progress story

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:50 pm

minos_dis_crete wrote:I think you see where you misstepped a little, so I won't pile on as far as the impulse to initiate, or getting carried away and not quitting while you were ahead. Nothing huge was lost, I don't think. So no big deal, and it's good to learn from mistakes.

Just offering a word of advice in general for you and anyone else reading who wants to improve their flirtation... women like to be wanted, but except when they're already turned on, themselves, I don't think they have as positive an association with hearing about how guys physically manifest their desire as we generally do about hearing how girls manifest their desires.

"I want you so bad" is safer and probably sexier to most girls than, say, "I had to jack off because you turn me on so much" ...even if for us, hearing that they were so wet thinking about you that they had to masturbate might be the ultimate compliment.

Most of the time their fantasies have a slightly more subtle tone than ours and they enjoy the implication as much or more than the explicit. Note how her response was "I could just get whatever I wanted from you..." not "I bet you'd buy me that Coach purse I liked just for a chance to feel the inside of my pussy again right now"

Anyway, whatever you do, try not to apologize for it. She'll forgive you either way, but "sorry" isn't sexy except to dommes. lol. I mean, it's cute, because you're so clearly a submissive little cuck, but in general, better to own your comments than to retreat. For example, this would have been a more effective way to close that thread.

Her: "You can't control yourself!!!"

You: "When it comes to you, never. Can't wait to see you later."
Thanks for the advice! Certainly learned this time compared to previous times with getting carried away. Today I haven't mentioned anything sexual at all. One thing is two of my buddies invited me out for a last minute guys night tonight and although I did not want to go my wife was very encouraging for me to go out with them. Usually she suggests I don't go or I can tell from her tone and responses in the past when my friends have invited me to go out that she really doesn't want me to go. But when my phone alerted I had a message and she asked who it was from and I told her it was so and so wanting to know if I could go hang out tonight she told me, "You should go!" Even though I didn't really want to go it almost seemed she was suggesting I don't back out of going out when I expressed I didn't really want to go. What's surprising is we are going to be very busy over the next few days/nights and we aren't going to see each other much so I thought for sure on one of our free nights together she would have been on board with me not going out with my guy friends.

Who knows that may be completely irrelevant to anything and may be nothing but her being generous, but I really would prefer to stay home with her since our time together is going to be limited over the next few days, but she was very much suggesting I should go.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:13 pm

Go, have a good time, return the favor.
Send her on an all girls' night out..., in Vegas. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:39 am

BallSpanking wrote:Go, have a good time, return the favor.
Send her on an all girls' night out..., in Vegas. ;)
Oh that would be wonderful her in Vegas with just her friends!

Well while I was out, we went to this bar and she asked me how it was going and I told her it was fun but that we should go there on a date and she seemed to like that idea by sending back, "Yeah!!! I would love to!"

Afterwards I got home and her and I just hung out and started talking. We somehow got on the topic of how my friends and their friends think she is hot and she wanted to know what they say about her. I told her that they think she is hot but didn't go into much more detail and her response when I wouldn't give much detail was basically she wanted to hear more specific things they say. She then told me that she thinks she intimidates them, meaning she intimidates them with her looks, which she said she likes. I told her that they probably don't think I could get such a hot girl and are surprised when they see her and how hot she is.

She then said something that I found interesting and I don't know if she really knew the subtle thing she said but her response was, "Babes you're cute, it isn't that big of a surprise that you'd have a hot wife." (my wife doesn't know the meaning of "Hot Wife" and it's relation to cuckolding). And then she said, "I'd rather you be cute then hot, because cute guys are good husbands." Now my cuck wannabe submissive mind interpreted that as she thinks I'm cute, which gives her comfort as she knows she has me as a husband, but i'm not hot and hot guys are used for a fun time? Who knows, but I found what she said very interesting.

After talking for awhile we went to bed and started kissing. She seemed to be horny as she didn't need as much foreplay and wanted to get to sex as quickly as possible. We hadn't had sex in several days and I had not cum myself in a day or two. Once we got started I was unable to last very long.

This may be somewhat good I guess or bad, but I lasted maybe five minutes and she got very mad at me. From time to time I will not last long and she does get frustrated with me and usually will just end everything and goes to bed. But this time she really expressed how frustrated and mad she was at my lack of stamina. She used profanity that would make a sailor cover their ears (and my wife does not cuss regularly). And throughout the profanity she called me selfish and "You just hump me and cum." Shen then told me, "I guess I'm going to have to use a toy." Which she did not sound happy about. I told her I would be able to get hard again and she said, "You're not 19 anymore, you can't just get hard right away."

She was pretty upset with me to where I felt like a dog walking away with his tails between his legs. Like I said she has shown frustration before if I cum too fast during sex, but it's usually a few seconds of disgust followed by her just going to bed. But after she got done expressing her feelings she got up and went to the bathroom. I laid there in bed stroking myself desperately trying to get hard again. She returned and laid next to me and got her vibrator which she immediately started to use while I laid there stroking myself. Shortly after she started using her vibrator she told me, "You're pathetic." and she followed that up by saying, "You can't even fuck me for 10 minutes." A few moans from her and me telling her that I could do her again lead to, "I could find a guy who could fuck me good for more then 10 minutes." Again a few more moans then she reached over and felt my dick which at this point was hard again. She put her vibrator away and in a demanding voice told me, "Come over here and fuck me." I entered her again and did my best to give her what she wanted. She eventually put me on my back and she rode me to an orgasm.

Once she was done she seemed exhausted and laid there while I was now pretty much fully hard again. I laid there stroking myself again and she told me, "I don't know what you're going to do with that, but I am not helping you." She laid there going to sleep as I stroked myself to cum again.

I thought I would be in the doghouse this morning when we woke up, but to my surprise she has been perky and seems to be in a good mood. She has something she has to go to tonight and she was trying on clothes to pick an outfit out to wear. I entered the room and she was trying on this longer style top and tight hole jeans, she looked very pretty and I told her she looked gorgeous. She smiled and said "I like to sometimes not show off everything, but then give a little to show off." meaning her holes in her jeans. I told her she was a tease and she smiled again and said, "I am good at teasing." She then proceeded to make a comment making fun of me on something I did but it came off in a teasing degrading way.
Last edited by Breaker445 on Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:02 am

Having little staying power can definitely frustrate her, and for many reasons you should work on prolonging your erection for extended periods. On the other hand, the idea of a handsome, well hung lover with the stamina to put her through her paces (sexually), would surely be appealing to her. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:54 am

BallSpanking wrote:Having little staying power can definitely frustrate her, and for many reasons you should work on prolonging your erection for extended periods. On the other hand, the idea of a handsome, well hung lover with the stamina to put her through her paces (sexually), would surely be appealing to her. ;)
I added a little more to the last paragraph in my last post. What is funny is in the past my wife has mentioned she finds middle aged men attractive, maybe it is because we are both still relatively young.

I came home with flowers today and she immediately got a huge smile and thought it was sweet. She seemed to know something was up because with her smile and kiss she said, "You're trying to get on my good side for something." But she loved them and has them on display already, so great advice!!

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:49 am

Maybe she will feel "playful" tonight...
And you can point out that your ploy worked. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:46 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Maybe she will feel "playful" tonight...
And you can point out that your ploy worked. ;)
Oh very good idea! Thought I would add, one accessories my wife has been wearing lately is a choker. She has two leather ones that I love and she knows I love them because One: they are leather and Two: they are black in color. I don't know what it is, maybe its all the D/s things ive seen where the chokers are worn, but it is very hot when she wears them. I noticed just today I went into the bathroom and saw on the counter she had bought two new ones, one is a black laced one and the other is a white laced one. She is about to leave for her outing and I am curious if she chooses to wear one of her new chokers with her outfit, or what outfits in the future she plans on wearing them. Although they are laced, they are much more wider then her other ones so I imagine they will really stand out and wont be so subtle.

Also with the chokers, I know they are sort of the new fad again, and again maybe it is because I associate them with D/s play/outfits, but it shocked me at first when I saw she bought some and has worn them a lot and enjoys wearing them just because she usually dresses conservative and to me they just seem to express a little hint of naughtiness.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:13 pm

So my wife got home and immediately took her ankle boots off and sat on the couch with me and we started talking while watching a show. The show was about some girl getting a boob job and my wife told me she'd like to get a boob job when she's 40 and feeling frumpy. (She has always wanted a boob job) I told her she looked good and would not need one. Her response was, "no, I feel great now, actually I've liked the way I look now then I have in a long time..Its from working out. I just feel better about myself since working out." She followed that up with, "to be honest, I like it when guys tell me I'm attractive." My response was baby you are hot.

We continued to sit there talking while watching tv. She took her socks off and provided me her feet to rub, which instantly gets me hard and she knows how much I enjoy her feet. After rubbing them for awhile and while watching tv this segment about a disgusting food item came on and she teased, "you eat that right now and I'll let you have sex with me." I loved the challenge but she never fell through on pushing it more to actually do it.

After awhile she rubbed her foot on my crotch and noticed I was hard. It didn't seem to phase her, she rubbed my hard on a few times with her foot and then placed them back into my hands to have me continue to massage them. After even more time she just randomly told me, "my legs look so good right now." She then said in a rather demanding voice, "look at them!" I looked at them, gave them a rub and told her that her legs were sexy.

She also brought up lesbian sex after seeing a preview about a lesbian show on tv. She said, "I've always wondered what it would be like to be with a women and there's no penis. I guess they'd use a strap on. But I would never go down on girl. Maybe they'd go down on me and I'd just close my eyes." I was going to dive deeper into that topic with saying something but something came on the tv that grabbed her attention and I wasn't able to get the conversation back to it.

I must have massaged her feet for 30 mins with her occasionally rubbing them on my hard on before I tried to make a move. I tested the waters and tried to make a move to have sex thinking since she's been rubbing her feet on my hard on and knows I'm hard she probably wants to do something. But she rejected my advances and said "not tonight."

And just like that she went off to bed. Way hot when she told me she likes it when guys tell her she's attractive, I think that going out night last week really got her excited and she enjoyed the attention. I need to take her out again soon. Also as much as I would have loved sex the fact she knew how hard I was and that I wanted it but she didn't and didn't give me any relief is hot too.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:51 pm

Last night we again were watching TV and I again was massaging her feet. Like usual the simple act of massaging her feet gave me a hard on. While I was watching TV she was on her phone and looking at pictures of her girlfriend that we had met when we went out. My wife made some sort of comment about her hair and I looked at the photo with my wife. At the same time my wife moved her foot to my dick and felt I was hard. Well I was hard from just touching her feet but she asked, "Why are you hard right now?" I told her I was hard from rubbing her feet and she cracked a little smile, but continue to focus in on her girlfriends pictures. She then asked me if I thought her friend was better looking then her which I immediately told her absolutely not and continued to tell her in a way she was the hottest girl I knew and would ever want to know. I have noticed that my wife may enjoy a little bit of competition herself.

Eventually after watching some TV it turned into slight kissing and rubbing. She then directed me upstairs and we both got into bed. She was really into it and couldn't even wait for me to put the condom on before she was grabbing me and putting me inside her. After probably not even a minute I had to pull out and get the condom otherwise I would have came. Once I put the condom on she told me, "I'm going to ride you." I laid on my back and she quickly got on top of me. She rode me very deep and slow all awhile giving me deep wet tongued kisses. It was extremely hot. While she was riding me I grabbed her butt tightly. I then got the idea that maybe I could finger her butt hole again since she seemed to enjoy it last time. I took two finger and placed them near her mouth. Without me telling her anything she immediately took my fingers into her mouth and started sucking them. I told her to get my fingers really wet and with a little moan and sucking my fingers a little deeper she got them what I thought was wet enough and I took my fingers from her mouth to her butt and slowly inserted one of them into her ass. She moaned heavily and told me, "You're naughty." She then leaned over more and took her hands to spread her own butt cheeks wider giving me better access to her. She continued to ride me as I ever so slightly entered her ass with my finger and I could feel her widening little by little with each time she thrusted herself on top of me. She as able to moan out, "that feels so good." before she told me she was going to cum.

After she came it was my turn and I placed her on her back. While I was fucking her she told me, "You're so lucky you get to fuck me." I moaned to her that I was very lucky. She then told me, "I could get any guy I wanted to fuck me." After that I gave her a few hard thrusts to try and show her how hot that was, and also how maybe competitive that is as I tried to fuck her hard to show her she wouldn't need to find someone else. I immediately came and we both laid there both what seemed like very satisfied with what had happened.

It was the after sex conversation that had some intrigue in it, or maybe I'm reading too much into it. We don't talk much after sex as we both usually end up going to sleep, but she brought up the topic of one of her good friends and how she married a not so great guy. She talked about all the guys her friend had dated and how all of them but one were not great guys. She told me her friend has always been the type of girl who has seeked out drama in her life and finds the drama with guys. My wife compared her friends one good boyfriend to me saying "He was like you. He was a good, cute, sweet guy who was drama free and would care for his wife" She continued by saying he was "safe." Now similar to how she told me i was cute before and i don't know if my wife is thinking at all like this, but her continually now referring me in the ranks of cute, sweet, safe, makes me think she is insuring herself that I will always be there and i don't know maybe I don't know how to explain it, but if a guy likes a girl and he finds out either from her or her friend that the girl he likes thinks he is cute, sweet, safe, that usually makes you think you are in the 'friend zone'. And the friend zone usually means the girl knows she has you there emotionally and you will always be there for her, but meanwhile she wants to have a better time with a hotter guy. Or something along those lines.

Again, that's my cucked mind working and interpreting things, and I may be completely off from my wife and she may not even realize she is saying these things to be interpreted at all other then great compliments. But my cucked mind has the question of, is my wife planting a seed in my mind?

The unfortunate thing is my wife is gone for the next few days on a trip to see family. I'm pretty bummed since we had such a busy last couple days that we didn't get to spend much time together and we wont see each other at all for a couple days. Although before she left she did tell me she likes leaving sometimes because she likes to make me miss her. I plan on refraining from sending her any sexual text messages while she is gone. Since we had very hot sex last night and then she left and is gone for a couple days I am interested to see if she is the one that starts anything sexual over messages. If she does, I will do my best from going over board and just let her drive the conversation, probably by me just responding to the messages I get rather then responding and then trying to suggest it go in a certain direction or asking naughty questions back. But knowing her, she very well could not send me anything.

She did make a suggestion last night that she wants to have a date night again soon. She really has been interested in going out with a group since our last time going out.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:20 pm

Challenge her...
She claims she can get any guy she wants to sleep with her...
A challenge like, "I'm not so sure..." would ruffle her feathers.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:34 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Challenge her...
She claims she can get any guy she wants to sleep with her...
A challenge like, "I'm not so sure..." would ruffle her feathers.
Ohh I like that! If I challenge her in that way when would be the best time to offer that challenge? During sex when she brings it up? The occasional time she mentions it or her good looks outside of sex? When she says it over a message?

My worry is, if it weren't during sex and the heat of the moment her response would be cutting me off from going any further and saying something like, "I'm not doing that." etc.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:04 pm

It is an opening for a challenge, or even a bet.
You can start with something modest like kissing a guy, then sucking his cock, and ultimately fucking him, paying up your losing bet graciously (maybe it's a day at the spa pampering herself, or whatever). This way she associates that enjoyable risk with an enjoyable outcome. :)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:28 pm

I don't know if the challenge idea is gonna work to your advantage, to be honest. I have a feeling she'll see through the ploy and you'll just get another "stop, I told you that's not going to happen" reaction like you fear, turned on or not. I mean, maybe it could be a roleplay idea if she's turned on, but I don't see that the challenge/bet/reverse psychology is going to help in that situation.

I'd say that instead, you might do better to say something like "Yeah? You like knowing how much they want you... what do you guess all those guys are thinking about when they check you out?" That's an invitation to push the idea of "attention" to the level of "desire" or sexual objectification and get her thinking about all the fantasies she can imagine those rough, masculine guys might have about selfishly using her. Even if she doesn't answer and changes the subject, that seed will be planted.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:12 pm

minos_dis_crete wrote:I don't know if the challenge idea is gonna work to your advantage, to be honest. I have a feeling she'll see through the ploy and you'll just get another "stop, I told you that's not going to happen" reaction like you fear, turned on or not. I mean, maybe it could be a roleplay idea if she's turned on, but I don't see that the challenge/bet/reverse psychology is going to help in that situation.

I'd say that instead, you might do better to say something like "Yeah? You like knowing how much they want you... what do you guess all those guys are thinking about when they check you out?" That's an invitation to push the idea of "attention" to the level of "desire" or sexual objectification and get her thinking about all the fantasies she can imagine those rough, masculine guys might have about selfishly using her. Even if she doesn't answer and changes the subject, that seed will be planted.
You could be right about it not working out. I also like your idea. I did something years ago where when we were having sex after we went out I told her all the guys were checking her out, and then I told her I bet they were going to think of her when they jacked off or did their girlfriend. I actually remember her seeming to get off on the idea after I told her that. I am sure she probably forgot about me saying that since it was so long ago, but I could try something like this again. I would also love to play the game where we go out to a restaurant or bar and she shows me a guy she thinks is attractive. I don't think I am quiet there to bring up that game and have it be accepted by her, but given she has told me she enjoys the attention she gets I could bring it up in a way to ask her what guy she wished to get attention from at the place we are at. But I have read where this is a fun game for couples to innocently play along with the fantasy and also read on here some couples playing it and it sound super hot.

I haven't brought up anything sexual with her through text messages and the urge is tough to resist. I feel like sometimes when she sends messages it is getting close to maybe going down a naughty road but it never does. I have taken the time instead to tell her how much I miss her and how beautiful she is (In a completely non sexual way.) I figure while she is gone and I am trying to stick to not starting any dirty talk to take the time to let her know how much I adore her.

But it is tough to not at least send a little kinky message. I would love to plan a naughty night the night she gets back, maybe where I take the dominant role, but I feel she may not be in the mood that night and I don't want to send her a message bringing it up only for it not to happen. She may be expecting me to send her something to get a naughty conversation going since ive always started it in the past, but I am really trying to not bring it up as I want her to start it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:36 pm

Well I haven't really brought up any kinky dirty talk since she has been away. I did suggest to her that we go out this weekend with a group and she got excited and thought that would be fun. I asked her who we should invite, hoping to get maybe an answer from her to see if there was anyone in particular she wanted us to go out with but she just replied she did not know. Unfortunately it seems everyone of my group of friends is busy this weekend and wont be able to join us and I let her know that everyone so far has told me they are busy. I brought up the idea that we could get a hotel for the night, but she didn't seem interested but did tell me she would love to do that in the future. She suggested we go to something fun like bowling or go out to dinner. She made dinner sound like it would be a nice little dinner date and nothing crazy like bar hopping as well. We haven't decided on what to do, but I am thinking if we do a bowling night we could make things interesting by putting a fun little kinky wager on the outcome of the game. Or although the dinner part doesn't sound like a wild night out on the town, there's a chance she wears her mini leather skirt which that is a hard option to pass up.

She has not texted anything naughty this entire time and I haven't as well. However I had found a pair of thigh high black leather boots with a shorter heel online at a store that I think mainly caters to club wear. Along with selling sexy boots and club wear it also sells workout clothes that are not that crazy and seem rather normal. She has told me in the past that if the heel wasn't too high she would wear a pair of thigh high boots. So being bored I texted her asking her if she would EVER wear thigh high boots out and her response was, "Maybe......" I told her about the boots and that the store also sells workout gear so that if she wanted the pair of boots we could get a deal on them if we also bought a pair of workout pants. She seemed excited because she said, "Send me a pic!! I want to see!" Well I was away and didn't have a chance to take a picture of it so i told her the site, she must have went to the site because she responded, "Oh boy". Reading the text as a hint she was ready to send me another text to calm down, I immediately responded that if she ignored the stripper looking items and checked out the workout clothes they seemed rather normal. And again we could get the boots along with some workout clothes and it gives us a deal, so I wanted to try and emphasize if she wanted the boots and a pair of workout gear I could get it and just ignore the rest of the sexy club wear. SO I guess make it seem less sexual and simply a chance to get some reasonable wearing boots and workout clothes.

She said we could look when she got home. I told her I would send her a picture later when I was home and she said "Ok!" But I never got around to it. That was the most naughty thing I have sent her since she has been gone. It has been a rather boring couple days and was really hoping since she is probably bored she'd try to engage in some sort of tease talk to make a little excitement. I am just hoping that means she is saving things up for when she gets back.

If we can't get a group to go out this weekend I am starting to think we go out and do some sort of competitive activity and suggest we make things a littler interesting by winner gets a reward.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by minos_dis_crete » Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:25 pm

Show her the boots and choose some workout gear. Maybe along the way mention how hot you think she'd look in one of the more stripper-ish options and have a laugh. Leave her with the computer for a minute to go to the other room for whatever reason so she might have a minute to check out those naughtier clothes, but don't raise your expectations too high.

Again, I'd say, just plant these seeds subtly, always with some reinforcement of her desirability.

Otherwise, I'd suggest you just have a nice night out where you don't make her feel self-conscious with too much kink talk. If anything, pick a moment to tell her you noticed some guy (try to make sure he's good looking) checking her out and see if she takes the bait to initiate more teasing. But generally try to enjoy your relationship for a week or so without too much scheming or worrying about how to drive everything toward the goal.

That's just my take. Do as you think best.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:58 am

My wife finally got home last night and we ended up having some great sex. First leading up to her coming home, I sent a three somewhat subtle naughty texts over the course of the day. They were not blatant sexual texts, but they were open ended to where she could continue the conversation on if she wanted in that direction. Only once did it really even get a response. I told her, "Is it bad that just the sight of your boots and heels in room makes me desire you so much." Her response was, "I love to hear you desire me" finished off with a devil horns emoicon. But other then that nothing at all from her on the naughty spectrum. I was really at the point where I was frustrated because so many days of nothing I figured just one little sentence sent to me with just a hint of tease would keep me and my mind satisfied all day, but it never happened.

While we were hanging out the conversation got going about how I missed her in more ways then one and she agreed she wanted to be naughty. I told her, "You better think of a safe word." She loved that, she immediately grabbed me and said, "whoa you've never said anything like that."

Once we finally started to have sex I got some restraints from our intro to BDSM kit we bought years ago. She loved it. I got restraints and a blindfold. I tied her hands behind her back. What I found interesting was while I was taking the time to really establish the dominant role, she still would show signs of being dominant. Right after she had her hands tied she was laying with her back on the bed and she brought her foot up to my mouth and told me to lick her feet. I didn't hesitate and did as she told me. But then we began to have sex. Again after I had regained the dominant role she told me, "I'm so hot, you're so lucky you get to fuck someone as hot as me." I went right back to submissive response and told her She was so hot and that was why I couldn't wait to fuck her. She loved hearing that as she moaned.

While I fucked her with her wearing the blindfold I put my fingers in her mouth and told her to suck them and to make sure they were well lubed up. It was extremely hot to see her suck something while she was taking me and she really got into it. Although she was already very wet from everything else, she took my fingers very deep and made sure they were very wet. Once I felt they were wet enough I pulled them out of her mouth and slowly inserted one of them into her ass. She loved it! She started moaning how good it felt. Throughout having sex I would whisper into her ear how lucky I was to fuck her. She eventually came, and then it was my turn. She told me again how lucky I was to fuck her and she told me how hot she was, she was saying this while riding me. I was holding out from cumming as I was waiting to see if she would take that extra verbal step and talk about other guys. While holding out she then told me she could cum again and I told her we should focus on her cumming again. This time while she was riding me I kept reiterating how hot she was and how lucky I was to have her and fuck her. I asked her, "Do you know how hot you are?" And her response while moaning was, "Oh yeah." It didn't take long for her to have her second orgasm. She got off of me and laid next to me while I stroked myself. She then placed her foot in my face and told me to suck her toes and lick her feet. I unloaded into the condom and we both laid there exhausted and satisfied. She kept saying how great it was.

Although she enjoyed me being dominant I found it interesting that even though it was clear I was the dominant role she showed signs of being dominant. Maybe that is from the years of me just being the submissive role and her playing the dominant role, or even though she enjoyed me being dominant, she didn't ultimately see me as dominant. I guess what my sub cuck mind is trying to say is maybe she liked me being dominant, but she likes me better as a sub and would prefer being a sub to a natural dominant male. Of course that is my kinky mind doing the thinking. But after we were done and I easily saw how much she enjoyed it, but at the same time she did moments where she wanted or was in control I thought back to this board where the suggestion was made that if I be the dominant male and give her a taste of that she may grow more desire to want it more from a natural dominant male.

Another thing I thought of being the dominant role was it gives her a chance to maybe open up more or feel more free during sex. Like I have said, my wife is very conservative and when it comes to sex isn't very experienced as I was her first and before she met me I don't think she even watched porn. So maybe me being dominant and her feeling to be the sub it can make her feel like she can do things freely and be free. Which in turn can get her to explore her sexual desires more and experiment things she didn't know could pleasure her and find that those things are hot and do pleasure her and she likes them. It could help in her being more adventurous and finding the things she likes and wants to make sure I pleasure those things she likes. I don't know, hopefully it could lead to opening her mind up to more things when it comes to sex and fantasies.

Anyways, it was a great night and I am excited to see if this creating a new step toward something or if this was just a single moment which was contributed by us being apart for so many days.

One thing I forgot to add. We watched a show last night that apparently she has been watching. It's a script show, but the premise is basically housewives with a bunch of drama. I have never seen the show so my wife was filling me in, she told me who her favorite character was, and this character happened to be one who has cheated on her husband. I did not show any emotion toward when she told me the character had cheated on her husband. (Learned from the last time!)

Today she asked me if I liked last night in which I replied I really enjoyed it and asked her if she liked it and she said she did and that it was really good. I later caught her in the middle of changing clothes and made a comment how hot she was. She laughed and said, "You're just happy that we had wild sex." I laughed and said it was very good. Her response was, "You get two drinks in me and i'll do anything." Not really thinking much of it I said, "Ohhhh!!!" with a tone of excitement. Well, my response was more intended for I'll keep that in mind for more intimate wild sex. But her next response made me think she was thinking I meant it in a different way. Her response was, "Well not anything." Then it clicked, she was probably thinking I was thinking more towards the cuckold fantasy. I didn't respond to it or bring it up because my initial response was really meant toward just us continuing to have more interesting sex together.

It was refreshing to hear she enjoyed last night and makes me think it wasn't just a one time thing due to her not seeing or getting any in awhile. I am still excited to see if this sense of wildness from her grows.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:50 pm

Maybe you can let yourself cum too quickly, disappoint her a little, make her interested in alternative (longer lasting) dick. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Jeff111 » Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:59 am

Why don't you just take the fully dominant role next time you engage in that type of play and see how she responds? Make sure you stay dominant for the whole session and see how it finishes! Nothing to lose and she may love it, if she doesn't, just apologise and tell her you'll do something different next time.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:47 am

Jeff111 wrote:Why don't you just take the fully dominant role next time you engage in that type of play and see how she responds? Make sure you stay dominant for the whole session and see how it finishes! Nothing to lose and she may love it, if she doesn't, just apologise and tell her you'll do something different next time.
I definitely will try better next time. I think she would like it, and I think if I can provide better sex where she really enjoys it then maybe she enjoys sex overall better and allows her to experiment more, giving her confidence to try other things, or finding what she really likes and wanting that more and in turn she takes a dominant role to make sure I satisfy what she likes.

Yesterday we were just having a casual conversation, nowhere near the topic of anything sexual, but she was about to run out and do some errands and I gave her a compliment that she looked hot. Her response was, "I know I look good." She said it in all seriousness and casual response. There was no joking manner to her tone or playful confidence tone in her response, it was just a simple and straight forward response. It was quiet the turn on because when she usually agrees she looks hot or good she will respond in a playful teasing manner that she knows, but this was different.

I am excited to see what she decides to wear for our date. I haven't pushed any outfit particularly as I want her to decide and see what she goes with without any input from me.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:57 am

Sounds like she is feeling more confident about her sexiness.
That's a good thing! ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:15 am

BallSpanking wrote:Sounds like she is feeling more confident about her sexiness.
That's a good thing! ;)
Absolutely a good thing!

So we went on our date, her outfit wasn't anything she doesn't usually wear out. Her makeup was done up well and she looked amazing. Dinner was fun, but no progression was made. I did find it interesting after dinner we went to a makeup store in which she was asking the people who worked there for some certain make up. The make up she was looking for was very bold eye liner, like the type of eye liner that is somewhat of a standing out color and feature, which isn't really her style. I guess if I could describe it, it was like eye liner you'd wear going to a club rather then her typical everyday going out eye liner. When we got home we had a drink, sat on the couch and watched some TV while periodically talking. Something was brought up where we got on her looks and she asked me, "Do all your friends think i'm hot?" I told her they do and she said, "Do they really think that? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?" She continued by saying, "I just like to know I still got it." I again told her my friends do think she is hot and she absolutely still has it.

We continued talking and then she brought up one of her friends and mentioned her friend had been cheated on. She told me, "If you ever cheated on me, I would make it a point to run into you making sure I looked damn good and wore the best outfits." I challenged her and asked her what outfit would she wear. She told me, "I would wear your favorite outfits." I again challenged her and said, "No you wouldn't, tell me an outfit." She responded with determination, "I would wear thigh high boots, and I would flirt with a guy in front of you." At this point I was rock hard and I wasn't sure if she saw it while we sat on the couch. I told her that I would take her back that night and she laughed at the idea and said she wouldn't let me. I told her I would use my own moves and she tauntingly chuckled and said "You don't have any moves."

All awhile we were sitting on the couch and watching TV she also was looking at her phone. I would glance over from time to time just to see if I could catch what she was looking at. She wasn't being protective at all about what she was looking at and I noticed it was mostly shopping sites. However, one time I noticed her face really close up to the screen and unlike the other times she seemed more protective of what was on it. I tried to nonchalantly lean over and ask her what she was doing and leaned my head over her phone, she seemed caught off guard and wasn't expecting me to look at her screen in which she quickly turned the phone upside down and almost fumbled with her phone, and when she got a hold of her phone again she exited out of whatever she was looking at. It was odd behavior since she has never been secretive of what she looks at on her phone as everytime I am there its usually shopping and social media. She's never tried to hide anything she's looked at on her phone.

After our drink was done we moved to the bedroom. I had suggested we both put on some outfits and roleplay earlier in the night (a role play actually putting me in the dom role) which she was in the mood for at the time, but before we went to the bedroom I asked if she wanted me and her to get an outfit on first or just do it normally and she said she wanted to do it normally. She followed that up by saying, "Sorry I know you wanted to roleplay." I told her to not apologize and I was just lucky to have sex with her.

While in bed there was no dirty talk, no real foreplay, we basically just went right into it. The only talk was me occasionally telling her how hot she was and how lucky I was. What was hot was she controlled every single position. She would tell me to lay a certain way and it felt like she was using my cock for her pleasure only (which was great!). She transitioned to a few positions all on her own enjoying herself telling me where to lay. It didn't take long for either of us to cum. She maybe lasted 5 minutes? Which is really early for her. Afterward I left to get a glass of water. I started thinking with Her just taking control on the positions and her finishing so early, I was just thinking to myself was she possibly thinking of someone else while we were doing it? It was just such quick sex yet she was into it, but she didn't respond anytime I brought up how hot she was or how lucky I was to be with her like she sometimes will give fun sexy talk back. I got this pit feeling in my stomach thinking about that, as if she really was thinking about someone else, yet I got this excitement within me and with the excitement came a little hard on already recovered from my orgasm.

I will say not going overboard or over bearing her with this particular fantasy or any fantasy has really helped. Excellent advice about letting her drive this thing after the seed has been planted. The seed is very well planted and she knows it's my fantasy, and letting her control and drive it further is really good and its actually quiet fun.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by Breaker445 » Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:22 pm

Not much has happened, but I figured i'd give a collective update over the last few days then just post daily if nothing has happened. I kept away from really being overly horny with her, but this week I did send her a text where we role played me picking her up on somewhat of a date, like we were both new to dating and I found her profile and asked her for a date....We sorta flirted back and forth and she asked what I was into as she was open to fantasies and most fetishes. I told her I was into, foot worship, femdom, humiliation and cuckolding. She replied, "Hmmm you're naughty aren't you? I will be your Dom."

We didn't have sex due our schedules after that roleplay of text messages, but a couple nights later we did. We had ran out of condoms so she went to the store to get some more and came home with this fun variety pack that included very ribbed textures on the condom and vibrating cock rings. Before we had sex we were both sitting on the couch having some drinks and I was massaging her feet like I do when we watch TV. She suddenly took her foot from my hands and just placed them on my face. I was instantly hard as she has never really done that. I kissed and smelled her feet as she kept them in my face and she kept looking at her phone. She asked if I was excited about having sex with her tonight and I told her I was. She asked if I was excited to wear the cock ring and I told her I definitely was. She then with an excited voice blurts out, "I should make you wear a cock ring out!!!" I got a smirk on my face because of the naughtiness that would be and I told her I did have a cock ring (we bought one years ago) She must have thought I was talking about my CB6000 cage and she said, "No you have like a cage." I reassured her that I did indeed have a black rubber cock ring we bought a long time ago. She smiled and said, "You are right, I forgot about that, I should make you wear it." I told her it would be hot if she made me wear it and I would definitely wear it out if she wanted me to.

We went upstairs and we ended up taking a shower together. I bent down and licked her ass cheek and she told me, "You would go all the way with that wouldn't you?" Referring to me licking her ass. I told her I would love to.

We got out of the shower and went straight to the bed. She had me put on the cock ring and a very studded condom. We started fucking and maybe just one minute into it she told me to take the cock ring off because she didn't want to cum already. I took it off and just fucked her with the condom. I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying it as she kept telling me she was going to cum but didn't want to so fast. She told me, "You are so lucky you get to fuck someone as hot as me." Finally she wasn't able to contain herself anymore and she rode me until she orgasmed.

After she was done it was my turn but I told her we could get her to orgasm again if she wanted. She moaned and continued to ride me like she was ready for another turn. I whispered into her ear how lucky I was to fuck her and how hot she was and I could feel her get wet again. I rolled her over onto her back and continued to fuck her and told her I was lucky to fuck her and that so many guys wished they could fuck her. She moaned "oh yeah" and I fucked her harder after telling her how other guys wish they could fuck her and came almost immediately. She seemed to really enjoy the evening. She also seemed to like it when I told her how other guys wished they could do her.

A day before we had that sex she told me how good I smelled even though I hadn't done anything different. She said, "You smell good, like you put cologne on." She knew very well I didn't put cologne on because I don't have any. I told her I did not and didn't do anything different then normal and she said, "I wish you would wear cologne." I told her I would wear some if she bought whatever she liked. It was a little interesting she suggested that as for all the years we have been together, even dating, I never wore cologne or anything like that.

Last night she went out with a group of friends, although very conservative lifestyle other friends, but my wife wore these really tight jeans and high heel ankle boots. She also really went overboard with her make up. I was almost taken back by how bold her make up was as she doesn't usually wear it like that.

Anyways, not much to add other then she seemed to like it when I told her during sex how much other guys would want her, her suggesting I wear cologne although I never have all the years we have been together, and her bold outfit going out with friends.

Addition: I forgot to add, we were hanging out one night and her gym shoes were out. Now my wife to much to my disappointment rarely ever has stinky shoes, socks, etc. She is always clean and hardly has any of foot odor. My naughty sub mind I would prefer her boots or something to have a bit of scent after wearing them all day, but they usually have no scent at all. But her gym shoes actually smell, and it's cute because she is somewhat embarrassed by how bad they smell even though I tell her I like it that way. It's kind of a running joke how bad they actually smell and she smelled them that day and although she was grossed out at how bad they smelled she asked me, "You can't possibly like that!?!?" I told her I did and hinted that I may have enjoyed some alone time with them. She laughed at it. Today she got home from the gym and she was sitting on the couch and told me to come over to her. I did and she wrapped her legs around me and said she wanted to do me. She rarely initiates anything so I excitedly went along with it. She still had her socks on from the gym and I smelled them. Her response was, "EWWW They probably smell so bad they were in my shoes!" But I couldn't hide my enjoyment as I had a huge hard on through my pants. I told her, "You know I like it like that." She took a whiff herself and said they smelled really bad. She told me, "I don't want you to think I could produce an odor like that!" I told her I thought it was hot. However, she didn't pull back from me smelling them. She had this little smile on her face as I continued to smell her feet after she had smelled them and knew how bad they smelled. She used one foot to rub my hard on and the other near my face allowing me to take it all in. I would stop and she would almost giggle that I enjoyed it. It was hot to know that although she knew they smelled bad she let me still smell them and she didn't pull them away or tell me to not do it. It was like she liked knowing I enjoyed how bad they smelled and could be aroused by it yet she didn't want to openly admit it.

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Re: progress story

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:29 pm

It's on her mind now, no harm dropping a hint here and there, tell her how that young good looking guy was checking her out at the market... ;)
Last edited by BallSpanking on Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Unread post by realcucklife » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:50 am

Breaker445 wrote:Not much has happened, but I figured i'd give a collective update over the last few days then just post daily if nothing has happened. I kept away from really being overly horny with her, but this week I did send her a text where we role played me picking her up on somewhat of a date, like we were both new to dating and I found her profile and asked her for a date....We sorta flirted back and forth and she asked what I was into as she was open to fantasies and most fetishes. I told her I was into, foot worship, femdom, humiliation and cuckolding. She replied, "Hmmm you're naughty aren't you? I will be your Dom."

We didn't have sex due our schedules after that roleplay of text messages, but a couple nights later we did. We had ran out of condoms so she went to the store to get some more and came home with this fun variety pack that included very ribbed textures on the condom and vibrating cock rings. Before we had sex we were both sitting on the couch having some drinks and I was massaging her feet like I do when we watch TV. She suddenly took her foot from my hands and just placed them on my face. I was instantly hard as she has never really done that. I kissed and smelled her feet as she kept them in my face and she kept looking at her phone. She asked if I was excited about having sex with her tonight and I told her I was. She asked if I was excited to wear the cock ring and I told her I definitely was. She then with an excited voice blurts out, "I should make you wear a cock ring out!!!" I got a smirk on my face because of the naughtiness that would be and I told her I did have a cock ring (we bought one years ago) She must have thought I was talking about my CB6000 cage and she said, "No you have like a cage." I reassured her that I did indeed have a black rubber cock ring we bought a long time ago. She smiled and said, "You are right, I forgot about that, I should make you wear it." I told her it would be hot if she made me wear it and I would definitely wear it out if she wanted me to.

We went upstairs and we ended up taking a shower together. I bent down and licked her ass cheek and she told me, "You would go all the way with that wouldn't you?" Referring to me licking her ass. I told her I would love to.

We got out of the shower and went straight to the bed. She had me put on the cock ring and a very studded condom. We started fucking and maybe just one minute into it she told me to take the cock ring off because she didn't want to cum already. I took it off and just fucked her with the condom. I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying it as she kept telling me she was going to cum but didn't want to so fast. She told me, "You are so lucky you get to fuck someone as hot as me." Finally she wasn't able to contain herself anymore and she rode me until she orgasmed.

After she was done it was my turn but I told her we could get her to orgasm again if she wanted. She moaned and continued to ride me like she was ready for another turn. I whispered into her ear how lucky I was to fuck her and how hot she was and I could feel her get wet again. I rolled her over onto her back and continued to fuck her and told her I was lucky to fuck her and that so many guys wished they could fuck her. She moaned "oh yeah" and I fucked her harder after telling her how other guys wish they could fuck her and came almost immediately. She seemed to really enjoy the evening. She also seemed to like it when I told her how other guys wished they could do her.

A day before we had that sex she told me how good I smelled even though I hadn't done anything different. She said, "You smell good, like you put cologne on." She knew very well I didn't put cologne on because I don't have any. I told her I did not and didn't do anything different then normal and she said, "I wish you would wear cologne." I told her I would wear some if she bought whatever she liked. It was a little interesting she suggested that as for all the years we have been together, even dating, I never wore cologne or anything like that.

Last night she went out with a group of friends, although very conservative lifestyle other friends, but my wife wore these really tight jeans and high heel ankle boots. She also really went overboard with her make up. I was almost taken back by how bold her make up was as she doesn't usually wear it like that.

Anyways, not much to add other then she seemed to like it when I told her during sex how much other guys would want her, her suggesting I wear cologne although I never have all the years we have been together, and her bold outfit going out with friends.

Addition: I forgot to add, we were hanging out one night and her gym shoes were out. Now my wife to much to my disappointment rarely ever has stinky shoes, socks, etc. She is always clean and hardly has any of foot odor. My naughty sub mind I would prefer her boots or something to have a bit of scent after wearing them all day, but they usually have no scent at all. But her gym shoes actually smell, and it's cute because she is somewhat embarrassed by how bad they smell even though I tell her I like it that way. It's kind of a running joke how bad they actually smell and she smelled them that day and although she was grossed out at how bad they smelled she asked me, "You can't possibly like that!?!?" I told her I did and hinted that I may have enjoyed some alone time with them. She laughed at it. Today she got home from the gym and she was sitting on the couch and told me to come over to her. I did and she wrapped her legs around me and said she wanted to do me. She rarely initiates anything so I excitedly went along with it. She still had her socks on from the gym and I smelled them. Her response was, "EWWW They probably smell so bad they were in my shoes!" But I couldn't hide my enjoyment as I had a huge hard on through my pants. I told her, "You know I like it like that." She took a whiff herself and said they smelled really bad. She told me, "I don't want you to think I could produce an odor like that!" I told her I thought it was hot. However, she didn't pull back from me smelling them. She had this little smile on her face as I continued to smell her feet after she had smelled them and knew how bad they smelled. She used one foot to rub my hard on and the other near my face allowing me to take it all in. I would stop and she would almost giggle that I enjoyed it. It was hot to know that although she knew they smelled bad she let me still smell them and she didn't pull them away or tell me to not do it. It was like she liked knowing I enjoyed how bad they smelled and could be aroused by it yet she didn't want to openly admit it.
It's escalated another level, keep us all posted.

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