It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by alex7419 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:39 pm

I agree with the others, I think you love Jen and would like to know if there is something that makes her sad and unhappy. For this, in the same way, if your wife loves you as you say she would like to know if there is something that upsets you. The important thing is you, Jen and your marriage and not the contract.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:40 am

You may want to write down your pros and cons on how this contract has been working for you up til now.

Be honest with yourself (try not to think with your little brain). Write the statements down, then say it to yourself out loud (it forces your brain to process it by hearing, like there are two of you in the same room. )

If the statement rings solid true, you will have no doubting feelings in your gut. If you do register a doubt, I would say you're BS'ing yourself.

Once you finish your pro/con list, ask yourself out loud, how do I feel about it going on for another year (MAR 2020).

Can you just flip a switch and everything will return back the same as 2018?

I'm not convinced at the moment, only you have the full picture.

If you do discuss this with her, and I encourage you to do so, watch for Red flags.

Her getting angry. Or trying to push you to uphold the contract. Trying to make this as her sacrifices in creating this was done for you (this is partially true up until your not happy with it).

Not a med professional, but you may want to investigate can permanent sadness lead to depression?

Like others here, I enjoy reading your ongoing story, but I never want to see someone in pain at my expense.

Your call, you're the one experiencing it.

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Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am

Thanks for the update. WOW!

While i am a strong supporter of Yours and Jen's lifestyle, I think I can say "be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. I understand that you are feeling lonely and while you were out with friends, watching them be intimate with each other, you felt alone and lonely. But let's look at things from a objective point of view.

"My goal is to completely replace you sexually again with a real man! When it finally happens, which it will, you’ll be helpless to do anything about it! Imagine yourself back to sleeping in the study, in a sexless marriage! Imagine there’s a new man of the house who I belong to sexually. He fulfills all of my sexual needs. It never occurs to me to ever have sex with you any longer. The thought no longer enters my mind, not even for a moment. It’s gross to even think about it! Having sex with you would be like having sex with my own brother! It’s a total no-no! You’d be living like as a eunuch again. Your useless cock and balls retired. Back to being my backup plan, with no hope of every having sex with your wife again until things eventually end naturally between her and her lover. Not knowing when that might be. Weeks, months, years? Having no say in the matter and being expected to help make the relationship last as long as possible. It would be your job to help sustain me and my lover’s couplehood. Your job to try to prolong your own denial and humiliation!"

From the beginning, this is what you and Jen were going after, with Brian, then Kyle & Brett, and now with Jason. You have agreed to and even encouraged Jen to pursue this lifestyle.

“Jen isn't into me sexually,” I responded. “But, she is into you. Very, very into you. And starting immediately, the two of you are going to be a couple again. Jen’s going to be your girl and not mine, Jason. That’s what she wants. I want her to have that experience. I want it too, for myself. I’m curious to have this kind of intense cuckold experience. I’m not going to have another chance like this later on. I already thought about it and I agree with you about what might happen.

I think you really did think about what could happen, but never really figured it would happen, Now, Jason and Jen are not just sexual together, but they are romantic together. That means that as far as you are concerned you are JUST a friend crashing at their apartment. A perverted one, but just a friend. And you like it or at least you did.

I consider Jason a friend. He and I do sometimes do stuff together (gym, basketball, coffee, food, etc) without Jen. It doesn't feel weird.

Over a years period of time you have developed a relationship with Jason, as more than just a fuck buddy for Jen. And you have allowed him to be the man of the house in terms of what Jen does. They sleep together, they eat, watch television together, they show as a romantic couple at college and they date openly.

“You're obviously not just a regular friend, Michael,” Jen replied. “Jason and I are so comfortable making out and feeling on each other in front of you that we don't even think twice about it. And even though you never see me completely naked when you and I are alone, you see me naked plenty when Jason is home. You also see Jason naked. You see the two of us fuck. You go out of your way to serve us. You do our laundry. You wash the dishes. You've served us breakfast in bed a few times. You buy me sexy underwear that both you and Jason get to see me in. That's not a normal friendship, Michael. You're not just a friend. You're my cuckold husband. Yeah, Jason and I are the couple. That's a good thing. We're all getting what we want out of this.

And you agreed with Jen that this is what you wanted.

Jason: “Okay. I have a question for Mike. If I’m putting you on the spot, Mike, and you’re too shy to answer in front of Jen, you don’t have to. But, I'm curious, which do you prefer?”

Your answer :Me: “I like this better, getting to watch you and Jen.”

Jason: “More than you like being with her yourself?”

Me: “Yes.”

An admission by you that you like the way things are.

So, Jason and Jen's one year anniversary passed. It's also the one year anniversary of Jen and I no longer having sex.
As a present, I got the two of them a romantic weekend getaway package at an out-of-town hotel. I stayed home while they went away together as a couple.

Even as of a week ago, you were being very supportive and very very encouraging by sending them off on a romantic mini vacation to celebrate their ONE YEAR anniversary.

“Thank you for the romantic weekend getaway, Michael. It’s such a nice present! It’s beautiful here! Jason and I are having a great time celebrating our anniversary! Thank you for the gift and thank you for being so supportive of Jason and I. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed being with Jason this past year and how much I’ve enjoyed only having sex with him. Giving myself to a real man 24/7 has been so much fun! And so has my marriage to you! I’ve had such a great time with you this past year, being platonic friends. I really hope you have too. I mean, I know you have. You’ve said so. You’ve said how you prefer watching me with Jason more than having sex with me. Knowing that takes away any guilt I might have felt. It also makes me even more excited to keep this going and to be able to send you another message like this one year from now.

You miss you wife,your life, you miss feeling her body against yours. She doesn't seem to miss it at all. She is enjoying all that you are giving her, freedom to be with whoever she wants, whenever she wants and however she wants.

I'm sure being with friends and watching their interactions together as couples, kind of stung you a bit, imagine if it was Jen and Jason that you were watching across the table in a bar, would that have made you feel any different than you do now.

Sorry for being so long, I wish you and Jen happiness together for a lifetime in whatever form you do it.

As always I will be here to support you and enjoy your story. Probably the best read on the internet, IMHO

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:34 am

On Monday, after coming home from work, I saw that Jen had left an envelope for me on my pillow. The envelope read, “For Michael's eyes only. Open in private.” I could tell there was a card inside the envelope. I opened the envelope and pulled out the card. It was an “Enjoy Your Retirement” card.

I unfolded the card and saw that it was written out to “Dear Michael's Useless Penis,” and included the following handwritten message from Jen:

“Hope you're enjoying your retirement! Can you believe it's been one year already? I sure can! Time flies when you're having fun! Ha ha! It's crazy how I haven't even seen you once this whole year! I'd invite you to come pay a visit, but you're obviously not missed! Things are going so fucking great here without you! It's too bad we couldn't retire you sooner! Hope you're enjoying your life of leisure! I'm sure Michael and his right hand have been taking good care of you. I know that at some point you gotta come out of retirement, but no hurry. I already know that I'm in for a letdown after all this time spent with Jason's wonderful cock. I don't want to say that you're completely useless though. After all, Michael never complains that he has trouble peeing. Ha ha! But, I can't think of anything else that you're good for. So stay hidden! You know what they say. Out of sight, out of mind!”

Instead of “Truly yours,” Jen signed the card, “Truly Jason's.”

Jen's message was both funny and brutal at the same time. And incredibly hot! I wanted to just jerk off right then and there! But, besides the card, there was a folded sheet of paper inside the envelope with Jen's handwriting on both sides. I unfolded the letter Jen had written to me.

The letter read:

“Dear, Michael,

I hope you read the card first. If not, start there. I wrote it out to your useless penis. It's funny. But, also true. Your penis is pretty useless! Ha ha!

Anyway, I wanted to thank you again for the anniversary card and for the present you got for Jason and I. It was so nice of you and it really means a lot. It's important to me that you know how much I appreciate it.

This past year has been great for me! And you're the one who's made that possible. So, thank you!

Now that it's been an entire year, I can say that I'm 100% confident that we made the right choices by replacing you with Jason and by coming up with and sticking to those very strict rules that we follow. If it weren't for those rules, it would have been impossible to experience what it's like to truly replace you sexually.

I've been asking myself for a while, what does it mean to truly replace someone sexually? I've decided that it's not just stopping intercourse with one person and instead having it with another. There are many different ways to be sexual with someone besides intercourse. There's oral sex. There's sexual touching. Even just getting naked together is a sexual sort of thing. Making out can even cross the line into something sexual. So stopping all of those things with you and saving them for Jason was the only way for me to truly replace you sexually with him.

But, it's not just the actions that matter. It's the thoughts and feelings too. Those are just as important as actions. So what are my thoughts and feelings? How do I feel now that one year's gone by? Well, I feel like my body belongs completely to Jason. I only want to do sexual things with him and not with you. It never even occurs to me to do anything sexual with you. Not for a moment. I'm not the least bit sexually attracted to you. I don’t mean that in an insulting way. I still think you’re good looking. It’s just that, unlike Jason, you’re not sexually desirable to me. I don't even think of us being sexual with each other as something that's a remote possibility. The thought of us having sex is weird to me. And, thanks to our contract, it's something that I know couldn't possibly happen. Thanks to our contract, I feel completely free of any sexual obligations to you. Our contract spells out that Jason and I are an exclusive romantic and sexual couple. You and I are still married, but we're not a couple for now and we won't be again until after the contract expires. Having it in writing makes it real. It's not just a game.

So we did it, mission accomplished, right? Almost. But, not quite.

There's only one missing piece now and that's time. Even though it's been a year, this still feels very new to me. Don't get me wrong. One year is great! But, it still doesn't feel like we've completely gotten 100% used to this yet. And that's what we need. That's how we'll know that you've truly been replaced. When enough time has gone by that we're used to this and it feels completely normal to us. When we're so used to me being Jason's girlfriend, and we're so used to you and I being platonic, that anything else would seem abnormal.

I’m having so much fun doing this! And I can tell that you are too! I’m so excited to keep this going all the way through the contract expiration!

But, as much fun as I’m sure you’re having fun, I know that being replaced probably isn’t always easy on you. I really hope that all the times that Jason and I have let you watch have more than made up for any loss you might feel. And don’t worry, there’s a lot more watching in store for you!

I wonder if maybe you're asking yourself, can we really go back to being vanilla and boring after the contract is up? I mean, college won't be over for me for a while. The answer is easy though. We can do whatever the fuck we want! I've had sex with you many, many times before, even though I'm not into you in that way. And I can do it again. But, next time around, I'll have gotten everything that I wanted to experience out of my system. Can you think of anything else left to try? I can't. We'll both have lived out our ultimate fantasy. There will be plenty of great memories from this experience that you and I will share and enjoy for the rest of our lives. I'll have plenty of material in my head to fall back when you and I eventually start having sex again. I'll be able to close my eyes and imagine any of the countless times that Jason has been inside of me. Just like those wives that, when they fuck their husbands, secretly think about some famous actor, or rockstar, or maybe even an ex-boyfriend. That’ll be me. Thinking about my ex-boyfriend when you and I have sex. Except the images in my head will be clearer and better, and I'll be able to share them with you! So we can both think about Jason when we fuck!

So hang in there, Michael! And keep doing what you're doing! Keep thinking of (and treating) Jason and I as the couple and you as our platonic friend and roommate! Keep supporting us and keep thinking of ways you can help out! I fucking love it! The lingerie, the breakfasts in bed, the chores you do, this past weekend getaway, and everything else! All of it is great! All of it is appreciated!

With love,

Your platonic friend and roommate, Jen!"

It was a very well-written letter. It was almost like Jen had read my mind and knew that I needed some sort of reassurance from her. It worked. I felt reassured. It also felt good that the card and the letter were meant to be read by me in private. It was something to be shared just between Jen and I, without involving Jason.

I've been thinking about and re-reading the letter the past few days. It reinforces my belief that the best thing for me to do is to keep my mouth shut about whatever mixed feelings I have and to instead focus on enjoying what I've got.
lietva wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:38 pm
I've loved reading your story and want to thank you for sharing it with us.

You need to do what works for you.

If you've achieved your goal of fully experiencing being fully replaced, no one would blame you - not Jen, not Jason, and certainly none of us here - if you decide you want to end the contract early. Just renegotiate it to start Jason's transition out now.

Jen, and especially Jason may be sad about winding it down. But, they've had their fling - twice. Don't forget you're the one calling the shots here: Jen and Jason's experiment with being exclusive and cuckolding you was for your benefit and with your permission. Contract notwithstanding, you can withdraw that permission at any time. Tell them that though it's been great, it was super hot, you don't regret the experience, and you appreciate the unique gift that they have given you. And, that while the full 2 years seemed like a good idea at the time, it's just too long.

Make sure your life heads on the trajectory than brings you the greatest joy. You need do to be careful that it's not you that that becomes disillusioned and detached in your marriage. That would break Jen's heart through no fault of her own. Stay in touch with the evolution of your own heart, your own feelings. Reclaim your position as primary in Jen's life if that's what you want. She can begin to relearn how to put you first in her sexual life just as soon as you tell her that's what you really want. You and Jen can prepare to begin your next new adventure together.
Thanks for the support! I'd be kidding myself though to believe that I'm the one calling the shots. There's three adults involved in this and I'm just one of them. Sure I could try throwing a wrench in our arrangement and wrecking it. But, I shouldn't kid myself that all of this revolves around just me. I wouldn't want Jen to decide that she alone calls the shots or for Jason to decide that he alone calls the shots. So I shouldn't take that attitude either. I'd also be kidding myself to believe that this experiment is just for my benefit. Jen really wanted this and continues to want it. And Jason obviously wants it too, even though Jen and I came up with the idea before we'd even met Jason.
Serrand wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:28 pm
Well, I also follow your story for quite a while now. Basically, I absolutely agree with what the previous commentator "lietva" said. Don’t get me wrong, it's exciting and hot to read, I'm grateful that you're sharing your adventure with us. But I also have to say, and I assume you're aware of this yourself, what you're doing it's quite at the extreme end of the "cuckold-fantasy/lifestyle", especially over such a long period. I hope you don't get mad at me, when I have huge doubts, about what you and Jen are practising for over a year now, if this is really a good thing for your marriage in the longterm.
Honestly, I think the sooner you and Jen going back to be a loving, romantic and sexual couple it's for the better. Look, this doesn't mean Jen and Jason need to break-up immediately, let there be a "transition-phase", like you already hinted there would be such a phase after college anyways. So why should it be a problem if this phase would start earlier? You and Jen definitely should start working to reignite her intimate and romantic feelings for you. This alone will probably take some time and will be tough for you. And the longer you wait with this it will probably only get tougher.

One problem, in my opinion, you're giving this so called "cuckold-contract" way too much value. So what, if you would end this contract early? Excuse me, but this damn "contract" should under no circumstances be more important than your happiness. And no, this certainly wouldn’t mean that you're unfair to Jen. I know, you probably don't see it this way, but be assured, and I think the overwhelming majority of your followers will agree with me, you have already giving Jen so much more than she could ever expected. And I think deep down Jen knows this as well.
I know, I know you said you feel sad but not misarable, but alone the fact that you felt sad, when you watch these other couples in the bar, should be reason enough, at least, to rethink this all.

But the biggest problem is in my opinion, that you think you shouldn't talk with Jen about your sadness. Seriously, cuckold-marriage" or not, you always get angry when someone doubts Jen's love for you. So, I'll take your word and say Jen loves you!!! Not to forget I assume she still wants to have your biological childern one day. Considering this, shouldn't you not always be able to tell the person you love and who loves you how you feel and what making you sad. And shouldn't be for Jen in this case your happiness far more important than any co called contract?

That you really believe to tell Jen how you feel or felt would be an worse option, makes me really feel concerned for you. Obviously, you're quite a selfless person, that's necessarily not a bad thing, quite on the contrary, but sometimes you could be too selfless for your own well-being. I could be wrong, but I have the impression that you have reached that point.

Excuse my emotional outburst. I don't want to offend you in any way. I hope to hear from soon soon again and maybe hearing your thoughts on some of this points
Thanks for the well thought out comment. I appreciate it. I get what you're saying about the contract. But, I know that the contract isn't a legally binding document. The contract is more like a promise between the three of us. It's a detailed promise that spells out exactly what we're doing instead of each of us maybe having a different idea about what that is and what we expect of each other. If I have mixed feelings, I can look to the contract and remind myself it's not because Jen and Jason did something wrong. The contract reminds me that things are going exactly as they're supposed to. Sure, promises can be broken. But, I'd rather not have to break this promise. That should be a last resort and not a first resort just because I have mixed feelings. I knew ahead of time that I'd have mixed feelings and that this might not be so easy for me. Plus, like you pointed out, I don't feel miserable. It's just some sadness here and there. Everyone gets sad sometimes. If I decide to sit down with Jen to talk about by sadness, there should be a point to it. If I'm not planning on asking that the contract be changed in some way, then there's no reason to bring it up. It's just going to put a dark cloud over everything.
viking53 wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:50 pm
I strongly agree with both Lietva and Serrand. A marriage is so much more than just sex. It's about an intimate, loving and supportive relationship. If you are unhappy with the way things are now, you really have to discuss it with Jen otherwise these feelings will just continue to grow and destroy your marriage. In your previous post, you described how Jen regularly tests you on the cuckold contract. Unfortunately, I feel that these occasions just further condition Jen to not see you as her husband and not as someone to have a loving, intimate relationship with. For both your and Jen's sake, I think the two of you need to sit down, without Jason, and have a serious talk about how Jen can start showing affection to you again.
If it really bothered me, I'm sure I could ask that the part about the quizzes be taken out of the contract. I doubt that Jen or Jason would object, since it wouldn't change anything else about our situation. I really like the quizzes though. I'd miss them. The less physical intimacy I have with Jen, the more I need other things to make up for that. Cuckold stuff. Like watching Jen and Jason make love. Like being given chores to do and helping out in other ways. Like the quizzes. I'm glad that Jen remembers to quiz me. Even when it's just a quick quiz that lasts one or two minutes, it's still incredibly hot for me.
alex7419 wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:39 pm
I agree with the others, I think you love Jen and would like to know if there is something that makes her sad and unhappy. For this, in the same way, if your wife loves you as you say she would like to know if there is something that upsets you. The important thing is you, Jen and your marriage and not the contract.
I agree that my marriage to Jen is more important than the contract. I think of myself as happily married though. The contract hasn't changed that.
Bubbagmp wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:40 am
You may want to write down your pros and cons on how this contract has been working for you up til now.

Be honest with yourself (try not to think with your little brain). Write the statements down, then say it to yourself out loud (it forces your brain to process it by hearing, like there are two of you in the same room. )

If the statement rings solid true, you will have no doubting feelings in your gut. If you do register a doubt, I would say you're BS'ing yourself.

Once you finish your pro/con list, ask yourself out loud, how do I feel about it going on for another year (MAR 2020).

Can you just flip a switch and everything will return back the same as 2018?

I'm not convinced at the moment, only you have the full picture.

If you do discuss this with her, and I encourage you to do so, watch for Red flags.

Her getting angry. Or trying to push you to uphold the contract. Trying to make this as her sacrifices in creating this was done for you (this is partially true up until your not happy with it).

Not a med professional, but you may want to investigate can permanent sadness lead to depression?

Like others here, I enjoy reading your ongoing story, but I never want to see someone in pain at my expense.

Your call, you're the one experiencing it.
Thanks for the suggestions! My pro/con list is mostly pros.

Con: I miss physical intimacy with Jen
Pro: The cuckold experiences I get help to make up for that.
Pro: Things have been going smoothly. There's been no arguing.
Pro: Jen and I get along just as well being platonic as we did when we were having sex.
Pro: Jen and Jason have been living up to their end of the contract.
Pro: Jen is happy with things as-is.
Pro: Jen is getting to live out her ultimate fantasy. There's nothing else for her to try, to get out of her system.
Pro: I'm getting to live out the ultimate cuckold experience. It's hot as fuck!
Pro: Jen and I will have something amazing to look back on.
Pro: I'd rather we remember this experience as a success that we followed through on all the way than as a failure we had to end early.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
Thanks for the update. WOW!

While i am a strong supporter of Yours and Jen's lifestyle, I think I can say "be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. I understand that you are feeling lonely and while you were out with friends, watching them be intimate with each other, you felt alone and lonely. But let's look at things from a objective point of view.

"My goal is to completely replace you sexually again with a real man! When it finally happens, which it will, you’ll be helpless to do anything about it! Imagine yourself back to sleeping in the study, in a sexless marriage! Imagine there’s a new man of the house who I belong to sexually. He fulfills all of my sexual needs. It never occurs to me to ever have sex with you any longer. The thought no longer enters my mind, not even for a moment. It’s gross to even think about it! Having sex with you would be like having sex with my own brother! It’s a total no-no! You’d be living like as a eunuch again. Your useless cock and balls retired. Back to being my backup plan, with no hope of every having sex with your wife again until things eventually end naturally between her and her lover. Not knowing when that might be. Weeks, months, years? Having no say in the matter and being expected to help make the relationship last as long as possible. It would be your job to help sustain me and my lover’s couplehood. Your job to try to prolong your own denial and humiliation!"

From the beginning, this is what you and Jen were going after, with Brian, then Kyle & Brett, and now with Jason. You have agreed to and even encouraged Jen to pursue this lifestyle.
Thank you for taking the time to write all of that! It was very thoughtful!

You're right. This is what Jen and I were going for and I did agree and encourage her to pursue this.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
“Jen isn't into me sexually,” I responded. “But, she is into you. Very, very into you. And starting immediately, the two of you are going to be a couple again. Jen’s going to be your girl and not mine, Jason. That’s what she wants. I want her to have that experience. I want it too, for myself. I’m curious to have this kind of intense cuckold experience. I’m not going to have another chance like this later on. I already thought about it and I agree with you about what might happen.

I think you really did think about what could happen, but never really figured it would happen, Now, Jason and Jen are not just sexual together, but they are romantic together. That means that as far as you are concerned you are JUST a friend crashing at their apartment. A perverted one, but just a friend. And you like it or at least you did.
True. It's one thing to imagine that this is how things would be, but then living it for real is still a surprise. Like you said, I became "JUST a friend crashing at their apartment." And I did like it. And I still do.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
I consider Jason a friend. He and I do sometimes do stuff together (gym, basketball, coffee, food, etc) without Jen. It doesn't feel weird.

Over a years period of time you have developed a relationship with Jason, as more than just a fuck buddy for Jen. And you have allowed him to be the man of the house in terms of what Jen does. They sleep together, they eat, watch television together, they show as a romantic couple at college and they date openly.
All true. I think of Jason as a friend. And it's also impossible not to think of him as Jen's boyfriend, as opposed to just Jen's fuck buddy.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
“You're obviously not just a regular friend, Michael,” Jen replied. “Jason and I are so comfortable making out and feeling on each other in front of you that we don't even think twice about it. And even though you never see me completely naked when you and I are alone, you see me naked plenty when Jason is home. You also see Jason naked. You see the two of us fuck. You go out of your way to serve us. You do our laundry. You wash the dishes. You've served us breakfast in bed a few times. You buy me sexy underwear that both you and Jason get to see me in. That's not a normal friendship, Michael. You're not just a friend. You're my cuckold husband. Yeah, Jason and I are the couple. That's a good thing. We're all getting what we want out of this.

And you agreed with Jen that this is what you wanted.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
Jason: “Okay. I have a question for Mike. If I’m putting you on the spot, Mike, and you’re too shy to answer in front of Jen, you don’t have to. But, I'm curious, which do you prefer?”

Your answer :Me: “I like this better, getting to watch you and Jen.”

Jason: “More than you like being with her yourself?”

Me: “Yes.”

An admission by you that you like the way things are.
Yes. I'm sure my answer came across as a total admission that I like things fine just the way they are.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
So, Jason and Jen's one year anniversary passed. It's also the one year anniversary of Jen and I no longer having sex.
As a present, I got the two of them a romantic weekend getaway package at an out-of-town hotel. I stayed home while they went away together as a couple.

Even as of a week ago, you were being very supportive and very very encouraging by sending them off on a romantic mini vacation to celebrate their ONE YEAR anniversary.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
“Thank you for the romantic weekend getaway, Michael. It’s such a nice present! It’s beautiful here! Jason and I are having a great time celebrating our anniversary! Thank you for the gift and thank you for being so supportive of Jason and I. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed being with Jason this past year and how much I’ve enjoyed only having sex with him. Giving myself to a real man 24/7 has been so much fun! And so has my marriage to you! I’ve had such a great time with you this past year, being platonic friends. I really hope you have too. I mean, I know you have. You’ve said so. You’ve said how you prefer watching me with Jason more than having sex with me. Knowing that takes away any guilt I might have felt. It also makes me even more excited to keep this going and to be able to send you another message like this one year from now.

You miss you wife,your life, you miss feeling her body against yours. She doesn't seem to miss it at all. She is enjoying all that you are giving her, freedom to be with whoever she wants, whenever she wants and however she wants.

I'm sure being with friends and watching their interactions together as couples, kind of stung you a bit, imagine if it was Jen and Jason that you were watching across the table in a bar, would that have made you feel any different than you do now.
I've been out with Jason, Jen, and their college friends before. Since those college friends know that Jason and Jen are a couple and that Jen and I are on break, Jason and Jen behave like a couple in those situations. I've enjoyed that. In those situations I think more about how hot it is to watch Jason and Jen be an open couple than about anything else. So, it is different.
poppag wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:02 am
Sorry for being so long, I wish you and Jen happiness together for a lifetime in whatever form you do it.

As always I will be here to support you and enjoy your story. Probably the best read on the internet, IMHO
Thank you!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SutterKane » Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:47 am

That letter was brutal and the fact that you responded to it the way you did makes me even more worried about your mental health. I think you need a reality check by an outside party. Someone who has your mental health in mind. You may have chronic depression that is driving you into deeper and deeper submission because you don't value yourself anymore (if you ever did). Jen seems to only value you as her financier and enabler to be Jason's full time lover. If she did value you, she would stop and check that you were OK. We don't play to this level of cucking and my wife stops and checks my mental state all the time, and I on her's.
I think the reason that you don't want to say or do anything about pushing a reconnection with Jen, is because in your heart of hearts, you know how she will respond to anything that threatens what she has with Jason. You would rather go off the cliff, than slow your run into the abyss.
What would lose if you saw a mental health pro just to make sure that this isn't you drowning? Search Google for a "kink friendly" therapist near you!
When the members of the OHW cuck forum are telling you "Ah..dude, you might have a problem here" you might well have a problem here!
Best wishes,
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:28 am

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G post!!!!! Thanks Michael!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Serrand » Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:56 am

First, a big thank you for sharing Jen's letter to you here with us. I guess it's not always easy. And I hope you don't let yourself be bothered by too negative comments. That being said, though I wouldn’t formulate it as drastic as a previous commentator SutterKane, this letter from Jen to you gives me kind of a very "sour feeling", especially the last part of it, when Jen talked about the time after she finally will have finished college and this "cuckold-contract" will expire. Youself said it was brutal, I must say, partly, it was quite sad to read, like I already said, especially the last part.

You wife thinks it will be no problem to start having sex with you again, but she still won't be into you or feel any sexual attraction or desire for your person and she will think about another guys during your sex.
I mean is this really what you want out of marriage and life in general? To be married to a woman, who certainly has a platonic love for you, but according to her own words, feels no sexual desire, passion or lust for you. Jen loving you as her best friend and confident, but not having that kind of hot, passionate and also sexual love for you, which a wife normally has for her husband, especially in your younger years.
And from the perspective of Jen, does she really want to spend her life with a guy and having his biological childern, towards whom she has absolutely no longing and sexual desire for? Excuse me if I should offend you, that’s not my intention, but the idea that you would be satisfied with such a marriage would make me kind of sad.

Again, this being said, I know this is a forum related to the Cuckold/Hotwife-lifestyle, but could you do me the huge favour, if it's possible, and put this whole cuckold-fantasy just aside for a moment, "breaking the 3rd wall" so to speak. I mean what Jen is saying and also what she wrote to you: that sexually she's absolutely not into you, that she has no sexual interest in you, no use for your cock etc. Is this all just "talk" from Jen to push your "cuckold-buttons", to stimulate your sexual fantasy, but doesn't refelect her true sexual feelings for you? Or are these indeed her real and true feelings towards you?
Or ask differently, I know won’t do this, but could you go to Jen and tell her to put your cuckold-fantasy/lifestyle/mindset, whatever you want to call it, just for one moment aside. And then ask her, if all the stuff she is saying about her not existing sexual desire and lust for you, if these are indeed her true feelings towards you, or like I already said just fantasy-talk to push your cuckold-buttons??

Excuse my curiousity, but this would really interest me. Hope to hear from you soon again.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by subtoall » Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:12 pm

Serrand wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:56 am

Again, this being said, I know this is a forum related to the Cuckold/Hotwife-lifestyle, but could you do me the huge favour, if it's possible, and put this whole cuckold-fantasy just aside for a moment, "breaking the 3rd wall" so to speak. I mean what Jen is saying and also what she wrote to you: that sexually she's absolutely not into you, that she has no sexual interest in you, no use for your cock etc. Is this all just "talk" from Jen to push your "cuckold-buttons", to stimulate your sexual fantasy, but doesn't refelect her true sexual feelings for you? Or are these indeed her real and true feelings towards you?
Or ask differently, I know won’t do this, but could you go to Jen and tell her to put your cuckold-fantasy/lifestyle/mindset, whatever you want to call it, just for one moment aside. And then ask her, if all the stuff she is saying about her not existing sexual desire and lust for you, if these are indeed her true feelings towards you, or like I already said just fantasy-talk to push your cuckold-buttons??

Excuse my curiousity, but this would really interest me. Hope to hear from you soon again.
I agree with this recommendation. For me, the concrete and firm way she says you are completely sexually undesirable is not in the least bit sexy. It's way too heavy handed, and if she truly believes that, I fear the total number of years of your marriage will be counted on the fingers of one hand.

For this kind of teasing to work for me, I need to feel tension between my fear that I can't satisfy her and my hope that I might be able to. I'm a masochist, so I love the idea of fearing what she says in that letter, but when she concretely says all that, there is no tension between my hope and my fear. It's a done deal. You've lost and there's no hope for you. Tease you that you've lost her, but don't come out and say it so firmly, because there's no way to have hope if she really means that.

My gut says she's playing a role in doing this, but her inexperience just makes her come on too strong with it all and doesn't really mean it deep down inside. I hope for your sake, I'm right. If I'm not, keep an eye out for one of her girlfriends who likes your lifestyle, but appears capable of actually loving you, because I expect you will be in the market for a new wife in a couple years.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OlipantycuckUK » Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:29 pm

Wow. Fantastic story. It's taken me so long to read it all that there's even been an update since I started it. I can imagine it must have been really hard at times and part of me questioned the sanity of it all at times too. Not questioning the validity just saying I couldn't do that. It must be nice to have got that letter and know that at some point you'll be back to a "normal" life and having sex again at some point? I mean purely from a selfish point of view. I get that it might feel weird knowing that Jen just isn't in to you even though you're totally into her but you'll get to have sex again someday right?

Totally loved the story. Many a wankathon to this one lol.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by eater » Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:12 am

thanks for updating us on your amazing experience.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:06 pm

great update Michael. I hope after all the anniversary celebrations and notes of recent, that all is still well with Jen and Jason. and with Jen, Jason and you. It sounds like everything is going according to plan.

i've gone back and reread some of your earlier posts and it is amazing how many conversations You and Jen have had in regards to your present situation. On one hand, when Brian was in the picture you were an active participant, enjoying sex with both Brian and Jen. And as was discussed, in passing, at the time when Brian moved away, the crazy thought of you and Jen moving to Brian's place and they living as the couple and you as the roommate/friend. Do you think Jen would have been so totally able to replace you as she has with Jason? Or do you think it would have just been a threesome, Brian and Jen as primary and you participating in the sexual fun?

Or, as you have said, that now that you have been completely replaced by Jason as Jen's primary romantic and sexual partner, do you feel that this is more of what you and Jen originally pictured your lives being. Totally replaced, knowing that while there is a definitive end date, but that date is still 1-2 years away.

by they way, switch hands sometimes, other you will look like you have right arm so much bigger than the left. just saying .

glad to hear from you , keep up updated about what is going on.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:09 am

So Michael how's it going? I know you've made it clear you want this. Understand a lot of posters (myself included) are scratching their head, and are asking themselves "could I continue to do this for another 2 yrs?"

To answer for myself, no I couldn't. I'm just like wow to have no sexual contact with my wife for that long when your that Remember the phrase "use it or lose it", Jason saga come to an end, and Jen finally lets you penetrate her; you're going to be two strokes and done.

She will become extremely frustrated, after no longer having marathon (comparing hang time Jason's >= 20mins. To yours <20secs.) Sex sessions. I see her going back to Jason or finding another Jason 2.0 as a condition of staying married to you. And kids, well she may change her mind on that one or try to convince you it would be more "logical " for Jason to be the biological father, and that way you'll be a true cuckold, but your family &friends will be none the wiser. At least if your mom doesn't notice her grandson's dingle is kinda much bigger as compared to you at that age.

I still would seriously recommend getting/ using a pocket pussy to polish the pencil in order to increase your hang time. It may save your future marriage. At the very least give you your best shot with Jen when she eventually allows you to have sex her.

Hope you're living the dream.

Posts: 132
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:41 am

Hi Michael, hope all is well. since you have returned, you have given all of us a great deal to think about. It sounds like the plan you and Jen have worked out it working wonderful. I'm sure the newness has long worn off and that whatever you might post might seem to you as pretty passe, but to those of us following, it brings a better insight as to what has been and is continuing to be a very hot cuckold relationship.

It seems that the contract has given each of you the comfort level that is needed to keep this relationship going for as long as the term will last.

I find it extremely exciting that while you have seen Jen naked multiple times over the last year, and even in your private times with her, catching glimpses of her body you have not had the opportunity to show yours to her.

Do you work out, would she be surprised at what she would see now.

If there was one thing that you could encourage Jen to do to that would make this experience better, what would that be?


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:23 am

Hi Michael

I hope everything is fine for the three of you. Did Jen and Jason do anything special for Spring Break? Is she finishing at College this year or carrying on? What are her plans for the future?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sat May 04, 2019 7:05 am

SutterKane wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:47 am
That letter was brutal and the fact that you responded to it the way you did makes me even more worried about your mental health. I think you need a reality check by an outside party. Someone who has your mental health in mind. You may have chronic depression that is driving you into deeper and deeper submission because you don't value yourself anymore (if you ever did). Jen seems to only value you as her financier and enabler to be Jason's full time lover. If she did value you, she would stop and check that you were OK. We don't play to this level of cucking and my wife stops and checks my mental state all the time, and I on her's.
I think the reason that you don't want to say or do anything about pushing a reconnection with Jen, is because in your heart of hearts, you know how she will respond to anything that threatens what she has with Jason. You would rather go off the cliff, than slow your run into the abyss.
What would lose if you saw a mental health pro just to make sure that this isn't you drowning? Search Google for a "kink friendly" therapist near you!
When the members of the OHW cuck forum are telling you "Ah..dude, you might have a problem here" you might well have a problem here!
Best wishes,
I'm guessing you mean well, and you're probably right that there's nothing to lose by seeing a mental health pro. If I feel like I need one in the future, I'll consider it.
OOAA wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2019 10:28 am
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G post!!!!! Thanks Michael!
Serrand wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:56 am
First, a big thank you for sharing Jen's letter to you here with us. I guess it's not always easy. And I hope you don't let yourself be bothered by too negative comments. That being said, though I wouldn’t formulate it as drastic as a previous commentator SutterKane, this letter from Jen to you gives me kind of a very "sour feeling", especially the last part of it, when Jen talked about the time after she finally will have finished college and this "cuckold-contract" will expire. Youself said it was brutal, I must say, partly, it was quite sad to read, like I already said, especially the last part.

You wife thinks it will be no problem to start having sex with you again, but she still won't be into you or feel any sexual attraction or desire for your person and she will think about another guys during your sex.
I mean is this really what you want out of marriage and life in general? To be married to a woman, who certainly has a platonic love for you, but according to her own words, feels no sexual desire, passion or lust for you. Jen loving you as her best friend and confident, but not having that kind of hot, passionate and also sexual love for you, which a wife normally has for her husband, especially in your younger years.
And from the perspective of Jen, does she really want to spend her life with a guy and having his biological childern, towards whom she has absolutely no longing and sexual desire for? Excuse me if I should offend you, that’s not my intention, but the idea that you would be satisfied with such a marriage would make me kind of sad.

Again, this being said, I know this is a forum related to the Cuckold/Hotwife-lifestyle, but could you do me the huge favour, if it's possible, and put this whole cuckold-fantasy just aside for a moment, "breaking the 3rd wall" so to speak. I mean what Jen is saying and also what she wrote to you: that sexually she's absolutely not into you, that she has no sexual interest in you, no use for your cock etc. Is this all just "talk" from Jen to push your "cuckold-buttons", to stimulate your sexual fantasy, but doesn't refelect her true sexual feelings for you? Or are these indeed her real and true feelings towards you?
Or ask differently, I know won’t do this, but could you go to Jen and tell her to put your cuckold-fantasy/lifestyle/mindset, whatever you want to call it, just for one moment aside. And then ask her, if all the stuff she is saying about her not existing sexual desire and lust for you, if these are indeed her true feelings towards you, or like I already said just fantasy-talk to push your cuckold-buttons??

Excuse my curiousity, but this would really interest me. Hope to hear from you soon again.
I"m not offended. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
subtoall wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:12 pm
I agree with this recommendation. For me, the concrete and firm way she says you are completely sexually undesirable is not in the least bit sexy. It's way too heavy handed, and if she truly believes that, I fear the total number of years of your marriage will be counted on the fingers of one hand.

For this kind of teasing to work for me, I need to feel tension between my fear that I can't satisfy her and my hope that I might be able to. I'm a masochist, so I love the idea of fearing what she says in that letter, but when she concretely says all that, there is no tension between my hope and my fear. It's a done deal. You've lost and there's no hope for you. Tease you that you've lost her, but don't come out and say it so firmly, because there's no way to have hope if she really means that.

My gut says she's playing a role in doing this, but her inexperience just makes her come on too strong with it all and doesn't really mean it deep down inside. I hope for your sake, I'm right. If I'm not, keep an eye out for one of her girlfriends who likes your lifestyle, but appears capable of actually loving you, because I expect you will be in the market for a new wife in a couple years.
Thank you for sharing. I get what you're saying about the tension thing. I'm not sure that applies to me though, at least not in the way that you explained it applies to you. When I used to have sex with Jen, it was hot for me knowing that I didn't compare to other men. Of course I wanted Jen to enjoy the sex and to be able to please her, but I didn't have it in my head that maybe I would match up to one of those other men who she was so into.
OlipantycuckUK wrote:
Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:29 pm
Wow. Fantastic story. It's taken me so long to read it all that there's even been an update since I started it. I can imagine it must have been really hard at times and part of me questioned the sanity of it all at times too. Not questioning the validity just saying I couldn't do that. It must be nice to have got that letter and know that at some point you'll be back to a "normal" life and having sex again at some point? I mean purely from a selfish point of view. I get that it might feel weird knowing that Jen just isn't in to you even though you're totally into her but you'll get to have sex again someday right?

Totally loved the story. Many a wankathon to this one lol.
Thank you. And, yeah, it does feel weird.
eater wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:12 am
thanks for updating us on your amazing experience.
Thanks for the support!
poppag wrote:
Mon Mar 25, 2019 3:06 pm
great update Michael. I hope after all the anniversary celebrations and notes of recent, that all is still well with Jen and Jason. and with Jen, Jason and you. It sounds like everything is going according to plan.

i've gone back and reread some of your earlier posts and it is amazing how many conversations You and Jen have had in regards to your present situation. On one hand, when Brian was in the picture you were an active participant, enjoying sex with both Brian and Jen. And as was discussed, in passing, at the time when Brian moved away, the crazy thought of you and Jen moving to Brian's place and they living as the couple and you as the roommate/friend. Do you think Jen would have been so totally able to replace you as she has with Jason? Or do you think it would have just been a threesome, Brian and Jen as primary and you participating in the sexual fun?

Or, as you have said, that now that you have been completely replaced by Jason as Jen's primary romantic and sexual partner, do you feel that this is more of what you and Jen originally pictured your lives being. Totally replaced, knowing that while there is a definitive end date, but that date is still 1-2 years away.

by they way, switch hands sometimes, other you will look like you have right arm so much bigger than the left. just saying .

glad to hear from you , keep up updated about what is going on.
I think that things would have been much different if we had moved to live with Brian. The three of us had a poly arrangement when Brian lived here. I wasn't having intercourse with Jen, but I had a very active sex life otherwise within our poly relationship. Plus, there was a very strong connection between Brian and I. I think we would have continued to be a threesome had Jen and I followed Brian when he moved away.

I don't think that what Jen and I are doing with Jason is what I'd pictured for us. I suppose I wanted something closer to a Brian sitaution.

Now that you mention it, my right arm is looking slightly larger than my left. Lol!
poppag wrote:
Sun Apr 07, 2019 11:41 am
Hi Michael, hope all is well. since you have returned, you have given all of us a great deal to think about. It sounds like the plan you and Jen have worked out it working wonderful. I'm sure the newness has long worn off and that whatever you might post might seem to you as pretty passe, but to those of us following, it brings a better insight as to what has been and is continuing to be a very hot cuckold relationship.

It seems that the contract has given each of you the comfort level that is needed to keep this relationship going for as long as the term will last.

I find it extremely exciting that while you have seen Jen naked multiple times over the last year, and even in your private times with her, catching glimpses of her body you have not had the opportunity to show yours to her.

Do you work out, would she be surprised at what she would see now.

If there was one thing that you could encourage Jen to do to that would make this experience better, what would that be?
I still work out and am in pretty good shape. Jen sees me shirtless all the time. It's my penis that has to stay hidden, not my torso.

The one thing that would definitely make this experience better for me would be physical intimacy.
viking53 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:23 am
Hi Michael

I hope everything is fine for the three of you. Did Jen and Jason do anything special for Spring Break? Is she finishing at College this year or carrying on? What are her plans for the future?
Jen has a year left for her undergrad. I'm pretty sure she'll finish her undergrad on time. I don't know yet if she intends to go straight to grad school.

Spring break went well.

Jen and Jason left a list of chores for me to do while they were away, which I did eagerly. The chores were easy, so I also had plenty of time for myself and to hang out with friends.

Jen kept in touch every day.

Her messages were everything I could have hoped for. Texts about how much fun she was having and all the great sex she was getting. Photos of her, Jason, and their friends hanging out on the beach. Selfies of her and Jason with his arm around her and of the two of them kissing. The best part about these photos was that they were taken in public, where Jen and Jason were openly being a couple. There was even a photo taken from several feet away, of the two of them kissing in the sunset. That was my favorite, because a friend of theirs had taken the photo. The idea that Jen and Jason were with a group of friends, all of whom took for granted that the two of them were a couple, was so appealing to me! It was perfectly normal for the two of them to pose in front of their friends for a romantic sunset photo!

Jen even teased me by texting me, “Are you feeling replaced yet? Ha ha!”

Me: “Pretty much! Lol.”

Jen: “Good! Cause you are! Lolololololol!!! But, for real though! Bwahaha!”

Me: “I know. Lol. The pics and the texts have been amazing! I love seeing the two of you be a 100% open couple in public!”

Jen: “Best spring break ever!"

Since Jen and Jason have been back, it's pretty much been the usual around here. I guess there's not really much to write about since not much new has been happening. Jen and Jason live as a full-time couple and I'm their roommate. I don't think things can really go much further than how they are now. Kind of like we've pushed things to the limit and now we're settled into a routine. I think I get now what Jen meant about needing time in order to truly experience replacing me. I think it's about experiencing the replacement not just as an event, but as a day-to-day routine. Instead of thinking about the process of replacing me or what's going to come next, it's about just living the experience of day-to-day life with another man in my place, knowing Jen is perfectly content to stay with him for as long as possible. It's hot as fuck, but I am starting to second guess things. I'm not so sure that I want my life to be like this for the next year or two or three. Sometimes it feels like Jen and I have broken up and I'm basically single.

Suchen Zucker

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Sat May 04, 2019 4:06 pm

Man, you gotta do something to shake your self up and change the way your life is going.

It's like a person who "enjoys his privacy" agreeing to go to prison and get locked away in solitary confinement... wtf?

If you really love this girl, cut the shit before you loose her, that is if you haven't already.

Why don't YOU take an extended vacation away your prison and that "couple" and have some fun and try to clear your mind. You ARE only a fucking roommate, not part of any couple or marriage - so act like one! Tell her you need complete freedom of action for some well deserved ME time and just get the fuck as far away as you can. Go somewhere totally different than where you "live" and just do whatever YOU want to do. Get out of that hole you have dug yourself and be happy.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SutterKane » Sat May 04, 2019 4:36 pm

excitedcuckold wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 7:05 am
SutterKane wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:47 am
That letter was brutal and the fact that you responded to it the way you did makes me even more worried about your mental health. I think you need a reality check by an outside party. Someone who has your mental health in mind. You may have chronic depression that is driving you into deeper and deeper submission because you don't value yourself anymore (if you ever did). Jen seems to only value you as her financier and enabler to be Jason's full time lover. If she did value you, she would stop and check that you were OK. We don't play to this level of cucking and my wife stops and checks my mental state all the time, and I on her's.
I think the reason that you don't want to say or do anything about pushing a reconnection with Jen, is because in your heart of hearts, you know how she will respond to anything that threatens what she has with Jason. You would rather go off the cliff, than slow your run into the abyss.
What would lose if you saw a mental health pro just to make sure that this isn't you drowning? Search Google for a "kink friendly" therapist near you!
When the members of the OHW cuck forum are telling you "Ah..dude, you might have a problem here" you might well have a problem here!
Best wishes,
I'm guessing you mean well, and you're probably right that there's nothing to lose by seeing a mental health pro. If I feel like I need one in the future, I'll consider it.
I very much mean well for you. I had an online friend that was in a hardcore cuck denial relationship much like yours. I was concerned about how deep he was getting into it and how his personalty seem flat and resigned to what his wife wanted. He assured me that he was fine and that he wanted her to do this to him. He dropped offline with no word or warning. He didn't respond to my messages or emails. About four months later, I got an email from him thanking me for my concern. He told me that he had tried to kill himself (It wasn't his first attempt while married to her). In the hospital he'd been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and placed in the psych ward until they could get his meds right. He said that in the three months that he was there, his wife only saw him four times. He spent a lot of time in therapy while he was there and came to realize that he was in a very abusive relationship. He tried to get his wife into couples therapy, but she refused and left him for her boyfriend (who said he leave his wife for her but didn't). He ended up separating from her. He told me I was about the only one that knew about his cuck relationship that thought there might be a problem with how she was treating him.
I don't know if you're anywhere near where he was, but what I've been reading of your story sent up trip flares for me. I just want you to be safe and mentally well. It's very easy to get too deep into this cuck life and somebody needs to be looking out for your wellbeing. Is anybody in your life that is aware of your cuck life, looking out for you? If not, maybe a mental health pro might not be a bad choice, just as a safety check.
Best wishes,
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by alex7419 » Sun May 05, 2019 1:51 am

hi Michael, I confess that your situation is starting to worry me, it seems clear to me that you have reached the limit, that's why I find it right and proper that you talk about this with Jen. this whole situation is a fantasy that you both wanted to try but it is right that at this point you make the point about the situation, that you check in a serious way if you both still feel at ease in all this. I want to remind you that however real this may be, reality is different, the reality is that you and Jen are husband and wife, the reality is that you got married because you love each other and because you want to spend your life together, building a family , having children. for all these reasons it is right that your wife knows how you feel, you will not necessarily have to stop, maybe you decide that some things will have to be changed so that you can regain a certain serenity. think of this, if there was something that upset Jen, you wouldn't want to know, wouldn't you feel hurt if she didn't tell you?
so stop keeping everything inside and talk to Jen.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sun May 05, 2019 3:54 am

Fully agree with Alex

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Sun May 05, 2019 7:00 am

Hello Michael,

Glad to see you are still here and updating. It appears things have gotten "REAL", in that Jen has gone off the far end of what you both find so exhilarating about having replaced you sexually. But, you have allowed her to go there!

Having said that, you have encouraged her and submissively nurtured the relationship into what it is.

And while I agree with some of the sentiments above, I wonder, what is it that you want or need to make this something that isn't so exclusionary for you, to make you happy? Maybe happy is the wrong word, Maybe fulfilled or enriched are better words.

My thought is , call a TIME OUT, have a serious conversation with both Jenn and Jason, together and maybe a separate one with Jen and Jason. You have needs and desires of your own, and while Jen and Jason fulfill, what appears to be your largest need, that to be cuckolded and sexually replaced. You still have male physical and emotional needs that have to be met and while you may masturbate to the erotic situation of Jen and Jason being together , it still doesn't remove all of your own needs.

I think the idea of you finding an outlet for those desires as mentioned above is a good one, but I don't think you should remove yourself from the life that you are living for an extended period or forever. I believe that if you have other outlets to sooth your emotional needs, you would feel much better about everything. It could also open up avenues of communication with Jen and Jason about how to deal with your needs as well.

It certainly appears that each of their needs are being met nicely.

Having ranted about what I think, I hope you will continue to update us and keep us filled in with your life. All the best to you and Jen and Jason. I hope you can all find a way to make this work.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Mon May 06, 2019 6:24 am

Michael, I have some questions.

This will be Jason & Jen's 2nd summer together, do any of them work during summer break or do they take the summer off together?

If they don't work then that's a lot of alone time. Keep in mind they're in a "honeymoon phase ". Three months is a lot of time to bond together, I'm talking more on the emotional level, but the physical is a huge reenforcer to that.

You alone are the only witness to Summer 2018, and what it was like, but Summer 2019 will be much more intense. Not just for you, but exponentially for them. They've had over a year more to know each other.

I hope you can share your observations & feelings on 2018 compared to 2019.

I know you stated it has become routine, I understand that, the shock value of firsts wears off. But routine for you is a first, don't accept this lightly. One there's their routine or familiarity they have as a couple which you witness every day.

I would find hard to believe you haven't felt a pang of what it was like when Jen & you shared that same familiarity. Compared to what you see with Jen & Jason now, did you ever have that with her on that same level?

These next ones are important. When you were planning on getting married, what was your gut feeling on how she felt about marry you? Keep in mind she was head over heels in love with Brian, she even stated, and I paraphrase, she knew she was going to have to consummate the marriage, but implied that the act was only her wifely duty.

If Brian had not been a true friend TO YOU, he could be married to Jen right now, and you would be out.

As someone said, maybe she's trying to pull your "cuckold angst strings ", and just isn't experienced enough to be aware she's over doing it. My bigger concern is she's not, and nor does she care.

You've given her a wonderful gift, the ability to be married and be single in a college environment. If the scenario was reversed, and she was the roommate for over 2yrs, could she be good with it or would she bail?

Michael, communication is the key in any relationship. 2nd, imo neither of you have the ability to state & maintain boundaries when it counts. Your thread is filled with examples of Jen changing the rules and you through her manipulation or thinking with your small brain agreed. This ability to do this gives her too much power in the relationship.

Last, is what you're getting out of this worth it, up to including the loss of your marriage; and more importantly, the loss of yourself?

Keep in mind, when a drug addict ODs, it most likely it wasn't their intention, they just didn't expect it to happen to them.

If some of the questions, how Jen felt about marrying you, wasn't meant to offend, it's a valid question to the foundation of your marriage. You have a tendency to go long periods without posting. It would help in seeing how you feel about the routine of the 3 of you.

Make sure Jen knows how you feel, no matter how uncomfortable you feel how she will react to it. Keep in mind, if you one day that you want this 3way to end, and she becomes overly angry, that doesn't bode well for the two of you. When I state angry, I'm stating like over the top, she ignores or dismisses what you have to say, or immediately tries to lovebomb you to get you to leave the 3 way alone.

This would be a huge red flag.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by SutterKane » Tue May 07, 2019 9:42 am

Think about getting your Testosterone checked. Get it done by a endocrinologist, not the family Doc. Most MD's don't know shit about endocrinology. The test must be done before 8 am and checked three times over a few days to a few weeks (up to the Doc.). Any Doc that runs the test only once and after 8 am is just wasting your time.
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by wingman » Wed May 08, 2019 1:12 pm

excitedcuckold wrote:
Sat May 04, 2019 7:05 am
Since Jen and Jason have been back, it's pretty much been the usual around here. I guess there's not really much to write about since not much new has been happening. Jen and Jason live as a full-time couple and I'm their roommate. I don't think things can really go much further than how they are now. Kind of like we've pushed things to the limit and now we're settled into a routine. I think I get now what Jen meant about needing time in order to truly experience replacing me. I think it's about experiencing the replacement not just as an event, but as a day-to-day routine. Instead of thinking about the process of replacing me or what's going to come next, it's about just living the experience of day-to-day life with another man in my place, knowing Jen is perfectly content to stay with him for as long as possible. It's hot as fuck, but I am starting to second guess things. I'm not so sure that I want my life to be like this for the next year or two or three. Sometimes it feels like Jen and I have broken up and I'm basically single.
Nothing you guys are doing is "usual", rather "anticipate, excitement, repeat". So please don't hesitate to tell current stories, even if they are the same as ones you've already told. Its all a GREAT read!!!!

One question (if its a dup I missed, apologies).....Have you been in touch with Brian lately? Have you shared your thoughts (I'll classify them more as feelings than concerns) with Brian? If so, what does he say about how far she is taking the whole replacement thing?

As aways, enjoy the ride!!!!! Most good things are fleeting and should be fully appreciated in the moment.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Wed May 08, 2019 2:12 pm

Hi! This is "Jen!"

It's funny the names "Michael" gave us on here! Lol! Glad he didn't use our real names at least!

Wow! You fucking guys tho! For over a year everything's been fine, then Michael starts posting on this forum again and suddenly he's got second thoughts! You know why? Cause ur feeding his insecurities and making him focus on what he's missing instead of what he's got! Wtf guys? Worst possible time too! I have semester finals next week! As if I'm not stressed enough!!!

What Michael needs right now is to take a break from this forum. He also needs to not masturbate so much! He's much happier when he hasn't cum in awhile. So, I got him to agree to lock his penis up. It's been a few days and he's already feeling much better! See! Wives know what's best! Lol!

For the record, I love Michael! He's a great guy. He's always there for me. Takes care of me. He makes me chicken soup when I have a cold. A real sweet guy! I'm just not into fucking him. Sorry not sorry! Lol!

Don't worry about Michael tho. I'll do what it takes to make this work. I'll make sure he gets to watch me and Jason more often. I even have an idea for a trip for the 3 of us this summer! I want us to share a room with 2 beds so Michael can watch Jason and I fuck every night! And also every morning! Lol! It'll be a reward for Michael being such a great cuckold!

If none of the above does the trick and we have to change our roommate agreement a little bit, I can get Jason to go along.

What's not going to happen tho is me having sex with Michael. That won't happen til I'm done with school. Btw, that includes grad school!

Oh, I also read the post about when Michael talked to Jason and told him it's okay if Jason and I stay together for awhile after school. Good to know! Lololololol!!!!

From now on if Michael needs someone to talk to about his feelings, he's got me and Jason. If that's not enuff, he can always call Brian. No offense, but strangers on the internet aren't gonna cut it. Some of you seem like ur okay, but some of you are pieces of shit! Like that guy who said that fucked up stuff about me getting pregnant by Jason!

So that's it! Buh bye! I have exams to study for, a boyfriend to fuck, and a husband to tease!!!!

Suchen Zucker

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Wed May 08, 2019 3:36 pm

excitedcuckold wrote:
Wed May 08, 2019 2:12 pm
Hi! This is "Jen!"

It's funny the names "Michael" gave us on here! Lol! Glad he didn't use our real names at least!

Wow! You fucking guys tho! For over a year everything's been fine, then Michael starts posting on this forum again and suddenly he's got second thoughts! You know why? Cause ur feeding his insecurities and making him focus on what he's missing instead of what he's got! Wtf guys? Worst possible time too! I have semester finals next week! As if I'm not stressed enough!!!

What Michael needs right now is to take a break from this forum. He also needs to not masturbate so much! He's much happier when he hasn't cum in awhile. So, I got him to agree to lock his penis up. It's been a few days and he's already feeling much better! See! Wives know what's best! Lol!

For the record, I love Michael! He's a great guy. He's always there for me. Takes care of me. He makes me chicken soup when I have a cold. A real sweet guy! I'm just not into fucking him. Sorry not sorry! Lol!

Don't worry about Michael tho. I'll do what it takes to make this work. I'll make sure he gets to watch me and Jason more often. I even have an idea for a trip for the 3 of us this summer! I want us to share a room with 2 beds so Michael can watch Jason and I fuck every night! And also every morning! Lol! It'll be a reward for Michael being such a great cuckold!

If none of the above does the trick and we have to change our roommate agreement a little bit, I can get Jason to go along.

What's not going to happen tho is me having sex with Michael. That won't happen til I'm done with school. Btw, that includes grad school!

Oh, I also read the post about when Michael talked to Jason and told him it's okay if Jason and I stay together for awhile after school. Good to know! Lololololol!!!!

From now on if Michael needs someone to talk to about his feelings, he's got me and Jason. If that's not enuff, he can always call Brian. No offense, but strangers on the internet aren't gonna cut it. Some of you seem like ur okay, but some of you are pieces of shit! Like that guy who said that fucked up stuff about me getting pregnant by Jason!

So that's it! Buh bye! I have exams to study for, a boyfriend to fuck, and a husband to tease!!!!
She sounds like a spoiled 12 year old. Which would explain how things have gotten so fucked up. Poor guy.

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