A New Revelation

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by 54321 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:11 am

Great thread. Thanks for sharing.
I'm so happy to hear that your wife's adventures have brought you two closer together.

Best wishes,


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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:40 pm

Ok, just as I thought since I am out of town on the east coast and she is on the west and having recently finished her menstruation L's horny level has ramped up. I woke up this morning to a text from L that she might have her bf/fb over in the morning. In the last month or two it seems as they text each other every day now and often multiple times a day. L didn't need to be at work today until about 1 pm and the whole house is empty for the day so a perfect opportunity.

Since I am 3 hours ahead I am at work when she calls me and tells me he might be over at 9. I am on my lunch break and we talk a bit about it. Then back to work for me. About the time I get free again she calls and tells me how everything went down.

He came to our house and I guess she pretty much took him straight to our bedroom. They do a lot of kissing and fondling and then remove some clothes. She tries to pull him over to the bed but he seems to want to stand up. Eventually they end up on the bed with him on top of her. She said her pussy was soaking wet she was so horny. Apparently he slides in and they start fucking. In only about 5 minutes he loses it and comes inside her. Of course that left her hanging and still horny. He has to get back to work so he leaves, then she calls me. Unfortunately he didn't satisfy her and since I am out of town I couldn't run home and finish her off. She was very disappointed in his performance for the second time in a row.

So she asked me all sorts of questions about what that meant that he couldn't hold out longer. I told her, obviously if you were so wet it probably felt too good. He had actually made some comments to that effect also. I know I often have the same problem. It can feel so good that I can't hold out. Usually when I get that feeling I want to slow down and hold out but she hates that. She wants me to speed up and give it to her hard. Needless to say that often makes me blow way too soon also. She asked me what she should do about it. I told her that perhaps she should make him wear a condom. This could be done in a teasing way, but if he wore a condom he might not feel as good and can last longer. I have on occasion tried this myself. For two reasons actually. First if I wear a condom, I can pretend that she is being fucked by someone else, a stranger perhaps, where she should use a condom for birth control. Second, to possibly make the feeling less intense so I could last longer.

I told her to have him wear the condom for a while and then when she is ready have him remove it and really enjoy the feeling as he gets ready to explode. Have any others tried this to solve this problem?

She told him he should buy her a toy. She said that she has one but can't find it. We know it should be in the closet somewhere but she hid it from the kids and now can't remember where she hid it. He said she should use a cucumber (something I have mentioned before also) but she is a bit grossed out by that idea. Now my homework is to find a local place she can tell him to go to buy the toy.

In any case she was left just as horny as she was when he got there. Tonight she called me and asked how to use Uber. I know what she meant by this. She wants to go watch a NBA game at a bar downtown and probably see if there is anyone to flirt with. She is so horny that she wants to go hunt for a better fb. It would be interesting if she actually goes and if so what happens.

I will be doing a lot of traveling this year and she pointed out to her fb that she needs a replacement for when I am gone. I think she was teasing him to impress on him to up his game.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Tncvegas » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:34 am

That’s too bad he wasn’t able to hold out. Does he ever just tease her a little or go down on her to help her cum first, then finish by fucking her? My wife tends to get really wet then wants me to speed up and fuck her harder, and I just can’t hold out. So I’ve found that by helping her cum first we’re able to both enjoy it more.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Jan 31, 2018 6:14 pm

Tnc, she doesn't like to cum first. Don't know why but she never has. She also is not so into receiving oral so that doesn't help either. I know it's strange. Not sure exactly the best way to solve this problem. I often disappoint also, that is why I thought of the condom approach. Sometimes I can last better wearing them despite hating them.

Tonight she took her daughter and went out. Not sure what they are doing right now but she said she ran into one of my coworkers. I know she wants to find something to flirt or play with even if she won't admit it directly. She is currently frustrated with what she has.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:02 pm

Hi again. Today my sexy wife met up with her bf/fb for lunch. They only had an hour together but she seemed to enjoy it. One interesting thing she wanted to do was have me call her while she was with him at lunch. I guess to see what his reaction would be. So I called about the time she had indicated. She said sort of awkwardly that she was out getting something to eat before going to work. Our whole conversation was strange and if I didn't know she was with him I would most certainly have wondered if she was up to something.

After lunch he had to get back to a meeting so had to run fairly quick. She mentioned that it was nice just having lunch because she didn't have to deal with him not performing well if they met up for sex. I must admit she has been in overdrive this week! We talked after he left while she was heading back home for a few minutes before going to work. During the conversation, she clearly admitted point blank that she needed to find another man. Just the one was not enough. She said she is back to working hard on her biggest crush but has doubts that it will ever turn into anything physical. He is just so occupied with his work to take time for flirting. It sounds like she has been browsing "Match" even though she is not a paid member to see what is there.

So on her date today, she told her bf/fb that he is not satisfying her enough and she needs more. If he can't give more she has two choices, to get another man or use a toy. She told him she really doesn't want to hunt for another man and if she did then they both came to the same conclusion that he would probably fall by the way side. So she is convincing him that she needs a toy and he better buy it for her. Yesterday she sent him some examples of exactly what she wanted for a toy. Since he can't order one on-line she said he needs to go to a store and buy one for her. She claimed she is too shy to go to a place like that to buy one.

I think this is a way of her trying to start a more playful side and make him step up his game. I will be away for much of the following months so she knows that she will be really needing something to keep her satisfied. We will see if he get's the job done. I think this pressure is good for him. He is very conservative.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by potato barn » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:35 pm

I like how shes leading him around by his cock.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:30 pm

Things have been slow lately, however I am leaving town on business for a few weeks. Not sure what will unfold while I am gone. She is really busy at work at the moment though so it could be hard for her to get some free time to make schedules match up. I'll keep you all posted.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:24 pm

Peacock, I have told her to load Uber and try it. It would be so easy to hop downtown and look around.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:33 pm

Yesterday I flew out of town for several weeks on business. Today her fb/bf came to her work and had lunch with her. Apparently he is ready for another adventure. She is on menstruation this week so that is about all that could happen. Apparently she was disappointed because he didn't giver her anything for Valentines day which was today. I sent her flowers at work and she was delighted, but then we realized it would have been nice if they had gotten there before the lunch date so she could have showed them to the bf.

When her mens is up I don't think it will be long before she gets that itch. Probably about Monday next week. Right now she is super busy at work, one reason he came to her instead of meeting somewhere near his work. Perhaps next week her schedule will lighten up again so she has room to play.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:51 pm

As for her main crush, things seem to be getting harder and harder. He got a big promotion and it will be even harder for him to get out of the office. They don't work in the same office at all, just in the same business. He is sort of an authority overseeing her company's conduct. She was excited that he got the promo but not that it will be even harder to get him out in the field. He is more of a home office guy now.

In the last few months she has gone back and forth between "I don't like these games" to "I think I need more men, the current ones don't keep me busy enough". I think on the second thought that she is not sure exactly what she wants to look for and what she wants her role to be. The first thought always pops in her mind during certain times of the month mostly, and only when I am not out of town.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:54 am

Well, as expected after I left on business and period winding down things have heated up. Yesterday L talked a bit about her regular fb and mentioned that they were talking about something for Monday. He was a bit slow to commit so she got a little frustrated and is thinking to call it off with him at some point soon. She actually always goes thru these phases. Especially when I am away.

It's funny, the woman that just told me several times a week or two ago that I have this bad side that she basically doesn't like (nurturing her hw side), she calls me yesterday basically to ask me a question. She gave me a little background first, so here is the story.

Before we were married and somewhat while we were dating, she was meeting this guy (foreign country) once in a while at the bars. Generally I would be away for a month or more at a time and she would hang out with him a bit.

So just recently he has been chatting with her on fb and now I find out talking on the phone. He is in the states and is going to be coming to our area. I guess they have been talking about this occasion for a while and he mentioned that if she wants he can come a day early and visit with her. I guess the conversation got to the point where he basically said he would get a hotel room near us if she wanted as he was making his travel plans.

So yesterday, we are talking and she brought up that he is going to be in the area. Then she asked me point blank if I would mind if she got together with him which soon turned into "stay the night" with him in his hotel room. Wow, this from the woman that usually criticizes me for having HW ideas. Well, what am I supposed to say, I know previously she had a big crush on him and might have even gone for him instead of me at some point if things had worked out that way. He is a handsome black guy with a good career etc. When we got engaged they had a few meetings and I know she wanted to do more with him but it didn't work out.

I guess during their conversation he had told her something about having sex with her in the past. She swears that they never actually had sex, only a hj, one time outside of her appt. She says he must be confused with some other girl. There have been a few things that have come out fairly recently about what she had done in the past. Seems like many others here have also noticed, over the years more and more detail comes out. In any case I still believe her that she never fucked this guy, although I know she wanted to.

So they are setting things up for mid March. It looks like she will probably spend the night with him. That would be a first for us. Meanwhile her other fb/bf seems to be slipping away due to lack of tenacity. Don't understand why men don't get what it is that a woman wants. When I am away she has needs and she has come around to realize it full fledged.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:06 pm

It was interesting with this new turn of events. She usually just knows that I don't have a problem with her flirting and even fucking other guys. This time she was really asking as if she didn't think I would go for it. I could tell it was almost more of pleading but really wanting to make sure I wouldn't put it back in her face. She mentioned that if she did this then I wouldn't want something in return, would I?

I know she is tickled to death about this new situation. In fact late last night she asked me when her period would be in march. Seems it would be finishing just about that time which would be perfect timing. The other thing of note is that I will be home and back from business trip for that timeframe so it won't be like she is substituting while I am away. She would have a choice that night, fucking him all night or fucking me. Sounds like she wants to certainly choose him.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:44 pm

Very interesting turn of events. I would say that is good.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:20 pm

Well it seems she got all dressed up and went out to watch the all star NBA game. Since i am out of town on business, she text me where she is at.

Then an hour or two later she is texting me if she can drive if she had 2 drinks. Apparently 2 guys were chatting her up, an older and a handsome younger. A little later her text says the older saw the chemistry with the younger and left. She called from the toilet for a minute and then went back. Not sure what is progressing so far. No work for her tomorrow so she has no time crunch.

This is the closest she has come to a bar pick-up since we have been married.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:18 pm

tit4atat wrote:Well it seems she got all dressed up and went out to watch the all star NBA game. Since i am out of town on business, she text me where she is at.

Then an hour or two later she is texting me if she can drive if she had 2 drinks. Apparently 2 guys were chatting her up, an older and a handsome younger. A little later her text says the older saw the chemistry with the younger and left. She called from the toilet for a minute and then went back. Not sure what is progressing so far. No work for her tomorrow so she has no time crunch.

This is the closest she has come to a bar pick-up since we have been married.
Anxiously awaiting the results!!!! :whip:

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Tue Feb 20, 2018 6:26 pm

Well, sorry to disappoint. She flirted with they young guy which she says was very handsome. I guess from young she means about her same age. There were disruptions from others in the bar and the guy finally left. I asked if she got his number but she was shy and didn't ask. She did say that he told her he was basically there most of the time. She had 3 drinks overall. I have a feeling on Friday I know where the will go now looking for this guy. She admitted that he was attractive and her type and she would probably fuck him.

So other developments, her bf/fb gave lame excuses for Monday. She was off, house to herself and ideal situation. He said he had to cut dogs toe nails. She is basically thru with him. Her emails back were cold. Clearly she wants to replace him now. Can't believe a guy that claims he hasn't had sex in years would not come at every chance when she is free. His loss. I am sure he will be replaced soon.

Seems she still has big plans for the out of town old bf. He will come on on March 15. She is still trying to decide if it is overnight or come home late. I said, just go with the flow.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:31 pm

Today L and her bf met up for a late lunch around 4 pm. She didn't tell me till after but I had thought they would meet yesterday or today. She was super disappointed in his lack of committing to a schedule and told him so. He is generally full of excuses as to why he can't meet up. She told him as they ate that she thought it wasn't going to work out because he doesn't provide her with enough attention. If I am away and he can never meet up with her then she feels he is useless.

She is clearly lonely and horny this week and he gave one excuse after another. Surprising a man that never gets laid would turn down a free hot hotwife. He thinks she is cheating so a perfect situation for him.

In her frustration with him today, while eating she told him about an ex bf from where she came from that has been contacting her and is chatting her up and coming to town in March. She made it clear that he might end up replacing him. As stated above she has never fucked this ex but they had quite a fling while we were dating. There is no question that on many occasion she wanted to fuck him but it never worked out. A hotel date with her ex is fairly well set in stone for March 15. There is almost no doubt that this date will involve some catching up for old times sake and to take things to where they never got to go 8 years ago. It seems clear that this time they both won't let the chance to fuck slip by like it happened in the past.

So apparently instead of his usual slow response he already wrote an email. He certainly doesn't want to lose his good thing.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Wishful thinking » Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:47 am

Good luck to you both with the ex. Exciting times for sure.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:44 am

Last night L actually for the first time took an uber out to a bar that she went to last Monday. Clearly she was hoping to find the guy she flirted with Monday. So that she wouldn't be there alone, she met a guy that is just a friend that she has no connection with. Basically she told him to do his own thing and she would do hers. Anyway the guy she was hoping for didn't show up and the crowd was very young for her. Needless to say she didn't stay too long.

When asked what she would have done if the guy did show, she basically said just go with the moment. She said if he was there her plan was to get very drunk and enjoy. Something she doesn't do often.

Today I mentioned doing some boudoir photos and she said, "I was thinking the same thing" so lets see where this goes.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:14 pm

Today my wife told me that she tried her new toy last night because she was horny. Remember above she asked her bf to buy one for her? Well he didn't seem to be making any progress on it so she went and bought one herself. Finally last night she got it out and tried it with limited success. She said believe it or not, that it seemed too big. I haven't seen it yet but I assume it is about the same size as her last one "that she hid in the closet and can't find". It is solid glass and probably 7" long but apparently fairly wide.

We joked that it felt it is too big because she is almost a virgin again. She hasn't been fucked for a while, well at least since I have been gone (two weeks now) and not that much recently before that.

So it seems that things have really gone cold with her bf. On their last lunch date she scolded him about not ever being available and making an effort. Well seems nothing has changed. In fact their email has really slowed down. It does seem she is talking every day by email and calls with her ex bf that will come visit in March.

Apparently the boudoir photo idea has taken off and she may schedule a session soon. Also she has decided that she would like to take some photography classes and has signed up for that. It will be interesting to see if she can get nude in front of a male photographer. She seems to have selected one that has a female assistant that does hair/make-up during the session. She wants to have the session out doors in nature instead of a studio. Several years ago I wanted to take her into the wilderness and have her strip nude and take a bunch of pics with her on and around the Harley. It never happened back then though as at that time she had some health issues she was dealing with. Maybe this summer? If she gets used to modeling more in front of a camera nude in the wild it might help us get to do that.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:04 pm

Well, L's biggest crush T seems to be slipping away. He got this big promotion so now he will be mostly in his office and not in the field anymore. She talked to him today and joked about having to celebrate over coffee. She is still trying but thinks it is getting less and less likely.

On the other front, clearly she is flirting by phone and text every day now with her ex bf from 10 years ago. He will be coming to town on March 15 and the plan is still for her to go to his hotel room, perhaps for the night. So I guess it's T-14 today?

She also has a boudoir photo shoot Saturday. The original plan was to have it outside somewhere in a natural setting. It ended up that the photographer doesn't have a studio and outside would be tricky so they are probably going to just do it in our house. It will be interesting to see how far she goes, fully nude? There is supposed to be a make-up girl as part of the package.

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:18 am

tit4atat wrote:Well, L's biggest crush T seems to be slipping away. He got this big promotion so now he will be mostly in his office and not in the field anymore. She talked to him today and joked about having to celebrate over coffee. She is still trying but thinks it is getting less and less likely.

On the other front, clearly she is flirting by phone and text every day now with her ex bf from 10 years ago. He will be coming to town on March 15 and the plan is still for her to go to his hotel room, perhaps for the night. So I guess it's T-14 today?

She also has a boudoir photo shoot Saturday. The original plan was to have it outside somewhere in a natural setting. It ended up that the photographer doesn't have a studio and outside would be tricky so they are probably going to just do it in our house. It will be interesting to see how far she goes, fully nude? There is supposed to be a make-up girl as part of the package.
Patiently waiting to hear about this adventure!!! :D

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:38 am

Today my wife will be having her boudoir photo shoot. It will be in our house with basically a stranger camera man. She is not sure how far she will go, but hopefully fully nude.
I am still out of town on business so I won't be there. Sure wish I could be. She seems excited about it so hopefully it will be fun for her. I am sure one of her motives for this is to have some shots to send to her bf that will be here for a night in March. They have been on the phone/texting constantly. He sent her some sexy nude pics that he took of a model. Not she is really into photography and is planning on taking lessons. It's already, buy me a lens, tripod etc.
Wish her luck on her photo shoot. Perhaps she will let me post some if you guys want to see her finally?? Is there anyone that is interested?

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by Mr ablondemilf » Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:48 am

tit4atat wrote:Today my wife will be having her boudoir photo shoot. It will be in our house with basically a stranger camera man. She is not sure how far she will go, but hopefully fully nude.
I am still out of town on business so I won't be there. Sure wish I could be. She seems excited about it so hopefully it will be fun for her. I am sure one of her motives for this is to have some shots to send to her bf that will be here for a night in March. They have been on the phone/texting constantly. He sent her some sexy nude pics that he took of a model. Not she is really into photography and is planning on taking lessons. It's already, buy me a lens, tripod etc.
Wish her luck on her photo shoot. Perhaps she will let me post some if you guys want to see her finally?? Is there anyone that is interested?
Wishing her luck. HELL YES, we are interested in seeing her photos. :D

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Re: A New Revelation

Unread post by tit4atat » Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:08 pm

Hot Update:

As mentioned in my last post, today was L's scheduled boudoir photo shoot session at the house. I am working two time zones over so obviously I couldn't witness any of it and I guess these things are more for the woman to do on their own. Well, when I finally got to call her the shoot had just finished. She was really laughing hysterically when she was telling me about how it went.

Before the shoot I told her basically just have fun with it and do what ever you feel comfortable with. She didn't want me to give her any suggestions or push her into doing anything in particular. In any case she had a ball and really enjoyed it. It was hard for her to even tell me the story she was laughing so hard.

So the session included a make-up artist to do her make-up. She arrived first and got busy right away doing her job. L had some interesting conversation with her about how this all works and the guy that would be doing the shooting. She often works with this guy and knows him well. Possibly even well enough to have some form of relationship with him or at least dreams of it. According to L, the make-up artist is super beautiful in the face. She couldn't stop talking about how cute she was. However she is super overweight. Still looks good though, much younger than the 34 she claimed to be. During the conversation about the photographer she artist made several references to how super handsome he is. Very tall, young and handsome.

Finally the photographer arrived but the make-up still wasn't finished so he just started setting up his equipment. Once the make-up was done there was a lot of discussion about the girl staying or going. L was comfortable either way and said so. Since really there is no need for more make-up at that point it was agreed that she was finished and could leave.

The photographer quickly got things underway and snapped off hundreds of pictures. Many positions, locations and angles. At first it was in some of L's sexy underwear that she had planned on for the shoot. The photographer seemed to bring out L's playful side and had her in sort of a nervous comfortable state. In any case L eventually took all of her clothing off and posed for a long time fully nude. There should be plenty of great shots, both in sexy underwear and nude that I can hopefully post at some point. The photographer was very nice and offered to do much more than the normal shoot. In total he was shooting for about 2 solid hours. I can't wait to see the pics.

So at some point while he was positioning her she accidentally brushed against his dick as she moved into position. Of course all along he had been touching her and moving her body parts around. He then instructed her to masturbate while he was taking more shots. This is not something that she usually does even in private, especially in front of me. I guess to just play along she did as instructed and I guess at some point he helped her and touched her pussy also to open it up for the shots. All thru the shoot he kept saying how sexy and sensual she is.

Needless to say that they both got super heated and things turned into kissing and fondling. L ended up with his dick in her mouth for a few strokes and then grabbed some lube from our bedside and proceeded to give him a good hand job. There was some talk about if they should fuck and he claimed that they shouldn't because she is married. It doesn't sound like he lasted very long and shot his cum all over her breasts. Apparently he took a some pics of her covered in his cum and there was a lot of discussion about keeping these photos or not. She clearly stated that she wants them. While she was describing the whole adventure, I asked her if she wanted to fuck him and she basically said, "hell yes, he is so hot". Things just seemed to happen so fast that L didn't have time to really think things thru or she probably would have tried to get him to give her a good fuck. She certainly was hot and wet and eager. It sounded like the limiting factor was that she didn't know him and thought it might be a bit dangerous to just fuck him under those circumstances. I reminded her that there are condoms right there if needed.

From the way she talked, she gave me the impression that she will probably get friendly with him and let him teach her some photograph tricks. My hunch is that this guy will eventually be getting her pussy in return for the favor. She mentioned that her past fb is basically history and this guy is off the charts better. So I guess the question is this. He is about 35 and she is something like 46. She was so proud that she could get such a young handsome guy. If she only gave him a brief bj and hand job does that still make her a cougar??

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