Maybe. I would need a specific example.” The banter we tossed back and forth was fun. Like a game of tennis.

“Like telling me my drinks were sublime?” He sat our drinks in front of us as he asked the questions. Instead of answering, I took a small taste of mine. “Would you lie to me about that?”

Jack laughed as he pulled me closer to his body. “She probably would, but I wouldn’t.”

Connonr’s attention moved to Jack as he took his first drink. “And? Did she play me for a drink making fool?”

I giggled as Jack put his glass back on the bar. He looked at me and then at Connor as he let the old-fashioned sit on his tongue for a bit. He was really playing this up. I swear, Connor was starting to look genuinely concerned. Then Jack swallowed and smiled at the bartender. “Sublime.”

The rest of the bar glanced our way as the three of us laughed together. “Then I know it must be true,” Connor said with a wink.

Scottie pulled himself away from his flirtations to wander down to our end of the bar. “Thought you were taking off, Connor?” He glanced pointedly at me and Jack before slapping Connor on the back. “Poor guy has already worked his fingers to the bones today. Or, at least, that’s what he told me.”

“Never too tired to fix a couple drinks for friends.” Connor brushed the man’s touch off. The move had been discreet, but I noticed.

“Friends? Of Connor’s? In the bar?” Scottie held his hand out for me to shake it. “Here I assumed that he either didn’t have any or was embarrassed to bring them by.”

Yeah. I didn’t blame Connor for brushing Scottie off just seconds ago. I didn’t want to touch this guy either. He oozed of fratboy douche. A look I wasn’t into even when I was in school. With little else to do, however, I cleared my throat and took his offered hand. It was clammy. I hoped my forced smile hid the shiver of disinterest that went through me at his touch.

“You know what they say about assuming, don’t cha Scottie?” Jack asked, his attention focused on the drink in his hand. Connor’s mouth twitched as if he were having a hard time suppressing a smile and I had to bite back the small laugh that wanted to bubble out at Jack’s dry comment. “But we’re sorry to have kept you late, Connor. If you give us the check, we’ll pay and head out.”

“It’s on me,” Connor said. “If you wanted to continue your evening, however, there’s a place around the corner that’s a little more private.”

“Or you could stay right here,” Scottie said as he elbowed Connor. The move must happen often however, as Connor sidestepped it without even looking over at the other bartender. “I bet my drinks are every bit as good as Connor’s.” This time a small bark of laughter did manage to escape me. “Okay. Well I know they are better than what they serve at Rosa’s.”

Jack threw a couple of bills on the bar. “Thanks. But we have a party to get to anyway. Maybe next time, Scottie.”

Scottie looked at the twenty and ten Jack had just put down. “Yeah. Absolutely. I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

I finished my drink, as did Jack, then we waved to Connor before heading out. The stay at the bar hadn’t been as long as I’d hoped it would be and I hadn’t had enough to drink to lose all the nervous energy and dread humming in the pit of my stomach, but I did feel better. Laughing helped.

The cool night air brushed over my bare shoulders as we stepped outside. When I shivered, however, Jack pulled me closer to him. “Want my jacket?”

“For the five steps it’ll take for us to get to the car?” I shook my head. “I’m tougher than that.”

“I actually had something else in mind.” True to his words, he steered me in the opposite direction of our car. “We still have some time to kill before we have to be at the party.”

At that point, I really didn’t care what my charming husband was up to. Anything that bought me more time before having to face Aaron again was a welcomed distraction. “I’m at your mercy.” He pulled me tighter to him as we walked for a bit. Still, when the Rosa sign came into view, I was a little surprised. “This is the place Connor was talking about.”

The comment was more of a passing thought than a question, but Jack still said, “Uh-huh. A little privacy sounded nice. Once we show up at the party, I won’t get another second of your time. You'll be too busy charming all the other partners and their wives.”

He did have a point. I tended to be the social one in our partnership. Partly because I’m just naturally outgoing. Partly because Jack hated small talk. “You could always join me in charming them,” I teased. “Best of both worlds. You’d have my attention and your partners would get to see first hand how amazing the man I married is. You know, instead of hearing me say it for the millionth time.” Yes, I talked my guy up. Every chance I got. I wasn’t going to apologize for that. Ever. Regardless of who might roll their eyes when I opened my mouth. I did, however, make a point to keep a closer eye on those who did the eye-rolling. It was a keep your friends close and your enemies closer kind of thing. “This will be your first partner’s party. Maybe it’s time to shake things up?”

“No thank you. I’m happy to keep my head down and my attention focused on the drink in my hand. I’ll let you, and my work, speak for me.”

The place did seem to offer more privacy when we walked in. It wasn’t dead. Most of the tables were occupied. But somehow it managed to be full and yet not draw attention to that fact at the same time. Jack took a second to look around then picked a small table out of the way. Much as all the tables appeared to be.

“I think it’s the lighting,” I commented absently as I took the chair Jack held out for me. It hadn’t been exactly bright at Connor’s bar, but neon had reflected off enough of the surfaces that it was well lit. Here the lights were muted. Most of them were soft blues and purples. It had a cooling effect that instantly put me at ease.

He dutifully helped me scoot the chair in before saying, “And the partitions.”

Looking around, I noted the high walls strewn about the room. There weren’t enough of them to make the space feel crowded or the patrons trapped, but just enough to give the illusion of personal space. “I really like it.”

“Me too,” he whispered into my ear. “I’m going to get our drinks. Be a good girl and don’t disappear on me.”

As if? Where did he think I would go? Maybe the bathroom, I conceded as I pulled out my phone. When I felt a tap on my shoulder, I was so enthralled in my social media that I jumped.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.” Connor said, his teasing smile telling me otherwise. “Glad you and your husband decided to check the place out.”

Putting my phone down, I focused my attention on him. “It really is everything you promised it would be. Very private. Low key.”

Jack came back carrying three drinks. I lifted an eyebrow at him. Had he known this was going to happen? I rolled my eyes as he gestured to Connor to take the empty chair at the table. Of course he had.

Connor started to pull the chair out, but stopped as I glanced from him to Jack. “Is it okay if I join you?”

It was sweet of him to ask. Truth be told, I didn’t have an issue with him. It was Jack’s behavior I was questioning. For someone who liked to be kept in the loop, he seemed to have no problem throwing me curve balls. “Be our guest.” I smiled to make sure he didn’t read any animosity in the words. Truth be told, it was nice to get to see more of him. “How did you two work this out?” I asked, taking my drink from Jack. “Thank you, Sweetheart.” Then, to clarify, I added, “For the drink.” I didn’t want either of them to think I was presuming that anything else was going to be offered. We were already on our way to see one guy who rejected me. The last thing I wanted was to add the salt of fresh rejection to the wound.

“Oh, we didn’t work anything out,” Connor said as he took his seat.

“The place just sounded so nice, I wanted to check it out.” Jack raised his glass to his lips. “It was just a lucky guess that Connor might stop by as well.”

A lucky guess? One that had him buying the guy, who may or may not be showing up, a drink? I shrugged. “Okay. If you say so.”

The old-fashioned was smooth and warm as I took my first drink of it. Not as good as Connor’s, but definitely better than what Scottie had implied it would be. “That’s pretty good,” I said as I put the glass down.

“But not sublime?” Connor asked. I could’ve sworn there was a nervous undertone to the question. Did he really expect me to say it was better than his.

I shook my head. “Not sublime.”

Jack laughed. “So my wife here tells me that she told you all about her day that Saturday before she walked into your bar.”

“She did.” Connor said, taking a drink. He kept the answer brief. Discreet. Already I liked this Connor a bit more.

“And what did you think about her situation?” Jack pressed.

Connor looked at me. When I nodded, he answered, “I thought that any guy who rejected her was either an idiot or gay.”

Jack turned to focus on me. “He’s definitely an idiot.” His gaze trailed down my body as he examined each inch of skin the dress revealed. “But I was more asking about your thoughts on me. A husband who was okay with his wife fucking his boss. Hell, more than okay. Turned on by the thought of it.”

Goose bumps broke out on my skin as I was pulled into the deep timbre of Jack’s voice.

“Not my place to judge.” Connor took another drink. When he put the glass down, he added, “We all have our kinks. I certainly have my fair share. Wouldn’t want strangers to judge me on them.”

I had to shift in my seat as desire started to pool in the bottom of my gut. Connor had kinks? Kinks he comfortably brought up in front of us? “Like what?” The words were past my lips before I could think better of them.

“Restraints, wax, public places.” He paused as he took a small drink. “Threesomes. You know, the usual.” When he winked at me, my pussy got a little damp. Surely he wasn’t implying what I thought he was?

The image of being tied to a bed with Jack and Connor melting candles above my body drifted through my head. With a mental shake, I pushed the fantasy away. He wasn’t offering. I’d asked a question and he’d answered it. Simple as that. He hadn’t even given any clue that he would like to satisfy any of those kinks with me. With us, I corrected.

But he had said Aaron was an idiot for not wanting me. Did that mean Connor maybe did? I bit my bottom lip as I contemplated my current situation. It’d been forever since I’d flirted with anyone. Aaron didn't count. That was a business deal. This, whatever this was, was more about the attraction. Like back in my college days. Could I still manage to get his attention without making a fool of myself? Or had I forgotten the artform or flirtation?

“Man. I do believe that's judgment dancing in your eyes.” Connor’s teasing smile softened the accusation and made me wonder what he really did see in my expression.

I held my hands up in surrender. “Not judging.”

“Something’s definitely going on up there, though.” He rested a finger against my temple as he said the words then let it trail down my cheek. The touch was no more than a whisper of his skin against mine, still, it lit something in me on fire.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by ckryan » Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:46 pm

I am very much interested in this story. I'm loving the characters, and looking forward to seeing where things go. Great chapter!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:48 pm

I love the way this story is developing and can't wait to read more. I particularly love that we get to know something about those involved. It makes it so much more intense when we care about them.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:38 pm

Really good writing. Well done and thank you.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:16 am

Enjoying it, nice development, please continue.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 54321 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 9:08 am

Walking into the building Saturday night, a rush of giddiness flowed through my blood as several men’s attention swung to follow our progress as we made our way to the bar. The dress was everything Jack had promised. Its neckline was plunging, the material hugged my curves deliciously, and the hem would be scandalous if I needed to bend over for anything. Especially given that Jack intentionally hadn’t purchased any panties for me to wear under it.
Way to go!



Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by 70sstag » Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:48 am

Incredible writing by a lovely lady!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:19 am

Thank you all so much for your kind words. My husband was away on business and then we had a relative visit. You I have finally gotten the next chapter done. Whew!!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:19 am

Calling the shots


Jewel looked over at me. The uncertainty was written on her lovely face. Things had just gotten real. I wasn’t sure what her plans with Aaron had included. She’d kept that to herself. At this moment, however, I was kind of glad Aaron had declined. Not because I wanted to see her hurt. I would’ve done anything in my power to avoid that. Seeing her eyes light with desire, I felt my cock start to swell. If Aaron had taken her up on her offer, I would’ve missed this. This scene unfolding in front of me wasn’t to be missed.

Making sure my smile held warmth and reassurance, I ran my fingers over her neck as I leaned close to her. “Do what feels right,” I whispered in her ear.

“This feels like a trap,” she whispered back, honesty and concern mirrored in her expression.

After leaving a kiss on her cheek, I said, “I’d never set one.” That’s how I’d gotten her to say yes to me all those years ago. By never setting a trap to ensnare her. She was a unicorn. If I was going to love her, I had to love her on her terms. She would always need freedom. If that’s all it took to keep her by my side, it was a price I was willing to pay. Happily.

Her smile softened with the truth of my statement. “I know. I’m not sure what to do.”

I shook my head. Oh, she knew. She’d just played the card that guaranteed she got exactly what she wanted. Which was, for me to take the lead. I wouldn’t have objected had she simply stated that. There was no need for her to play games. At least, not with me. Still, I realized this was new to her so I gave her extra grace. We would be talking about this when we got home however. “Lean forward. Give him a glimpse down the front of that gorgeous dress you’re wearing,” I whispered back. “Tell him what’s going on in your head.”

Best to get this timid backslide out of the way. When she met up with Aaron again, she would need to have her confidence completely back. Flirting, or more, with a cute bartender had the potential to give her that.

She took a deep breath and nodded. That was my good girl. Turning from me, I missed being her focus of attention. When her shoulders straightened, however, I decided to enjoy the view instead of feeling sorry for myself.

“I was just…um…thinking that you were very kind to recommend a place for us. We weren’t relishing the idea of chatting with Scottie and I could use another drink before we go to this,” she paused and cleared her throat before saying, “party.”

“Not a party person?” Connor asked. I had to commend the man on picking up on cue and taking the time to ask about it. Not enough men spent time on the details. They were goal driven. Which often worked well for careers and education but sucked where women were considered. The details? That’s where women lived.

“It’s a partners party hosted by Jack’s boss.” A slight stretch of the neck and fidget of her shoulders were the only tell she gave that she was uncomfortable. Still, I saw them. Scooting closer to her, I put a hand on her shoulders in support.

Connor nodded. “I get it. Let me get the next round.”

He stood and disappeared before he could ask what we wanted. Jewel turned to give me a quizzical glance, but all I could do was shrug in response. Connor returned a few minutes later holding three full martini glasses.

“That was quick,” Jewel said as she carefully took one of the glasses from him.

Connor shrugged. “I’m a regular.” He handed one of the others to me. “Martinis. Martinis with orange bitters. They are the signature drink of the house. Please, for the love of all that’s holy, never order one from me. Mine don’t compare.”

“I find that hard to believe.” Her voice was a deep and rich purr to my ear. The tone always made my blood heat. It was official, the alcohol had started to kick in. She was beginning to relax. “Mmmm…” The rumble of gratitude she made at her first drink sent a spark of longing through me. Oh to be that drink…

“Glad you approve.” Connor raised his glass in a toast. “Cheers”

Jewel giggled as she pulled herself from her drink. “Oops. Sorry.” She lifted the glass up as I lifted mine. “Cheers,” we said in unison.

When I took my first sip, I could understand Jewel’s reaction. It was tart and mellow at the same time. I held it in my mouth for a second, something Jewel always teased me about, until the undercurrents of the gin melted into cardamom and coriander with just a touch of pepper at the tail end. When I swallowed, I was surprisingly impressed by how smooth it went down. “Excellent drink,” I said with an appreciative nod.

“So he always does that long taste thing?” Connor asked, leaning in to Jewel. “I thought it was designed specially just to torment me.”

I smiled. “Nope.”

“Jack lives to appreciate the finer things,” Jewel said before taking another drink.

“Women, drinks, cars, cigars, food….” I shrugged as I let the sentence die unfinished. There were too many things that I loved to enjoy for me to list them all. We’d be here all night. “If you don’t really savor the best things in life, you never fully appreciate the craftsmanship that went into them.”

Connor looked down at his drink as if considering my words. “So women are a product of craftsmanship?”

“The best are,” Jewel answered. When Connor lifted an eyebrow in question I smiled. Oh, yeah. This was one of Jewel’s favorite soap boxes. Even when she was sober. “Please don’t tell me you are one of those guys looking for a girl who wakes up all dewy and smelling of fresh mint. She steps out of bed and gets dressed with the aid of forest animals?” She sat back, her posture one of challenge.

“I guess I hadn’t thought about it,” Connor answered.

At least the guy was honest. And he didn’t seem to be getting defensive while she spoke. Another plus as far as I was concerned. She would hate it to know I went out of my way to only hold conversations with people who treated her with respect, however. So I kept that tidbit to myself. It was one of the main reasons I could never stand to be in a conversation with my douchey co-worders at these stupid parties, though. They all treated her like she was some sort of living Barbie. Aaron was the only one who had ever talked to her like an equal. He’d even offered her a job as his assistant out of professional respect. That was part of the reason I thought she had been attracted to him.

“It takes time and energy to achieve any type of look that appears put together and cohesive. After a certain age, makeup is pretty much a daily task. Still, how theatrical, how natural, how much of a shimmer or shine does the woman want? Each takes time and effort to learn.”

Connor nodded. “I can see where that would be a skill to master.”

“And don’t even get me started on lips and eyebrows.” She shook her head. “Not to mention hair extensions and nail choices. And if a woman wants to go from business to sexy as the day progresses to night.”

“That does sound like a lot.” Connor held up his hands in surrender. “I stand corrected. Women are definitely a product of craftsmanship.”

Jewel crossed her arms over her chest in a gesture of victory. “Are you sure? I haven’t even started on wardrobe or shoes.”

“Please don’t get her started on wardrobe or shoes,” I said, my voice dry.

“I yield. I yield,” Connor said with a laugh.

With a curt nod, Jewel finished her drink. “That’s what I thought.”

“That woman sure can down a drink when it benefits her.”

I rubbed her shoulders as I left a kiss on her neck. “That she can.” With a soft nibble on her ear, I added, “You should see what else she can down when it benefits her.” A small gasp escaped Jewel as I said the words. Still, she didn’t deny them. That had to be a good sign.

“I’m not sure I understand what you are implying,” Connor said, the mischievous sparkle in his eye told me he was playing a game. Jewel enjoyed men who liked to play.

“Head,” she said, holding her empty glass. “He’s implying I can deepthroat a cock with the best of them.”

That was a bold reply. I’d figured she’d leave me to explain that one. “She’s correct,” I said. “Good girl.” I let my hand trail from her shoulder down her arm to her waist as I nuzzled her neck. “Very good girl.” Without lifting my head away from the warmth of her body, I said, “Isn’t she a good girl, Connor? So very brave for admitting that without any coercion.”

She grabbed my thigh as a small purr escaped her. Yeah, she had a praise kink. I smiled at the thought of how wet her pussy would be getting right about now.

“Very brave.” Connor’s voice had dropped an octave. Good start.

I kissed her neck again before saying, “Tell her she’s a good girl, Connor. She won’t know if you don’t tell her.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulder as I nipped the sensitive skin under my lips. I didn’t have to look at her to imagine her current appearance. I could feel by the tilt of her neck that she was leaning back. The scoring of her nails through my hair told me that her back would be arched, making her breasts a tempting focal point. Her legs would be spread to give her better stability. Her eyes were most likely closed so she could fully enjoy the sensation.

“Very good girl.” Connor’s voice sounded closer. As if he’d leaned forward for a better view. The thought made my cock hard. Damn, I was going to have to take advantage of her pantyless state once we got back to the car.

The thought sparked an idea that made me smile. “Know what else makes her a good girl?” I asked, my hand at her waist playing with the outline of her hip bone through her dress. No panty line there. I wasn’t sure if I was savoring the knowledge or reminding her that she was naked under the dress.

“What?” Connor’s voice sounded brittle as he said the single word.

“Do you want to tell him or should I, Jewelie?”

She shifted in her chair as she took a moment. Much to my surprise, before I could take my next breath, she said, “I’m not wearing anything under this dress. As per Jack’s request.”

“Fuck.” The word was said so softly, I almost missed it. “That is a good girl,” Connor said a bit louder.

This was going to be the interesting part. “I don’t think he believes you, Jewelie.” I bit her neck just a shade away from pain. “I don’t think I believe you.”

One of the reasons I loved dark bars. She shifted as she pulled the hem of her skirt up the inch it would take to show definitive proof of what a good girl she was.

“So fucking smooth.” Connor’s voice held a plea.

“I think he’d like to feel, Jewelie. Is that okay?” I wasn’t sure what I’d do if she said no. My cock was so hard behind the prison of the zipper that I feared I would cum if she said yes. Either way, at this moment, I was royally screwed. Something I was sure Jewel would be able to empathize with as soon as I could get my hands on her properly.

“Yes, please.” Her answer was barely above a whisper. Thankfully, the sound of Connor’s chair scooting closer told me he had heard without me having to untangle myself from her.

She moaned softly a second later and my balls tightentened.

“Fuck, she’s so goddamned wet.” There was awe in Connor’s voice. Much as there should be.

“Damn, Jewelie, we need to get out of here. Now.” It took every bit of my strained willpower not to pick her up and wrap her body around mine until she straddled me. “See you next time, Connor.” I gave him a small salute as I helped Jewel out of her chair.

Connor’s smile told me he wasn’t offended by our hasty retreat. “Next time.”

Yeah. It was official. I liked this bartender. Maybe, after the party, Jewel and I could discuss him further. For now, however, I had a problem that needed to be solved and she was the only one I trusted with it.

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