The Sauna Duel

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The Sauna Duel

Unread post by TedC » Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:56 pm

Hi, I thought I'd register and share some of my stories, which fit right in here.

The group's legs were tired and everyone a little cold after being outdoors for hours.
It had been a fun day with Emily and Cory enjoying time hiking with friends, sitting around a campfire and having a few drinks.
Now the group was breaking up and heading out for their rooms at the Northern Michigan resort.

Emily and Cory, happily married for more than 25 years, were sharing the two-bedroom cottage with the firepit in the back with their friend, Henry, a divorcee they had met a few years ago through mutual friends.
Henry, a tall, fit, handsome guy about the same age as Emily and Cory, had originally planned to bring a new girlfriend he met on a dating app, but she broke up with him at the last minute, leaving Henry as the lone "single guy" in what turned out to be a group of 11.
As they shivered their way inside after the four other couples staggered away, Cory suggested they turn on the sauna inside the cottage to defrost. Emily, whose goosebumps just wouldn't go away, was quick to say yes.
"I'm in, if you guys are OK with me being in there with you," Henry said.
"Of course," Cory responded. "You're still paying for half of this place."

Cory went to turn on the sauna, which was in its own room in the basement of the cottage. By the time he got back to his bedroom to change, Emily was already half naked, preparing to put her swim suit on. Her tawny hair, with hints of gray fell to her shoulders.
Cory stared for a minute, entranced at how sexy Emily looked even when putting on a swimsuit that was modest by modern standards. Her hips still drove him crazy, along with her neckline.
"Hang on, a second, we could just wear the robes that came with the cottage," Cory said. "Besides, I think Henry has a bit of a crush on you."

Cory had watched Henry look at Emily as she laughed and smiled in front of the campfire. Cory could tell there was an attraction there.
"Stop it! Just because he's handsome doesn't mean.... No, I'd feel awkward if Henry came in with a swimsuit on and I had that big robe. Besides, it's hot enough in there, the robe might just make it hotter," she said, continuing to slip on a modest two-piece swimsuit that rose high on her waste and covered her midriff.

She felt Cory's look and liked it -- he still lusted for her and she knew their love and bond had grown deeper with each passing year.
The drinks had made her a little tipsy, but also a little horny. The thought of being in the sauna with Henry and Cory at the same time surprised her with arousal.

She wrapped herself in the terrycloth robe and headed toward the sauna.
Cory said he was going to use the restroom then throw his suit on. He'd meet Emily in the sauna in a minute.

Cory had been working out and felt more confident about his body image than he had in quite a while. After Emily ducked out, he used the restroom and in a spur-of-the-moment decision, perhaps driven by alcohol, ditched the swimsuit and just wore the robe. Maybe he'd figure a way to give Emily a peek.
When Emily opened the sauna door, she could see Henry was already inside, sitting off to the left on the tight L-shaped bench, a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"This already feels so good," Henry said, looking up as if from a relaxing trance. Emily took off her robe and hung it outside the door. She sat to Henry's right, in the bend of the L-shaped bench. Her legs stretched toward Henry on the bench. She noticed Henry giving her body a close look.

"God, you look great," he said, before stopping himself. "What an awesome day. I'm so glad you guys invited me. I really needed the fresh air and friends."

Emily, blushed a bit, but the sauna hid her face's response to the compliment. It did not hide the way her nipples visibly hardened in her bathing suit, though.
"We're glad you could be here, too. I'm sorry things didn't work out with whatsername."

Henry was in awe of Emily's breasts, but looked away when he found himself looking at her nipples through her suit a second too long.

Cory entered the sauna, which was already hotter than he expected and took the spot farthest to the right, leaving Emily in the "middle" spot on the L-shaped bench.

"Oh, wow, it's already steamy in here," Cory said, stating the obvious.
Cory put his legs up on the bench stretching his feet toward Emily.

Emily looked to her left and said, "well maybe you should take your robe off like a normal person."

"Oh, uh, not sure you want me to do that," Cory responded. "Turns out, I don't have anything on under this."

"What?!" Emily said, looking over at Henry. "Sorry about him."

Henry shrugged. "Well, it is a sauna. I don't have anything under this towel. I kinda thought it was supposed to work that way. Last time my ex and I went to Europe we were in a sauna with a whole bunch of people without anything on. It's the European way," Henry laughed.

Emily had a mischievous look in her eyes. "Well, don't let me stop you guys from going Euro on me. Feel free to disrobe as much as you'd like."

Cory looked at Henry. "I'll do it if you will," he laughed.
"You go first, man," Henry said. "I don't know if I trust you."
Fueled by a buzz, Cory untied his robe and pulled it off. "Alright, I'm officially Euro," he said, as he hung his robe up outside the sauna door and sat back down, his penis dangling with a partial erection.

"Nah, not with that circumcised cock," Henry laughed. "They don't have those in Europe. Theirs look more like this."

Henry removed his towel and Emily quickly looked and then looked away, embarrassed. Henry was clearly uncircumcised and his cock, also at half staff, appeared a good bit thicker than Cory's.

"Oh my God, you guys! I'm surrounded by cocks!" she laughed, her eyes held tightly closed for a few seconds before she slowly reopened them and found herself looking right into Henry's eyes and then down to his penis.

Cory watched with amusement. "I don't think she's ever seen an uncut dick in person. Have you, hon?"

Emily shook her head. "Only in porn, I guess."

Henry looked at her and boldly asked: "Well, what do you think?"
Emily raised her hand over her mouth, then looked away toward Cory. "I think it looks weird!"

By now, Cory was more than half erect, his cock starting to point upward.

"Hon, you have us at a disadvantage, I think it's only fair that you at least take your top off for us," Cory said.

"Here, here!" Henry sounded, effecting a bad English accent that reflected a dumbly charming personality. "I say free those titties!"

She look at Cory for assurance he'd be OK with it. Cory raised his eyebrows and shook his head once.

"Alright, no pictures, no pictures," she laughed.

Emily felt the same surge of excitement and fear she used to get when she was getting naked in front of a new boyfriend for the first time. It had been a long time since she felt this way, but the booze and the two half-erect cocks near her emboldened her.

She slowly peeled off her top, carefully trying to use her arms to hide her exposed breasts as she did so.

Then, she let them free. She was facing Henry, who was visibly harder now, looking at her gorgeous breasts, which hung a little lower than when she was young, but still were enough to stop most men in their tracks.

Henry let out a clap and looked over at Cory. "Well done, sir. Well done."

Emily shook her head in disbelief at the situation. She couldn't think of what to say, so she blurted out in Henry's direction: "So, what do you think?"

Henry looked down at himself. "Well, I think you can see what I think. Still looking great at, what? 52?"

Cory nodded, bemused. "Ya, I still love them."

They sat back and relaxed for a few minutes, closing their eyes. Emily grew more comfortable, she felt her breasts become more firm, a glistening perspiration made them looked oiled. Henry and Cory's erections began to subside as they sat in silence, trying to enjoy the heat, eyes closed.

Emily broke the silence when she opened her eyes after a few minutes. "Well, I can see the excitement has begun to die down."

Cory thought for a minute. "Well, that's your fault. Our soldiers were no longer objects of your attention."

Henry remained silent.

"Oh, Cory, you'd probably cum in a heartbeat if I so much as flicked your dick at this point."

"I don't think so. I'm fairly certain I could outlast Mr. Natural Casing over there."

Emily had an inspiration. "What if I call your bluff, Mr. Mushroom Head?"

Cory looked down and saw his glans again swell as his shaft began expanding.

Henry looked on with increased attention. This was not what he expected. But he liked the way it was going.

Cory's heart was beating hard after what his wife just said. "Go for it," he responded, wondering what would happen next..

Emily's head was spinning. She felt her nipples harden again as she cleared her throat.

"Henry, I believe Cory is challenging you to a duel. May I touch you?"

Henry felt himself growing again, his head began to peek out from his foreskin.

"How exactly will this duel work?" he asked.

Emily looked at them both. "Scooch this way," she said, motioning to Henry to sit to her right.

Henry sat up and moved over, his feet dangling off the bench toward the door. Cory thought he understood what was happening and moved to sit on the other side of Emily, whose feet also now dangled from the bench. With her right hand she gently reached over and grabbed Henry's now fully erect penis. It felt warm and thick. The skin still slid on the shaft as she lightly pumped it.

"Huh, that feels, uh, different," she said, looking directly at Cory as she grasped Henry's cock..

Cory grabbed her left hand and placed it on his penis. "Really, though, if you closed your eyes, could you tell the difference?"

Emily closed her eyes and felt the two throbbing members one-by-one.

"Ya. I mean, aside from his foreskin, his shaft feels thicker and a bit longer than yours. You have a big head on yours, but your shaft is skinnier. His head is smaller and isn't as fat as his shaft."

Cory was even more turned on, if that was possible. "OK, you proved your point."

Henry looked at Cory to get some sign that this was all still OK, Cory nodded and reached over to gently rub Emily's left breast, the surprise of which caused her to reopen her eyes.

He nodded again at Henry to signal he should do the same to the other side.

Emily felt herself getting wet between her legs. Stimulating her breasts -- her nipples -- had always been the fastest way to really turn her on. Cory knew this better than anyone.

She tried to refocus on the game she had proposed. "OK, boys, the duel begins now. First one to cum loses!"

Henry and Cory, hearts now pounding in virtual sync, leaned back and tried to focus on the feeling of Emily's chest and the motion as she slowly pumped up and down on their cocks.

Emily didn't say so, but she thought she might cum just from the boob rubbing and caressing the guys were doing. This was a deeply seating fantasy coming true.

For a few seconds she'd focus on Henry, the unique, new feeling of having an unfamiliar cock in her hand for the first time in more than 20 years was a thrill. She looked at his smooth, fit chest and his emerging abs as she continued to pump.

Henry was a bit more fit than Cory, partially accented by what seemed to be a waxed chest and groin.

Then she turned her attention to Cory. This was the man she loved. He felt familiar and comfortable in her hand. The way he was rubbing her left breast and nipple, occasionally kneading her neck and the back of her head, showed he knew the way to get her going in ways a new lover never could. His eyes closed, she admired his look of concentration, his shaved head, stubbly beard and the hairy belly and chest she had found warmth and comfort in over two decades.

She looked back over at Henry and his hand on her right breast. He reopened his green eyes and looked directly into Emily's brown ones as she looked up at his pleasure-filled face. She smiled and squeezed her legs together in pleasure as he smiled back.

Cory was watching the interaction, perhaps more turned on than ever.

"By the way," Cory whispered, his efforts to restrain himself beginning to wane. "What does the winner of this duel get?"

"How about the winner decides," Emily laughed.

She was so turned on and couldn't believe how she and Cory, normally a fairly conservative couple in bed, ended up in this position after 20 years of happy monogamy.

Sure, Cory had suggested something like this to Emily during pillow talk a few times over the years, but Emily had always insisted she couldn't bring herself to do anything with another man. "Maybe another woman," she had whispered a few times when Cory prodded her.

Now here she was with a cock in each hand.

Cory could no longer fight it.

Emily felt his erection begin to swell and pulse and knew what was about to happen. Cory let out a moan and began to cum, his load shooting up on his hairy belly, which was already damp with sweat.

Emily turned her attention fully to Cory to help him finish with the pleasure he deserved, caressing him and his balls with both hands as his erection faded, kissing him passionately.

Then she paused to look in his eyes. Was he OK? Was he about to experience some post-nut clarity? He smiled at her and nodded to reassure her he was OK.

"Excuse me. It appears I lost," he smiled, holding his hand on his belly, trying to prevent dripping on the floor. "I'll be right back." Cory got up and left the sauna to clean himself up.

Emily grabbed Henry's now discarded towel and wiped her hand before looking him in the eye, waiting for him to say something.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered. They turned toward one another and Emily felt her breasts pressing against Henry's smooth, hairless chest. He kissed her softly at first, but she needed more, grabbing the back of his head and pressing her lips harder against his, her tongue tangled with his. He tasted sweet, with a pleasant hint of whiskey on his breath and a scent of campfire on his neck.

Cory re-entered the sauna and quietly sat down, watching his wife embrace and kiss this other man.

Emily flipped herself to straddle Henry, facing him as they continued to make out. She felt him rubbing against her swollen clitoris through her swim bottoms, she felt her nipples gliding on his chest. Within a minute, she came from the friction, tightening her legs around Henry's thighs, letting out a loud moan. Cory gently rubbed her bare back as she orgasmed on Henry's lap. Cory had never seen something so sexy in his life.

She looked down and saw Henry still hadn't cum.

She looked back at Cory and asked something that surprised them both. "Can I have him inside me?"

Cory nodded at both of them, more turned on than ever. "If that's what you want, I want you to do it."

"Can I have you inside of me?" she asked Henry.

He nodded. He was speechless.

Emily got up, removed her swim bottoms to reveal her neatly trimmed pussy, her labia swollen. She straddled Henry again, repositioning herself over Henry's fully erect penis. She reached between her legs to guide him into her.

She felt exhilarated and naughty as his smaller head entered her, followed by a smooth, thick shaft.

As he entered her, Henry let out a groan of his own. "My God, you feel so warm, so smooth," he said, gripping her hips.

She felt him stretch her open, his shape filling her pussy in ways she hadn't felt before. She worked him as deep as she could, writhing up and down, forward and backward.

Cory was growing fully erect again watching his wife in such a state of ecstasy. He could see this thick cock moving in and out of his wife's vagina from behind. Her labia were spread wide and she was dripping wet.

Cory reached over and gently rubbed her back as she hummed out "ooohhhh, myyyyy, godddddd, you feel sooo good....."

Their rhythmic movements, led by Emily using Henry's chest and abs for leverage, went on for another minute our two as the damp smell of sex filled the sauna.

Emily lost herself, pulling one hand through her hair, then running it down her breast, whimpering in pleasure.

Finally, Henry bucked beneath her and let out his own grunt. He was about to cum. Emily knew it and she leaned back to hold him extra deep as she felt him pulse. She felt Henry's explosion deep within her, causing her to begin bucking again, unexpectedly cumming again before almost slumping over.

Exhausted, she climbed off of Henry, sitting between the two men wondering what just happened.

She turned to Cory and kissed him passionately. "That was so fucking amazing," she said.

Henry staring blankly at the sauna door, issued a barely audible. "Amen."

Cory looked Emily in the eyes and said "I guess I need to lose contests more often."

Spent and dripping with sweat, Emily collected her swimsuit pieces and declared she was going to take a shower and get to bed.

Cory and Henry shook hands. "Don't worry, I'll keep this between us, OK?" Henry said to Cory. Cory smiled and nodded.

Playfully, Emily said, "you'd better."

They exited the hot room and Emily gave Henry a kiss on the cheek as Cory shut off the sauna.

"We'll see you in the morning," Emily smiled, grabbing Cory's hand and leading him back upstairs to their bedroom suite.

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Re: The Sauna Duel

Unread post by kaskap79 » Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:31 pm

Welcome the site.

You really startet with a very hot story.

I would love to hear what happened back in the bedroom and if Henry joined them next morning.
When you are lying of your death bed, you only regret the things you did not do.

The most beautiful woman in the world is the woman lying naked and sweaty next to me.

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Re: The Sauna Duel

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 10:15 pm

Great story, thanks!

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Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:21 am

Re: The Sauna Duel

Unread post by kokomo21 » Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:21 am

Excellent story,very realistic, hope there’s more to come

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