First time sharing my girlfriend

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:32 am

Too short. But nice... But too short !

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:49 am

Please continue. I am so curious!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:46 pm

Frenchie wrote:Too short. But nice... But too short !
We share the disappointment I felt at this time in my life

SjorsenSjimmyNL wrote:Please continue. I am so curious!
I will do soon!

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:43 am

shouldbestudyin wrote:
Frenchie wrote:Too short. But nice... But too short !
We share the disappointment I felt at this time in my life

SjorsenSjimmyNL wrote:Please continue. I am so curious!
I will do soon!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life

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Joined: Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:56 am

Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:27 am

Alright, alright, alright.

So as I said we were approaching the winter months and our “hotwifing/sharing” fun was put on hold once again. I felt so accomplished after the night of the party, Maria really seemed into it at the time but it didn’t really progress much from there. Now, we were both really busy with our jobs and I didn’t want take much time that we got to spend together talking about this lifestyle. We had so little time together we barely had sex. Maria and I usually have sex about 4-5 times a week. However, since we were both crazy busy during December (with work and family obligations), it was down to about once a week, twice if I was lucky. I started to resent work for keeping me away from my girlfriend all the time, but really, everyone’s in the same boat that time of year. Also in mid-December, Maria had a conference that took her out of town for 4 nights. It was her first time doing this kind of thing with her new job so she was pretty excited. Her company sent her with a female colleague, Chelsea, who’s about her age but they didn’t know each other all that well. I was happy for her but of course, it meant even less time for us. Before she left, Maria and I agreed we were long overdue to spend some “quality time” together, and planned that cabin trip. We managed to rent out a cabin just for the two of us for three nights. It was just what we needed, but in more ways than one.

Anyways, the morning she had to leave for the conference, I had the morning off so I drove her to the airport. She was clearly excited to travel for her job. Dressed up all professionality, she said she felt like a “sexy career woman”, a novelty feeling at the time. She was half joking as she said it but I reaffirmed that she certainly looked like a” sexy career woman”. We got to the airport and said our goodbyes, said we’d miss each other and are both looking forward to the cabin. As I was leaving, I saw her run into Chelsea, her colleague who turned out to be a fairly attractive blonde woman, not like I would notice this type of thing.

The next few days were frustrating but in a way, it didn’t feel as bad to be working because it’s not like I was missing out on any time I could spend with Maria, since she was out of the province. She texted me that she landed safely but from there she was pretty busy so I wasn’t surprised we weren’t texting that much over the next couple days. One night I got off work late but I decided to call Maria anyways, see how her trip was going. She didn’t pick up. I left her a text that I was just calling to say hello, and waited up a bit longer before dozing off. The next day I didn’t have be at work until 3pm but I woke up earlier than usual. I checked my phone but alas, no notifications.
Huh. I thought.
I started to rationalize, she’s just busy. Or maybe she didn’t get my call. Maybe she’s still asleep. Either way not a big deal. I then went about my day, got a coffee and drank it on the balcony. I thought about going for a jog or going to the gym since I had some free time before work. I went back upstairs and checked my phone. Still no notifications. It was unlike her to not reply but then again, she was busy. I decided to go to the gym. While at the gym I made a point not to check my phone, I wanted to put it out of my mind. When I got home it was about 11 am. I had been so good about not checking my phone I decided to reward myself by checking my phone. Again, all I saw was my background, no new notifications, no reply from Maria. This was definitely unlike her. I went on to Facebook Messenger and checked when she was last active.
Active 22 minutes ago.
This kind of stung. This meant she had seen my missed call and text but hadn’t replied. I had to work harder to rationalize this. To be fair, I was just calling to say hello and that doesn’t technically warrant a response. If I called her and said hey call me back and she didn’t, that would be different. But still, it was unlike her.
I tried to think my way out of it but that’s still thinking about it. I understood she was excited about this trip because of what it meant for her professionally and she may just be focusing on herself right now. I at least hoped that’s what it was.
I was kind of grumpy the rest of the day but just as I started to get over it she finally texted back.

“Hey sorry I missed your call, hope work is good and you have a good evening!! Ps. Just about to present now! Wish me luck!”

It was a relief that she texted back but it came with no explanation as to why she didn’t pick up. There was something unapologetic about her response but I texted her back good luck and went about my shift. It was 11pm when I got off. I hadn’t looked at my phone all night. I didn’t expect a text back from Maria but I would’ve liked to see some signs of life. I pressed the home button and the screen lit up with a bunch of snapchats, texts, and Facebook Messages. Nothing from Maria though. By the time I got home I was so tired from my shift so I didn’t really think about it much before falling asleep. She was back the next evening anyways.

The next morning, I wasn’t expecting a text from Maria but I got one.

“Hey, just wanted to text saying the presentation went really well and I can’t wait to tell you all about it when I get back. Love and miss you. Xoxoxox”

It was nice of her to text me something like that. I understood she’s busy but she still seemed uncharacteristically distant while on the trip. It almost seemed like the sweetness of this text was trying to make up for how distant she was before. I texted her back saying some nice things as well, and that I’d pick her up at the airport this evening.

I picked her up and we drove back in my car. It sounds strange to say but it’s like Maria’s demeanor changed a bit over the trip. Whereas on the way to the airport she was an excited and bubbly, on the way back she was calm and confident. When I saw her for the first time at the gate, her face didn’t exactly light up with happiness, she just recognized me, slowly walked over and smiled.
“Hey” she said. I guess it was only 4 nights.
She told me all about her trip on the way back, she said her and Chelsea really bonded over the trip and had a great time. Her presentation was a huge success and they went out and got some drinks afterward to celebrate. Maria said left the bar and went upstairs to pass out and when she woke up Chelsea wasn’t there, so Maria assumed she went home with somebody. It kind of caught me off guard how she said that. Was that the status quo of the trip? Go out for drinks and maybe go home with somebody? I admit, I was a bit anxious in this moment. You tell your girlfriend you’re into cuckolding, she goes on a trip and when she comes back she immediately brings up sex when she’s telling you about her trip. What else was she about to tell me? However, she did not sleep with anyone on that trip. And as it turns out Chelsea was at the hotel gym that morning. Still though, there was something about Maria that seemed a little different, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

When I told her, I had the night off and had sushi waiting for us when we got back, she reacted positively but also kind of nonchalant. I was trying to be happy for her and her trip but it’s almost like she didn’t want to be home, or was I just overthinking it?

Anyways, we ended up having a lovely meal. And afterwards had a couple glasses of wine and watched a movie. I would’ve been content to just cuddle on the couch, but we ended up going upstairs and having sex. I guess she still loves me after all. Something about how she had been away for a while, and the lack of lately, made it much more intense.

I was hoping for some morning sex the next day but she had to leave our apartment and hang out with her family that were in town. I was working at 10 am anyways. We talked and cuddled a bit in the morning, but she had to leave somewhat soon. Through all the things that we did with our families, we didn’t see that much of each other until after Christmas when we went on our trip.


On the drive up to the cabin, Maria seemed to revert back to her bubbly self. We were both pretty stoked about our little trip. Even though Maria and I live together it was exciting to have the cabin to ourselves. I had made some food to bring with us so we didn’t need to stop at the grocery store on the way. The first day we didn’t do any skiing, just had a really nice dinner with some glasses of wine. You guys may remember me saying that Maria brought a surprise with her to the cabin. Well later that night, Maria whipped out a joint. I’ve always been a bigger smoker than Maria, so it was kind of cool for her to initiate it. We smoked it on the balcony of the cabin overlooking the city. It was a very pretty view. We went inside but didn’t make it to the bedroom to have sex. Just did it right there on the couch. What a great way to kick off this cabin trip.

The next few days were some true quality time. Every morning we’d get up, have sex, eat some eggs and bacon, then go out on the ski hill. We’d get lunch, then go back to the cabin around 3, most likely have sex again, take a nap if we felt like it, eat dinner around 6 and have some wine afterwards. It was truly great.

One evening, Maria and I had some glasses of wine and were cuddling on the couch. I forget how it was brought up but we were talking about the conference she went to just ten days ago. She said it was kind of awkward with Chelsea at first but afterwards they really started to jive. Maria said it was such a confidence boost that Chelsea really seemed to like her, when at first it was kind of intimidating. Over the 4 nights they spent together they connected over their careers, interests, past relationships etc. I was wondering if Maria told Chelsea that I was interested in sharing/hotwifing but I didn’t wanna interrupt her. Maria said when her presentation went well it was such a rush and she almost felt high off the confidence. Her and Chelsea went to the bar to celebrate and two guys started talking to them. This was my first time hearing this!
“You never told me this” I said, trying to sound playful, but there was more. She thought they must of came over because of Chelsea but then one of the guys started to flirt with Maria. She said they had their own separate conversation while the other guy talked to Chelsea. I told her I wasn’t mad but asked her why she didn’t tell me about this. She said she wasn’t sure. When I picked her up from the airport, it just didn’t come out, and then when we hadn’t seen each other the next couple of days, she just decided to save it for the cabin. I didn’t wanna sound untrusting but I wanted to ask if anything happened. Thankfully she assured me nothing did. But then with my horny side talking I asked her if it turned her when he hit on her. Maria got an embarrassed look on her face but then smiled and said.

“Oh yeah”.

I felt this pang in my chest when I heard those words. They hurt but it was also turning me on. I let out a sigh. I then asked every conceivable question about the guy. What was he like? What were they talking about? What did you like about him?
I learned everything there was about him except his name. He was tall, older than her (about 35), had a beard and broad shoulders, lots of things I’m not. Maria said the way he talked to her and made eye contact really turned her on. He also asked a lot of questions about her job. She said it sounded so stupid but the best way to describe it is that he made her feel like a sexy career woman. I kinda chuckled at this. Maria said nothing could happen because she already told Chelsea she had a boyfriend but she was flattered and turned on.
I then asked the big question. If Chelsea wasn’t there would you have slept with him?

“Probably, yeah” She said bluntly.

I was so turned on at this point, she was killing me, but man. I started feeling her up. Maria looked at me and smiled, knowing this was turning me on.
“fuck” I said, not really sure what else to say. Maria giggled a bit as I played with her tits. I took off her shirt but she got me to lay down on the couch. She pulled down my pants and underwear and started playing with my balls.

“I would’ve at least blown him” She added with a happy smile and then put me in her mouth.
Holy shit. Maria was being so hot and direct, she was like an entirely different person but I was so into it. I laid back and enjoyed what she was doing for a little while. I pictured Maria in her classy work clothes with this guy’s dick in her mouth. I didn’t want to cum from the blowjob so I got her to stand up and took off her pants and underwear. I imagined Maria getting stripped down for him. This time I got her to lay down on the couch on her back. I put my dick between her legs but didn’t put it in.
“How did you know you were turned on?” I asked as I rubbed her clit with my dick. She didn’t answer for a bit but then realized what I wanted to hear.
“He made me really wet”.
After that I had to fuck her. The entire time I pictured her getting fucked by this guy. I wanted Maria to be his slut. I wanted my girlfriend to wrap her legs around this guy and take his dick inside her young pretty pussy. It was so hot, she seemed really into it. Even though we had been having a lot of sex I came pretty quickly from what Maria was revealing to me. It was still some of the hottest sex we’ve had all trip.

That night we had a talk before bed. She reiterated that after her presentation she felt this rush like just after finishing a hard workout. Maria tried to explain that life had been so good to her on this trip she felt like she wanted to give back. She wanted to be generous to me and herself and also this guy she ended up meeting. She had this epiphany moment that what she wanted, what I wanted and what this guy wanted were all the same thing, and she could be generous to all of us by being intimate with him. Whereas other women would feel guilty for feeling that way, she felt liberated. And even though nothing happened, this encounter really changed her perspective on separating love and sex. She can still love me but want to fuck him and I’d still love her even if something did happen. Maria added that other times she was mostly just flirting with guys to please me because she likes the effect it has on me but this was the first time that she could see herself doing something. She said that flirting with Jake made her feel like a younger version of herself, the university girl that flirted with guys at parties. Whereas this new guy on the trip made her feel like an older version of herself, a more mature, “sexy career woman”, and Maria liked that feeling, it was a high and a rush.

I said I understood not wanting to be unfaithful in front of Chelsea but if that happened again and she wanted to go for it she had my blessing. She smiled and said she had a feeling I would say something like that. I asked her if she would do it sometime in the future.

“Would you still love me if I did?” She said, with puppy dog eyes.

“Yes” I said.

“Alright then”, She said, plainly but with a smile.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Frenchie » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:23 am

A long one ! And great !!

Thanks !!

I like how the feelings are slowly growing

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:30 am

What a great story! You write it in such a way, that I almost have the same feelings as you describe.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:49 am


On our little getaway trip, Maria officially signed up to be a hot girlfriend. It was an exciting and nervous time for me. I spent so long trying to convince her, I didn’t really ready myself for when she accepted my offer to sleep with other men. There came a point where I didn’t expect her to take me up on it. That being said we had a lot of communication ahead of us. The central question being who.
Who is she gunna hook up with?

We both liked the idea of the same type of guy that she met on her trip, unknown to me, outside of our friend group, discrete, etc. Unfortunately, when Maria creeped the guy she met on Facebook, it turns out he was married. Guess it was too good to be true. We mutually decided we didn’t wanna involve any married guys in our little game.

While the possibility of a random guy was always there, what about somebody we both knew?

Thing is, I really didn’t want people in our friend group knowing about us. It’s okay to share your weird fetish with your girlfriend, but it’s not the type of thing you want talked about. There really aren’t a lot of people in my friend group that I would trust with this type of thing. Maria and I talked about it extensively, we went through a lot of people before Maria suggested somebody that made me think.

“What about Gus?”

Gus was the guy at the party that took me out for a joint. Maria and Gus were friends before Maria and I met, but Gus and I were close friends in high school. I never thought about Gus before Maria suggested him, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. We both had serious girlfriends in grade 11, and we became pretty close, sharing stories of things happening for the first time. While I’m close with other friends, I feel most comfortable talking about sex related stuff with Gus, just cause of how much we talked about it in high school. I remember a while ago I had asked him if he would sleep with Maria and he said something like “oh yeah, I long for Maria”. So, he was likely to be down.

Gus went under my radar as a candidate. He wasn’t the conventional bull type. For one, he’s about my height (5,9”/175cm) but less athletic than me. He’s also not the player type, he’s more of the sensitive, gentlemen type. Not like all this stuff is that important but I usually imagined the jacked guy that got all the ladies.

However, Gus had other attributes which played well into the role as a bull in a unique way.
1) Gus is smart. While we’re no dummies, Gus has always been a pretty clever guy. While we’re all hanging out, Gus is usually the one leading the conversation, bringing up interesting points, and making funny jokes. While he’s not the crazy center of attention at parties, you can tell he’s very confident socially in how he speaks and carries himself.
2) Gus and I use to butt heads a bit back in high school, we’d get in stupid arguments and be mad at each other for periods of time. It’s hard to explain why this can make him more of a bull, but it’s like he’d be getting the last laugh. Gus and I get along today, but something about him, of all people, potentially getting to fuck my girlfriend, made it sting just a little more.

Another important reason why Gus worked is that we’re all pretty comfortable with each other. We’ve hung out just the three of us before and Gus doesn’t feel like the third wheel. Plus I honestly trust Gus not to actually try to steal Maria.

Since, Gus is more of my friend than Maria’s, it was decided that I would talk to him. I would offer up my girlfriend to him and see what he thought. Until then we worked out other details. Not just about Gus and Maria but general rules and guidelines for how we would proceed. Just so we were crystal clear.

From here on,
1. Maria was free to hook up with other guys, I’m not going to hook up with other girls
2. Baby steps
3. Our friends can’t find out about this arrangement
4. We can stop this lifestyle whenever we want
5. No married guys
6. If possible, pics and vids.

Somethings went without saying. Like if Maria did hook up with someone she has to tell me about it etc. Another thing I wanted is for Maria to just act on her own accord, I didn’t want her to sleep with anyone she didn’t wanna sleep with. She assured me she wouldn’t.

I should’ve gotten her a ring or something, because it felt like she officially became a hotgirlfriend that day. I now had to have an interesting conversation with Gus.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by svene » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:02 am

:shock: :up: ;)

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:15 pm

Wow! Getting interesting! And great writing.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by Frenchie » Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:09 am

THE big turn !!

Yes !!!!

Posts: 18
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by umami696 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:52 am

This soundse very promissing! Keep writing! I

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:55 am


There was another reason I felt slightly more comfortable bringing it up with Gus. I knew he dabbled in the lifestyle as well. One time, in 2nd year university, We were talking about our girlfriends and he explained he was in an open relationship. Although it didn’t seem like a cuckolding thing, he was allowed to sleep with other girls too. Later on, in the conversation he admitted to liking the sharing aspect of it. This really threw me off guard at the time. I was not down with his views on sex at the time. And, oddly enough, I remember complaining about Gus to Rebecca! Years before she switched me on to the lifestyle, life is strange.

Anyways, yeah. Whereas other friends, I wouldn’t dare talk about this, but with Gus, it was like we were returning to a five year old argument and I had to admit that he was right.

“Hey man, You know that argument we had about sharing like 5 years ago? Turns out, you were right, wanna sleep with Maria?”

No, I didn’t actually say that but that’s kind of how it went. I went over his house one night to just have a beer or two and shoot the shit. Towards the end of the night I decided to bring it up as casually as I could. I admitted I didn’t agree with his views about the whole open relationship thing before but Maria and I were interested in trying this whole sharing thing. I let him know it was Maria’s idea to choose him if he was interested. Gus was flattered by that but he seemed hesitant to take me up on it. I didn’t need to convince him that night anyways, just put the idea out there and left it at that. While he mostly seemed pretty surprised, Gus also seemed happy that I was admitting he was right. I hoped that wasn’t the only reason he seemed smug.

I left Gus’ place shortly after bringing it all up. As comfortable as I am with Gus, I tried to limit how much we talk about it. I kinda just wanted to give it my blessing and let it happen organically. When I saw Maria next I told her about the conversation. I told her I quickly brought it up to him quickly and let the idea sink for a while. I told her he reacted positively. I assured Maria that Gus found her really attractive etc and would “totally be down”. Even if he didn’t explicitly say it.

Maria remarked that I sounded so excited when I said “totally be down”.
“well yeah” I said with a smile.
She smiled back.
“Are you ‘totally down?’” she asked me, looking me right in the eye.
“Yes.” Trying to sound as confident as I could. “Are you ‘totally down?’” I asked her.
“I’m down” Maria said.

We started making out and feeling each other up. Pretty soon I had my shirt off and she was in her underwear. We went upstairs to finish what we started. For once, I’m not going to go into detail but that night, we entered a new level of dirty talk. At some point, I was rubbing her clit and I got her to say how badly she wanted his cock.
Those words made me take off her panties and start fucking her right away. We were both so into it but I didn’t last long.

Afterwards, we had a short chat about it all. I wanted to admit that, even while not in the heat of the moment, I still wanted her to do this. Maria said she did too but I had to be patient with her. While some things are fun to say, we had to remember to take baby steps. I was more than happy with “baby steps”.


When we were having breakfast the next morning, Maria told me she messaged “Hey what’s up?” to Gus on Facebook Chat. He replied almost instantly.
Alright here we go.
Last edited by shouldbestudyin on Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by LarrynDallas » Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:26 pm

Loving your story. I hope you have time to share more. Would also like to hear some of the story from Maria, if she is interested in letting us know her thoughts as the two of you made this journey.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by umami696 » Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:03 am

:up: Please keep updating, this is hot!

Posts: 44
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:28 am

Hello folks,

Maria and Gus were talking on a fair amount on Facebook chat. Earlier, I told Gus we were open to sharing and Maria suggested his name. They were friends in high school but if they were going to hook up, Maria said she needed to talk to him a bit more. After all these years I was finally so close to fulfilling my fantasy. It was so close I could taste it.

Which is exactly why I was being a nervous wreck. I realized I took the convincing phase for granted. Now that she was convinced, I wasn’t sure how I would feel after it happened. In fact the day she and Gus started chatting, I went to work feeling kinda bummed. I couldn’t discern how much of my shitty mood was because of work, my lack of sleep, or the fact that Maria actually wanted to fuck my friend Gus. There was a good chance that he was going to get every benefit I get as a boyfriend, even those he’s just a friend. Not a bad deal for him at all.

That being said, I was so fixated on it. Maria wants to fuck Gus, Gus might get to fuck Maria. I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. I was worried for how things might change afterwards. Would they fuck multiple times? Would he make her cum more often than me? If they fucked again how often would they do it? 3 times a week? 5 times a week? How often are Maria and I going to get to sleep together?

I tried to relax by telling myself that there were somethings outside of my control, there were limits we could set to make things more comfortable. Truth be told, what’s outside of your control is the most exciting part. If you let your girlfriend fuck another guy she could really enjoy herself and the dynamic between you and her could change. For some people, that’s an ideal scenario, but it’s also very terrifying. As long as the relationship doesn’t change so much that you’re not enjoying yourself, it should be fine…but how much is too much? I’m still answering that question.

I was equally nervous as I was turned on. I beat off more often, initiated sex more often and the sex itself was intensified. When I was really horny, I’d go into a little more detail of what I wanted. I went over fantasies I’ve had for a couple years now so not necessarily involving Gus. I had more time to think about this than she has.

I said how I didn’t really want to watch. This is because I really wanted Maria to act naturally and I believe if I were to watch, she would be too conscious of the fact that I’m there. She was surprised by this, in all of her research of hotwifing/cuckolding, the husband was usually filming or watching, and she just assumed that’s what I wanted. But Maria agreed and said it was better that I don’t watch at least for now. She just had to promise to tell me every little detail.

Eventually, Maria and I invited Gus over just to hang out and chill. At this point, they had been talking on Facebook chat for about a week but just harmless flirting so far. When I sent the invitation, I tried to subtly suggest that we were just going to hang out and nothing sexy was going to happen. Gus picked up on it. Honestly when we were hanging out it was like nothing had changed. We all just had some glasses of wine, and played a card game, Scat (also called 31). It’s a fun easy game you can play while having a conversation. At around 11 pm, Maria said we should probably call it quits, she had work in the morning, but that we should all do this again sometime. Gus agreed. This was sexy because while it sounds like an innocent thing to say, “we should all do this again”, it really wasn’t innocent at all. As Gus was leaving, Maria gave him a longer than usual hug. He seemed happy about that and didn’t hide it in front of me. If tonight was some kind of test (and in a way, it was), Gus knew he passed.
“Until next time?” I remember him saying.
“Mmhmm.” Said Maria.
I just stood there quietly.

When Gus left, I tried to pretend that we had just been hanging out like friends and there wasn’t this pretense that she might fuck him. “That was fun” I said.
“Yeah” she said bright eyed and smiling. “It was.”.
When we got to the bedroom we pretty much attacked each other. It’s worth noting that we had a couple of glasses of wine at this point so we both felt a little extra uninhibited.
“Are you going to keep talking to Gus?” I asked
“Do you want me to keep talking to him?”
“Of course, I do”
“Alright then” She said with a smile.

At some point, I was lying down and she started to go down on me. After getting me warmed up she stopped and looked at me dead in the face.
“What else do you want me to do?” She asked, gently stroking me.
I closed my eyes but before I could answer, Maria did it for me.
“You want me to suck his dick?”
“Yes, I want you to suck his dick.”
“You want me to swallow it?”
“Yes” I said. There was no way I could say anything else.
Maria started to blow me at this point. I was tempted to just let her finish me off there but I wanted to have sex. I laid her down on her back and started to have sex with her. It was really hot but No one had said anything for a while. Eventually, when I was really close to cumming, Maria looked at me in the eye, smiled, and then asked me.
“Do you want Gus to fuck me?”
“Yes” I said. “I want you to fuck Gus.” And I came inside her.

Afterwards, I just laid there in her arms. We took a moment to take a breath. And then she looked at me again and smiled.
“You sure?” she asked, referring to the same question she just asked me while I was inside her. Now would’ve been a great time to back out. They had been talking for a week and when he came over, everyone got along and the atmosphere was friendly. But what’s likely going to happen next is a lot more intimate than what some friends do.

“Yes I’m sure” I said. Even though I wasn’t. She just smiled and kept cuddling me. We went to sleep soon after that.


A couple days later I’m making dinner and I ask Maria how’s it going with Gus. She said it was going good and they were still talking on Facebook chat. Kind of the answer I expected, but then she walks over to me and hands me her phone.
I look at it and see a picture of Maria showing off her pretty tits in our kitchen. Maria’s looking at me with an evil smile.
“Did you send this to Gus?!?”
“Yep” She said with a happy smile.

We ate dinner a little later that night.

ps; the pic she sent him is posted in The Hotties section

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by JeffS » Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:14 am


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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Mon Jan 29, 2018 7:35 am

O my. I understand all the feelings you describe! I am so curious how your next post is! And what a stunning photo!
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by LarrynDallas » Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:37 pm

She's beautiful. And she sounds like a wonderful person. I hope the two of you have a great time exploring your sexuality (mostly her sexuality) together. :)

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:20 pm

Can't wait to hear how this goes! She is so hot! Gus would be the luckiest guy.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:25 pm

There is no question what is going to happen soon. This beauty is going to fuck Gus. Gus could never resist and she clearly wants to experience it too. If she likes it she will probably be fucking him fairly often. Mostly because she knows what it does for you and you won't be able to stop yourself from wanting more. When she tells you about it in detail you will go nuts with lust.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by trucky75 » Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:42 pm

Love this thread...great story telling.

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by alanthekingofporn » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:47 pm

More !

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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by SjorsenSjimmyNL » Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:14 am

Please do not tease us. I am so curious!
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Re: First time sharing my girlfriend

Unread post by shouldbestudyin » Mon Feb 05, 2018 7:54 am

It felt like everything was happening so fast. Months ago, I admitted I liked this stuff and now Maria was showing off her tits to Gus on her phone. She seemed hesitant at first, now she seemed hooked. Maria loved the way it made me react, she loved showing off her body and I know it made Gus feel like a stud to get that picture. I mean, I get to see Maria’s boobs all the time, but when your sexy girlfriend sends your friend a picture for him to keep, it’s rough but in a good way.

Since Maria was constantly talking to Gus on FB chat now, I didn’t feel bad about bringing up this lifestyle to her. Before, I was worried she’d get sick of me bringing it up constantly. Now I could say, ask things whenever I wanted. It’s a good thing too because I was pretty nervous these days. I didn’t want to seem like I was chickening out but it was good to make sure we were on the same page.

We figured things out like, where exactly is this going?

She said she thought this was all leading up to her and Gus hooking up. I told her I was more than okay with that but

What’s going to happen after?

We figured we’d see how the first time goes and then take it from there. I was somewhat happy with that answer. She’d hook up with Gus and we’d see how we felt after that. I knew Maria wasn’t going to do anything I didn’t want her to, but I was still worried of how things may change afterwards. Then again, if I wasn’t worried maybe it wouldn’t be as excited.

Gus and I spoke to each other a few times during this period (mostly on Facebook chat). He asked me so many times if I was okay with all this. (what a good friend). I told him I was and that if I ever wasn’t, Maria would let him know. I tried to limit the amount that Gus and I spoke about this. I still wanted to be Gus’ friend, but when it comes to him and Maria, I basically wanted them to pretend I wasn’t there. I tried to explain all this and more on Facebook chat. I really appreciated him affirming that I was okay but told him he didn’t have to anymore. I think he understood.

It’s also worth mentioning that we didn’t want Gus to know our exact arrangement. All he knew is that we were in an open relationship.

Maria and I discussed a bit more about boundaries and how we were going to proceed with Gus. Deep down, I knew this was something I wanted, it’s just some days the nerves got the best of me. Talking about it with Maria made it easier, it really helps to truly trust your girlfriend. We spoke about the things we were and weren’t okay with. But whenever Maria and I weren’t around each other, I’d start overthinking things, feeling like this obsession is going to get the best of me… (that’s kinda the whole point tho, right?)

Anyways, after a week or so since all three of us hung out, we decided to meet up again, this time on a Friday night so we didn’t have work in the morning. Maria and I had a long conversation about what we were okay with happening while Gus was over. Between the two of us, we even came up with a little plan to start something going while he was over.

When I messaged Gus earlier in the week, I tried to suggest nothing was going to happen, and we were just hanging out. I told him just to show up and we may play some drinking games. He showed up with an 8 pack and a joint. Good ol’ Gus, always prepared. I let him in at the door.

“Hey Scott”
“Hey Gus”

He greeted me somewhat non-chalantly, maybe he was trying to go along with the whole, let’s-just-pretend-nothings-changed thing. We went upstairs, Maria was shuffling a deck of cards. She saw Gus and she gave him a hug. She closed her eyes while she held him close.

We all chatted in the kitchen for about an hour or two and then played 31 again but turned it into a drinking game. Every time someone won a round they could distribute drinks to the losers. Simple enough, some games we’d change the rules slightly, say someone has to chug their beer if they lost badly for example. After about 45 minutes, we each drank 4 beers or so. I could tell Maria was getting tipsy. 4 beers isn’t much for me or Gus but for her, it’s enough to do some damage. We decided to take a break from the game and get some fresh air. At this point, we were still just hanging out as friends, pretending there was nothing else on our minds, playing it cool. The conversation wasn’t sexual at all.

While we were out on our balcony Gus suggested we smoke the joint he brought. This I did not plan for. I was kind of anxious to accept but before I could answer, Maria said she was “totally down” to smoke a joint. We stood in a circle and passed it around, when Gus handed it to Maria, I saw them staring at each other for a while. I pretended I didn’t notice but the tension was definitely there. When the joint came around to me, I took small hits and didn’t really inhale. Thing is though, when you’ve been drinking, the effects of weed are amplified. So even though I was taking baby hits, it got me stoned. I can only imagine how they felt. They both seemed stoned but were also handling their own. Again, without fail, each time Gus handed the joint to Maria, she stared at him. It became so obvious that Gus started to look over at me. I just pretended not to notice.

When the joint was done, we went back inside. I sat down where Gus was sitting, leaving him and Maria on the couch. When she sat next to him her leg was touching his. We started to play 31 again. Except this time, we were playing with lives. If you lost, you still had to drink but you only had 5 lives. Once you ran out of lives you were out. We decided we’d play one more round then call it a night, I knew Maria couldn’t drink much more especially after that joint, but she was holding her own for now. We continued playing for drinks, the winner of each round could distribute drinks as he/she pleased. One round, I lost by a lot and Maria won so she said it was appropriate that I chug her entire beer. The next round I won, so I “got back at her” by saying she had to take off her top. She did so immediately as if calling my bluff and revealed her cute black lace bra to both me and Gus. Damn. We continued playing, this time Gus won. I kind of wanted him to tell Maria to take off her bra but maybe he didn’t wanna be too forward. Instead he made Maria and I kiss to “make up” for “fighting” earlier. We went with it, but just a peck. The next round I lost on purpose. Maria tried to make me kiss Gus.
“No way in hell” I said.
“Yeah no offence Scott but I don’t wanna kiss you” Gus affirmed.
“None taken” I said.

“Well if you don’t I will” Maria suggested.
“Alright” I said, trying to sound reluctant.

Then without saying anything else, Maria turned her face towards Gus’, put her hand on his neck and kissed him intimately. Gus put his hand on her neck, then her shoulders, I think he wanted to feel her up but was playing the gentleman. They went at it for a good 5 seconds and then she turned to me with a satisfied and smug look.

“Well you did a better job than I would’ve” I joked, then dealt out the next hand. From here on end I was losing on purpose. Maria made me chug another beer and give her a lap dance. I was soon out of the game and it was just her and Gus. Maria had two lives left but we just decided to make this the last round. I was pretty drunk and kinda high so I had no difficulties asking a very important question.

“So, what happens if Gus wins or Maria wins?”

We all went quiet for a moment. Finally, Maria spoke up

“If I win…” Gus and I both stared at her attentively. “If I win, Scott and Gus have to make out”

“Ah what? That’s no fun at all.” Gus protest.
“Pretty sure I would not enjoy that.” I affirmed.

“but if Gus wins…” Maria started. Gus and I went quiet. Then Maria looked at me and said “If Gus wins, he and I will go into the spare bedroom for 7 minutes in heaven”

At this point, Maria and Gus were both staring at me to gauge my reaction, but since I knew that proposition was coming, I was looking at Gus to gauge his reaction. He seemed stoked.

“Alright” I said, again trying to sound too drunk. They played the round, Maria lost. (on purpose)

Gus had this wide-eyed expression on his face, but then again, we were in an open relationship and rules are rules.

“Alright” I said. “I’ll wait up here”

“Are you sur-“ Gus started, but I just stared at him like “yep”.
“Come on,” Maria said and took his hand and walked him downstairs.

And that was it.

As weird as it sounds, I was eerily calm about the whole thing, at first. Maria and I planned the drinking game to go that way so I knew she would eventually propose that. The only thing I didn’t know is what exactly was going to happen while they were in there. We just decided to “play it by ear” from there. I was pretty drunk and kind of high so I couldn’t digest all that had happened so far. But then the silence started to settle in. I became increasingly conscious of what was going on. After months of convincing, weeks of planning, my girlfriend is in the spare bedroom with another guy. Not only that, she’s horny and he wants her and they’re both drunk and high. What happens in there is up to them. Fuck.

I said I’d wait up there but I after 5 minutes, I crept down the stairs. I peeked through the corner trying to get a look inside the spare bedroom. Some part of me wanted to see them lying down and making out, just harmless innocent fun. However, when I looked, the door was completely shut! The sight of that shut door killed me a little. It suggested a reason for privacy. I wanted to get closer, press my ear up against the door but I willed myself back upstairs. This time it was really getting to me. I felt so removed from what was happening. I felt left out, discarded. I tried cleaning up as a way of putting it out of my mind but I quickly ran out of trash. It had been about 15 minutes by now. I wanted to look again but was worried they catch me spying. I looked again anyways. The door was still closed.

20 minutes had passed and Maria and Gus were still in the spare bedroom. I imagined them getting more and more intimate with each passing minute. Finally, after the longest 25 minutes, I heard the door open. I heard them talking but couldn’t hear what they were saying. I went downstairs to break the ice. Maria had put her top back on and Gus had his coat on, he was getting ready to leave.

“Hey” I said
“Hey” Gus said.
“Calling it a night?” I asked? Trying to fill the silence
“Yeah, it’s late” Gus said.

Then Gus shook my hand. What a gentleman. He then gave Maria a long deep hug and left.

I was DYING to know what happened. I looked at Maria immediately after Gus left and she just stared back at me with a smug expression. I got right up close to her,

“well?!?” I asked.

She just laughed. She knew I was dying on the inside but I really wanted her to put me out of my misery and tell me what happened.

“I can show you if you want?” Maria suggested.
“show me?” I asked, not sure what she meant.
“Yeah,” she said and took my hand and started walking me to the spare bedroom. “It’s only fair”. Maria added.

Maria then slowly walked me to the spare bedroom and closed the door behind her. I was anxious to receive my reenactment, but she took her time, smiling at me and making eye contact. I was still standing up, and Maria was standing next to me. She took off her top, and stared at me for a moment in her cute black lace bra.

“I think I know what happens next…” I said, breaking the silence.

Maria just giggled and nodded with a half guilty expression on her face. Then, as predicted, she pinched the back of her bra and revealed her pretty tits to me, just like she had done for Gus not 20 minutes earlier. That did it. We started kissing passionately. I went to pull her closer in a bear hug but Maria put a hand on her breast, suggesting Gus had done so earlier. Maybe he had the better idea. I groped her and kissed her passionately for a couple more minutes until Maria broke it off.

“Wanna know what happened next?” She asked in a teasing tone.

“Yes.” I said, with my eyes closed.

Maria just giggled. She kissed me a couple more times.

“Please…” I added.

Maria giggled again. Then she went down on her knees and took off my pants and underwear. I looked down at my girlfriend, who was completely topless and had my dick in her hand.

“I think you know what happens next…” she said, right before putting me in her mouth.

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