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Re: Gloria

Unread post by veub » Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:54 am

goyse wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:23 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:01 am
Wow, what a great twist and you can certainly see why Leslie might have it in for the jumped up little trollop 😀. Goyse's using the very human emotions of jealousy and revenge as Leslie's motivation to create another fascinating subplot with the super stud Marcus her main weapon. I might have this wrong but doesn't Gloria have history with our dark villain and their paths have crossed a few times before? All of this just whets the appetite for the next installment, but surely even the super prolific master of OHW fiction will need a breather after this, but then again he likes a challenge doesn't he?


Maybe the judge could help out on a few details, as I get mixed up between Makayla and Gloria, one was married to Marcus - I think Gloria was and already referenced earlier in this story.

Just to clarify the history behind the previous story: Gloria was the main girl who Makayla hired to set up Marcus to give Makayla the evidence she needed to strip Marcus of many of his assets. Gloria asked her friends to work on Marcus with her to give Makayla that evidence. Marcus realised that he had been screwed (in more ways than one) so settled with Makayla for what she wanted.

Makayla even ended up with Marcus's job as he flew the coop into Asia to now reappear in Phuket running boat trips to islands like Pei Pei. Oscar asked Makayla to take over the job of sales manager in Asia.

Makayla then hired the girls to do the adverts for the wine through Asia and asked them to go with the advert so the Asians could meet the stars in the advert.

Hopefully, that sets the scene for 'Gloria.' I should add that Gloria doesn't know that Marcus is aware that she was working for Makayla. She thinks he is oblivious to the role that she played in Makayla stripping him of many of his assets.
Shouldn't Marcus have recognized her in the photo? Especially since she was the one who betrayed him before?


Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:17 am

veub wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:54 am
goyse wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:23 am
Chrislydi wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:01 am
Wow, what a great twist and you can certainly see why Leslie might have it in for the jumped up little trollop 😀. Goyse's using the very human emotions of jealousy and revenge as Leslie's motivation to create another fascinating subplot with the super stud Marcus her main weapon. I might have this wrong but doesn't Gloria have history with our dark villain and their paths have crossed a few times before? All of this just whets the appetite for the next installment, but surely even the super prolific master of OHW fiction will need a breather after this, but then again he likes a challenge doesn't he?


Maybe the judge could help out on a few details, as I get mixed up between Makayla and Gloria, one was married to Marcus - I think Gloria was and already referenced earlier in this story.

Just to clarify the history behind the previous story: Gloria was the main girl who Makayla hired to set up Marcus to give Makayla the evidence she needed to strip Marcus of many of his assets. Gloria asked her friends to work on Marcus with her to give Makayla that evidence. Marcus realised that he had been screwed (in more ways than one) so settled with Makayla for what she wanted.

Makayla even ended up with Marcus's job as he flew the coop into Asia to now reappear in Phuket running boat trips to islands like Pei Pei. Oscar asked Makayla to take over the job of sales manager in Asia.

Makayla then hired the girls to do the adverts for the wine through Asia and asked them to go with the advert so the Asians could meet the stars in the advert.

Hopefully, that sets the scene for 'Gloria.' I should add that Gloria doesn't know that Marcus is aware that she was working for Makayla. She thinks he is oblivious to the role that she played in Makayla stripping him of many of his assets.
Shouldn't Marcus have recognized her in the photo? Especially since she was the one who betrayed him before?


Should he have recognised her? Yes, he should have one would expect if he was interested in something above the neck level. Will he recognise her? We'll see as the story unfolds.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by veub » Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:49 am

I would think there is at least one thing he'd be interested in above neck level.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:34 am

veub wrote:
Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:49 am
I would think there is at least one thing he'd be interested in above neck level.
I stand open mouthed in amazement, you're quite right veub, but surely it all adds that bit extra to the anticipation of what comes next, doesn't it? 😂


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:05 am

Wow, Sounds like Leslie has taken over Candy’s role as Queen Bitch 😈 in Michael’s world!


Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:12 am

Gloria Chapter 7

Leslie quietly entered the house by the back door. She listened and heard water running which meant that Gloria had jumped into the shower as soon as Michael and Jill had left. She quietly wandered into the kitchen and looked around. “Hhhhmmm, it’s nice and clean. At least this slut is a better housekeeper than Jill. If she had been here the place would be a mess,” she mumbled.

As she finished checking out the place, looking in the refrigerator and checking the benches for dust she heard the water stop. She smiled and made her way to the bathroom. She placed her hand on the door handle then suddenly pushed it down and entered in one movement. Gloria was taken by surprise and dropped her towel on the floor. As she went to pick it up to cover herself, Leslie said, “Ah, don’t worry honey. I’ve seen it all before.”

“What do you mean?” Gloria asked.

“Weren’t you going to pick up the towel to cover yourself up?”

“I was about to pick up the towel to dry myself,” she said to correct Leslie. In fact, what Leslie had said was true but Gloria was not going to admit that.

“Give me a look at you. Turn around my dear and show me that lovely body.”

“Why should I?”

“Playing hard to get, are we? Look, Gloria, we have to get along together for Michael’s sake no matter how either of us might feel. When my time comes around you will be there so I will see you in the nude so why not give me a little preview ahead of time and then when the time comes we can concentrate our efforts on Michael instead of each other.”

“I guess that makes sense but I’m not happy that you burst in on me that way. I like my privacy.”

“We all like our privacy, Gloria but how was I to know that you would be in the shower? I thought you would be still in bed after last night.”

“Last night, what do you mean about last night?”

“You Jilly and Michael spent the night in the king, king, cot. You did entertain him, didn’t you?”

“Yes, we did.”

“All night I assume.”

“Are you going to tell me you go all night when your turn comes?”

“Okay, well, fair enough. Has Michael suggested that you might like to try out other men yet?”

“No, he hasn’t. Why would he do that?”

“That is Michael. That is what he expects of us. He never says it in so many words but he just asks things like, what do you think of that guy or maybe he’ll say, Candy liked that man over there. He usually does it when you’re out doing something like in the tavern having a drink or visiting his old friends.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“It pays to understand what Michael expects of us otherwise he might pass you by. The other thing is that if he wants you to have sex with some other man you must be prepared to protect yourself. We don’t want any dark-skinned kiddies running around like Toddy, do we?”

“Michael won’t pass me by and I doubt that he expects me to have sex with anyone but him.” She thought for a few seconds and asked, “What did you mean about Toddy?”

“Oh, no one has told you. I’m sorry I thought you knew. Toddy is not Michael’s. He sent Candy out to have an affair with a man called Tod.”

“Tod, somewhere someone mentioned a man called Tod but I thought they said he was your ex-husband?”

“Hhhhmmm, that’s right. Tod was my husband and he fathered Candy’s son then she deserted both Michael and her own child. But then, I have Michael so for me it worked out alright.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think you understand. Candy told me that she had a job to do for you and so she couldn’t come home until it was done. I didn’t understand and I still don’t but whatever it is I believe Candy will deliver. She seemed to be so committed to it.”

“I guess time will tell what kind of person Candy is but any woman who deserts her own children to be with a man other than her husband cannot be trusted.”

“Yes, I tend to agree with that. I just hope that Candy knows what she is doing. I didn’t believe she was evil.”

“Anyhow that’s enough of that. You didn’t answer my question.”

“Question, what question?”

“I said if Michael asks you to have sex with another man you need to know that you are protected.”

“Yes, so?”

“Are you?”

“Yes, I am. I take the pill and never miss. I’m protected but I don’t believe Michael will expect that of me anyway.”

“We’ll see. I must go. I need to do some bookwork.”

With that, Leslie turned around and walked away shutting the door as she left. Gloria reached down and picked up her towel but then realised that she was already dry. She hung the towel up and continued to prepare for her shopping trip.


“Hello Patrick,” Leslie said into her phone.

“Leslie, I haven’t heard from you for some time. What can I do for you?”

“A while back while I was ill and Tod was fucking that other woman you offered to make me some fertility pills that look exactly like the pill. Can you do that for me again?”

“For the right price, I can do almost anything that is possible with drugs.”

“And what exactly is the right price?”

“Depending on the type of pill that your victim takes it could range from three hundred to five hundred dollars.”

“Okay, so what do you need other than the money?”

“I need the assurance that if you were caught you would not finger me. The best idea is to say you purchased them from Asia if you get caught. The other thing I need is a photo of the pill package if it is to look similar.”

“Okay, I think I can provide a photo of the pill package and the price is not an issue.”

“I will provide a three-month set of the pills once I have the photo. The price is fifty per cent before and fifty after the pills are delivered.”

“How long until the fertility drug can work?”

“With the average woman, she should conceive around one month after she starts taking the pills. Usually, one month is enough but if she is exposed to the fertility drug for three months she would have to be infertile if she doesn’t conceive in that time.”

“Good, that is perfect. I’ll get back to you soon. I just heard a car drive off so I should be able to fix it shortly.”

“I’ll make the necessary preparations ready to produce the pills for you.”

Leslie walked to the front of the house and saw that Michael’s spare car had gone which suggested that Gloria had gone shopping. She wandered back to the rear door. She found it locked which confirmed that Gloria had left. She reached into her bag and pulled out a bundle of keys and unlocked the door.

She wandered through the house calling out for Gloria. There was no response. She went to the bedroom and checked the bedside drawers and there were two separate sets of Pills in their packets. She looked at the labels of one set which read, “Gloria Tomlinson.” One pack had just two pills left in the pack. The other had not been opened. She placed the pill card on the bedside table and then took a few photos from different angles. She went to a lot of trouble making sure that everything was as it had been when she arrived.

Fifteen minutes later she was at her chemist's shop showing the photos to Patrick.

As she left the shop she smiled knowing that because Gloria’s pills had not been started she knew that her period was due soon so if she got the drugs in the next hour she could most likely swap the fertility pill for the conception pill and Gloria would be none the wiser. By the time Marcus arrived, she would be feeling as horny as hell and she may well conceive within a few weeks.

She decided to call Marcus and confirm their arrangements then, later on, drop a hint to Michael that Marcus may be in the local area in a couple of weeks. She knew Michael well and knew that he would definitely take the bait. A little more training of Gloria and the trap would be set. Gloria was the only one then who could trip the trap. She knew that Michael would encourage her.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Sep 12, 2022 7:31 am

Goyse, you're a genius.

Every good tale needs a villain, or at least someone who's so full of human fallibilies and weaknesses that he or she's Captain Chaos by another name, and in Leslie we have Candy's ideal replacement. The two may have been an odd couple when they were plotting together on ignoring Michael for five years, but we now see just how perfectly matched they really were. The villains from hell - Candy and Leslie.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:52 am

Gloria Chapter 8

Gloria enjoyed her day out shopping. Before heading home she visited the local employment company to register for work. After the employment lady took all her details and then interviewed her the snotty lady told her that there was little work available for redundant film stars. Such nasty behaviour had always upset Gloria. She could never understand why people had to act like such arseholes.

Gloria sat in Michael’s spare car, put her head in her hands and had a little cry. She wondered if she had made a massive mistake by coming to live in WA.

‘Love is so cruel and so blind,’ she thought. ‘Why is it that Jill and Leslie keep telling me that Michael expects me to have sex with other men? Is the man a weirdo or something? Surely it can’t be true.’ Suddenly she got an idea. She got out of the car and almost ran to the local library that she had seen when she first drove up the street.

The library was quiet and except for the assistant and one other person who was already reading a book, she had all the books to herself. She worked her way through the A’s then the B’s and finally found the C’s. She slowly worked down the line looking for books starting with Cu. When she found it there was a whole row in the bookcase of books starting with Cu. She persevered and finally, she found a book with the name, ‘Cuckolds and what you need to know about cuckoldism.’

She took the book to a table and sat down to start reading. After half an hour the assistant came over to her and told her, “We close in fifteen minutes.”

“But I’ve just started reading.”

“You can take books out for up to three days for a modest fee. Are you a local?”

“Yes I will be but I’ve just arrived in town and I’ll be here for years if I can find work.”

“Oh, as with someone who has just arrived in town we can’t loan out books without you paying the replacement price of the book. That will be refunded on return.”

“All right, what do I owe you?”

“Give me the name of the book and I’ll look it up for you.”

Gloria hesitated so the assistant bent down and lifted the cover of the book. “Oh, yes,” she said, “That cuckold book will be twenty dollars. If you’re really interested in the subject there is another called, all you need to know about being a hotwife. It’s over there in the bookcase against that wall.”

“You seem to know a lot about the subject,” Gloria told her.

“Oh, yes,” she looked around to make sure no one was listening then continued, “ My boyfriend wanted me to make love to one of his friends so I did my homework.”

“How did it turn out?”

“It was bloody marvellous. There is nothing like sex with a man who you owe no allegiance to knowing that you will go home and your man will race you off to bed to check the evidence and then make love to you as well.”

“Were there any difficulties, like jealousy or anger from your boyfriend?”

“No, why would there be if that is what he wanted?”

“I just thought he may have regrets.”

“No, you see a man who gets to the point where he asks you to do something like that has spent a long time thinking about it. If after all that time he makes the decision to go ahead he knows he will not have any issues. Even if he does he will not tell you and certainly not harass you over it.”

“I guess.”

“Tell me, has your man asked you to do this?”

“He has hinted at it but other people keep telling me that he will ask me.”

“People, are they men or women?”

“Women, why?”

“They’re just fucking jealous. Don’t do anything unless your man tells you himself. They could be setting you up so if you jump the gun and he doesn’t want it you’ll lose him.”


“Look, I’ll get this other book for you and you meet me at the front desk in two minutes.”

“Sure, no worries.”

“My name, by the way, is Belinda.”

“I’m Gloria.”

The assistant wandered off to the opposite side wall. Gloria packed her gear in her bag and walked over to fix Belinda up. She held out forty dollars.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’ll just book it out to you and you can bring it back in two weeks’ time.”

“Two weeks. I thought you had said three days.”

“Yes, I did but that was before I knew that you were about to really start living. Life will be different after you do this,” she pointed to the book. “Life takes on new and more important meaning once you’re a hotwife, believe me, I know.”

“You recommend it?”

“I didn’t know I was alive until I was introduced to an inexhaustible supply of sex toys on legs. Big ones, small ones, middle-sized ones, they are all different but each one is as special as the last one and your partner becomes even better than he was before you became a hotwife. You will love him twice as much because he is the one giving it to you. I have to shut up now but make sure you come back and tell me about it if it happens.”

Gloria smiled, “I will do that, Belinda. I’ll see you later.”

“Sure, enjoy.”

“I will,” she said as she walked away. ‘I’m not the only one,’ she thought as she got into the car to head home. ‘I’ll make a point of coming back to see Belinda. She seems really nice.’

Marcus sat in his home office and smiled broadly. He pulled out the photos of Gloria and Candy that Michael had sent him and separated them into two piles. The Candy photos he went to throw into the bin but then hesitated. He sat back in his chair again to run through the Candy photos one by one. “She’s nice,” he said. “I could really go for her. I think I’ll keep them just in case.” She slipped them into his left-hand drawer underneath a number of business folders.

He then took the Gloria photos in his hand and one by one he surveyed them. His smile broadened, “Now this one is a lot nicer. She looks so fertile with that red hair and that perfect white skin.” He looked at her face a little closer, “Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, this is Gloria! I didn’t think I’d ever see her again. This bitch set me up. She will not get away from me this time. She cost me a fortune and my marriage so she will pay for that.”

With Gloria’s new pills in her hand, Leslie quickly entered the house and removed her prescribed pills and replaced them with new ones. For a moment she looked at both together and determined that nobody could ever tell the difference. She closed the drawer, put the packet in her pocket and headed for the back door.

“Leslie, what are you doing here? The voice said.

She turned and there was Gloria. “I left something in the bedroom so I came to collect it but it wasn’t there so I guess I must have taken it home with me after all.”

“What are you going to do now?”

For a fleeting moment, Leslie thought she was on to her. “Nothing, why do you ask?”

“I thought that we may get a cup of coffee in before Jill and Michael get home.”

“Okay, I left my unit doors open so I had better slip across and lock them. You make the coffee and I’ll be right back. I think I have a couple of scones to go with the coffee. I’ll bring them back with me.”

“Alright, I see you shortly then.”

Leslie walked out of the house and across to her unit, “Fucking bitch,” she mumbled, “But it is good policy to know your enemy so I need to take every opportunity. Maybe, I might get a chance to throw one of those fertility pills Patrick gave me into her coffee to get the reproductive system working overtime early.” She removed a pill from one of the packets to place in her pocket.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:57 am

Wow. That Leslie is more of a 👿 than a 😈
Last edited by Asterix42 on Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:49 am

I'm right in line with the judge on this one, Gloria is the perfect sitting duck for the big Leslie howitzer gun named Marcus. She'll be blown out the water by our favourite anti-heroine, but not before she's given birth to cute little baby Marcus (or will his name be Damien?)


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Tue Sep 13, 2022 6:57 pm

Gloria Chapter 9

When Gloria had come home she parked out front then sat outside for a few minutes and opened up the first book. She didn’t read it but skipped through some of the pages looking at the pictures. She really didn’t glean any real knowledge of value from the pictures but seeing two men out for dinner together with just one woman and then a man and a woman in bed together with the other man watching them from a chair beside the bed made her feel excited that she could be entering a new and very exciting period in her life.

It was then that she heard a noise from inside the house. She picked up her books and as quietly as possible entered the house. Initially, she didn’t see anyone but then she saw the bedroom door open and out came Leslie. She stood stock still wondering why Leslie was in the bedroom then decided to confront her.

The excuse that Leslie conjured up on the spot sounded realistic because she obviously had been in the bedroom while Michael was away and if she did leave something important in there it made sense that she collect. What it did tell Gloria is that Leslie had keys to the house. Although it was not Gloria’s business who Michael gave keys to it did worry her. She decided to let it go but mention it to Michael if there was an opportunity.

Her invite to Leslie was intended for two purposes. The first satisfied the statement, ‘keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer,’ which her father had often told her. She had not yet decided if Leslie was a friend or an enemy but to this point in time, the decision was leaning more towards her being an enemy. The other reason was for Leslie to provide more information as to Michael’s cuckold tendencies.

She boiled the kettle and set out the mugs. In each, she placed the coffee but not knowing if Leslie had hers sweet, black or white she couldn’t go further until she returned. She then placed her two books on the table where Leslie was almost certain to see them. The trap was set. Exactly what it would catch was not yet fully understood.

Leslie appeared a short time later. Gloria saw her look at the books and knew she could not have missed the word Cuckold written in large letters on the front cover.

“How do you have your coffee,” Gloria asked.

“Black, strong and sweet like my men,” came the answer.

“Black, I didn’t expect that.”

“Well, I’ve always believed if it is worth doing it should be done the best it can. Have you ever had a black man?”

“No,” Gloria lied.

“Well, they are generally as a rule twice as thick, twice as stiff and sex with a black man takes twice as long. That my dear is a marvel to behold.”

“If the opportunity ever comes along I’ll jump at the chance, if Michael agrees, that is.”

“Michael will agree. You can bet on that. He enjoys watching as much as he enjoys participating.”

“Michael is different then? Most men protect their women as if they didn’t have a mind of their own.”

“He’s not so different. A lot of men enjoy watching sex be it on video or in real life at sex clubs. Michael is only different from the majority in that he likes to watch the woman he loves with other men. There are a lot like him, I’m told.”

“Was Tod like that?”

“No, Tod liked to cheat. He thought that I didn’t know but usually a woman knows if her man is cheating on her. I didn’t particularly mind if it was random with different women but then he started to house them up so he could have long-term affairs with them.”

“I was told Candy was one of the women and that was when you broke up with him.”

“Well, people thought that because of the timing but our marriage was totalled well before Candy lay on her back for him.”

“You sound angry with her.”

“Do I? I guess you wouldn’t be angry if while you were lying on your deathbed fighting cancer a woman was busy screwing your husband trying to take him away from you?”

“Maybe I would but I doubt that anyone could predict how you would feel under such circumstances. It must have been horrific for you.”

“One thing good came out of it all.”

“Am I allowed to guess what that was?” Leslie nodded in the affirmative. “It would have been Michael.”

“Yes, it was.”

“You mentioned that Michael likes to watch his women making love to other men. Can you tell me a bit about it?”

Leslie pointed across at the books. “You have a couple of books on the subject. I doubt that I can tell you more than the books.”

“I had hoped that you might tell me something specific about Michael.”

“You’ve got the wrong person. Talk to Candy.” With that, Leslie stood up and said, “I have to go. Read your books and then talk to Candy if you want to know anything.” The inquisitiveness displayed by Gloria was starting to worry Leslie. She needed to get away before she lost the upper hand in what she saw as a war between bitches. iIf she was forced to answer Gloria's questions it would make her feel inferior.

She turned around and walked away leaving Gloria sitting there wondering what had just happened.

Ten minutes later Jill came in with the kids. Gloria quickly took the books and put them away in the bedroom with her things. What she didn’t realise is that she was not quick enough. Jill had spotted the word cuckold on the cover. As was normal for Jill she didn’t mention it but filed it away in the back of her mind in case it was of use to her at a later time.

When Gloria returned to the kitchen she took out a mug and made a cup of coffee for Jill then took it to her as Jill encouraged the kids to change their clothes. Jill smiled and thanked her then told her she would join her in the kitchen shortly.


Michael had spent the day with Ricky who took him around each of the shops in turn talking to the staff and checking the ordering system to make sure the stocks were adequate and checking that orders were adequate to maintain stock levels. He was very pleased with Ricky’s performance and he now knew that if he needed time off he had an effective relief. He also now knew that should he decide to move on, Leslie’s business would survive without his support.

Before he headed home he decided to call Candy and ask her how things were going. He waited as the phone rang and rang and rang. Just before he decided he should hang up and try another time a male voice said, “Hello, Mike speaking.”

“Hello, Mike. I had hoped to speak with Candy.”

Mike recognised the voice. “She’s a little busy at present. Can I get her to call back?”

“I guess. What is she doing that stops her from coming to the phone?”

“Well, because you’re her husband you might not like to hear what she is doing right at this very moment.”

“I see,” Michael was quiet for a moment and in the background, he heard a moan and recognised it as Candy. Michael adjusted himself. “You’re fucking her aren’t you?”

“No, I’m not fucking her, Michael. She’s fucking me. All she ever wants to do is screw. I’ve never met anyone like her. How did you keep up with her?”

Michael told him, “We managed,” but immediately thought, ‘She’s pregnant. That was what she was like when she first got pregnant.’ He then said, “Ask her when she’s coming home?”

“I don’t think she is coming back to WA, Michael. I’m sorry to tell you that.”

“She has to come back even if it is for a short time. She has an important package for Leslie that has to be delivered. Ask her about it.”

“What, ask her now?”

“Yes, ask her now.”

“Hey, Candy, Michael says you have an important package to deliver to Leslie and wants to know when you’re bringing it over to WA.”

There was a delay with talking in the background before he said, “She said she is not sure about the package yet.”

“Tell her that I believe the package has already been prepared for delivery.”

Again there was talking in the background before he asked, “she wants to know how you know?”

“Tell her I know because I am the only person alive who completely knows her and understands these things. I know her better than she knows herself.”

“What the fuck are you up to Michael? Why do you call up talking in riddles and saying this crap?”

“Just tell her, she will understand.”

Again there was talking in the background then a female voice said, “Michael, what are you talking about? What is this shit about you knowing me better than I know myself? Mike go, leave me for a while I need to talk to Michael in private.”

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

“How could you know that?”

“Don’t you remember? We screwed night and day for weeks when you fell pregnant and now you’re doing the same with Mike.”

“I’m doing it with Mike because I like it and for no other reason.”

“Candy, if you weren’t pregnant you would have your period now.”

“No, it’s not due until next week.”

“Candy, you do this all the time, you forget when your period is due. You know that I’m better at monitoring your period than you are. That is why you don’t keep track. You know that I will do it for you.”

“Do we really have to do this now, Michael? I was with Mike in our bedroom.”

“Okay, well if you listen for half a minute you can get back to what you were doing.”

“Make it snappy then.”

We went to Sydney seven days after your menstruation. Our plan was to be in Sydney for four days and then go to Phuket but we changed our minds and decided to stay for another seven days, correct?”


“Well, Gloria and I flew home to Perth and then spent eight days in the Scarborough motel before going home. We have been home for five days.”

“That’s twenty-nine days. I’m just late.”

“No, you’ve forgotten the days of travel between those places. A day travel on the way over. Then add on a day travel when we went to Brisbane, day travel on the way back and then a day flying back to Perth.”

“For me, there were only two days of travel so that makes me three days late.”

“No, it doesn’t because my calculations are based on what I did. Those two extra days you spent with Mike so I’m sorry to say either you are pregnant or this is the longest you have ever been late. You have never been more than two days late ever before. You’re now five days late. I believe you’re pregnant.”

“Shit, I hoped for it but now that it’s happened I’m scared and confused. I need to talk to Leslie.”

“Please, Candy don’t back out of your promise. You can’t do that to Leslie! She will be heartbroken. She trusts you. You cannot let her down. She has been through so much that this would almost kill her if you let her down now. She is already feeling bitter with the world.”

“I guess but I’m not the only one involved here.”

“Yes, I know but if you say nothing to him and come home he need never know.”

“I’m not going to do that to him.”

“Have it your way then. I can’t even trust you now, can I? I never ever thought that the day would come when I had to say that to you, Candy. You have really lost your way, haven’t you?”

“That’s a terrible thing to say to me, Michael after all these years.”

“You know as well as I do that I would never say that to you if it wasn’t true.”

“You’re jealous!”

“You know that’s untrue. I have never ever been jealous of any of your lovers and I’m glad you have found Mike but there are important principles at stake here. You have made a commitment to Leslie. She is and has been struggling with life for some time because of what she has been through. I’m not sure she can survive another letdown.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Good, that is all I’m asking of you. I’ll leave you now to get back to what you were doing before I called.”

“I think you have let him off the hook.”

“That’s a shame.”

“As I said, you’re jealous of him.”

“No, I’m not. But ask yourself, did I ever look for an opportunity to get off the hook when it came to making love to you?”

“No, I have to admit there was not one time when you were not there for me. I still love you, you know.”

“Yes, I know that Candy but you love Mike more.”

“That’s untrue. I love you both the same but I enjoy sex with him more than I ever did with you.”

“More than you ever did?”

“No, just more than I have for the last decade or so. With Mike, I get the love and the sex in the same bundle. With you, Michael I get the love but not the satisfaction.”

Michael smiled. “Yes. I know that. It was the reason that I encouraged you to have sex with other men. But the day may come, Candy when you don’t need the high from sex. When that time comes don’t forget that I’m here waiting.”


“Yes, really.”

“You’re a good man, Michael.”

“Yes, as everyone keeps telling me but it doesn’t heal the battle scars. I have to go now. Something urgent has come up.”

“Okay. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you.”

“Yes, I know.” With that, he hung up the phone.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:32 pm

Thanks Goyse,

Appreciated that. Great dialogue between our hero and Candy.

Leslie is obviously feeling severely let down and reeling from the typically thoughtless and heartless behaviour so often exhibited by Candy. It's even more unforgivable considering Candy was meant to be committed and 'married' to her too. Leslie who herself is showing all the reasons why they were so well suited, must all the same now feel not only badly let down, but heartbroken and stranded by her shit of a 'wife', who is even now 'maybe' having thoughts of reneging on the most important of promises without a word back to Leslie.

Leslie is a real villain but she must know Candy after all this time, and recognise in her someone who is possibly even ten times worse.


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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:52 pm

What a complicated web of deception lies over Michael’s life from the two Queen bitches in it.

Michael says “But the day may come, Candy when you don’t need the high from sex. When that time comes don’t forget that I’m here waiting.” Can’t help but wonder if he’s waiting till Candy 😈 wants him back so he can tell her to fuck off. She certainly deserves it.

As for Leslie 👿… she just gets worse and worse. She’s still minor league compared to Candy though.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:58 pm

Mike the lover vs Michael the husband

Candy has known Michael for a long long time, many years and even decades, now while the whole story is based on her needing better physically, and indeed Mike is her dream man combined with their connection in a more emotional way, she's still only known him for five minutes in relative terms.

So when we get Candy's assesment of how her love for her husband of decades compares to her man of five minutes she understandably gives Mike all the marks for satisfying her physical needs but what about her emotional needs

Well there her long term bond with Michael is really put into proper perspective

“That’s untrue. I love you both the same but I enjoy sex with him more than I ever did with you.”

So an equal emotional bond with a virtual stranger to what she'd built up with her husband over many, many years.

With neither then could she have much of an emotional bond, as that statement couldn't be even remotely true otherwise. Michael is normally pretty perceptive and using the Aussie vernacular

That must tell him heaps


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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:38 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:58 pm
Mike the lover vs Michael the husband

Candy has known Michael for a long long time, many years and even decades, now while the whole story is based on her needing better physically, and indeed Mike is her dream man combined with their connection in a more emotional way, she's still only known him for five minutes in relative terms.

So when we get Candy's assesment of how her love for her husband of decades compares to her man of five minutes she understandably gives Mike all the marks for satisfying her physical needs but what about her emotional needs

Well there her long term bond with Michael is really put into proper perspective

“That’s untrue. I love you both the same but I enjoy sex with him more than I ever did with you.”

So an equal emotional bond with a virtual stranger to what she'd built up with her husband over many, many years.

With neither then could she have much of an emotional bond, as that statement couldn't be even remotely true otherwise. Michael is normally pretty perceptive and using the Aussie vernacular

That must tell him heaps

Fair to say that after 5 years of totally ignoring Michael and distancing herself from him, Candy probably didn't have much if any emotional bond with him at all. Whatever half-arsed emotional re-connection she achieved in the few days between talking to Michael again and flying out on holiday, would be easily overshadowed by her week of wild NRE with a new big cock.

I mean, how much emotional bonding could Candy have established with Michael in the one or two supermarket visits that was all they had time for before flying out on holiday and meeting Mike?

Her statement that "I love you both the same " really does show her at her most shallow and insincere best.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:19 am

Candy insincere???

The long suffering husband Michael laments their separation after she consoles him by telling him

“You’re a good man, Michael.” - I know, laughable isn't it?

Michael “Yes, as everyone keeps telling me but it doesn’t heal the battle scars. I have to go now. Something urgent has come up.”

Candy “Okay. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you.” - I'm killing myself laughing at that comment

“Yes, I know.” With that, he hung up the phone.

I get the impression even Michael might be finally seeing through Candy and her shallow throw-away comments of convenience. What a prime bitch. Tbh knowing her NOT great feelings of maternal love for Teddy (who's now mysteriously changed his name to Toddy - a Candy reminder to Michael on who the actual birth father is perhaps?) and the rarely mentioned Michelle, both now dropped and abandoned by her in preference of five minute Mike, I wouldn't be at all surprised if having been called and shamed by her husband Michael, she donated her current, as yet unborn baby to Leslie after she gives birth. This marries both fulfilling a promise and her own convenience so a win:win situation and no brainer.

The great Mother Candy lives on. Watch out Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury's and Asda, she's coming to one of your stores very soon.

Has her hair gone back to dark coloured yet or is she still dyeing it blonde? - someone to run away from anyway.


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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:43 am

It’ll be interesting if Candy 😈 gives the new baby to Leslie 👿 and it turns out that Mike 🤓 is the father. Wonder how he’ll feel about that?
Not much different if it’s Michael’s 😉 child and she gives it away, what with Leslie intending to move on.

Either way, it’s pretty clear that Candy doesn’t value her children nearly as much as she would a book of $1 off supermarket discount coupons. Though I imagine she’d take better care of the coupon book and never ever leave it with anyone else. 🤣


Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:11 am

Chrislydi wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:19 am
Candy insincere???

The long suffering husband Michael laments their separation after she consoles him by telling him

“You’re a good man, Michael.” - I know, laughable isn't it?

Michael “Yes, as everyone keeps telling me but it doesn’t heal the battle scars. I have to go now. Something urgent has come up.”

Candy “Okay. I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you.” - I'm killing myself laughing at that comment

“Yes, I know.” With that, he hung up the phone.

I get the impression even Michael might be finally seeing through Candy and her shallow throw-away comments of convenience. What a prime bitch. Tbh knowing her NOT great feelings of maternal love for Teddy (who's now mysteriously changed his name to Toddy - a Candy reminder to Michael on who the actual birth father is perhaps?) and the rarely mentioned Michelle, both now dropped and abandoned by her in preference of five minute Mike, I wouldn't be at all surprised if having been called and shamed by her husband Michael, she donated her current, as yet unborn baby to Leslie after she gives birth. This marries both fulfilling a promise and her own convenience so a win:win situation and no brainer.

The great Mother Candy lives on. Watch out Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury's and Asda, she's coming to one of your stores very soon.

Has her hair gone back to dark coloured yet or is she still dyeing it blonde? - someone to run away from anyway.


I'm sorry here, Chris but I must explain the toddy vrs teddy thing. Have you ever typed something on the internet and your spell checker just can't understand it so matter how often you changed it you find out that the bloody!!! spell check has raided you again, and again, and again, and ....... so on.

This is one of those moments that I have conceded to, "You win you f'n spell-check piece of shit!" (Note: it even tried to change my f'n to f'd.... now how about that for frustration!!!)

I hope everyone is fit and well out there in OHW's world of marvels and interesting events.

Okay, I admit it, I can't spell so I can't turn the rotten thing off and no matter how I try to train it, it won't play the game as I wish it would.

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:44 am

goyse wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:11 am

I'm sorry here, Chris but I must explain the toddy vrs teddy thing. Have you ever typed something on the internet and your spell checker just can't understand it so matter how often you changed it you find out that the bloody!!! spell check has raided you again, and again, and again, and ....... so on.

This is one of those moments that I have conceded to, "You win you f'n spell-check piece of shit!" (Note: it even tried to change my f'n to f'd.... now how about that for frustration!!!)

I hope everyone is fit and well out there in OHW's world of marvels and interesting events.

Okay, I admit it, I can't spell so I can't turn the rotten thing off and no matter how I try to train it, it won't play the game as I wish it would.
No worries Goyse, at first I put it down to a simple typo but then thought it might have been intended as something Candy had done, her pet name for Teddy being Toddy, but your explanation makes perfect sense.

Don't worry about it, from now on I'll remember to read Toddy as Teddy and then the spellchecker can just continue doing it's worst.

I have to congratulate you on a first class start to this, I'm thoroughly enjoying seeing Leslie's darker character unfold before our eyes, whatever her gripes and perceived injustices. Tbf she does have more than a little to feel sorry for herself about atm, but I've an idea Candy will at least deliver the baby to her after Michael's timely intervention with the phone call. I really do rate you as one of the most inventive writers on here, always a pleasure to read another installment.


(I wish xleg was one twentieth as prolific, he hasn't logged on in three weeks and although he ghosts the site without logging on, I'm thinking something may be up this time. He's no Spring chicken)

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Wed Sep 14, 2022 5:13 pm

Gloria Chapter 10

Michael sat there for a long time with his head in his hands. Tears ran slowly down his cheeks as he remembered the good old days when Candy would go out for the night and bring him back the prize that she knew he enjoyed. He remembered the wonderful feeling that he would feel in his chest when she arrived back and he would embrace her in his arms. If only he could recover those days it would make his life so much more pleasurable for him.

Then he thought of Gloria and how she had told him of her lovemaking and the one-night stands. He thought of how she said she needed that for sexual fulfilment but never once had she met a man who she would wish to call her own until she had met him.

‘Maybe the past is not gone at all,’ he thought, ‘maybe Gloria could fill that void for me but how do I go about it? I certainly love the girl and she loves me but how do you go about telling someone you love that you want her to have sex with others.’ He shook his head, wiped his face and eyes with a tissue and went off to join Ricky.


It was two days later while he was working in one of the shops when Michael’s phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw it was Candy.

“Hi Candy. It’s good to hear from you.”

“Hello, Michael. You were right. I did the maths and it has now been over thirty-five days since my last period. I’ve never been late more than a day or two so I took a test and I am pregnant. If I stay here Mike will believe it is his child so I’d like to come home if you’ll have me.”

“I’ll pick you up from the airport when you arrive. Meanwhile, I’ll talk to Leslie about her giving you the spare room in her unit.”

“Is that your way of telling me that I’m not welcome?”

“What I’m trying to do is protect your relationship with Mike. He no longer has a wife and he thinks of you as his new partner. Unless I’m mistaken he loves you and you love him. Besides from what I’ve observed the sex is magnificent for both of you.”

She ignored what he had said as she so often did. “I’ve told him that I’m pregnant and that the child is yours so I have to come back to you.”

“Okay, that solves that problem so now after a few weeks tell him that you want to come back to him after the child is born and that I will raise the baby. Just tell him it’s not working for us because you love him.”

“So you’re willing to give me up, just like that.”

“We have been together for a long time, Candy and during that time you have had sex with a good many other men but this time unless I’m mistaken it is not about the sex, is it?”

“No, it isn’t. Obviously, you could tell but I can’t expect him to wait for me. I won’t be able to go back to him for almost a year because even after the baby is born I need to nurse it for at least a few weeks for Leslie.”

“Look, I can’t make these types of decisions for you, Candy. If you love the man you will find a way of keeping him. Once you work out how tell me and I’ll help you as much as I can. I’ll even tell him that I don’t want you back if that will help you.”

“It is looking more and more as if you don’t want me back.”

“You know that is crazy talk. I have always been aware of the possibility that doing what we were that you would not come home to me one day so I was prepared but it hasn’t made it any easier, Candy. I am starting to come to terms with the fact that I’ve lost you but if we get back together again I’ll have to face that initial pain and suffering again. It’s not fair on you and it’s not fair on me to relive it all again.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Don’t burn your bridges, Candy but let me know when to pick you up at the airport.”

“Alright, it’ll be in about two or three weeks.”


“I still love you, you know.”

“Yes, I know but you love Mike more. I still care for you as well but we must make sure that Mike is okay and that he expects you to go back to him.”

“Okay, bye.”

“Bye, Candy.”


Once more Michael sat at his desk with his head in his hands. He knew that he had lost Candy out of his life and had thought that he had come to terms with it but each time he talked to her the pain that he felt from that loss came back to him. He also knew that she needed his help to deliver on her promise to Leslie but he was unsure of how he would cope with the on-again off-again contact.

There were so many pleasant memories. Memories that he held close to his heart. He thought how lucky people who lost a loved one from a traumatic break-up were because they could come out of it hating the partner they once loved. But this was different, there had not even been an argument or a disagreement where they could say the other was being unreasonable.

“Are you okay Mister M?”

Michael sat up and looked at his assistant, “Yes, Ricky. I’m okay. It is just a bit of pressure over a family matter, nothing to be worried about.”

“You do know that if you need to go home I will be able to look after things, don’t you?”

“Yes, Ricky. I know you do a great job and you’re totally reliable. The day may well come when you’re the general manager if your performance continues as it has been. Leslie and I are very lucky to have you as an employee.”

“I’m not sure that Leslie agrees with you, Michael. She gave me a bit of a rough time while you were away.”

“Really, what were the circumstances?”

“She told me that I treat the staff too good and that I needed to find things to rev them up a bit so they work harder.”

“Were some of the staff goofing off?”

“No, they were doing exactly what we expected of them.”

“Okay, well leave it to me, Ricky. I’ll have a discussion with her. You do know that she has been through a rough time, don’t you with cancer and then losing her husband. We need to make allowances for her.”

“Yes, I understand but if I don’t do as she wants then she could potentially sack me.”

“No one is going to sack you, Ricky. You have my support and when Leslie thinks about it I doubt she will want to sack the one who is always there to resolve any problem no matter how big or how complex, do you?”

Ricky smiled, “You’re always there to support us Mister M and we all appreciate that and respect you for it.”

“And exactly what does that teach you about supervising people, Ricky?”

Ricky chuckled, “you always have a lesson hidden behind everything that happens, Mister M, don’t you? I compliment you and you turn it into a lesson.”

“So what is the answer to that lesson, Ricky? Don’t keep stalling for time so you can think about it.”

“It tells me that if people are treated with respect they will respond appropriately. Positive response leads to an equal and opposite positive response.”

“That is exactly right. Now how do you deal with someone who is not doing it right? How can you give them positive feedback if they are producing negative results?”

“That calls for training. As you train them you look for opportunities to complement them. It may be how quickly they pick things up or it may be something else that you know they have done well. Nobody does everything wrong. Always try to keep a positive aspect to all things.”

“Okay, Ricky. You have done everything in your power including training and retraining but the person will not respond positively and so keeps doing the job wrong, risking the business and the other employees. How would you handle that?”

“I’d ask you for advice and involve you.”

“Good but what happens if I happen to not be available?”

“I’d have to move into considering dismissing that employee.”

“So what justification would you have for dismissing the employee?”

“I would have the records of the events that occurred leading up to that decision and the failure of the employee to respond. Dismissal is to be the last option when everything else fails.”

“Ricky, if you work by those principles the day will come when you will be a great leader respected by all who work for you but if you react negatively to Leslie’s negativity you will throw it all away. You have to find a way to maintain positivity in the face of Leslie’s negativity. I can’t help with that. That needs to come from inside you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do. I won’t let you down. I almost lost it when she said things about your girlfriend though.”

“My girlfriend, she said something about my girlfriend?”

“Yes, she said that the girl who came back with you from over east would soon be taken away.”

“Who, Gloria?”

“Yes, I think that was the name she used, yes.”

“What else did she say?”

“That was about all she said. She mentioned someone by the name of……. Mark……, or……., Markward……., no that wasn’t it……… but it was something like that.”

“She said Gloria would be taken away?”

“Not exactly but something such as this mark, whatever his name was would come over and take her and then you’d be free of her.”

“I see. Keep this to yourself will you, please Ricky? I’ll deal with it when I get the opportunity.”


Michael thought for a while running the name Mark through his mind. The only person he knew with a name like that was Marcus. Ricky could see their conversation was over so he turned to leave. He got to the office door by the time Michael asked. “That name, Ricky, could she have said, Marcus?”

“Yes,” Ricky replied, “That could have been it.”

“Okay, Ricky thanks for telling me. I’ll head home shortly. I need to speak to Gloria.”

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:22 pm

Has Ricky's information rescued the situation in time or will Marcus be unstoppable? I suspect the former but not without a monumental struggle with Gloria's own good character, combined with her knowledge and memory of exactly what and who Marcus is, protecting her and guiding her through potential hazards. Hopefully Michael can reach her on time or will his cuckold tendencies only serve to complicate the matter further? All to play for then as we temporarily take leave of the happenings in their little part of WA until the next installment.

Interesting that Candy seemed to be ready to contemplate leaving five minute man permanently, until Michael selflessly told her his read on what might be a better way of proceeding. Maybe a brain surgeon could be needed to swap Candy's brain for a better one?

Great writing as always. The master at his best


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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Asterix42 » Thu Sep 15, 2022 1:41 am

Wow. A good warning for Michael 😕. Will he be smart enough to act on it? Best solution would be to pack Leslie 💩 off to Sydney to live with Candy 😈, the two of them really deserve each other.

That Candy must have a complete split personality. One day she’s telling Michael that she’s dumped him. A couple of days later she’s moaning “So you’re willing to give me up, just like that.” She tells him “I still love you, you know.” But when he replies “Yes, I know but you love Mike more,” she doesn’t correct him, indicating he’s got it right. So she loves Mike more and dumped Michael, but is upset when he doesn’t beg her to come back. Real crazy stuff! 🤪 (Thinks: may need to change her icon. Maybe even use more than one 🦇💩🤪)

As for the latest pregnancy, who is the father? Seems likely to be Mike 🤓 and if that’s the case, why would Michael offer to look after the baby? Has he got some sort of masochistic streak that drives him to fill his home with children who are unrelated to him?

No doubt all will be made clear in good time. 😀


Re: Gloria

Unread post by goyse » Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:03 am

Gloria Chapter 11

When Michael walked into the house Gloria was sitting at the table drinking a coffee. She had heard his car arrive so by the time he entered the house she had a coffee sitting beside her for him.

“I have some good news, honey,” she told him.

“Good news, what’s that,” he asked.

“I talked to Oscar today by phone and asked him did he have work for me. He told me that wine sales in Perth and around the regions have declined so he offered me a job doing work as we did through Asia to lift sales. He has put me in touch with the new CEO and asked me to put a package together to present to her.”

“What sort of a package?”

“It will come in the form of a presentation and includes the video that we made in Sydney. I told Leslie about it and she told me that a man called Marcus is due here from Phuket tomorrow and he will help me. He used to be involved in Spanish Wines and is the son of Madame who is the owner of the company.”

“Did you say that Marcus is due here tomorrow?”

“Yes,” she said thinking that he wasn’t listening to her, “that is what she said.”

“You expect he will help you with your presentation?”

“Yes, He will know more about it than me and I will need help to complete it so that it can be sent back to Barcelona for the CEO to verify. If she accepts it then I will get the job of organizing the presentations to key distributors around the state.”

“I see. You don’t know this Marcus, do you?”

“I did spend some time with him in Sydney.”

“Doing what?”

“I’m not sure that you would want to hear what I was doing with him.”

“I see. So he is an old boyfriend.”

“Well not exactly but something like that. Are you jealous, Michael?”

“Did I ever tell you why we were going to Phuket?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Good so all I need to tell you is that Marcus was the skipper of the boat that was going to take us around the Islands off Phuket. You and I were going to stay back on the mainland and Candy was to spend time with Marcus.”

“You mean she was going to cuckold you with Marcus.”

Michael looked at her in shock, “Who told you that?”

“Is it true or not?”

“I guess it is true but there was a good reason why she was doing what we were planning. As it happened Mike filled the role for her.”

“Was it for her or was it for you?”

“What does that mean?”

“I’ve been reading about men who like their women to have sex with other men.”

“I see so why were you reading about that?”

“That’s what you like, isn’t it?”

Michael shook his head. He looked at her and asked, “What are you planning, Gloria?”

“I’ve told you.”

“No, you haven’t told me at all. You’ve told me about your quest for a new job but that’s only part of it, isn’t it?”

“I don’t understand what you mean?”

“What is this thing about my desire to see my women have sex with other men shit?”

“So you admit it.”

“I asked you a question. I’d like an answer. What are you planning?”

“I just want a job so I can stay here with you and I want to keep you happy.”

“I am happy but it is obvious to me that you think that screwing other men will keep me happy. I should warn you that every woman that has ever had an affair with Marcus but one has born him a child.”

“But you planned to take Candy to him.”

“That’s correct.”

“I don’t understand. Why?”

“I can’t tell you at this stage but you will understand in time.”

“So you don’t trust me.”

“Do you trust me?”

“I did, yes.”

“Do you trust me enough to accept what I ask of you without question?”

“I would have two weeks ago.”

“So why don’t you trust me now?”

“I’m learning things about you, things that I find very exciting, things that you like and I’d like to do for you if you’ll let me but what I’ve learned has raised doubts about my love for such a man.”

“Why would it raise doubts for you?”

“When I have children I want you to be the father, no one else.”

“Yes, so do I?”

“But you were going to take Candy to this man, Marcus and then you tell me that everybody he makes love to carries his child except one. I’m that one and I want to continue to be that one.”

“I see. So there are two. Is that why he is coming here to make sure it is only one?”

“I’m on the pill so I will continue to be the one. If there is another one then there will be two of us.”

“You intend to sleep with him?”

“If you’ll let me I will but only if you assure me that I can come back to you after it is over.”

“I don’t tell my women who they can or cannot sleep with. That decision has to be yours but I will tell you that I will not lock you out if you go to him and you decide to come back.”

“Of course, I will come back. I’ll always come back to you but you need to tell me, do you want me to do this thing.”

“Only you can decide that, Gloria. It is something that you alone can decide. I just have to live with any decision you choose to make.”

“Good, that’s that then. How did your day go?”

“Ricky told me that Leslie tried to make him bully the workers for no good reason other than to assert his authority.”

“That doesn’t make sense. It gets everybody resentful without cause.”

“Yes, and they would start mistrusting him if he were to do it. I’ll have to speak to her if it happens again. I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She keeps doing crazy things for no sensible reason. That is the type of thing that could lose her good reliable employees and if that resentment passed down the line to the customers the business might suffer.”

“Didn’t you say that was the situation when you got involved in the first place?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Then it’s nothing new. She might just like to make trouble. There are people like that, you know.”

“Yes, but in Leslie’s case, I think it is something relatively new possibly related to her separation from her husband. Although it was years ago now she obviously hasn’t come to terms with it.”

“But you said it was like that before.”

“Yes, but that was caused by Tod's manipulation to get the staff to sell his porn movies under the counter. I’m pretty sure Leslie didn’t have a part to play in that because she had been too sick.”

There is a saying that people see only what they look for. Michael had just proven that exact point. Had he or Gloria taken their blinkers off at that point in time and looked at the evidence before them with a clear head they would have avoided a great deal of trouble for them both. But isn’t that what we all do? Isn’t it the case that if any of us look at our situation we would see it clouded by our emotions and our experience so totally different to how others who are not involved see it?

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Re: Gloria

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Sep 15, 2022 4:27 am

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! Now that doesn't strictly apply here as we suspect all the lies and misinformation are being supplied by our new favourite enemy Leslie. The question is how much of Gloria's tale to Michael has a really solid factual foundation via Oscar's guidance, and how much of the web is fabricated as a way of capturing a willing Gloria into the hands of the predatory Marcus, with the help of the replacement fertility pill switch via the devious Leslie? Michael who's unable to give absolutely clear guidance thanks to his unbending principles and obstinacy in not seeing when that shouldn't take precedence, has just added fuel to the fire with his cuckold tendencies not allowing him to even see when a clear 'don't go there' was far more sensible. Mixed signals about everyone's freedom to choose hardly help when it's akin to cheering Marcus all the way into having a good chance to ruin Gloria's life, he may not know about Leslie's tablet switch, but he does know about the imperative of avoiding Marcus in all circumstances, and yet chooses to leave Gloria far more vulnerable to seriously more malign influences.

Stupidity by omission is still stupidity and Michael's fallen well short of the standard of advice needed here, almost giving Gloria the green light to go ahead and sleep around with Marcus, who he well knows will likely find a way of making her pregnant.

Great plot development as that web gets closer to entangling it's victims.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Gloria

Unread post by veub » Thu Sep 15, 2022 8:52 am

goyse wrote:
Thu Sep 15, 2022 3:03 am

There is a saying that people see only what they look for. Michael had just proven that exact point. Had he or Gloria taken their blinkers off at that point in time and looked at the evidence before them with a clear head they would have avoided a great deal of trouble for them both. But isn’t that what we all do? Isn’t it the case that if any of us look at our situation we would see it clouded by our emotions and our experience so totally different to how others who are not involved see it?
That's why people hire lawyers and therapists, or ask good trusted friends and relatives. Then they don't take the advice and reap the consequences.

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