progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:35 am

I don't have time to write a long response just now, but just wanted to say that was awesome and you played it all perfectly. Well done. Just don't get carried away and let her lead this.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 10:56 am

All this could be meaningless or I don't know, maybe just maybe things are going forward. Last night she got home from the gym and I walked over to her and gave her a kiss and rubbed her legs. She sensed I was trying to seduce her and did not want anything to happen. She then told me with a smile, "You're horny ALL the time!" Although she delivered it with her words as she was sorta annoyed/tired of having me constantly horny and wanting her she followed it up with placing her foot on my nose. If you haven't noticed I have a foot fetish and she knows that better then anyone. My response was, "Well!! You do stuff like that." Referring to her placing her foot, which had just gone done working out on my nose. We both laughed at it and she said, "It's funny."

Time passed throughout the night and she was watching some show in another room and I came in and made some sort of sexual comment about the show. The comment was completely out of nowhere but I was just trying to make a joke. She responded, "You're just like Ron! A perv, You're like Ron 2.0." I thought to myself, She is still on that conversation from last night with her girlfriends!?!? I then told her that I may be a perv but its only toward her and its because she is so hot.

Conversation just slowly started to continue from there, she mentioned how his wife probably knows about Rons actions and they are probably in some open relationship. I didn't really delve more into it and left it at that. Later, we were just sitting around talking about her night out last night with her friends and those friends relationships with their husbands, she brought up kind of out of the blue, "Courtney told me she knows three girlfriends who are cheating on their husbands." (Courtney was one of the friends she went out with last night. I desperately wanted to drop a line like "Wow hot" or, "Naughty girls" to try and direct the conversation, but I didn't, I held back and just said, "oh really? Do the husbands know?" She said she didn't know. She then followed it up by saying that one of her moms friends years ago cheated on her husband and said they had been fighting for awhile and she cheated on him and they divorced.

I told her a story of someone I knew that was cheating on her husband and that they would meet in parking lots to hook up. I told her I was surprised they did this and didn't just get a hotel room or something. My wife said she was also surprised they wouldn't but then said, "Maybe they liked the excitement about getting caught in the open." She also asked me how they did it like, "Was he sitting in the front seat and she riding him?" She must of thought I would have asked her the specific details of how they had sex but I told her I did not know.

The night eventually led to sex and as we began we were both laying down and facing each other, she then told me, "I'm going to ride you." and she got up and started riding me, after awhile she turned around and did a reverse cowgirl style and was still riding me. It felt she was really riding me hard like really getting into it. She eventually turned around and orgasmed as she was riding me. Although the sex was vanilla, no verbal dirty talk, her body seemed to do a lot of talking. Hard to explain, but she really just seemed to ride me harder and more intense then she has before. After she was done it was my turn and I kept her on top of me. I could have cum very quickly, but I was holding out to see if she was going to say anything. Particularly anything about other guys, cuckolding, or cheating since we had talked about cheating earlier in the night in normal conversation. She never said anything and shortly before I came I put her on her back and fucked her fast and hard and squeezed her ass as I came. She made a comment afterward of, "Nice little burst of energy at the end."

Nothing else happened. Like I said in the beginning of this post these last two nights although the conversation has been very hot to me, could be nothing to her and she is just having conversation. I held back from trying to bring up cuckolding or how hot I thought the cheating was from the woman I knew, or the women she was told about. I just let her lead the conversation and see if she was going to bring it up or scratch the surface of cuckolding. It's hard in many ways to not encourage it or try to talk about it when there are this abundant openings. I think, maybe she wants me to start talking about it since she knows it turns me on and maybe she is the one trying to crack the door open with these conversations and wants me to open the door and enter. However, from past experiences on talking about the subject with her she says "It'll never happen" or she stops talking about it altogether and nothing more develops. I don't want her to think my silence of not opening the door and stepping in is me saying I don't find the actions hot and it no longer interests me. However, she did say the other night she knew I would love it if she went to the gym at a certain time due to a hot guy being there at that time.

So it is hard to not try and have the conversation take the next step, I also fear that if I do and once again get rejected I am back to square one. Now, I may still be at square one and have not gone anywhere, but these past two nights and the conversations we have had I thoroughly enjoy and just leaves a little hope in my head that maybe it is going somewhere or she is at least thinking about something. So a little hope is better then no hope at all.

I don't know, maybe I should be inserting some more comments or talk or positive opinion when the door is slightly cracked open by her, but I don't know what to say that wouldn't get her immediate rejection or her thinking I am trying to get straight to cuckolding talk. Maybe there is a way slightly elevate the conversation toward that direction without coming on too strong?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Mar 04, 2017 12:02 pm

The fact she mentions cheating wives, etc., is because that is on her mind.
The question is why is she thinking about it, because it turns her on, or because she is just trying to please you?

HW'ing poses a significant challenge to your wife, it seems the idea is growing on her, but she has difficulty embracing the behavior in herself, because it goes against her sense of propriety. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:32 pm

BallSpanking wrote:The fact she mentions cheating wives, etc., is because that is on her mind.
The question is why is she thinking about it, because it turns her on, or because she is just trying to please you?

HW'ing poses a significant challenge to your wife, it seems the idea is growing on her, but she has difficulty embracing the behavior in herself, because it goes against her sense of propriety. ;)
The conversations we have had the past two nights are just normal conversations and definitely don't think she is talking about cheating in the normal conversations because she knows it pleases me. The dirty talk in bed very well could be because she knows it pleases me and can make me cum quickly letting us be done with sex.

She mentioned last night after we had sex about how much we've been doing it and said she should put me in my cage, referring to my CB6000. Although I think she said this in a joking manner I was surprised she even teased it because she hasn't really ever like me wearing the cage. Nonetheless I said "nooo" in a teasing way to show subtle disapproval to see if she would say something like I didn't have a choice or make it act like I didn't really want to be put in the cage and that if I were to wear my cage it would be because she wanted and not that I wanted to. But she didn't say anything else. I doubt she will make me wear it, if she actually does I will be shocked. I don't think ive worn it once where she actually wanted me to, its usually me suggesting I wear it and she agrees.

On all accounts I could just be reading farrrrr to into all this because cuckolding is on my mind a lot and I know guys are wired differently then women. So this may all be nothing and its my horny mind trying to look too far into it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by hwc » Sat Mar 04, 2017 9:34 pm

looking forward to updates!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Sun Mar 05, 2017 12:56 pm

Hi, sorry I couldn't post earlier. I LOVED your last couple of updates. I think it's definitely on her mind and something she is at least curious about. I think you have planted the seed and with the careful watering you've done this last week it's just showing the first signs of sprouting. She has a long way to go though. She has so many concerns and issues she'll need to work through, key among them would be what it would do to her marriage. She likes the relationship you have and doesn't want it to change. My feeling is that you'll need to demonstrate that if she does this then when she comes home things won't materially change between you. I think in the past when she's brought it up and you've gone overboard and pushed things too far that you've weirded her out a bit. It would give her doubts as to how you'll change if she does this, and it's not something she wants. However, the good news is you've done great this last week. You've let her lead, you've let her bring it up and although you've shown just the right amount of interest and excitement, you haven't gone overboard and creeped her out. This should make her feel safe to bring it up again, and also help to reassure her that you won't get weird and change if she does cuckold you.

As far as what to say I think you've done a good job. Just acknowledge that you're still interested, it's still what you want but let her take the lead. When she mentioned the gym and saying that she could go early to the gym to check out the hot guys and she said you'd probably love it. My feeling is she already knows you would and was looking for confirmation. You could simply say “of course” and leave it at that. Don't elaborate too much, and you’re reassuring her that she has your permission to go and check out hot guys at the gym.

My feeling is that she's exploring, she's dominating you at times and now getting reassurance that it’s safe to do it, that it hasn't changed anything or made things weird. She's showing the first signs of wanting to do the same with checking out other guys, and she'll need you to be OK with it and that it won't make things weird between you.

If you do want to use these recent conversations to move things along, you could simply say something like you think it's a shame that these other girls cheated on their husbands and put their marriage at risk, even causing one to divorce. You could say that you love her and value your marriage and you recognise that she could get better sex from someone else but you'd rather it be something that you do together, that you think it would only enhance your marriage rather than her maybe one day doing it behind your back and putting your marriage at risk. Something along those lines anyway.

You're doing great! Just realise that from what I've read it can take a long time even from here. She has a lot of checking and testing to do, a lot of soul searching and she also has to find a guy she's interested in. A lot of ingredients still needs to come together, but I feel you’re on the right track.

See how good it feels when she's the one to bring I up, rather than her fending off your over the top comments and demands? I still think you can bring it up occasionally but definitely no more then once per week if she hasn't mentioned it for a while, and only do it subtly. She might pull back and look for you to bring it up to test that you're still interested, but she doesn't want to be smothered with it. She’ll need to go at her own pace.

These are just my thoughts and what I’d do in your situation but I'm not there to see you interact or anything. Plus, as you know I’m still on the same journey as you, so i'm not talking from the experience of someone who has been successful. Wish you well, you're doing great in my opinion.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by hwc » Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:56 pm

Enjoyed reading your posts so far. I can feel your frustration! One suggestion I have is to encourage her to go out with friends more, perhaps on a regular basis, particularly to clubs and dancing. Then, take a great interest in what she wears for these outings. Take her shopping with a view to buying her outfits specifically for going out (without you) with her friends and encourage her to choose clothes that make her look as attractive and hot as possible. Make it all about HER, not your own fantasies.

When she has a night out, take an interest In helping her choose what she is going to wear, encouraging her to look as hot as possible, short skirts, tight fitting clothes that really show off her figure. Also, be sure to help her choose hot underwear/lingerie for these nightly excursions and pay for them. Let her know that wearing sexy underwear that others do not know about and cannot see will still make her feel more sexy and confident, that you and her alone will know what she is wearing and it is fun for you two alone.

Tell her how hot she is to you once she is dressed up to go out. Make sure to tell her that you are very jealous and anxious when she is about to go out, how you have butterflies in your stomach, because if she looks so appealing sexually to you, then you know she is going to look that way for other men than that feast their eyes on her tonight as well- and that causes you angst and jealousy, how you almost can't bear to let her out of your sight... But follow that up by saying this is your own problem, you have a beautiful sexy wife and you are also very proud of her and always want her to look her very best, her prettiest, her most beautiful, her hottest. That you give her your full blessing and encouragement to be with her friends looking so good and appealing.

This in itself is of course a small step, but definitely is a spring-board into other possibilities, with the added bonus that it makes her more aware of her sexuality and attractiveness to other men. Be sure to discuss this with her, in a non pervy way, not about your self-gratification rather than boosting her own development, confidence, individuality, independence and self-awareness. Another added benefit is, that I'm sure you will really look forward to her nights out more than she does!

(p.s. this a tried and tested and successful method, but of course doesn't work for everyone! But it will definitely get her more attention which must be a good thing!)

Would love to hear your thoughts on this, definitely any progress on this front and also very much look forward to your posts and wish you much luck.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:14 pm

Thank you guys for the replies and suggestions! Been a bit busy around here so not much update but yesterday out of the blue I got a text from her saying I've been really good to her lately and she's felt we've had some good late night talks and other "moments" the last few days and that its been really nice. She ended it with a heart icon..

I replied she deserved it and that I've also really enjoyed the talks and spending time with her and course very much the other things. (I assumed her "moments" meant sex)

Again I'm uncertain if she enjoyed just us talking and spending time together or she enjoyed the topic of discussion. I didn't ask her anymore about it.

One thing I have done lately is doing more things around the house without being asked or expected such as doing dishes, cleaning up, etc.

Hwc - i think your suggestion is a great idea and super hot! I have encouraged her to go out with friends more and whenever she asks to go out with them I never say she can't. I like the dressing up idea and will figure a way to try that next time she goes out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:40 pm

A little update but not much. The other day she got back from the gym and she mentioned how she was the only hot girl at the gym and then made a comment that there were no good looking guys there either. I just told her that of course she was the hottest one and didn't go much further then that.

Yesterday she out of the blue sent me some very sexy pictures that were big teases. When I got home and before bed she asked with a smirk and joking tone to her voice, "Want to do something?" I excitedly said yes! But then she told me she wasn't in the mood and gave me a very wet and tongue heavy kiss and told me Tomorrow night we would.

Not much to update other then her gym comment and her teasing me which I think she enjoyed.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:49 pm

Breaker445 wrote:A little update but not much. The other day she got back from the gym and she mentioned how she was the only hot girl at the gym and then made a comment that there were no good looking guys there either. I just told her that of course she was the hottest one and didn't go much further then that.

Yesterday she out of the blue sent me some very sexy pictures that were big teases. When I got home and before bed she asked with a smirk and joking tone to her voice, "Want to do something?" I excitedly said yes! But then she told me she wasn't in the mood and gave me a very wet and tongue heavy kiss and told me Tomorrow night we would.

Not much to update other then her gym comment and her teasing me which I think she enjoyed.

Hi Breaker, that's a great update in of itself. I love how she referred to herself as hot. I love that my wife is also starting to think of herself that way and has begun asking for confirmation that she is hot. It is progress that I'm excited about for both of us.

In terms of her gym comment, maybe you could give a light-hearted throw away line that maybe she needs to find herself another gym. If there’s hot guys at another gym then she may start looking to impress them. If there's also other hot girls at the gym then she might have competition and might look to improve her game to impress ( dressing better, getting more flirty etc etc). All of which would flow through into her life outside the gym.

I just have a sneaking suspicion that her comments may have been hints that she's wanting to change gyms, maybe to a more expensive one with hotter people? Maybe looking for your permission and encouragement. Of course I know nothing of the gym she's going to or what other options there are in your area. I just know where I live there's cheap, functional gyms, and expensive commercial gyms. These ones tend to be where people go to show off. They sell fancy gym- branded equipment bags, clothes etc. I get the sense that it's about being seen at these gyms and I think this is where the hot people would hang out.

I also loved how she teased you, making you think you were going to have sex and then to put you off. She's not only teasing you but testing how much control she has over you and whether you can go without having sex. You'll need to get used to it as I've she's getting it from someone else you won't be getting much. That in itself is a very hot thought to me.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:15 pm

newaussiecuck wrote:
Breaker445 wrote:A little update but not much. The other day she got back from the gym and she mentioned how she was the only hot girl at the gym and then made a comment that there were no good looking guys there either. I just told her that of course she was the hottest one and didn't go much further then that.

Yesterday she out of the blue sent me some very sexy pictures that were big teases. When I got home and before bed she asked with a smirk and joking tone to her voice, "Want to do something?" I excitedly said yes! But then she told me she wasn't in the mood and gave me a very wet and tongue heavy kiss and told me Tomorrow night we would.

Not much to update other then her gym comment and her teasing me which I think she enjoyed.

Hi Breaker, that's a great update in of itself. I love how she referred to herself as hot. I love that my wife is also starting to think of herself that way and has begun asking for confirmation that she is hot. It is progress that I'm excited about for both of us.

In terms of her gym comment, maybe you could give a light-hearted throw away line that maybe she needs to find herself another gym. If there’s hot guys at another gym then she may start looking to impress them. If there's also other hot girls at the gym then she might have competition and might look to improve her game to impress ( dressing better, getting more flirty etc etc). All of which would flow through into her life outside the gym.

I just have a sneaking suspicion that her comments may have been hints that she's wanting to change gyms, maybe to a more expensive one with hotter people? Maybe looking for your permission and encouragement. Of course I know nothing of the gym she's going to or what other options there are in your area. I just know where I live there's cheap, functional gyms, and expensive commercial gyms. These ones tend to be where people go to show off. They sell fancy gym- branded equipment bags, clothes etc. I get the sense that it's about being seen at these gyms and I think this is where the hot people would hang out.

I also loved how she teased you, making you think you were going to have sex and then to put you off. She's not only teasing you but testing how much control she has over you and whether you can go without having sex. You'll need to get used to it as I've she's getting it from someone else you won't be getting much. That in itself is a very hot thought to me.
Thanks I may throw a line like that at her, but she just joined that gym so maybe I could suggest she should have joined another gym instead of that one or suggest to her to go at other times, OR ask her why does it matter if there are good looking guys there?

The teasing part was very hot and got me really excited. I was thinking the same way that she was showing her control over me.

I am anxiously awaiting to see if she has something in mind for tonight. She just seems to be acting a bit different, in a good way, but I cant really pin point or describe it. Maybe it is the fact we haven't had sex in about 4 days and she is starting to want it. I am excited to see if she says anything too tonight.

I'll just add this part instead of making new post....She has been trying on outfits all evening and came into the other room in a sexy brown leather jacket, and some ankle boots in tight jeans and said, "Wish you'd take me hot in this.." This prompted me to kiss her and she grinded up on me. I told her how hot she was and she felt my hard on. She told me, "I like teasing you." Then left the room. I badly wanted to tell her "Well if we don't go out together you can go out in that." But didn't, again probably in fear that she would reject the idea and this little thought of hope she may be trying to lead to something is better then none. Also, waiting to see if or what she says tonight.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:42 pm

It comes to mind she said "I love to tease you'...
Your answer should be, "I love it when you do."
Encourage her to dress hot and flirt to "tease you", dance with her guys, etc. ;)
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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:12 pm

Do you have any updates on what happened last night? I'm very interested in keeping up with everything that's happening with you guys. No detail is too small.

It's a shame she only recently moved that gym. Guessing it's a paid up front membership? It's good that she's at least on the lookout for hot guys. Great signs.
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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:49 pm

Thanks guys. Nothing much from last night really, just vanilla sex, but it was hot she was enjoying herself which made it very enjoyable for me. Earlier in the night as we were both sitting on the couch she demanded with a tease to put my face between her legs near her crotch. I never did as she was playfully demanding me, but I told her how hot that was and that I gladly would. She then placed her hand on me and noticed I was hard. She laughed and said, "You do whatever I want."

But like I said sex was vanilla. No mention of cuckolding or femdom. The only thing was she demanded I sit down and she rode me. When it was my turn I took the opportunity to take control. But really no dirty talk from her.

Today however I got on the computer right after her and she had left like a ton of browser tabs up. I noticed one of them was about the best dance clubs around our area. She probably has no idea I saw that since she probably thought she had exited out of the entire search browser. But I am thinking of bringing up the idea of going dancing again and see what she has to say.

Another thing I found interesting was she got ready to go to the gym, but actually got ready. She put makeup on and everything. It wasn't overbearing makeup, but certainly noticeable. the interesting thing was prior to that she was wearing make up, but it wasn't that much and it was a different style. When she was getting ready to go to the gym she had different make up on and it stood out a little bit more then what she was wearing earlier in the day. I found it interesting she would even put make up on to go to the gym. I didn't let her know I noticed.

I haven't brought up cuckolding in awhile and things have been going well at least in my mind with her leading the topic. But I am thinking if things get hot tonight to maybe drop a subtle hint or line about it just to let her know its still on my mind. I don't want her to think the cuckolding fantasy comes and goes in waves and that it is something that I continuously fantasize about. I know if you read things on the fantasy it says some reasons the wives are hesitant to do it or play along is they think their husband only thinks its hot and then the feeling of it being hot goes away immediately after orgasm or that its just a phase.

But I am hesitant to bring it up because things have been going so well and maybe just be patient and wait until she talks about it then I respond with a subtle hint. Newaussie I am also thinking of suggesting to her what your wife did to you...tell her to watch porn, put on headphones and have me service her without hearing or knowing what she is watching. Another thing I am thinking is to introduce some toys and maybe watch her from afar while she uses a toy. That one I may need to wait to suggest as she may instantly know where I am going with that.

The hints or topics she discusses from time to time are really fun and hot, but I wonder if I am thinking too much into them given whats on my mind and they may just be innocent talking points from her.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:47 pm

I'd keep waiting if you haven't already brought it up again. It hasn't been that long, and she's having fun toying with you a bit. She seems to be testing your boundaries a bit and enjoying not being pressured...and feeling sexier for it.

Do mention to her that you notice the effort she's putting in at the gym, that she looks hotter than ever. I'd wait another day maybe before mentioning the dance clubs, as she might bring that up on her own if she's actually interested in going out. Just maybe ask her casually if she's talked to her bff lately, and if not, tell her you just hope she's getting enough girl time.

I'd slowplay this. It seems to be moving in the right direction on it's own, and you don't need to disrupt it. Just be supportive and encouraging, and next time she gestures to get your head between her legs, do as you're told, boy! haha.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:56 pm

minos_dis_crete wrote:I'd keep waiting if you haven't already brought it up again. It hasn't been that long, and she's having fun toying with you a bit. She seems to be testing your boundaries a bit and enjoying not being pressured...and feeling sexier for it.

Do mention to her that you notice the effort she's putting in at the gym, that she looks hotter than ever. I'd wait another day maybe before mentioning the dance clubs, as she might bring that up on her own if she's actually interested in going out. Just maybe ask her casually if she's talked to her bff lately, and if not, tell her you just hope she's getting enough girl time.

I'd slowplay this. It seems to be moving in the right direction on it's own, and you don't need to disrupt it. Just be supportive and encouraging, and next time she gestures to get your head between her legs, do as you're told, boy! haha.
Thanks for the advice and no it isn't too late! She's been out most the night with friends and I've just been waiting around for her. She hasn't really even texted me so I don't know if she is even close to coming home soon. I'd be excited if this was a real girls night out but this isn't anything special, just at a girlfriends house with other girlfriends, so no hope of flirting or anything with guys.

I'll definitely give compliments on the looks! We will see where this goes.

I just don't know what to say in bed if she starts talking about it so I don't over do dirty talk with it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:22 pm

Breaker445 wrote:I'll definitely give compliments on the looks! We will see where this goes.

I just don't know what to say in bed if she starts talking about it so I don't over do dirty talk with it.
I think in general you should just work toward making her feel as attractive as possible. Tell her how hot she looks. Talk about how much you've thought about fucking her all day, pick a moment or two that you can describe how she leaned over and her ass looked so good, or something she had on, maybe while she was getting dressed, you saw her in just her panties and it made you hard, and you thought about getting her some more sexy lingerie. The more desirable and sexy she feels, the more confident she's going to get, the more she's going to think about showing off at a dance club and coming home sweaty and horny to fuck her man.

And that's a good start. The more she feels that way and the more she starts acting that way, the more attention she's going to attract from others and the more she might entertain those thoughts, even if she doesn't share them with you. Let all this simmer. Just reiterate how hot she is, how hard it is to hold back from cumming when you're inside her, etc. Treat her like the sexiest woman on earth and soon that's what she'll be.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by newaussiecuck » Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:01 pm

Minos, I agree with everything you have said in your last two posts and was just about to post the same thing.

Nobody, ever, puts make-up on to go to the gym if working out was all they were going there for. Getting sweaty etc for normal gym work isn't conducive to make up as far as I'm aware. If she's putting make up on to go there she's either doing it for your benefit, or most likely she either sees someone there she's very interested in our hoping to see someone new and she wants to look her best just in case. In fact I’d bet she’s already found someone there she's into and is giving you the “no hot guys there” story as a cover up. Why would she do that? Same reason she's telling you it’ll never happen. It's a way to save face in case it doesn't happen the way she wants. If it turns out he's not into her for whatever stupid reason ( maybe he's married), then she doesn't lose anything in your eyes and she can look for the next guy. If she tells you it'll never happen, then there's no pressure on her to perform or find someone quick. I’m pretty sure my wife would do the same thing, she wouldn't tell me she's into it or found someone until she's 100% certain she'll do it or she's found someone already.

If she tells you that she'll do it, then she'll feel under pressure to perform and to find someone real quick. It's likely she's picky and waiting to find the right guy that'll really float her boat. It'll probably be a guy that will really make you feel jealous and insecure to see her with so do be prepared for that. In her eyes he’ll be a better man than you, otherwise there's no point in her doing it.

Just remember, even if she's 100% decided she'll cuckold you, it could take her many months to find the right guy and you could be the last one to know what's going to happen. In my eyes you've given her the green light already. You should let her bring it up and you should confirm your desire when she brings it up but nothing more. Make her crave it, unsure if you'll really agree and then she'll be so thankful when you do. If you push her too hard she may never do it, or if she does you'll be left thinking she's only doing it for you and then it won't be as exciting for you. If she needs reassurance you still want this then she'll get it from you. You don't need to keep reminding her of it.

If she hasn't mentioned or hinted for over a week then maybe you can subtly mention it. The clock starts fresh each time she brings it up or hints about it. From what I've seen not more than a couple days had gone by that she hasn't mentioned it. That's pretty frequent in my eyes, and you've reacted well enough to reassure her.

I also agree with the comment that you should make her feel as hot and attractive as possible. Even play the line a little that she's too hot and more than you can handle. Give her the feeling that while you're excited thinking about her fucking better men, you’re also a little unsure if you could handle it. You'll feel jealous and insecure and unsure of yourself. You'll be torn between getting off on it, but also anxious.

Further I agree that if she ever asks you to get between her legs then you obey. Even if you’re certain she's playing around you do it anyway. Let her play with you. Let her fuck with you and laugh at you and say “you're to easy, you'll do anything I say”. These are all good things and sometimes it can be hard to take but you have to just take it.

You’re doing so well and well on the right track as far as I can see.
My current situation: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65904

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:05 am

Thanks minos and newaussie your posts excite me. Last night when she got home we had normal talk. She told me she wasn't really in the mood so I told her I didn't need sex and could just lick her. She told me, "Sometimes I need more then just that." I offered her a challenge that I could get her to orgasm by oral. She chuckled and said ok. She told me, "You're so horny lately!" I told her it was because of her and how hot she was that made me so horny. She asked, "So what are you just going to do me then I don't do you? I just go to sleep right after I'm done." She smiled and said "You'd love that, I just leave you high and dry, but i'd probably hear you over in the corner jacking off." She chuckled again and lead me to the bedroom.

I didn't feel like the situation was right to suggest her to watch porn while I serve her but when we began she seemed to take a little more control by doing things she rarely does like squeezing her legs together against my head and holding me head in one position. After maybe 10 minutes of oral and fingering she was begging me to do her. I didn't argue and did as I was told and she orgasmed in a couple minutes. After she orgasmed it was my turn. While I continued to do her she whispered in my ear how lucky I was to lick her and how lucky I was to do whatever she tells me to. She whispered something but all I heard was "Guys" as she said it between her telling me how lucky I was to lick her and how I do whatever she tells me, but I couldn't make out the rest of the sentence. I will guess from prior dirty talk she said how many other guys would want to lick her too. As you'd guess I didn't last long.

I was hoping to get her off by just oral, or if I was thinking better that when she told me she sometimes needs more then just oral I suggest using a toy or watch porn.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:25 pm

I think you did exactly right. You confirmed for her that you're excited just to please her. She confirmed she finds that idea both a little surprising (checking that she can get away with just selfishly cumming and leaving you high and dry) and hot (teasing that you'd like that, wouldn't you, [subtext: you little cuck])

And then you delivered on your promise. And she liked it so much she wanted more, but she still let you know how lucky you were. She might still be saying things largely because she knows what turns you on, but from what we hear in your posts, she's getting more and more consistent about reinforcing these sentiments of dominance/submission, teasing about being lucky just to get what she feels like giving, etc. She definitely seems like she's starting to recognize the advantages of your kink. And the most impressive thing, which you need to keep in mind, is that she's doing it now without constant reminders and pressure from you. That should convince you that what we've been saying is right.

Keep reinforcing how sexy you think she is. The gym might be a good opportunity. She either likes someone there, or she likes being the object of interest when she goes. Aussie thinks she might have found a suitor, but it could also just be she's discovered she has an appreciative audience and likes the attention, so she's getting dolled up to go. The "I'm the only hot one at the gym" might be something she likes, she might feel like the alpha female there. Maybe it's not about finding a gym with hotter people, but appreciating her status at this one. And while she's reluctant to outright tell you that other guys are checking her out at the gym (because she doesn't want you drooling about how you wish she'd just take one into the locker room and suck him off and contaminating her enjoyment) she's proud and excited and can't help but comment in a way that shows off the attention that's clearly on her mind.

I mean, I don't know, but that's a theory. And in any event, I think it's an opportunity, as I said. You can reward her for being so dedicated about her fitness and making herself extra hot for herself and her husband's enjoyment. You can suggest you want to help make your little gym hottie even hotter when she goes, and take her to buy some really nice workout clothes that show off her toned body even better. Have her model them for you, make very appreciative comments (don't invent, but inflate) about how great her legs/ass look in those pants, or how that top shows off her flat tummy and sexy hips; how this you're surprised that this is as good or better than lingerie shopping with how great she looks in these outfits - that you want to sneak into the dressing room and do something about it.

Again, try to reinforce the confidence she demonstrates, and show her how desirable she is to you by what you're willing to do for her. Don't push it toward what you want her to do for you. That's the key, I think. The more she takes those advantages, the more comfortable she'll get with some of the ideas you already presented to her, and you may find her bringing them up to ask you down the road.

And next time she teases about just enjoying your tongue but that you probably couldn't handle it without jerking off afterward, tell her you'd no doubt want to, but you don't want that to affect whether you get to lick her pussy. Maybe suggest that it would be easier and sexier for both of you if it was up to her if/when you jerked off - and how would she feel if from now on you asked permission and accepted her decision - would she like having that kind of control, knowing her husband wasn't cumming while watching porn of other women like most guys do?

Frame it in a way that she's more than enough for you to fantasize about (she's so sexy!), you only jerk off on your own because you aren't sure she wants to be involved in all your orgasms, but you wish she did, and if she does, this is a good way to ensure that she can be.... that all your lust can be directed to her, and she can decide when to relieve it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:44 pm

Minos - I think you are right that she either likes being the center of attention at the gym and she likes being the object of interest. Today a little rare thing was she had set out chores for me to do around the house. I don't think she has ever told me to do things around the house, she has asked in the past from time to time for me to do things, but today she told me the chorus I had to do.

We struck up a nice little conversation today as well. She told me that one of her girlfriends was extremely upset and jealous because while she and her husband were out and about he made a comment about how good another girl looked. My wife said her friend was upset at this. Her comment to me was, "I wouldn't even care, i'd like it." That sort of comment surprised me that she would like it if I made a comment that another girl was hot. She followed that comment up with, "I know guys find other girls hot, you'd be ignorant if you didn't think guys thought of other girls as being hot. I think other guys are attractive." She then looked at me and said, "I know you like what I just said right there." Then she chuckled. I gave her a big hug and suggested to her in a joking way "Let's go to the bedroom!" She laughed at it and brought the conversation back to her friend getting upset at her husbands comment. I told her that she was the hottest girl I knew. She said she knew but wouldn't care regardless. I think its her confidence in herself that she knows she is hot and that I wouldn't ever really stray or anything like that because I couldn't get better.

That ended our conversation as we both had things we had to go do. But she also went out and bought ingredients to make a very strong alcoholic drink that we are going to make tonight. So 1.) I am intrigued she brought that story up to me and then inserted that she finds guys attractive and 2.) I figure after the drinks settle in tonight, it is an easy topic to bring back up and see where she takes it. I can just bring up that couple again in a way and see where she decides it goes.

Again, maybe its because where my mind is and she isn't even "trying" anything, but she is certainly planting topics that I could disguise to talk about later without openly bringing up cuckolding.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:03 pm

The seed is growing, water it carefully, don't drown it. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:58 pm

Breaker445 wrote:I think other guys are attractive." She then looked at me and said, "I know you like what I just said right there." Then she chuckled.
It's pretty clearly not all in your head.

That might have been a good moment to go, "You're right, baby. Of course we all find other people attractive. I find you the most attractive, though.... but while we're on the subject, I'm curious, which guys are you referring to? *wink*"

Often you can get away with more in the moment than later on, because it's taken as playful and she's clearly open to talking at that point, whereas later the same sentiments feel premeditated and she might be more closed off. So tread lightly with that sort of thing.

The chores are a fun new wrinkle. What were they?

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:59 pm

minos_dis_crete wrote:
Breaker445 wrote:I think other guys are attractive." She then looked at me and said, "I know you like what I just said right there." Then she chuckled.
It's pretty clearly not all in your head.

That might have been a good moment to go, "You're right, baby. Of course we all find other people attractive. I find you the most attractive, though.... but while we're on the subject, I'm curious, which guys are you referring to? *wink*"

Often you can get away with more in the moment than later on, because it's taken as playful and she's clearly open to talking at that point, whereas later the same sentiments feel premeditated and she might be more closed off. So tread lightly with that sort of thing.

The chores are a fun new wrinkle. What were they?
You are absolutely right about talking about things like that right in the moment. Definitely better to bring it up right then and there then later, as recently the times ive been able to expand the conversation is when it is playfully going on right then and there. However, I can easily see and hear her voice in my head if I tried to ask that question and I feared it would have resulted in, "Its never going to happen, stop." But at the same time she recently seems to be more open to discussing certain things so maybe she would have fun with it and tease me.

The chores were nothing special, just clean up some rooms and clean countertops.

Last night after making the drinks we sat down and watched a show surprisingly enough about porn. Unfortunately this didn't get the juices flowing by either of us as much as one would expect. However, during the show there was a segment about financial domination. When the show introduced that segment my wife perked up and said, "OH YES! Financial Dom is the best! I would so do that." I know she wasn't serious about doing it, I highly highly doubt my wife would do such a thing. I played along that I didn't know what Financial Dom was, but I did since I remember her watching a show about financial dom like a year ago that was on TV. She then went on to tell me what it was about. I of course would be highly turned on by her doing that, but I know she would never do it, don't even think she would know where to start and if I teased her about even starting it I'm sure she would shoot it down immediately and tell me that of course she would never do it or she wasn't serious about it.

There was another segment about this guy who was dating one of the pornstars. She made a comment that, "You would just love that." I told her absolutely and I bet the guy watched all his girlfriends videos. She didn't comment anymore on it like saying anything negative about the situation such as telling me that it was weird id like that.

After the show ended we went to the bedroom. I did some things a little controlling and telling her things in a direct tone and she thoroughly enjoyed it. She wrapped her legs around me and started giving me the wetest more tongue filled kisses. She couldn't undress or undress me fast enough she was so turned on. It was very hot. We started having sex and she orgasmed rather fast, probably fastest she has in awhile. After she orgasmed it was my turn and she got off me and immediately shoved her feet in my face and mouth and told me to lick her feet and suck her toes. She told me, "Lick my dirty feet I haven't showered all day." "Look at you, you're so pathetic." I tried my best to hang on and not cum to hold out and see what else she was going say to me but the combination of her demanding I lick her dirty feet, suck her toes, her verbal humiliation along with the scent of her sexy feet being shoved in my mouth and nose I couldn't hold on any longer.

Afterwards she was in amazement at how hot it all was. She told me how hot it was that I was in control and using a stern voice toward her. She said "It's usually the other way around, but that was so hot." Meaning she is usually the one in control and demanding, but enjoyed me taking the control. It was a good balance as when it was her turn she really enjoyed me being in control and not only did she say she enjoyed it, but so did her body, and then when it was my turn to orgasm she immediately took the dom role and it was hot. Afterwards she was laying in bed and said in a joking matter that she could strip. She said she would do this move, which she started like shaking her butt and saying guys would just love this. I told her how hot she was and jokingly told her I could get hard again. She laughed and said goodnight.

Maybe its the conversations she has brought up recently, or the increased amount of sex we have had that makes it seem she is enjoying sex more that I have this feeling that maybe she is getting close to at the very least teasing me with the a cuckold angle. I don't know, but like ive said, just the hope that she could find it hot, interesting, or have the possibility is so much better then getting a hard No, never going to happen response.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:18 pm

The fact she made a reference to stripping, was probably because the idea turns her on.
She loved you being more authoritative, but also enjoyed demeaning you.
I think that if you can get her attention focused on a fit, well endowed stud, he could show her what "really firm" can be...
She might like the idea. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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