From Norway with love

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:01 am

aaardvarky wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:39 am
Johng1953 - please don't stop second-guessing their next move. It is often your guesses, like the wings of a butterfly, that create the most torrid experiences for our players!
Well then, what I hope for is more exclusion and denial for L when he may now be thinking he is being brought back into the fold, even to the point of apparent cruelty. And not just sexually.
Active exclusion and denial of course, definitely not just ignoring him.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:22 pm

I didn't really have time to comment today but my overriding impression was the Triad unification as Lars' larger cock joined L's in a symbolic act, reaching further up into N's vagina and bringing even greater heights of experience and sensual pleasure to her, was a new level of erotic joining, as if the baton has been firmly passed on from L to Lars who now became the provider of sexual and sensory pleasure to N. The couple were emerging from the threesome and it was L who was being cast in the more junior role of watching and remembering.

This was perhaps the very last time L enjoys such intimacy involving any level of penetration with N. Lars is now firmly installed as her favourite and only long term lover in physical terms. L's new role is to enjoy listening, or being in the company of the two lovers by daytime and perhaps on occasion even being allowed to watch, although maybe only from a great distance as in Portugal.

The big question for me is if Lars goes back to Norway will N go back to London and will life just revert back to as if nothing ever happened. For me L is now in a beta role dominated by whatever teasing scraps are fed to him.

(There may be an element of acting as a sort of devil's advocate in putting that scenario out there as a possible interpretation without fully believing it myself - just in the interests of adding a few more diversionary thoughts 😂)


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:35 pm


Guest post from N

Aaardvarky has asked me to write to you again, informing me you had enjoyed my last contribution and it was high time I made a further appearance on this page.

I know from reading the thread that some of you - Chrislydli, BDJ, Johng1953 and nnjcpl2002 are asking about where things are leading with Lars and L? It is so difficult to answer that question, for to be honest, like you, I just do not know. As three individuals whose orbits intercept, we seem to continuously reinvent ourselves whilst managing to meet our individual needs. Perhaps this is exactly as it should be, rather than working to a social formula, a pattern or other people’s expectations? What is your view on this?

I recognise that at times I do appear to be focused on my own pleasure, and not my partners’ needs, but I hope this is not the case. I have to consider what L and Lars seek for our relationships to continue to succeed. We stay united out of desire and not duty. Understanding L and his triggers is key to each and every decision I make. That isn’t to say that sometimes I get it wrong, but it is mostly what he would have chosen for himself. And for me taking this initiative deprives L of the choices, an aspect which he relishes.

Lars’ needs are much easier to meet. He loves both me and his independence in equal measures, so our part-time relationship appears to work perfectly for him. It is a bonus that he respects my marriage and the person I am married to. My two men retain a distance from each other, but a visceral connection through me. In this way we seem to support each other’s desires.

Our latest adventure tells me that denying L and including him are indeed two sides of the same coin - it’s just a question of how it is flipped! Perhaps the excitement is not in making a choice, but in avoiding the predicted?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:45 pm

"Our latest adventure tells me that denying L and including him are indeed two sides of the same coin - it’s just a question of how it is flipped! Perhaps the excitement is not in making a choice, but in avoiding the predicted?"
I think that's almost exactly as I see it. But just maybe also testing L's limits and sexual boundaries? which is what I think you've done perfectly so far.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:31 pm

For me the last couple of paragraphs of N's post give a lot of guidance even if there are no actual great revelations or corrections.

'Lars’ needs are much easier to meet. He loves both me and his independence in equal measures, so our part-time relationship appears to work perfectly for him. It is a bonus that he respects my marriage and the person I am married to. My two men retain a distance from each other, but a visceral connection through me. In this way we seem to support each other’s desires.

Our latest adventure tells me that denying L and including him are indeed two sides of the same coin - it’s just a question of how it is flipped! Perhaps the excitement is not in making a choice, but in avoiding the predicted?'

The plans on what happens when they all return to their homes later in the year and the physical separation of our trio was always a key point to their ongoing relationship, with Lars valuing both his independence and part time relationship while also respecting her marriage to L. I don't think anyone honestly suspected anything different but the odd diversionary 'what if's' can add a little spice to the more predictable outcome. The interesting part is the constant mental challenges the changing dynamic keeps throwing up as it evolves and how to keep that excitement and edge that works for all.


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:27 pm


‘L leans towards N and again their lips meet. The prospect of a trip to Argentina appears to have reinvigorated him. He smiles darkly, desiring to take her again. In his mind he pictures a bohemian bario, N walking hand-in-hand with Lars, sunshine catching her hair and himself waiting for them at a cafe.‘

Much has happened since our travellers left London for the summer brightness of Buenos Aires. Living together for the first time, they have navigated a journey to make coexistence work - to fulfil and be fulfilled.

There is a clatter from the lift and the sound of voices as N arrives at the apartment back from their trip to La Boca, Horacio in tow.

‘Hey you two, look what Hori and I have found.’

L and Lars, who have been sunning on the terrace loungers, look up. Lars lifts his sunglasses, and L drops yesterday’s copy of The Times on the decking.

‘Come over here - you’ll love it’, she continues, as Horacio moves N’s shopping bags into the shade and returns to spread a large sheet of paper on a coffee table.

The paper is, in fact, a plan. In direct sunlight its content appears as faint lines and scribbled words. Lars pulls the table beneath the gazebo and the picture now becomes clear. On the left is drawn the ground floor, room by room, and to the right are two further floors with open verandas leading to a roof terrace.

‘What the heck is this?’, asks Lars, pushing his shades into his hair. ‘It’s our new house’, N announces, tracing a finger over the outline.

During our absence our characters have spent their time between the terrace, the pool, the cafe, milonga, the restaurant and the little all-night clubs that hide within the bario. So seductive have they found the city that they have been counting the days, regretting the prospect of departure.

‘It’s exactly what we need - the space; and look at the roof garden and pool.’ ‘Horacio and I have been discussing it - it’s perfect.’
‘And how so?’, asks Lars.
‘Well, we simply sell up in London to buy this place, and Buenos Aires becomes our oyster’, N continues.

L rings for Raul only to find that he is busy in the kitchen; but moments later we hear the chink of glasses as Eva arrives carrying a tray. As she bends she glances at Horacio, and blushes. Horacio smiles in recognition.

‘This house has amazing potential - look, we can each have our own space and we can all share the roof’, she enthuses. ‘And Hori has booked our viewing for tomorrow!’

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:55 pm

Ah, moving there, selling the London home. It is a future which I suspect will include the obvious assets of both Horacio and Eva. There will be room in this new hacienda to accommodate many new figures and much experimentation, I suspect.

A question: it is understood that L has the financial resources to make this move, but in earlier episodes he has described several times returning home How would that be affected by the move? And does Lars enjoy such wealth? Is his profession one he can practice there?

Those practicalities intrude on my desire to help finance the endeavor---to secure a room in this new house so I can be close to the action---maybe even be favored with an evening with the lovely N and Eva. Aaardvarky, please keep me appraised of any new developments (oh, I am retired, no problem with me to move.)
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:31 pm

BDJ wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:55 pm
Ah, moving there, selling the London home. It is a future which I suspect will include the obvious assets of both Horacio and Eva. There will be room in this new hacienda to accommodate many new figures and much experimentation, I suspect.

A question: it is understood that L has the financial resources to make this move, but in earlier episodes he has described several times returning home How would that be affected by the move? And does Lars enjoy such wealth? Is his profession one he can practice there?

Those practicalities intrude on my desire to help finance the endeavor---to secure a room in this new house so I can be close to the action---maybe even be favored with an evening with the lovely N and Eva. Aaardvarky, please keep me appraised of any new developments (oh, I am retired, no problem with me to move.)
London house prices and L being older cashing in pension funds and investments might provide part of the answer, I'm not sure how expensive Buenos Aires is, and any capital is usually pricey, but it's all relative. An average house in London costs £686,000 ($814,000) and considering L and N possibly have something a lot better than average their's might well be considerably north of a million sterling, possibly multiple millions.

House prices in Buenos Aires are around 50-60% cheaper than in the states and that's despite it being expensive by South American standards. I did a quick look at BA prices and you can get 1000 foot apartment for $200,000 (around £170,000) and even if their huge house is double that say £300,000 compare that to a possible price well north of £1,000,000 and more likely multiple times that for their own London property.


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:50 am


L and Lars return to their loungers. Horacio takes one of the armchairs on the decking, and N sits casually in his lap, swinging her feet. Eva is about to leave when Lars suggests that she should pour another glass of Martini and stay. She does as instructed and perches uncomfortably on the edge of the table facing Lars, her legs by necessity parted.

They all speak about the house, it seems in positive terms. L reveals that he was planning to sell the partnership anyway, and Lars announces that he too is ready for a change.

‘And if we are quick, we can poach Raul to keep house for us’ continues N, with a sidelong glance towards Eva.

Unless you were particularly astute (perhaps observing from the sidelines) your eye would not have caught N’s. She glances up at Horacio, smiles and appears to smooth her skirt. However, had you been sitting at the far side of the terrace you would have noticed a ruck of silk appear behind her, and within a second or two Horacio’s hidden hand sliding momentarily between them whilst N moves her hips to one side, and back.

Conversation suffuses; a fortunate shadow is cast across their armchair throwing N’s expression into partial relief. But from our vantage point we know what is happening. It is gradual. Although others cannot discern it, we notice the slightest quickening of her breath that gives away their secret. N rests her hands in front of her and for a microsecond bites her lip. Then transpires the most silent orgasm that has ever been, at the point of virtual invisibility to all others present….save for Eva, whose female instinct has caught the tiniest changes in N’s complexion. It lasts just for moments. We do not know if Horacio ejaculated. We simply see N turn towards him and run her fingers appreciatively through his dark hair.

Eva crosses her legs and glances towards Lars, whilst his eyes move from the dark triangle to the pale reveal of her upper thigh.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:36 pm

But the moment cannot end without N letting L know what has transpired! That was the whole purpose of the public, yet secretive, event, yes? If not, then N has redefined her relationship with Lars. Has she? Will she, in the future, permit herself to enjoy other men...casually? This is a big step away from Lars satisfying all her emotional and physical needs within the triad. L has uncaged the tiger and Lars has taught it to hunt. But that is the thing with tigers...once having tasted freedom they can never be recaged.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jul 15, 2022 12:58 am

Yes N is now becoming the tigress, a free spirit willing and ready to seek out sexual fulfillment and her own gratification wherever the opportunity arises. However before everyone jumps on my back and thinks I'm misreading it too badly, I'll heavily qualify that statement. N is also trying to broaden their horizons as a trio and enhance the whole rather than just enjoy a little extra herself. She has found ways before of using these adventures to add rather than take away from the threesomes strength and bond. L in a way is the easy part, as these stories and experiences from whatever quarter will invariably excite and arouse him quickly. Lars may now be encouraged to see Eva as an equally permissable way for him to bring such 'extra marital' experiences to strengthen their three way 'marriage'.


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:55 am

BDJ - now will N tell L about this? The erotic element for N was in doing it in the presence of her 'other men' without them realising - the concealment, the secrecy - exploiting an opportunity with the devastatingly handsome and young Horacio. She delighted in using him, and he was happy to be used in this way. They were watching, but not seeing, securing a real aphrodisiac for N. We must remember that Horacio is already a player in this drama, introduced by Lars at the milonga, and later in Acts 1 & 2 of the play. I sense they all already know his role. The question may be whether it will remain as currently, or change?

Chrislydi - I sense that you may be right. It is of interest that N has not settled for the usual cuckold arrangement or a vanilla threesome with L and Lars. There is a polyamorous dimension that has no artificial boundaries, save that it has to work on both physical and cerebral levels simultaneously. What I am finding of interest is the way that N is demonstrating a possessiveness regarding Lars, and that a competitive element seems to be developing between N and Eva. How might this resolve? Might N become jealous of the younger, curvaceous, Latin Eva? Or might compersion win out?

We must not forget L in all of this. His focus is entirely governed by N's freedom to enjoy pleasure. That he gets to witness it is a bonus - but is it a necessity?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:02 am


Eva’s eyes follow those of Lars. It is clear that she is enjoying being watched by him. She swivels her buttocks on the table edge, just enough that her skirt creeps up a few centimeters, so as to observe his reaction, calculating his thoughts.

This event is not lost on N. She rises suddenly, strokes Horacio’s cheek and passes her now empty glass to Eva.

‘Better get these back to the kitchen, Eva - we’ve an early start tomorrow’, adding impatiently as if to take charge, ‘Come along Lars, an early night is called for’.

With that, N collects her bags from where Horacio left them and walks briskly towards the studio at the far end of the terrace. Horacio rises and heads for the back stairs, whilst L retrieves his newspaper and sets off for the lift. Momentarily Lars and Eva are alone on the terrace. Lars approaches her from behind and carefully takes the tray from her hands.

You, the silent observer, may be able to tell me whether she turns to face him, or he turns her in his arms. Perhaps it matters not, for the outcome is the same. Before the hem of her skirt settles, Lars slides his hand between her legs. She lowers her bottom to the table top, lifting her knees and wraps her legs around him. Their lips meet. His hands move upwards, limited only by the tightness of her clothing.

Their long kiss is interrupted by N’s call, ‘Are you coming, darling?’, serving to break their tryst. As their lips separate we see a fire in Eva’s eyes, a look of longing, of possession, of jealousy. She reluctantly releases her hold on him, turns to collect the tray, and heads back to the lower floor, whilst Lars responds to N’s command and walks slowly to join her.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:24 am

The frustration for Eva has to be immense. I would suspect that, not able to have her needs met after having been so thoroughly aroused by Lars, she seeks out another. It is delicious to speculate if that will be the young ladies' man, Horatio, or an older, more experienced one in love...Raul (a third choice: perhaps the mysterious man in the stairwell who watched the events on the bed so recently.) Eva, the smoldering siren, is not above claiming a greater part in this story. She has so much to offer: a love of both sexes as well as a fiery need between her legs, an itch that must be scratched. Faithful watchers of this drama would love to know.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Johng1953 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:47 am

I love the casual way she calls 'darling' Lars to bed and again denies L.
I'm enjoying too the irony of her jealousy of Eva coming on to Lars.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:43 am

I think there are no real categories where you can pigeonhole their relationship and assign it to any easy to understand label with all the template characteristics boxes ticked, certainly not the arbitrarily customised ones that this website invents, but just as the hotwife husband is a cuckold no matter what this site says, then so are both Lars and L. L is perhaps your more typical cuckold and strongly ticks almost all the boxes, actively denied but really easily aroused by just hearing of one or two of N's many adventures of her sex life with everyone else. It hardly matters whether he's told every time or even seldomly, denying him even knowing just adds to his arousal. If L is just in and around Lars and N then it's enough for him. that is when they're not leaving him out altogether as they go on another of their touristy excursions alone. He can quietly sit and read his London Times newspaper while the others all live their lives around him.

Lars I see more spreading his wings, a cuckold himself but not averse to looking elsewhere too. Lars might well see N's active playing with others as a licence to do the same. N might not tell him, but I suspect Eva's interests might be better served by letting it slip out somehow, and Lars could be more than ready to take advantage. Horacio and Eva are rapidly turning our trio into a grouping of five as the polyamorous element becomes greater and more join their little grouping. The one question I think arises is whether L might find similar heights of arousal from Eva telling of her escapades with others too?

Finally I would suspect Horacio and Eva already know each others bodies quite well.

Last edited by Chrislydi on Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:03 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:56 am

Johng1953 wrote:
Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:47 am
I love the casual way she calls 'darling' Lars to bed and again denies L.
I'm enjoying too the irony of her jealousy of Eva coming on to Lars.
Exactly the height of hypocrisy, to be so possessive while actively sharing her own body around with others. Lars understands and respects her marriage but it's not a license to do whatever, wherever, whenever, he's given the experiences of a cuckold boyfriend without any choice in the matter. I wouldn't say he's submissive in any way and no natural cuckold either. It's not fulfilling any fantasies we are aware of, indeed he hasn't had any other than to share L's wife.


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:56 am


L reaches his room and strolls out onto the balcony to reflect on what has transpired that evening. The edge of the city spreads before him with lights twinkling as far as the Plata, where darkness ensues. Of course N’s announcement about buying a South American house had not come as a surprise to him. Away from the pressures of work, and seeing how relaxed N was with her new-found freedom, it all made sense. He noted too that here in Buenos Aires he was surrounded by beautiful people, including his wife, who devised increasingly varied ways to meet both their needs and his.

It is at this moment that he hears a knock on the door. He knows that it will not be N, for she has gone to Lars’ studio. May it possibly be Eva? His heart quickens, thinking back to the end of Act 1 of the play and her demand to him to undress her. Instantly he remembers the sensation of the zip of her skirt between his fingers, the lace of her briefs as he peels them away from her thighs, the musky scent of her body, and the dampness between her legs. ‘Come in’, he calls, and the door opens.

Standing in the doorway, however, is not Eva, but Horacio.

‘I came to see if there is anything I can get you?’, he says with a respectful smile crossing his chiseled features. For a second L just stands and stares.

Without further words exchanged, Horacio enters and crosses to join him on the balcony. Standing alongside L, the two men now lean on the rail looking out to distant lines of traffic passing along Av Costanera Rafael Obligado. They remain in silence, but not of awkwardness or difficulty. In fact, no words are needed - just the moment, and the faint sound of tango from a distant rooftop.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Jul 15, 2022 7:34 am

When a three becomes a polyamorous grouping of five what is the terminology used? A thruple becomes a quintuple? Anyway this might be Horacio's way of telling L he's yet another sharing his wife now and he'd better carry on liking it as he certainly is. I suspect Horacio is also seeing Eva and possibly that's been going on for a long while before our trio arrived in Buenos Aires, just those little glances have given the hint. Lars you think will get in on the act with Eva while Eva herself might be having a go with everyone, maybe even occasionally giving L some kind of relief. L meanwhile will continue to be aroused by hearing the odd bit now and then, they know how to keep him permanently satisfied. Such active denial must be bliss to him, that is everyone else is active while he's denied. :D


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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:41 am

Don't you think that we have a bit of a problem here, as Horacio and Eva are indeed in competition with each other - not just in relation to their separate connections with N, but for their position and influence in the household. Would they really risk an unscripted intimacy with each other when their defined roles within the group are meant to be controlled? After all, they are replaceable by others, and so expendable. Eva's willingness with Lars however arises from both attraction and response to his request, so fits within her purpose for being there.

As for Horacio's nocturnal visit to L, we cannot presume that this is to deliver news of any kind - good or bad. We may wrongly assume that L is weak and vulnerable due to his chosen sexual role. Yet L clearly holds the purse strings and supports every decision to indulge N, to empower her sexually and to allow her freedom to explore. Horacio has not the intelligence or worldliness to second-guess L. But may Horacio have discerned another need in L? Is this why he made his visit?

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:58 am

While the attraction to the cock that pleases your mate isn't a given, it does happen as a part of the excitement of giving one's mate to another. It is odd, I think, that a heterosexual man can look at just the cock with lust...the man possessing it irrelevant and uninteresting. That L may take advantage of the unasked offering of Horatio isn't a given, but it is a possibility. To drink the cum of the man who has also given it to your wife makes it a powerful aphrodisiac. L may learn more about himself with this man than he could have from Eva.
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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:15 am


Raul brings breakfast to the terrace early. Here we find Lars checking out a pair of binoculars (presumably to inspect the side elevations of the house they are to view) and N smooth-brushing her hair, tiny strands of which are floating away on a light morning breeze. L arrives shaved, but looking tired. Eva, who has overnighted in her uncle’s quarters, is helping him with the coffee.

A voice sounds on the intercom. It is Horacio. He has found a taxi. Lars grabs a medialuna, N sips the last of her orange juice, and L holds open the roof door as our team processes towards the lift, leaving Eva behind to assist Raul.

Their radio cab heads out along Av del Libertador, passing their favourite cafe, La Biela, into Av Alvear and out along the impossibly wide Av 9 de Julio towards Av San Juan. San Telmo is one of the older barrios, the bohemian beating heart of Buenos Aires with its street markets and hidden tango clubs. It could not be more different from leafy, bourgeois Palermo.

The taxi stops outside an imposing turn-of-the-century frontage rising three stories, with balconies facing them along the second elevation. The street door leads directly to an ornate marble and wrought iron staircase that curves around a vintage lattice lift. At each level, light flooded balconies lead alongside the living quarters, at the end of which the servants’ staircase returns to the ground floor.

The proportions of the rooms are magnificent, with high ceilings, mirrors, chandeliers, revolving fans, and polished block floors adding a sophisticated coolness. Antique furniture completes a period style.

As they reach the roof, their breath is taken away. This is not so much a roof as a garden in bloom with trees, shrubs and flowers. At the far end is an oval shaped, top-shaded pool. Whilst the selling agent mops his brow, our team gathers by the cool walls of a roof-top villa to discuss their find.

‘We just have to do it, we won’t find anything like it again’, announces N, to which L instantly agrees.
‘It’s perfect….and goodbye to cold Norwegian winters’, says Lars with a nod and a smile as he surveys the rooftops through his binoculars. ‘Horacio, pass me the papers if you would be so kind’, he continues as he checks the plan against the detail.

It appears that the main members of our cast have made a decision that promises to be life-changing. Some might say that their agreement was impulsive, and they may be right, except that Buenos Aires seems to withstand the most challenging of observations or expectations. One can see why the early immigrants were drawn to the city, and having arrived, stayed.

Since inspecting the house they have returned to the apartment in Palermo. It is now that L calls down to the kitchen to speak with Raul.

‘It’s decided, and the deposit has been transferred, so bar an earthquake, it’s a done deal’, says L. ‘The question is, might you leave your job here and come with us?’ ‘Of course, Eva can come too for we will have need of her services’, he adds ambiguously, but a possibly deciding factor for the elderly retainer.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:24 pm


The party
Those that live in Britain will have disparate ideas about the word ‘party’ - thinking of an ‘after work cheese and wine gathering’, or a ‘bottle of beer and a pie’, depending on political inclinations. But our team of characters has something quite different in mind. To celebrate their departure from Palermo and move to San Telmo they are to host a masked ball.

Their social grouping comprises mainly milongueros, the Portenos with whom they have danced, chatted at the milongas and shared much champagne. They represent all ages and classes, these differences being irrelevant to tango. In any event, anonymity will be assured by their elaborate masks.

Throughout the afternoon workmen have laid a dance floor, and carried tables and chairs to the terrace. Entering from the lift we see Raul’s well stocked bar. Outside Lars’ studio Eva is giving the waitresses their last minute instructions. Downstairs Eva’s brother-in-law, Fabio has arrived to act as doorman, a stash of Quilmes (beer) secreted for him by Raul in the porter’s lodge.

L has already changed into evening wear and sits on the end of their bed waiting for N to exit the bathroom. When she enters the room she is wearing the dress. For a brief moment she pauses and slowly pirouettes, causing iridescent taffeta to flare away from her legs. Then she heads towards L, and on reaching him, turns her back for him to lift the zip. Completed, she turns back and steps one leg between his two.

‘How do I look?’, she asks with that teasing expression that signals she already knows his answer.
‘You look divine as ever, darling’, he replies.

She lifts his free hand and places it beneath the hem, sliding it slowly up the outside of her leg until his fingers reach an invisible stocking top and suspender buttons.

‘And how do I feel?’, she adds. Without waiting for his reply, she turns again, playfully performs another more revealing pirouette and heads to her dressing table to don her mask.

Lars is one of the early birds to the party. He also sports evening wear, figure hugging with a modern look. He is already dancing with one of the older milongueras to the music of a small orchestra. She hangs onto his manly frame, knowing that this tanda with her masked partner will be the highlight of her evening.

Across by the bar, speaking with Raul, stands Horacio. His work suit is neatly pressed, his shirt crisp and polished shoes that N has bought him glinting under a string of lights that adorn the terrace. He moves to one side, into partial shadow that adds mystery to his handsome youthfulness.

N and L, arm in arm, make a grand entrance to a ripple of applause. It is reminiscent of the arrival of bride and bridegroom, or perhaps their distinguished parents? N looks radiant in the dress but quickly breaks away to chat to a huddle of women that she recognises from Salon Canning.

Last of our group appears Eva. She must have come unseen via the back staircase but has changed from her afternoon shift into a sparkling dress, tight-fitted around her curves, with low decolletage and a side slit to the hip. It is not only the men that are distracted from their conversations, but the women also look up, some critically but most admiringly. The orchestra strikes up again as a masked Eva dissolves into the throng.

Like a game of chess, our players are now in position: they simply await the hand of destiny to move them towards conquests or defeats.

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by BDJ » Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:06 am

How happy I am to crash this party...Raul is a faithful rogue. My mask hides my age---my body, energized---will not betray me tonight, of that I am sure. I greet the beautiful N, her aura almost visible, radiating with the light of a thousand suns---I am in love. But I must hide this, must be cordial to L, a man closer to my own age. I move beyond them, their duty to me completed, only to bump into the beautiful Eva. Again I am struck, this time with the contrast to my idol...this young woman radiates heat, I can almost feel the pull on my growing member toward her womanhood. She is hard to resist...I thrill at the possibilities this night my bring: that I might be a part of it.
Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
Jade: My Story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=66126

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Re: From Norway with love

Unread post by aaardvarky » Sat Jul 16, 2022 8:33 am


For Argentine tango a mask is an irrelevance. The dancers do not inspect each other whilst dancing, or even before they dance, save as to discern their capacity and skill. On the pista, heads touch, the follower’s eyes close and the leader uses his senses to navigate safely whilst delivering movement to the music.

But in the art of seduction, the mask may play a vital part, for as we already know, concealment can be an aphrodisiac, intensifying pleasure with mystery. That which is partially hidden is the subject of greatest curiosity.

Masks also remove the inhibition of identity. Both success and failure are more easily managed under a veil of disguise. The game is accentuated. The stakes are higher. The risks of play increase. Moreover, arrival and departure may be effected more quickly and with less chance of detection.

And so our ball proceeds. There are those that sit at tables waiting for the cabeceo or mirada, others who dine volubly with laughter and wine; and there are others who inhabit the shadows away from the lights and the pista. They seek the tryste, passing like ships in the night until they encounter what they desire.

It is thus that Lars and Eva collide, an accidental encounter away from the crowded floor. Lars recognises her by the gleam of her exposed thigh, she recognises Lars by his scent. Before this they were not hunting, but as they pass they feel the chase. It happens in an instant. Lars seizes her wrist and spins her towards him. She moves, not merely against him, but seemingly into him, her masked face turned up towards his. They cannot kiss, but he feels her breasts pressed against his chest. She lifts her right leg to wrap his hip. He feels the firmness of her pubic bone against him. He knows that, with pressure, he can reach her clitoris, and she knows from his size that their point of contact is optimal.

Save for his hand on her wrist and her fingers on his neck, they do not attempt to touch, their stimulation being by topical pressure. It mounts with a suddenness, perhaps at the risk of discovery. Under the supremacy of her skill it is not long before Lars explodes, ejaculating in unstoppable spasms and jets. Although she can neither see nor feel this, she knows with the clarity of intimacy and a ripple of pleasure radiates through her body, intensified by the fact that it was stolen and unwitnessed.

She does not stay, knowing that Lars has now a new task to attend to, but slips away and is lost in the darkness.

Meanwhile, L watches his wife as she dances with Horacio who she has plucked from the shadows. There is a whisper of gossip from the milongueras as they observe a third tanda together, wondering about the identity of the masked tanguero, noting her persistence and his attentive responses. They cannot stop themselves from glancing over to the table where L sits alone.

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