Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 9:07 pm

Great story. More please 😘

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by wmfoget » Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:17 am

Well done. You are an epic writer.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:41 am

After recent updates to The girl is Trouble (excellent) and Pandora's Box (yet to read), I'm hoping this is the next in line. Tbh I think if anything this for me is even better than TGIT, although all are outstanding.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:19 am

I'm already working on a quick follow-up to Pandora's Box, but Wife Needs More is definitely next after that.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by Irish_sc » Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:15 pm

Any update on this?

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:48 am

If you have missed my other updates, I've been trying to hone in on a new story to release as my first ebook which has been quite a distraction. Released new Pandora's Box a bit ago and I do have the start of new chapter for Wife Needs More. I'll try to get it done soon.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by klaxxontna » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:31 am

Great news, DarrenZ! This is my favourite of your current set.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:27 am

Chapter 14

The next morning I quietly came out of the room, allowing Julia to sleep in a bit. I needed to get some clothes out of Maggie and my room but the door was closed. I was about to knock, but then I realized I was being silly. It was my room. I went inside boldly although I did try not to make a lot of noise doing so.

There she was. My Maggie. Naked and draped across an equally nude Stan. The beauty of my wife struck me at that moment. Her soft, pale skin contrasted against Stan's wrinkled hairy chest. Even soft, his cock lay obscenely across his thigh. Even with him asleep, it intimidated me.

I reflected on the situation, my wife taken by this much older man with a superior cock. Their wide age gap made the whole salacious thing even more taboo. And I got hard.

The way they were acting, her total submission to him… it was all too much, and yet, I found enjoyment in it.

I was well and truly cucked.


I struggled all day to concentrate at work. It was Friday and we still had several days with Stan. He came into work a little later than me (Maggie apparently drove him in). He was good about acting like nothing was going on while other folks were around, but once or twice I noticed him giving me a look. A shit-eating grin that said "I'm fucking your wife and she loves it."

And she did. I honestly couldn’t get over how much she loved it. It wasn't the first time during the week I contemplated if all of this was a mistake. It was nice to be with Julia the previous night, but Maggie and Stan fucking hung over even that experience like an oppressive shadow. I never thought I'd ever be with Julia in that way, but my enjoyment was tempered by the seeming loss of something in my relationship with Maggie. And, if anything, Maggie allowing me to be with Julia seemed dangerous. Stan would go away at the end of the week. Maybe visit every now and then. Julia would always be around and was known to have feelings for me. Dis make want me out of the way?

Somehow the end of the day arrived and my stomach felt like a volcano. I even downed a handful of antacids to get through the afternoon.

I took Stan home with me and we kept our talk to work and idle chit chat. I believe he could tell there'd been a change in my spirit and didn't want to needlessly poke at me.

Maggie welcomed me with a big sweet kiss and hug that almost completely erased my inner turmoil. And then she turned to Stan and gave him an over-the-top deeply passionate kiss, all while our front door was still wide open. Her mouth was practically fucking his out in the open. Any neighbor passing by or glancing our way would have seen them.

I moved to close the door and they just barely moved out of the way, Stan dumping his briefcase on the floor of our foyer.

When they finally broke, it was him that she addressed. "I fucking missed you today. I've thought about hardly anything else. Look! Feel how wet I already am."

She took his hand and pressed it up against her panties under her short skirt.

"Your pussy is learning that it needs to be that wet to handle me," Stan ludicrously said.

It was such a cocky and stupid thing to say, yet I both suspected it might be true and hated myself for how much it lit a flame within me.

"You know it, daddy."

“Tell me why you like calling me ‘daddy ’. Is it just because I’m older?” Stan asked her.

“No. Not exactly. You know how they say most girls want a guy like their dad? How our first crush is often our father? That was true for my dad. It's not like I wanted to sleep with him… But I wanted someone like him. At first. When I met Harry, he showed me all the good qualities of a man that my father was lacking. It's why I adore him. But he's nothing like the kind of guy I thought I'd end up with. The kind of guy I… grew up wanting to be with. You're much more the masculine type I thought I wanted. And sexually, you're much more the kind of guy that I lust after. So I call you daddy because it would just seem weird to call you 'baby' or 'honey'. Not with the kind of equipment you're working with. And yes, I do kind of like how much older you are. It makes it seem dirtier."

"That's kind of what I figured it to be. I get our Harry is good to you and takes care of you, but you'll probably always need someone like me to get your juices flowing."

She looked at me with a hint of pity in her eyes and then looked back at him. "You're not wrong."

She blushed with arousal while admitting it.

"So you see, Harry, you never really stood a chance. Maggie needs what I got and you don't. Come over here. Pull your little dick out."

I was feeling humiliated at being ordered around by Stan and had a fraction of resistance to his order, but then Maggie spoke up. "Do it, honey. I want to see."

Her request made the order go down easier, like a spoonful of sugar with the medicine of humiliation. I did as Stan said and came over to them and pulled my penis out. It was partially erect and getting bigger. The humiliation had that dual effect of aching my heart and hardening my dick. My jealousy and arousal are intertwined.

"Pull my cock out too, Maggie," Stan told her. He was in total control and he wasn't mincing words. "Look at them together."

And she did. Maggie unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his pants, and pulled his thick piece out of his underwear. Every time I saw it, I marveled at its heft. I couldn't imagine what it was like to have something that significant hanging between my legs. And he wasn't even a quarter of the way hard at that point.

Maggie handled both of us then, one in each hand. We both stepped out of our pants awkwardly as she held us. Stan took off his shirt and nodded at me to do the same. We were then both standing naked before my scantily clothed wife as she held each of us.

"It's insane, the difference between you," she said as she looked up at Stan with awe in her eyes. "It's like you two are different species."

She was saying that he was a man and I was… something else. Again, the hurt resonated but the arousal softened the blow.

"Is it any wonder why sex with me is so much better, Maggie?" he asked her with a soft tone. He didn't need to be forceful at this moment. His big cock was doing the heavy lifting in the conversation.

Maggie looked me in the eyes when she said, "There is certainly no mystery here. I love Stan's cock and what it does to me."

I nodded, unable to say anything else.

She turned to Stan. “It’s not just that I like fucking you and this big cock. It’s that I love fucking you knowing that I’m not supposed to. I love knowing I’m cuckolding Harry. I love that he adores me enough to let you sleep with me, taking control of my… of my pussy.”

“Say that last part again.”

“You own my pussy, Stan.”

“Did you hear that, Harry? I own your wife’s pussy. It’s mine.”

I just stared down at Maggie as she continued holding our cocks, comparing their lengths and girths silently. It was hard for me to deny how he was able to own her so fully. I loved that she was happy and getting pleasures I couldn't give her. I was turned on by her sluttiness and complete submission to Stan. But I was completely obsessed with his domination of her. She was an intelligent, independent modern woman in life. But in our bedroom, on her knees before a cock like Stan's, she was a slave to her own needs.

“I heard her, Stan.”

“You love it though, don’t you? Your beautiful wife letting me own her pussy. It turns you on.”

I nodded. What else could I do? He was correct.

“Harry, tell your wife you want her to only have my cock.”

I was aroused hearing him say the words and thinking about the implication of what he was saying. He was only going to be here a few more days. I could let her be his for that time.

“I do, Stan. She deserves your cock, not mine,” I replied

“Your what?”

I was getting annoyed but whatever game he was playing. “My cock, Stan.”

“Come on, Harry. Let’s all be honest here."

I was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, that’s not much of a ‘cock’ now is it?” Stan chuckled.

Maggie stared at me with wide eyes, waiting for my response.

“No, Stan.”

“Maggie, you can let go of your husband’s little boy dicky. Come get what you really want, what you really need.”

Maggie walked over to him with such lust in her eyes. She was loving being dominated by Stan and even seemed to be enjoying his humiliation of me.

"I'm so ready to get fucked by you again, Stan."

He put his hand through her hair and grasped the back of her head as he pulled her in for a deep kiss. She went up on her toes to reach his mouth better.

And it was at that moment that the ache, the gnawing at the pit of my stomach went from an arousal trigger to just deep dread. What had I done?

I thought about what Julia had said the night before. I got off seeing Maggie fucked by Stan, I couldn't deny that. But I was worried about what this was doing to us.


The voice that came out of my mouth didn't sound like my own voice. Maggie whipped her head around to me, eyes wide but Stan was actively trying to pull her back into a kiss with him.


He let go of her but looked angry at me. "What the fuck, Harry?"

"It's too much, Stan. Back off and let us regroup, all right?" I said, trying hard to be reasonable.

"No. Fuck you, dude. Look at how hard she's got me. Either she's going to do something about it or you are."

Stan's threat was clear. While I wasn't a wimp I certainly hadn't been in a fight since grade school. That said, even standing there with my dick out, I wasn't going to back down.

"Stan, you're a FUCKING guest in this house. Now, act like it." I delivered that statement in a lot more control than I felt inside.

However it happened, I got through to him and he just let out a deep breath, deflated from his certitude.

"Pfft, whatever. Maggie, I'll be in the bedroom when you are ready."

He turned and left toward Maggie and my bedroom. I didn't stop him.

I turned to Maggie who had a look I was struggling to read.

In a soft tone, almost a whisper, she said, "Babe, what's going on?"

I paused for a second, choosing my words carefully. "Maggie, it's just… too much. I have loved seeing this side of you, the 'insatiable size queen', or whatever, but I'm done with the over the top humiliation. It's one thing for us all to admit that he, largely due to his oversized schlong, is the better lover, giving you what you need. But all the blatant put downs. Making fun of my dick. I don't know… it's a little different when it was you and I and it was playful. I mean, fuck, I'm not even sleeping in my own bed anymore? What the hell is that? It seemed hot at first but, like, it feels as if he's wanting to permanently replace me."

Maggie stared at me with big, wide eyes. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Harry. You're right. We… we got worked up and took it too far. Oh, babe… I never wanted you to feel like this."

I took a deep breath. "Thank you, Mags. It helps so much to hear you say that."

"Harry, look at me," she said and I did as she commanded. "I love you. Truly, deeply, madly. No one will ever replace you in my heart. No one."

I smiled back at her. It was like my Maggie charge was depleted and hearing her say these words and knowing she meant them was like a fast charge to full.

"But," she said, still smiling at me, "you've unlocked something by bringing Stan into our lives, into my bed. And I'm not ready to stop."

Maggie still wanted Stan to fuck her. She was telling me, not asking me. And I was hard as a rock.

She giggled as she took my hard dick in her hand and leaned in next to my ear. "I know your confidence might be a little shaken, but be honest with yourself. You like me being taken by him. It turns you on. You know he gives me something you can't and you love me enough that you can take a little… humiliation to let me have that. His big cock. Much bigger than yours."

I realized I wasn't breathing as she stroked my dick, taking me to the very edge.

"You got off hearing the stories from my past and there's more I haven't told you yet. I let you play with Julia. I know she appeals to you too. But you'll always be mine. My sweet, little cuck."

I came in a strong burst. I was never one of those powerful spurters, but she coaxed it out of me with her words and her tight grip. I had the most powerful orgasm I had ever had in my life. My knees practically gave out.

And then she did something I still can't believe. She took her hand, covered in a significant amount of my semen, and brought it to my mouth.

I looked her in the eyes like she was crazy.

"Clean me, Harry. Do it."

And I did. I tentatively stretched my tongue out and licked my own spunk from Maggie's hand. She stared at me in the eyes as I did. In that moment, a new dynamic between us was born. I knew it, she knew it. And she said it out loud.

"You're my bitch now, Harry. I'll always love you because you'll do anything for me. Anything. Won't you?"

I had finished licking up my cum and I sheepishly answered her. "Yes, Maggie."

"I love you, Harry. If you can hang on for the ride, I promise I'll take care of you."


We went into the bedroom and Stan was laying back on the bed. His cocky demeanor grated on me, especially because I knew he could back it up and he had my wife all wrapped up.

"Harry get over his pouting?"

I bristled but Maggie put a hand on my to calm me down. "Stan. Enough. If you can't appreciate how much courage it takes for Harry to allow me to be with you, this might not work for us."

Stan's eyebrows raised for a second but then he nodded and looked somewhat contrite. "Alright, fair enough. Sorry, Harry. She's right. I sure as hell couldn't share her with any other guy."

"That's better," Maggie said as she guided me to the chair we had added to our bedroom. My cuck chair.

She gave me a gentle kiss and then turned back to her lover.

Stan grinned as she sauntered over to him. He was going to still get his little treat.

Maggie crawled onto our bed. "Oh no. It looks like you’ve gone soft. What do I need to do to get my favorite toy hard again, daddy?"

She caressed Stan's cock that even soft was still significantly larger than I was hard. She brought it up to her lips and kissed the head of it in the same soft manner she kissed my lips less than a minute earlier.

"Oh, I think that's a step in the right direction. Your favorite toy, eh?" Stan asked. I could tell he was getting his ego boosted by her words.

"Oh, fuck, Stan. Yes it is. I would do nearly anything for this cock and you know it. Harry knows it too. What a sweet husband he is for inviting you here to entertain me. To give me this wonderful gift."

She sucked down the length of his shaft in one deep swallow.

"Ooohh, yes, Maggie," Stan moaned.

Pulling off of it and taking a breath she glance back at me. Her look was everything to me. She loved his cock, but she loved me more and appreciated the sacrifice I was making for her pleasure.

She turned back to Stan, his engorging penis up against her cheek. "I'm a slut for your cock, Stan."

"Oh, I know you are, baby. I know you are."

Her words and ministrations on his member were bringing it fully back to life. I had to admit, it was a fairly amazing cock that he had. Caught up in the moment, I contemplated that maybe he lost so much blood from his head when he was hard that maybe it decreased his good sense. I realized I was trying to rationalize his poor treatment of me.

The truth was he was just superior to me in many ways. He was giving Maggie something she badly needed, something I never could.

As I shook myself from my thoughts, I looked over to see Maggie preparing to mount Stan's now fully hard cock. She glanced over her should at me as she began to penetrate herself with his staff. He might have owned her pussy with that big cock, but Maggie showed that she owned me with just a look. I loved her and somehow, in that moment where she was sliding down on Stan's tool, I felt like I could never love another woman as much as I loved her.

It hurt in many ways that I couldn't give her what Stan could myself, but being able to let her have it regardless of the source was almost as good. She called me courageous.

I wasn't the first man to witness his wife fuck another man. I wasn't even the first one to allow it willingly. It might somehow be part of the human condition that makes this happen again and again, throughout history. Women drawn to physically superior mates. Men who accept this inevitability.

With his hands on her hips, Stan helped her ease down on him. She was looking at him again and moaned soulfully.

"That's it, baby girl. Take that big dick. Feel your favorite toy going deep inside you."

"Oh god, I love how you fill me up, daddy."

"I know you do. You may be unhappy at me for telling Harry how it is, but you can admit it to him."

She turned to face me, lust filling her eyes. "It's so good, Harry."

I nodded, unable or unwilling to say anything.

"He fucks me so good," she moaned again.

"You're MY favorite toy, Maggie. My little slut."

"Yes, I'm your slut, Stan."

"Beg me to cum in your little pussy, slut."

"Pleeeeasssseeee, do it. Please cum in my pussy, Stan."

"Why do you want me to cum inside of you? Why do you love fucking my cock, Maggie?"

"Be-because it's the best cock, Stan. It's soooo good. It's so much bigger than Harry's."

Maggie's head was back, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the sensations as she moved up and down on Stan's shaft. Stan shot me a look from around her body that he was using his hands on her sides to keep her up. He didn't need to taunt me verbally. He could get her to do it willingly while she was riding him.

"Tell him your pussy is mine, Maggie."

"It is. My pussy is Stan's, baby. He owns it."

Stan was claiming Maggie as his mate and I was doing nothing to stop him. I think… I think I wanted him to.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by ArdentOneX » Fri Apr 21, 2023 3:46 am

So good DarrenZ!! I love the nuance in which you presented this chapter with the humiliation turmoil framed as courageous by Maggie.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by WACouple » Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:51 am

Yes, amazingly good as always!

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:27 am

Thanks. It's hard for me to write angst and conflict in. I realize that too much of what I write, both partners are overeager for the extra-martial stuff. That's not always practical nor realistic. Plus, conflict is interesting. Just trying to mix things up a bit.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by WACouple » Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:10 pm

I do enjoy the back and forth between Maggie and Henry, but not as much as the fucking and the dialogue that does with it - so hot!

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by WACouple » Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:10 pm

Oops, goes with it…

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by Guhunkadorn » Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:03 am

Really good story.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:48 am

Awesome story @DarrenZ !
I still see many more chapters worth of stuff that can continue this story!
I can’t wait to read the next one!

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by eater » Wed May 03, 2023 10:41 am

great story. i hope there is more

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by j773251 » Sun Jun 11, 2023 4:33 pm

i love this story, please continue it!

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:54 am

None of my stories are officially dead. Just been busy IRL and a little bit struggling with writer’s block on the storylines. I try to write bits, or snippets, some of which may end up in a storyline or be part of something new. I’m not seriously starting anything new until I get to a real wrap point on at least 2 of my “ongoing” stories.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by 3somelover » Thu Jul 13, 2023 8:25 am

Love your stories, very well written. I appreciate you with the stories being free on here. If I may make a suggestion, maybe write a story beginning to end and release a chapter once a week or something. Very frustrating with other writers writing a hot story then we get nothing for months because life does get busy or the writer gets writer's block. Or the writer just doesn't finish. Maybe write over the winter and deliver over the summer. Just suggestions, not criticizing, keep up the great work.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:24 pm

That's my hope once I get through some of these ongoing stories. I've got a ton of starts for stories that should be much more targeted and no so episodic.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by iwish » Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:27 am

Bump - Saving from falling to page 3.

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by Tire_Kicker » Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:46 pm

DarrenZ wrote:
Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:54 am
None of my stories are officially dead. Just been busy IRL and a little bit struggling with writer’s block on the storylines. I try to write bits, or snippets, some of which may end up in a storyline or be part of something new. I’m not seriously starting anything new until I get to a real wrap point on at least 2 of my “ongoing” stories.
Great story and build up, I must confess that STOP! gave me hope for a twist on the same old cuck fantasy. For a minute I saw our hero standing up for himself and bringing Stan and Mags down a peg. Julia turning up preggers and declaring her feeling for Harry would fuck shit up real good too. Sometimes things don't go as planned...

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Re: Wife Needs More - by DarrenZ

Unread post by nnjcpl2002 » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:06 am

It seems to me that the inevitable progression in this three way, cuckolding relationship will be for Harry to begin serving the lovers. He may prepare them for their lovemaking. He isn't bi, but he will becum subservient as their cuckold. Oral preparation to start and then other forms of facilitation may follow. It will be a turn on for all three!

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