My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:06 pm

Thanks to all for the above comments, and I'll respond sometime around the week's end. On Monday morning, I learned I will be leaving for Atlanta Wednesday afternoon for a presentation to a potential client Thursday. I will be staying through Friday for a background write-up if they sign on, which I’m reasonably sure they will. My wife will return home from her date Wednesday morning and drive me to the airport at 3 p.m. She and her boss will be overnight at his home this time rather than their more usual location of his friend’s condo. Her boss’ wife and kids are staying with their kids’ friends for a couple of days and attending two nights at a jamboree after school on those days.

It isn’t often they fuck at his home, so that may be a reason I’ve noticed her enthusiasm rising since this past weekend. She will come home tonight after work to shower and change while awaiting the phone call that his wife and kids have left the house. On her last visit to her masseur, he shaved her pubic mound. She asked me to shave any soft stubble that has appeared since his treatment.

She says the smooth feeling increases her pleasure when having sex and believes he will be pleased with the look. In the past, she has preferred not shaving her pussy but has on a few occasions, so I had been surprised she wanted it done. Her masseur had suggested it when winding down after they had sex.

Most often, we don’t fuck the day before she is away for overnight stays. I can anticipate a blow job before she leaves. We typically have hot sex when she returns home and tells me the details. She’s typically wound up all over again as she narrates her experiences. She relives it all over again in her mind when telling me and says it’s like extending the excitement an extra day. I’m cumming the strongest when fucking her as she tells me about her sex with other men.

Her boss assigned her only one quick job the following day, paying a goodwill visit to one of the bank’s branches for an hour or so, then taking the day off. He had asked his secretary on Friday to reset his workday calendar for a light day on Wednesday. Although my wife hasn’t said she expected to be fucking most of the night, I’m sure his anticipation they will is his reason for those schedules.

I’m sure I’ll be jerking off at whatever time she phones me with an update tonight. I like her lusty enthusiasm about tonight’s visit and find it thrilling that she’s so wound up.
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by SutterKane » Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:45 am

rascalnvixen wrote:
Fri Apr 12, 2019 11:45 am

I think this song by Joe Tex is appropriate for this situation!!! :) Play this song for her to let her know you want yours just as she promised!!! :lol: Just replace the word DOT with a period.


I didn't think anybody but this old biker remembered Joe Tex!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by yielding william » Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:29 pm

Your wife's stories are the first thing I look for when I come on here. Please let us know all that happens when you get back from Atlanta!

This whole thing is so fucking hot. Like your new avatar. That is funny but is just perfect. You change that around a lot.

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by SutterKane » Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:39 pm

I've been following Des's post on his wife's adventures since hes been here. Never, and I do mean never a dull moment!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Whosbeensleeping » Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:55 pm

As Mr. Afagehi7 said, the lurkers are appreciative too, lol! You guys are amazing!

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:07 pm

samlowen wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2019 2:52 pm
What non lifestyle related activities do you two do together? She swims, shoots, golfs, works out, has her you two have something you share?
MAX CARGO and SAM OWEN have understandable questions. Sitting around my hotel room for awhile, so here's the best I can do.

I’ve ultimately concluded your reasonable comments along with others on the previous page and elsewhere deserve some answers. Others have questioned the nature of our relationship and info about me but I declined to go into detail. When I was a reporter on my high school newspaper, and again hammered upon through grad school, we were told to never inject yourselves into a story unless in the unlikely event we should find ourselves personally involved. That reason for my lack of personal information is essentially ingrained within me and almost certainly of little interest to most.

But I’m in a hotel room in midtown Atlanta tonight with little to do. So although I doubt this will satisfy every viewpoint, I’ll try laying it out at least this one time.

Answering those questions is a lengthy account. Admittedly, neither of us does many things as other couples our ages. Some at our work places and elsewhere have said in various ways we’re more like an “old couple.” My wife jokes with a standard retort to remarks like that, “That’s so we won’t need to change our ways as we age.”

We rarely go to films. The last movie we attended was the last Jurassic Park, and that series is an exception for us. For the most part, the only TV channels we watch are cable news shows. Our car radio stations are typically news talk and occasionally classic rock popular before either of us was born. I’m no fan of country-western music but she’s been a fan since college in Wyoming. We don’t go to rave clubs. We don’t care for the taste of alcohol but drink socially about once a month or less. We go out about once a week to dinner and about every two to four weeks with others. We sometimes rent a paddle boat at the nearby park’s lake and spend a lot of time together at home.

She’s interested in seemingly everything and periodically signing up for adult-education classes on anything that catches her attention. Maybe for that reason, no matter what I talk about, she finds interesting. We read books and listen to audio books. Aside from two of her regular fuckbuddies and their wives, those who consider us as friends haven’t a clue about the more intimate parts of our lives.

In the time I’ve been on OHW, I’ve received many PMs critical of the nature of our marital relationship. I’m reminded of a moment about a year ago when my wife and I were talking in bed. She remarked, “We’re not like other people, are we?”

I said, “Do you want to be?” She laughed and said, “Absolutely not.” She says she thinks our marriage is “perfect.” Nothing in life is perfect but it works for us and is just the way we like it. Obviously, there have been many changes since we opened our marriage to sharing my wife with other men. But what some would call the inter-relational dynamics are much the same.

Disagreements between us are rare. You’re right that in some respects, she and I have differing interests. Each of us has accepted our attitudes as preferable since we were first dating. Our approaches toward love and relationship wouldn’t work for most.

The most troubling concern my wife had during our early years together was the nature of my job. I haven’t mentioned here that my work, particularly the traveling, involves engaging a number of rather accomplished women. No other partner in the firm has a job anything like mine, but that aspect of my work frequently brings about comments of envy by colleagues. Privately, I know none would like anything about what my job entails, whether it’s the travel, making presentations, the intricacies of writing or dealing with those women who for the most part tend to be exceptionally aggressive and demanding. Although my wife is considered a confident woman, the women I encounter have occasionally triggered her insecurities and expressions of implied jealousy. That isn’t her only reason for her concerns about me having sex with other women but it’s more than a small part.

But I consider myself a rather average guy. My personal descriptive term is that I’m a “medium.” I’m not Brad Pitt and I’m not a philanderer but I wouldn’t change a thing about myself, either physically or mentally were that even possible. It took a while for her to fully understand me.

Some here may be surprised to learn we’re active in our church. Neither of us has ever accepted the inspiration for divorce or separation other than in extreme situations along the lines physical or psychological abuse, widely differing financial goals, alcoholism, severe mental problems, or trust issues on the part of a spouse. I get it as to why others split, but that isn’t us. Whatever reasons result in those unhappy circumstances is nowhere to be found in our relationship. For us, it works the way we like it and when a concern comes about, we adjust to correct it.

Neither of us would presume to counsel others to live like us for the reason they’re not us. As boring as I think the sport to be, I agreed take up golf (soon) because it’s become important to her, partly for business reasons. As my wife surmises, we’re admittedly “different” from most.

My wife has a funny term she uses when referring to married people who are not in any of the various forms of open marriage. She calls them the “normal people.” By that standard too, we aren’t “normal.” At work and elsewhere, we associate with the normals, and there are those among them who call us friends. We’re practiced at social skills to get along well with them, but they don’t really know us. We have learned the only people with whom we can be truly honest are cucks, hotwife couples and swingers we encounter on a personal level.

Any we have met those who can relate to those aspects of our lives (but admittedly, my buddy and OHW member RascalVixen chides me and her about her restrictions on me now and then.) Those she calls the “normal people” cannot.

This website has been a valuable education to my wife and me. It was here we realized how many different forms of open marriage there are and the nature of personalities that led others to the various categories of alternative marriage. We knew about hot wives, cuckolds and swingers existed but didn’t then know how many ways each is practiced. When I began posting experiences from our personal journal, a swarm of critical responses taught me that some who we haven’t personally met tend to think our lives should be exactly like theirs. Others have opined that our open marriage must fit in some minority category.

For all those reasons, I can’t disagree with you and others with similar opinions. Your assumptions are valid. She and I are different in ways from many, but we meld together like forged metal. (And I’ll try not to go into this again the next time another inquires. I’m sure my personal remarks can get boring very quickly.)

* * * Tomorrow after work, she has a racquetball date with a woman customer at her bank and on Saturday she will be at the golf course at 8 a.m. A foursome is again set up with three retired guys who had invited her to join them on her last time at the club. The bank where she works pays her club dues. She says the guys evidently enjoyed her company because she laughed at their risqué jokes. She said, “I guess most women might be offended. But oh, if those men only knew.” She will pick me up at the airport Saturday afternoon.

* * * And my presentation on this trip worked out better than any partners anticipated. I suspect the support staff back home isn’t going to be happy with the extra work that will be coming up.
Last edited by Des 31 on Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:26 pm

(Just looked over that lengthy posting (above) earlier tonight. Again, my apologies to any who may not care for that personal info, but some wanted to know.)

Here’s an update from before I left. I had scribbled some notes Wednesday before leaving for Atlanta:

I was home Wednesday getting ready for up to three nights away. My wife drove into our garage at 8:30 a.m. following her overnight romp with her boss. As she was leaving his place, he gave her a brief assignment to make a goodwill visit to one of the bank’s branch offices the following day and suggested she take the rest of Wednesday off to rest up. He had anticipated he also may be a tad fatigued and had asked his secretary on Friday to reschedule today as a light day for him.

She had left home the previous night with an overnight bag and wearing white jeans and a red polo shirt. That morning, she wore her short leather skirt and Native-American-emblazoned tee shirt when she walked in the door. She said her knees had rug burns. I didn’t need to ask which position caused that. The only time that’s happened in the past was a night when in high school before I met her. The husband of the couple for which she occasionally babysat fucked her in his car and her knees scraped against the rear seats. Fortunately, she’s a fast healer. She dropped her overnight bag onto the couch and said, “Wanna fuck? But I can’t do it on my knees.”

We got naked and went to bed. My tongue lathered her clit. She said, “Which story do want me to tell to get you hard?” My first thought was that rug burn story but settled instead on the old babysitter-dad event from before I knew her. My dick swelled as she alternated between sucking my dick and her retelling how it came about. Nothing does that for me like her stories of hot sex. I go longer and stronger and cum harder. I knelt between her thighs. She licked her hand and reached for my cock, guiding it to her opening.

When I entered her cunt, she didn’t seem as involved as I would have hoped. I ignored it and changed the subject by saying, “I feel bad about those rug burns. Why didn’t you encourage your boss to get off the rug and onto the bed?” I realized that was a stupid question when she laughed and said, “Seriously?”

At that, I knew what she meant. My imagination was immediately inflamed as I envisioned them hotly fucking. My blood engorged cock expanded and a lump caught in my throat. I plunged hard into her and whined, “Oh yeah, I can see it now. You wanted his big cock so much. Tell me how good he fucked you.”

My weak, insipid comment abruptly inspired her enthusiasm. Her eyes popped open in excitation. She gasped and her hips rotated. Her cuntal muscles squeezed my pole. She teased me with an ear-to-ear grin, “Say it again. Say you need him fucking me so good. You know I wanted it bad. You need his big manly dick in my cunt, don’t you?” My imagination flared. I whined, “Oh yeah, I want it. Fuck him, fuck him good. I need that strong cock in my wife.”

She bit her lip and squealed as I hammered her pussy. Drops of perspiration ran down my face and pooled onto her breasts. Her voice tremored as she fervently went on, “I was wound up and hot as ever! His dick was driving me wild and he went on and on. He and I were so into it.”

My mind turned to mush. She said, “I was screaming out ‘Yes, yes, yes’ when I was about to climax and realized a burning in my knees. He moaned like he was about to squirt. I went nuts and yelled, ‘oh god, I’m cumming,’ Honey, it was so fucking good and there was no way I wanted him to stop fucking. He big balls slapped my butt and I kept cumming. I was crying like a baby when he gritted his teeth and hollered he was cumming too. He said, ‘My train’s coming to your station now’

His large hands gripped her hips tightly. He howled as his velocity of semen shot through her tunnel. She screamed, “Oh fuck yes! I feel it all! I fucking love it.”

I pumped hard and her heels kicked the mattress. She says her cuntal sensations as his cock stuffs her tunnel are indescribable. He fucks her hard and she loves every stroke. In my heated state, I imagined I could feel his sensations as his staff rocketed through my wife’s hot and grateful cunt. It had to be pretty damned good.

Her eyes were wild as she recalled those moments and she howled, “And then . . . it was like I couldn’t feel a thing except his hot dick. It spurted hard like a gusher. Oh god, I’m cumming now.”

At that moment, I hadn’t been fucking her more than three minutes. Her last cry sent me over the edge. I shuddered amid whimpers and my sperm gushed into her cunt.” Exhausted, I rolled off and lay exhausted alongside her. I said, “I loved that. Thank you.” Her chest rose and fell in gasps. She said, “You’re welcome, Kemo Sabe. It was good for me too.”

She showered, dressed and reminded me she needed to go over to the bank’s branch office for an hour or so. She said she will return home after noon and drive me to the airport. I finished packing.

I phoned her this morning from my room. Even when I’m away, her sexy talk thrills me as much as if we were fucking like rabbits.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:16 pm


It's good to hear your updates!! Still learning more about your relationship with your wife. Yes, I do get on you about how she seems to treat you sometimes but I'm becoming convinced that she loves you as her husband in her own way! I'm glad you had a successful business trip! Someday you need to tell us about these very self assured business women that gives the wife a bit of concern. Another story that would be interesting is how her boss's wife came to know about his playing with your wife and how she is ok with that. That's only when you get a bad case of writer's block!! :) Anyway, have a safe trip home and don't do anything I wouldn't do Friday nite!!!! :lol:

Mad Dog65

Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Mad Dog65 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:59 am

Des, thank you for taking the time to share your story about you and your wife. Each to our own and all that matters is that you and your wife are happy with each other. Life is too short - enjoy the journey and thanks again for letting us peek in.


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by samlowen » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:24 am

Thank you, Des. When I made my comments I had a strong mental image of my grandparents, as I had mentioned, due to their penchant for weekly golf together, afternoon card games, walks around the neighborhood after dinner. Their simplicity in shared activities is something I've always admired and sought for myself and my wife. I had a difficult time picturing you and your wife as "normal" people and always seemed to want to visualize you two more as an older couple, eschewing the buzz and pull of things most couples do today. My grandfather always told me one of the reasons he and my grandmother had such a wonderful relationship was their sex life. He didn't go into much detail, thankfully, as I don't know how I would have responded as an early teen when hearing this, but he did say the the two of them made sure to enjoy each other at minimum every third night for their 50 years of marriage. The frequency stuck with me and I've always thought of this as a marker for my own marriage.

He was a salty old man with plenty of jokes and when I asked him how he envisioned himself going out, he said "Shot by a jealous husband at 90."

Anyhow, thank you for sharing that bit of info.

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by SutterKane » Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:49 pm

Des, you and your wife seem to be unique and that ain't bad. I'm rather unique myself.
I've always found your writing to be honest and open. The only thing that ever concerned me was the distance that you seemed to put yourself from this emotional subject, unlike most of us on this site and in this kink. I was worried that could mean that you were in a dissociative depressive state causing that emotional distance. That is until I found out that you had been a reporter, (a good one, I'd bet) then I understood the where's and why's of your writing style. But in the last couple weeks, it seems you've loosened up a bit from reporter style. I'm enjoying this new Des.
You keep writin', I'll keep readin'!
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by hattersfan » Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:57 am

Des31...loving your work!

How did your wife’s meeting with her boss’s secretary go? I bet there’s a few juicy tidbits that came out of that girly talk. That old bird must know a thing or two...any chance you can find out a bit more about her and let us all know please?


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:43 am

Nice Avatar, Des!!!

Assuming that is your wife, what a great body!!!!! No wonder everyone wants to fuck her!!!! :)


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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:16 pm

hattersfan wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:57 am
Des31...loving your work!

How did your wife’s meeting with her boss’s secretary go? I bet there’s a few juicy tidbits that came out of that girly talk. That old bird must know a thing or two...any chance you can find out a bit more about her and let us all know please?
I also found their conversation to be interesting but didn’t know if it would be of interest here. My wife went into detail over that. I hadn’t made my usual notes over these things, but I recall most of their conversation.

Now that my wife and her boss are in adjoining offices, the secretary is shared between the two, which my wife learned were her decision, not their boss’. Their secretary told him she and my wife were taking a two-hour lunch at the members-only dining club located on the top floor of an office building a block from the bank. It may be difficult to imagine the woman’s stature throughout the institution, but that’s widely considered as something close to that of their boss, the bank’s president. Supervisors who feel uncomfortable talking with her boss instead seek her opinions on various matters. Any employee with common sense would never think of crossing her.

She is an attractive 60 years of age, about 5’6”, with gray hair and a rather slender, imposing demeanor. I have met her on several occasions during the time my wife has been with the bank and can understand the former bank president’s attraction. He and she carried on a 24-year affair up until his retirement. Only my wife and her boss are aware of that.

They sat at a table across from the other at the restaurant and at first talked about work, but soon the conversation turned to their sexual lives. The secretary confided how her affair with the bank's now retired president had begun. She had been a legal secretary 31 years back and a checking and savings customer of this bank. A loan officer who was then a neighbor confided that an exceptional job for a great boss would soon be available. He was just hired away from a competing chain bank and about to be announced as the bank’s new president. She turned in a resume to the HR department and took a written and typing test the same day. After two interviews, she was hired over 20 or so other applicants.

The first few years’ relationship between the two was entirely professional, but she had recognized he was sexually attracted to her. She had the same feelings but resisted the urge. She admitted it to her husband during intimate moments, and he said he could understand that. Then came the day she was told she would accompany him on a two-night trip to meet with executives of a banking chain that wished to incorporate it into their nationwide group. On the second night at the hotel’s lounge, each made known their attraction. They ended up fucking in her room that night and the affair would go on for 24 years until his retirement. The takeover by the other group never came about. Their bank remains independent and the largest bank in our town.

As a married woman, she carried some guilt at the outset and confessed the affair to her husband. To her surprise, he said he understood and said he had actually assumed it would have happened even earlier. The important thing, her husband told her, was that their marriage was solid and that he couldn’t handle a divorce over it. The board and shareholders wouldn’t keep any bank president who was involved in a divorce nor would many of the old-time customers. Our mid-size town is rather conservative in that way. Occasionally, affairs among high profile people become known but those are readily understood. And even today, divorce isn’t well received in the town among local politicians and community leaders.

She asked my wife how her husband would take it if he were to find out she is having sex with their boss. She added, “That almost certainly will never be known to others, but over time spouses will begin to add up inconsistencies and realize something is going on between you and our superior.”

My wife came close to admitting she had my encouragement and approval. She was silent a moment and instead said, “Our marital relationship is a bit complicated. I’ve been thinking about that. I have reasons to think he would willingly accept it.”

The secretary and I have talked at length at bank parties and speak occasionally whenever I drop in the office to see my wife. The woman smiled and said, “From what I’ve determined about your man’s personality, I suspect his traits and attitudes are much like those of my husband. His acceptance of it would be the best outcome. He might even like it.” Both laughed at that and my wife said, “Then our marriage would be as perfect as yours has been.”

She assured my wife that if they follow her “rules” for secrecy, no others would ever know about it. Neither mentioned anything more about the issue other than the secretary’s parting remark as they were leaving the restaurant. She said, “I should admit I get excited thinking about you two together. It reminds me of my younger days. If you feel comfortable, you can talk to me about anything you want about it.” She then smiled and added, “Actually, I would like that.”

My wife has since considered telling her I know about her and their boss fucking and approve of it, but she hasn’t yet decided that’s a good idea. She may do just that and is sure that bit of knowledge would please the woman. She has since twice had dinner out with the secretary. They talk on the phone after work hours and she has visited our home. My wife has told her within the past few days she now considers her to be her best friend.

The secretary beamed and responded with a smile, “I’ve been hoping that someday you would tell me that but didn’t expect it this soon. I feel the same.” My wife hugged her, kissed her on the cheek and said, “I’m thrilled to know that.” They’re having dinner together again on Thursday after work.
Last edited by Des 31 on Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:35 am, edited 3 times in total.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:45 pm

Always interesting to read your updates!!! You live one of the most interesting lives I know of in real life!! I'm glad they are getting along so well. The secretary in that position for as long as she's been there is a GREAT resource to know well. Based on your description of how well they have been getting along, how long do you think it will take for them to fall in to bed together??? Sixty years old may not be the star of the swing clubs but she's not dead and her body type supports the thought that she is still physically active and probably sexually as well!!!! :)

Just a little sumpin to ponder!! :twisted: Make sure your video system is in good working order.


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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:10 pm

Oh my. I fear your secret will be out to your wife's best friend very soon. I think we can probably trust her discretion, given her history, and position.

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:46 am

rascalnvixen wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 5:45 pm
Always interesting to read your updates!!! You live one of the most interesting lives I know of in real life!! I'm glad they are getting along so well. The secretary in that position for as long as she's been there is a GREAT resource to know well. Based on your description of how well they have been getting along, how long do you think it will take for them to fall in to bed together??? Sixty years old may not be the star of the swing clubs but she's not dead and her body type supports the thought that she is still physically active and probably sexually as well!!!! :)

Just a little sumpin to ponder!! :twisted: Make sure your video system is in good working order.

That possibility has occurred to my wife. There's no question that they like each other a lot. When I asked my wife her opinion of the woman, I anticipated her to tell me she agreed with my elevated opinion of her. Instead, her first remark was, "I think she's really hot." I laughed at that and she said, "Did I say something wrong?" I said it sounded as if she had a sexual attraction. She thought about that a moment and said, "Yeah. I think she may also have an attraction for me, but I'm not really certain of that." And after a moment's pause, she added with a grin, "Yet."
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by SutterKane » Wed Apr 24, 2019 5:38 am

¡ǝɟıן ןɐnxǝs pǝɯɹɐɥɔ ɐ pɐǝן oʇ ɯǝǝs ǝɟıʍ ɹnoʎ puɐ noʎ 'sǝp
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Wed Apr 24, 2019 5:47 am

:) Hahaha!!! Leave it to Sutter to come up with something unique!!!! I love it!!!! Very nice Sutter!!! :) I agree with the message as well!!


Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:08 am

¡¡looɔ ¡¡ʇno ʇı pǝɹnƃıɟ ı ¡¡ɹǝʇʇns 'ʞo

Now back to our usual perversions!!! :)

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by 6inches » Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:19 am

This has to be a first on OHW, I can't wait for the update that tells us it happened, and the story behind it.

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Fotodom » Thu Apr 25, 2019 10:52 am

6inches wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:19 am
This has to be a first on OHW, I can't wait for the update that tells us it happened, and the story behind it.
Yeah, Ding! Me too. Wow.

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Des 31
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:49 am

6inches wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:19 am
This has to be a first on OHW, I can't wait for the update that tells us it happened, and the story behind it.
After hearing the conversational interchange when my wife and their secretary had dinner after work Thursday night, I think it's a'coming. Because of the work relationship, that may take some time but I think it's more likely now than before. I'm staying out of it and just listening.

I think tonight though will be interesting. We're going out to dinner with her boss and his wife. Talks between him and my wife at the office this week have changed some ideas my wife and I had about how the evening might go. For that reason, I'm looking forward to that conversation. I'll let you know.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by 6inches » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:10 am

I don't remember seeing if you wife has been with another woman? Would this be a first?

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Des 31
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Re: My Wife's Hotwife History - Will eventually be everything

Unread post by Des 31 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:49 am

6inches wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:10 am
I don't remember seeing if you wife has been with another woman? Would this be a first?
She has a spotty but lengthy history of sex with women. It's been awhile since I wrote here about her high school's bisexual girls club, the FLAGs, in which she was first introduced to sex with other women. Also wrote about her returning to her hometown to visit with her former h.s. swim team members at their annual gathering and the woman who was then the FLAG club's leader. Currently as written herein, she is in an ongoing relationship with a married couple whose wife is bisexual.

I don't think these are all the pages but you can find some of those at this thread on pages 4,6 and 15 if you care to search down the pages. I've crammed years of various experiences in these few pages, so I'm sure it can be a lengthy search for some of her past hookups. I didn't anticipate at the outset of this lifestyle how often her sexual hookups would come about or how short those relationship generally are. It's been a roller coaster and my wife has experienced a lot of dicks and that's been (almost) as thrilling for me as much as it still is for her.

Early this month, she received a phone call from the FLAG club' leader from her high school days. The woman said she and her husband will be visiting a town about an hour from us within a couple of months to recontact a potential client of her husband. She asked if she could have dinner with us when they're in the area. My wife invited them to stay at our home rather than at a hotel, and they accepted. I would guess my wife and she will be together for at least once when they're in town. Her husband knows his wife's background and bisexual interests and approves and the couple now know that I approve as well.
Last edited by Des 31 on Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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