The story of Candy trio

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The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Sat May 07, 2022 6:20 pm

Readers might like to read series one and two to allow them to understand more about this story.
The first in the series: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=64750&p=1252910#p1252910
Candy too: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=65081

Candy trio Chapter 1

It was just over four weeks after the birth of Michelle, Candy’s baby while Michael was checking over the books for the week with Rick when his mobile rang. He was cautious not to answer the call so as to set an example for Rick given that the staff were not supposed to use their mobiles during working hours. It did however distract them from their task so when he ignored it Rick asked him, “Are you going to answer it?”

“We’re not supposed to use mobiles during work hours.”

Risk looked at him with a puzzled expression, “That applies to us not to the general manager. What if it’s Helen?”

Michael smiled then quickly picked it up and pressed the green button, “Michael speaking.”

It was Candy, “Get your arse into gear and get home now. Jilly’s gone into labour. We need to get her into the hospital.”

“Okay, give me ten and I’ll be on my way.” As he put his phone away he said to Rick, “You know what to do here, Rick, don’t you.”

“Yes, but…….. are you saying that you trust me to check the week’s books?”

“I can trust you, can’t I, Rick?”

“Yes, of course, you can. You saved my job. I’d always do the right thing by you.”

“Who told you that I saved your job?”

“Helen told me. She said that I should have been sacked for letting Tod force us to sell his videos under the counter and if you hadn’t spoken on my behalf I’d be unemployed by now.”

“Well, you need to remember the message in that, Rick. Not everybody gets a second go when it comes to such things but I’m glad she didn’t sack you. I need people I can trust.”

“Yes, I know. Helen balled me out over it. I’m glad that you know you can trust me.

“Anyway, mate, it’s the past. The only good thing about something like that is the lesson we learn from it. Put the stress and the event aside and forget about it but don’t forget the lesson. I trust you, Rick. If you hadn’t had that experience I wouldn’t know whether to trust you or not so what happened ended up being a good thing for both of us. You’re a good worker and I have faith in you to do it right. Okay?”

“Okay, I won’t let you down.”

“Yes, I know you won’t. I have to rush or I’ll miss the birth of my child.”


Michael rushed into the house and asked, “Where is she?”

“Same place I was when you asked a month ago.”

“Alright, let’s get to the hospital. Is her bag packed?”

“It’s been packed for two weeks.”

“Come on Jill. Let’s get you to the maternity ward.”

“God, I’m frightened, Michael.”

“Hey, honey. It’ll be okay. The maternity people do this several times a day every day so you’ll be in safe hands.”

“Yes, I know but my pussy is so small and our baby is going to be huge. I saw Candy and what she went through but she is a lot bigger than I am.”

“Look, it’ll be okay. Just remember this is your preparation for Jeff, big dick. You told me you were looking forward to it, remember?”

“If this is what sex does to you I’m never going to have sex again. I’ll get the doctor to sew it up after this.” She chuckled but then went “Ooohh, There’s another contraction. Let’s put the jokes aside and get going.”

“Alright, but I wasn’t joking.”

“Yea, fine, as if Jeff is going to come back after Candy chewed him up and then spat him out.”

Candy cut in, “Bitch. Get her out of here, Michael and make sure she suffers as I did.”

Michael picked her bag up and headed toward the car. Jill followed close behind with Candy behind her. Candy moved past Jill and opened the door for her. Jill went to climb in but Candy stopped her. “You’re not getting away without a kiss, sweetheart.”

Jill got into her seat with Michael behind the wheel. She looked up at Candy and Candy told her, “Jeff and I have spoken and when the time is right he hopes to take you out on a date. I told him that is fine but Michael has to go with you or it’s a no go. He agreed.”

“Thanks, honey, I love you so much. We are lucky, the three of us to have each other.”

“Yes, we are,” Candy and Michael both said together as if it had been rehearsed.

“Ooohhhh,” Jill said as Michael started the car.

Candy stood in the carport and watched them drive away, then went back inside to check on Teddy and Michelle. She had a phone call to make.


Five hours later Jill’s baby girl was born. Michael called Candy the moment she was born while the nurses cleaned up. Once again she was a spitting image of Michael. Jill and the nurse who had also delivered Candy’s baby both recognised how alike she was to Michelle, Candy’s baby. Michael agreed as he held his child and remarked, “How are we ever going to tell them apart?”

“My girl is just a little bit thinner than Michelle,” Jill told him. “It won’t be a problem.”

After Michael passed the baby to the nurse she took the babe away to the crib as a voice said, “She’s a little ripper, Jilly.” Michael turned towards the voice and there stood Jeff.

“Hello, Jeff,” Jill said. “I didn’t expect you to be here.” Michael mumbled quietly to himself so no one could hear, “Neither did I. Wonder what this fucking means?”

“I was waiting outside. Candy called me and told me so I thought I should come in to see you and your baby.”

“I really appreciate you coming in to see me. Why were you waiting outside?”

“When you and Michael left the house Candy told me you had come in to have the baby so I told her to call me when you have given birth and came in to wait for the call in the lobby.”

“But that was five hours ago?”

“Yes, well I grabbed a meal before I came in so I’ve only been here four hours.”

“Have you seen my baby?”

“I didn’t get a good look but I got a glance before she was whisked away.”

“Michael, can you take Jeff up and show him our baby?”

“Yea, I guess,” Michael replied. Not being overly enthused about it all.

“Aw, thank, Michael,” Jeff told him as Michael headed off without saying more. Then after they were out of earshot he told him, “I guess I get another lecture, do I?”

“You’ll get a fish full of fives if you keep going on with shit. Be happy that I’m in a good mood tonight. For the life of me, I can’t understand why Candy would call you.”

Jeff chuckled but said no more leaving Michael’s question unanswered.

The nurse bought Jill’s baby over and offered her to Michael who by now was getting to be an expert at holding babies. Jeff got in close and told Michael, “She is a beauty and has a lot of your features. She looks a lot like Michelle, Candy’s baby.”

“Yes, so everybody says.”

The nurse took the baby back to her crib as the men left. “What is she going to be called,” Jeff asked.

“We haven’t got to that part yet but we had thrown around a few different names. In the end, I want Jill to decide.”

“If I know Jill she will want you to decide.”

Michael gave out a grunt as an answer. Jeff’s statement had surprised Michael. He wondered how he had spent enough time with Jill to know how she would react about such a thing. He knew Jeff was most likely correct so it seemed that they may have been spending much more time together than he realised. The thought concerned him but at the same time, he felt an exciting thrill and realised he was getting an erection at the thought.

They got back to Jill’s bedside and Jill struck up a conversation with Jeff, asking him about what he thought of her baby and so on. Michael missed most of the conversation as he thought about Jeff coming in to the hospital and Candy’s part in it. What was Candy playing at? He quickly came back to the present when he heard Jill say, “Michael!”

“Oh, sorry, honey, I was thinking about a couple of issues at work and lost track of the conversation. What did you say?”

“Jeff said that you expected me to select a name. I was saying we should both do it together.”

“Yes, okay. I just didn’t want to steal away your moment. What were the three names we talked about, now?”

“Michael, you couldn’t have forgotten, surely?”

“No, it was Makayla, Cheryl and Suzi, if I remember rightly.”

“Yes, Jeff just suggested Josey. I like it. It has a good ring to it.”

Michael was shocked. Jill was considering a name put forward by someone outside the family. “Well, we can add it to the list of three if you think it is appropriate. Look, I might leave. The nurses are about to tell us to go anyway.”

“Alright, If you really want to but you’re right they did say that we only had fifteen minutes and visitors must leave except for the father.”

“Well, I had better leave then,” Jeff told her.

She reached her hand out to take his and told him, “Thanks for coming to see me. I appreciate it.” He bent down and for a moment Michael thought that he was going to kiss her on the lips but at the last moment she turned her face toward Michael and Jeff kissed her on the cheek. It seemed obvious to Michael that if he had not been there they may have kissed like lovers. Instantaneously, he felt as if someone had stabbed him in his heart. But then once more the excitement raged through his body displacing the hurt he felt so he pushed himself against the back of the chair to hide his erection.

Jeff stood from where he was sitting, looked over at Michael and said, “Thanks for showing me Jill’s baby,” then turned and walked slowly towards the door. At the door, he turned, smiled at Jill, and then waved before disappearing from sight. Jill had sat up slightly to watch him as she returned his smile and his wave.

“He’s very friendly,” Michael observed.

“Yes, I like him and we have been preparing for what comes in a couple of months’ time.”

“Preparing, I don’t understand.”

“You know, getting to know each other better.”

“Getting to know each other better, I don’t understand?”

“Well, I’m not the type of person who can just decide to have sex with someone so I’m trying to understand him and maybe if possible develop some feelings for him otherwise it will feel like rape to me. I want to make the most of the opportunity and to do that I have to at least like him.”

“I see.”

“My God, Michael, you’re jealous!”

“No, not jealous, just concerned. I love you and I don’t want to lose you.”

“Hey, you’re my one and only but I do want to enjoy this opportunity you have given me, you and Candy, that is.”

“Yes, of course, Candy. She’s encouraging you, isn’t she?”

“Yes, a little bit but she wants you to really enjoy it so she said that I should encourage Jeff so it teases you a little.”

“So what does teasing me involve?”

“I don’t know but it would be nice for us to go out a few times before then,” then she added as an afterthought, “with you, of course.”

“And what exactly does going out entail?”

“That depends on Jeff, I guess.”

“I see, so we are victims of Jeff and Candy now, are we?”

She smiled up at him and reached over to rub her hand across his hard-on. “Candy was not wrong, was she? You’re going to enjoy being teased. Now, what was your question? Oh, yes, that’s right. You asked what does going out entail. It could mean dancing close together, a little hugging, definitely kissing. I might even get to masturbate him if the opportunity presents. I might even get the chance to suck him off if you’ll let me.”

“Oh, God!”

“Here, move closer so I can stroke you as I tell you more. The nurses are busy with the lady from the bed next door as she just went into labour.”

Fifteen minutes later Michael climbed into his car. He lay back in the seat for a long time thinking about the mess he made when she told him that she intended to let him suck her ample milk filled tits as she stroked his huge cock. He couldn’t hold it any longer when she said that. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep for ten minutes before he made his way slowly home to his wife, Candy who had put Jill up to this. He knew she would be in bed nude waiting for him so he knew he needed a little time to recuperate.


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Sat May 07, 2022 9:54 pm

Soooo hot!!!!

...The wheels on the story go round and round... 🎵🎶🎵🎶

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat May 07, 2022 11:13 pm

Hitting the right notes from the off, pitch perfect


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Mon May 09, 2022 11:12 pm

Candy trio Chapter 2

“Candy you fucking little slut what have you put Jilly up to?”

Candy laughed out loud. “Did you enjoy her first attempt at cuckolding you, Michael?”

“What the hell are you doing to her? That’s not her. Don’t you understand?”

“I think you misjudge her. There is a side to her that is going to come out in the next few months that has been hidden from view. She has taken to it like a duck to water. Do you know she has been meeting Jeff for coffee almost every day and he is lapping it up?”

“You’re just using her to keep him off your but, aren’t you?”

“Well, that is part of it but also I want you to have some fun too and she loves it. She has always had to worry about men getting too close to her but this way she doesn’t have to worry because Jeff knows one or two nights in bed and it is over.”

“You don’t understand, do you? We’re going to lose her. She is not a player. She is going to get so involved that she will want to keep him.”

“Have we got you worried, honey?”

“Actually you have because when the time comes to let go she won’t want to and no matter how we handle it she will get hurt. That’s not good, Candy. She’s part of our life and she gets too emotionally involved. It’s not going to end well for anyone.”

“Have faith. She will be okay.”

“But will you, when she doesn’t want to come home?”

“She’ll come home. Now snuggle up to me and tell me about your day.”

“Where are the kids?”

“They are sleeping soundly for the next four or five hours so snuggle up to me and make me feel needed.”

“Jill pulled me off.”

“Bloody bitch, she knew that tonight I wanted to make it our first night after so she did me out of it.”

“Well, maybe I could do something about it. After all, it’s been a while.”

“What, no wanking this week.”

“Nasty bitch!”

They both laughed and then Candy said, “Come here.”

Michael was happy to oblige.


The following afternoon, Michael got away from the shops at three-thirty and made his way to the maternity hospital. He was not surprised to find Jeff’s car packed in the parking lot. He smiled and decided it was time to change the rosters a little so Jeff couldn’t beat him to the hospital. It was his intention anyway but he decided to bring the decision forward. After a little chuckle, he made his way to the wing that Jill was in. He was surprised when Jill was not in her bed.

He approached the nurse who told him that she had taken her boyfriend to the feeding room. He was surprised to hear the nurse call Jeff her boyfriend but left it alone and didn’t correct her, besides, how could he correct her. He quietly made his way to the room where the nurse said she’d be and without knocking entered to find Jill with her breast out feeding the baby with Jeff looking on.

When Michael entered Jeff made a point of looking away from Jill’s breast. It was glaringly obvious that he felt guilty about it. Initially, Michael felt some anger but then realised as he had the night before that it excited him somewhat and he felt his boner rising.

“I had better go now Michael is here,” he told Jill.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she told him before even saying hello to Michael.

“Alright, I’ll be here at the same time.” He bent down as he did the night before and for a moment Michael thought they would kiss but at the last moment she turned her head and once more Jeff kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Still, no one had acknowledged him so as Jeff went to leave Michael told him, “Hold on outside. I need to talk to you.”

“Okay,” he responded. Again there was no greeting.

Michael moved over to Jill. “Give me a minute or two to talk to Jeff and I’ll be back.”

“You’re not angry with him are you?”

“What do you think? I enter the room and no one speaks to me and he jumps up and decides to leave. Anyhow, you think about that for a moment and I’ll talk to Jeff about the shift change taking place.”

Michael went outside and said to Jeff, “I’m organizing a change to the shifts tomorrow. I would like you to work an additional two hours to allow it to take place. That will give you eight hours instead of six hours for the day.”

“Is that because I’m here with Jill?”

“What do you think?”

“I think it probably is.”

“Well, if you think that there is no use me telling you the real reason, is there.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. The shift change had to come because it is unfair to work people at night longer than the people during the day because this way they will have a better chance to sleep.”

“So you are doing it for us?”

“I thought you just told me that I was doing it because you are hanging around my wife.”

“Well, that is what it looked like.”

“Okay,” Michael told him and turned around to walk back inside.

“I’ll see you later than, Michael.”

Michael turned around to face him again and asked, “Isn’t it a little weird when a person doesn’t greet you but then wants to say goodbye?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I should have said hello.”

“I’m wondering why you didn’t say hello. Would you like to explain that to me?”

“I was a bit embarrassed, that’s all.”

“And why would you be a bit embarrassed, Jeff?”

“I was there with your wife while she was feeding your baby.”

“Are you saying you were perving on my wife’s tits and you got caught out? Is that it?”

“I guess.”

“Are you saying you don’t know or are you saying you do know but you are not being honest with me?”

“I don’t follow?”

“You said you guess. You didn’t say yes I’ve been perving on your wife’s tits but then you didn’t say no, but I have trouble admitting it to you. So what is it yes or no?”

“I guess it's yes.”

“Okay, so what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know. Do I have to do anything about it?”

“Well, I talked to Candy and I talked to Jill and both told me that the agreement was that you may spend time with Jill but only if I’m there as well. So how does this fit those criteria? Or is it that I have been kept in the dark about something?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Good so in future, you will make sure that I am present when you visit with Jill?”

“I guess so.”

“Well, there you go again. It sounds as if you’re unsure.”

“Okay, I’ll make sure that you’re there when I visit.”

“Fine. You have a nice night then.”

Michael turned and entered the feeding room. He made a point of not saying goodbye to Jeff. He bent down and kissed Jill on the lips knowing that Jeff would see them through the window. Michael had decided that he was not going to make it easy for the sneaky little upstart. He might get to fuck Jill but he was going to have to work for the right if Michael had a say in it.

Jill looked up at him and asked, “Is everything okay, Michael?”

“Yes, everything is as fine as it could be under the circumstances.”

“What circumstances are they?”

He looked down at her with a frown on his face and told her, “The circumstances where the man who is trying to seduce my partner races to the maternity hospital to beat me here so he can spend time trying to gain an advantage over me with her and then jumps up and decides to tear off in the distance like a scared rabbit when I arrive, the circumstance where my other partner and wife encourages you to take a lover on without first talking to me about it, the circumstance where when referring to our child he uses the words, “Jill’s baby.”

“Jeff left when you arrived because I asked him to.”

“You asked him to. Why?”

“I asked him to leave when you arrived because I want to spend some time with you. You’re the man I love, Michael. If you can’t deal with this thing with Jeff I’ll call it off but I thought it would be good for both of us. It’s not all about me. I watched you while Candy was with Tod and then with Jeff and I saw how turned on you were each time something happened. I wanted to do something similar for you.”

“I guess I should be grateful but I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t tell you that I’m worried about you.”

“I’ll be okay, Michael and thanks for thinking of me first but there is no need to be concerned. I can handle Jeff and I will come home to you after it’s all over.”

Michael looked down at the floor knowing that his concerns were being ignored. He felt she didn’t understand how difficult it was to walk away from someone that breaks down the barriers to the heart as well as supplies unbelievable sex. He also knew that once she had experienced sex with someone like Jeff she would know that he couldn’t compete. He knew that he had lost round one so he told her feebly, “Alright but remember not to leave me out.”

“I can’t promise you will be there a hundred per cent of the time but I’ll do whatever I can.”

Michael nodded and smiled as he said, "Thank you."


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Tue May 10, 2022 12:58 am

mmmm curious talkings..., let's see how this new story evolves... and how situations affects Michael...

Great chapter Goyse!!! 👍👍

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Tue May 10, 2022 1:42 am

Poor Michael. Looks like Candy’s been working on Jill to turn her into as big a liar and deceiver as she is herself. Appears there is no one who is honest with Michael anymore, and no one he can trust.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue May 10, 2022 1:53 am

Michael knows the score and knows the pitfalls, Jill just thinks she does too. Candy knows Michael backwards and is playing the situation to suit all while always putting herself first of course. Jeff seems more snd more just a big dicked arsehole out for himself. I know all might not be what it seems too!

Great writing Goyse.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OZCPL » Wed May 11, 2022 5:30 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 1:53 am
Michael knows the score and knows the pitfalls, Jill just thinks she does too. Candy knows Michael backwards and is playing the situation to suit all while always putting herself first of course. Jeff seems more and more just a big dicked arsehole out for himself. I know all might not be what it seems too!
Great writing Goyse.

Yes Jeff's character is developing and is in a position to cause some big problems. Michael appears to like playing with fire and I am sure that only Candy knows what she ultimately has in mind. Problem with that is Candy knows how to get herself into trouble but cant always get herself out. Just as well Michael enjoys a little cucking. Thanks Goyse


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Fri May 13, 2022 1:44 am

Candy trio Chapter 3

“So what gives,” Michael asked as he lay down beside Candy.

“I had a nice day with just me and the kids. I’ve never been one for sitting around but today I really enjoyed it. It must be the motherly instinct coming out in me.”

“It’s more likely to be the shit-stirring instinct if you ask me. Candy you really have to back off on this Jeff and Jill thing you’re creating. Jill is not like you. She won’t be able to deal with love affairs on the side the way you can.”

“Perhaps you need to explain yourself.”

“Jeff, he was in with Jill while she was breastfeeding our baby. She was there with both tits out and he was sitting beside her with eyes as big as saucers getting an eye full of her naked tits. His cock was pushing his pants out like he was trying to hide the Eifel Tower.”

Candy giggled and told him, “And you loved it, didn’t you?”

“That’s beside the point. It’s just not healthy for Jill to have that happening so soon after the birth of Josey.”

“Josey? Where did that come from? That wasn’t on the list of potential names.”

Michael shook his head, “Take a fucking guess.”

“Oh, no, someone needs to take a good hold of that girl and straighten her out. Flirting can be good fun but making a decision like that can have lifetime implications.”

“Well, it can’t be me because she is treating me like a third wheel on a pushbike. She thought it was funny that I took exception to her using Jeff’s suggestion and not mine. She said I was just jealous.”

“Well, were you?”

“Yes, but that’s something else. It’s just not on! Anyhow that’s what I told her and she just laughed.”

“No wankie pankies for Michael this afternoon then?”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”

“It turned you on then?”

“Not a lot but some.”

“You cuckolds are a weird bunch.”

“We cuckolds, what do you mean we cuckolds. I thought I was a unique individual not just a subspecies of Homo sapiens who gives up all rights to the naming of his children.”

“Michael, you’re getting a hard-on just talking about it. I’ll bet you got so hard when she told you she was calling the baby Josey that it almost hurt. Am I right?”

Michael didn’t answer. He rolled over above her then lifted her head up to kiss her then directed his hard on to her pussy. Inside him, Michael was conflicted about what was happening with Jill and Jeff but despite his concern and how much it hurt him to see another man getting so close to one of the women, he loved so dearly it aroused him sexually like nothing else that had ever happened in his lifetime.

“Oh God, I’m cumming,” he yelled as he squirted his thimble of sperm into his number one wife, Candy. It may have been Candy that he was making love to but it was the thought of Jill and her growing closeness to Jeff that made him cum in just a half dozen strokes.

“Well, that lasted a long time,” Candy remarked feeling disappointed with it all.

“It’s been a long time. I guess the thought of being in the saddle again was too much for me.”

“Yes or maybe it was the teasing that Jill is giving you. I’ll need to talk to that girl to lay off a little so I can get a decent fuck.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m still not fully recovered from having our baby so it’s not important.”

“Come here and lay on my shoulder.”

Candy moved across. They lay there for some time before Michael told her, “I think you have awakened a monster inside your Jilly. It’s as if she is preparing for a sexual marathon.”

“Yes. Did you know that she watched me and Jeff once?”

“No. She hadn’t told me that.”

“She asked me about what it was like so I told her that I could set it up so that she could watch us doing it. So what I told her is to be inside the ensuite at a certain time and I’d bring him in to seduce him. Jeff never ever wasted much time on preparation so I sometimes put a little lube inside me and occasionally you and I would have sex before him to prepare me.”

“You used me for lube?”

“Yes, I did when there was an opportunity.” Michael felt a stirring at the thought. She continued, “Anyway I knew he would not want to waste time. Sex with him always took a long time but there was seldom any foreplay as there is with some men, like you for instance. Jill watched us for over an hour. Later on, she told me that she wanted to try that someday. That is how we got to this point.”

“So it wasn’t you pushing it. It has been Jill all this time.”

“Yep, I have helped but she is the one pushing me to encourage it.”

“I see. You know that wasn’t the only time she watched you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come with me to my office.”

They walked to Michael’s office. He fired up his computer and clicked on an app and there on the screen was a camera view of them from three different angles, above, from behind and from under the desk. Candy’s mouth dropped open. “You have been videoing Jeff and me reading your stories!”

“Yes, Right now the computer is videoing us and storing it all on that hard drive library over there in that black box. The app starts videoing the moment the camera sees movement and it shuts down if there has been no movement for two minutes. ”

“You bastard! You should have told me. You would have heard me telling Jeff how much I loved him.”

“Hey, Candy, you’re standing here with me now and I appreciate that. I knew you loved him and I always knew that but in the end, you’re here with me. That is what is important to me and I hope for you as well. I love you all the more to know that you are capable of loving and satisfying more than one man at any one time.”

“Have you still got the videos?”


“So I can watch myself then. I always wondered what it would look like from other people’s perspective.”

“Well, let’s do it. Come here and sit on my lap.”

“I think I might have to suck him hard first.”

“Yes, well if you insist.”


When Candy left Michael to check on the children Michael quickly typed out a memo to the staff and then attached a new work schedule to it. He then sent out an SMS to everybody to tell them of the change in work hours giving the reason as being that it is better for those working at night to have more time off as it allows them a greater opportunity to sleep. He knew that the staff, in general, would be happy with the change because two of the staff had suggested it.

He realised that there was more happening with Jill than he was aware of and hoped that Candy might let him in on things if he played his card right. In his mind, it was Candy and him against the world at that time in their relationship.

Michael pulled up a search facility on his computer. He typed the words, ‘holiday, Queensland, Gold Coast’ and hit enter. A mass of listings came up. He then typed in ‘best price.’ Again a listing came up but the number of pages had reduced from twenty to five. He then paged through them taking notes on a couple.

Candy returned and asked, “What are you doing?”

“I was looking at prices of holidays to the Gold Coast.”

“What, in Queensland?”

“Yes, I have friends there and I spent some time there in my younger days so I thought I might revisit some of my old haunts as well as give us all a holiday.”

“The kids are far too young for a trip like that.”

“Yes, I know that but all I was doing was checking prices and what you get for your money. I thought that when the kids are old enough to travel we could do the trip and maybe spend a few days or a week in Phuket on the way back. I couldn’t get time away from the shops for at least another nine months anyway.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Yes, and I think that Jill will like it too,”

“I’m sure she will and I’d love it as well. I’ll keep you to that.”

Michael smiled at her and she sat on his lap and then turned a little towards him to kiss him.

“I think he is ready to watch a movie with me as the star.”

“That was a master move to leave your panties off. I can feel your wetness on me. I think you might want to have sex, you naughty girl.”

“Well, don’t just talk about it. Start the movie and let’s do it!”

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OZCPL » Fri May 13, 2022 2:31 am

So Candy knows what is going on between Jill and Jeff. I wonder is Michael being played for a fool. The baby name is a bit f----d up but maybe that is just me or I don't know what it is about yet.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Fri May 13, 2022 3:26 am

Agree with OZCPL, playing up to Michael's kinks is one thing, but you're stuck with a name for life - it shouldn't be something some asshole who was around at the time picked. Michael being a cuck might actually grow to like the thought it wasn't his choice, and only Jill's by proxy as it really wasn't either parents but part of a cuckold game. Michael should think with his big head and not his dick in accepting Jeff's choice, as it's for life not the moment. (Let's not kid ourselves it was Jill's)

Candy's scheming has started up once again...

Candy might well be using Jeff to fuel Michael's fantasies while manipulating the situation to once again spend far more time with Michael, while Jill's otherwise occupied, and then gradually she'll supplant Jill as the primary, or at least more equal, sexual partner in Michaels sex life. I think she's possibly been feeling a little insecure at just how close Michael had got to Jill.

You can see the scenario if Jill can eventually break free of Jeff, that Jill will still be very strongly emotionally attached to Michael, but perhaps not quite so strongly attracted for sex. while Candy will have both Jeff and Michael lusting after her. She plays the magic flute and they all dance to her tune.

Looks like Candy's playing a game where it all benefits herself, nothing changed there then, but leaves Michael and Jill's sexual bond significantly weaker. (Candy cheers). Candy's already carving out the role of Queen of the night for herself in this latest tale of her devious dealings.

Good to see the holiday in Brisbane looks to be all but pencilled in, I wonder who they might meet there? Just googled distance between the gold coast and Brisbane, 40 miles but that's next door in Aussie terms.
Last edited by Chrislydi on Sat May 14, 2022 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Fri May 13, 2022 7:53 pm

HOT chapter!!! News are coming drop by drop 😋 and these fresh drops are quite hot and interesting 😏

What hot creatures are Candy and Jill!!! 😈😈


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Sat May 14, 2022 1:27 am

Candy trio Chapter 4

The staff loved the change in times at the sex shops and a good many told Michael so. The only person who seemed to hate it was Jeff which for some reason made Michael feel much happier and more secure. In his mind, he was no longer the weak cuckold with no say in what was happening. He now felt that he had some control, little as it may be.

Around three o’clock as he was preparing to head for the hospital to pick up Jill to take her and Josey home he received a call from Leslie. “Hello, Michael. I have some issues to address with the shops. Could you join me for dinner so we can work through them?”

“Jill is being released from the maternity ward with our baby this evening. Is it urgent?”

“It is rather. Is there someone else who could take Jill home?”

“Yes, well there is but…… ,“ He thought for a while then told her, “Okay. I’ll see if Jeff can run her home but you need to give me time to talk to Jill first.”

“Alright, I’ll meet you at the restaurant near the docks where we met before in about an hour. Is that okay?”

“Okay. I’ll see you in an hour.”

After calling Candy he called Jeff.

“Hi, Jeff. Would you mind running Jill home this evening? I have a business meeting to attend.”

“No problems at all. I’m already on the way there now.”

“Alright, I’ll call Jill and let her know.”

He called her number. “Jill here.”

“Hello, honey. How was your day?”

“My day was fine. Now you’re due here in fifteen minutes to pick me up so why are you calling?”

“Leslie has called a meeting to discuss some issues. I’ve asked Jeff to run you home.”

“I see. So yesterday you’re calling Jeff out about spending time alone with me and today you’re telling him to run me home.”

“What made you think that I called Jeff out?”

“He called me and said you lectured him about an agreement that you should be present when he is with me.”

“Yes, that is true. Wasn’t that the agreement?”

“Yes, it was but my interpretation of that was for sex. I was not aware that it meant he couldn’t see me socially without you present.”

“He is making intimate approaches to you and I find that exciting but I had hoped not to miss it. I thought we were in this together.”

“We are but it helps for me to have some private moments with Jeff to bond with him. I don’t feel confident that I can achieve that if you are watching us all the time.”

“There will be times like tonight. But there needs to be more times when I’m present for me to get what I desire from this thing we’re doing. I would prefer that your intimate moments were with me present.”

“Jeff is shit scared of you. He told me that he almost called it all off after you spoke to him at the maternity ward. He felt threatened.”

“The man needs to grow some balls.”

“I can tell you, he has balls, big ones.”

“How would you know that?”

“You forget, I saw him with Candy at your computer.”

“No, his balls were not totally visible in those videos.”

“Okay, I admit that I have seen him seduce Candy in her bedroom.”

“Is that all?”

“Well, maybe I had a little feel as well.”

“Yes, when he played with your tits, I imagine?”

“How did you know that?”

“A woman doesn’t just grab hold of a man’s testicles without some encouragement unless the couple have a well-developed relationship so something must have bought it on.”

“Are you angry?”

“No, of course, I’m not. I know it is going to happen and I actually want it to happen so I’m excited but it would have been a lot better for me if I had the option of being present and could watch.”

“Okay so if it happens tonight and you’re not present, what then?”

“I won’t try to stop you from being intimate if that is what you want and need but tell him that you expect that I should be there. Don’t let him think that it is acceptable to go behind my back or he will choose to do it behind my back every time and that is not acceptable and it is definitely not in line with our agreement.”

“Okay. Well, you enjoy your night but don’t let Leslie seduce you because that is what she wants of you.”

“I have no intention of having sex with Leslie.”

“Good but there is one other thing that you should think about.”

“What’s that?”

“Leslie and Jeff have worked a long time together and are very good friends.”

“Are you saying that Leslie is calling me away to give Jeff time alone with you?”

“No, I didn’t say that. I just told you that they are very good friends and have worked together for a long time. I also believe that Leslie owes Jeff for providing her with all the information on her husband, Tod.”

“Did Jeff tell you that?”

“No, he wouldn’t devolve a confidence. He’s reliable, especially so to his friends.”

“So how do you know?”

“You know better than anyone that I am not just a pretty face. I have my ways.”

“You have your ways and you don’t intend to tell me, Is that it?”

“I’d like to tell you but if I did then the person who told me would never trust me again and they would be entitled to mistrust me, wouldn’t they.”

“Yes, that is correct. What that tells me is that you are a person of your word.”

“Thank you, Michael.”

“So as a person of your word, when this is over with Jeff will you be coming home to me and Candy?”

“Aahh, now the question should have been if this is ever over, will I come home to you and Candy, don’t you think?”

Michael shook his head. “I had better go. Just remember, honey. I love you and I doubt that anybody will ever love you more than I do.”

“I know that and I love you just as much but you disappoint me by not trusting me enough that you have to ask that question. Without you, I am nothing.”

“Without you and Candy, my purpose in life doesn’t exist.”

“Just make sure that Leslie doesn’t provide you with a new purpose in life.”

“That is very unlikely.”

“Okay, well don’t worry about Jeff. I have him under control but I do like a little titty play occasionally and he deserves a little bonus for giving me what I want.”

“Just remember that I leave my computer room unlocked.”

Jill giggled. “Well, It could be handy if we need a little privacy. You enjoy your dinner with Leslie but not too much, Right. A little touchy-feely never hurt anybody but no sex, okay, maybe later, perhaps.”

Michael chuckled, “Touchy-feely is out of the question. Even if you didn’t mind I wouldn’t because Candy would not be happy.”

“I think you might misjudge her.”

“Tonight is about work and work only as far as I’m concerned.”

“Good, well, enjoy your dinner.”

“Thanks, and you enjoy your titty playing.”

The answer Michael got was just a giggle and then the phone went dead. He looked at the phone for a while wondering about what he had just learned about Candy, Jeff and Leslie before he got up and wandered out to his car. Was Jeff responsible for spilling the beans on Tod and if he was is this Leslie’s payback to Jeff for what he had done for her? If it was then obviously Jeff was in this for more than a quick nookie or two. Then there was Jill. Was she warning him that both she and Jeff were in this for more than just a quick affair?

He shook his head and started the Audi that Candy had just paid a handsome deposit on for him out of her money. He wondered how he could ever repay her for what she had done for him over the years. Maybe there was room for a new boyfriend when the time was right. He remembered what his friend had told him about a man called Marcus, a Spaniard who was presently working in the tourist industry in Phuket. It wasn’t accidental that Michael had suggested a holiday culminating in a stopover in Phuket.

He smiled as he remembered his friend telling him that Marcus was a womaniser and was reported to have the biggest penis on this side of the planet and was always on the lookout for new women especially if he knew they were married. His friend’s wife had met Marcus while he was in Sydney working and now worked with Marcus’s mother’s company selling wine in Asia. She had recently told her husband that she was three months pregnant after having her affair with Marcus.

His friend had asked him what he should do. Michael told him that if she was his wife he would love her more for being such an affectionate person who knew what she wanted and had the initiative to go out and get it. His friend didn’t seem to appreciate his advice but instead challenged him to let his wife have an affair with Marcus. To Michael, the seed was sown. He couldn’t resist although the timing was not right, well, not yet anyhow.

The Audi roared into life as Michael smiled and headed towards the marina. He pictured in his mind Jeff groping Jill’s tits as she massaged his penis. In his mind, Jill dropped onto her hand and knees and took the head into her mouth as his huge erection jerked as his sperm blew over her face and her hair. Then he pictured in his mind Candy with a penis much bigger than Jeff’s stretching her wide as it pushed its way into her pussy.

“I had better get her onto the pill before we head for the Gold Coast,” he mumbled to himself as he pulled the Audi into the carpark where Leslie stood waiting for him. He immediately knew that everything that Jill suspected was correct. No businesswoman stands around waiting for a man in a car park unless there was something she really wanted and usually that something was an emotional, sexual affair.

He shook his head wondering how difficult his night was going to be managing this woman who was also his boss who obviously had a thing for him and expected more from him than just management of her business interests. But he knew he had the ace card if she become too difficult. He didn't care if she sacked him or not and he intended to play it if he had to.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat May 14, 2022 4:01 am

Great episode Goyse, developing the strands so enticingly left in the previous one. It looks all too predictable that Jill and Jeff's affair might not be so easily contained as Jill seems to think possible. Michael you suspect is fully aware of possibilities, but given his nature might be more supportive of it than anything else. All of which leads us to Candy, who else, and the prospect of seeing the return of Marcus. So with Micheal's two lovers more than occupied, he might be left holding the babies, what's new there then, as Candy might say, having spent so long away from her's in the past. Leslie might provide the only chance for Michael other than watching others, which of course he prefers anyway.

This episode had me searching my brain for just where Thailand is in South East Asia in relation to Australia, but the likely flight durations in hours from Eastern Australia, and more specifically Queensland. So maybe Candy will meet Marcus in Phuket, Thailand and someone else living in or around the Brisbane area in the Gold Coast, (or Marcus again), meanwhile Jeff will no doubt keep Jill company. An added little hint was just slightly dangled, and the question will Oscar and Irene make another appearance, and will a holiday to Europe, and more specifically, Barcelona, be in the upcoming itinerary?
Last edited by Chrislydi on Sat May 14, 2022 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Sat May 14, 2022 9:21 pm

Good chapter, interesting talking... Seems a kind of power controlling... but... is it not life like that? 😜


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Mon May 16, 2022 2:44 am

Candy Trio Chapter 5

“How’s my titty woman,” Jeff asked.

“Jeff, I am not your titty woman so don’t call me that again.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you enjoyed it.”

“I did but you caught me at a weak moment.”

“I see. So it’s not going to happen again then.”

“I didn’t say that but it is not all about you playing with my tits and calling me your titty woman. I’m a person. I enjoy company and sensible discussion. That part of it that you refer to has to be reserved for selected private moments. If you think our relationship is just about you playing with my tits then we are wasting our time.”

“Okay, are you ready to go? Is this your bag?”

“Yes, carry the bag and I’ll go get Josey.”

“My God, you called her what I suggested!”

“Yes, WE did.” She put the emphasis on we.


“Yes, don’t forget that Michael is my husband and he agreed after some discussion, so don’t go getting a big head about it.”

They collected Josey and made their way home. On arrival Candy met them and after putting Josey into her new crib Candy invited Jeff to stay for dinner. Jeff jumped at the idea.

“Okay, I’ll cook dinner. You two get a drink and I’ll call you when dinner is ready. You may as well enjoy yourselves as Michael won’t be home until late because Leslie is buying him dinner after they finish their work.”

Jill got a beer for Jeff and lemonade for herself. Jeff went to sit in the lounge but Jill told him, “No, Come into Michael’s office, it’s more private in there.”

They moved into the office and Jeff sat down on Michael’s chair and told Jill to sit on his lap.

It seems as if you have done this before,” Jill told him.

“Yes, Candy and I have been here a couple of times reading Michael’s stories.”

“Does Michael know?”

“I don’t think so.” Jill smiled with the knowledge that Jeff didn’t know about the cameras.

“Do you want to read one?”

“If you want to.”

Jill ignored his comment but reached over and pushed the start button as she had seen Michael do before. The machine sprung to life. “How do you feel about Candy now,” She asked him?

“I still like her but she gave me the chop and told me that I was too overpowering with my affection towards her.”

“I see. So what did you learn from that?”

Jeff was surprised by the question. He looked at her and saw her serious expression. “I guess I have to take it easy.”

“Yes, take it a little at a time. You do know that what we are doing is not a long term thing don’t you?”

“I guess.”

“I guess, is that all?”

“I mean I understand what is expected. We are getting to know each other so that we may have sex a couple of times before it ends.”

“Yes, that is right. It doesn’t mean that there is oblivion at the end of it but for me, it is an extramarital affair that can only last sexually for a time. I will always be Michael’s wife but that doesn’t mean that we have to hate each other at the end of it. We may even become good friends. I may even be able to help you find a lifetime partner if you’ll let me.”

“I don’t want to ever hate you but I had hoped that our affair might go on for a time.”

“You mean like friends with benefits, type thing?”

“Yes, I could be available to you and Candy if she wanted when you needed me.”

“For sex, you mean?”

“It may be for sex with you or for Candy but for me, it would be emotional as well.”

“I’d need to discuss it with Michael.”

“Leslie has a thing for him.”

Jill was surprised that he threw that in to the discussion. She looked at him wondering what he was up to. “Yes, I know that but Michael will disappoint her.”

“He needn’t. If we can form an arrangement maybe he can do the same with Leslie.”

“You don’t understand. Michael will not cheat on Candy. I don’t believe he will cheat on me either.”

“That’s crazy, Candy cheats on him and he knows it.”

“No, Candy doesn’t cheat and neither do I. It is a mutual arrangement we have. If Michael agrees then it happens. If he doesn’t then it doesn’t. That is why you must stay in good with him or he may end it before it even has a chance to start.”

“I’ll try but he is so overbearing. He wants to dictate.”

“You still don’t understand, do you? He has the right to dictate if things don’t go the way he wants them to so it’s up to you to make sure he is happy and that you don’t try to work against him.”

“Okay, I’ll make sure I look after his interests.”

“Good, now are we going to read this story?”

“What’s it about?”

“It’s about a pregnant woman and her boyfriend. The boyfriend likes to play with her full titties and tries to make her cum through tittie play. Once he succeeds she sucks him off while her husband watches them.”

“Just like us but Michael is not here.”

“Yes, just like us.”

“You must have read it before to know what it’s about.”

“I glanced at it and saw the similarity to our situation.”

“Except Michael misses out, that is.”

“Michael won’t miss out. I’ll tell him about it if he wants to know.”

“He won’t get angry if you tell him, will he?”

“No, he’ll be looked after by either Candy or by me. He won’t miss out so he has no reason to be angry.”

“That’s good.”

“Yes, that is good but I have to warn you of something.”

“What’s that?”

“Michael is a wake up to you using Leslie to keep him away.”

“How do you know I did that?”

“I didn’t know until Michael told me and you just confirmed it”

“Oh shit. I’m in trouble again.”

“Not if you promise me that you won’t do that again.”

“You don’t want to be alone with me?”

“That’s okay, I guess but it is Leslie trying to seduce Michael that worries me so if it happens again I’ll have to call things off with you. You understand that, don’t you?”

“I guess.”

“What did Michael tell you about saying that when you should be giving a yes or no answer.”

“I get it. I won’t do it again.”

“Good, now let’s read our story. You can undo my blouse if you wish.”


Jill laughed out aloud.

“What’s so funny,” Jeff asked her.

“I just noticed that you didn’t say, I guess to that.”

He chuckled at her attempt at humour as he unclipped her bra and took her heavy breasts in his hands. She looked up at him and shocked him when she told him, “Kiss me, Jeff.”

He was happy to oblige. She knew that Michael would almost cum on the spot later from hearing her say that as he watched the video.


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Mon May 16, 2022 3:24 am

mmmmmm like Jill style 😉

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon May 16, 2022 6:43 am

Another splendid episode Goyse, one where Jill has shown she won't be easily led astray

It looks as if Jill's possibly been coached by Candy the arch manipulator. The plan is all made out on paper, what's meant to happen and when it's all meant to end, but Jeff's a very bad boy and once Jill gets a taste that plan might disappear very quickly indeed. Give credit to Jill though she's drawn an admission of guilt and complicity from Jeff over Leslie's opportune meeting with Michael, and will need lust to conquer reason to fall in with Jeff's plans.

It's Candy though whose the master puppeteer pulling all the strings.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Sun May 22, 2022 12:37 am

Candy Trio Chapter 6

“So what is the business we need to discuss so urgently,” Michael asked Leslie after they had taken their seats in the motel room.

“Wow, it’s straight to the point today. Isn’t it?”

Michael looked at his watch. “Jill would be home by now with our baby. Her first day home after being in hospital and I’m not there. That’s not conductive of a healthy relationship.”

“Jeff is there. He can take good care of her for you.”

“Jeff will take good care of her alright but it won’t be for me. Nor will it be for Jill. Jeff only cares about himself.”

“I think you misjudge him. He was instrumental in my getting rid of Tod. Tod was cheating on me and it was Jeff who made me aware of it.”

“Hhmm, well, that is almost enough for me to feel sorry for Tod. That is something I thought I’d never be thinking but now I’m saying it.”

“Why do you hate Jeff so much?”

“I don’t.”

“Then what is it that makes you keep picking on him? You said he only thinks of himself and then you acted as if you didn’t trust him and you suggested that you feel sorry for Tod because of him.”

“I don’t hate Jeff but I don’t trust him because he is not open and honest but sneaks around trying to gain an advantage for himself no matter whom he hurts in the process.”

“I don’t understand. You will have to explain it to me.”

“Okay, First off, let’s talk about Tod. Tod was making movies, deceiving you and the other twenty women who wanted no more than a love affair be it with or without their husband’s permission. Some may not have even wanted love they may have settled just for the sex. Most would not have known that Tod was married. It was never well known that he was married. But, you and I agree that he was a cad, correct.”

“That’s true. He was deceiving me.”

“But what you forget is that he couldn’t do that by himself. It was Jeff who helped him and Jeff did that without reservation for quite a long time. He had the ability at any time to stand up to Tod and tell him, ‘No, if you do this I’ll put a stop to it’. Did he do that? No, he didn’t. Even when he decided to put a stop to it he still didn’t confront Tod.”

“But he came to me.”

“So the first time that Tod did this Jeff came to you, did he?”

“No, he didn’t come to me the first time.”

“Oh, I see, it was the second time.”

“No, it wasn’t the second.”

“Oh, I see it was……… “

Leslie cut in, “I get the message, okay?”

“So exactly how many movies of women did he make for Tod before he went to you?”

“I have no idea,” she snapped back. It became obvious to Michael that she was annoyed possibly because she was embarrassed but he decided to continue anyway. The worst thing that could happen is she could sack him and at that moment he wouldn’t have minded even that outcome.

“Just take a guess. Do you think it was ten or twenty maybe, or could it be fifty or one hundred?”

“There were nineteen women before Candy so if he made five or six movies with each then it was probably closer to one hundred than fifty.”

“Just to clarify, Tod made around twenty movies just with Candy but you assume it was five or six with each woman. But let’s put that aside, shall we. At which point in those one hundred movies of Tod having sex with these women, all of whom were married did Jeff decide he needed to do something about it?”

“I get your point.”

“So it was at or near to a hundred which we all know was probably more like two hundred or more blue movies and suddenly he has a conscience, correct?”

“So what is your point, Michael?”

“The point is that I don’t hate Jeff but I wonder about his intentions. I wonder about his trustworthiness. I wonder if instead of being here with you, should I be there with Jill. I wonder if when you agreed to keep me away so he could be alone with Jill, did you ever sit down and think about these things.”

Leslie looked at him for some time. It was obvious she was lost for words. He realised that she didn’t know that he was aware that she had manipulated with Jeff’s help to get him away from Jill. He waited for her to sack him and was glad that his old boss had called him to come back to work for him at ten percent increase in pay. He waited for her to blow a fuse and abuse him but it didn’t come.

“Well, we had better get going to get some take away food before we go back to your place then to see what they are up to.”

Michael grinned as she burst out laughing from the expression on his face. “That’s an idea I like,” he told her.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go! It looks like I miss out again tonight then.”

“I think you knew that before the night started, didn’t you?”

“Why the fuck is it that the other bitches get the good ones, Michael?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks Leslie. Can I make a suggestion to you?”

“You’ve got my attention.”

“Candy and Jill think that you want to seduce me behind their backs. So why can’t you just try being honest with them? Talk to them one on one or maybe one on two and let them know what it is that you are thinking. Let them get to know you first before you drop a bombshell on them, of course and for God’s sake tell them why you asked me to dinner tonight so they know what Jeff is up to.”

“You think I should talk to them openly?”

“Yes, Leslie. Talk to them. Tell them the truth. You might just be surprised. The worst thing that could happen to you is you might make a couple of friends who trust you and that wouldn’t be too bad would it?”

Leslie smiled, “Come on lover boy. Let’s take you home and have a meal with your family. Then we can spy on the lovers. That is the intention, isn’t it?”

Michael didn’t answer. He just turned and headed towards his car with her following him.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sun May 22, 2022 6:43 am

The story moves on and we see again just how on the ball Michael is, little gets past him, so while others think they're playing him it's usually the reverse that's true. His intelligence regarding others actions and likely motivations is spot on and shows he's a far deeper character than the likes of Jeff and Tod give him credit for. He reminds me a little of Goyse's other fictional hero Oscar, both managers of ongoing businesses but having also to manage more personal matters too. Both are very astute and don't rush in but use the knowledge gained at the best times.

Great stuff Goyse and thank you.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment



Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by OOAA » Sun May 22, 2022 8:13 pm

Great chapter!!! Clever Michael and quite open Leslie!

Let's see what happens when Leslie opens herself to Candy and Jill... 🙃


Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by goyse » Sat May 28, 2022 12:44 am

Candy Trio Chapter 7

They had just finished reading one of Michael’s stories. Jeff had been stroking her leg and moved his hand further up towards her crotch. “That is not on, Jeff. I have just had a baby so you are not getting into my panties.”

“But I’m so horny. I feel my testicles will burst if they are not given relief.”

Jill giggled, “Are you saying you have blue balls? I’ve heard of that but have never ever met anybody who has suffered from them.”

“I don’t know much about blue balls but what I am experiencing is called epididymal hypertension caused by being sexually excited for too long without relief. It’ll continue until I have some type of relief.”

“Epi fucking what?”

“Epididymal hypertension is where the testicles get pumped up with blood and remain so until a man gets some type of sexual relief.”

“My God, you’re talking about blue balls. Where did you get that epi name for it?”

“I was going to be a doctor. I started studying but couldn’t stick it out so I took up photography. That’s when I met Tod and Leslie and I’ve worked for them ever since.”

“So how do we fix your blue balls?”

“I need relief.”

Jill slid off his lap and turned to drop to her knees. She reached toward him and undid his fly to take out his erection but she couldn’t get it free from his pants. It was too big.

“Help me,” she told him.

Jeff stood and undid his belt to drop his pants to the floor then sat down again. Jill took the weapon into her hand and smiled, “Finally I get to touch it and it’s even bigger and harder than I ever imagined.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I do like it, very much. It feels like it has roller bearings below the skin, it’s so slippery,” she told him as she slid her hand upwards and then back down again as he pushed his thighs forward from the feel of it.

“Keep doing that,” he told her, “That feels great but slide up a little further to the back of its head. You can use two hands if you like.”

“Like this,” she asked? She was amazed that with both hands on his rod she only covered no more than half its length and her hand only went about three-quarters of the way around it. She realised then that when she had watched him with Candy almost half of him was inside her when he pulled back. She wondered if she would be able to handle him when the time came.

“Yes, oh God, yes, just like that. It feels so great.”

She worked on him quietly for some time and was feeling highly aroused. The only sound was his heavy breathing. “Feel my tits. Be gentle though they are full of milk for Josey. She is due to feed shortly.”

He reached down and took a breast in each hand. “Yes, I can feel it inside them and they are leaking. Oh, God, Jill I love being with you.”

“The word is like, Jeff. Love is a totally different thing.”

“I guess.”

She shook her head but let it pass this time. The massage of her breasts felt too good for her to interrupt. How she wished that she could have allowed him to finger her as he had tried to. Besides she liked the feel of her hand on his erection. She told him, “Tell me when you’re ready to squirt.”

“Okay,” he replied in a panting way. “I’m getting close.”

There was a short delay and then, “Be careful with my tits. Don’t bruise them.”

“Okay. I’m getting real close. I’ll cum soon.”

She pulled back from him and dropped back down to her knees. As she did so she spotted Michael with a good looking woman standing behind him just inside the door watching. She smiled at Michael before placing her mouth over the top of Jeff’s cock just as he ejaculated.

Jill was shocked by how much sperm shot into her mouth. She had planned to swallow as she had done previously for Michael but there was no way that was going to happen with Jeff. His sperm filled her mouth and before she could swallow he ejaculated again. There was nowhere for it to go so it squirted out each side of her mouth. The pressure of it forced some down her throat leaving her no option but to swallow or cough it back up. She chose to swallow.

After the fourth throb of his penis, she couldn’t take any more and pulled away for him meaning the next squirt hit her in the face. She lowered her face in defence and the next hit her on the forehead and in her hair. She then decided that perhaps it was better to take it into her mouth again so opened wide to place her mouth over its head but the next squirt beat her to it and shot into her mouth and poured out with the other sperm that was already in her mouth. She simply gave up and kept her open mouth over the tip so the remaining blasts hit the back of her throat and then poured out onto the floor.

Michael felt like racing in to pull her away. This was the mother of his daughter. He felt she was being humiliated and should not be degraded in this manner but before he could move an arm went around him and another went into the top of his trousers to rub the head of his hard-on. Michael was so close to cumming that he almost soiled his trousers.

His orgasm now over and all his pain now relieved Jeff put his hands on either side of Jill’s head and lifted her up towards him then pulled her face in to him to kiss her. The kiss was short, passionate and rather sloppy from his sperm. He then started licking his sperm from her face in between kisses.

Michael felt his belt being undone. He guessed what was going to happen but he was too far gone to stop it. Leslie turned him towards her and took his cock into her mouth. It didn’t take long. Michael felt the heat of her mouth on his erection and it was all over. She didn’t spill a drop. With his sexual desire sedated he now felt shame. He felt shame to have allowed this to happen without Candy or Jill’s permission. He felt shame for allowing Jill to be humiliated in the way she had been. He felt shame to be indebted sexually to Leslie, something that he didn’t want to happen.

Leslie looked up at him and smiled. Michael forced a smile but he felt like screaming out, ‘you shouldn’t have done that.’ He turned his head and saw Jill looking at him. He didn’t know what to do. Was she angry with him? But then a pleasant smile went across her face. He felt relieved. She wasn’t angry with him.

He looked back at Leslie as a voice said, “Dinner is served. Put it away Jeff. Put yours away too, Michael. Let’s eat. Jilly baby, go wash your face. You’re covered in cum. You can’t come to dinner like that.” She turned to walk away but then said, “Excuse the pun.” She gave a little stupid sounding giggle, then left.

Leslie stood and asked, “What do we do now. She must be pissed with me.”

“Well, one way to find out,” Michael told her while putting his hand on her back he urged her to head out the door.” He turned as Leslie left and said to Jill, “You better get cleaned up, honey.” Then looked at Jeff and told him. “Jill will get you some clean pants from my wardrobe. You can’t come to dinner with all that shit all over you.”

He then left behind Leslie. As he entered the kitchen he put his arm around Candy and said, “Sorry, honey. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

She looked up at him and asked, “Who’s your friend?”

“I’m sorry. This is Leslie.”

Candy looked across at her and said, “Take a seat and we’ll eat. The other two won’t be here in a hurry, I expect.”

Leslie looked back at her and told her, “I’m sorry about that but I’ve had no man for a long time and you know………, it’s difficult.”

Candy matched her stare, “Well if that’s the worst thing you do then I guess I can’t complain.” But she felt a flush of anger so she continued. “After all, I fucked your husband several times a day for months and I might even be still doing it if you hadn’t fucked him off. I suppose I should say sorry to you but actually, I’m not sorry because I enjoyed it too much.”

Leslie smiled, “I guess, given the circumstances, I deserved that.” Candy didn’t smile back so Leslie added, “Your husband’s sperm tastes good. What do you feed him?”

“I feed him normal food. It’s licking all the cum from my pussy that makes his sperm taste so good.”

Leslie felt like hitting her with a left hook but she restrained herself. She stood up. “I should go, I guess. I’m sorry about what I did Candy. Right now if I could undo it, I would.”

Candy looked her up and down before she said, “Do you really want me to get angry?”

“No,” Leslie replied.

“Then sit down and fucking shut up while I simmer down a little and then we can talk, okay?”

Leslie sat down, “Okay,” she said.

“And you,” Candy pointed across the table at Michael who looked up at her, “Go sit beside her. Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy her sucking your cock because I saw the whole thing. The least you can do is sit beside her and support her against your pissed off wife.” Michael want to open his mouth to say he was sorry but she beat him to it, “And don’t you dare say you’re sorry again because I saw it all and you enjoyed it too much to be sorry.”

Michael smiled across at her and told her, “You’re right I fucking did enjoy it but now I’m indebted to her so after dinner either you lick her pussy to an orgasm or I’ll have to do it for her.”

Candy simply looked straight at him for some time before she burst out laughing, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“I’ve never been so serious about anything in my life.”

“And you would do it?”

“I would if you don’t but I’d prefer that we both did it together. I’ve never gone behind your back, Candy but I got caught out too sexually excited to know what I was doing. What Leslie did was something very special and you and I need to repay her for that. We can’t send her home frustrated.”

“Okay, let’s eat and then we’ll see what happens.”

Leslie piped up, “We bought some food home for us all.”

“Well, it looks as if we will have food for breakfast tomorrow then.”

Leslie smiled. In her mind, she had visions of grabbing her husband’s lover by the ears and pulling her face down into her crotch and yelling at her, “Eat that you fucking husband stealing bitch.” She looked at Candy as she thought it and Candy smiled sweetly at her. It almost took Leslie’s breath away. Maybe if she played her cards right it might be Candy licking her husband’s sperm from her pussy tonight. She certainly hoped so. To her, that would feel like pleasant revenge.

Her hand sneaked out to find Michael’s leg as he sat down beside her. She rubbed her hand up along it towards his crotch. Michael didn’t react. It was as if he didn’t even feel a thing. Michael couldn’t let on as he felt that if Candy had the slightest hint of what was happening she would rip them both into little pieces and he felt that she would be justified in doing so.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat May 28, 2022 2:28 am

Super jealous Candy is always ready to apply her hugely hypocritical moral code if ever Michael transgresses, she might make out it's all in good humour but she's always been of the opinion that there's one rule for her and another entirely for Michael. The problem is Michael is still infatuated with her despite her many million faults. Tbh Michael did originally push her into it to satisfy his own desires and is a fully signed up participant to the deal, it's just Candy has taken that to excess, meaning she does as she likes without reference to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

We really need our reader from Wellington to act as judge and jury when we decide what's to be done with Jeff. I'm sure if and when he reads this he'll be adding a few more to the bottom of the long and lengthy charge sheet of Jeff's most notable crimes, he's a one man crime wave and a complete asshole, he needs committing (to Jail preferably). Jill would have been better armed with a huge pair of scissors when Jeff revealed his blue balls, but then she would have spoiled our spectators favourite sport. We need our man from Wellington to return and properly put the boot in. Where are you Judge Asterisk you're wanted here in this thread's courtroom!!!

Seriously though Goyse, a thoroughly enjoyable chapter and Leslie looks well on her way to getting her feet under the table. She'll make an excellent addition to the menage a trois or rather menage a cinq 😀.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat May 28, 2022 11:41 am

Candy. Pot. Kettle. Black. Talk about projection. “fucking husband stealing bitch”

As for Jeff. Borrowing Michael’s pants will provide him with the first pair of real man’s pants the sleazy worm has ever owned. Forget his blue balls, Michael should black ball him.

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Re: The story of Candy trio

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat May 28, 2022 12:09 pm

He's back, we're saved, Hurrah for Lord Chief Justice Asterisk of the High Court of Candyland. Get those Wellingtons properly waxed and that old sock filled with plenty of stones, we're going to need plenty.

Jeff should receive the order of the boot before being clubbed to death with the old sock - Hurrah for the Judge, good old Asterisk has heard our call.

My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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