Another man loves my wife

When a fuck buddy becomes something more.

Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bubbajack » Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:58 am

I imagine Dr. Juli can prescribe the right therapy for her patient from time to time as his course of healing progresses. :cool:

It may be that he would respond well to a regimen of fucking Juli regularly for an appropriate duration - even an open-ended one; but being denied that particular form of expression of her support and care might be better for him by inducing him to get back on his game quicker and get with someone he could be with on a more conventional basis. ;)

Maybe I'm not seeing something in the accounting that is obvious to those who are on the scene - :???:

What evidence is there that she even wants to fuck him?

I do not see that her dressing for him nicely, helping with his draperies, and being taken aback by his professing his love for her (in the midst of his grief and pain at the loss of his round-heeled cheating wife :( ) gives much if any indication of serious sexual interest on her part.

Sorry to say (being the mental voyeur that I am :oops: ) but I think you are entertaining polyamorous speculation prematurely. :|

Of course I (and everyone else here, I'm sure :roll: ) would love to read some details that suggest hotter prospects - maybe even wish they would get it on and you would share some pics taken by you of him railing her and of you taken by him reconnecting with her well-used pussy. :twisted:

Now that would well and truly put polyamory issues into play!

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:21 am

Mark thanks for your reply to most of my questions I say most because you made no comment back on your feelings about you and Juli actively helping Brian find another lady if he wants this so he can move on and have a more fulfilled life, is this because you dont'want this to happen for more selfish reasons on your part because you want Juli to have sex with Brian to fulfill your fantasy.

You see I still am not shure as others are as well on here that Juli is even thinking about it happening this way at all just you, everything you say about Juli says to me that she is a beutiful, wonderful caring lady a rarety these days and she should be cherished and she is prepared to help Brian get over/overcome his anguish but without any sexuall contact between them, you need to look inside yourself for an honest answer and if I am right in my thinking what are you going to do so as to not affect your marriage.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:02 am

To Lannontom, bubbajack and LC....

It is true that Juli has not said to me that she is willing or even contemplating having sex with Brian. He and I have not discussed that possibility and so far it IS something in my own mind that I would like to see happen, but I don't want to be the one to push for it. I do understand the reasoning that IF it were to progress to a sexual level, I will need to sit down and talk with Juli first. Then IF she is wanting to proceed, THEN she and I would need to sit down with Brian and all 3 of us get on the same page about how to carry out a 3-way (at least sexual sharing) if not a full, overnight polyamorous relationship.

I too understand the point that encouraging an ongoing emotional relationship with Juli, may hamper Brian's realization that he needs to get on with his life and find another woman to marry and have his own wife rather than sharing mine. But I view that as being Brian's responsibility to himself. I don't mean this to sound harsh, but I do not intend to be Brian's therapist. I'm his friend, and yes my motives of letting him be with Juli are mostly selfish. I do get satisfaction from seeing him enjoy my wife's attention, but I admit my main motive is my own arousal. I get the feeling most husbands of hot wives have the same motivation.

Also I would love to increasingly share more juicy details of how Brian and Juli progress to sexual sharing, but I determined to always be honest about anything I post here. So my posts may not be as erotic as some, but they will always be genuine. And for me, I think real life is always more erotic than fantasy, even if on the surface it looks more boring lol.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by JRE » Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:33 am

co-husband wrote:To Lannontom, bubbajack and LC....

Also I would love to increasingly share more juicy details of how Brian and Juli progress to sexual sharing, but I determined to always be honest about anything I post here. So my posts may not be as erotic as some, but they will always be genuine. And for me, I think real life is always more erotic than fantasy, even if on the surface it looks more boring lol.

The exact reason this has become my favorite thread! Anyone can slather paint on a barn, but I much prefer to watch an artist paint a portrait.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by D+D » Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:51 am

Mark, as I said before, proceed at your on pace. I agree with you that it is not your responsibility to find a mate for Brian, it seems that he may be following a path that he has chosen. You are no more selfish than any of us on this forum who get off by their wives being with other men, some of them married with families. I too appreciate your very frank and upfront account and your honesty as well.
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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by JRE » Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:54 am

No suggestions or questions today, just an admiring comment as we eagerly await the next chapter.

I just want to say that your and Juli’s story is highly stimulating for those of us whose involvement is as interested observers. Likeable, attractive characters, real and imagined desires, surreptitious manipulations, unexplored paths looming, well-written narrative. What’s not to like? Not much action yet, but the tease is delightful and could be the plot for an erotica novella. Thanks for including us.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:15 am

Thanks to all for your comments. Posting our situation here has helped me to think more clearly about how intense our 3-way interaction with Brian already is, and the amazing potential that is there to go further.
Thinking about it over the weekend, I feel it might be best for me to share some personal information here about Juli. I really believe that her past sexual experiences have a strong influence on the decisions she's making in her relationship with both me and Brian. I'll list some facts as I know them, and then answer any follow-up questions that you might have:

>Juli became sexually active when she was 15 years old. She gave her virginity to a guy who was 22 at the time. She said she had known him for only 6 weeks when they had sex the first time.

>After her first sexual experience, she remained active in high school, and when she was 17 married a man who was 5 years older than she was. They were married for 3 years and divorced when Juli was 20. I had met Juli when she was married to her first husband, and I became friends with them both. After their divorce, I began dating Juli about 6 months later and we married the next year. We have been married almost 33 years.

>When we got engaged, Juli felt she should let me know how many sex partners she had had, so she told me that she had 4 in high school, then her ex husband. She said that the last year they were married, her ex wanted to do a "3some with another man" (that's a whole other story in itself), and also they tried swinging for a while with another couple and did a partner swap with them.

>Juli told me that the last few months of their marriage, her ex started coming home late at night, (she found out that he had been with another woman) and when Juli confronted him about it, he said he wanted a divorce. She found out soon after that, that her ex had gotten the other girl pregnant while still married to Juli.

Juli has never wanted to talk about her past in much detail, but has told me things that give me a clearer picture of where she is coming from. And over the years I've been able to put 2 and 2 together from questions I've asked her. Juli is an amazing woman and has always had a strong sex drive. She was sexually curious as a teenager, and being married at such a young age to a more experienced man allowed her to experience a lot of sexual firsts with him. Some good some no so good. But it's all part of who she is today.

When Juli and I got engaged, she made me wait until our wedding night to have sex. I think she wanted a fresh start, and is also why she has been adamant about monogamy in our marriage. So while she is a little firecracker in bed, she has only wanted to give her fireworks to But with our friend Brian, I think Juli sees a lot of herself because their situation is so similar. Both had spouses who cheated on them, both have been divorced after their spouse left them for others. So I'm sure this has been much of the topic discussed between them in private when on their dates. Brian probably knows a lot now about Juli's past sex life, maybe even more details that I know. That in itself is very arousing for me to think about!

But just as Juli feels empathy for Brian, and I think that has driven her need to help him and has kept her close to him, I also think her past may be what is holding her back because she doesn't want our marriage to be complicated or risked because of a 3rd sexual partner. Since her own first marriage and Brian's marriage was ended because of that very thing.

These are just some of my conclusions based on what I know of Juli's experiences. I wanted to share them here thinking that it may make more sense if you knew some of her background. Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions about what I have shared today.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by D+D » Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:04 am

This will certainly have much bearing on Julie ' s actions, no doubt. Can't imagine her cheating on you at all. You are probably dead on that Julie feels bad for Brian because she experienced a very similar situation. Even if you give her the green light to play, I wonder if she would because of the result of her first marriage. No wonder you are hesitant to tell her your fantasy. Whatever happens you are a lucky man to have her and the obviously great marriage that you have.
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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:21 am

Mark I think you should tread very carefully because now that you have given us a better insight on what has happened in Juli's earlier life and now with what's happening with Brian, I think it puts a different viewpoint on what Juli's feelings are and the way she see's things, we already know how you would like it to proceed hence my words of caution.

I understand more now how dificult it must be for you to decide on what to do next, ultimately in the end this will have to be your decision alone no matter what we all may advise on here.

It's good that she has told you of her past lovers and her 1st husband and what they did, has she said how she felt about him wanting a threesome with another man(did it happen) and the swinging they did, you keep on giving us little snippets of information which is important for anyone on here trying to give you well intentioned advise.

I'm not saying you need to tell us everything certainly some things you may wish to keep private and I fully understand but some of the revelations you have let us in on sheds a different light on the situation and therefore a different evaluation.

As always look forward to hear your comments mark.
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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:14 am

D+D and LC...Yes it just hit me over the weekend that of course I knew Juli's background, so what is going in with her and Brian made sense to me, but I hadn't shared that information here. So I thought it would help everyone to understand her better.

As you can see, Juli has a background that shows me she is no stranger to being a shared wife, and I think her early sexual experiences is what makes her so fun in bed even now. So the thought of her actually being a hotwife isn't too far fetched. But I do believe the things I mentioned here in my last post is what makes her hesitate to go further with Brian. I'm not saying she never will, but now I think you can understand why I tread softly and don't want to push her too quickly.

To answer your question LC, about the 3some...yes, they did go through with it. She didn't really tell me any details, and told me mainly because she wanted to be honest with me about the number of sex partners she had had. Like full disclosure when we talked about getting married. I think she wanted to make sure I knew that she had been "used" (as she worded it) by more than her first husband. At the time we got engaged, Juli was just 20 years old, and all I knew was her and her ex, so honestly that night sitting on the sofa and she counted out the number of men who had been inside her, I was a bit shocked. (Maybe shocked isn't the right word, but surprised). As I mentioned before, the man they did the 3some with is a whole other story in itself. I'll have to post about that sometime. Really interesting actually.
And she did act like her experiences in her first marriage were positive. I think like any teenager, she enjoyed having sex, and being married so young, she got to have it often and even with multiple partners. I know her ex did it all with her. He was her first real oral partner, and first to have anal sex with her.

So I hope what I've shared here conveys just how that Juli is certainly no prude when it comes to sex. Even after 33 years with her I see that spark of sexual excitement in her that I know she has always had. But I also think she is perhaps a bit embarrassed at things she did before we were married. When we were young, her past sex was fresh in her mind so she talked about it more freely then, and I learned some details about it. But as time has gone, she is less inclined to talk about it, and I've had to ask specific questions, and be more like a detective and piece clues together. Each time I learn something new it's an amazing feeling. Like I shared her with her ex and others even before I was married to her.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:08 pm

Mark would like to hear about the threesome sooner rather than later to get more of an insite on you both, and when or if you talk you need to put this on the agenda to get Juli to open up about how she felt about the threesome so you can decide if you should brotch the subject of would she be willing to do it again with you and possibly Brian or would she prefer it to be someone else, this is amongst all the other things you will need to discuss of course.

Also am I right in now thinking you are changing your views/thoughts from a poly type arrangement you prefered before, to as I once suggested for you to consider a hotwife one which you see as the way to now go, as you keep mentioning the hotwife term more and more.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:05 am

Hi LC. Yes, after reading all the comments and advice I've received here, I think that my idea of a true polyamorous relationship with Brian is probably too much to hope for. The more likely outcome of Juli's current relationship with him would be taking it one step beyond the emotional bonding to include a once a week physical meeting (like a mercy fuck). This may be the hotwife experience that you mentioned. I'm not sure that I totally understand all of the definitions yet, but if I understand that a hot wife is one who has sex with another man but not necessarily in a 3-way emotional relationship with him and her husband, then that may be the most I can hope for. Although I know Juli is not one who would have sex with anyone that she did not already feel some kind of bond with, so I'm not sure where that falls on the scale between hotwife and poly.

Yes, I will give more information on what I know about the MFM 3some that Juli and her ex husband did with another man, but I will need more time than I have today. With the holidays this week, we will have family visiting so I may not be able to post here as much as I have been. But I will definitely post about her experience as soon as I can.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by mathuranjali » Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:51 pm

For me her emotional relationship with Brian is much more thrilling and satisfying. Wouldn't it be a major turn on for you if juli came to you one day and said honey I think I'm developing some feelings for Brian?

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:50 pm

No problems Mark just as crazy here in UK with the festivities, whenever you can.

To be truthful with you I struggle as you to understand all of the poly and hotwife lifestyle though I feel the hotwife one bests suits you and Juli purely because one of the poly ones is when everybody moves in and live together as wife and her men so to speak and not what you could accept I believe, people see it in so many different ways just as I struggle to understand the cuckolding and hotwifeing lifestyles there are just so many similaritys here also, and no one in my view seams to have the definitive answer to seperate the them they just seem to merge.

Regards and you both have a great holiday LC
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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:25 am


This is quite a dilemma you have here !! I have read this post entirely and it seems that all three of you are very honest and sincere people. I am not sure that Juli's and Brian's relationship is going in the direction that you seem to desire but one thing is for sure ... The longer they are meeting weekly and texting nightly the more odds they have on ending up in a sexual situation. My thoughts ......

I am concerned that this situation is running on its own ... With no positive direction. And I believe each person is unaware of the others anticipation of an end result. With that said, there is no telling where it will end up. Men and women alike all have wants, needs, desires and fantasies and in the environment of "close friends" and "feelings" these will begin to come out even though they might try to repress them ... Sooner or later .........

There is going to have to be some communication ... Even if it is in simple comments and suggestions .. Or in pillow talk ... Communicating your feelings and desires so that it runs in the right direction and not just leave it run on its own with the chance that it runs I'm the wrong direction.

Brian... I think he enjoys Juli's company and he has desires that will have to come out ... It is only a matter of time. He also "loves" her now so that is a step that leaves intimacy inevitable given the opportunity. Basically, Juli has become his world and he will not let go of that very easily now. If he is presented with the opportunity of becoming a bf to a hot wife I do not believe he would turn that opportunity down... But then, that would be up to you to offer, either personally or through Juli... Which it sounds like you have already done with him in the basic form. But he is cautious as he doesn't want to hurt your friendship.

Juli .... I think she is a very nice person to try and comfort a good friend... But I believe there is more to that in her mind. "Dating" is very exciting to a woman. It takes her away from the responsibilities of a home and family and it gives her that "free" feeling of being younger again with no worries when she is with him. She can get caught up in that feeling and the excitement will grow step by step and if left long enough will inevitably lead to intimacy. She will start doing things to get his attention ... Texts, gifts, surprises, dressing hotter, and all these little things that become very exciting. Until such a time of intimacy she will come home to you very excited and your sex life will begin to escalate !!! I am sure you can appreciate that !!!

Then there is you !! .... You also have the feelings of excitement as they "date" and go down this path. Watching her "glow" each time she mentions his name ... Seeing her text him while you are asleep ... Watching her excitement each time she is with him ... And if course the sex !!! It is so intense after being with him, isn't it ?? Juli with Brian on her mind and you with both of them on mind !! So ... What is it YOU want out of this ?? That is the big question !! Where do YOU want it to go ??

Do you want to be cuckolded ?? Do you want to wait at home for her return ?? Do you want to join them ?? Do you have desires of humiliation and submissiveness ?? You have seen many scenarios on this site and I am sure you have a list of the things that would turn you on and feed your desires. I think it is time to list them... Write them down ... Privately or on here ... Admit them ... Cherish them ... Once you make that list we can at least guide you down a path to realize them without upsetting the current situation and letting it spiral out of control.

I believe the intense feelings of trust that is within all three of you now will allow you to take this in any direction you desire !! Timing is everything and I believe that timing is now !!

These are only my thoughts ... And I hope I am not being to forward and upsetting anyone ... That is not my intent. It is just what I am seeing at this point of the progression. Patience and direction will be very important going forward.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by lagercandle2014 » Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:24 pm

Well written Brad this what I have been trying to say and explain to Mark all along but you have done it so much better I bow to your marstery of the pen

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bradisalpha » Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:12 pm

lagercandle2014 wrote:Well written Brad this what I have been trying to say and explain to Mark all along but you have done it so much better I bow to your marstery of the pen

Regards LC

Lol !! Thanks. I hope Mark can sort it out and answer so we can see where he is with everything !!

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by ericsacto » Thu Dec 25, 2014 6:43 am

Thanks for sharing your situation.

Have you and Juli talked about Brian lately?

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:21 pm

Hi All. I've been very busy this week with family visiting for the holidays, so this is my first time to be able to read your posts. Thank you for your help with my situation!

Juli and I visited with Brian for lunch today at his house. His daughter had been with him for Christmas but left this morning, so Juli and I visited with him for a couple of hours. Mostly I sat and listened to them talk. He took her around and showed her his Christmas décor in the house and just talked about things in general. I really enjoyed seeing them spend time together and of course my mind was racing the whole time, imagining all kinds of scenarios. With Brian's bedroom just down the hall, I was trying to think of a good excuse to leave for about and hour and let them be alone lol..but we just had a good visit and came home.

Brad thank you for your post. I know you're right that I am going to need to talk to Juli soon. My thinking up to now has been to let things develop naturally as they have, and I've been afraid of pushing too hard too fast, but I know at some point we are going to need to all be on the same page.
Your observation is very astute. Brian is like any man...I know he enjoys Juli's attention, I can see it on his face and in his mannerisms when he is around her. I'm sure that all it would take is for me or Juli or both to offer to let him be with her sexually and he wouldn't hesitate.

Juli is a very kind woman and I do think she probably feels some sort of empathy toward Brian because of her experience from her first marriage. She has already surprised me by how close she has let Brian get to her emotionally. This is the first time in our marriage that I've ever seen her spend time alone and also privately text another man. So I do believe as you said, Juli probably likes the feeling of being "dated" by a man who obviously finds her attractive and very desirable.
And you're right about another thing. Juli and I have always had an active sex life, but the last few months we both seem to be more intense about it. And I do imagine different scenarios when we have sex. All of them include Brian in some way. (Just last night I imagined I was getting his sloppy seconds after she had been with him.)

As for me...If I were to be just brutally honest, and if I know my own heart, I think I really want to experience how it feels to let Brian fully share my wife. I don't think I want to go as far as a full poly relationship where he moves in with us. So my choice of ID here of "co-husband" may have been premature. I think I would like to share Juli one day a week with Brian. Where she goes to his house alone for the full day. Let them continue to bond emotionally as a FWB couple including full sex. I don't want to be in the bedroom with them, but just want to let Brian and Juli enjoy intimacy in private.

I know that this has a lot of potential complications all over it. But for now I'm just answering your question in full honesty about what I want out of this. To answer your direct questions:
Do you want to be cuckolded ?? Do you want to wait at home for her return ?? Do you want to join them ?? Do you have desires of humiliation and submissiveness ??
Yes..of all the things I've read from others, I feel that I want to experience cuckolding, and wait for Juli to return home from spending a day with Brian. I think the humiliation as a husband letting another man be so intimate with my wife would be amazing.

Thanks again to everyone for your help!

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bradisalpha » Sat Dec 27, 2014 6:27 am


It sounds like you had a beautiful day at Brian's and I know your mind was in high gear !!

Thank you for being honest with yourself and admitting your desires. That is very important. Yes, you will look forward to the humiliation each time she is with him and the anticipation of her return... Dreaming about the silky, open, wet feeling as you get sloppy seconds. Some cucks can live on that alone !!

I think you already are very excited each time she has her "date" with Brian ... Paying special attention to exactly what she is wearing ... How her nails were done ...How her makeup and hair looked when she left ... How she "prepared" herself to meet him like she was actually going on a date. And each of those memories are stuck in your mind ... Forever. I believe you can recall how she looked leaving for each and every one of her "dates" !! And you subconcously look to make sure she is "perfect" each time.

Have you told her how nice she looks when she leaves for her "date" ?? Showing her that you want her to look perfect ?? Or how excited you are when she comes home and want to hear every detail of their conversation ?? Do you show her that you are as interested in her "dates" as she is ?? It is important that she sees your approval before she will go any further with Brian ... Not just with words... But by actions.

You need to pay careful attention to things that she says. If she tells you he said "you look beautiful today" or "I would run away with you" or "what does Mark think of our lunch "dates" ?? You need to say little things like "it sounds like he is flirting with you" ... Or ... "it sounds like he really wants you". Tell her "you don't blame him for loving you ... You can certainly understand that". These kind of comments allow her to open up with you ... Even in a joking way ... But have long lasting impact in her mind that she will not forget. Planting scenarios in her mind also are never forgotten !! Simple things like "well maybe we should just have him move in with us" will open many thoughts in her mind even if you don't mean it literally !! Pillow talk !!

We are all deeply entwined in your situation now so keep us updated and open your thoughts up to us as you move along through this journey. Your dreams WILL come true !!

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by D+D » Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:50 am

I hope this works out for you Mark, however you decide to handle it. This is such an exciting situation. I can only imagine the angst that you go through seeing them together, wanting it to be more. I believe now that this will happen. Brad gives sound advice. It takes either telling your wife out right or give subtle hints as to your desires. I think you know your wife well enough to know how to proceed. Many women need emotional attachment to go all the way with another man, your wife already has this, maybe she just needs to know you are ok with it. Her personality plus her past experiences are things you know more about than anyone. Good luck to you. 2015 may be a memorable year for you.
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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:50 am

Hello Everyone...A few days ago I mentioned that in Juli's first marriage, she and her ex husband did a threesome with another man. Juli wanted to be honest with me when we got engaged, so I would go into our marriage knowing how many sex partners she had had before me. So that is how I learned about the 3some. At the time, she didn't give me names of any of her previous sex partners. All I knew was her ex husband because I met him and Juli when they were still married.

So the longer Juli and I were married, of course the more curious I got about who it was that had had my wife (granted it was before she was my, but you understand how it feels as a husband to want to know specifics). Juli did tell me the name of the man who got her virginity (James S.). He was 22 at the time and she was 15. I know the first names of the boys she had sex with in high school. But she wouldn't tell me who the man was that her ex brought into their bed for the 3some. So from that I just assumed it was probably either someone I knew back then or maybe even some sort of kinky relationship that she was just too embarrassed to admit.

Well over the years, I would ask questions from time to time but never really had a clear idea of who it might have been. Until one day Juli said something that caused a light bulb go off in my head. It was just an innocent comment about a man that we both know, but it was finally the last piece of the puzzle for me. So I asked her directly, was he the one she and her ex did the 3some with. And she admitted he was. She had kept it from me for over 20 years! Because we still see this man occasionally in social settings. I have known him since he was 18, about the age he was when he did the 3some with Juli and her first husband.

Needless to say that every time I see him now, it's still an amazing feeling to know that this man has cum inside my wife. Juli told me that they agreed years ago not to tell me or his wife, but I finally figured it out lol. Even though it was over 30 years ago, and it wasn't an emotional affair but a one (actually two) time sexual encounter with her ex present, I just love knowing that as far as I know, he still doesn't know that I know that he knows how it feels to cum inside my wife! lol. (does all that make sense?) lol

(Just to be clear..this wasn't Brian. The 3some guy was a mutual friend going back over 30 years. We only are around him maybe twice a year now and always in a social setting with him and his wife. In fact, if I didn't know that he had sex with Juli when he was 18, I would have no reason to suspect. Our interaction with him and his wife has never been awkward. And as I said, he still has no idea that I know).
Brian is a good friend that we have known about 10 years).

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bradisalpha » Sun Dec 28, 2014 6:47 pm


It is time to begin some "suggestive" pillow talk. The next time Juli gets home from a date or meeting with Brian, show her how anxious you are to have sex. Tell her "it excites you more and more each time she goes on a date with Brian".

That will be all you have to say !! She will have to ask why ?? This opens you up to say things like "it turns me on to know he loves you" ... Or ... "You look so hot when you meet him that he has no choice other than fall in love with you"... Or ... It turns me on to know he wants my wife".

That will leave her to ask a probing question like "why does that turn you on ??" ... Or ... "I didn't realize it turned you on ... What else are you thinking ??"

That then leaves an opening for you to voice your thoughts and feelings .. Such as "I think he will want to kiss you next" ... Or ... I would love you to tease him more" ... Or ... It would be so hot if you let it go further".

At that point the discussion will be open. DO NOT hold back telling her your feelings and that you would love to be a cuck. That it would drive you crazy knowing she was fucking Brian. That you would love to have a hot wife. That you would love to share her.

It is very important that you SHOW her how much it turns you on... Words are not enough. You must show physical emotion. That is how Juli will be sure of your feelings ... Kissing her deeply ... Hugging her tightly ... Showing her how hard your cock is ... Fucking her hard ... Cumming faster than ever before. These are signs that women pick up on and understand. So it is important to show her more emotion than you have ever shown her before ... Let yourself go ... Make sure she understands how much this excites you.

If she feels that you are truly turned on by her dates she will begin sharing details with you and doing things to turn you on. You will be able to talk with her and share your excitement together. You also will find out that it is also turning her on to go on the lunch dates with Brian... She is a woman !! It IS turning her on to go on these "dates" !! You might also find out that she had already kissed him ... Or more !! But, she will never tell you unless she knows it is alright with you as she is not going to gamble on her marriage. So ... It is up to you now to open up your feelings and desires.

We will be routing for you !! Keep us updated.

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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by co-husband » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:00 am

Brad thank you for your insight! I have thought a lot about it over the past week or so, and decided I will talk to Juli soon after the New Year holiday. She plans to go out with Brian on Friday so maybe that night, if the setting is right I will try some of your advice and let her know how much it turns me on. Even knowing that Brian is actually in love with my wife is truly an amazing turn on for me!

I do have a question for you or anyone else who cares to answer....I've been thinking about posting a picture of Juli here so you guys can see who we're talking about, but I see I am not able to post an attachment in this forum. Do I have to go to a different forum to post her picture?


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Re: Another man loves my wife

Unread post by bradisalpha » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:12 am


Great ... Don't be bashful ... Just Give her a big hug .. Press your hard cock up against her and tell her "it turns me on sooooo much when you meet with Brian" !! And go from there !!

Trust me... She knows what's going on and it turns her on too ... She will love your approval. But be patient as it may take her a while to realize that your turn on is real ... But then that is up to you to reinforce and bring the other topics into your talks.

I know you are excited about Friday .. Keep us posted when she is meeting with him ... And all the details .. Good Luck.

You will have to post her photos in the "Hotties" forum. We would LOVE to see Juli !! Let us know when you post her photos.

Read my Bio: "Brad.. from the beginning" ...

Sissy Cuckold Club...

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